The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the Petitioners are entitled to an on-site sewage disposal system ("OSDS") permit concerning property they own located in the vicinity of the Suwannee River in Dixie County, Florida. A related issue concerns whether the Petitioners are entitled to seek a variance from the permitting statute and rules at issue in view of Executive Order 90-14 issued by the Governor on January 1, 1990. The Department takes the position that this removes its discretion to consider variance requests for proposed OSDS installations for sites which lie beneath the ten-year flood elevation of the Suwannee River. See Rules 10D-6.043 through 047, Florida Administrative Code, and Section 381.272, Florida Statutes.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioners purchased real property approximately two miles downstream on the Suwannee River from the point where U.S. Highway 19 crosses the Suwannee River in Dixie County, Florida. They purchased the property on June 6, 1986. The property is located upon a canal which ultimately connects with the Suwannee River. The purchase price of the property was $15,000.00. The applicants paid $3500.00 as a down payment and thereafter have made payments on a Purchase Money First Mortgage in the amount of $255.83 per month. They purchased the property as an investment and as a place to construct a vacation home in the future. On or about February 1, 1990, the applicants filed an application to install an OSDS with the Dixie County Unit of the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. An application for a variance from the permitting rules regarding installation and operation of OSDS's was also submitted. The applicant, Ricky R. Robson, applied for the variance apparently because his neighbor, the owner of the adjacent lot, had previously sought and obtained a variance the year before, authorizing him to construct a "mounded OSDS" on his property. The Petitioners, as required by the Department, obtained the services of a registered land surveyor, Herbert C. Parrish, Jr., to perform an elevation survey of the property and the installation site. That elevation survey was submitted with the application documents and showed the surface grade elevation of the installation site to be 11.8 feet above MSL. The Petitioners were also required by HRS to obtain a determination of the ten-year flood elevation for the property from the District. The initial report obtained from the District indicated that the elevation of the ten-year flood plain at the location of the Petitioners' property was 15 feet above MSL. On or about February 23, 1990, the Dixie County Environment Health Officer made an on-site inspection of the property. This inspection included soil borings and a general inspection of the property. The soil borings performed did not reveal the presence of any soil type which would preclude the installation of an OSDS. No vegetative species indicative of frequent flooding were noted. Nevertheless, the health officer determined that the property was subject to "frequent flooding" based upon the District's flood elevation report concerning the ten-year flood elevation. Therefore, the Petitioners' application for an OSDS permit was denied on that basis and on the health officer's belief that Executive Order 90-14 prohibited further construction of OSDS's, including mounded systems within the ten-year flood elevation. In his testimony at hearing, however, Mr. Fross acknowledged that his earlier reference to "frequent flooding" was in error and, indeed, the site is not subject to frequent flooding. The Petitioners elected not to pursue the application for variance after they were informed by the Environmental Health Officer that pursuing such a variance would be futile. This was because no further variances were to be considered or granted by the Department due to the perceived effect of the Governor's Executive Order 90-14 referenced above. That Executive Order adopted, by reference, the "Suwannee River Task Force" recommendation and precluded the installation of OSDS's below the ten-year flood elevation because of risk to health and to ground or surface waters. Subsequent to the initial denial of the application, the Petitioners supplied more detailed information regarding the location of their property to the District and the District issued an amended flood elevation determination indicating that the actual ten-year flood elevation at the location of their property is 14.64 feet above MSL. It has been established in this proceeding that that is the ten-year flood elevation at the Petitioners' property and installation site. There is, thus, a 2.84 foot difference between the surface elevation of the Petitioners' installation site and the ten-year flood elevation. The installation site is characterized by slight-limited soils, consisting of fine sand extending at least 72 inches below the surface grade of the installation site. Additionally, the wet season water table was found to be at least 72 inches beneath the surface grade of the property. Thus, in terms of soil characteristics and water table elevations, the site is certainly appropriate, under the guidelines contained in the rules cited herein, for installation of a conventional subterranean septic tank and drain field system, but for the deficiency under Rule 10D-6.047, Florida Administrative Code, concerning the bottom surface of the drain field or absorption beds being beneath the ten-year flood elevation. The Petitioners have proposed an alternative solution to the problem involving the surface elevation of the property. That solution would involve the installation of a mounded system which would raise the bottom surface of the drain field trenches or absorption beds above the ten-year flood elevation. The Petitioners, in essence, propose to accomplish this by compliance with Rule 10D- 6.049, Florida Administrative Code, which contains specifications and requirements concerning installation of a base filled area surrounding a mound and requirements concerning placement of the septic tank and drain field within that mound. Given the requirements of that rule which limits the mound to a 36- inch height, but allows a base pad of fill of appropriate soils to be placed beneath the mound before its construction, it is obvious, given the 2.84 foot differential between the surface grade of the installation site and the ten-year flood elevation, that installation of such a mounded system would amount to a feasible alternative OSDS which will raise the drain field trench bottoms above the ten-year flood elevation. In conjunction with the six feet of appropriate soil above the wet season water table, this will assure that public health and ground or surface waters are not harmed or degraded by the installation and operation of such a system. Rule 10D-6.047 clearly envisions that installation of such fill, including a mound for such a system, can be accomplished where it references the "final lot elevation at the site of the proposed system installation . . .", as does Rule 10D-6.049, Florida Administrative Code, where it provides detailed specifications regarding construction of mounded systems and references them as "alternative systems." It should be pointed out, however, that although such a system has been established to be a reasonable alternative OSDS within the meaning of the subject rules at issue, Rule 10D-6.047 proceeds to require that the installation of such a mounded system on property which lies within the regulatory flood way requires a certification of an engineer, registered in the State of Florida, to the effect that the installation of the fill and mound will not serve to alter the "base flood". That engineering evidence and certification has not been adduced in the proof in this proceeding, even though the District, as well as the Department, has approved the installation of such a system on the Larry Gilbert lot, immediately adjacent to the Petitioners' lot, without requiring a "works of the District permit" from the District. The approval of such a similar system on the property with similar elevation immediately adjacent to the subject property might indicate that the Department has a policy of interpreting its rules to allow such mounded systems on property within the ten- year flood elevation, provided that such mounds raise the drain fields above the ten-year flood elevation. It has not been proven, however, that the fact that the District did not require a "works of the District permit" should be and has been interpreted in the past to be equivalent to the engineer's