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United States v. Vega, 95-1955 (1996)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 95-1955 Visitors: 7
Filed: Dec. 19, 1996
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: from Ceferino Cruz, one of Vega's co-conspirators.entrapment.In describing inducement, courts, have distinguished between proper and, improper law enforcement activities.completion of his initial narcotics and firearm sale to Mersky.evidence, our decision in Joost is no help to this defendant.
USCA1 Opinion


No. 95-1955





Defendant - Appellant.




[Hon. Richard G. Stearns, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



Boudin, Circuit Judge, _____________

Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

and Skinner,* Senior District Judge. _____________________


Daniel T.S. Heffernan, by appointment of the Court, with ______________________
whom Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen, P.C. was on brief for _________________________________________
Kevin P. McGrath, Assistant United States Attorney, with _________________
whom Donald K. Stern, United States Attorney, was on brief for _______________


December 19, 1996

* Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.

SKINNER, Senior District Judge. Alejandro Vega was SKINNER, Senior District Judge. ______________________

charged in an eight-count indictment for conspiracy to distribute

and distribution of cocaine base in violation of 21 U.S.C.

841, 846 and unlicensed dealing in firearms in violation of 18

U.S.C. 922(a)(1)(A). After the jury returned a guilty verdict

on five of the six counts against Vega, he was sentenced to

thirty years incarceration. On appeal, Vega argues that the

district court erred in refusing to instruct the jury on the

defense of entrapment. We affirm.

Our review is plenary and, where the issue is

entitlement to a jury instruction on a proposed defense, we take

the evidence in the light most favorable to the defendant.

United States v. Young, 78 F.3d 758, 760 (1st Cir. 1996). This ______________ _____

prosecution arose out of an undercover investigation conducted by

federal agents in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

("ATF") and the Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA"). In the spring

of 1994, a confidential informant working for the ATF, Jos

Troche, had purchased a semi-automatic handgun and ammunition

from Ceferino Cruz, one of Vega's co-conspirators. On July 12,

1994, Troche made arrangements with Cruz to purchase some "crack"

cocaine. Later that day, Troche met Cruz at La Tambora

restaurant in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Troche was accompanied by

DEA Special Agent Pamela Mersky whom Troche presented as his

girlfriend. Troche and Mersky purchased one ounce of crack and a

.38 caliber handgun from Cruz. Troche told Cruz that, in the


future, Mersky would appear on Troche's behalf when he was unable

to come.

On July 28, 1994, Agent Mersky returned to La Tambora

in order to make an additional narcotics and firearm purchase

from Cruz. When she arrived, Cruz was occupied in conversation.

Mersky approached and greeted Cruz and then waited a few feet

away from him as he completed his conversation. While Mersky was

waiting, Vega approached her and asked her what she wanted.

Mersky indicated that she was interested in buying crack cocaine.

Vega responded initially with apparent bewilderment, but when

Mersky said that Cruz had supplied her before, Vega approached

Cruz and had a brief conversation with him. After a moment, Vega

returned and again asked Mersky what she wanted. She replied

that she wanted the same thing as the last time. Vega again

discussed the request with Cruz and told Mersky that she should

return in about an hour.

When Mersky returned to La Tambora, she and Vega sat

down at one of the tables. A young female, who turned out to be

Cruz's fifteen-year-old girlfriend, approached them and removed

from her clothing a small plastic bag containing 32.1 grams of

crack cocaine. The three then completed the sale in the women's

restroom, where Mersky observed what she believed to be a handgun

in Vega's waistband. (The object was in fact a knife with a

five-inch black handle and an eight-inch blade.) She said to

Vega that she was interested in buying a handgun like the one he

appeared to have. Vega replied that Cruz did not know about her


interest in a handgun, but Vega would check with Cruz about

obtaining a gun for sale. Mersky gave Vega her electronic pager

number and left the restaurant.

Later that afternoon, Vega paged Mersky and informed

her that he had a gun for her. The two arranged to meet at

another restaurant near La Tambora. When Vega detected the

presence of two undercover DEA surveillance agents at the meeting

place, he and Mersky went to La Tambora to complete the sale of a

.38 caliber handgun. When Mersky started to leave, Vega offered

to accompany her. She refused. He then invited her to a dance

later that week. Again, however, Mersky refused. She indicated

she had a boyfriend and left the restaurant.

Undeterred, Vega paged Mersky again on the same day.

Mersky indicated her dissatisfaction that the gun was not new as

Vega had represented. He offered her a better price on the next

gun and Mersky suggested a better price for the cocaine as well.

When Vega equivocated, Mersky suggested that she might take her

business elsewhere. Vega responded that he only wanted Mersky to

love him or like him. Mersky laughed and said she could not love

him because she had a boyfriend.

