Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Tallahassee, Florida
Filed: Aug. 28, 2003
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, July 12, 2004.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, through its “os
Case No: DOH 03-06087
fictitious name to do business in Missouri,
Notice is hereby provided that Petitioner, Department of Health by and through its
Bureau of Statewide Pharmaceutical Services, intends impose an administrative fine in the
amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) and intends to revoke and deny renewal of the
out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit issued to Albers Medica! Distributors, Inc., a
company located and registered to do business in Missouri. In support of the intended final
agency action the bureau states:
(1) Petitioner, Department of Health (hereinafter “the Department”), through the
Bureau of Statewide Pharmaceutical Services (‘the Bureau’), 2818-A Mahan Drive,
Tallahassee, Florida, 32308, is the state agency charged with implementing ancl enforcing the
provisions of the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter 499, Florida Statutes ("the Act”),
including the regulation of the acquisition and distribution of prescription drugs in, into and from
Florida as well as the permitting of entities to engage in this activity. The out-of-state
prescription drug wholesaler permit is established under the Act in s. 499.012(2)(c), F.S., fora
person, as defined in s. 499.003(24), F.S. (2002), located outside of Florida to engage in the
wholesale distribution of prescription drugs from the permitted establishment identified on the
permit into the state of Florida.
(2) Albers Medical Distributors, Inc., (“Albers”) located at 4400 Broadway, Suite 116,
Kansas City, Missouri 64111, is registered to do business in Missouri with the Secretary of
State; however it is not registered with the Secretary of State in Florida. Albers is permitted in
Missouri to engage in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs in and from Missouri
pursuant to its wholesale drug distributors permit (certificate / license number 900306) issued by
the Department of Economic Development, Division of Professional Registration, Missouri
Board of Pharmacy. Albers is permitted to engage in the wholesale distribution of prescription
drugs into the state of Florida pursuant to its out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit
number 23:00537 issued in accordance with the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter 499,
Florida Statutes (“the Act”). Albers’ out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit expired on
April 30, 2003; however Albers timely submitted a renewal application that was received by the
department on April 24, 2003.
(3) On or about February 17, 2003, the bureau’s agents conducted an inspection of
Medcom Pharmaceutical Wholesale Drugs ("Medcom”), a permitted prescription drug
wholesaler located in Jensen Beach, Florida. Medcom had received a shipment of 200 bottles
of Zyprexa 10mg that morning from Albers. (Reference invoice number INV129007) The
bureau’s agents examined the bottles of Zyprexa and determined that many were missing the
manufacturer's outsert. An outsert is labeling of a prescription drug by the manufacturer
required under the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and regulations promulgated
thereunder, that is attached to the exterior container of a prescription drug but not directly to the
label. The outsert contains essential information about the instructions for use, indications, and
warnings regarding the drug. The absence of this labeling, prior to the product being dispensed,
misbrands a prescription drug under federal law and more specifically, under s. 499.007, F.S.,
and Rule 64F-12.006(1), Florida Administrative Code.
(4) Based on the allegations in paragraph (3), Albers distributed misbranded
prescription drugs into Florida and thereby violated s. 499.005(1) and (4), F.S.
(5) The agents also determined that some of the containers of prescription drugs
referenced in paragraph (3) had sticky outer manufacturer's labels. In addition, some of the
prescription drug containers referenced in paragraph (3) were discolored or wrinkled.
(6) A prescription drug that is missing the outsert, has a sticky label, or label that is
discolored or wrinkled indicates the drug, more likely than not, had previously been dispensed
by a pharmacy and the dispensing labels had been removed for the unlawful reintroduction of
the drug into commerce.
(7) For purposes of this complaint, a pedigree paper is a record required by s.
499.0121(6)(d), F.S., (2002) and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64F-12.012(3), to be
provided by a prescription drug wholesaler, which is not an authorized distributor of record,
distributing a prescription drug to another prescription drug wholesaler that traces all prior sales
of the prescription drug back to a) the manufacturer or b) an authorized distributor of record for
that manufacturer.
(8) The pedigree paper Albers provided to Medcom to support the wholesale
distribution of the Zyprexa referenced in paragraph (3) indicated that Cardinal Health in
Houston, Texas had soid the Zyprexa to Promis Wholesale Distributors in Laredo, Texas, which
sold the drugs to G & K Pharma in Odenton, Maryland, which in turn sold the drugs to Albers.