certification required by Rule 10D-6.047. Consequently, a grant of an OSDS permit for such an alternative system for these Petitioners should be conditioned on the provision of such engineering certification, calculations and data to the Department. The Petitioners' property is designated as Lot 24 of Highpoint Suwannee River Front Estates, a platted subdivision. The adjacent lot is Lot 23, owned by Larry Gilbert. The ground elevation of the Gilbert lot is approximately identical to the elevation of the Petitioners' lot. On or about July 14, 1988, Mr. Gilbert made an application to the Department for installation of an OSDS upon his property. The District, in that same month, issued a letter finding that the Gilbert lot was not subject to frequent flooding. The District also indicated in that letter that the installation of 42 inches of suitable soil on the lot would be sufficient for the installation of a mounded in-ground OSDS and that installation of such a system would not violate District rules regarding construction of obstructions in the regulatory flood way. Based upon that information, Mr. Gilbert was able to obtain a variance from the Department's variance board permitting him to install what is known as a "National Sanitation Foundation class I aerobic treatment system" on the property. After obtaining that variance, Mr. Gilbert requested an informal hearing before a Department Hearing Officer regarding the variance board's denial of his request to construct a conventional, but mounded, in-ground OSDS. Following that informal hearing, the Hearing Officer recommended that Mr. Gilbert be permitted to construct a traditional in-ground OSDS utilizing only 36 inches of fill. That informal order was adopted by HRS in a Final Order; and the 36-inch mounded system was constructed upon the Gilbert property, adjacent to the subject property and passed the Department's final inspection.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: that a Final Order be entered in this proceeding granting the Petitioner an OSDS permit authorizing construction of a mounded septic tank and drain-field system, in accordance with the requirements of Rules 10D-6.046, 10D- 6.047, 10D-6.049, Florida Administrative Code, and in accordance with the conditions discussed and found hereinabove. DONE and ENTERED this 7th day of March, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of March, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-18. Adopted. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-17. Adopted. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Linda K. Harris, Esq. General Counsel Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Robert Moeller, Esq. P.O. Drawer 1419 Cross City, FL 32628 Frances S. Childers, Esq. Department of HRS 1000 N.E. 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the owner of Lot 22 at Hatch Bend Upon Suwannee, a subdivision platted and recorded in 1979. Lot 22 lies at river mile 59 of the Suwannee River, as determined by the Suwannee River Water Management District. The Petitioner purchased the property for a site to construct a residence for his retirement. He desires an OSDS to serve a small dwelling which he proposes to construct on the site of approximately 1,000 square feet. The lot is two acres in size. The subject lot is high, level and well drained. In depth, it extends approximately 600 feet from the shoreline of the Suwannee River, upon which it has approximately 150 feet of river frontage. The lot is not subject to frequent flooding, however, as established by a registered land surveyor, the grade elevation of the lot is approximately 19.7 feet above mean sea level ("MSL"), with a benchmark elevation of 20.20 feet at the highest point. The ten-year flood elevation for river mile 59 was established, through information derived from the records of the Suwannee River Water Management District, and in evidence, to be 24 feet above MSL. Thus, the surface of the property involved and the septic tank system installation site lies beneath the ten-year flood elevation. The property, in other particulars, appears to comply with the statute and rules governing requirements for the grant of OSDS permits. That is, the water table level was shown to be more than 72 inches below the surface of the property, which is more than adequate in terms of separation of the proposed drainfield trenches from the ground water table. The soil lying beneath the property is "fine sand", which is a limited soil of an appropriate type for the successful functioning of an OSDS. Based upon mottling found in the soil, the water table during wet seasons is estimated to be at 72 inches below the surface, again, a more than adequate separation between the water table during wet seasons and the bottom of the proposed drainfield trenches. Thus, the subject site is amenable to the installation of an OSDS, but for the fact of its elevation beneath the required ten-year flood elevation. In terms of establishing entitlement to a variance from the subject rule concerning the prohibition of installation of drainfield trenches which will be subject to flooding based upon the ten-year flood elevation, the Petitioner offered no real concrete evidence. The Petitioner merely testified that it was a hardship for him not to be able to construct his proposed retirement home on the property because of the inability to obtain an OSDS permit; however, he did not establish that there were no reasonable alternatives to the normal OSDS proposed and applied for, as for instance, a mounded system so that the drain fields could be installed above the ten-year flood elevation or some other alternative sewage disposal and treatment system. Thus, the Petitioner did not establish that no reasonable alternative exists but to install the normal OSDS, nor did the Petitioner establish that installation of such a system beneath the natural grade would pose no threat to the public's health or the health of the Petitioner. The Petitioner did not establish that such a system would not pose an adverse impact on surface and ground waters in and in the vicinity of the proposed installation site. Thus, no entitlement to a variance from the permitting requirements in the statute and rules cited below was established. The Respondent takes the position that the variance and the permit application should be denied because the proposed installation site lies below the ten-year flood elevation, and, as the Respondent interprets the Governor's Executive Order No. 90-14, issued on January 17, 1990, which adopted Suwannee River Task Force Report Recommendation NO. 36 by reference, the variance request and the permit application should be denied because that Executive Order and the Report Recommendation it incorporates, in essence, calls for the prohibition of any installation of such systems below the ten-year flood elevation based upon a presumption that such would adversely affect public health and the ground and surface waters. The Respondent takes the position that it cannot discretionarily grant variances in such a situation because of the Executive Order.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is therefore, RECOMMENDED that the application of Vernon Merritt for an OSDS permit and for a variance from the above-discussed permitting requirements, be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of December, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 90-3340 The Petitioner submitted no proposed findings of fact. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 4-5. Accepted, but not relevant and material. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Linda K. Harris, Esq. General Counsel Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Vernon Merritt P.O. Box 325 Inglis, FL 32649 Frances S. Childers, Esq. Assistant District 111 Legal Counsel Department of HRS 1000 N.E. 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 =================================================================
Recommendation Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the permit requested be issued in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the staff report (attached thereto). Respectfully submitted this 31st day of October, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. H. S. Cheshire 717 Northeast 2nd Street Pompano Beach, Florida Stephen Walker, Esquire Post Office Box V West Palm Beach, Florida
The Issue The issue to be determined in these consolidated cases is whether proposed Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-42.300 is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.
