There are too few details to give an informed answer. It sounds like this may be a for profit university. They, as is the case with all universities, need to bring in income. They are loathe to grant credit for courses that are taught at another institution. You are trying to make the argument that you have taken equivalent courses. You should check their documentation to see what their policies are concerning credit for courses taken outside the university. There are services that can provide an assessment of credentials; however, I suspect your institution will not budge. I suppose you didn't check with the school beforehand whether or not they would accept the course. Most universities are very willing to fight you in court because they know you don't have the money. (We specialize in higher education courses.)
There are too few details to give an informed answer. It sounds like this may be a for profit university. They, as is the case with all universities, need to bring in income. They are loathe to grant credit for courses that are taught at another institution. You are trying to make the argument that you have taken equivalent courses. You should check their documentation to see what their policies are concerning credit for courses taken outside the university. There are services that can provide an assessment of credentials; however, I suspect your institution will not budge. I suppose you didn't check with the school beforehand whether or not they would accept the course. Most universities are very willing to fight you in court because they know you don't have the money. (We specialize in higher education courses.)