Judges: Flaum
Filed: Sep. 21, 2016
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2020
Summary: In the United States Court of Appeals For the Seventh Circuit _ No. 16-2350 GREGORY BOWES AND CHRISTOPHER K. STARKEY, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. INDIANA SECRETARY OF STATE, ET AL., Defendants-Appellees. _ Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. No. 1:14-cv-01322-RLY-DML — Richard L. Young, Chief Judge. _ ARGUED SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 — DECIDED SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 _ Before FLAUM, ROVNER, and SYKES, Circuit Judges. FLAUM, Circuit Judge. Pl
Summary: In the United States Court of Appeals For the Seventh Circuit _ No. 16-2350 GREGORY BOWES AND CHRISTOPHER K. STARKEY, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. INDIANA SECRETARY OF STATE, ET AL., Defendants-Appellees. _ Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. No. 1:14-cv-01322-RLY-DML — Richard L. Young, Chief Judge. _ ARGUED SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 — DECIDED SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 _ Before FLAUM, ROVNER, and SYKES, Circuit Judges. FLAUM, Circuit Judge. Pla..
In the
United States Court of Appeals
For the Seventh Circuit
No. 16‐2350
Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
No. 1:14‐cv‐01322‐RLY‐DML — Richard L. Young, Chief Judge.
Before FLAUM, ROVNER, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
FLAUM, Circuit Judge. Plaintiffs Gregory P. Bowes and
Christopher K. Starkey lost in the May 2014 Democratic pri‐
mary election for Marion County Superior Court judges. A
few months later, and just before the general election, the dis‐
trict court for the Southern District of Indiana held that the
statute establishing the system for the election of such judges,
2 No. 16‐2350
Indiana Code § 33–33–49–13, was unconstitutional. That deci‐
sion was affirmed by this Court. Plaintiffs then sought a spe‐
cial election, which they argued was the only way to vindicate
their constitutional rights. The district court held that a special
election was not appropriate and granted defendants’ motion
for summary judgment. For the reasons that follow, we agree
and affirm.
I. Background
On November 1, 2012, approximately a year and a half be‐
fore Indiana’s primary election, Common Cause Indiana, a bi‐
partisan nonprofit organization, filed suit seeking a declara‐
tion that Indiana’s method of electing Marion Superior Court
judges violated its members’ First Amendment right to cast a
meaningful vote. The challenged statute, Indiana Code § 33–
33–49–13 (“the Statute”), established the system for electing
judges to the Marion Superior Court, and provided at section
(b) that a political party could not nominate through the pri‐
mary election process more than half of the candidates eligi‐
ble to sit on the Marion Superior Court. Political parties eligi‐
ble to hold primaries were those whose candidates for Indi‐
ana Secretary of State received at least ten percent of the votes
cast in the last general election; since at least 1952, only the
Republican and Democratic parties have met this threshold.
Common Cause Ind. v. Individual Members of the Ind. Election
Comm’n, 800 F.3d 913, 915 (7th Cir. 2015).1 Because the pri‐
mary election process was the only way for candidates from
1 Candidates with non‐major political party affiliation could gain ac‐
cess to the general ballot in different ways. A “minor” political party could
nominate judicial candidates through a state convention; an independent
candidate, or a candidate with less support than a minor political party
No. 16‐2350 3
major political parties to access the general election ballot, the
law effectively limited the candidates that could ultimately be
selected by the voters.2 Marion County was the only place in
the country to employ an election process of this kind. Id. at
On May 6, 2014, while the Common Cause litigation was
pending, Marion County held its primary election. That year,
there were sixteen open positions for the Marion Superior
Court.3 Eleven Democratic candidates (including plaintiffs
Bowes and Starkey) and eight Republican candidates ran.
Plaintiffs spent almost no effort campaigning for the primary
election and did poorly: Starkey finished last in eleventh place
candidate, could file a certified petition; and finally, a candidate unaffili‐
ated with any party that received 2% of the vote for Secretary of State in
the last election could file a declaration of intent to be a write‐in candidate.
Common Cause Ind., 800 F.3d at 915 (citing Ind. Code §§ 3–8–2–2.5, 3–8–4–
1, 3–8–4–10).
