Respondent: THOMAS G. MAYS
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Port St. Joe, Florida
Filed: Oct. 22, 2003
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, November 18, 2003.
Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2025
(2 F927
v. CASE NO. 200180358
The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate
("Petitioner") files this Administrative Complaint against Thomas G. Mays (“Respondent”), and
1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the
responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of
Florida, including Section 20.165 and Chapters 120, 455 and 475 of the Florida Statutes, and the
rules promulgated thereunder.
2. Respondent is currently a Florida state-certified residential real estate appraiser having
been issued license RD3197 in accordance with Chapter 475 Part II of the Florida Statutes.
3. The last license the State issued to Respondent was as a state-certified residential real
estate appraiser at 1207 Palm Blvd., Port St. Joe, Florida 32456.
FDBPR v. Thomas G. Mays Case No. 200180358
Administrative Complaint
4. On or about February 21, 2000, Respondent and Sandra K. Smock developed and
communicated an appraisal report (Report) for property commonly known as 116 Wescott Circle,
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 (Subject Property) and estimated its value at $71,000 as of February 14,
2000. A copy of the Report is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint
Exhibit 1.
5. Pursuant to an official investigation, Respondent forwarded to Petitioner’s investigator
a copy of the entire work file for Subject Property.
6. Information contained within the work file indicated that client ordered the Report for an
insurance update.
7. Respondent failed or refused to include the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) Map number, zone, or map date for Subject Property.
8. Respondent knew or should have known that the FEMA map information was necessary
for an insurance update.
9. Ina letter to Petitioner’s investigator, Respondent admitted that he provided the client for
Report 1 a less detailed report than that usually provided to other clients. A copy of the letter is
attached hereto and incorporated herein as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 2.
10. In the letter, Respondent admitted that because the client was the only other competing
appraiser in the community, he did not want to share with the client any of the company’s “trade
secrets,” including boilerplate or general market descriptions.
11. Therefore, Respondent held a bias against the client during the development and
communication of the Report.
FDBPR v. Thomas G. Mays Case No. 200180358
Administrative Complaint
12. Respondent failed to prominently state the type of report used.
13. In the Report, Respondent erred in indicating the gross living area for comparable sale
14. In the Report, Respondent erred in indicating that comparable sale two did not contain
a fireplace, when, in fact, it did.
15. In the Report, Respondent indicated that the actual age of Subject Property was forty
years and that the effective age was twenty years.
16. Respondent failed or refused to explain or analyze any renovations to support the
difference between the actual age and the effective age.
17. Respondent knew or should have known that such analysis and explanation relating to
the age of Subject Property was required to be in the Report.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment,
false promises, false pretenses, dishonest conduct, culpable negligence, or breach of trust in any
business transaction in violation of Section 475.624(2), Florida Statutes.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent has violated a standard for the development or
communication of a real estate appraisal or other provision of the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice in violation of Section 475.624(14), Florida Statutes.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of having failed to exercise reasonable
FDBPR v. Thomas G. Mays Case No. 200180358
Administrative Complaint
diligence in developing an appraisal report in violation of Section 475.624(15), Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, or
the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final
Order as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may
be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity of
the offense(s), include: revocation of the license, registration, or certificate; suspension of the
license, registration or certificate for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an
administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs;
issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to,
requiring the licensee, registrant, or certificate holder to complete and pass additional appraisal
education courses; publication, or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See Section
475.624, Florida Statutes and Rule 61J1-8.002, Florida Administrative Code. The penalties which
may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes, depending upon the severity
of the offense(s), include: revocation of the license, registration, or certificate; suspension of the
license, registration, or certificate for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an
administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs;
issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to,
requiring the licensee, registrant, or certificate holder to complete and pass additional appraisal
education courses; publication; restriction of practice; injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of
a cease and desist order; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See § 455.227, Fla.
Stat. (1999) and Fla. Admin. Code R. 61J1-8.002.
FDBPR v. Thomas G. Mays Case No. 200180358
Administrative Complaint
st or to
SIGNED this_/° Ly ot e , 2003.
