1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*73
Petitioner, a partner of a law firm specializing in litigation, met with his colleagues each day at noon to discuss firm business, e.g., case assignments, scheduling, settlements. The lunches were paid for by the partnership. Respondent disallowed petitioner's distributive share of these expenses.
80 T.C. 1073">*1073 1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*75 Respondent determined a deficiency in petitioner's Federal income tax for the taxable year 1976 of $ 1,125 and for 1977 of $ 1,351. After concessions by the respondent, the sole issue for our decision is whether petitioner 80 T.C. 1073">*1074 is entitled to deduct his share of the partnership's expenses representing daily business luncheon meetings.
Some of the facts have been stipulated and those facts are so found. The stipulation of facts and the attached exhibits are incorporated by this reference.
The petitioners are husband and wife who resided in Chicago, Ill., when they timely filed the 1976 and 1977 Federal income tax returns in question. Petitioner Diane C. Moss is a party to this proceeding solely because she filed a joint return with her husband, petitioner John Moss.
Petitioner, an attorney, was a partner in the law firm Parrillo, Bresler, Weiss & Moss in 1976 and 1977. The firm filed a partnership return for each of the years in question. It took a deduction each year for "meetings and conferences." Petitioner has claimed his share of the firm's expense on his individual return.
Parrillo, Bresler, Weiss & Moss was a firm of six or seven lawyers who specialized1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*76 in insurance defense work. Their case load was extremely heavy. Most of the lawyers spent the better part of each day participating in or preparing for depositions and trials throughout the greater Chicago area. Judges often held hearings on short notice, thus making it necessary for the firm to assign cases and plan schedules at the last minute.
Robert Parrillo, the senior partner, was responsible for all cases involving the firm's major client, the Safeway Insurance Co.1 His partners and associates handled the details of these cases, but no final settlements were made without his approval.
The firm had an unwritten policy of meeting every day during the noon recess at the Cafe Angelo, a small, quiet restaurant conveniently located near the courts and the office. Over lunch, the lawyers would decide who would attend various sessions; 2 discuss issues1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*77 and problems that had come 80 T.C. 1073">*1075 up in the morning; answer questions and advise each other on how to handle certain pending matters; update Mr. Parrillo on settlement negotiations; and, naturally, engage in a certain amount of social banter. Attorneys attended whenever possible for as long as possible; sometimes they ate, at other times they merely joined in the discussions.
The law firm paid for the meals eaten during the noontime meetings. In 1976, the total bill was $ 7,113.85; 31983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*78 in 1977, they spent $ 7,967.85. The bill from the Cafe Angelo represents the bulk of the firm's "meeting and conference" expense. 4
The noon hour was the most convenient and practical time for the firm to have its daily meeting. 5 The courts were almost always in recess at this time, so most attorneys could attend. The more experienced members of the firm were available to advise and educate the fledgling litigators. Parrillo was there to discuss and approve settlements. The Cafe Angelo provided a good location, efficient service, reasonable prices, and a place where judges could locate the attorneys.
1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*79 In its statutory notice of deficiency, respondent disallowed petitioner's distributive share of the Cafe Angelo expense, along with other items upon which the parties have reached an agreement.
Petitioner is a partner in a Chicago law firm that met every business day in 1976 and 1977 at the Cafe Angelo for lunch. Current litigation problems, scheduling, assignments, and settlement of cases were discussed at that time. The firm paid for the meals of those lawyers who ate during the firm 80 T.C. 1073">*1076 meetings. The issue for decision is whether petitioner may deduct his share of those expenses in calculating his taxable income.
Petitioner contends that the luncheon meeting expenses are deductible under
The broad purpose of the Internal Revenue Code is to tax all accessions to wealth, "from whatever source derived." Sec. 61(a). The goal1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*81 being to tax income, business expenses reduce taxable income.
The expense in question is close to that evanescent line dividing personal and business expenses. From the perspective of the partnership, the lunches were a cost incurred in earning their income. The lawyers needed to coordinate assignments and scheduling of their case load, and the noon hour was a 80 T.C. 1073">*1077 logical, convenient time at which to do so. They considered the meeting to be part of their working day, not as an hour of reprieve from1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*82 business affairs. The individuals did not feel free to make alternate plans, or to eat elsewhere. For this firm, petitioner argues, the meeting was both ordinary and necessary.