However, Cardinal Health in Houston, Texas has not sold any prescription drugs to Promis
Wholesale and therefore did not sell the Zyprexa to Promis Wholesale as indicated on the
pedigree paper. As a result, the true source(s) of approximately 200 units of prescription drugs
totaling over $ 90,000 sold and distributed by Albers into Florida is not disclosed in these
transactions. ) As a result, there is no reasonable assurance that the prescription drug have
remained within the regulated distribution channels at all times and have been stored in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations to maintain the safety, integrity, and
efficacy of the drug and are adulterated pursuant to s. 499.006(2) and (3), F.S.
(9) Based on the allegation in paragraphs (5), (6) and (8), Albers distributed
adulterated prescription drugs into Florida and thereby violated s. 499.005(1) and (4), F.S.
(10) Since the pedigree paper Albers provided to Medcom was false and fraudulently
represented the source of the prescription drugs to which it related as alleged in paragraph (9),
Albers engaged in the misrepresentation or fraud in the distribution of a drug. Albers therefore
violated s. 499.005(23), F.S. (2002).
(11) Albers purchased prescription drugs from G and K Pharma, located in Odenton,
Maryland, in at least 38 transactions dating from August 9, 2002 through December 20, 2002.
Refer to Exhibit A, which is attached to and by reference made a part of this complaint, for the
invoice numbers and dates of these 38 transactions. The pedigree papers provided by G and K
Pharma to Albers indicate G and K Pharma acquired the prescription drugs from Complete
Wholesale Distribution, also located in Odenton, Maryland. The pedigree papers further
indicate that Complete Wholesale Distribution purchased the prescription drugs from Cardinal
Distribution in Swedesboro, New Jersey. However, Cardinal Distribution in Swedesboro, New
Jersey has not sold any prescription drugs to Complete Wholesale Distribution. Therefore the
pedigree papers for over $4.6 million dollars in Albers’ purchases of prescription drugs in these
38 transactions are false and the true source of the prescription drugs is unknown. Moreover in
several of these transactions, Albers returned certain containers of prescription drugs to G and
K Pharma because the containers were damaged, had no safety seal or an open safety seal,
had faded or unreadable lot numbers, the labels were damaged, or for other unspecified
reasons. The recurrence of receiving such questionable product from G and K Pharma should
have put Albers on notice to investigate further into the source of the drugs as identified on the
pedigree papers it received from G and K Pharma to prevent the acquisition and distribution of
adulterated prescription drugs.
(12) Albers failed to adequately and completely examine the pedigree papers and
prescription drugs that it purchased in the transactions alleged in paragraphs (8) and (11) as
required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64F-12.013(5)(a). Compliance with this rule
would have disclosed that the pedigree papers did not document that the prescription drugs had
remained within the regulated channels for the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs.
Further, there is no reasonable assurance that the prescription drugs have remained within the
regulatory controls for the distribution of prescription drugs, therefore these prescription drugs
were rendered unfit for human distribution and use and accordingly are adulterated pursuant to
s. 499.006(2) or (3), F.S. As a result of this failure to examine the prescription drugs, including
the pedigree papers that are intended to demonstrate that those prescription drugs have
remained within the regulatory oversight of governmental agencies to help ensure the safety
and integrity of the prescription drugs, Albers has violated s. 499.005(1) and (4), F.S., for
purchasing and holding for sale adulterated prescription drugs.
(13) On May 23, 2003, the federal Food and Drug Administrative (FDA) announced
that Albers had voluntarily recalled three lots of 90-count bottles of the prescription drug Lipitor
because the three lots of Lipitor, distributed by Albers, were counterfeit.
(14) The Missouri Board of Pharmacy filed a complaint with the Administrative
Hearing Commission against Albers on Apri! 9, 2003. A final determination on that complaint
has not been issued. Although this is not a complete list of the allegations in that complaint, in
summary the Missouri Board of Pharmacy alleged that
(a) Albers purchased prescription drugs from numerous distributors that were not
licensed to distribute prescription drugs into Missouri during the period May, 2000
through June, 2002. Many of these purchases from unauthorized distributors
occurred after the Board had instructed Albers that such purchases were contrary to
Missouri law. For example, an inspection of records disclosed that during the period
May 8, 2000 through May 15, 2000 Albers purchased prescription drugs from 44
distributors not permitted in Missouri. On or about November 16, 2000, after Aibers
had been instructed against purchasing from unauthorized distributors, an inspection
disclosed that Albers had continued purchasing prescription drugs totaling over $3
million dollars from approximately 17 of the 44 distributors not permitted in Missouri
as documented by 98 invoices. Subsequent inspections up through an inspection
that occurred on June 10, 2002, disclosed en ongoing pattern of Albers to purchase
from unauthorized distributors.