Florida Department of Businéss and
Professional Regulation
Director, Division of Real Estate
“apartment of Professional Regulation
Qivision of Real Estate
Stacy N. Robinson Pierce, Esquire
Fla. Bar No. 182796
Division of Real Estate
Legal Section
400 W. Robinson Street, N802A
Orlando, Florida 32802-1772
(407) 481-5632
(407) 317-7260 - FAX
PCP: MC/JB/CK 2/03
PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under Section 120.573 of the Florida
Statutes, is not available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative
Complaint you may request, within the time proscribed, a hearing to be conducted in this
matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes; that you have
the right, at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified
representative in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take
testimony, to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces
FDBPR v. Thomas G. Mays Case No. 200180358
Administrative Complaint
tecum issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of Rights
form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21) days of
receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida Real Estate
Appraisal Board a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an appropriate Final
Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real estate license or
registration. Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of Rights form.
| tla
116 Wescott Circle
Port St. Joe. FL 32456
W. Date Borden
116 Wescott Circle
Port St. Joe, FL 32456
Market*Max Appraisal Group
Sandra K. Smock
1207 Palm Blvd.
Port St. Joe, FL 32456
EXHIBIT + _|[ yj
te A
pace __-_ 7 OF
Properly Description
Market*Max Appraisal Group
_116 Wescott Circle. ._ City Port St, Joe Stee FL ZipCoda___ 32456.
ity of Port St. Joe be County _. Gulf,
‘Assessor's Parcel No. _ 04984-000R “Tax Year 1999 RE. Taxes $ “487.11 Special Assessments $ nla
Borrower ale Cunent Owner W. Dale Borden Occupart_|Xiowner ltenan | |vacant
Property rights appraised |X \Fee Simple | Leasehold Projet Type | PUD | _;Condeminium (HUBIVA only) Ma
Neighborhood o¢ Project Name. Port St. Joe_ woo Reterance na
_Sale Pr _a ae 0 charges/concess Wa. ”
LenderiChert W, Dale Borden _ Address 116 Wescott t circle, Port St. Joe, FL 32486
Apprarset Sar Address 1207 Palm Blvd, Port St, Joe, FL 32456
‘Location [X Urban Troma) | Predominant | Single family housing [Present land use % | Land ust change
Buit up pow 75% —_|Under 25% | Sccupancy 00) Gn [One famity 85 i [X_]Not skety L_ikikety
Growth rate | ‘Slow ! |X ‘owner 40 tow 4 |2-4famiy 5! Tin process
Property values [Rlnceoning (stable [ Dectining | {Tekan 395 High 50. | Mutiotamity | Te:
Demand/supply| Shortage | X'Inbatance| :ove supply | X Vacant 0.5%) |__: Predominant Commercial 5 1
Marketing time | —'ynger3moe_[X13-6 mos. [lover 6mos.' | “Ivecanionsm 85 | 25 “Vacant 5
‘Note: race and the racial compasition of the neighborhood are not appraisal factors.
Neighborhood boundaries and characteristics: Inctusive of the City of Port St. Joe, bounded on the north by. Hwy 71, east. by Garrison
Avenue, west by Constitution Drive/Hwy 98 and south by Cabell Drive, a neighborhood predominantly of single family homes|
Factors that alfact the markatabilty of the properties in the neighborhood (proximity to employment and amenities, emplaymert stability, appeal to market, et.)
See Comment Addendum — ete + — —
Mania conditions in the subject neighborhood (including support for the above conclusions related to the trend of proparty
= such 95 data on compettive properties for sale in the noighbochood, description of the prevalence of sales and financing concessions, atc.)
in balance, Marketing time will average six months. Sales and financing concessions are not
ject Information for PUDs (If applicable) ~ Is the developer/buildes in control of the Home Owner's Association (HOA)? :
Approximate tolal number of units in the subject project __. Approximate total number of units for sale in the subject project
Describe common elements and recreational facilities: ___.|
Dimensions 75 x 180 x 75 x 180 . _ Topography bevel
Stearea . 13: 500st Corner Lot T ves Two Size lac
Specife zoning classification and description R-1 Residential__ Shape ——___Rectanaylar___
Zoning compliance [X]Legat [_!Legat nonconforming (Grandlatnered ute} | No Zoning Run-offfabsorb.
