Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Stuart, Florida
Filed: Dec. 11, 2003
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, January 29, 2004.
Latest Update: Dec. 28, 2024
Petitioner, Return Receipt Requested
7002 2410 0001 4236 9410
vs. 7002 2410 0001 4236 9427
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration
(hereinafter “AHCA”’), by and through the undersigned counsel,
and files this Administrative Complaint against Stuart Operating
Corp., d/b/a Stuart Nursing & Restorative Care Center
(hereinafter “Stuart Nursing & Restorative Care Center”)
pursuant to 28-106.111, Florida Administrative Code
(2001) (F.A.C.), and Chapter 120, Florida Statutes (Fla. Stat.”)
hereinafter alleges:
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine in
the amount of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars pursuant to Section
400.23 Fla. Stat., and a Survey fee of six thousand ($6,000)
dollars pursuant to 400.19(3), Fla. Stat.
2. This court has jurisdiction pursuant to Section
120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat., and Chapter 28-106, F.A.C.
3. Venue lies in Martin County, pursuant to 120.57, Fla.
Stat., and Chapter 28-106.207, F.A.C.
4. AHCA is the enforcing authority with regard to nursing
home licensure pursuant to Chapter 400, Part II, Fla. Stat. and
Rule 59A-4 F.A.C.
5. “Stuart Nursing & Restorative Care Center” is a
nursing home located at 1500 Palm Beach Road, Stuart, Florida
34994 and is licensed under Chapter 400, Part II, Fla. Stat.,
and Chapter 59A-4, F.A.C.
483.13(b), C.F.R., as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288 F.A.c.
Chapter 400.022(1)(o), Florida Statutes
Class II
6. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates (1) through (5) as if
fully set forth herein.
7. Because Stuart Nursing & Restorative Care Center
Participates in Title XVIII or XIX it must’ follow the
certification rules and regulations found in 42 C.F.R. 483.
8. During an abbreviated survey and complaint
investigation conducted on 8/28-29/2003 and based on staff
interview and record review, it was determined that facility
staff did not prevent the verbal and physical abuse of residents
# 1,2,4, and 8. Findings include:
(a) During the Agency for Health Care Administration
(AHCA) investigation, an Adult Protective Services Investigator
(APS) told the AHCA surveyor on August 27, 2003, at 1:30 P.M.,
of three residents who were allegedly emotionally and physically
abused by a nursing assistant (CNA #1) over a lengthy period of
time. The APS investigator stated the abuse was witnessed by
other nursing assistants and residents. The APS investigator
stated the abuse was in the form of (CNA#1) name calling and
throwing fruit at a resident and then telling that resident that
another resident threw the fruit, thereby trying to incite a
fight between the two residents. The APS investigator stated
the nursing assistants said they knew about the abuse but never
reported it because they were afraid of the nursing assistant
(CNA #1) who committed the abuse retaliating against them. The
APS investigator stated that the nursing assistants that spoke
to her said that there were other nursing assistants who
witnessed the abuse as well, but were afraid to come forward.
(ob) The DON (Director of Nursing) was interviewed on
8/28/03 in the morning about the events leading to the alleged
abuse. It was stated that she overheard on 8/13/03 two nursing
assistants telling the staffing coordinator about a nursing
assistant’s behavior toward residents. The DON said she told the
nursing assistants that they had to report the incident to her.
The DON said and documentation verified the incidents were
reported at that time, which was August 13, 2003. The DON
related the incident information to the surveyor and described
the events as a nursing assistant throwing a banana at a
resident, pulling hair and twisting the ears of another
resident, and putting residents together who are agitated and
fight when put together, and calling a resident a name he didn't
like to provoke him. The DON related that the staff did not
report the abuse because the nursing assistant (CNA#1) told the
other staff members who witnessed the incidents that she was a
friend of the DON and she would fire them. The DON further
stated that she was told during this 8/13/03 interview of the
CNA's who witnessed the abuse that the nursing assistant (CNA#1)
threatened to slash their tires and would be waiting for them
{c) Interviews were conducted by the surveyor on
August 28, 2003, starting at 2:50 P.M., with staff involved, who
witnessed the alleged abuse by the nursing assistant (CNA#1).
