Respondent: DAVID BARSKY
Agency: Department of Financial Services
Locations: Lake Worth, Florida
Filed: Feb. 19, 2003
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, May 19, 2003.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
Tom Gallagher \ , JAN 32 2005
Chief Financial Officer
IN THE MATTER OF: Docietes we
CASE NO.: 61520-03-AG
/ > O56 PL
DA-CAR Insurance Agency
P.O. Box 540361
Lake Worth, FL 33454-0361
10303 N Andover Coach Lane #B1
Lake Worth, FL 33467-8161
glzitid 61 8340
You, DAVID BARSKY, license I.D. #A014992, are hereby notified that the Chief
Financial Officer of the State of Florida has caused to be made an investigation of your activities
while licensed as an insurance agent in this state, as a result of which it is alleged:
1. Pursuant to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, you, DAVID BARSKY, are currently
licensed in this state as a Health agent (2-40), Life agent (2-16), Life and Health agent (2-18),
Life Including Variable Annuity & Health agent (2-15), and Life Including Variable Annuity
agent (2-14).
2. At all times pertinent to the dates and occurrences referenced herein, you, DAVID
BARSKY, were licensed in this state as an insurance agent.
3. Pursuant to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department of Financial
Services has jurisdiction over your insurance licenses and appointments.
4. At all times material to the dates and occurrences herein, “TRG” was the acronym
or pseudonym for a multitude of entities which engaged in the business of insurance, or operated
as one or more Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (hereinafter “MEWAs”) in Florida,
including but not limited to:
a. T.R.G. Marketing, LLC
b. T.R.G. Administration, LLC
c. The Redwood Group, LLC
5. An unauthorized insurer is one not duly authorized by a subsisting certificate of
authority issued by the Department of Financial Services (hereinafter referred to as the
“Department”) to transact business in the State of Florida. [Section 624.09, Florida Statutes]
6. A Multiple Employee Welfare Arrangement, or “MEWA” is an employee welfare
benefit plan or any other arrangement which is established or maintained for the purpose of
offering or providing health insurance benefits or any other benefits described in s. 624.33,
Florida Statutes, other than life insurance benefits, to the employees of two or more employers,
or to their beneficiaries. [Section 624.437, Florida Statutes]
7. In order to transact insurance in the State of Florida, an insurer or MEWA must
hold a subsisting certificate of authority issued by the Department of Financial Services, pursuant
to Sections 624.401 or 624.437, Florida Statutes, and otherwise comply with other provisions of
the Florida Insurance Code, including:
a. As to an insurer:
i. Section 624.401, Florida Statutes: requirement of a Florida
Department of Financial Services issued certificate of authority in order to
transact insurance. ‘
ii. Section 624.404, Florida Statues: general eligibility requirements
an insurer must satisfy in order to receive and maintain a certificate of authority.
ili. Section 624.407, Florida Statutes: capital funds required for an
insurer to receive a certificate of authority.
iv. Section 624.408, Florida Statutes: surplus funds requirement an
insurer must have in order to maintain a certificate of authority.
v. Section 624.4095, Florida Statutes: financial ratios an insurer must
meet in order to maintain a certificate of authority.
vi. Section 624.411, Florida Statutes: insurer funds which must be
deposited in trust for the protection of insureds and creditors in order for the
insurer to receive and maintain a certificate of authority.
vii. Section 624.424, Florida Statutes: requirement that an insurer
must file annual and quarterly financial statements, and an annual actuarial
opinion with the Department of Financial Services in order to maintain a
certificate of authority.
viii. Section 627.062, Florida Statutes:.. requirement that an insurer
must file its insurance premium rates for approval with the Department of
Financial Services.
ix. Section 627.410, Florida Statutes: requirement that an insurer
must file its policy forms for approval with the Department of Financial Services.
x. Chapter 631, Florida Statutes: statutory and financial protection
for insureds and creditors against the financial impairment or insolvency of an
insurer authorized to transact in Florida.
b. As to Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (“MEWAs”):
xi. Section 624.437, Florida Statutes: requirement of a Florida
Department of Financial Services issued certificate of authority in order for the
MEWA to operate, be maintained, or established.
xii. Section 624.438, Florida Statues: general eligibility requirements
a MEWA must satisfy in order to receive and maintain a certificate of authority.
xiii. Section 624.439, Florida Statutes: MEWA application
requirements including filing with the Department of Financial Services (1) a
copy of its policies; (2) actuarial certifications as to its premium rates; (3) a copy
of its fidelity bond; and (4) a copy of its excess insurance agreement.
xiv, Section 624.4392, Florida Statutes: requirement that the MEWA
maintain certain minimum fund balances.
xv. Section 624.441, Florida Statutes: requirement that the MEWA
deposit certain amounts of cash or securities with the Department of Financial
Services to assure the faithful performance of obligations.
XV1. Section 624.442, Florida Statutes: requirement that the MEWA
must file annual and quarterly financial statements, and an actuarial certification
with the Department of Financial Services in order to maintain a certificate of
8. At no time relevant hereto did TRG possess a certificate of authority from the
Florida Department of Financial Services to engage in the business of insurance as an insurer or
to operate as a MEWA in the State of Florida.