Highest & best use as improved [X;Present use |_| Other use (explain) _ Residentiat
Utilities: Public Other , Off-site improvements — Type Public Private } Landscaping __ Adequate
Electricty = [X]_ | street _. _.. Asphatt. [X] 5 | briveway Surface Concrete
oes [xl | 17) [apparent escements
_ : [7] [2] [FEMA special Ftoos
_ Sodium Electric 4 = FEMA Zone
_ None. || | FEMA Map No.
No. of Units 1 Foundation __. Slab__} stab Yes. Area Sq Ft NIA. Root I
No, of Stories. 1__. | Exterior Walls C.Blk Crowd Space No % Finished N/A Ceiling tC
Fy Type (Devan) — Detached | Root Surtace Comp Shg | Basement No Coiling NIA Walls |
EY Design (Style) Ranch _| Guters & Dwmsps. None. Sump Pump N/A__| Walls __.. NIA. Floor |
£4 exstingPropoted _ Existing SIH Alum | Oampness — None noted | Floor NIA | None i
BM Ace (vrs) _ 40 | __ 1/2 Sern | Settlement Ougside Entry N/A___| Unknown, (x
BA Enective Age (Vis) 20 No Infestation
BY ROOMS |__Foyer Den |Family Rm| Rec. Rrn. Bedrooms | #8aths | Laundry | Other | Area Sq. Ft
i easement _ {od | - NA.
fy tet | | 3 400 | + 1,374
|_Level 2 _ _ i \ _ _
a i - - L.A i a eee ee
Hal Finished area_above_geade cortains: 5 Rooms; 3___—Beetroom(s), 1.00 Bathis); “1374 Square Feet of Gross Living Area
BE Floors CrptVnylAva | Type FHA | Retrigerstor [J Nona f Fireplace(s) # None [|
by waits —Brwelvva— Fuel RangaiQven X] Stairs |_| | Patio . "| Garage 1 # of cars
iq TanvFinish * Condition _A ne j Disposal — ||| Drop Star : | | Deck } Attached
BG ean Floor VinWAwn 7 COOLING. Dishwasher [_]}i Scuttle _X] | Porch Front Detached = Yes
Bath Wainscot CTile/Ava__' Centrat __ Yes FawHtood | ) Floor |_| | fence _Chn ink iX!) Basin
Doors Int: Hew CorefAvg | Other _ : Microwave {| Heated —_| | Pool “F careort
Ext: Wood/Ava, Condition Avg! WashoriOryer! |" Finished ! i
Additional features (special energy efficient tems, etc): See Con
‘Condition of the improvements, depreciation (physical, functional, and external), repairs needed, quality of construction, remodeling/addttions, #tc.: Quality of
construction is “average,” depreciation within normal range for AYB 1960
averse envvonmertal conditions (auch e2, bul nol bmiied 10, hazardous wastes, (onic Substances, ofc.) present in tha impfovements, on the site, or in the
immediate vicinity of the subject propety: None noted.
Freddie Mac Form 70 6-93 ‘CictFORMS Rea! Extale Apprainal Software by Braatora Tectootopies (800) 827-8727 Fannie Mae Form 1004 (6-93
Market*Max Appraisal Group
ESTIMATED SITE VALUE =3______ 15,000) Comments on Cost Approach (such as, source of cost estimate,
ESTIMATED REPRODUCTION COST-NEW-OF IMPROVEMENTS site valve, square foot calculation and for HUD, VA and FmHA, (he
fy Owelling 1,374 SoM @s 4860 «$s 66.776 estimated remaining economic life ot the propeny):Cost estimates
ES CyvdPro 42 Sq Ft@$ 11.71 = _._ 492 per Marshall_& Swift Residential Cost_Handbook
v oo - quality construction. Adjusted for climate, foundation,
Fy Garage/Carport 473 Saft.@s_1949 = _ ___ 9,218 floorcover, warm: 3 plumbing fixtures, Bil.