CNA #2 was interviewed and stated the incident she observed
happened July 12, 2003, at 8:00 A.M. She stated the resident
(#2) was at the dining room table and tried to leave. The
nursing assistant (CNA#1) wanted the resident close to her so
she could make her mad and wouldn't let her leave. The nursing
assistant (CNA#1) was sitting across the table from the
resident, feeding another resident when she saw the nursing
assistant(CNA#1) throw a banana at the resident and hit the
resident in the head, and pulled his/her ear. She further
observed the nursing assistant (CNA#1) also put (Residents #1
and #2) together to see if they would fight. The nursing
assistant (CNA#2) was in the dining room for one hour while this
occurred. The nursing assistant (CNA#2) interviewed stated that
was the only time she ever saw incidents involving the nursing
assistant (CNA#1). She was asked by the surveyor when did she
tell the DON. She stated she told the DON that day (7/12/03).
This was unable to be verified as the DON stated she first heard
about the incidents on August 13, 2003. The nursing assistant
(CNA #2) did not call the abuse hotline. Another nursing
assistant (CNA#3) interviewed told this surveyor that she
witnessed the nursing assistant (CNA#1) throw a banana at the
resident ((#2), and other days, throw fruit at residents. She
would also sit two residents (#1 and #2) together who didn't
like each other so they would fight. She also witnessed the
nursing assistant (CNA#1) twist the ears of resident #8 about
two to three weeks ago, and the resident screamed. It was stated
by the CNA #3 that this incident happened a couple of days
before the nursing assistants told the DON about the resident
being hit with a banana. It was also stated by CNA#3 at other
times the nursing assistant (CNA#1) would call resident #4 by a
name he/she didn't like two to three times just to tick him
off. The nursing assistant (CNA#1) would say it was funny to see
him get agitated. The nursing assistant (CNA#3) stated that the
nursing assistants who witnessed the incidents didn't tell the
DON about it because they were afraid of the nursing assistant
(CNA#1) that she would hurt them, nor did they call the abuse
hotline. The third nursing assistant (CNA#4) interviewed stated
she was pushing a cart that day and she saw the nursing
assistant throw something at a resident in the dining room. The
nursing assistant (CNA#4) did not remember the dates of the
incidents. CNA#4 stated that another time, the nursing assistant
(CNA#1) put two residents (#1, 2) together to see them fight..
She (CNA#1) told the other nursing assistants "let them fight".
Another resident (# 1) had her head pushed sideways by the
nursing assistant (CNA#1). CNA#4 stated there was another
incident in which the nursing assistant (CNA#1) pulled up her
(CNA#1) shirt at the table to show everyone her breasts. CNA#4
said all the incidents happened over about a months time. It was
stated by the interviewee (CNA#4) that she didn’t report the
incidents because she was afraid. The nursing assistant (CNA#4)
failed to call the abuse hotline. The day after the nursing
assistant (CNA#1) was fired, the interviewee had her (CNA#4)
tires slashed and her car was keyed.
(d) The staffing coordinator who the nursing
assistants told about the abuse was interviewed. It was stated
the nursing assistants (CNA #'s 2, 3 and 4) spoke to her about
two weeks ago. Two came to talk to her that day, and another
nursing assistant later that day. The nursing assistants told
her they saw another nursing assistant (CNA#1) agitate residents
on the alzheimer unit. They said she (CNA#1) put residents
together who didn't like each other, twisted ears of a resident.
The Staffing coordinator stated that the DON came in while they
were talking. It was stated by the staffing coordinator that she
told the DON why they were there, and the DON called them into
her office one by one and spoke to them.
(e) Interview was conducted with the Social Service
coordinator on August 29, 2003, at 12:00 P.M. It was stated that
she/he is responsible for screening, training, prevention
(inservice staff), and that her and the DON investigate
allegations. It was asked how the staff could be assured that
they wouldn't be retaliated against if reporting abuse
allegations. It was stated that staff are assured of
confidentiality. During inservices, staff are told to report
allegations right away. Staff are told they can report to the
abuse hotline anonymously as well. Facility policy and procedure
for the reporting of abuse was reviewed with the social service
director. The policy dictates that staff must report any
suspicious acts immediately.