2 Since the current version of Indiana’s election law went into effect in
2006, there have been four judicial elections, and in each, the total number
of candidates equaled the total number of available seats. That is, all of the
nominees consisted of candidates from the two major parties, and every
Democratic and Republican candidate ran unopposed (and, due to the
Statute, an even split of Democrats and Republicans was elected). Common
Cause Ind., 800 F.3d at 915–16. In the forty years since Indiana introduced
this election process, there have only been two elections where a non‐ma‐
jor party candidate appeared on the ballot, and none has been elected into
office. Id. at 916.
3 The thirty‐six judges of the Marion Superior Court are elected to six‐
year terms beginning on January 1 after the year of each judge’s election.
These terms are staggered, such that sixteen of the thirty‐six judges serve
for terms beginning in 2006 (and then 2012, 2018, and so forth), and the
other twenty judges serve for terms beginning in 2008 (and then 2014,
2020, and so forth). Common Cause Ind., 800 F.3d at 914.
4 No. 16‐2350
with 5,698 votes, and Bowes came in tenth with 8,551 votes.
Under the Statute, only eight Democratic and eight Republi‐
can candidates could qualify for the general election, so plain‐
tiffs’ names were not included on the ballot.
Four days before the primary election, Starkey had filed a
motion to intervene in the Common Cause litigation. Starkey’s
motion requested an injunction requiring his placement on
the general election ballot. On June 18, 2014, the magistrate
judge denied Starkey’s motion because Common Cause had
not sought injunctive relief, and the court decided that it was
not proper to allow Starkey to change the course of the litiga‐
tion at that late stage. The magistrate judge also determined
that Starkey lacked an interest in the litigation such that it
would be impaired without his participation.
Two months later, and less than three months before the
upcoming general election, on August 11, 2014, Bowes and
Starkey filed a suit challenging the constitutionality of the
Statute in the Indiana district court. Plaintiffs again requested
injunctive relief requiring the State of Indiana to place them
on the ballot for the November 4, 2014 general election.
On October 9, 2014, the district court resolved the Common
Cause litigation, holding that the Statute was facially uncon‐
stitutional. See Common Cause Ind. v. Ind. Sec’y. of State, et al.,
60 F. Supp. 3d 982 (S.D. Ind. 2014). The district court reasoned
that the Statute severely burdened the right to vote without
furthering important state interests. See id. at 991. The court
permanently enjoined the state from enforcing the Statute, but
stayed the ruling pending a final determination from this
Court. We affirmed that decision on September 9, 2015. Com‐
mon Cause Ind., 800 F.3d at 914, 928.
No. 16‐2350 5
On November 7, 2014—after the district court had issued
its opinion in Common Cause, but while the appeal was still
pending, and three days after the November 4, 2014 general
election—plaintiffs filed in their own suit a motion for leave
to file an amended complaint reflecting the district court’s rul‐
ing in Common Cause and adding two new defendants: the
Marion County Clerk and the Marion County Election Board.4
The district court granted that motion. The amended com‐
plaint asked the court to void the results of the 2014 general
election for Marion Superior Court Judge and order defend‐
ants to hold a special election. Specifically, plaintiffs requested
that the district court unseat the sixteen superior court judges
elected in the 2014 general election so that a special election
could be held at the same time as the regularly scheduled gen‐
eral election on November 8, 2016.5 Under plaintiffs’ pro‐
posed special election, only the nineteen candidates who were
on the primary ballot in 2014 would be placed on the special
election ballot in 2016.
The parties filed cross motions for summary judgment,
and the district court granted defendants’ motion. The district
court relied on our case law characterizing the remedy of a
special election as “an extraordinary remedy which the courts
should grant only under the most extraordinary of circum‐
stances.” See Bowes v. Ind. Sec’y of State, No. 1:14‐cv‐013220‐
RLY‐DML, 2016 WL 2894436, at *3 (S.D. Ind. May 18, 2016)
4 The original defendants were the Indiana Secretary of State, the In‐
diana Election Commission, and the Governor of Indiana.