On August 1, 1994, Vega again paged Mersky to see

whether she needed anything. The two arranged to meet the

following day at a restaurant near La Tambora. Vega and Mersky

met and walked to La Tambora. She asked about getting some

cocaine. Vega sold Mersky an additional 30.6 grams of crack

cocaine. Mersky also requested a gun, but Vega said he needed


additional time. He paged her again later that day when he had

the gun, but Mersky did not want to meet until the following day.

On August 3, 1994, Vega and Mersky met again at La Tambora and

completed the sale of another firearm and additional ammunition.

On August 4, 1994, Vega paged Mersky several times to

see whether Mersky needed anything more. She replied that she

would not need anything until the end of the week. Vega

continued to page her for the next few days, but Mersky did not

respond. On August 8, 1994, Mersky finally returned another page

from Vega and again indicated that she did not need anything at

that time. Vega said that he had been worried about her and

that, for any business in the future, he would receive 3.5 grams

of cocaine as a commission.

On August 15, 1994, Vega paged Mersky to tell her that

he had two handguns (.44 caliber and .38 caliber) for sale.

Mersky asked about more cocaine and Vega said he could supply

her. She told him she would call the next day. On August 16,

1994, Vega met Mersky at a restaurant near La Tambora. They

walked to La Tambora and Mersky purchased the .38 caliber

handgun. She and Vega then waited for the cocaine supplier to

arrive, whereupon Mersky purchased 30.5 grams of cocaine from


On August 23, 1994, Mersky met Vega in the parking lot

of La Tambora. They drove to Vega's apartment where he retrieved

a .44 caliber gun which he sold to Mersky. Later that day, Vega

sold Mersky 61.3 grams of cocaine.


Vega and his cohorts were arrested three days later.

At trial, the district judge indicated at the

conclusion of Mersky's direct testimony that he did not

anticipate the need to instruct the jury on entrapment. During

the charge conference, the district judge discussed with counsel

this circuit's well established position on the entrapment

defense and concluded that "there just simply is insufficient

evidence of entrapment." (Tr. at 5-99.) Accordingly, the

district court did not instruct the jury on the defense of


During deliberation, the jury presented a question to

the district court in which it asked whether entrapment was a

reasonable defense and, if so, whether the jury could get

clarification. (Id. at 6-2.) After consultation with counsel ___

for both sides, the district judge informed the jury that he

deliberately had omitted an instruction on entrapment because the

defense did not apply. The jury subsequently returned a guilty

verdict on five of the six charges against Vega.

Vega contends that the district court erred in failing

to instruct the jury on the defense of entrapment. In

particular, he argues that (1) Mersky induced Vega to commit the

crimes charged by playing on his alleged romantic interest in her

and (2) there was ample evidence to establish Vega's lack of

predisposition to commit the crimes. The record does not support

either of Vega's contentions.


Our position on the defense of entrapment is well


Entrapment does not blossom whenever a
person succumbs to his own greed or to
the lure of easy money: it blooms only
when the crime for which the miscreant is
subsequently charged was instigated by
minions of the law and the offender had ___
no previous disposition towards
commission of the deed.

United States v. Coady, 809 F.2d 119, 122 (1st Cir. 1987) (citing _____________ _____

United States v. Fera, 616 F.2d 590, 596 (1st Cir.), cert. ______________ ____ _____

denied, 446 U.S. 969, 100 S. Ct. 2951, 64 L. Ed. 2d 830 (1980)). ______

In other words, "a defendant is entitled to a jury instruction on

entrapment if there is record evidence which fairly supports the

claims of both government inducement of the crime and defendant's

lack of predisposition to engage in it." United States v. ______________

Rodr guez, 858 F.2d 809, 814 (1st Cir. 1988). Although "[s]uch _________

proof may, of course, be circumstantial rather than direct," id., ___

we have made it clear that "[w]hen all is said and done . . .

there must be some hard evidence in the record which, if believed

by a rational juror, would suffice to create a reasonable doubt

as to whether government actors induced the defendant to perform

a criminal act that he was not predisposed to commit." Id. ___

We emphasize that the defense will not be available

unless both elements of (1) government inducement and (2)

defendant's lack of criminal predisposition exist. See id. ___ ___

Where either element is absent, the defense will be inapplicable.