Findings Of Fact The parties agree and the Administrative Law Judge has determined that there exists no genuine issue as to any material fact. In the December 4, 2014 SERC addendum, the Department described the changes to the proposed rule as follows: The Notice of Change filed on November 7, 2014 does not change the proposed minimum flows or the recovery strategy included in the proposed rules. The Notice of Change merely adds the existing technical information that the Administrative Law Judge found missing in the original rule text, which results in the proposed rule being found by the Judge to be vague. Specifically, these changes include: Adding the period of record used to establish the baseline flows in the Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee Rivers and subsequently used to develop the proposed minimum flows, and, Adding the method used for filling the data gaps in the baseline flow record for the Ichetucknee River. The Final Order in Still-I determined that the proposed minimum flows were vague because they did not include a period of record (of water flow data) to be used with the flow duration frequencies. Flow duration frequencies are percentages of time that a particular amount of flow (in cubic feet per second) is equaled or exceeded, which can vary depending on the period of record that is used. The proposed rule now describes the period of record that was used to derive the minimum flows. Petitioners contend that the rule is still vague because the rule does not identify the period of record that will be used in the future to determine whether the minimum flows are being achieved. Petitioners expressed concern that Suwannee River Water Management District might use a scientifically unsound period of record to determine that the MFL waterbodies are no longer “in recovery.” Neither the Department nor Suwannee River Water Management District identified in Still-I or in this proceeding the period of record that will be used to determine whether the minimum flows have been achieved. However, the Recovery Strategy for the MFL waterbodies is in its first phase. The rule contemplates that the MFL waterbodies will remain in recovery at least until completion of the North Florida Southeast Georgia Regional Groundwater Flow Model in 2019 and the MFLs and the Recovery Plan are re-evaluated with the model as part of phase See proposed Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-42.300(1)(d). This interpretation was confirmed by the Department and the District at the hearing on the motions for summary final order. The Supplemental Regulatory Measures (which are unchanged) do not require applicants for consumptive use permits to determine or show how a proposed withdrawal of water will affect the flow duration frequencies set forth in the rule. The period of record to be used in determining whether the minimum flows are achieved is not used in the permitting process.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant fact are found: On May 3, 1989, Cersosimo submitted an application for a Management of Surface Water Permit to the District. Subsequent to the submission of this application, the Polk County Board of County Commissioner (Commissioners) added an additional requirement to Cersosimo's Planned Unit Development (PUD) that there was to be a pre- development/post-development match for basin runoff in the event of a twenty- four hour one hundred (100) year storm event, i.e. following completion of this project (post-development) it will handle the same outflow or flow of storm water for the twenty four-hour one hundred-year storm event as in a pre- development situation. Based on the Commissioners' requirement, the design of the PUD was amended to provide for the required storage capabilities. On July 26, 1990, Cersosimo submitted to the District, its amended application, Management of Surface Water Permit No. 405733.01 incorporating the changes necessitated due to the Commissioners' additional requirement as to storm water runoff. On August 24, 1990, Ramon E. Monreal, P.E., of the Polk County Engineering Division, noted in a letter of that same date referring to Cersosimo's modification of Retention Pond No. 300 for the project in question that "this revision appears to meet the PUD condition by the Board of County Commissioners for drainage and compliance with the Surface Water Management Ordinance". The application of July 26, 1990, amends the original application by superceding and replacing that application. In connection with the application for permit, soil borings were taken at the site location for the retention ponds in order to establish the elevation of the seasonal high water level (SHWL) for that site. The borings indicated an elevation for the SHWL of 110 feet to 112 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). The District conservationally established the elevation for the SHWL of this particular site as 112 feet AMSL. The floor elevation of the lowest retention pond was established at 114.00 feet AMSL. The elevation of the surface of Lake Mabel for the ten year flood warning Level is 114.50 feet AMSL as established by Rule 40D-8.624(1)(z), Florida Administrative Code. District policy requires the floor elevation of a dry retention pond to be a minimum of one foot above the established elevation of the SHWL of that particular site. Even though the surface elevation of Lake Mabel for the Ten Year Flood Warning Level was established as 114.50 feet AMSL, there is insufficient evidence to show that there was lateral migration of water from the lake's edge to the site of the soil borings such that it was evidenced by a demarcation in the soil profile. To the contrary, the evidence shows that there were demarcations in the soil profile to establish an elevation for the SHWL for this site of 110 feet to 112 feet AMSL. The designed weir crest in the lower retention pond, Pond No. 300, has an approximate elevation of 118.50 feet AMSL which prevents water from coming over the top into the pond in the event Lake Mabel reaches the ten year flood level warning elevation of 114.50 feet AMSL. The distance from the present water edge of Lake Mabel to the bottom of Pond No. 300 would be approximately 600 feet, laterally and if the lake reached the ten year flood level warning elevation of 114.50 feet AMSL, the lake's water edge would be approximately 100 feet laterally from the bottom of Pond No. 300. There was sufficient evidence to show that even if the surface elevation of Lake Mabel reached the ten year flood level warning of 114.50 feet AMSL and the SHWL (ground water level) reached 112 feet AMSL, the retention ponds as presently proposed with a floor elevation of 114.00 feet AMSL would still percolate sufficiently, even though the percolation may be diminished from what it would be under present conditions, so that there would still be a pre- development/post-development match for basin runoff. Cersosimo can give reasonable assurances that the surface water management system as presently proposed will not diminish the capabilities of Lake Mabel to fluctuate through the full range established for it in Chapter 40D-8, Florida Administrative Code. Among others, the following specific conditions in pertinent part will be placed on the permit, if granted: . . . The applicant shall visually monitor the ponds on a monthly basis to ensure that the ponds are dry within 36 hours from the end of the last rainfall event. Should the ponds fail to percolate the required water quality volume per District criteria, a permit modification shall be required. . . .