[oy Total Estimated Cost New =S 76,487 appliances and loc: iding costs, Site Value per
BY ess Physical 18% Functional | External historical sales. Site Improvements include paved
Fry Depreciation _13.768_ _——_! ns J 1 drivewayfwalkway_and fencing,
FA Depreciated Valve of Improvements “sy. 6271 . .
“As is? Value of Sie Improvements 3 2,000 _ oe
INDICATED VALUE BY COST APPROACH =3 ‘ 79.719 Est Rem Econ Lite: 40 Ss Site/Total_ 19%.
116 Wescott Circle 120 Wescott Circle 1805 Garrison Avenue 1302 Palm Bivd
Address __ Port St. Joe Port St. Joe Port St. Joe Port St. Joe
Proximty to Subject | M2 block | A le eee Pmile
Sales Price $ na! 75.500 ‘s__ 72,000 $__, 68,000_..
PreeiGossiw Aca $0.00. (18 $593. b $s. 5042. $s. 6299 1
Data and/or | Public Records | ORB 232/845 & Files ORB 228/027 & Files ORB 232/773 & Files
Verification Source Inspection | External Inspection __|__Extemnal inspection
None found "None found
9129199 _ — 6/15/99. ~ a AIS199.
Le yban__|___Urban__._| -- Urban, Urban
Leazehold/Fee Simple | _Fee Simple _.|_ Fee Simple. . | -Fee Simple__ _Fee Simple |
____..|_ 75 x180__;___75x180__ |... - 75.x 180 . 70x.150,___|
Y Residential | Residential Residential Residential |
| .. Ranch/Ava, _ | Ranch/Ava a Ranch/Ava _.. ..., Bungalow/Ava con
1 Average |__ Average __j Averane.___ ww Average 0
§ AAQIEH20 |. A20/Eff 10. AAOIEHt 20 AGO/EH 30
ry c Avera: , Abo e Average | _6,000__ Average | .__. |... Average. eee
E tou airy me am are i” out | aime | gare | eat
a® 1.00 | 5] 3.) 1.00 5 | 3 200 -3,000, 1,00
oG , 374__Sq.Fty 1,350 Saft} 1478 8q.Ft] 1,350, .1,080__$q Ft +7,35Q
4 na nla Wa na H
i Average ; --- Average _. — Average || _. |. Average _
3 FHAYes ; FHAYes FHAYes FHA/Yes
NE Standard _j __ Standard. _| wa {Standard |. __.| .... Standard
A Det. Garage | . Att. Carport “4,500, Att. Carport _. +1500 None
a Front porch} Front Porch Front Porch Front Porch
s _No Not. iy ee
8 Chn Lnk fence | No . Yes
* row nn T+ Tk}-_s ._-5,.850
Adjusted Sales Price
Inet: -8%
f Comparable. : -—IGsoas:_ 8% ' _.66,
Comments on Sales Comparison (including the subject property's compatibiity 0 the neighborhood, atc): See Comment Addendum
Date, Price and Owe [n/a n/a nia nla
Source, for prior sates | Dept. off | Dept. of Revenue Dept. of Revenue Dept. of Revenue
thin year of appeal. Revenue
analyte of any 2unenteprement of sl, oplon, a ining of he subj propery and anaiyis Of any po sales of subject and comparatice wrtn ane yeaa the date of apres
INDICATED VALUE BY INCOME APPROACH (If Applicable) Estimated Market Rent $__—---_/Mo.x Gross Rert Mutiplieg _—-—— =$
“This appraiatis mado _X]"0s i [__ subject to the repairs, alerations, inspections or condtions listed below | _Taubject to completion par plans and specifications
Conditions of Appraisa: See Addendum.