The Commissioner focuses not on the circumstances bringing the partnership together each day, but rather on the fact that the individuals were eating lunch while they were together. Rather than to
The dual nature of the business lunch has long been a difficult problem for legislators and courts alike. The traditional1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*83 view of the courts has been that if a personal living expense is to qualify under
1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*84 Following the
1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*85 Petitioner relies on
1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*86 The only recent cases where deductions were allowed for meals taken on a regular basis were
1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*87 The decision by the Ninth Circuit implies that similar considerations are involved in determining whether a meal is a business expense under
Petitioner relies on this notion of restriction in contending that the cost of the lunches, like the cost of the firehouse mess in
80 T.C. 1073">*1080 Petitioner has not explained, however, how this "restriction" is any different than that imposed on an attorney who must spend his lunch hour boning up on the Rules of Civil Procedure in preparation for trial or reading an evidence book to clarify a point that may arise during an afternoon session. In all these cases, the lawyer spends an extra hour at work. The mere fact that this time is given over the noon hour does not convert the cost of daily meals into a business expense to be shared by the Government.
In agreeing with the Commissioner on this point, we are well aware that business needs dictated the choice of the noon hour for the daily meeting. In a very real sense, these meetings contributed to the success of the partnership. But other costs contributing to the success of one's employment are treated as personal expenses. Commuting is obviously essential to one's continued employment, yet those expenses are not deductible as business expenses.
the common thread which seems to bind the cases together is the notion that some expenses are so inherently personal that they simply cannot qualify for
In the instant case, we are convinced that petitioner and his partners and associates discussed business at lunch, that the meeting was a part of their working day, and that this time 80 T.C. 1073">*1081 was the most convenient time at which to meet. We are also convinced that the partnership benefited from the exchange of information and ideas that occurred.
But this does not make his lunch deductible any more than riding to work together each morning to discuss partnership affairs would make his share of the commuting costs deductible. If only the four partners attended the luncheons, petitioner's share of the expenses (assuming they were coequal partners) would have corresponded to his share of the luncheons. This is not an occasion for the general taxpayer to share in the cost of his daily1983 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 73">*91 sustenance. Indeed, if petitioner is correct, only the unimaginative would dine at their own expense. 13
Petitioner argues, in the alternative, that the cost of the meals may be deducted under
1. Petitioner's partner Robert Parrillo testified at trial that about 85 to 90 percent of the law firm's income and legal work came from the Safeway Insurance Co.↩
2. Petitioner introduced into evidence several examples of the firm's "Daily Call Sheet."
This master list, prepared by the docket secretary, showed the case name, court number, "call" (or what item was pending), location, and time of all matters scheduled. At lunch, the attorneys would decide who would handle what matters and so note on the call sheet.↩
3. The statutory notice of deficiency and other work papers of the respondent show the expense as $ 7,103.85, although the stipulation of facts list it as $ 7,113.85. This latter figure appears to be the correct sum of the monthly bills from Cafe Angelo, and we will accept it as such.↩
4. The partnership return shows a 1976 meeting and conference expense of $ 7,894, of which $ 7,113.85 was spent at the Cafe Angelo. In 1977, the figures were $ 8,670 and $ 7,967.85, respectively.↩
5. At trial, respondent suggested several other times at which the partners and associates could conceivably have met. While we agree that it would have been possible to meet at 7 a.m. or 6 p.m., we believe Mr. Parrillo's testimony that such meetings would have been less well attended and less effective.↩
6. Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended and in effect during the years in issue.↩
7. Respondent has directed virtually all of his fire to his argument under
(b) * * *
(5) * * * Except as permitted under
9. A similar balance governs the tension between secs. 213 and 262. Satisfaction of nutritional needs is presumptively personal, yet when medical conditions require specially prepared foods we have allowed a deduction for the additional costs because "the sole benefit received for the added expenses was the relief from medical infirmities."
The present circumstances do not require an exploration of the dimensions of our opinion in
10. See also
11. Cf.
12. Two cases decided after
13. We note that where the costs attributable to non-partner employees are specified, these costs may be deductible to the partners and compensation to the employees. That is not an issue on this record.↩