Id. at 814-15. Accordingly, where there exists insufficient ___

evidence to establish government inducement, the court need not


reach consideration of the evidence on the accused's criminal

predisposition, and vice versa. Young, 78 F.3d at 762 & n.3. _____

Determining whether the appropriate quantum of evidence exists is

"a matter of law for the court." Rodr guez, 858 F.2d at 814. _________

We have recently had the opportunity to examine

relevant cases from the Supreme Court and several circuits on the

defense of entrapment, which we summarized as follows:

In describing "inducement," courts
have distinguished between proper and
improper law enforcement activities. It
is proper (i.e., not an "inducement") for
the government to use a "sting," at least
where it amounts to providing a defendant
with an "opportunity" to commit a crime.
Without this kind of law enforcement
weapon, it would often prove difficult,
or impossible, to stop certain seriously
criminal activity, particularly activity
involving drugs, or corruption, or other
crimes in which no direct participant
wants the crime detected.

An improper "inducement," however,
goes beyond providing an ordinary
"opportunity to commit a crime." An
"inducement" consists of an "opportunity"
plus something else -- typically, ____
excessive pressure by the government upon
the defendant or the government's taking
advantage of an alternative, non-criminal
type of motive. A "sting" that combines
an ordinary opportunity with these extra
elements runs the risk of catching in the
law enforcement net not only those who
might well have committed the crime
elsewhere (in the absence of the sting),
but also those who (in its absence)
likely would never have done so. Insofar
as the net catches the latter, it
stretches beyond its basic law
enforcement purpose.

Some examples of improper
"inducement" may help. Courts have found
a basis for sending the entrapment issue


to the jury (or finding entrapment
established as a matter of law) where
government officials: (1) used
"intimidation" and "threats" against a
defendant's family, (2) called every day,
"began threatening" the defendant, and
were belligerent, (3) engaged in
"forceful" solicitation and "dogged
insistence until [defendant]
capitulated," (4) played upon defendant's
sympathy for informant's common narcotics
experience and withdrawal symptoms, (5)
played upon sentiment of "one former war
buddy . . . for another" to get liquor
(during prohibition), (6) used "repeated
suggestions" which succeeded only when
defendant had lost his job and needed
money for his family's food and rent,
[and] (7) told defendant that she (the
agent) was suicidal and in desperate need
of money. . . .

United States v. Gendron, 18 F.3d 955, 961-62 (1st Cir. 1994) _____________ _______

(citations omitted). With these examples in mind, we turn to a

consideration of the appeal now before us.

Vega asserts that Mersky played on his romantic

interest in her to induce him to commit the crimes with which he

was charged. In particular, he points to three particular pieces

of evidence to establish his purported romantic interest: (1) on

July 28, 1994, the initial date of contact, Vega invited Mersky

to a dance; (2) on the same date, Vega stated that he wanted

Mersky to love him; and (3) on August 2, 1994, Mersky embarrassed

Vega when he invited her to lunch, apparently for the purposes of

conducting additional firearms and narcotics sales, and she

replied that he did not have any money to pay for lunch.

Examining each of the instances raised by Vega, we conclude that

the record does not support his position. At the outset, we note


that none of the circumstances enumerated in our decision in

Gendron is present here. Moreover, the scant evidence on which _______

Vega attempts to rely is unpersuasive.

In response to the July 28, 1994 dance invitation,

Mersky replied that she had a boyfriend and could not attend the

dance with Vega. Later the same day, when an insistent Vega

incongruously1 stated that he wanted Mersky to love him, Mersky

1 The transcripts of Mersky's tape recordings of her
conversations with Vega suggest that he spoke English with some
difficulty and that he only meant that he wanted Mersky to "like"
him so as to continue doing business with him. Their exchange
regarding whether the first handgun sold was new as Vega had
represented is as follows:

I forgive you this time, but if you take advantage
next time, I'm never gonna see you again.

It was not my intention, I didn't did it, I didn't
did it, because I wanna take advantage, or
anything, the same way I gave it to you wrapped up
in the paper bag, the same way I gave it to you,
the same way I got it, and I no even take it up a
no see it, nothing like that.



I like you, but don't make me hate you.



No, I just want you to love me, like me,
just like you like me the first time.


laughed and repeated that she already had a boyfriend. Twice

Vega attempted to engage Mersky's affections and twice he was

rebuffed. Far from supporting Vega's contention that Mersky

played on his alleged romantic interest, the evidence

demonstrates that she attempted to quash his unsolicited

affection. As for the allegedly embarrassing lunch incident on

August 2, 1994, a review of the record makes it difficult to

determine how Mersky's accusation, standing alone as it is

alleged, that Vega had no money to pay for lunch could be viewed

as an inducement to criminal activity. Even if Vega's version of

the events were credible, the evidence viewed from his

perspective would demonstrate, at best, only that Mersky induced

him to profit from the illegal transactions, not that she induced

him to commit the illicit activity.

As counsel for the government has noted, Vega cannot

successfully portray himself, as he has attempted, as a lonely


I can't love you, I already have a
boyfriend . . . (Laughs).

Oh, then like me, then like me, right, then
like me.

