1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*39
Ps are an affiliated group of corporations engaged primarily in exploration for and development, production, refining, and sale of oil and natural gas and exploration for, production and mining of other minerals. Ps extracted hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon liquids and gases from oil wells in Florida and Alabama. Ps had to remove hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants from the well effluents prior to transporting crude oil and natural gas. Hydrogen sulfide is a hazardous gas which corrodes pipelines, produces noxious fumes when burned, and can damage both plants and animals. Ps converted the hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulphur and water using the Claus Sulphur Recovery System and sold the elemental sulphur as a byproduct of oil and gas production.
90 T.C. 630">*631 In these consolidated cases, the Commissioner determined deficiencies in petitioners' Federal corporate income tax for the taxable years 1979, 1981, and 1982 as follows:
Docket No. | Year | Deficiency |
30292-85 | 1979 | $ 30,693,922 |
37799-85 | 1981 | 29,618,171 |
47753-86 | 1982 | 1,130,372 |
The sole issue remaining for our decision is whether petitioners are entitled to percentage depletion pursuant1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*41 to
Petitioners, the Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. (LL&E) and Subsidiaries, are an affiliated group of corporations whose common parent is LL&E. LL&E is a Maryland corporation having its principal office at New Orleans, Louisiana. Petitioners are calendar year, accrual method taxpayers.
During the years in issue, petitioners were engaged primarily in exploration for and development, production, refining, and sale of crude oil and natural gas and exploration for, production and mining of other minerals such as sulphur, gold, silver, copper, and coal in the United States1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*42 and several foreign countries. Petitioners owned a working or operating interest in leases of oil wells in the Jay-Little Escambia Creek Field (Jay Field) in Escambia County, Alabama, and Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, Florida. Petitioners extracted four categories of products from the Jay Field wells: liquid hydrocarbons, gaseous hydrocarbons, nonhydrocarbon gases, and nonhydrocarbon liquids. 2
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon and are most commonly used as fuels. The liquid hydrocarbon produced from the Jay Field wells is crude oil, which consists of hydrocarbon compounds that are in a liquid phase at ambient temperature and pressure. Crude oil is processed into various types of fuels and oils, including diesel fuel and lubricating oil. The gaseous hydrocarbons, 1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*43 or natural gases, exist in a gaseous state at ambient temperature and pressure and consist primarily of methane, ethane, propane, and butane.
The nonhydrocarbon gases extracted from the Jay Field wells are primarily hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. The 90 T.C. 630">*633 typical well stream in the Jay Field contains approximately 8.5 percent hydrogen sulfide and 2.2 percent carbon dioxide.
Brine water, water with a high mineral content, is the nonhydrocarbon liquid extracted from the Jay Field wells. The minerals in the water are not developed for commercial use, and the brine water is reinjected into the well reservoir to maintain pressure.
When brought to the surface, all of the items in the wells are physically mixed. The gaseous effluent, or raw outflow, from the Jay Field wells is referred to as a "sour gas" stream, meaning a stream consisting of both natural gas and hydrogen sulfide with more than one grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 standard cubic feet of the gaseous mixture.
Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are contaminants of natural gas. 3 Sour gas cannot be used as fuel; the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide must first be removed. Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous, 1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*44 highly corrosive gas which cannot be vented into the atmosphere in large quantities without serious deleterious effects. In addition, natural gas contaminated by hydrogen sulfide cannot be burned or transported through pipelines because its corrosive nature would damage the combustion equipment and the pipelines. Hydrogen sulfide, alone, or in combination with natural gas is also unsuitable for use as a fuel because the combustion of hydrogen sulfide produces sulphur dioxide, a toxic substance subject to control under Federal pollution standards. Sulphur dioxide is a gas with an objectionable odor and which can damage both animals and plants.
The well effluent from the Jay Field wells is treated in facilities adjacent to the wells. Hydrogen sulfide is not transported far from the well because of the hazards involved. The well effluent is initially1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*45 treated in a separation system which uses gravity to separate the effluent into brine water, sour crude oil, and a sour gas stream containing natural gas, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. The brine water is reinjected into the well.