(f) Review of the clinical records of the residents
who were abused by the nursing assistant (CNA#1) revealed no
documentation as to what happened.
(g) Review of the facility investigation reveals one
nursing assistant who knew about an incident of verbal abuse,
which occurred on June 15, 2003.
(h) Facility policy is for staff to report to the
administrator, DON, or abuse coordinator any suspicious acts
immediately, as per the abuse coordinator (social services
director), who was interviewed on August 29, 2003, at 12:00 P.M.
Facility policy was given to the surveyor for review. Section
"d" dictates that the facility must “ensure that all alleged
violations are reported to the administrator of the facility".
Page two of the document states "it is everyone's responsibility
to observe and report any suspicious acts immediately".
(i) The residents involved all have dementia and
behavioral problems. Facility staff did not report knowledge of
abuse of four residents, resulting in continued abuse. The four
residents were not free from mental and physical abuse.
9. Based on the foregoing, “Stuart Nursing & Restorative
Care Center” violated 483.13(b), C.F.R., and incorporated by
Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., herein classified as a Class II
violation, which carries, in this case, an assessed fine of
483.25(h) (2), C.F.R., as incorporated by Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C.
10. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1)
through (5) as if fully set forth herein,
11. During the abbreviated survey and complaint
investigation conducted on 8/28-29/2003 and based on interview
with staff and record review, it was determined that the
facility did not provide adequate supervision to a resident
(resident #3 in the survey sample) at risk for falls, resulting
in a fall and fractured pelvis. Findings include:
(a) Review of the clinical record for resident #3
reveals the resident was admitted July 25, 2003, for depression,
GERD, overdose on synthroid and celexa, macular degeneration,
hypothyroidism. Admission nursing assessment, dated July 25,
2003, shows the resident to be ambulatory with assistance. The
7/29/03 minimum data set admission assessment documents the
resident to be continent of bowel, usually continent of bladder.
The fall risk assessment, dated July 25, 2003, documents the
resident to be a high risk for falls due to intermittent
confusion, being ambulatory/incontinent, legally blind,
problems, decreased muscular coordination, and osteoporosis. The
initial plan of care for the residents safety, dated July 28,
2003, included interventions of raising the right full bedrail,
and 1/2 of the left bedrail for repositioning and transfers, to
increase bed mobility. On August 04, 2003, another intervention
was added for the residents safety. The intervention was
"requires 24 hour a day sitter to prevent falls". Through
interview with the Director of Nursing (DON) on 8/29/03 at 12
noon and through review of the social worker documentation, it
was revealed that the facility social worker arranged to have
sitters for the resident, provided by the POA (Power of
Attorney). The record documents the resident made attempts to
get out of bed on July 26, 2003, at 6:30 A.M., July 28, 2003, on
the 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. shift, July 29, 2003, at 5:30 A.M.,
and August 04, 2003, at 8:00 A.M. On August 05, 2003, at 3:15
P.M.-4:45 P.M., the nurses document "Day nurse _ ss Gave _~ me
report that sitter was leaving at 5:00 P.M, today and new sitter
in at 7:00 P.M.. When sitter left, she reported leaving and
(a case manager) from Help from the Heart came in and
had (resident) sign some papers. I told __—s (Help from the
Heart employee) we would try to keep resident with us. Would
take her to dining room for supper. Nursing assistants
instructed to keep her close to them. —— (Case manager) took
resident to hall 1 dining room". The next entry is from 5:45
P.M.-6:15 P.M., Documentation in the nurses notes states "Ate
supper in Hall 1 dining room. Found on floor in room 107 on
right side complaining of severe pain in back and right hip".
It was documented in the nurses notes that the POA and physician
were notified, and the resident was sent to a local hospital.
The note also states " (Resident) stated she had to go to the
bathroom and thought she could do it herself, took walker, she
stated to toilet, and forgot to use walker to return".
(b) Interview was conducted August 28, 2003, at 3:50
P.M., with the nurse on duty on the unit the resident was
housed on. She was asked about the events the day the resident
fell. It was stated that she "saw the sitter with the resident.