9. At no time relevant to the dates and occurrences herein was TRG subject to any
exception to the licensure requirement of the Florida Insurance Code in order to lawfully engage
in the business of insurance or to operate as a MEWA in Florida.
10. Atall times material to the dates and occurrences herein, TRG did engage itself as
an unauthorized insurer, or “MEWA”, in the State of Florida.
11. Onor about January 15, 2002, the Florida Department of Insurance, in the Matter
of TRG Marketing, LLC, et al., Case No.: 43160-01-CO, stated:
“Wherefore, TRG, {et al.] ... are hereby notified that the Department intends to
enter a permanent Cease and Desist Order pursuant to Section 626.9581, Florida Statutes,
prohibiting the transaction by you and all related entities of insurance in the State of
Florida, or relative to a subject of insurance resident, located, or to be performed in this
state, without being licensed.”
12. At all times relevant hereto, EOSHealth or “CHEA” (also known as Consumer
Health Education Association) was the acronym for an entity or entities which engaged in the
business of insurance, or operated as one or more Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements
(MEWAs) in Florida.
13. At all times relevant hereto, “UEVEBA” (also known as United Vendors of
America Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association and United Employers Voluntary
Employee Benefit Association) was the acronym for an entity or entities which engaged in the
business of insurance, or operated as one or more Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements.
14. At no time relevant hereto did “EOSHealth”, “Consumer Health Education
Association” (CHEA), or “United Vendors of America Voluntary Beneficiary Association”
(UEVEBA) possess a certificate of authority from the Florida Department of Financial Services
to engage in the business of insurance or to operate as a MEWA in Florida.
15. At no time relevant to the dates and occurrences herein were “EOSHealth”,
“Consumer Health Education Association” (CHEA), or “UEVEBA” subject to any exception to
the licensure requirement of the Florida Insurance Code in order to lawfully engage in the
business of insurance or to operate as a MEWA in Florida.
16. At all times material to the dates and occurrences herein, “EOSHealth, LLC”,
“Consumer Health Education Association” (CHEA), and “United Vendors of America Voluntary
Employees Beneficiary Association”, or “United Employers Voluntary Employee Benefit
Association” (UEVEBA) were engaged as unauthorized insurers, or “MEWAs”, in the state of
17. Directly or indirectly aiding or representing an unauthorized insurer which has not
satisfied the above-cited statutory safeguards poses a great risk of financial harm to the residents
of Florida.
18. The above general allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by reference.
19. On or about July 13th, 2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, met with consumer Kathy
Wendt of West Palm Beach for the purpose of soliciting her to purchase a health insurance
policy for herself and her family. At that time you, DAVID BARSKY, did in fact solicit and
induce Mrs. Wendt to enter into a health benefit plan through TRG, which Mrs. Wendt believed
was to provide health and dental insurance for herself, her husband, and their son.
20. | Mrs. Wendt paid to you, DAVID BARSKY, an initial premium of $492.00, in
addition to also authorizing subsequent monthly premium payment deductions to be withdrawn
by TRG directly from her family’s bank account.
21. During the months of October, November, and December 2001, Mrs. Wendt and
her family had occasion to incur medical and dental expenses which, according to the terms of
the TRG health benefit plan they had purchased through you, DAVID BARSKY, should have
been covered benefits.
22. On or about October 23rd, 2001, Mrs. Wendt submitted to TRG a dental claim for
services performed on or about September 14th, 2001, in the amount of $600. This claim for
payment of benefits was ignored by TRG.
23. Also during this time, Mrs. Wendt consulted with an orthodontist to discuss
orthodontic treatment for her son, who needed braces. The orthodontist’s office contacted
TRG/Healthsmart, and was informed that orthodontic treatment was a covered benefit under the
Wendt’s policy, and that TRG would pay $1,000 per calendar year for braces for Mrs. Wendt’s
24. Based on TRG’s promise to pay, Mrs. Wendt scheduled for her son to begin
orthodontic treatment during November, 2001. Two days before her son was scheduled to begin
treatment, Mrs. Wendt discovered that TRG would in fact not pay the benefits for the treatment
as promised.
25. Although Mrs. Wendt made the decision at that time to still continue with the
treatment at her own expense, it was a substantial expense she might not have otherwise
scheduled had it not been for TRG’s promise to honor their benefits of $1,000 annually
according to the terms of her policy. ‘
26. On or about December 28th, 2001, Mrs. Wendt wrote to TRG and included copies
of approximately $1,800 of unpaid claims for payment of benefits. Although that letter was
delivered and signed for, her claims were ignored. Mrs. Wendt was unaware that the benefit plan
you, DAVID BARSKY, sold to her was through an unauthorized entity.
27. During this time, you, DAVID BARSKY, discussed with Mrs. Wendt a “rollover”
option for continuing health coverage for herself and her family. On or about December 27th,
2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, wrote Mrs. Wendt with instructions to complete “rollover” forms
for continued health benefit coverage and return them expeditiously. The accompanying
paperwork regarding this “rollover” further emphasized that time was “of the essence”, and that
Mrs. Wendt needed to complete and return the paperwork to BAFTAL/QUICK QUOTE
INSURANCE BROKERS by January Sth, 2002, with “no exceptions”.
