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Tidemark Bank v. Morris, 94-1598 (1995)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 94-1598 Visitors: 6
Filed: Jun. 19, 1995
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: while Illinois law applied to the contract claim.3 We assume for purposes of analysis that a choice must be made, between Massachusetts and Virginia law because Tidemark's, negligence and negligent misrepresentation claims would have, survived if they had been judged under Massachusetts law.
USCA1 Opinion



No. 94-1598


Plaintiff - Appellant,



Defendants - Appellees.




[Hon. Patricia Saris, U.S. District Judge] ___________________
[Hon. A. David Mazzone, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________

Boudin, Circuit Judge, _____________

and Barbadoro,* District Judge. ______________


Frederic N. Halstrom, with whom Halstrom Law Offices, PC was ____________________ ________________________
on brief for appellant.
Joseph P. Musacchio, with whom Stephen W. Sutton and Melick ___________________ _________________ ______
& Porter were on brief for appellee Marshal and Stevens, Inc. ________


* Of the District of New Hampshire, sitting by designation.


BARBADORO, District Judge. The plaintiff, Tidemark BARBADORO, District Judge. _______________

Bank for Savings, F.S.B. ("Tidemark"),1 appeals from summary

judgment granted in favor of the defendant, Marshall and Stevens,

Inc. Tidemark argues that the district court erred in its

choice-of-law analysis and, as a result, applied the wrong

substantive legal standard. Finding no error in the choice of

law, we affirm the district court's order.


In 1985, Peter Morris received a $2 million

construction loan from Tidemark to build a summer vacation house

on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. Morris decided to

refinance the loan in 1987, and this time Tidemark agreed to loan

Morris $3.5 million subject to several conditions, including a

requirement that Morris have the property appraised. Morris

engaged Marshall and Stevens to prepare the appraisal, which

valued the property at $5.5 million. Tidemark then made the loan

in reliance on the appraisal and obtained a first mortgage on the

Martha's Vineyard property. Morris subsequently defaulted.

After foreclosure, Tidemark sold the property at a substantial


Tidemark is a Virginia savings institution with its

principle place of business in Newport News, Virginia. Marshall


1 Newport News Savings Bank was the plaintiff during the
proceedings in district court. In August 1993, Tidemark Bank for
Savings, F.S.B., was substituted for Newport News Savings Bank.
Although the district court refers to the plaintiff as "Newport,"
we use "Tidemark," which has been the plaintiff's name during the


and Stevens is an Illinois corporation with its principle place

of business in Des Plaines, Illinois. Morris is an Illinois

resident. Tidemark filed its complaint against Marshall and

Stevens in the district of Massachusetts alleging negligence,

negligent misrepresentation, and breach of contract.2 The

district court invoked Massachusetts' choice-of-law rules and

determined that the substantive law of Virginia applied to

Tidemark's negligence and negligent misrepresentation claims,

while Illinois law applied to the contract claim. It then

granted Marshall and Stevens' motion for summary judgment with

respect to all three claims.

Tidemark argues on appeal that the district court

misinterpreted Massachusetts' choice-of-law rules.3 As a

result, Tidemark contends that the district court erroneously

judged its negligence and negligent misrepresentation claims


2 Tidemark sued Morris in the same action, but later settled
those claims.

3 We assume for purposes of analysis that a choice must be made
between Massachusetts and Virginia law because Tidemark's
negligence and negligent misrepresentation claims would have
survived if they had been judged under Massachusetts law.
Compare Page v. Frazier, 445 N.E.2d 148, 153-54 (Mass. 1983) _______ ____ _______
(recognizing negligence cause of action for misrepresentation to
recover purely economic loss despite lack of privity under
certain circumstances) and Craig v. Everett M. Brooks Co., 222 ___ _____ ______________________
N.E.2d 752, 755 (Mass. 1967) (same) with Ward v. Ernst & Young, ____ ____ _____________
435 S.E.2d 628, 631-32 (Va. 1993) (holding that no cause of
action exists for negligent misrepresentation absent privity) and ___
Blake Construction Co. v. Alley, 353 S.E.2d 724, 726-27 (Va. _______________________ _____
1987) (same).


under Virginia law, rather than Massachusetts law.4 We review

the district court's resolution of the choice-of-law issue de __

novo. CPC Int'l v. Northbrook Excess & Surplus Ins., Co., 46 ____ _________ _______________________________________

F.3d 1211, 1214 (1st Cir. 1995).