The separated sour crude oil undergoes further treatment within the oil stabilization system, a pressurized vessel in which heat vaporizes and removes more of the dissolved 90 T.C. 630">*634 sour gas (i.e., hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and natural gas). The oil stabilization system also reduces the vapor pressure of the crude oil to a low enough level that it can be stored and transported in atmospheric tanks and tank trucks. After processing, the crude oil is classified as sweet rather than sour oil.
The sour gas streams from the separation system and the oil stabilization system, containing both natural gas and hydrogen sulfide, are combined and further treated in the acid gas removal system. The acid gases (hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide) are separated from the natural gas through an absorption process. In a vessel called a contactor, an amine solution such as sulfinal is added to the sour gas. The amine solution absorbs the hydrogen sulfide1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*46 and carbon dioxide and natural gas flow out of the top of the contactor. The separated natural gas is processed further in another contactor which removes water vapor from the gas stream. The natural gas is then transported through natural gas pipelines for use by petitioner or sale to Florida Gas Transmission Co. pursuant to a long-term gas purchase contract dated November 15, 1971.
The acid gas next is separated from the amine solution and passed into a multistage Claus sulphur recovery system, where hydrogen sulfide is converted into molten elemental sulphur by controlled combustion with air. The carbon dioxide is vented to the atmosphere. The Claus system chemically converts more than 96 percent of the hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulphur. The sulphur is then condensed and stored until sold. At all relevant times, petitioner sold the sulphur it produced to Freeport Minerals Co.
The diagram on the facing page summarizes the sour production processing system used at the Jay Field Wells.
The primary products from the Jay Field wells and processing facilities have been oil and natural gas. Sulphur has been recovered from hydrogen sulfide and sold as a byproduct of the processing1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*47 facilities since the facilities were placed in operation.
The basic Claus sulphur recovery process was developed in England around 1890, but did not become economically feasible until modified by work in Germany in 1937. The
90 T.C. 630">*636 first commercial plant in the United States to use the modified Claus process was placed in operation in 1944. Claus sulphur recovery plants, however, were not economically attractive investments until the value of sulphur began to rise significantly in the 1960's. By 1970, an oversupply of sulphur seriously depressed prices, 4 but the sulphur market recovered and the price of sulphur rose dramatically in the late 1970's and early 1980's. 5
Despite dramatic increases in construction and operating costs of Claus sulphur1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*48 recovery facilities since 1968, the sulphur recovery industry has continued to grow, partly because air-pollution controls mandate the recovery of sulphur from the hydrogen sulfide removed from oil and gas wells even when it may not be economically attractive to do so.
The other major source of sulphur for commercial use is the Frasch sulphur mining industry. The Frasch industry was developed in the early 20th century and uses superheated water injected into underground sulphur deposits to melt the sulphur, which is then brought to the surface through sulphur wells. Until 1982, the Frasch mining industry was the dominant source of sulphur in the world. Since that time, however, the amount of sulphur recovered from hydrogen sulfide has been greater.
There are no known limits on the percentage of hydrogen sulfide a well can contain and still remain economically viable as a source of oil and gas. Oil and gas have been extracted from wells containing a trace quantity of hydrogen sulfide and from wells containing as much as 90-percent hydrogen sulfide.
Crude oil is measured and sold by barrels. Natural gas is measured and sold by standard cubic feet. One barrel of oil has the equivalent1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*49 fuel value, measured in British Thermal Units (BTU's) of 6,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas. 6
90 T.C. 630">*637 Petitioners claimed percentage depletion on sulphur during the years in issue in the following amounts:
Percentage | |
Year | depletion deductions |
1979 | $ 878,149 |
1981 | 1,712,277 |
1982 | 978,302 |
Respondent issued his notices of deficiency and petitioners timely filed petitions on the following dates:
Deficiency | Petition | ||
Year | Docket No. | notice issued | filed |
1979 | 30292-85 | 5/15/85 | 8/7/85 |
1981 | 37799-85 | 7/15/85 | 10/10/85 |
1982 | 47753-86 | 9/24/86 | 12/19/86 |
If we find that petitioners' sulphur production is eligible for depletion under
1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*51 Prior to 1975,
1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*52
We must decide whether
90 T.C. 630">*640 Because the rules of
(A) soil, sod, dirt, turf, water, or mosses;
(B) minerals from sea1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*54 water, the air, or similar inexhaustible sources or
(C) oil and gas wells.