Final Reconciliation: The he Sales Comparion Approach | the best guide to value. Giving the Sales Comparison Approach 90%
Bd weight and iiation yields a final value indication of $71,000. oo
Fine purpove of Win approital i to ettmate the marhat value ofthe ret propery tbat is tubject to tvs report, based on ihe above conditions and the certification, contingent
CF ad isting condkions, and market vaiue defrtion that ora stated in the attached Freddle Mac Form 438/Fannie Ms Form 10048 (Revised ..____ -
Fed Signature a ( ere CO “ Signatute_— ‘k a L ‘pia: XJoia Not
Name, _ Smock Name —ss—C__sTtXomas ©-Mays ” inspect Property
Date Repon Signed_ February et 20 _ Qete Report Signed February 21,2000 _ . .
‘State Contification & State __ State Cenlifcation #_0003197 St Cert Res Rea _ _, State FL
Or State License #__ 0006070 St Reg Assist Rea Stato_FL___ Or State License # State
Freddie Mac Form 70 6-93 (CHehFORMS Real Estate Apprassal Sofware by Brawtord Tecnnologes (900) 622-6727 Fannie Mae Form 5004 (6-93
PAGE A OF _1y ——
Subject's neighborhood is on the north side of Port St. Joe, close to schools, shopping and church
facilities, giving it good appeal in the local, permanent home market. Employment stability is only fair given
the permanent shut down of the Florida Coast Paper mill. While this economic downturn has not yet (after a
year and one-hatf) lead to a mass of foreclosurés, we are now seeing homes being offered for sale by mill
workers who are relocating. However, the current total inventory of homes being offered for sale does not
exceed demand. This is mostly because of the fact that there is a countervailing positive trend bringing
buyers to Port St. Joe/Gulf County. St. Joe Land and Oevelopment Corporation, the owner of 90% of the
land in Gulf County, is aggressively planning major residential community development in Gulf County,
including devetopment of its beachfront holdings. St. Joe Corp. plans to develop a number of PUDs ranging
in size from 1000 to S000 residential units priced from $250,000 - $1,500,000, combined with recreational
and commercial resources. The prospect of this development ts attracting buyers to Gulf County and Port
St. Joe who believe homes are now selling at a discount to future values and that dramatic appreciation in
property values is probable. Thus, the overall real estate market in Port St. Joe is actually better than in the
recent past when there was an undersupply of homes.
Exterior: Concrete driveway & walkway, landscaping. Interior: Kitchen wiwall oven and range top, dol
porcelain sink, ceramic tite partial wall, wallpaper border; bath with ceramic tite wainscot and floor,
waitpaper, carpet and ceiling fans throughout.
Comparable #1 was adjusted -5000 to account for its above average condition and -1500 ta account for its
attached carport. Comparable #2 was adjusted -3000 to account for its two baths, -1350, or $25/sf of GLA,
to account for its greater GLA and -1500 to account for its attached carport. Comparable #3 was adjusted
+7350, or $25/sf of GLA, to account for its lesser GLA.
Comparable #1 is the best guide to value given its proximity to the subject, similar location and site value,
toom count/baths and GLA. Comparables #2 and #3 are also good guides to value given their similar site
values, design, condition and room count. Giving Comparable #1 50% weight and Comparables #2 and #3
25% weight each, the Sales Comparison Approach yields a value indication of $69,876 or $70,000 rounded.
(ChckFORMS Real Estate Appraisal Software by Bradtord Tectinotogies (800) 672-8727
DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and
open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowedgeably and
assuming the price is not affected by undue stimukis. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a
specified date and the passing of tite from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: (1) buyer and seller are typically
motivated; (2) beth parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what he considers his own best interest,
(3) a reasonable time is altowed for exposure in the open market; (4) payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars
or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and (5) the price represents the normal consideration for the
property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions" granted by anyone associated with the sale
*Adjustments to the comparables must be made for special or creative financing or saies concessions, No adjustments
ate necessary for those costs which are normally paid by sellers as a result of tadition or law in @ market; these costs
are readily identifiable since the seller pays these costs in virtually all sales transactions. Special or creative financing
adjustments can be made to the comparable property by compansons to financing terms offered by a third party
institutional lender that i not already involved in the property or transaction. Any adjustment should not be calculated
‘on a mechanical dotlar for doltar cost of the financing or concession but the dollar amount of any adjustment should
approximate the market's reaction to the financing or concessions hased on the appraiser's judgment.
CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The appraiser's certification that appears in the appraisal report is
subject to the following conditions:
1 The appraiser wit not be responsibte for matters of a legal nature that affect either the property being appraised or
the tite to it The appraiser assumes that the tite is good and marketable and, therefore, will not render any opinions
about the ttle. The property is appraised on the basis of it being under responsible ownership,
2. The appraiser has pravided a sketch in the appraisal report to show approximate dimensions of the improvements
and the sketch is included only to assist the reader of the report in visualizing the property and understanding the
appraiser's determination of its size.
2. The appraiser has examined the availabie flood maps that are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(or other data sources) and has noted in the appraisal report whether the subject site is located in an identified Special
Flood Hazard Area. Because the appraiser is not @ surveyor, he or she makes no guarantees, express or implied, regarding
this determination.
4 The appraiser will not give testimony or appear in court because he or she made an appraisal! of the property in question,
unless specific arrangements to do so have been made beforehand.
5. The appraiser has estimated the value of the land in the cost approach at its highest and best use and the improvements.
at their contributory value. These separate valuations of the land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with
any other appraisal and are invalid 4 they are so used.
6. The appraiser has noted in the appraisal report any adverse conditions (such as, needed repairs, depreciation, the presence
of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, etc.) observed during the inspection of the subject property or that he or she became
‘aware of during the normal research involved in performing the appraisal. Unless otherwise stated in the appraisal report,
the appraiser has no knowedge of any hidden or unapparent conditions of the property or adverse environmental conditions
(including the presence of hazardous wastes, toxic substances, etc.) that would make the property more or fess valuable,
and has assumed that there are no such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, regarding
the condition of the property. The appraiser will not be responsible for any such conditions that do exist or for any
engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because the appraiser ts not an expert
in the field of environmental hazards, the appraisal report must not be considered as an environmental assessment of
the property.
7. The appraiser obtained the information, estimates, and opinions that were expressed in the appraisal report from sources
that he or she considers to be reliable and believes them to be tue and correct. The appraiser does not assume responsibilty
for the accuracy of such items that were furnished by other parties.
8. The appraiser will not disclose the contents of the appraisal report except as provided for in the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice.
9. The appraiser has based his or her appraisal report and valuation conclusion fer an appraisal that is subject to satisfactory
completion, repairs, or alterations on the assumption that completion of the improvements will be performed in a
workmanlike manner.
40. The appraiser must provide his or her prior written consent before the fendericlient specified in the appraisal report
can distribute the appraisal report {including conclusions about the property value, the appraiser's identity and professional
designations, and references to any professional appraisal organizations or the firm with which the appraiser is associated)
to anyone other than the borrower, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns; the mortgage insurer; consultants,
professional appraisal organizations; any state or federally approved financial institution; or any department, agency,
or instrumentality of the United States or any state ot the District of Columbia, except that the lendericlient may distribute
the property description section of the report ‘anly to data collection or reporting service(s) without having to obtain the
appraiser's prior written consent. The appraiser's written consent and approval must alsa be obtained before the appraisal
can be conveyed by anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media
‘CichFORMS Real Estate Appraisal Sottware by Biagiord Technolog. (800) 672-8727
Freddie Mac Form 439 (6 93) Funnie Mae Form 1004B (6-95)
. a)
APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certifies and agrees that
1. thave researched the subject market area and have selected a minimum of three recent sales of properties most similar
‘and praximate to the subject property for consideration in the sales comparison analysis and have made a dollar adjustment
when appropriate to reflect the market reaction to those items of significant variation. If @ significant item in a comparable
property is superior to, or more favorable than, the subject property, | have made @ negative adjustment to reduce the
adjusted sales price of the comparable and, if a significant item in a comparable property is inferior to, or less favorable
than the subject property, | have made a positive adjustment to increase the adjusted sales price of the comparable.
