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A.M. Capen's Co. v. American Trading, 95-1870 (1996)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 95-1870 Visitors: 19
Filed: Jan. 18, 1996
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: a result, ATAPCO and Capen's never signed a formal contract.A breach of Law 75 is considered a tortious act., The Legislature had observed that dealers, in Puerto Rico were particularly, vulnerable to summary termination once, they had established a favorable market, for a principal's products.
USCA1 Opinion

February 9, 1996


No. 95-1870


Plaintiff, Appellee,



Defendants, Appellants.



The opinion of this court issued on January 18, 1996, is

amended as follows:

Page 14, line 6: Change "P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 13" to "P.R.

Laws Ann. tit. 14".


No. 95-1870


Plaintiff, Appellee,



Defendants, Appellants.




[Hon. Daniel R. Dominguez, U.S. District Judge] ___________________


Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________
Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
and Stahl, Circuit Judge. _____________


Jos Enrique Colon Santana for appellant. __________________________
Philip E. Roberts for appellee. _________________


January 18, 1996

BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. This is an appeal BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. _____________________

from a preliminary injunction issued by the district court

barring defendant-appellant American Trading and Production

Corp. ("ATAPCO") from terminating plaintiff-appellee A.M.

Capen's Co., Inc. ("Capen's") as an exclusive distributor for

Puerto Rico of ATAPCO's products. Capen's had filed an

action in the United States District Court for the District

of Puerto Rico alleging that ATAPCO violated P.R. Laws Ann.

tit. 10, 278, et seq. (1976 and Supp. 1989)(a.k.a. Law 75, __ ____

the Puerto Rico Dealer's Act) by terminating the exclusivity

of the distributorship. Section 278a of title 10 provides:

Notwithstanding the existence in a
dealer's contract of a clause reserving
to the parties the unilateral right to
terminate the existing relationship, no
principal or grantor may directly or
indirectly perform any act detrimental to
the established relationship or refuse to
renew said contract on its normal
expiration, except for just cause.

The injunction was issued pursuant to the provisional remedy

provision, Section 278b.1 of the Act, which provides:

In any litigation in which there is
directly or indirectly involved the
termination of a dealer's contract or any
act in prejudice of the relation
established between the principal or
grantor and the dealer, the Court may
grant, during the time the litigation is
pending solution, any provisional remedy
or measure of an interdictory nature to
do or to desist from doing, ordering any
of the parties, or both, to continue, in
all its terms, the relation established
by the dealer's contract, and/or to
abstain from performing any act or any

-2- 2

omission in prejudice thereof. In any
case in which the provisional remedy
herein provided is requested, the Court
shall consider the interests of all
parties concerned and the purposes of the
public policy contained in this chapter.

There is no dispute as to the basic facts. In

1978, Capen's entered into an agreement with ATAPCO's

predecessor, Sheller-Globe, to be the exclusive distributor

of Globe-Weiss and Steelmaster office products in Puerto

Rico, the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic, and Central and

South America. The agreement did not contain an expiration

date. Although confirmed in a written letter, the parties

did not sign a formal contract because they could not agree

on the law that would apply to the contract. When ATAPCO

took over, the arrangement with Capen's continued, as did the

disagreement as to choice-of-law and forum selection clauses.

ATAPCO, with its principal place of business in

Missouri, wanted Missouri law to apply to the contract.

Capen's, a New Jersey corporation with its principal place of

business in that state, wanted Puerto Rico law to apply. As

a result, ATAPCO and Capen's never signed a formal contract.

In December 1993, ATAPCO wrote a letter to Capen's in which

it terminated the exclusive aspect of the dealership. ATAPCO

did not end the Capen's dealership; it reserved the right to

sell to others. ATAPCO made Blas Rossy Asencio a sales

representative for the area for which Capen's originally had

-3- 3

the exclusive rights. This lawsuit ensued.1

Proceedings of the District Court Proceedings of the District Court _________________________________

The district court adopted the recommendation of

the Magistrate Judge that the provisional remedy in the

Puerto Rico Dealer's Act be granted. The court then issued a

full-blown opinion giving the reasons for its action. It

found that Capen's "has exhibited a likelihood of success on

the merits." A.M. Capens Co., Inc. v. American Trading and _______________________________________________

Prod. Corp., 892 F. Supp. 36, 38 (D.P.R. 1995). It then ____________


Capens has also shown that his
business will suffer irreparable injury
if the injunction is not granted because
Mr. Rossy Asencio will continue to sell
the products in the areas wherein Capens
had the exclusivity with the added
competitive advantage for Asencio of
freight charges assumed by ATAPCO. The
above will obviously mean that Capens'
business market will be significantly
irreparably diminished.

