I don't have money to fix myself.
The stove won't work at all .
I need to cook for my kids.
I don't see in lease were im liable for this.
If I refuse rent can they evict me now?
Probably not now--but they might when the Covid-19 virus lets up. Contact a lawyer who handles landlord & tenant cases and take them a copy of your lease.
Driving w/ minor in vehicle after revocation of license
My husband had his license revoked for DUI. He continues to drive and I do not want our minor son in a vehicle with him if he's driving. If he should get stopped and our son was in the vehicle, what would the ramifications be?
I'm a freight forwarder in CA, I have one customer with an open invoice of $4500 past due for almost 60 day. The invoice consists of payments our company has advanced to US customs, overseas freight charges, warehouse and trucking company. Even though he replied in email that the balance would be taken care within a week, the check has never been sent out and right now he is not answering calls nor replying emails. I did sent him an email requseting him to settle the balance by the end of this month.
My questions is, with this amount,should I file a claim at small claim court or do I have any other options?
Absent father now wants visitiation
My daughter is 11. He has been in and out of her life for the last 8 years. Sometimes going 2 years with no phone call. April 2008 he saw her 4 times. Now June 2009 he decides he wants visitation. She does not want to go. Does not know him. He plays vulgur music around her. He threatened her with ultimatums. At one point he moved to California for a year without even notifying us, no address, no phone number. He has 3 other children that he takes care of with a fiance. In the past 4 years he has seen her 4 times. Before that it was off and on. Once every 6 months maybe if that. I am married and my husband has been raising her with me since she was 3. She is begging us to help her and says she has a dad already. I don't know what to do. I am going to talk to a lawyer to see if I have a case, but I have heard they will still grant him visitation. 2 years ago he tried to commit suicide twice and was hospitalized for it. They also have left her home with their 2 small children when she was 8 and forced her to watch them while they left for the evening. I just don't think it's a good situation! Please help! BTW he has paid child support faithfully since she was born.