28. The paperwork accompanying the “rollover” forms stated that the Clarendon
Insurance Company would be the insurance company providing benefits under this plan, which
was available through a third party entity, Bertany Association for Travel and Leisure
(hereinafter “BAFTAL”). The paperwork further stated that Clarendon was an “A” rated
admitted carrier in the State of Florida, and that there would be a large network of physicians and
hospitals from which to choose as providers.
29. In fact, Clarendon Insurance Company was in no way affiliated with this health
benefit plan, which you, DAVID BARSKY, encouraged Mrs. Wendt to participate in through
30. The entity behind the “rollover” benefit plan you, DAVID BARSKY,
recommended to your client, Mrs. Wendt, was instead American Benefit Plan, an entity not duly
authorized by a subsisting certificate of authority through the Florida Department of Financial
31. Upon your, DAVID BARSKY’s, instruction, Mrs. Wendt completed the
BAFTAL paperwork and issued a check in the amount of $1,187.52 for the initial premium
payment for this plan.
32. On or about January 14th, 2002, Mrs. Wendt issued another check in the amount
of $1,187.42, payable to BAFTAL . This check was subsequently returned to her, voided, with a
letter stating that it had been voided due to clerical error.
33. In or about January 19th, 2002, Mrs. Wendt received another letter from you,
DAVID BARSKY, indicating that she had the option of either canceling or discontinuing her
coverage through BAFTAL. To cancel her coverage, you, DAVID BARSKY, indicated that
Mrs. Wendt would have to write a letter to BAFTAL in Sunrise, Florida requesting a refund of
her premiums. To continue her health coverage, your letter indicated that Mrs. Wendt would
have to fill out a number of accompanying documents.
34. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, these accompanying documents, which
were in the form of membership applications in the United Employers Voluntary Employee
Benefit Association (hereinafter “UEVEBA”), were required, and were to be completed at the
insistence of the State of Florida.
35. The membership documents which you, DAVID BARSKY, asked Mrs. Wendt to
sign were in fact not required or endorsed by the State of Florida, but were documents required
for membership in another benefit plan, UEVEBA, which was not duly authorized by a
subsisting certificate of authority with the Florida Department of Financial Services.
36. You, DAVID BARSKY, knew or reasonably should have known that neither
TRG nor UEVEBA possessed a subsisting certificate of authority issued by the Florida
Department of Financial Services, were not otherwise subject to any exception to licensure
requirements, and were operating as unauthorized entities or MEWAs in Florida.
37. As a result of you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding and representing the unauthorized
insurers or MEWAs TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA by endorsing and selling their health benefit
plans to consumers, a particularized harm was suffered by Mrs. Wendt and her family, which
included not only a loss from premium dollars spent, but also losses from medical and dental
expenses incurred in excess of $2,000.
38. Additional harm resulting from you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding or representing
TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA in their activities in Florida is that insurance premium dollars may
be misused, and reserve and surplus funds may be unavailable such that the provider may not be
able to meet its contractual and statutory obligations toward medical providers and residents of
the State of Florida. Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 631, Florida Statutes, no state guarantee
fund, including the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA), may
be used to pay unpaid claims and creditors. This may cause Floridians irreparable financial
39. The Florida insurance buying public must depend on the integrity, competence,
honesty, and obedience to the law of an insurer, its agents, representatives, and administrators
when applying for and purchasing insurance. Current and prospective Florida insurance
consumers are faced with the possibility that their coverage with TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA
will be: (1) cancelled; (2) the insurance coverage is non-existent; (3) insurance claims and
medical providers will not be paid; and (4) insurance premium taxes will not be paid. These
insureds, medical providers, and the State of Florida, due to the solicitation, sales, and
administration of insurance by you, DAVID BARSKY, may incur serious losses, which may
remain uncompensated.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, DAVID BARSKY, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of
your licenses and appointments:
(a) No person shall transact in this state, or relative to a subject of insurance
resident, located, or to be performed in this state, without complying with the applicable
provisions of this code, including one or more of the following: Sections 626.11(7),
626.611(8), 626.611(9), 626.621(2), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), and 626.9541(1)(a)(1),
Florida Statutes. [Section 624.11, Florida Statutes. ];
(b) Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the business
of insurance. [Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes.];
(c) Demonstrated lack of reasonably adequate knowledge and technical
competence to engage in the transactions authorized by the license or appointment.
[Section 626.611(8), Florida Statutes.];
(d) Fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business under the
license or appointment. [Section 626.61 1(9), Florida Statutes. ];
(e) Violation of any provision of this code or any law applicable to the
business of insurance in the course of dealing under the licensure or appointment,
including one or more of the following: Sections 624.11, 626.611(7), 626.611(8),
626.611(9), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), 626.901(2), and . 626.9541(1)(a)(1). [Section
626.621(2), Florida Statutes.];
(f) In the conduct of business under the license or appointment, engaging in
unfair methods of competition or in unfair or deceptive acts or practices, as prohibited
under part X [redesignated part IX] of this chapter, or having otherwise shown himself to
be a source of injury or loss to the public or detrimental to the public interest. [Section
626.621(6), Florida Statutes. ];
(g) No person shall, from offices or by personnel or facilities located in this
state ... directly or indirectly act as an agent for, or otherwise represent or aid on behalf
of another, any insurer not then duly authorized to transact such insurance in this state.