Came and told me she was going to leave about 5:00 P.M. This was
approved by her company representative. No one came until 7:00
P.M. I asked the sitter to bring her out to me or a nursing
assistant, but she never brought her out of the room. I
continued working. The nursing assistants called me later on and
said she was on the floor. I never saw (The case manager).
No one let us know she was unattended. fo ocalled (case
manager) later and she said she should have stayed". An
interview was conducted with the nursing assistant who found the
resident on the floor. The interview was on August 29, 2003, at
11:00 A.M., It was stated that " I found the resident on the
floor in her room. She was conscious. She was able to make her
needs known. Stated she was in pain and could I help her off the
floor. She said she was sorry to bother me that she needed to go
to the bathroom and fell, but she didn't know why (she fell). f
was doing a split shift and was at the bottom of the hall, but
the resident was not assigned to me. I saw her earlier with
another woman in the dining area who assigns sitters for her.
She sat at a table. The meal cart came and the woman asked me
for a meal tray if it was ready. It wasn't on the cart. The next
time I saw her (the case manager), she was outside the residents
room. We talked about the residents meal tray. The woman (case
manager) took the resident back to the dining area, and I
brought her tray to her and left. When I collected other trays
later on, I saw the resident outside her room. She asked me if
that was her room and I said yes. I was never given report, I
only knew she had private care".
(c) Review of the facility documentation from 8/20/03
reveals a phone call to , case Manager from "help from
the heart", who provided the sitter to the resident. Further
documentation review revealed the call made to the
representative shows that she had arranged for a sitter for the
7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. shift. The documentation also revealed
the sitter notified the representative of the need to leave
early. The note documents ("The case manager) arrived at
facility 4:10 P.M., and was with the resident until 5:40 P.M.
During the time in the facility, she (case manager) spoke with
the charge nurse on that unit, and informed her of lack of
coverage and told her she had affairs to work out with the
resident, and she would be leaving and the evening sitter should
be there by 7:00 P.M." Per nursing note," (the nurse) informed
(the case manager) that she would have the staff take her to the
main dining room and keep an eye on her. This seemed to be an
area of misunderstanding between the (charge nurse), and
(Case manager for Help from the Heart), in that the
resident was accustomed to eating in the hall 1 lounge area
outside her room with his/her sitters. She (case manager)
informed me (DON) that she took the resident to the
lounge/dining area on hall 1 just outside her room to a table
where they reviewed bills and signed checks. She stated that the
nursing aids were in the area and then the residents tray was
delivered to her at the table where they were sitting. She (Case
manager) finished her business and left without telling the
nurse manager or the aides that she was leaving at that time and
signed out at 5:40 P.M.".
(d) Another note by the DON, dated August 21, 2003,
documents " I also spoke with (Nursing assistant) who
stated that she told (Case manager) that she had to leave
the hall and needed to take the resident to the main dining room
for supervision. (Case manager) told her that she would be
with her and help her finish her dinner. (Nursing
assistant) left the hall to help feed resident. (Case
Manager) removed our ability to supervise this resident by
leaving her unsupervised and refusing to have her taken to the
main dining room as planned. The facility had taken measures to
have her supervised 24 hours a day and was providing this care
in the absence of the sitters; by not informing someone that she
was leaving the resident, she placed her in harms way".
A facility interview with a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
working on a different hall reveals the following documentation:
"___ (LPN) states that on August 05, 2003 during the 7-3 shift,
she was working on hall 2. The private duty aide approached her
after lunch and stated that she needed to leave at 5:00 P.M. and
someone would be back at 7:00 P.M. (LPN) told her that you
cant tell me because I am not on at that time, you have to speak
to the 3-11 nurse. She said OK. Then (LPN) did not see her
again. Then when ___- (nurse in charge) came on, __ (LPN) told
her that the private duty aide had told her that she had to
leave and she had been told that she had to talk to ___ {nurse
in charge)".
