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United States v. Ribas-Dominicci, 94-1880 (1995)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 94-1880 Visitors: 12
Filed: Mar. 24, 1995
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS, UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT, FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT ____________________ No. 94-1880 UNITED STATES, Appellee, v. SALVADOR RIBAS-DOMINICCI, Defendant, Appellant. United States v. Lanier, 920 F.2d 887, 895 (11th, _____________ ______ Cir.
USCA1 Opinion


No. 94-1880





Defendant, Appellant.




[Hon. Jos Antonio Fust , U.S. District Judge] ___________________



Cyr, Circuit Judge, _____________
Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
and Boudin, Circuit Judge. _____________


Pamela A. Wilk, with whom Peter Goldberger, Alan Ellis, and Law _______________ _________________ ___________ ___
Offices of Alan Ellis, P.C. were on brief for appellant. ___________________________
Miguel A. Pereira, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom __________________
Guillermo Gil, United States Attorney, and Jose A. Quiles-Espinosa, _____________ ________________________
Senior Litigation Counsel, were on brief for appellee.


March 24, 1995

BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. Defendant-appellant BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. ____________________

Salvador Ribas-Dominici appeals the denial of his motion to

withdraw his plea of guilty. Ribas, a lawyer, engineer, and

self-styled military procurement expert, was indicted in the

District Court of Puerto Rico on five counts of stealing,

converting, and selling property of the United States in

violation of 18 U.S.C. 641.1 We first summarize the

essential facts.

I. I.

In 1987 the United States Department of Defense

awarded a contract to Quality Manufacturing, Inc., a

corporation owned and controlled by Ribas, for the

manufacture of 1,692,120 pairs of military trousers. The

contract price was $24,197,316. Under the contract terms,

the government made fourteen progress payments between

October, 1987 and October, 1990 totalling approximately

$9,600,000. The indictment alleges that the United States

received from Ribas' corporation - "Quality" - goods and


1. 18 U.S.C. 641 sets forth criminal sanctions for:

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins,
or knowingly converts to his use or the
use of another, or without authority,
sells, conveys or disposes of any record,
voucher, money, or thing of value of the
United States or of any department or
agency thereof, or any property made or
being made under contract for the United
States or any department or agency
thereof; . . .

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services amounting to approximately $9,200,000.

(Introductory allegation 8.) The indictment alleges that

"title or ownership" of the items manufactured under the

contract passed to the United States not later than final

inspection and approval by government inspectors.

(Introductory allegation 9.) The district court, in its

opinion rejecting the plea-withdrawal motion, found that

"[t]itle to the trousers passed to the United States on

August 28 and September 4, 1991." The government claimed to

have evidence that would prove that Ribas had been

specifically instructed not to dispose of any of the


Count One of the indictment charges that Ribas did

willfully and knowingly steal, convert, and sell to a third

party 16,135 pairs of trousers worth approximately

$227,000.00, which were the goods and property of the United

States. Count Two alleges the same as to 4,200 pairs of

trousers worth approximately $59,000. Count Three charges

the same as to 10,019 pairs of trousers worth approximately

$141,000. Count Four alleges the same crime as to 600 pairs

of trousers with a value of approximately $8,000. Count

Five, the final count, charged the theft and sale to a third

party of 336 pairs of trousers worth approximately $4,500.

On the morning that trial was scheduled to commence

Ribas signed a plea agreement and pled guilty to Counts Four

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and Five of the indictment. The government dismissed the

first three counts. Ribas was represented by counsel

throughout the plea bargaining process, and the Rule 11

proceedings. Two weeks after the plea and before sentencing,

Ribas' original counsel moved to withdraw his appearance on

the ground that Ribas had retained new counsel. At about the

same time, the new counsel informed the prosecutor that a

motion to withdraw the guilty plea would be filed. This was

done less than a month after the plea. A two-day hearing was

held on the withdrawal motion, which was denied by the

district court in a thirty-five page memorandum order. For

the reasons that follow, we reverse the district court and

remand for trial.