[Section 626.901(1), Florida Statutes.];
(h) If an unauthorized insurer fails to pay in full or in part any claim or loss
within the provisions of any insurance contract which is entered into in violation of this
section, any person who knew or reasonably should have known that such contract was
entered into in violation of this section and who solicited, negotiated, took application
for, or effectuated such insurance contract is liable to the insured for the full amount of
the claim or loss not paid. [Section 626.901(2), Florida Statues.];
qd) Knowingly making, issuing, circulating, or causing to be made, issued, or
circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular, statement, sales presentation, omission, or
comparison, which misrepresents the benefits, advantages, conditions, or terms of any
insurance policy. [Section 626.9542(1)(a@)(1), Florida Statutes.]
40. The above statements, claims, .and allegations ate hereby realleged and fully
incorporated herein by reference.
4}, On or about July 24th, 2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, met with Deanna Kuebel-
Pike for the purpose of soliciting her to purchase a health benefit plan for herself and the
company for which she worked, Talbot Painting.
42. On or about August 23, 2001, you met with Ms. Pike a second time for the
purpose of soliciting her to purchase a health benefit plan through you, DAVID BARSKY. At
that meeting, you, DAVID BARSKY, presented to Ms. Pike sales illustrations and literature
regarding TRG. You, DAVID BARSKY, falsely represented to Ms. Pike that “TRG” was a
pseudonym for a group of companies: Reliastar, Northern, and Trustmark.
43. At the time you met with Deanna Kuebel-Pike, Talbot Painting had in-force
health coverage under COBRA benefits through another insurance carrier. As a result of your
meeting with Ms. Kuebel-Pike, Talbot Painting cancelled its COBRA coverage and agreed to
purchase a health benefits plan recommended by you, DAVID BARSKY, written through TRG.
44. On or about November 28th, 2001, Ms. Kuebel-Pike and Talbot Painting received
a letter from TRG Marketing, LLC, which advised that as of November 30th, two days
thereafter, health coverage for Talbot Painting employees and their dependents would terminate
under the TRG Health Plan.
45, On or about that same day, November 28th, 2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, faxed
to Ms. Kuebel-Pike and Talbot Painting a solicitation regarding an “improved plan”, which,
according to you, DAVID BARSKY, was a “takeover plan” not only affording more coverage
than the previous TRG plan, but was also supported or “backed” by two other insurance
companies which you claimed were “exceptionally strong” companies. You, DAVID BARSKY,
further stated that these two companies, Great Republic and American National insurance
companies, had “pledged to improve” the previously purchased coverage under the TRG health
benefits plan which you sold to Talbot Painting.
46. You, DAVID BARSKY, fraudulently misrepresented that Great Republic and
American National insurance companies had provided insurance and financial backing for the
“improved” plan, called “EOSHealth” plan, which you sold to Ms. Kuebel-Pike and Talbot
Painting. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, Great Republic Insurance and American
National had acquired the aforementioned health benefits plan through TRG you previously sold
to Talbot Painting.
47. In fact, neither Great Republic nor American National had endorsed, nor were
they even affiliated with TRG, EOSHealth plan, or its known entities. Great Republic had its
certificate of authority, which was for transacting as a property and casualty insurer, revoked by
the Florida Department of Insurance in 1992.
48. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, to be eligible to participate in this
“improved” EOSHealth plan, employees of Talbot Painting had to complete and return certain
additional forms with their new paperwork. These additional forms were actually applications for
membership in “Consumer Health Education Association”, or CHEA.
49. Because of your endorsement and at your request, company President Donald R.
Talbot, on behalf of Talbot Painting, did in fact complete and return the paperwork you provided,
including the CHEA membership application, to effectuate what you, DAVID BARSKY, termed
a “takeover” plan to continue the company’s health coverage.
50. On or about December 27th, 2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, sent a letter to Talbot
Painting via facsimile wherein you advised that the EOSHealth Plan was to be “rolled over” for
continuing coverage through a new carrier. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, additional
paperwork also sent via facsimile and accompanying your letter would need to be completed by
the consumers to effectuate the continuation of their coverage through this new carrier.
51. | The accompanying paperwork regarding this “rollover” further emphasized that
time was “of the essence”, and that Talbot Painting needed to complete and return the paperwork
to BAFTAL/QUICK QUOTE INSURANCE BROKERS by January 5th, 2002, with “no
52. The paperwork accompanying the “rollover” forms stated that the Clarendon
Insurance Company would be the insurance company providing benefits under this plan, which
was available through a third party entity, Bertany Association for Travel and Leisure
(hereinafter “BAFTAL”). The paperwork further stated that Clarendon was an “A” rated
admitted carrier in the State of Florida, and that there would be a large network of physicians and
hospitals from which to choose as providers.
53. In fact, Clarendon Insurance Company was in no way affiliated with this health
benefit plan which you, DAVID BARSKY, encouraged Talbot Painting to participate in through
54. On or about January 19th, 2002, Talbot Painting received another letter from you,
DAVID BARSKY, indicating that it had the option of either canceling or discontinuing her
coverage through BAFTAL. To cancel their coverage, you, DAVID BARSKY, indicated that
Talbot Painting would have to write a letter to BAFTAL in Sunrise, Florida requesting a refund
of their premiums. To continue their health coverage, your letter indicated that Talbot Painting
would have to fill out a number of accompanying documents. Once the documents were
completed and returned, the health benefits plan was to be issued with a retroactive effective date
of December 1, 2001.
55. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, these accompanying documents, which
were in the form of membership applications in the United Employers Voluntary Employee
Benefit Association (hereinafter “UEVEBA”), were required, and were to be completed at the
insistence of the State of Florida.
56. The membership documents which you, DAVID BARSKY, asked Talbot
Painting to sign were in fact not required or endorsed by the State of Florida, but were
documents required for membership in another benefit plan, UEVEBA, which was not duly
authorized by a subsisting certificate of authority with the Florida Department of Financial
57. You, DAVID BARSKY, knew or reasonably should have known that neither
TRG, CHEA, nor UEVEBA possessed a subsisting certificate of authority issued by the Florida
Department of Financial Services, were not otherwise subject to any exception to licensure
requirements, and were operating as unauthorized entities or MEWAs in Florida.
58. Talbot Painting complied with your request, and on January 22, 2002, Donald
Talbot, Dianna Talbot, and Deanna Kuebel-Pike completed and returned the aforementioned
59. As of February 11th, 2001, however, Talbot Painting had still received no policy
or insurance cards.
60. On February 13th, 2001, Deanna Kuebel-Pike and Talbot Painting were informed
via email that BAFTAL would not be able to offer them insurance as promised. The reason given
was that BAFTAL had learned that the provider, American Benefit Plans, would not be
providing the benefits as promised. . ‘
61. Asa result of you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding and representing the unauthorized
insurers or MEWAs TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA by endorsing and selling their health benefit
plans to consumers, a particularized harm was suffered by Talbot Painting and its employees and
dependents, which included not only a loss from premium dollars spent, but any potential and
actual losses from medical and dental expenses incurred.
62. Additional harm resulting from you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding or representing
TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA in their activities in Florida is that insurance premium dollars may
be misused, and reserve and surplus funds may be unavailable such that the provider may not be
able to meet its contractual and statutory obligations toward medical providers and residents of
the State of Florida. Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 631, Florida Statutes, no state guarantee
fund, including the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA), may
be used to pay unpaid claims and creditors. This may cause Floridians irreparable financial
63. The Florida insurance buying public must depend on the integrity, competence,
honesty, and obedience to the law of an insurer, its agents, representatives, and administrators
when applying for and purchasing insurance. Current and prospective Florida insurance
consumers are faced with the possibility that their coverage with TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA
will be: (1) cancelled; (2) the insurance coverage is non-existent; (3) insurance claims and
medical providers will not be paid; and (4) insurance premium taxes will not be paid. These
insureds, medical providers, and the State of Florida, due to the solicitation, sales, and
administration of insurance by you, DAVID BARSKY, may incur serious losses which may
remain uncompensated.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, DAVID BARSKY, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of
your licenses and appointments:
(a) No person shall transact in this state, or relative to a subject of insurance
resident, located, or to be performed in this state, without complying with the applicable
provisions of this code, including one or more of the following: Sections 626.11(7),
626.611(8), 626.611(9), 626.621(2), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), and 626.9541(1)(a)(1),
Florida Statutes. [Section 624.11, Florida Statutes. ];
(b) Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the business
of insurance. [Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes.];
(c) Demonstrated lack of reasonably adequate knowledge and technical
competence to engage in the transactions authorized by the license or appointment.
[Section 626.611(8), Florida Statutes.];
(d) Fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business under the
license or appointment. [Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes. ];
(e) Violation of any provision of this code. or any law applicable to the
business of insurance in the course of dealing under the licensure or appointment,
including one or more of the following: Sections 624.11, 626.611(7), 626.611(8),
626.611(9), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), 626.901(2), and 626.9541(1)(a)(1). [Section
626.621(2), Florida Statutes.};
(f) In the conduct of business under the license or appointment, engaging in
unfair methods of competition or in unfair or deceptive acts or practices, as prohibited
under part X [redesignated part IX] of this chapter, or having otherwise shown himself to
be a source of injury or loss to the public or detrimental to the public interest. [Section
626.621(6), Florida Statutes.};
(g) | No person shall, from offices or by personnel or facilities located in this
state ... directly or indirectly act as an agent for, or otherwise represent or aid on behalf
of another, any insurer not then duly authorized to transact such insurance in this state.
[Section 626.901(1), Florida Statutes.};
(h) If an unauthorized insurer fails to pay in full or in part any claim or loss
within the provisions of any insurance contract which is entered into in violation of this
section, any person who knew or reasonably should have known that such contract was
entered into in violation of this section and who solicited, negotiated, took application
for, or effectuated such insurance contract is liable to the insured for the full amount of
the claim or loss not paid. [Section 626.901(2), Florida Statues.];
q@) Knowingly making, issuing, circulating, or causing to be made, issued, or
circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular, statement, sales presentation, omission, or
comparison which misrepresents the benefits, advantages, conditions, or terms of any
insurance policy. [Section 626.9542(1)(a)(1), Florida Statutes. }
64. | The above statements, claims, and allegations are hereby realleged and fully
incorporated herein by reference.
65. During the month of February, 2001, Ronald Peltz of Lake Worth, Florida, was
solicited by telephone to purchase a health benefits plan.