5 Because a Marion Superior Court judge’s term lasts for six years and
the elections are staggered, no Superior Court judges were up for reelec‐
tion in 2016.
6 No. 16‐2350
(quoting Gjersten v. Bd. of Election Comm’rs for City of Chi., 791
F.2d 472, 478 (7th Cir. 1986) (internal citation and quotation
marks omitted)). Considering the equitable factors set forth in
Gjersten, the district court determined that plaintiffs’ filings
were not sufficiently timely and highlighted the “significant
burden a special election would have on the Marion County
judiciary, the candidates, the Marion County Clerk, the Mar‐
ion County Election Board and its volunteers, and the county
as a whole.” Bowes, 2016 WL 2894436, at *2–4. This appeal fol‐
II. Discussion
On appeal, plaintiffs argue that the district court erred by
refusing to order a special election. They contend that their
suit was timely because Starkey had moved to intervene in the
Common Cause suit before the primary election, and because
plaintiffs had filed their own suit several months before the
general election. They also argue that the district court ig‐
nored certain equitable factors that weighed in their favor and
overstated the degree to which holding a special election
would burden the county.
A. Standard of Review
As an initial matter, the parties disagree on the appropri‐
ate standard of review. Although plaintiffs are correct that we
review denials of summary judgment de novo, this case in‐
volves a request for equitable relief. We have explained that it
is appropriate to “give great deference to the district court’s
decision as to the precise equitable relief necessary in a par‐
ticular case.” Gjersten, 791 F.2d at 479. Although the district
court did not grant the requested equitable remedy of a spe‐
No. 16‐2350 7
cial election, there is no reason that a decision to deny equita‐
ble relief would be evaluated under a different standard. Ac‐
cordingly, we review the district court’s decision to deny eq‐
uitable relief for an abuse of discretion. See id.; Harper v. City
of Chi. Heights, 223 F.3d 593, 601 (7th Cir. 2000) (“Appellate re‐
view of a district court’s choice of remedy in a voting rights
case is for abuse of discretion.”) (citation omitted).
B. Equitable Factors
In denying plaintiffs’ request for a special election, the dis‐
trict court considered the equitable factors that we set forth in
Gjersten. In Gjersten, the district court declared unconstitu‐
tional a law mandating differing signature thresholds for
ward committeeman candidates and township committee‐
man candidates. In addition to invalidating the law, the court
ordered special elections in specified wards. On appeal, we
affirmed the decision holding the law unconstitutional, but
reversed the determination that special elections were war‐
ranted. We explained that imposing a special election is a
“drastic remedy,” 791 F.2d at 473, and found that the district
court had not given enough consideration to the equitable fac‐
tors underlying the decision:
The remedy of a special election has been de‐
scribed by courts as “drastic if not staggering,”
and as an “extraordinary remedy which the
courts should grant only under the most ex‐
traordinary of circumstances.” A federal court
reaching into the state political process to inval‐
idate an election necessarily implicates im‐
portant concerns of federalism and state sover‐
8 No. 16‐2350
eignty. It should not resort to this intrusive rem‐
edy until it has carefully weighed all equitable
Id. at 478 (citations omitted).
Gjersten did not set forth a precise test for determining
when a special election is appropriate. Instead, we explained
that each case must be examined individually. We highlighted
the importance of “carefully consider[ing] both the integrity
of the electoral system and the necessities of the process of
governing,” and in doing so, assessing whether “the plaintiffs
filed a timely pre‐election request for relief.” Id. at 479. We
elaborated that “[t]he court must … require the plaintiffs to
demonstrate that the unconstitutional practice had a signifi‐
cant impact on the particular election they seek to have de‐
clared invalid.” Id. Finally, we explained that “[i]f the plain‐
tiffs establish that they pursued their rights in a timely fashion
and that the election is suspect, the court must balance the
rights of the candidates and voters against the state’s signifi‐
cant interest in getting on with the process of governing once
an electoral cycle is complete.” Id. On our review of the equi‐
table factors in this case, we conclude that the district court
did not abuse its discretion in denying plaintiffs’ request for a
special election.