Because petitioners' sulphur was not extracted from a mine but from hydrogen sulfide produced from oil and gas wells, respondent argues that the income from the sulphur is depletable, if at all, pursuant to
It appears1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*55 that the absence of the phrase "minerals from" from paragraph (C) was not an oversight. Sulphur is not depletable under
Respondent further argues that Congress would not have used the term "oil and gas
It is true that the statutory language on its face is incongruous. An "oil and gas well" is not itself a mineral, and to provide a depletion rate for "all other minerals except * * * oil and gas wells" would seem to require an implied reading that "minerals from" must have been intended. This implication, however, is improper given the historical application of the term "oil and gas well" in the depletion provisions to mean simply "oil and gas." The Supreme Court has interpreted "oil and gas wells" to mean the oil and gas produced from such wells. In
In 1984, the Supreme Court considered the effect of
Petitioners contend that
Following respondent's reasoning, "natural gas" for purposes of
These apparent anomalies are reconciled, in respondent's view, by attributing to Congress an unexpressed intent to deny any percentage depletion for nonhydrocarbon gases. Under respondent's reading of
Respondent's view may be a valid literal reading of
Although there is scant legislative history on
The floor debates are replete with references to what some members believed to be huge profits enjoyed by the 90 T.C. 630">*645 major integrated oil companies and a concomitant lack of need for percentage depletion for oil and gas income. E.g., 121 Cong. Rec. 4611 (1975) (remarks of Representative Green); 121 Cong. Rec. 7239 (remarks of Senator Hollings). Congress also was concerned, however, with the shortage of hydrocarbon1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*64 fuels and the need to encourage domestic exploration for and exploitation of new sources of fuel. Congress thus retained percentage depletion for small, independent producers to encourage domestic production. During the House debates, Representative Rhodes noted "that one of the reasons for this bill being brought here with some haste is the fact that we have a shortage of domestic petroleum." 121 Cong. Rec. 4606 (1975). In the Senate, Senator Dole remarked that "The 2,000 barrel * * * exemption from the depletion allowance repeal is vitally important to maintaining a high level of energy exploration and production," 121 Cong. Rec. 8128, and Senator Curtis added, "Our first objective should be the production of more gas and oil." 121 Cong. Rec. 7807.
Sulphur is mentioned once in the congressional debates -- as part of a list of 108 mineral extractive industries for which percentage depletion was retained. 121 Cong. Rec. 7295-7296 (1975). A number of members criticized the provision for unfairly singling out the oil and gas industry. See 121 Cong. Rec. 7801 (remarks of Senator Bartlett) (criticizing amendment for altering percentage depletion only for oil and gas industry); 1211988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*65 Cong. Rec. 4625 (remarks of Representative Pickle) ("if we are going to repeal the depletion allowance in one area, * * * we need to look at the depletion allowance on these other minerals"). Senator Mansfield agreed that the bill limited the depletion allowance "for the oil and gas industry while it retains it for almost every other mineral-extractive industry, for * * * 108 items which are covered by the depletion allowance." 121 Cong. Rec. 7295. He added, however, "we are now talking about one -- petroleum -- which is the most important of all energy items at this time." 121 Cong. Rec. 7295. Senator Hollings, a cosponsor of the amendment, added that "not one of those minerals [for which the depletion allowance was retained] has had a four-fold increase in 90 T.C. 630">*646 price" as oil and natural gas had in the early 1970's. 121 Cong. Rec. 7295.
This uncontradicted and consistent legislative record, therefore, reveals that Congress was concerned only with oil and gas when it approved
1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*66 Moreover, respondent's reading of
Of course, hydrogen sulfide is a gas naturally occurring in exhaustible deposits in the earth and falls within a technical classification of "natural gases." Nevertheless, respondent himself has articulated his belief that the "natural gas" referred1988 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 39">*67 to in
Although in the physical sense [carbon dioxide] is a gas, it is not the gas referred to in the term "oil and gas wells" in sections 263(c), 611, 613, and 613A of the Code.