In diversity of citizenship cases, we use the forum

state's choice-of-law rules. Klaxon Co. v. Stentor Elec. Mfg. __________ ___________________

Co., 313 U.S. 487, 496 (1941); American Title Ins. Co. v. East ___ _______________________ ____

West Fin. Corp., 959 F.2d 345, 348 (1st Cir. 1992). Accordingly, _______________

we are guided in our analysis by the applicable decisions of the

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ("SJC").5

Massachusetts eschews any particular choice-of-law

doctrine and instead employs a "functional approach" to choice of

law. Cosme v. Whitin Mach. Works, Inc., 632 N.E.2d 832, 834 _____ _________________________

(Mass. 1994). A court using this approach must consider "various

choice-influencing considerations, including those provided in

the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws (1971), and those

suggested by various commentators." Id. (citation omitted). The ___

4 Because Tidemark merely alludes to its contract claim, and
neither briefed nor argued any issue concerning that claim, we
deem it abandoned. Ryan v. Royal Ins. Co., 916 F.2d 731, 734 ____ ______________
(1st Cir. 1990); Niziolek v. Ashe, 694 F.2d 282, 284 (1st Cir. ________ ____

5 Tidemark challenges our denial of its motion to certify the
choice-of-law question to the SJC. Tidemark's failure to seek
certification in the district court "considerably weakens" its
argument for certification. See Boston Car Co. v. Acura Auto. ___ ______________ ___________
Div., Am. Honda Motor Co., 971 F.2d 811, 817 n.3 (1st Cir. 1992). _________________________
Moreover, since sufficient controlling precedent is readily
available on the choice-of-law standard, certification is
unnecessary. Snow v. Harnischfeger Corp., 12 F.3d 1154, 1161 ____ ___________________
(1st Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 56 (1994). ____________


SJC's most recent decisions on the subject suggest that the first

step in this process is to identify and apply the Restatement

sections that are most analogous to the particular issue in

dispute. See, e.g., New England Tel. & Tel. Co. v. Gourdeau ___ ____ _____________________________ ________

Constr. Co., 647 N.E.2d 42, 44-45 (Mass. 1995); Cosme, 632 N.E.2d ___________ _____

at 834-36; Travenol Labs., Inc. v. Zotal, Ltd., 474 N.E.2d 1070, ____________________ ___________

1073 (Mass. 1985); Bushkin Assocs., Inc. v. Raytheon Co., 473 ______________________ ____________

N.E.2d 662, 668 (1985). The results obtained by using the most

analogous Restatement sections are then evaluated in light of the

more general choice-influencing considerations described in 6

of the Restatement and other similar sources.6 Cosme, 632 N.E.2d _____

at 834-36. Following this approach, we begin by identifying and

applying the section of the Restatement which most closely

applies to Tidemark's claims.

A. Restatement 148(2) A. Restatement 148(2) ____________________

Like the district court, we conclude that 148(2) of

the Restatement is most directly applicable to Tidemark's claims

since that section governs choice-of-law issues where the

defendant's misrepresentation and the plaintiff's reliance

occurred in different states. Restatement (Second) of Conflict

of Laws 148(s) (1971). Section 148(2) lists the following

factors that a court should consider in resolving choice-of-law

questions in such cases:

6 Although the SJC has not limited itself to the Restatement as
a source of guidance, we confine our analysis here to the
Restatement since the parties do not draw our attention to any
additional choice-of-law principles that should effect our


(a) the place, or places, where the
plaintiff acted in reliance upon the
defendant's representations,
(b) the place where the plaintiff
received the representations,
(c) the place where the defendant made
the representations,
(d) the domicil, residence, nationality,
place of incorporation and place of
business of the parties,
(e) the place where a tangible thing
which is the subject of the transaction
between the parties was situated at the
time, and
(f) the place where the plaintiff is to
render performance under a contract which
he has been induced to enter by the false
representations of the defendant.

Id. We first consider factors (a), (b), (c), which concern the ___

places where the misrepresentations were made, received, and

acted upon.