2. {have taken into consideration the factors that have an impact on vatue in my development of the estimate of market
value in the appraisat report. ( have not knowingly withheld any significant information from the appraisal report and |
+ believe, to the best of my knowledge, that all statements and information in the appraisal report are true and correct
3. 1 stated in the appraisal report only my own personal, unbiased, and professional analysis, opinions, and conclusions,
which are subject only to the contingent and limiting conditions specified in this form
4. (have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject to this report, and | have no present or
prospective personal interest or bias with respect to the participants in the transaction. | did not base, either partially or
completely, my analysis and/or the estimate of market value in the appraisal report an the race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status, or national origin of either the prospective owners of occupants of the subject property or of the
present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the subject property.
5. | have no present or contemplated future interest in the subject property, and neither my current or future employment
nor my compensation for performing this appraisal is contingent on the appraised value of the property.
6 | was not required to report a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client or any
we, felated party, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a specific result, or the occurrence af a subsequent event
: in order to recerve my compensation and/or employment for performing the appraisal. | did not base the appraisal report
“ on a requested minimum valuation, a specific valuation, of the need to approve a specific mortgage loan,
7. 1 performed this appraisal in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that were
adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place as of the
effective date of this appraisal, with the exception of the departure provision of those Standards, which does not apply
| acknowledge that an estimate of a reasonable time for exposure in the open market is a condition in the definition of
market value and the estimate | developed is consistent with the marketing time noted in the neighborhood section of this
report, unless | have otherwise stated in the reconcifiaton section. .
8. | have personally inspected the interior and exterior areas of the subject property and the exterior of all properties
listed as comparables in the appraisal report. | further certify that | have noted any apparent or known adverse conditions
in the subject improvements, on the subject site, or on any site within the immediate vicinity of the subject property of
which | am aware and have made adjustments for these adverse conditions in my analysis of the property value to the
: extent that | had market evidence to support them. I have also commented about the effect of the adverse conditions on
the marketability of the subject property.
9. | personally prepared af conclusions and opinions about the real estate that were set forth in the appraisal report. If |
felied on signficant professional assistance from any individuat or individuals in the performance of the appraisal or the
preparation of the appraisal report, | have named such individual(s) and disclosed the specific tasks performed by them
in the reconciliation section of this appraisal report. | certify that any individual so named is qualified to perform the tasks.
Ihave not authorized anyone to make a change to any item in the report; therefore, if an unauthorized change is made to the
appraisal report, | wil take no responsibility for it
SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: Wa supervisory appraiser signed the appraisal report, he or she
certifies and agrees that: | directly supervise the appraiser who prepared the appraisal report, have reviewed the aporaisal
report, agree with the statements and conclusions af the appraiser, agree to be bound by the appraiser's certifications
numbered 4 through 7 above, and am taking full responsibilty for the appraisal and the appraisal report
ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED: . 116 Wescott Circle, Port St. Joe, FL_32456.
oe ret h
Signature: Signature: _ fh
Name Name homas G. Mays__<"
Date Signed Date Signed: _ February 21,2000
State Certification # _ _ State Certification # 0003197 St Cert Res Rea.
or State License #: 0006070 St Req Assist Rea_ or State License #
State FL oe State. | oe __.
. Expiration Date of Certification or License: _ 17/30/00. Expiration Date of Certification or License: 11/30/00
|] 00 — £X] did Not inspect Property
Freddie Mac Form 439 6.93 “CochFORMS Real Estate Appratal Sctware by Brautord Technologies (800) 622.8727 Fucnie Mee Form 10048 6 93
Markel“ Max Appraisal Group.
Borrower, W. Dale Borden. — _ oe
Property Address: 116 Wescott Circle oe eee a . . a
Cty: Port St. Joe County: Gulf lorida _ 3 _ Zip Code: 32456,
Lender/Crent: va
To_determine fair market value.
The Sales Comparison Approach was. considered and employed, The Cost_Approach was considered
Income Approach was not employed because of a lack of market data to determine GRM.
and employed. The
ts the subject property currerdly listed?
Has the property sold during the prior year?
List Pree $
UW yos, describe below:
‘What #s your estimating time for the subject period? six months ___
Based on_an analysis of historical sates data.
‘Does Ihe transaction iavotve the transfer of personal property, futures, oF intangibles that aro not real propery?