The harm that Capens will suffer most
certainly outweighs ATAPCO's possible
harm: the business area will remain
unchanged (the Caribbean and Central and
South America) and ATAPCO will continue
receiving benefits, either through Mr.
Rossy Asencio or through A.M. Capens;
however, the harm is for Capens who will
lose business market should Mr. Rossy
Asencio continue to interfere with the

Id. at 38-39. Finally, the court held that the public ___


1. Capen's has sued Blas Rossy Asencio for tortious
inference with contractual relations.

-4- 4


-5- 5

would not be adversely affected by the preliminary

injunction. Id. at 39. ___

It is obvious that what we are reviewing is not

only a provisional remedy under the Puerto Rico Dealer's Act,

but a preliminary injunction that meets, at least prima _____

facie, all federal requisites. The appropriate standard for _____

reviewing a preliminary injunction is abuse of discretion.

Jiminez Fuentes v. Torres Gaztambide, 807 F.2d 236, 239 (1st ____________________________________

Cir. 1986)(en banc), cert. denied, 481 U.S. 1014 (1987). _____ ______

Analysis Analysis ________

We start our analysis with the only finding of the

district court to which defendant has objected -- probability

of success on the merits. Defendant's appeal is posited on

two contentions: that Puerto Rico law does not apply; and

that plaintiff is not a dealer under the Puerto Rico Dealer's

statute. As the district court noted, this is "a close

matter." Id. ___

That is because Capen's does not fit the mold of a

typical Puerto Rican dealer. It does not advertise in Puerto

Rico and has neither a warehouse nor a showroom on the

Island. It sells exclusively to retailers and wholesalers.

Though Capen's sometimes sends an agent to Puerto Rico, it

does not have a resident agent on the Island and is not

qualified to do business in Puerto Rico on a regular basis.

On the other hand, the annual sales made by Capen's in Puerto

-6- 6

Rico under its exclusive distributorship increased from about

$30,000 in 1978 to $423,000 in 1993. Total Puerto Rico sales

of ATAPCO products for the five-year period spanning from

1989 to 1993 came to about $1,976,000.

The first issue is what law applies. This

necessitates an examination of the conflict of law principles

governing contract and tort law.

Contract Factors Contract Factors ________________

ATAPCO contends that the district court incorrectly

applied Puerto Rico choice of law rules to the facts. It

stresses that none of the acts -- negotiation of the ____

contract, performance of the contract obligations, or breach

of the contract -- took place in Puerto Rico. It points out

that neither it nor Capen's has offices or employees located

in Puerto Rico.

The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico has approved the

"dominant or significant contacts" test for contract and tort

actions. In re San Juan Dupont Plaza Hotel Fire Litig., 745 _____________________________________________

F. Supp. 79, 82 (D.P.R. 1990). Thus, "the laws of the

jurisdiction with the most significant contacts with respect

to the disputed issue should apply." Id. In determining ___

this question, recourse to the Restatement (Second) of

Conflict of Laws is appropriate. Id. (citing Sections 6 and ___


Under Section 188 of the Restatement, absent a

-7- 7

contractual choice of law, the contacts to be taken into

account in a contract action include:

(a) the place of contracting,

(b) the place of negotiation of the contract,

(c) the place of performance,

(d) the location of the subject matter
the contract, and

(e) the domicil, residence, nationality,
place of corporation and place of
business of the parties.

Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws 188 (1971).

The places of contracting and negotiating the

contract in question occurred in the continental United

States. ATAPCO and Capen's met in St. Louis, Missouri, to

discuss the contract; they also spoke by phone. However,

"[s]tanding alone, the place of contracting is a relatively

insignificant contact." Id. 188 cmt. e. ___

The performance of the contract takes place, in

part, in the continental United States. When Capen's wishes

to purchase products from ATAPCO, it places an order with

ATAPCO's customer service offices in Pennsylvania or

Missouri. The goods are then sent to Capen's in New Jersey

or to the point of embarkation. Sometimes Capen's sends a

trailer to the Pennsylvania office to pick up the

merchandise. But performance also occurs in Puerto Rico --

where the market is

-8- 8

-- because the contract granted Capen's the exclusive right

to sell ATAPCO's products there. See Id. 188 cmt. c ("[A] ___ ___

state where a contract provides that a given business

practice is to be pursued has an obvious interest in the

application of its rule designed to regulate or to deter that

business practice.").

The location of the subject matter of the contract

similarly varies, depending on one's view. If the products ________

sold by ATAPCO, and then by Capen's, are considered the

subject matter, they start out in Pennsylvania or Missouri

(and Kentucky according to ATAPCO) and end up in New Jersey.

Arguably, this is the end of the line because when the goods

are shipped to Puerto Rico, they become the subject of

contracts between Capen's and its customers in Puerto Rico.

