Agency: Department of Children and Family Services
Locations: Fort Myers, Florida
Filed: Mar. 06, 2000
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, June 13, 2000.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
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| 00-1016
Division of Administrative Hearings
A Civil Penalty Against DCE Depari.. were
Smorgan, Inc. Time ,
D/B/A/ Conway Manor Group me 2 -( _ OTTE COUNTY
- Nature of the Case
1. This case arises from the developmental services group home facility’s failure to
~ comply with Chapter 393, Florida Statutes, and Rule 65B-6, Florida Administrative Code with
respect to appropriate care of the developmentaily disabled.
2. This is an administrative action for imposition of civil penalties per known incident
of occurrence as authorized in section 393.0673, Florida Statutes.
3. The State of Florida, ‘Department of Children and Families is the administrative
agency of the State of Florida charged with the duty to enforce and administer the provisions of
Chapter 393, Florida Statutes.
4. On June 24, 1999, Elizabeth Morgan, identifying herself as the owner of Conway
Manor Group Home, made application to the Department to operate a developmental services
"group home known as Conway Manor Group Home at 2467 Conway Boulevard, Port Charlotte,
Florida, 33952. A conditional license, certificate # 089052-C, was issued effective August 1,
1999, to November | 1, 1999,
5. On July ‘15, ‘gp, the “department received a complaint that the group home managers
weré not providing adequate supervision. Upon investigation it was leamed that on July 10,
1999, a fourteen year old ee eons disabled consumer left the group home after being
found by law enforcement officials trying to
called law enforcement sl following moming about 9:30 a.m., approximately an hour after
support, guidance, supervision and assistance with training required to assure each individual the
opportunity for personal growth and development, with services defined by the needs of the
clients to be served., For the violation of Rule 65B-6.010(4), Florida Administrative Code, the
department imposes a fine of $400. Additionally, the acts and practices described in paragraph 5
are violations of Rule 65B-6.010(21)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which requires that
whenever the whereabouts of a client is unknown and the client is determined to be missing, the
edi Bee of | the: District Administrator who i is assigned | to bé the contact person according to
established procedures shall be notified immediately. For the violation of Rule 65B-
6.010(21)(a), Florida Administrative Code, the department imposes a fine of $100.
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7. You, as Petitioner, have a right to request an administrative hearing, to be represented
by counsel or other qualified representative, give parties or their counsel an opportunity, at a
convenient time and place, to present the agency or hearing officer written or oral evidence in
opposition to the action of the agency or to its refusal to act, or written statement challenging the
grounds upon which the agency has chosen to justify its action or inaction.
(a) Any hearing request or answer to this administrative complaint shall be
made in writing and the response should include the following:
(1). The name and address of each agency affected and each agency’s
file or identification number, if known.
an . (2). The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner, the
j pote <.. s,.-sname, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s representative,
~~ ifany, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course
of the proceeding and an explanation of how the petitioner’s substantial
interest will be affected by the agency determination.
(3). A statment of when and how the petitioner received notice of the
agency decision.
(4). A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are
none, the petition must so indicate.
: : (SFA concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the
4 _ niles and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief, and
{ a 6). A demand for relief
i Shue
‘ : (b) Except for 00d cause:
3 ij, : Factual matters alleged in ‘his complaint and not ‘denied i in the
F Request for Hearing shall be presumed admitted. !
i 2 I
4 2). Failure to raise a particular defense in the Request for Hearing
aring shall b
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be denied by the Department.
(d) Evidence shall not be taken on any issue not raised in the administrative
“complaint and the Request for Hearing.
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: (e) If the Petitio
rs desire to request a hearing, they must forward their request
te: ee ‘By eee
“Department of Children ahd Families
. Cross Program Licensing
2 Post Offi ice Box 60085
Fort Myers, Florida 33906
Attention: Nancy Starr
8. This administrative complaint i is issued pursuant to Section 120. 569 and 120.57,
; Florida Statutes. Any proceeding concerning this complaint shall be conducted pursuant to the
Model Rules of Procedure, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 28.
9. The Petitioners are given full notice of this agency action. Unless a request for a
hearing is received by the Department within thirty (30) days after receipt of this complaint, the
"petitioner has waived the right to contest this action and this administrative complaint becomes
final order of the Department.
* Patricia Richardson, Supervisor
Cross Program Licensing Unit
Post Office Box 60085
. Fort Myers, Florida 33906
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eturn Receipt Requested, Certificate #Z 541 336 141
this 2nd day of September, 1999, to Elizabeth Morgan, Smorgan, Inc. d/b/a/ Conway Manor
: Group F Home, 24246 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte, Florida 33980.
a |
Cross Program Licensing
Post Office Box 60085
_ Fort Myers, Florida 33906
Docket for Case No: 00-001016
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 13, 2000 |
Order Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED.
May 31, 2000 |
Suggestion of Mootness (Petitioner) (filed via facsimile).
Mar. 23, 2000 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference sent out. (hearing set for June 16, 2000; 9:30 a.m.; Fort Myers and Tallahassee, FL)
Mar. 15, 2000 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile). |
Mar. 10, 2000 |
Initial Order issued. |
Mar. 06, 2000 |
Notice filed.
Mar. 06, 2000 |
Request for Administrative Hearing, Letter Form filed.
Mar. 06, 2000 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Mar. 06, 2000 |
Agency Action Letter filed.