If the Magistrate was a lawyer you do not get to appeal to a District Court Judge. If the Magistrate was not a lawyer you do have that right.
child custody
if there is no custody arrangement thru the court, can a mother who is receiving child suport thru the court remove a child from pennsylvania to maine permanently if the father protests. who does he need to contact regarding this and what is his next step. thanks
Legalization of status
A close friend owns a retail business and a distribution business and has been in the U.S. for over 8 years. He has 3 natural born U.S. citizen children 6, 4 and 1 yr old and recently confided that he and his wife arrived illegally 8 years ago, however they legally operate their businesses on valid tax ID numbers. They earn very well, pay tons of city, county, state and federal taxes, own properties and vehicles but yet are not legally in our country. They maintain legal residency in their home country and pay taxes and operate businesses there. They have lived as model ''citizens'' although unlawfully present. They have not announced their presence to the USICS. Is there a means for him and his wife to legalize their status in the U.S.? Should he leave the U.S. and make application in his home country?
School locker larceny
My 6th grade niece recently had her lock and contents of her locker stolen. A teacher shrugged it off saying it happens all the time. If the school is ''not responsible'' for lost/stolen property, who is? Petty larceny against juveniles should not be condoned! Any suggestions?
Construction/Real Estate Law
Our builder stopped building our new home 2 months after finding out that our home may or may not be over an abondoned mine shaft. We purchased mine subsidance insurance( we live in Clay County Indiana, which the state mandates the insurers provide mine subsidance insurance for our County and 12 others because of the heavy coal mining in the past). The builder then told us they would not continue building until we had a certified engineering firm give them a 100% guarentee that the mine shaft will never subside and then they would think about finishing the home. They have since let the home set for 2.5 months without doing anything or allowing us to contract work( roof mainly) so that the home does not suffer from any damages and then told us that damages that result from the weather are the homeowners responsibility to take care of. We signed a contract stating we would use arbitration instead of sueing, but if they breeched the contract initially why can't we sue?