(b) During an inspection of Albers on June 10, 2002, agents of the Missouri Board of
Pharmacy randomly selected seven pedigree papers for verification. Six of the
seven pedigree papers could not be verified to document the accuracy of the
information on the pedigree paper.
(c) Albers distributed in a wholesale distribution, Trizivir, which is a prescription drug,
that had previously been dispensed by a pharmacy. The Trizivir that Albers had
distributed had a pharmacy dispensing label on the product.
(15) The violations alleged in this complaint in paragraphs (3) — (13) evidence a
substantial failure to comply with, and are substantial violations of, the Act. The unlawful
acquisition and wholesale distribution practices of Albers alleged in this complaint in paragraphs
(3) — (14) represent a substantial disregard for and an unwillingness to abide by the regulatory
scheme regarding the wholesaling of prescription drugs, which undermines the regulatory
structure established by federal and state laws intended to protect the nations’ drug supply and
public health. Albers acquisition and wholesale distribution practices also represent a disregard
for the health, safety, and welfare of the ultimate patients receiving the prescription drugs that
Albers distributed. Furthermore, Albers’ practices facilitated the distribution of counterfeit and
adulterated prescription drugs and present a serious threat to the public health and people in
Florida if Albers were to continue to engage in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs
into Florida.
(16) The violations of Chapter 499, F.S., by Albers as set forth in this complaint
constitute sufficient grounds for DOH to impose an administrative fine of Fifteen Thousand
Dollars ($15,000) or impose any other penalty authorized by Chapter 499, F.S., and Chapter
64F-12, Florida Administrative Code against Albers. Furthermore, because the source of these
prescription drugs, which are needed by people who are extremely ill, suffering from AIDS,
cancer and other conditions of persons with compromised immune systems is unknown and
Albers’ has demonstrated a recurring pattern of acquisition of counterfeit, adulterated and
diverted prescription drugs from unknown and unreliable sources, it warrants the department
imposing the upper fevel of the range of penalty for the violations cited. It also supports the
department revoking the out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit and denying renewal
of the out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit that authorizes Albers to wholesale
prescription drugs into the state of Florida.
(17) Rule 64F-12.024(4), Fla. Admin. Code sets the range of the penalty for violations
of the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter 499, F.S. Pursuant to that rule, the bureau
intends to impose the fines as noted:
(a) The rule authorizes a fine for selling or delivering a misbranded prescription drug
ranging from $250 - $5,000 per violation per day. The bureau intends to fine Albers $5,000 for
the allegations in paragraphs (3) and (4).
(b) The rule authorizes a fine for selling or delivering an adulterated prescription drug
ranging from $250 - $5,000 per violation per day. The bureau intends to fine Albers $5,000 for
the allegations in paragraphs (3) and (5) — (8).
(c) The rule authorizes a fine for engaging in misrepresentation or fraud in the
distribution of a drug ranging from $500 - $5,000 per violation per day and also authorizes the
suspension or revocation of a permit with a fine. The bureau intends to fine Albers $5,000 for
the allegations in paragraph (10), and intends to revoke and not renew Albers’ out-of-state
prescription drug wholesaler permit.
(18) Section 499.067(1)(a), F.S., (2002) authorizes the department to deny, suspend,
or revoke a permit if it finds that there has been a substantial failure to comply with ss. 499.001-
499.081 or chapter 465, chapter 893, or chapter 501, or the rules adopted under any of those
sections or chapters. In addition, s. 499.067(3)(c), F.S., (2002) authorizes the department to
deny, suspend or revoke a permit if the permittee has violated any provisions of ss. 499.001-
499.081 or rules adopted under those sections. The violations alleged in this complaint
evidence a substantial failure to comply and are substantial violations of the Florida Drug and
Cosmetic Act, Chapter 499, Florida Statutes and the rules that the department has adopted
(19) In addition, s. 499.067(1)(b), F.S. (2002) authorizes the department to deny an
application for a permit if it is shown that the applicant is not of good moral character or that it
would be a danger or not in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare if the
applicant were issued a permit. The allegations in this compiaint demonstrate that it would be a
danger and not in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare for the department to
renew the out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler permit that would authorize Albers to
distribute prescription drugs into the state of Florida.