It yes, provide description and valuation below:
ay 3
_ Mok 2131100
4 /
page 3
8. W. Dale Borden is wrong. Comparable #3 has a wood shed at the rear of its property
accessed from the street by an ancient divided/parallel “concrete” drive. The width of the
opening/doors to said shed, when closed, is a mere 7'9” wide. This would be reduced to
approximately 7’ when opened. Given the average width of modern automobiles /trucks, said
shed cannot provide “car storage.’ (Rather, it may be suitable fora motorcycle, or perhaps a
buggy - or maybe a smal! horse). But certainly, the average buyer would not attach value to it
as it may relate to “car storage.”
9. In regard to fences and outbuildings in general, in our opinion and, in the opinion of other
appraisers who know the market in Port St. Joe, market data does not show that buyers attach
value to aged, functionally obselete outbuildings. Nor does market data show that buyers
attach value to aged, outmoded fencing. Given this fact, we noted the presence of these in our
file but did not choose to confuse the issue by noting them in the sales comparison approach
Portion of the summary report. Moreover, given the above and the nature of the subject's
“detached garage” and the fact that market data does not show that buyers attach value to it,
an analysis relating to subject’s “detached garage” to various outbuildings /fences present
among the comparables, was moot.
10. W. Dale Borden must be a swammy - or maybe “Carnack the Great.” First, given
the unreliability of the Property Appraiser’s information, we are always reluctant to “assume”
their information is correct. So, we always rely on visual verification when possible per USPAP.
No visual verification of Comparable #2’s so-called finished screened porch was possible. Nor
could we reach the sellers or buyers by phone. An analysis of the Property Appraiser’s sketch
(see copy) did not show the depth of said screened porch. One intrepretation of the sketch
would be that it had a depth of 4’ (see Property Appraiser’s sketch: dimensions 244+14=38;
42-38=4) (?). An analysis of the Property Appraiser’s stated heated GLA indicated to us that
this porch has probably been enclosed. Otherwise, the Property Appraiser's 1428sf GLA
calculation would be in excess of the dimensions shown on the Property Appraiser’s sketch (see
our notes on the sketch). Thus, we reasonably presumed this “screened porch” area was part of
the home’s GLA.
W. Dale Borden is correct - Comparable #2 does have a fireplace. In this case, our appraisal may
have been misleading, but not intentionally so. Market data of sales of homes with and without
fireplaces in Port St. Joe, and in off-beach locations like Seashores, Gulfaire and Unit 14 of
Mexico Beach, does not show that buyers will pay a premium for a fireplace. This is supported
again and again by paired sales analyses. We should note that just the opposite is true for gulf
front/homes close to waterfront (i.e. 1st through 3rd tier) - evidently being a function of cooler
temperatures and/or design/appeal. Thus, because the subject had no fireplace, our notation
of “no” on the appraisal actually meant “n/a” or no analysis. If we had noted the fireplace, then
an explanation would have been in order and, as noted above, because Mr. Borden is a
competitor, we were reluctant to inform him/give him the fruits of our analysis in regard to
Given our above information and explanation, we do not believe that the typographical
error (re map 50D instead of map 50A) and/or the omission of a notation and explanation
regarding Comparable #2's fireplace are errors/omissions creates an appraisal that is
Finally, had we relied solely on the Property Appraiser’s information in regard to the
analysis of these comparables, we believe it is evident that our appraisal would indeed have
page 4
‘been misleading - the final value indication would have been significantly different from the
estimate of market value provided by our appraisal as performed.
“Trang eng
Thomas G. Mays, St Cert Res Rea (#0003197)
andra K. Smoc
, St Reg Assist Rea (#0006070)
PAGE 4 OF va
Docket for Case No: 03-003934PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Nov. 18, 2003 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Nov. 17, 2003 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Oct. 30, 2003 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 30, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 11, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Port St. Joe, FL).
Oct. 28, 2003 |
Letter to DOAH from T. Mays (response to Initial Order) filed.
Oct. 27, 2003 |
Unilateral Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Election of Rights filed.
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Agency referral filed.
Oct. 22, 2003 |
Initial Order.