The district court first found that plaintiffs’ request for re‐
lief was not timely because they filed their complaint and re‐
quest for a preliminary injunction only three months before
the 2014 general election, and filed an amended motion for a
preliminary injunction on October 15, 2014—nine days after
early voting in the general election had begun. Plaintiffs argue
that because they filed suit eighty‐five days before the general
election, and Starkey had moved to intervene in the Common
No. 16‐2350 9
Cause litigation six months before the general election (and
days before the primary election), the request for relief was
The district court’s conclusion that plaintiffs’ request for
relief was untimely is reasonable. In Gjersten, we explained:
“Admittedly, it is not always easy to determine whether the
plaintiffs have made a timely attempt to protect their rights.
Timeliness must be judged by the knowledge of the plaintiffs
as well as the nature of the right involved.” Id. at 480 n.12.
Thus, we must consider the fact that plaintiffs were aware of
the Common Cause suit when it was filed in November 2012,
became primary candidates in early February 2014, and did
not file suit to vindicate their rights until August 2014, two
months after losing the primary election. Although Starkey
had moved to intervene in the Common Cause case in May
2014, which was three months after declaring his candidacy
(and two days before the primary election), he (and Bowes)
waited until two months after losing the motion in June 2014
to file this suit—even though they knew that the general elec‐
tion was fast approaching.
Though plaintiffs’ efforts may not be egregiously late,
Gjersten teaches that context matters, and that plaintiffs in
general must act quickly once they become aware of a consti‐
tutional violation, so as not to disrupt an upcoming election
process. See id. (“When circumstances permit, a district court
should be afforded sufficient time in advance of an election to
rule without disruption of the electoral cycle.”); see also Fulani
v. Hogsett, 917 F.2d 1028, 1031 (7th Cir. 1990) (“Laches arises
when an unwarranted delay in bringing a suit or otherwise
pressing a claim produces prejudice to the defendant. In the
context of elections, this means that any claim against a state
10 No. 16‐2350
electoral procedure must be expressed expeditiously. As time
passes, the state’s interest in proceeding with the election in‐
creases in importance as resources are committed and irrevo‐
cable decisions are made. The candidate’s … claim[] to be …
a serious candidate … with a serious injury become[s] less
credible by their having slept on their rights.”) (citations omit‐
Plaintiffs argue that they had until September 8, 2014 to
timely file a suit, because under Indiana Code § 3–10–8–8(a),
the earliest a special election may occur is nine weeks after it
is ordered by a court. Plaintiffs contend that the court could
immediately have ordered the special election to take place on
the same date as the general election. This argument ignores
the fact that it is a near impossibility for a court to rule on a
suit the same day it is filed. In any event, we do not need to
establish an endpoint for the timely filing of a suit, as the in‐
quiry depends on the specific facts of each case. Under the
facts here, the district court reasonably concluded that plain‐
tiffs’ suit was untimely. See Morton v. Smith, 91 F.3d 867, 870
(7th Cir. 1990) (“A decision constitutes an abuse of discretion
when it is not just clearly incorrect but downright unreasona‐
ble.”) (internal quotation marks omitted).
The district court next considered whether plaintiffs had
demonstrated “that the unconstitutional practice had a signif‐
icant impact on the particular election they seek to have de‐
clared invalid.” Bowes, 2016 WL 2894436, at *3 (quoting Gjer‐
sten, 791 F.2d at 479). The district court concluded that to the
extent plaintiffs could show such an impact, they would still
be unable to overcome the significant burden that holding a
special election would pose on Marion County.
No. 16‐2350 11
Although we have not expounded on this equitable factor,
it is clear that it is not enough that the unconstitutional law
had only some impact on the election. See, e.g., Reynolds v. Sims,
377 U.S. 533, 585 (1964). On the other hand, if plaintiffs can
show a “reasonable possibility” that the Statute affected the
outcome of the election, that may demonstrate a “significant
impact.” Smith v. Cherry, 489 F.2d 1098, 1103 (7th Cir. 1973).