Recommendation Based upon consideration of the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, it is, recommended that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order granting the application for Management Surface Water Permit No. 405733.01, as proposed by the District. RECOMMENDED this 12th day of February, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 90-4175 The following constitute my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. The Petitioner did not submit any Proposed Findings of Fact Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent Cersosimo 1. - 7. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1-7, respectively. 8. - 10. Adopted in Findings of Fact 10, 8 and 14, respectively. 11. Adopted in Findings of Fact 12 and 13. 12.-13. Adopted in Findings of Fact 13 and 11, respectively. Respondent District adopted Respondent Cersosimo's Proposed Findings of Fact, therefore the same rulings would apply as was applied to Respondent's Cersosimo's Proposed Findings of Fact above. COPIES FURNISHED: Catherine D'Andrea, Esquire Susan Dietrich, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Gary L. Gandy Omega Farm Post Office Box Omega Waverly, Florida 33887 Beach A. Brooks, Jr., Esquire Post Office Drawer 7608 Winter Haven, Florida 33883 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34609-6899
Findings Of Fact The City of Boynton Beach, Florida, filed application number 24859 with the South Florida Water Management District (formerly the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District) for an annual allocation of 3.89 billion gallons (10.7 mgd) for a public water supply system for its service area of 18,351 acres for a period of ten years. The application was dated February 26, 1976. A supplemental engineering report was submitted on April 26, 1977, and a water withdrawal management plan on August 18, 1977. The delay in completing the documentation for the application was due to the applicant's completion of a test well program and hydrogeological evaluation of the aquifer capability of the 34 acre tract known as the "Jarvis Property," the proposed site of eight future wells. (Composite Exhibit 1) The existing raw water supply system for Boynton Beach consists of four separate well fields, comprising a total of 14 wells with a total rated capacity of 9700 gpm. Wells 1 through 5 were built during the period 1946-1958. Wells 6 through 11 were built from 1961-1973, and wells 12 through 14 were completed in 1976. The application seeks approval for eight additional wells, numbers 16 through 22 to be located on the "Jarvis Tract." It is proposed that wells numbers 15 and 16 be built immediately upon approval of the application and that the remaining six new wells be constructed at a rate of two per year through 1982, subject to demand. The city presently operates a water treatment plant with a treatment capacity of 8 mgd and is expanding that facility to a capacity of 16 mgd. It is anticipated that this expansion and the new well field will meet projected water demands in the service area through 1987. (Testimony of Swan, Composite Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2) The Applicant's present wells tap the shallow aquifer overlying the Hawthorne formation. These wells range in depths from 54 to 115 feet below ground surface. The planned wells will reach 180 to 230 foot depths. The shallow aquifer is largely recharged by local precipitation and a surface canal system. There are two major canals located near the Applicant's well fields in distances ranging from directly adjacent to approximately one mile. Canal E-4 is located on the western boundary of the proposed Jarvis well field which would provide direct recharge in the area. Withdrawal of water from wells number 1-5 had to be curtailed due to a landward movement of the freshwater/saltwater interface. The wells at present are used for emergency standby purposes only. After wells number 12-14 were put into operation, it was discovered that the withdrawals affected residential shallow irrigation wells nearby. Three of the residents have filed objections to the application for this reason. This problem will be resolved by the development of the Jarvis well field which will allow curtailment of pumpage from wells numbers 12-14. Well number 14 presently is not in operation due to an unknown polluted condition. The curtailment of use of wells 1-5 will aid in controlling any salt water intrusion. A U.S. Geological Survey saltwater monitoring well in the area indicates that there has not been any net landward movement of the saltwater/freshwater interface in the shallow aquifer since 1973. The Applicant's water withdrawal management plan which will substantially reduce the pumpage from wells 6-14 will also reduce the threat of saltwater intrusion by maintaining the aquifer water levels in the area at a higher elevation. (Exhibits 2-4, 6, Testimony of Gresh, Higgins, Kiebler) The City of Boynton Beach currently has a population of 51,000 and it is projected that by 1987 the population will reach 71,000 which is the maximum limit of its water treatment facilities. The city plans to build a new treatment plant and well field in the western portion of the area when the capacity of the current and proposed well fields are reached. It would be uneconomic to place the currently proposed well field in that area due to the requirement of building a raw water line for a distance of approximately four miles. (Composite Exhibit 1, Testimony of Cessna) The South Florida Water Management District staff recommends that the application be approved in its entirety for a period of ten years, subject to 18 special conditions which are acceptable to the Applicant. The district staff concluded that sufficient water is available in the Applicant's area to support the 1987 level of withdrawals and that the proposed consumption rate reflects a reasonable use of water. The staff further found that there would be a minimal impact on existing users in the area and that westward lateral intrusion of saltwater from the coastline will be reduced. (Exhibit 2-3, Testimony of Higgins)
Recommendation That the application be approved and that a water use permit be issued to the Applicant pursuant to application number 24859 for a ten year allocation of 3.8 billion gallons, subject to the special conditions recommended by the South Florida Water Management District staff. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of February, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: Gene Moore, Esquire City Attorney City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 THOMAS C. OLDHAM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Steve Walker, Esquire 3301 Gun Club Road Post Office Box 3858 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402
Recommendation Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the permit requested be issued in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the staff report (attached thereto). Respectfully submitted this 31st day of October, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Arthur Hastings 708 Lincoln Avenue Leesburg, Florida John Wheeler, Esquire Post Office Box V West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Granada Properties, Ltd. 341 North Mills Orlando, Florida
The Issue The issue is whether Petitioners are entitled to an after-the-fact permit from Respondent for the garage and storage building erected by Petitioners within the floodway of the Suwannee River.