1. The place or places where the misrepresentations 1. The place or places where the misrepresentations
were made, received, and acted upon. were made, received, and acted upon.

None of these three factors favors Tidemark's position.

Taken chronologically, factor (c), the place where the

misrepresentations were made, favors neither Massachusetts nor

Virginia law. Although the appraisal was partially prepared in

Massachusetts, it was finalized and released from Marshall and

Stevens' Illinois office. Factors (b), the place where the

misrepresentations were received, and (a), the place where the

plaintiff acted in reliance on the misrepresentation, both favor

Virginia law since Tidemark received the appraisal, agreed to

make the loan, and disbursed the loan proceeds from its Virginia

office. The record does not identify the place where the loan

closing occurred. However, even if, as Tidemark alleges, the


closing had occurred in Massachusetts, that fact is of little

significance since Tidemark's claims concern the effect that the

appraisal had on its Virginia-based decision to make the loan and

its disbursal of the proceeds of the loan from Virginia.

2. Other factors. 2. Other factors.

Factor (d), concerning the parties' states of

incorporation and places of business, also provides no support

for Tidemark's position since Tidemark is a Virginia corporation

based in Virginia, and Marshall and Stevens is an Illinois

corporation based in Illinois. Even if, as Tidemark argues,

Morris should be considered a resident of Massachusetts because

he once used the Martha's Vineyard house as a vacation home, his

place of residence would be irrelevant because Morris is not a

party to the claims at issue here. Factor (f), the place where

the plaintiff performed the contract, favors Virginia law since

Tidemark performed its primary obligation to Morris under the

loan contract by disbursing the loan proceeds from its Virginia


The only factor that supports Tidemark's position is

factor (e), the location of the property which was the subject of

the transaction. The section's comment states that this factor

"is of particular importance when the subject of the transaction

is land." Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws 148 cmt. i.

Nevertheless, the location of the property carries comparatively

little weight in this case because the alleged misrepresentations

did not directly affect the property. Instead, the harm that


Tidemark allegedly suffered occurred primarily in Virginia where

the decision to make the loan was made.

Considering all of the 148(2) factors and their

relative significance, we agree with the district court that, on

balance, the 148(2) factors favor the application of Virginia



B. Restatement 6(2) B. Restatement 6(2) __________________

Tidemark contends that the district court erred by

failing to interpret the results of its 148(2) analysis in

light of the more general choice-influencing considerations

described in 6(2) of the Restatement.7 As we demonstrate

below, consideration of these factors does not cause us to

question the district court's conclusion.

1. The needs of the interstate system. 1. The needs of the interstate system.

Neither party has suggested that choosing one state's

law over the other would impede the workings of the interstate

system. Although the impact of various states' negligence rules

on interstate banking and the availability of interstate mortgage

transactions might raise concern in some cases, we find no reason

to address such issues on the record presented here.

2. The relevant policies and relative interests of 2. The relevant policies and relative interests of
Massachusetts and Virginia in the negligence Massachusetts and Virginia in the negligence
claims. claims.

Virginia plainly has a significant interest in

7 Section 6 provides the following factors:

(a) the needs of the interstate and
international systems,
(b) the relevant policies of the forum,
(c) the relevant policies of other states
and the relative interest of those
states in the determination of the
particular issue
(d) the protection of justified
(e) the basic policies underlying the
particular field of law,
(f) certainty, predictability and
uniformity of result, and
(g) ease in the determination and
application of the law to be applied.


litigation involving a Virginia plaintiff. Virginia has chosen

not to recognize tort claims to recover purely economic loss for

negligently supplied misinformation absent privity between the

parties. Ward, 435 S.E.2d at 631-32. Instead, under Virginia ____

law, a plaintiff may recover economic losses caused by the

failure of contractual duties only in a contract action. Id. ___

The purpose of Virginia's "economic loss rule" is "to preserve

the bedrock principle that contract damages be limited to those

'within the contemplation and control of the parties in framing

their agreement.'" Richmond v. Madison Management Group, Inc., ________ _______________________________

918 F.2d 438, 446 (4th Cir. 1990) (quoting Kamlar Corp. v. Haley, ____________ _____

299 S.E.2d 514, 517 (Va. 1983)).

Massachusetts, on the other hand, has little interest

in this case. Although Massachusetts' policy would favor

compensating Massachusetts plaintiffs and holding Massachusetts

defendants accountable under its own law, see Cosme, 632 N.E.2d ___ _____

at 836, none of the parties are Massachusetts citizens or

corporations. Further, although the appraised property is

located in Massachusetts, the transaction did not directly affect

the property, and the parties no longer own or have any

connection with the property. Thus, Massachusetts has minimal

interest in the parties and the outcome of this case.