Hadnott v. Amos, 394 U.S. 358 (1969), is instructive. In Hadnott,
state officials barred National Democratic Party candidates,
who were mostly African American, from appearing on the
ballot through discriminatory enforcement of the election
laws. Id. at 360. The Supreme Court held that the Alabama
election officials’ discriminatory enforcement violated the
Constitution. Id. at 366. In addition, the Court ordered that a
special election be held in Greene County, where it appeared
that the National Democratic Party candidates would have
prevailed had they not been kept off the ballot by the election
officials’ unconstitutional behavior. Id. at 367. In Greene
County, 1,938 ballots were marked for the National Demo‐
cratic Party straight ticket, while the Democratic Party candi‐
dates received only 1,699 to 1,709 votes. Id. at 361.
Plaintiffs’ case is not as compelling as that of the plaintiffs
in Hadnott. In support of their contention that they “might
well have” prevailed over the Republican candidates in the
general election, plaintiffs here cite statistics showing that, on
average, Republican candidates received fewer votes than
Democratic candidates in the last four judicial elections. (Spe‐
cifically, in the past four elections, the highest‐polling Repub‐
lican candidate elected received, on average, 78.1% of the
votes of the lowest‐polling Democratic candidate.) This evi‐
dence generally shows that Democratic candidates have fared
better than Republican candidates, and suggests that a larger
12 No. 16‐2350
number of Democratic candidates may have been elected in
2014 if not for the Statute. Nonetheless, the fact that Bowes
and Starkey spent almost no effort on campaigning weakens
their argument that they would have beaten the two lowest‐
polling Republican candidates and been elected absent the
law. At any rate, we need not decide whether plaintiffs have
demonstrated a “significant impact” on the election because
other equitable factors counsel against ordering a special elec‐
As discussed, Gjersten held that where plaintiffs can show
that they made a timely pre‐election request for relief and that
the unconstitutional provision had a significant impact on the
election, “the court must balance the rights of the candidates
and voters against the state’s significant interest in getting on
with the process of governing once an electoral cycle is com‐
plete.” 791 F.2d at 479. To be clear, the rights at stake here are
plaintiffs’ right to have their names placed on the ballot and
the voters’ right to cast a meaningful vote. Id.
The district court determined that plaintiffs could not
“overcome the significant burden a special election would
have on the Marion County judiciary, the candidates, the Mar‐
ion County clerk, the Marion County election board and its
volunteers, and the county as a whole.” In particular, the
court noted that the Indiana legislature had not yet arrived at
a new process for electing judges; that it would be arbitrary to
order a special election involving only the judicial candidates
from the 2014 election cycle, when all thirty‐six judges were
elected under the subsequently determined unconstitutional
process; that reelection would be disruptive to the administra‐
tion of justice; and that a special election would burden the
No. 16‐2350 13
candidates by requiring them to campaign and fundraise in a
truncated campaign season.
Plaintiffs disagree that holding a special election would
greatly burden Marion County. They contend that if the dis‐
trict court simply ordered the county to hold the special elec‐
tion at the same time as the 2016 general election, there would
be little additional expense and minimal voter confusion and
disruption. Plaintiffs also claim that any disruption to the ju‐
diciary would be minor, as only sixteen out of thirty‐six
judges would be involved in the special election, and, at most,
only three judges would be unseated. Finally, plaintiffs point
out that the next judicial election will not occur until 2018, and
that the judges elected in 2014 will remain in office until 2020;
thus, voters will have to wait several years for a “meaningful
A problem with many of plaintiffs’ arguments is that their
special election proposal is arbitrary by virtue of its limited
scope. If the existence of the Statute so tainted the Marion
County judicial elections as to warrant a special election, then
all of the seats subject to election under the old system should
be open for re‐election. Limiting the special election to the six‐
teen seats that were filled in the 2014 election means any un‐
fairness from allowing officials elected under the now deter‐
mined unconstitutional system to remain in office would per‐
sist for several years. Plaintiffs’ own proposal thus under‐
mines their argument that it is necessary in the first place to
undo any damage created by the unconstitutional election
Even if we were to accept plaintiffs’ special election pro‐
posal involving only sixteen seats, the district court’s conclu‐
sion about the degree of the burden was reasonable. Indiana
14 No. 16‐2350
has not yet amended its election procedures, so if we were to
require a special election, we would need to specify an elec‐
tion process for Indiana to use in that election, or order that
Indiana enact a new constitutional process right away. Either
approach would significantly encroach into Indiana’s election
machinery, which ought to be “a matter for legislative consid‐
eration and determination.” Reynolds, 377 U.S. at 568 (holding
that the district court “acted wisely in declining to stay the
impending primary election in Alabama, and properly re‐
frained from acting further until the Alabama legislature had
been given an opportunity to remedy the admitted discrepan‐
cies in the State’s legislative apportionment scheme ….”); see
also id. (“[J]udicial relief becomes appropriate only when a
legislature fails to reapportion according to federal constitu‐
tional requisites in a timely fashion after having had an ade‐
quate opportunity to do so.”). And contrary to what plaintiffs
contend, the mere fact that Indiana Code §§ 3‐10‐8‐1 discusses
holding special elections in certain narrow circumstances
does not evince the state’s “anticipation” of holding a special
election in the case at hand.