Because defendant's motion for withdrawal of plea

was made before sentencing, Fed. R. Crim. P. 32(d) is

implicated. It provides:

If a motion for withdrawal of a plea
of guilty or nolo contendere is made
before sentence is imposed, the court may
permit withdrawal of the plea upon a
showing by the defendant of any fair and
just reason. At any later time, a plea
may be set aside only on direct appeal or
by motion under 28 U.S.C. 2255.

This circuit has built a formidable body of

precedent covering the withdrawal of a guilty plea. We start

with a rule that is so obvious, it may be overlooked: a

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defendant has no absolute right to withdraw a guilty plea.

United States v. Tilley, 964 F.2d 55, 72 (1st Cir. 1992). _____________ ______

In a very recent case, United States v. Jose Ramon _____________ __________

Cotal-Crespo, No. 94-1354 (1st Cir. Jan. 30, 1995), we ____________

reiterated the principles that govern the issue of whether a

guilty plea may be withdrawn. We stated the factors that

should be considered in determining whether there is "a fair

and just reason" for withdrawing the plea. The most

significant is, "whether the plea was knowing, voluntary and

intelligent within the meaning of Rule 11." Id., slip op. at ___

5. Other factors to be considered are "the force and

plausibility of the proffered reason; the timing of the

request; whether the defendant has asserted his legal

innocence; and whether the parties had reached a plea

agreement." Id. ___

In discussing Rule 11 we said:

By entering a guilty plea, a defendant
effectively waives several constitutional
rights. For that waiver to be valid, due
process requires that the plea amount to
a voluntary and "intentional
relinquishment or abandonment of a known
right or privilege." McCarthy v. United ________ ______
States, 394 U.S. 459, 466, 89 S. Ct. ______
1166, 22 L. Ed. 2d 418 (1969) (quoting
Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458, 464, 58 _______ ______
S. Ct. 1019, 82 L. Ed. 2d 1461 (1938)).

Id. We pointed out that technical violations of Rule 11 do ___

not count, but that a violation of one of the Rule's core

concerns mandates that the plea be set aside. And we

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specified three core concerns: "1) absence of coercion; 2)

understanding of the charges; and 3) knowledge of the

consequences of the guilty plea." Id., slip op. at 7. We ___

reiterated that under the law of this circuit, in determining

whether there has been a core violation, "we review the

totality of the circumstances surrounding the Rule 11

hearing." Id. "What is critical is the substance of what ___

was communicated by the trial court, and what should

reasonably have been understood by the defendant, rather than

the form of the communication." Id. We ended our ___

restatement of basic principles by noting that our standard

of review is abuse of discretion, and that the trial court's

findings of fact are reviewed only for clear error. Id., ___

slip op. at 8.

On the question whether there is an abuse of

discretion in a Rule 11 setting we have observed:

Yet "discretion" may be somewhat more
limited where there is an outright
violation of Rule 11 rather than merely
second thoughts by a defendant prompting
him to reconsider his plea.

United States v. Raineri, 42 F.3d 36, 41 (1st Cir. 1994). We _____________ _______

also noted:

Finally, we have considered whether
guilty pleas should be set aside . . .
under some type of per se rule or because
of a threatened miscarriage of justice.
On the former point, we think that there
may well be Rule 11 hearings so
fundamentally defective that harm must be
assumed or deemed irrelevant.

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Id. at 45. ___


Our review of the Rule 11 plea proceedings

discloses two serious errors. First, was the following

statement by the

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THE COURT: For this to be an offense
the Government has to prove that this
conduct described in the indictment was
done willfully and knowingly, was entered
into willfully and knowingly by you.
That means that the Government has to
prove that at some point in time you had
some reasonable understanding that what
you were about to do and actually did was
wrong, was marginal conduct, was
questionable, was of the kind of thing
that if somebody would find out you could
be in the predicament that you are now
in. In other words, that you had a --
had or should have had a pretty good
understanding that this was wrong and
against the law and you decided to do it
that way. That is an element. Do you
understand that?


