JOSEPH C. SPERO, Chief Magistrate Judge.
The above matter has been referred to Chief Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero for resolution of Plaintiff's Letter Re: Site Inspection, ECF Dkt 12, and all further discovery matters.
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that not later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of this Order, lead trial counsel for Plaintiff(s) and lead trial counsel for Defendant(s) shall meet and confer in person regarding the subject matter of the Motion(s) in an effort to resolve the matter(s). Within five (5) calendar days of the lead trial counsels' meet-and-confer session, the parties shall provide a detailed Joint Letter to the Court. This Joint Letter shall include a description of every issue in dispute and, with respect to each such issue, a detailed summary of each party's final substantive position and its final proposed compromise on each issue.
Civil law and motion is heard on Friday mornings, at 9:30 a.m., in Courtroom G, 15th Floor, United States District Court, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102.
In the event a
In the event that the parties continue to be unable to resolve the matters regarding the timing and scope of discovery, the Court will consider what future actions are necessary. These actions may include the following: (1) sanctions against a party failing to cooperate in the discovery process and meet and confer in good faith, as required by this Order, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Local Rules of this Court; and/or (2) requiring the Chief Executive Officers of each party to attend the in-person, meet-and-confer sessions described above. The Court is not entering either of these matters as an Order of the Court at this time, and fully expects counsel to meet their obligations under this Order and under the Local Rules.
A party or counsel has a continuing duty to supplement the initial disclosure when required under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e)(1).
Law and motion matters may be submitted without argument upon stipulation of the parties and notification of the Court no later than 4:30 p.m. the day before the hearing. Pursuant to Civil L. R. 7-7(e), filed motions may be withdrawn without leave of the Court, within seven (7) days of the date for service of the opposition. Thereafter, leave of the Court must be sought.
All filings of documents relating to motions referred to the undersigned shall list the civil case number and the district court judge's initials followed by the designation "(JCS)".
Please refer to Civil L. R. 5-4 and General Order No. 45 for the Northern District of California for information relating to electronic filing procedures and requirements. All documents shall be filed in compliance with the Civil Local Rules. Documents not filed in compliance with those rules will not be considered by the Court.
The failure of counsel or a party to abide by this Order may result in sanctions pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(f).