(e) The facility administrator was interviewed on
August 29, 2003, at 9:50 A.M. He was asked if there was any
policy for the monitoring of sitters. It was stated no. The
administrator stated the policy provided was developed after the
incident with the resident. It was also stated that sitters now
have to sign in and out. The administrator stated the staff have
been lax about the sitters. In interview with the administrator
on 8/29/03 at 9:50 AM he indicated that following the incident
noted above with resident #3, that the facility institued a new
policy to include Maintating a file containing sitters
qualification and screening/background checks. He further
stated that sitters will now be required to sign in and sign
(f£) The facility had no way to ascertain the
qualifications of the sitters tending the residents, nor any way
to monitor the sitters as to their assignment times. The
facility did not provide adequate Supervision for the resident,
who needed 24 hour supervision to prevent fails. Lacking
specific policy and procedures for sitters, the facility did not
know if the person who was with the resident was qualified to
Sit with the resident and provide supervision. The facility
abrogated their responsiblity to adequately monitor the resident
as the person who was with the resident last waS a case manager
who assigned sitters, not a sitter herself, and should not have
been given responsibility for monitoring the resident or
delivering the resident to a staff member when she was through
with her task. The facility staff did not adequately monitor the
whereabouts of a resident who was to be provided twenty four
hour supervision to prevent falls. The staff did not ensure that
a qualified person was with the resident when the sitter had to
leave early. The resident had a fall and was transported to a
local hospital, where it was discovered he/she had a fractured
pelvis as revealed by documentation review.
12. Based on the foregoing, “Stuart Nursing & Restorative
Care Center” violated 483.25(h) (2), C.F.R., and incorporated by
Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., herein classified as a Class II
violation, which carries, in this case, an assessed fine of
13. This facility had a Class II deficiency found in
Survey completed 7/29/2003. Because the facility has had two
Class II deficiencies arising from separate surveys within a 60-
day period, they are subject to a 6-month survey cycle. The
Agency, in addition to any administrative fines imposed, may
assess a survey fee. The fine for the 2-year period shall be
$6,000, one half to be paid at the completion of each survey.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida Agency for
Health Care Administration requests the following relief:
A. Make a factual and legal findings in favor of the
Agency on Counts I and II and
B. Assess against “Stuart Nursing & Restorative Care
Center” an administrative fine of $10,000 for the Class II
violations in Counts II, in accordance with Section 400.23(8)
(bo) Fla. Stat and I.
Cc. Assess a survey of $6,000 in accordance with
Section 400.419(3), Pla. Stat.
D. Award the Agency for Health Care Administration
costs related to the investigation and Prosecution of the case
in accordance with Section 400.121(10), Fla. Stat.
E. Grant such other relief as the court deems is
just and proper.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57,
Florida Statutes (2001). Specific options for administrative
action are set out in the attached Election of Rights and
explained in the attached Explanation of Rights. All requests
for hearing shall be made to the
Agency for Health Care
Administration, and delivered to the Agency for Health Care
Administration, Lealand McCharen,
Drive, Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee,
#(850) 922-5873,
Agency Clerk, 2727 Mahan
Florida 32308. Telephone
Respectfully submitted.
Copy to:
Nelson Rodney, Assistant General Counsel
Agency for Health Care Administration
Manchester Building
8355 NW 53°° Street
Miami, Florida 33166
Diane Reiland, Field Office Manager
Agency for Health Care Administration
1710 East Tiffany Drive, Suite 100
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407
Long Term Care Program Office
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Assistant General Counsel
Agency for Health Ca
8355 NW 53° Street
Miami, Florida 33166
Jean Lombardi, Finance and Accounting
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #14
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
I. HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing has been furnished by U.S, Certified Mail, Return
Receipt Requested to Joseph M, Murray, Administrator, Stuart
Nursing & Restorative Care Center, 1500 Palm Beach Road, Stuart,
Florida 34994, and to Joseph Ficocelio, Register Agent, 7300
Oleander Avenue, Port Saint Lucie, Florida 32952 on
Colbie. Io _, 2003.
Nelson Rodney
Docket for Case No: 03-004683
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
May 18, 2004 |
Final Order filed.
Jan. 29, 2004 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 28, 2004 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction without Prejudice (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Dec. 17, 2003 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Dec. 17, 2003 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 12, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Stuart, FL).
Dec. 16, 2003 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Dec. 12, 2003 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 11, 2003 |
Election of Rights filed.
Dec. 11, 2003 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 11, 2003 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Dec. 11, 2003 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.