66. Asa result of this telephone solicitation, you, DAVID BARSKY, met with Mr.
Peltz for the purpose of soliciting him to buy a health benefits plan with TRG.
67. During your meeting with Mr. Peltz, the only health benefits plan you discussed
with him and offered to him was TRG. Mr. Peltz expressed to you, DAVID BARSKY, his need
for a health benefits plan, which would include his weekly allergy shots as a covered benefit. At
that time, you, DAVID BARSKY, falsely represented to Mr. Peltz that the TRG plan would
cover his allergy shots.
68. Based upon your representations, Mr. Peltz agreed to apply for the TRG health
benefits plan you, DAVID BARSKY, recommended, endorsed, and presented to him. The
effective date of Mr. Peltz’s policy was to be April Ist, 2001.
69. Subsequent to the commencement of his plan on April Ist, 2001, Mr. Peltz
proceeded to visit his physician for a regularly scheduled allergy shot appointment. At this time,
Mr. Peltz was informed that his allergy shots were not a covered benefit, contrary to the
representations you, DAVID BARSKY, made to Mr. Peltz at the time you solicited him to
purchase the TRG plan. -
70. During the months following the commencement of his TRG plan, Mr. Peltz and
his wife, Linda, had occasion to visit their physicians for various medical reasons, believing that
their TRG policy was in force and their physicians’ visits and treatments were covered benefits
according to the terms of their plan.
71. As a result of these physician visits, Mr. Peltz and his wife incurred substantial
medical expenses, which should have been covered benefits under the TRG policy, but instead
went unpaid by TRG.
72. On or about November 28th, 2001, Mr. Peltz received a letter from TRG
Marketing, LLC, which advised that as of November 30th, 2001, two days thereafter, his
_ coverage under the TRG plan would terminate.
73. On or about that same day, November 28th, 2001, Mr. Peltz received a
solicitation letter from you, DAVID BARSKY, regarding an “improved plan”, which, according
to you, was a “takeover plan” designed to replace the existing TRG plan. This plan, according to
you, not only afforded more coverage than the previous TRG plan, but also was supported of
“backed” by two other insurance companies which you claimed were “exceptionally strong”
companies. You, DAVID BARSKY, further stated that these two companies, Great Republic and
American National insurance companies, had “pledged to improve” the previously purchased
coverage under the TRG health benefits plan which you sold to Mr. Peltz.
74, You, DAVID BARSKY, fraudulently misrepresented that Great Republic and
American National insurance companies had provided insurance and financial backing for the
“improved” plan, which was called “EOSHealth” plan, which you sold to Mr. Peltz. According
to you, DAVID BARSKY, Great Republic Insurance and American National had acquired the
aforementioned health benefits plan through TRG you previously sold to Mr. Peltz.
75. In fact, neither Great Republic nor American National had endorsed, nor were
they even affiliated with TRG, “EOSHealth”, or its known entities. Great Republic had its
certificate of authority, which was for transacting as a property and casualty insurer, revoked by
the Florida Department of Insurance in 1992.
76. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, to be eligible to participate in this
“improved” EOSHealth plan, Mr. Peltz had to complete and return certain additional forms with
their new paperwork. These additional forms were actually applications for membership in
“Consumer Health Education Association”, or CHEA.
77. Because of your endorsement and at your request, Mr. Peltz, under his company’s
name, Sav-On Lighting, did in fact complete and return the paperwork you provided, including
the CHEA membership application, to effectuate what you, DAVID BARSKY, termed a
“takeover” plan to continue the company’s health coverage.
78. On or about December 27th, 2001, you, DAVID BARSKY, sent a letter to Mr.
Peltz wherein you advised that the EOSHealth Plan was to be “rolled over” for continuing
coverage through a new carrier. According to you, DAVID BARSKY, additional accompanying
paperwork would need to be filled out by the consumers to effectuate the continuation of their
coverage through this new carrier.
79, The accompanying paperwork regarding this “rollover” further emphasized that
time was “of the essence”, and that Mr. Peltz needed to complete and return the paperwork to
80. The paperwork accompanying the “rollover” forms stated that the Clarendon
Insurance Company would be the insurance company providing benefits under this plan, which
was available through a third party entity, Bertany Association for Travel and Leisure (herein
“BAFTAL”). The paperwork further stated that Clarendon was an “A” rated admitted carrier in
the State of Florida, and that there would be a large network of physicians and hospitals from
which to choose as providers.
81 In fact, Clarendon Insurance Company was in no way affiliated with this health
benefit plan which you, DAVID BARSKY, encouraged Mr. Peltz to participate in through
82. Based on your recommendation and endorsement, Mr. Peltz did complete and
return the new and additional paperwork as requested by you, DAVID BARSKY, to effectuate a
“rollover” for “continuing coverage” of his health benefits plan, with his premium check now to
be paid to “Baftal Escrow Account”.
83. Meanwhile, during the months of April through December, 2001, Mr. Peltz and
his wife, Sheila, had occasion to visit physicians and believed, based on the representations
which you, DAVID BARSKY, made to them that they had continuing health benefits coverage
through the various entities providing the health benefits plans which you sold to them.
