I want to request a lie detector test for a loved one because he drank some medicine while being on his probation monitor and he did not read the ingredients that the medicine had alcohol and now he is doing 90 days in a program for drinking medicine and it’s just really unfair because he he’s in their for medicine not alcohol and now he will miss the birth of his first child .
1) Unless you are counsel of record, you do not have standing to request a lie detector test for a defendant; 2) Results of polygraph tests are inadmissible as evidence in Court; 3) If sentence has already been imposed, it is too late to submit the issue you discuss to the Judge. Good luck.
Who pays for building insurance? tenant or owner?
I am looking into signing a lease for a space to open a restaurant. I am aware that I need insurance on my actual business. But the landlord wants me to carry an $800,000 policy for the acutal building with his name on the building part. Is this normal business practice? Everyone I've spoke with (other business owners) say it's not normal and that it's his responsibility to carry insurance on the building. By the way, the building is no where near worth $800,000.
Thanks in advance.
exsponging a mister mena
i got a mistermena back in 2000 can i exsponge a mistermena in the staat of florida for a (no returnt movie that i did return) Piddy theft there say.??