(20) You have the right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to sections
120.569 and 120.57, F.S., if you wish to challenge the intended agency action to impose an
administrative fine and revoke or deny renewal of the out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler
permit for Albers Medical Distributors, Inc. Such proceedings are governed by sections 120.569
and 120.57, F.S., and Rules 28-106 and 28-107, Florida Administrative Code. Request for a
hearing, formal or informal, must comply with Rule 28-107.004, Florida Administrative Code.
(a) You have the right to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative,
at your expense to present evidence and argument; to call and cross-examine witnesses; and
to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on your behalf if a hearing is requested.
(b) A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by
the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this
correspondence. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN # A02,
Tallahassee FL 32399-1703. The Agency Clerk’s facsimile number is 850-410-1448,
(c) Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy.
(d) Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this
complaint and notice will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, under
Florida Administrative Code Rule 28-106.111 and this complaint shall become a "final order’.
(e) Should this complaint and notice become a final order, a party who is adversely
affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to s 120.68, F.S. Review proceedings are
governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced
by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and
a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the
appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order.
(21) The undersigned certifies that a true copy of this administrative complaint was
sent by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to Douglas C. Albers, President, Albers
Medical Distributors, Inc., at its physical address at 4400 Broadway, Suite 116, Kansas City,
: ot
Missouri 64111, this__-! day of July, 2003.
Tallahassee, Florida 32308 .
Telephone: (850) 922-5190
Copy also furnished to:
Counsel for the Department:
Robert P. Daniti, Senior Attorney
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin AO2
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703
Telephone (850) 245-4005 Facsimile (850) 413-8743
Florida Bar No. 191599
G and K Pharma Sales to Albers Medical
Pedigree Cardinal Distribution Swedesboro, NJ
Complete Wholesale Distribution Odenton, MD
Invoice Date Invoice # Amount
4 8/9/02 2111 622,616
2 9/4/02 2500 300,823
3 9/4/02 2501 62,998
4 9/4/02 2502 141,237
5 9/4102 2503 15,636
6 9/11/02 2504 31,125
7 9/11/02 2506 267,770
8 9/11/02 2507 43,630
9 9111/02 2507A 29,947
10 9/11/02 2508 41,048
11 9/11/02 2509 105,595
12 9/11/02 2510 83,979
43 9/23/02 2511 44,231
14 9/23/02 2512 333,265
15 9/23/02 2513 412,309
16 9/23/02 2514 183,489
17 9/25/03 2515 2,313
18 9/25/02 2516 75,617
19 9/25/02 2517 375,873
20 10/2/02 2520 117,173
21 10/2/02 2521 308,000
22 10/2/02 2522 9,001
23 40/29/02 2523 113,318
24 10/31/02 2524 27,193
25 11/4/02 2526 54,850
26 11/8/02 2528 31,536
27 11/12/02 2529 69,673
28 11/14/02 2531 4,436
29 41/21/02 2534 76,000
30 42/H02 2538 37,239
31 12/10/02 2540 44,253
32 12/11/02 2541 2,907
33 12/12/02 2542 90,809
34 42/17/02 2544 42,000
35 42/18/02 2545 531,038 .
36 42/20/02 2547 52,682
37 1/8/03 2553 173,983
38 9/18/02 3035 26,067
Total $ 4,686,359.00
Ad Aun. Corxp.
Kypibit A
Docket for Case No: 03-003125
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jul. 12, 2004 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jul. 12, 2004 |
Petitioner and Respondent`s Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction (filed via facsimile).
Jun. 17, 2004 |
Order on Motion to Stay and Motion for Protective Order. (motions denied)
Jun. 17, 2004 |
Order on Motion in Limine. (motion denied).
Jun. 15, 2004 |
Affidavit of Jeff D. Morris (filed via facsimile).
Jun. 15, 2004 |
Notice of Filing Affidavit of Jeff D. Morris (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
May 21, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Opposition to Respondent`s Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings Pending Resolution of Related Criminal Investigations, Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Protective Order, and Petitioner`s Motion in Limine filed.