3. Protection of justified expectations. 3. Protection of justified expectations.

This factor is insignificant in negligence actions

where the parties probably acted without considering the

significance of the applicable rule of law. Restatement (Second)


of Conflict of Laws 6 cmt. g. Tidemark contends, however, that

it expected that Massachusetts law would apply to all actions

related to the loan because the mortgage document contained a

choice-of-law clause specifying that the mortgage would be

governed by Massachusetts law. Marshall and Stevens was not a

party to the mortgage, and Tidemark's claims are not based on the

mortgage agreement. If Tidemark expected Massachusetts law to

apply to potential negligence claims against an appraiser based

on the mortgage agreement, its expectation was unjustified.

4. Basic policies underlying the field of law. 4. Basic policies underlying the field of law.

The policy supporting tort recovery for negligently

supplied information is to encourage honesty and competence in

the undertaking. See Restatement (Second) of Torts 552 cmt. a ___

(1977). Section 552 of the Restatement (Second) of Torts,

pertaining to negligent misrepresentation claims, however, also

recognizes the importance of a countervailing policy to limit the

scope of liability in light of the potentially broad circulation

of misinformation. Id.; see, e.g., Berschauer/Phillips Constr. ___ ___ ____ ___________________________

Co. v. Seattle Sch. Dist. No. 1, 881 P.2d 986, 989-90 (Wash. ___ __________________________

1994); Matthew S. Steffey, Negligence, Contract and Architects' _____________________________________

Liability for Economic Loss, 82 Ky. L.J. 659, 701 (1994); William ___________________________

C. Way, The Problem of Economic Damages: Reconceptualizing the ________________________________________________________

Moorman Doctrine, 1991 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1169, 1186-87 (1991). In ________________

light of this countervailing policy, a solid minority of states,

including Virginia, require privity in order to maintain a

misrepresentation claim. See Bily v. Arthur Young & Co., 834 ___ ____ ___________________


P.2d 745, 755-59 (Cal. 1992) (finding that approximately nine

states require privity while at least seventeen do not).

Consequently, the policies underlying this area of law are in

conflict and support both states' interpretations.

5. Predictability and uniformity of result. 5. Predictability and uniformity of result.

Predictability and uniformity of results are of limited

significance in negligence actions because parties do not plan

their activities in light of the potential legal consequences.

Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws 6 cmt. i. However,

the Restatement also notes that a choice of law that would

further the predictability and uniformity of results would

discourage forum shopping. Id. Because Massachusetts joins a ___

majority of states in allowing economic loss suits without

privity, application of Massachusetts law arguably might further

a uniform legal standard. There is little benefit, however, in

encouraging a majority rule over a significant minority view.

Thus, this consideration is also inconclusive.

6. Ease in determination and application of the law. 6. Ease in determination and application of the law.

Because a federal court was the forum here, we give

less weight to the ease of applying Massachusetts law over

Virginia law. See Allstate Ins. Co. v. Hague, 449 U.S. 302, 326 ___ __________________ _____

(1981) (Stevens, J., concurring). Moreover, Virginia law

relating to claims for economic loss without privity is well-

developed. Thus, we find no obstacles to applying Virginia law

in a Massachusetts federal court in this case. Indeed, Tidemark

faults the district court's choice but not its application of


Virginia law.

In summary, the predominance and significance of

Virginia's contacts with the parties and relevant occurrences in

this case weighs in favor of applying Virginia law. Based on the

balance of the appropriate choice-influencing considerations, we

hold that the district court's selection of Virginia law was



We conclude that the district court did not err in its

choice of Virginia law. Because Tidemark does not challenge the

district court's interpretation of that law, our review is

complete. The district court's judgment in favor of Marshall and

Stevens is affirmed. ________


Source:  CourtListener

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