Respondent: DAVID J. NILES, D.O.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Clearwater, Florida
Filed: May 13, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, June 13, 2008.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
May 13 2008 $:55
MAY-13-2088 HStS3 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL 856 414 1989 P.@8
Vv. CASE NO, 2006-33942
! —
COMES NOW Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its op
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint ‘before the
Board of Osteopathic Medicine against Respondent, David J, Niles, D.0.,
"and in support thereof alleges: )
1. Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
practice of osteopathic medicine pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida
Statutes; Chapter 156, Florida Statues; and Chapter 459, Florica Statutes.
2. At all times material to. this Complaint, Respondent was a
licensed osteopathic physician within the State of Florida, having been
- issued license number OS 5288.
JAPSU\Medienl\Blake\Qateo\.CeiNilee, D,2006-3 3942 (x)(0).doe
May 13 2008 $:55
MAY—13-2888 @e:54 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL 856 414 1989 P.@9
3. Respondent's address of record is 650 Richmond Close, Tarpon
Springs, Florida 34688.
4. Respondent practiced. as an Emergency Rowm physician at
- Community Hospital in New Port Richey, Morida.
5. On or about March 30, 2003, Patient R.O., a then eighty-two
(82) year-old male, presented to the Emergency Room at Community
Hospital with complaints of redness in his left foot.
6. Patient R.O. reporLed that he had a history of gout and he was
taking the anti-coagulant drug, Coumadin.
7. After performing a physical examination and taking a medical
history, -Resporident ordered the nurses to administer Toradol
intramuscularly and Vicudin by mouth.
8. Toradol is a nonsteriodal anti-inflammary drug which is
contraindicated in patients who are taking anticoagulants, such as
Coumadin, wilhout following specific procedures to prevent adverse.
reactions such as internal bleeding,
9, Respondent also ordered that the following lab tests be
performed on Patient R.O.: sedimentation rate, uric acid, complete blood
count, and prothrobin time.
IAPSTUAMadica Blak orteo\ACaiNiles, D,2006-33942(x Ko). doc Z
MAY-13-2088 BB:54 AHCA“LEGAL MEDICAL Mey Bs 28 fen aid 1989s
10. The results of the lab tests for Patient R.O. showed that Patient
R.O. had an elevated INR at 3.32.
11. INR (International Normalized Ratio) i a laboratory Lest. which
is used to monitor anticoagulation therapy.
12. Respondent failed to address Patient R.O.'s elevatect INR.
13, On ot about March 30, 2003, Patient R.O. was discharged from
Community Hospital with prescriptions for Indocin and Vicodin.
14. Indocin is a nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve
pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthrilis, gout, bursitis, and
15. Following his discharge from Community Hospital, Patiant R.O,
developed weakness, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. .
16. On or about April 7, 2003, Patient R.O, was adinilled to
Community Hospital with a diagnosis of gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
17, Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
through sixteen (16) as fully set forth herein. .
18. Section 459.015(1)00, Florida Statutes (2002), provides thal
the failure lo practice osteopathic medicine with that level of care, skill,
JAPSU\Madical\ i lake\Csreo\ ACA E65. .2006=33 942(x Hu). doe 3
MAY-13-208 @8:54 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL Mey BS ane fen id 1989 Pld
and treatment which is recognized by a reasonable prudent similar
osteopathic ‘physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and
Grcumstances, constitutes grounds for discipline by the Board of
Osteopathic Medicine.
19. Respondent failed to practice osteopathic medicine with that
level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably
prudent similar osteopathic physician, in onc or more of the following
a) — by tailing to identify and address the abnormal lab results
ordered during Patient R:0.’s visit at Community Hospital;
b) by failing to identify and address the dangers of administering a
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication to Palient R.O. while the
patient was taking Coumadin; or
c). by preseribing a nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug fo Paticnt
R.O. for outpatient management.
20, Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
_ 459.015(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2002), by failing to practice osteopathic
medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by
| FAPSU\MedicahGlakc\Outeo\ ACA iles, 1).2006.-35 942(x)(0).doe 4
May ; May 13 2008 $:56
1 13-2688 BBIS4 _ AHCA“LEGAL MEDICAL SSA 414 1909 P.12
a reasonably prudent similar osteopathic physician as being acceptable -
under similar conditions and circumstances.
21. Petitioner realleges, and incorporates paragraphs one (1)
_ through sixteen (16) as fully set forth herein.
29. Section 459.015(1)(0), Florida Statutes (2002), provides that
failing to keep leyible, as defined by department rule in consullation with
the board, medical records that idenitify the licensed osteopathic physician
or the osteopathic physician extender or supervising osteopathic physician
by name and professional title who is or are responsible for rendering,
ordering, supervising, of billing for each diagnostic or treatment provedure
_and that justify the course of treatment of the patient, including, but not
fimited to, patient histories; examination results; test results: records of
drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; and reports of consultations
and hospitalizations, constitutes grounds for discipline by the Buard of
Osteopathic Medicine.
23. Respondent failed to keep legible medical records that justify
the course of treatment of Patient L.B. in one or more of the following
JAPS U\Medie ani lakesten\ a Cs\Niles 12006-3394 2{x a) duy §
May 13 2008 $:57
MAY—13-2888 @e:55 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL 856 414 1989 P.13
a) _ by falling to document the adnormal INR; or
b) by failing to document addressing the abnormal INR.
24, Based upon the foregoing, Respondent violated Section
459.015(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2002), by failing to kecp legible, as
defined by department rule in consultation with Lhe beard, medical records
that identify the licensed osteopathic physician or the osteopathic physician
extender ar supervising osteopathic physician by name and professional
title who is ar are responsible for rendering, ordering, supervising, of billing
for each diagnostic or treatment procedure and that justify the course of
, treatment of the patient, including, but not limited to, patient histories;
examination results; tesl results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or
administered: and reports of consullalions and hospitalizations,
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Osteopathic Medicine enter an ofder impasing one af more of the following
penaltics: permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license,
restrictian of practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a
reprimand, placement of the Respondent on probation, corrective action,
refund of fees billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other .
relief that the Board deers appropriate.
TAPE U\Mepdical Blake ies ACe\Niles 2 203 19d2(29(0).doc 6
May 13 2008 $:57
MAY-13-2888 GSt55 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL 856 414 1989 P.14
sionepthis 15 day of — Mow abow 2007.
Ana M, Viamonte Rgs, M-D., M.PII.
State S i i ;
3/ Blake |unter
sistant General Counsel
ay j DOH Prosecution Services Unit
ei Ere 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
eR SOO Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
cent COB Florida Bar No, 0570788
ome (850) 245-4040, ext. 8114
0 Agi (850) 245-4682 FAX
CPi NES 727
PCP Members: Ansuriele Stan
JAPSLA\Medical\Blake\Ostec\ACs\Niles, D.2006-33 42(a }(u).doc 7
May 13 2008 $:57
MAY-13-2888 G8:55 AHCA/LEGAL MEDICAL 856 414 1989
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to he
conducted in accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, —
Florida Statutes, to be represented by counsel or other qualified
representative, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoena and subpoena
duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a hearing is requested.
Respondent Is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred
costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter.
Pursuant to Section 456.072(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall
assess costs related to the investigation and prosecution of a
disciplinary matter, which may include attorney hours and costs,
on the Respondent in addition to any other discipline imposed.
JAPS UNM adteal\Hlakesten\ AC Niles D2006.33 949(xX9).doe &
Docket for Case No: 08-002276PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 13, 2008 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 12, 2008 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jun. 04, 2008 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by A. Brown).
May 27, 2008 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
May 27, 2008 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 7 and 8, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
May 20, 2008 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
May 15, 2008 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner`s Requests for Interrogatories, Production and Admissions filed.
May 13, 2008 |
Initial Order.
May 13, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
May 13, 2008 |
Notice of Scrivener`s Error filed.
May 13, 2008 |
Election of Rights filed.
May 13, 2008 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Hunter).
May 13, 2008 |
Agency referral filed.