ATAPCO, not surprisingly, takes this position, pointing out

that it has no direct contacts in Puerto Rico.

The other subject matter of the contract is the

status of Capen's as the exclusive distributor of ATAPCO's

merchandise. This, it seems clear, is located in Puerto

Rico. It is this subject matter which is in dispute, rather

than, say, the price of the goods or the manner of their

delivery to Capen's. The essential purpose of the exclusive

distributor-ship was to enable Capen's to sell the products

it purchased from ATAPCO in Puerto Rico without competition.

The last factor -- the location of the parties --

-9- 9

does not point to Puerto Rico. ATAPCO, a Missouri

corporation, has main offices in Pennsylvania and Missouri

and also apparently conducts business in Maryland and

Kentucky. Capen's is a New Jersey corporation with its place

of business there. Capen's does not have any offices,

warehouses or permanent employees in Puerto Rico; it does not

have a Puerto Rico address or phone number. Capen's does,

however, regularly send employees to Puerto Rico to take

orders from customers.

Tort Factors Tort Factors ____________

A breach of Law 75 is considered a "tortious act."

Telenetworks, Inc. v. Motorola Universal Data Sys., Inc., ___ ________________________________________________________

F. Supp. ___, ___ 1995 WL 707412, at 2 (D.P.R. Nov. 28,

1995). Section 278b of the Dealer's Act provides: "[i]f no

just cause exists for the termination . . . the principal

shall have executed a tortious act against the dealer and

shall indemnify it."

The Restatement of Conflict of Laws provides that

in a tort action the law of the state with the most

significant relationship to "the occurrence and the parties"

controls. Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws 145

(1971). The following contacts should be taken into


(a) the place where the injury occurred,

(b) the place where the conduct causing
the injury occurred,

-10- 10

(c) the domicil, residence, nationality,
place of incorporation and place of
business of the parties, and

(d) the place where the relationship, if
any, between the parties is

Id. ___

The injury occurred in Puerto Rico because that is

where the exclusive Capen's dealership was terminated. The

termination directly impacts the position Capen's held in the

Puerto Rico market. See Colletti v. Ovaltine Food Products, ___ __________________________________

274 F. Supp. 719, 722 (D.P.R. 1967) (where an Illinois

corporation terminated the distributorship of a Puerto Rican

dealer, its failure to "place the goods in Puerto Rico at the

disposal of the . . . dealer" is a tortious act which "did

not take place anywhere but in Puerto Rico"). Additionally,

because Law 75 is aimed at compensating victims for wrongful

terminations, Puerto Rico, the site of the injury, has a

greater interest in applying its laws. See Restatement 145 ___

cmt. c; Colletti, 274 F. Supp. at 722 ("[R]egardless of the ________

manner in which the defendant . . . allegedly notified the

plaintiff" of the termination of its distributorship, the

defendant executed the tortious act within Puerto Rico.).

Viewing all of the relevant factors as a whole, we find they

cut in favor of applying Puerto Rico law.

General Considerations General Considerations ______________________

Section 6 of the Restatement (Second) of Conflict

-11- 11

of Laws sets forth general choice of law principles. Where

there is no statute on point, the following factors should be


(a) the needs of the interstate and
international systems,

(b) the relevant policies of the forum,

(c) the relevant policies of other
interested states and the relative
interests of those states in the
determination of the particular issue,

(d) the protection of justified expecta-

(e) the basic policies underlying the
particular field of law,

(f) certainty, predictability and
uniformity of result, and

(g) ease in the determination and
application of the law to be applied.

Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws 6 (1971).

Taking the policy issues first, courts have

recognized that Law 75 "was passed to protect the interests

of commercial distributors working in Puerto Rico."

Ballester Hermanos, Inc. v. Campbell Soup Co., 797 F. Supp. ______________________________________________

103, 106 (D.P.R. 1992). Law 75 is "'directed to level the

contractual conditions between two groups financially unequal

in their strength.'" Draft-Line Corp. v. Hon Co., 781 F. _____________________________

Supp 841, 844 (D.P.R. 1991) (quoting Walborg Corp v. Tribunal ________________________

Superior, 140 D.P.R. 184, 189 (1975)), aff'd, 983 F.2d 1046 ________ _____

(1st Cir. 1993).

-12- 12

The Dealer's Act was enacted by the
Puerto Rico Legislature to prevent the
economic exploitation of local dealers.
The Legislature had observed that dealers
in Puerto Rico were particularly
vulnerable to summary termination once
they had established a favorable market
for a principal's products.