The timing of this appeal also exacerbates the burden on
the county. If a court‐ordered special election were to take
place on the same day as the general election (per plaintiffs’
proposal), Indiana would have less than three months from
the date of oral argument to implement it. It is self‐evident
that such an order would generate significant costs, as the
candidates would likely have to campaign and fundraise, and
the government would need to complete all of the necessary
notices and paperwork to add names to the ballot in a highly
compressed timeframe. If the special election were to take
place at a later date, the state and the candidates would have
No. 16‐2350 15
more time to prepare, but it would likely be even more incon‐
venient and expensive to reach out to voters again, locate vol‐
unteers, advertise, and so forth.6
Finally, as the district court observed, opening up the judi‐
ciary to a special election would be “highly disruptive to the
administration of justice.” Bowes, 2016 WL 2894436, at *4. The
elected judges would have to take time away from their cases
and dedicate resources to another campaign. See Gjerstein, 791
F.2d at 479 (“Special elections not only disrupt the decision‐
making process but also place heavy campaign costs on can‐
didates ….”). Even if only sixteen judges (out of thirty‐six)
were affected, this would prove a substantial disruption, as
the Marion County judicial system accounts for approxi‐
mately twenty percent of all cases filed and disposed of in In‐
In weighing these burdens against plaintiffs’ interest in be‐
ing placed on the ballot and the voters’ interest in casting a
meaningful vote, the district court reasonably found that the
balance tips against holding a special election. The prospec‐
tive relief granted by Common Cause ensures that all future
elections will be held in conformance with the Constitution,
protecting from this point forward the voters’ interest in cast‐
6 On appeal, plaintiffs take issue with certain of the government’s ar‐
guments as having “no foundation in the record,” including the govern‐
ment’s assertions concerning the likely cost and burden associated with a
special election. Not only did the government raise these same arguments
in the district court, where plaintiffs responded to them at length on the
merits, but it is common sense that holding a special election, especially in
a compressed timeframe, would entail additional cost and effort for both
the county and the candidates.
16 No. 16‐2350
ing a meaningful vote. Although it is possible that the compo‐
sition of the Marion County judiciary would have been differ‐
ent if not for the unconstitutional law, the Statute’s overall im‐
pact is minimal. At most, three additional Democratic judges
(the two plaintiffs and the ninth‐place finisher), comprising
nineteen percent of the total number of judges elected in 2014,
otherwise would have been elected that year. And im‐
portantly, the constitutional violation here did not stem from
any discrimination or “invidious or fraudulent intent,” Hen‐
nings v. Grafton, 523 F.2d 861, 864 (7th Cir. 1975), but from a
misguided effort to assure judicial impartiality. As for plain‐
tiffs’ interest in being placed on the ballot, both acknowledge
that they did almost no campaigning in the 2014 primary,
which illustrates, at least in part, how much they valued that
right, and both will have the opportunity to run for office
again in the regular election in 2018.
In sum, the district court was within its discretion to
conclude that plaintiffs’ request for relief was not timely and
that the state’s significant interest in governing without dis‐
ruption outweighed plaintiffs’ interest in being placed on the
III. Conclusion
For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
district court.