May 13, 2004 |
Respondent`s Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings Pending Resolution of Related Criminal Intvestigations, Motion for Protective Order, and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
May 13, 2004 |
Notice of Service of Responses to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed by Respondent.
May 07, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (D. Albers) filed.
May 05, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Responses to Respondent`s Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
May 04, 2004 |
Response and Objections to Petitioner`s First Request to Respondent for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Apr. 30, 2004 |
Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (D. Albers) filed.
Apr. 21, 2004 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Applications filed by Respondent.
Apr. 19, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition by Telephone (J. Demone) filed.
Apr. 19, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition by Telephone (R. Reich) filed.
Apr. 15, 2004 |
Order on Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time (granted in part, denied in part).
Apr. 12, 2004 |
Response to Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time for Respondent to Respond to Petitioner`s Discovery Requests filed by Respondent.
Apr. 12, 2004 |
Cross Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (F. Fleet) filed via facsimile.
Apr. 08, 2004 |
Respondent`s Second Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner (filed via facsimile).
Apr. 08, 2004 |
Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of D. Alberts) filed.
Apr. 08, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time for Respondent to Respond to Petitioner`s Discovery Requests filed.
Apr. 06, 2004 |
Petitioner`s First Request to Respondent for Production of Documents filed.
Apr. 02, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (F. Fleet) filed.
Mar. 31, 2004 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 19 through 23 and July 26, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Mar. 31, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Notice of Service of a First Set of Interrogatories Upon Respondent filed.
Mar. 24, 2004 |
Notice of Mediation filed by A. Bowden, III.
Mar. 23, 2004 |
Petitioner and Respondent`s Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Mar. 11, 2004 |
Notice of Cancellation of Deposition (D. Albers) filed.
Mar. 08, 2004 |
Amended Administrative Complaint filed by Petitioner.
Mar. 04, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition by Telephone (G. Brown) filed.
Mar. 04, 2004 |
Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by March 19, 2004).
Mar. 03, 2004 |
Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Mar. 03, 2004 |
Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel for Respondent (filed by T. Maurer, Esquire).
Mar. 03, 2004 |
Notice of Taking Deposition (D. Albers) filed.
Mar. 01, 2004 |
Order (Petitioner`s unopposed Motion for Leave to File An Amended Administrative Complaint is granted).
Feb. 27, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Notice Regarding Whether Respondent Has any Opposition to Petitioner`s Motion for Leave to file an Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 26, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Notice of Filing a Corrected Exhibit A to Petitioner`s Motion for Leave to file an Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 19, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Motion for Leave to file an Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 22, 2004 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 16, 2004 |
Notice of Service of Petitioner`s Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 07, 2004 |
Order on Petitioner`s Motion for a Second Enlargement of Time.
Jan. 06, 2004 |
Letter to Judge Staros from A. Bowden, III regarding the motion to enlarge time (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 02, 2004 |
Petitioner`s Motion for a Second Enlargement of Time to Respond to Respondent`s Discovery Requests filed.
Dec. 22, 2003 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Dec. 17, 2003 |
Letter to Judge Staros from A. Bowden, III, regarding agreement to reschedule the final hearing (filed via facsimile).
Dec. 15, 2003 |
Order on Motion for Enlargement of Time.
Dec. 10, 2003 |
Petitioner`s Notice of an Amended Certificate of Service filed.
Dec. 09, 2003 |
Order on Petitioner`s Motion for Substitution of Counsel.
Dec. 05, 2003 |
Petitioner`s Motion for Substitution of Counsel (filed by A. Bowden, III, Esquire).
Dec. 05, 2003 |
Petitioner`s Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to Respondent`s Discovery Requests filed.
Dec. 05, 2003 |
Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance of the Final Hearing, or, in the Alternative, to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 31, 2003 |
Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Oct. 31, 2003 |
Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Sep. 18, 2003 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Sep. 18, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 26 through 30 and February 2 through 6, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Sep. 11, 2003 |
Response to Initial Order of Petitioner Department of Health (filed via facsimile).
Sep. 04, 2003 |
Respondent`s Response to the Initial Order filed.
Aug. 29, 2003 |
Re-Notice (of Agency referral) filed by R. Power.
Aug. 28, 2003 |
Initial Order.
Aug. 28, 2003 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Aug. 28, 2003 |
Response to Administrative Complaint and Petition for Administrative Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Fact filed.
Aug. 28, 2003 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.