Findings Of Fact Petitioners are the owners of real property located at Lot 15, Suwannee Bluffs as per Plat Book 4, page 18 of the public records of Lafayette County, Florida. Respondent, Suwannee River Water Management District, is an agency of the State of Florida with a responsibility for surface water management within the District. Petitioners live in a home on their Suwannee River property and, in 1999, completed a garage and storage structure on the property without obtaining a permit for construction of the structure. The structure measures 35 feet by 50 feet. It is a concrete block structure on a concrete slab with a metal roof. There are three doors on one side of the structure. The remainder of the structure is enclosed. On or about March 31, 1999, Petitioners, prior to construction of the garage and storage structure, applied for an environmental resource permit for a boat ramp, which permit was subsequently granted. The entire lot of Petitioners is within the floodway of the Suwannee River. The floodway is defined as a work of Respondent's district in Rule 40B-4.3000, Florida Administrative Code. The Suwannee River flows within the boundaries of the Suwannee River Management District. On or about April 18, 2000, Notice of Violation was sent to Petitioners by Respondent. On or about June 19, 2000, Petitioners executed a Notice of Intention to construct a surface water management system for the already completed garage structure. Basically, the surface water management system envisioned by Petitioners would have consisted of modifications to the already completed garage to permit flood waters to flow through the structure. Respondent did not send any responsive formal notice of denial to Petitioners regarding such proposed intention. Instead, Respondent filed a lawsuit in July of 2000, within the 90-day period required by Section 120.60(1), Florida Statutes, in circuit court against Petitioners to prevent the construction of the system. Such action by Respondent constituted denial of Petitioners' requested action. Petitioners' garage construction was in violation of Ordinance 1-87 of Lafayette County, Florida, and in fact, Petitioners received a Notice of Violation from Lafayette County, Florida, dated December 9, 1999, which has still not been resolved. Rule 40B-4.3040, Florida Administrative Code, prohibits the placing of a structure in the works of a District without a works of the District development permit. Petitioners' garage structure was not permitted and was in violation of the rules of the District in force and effect at the time of its construction, notwithstanding Respondent's informal delegation of enforcement of those rules to local county governments in Respondent's district prior to July 1999. Rule 40B-4.3030 Florida Administrative Code, proscribes the issuance of a works of the District's development permit for any work structures, road, or other facilities which have the potential of individually or cumulatively reducing floodway conveyance or increasing water surface elevations above the 100-year flood elevation or increasing soil erosion. Testimony of two experts offered by Respondent at the final hearing establishes that the structure in question will cumulatively reduce floodway conveyance and increase water surface elevations above the 100 year flood elevations and potentially increase soil erosion. Adverse impacts to the public interest include the following: increased flood levels; increased scouring by debris and erosion; and increased water surface elevations above the 100 year flood elevation. The cumulative impact of allowing Petitioners' structure and other structures would magnify the problems of increased erosion, debris damage, and floodway conveyance. The cumulative impact from such construction along the water could have significant cumulative adverse impact on the waters of the State of Florida and specifically, the Suwannee River.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Suwannee River Water Management District enter a Final Order dismissing the petition in this case and denying the issuance of an after-the-fact works of the District permit to Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of August, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of August, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce W. Robinson, Esquire Kris B. Robinson, Esquire Brannon, Brown, Haley, Robinson & Bullock, P.A. Post Office Box 1029 Lake City, Florida 32056-1029 John L. Scott, Esquire Post Office Box 475 Branford, Florida 32008 Jerry Scarborough, Executive Director Suwannee River Water Management District 9225 County Road 49 Live Oak, Florida 32060
The Issue Whether Rules 40B-1.702(4); 40B-4.1020(12) and (30); 40B-4.1030; 40B-4.1040(1)(b) and (c); 40B-4.2030(4); 40B-4.3000(1)(a); 40B-4.3010; 40B-4.3020; 40B-4.3030; 40B- 4.3040; and 40B-400.103(1)(h), Florida Administrative Code, of the Suwannee River Water Management District, are an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority for reasons described in the Second Amended Petition to Determine Validity of Rules.
Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Angelo's is a Florida Limited Partnership, whose address is 26400 Sherwood, Warren, Michigan 48091. The District is an agency of the State of Florida established under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, with its address at 9225 County Road 49, Live Oak, Florida 32060. Angelo's owns property in Hamilton County approximately four miles to the east of Interstate 75 and to the north of U.S. Highway 41, immediately to the east of the Alapaha River. Angelo's conducts commercial sand mining operations on a portion of its property pursuant to various agency authorizations, including an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department), Permit No. 158176-001, and a Special Permit issued by Hamilton County, SP 98-3. The ERP was issued by the Department pursuant to its authority under Chapter 373, Part IV, Florida Statutes. Angelo's mining operations constitute a "mining project" as that term is used in Section II.A.1.e of an Operating Agreement Concerning Regulation under Part IV, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Aquaculture General Permits under Section 403.814, Florida Statutes, between the District and the Department (Operating Agreement). The Operating Agreement has been adopted as a District rule pursuant to Rule 40B-400.091, Florida Administrative Code. Angelo's has filed with the Department an application to modify its ERP to expand its sand mining operations into an area of its property immediately to the west of its current operations (the "proposed expanded area"). Angelo's application is being processed by the Department at this time. Angelo's ERP modification application is being processed by the Department under the Operating Agreement. The District has asserted permitting jurisdiction over the proposed expanded area because the proposed sand mining activities would occur in what the District asserts to be the floodway of the Alapaha. The District asserts that an ERP would be required from the District so that the District can address the work of the district (WOD) impacts. Petitioner has not filed a permit application with the District regarding the project. It is Petitioner's position that to do so would be futile. The Challenged Rules The rules or portions thereof which are challenged in this proceeding are as follows: Rule 40B-1.702(4), Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: (4) A works of the district permit under Chapter 40B-4, F.A.C., must be obtained prior to initiating any project as outlined in (3) above within a regulatory floodway as defined by the District. Rule 40B-4.1020(12) and (30), Florida Administrative Code, read as follows: (12) "Floodway" or 'regulatory floodway" means the channel of a river, stream, or other watercourse and adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the 100-year flood without cumulatively increasing the 100-year flood elevation more than a designated height. Unless otherwise noted, all regulatory floodways in the Suwannee River Water Management District provide for no more then one-foot rise in surface water. * * * (30) "Work of the district" means those projects and works including, but not limited to, structures, impoundments, wells, streams, and other watercourses, together with the appurtenant facilities and accompanying lands, which have been officially adopted by the governing board as works of the district. Works of the district officially adopted by the board are adopted by rule in Rule 40B-4.3000 of this chapter. Rule 40B-4.1030, Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: The implementation dates of this chapter are as follows: January 1, 1986 for Rule 40B- 4.1040(1)(a) which requires persons to obtain surfacewater management permits. April 1, 1986 for Rule 40B- 4.1040(1)(b) and Rule 40B-4.3040 which require persons to obtain works of the district development permit if the proposed development is in one of the following areas adopted as a work of the district. The Alapaha River and its floodway in Hamilton County, Florida; The Aucilla River and its floodway in Jefferson, Madison, or Taylor counties, Florida; The Suwannee River or its floodway in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, or Suwannee counties, Florida; or The Withlacoochee River and its floodway in Hamilton or Madison counties, Florida. (c) July 1, 1986 for Rule 40B-4.1040(1)(b) or 40B-4.3040 which require persons to obtain work of the district development permit if the proposed development is in one of the following areas adopted as a work of the district. The Santa Fe River and its floodway in Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Gilchrist, Suwannee, or Union counties, Florida; or The Suwannee River and its floodway in Dixie, Gilchrist, or Levy counties, Florida. Rule 40B-4.1040(1)(b) and (c), Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: (1) Permits are required as follows: * * * Works of the district development permit prior to connecting with, placing structures or works in or across, discharging to, or other development within a work of the district. When the need to obtain a works of the district development permit is in conjunction with the requirements for obtaining a surfacewater management permit, application shall be made and shall be considered by the district as part of the request for a surfacewater management permit application. Otherwise, a separate works of the district development permit must be obtained. Rule 40B-4.2030(4), Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: (4) The new surfacewater management systems or individual works shall not facilitate development in a work of the district if such developments will have the potential of reducing floodway conveyance. (emphasis supplied) Rule 40B-4.3000(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: The governing board is authorized to adopt and prescribe the manner in which persons may connect with or make use of works of the district pursuant to Section 373.085, Florida Statutes. Further, Section 373.019(15) provides that works of the district may include streams and accompanying lands as adopted by the governing board. In order to implement the non-structural flood control policy of the district, the governing board finds it is necessary to prevent any obstruction of the free flow of water of rivers and streams within the district. Therefore, the governing board does hereby adopt the following rivers and their accompanying floodways as works of the district: The Alapaha River and its floodway in Hamilton County, Florida; . . . . Rule 40B-4.3010, Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: A general works of the district development permit may be granted pursuant to the procedures in Rule 40B-1.703 to any person for the development described below: Construction of a structure for single-family residential or agricultural use including the leveling of land for the foundation and associated private water supply, wastewater disposal, and driveway access which is in compliance with all applicable ordinances or rules of local government, state, and federal agencies, and which meets the requirements of this chapter. A general permit issued pursuant to this rule shall be subject to the conditions in Rule 40B-4.3030. Rule 40B-4.3020, Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: Content of Works of the District Development Permit Applications. Applications for a general work of the district development permit shall be filed with the district and shall contain the following: Form 40B-4-5, "Application for General Work of the District Development