This sounds like it involves elements of medical malpractice, in terms of malpractice defense. Going on the abbreviations, it appears you are a general practitioner working in the Family and Community Medicine department with a 98-year old patient providing misleading history leading to a delayed diagnosis. There wasn't a question, but if you have concerns about the situation, maintain detailed records of what took place so that if your conduct is challenged in the future as to any diagnosis you made, you have evidence in terms of information offered by patient during intake.
Tim Akpinar
Pregnant and unmarried
I recently found out that I am about 5.5 weeks pregnant. The father and I are no longer seeing each other, and he does not want the child. He has stated that he ''is embarrassed'' by the situation. What do I need to do to protect both the newborn and myself. Should I put his name on the birth certificate, and also, should I give the baby his last name? I know his feelings could change, and very well might, when it gets closer to the birth, but I do not want any surprises later on down the road. What are my best options?
Landlord misrepresentation
From the very begining, before my wife and I signed our one year lease, out landlord has repeatedly
lied to us. We live ten feet next to
an apartment complex that is un-ruled. On a daily basis all through
out the day we hear children screaming and yelling for some reason. Whether it be abuse or a
child with illness. Their window is
across from ours. The complex also
has a couple of people that sit out
in their cars with the stereo blasting day and night. the week-
ends are even worse. Our landlord
said in the begining that the home
was quiet and peacefull and that the only time the neighbors party is during cinco de mayo. Well every
day seems like cinco de mayo. Our
contract states FREE internet but, it
is another lie. We had to purchase
a wireless remote to recieve service
and daily we have problems with it.
Then their is the ventalation issue,
The house has NO exterior vents for the heat to escape which makes
this house so hot it is unbarable at
times to be inside. Our landlord
promissed time and time again that
he would instally screen doors that
he has failed to do. These are just
a couple of issues. I want out of
my lease but, DON'T want any trouble or loss of money. Help me please.
My husband and I were legally married at City Hall in New York City.
Years after he legally changed his name. I have copies to prove that
he did. I however did not change my name to his new name, I have
kept his origianl last name as my married name. My question is,
am I still legally married to him?
Thank you
Ms or Mrs
Stepparent Rights
What are the rights of a stepparent when it comes to their stepchild?