Okay, I like you a lot, you're very nice.

Thank you.


(Ex. 8A at 5.)


man eager to connect with the first unaccompanied female to enter

La Tambora. Vega himself informed Mersky that as of August 23,

1994 he had been living with his girlfriend.

It should also be noted that the instances which Vega

presents as events of inducement each occurred after the

completion of his initial narcotics and firearm sale to Mersky.

These episodes cannot, as a logical proposition, constitute

inducement for the initial illegal sale. With respect to the

remaining counts of which Vega was convicted, the undisputed

evidence amply demonstrates that Vega initiated contact with

Mersky about each of the subsequent narcotics or firearms sales.

In fact, he attempted to initiate numerous additional sales but

Mersky refused.

Finally, Vega relies on two of this court's decisions

to bolster his appeal. First, Vega cites Kadis v. United States, _____ _____________

373 F.2d 370 (1st Cir. 1967), to support his position that

Mersky's conduct during Vega's initial encounter with her on July

28, 1994 constituted inducement. In Kadis, we held that the _____

district court properly submitted the evidence and instructed the

jury regarding entrapment in a case where government agents

obtained refills of prescriptions which did not authorize

refills. Id. at 374-75. We accordingly affirmed the lower ___

court's decision. The facts underlying our decision in Kadis are _____

inapposite to our disposition here. The evidence in this case

reveals that Vega approached Mersky in La Tambora and asked her

what she wanted. Although he expressed some bewilderment


initially, after a few moments, he had conferred with his co-

conspirator and was prepared to supply Mersky with narcotics

within an hour. We reiterate what we stated in Kadis. "Evidence _____

that the defendant resisted the criminal suggestion raises the

question whether his hesitation exhibited the conscience of the

upright, or merely the circumspection of the criminal." Kadis, _____

373 F.2d at 374. A review of the record reveals a clear

demonstration of the latter. Mersky did not plant the seed of

criminality in Vega's mind; rather she merely represented herself

as a bona fide willing buyer.

Second, Vega relies on our recent decision in United ______

States v. Joost, 92 F.3d 7 (1st Cir. 1996), as a factually ______ _____

analogous precedent supporting his position in this appeal.

While Joost presented us with an "unusual issue" which also _____

confronts us here -- to wit, whether as a threshold issue "there

had been, as a matter of law, no showing of improper inducement,"

id. at 8 -- the facts in the instant appeal clearly warrant a ___

different result. Joost involved an undercover operation by two _____

Rhode Island State Police detectives who assisted Joost in

converting counterfeit casino tokens into cash. During the

course of their relationship with Joost, the detectives presented

various schemes which tested Joost's criminal knowledge and

explored his illicit proclivities. In particular, we noted that

the final criminal plan was presented by the detectives to Joost.

They devised a scheme to rob a nightclub in Massachusetts and

initiated discussions about Joost's obtaining a firearm for the


job. We noted then that the detectives mentioned the firearm

several times and Joost only provided the weapon after a

significant period of time. Given Joost's practice of "inventing

escapades, finding holes in them, suggesting exploratory trips,

and inventing excuses for not producing a gun," id. at 13, we ___

held that Joost had produced sufficient evidence of inducement to

merit a jury instruction on entrapment. We accordingly reversed

the conviction and remanded the case for a new trial.

The facts underlying our decision in Joost differ _____

significantly from those presented by this appeal. In this case,

Vega has presented no evidence of a practice similar to Joost's

of making delays or creating obstacles to execution of criminal

transactions proposed by government agents. To the contrary, the

undisputed evidence demonstrates that Vega responded to Mersky's

initial request for narcotics and firearms within an hour and

that, for each subsequent transaction, Vega contacted Mersky,

thus initiating the illegal conduct himself. Given this

evidence, our decision in Joost is no help to this defendant. _____

As previously indicated, because we find that Vega has

not presented any "hard" evidence of government inducement, we

need not reach the question of his alleged lack of criminal

predisposition. It should suffice to recall the Supreme Court's

guidance in Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540 (1992), that ________ _____________

in the "typical case or in a more elaborate 'sting' operation

involving government-sponsored fencing where the defendant is

simply provided with the opportunity to commit a crime, the


entrapment defense is of little use because the ready commission _____________________

of the criminal act amply demonstrates the defendant's _________________________________________________________________

predisposition." Id. at 549-50 (emphasis supplied). In this ______________ ___

appeal, we note, nevertheless, that Vega's conduct on July 28,

1994 when he supplied Mersky with narcotics within one hour of

their first encounter is as "ready commission of the criminal

act" as the Jacobson Court might have imagined and his subsequent ________

conduct "amply demonstrates" his predisposition.

For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district

court is affirmed. affirmed


Source:  CourtListener

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