The opening sentence of the statement by the court

was not incorrect. It told the defendant that the government

had to prove that the "conduct described in the indictment

was done willfully and knowingly, was entered into willfully

and knowingly by you." The meaning of willfully and

knowingly was, however, misstated by the court in the balance

of its explanation. Willfully and knowingly in the criminal

context does not mean that all the government had to prove

was that defendant had "some reasonable understanding" that

what he did "was marginal conduct, was questionable." Nor

was the government's burden of proof limited to showing that

defendant "had or should have had a pretty good understanding

that this was wrong and against the law." The government had

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to prove in the context of this case that defendant knew that

the trousers belonged to the government when he sold them to

others. See United States v. McRee, 7 F.3d 976, 980 (11th ___ _____________ _____

Cir. 1993); United States v. Lanier, 920 F.2d 887, 895 (11th _____________ ______

Cir. 1991). Significantly, there was no mention of intent or

mens rea in the first statement by the court. ____ ___

At the end of the plea hearing this colloquy took


THE COURT: May I ask you something,
Mr. Ribas, just tell me in your own words
what was the mental process, if you will,
that led you to do these two sales to
this Tiendas Militares?

THE DEFENDANT: Well, your Honor, at
the time the company was having very
serious financial difficulties and we
were attempting to raise cash to continue
the operations and continue getting to be
a viable organization. And although it ________________
has happened that it is a crime, at that _________________________________________
instant I was not consciously stealing _________________________________________
and selling, but, obviously, I made a _________________________________________
mistake that is typified as a crime. _________________________________________
(Emphasis added.)

THE COURT: But you do accept now, _________________________
that when you look into retrospect into _________________________________________
the whole situation, obviously, you did _________________________________________
something wrong and against the law, _________________________________________
without a doubt? (Emphasis added.) ________________


THE COURT: I understand. You have no
doubt about that part now?

THE DEFENDANT: Excuse me, sir?

THE COURT: You have no doubt about
that part now?

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THE COURT: Perhaps you were -- you
acted too fast and you looked the other
way, that's what happened in this case?


THE COURT: Okay, I understand.
Very well. The Court is going to accept
the plea of guilty entered by the
defendant as to Counts Four and Five.
Judgment of guilty will be entered.
Presentence Report will be ordered. And
I will give you a sentencing date.

In Morrisette v. United States, 342 U.S. 246 __________ ______________

(1952), it was decided unanimously that criminal intent was

an essential element of an offense under 18 U.S.C. 641, the

same statute that Ribas was accused of violating. Part of

Justice Jackson's opinion was an historical exegesis of the

role of intent in criminal law. His words read as eloquently

now as they did forty-odd years ago. One small sample will


The contention that an injury can
amount to a crime only when inflicted by
intention is no provincial or transient
notion. It is as universal and
persistent in mature systems of law as
belief in freedom of the human will and a
consequent ability and duty of the normal
individual to choose between good and

Id. at 250 (footnote omitted). Morrisette was convicted ___

under the statute for collecting bomb casings from a U.S.

military range and selling them as scrap metal. He argued

that he did not have the requisite intent because he thought

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that the casings were abandoned. The district court had held

that the statute did not require a showing of intent. The

Court, in reversing, concluded that the statute did demand a

showing of intent because the statute did not cover

"unwitting, inadvertent, and unintended conversions." Id. at ___

270. The Court went on to point out: "Knowing conversion

adds significantly to the range of protection of government

property without interpreting it to furnish unwitting

conversions." Id. at 272. It is clear that intent was the ___

critical element of the offense with which Ribas was charged.

The colloquy between the court and Ribas at the

conclusion of the plea hearing should have alerted the court

that Ribas was claiming that, at the time the trousers were

sold to third parties, he did not intend to commit a crime.

He told the court: "And although it has happened that it is

a crime, at that instant I was not consciously stealing and

selling, but, obviously I made a mistake that is typified as

a crime." Upon hearing this, the court, instead of asking

him what his intent was at the time, suggested that looking

back in retrospect Ribas now knew that he "obviously did __ __________

something wrong and against the law." But what Ribas knew at

the time of the plea hearing does not establish criminal

intent at the time the trouser sales were made. Ribas had

suggested to the court that he did not intend to commit the

crime charged. This was tantamount to asserting his

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innocence. Instead of accepting the plea the court should

have, at the very least, inquired as to Ribas' intent at the

time the trousers were sold.

