Who can be held liable in a lawsuit for ''poor workmanship''
I will refer to our company as Company B and the other company as Company A.
My father owns his own business, before he worked for another plastering company. That company is now being sued for ''poor workmanship.'' We got named on the service, it was shown as Company A AND Company B. Well the job was years before this company was created, so our lawyer (who also reps Company A) shot of a letter to the other lawyers telling them to take our name off of it or we'd sue them. So they took it off but then named my dad personally. What they're saying is that because they believe my dad was in a management position he is also liable and our lawyer says there's a law out there that backs it. Company A is a corporation owned solely by one person, my dad was not a corporate officer and did not have interest in the company. His only role in this particular job was that he estimated the cost of it and scheduled the workers days, Company A owner signed all the contracts, my dad didnt sign anything. Their main complaint was the drywall, comp A owner sub contracted a drywall company (my dad had nothing to do with it). My dad had very little involvement in this job. Can he be sued personally for this? Can we sue the owner of Company A if he is?