Permit," Suwannee River Water Management District, 4-1-86, hereby incorporated by reference and which contains the following: The applicant's name and complete address including zip code; The owner's name and complete address if applicant is other than the owner; If applicable, the name, complete address, phone number, and contact person of the applicant or owner; Copies of all permits received from local units of government, state, or federal agencies, specifically a copy of the building or development permit issued by the appropriate unit of local government, including any variances issued thereto, and a copy of the onsite sewage disposal system permit issued by the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services under Chapter 10D- 6, Florida Administrative Code; A site plan to scale showing all improvements, work, or works with any conditions or limitations placed thereon; and Any supporting calculations, designs, surveys, or applicable documents, which in the applicant's opinion, may support the application. Applications for individual or conceptual approval works of the district development permits shall be filed with the district and shall contain the following: Form 40B-4-4, "Application for Surfacewater Management System Construction, Alteration, Operation, Maintenance, and/or Works of the District Development", Suwannee River Water Management District, 10-1-85, hereby adopted by reference and which contains the following: The applicant's name and complete address including zip code; The owner's name and complete address if applicant is other than the owner; If applicable, the name, complete address, phone number, and contact person of the owner. General project information including: The applicant's project name or identification number; The project location relative to county, section, township, and range, or a metes and bounds description; The total project area in acres; The total land area owned or controlled by the applicant or owner which is contiguous with the project area; A description of the scope of the proposed project including the land uses to be served; A description of the proposed surfacewater management system or work; A description of the water body or area which will receive any proposed discharges from the system; and Anticipated beginning and ending date of construction or alteration. Copies of all permits received from, or applications made to, local units of government, state, or federal agencies. A site plan to scale showing all improvements, work, or works with any conditions or limitations placed thereon. Any supporting calculations, designs, surveys, or applicable legal documents, which in the applicant's opinion, support the application. Copies of engineer or surveyor certifications required by this chapter. Rule 40B-4.3030, Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: Conditions for Issuance of Works of the District Development Permits. The district will not approve the issuance of separate permits for development in a work of the district for any proposed project that requires a district surfacewater management permit pursuant to Part II of this chapter. For such projects, development in a work of the district may be authorized as part of any surfacewater management permit issued. The district will not approve the issuance of a works of the district development permit for any work, structures, road, or other facilities which have the potential of individually or cumulatively reducing floodway conveyance or increasing water-surface elevations above the 100-year flood elevation, or increasing soil erosion. The district will presume such a facility will not reduce conveyance or increase water-surface elevations above the 100-year flood elevation or increase soil erosion if: Roads with public access are constructed and laid out in conformance with the minimum standards of local government. Where roads are not required to be paved, the applicant must provide design specifications for erosion and sediment control. Where roads are required to be paved, swales will generally be considered adequate for erosion and sediment control; Buildings in the floodway are elevated on piles without the use of fill such that the lowest structural member of the first floor of the building is at an elevation at least one foot above the 100-year flood elevation; The area below the first floor of elevated buildings is left clear and unobstructed except for the piles or stairways; A permanent elevation monument is established on the property to be developed by a surveyor. The monument shall be adequate to establish land surface and minimum buildup elevations to the nearest 1/100 of a foot; No permanent fill or other obstructions are placed above the natural grade of the ground except for minor obstructions which are less than or equal to 100 square feet of the cross-sectional area of the floodway on any building or other similar structure provided that all such obstruction developed on any single parcel of land after the implementation date of this chapter is considered cumulatively; No activities are proposed which would result in the filling or conversion of wetlands. For any structure placed within a floodway which, because of its proposed design and method of construction, may, in the opinion of the district, result in obstruction of flows or increase in the water surface elevation of the 100-year flood, the district may require as a condition for issuance of a work of the district development permit that an engineer certify that such a structure will not obstruct flows or increase 100-year flood elevations. The following conditions shall apply to all works of the district development permits issued for development on lands subdivided after January 1, 1985: Clearing of land shall be limited [except as provided in (b) and (c) below] to that necessary to remove diseased vegetation, construct structures, associated water supply, wastewater disposal, and private driveway access facilities, and no construction, additions or reconstruction shall occur in the front 75 feet of an area immediately adjacent to a water. Clearing of vegetation within the front 75 feet immediately adjacent to a water shall be limited to that necessary to gain access or remove diseased vegetation. Harvest or regeneration of timber or agricultural crops shall not be limited provided the erosion of disturbed soils can be controlled through the use of appropriate best management practices, the seasonal scheduling of such activities will avoid work during times of high-flood hazard, and the 75 feet immediately adjacent to and including the normally recognized bank of a water is left in its natural state as a buffer strip. As to those lands subdivided prior to January 1, 1985, the governing board shall, in cases of extreme hardship, issue works of the district development permits with exceptions to the conditions listed in Rule 40B-4.3030(4)(a) through (c). The 75-foot setback in paragraphs (a) through (d) above shall be considered a minimum depth for an undisturbed buffer. The limitations on disturbance and clearing within the buffer as set out in paragraphs through (d) above shall apply, and any runoff through the buffer shall be maintained as unchannelized sheet flow. The actual depth of the setback and buffer for any land use other than single-family residential development, agriculture, or forestry shall be calculated in accordance with the methodology in: "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Engineering Division, Technical Release 55, June 1986; and, "Buffer Zone Study for Suwannee River Water Management