This sounds like it involves elements of medical malpractice, in terms of malpractice defense. Going on the abbreviations, it appears you are a general practitioner working in the Family and Community Medicine department with a 98-year old patient providing misleading history leading to a delayed diagnosis. There wasn't a question, but if you have concerns about the situation, maintain detailed records of what took place so that if your conduct is challenged in the future as to any diagnosis you made, you have evidence in terms of information offered by patient during intake.
Tim Akpinar
racial discrimation at work
So, this is a really long situation and I will try to keep it short. So I work at a very large (reputable) company.
Now if a co-worker on several different occasions says ''why are black people ignorant'' and tells me particualar stories of how they are ignorant, and etc
I tell my boss but the girl is still allowed to work there. In the mist of all of this we moved to a different location (in the same buildinging). my area is in the storage room (i have nothing new) but she is allowed still work there, have a very nice cube.
This has made me very uncomfy and now i feel no other choice but to leave the postion.
There is so much more to thei story but I only have so much space to write.
I am planning of divorcing my wife of 16 years. I have a 14 y/o with her and she has two children from another marriage 21 and 23. She has never worked always stayed home. What are the chances of me gettig custody of my 14 year old and will I end up paying alimony??
Invasion of Privacy Question
I am hoping someone can provide some guidance with this. My mother just recently was awarded her Worker's Comp Case as in receiving medical treatment for her injury as well as monthly payments. The opposing insurance company decided they will keep trying to fight her and decided to hire an investigation company to film her. This insurance company had her filmed previously (during her legal battle with them). She was filmed at the residence she lived at during that time period. The insurance company hired the same exact investigators to film her once again. They provided dates that she was to have been filmed to her attorney. My mother then requested a copy of the film. She knew that she was not doing anything that they had stated she was doing on this supposed film. She just received a copy of it and here the investigation company filmed my wife and children the whole time. They were somewhere near my residence and filmed my wife playing with our children and running errands a How can this be legal? Can I file a complaint against this investigation company. My mother is 46 yrs old, blonde and 5'7 and my wife is Brunette, 5'4 and 23 years old. How can this be a mistake. Anyone with any information please assist. Thank you