We recognize that Ribas was an attorney and an

engineer, which means that he was well educated and

presumably intelligent. This, however, cannot erase the

manifest errors made by the district court in two critical

areas of the Rule 11 colloquy. The element of scienter is

very important in a case in which the property is lawfully in

the possession of the defendant, and whether or not a crime

has been committed depends almost entirely on the defendant's

understanding of what he was entitled to do with the

property. This can be and usually is a complicated matter

when one is dealing with government contracts and procurement

regulations. In a somewhat similar case in the Fifth Circuit

brought under 18 U.S.C. 641, the court reversed defendants'

convictions. After pointing out that this kind of case was

civil, rather than criminal in nature, the court stated:

The government indicted appellants on the
theory that the title vesting clause
truly vested title, and gave full
ownership rights to the government for
materials upon which progress payments
had been advanced. The title vesting
provision of the Federal Acquisition
Regulations creates no more than a
security interest in the government's
favor, and cannot be, under the facts of
this case, a basis for prosecution under
18 U.S.C. 641. Appellants' convictions

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United States v. Hartec Enterprises, Inc., 967 F.2d 130, 134- _____________ ________________________

35 (5th Cir. 1992). We of course do not intimate that Hartec ______

applies to the case before us. We quote it only to emphasize

that during the plea colloquy a proper explanation of the

scienter element is more than mere formality.

We think that the two erroneous statements by the

district court combined to create a core violation of Rule 11

and were so fundamentally defective as to require reversal.

United States v. Raineri, 42 F.3d at 41 and 45. _____________ _______

We are fully cognizant of the case of United States _____________

v. Japa, 994 F.2d 899, 903-04 (1st Cir. 1993), in which we ____

held that the omission of an intent inquiry by the district

court, combined with the failure of the prosecutor to provide

in the proof statement any reference to a critical fact in

one of the counts of the indictment, did not affect a

substantial right of the defendant under Fed. R. Crim. P.

11(A). Japa is readily distinguishable. Count Two of the ____

indictment in Japa charged that defendant did knowingly and ____

intentionally possess 500 grams of cocaine "and did so within

1,000 feet" of a school. Japa was not asked during the plea

hearing whether he intended to possess and distribute cocaine

within 1,000 feet of a school. We noted that the presentence

report stated that defendant's apartment was within 1,000

feet of a school yard, and that defendant did not object to

this statement. Another factor in our ruling was that

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defendant admitted in response to a question by the court in

Count One (conspiracy) that he and the other alleged

conspirator possessed and intended to distribute 500 grams of

cocaine. The admitted facts made it clear that the cocaine

referred to in Counts One and Two was the same and that the

distribution would start at defendant's apartment. We

followed United States v. Zorilla, 982 F.2d 28, 30-31 (1st _____________ _______

Cir. 1992), and held:

that information in the presentence
report and/or adduced at the probable
cause hearing was sufficient to satisfy
the elements of the crime charged even
though the district court judge failed to
establish a factual basis for the plea at
the hearing.

Japa, 994 F.2d at 904. ____

In the case before us there is nothing in the

presentence report indicating that Ribas intended to convert

and steal the trousers from the United States. We have

reviewed carefully the extensive testimony and affidavits

adduced at the hearing on the motion to withdraw the guilty

plea. We are satisfied that there is no basis for finding

that the guilty plea was involuntary due to pressure or

turmoil. The evidence shows that the defendant consistently

claimed that he was innocent of any wrong-doing. Indeed, his

protestations of innocence continued through the sentencing

hearing. This is not a case in which claims of innocence

have been conjured up after the fact for purposes of taking

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advantage of some technical inadequacy in the plea colloquy.

Nor is this a situation where the motion to withdraw the plea

has its genesis in the sentence. Rather, unlike the

defendantin Japa,Ribasmovedtowithdrawhispleabeforesentencing. ____

Finally, we note that the government would not seem

to be prejudiced by the delay in starting trial. Our review

of the record shows that the evidence in this case will

mainly be documentary. The government does not have to rely

on the vagaries of the memory of witnesses. The key evidence

will be the written contracts between Ribas and the

government and the applicable procurement regulations.


We find that there was a fair and just reason for

allowing Ribas to withdraw his plea. See Fed. R. Crim. P. ___


The judgment of the district court is vacated and

the case is remanded for trial, which shall be held before

another judge.

So Ordered. So Ordered. ___________

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Source:  CourtListener

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