While this revenue ruling does not squarely set forth respondent's position on the facts of this case because in the ruling the carbon dioxide was not produced from an oil and gas well, the ruling directly states respondent's reading of
Finally, respondent's interpretation of
any of various combustible gas mixtures that when in the dry state contain largely methane and in the wet state in association with petroleum contain also higher hydrocarbons and that are used chiefly as fuels * * *
Respondent raises a final argument for the first time on brief that sulphur derived from hydrogen sulfide cannot be depletable pursuant to
Respondent, however, has entered into a stipulation of facts with petitioner pursuant to which he agreed as follows:
[Petitioners] claimed percentage depletion deductions on sulphur in [their] tax returns in the following amounts:
Percentage | |
Year | depletion deductions |
1979 | $ 878,149 |
1981 | 1,712,277 |
1982 | 978,302 |
If [Petitioners'] sulphur production is subject to depletion under
The terms of stipulations are generally binding on the parties and the Court will not allow a party to ignore a stipulation except "where justice requires."
90 T.C. 630">*649 Respondent entered into the stipulation with full knowledge of the relevant facts and in doing so agreed to waive any argument concerning the amount of any depletion deduction allowable. See
We, therefore, hold that pursuant to
To reflect concessions,
1. All section references are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as in effect for the years in issue.↩
2. The Jay Field wells are labeled oil wells because the contents of the wells are in a liquid state in the reservoir. Once brought to the surface, however, some of the products extracted convert to their gaseous phase.↩
3. Natural gas could be viewed as a contaminant of hydrogen sulfide which must be removed during the processing of hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulphur. See
4. In 1968, sulfur sold for $ 42 per long ton. By 1970, the posted price of sulphur had dropped to $ 16 per long ton.↩
5. Between 1979 and 1982, the average posted price of sulphur was approximately $ 100 per long ton.↩
6. The BTU is a measure of the heat produced on combustion of fuel. The heat content of one barrel of oil is approximately 6 million BTU's. To produce the equivalent amount of heat from natural gas, 6,000 standard cubic feet must be burned.↩
(a) General Rule. -- In the case of the mines, wells, and other natural deposits listed in subsection (b), the allowance, for depletion under
(b) Percentage Depletion Rates. -- The mines, wells, and other natural deposits, and the percentages, referred to in subsection (a) are as follows:
(1) 22 Percent --
(A) sulphur and uranium; and
* * * *
(7) 14 Percent -- all other minerals * * * For purposes of this paragraph, the term "all other minerals" does not include --
(A) soil, sod, dirt, turf, water, or mosses;
(B) minerals from sea water, the air, or similar inexhaustible sources or
(C) oil and gas wells.
* * * *
(d) Denial of Percentage Depletion in Case of Oil and Gas Wells. -- Except as provided in
(a) General Rule. -- Except as otherwise provided in this section, the allowance for depletion under
(b) Exemption for Certain Domestic Gas Wells. --
(1) In general. -- The allowance for depletion under
(A) regulated natural gas, and
(B) natural gas sold under a fixed contract,
and 22 percent shall be deemed to be specified in subsection (b) of
(2) Natural gas from geopressured brine. -- The allowance for depletion under
* * * *
(c) Exemption for Independent Producers and Royalty Owners. --
(1) In general. -- Except as provided in subsection (d), the allowance for depletion under
(A) so much of the taxpayer's average daily production of domestic crude oil as does not exceed the taxpayer's depletable oil quantity; and
(B) so much of the taxpayer's average daily production of domestic natural gas as does not exceed the taxpayer's depletable natural gas quantity;
and the applicable percentage (determined in accordance with the table contained in paragraph (5)) shall be deemed to be specified in subsection (b) of
* * * *
(e) Definitions. -- For purposes of this section --
(1) Crude oil. -- The term "crude oil" includes a natural gas liquid recovered from a gas well in lease separators or field facilities.
(2) Natural gas. -- The term "natural gas" means any product (other than crude oil) of an oil or gas well if a deduction for depletion is allowable under
10. See also
11. We note that when the Supreme Court decided
12. The Supreme Court, in
"The 1970's * * * brought about an abrupt redirection in the Nation's energy policy. Escalating energy prices and the Arab oil embargo awakened the public to the Nation's growing reliance on foreign energy resources. Some thought the major integrated oil companies were reaping excessive oil and gas profits at the public's expense, while reinvesting little of their concomitant tax depletion subsidies in domestic energy production. Congress responded to this public outcry by repealing the percentage depletion allowance as applied to the major integrated oil companies."↩