84. After submitting his premium payment as directed to BAFTAL, Mr. Peltz
received a reply from BAFTAL/QUICKQUOTE dated January 8th, 2002, which included his
original premium payment check, voided, along with duplicate paperwork. The BAFTAL letter
stated that due to a mistake, his check had been mistakenly voided, and requested that he send a
new check to BAFTAL. Upon receiving this letter, Mr. Peltz complied and resent a check.
85 At some point thereafter, Mr. Peltz received correspondence from BAFTAL
which informed him that, despite receiving his check, they were unable to provide him coverage
because they did not receive his check before January 5th, 2002. Mr. Peltz decided at that point
to go directly to the BAFTAL office, where he was informed that he was not insured and had not
been since November 30th, 2001. He was told that because his check was not received in time,
he was not eligible for coverage, which would have been applied retroactively to the effective
date of December 1, 2001.
86. Subsequent to this, on January 19th, 2002, you, DAVID BARSKY, sent Mr. Peltz
a solicitation letter asking him to fill out additional forms for eligibility with still another health
benefits provider, UEVEBA. Mr. Peltz declined to follow your recommendation and found
insurance elsewhere.
87. You, DAVID BARSKY, knew or reasonably should have known that neither
TRG, CHEA, nor UEVEBA possessed a subsisting certificate of authority issued by the Florida
Department of Financial Services, were not otherwise subject to any exception to licensure
requirements, and were operating as unauthorized entities or MEWAs in Florida.
88. Asa result of you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding and representing the unauthorized
insurers or MEWAs “TRG”, “CHEA”, and “UEVEBA” by endorsing and selling their health
benefit plans to consumers, a particularized harm was suffered by Mr. Peltz and his family,
which included not only a loss from premium dollars spent, but also losses from actual medical
expenses incurred in excess of $6,000.
89. Additional harm resulting from you, DAVID BARSKY, aiding or representing
TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA in their activities in Florida is that insurance premium dollars may
be misused, and reserve and surplus funds may be unavailable such that the provider may not be
able to meet its contractual and statutory obligations toward medical providers and residents of
the State of Florida. Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 631, Florida Statutes, no state guarantee
fund, including the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA), may
be used to pay unpaid claims and creditors. This may cause Floridians irreparable financial
90. The Florida insurance buying public must depend on the integrity, competence,
honesty, and obedience to the law of an insurer, its agents, representatives, and administrators
when applying for and purchasing insurance. Current and prospective Florida insurance
consumers are faced with the possibility that their coverage with TRG, CHEA, and UEVEBA
will be: (1) cancelled; (2) the insurance coverage is non-existent; (3) insurance claims and
medical providers will not be paid; and (4) insurance premium taxes will not be paid. These
insureds, medical providers, and the State of Florida, due to the solicitation, sales, and
administration of insurance by you, DAVID BARSKY, may incur serious losses which may
remain uncompensated.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, DAVID BARSKY, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Department of Financial Services which constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of
your licenses and appointments:
(a) —_No person shall transact in this state, or relative to a subject of insurance
resident, located, or to be performed in this state, without complying with the applicable
provisions of this code, including one or more of the following: Sections 626.1 1(7),
626.611(8), 626.611(9), 626.621(2), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), and 626.9541(1)(a)(1),
Florida Statutes. [Section 624.11, Florida Statutes. ];
(b) | Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the business
of insurance. [Section 626.61 1(7), Florida Statutes.]; .
(c) Demonstrated lack of reasonably adequate knowledge and technical
competence to engage in the transactions authorized by the license or appointment.
{Section 626.61 1(8), Florida Statutes. ];
(da) Fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business under the
license or appointment. [Section 626.611(9), Florida Statutes. };
(e) Violation of any provision of this code or any law applicable to the
business of insurance in the course of dealing under the licensure or appointment,
including one or more of the following: Sections 624.11, 626.611(7), 626.611(8),
626.611(9), 626.621(6), 626.901(1), 626.901(2), and 626.9541(1)(a)(1). [Section
626.621(2), Florida Statutes. ];
(3) In the conduct of business under the license or appointment, engaging in
unfair methods of competition or in unfair or deceptive acts or practices, as prohibited
under part X [redesignated part IX] of this chapter, or having otherwise shown himself to
be a source of injury or loss to the public or detrimental to the public interest. [Section
626.621(6), Florida Statutes.];
(g) | No person shall, from offices or by personnel or facilities located in this
state ... directly or indirectly act as an agent for, or otherwise represent or aid on behalf
of another, any insurer not then duly authorized to transact such insurance in this state.
[Section 626.901(1), Florida Statutes.];
(h) If an unauthorized insurer fails to pay in full or in part any claim or loss
within the provisions of any insurance contract which is entered into in violation of this
section, any person who knew or reasonably should have known that such contract was
entered into in violation of this section and who solicited, negotiated, took application
for, or effectuated such insurance contract is liable to the insured for the full amount of
the claim or loss not paid. [Section 626.901(2), Florida Statues. ];
(i) Knowingly making, issuing, circulating, or causing to be made, issued, or
circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular, statement, sales presentation, omission, or
comparison which misrepresents the benefits, advantages, conditions, or terms of any
insurance policy. [Section 626.9542(1)(a)(1), Florida Statutes]
WHEREFORE, you, DAVID BARSKY, are hereby notified that the Chief Financial
Officer intends to enter an Order suspending or revoking your licenses and appointments as an
insurance agent or to impose such penalties as may be provided under the provisions of Sections
626.611, 626.621, 626.681, 626.691, and 626.9521, Florida Statutes, and under the other
referenced sections of the Florida Statutes as set out in this Administrative Complaint.