Id. at 843-44. ___

The Puerto Rico Dealer's Act has been described as

embodying a "strong public policy." Medina & Medina v. ____________________

Country Pride Foods, Ltd., 858 F.2d 817, 820 (1st Cir. 1988) __________________________

(response of Puerto Rico Supreme Court to a certified

question concerning Law 75). The case law establishes that

Puerto Rico has a substantial interest in seeing that

distributorships are not arbitrarily terminated or, if they

are, that "due reparation" is provided to them. Bonn v. _______

Puerto Rico Int'l Airlines, Inc., 518 F.2d 89, 91 (1st Cir. _________________________________


As the district court pointed out, there is nothing

in the statute that requires a dealer to be a resident of

Puerto Rico, to be authorized to do business in the

Commonwealth, or to have a place of business such as an

office, showroom or warehouse on the Island. Section 278 of

the Act defines "Dealer" and "Dealer's Contract":

(a) Dealer: person actually inter-
ested in a dealer's contract because of
his having effectively in his charge in
Puerto Rico the distribution, agency,
concession or representation of a given
merchandise or service;

-13- 13

(b) Dealer's contract: relationship
established between a dealer and a
principal or grantor whereby and
irrespectively of the manner in which the
parties may call, characterize or execute
such relationship, the former actually
and effectively takes charge of the
distribution of a merchandise, or of the
rendering of a service, by concession or
franchise, on the market of Puerto Rico.

P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 10, 278 (1976 and Supp. 1989).

Accordingly, Capen's appears to satisfy the definition of

dealer within the Dealer's Act.

Although both Missouri and New Jersey have statutes

protecting dealers, we do not think that either state has an

interest in protecting Capen's in the instant circumstances.

Missouri provides that a franchisor must give ninety days'

notice to a franchisee of a termination of a franchise

agreement and that, in the absence of such notice, a

franchisee may recover damages. Mo. Rev. Stat. 407.405,

407.410 (1974 and Supp. 1975). The law, however, only

applies to distributors with a place of business in Missouri.

Mo. Rev. Stat. 407.400(1) (1974 and Supp. 1975) (definition

of "franchise"). It is plain that Capen's has no franchise

presence in Missouri.

New Jersey has a Franchise Practices Act which

provides that notice (60 days) must be given prior to the

termination of a franchise agreement and that such a

termination only can be based on "good cause." N.J. Rev.

Stat. 56:10-5 (1971). As in Missouri, the Act applies only

-14- 14

to a franchisee who establishes a "place of business" in New

Jersey. Id. 56:10-4. Thus, even though Capen's is located ___

in New Jersey, it does not qualify for the Act's protection.

Because all three jurisdictions evince a general

policy of protecting distributors, we can fairly infer that

the application of Puerto Rico law would not offend Missouri

or New Jersey. By restricting protection to only those

dealers who service customers within the state, Missouri and

New Jersey are concerned with dealers who have established

markets within their borders. Thus, it makes sense, in this

case, to apply the law of the jurisdiction in which Capen's

maintains its market.

In this context, ATAPCO argues that under P.R. Laws

Ann. tit. 14, 2403 (1989), Capen's is not required to file

informational documents (certificate of incorporation,

statement of assets and liabilities) with the Puerto Rico

Department of State to qualify as doing business in Puerto

Rico. Section 2403 exempts from filing those corporations

which only receive, outside Puerto Rico, orders by mail or

otherwise and fill the orders by shipping the goods into

Puerto Rico from the outside. ATAPCO argues that because

Section 2403 exempts Capen's from having to qualify to do

business in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico can have no interest in

protecting the status of Capen's as a distributor. ATAPCO

presents no cases in support of this contention and, as

-15- 15

already noted, there is nothing in the Dealer's Act giving

rise to such a requirement.

This is an appeal from a grant of preliminary

injunctive relief. When an appeal comes to us in that

posture, the appellate court's "conclusions as to the merits

of the issues presented on preliminary injunction are to be

understood as statements of probable outcomes," rather than

as comprising the ultimate law of the case. Narragansett ____________

Indian Tribe v. Guilbert, 934 F.2d 4, 6 (1st Cir. 1991); __________________________

accord Jimeniz Fuentes v. Torres Gatzambide, 807 F.2d at 238. ______ ____________________________________

In this case, we conclude that, bringing all the factors into

consideration, the law of Puerto Rico most probably applies

to this hybrid contract/tort action and, perforce, the

district court properly made reference to the Puerto Rico

Dealer's Act for the purpose of the motion to impose a

provisional remedy.

Because ATAPCO has neither briefed nor argued the

other factors that the district court considered in issuing

the preliminary injunction, we need not consider them. We

must note, however, after reviewing the record carefully,

that we agree with the district court's findings: that

Capen's would suffer irreparable harm unless a preliminary

injunction issued; that no appreciable harm would be incurred

by ATAPCO by reason of such relief; and that the public

interest would not be adversely affected by a preliminary

-16- 16


Affirmed. Affirmed. _________

-17- 17

Source:  CourtListener

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