You have the right to request a proceeding to contest this action by the Department
pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and Rule 28-107, Florida
Administrative Code. The proceeding request must be in writing, signed by you, and must be
filed with the Department within twenty-one (21) days of your receipt of this notice. Completion
of the attached Election of Proceeding form and/or a petition for administrative hearing will
suffice as a written request. The request must be filed with the General Counsel as acting
Agency Clerk, at the Florida Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building, 200 East
Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333. Your written response must be received by the
Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the twenty-first day after your receipt of this notice.
Mailing the response on the twenty-first day will not preserve your right to a hearing.
If you request a proceeding, you must provide information that complies with the
requirements of Rule 28-107.004, Florida Administrative Code. As noted above, completion of
the attached Election of Proceeding form conforms to these requirements. Specifically, your
response must contain: \
(a) The name and address of the party making the request, for purpose of service;
(b) A Statement that the party is requesting a hearing involving disputed issues of
material fact, or a hearing not involving disputed issues of material fact; and
(c) A reference to the notice, order to show cause, administrative complaint, or other
communication that the party has received from the agency.
If a hearing of any type is requested, you have the right to be represented by counsel or
other qualified representative at your expense, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of
documents by subpoena.
If a proceeding is requested and there is no dispute of material fact, the provisions of
section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, apply. In this regard, you may submit oral or written
evidence in opposition to the action taken by the Department or a written statement challenging
the grounds upon which the Department has relied. While a hearing is normally not required in
the absence of a dispute of fact, if you feel that a hearing is necessary, one will be conducted in
Tallahassee, Florida, or by telephonic conference call upon your request.
However, if you dispute material facts which are the basis for the Department’s action,
you must request an adversarial proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida
Statutes. These proceedings are held before a State administrative law judge of the Division of
Administrative Hearings. Unless the majority of witnesses are located elsewhere, the
Department will request that the hearing be conducted in Tallahassee, Florida.
Failure to follow the procedure outlined with regard to your response to this notice may
result in the request being denied. All prior oral communication or correspondence in this matter
shall be considered freeform agency action, and no such oral communication or correspondence
shall operate as a valid request for an administrative proceeding. Any request for an
administrative proceeding received prior to the date of this notice shall be deemed abandoned
unless timely renewed in compliance with the guidelines as set out above.
Mediation of this matter pursuant to section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available.
No Department attorney will discuss this matter with you until the response has been received by
the Department of Financial Services.
DATED and SIGNED this_ 3/2 st day of Janwa ty 2 2003.
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE
DA-CAR Insurance Agency, P.O. Box 540361, Lake Worth, FL 33454-0361; DAVID
BARSKY, 10303 N Andover Coach Lane #B1, Lake Worth, FL 33467-8161 by Certified Mail
this. day of ‘ , 2003.
Richard J. Santurri
Division of Legal Services
200 East Gaines St.
612 Larson Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-033
(850) 413-4188
Florida Bar Number 0318530
. fay Bd t
CASE NO.: 61520-02:4G7 "G5
I have received and have read the Notice of the ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT filed against me,
including the Notice of Rights contained therein, and | understand my options. Iam requesting disposition of this
matter as indicated below. (Choose one)
1. £] 1 do not dispute any of the Department’s factual allegations and I do not desire a hearing. I understand
that by waiving my right to a hearing, the Department may enter a final order that adopts the
Administrative Complaint and imposes the sanctions sought, including revoking my licenses and
appointments as may be appropriate.
2. 1 do not dispute any of the Department's factual allegations and | hereby elect a proceeding to be
conducted in accordance with section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes. In this regard, I desire to (Choose
| Submit a written statement and documentary evidence in lieu of a hearing; or
[] Personally attend a hearing conducted by a department hearing officer in Tallahassee; or
[] Attend that same hearing by way of a telephone conference call.
3. [ ] I do dispute one or more of the Department's factual allegations, I hereby request a hearing pursuant to
section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to be held before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
The address for filing is: General Counsel as acting agency clerk, Florida Department of Financial Services, 612
Larson Building, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333.
Signature Print Name .
Date: Address:
Phone No.:
Docket for Case No: 03-000566PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
May 19, 2003 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
May 16, 2003 |
Motion to Close File and Relinquish Jurisdiction (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Apr. 18, 2003 |
Respondent`s Response to Request for Production Set Forth in Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Apr. 17, 2003 |
Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel (filed by P. Payne).
Apr. 11, 2003 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, D. Barsky (filed by Petitionervia facsimile).
Mar. 17, 2003 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for May 21, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Lake Worth, FL).
Mar. 13, 2003 |
Motion to Continue filed by Respondent.
Feb. 27, 2003 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by W. Furlow).
Feb. 27, 2003 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Feb. 27, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for April 4, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Lake Worth, FL).
Feb. 26, 2003 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed by Petitioner.
Feb. 20, 2003 |
Initial Order issued.
Feb. 19, 2003 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 19, 2003 |
Election of Proceeding filed.
Feb. 19, 2003 |
Agency referral filed.