District", Dames and Moore, September 8, 1988, such that the post-development composite curve number for any one-acre area within the encroachment line does not exceed; a value of 46 for areas within the encroachment line with predominantly Class A soils; a value of 65 for areas within the encroachment line with predominantly Class B soils; a value of 77 for areas within the encroachment line with predominantly Class C soils; or a value of 82 for areas within the encroachment line with predominantly Class D soils. (emphasis supplied) Rule 40B-4.3040, Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: Unlawful Use of Works of the District. It shall be unlawful to connect with, place a structure in or across, or otherwise cause development to occur in a work of the district without a works of the district development permit. The district may use any remedy available to it under Chapter 120 or 373, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 40B-1, Florida Administrative Code, to cause an unpermitted development to be removed or permitted. It shall be unlawful for any permitted use to violate the provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, or this chapter, or the limiting conditions of a works of the district development permit. The district may use any remedy available to it under Chapter 120 or 373, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 40B-1, Florida Administrative Code, to cause the unpermitted use to be removed or brought into compliance with Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and this chapter. Damage to works of the district resulting from violations specified in Rule 40B-4.3040(1) and (2) above shall be repaired by the violator to the satisfaction of the district. In lieu of making repairs, the violator may deposit with the district a sufficient sum to insure such repair. Rule 40B-400.103(1)(h), Florida Administrative Code, reads as follows: (1) In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter or chapter 40B-4, F.A.C., an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * (h) Will not cause adverse impacts to a work of the District established pursuant to s. 373.086. . . . Facts Based Upon the Evidence of Record History of the rules Mr. David Fisk is Assistant Director of the District. At the time of the hearing, he had been employed there for 26 and one-half years. He played a significant role in the rule adoption process of the rules that are the subject of this dispute. As part of that process, the District entered into a consulting contract with an engineering, planning, and consulting firm and consulted with the U.S. Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to conduct what are described as the FEMA flood studies. Additionally, the district commissioned an aerial photography consultant who provided a series of rectified ortho photographs of the entire floodplain of the rivers within the District, and a surveying subcontractor who provided vertical control and survey cross sections and hydrographic surveys of the rivers. The District also worked in conjunction with the United States Geological Survey to accumulate all of the hydrologic record available on flooding. The information was given to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who, operating under FEMA guidelines for conducting flood insurance rate studies, performed the analytical and computer modeling work to identify the flood plains and floodway boundaries. The District used the amassed knowledge of maps, cross sections and surveys that were developed as part of the FEMA flood studies as technical evidence or support for the adoption of the works of the district rules. Following a series of public workshops and public hearings in 1985, the rules were adopted and became effective in 1986. None of the rules were challenged in their proposed state. The District adopted the floodways of the Suwannee, Santa Fe, Alapaha, Aucilla, and Withlacoochee Rivers as works of the district. According to Mr. Fisk, the District adopted the rules pursuant to Section 373.086, Florida Statutes, which provided authority to the District to adopt district works and Section 373.085, Florida Statutes, which provided authority to regulate activities within those works. The Floodway Line Petitioner hired Mr. John Barnard, a professional civil engineer, with extensive environmental permitting experience, to look at the floodway and floodplain issues associated with Petitioner's site and project. Mr. Barnard conducted an engineering study entitled, "Floodplain Evaluation." It was Mr. Barnard's opinion that FEMA's determination of the floodway line was less than precise. Mr. Barnard used FEMA's data regarding the base flood elevation but manually changed the encroachment factor resulting in his placement of the floodway line in a different location than determined by FEMA. Mr. Barnard acknowledged that different engineers using different encroachment factors would reach different conclusions.1/ Respondent's expert in hydrology and hydraulic engineering, Brett Cunningham, noted that the definition of floodway in Rule 40B-4.1020(12), Florida Administrative Code, is essentially the same definition that used is in the FEMA regulations and which also is commonly used across the country in environmental rules and regulations. Mr. Barnard also acknowledged that the District's definition of "floodway", as found in Rule 40B-4.1020(12), Florida Administrative Code, is fairly commonly used by environmental regulatory agencies. Moreover, it was Mr. Cunningham's opinion that the Alapaha River is a stream or watercourse within the meaning of the rule and its floodway an accompanying land. In Mr. Cunningham's opinion, the FEMA flood insurance studies are widely used across the country for a variety of reasons and are typically relied upon by hydrologists and engineers to locate floodways. The definition of "works of the district" in Rule 40B-1020(30), Florida Administrative Code, is taken directly from the language found in Section 373.019(23), Florida Statutes. The statutory definition includes express references to streams and other watercourses, together with the appurtenant facilities and accompanying lands. Petitioner alleges that the phrase "will not cause adverse impact to a work of the SRWMD" as found in Rule 40B- 400.103(1)(h) is not clear because it does not identify what specific adverse impacts are being reviewed. While Petitioner's expert, Mr. Price, was not clear as to what the phrase means, Respondent's expert, Mr. Cunningham, understood the meaning of the phrase and noted that "adverse impact" is a phrase which is very commonplace in the rules and regulations of environmental agencies and is attributed a commonsense definition. The expert engineers differed in their opinions as to the meaning of the term "potential for reducing floodway conveyance" as used in Rule 40B-4.2030(4), Florida Administrative Code. According to Petitioner's expert engineer, Mr. Barnard, "potential for reducing floodway conveyance" is not a specific term that is open to interpretation as an engineer, and that he cannot quantify what constitutes "potential." Respondent's expert, Mr. Cunningham, understood the meaning of the phrase to be any increase in floodway conveyance. It was his opinion that there was nothing about that phrase to cause confusion. Rule 40B-4.3030, Florida Administrative Code, addresses conditions for issuance of works of the district development permits. Petitioner's expert Mr. Price testified that there is no quantification to what constitutes an "increase in soil erosion" as referenced in subsection (2) and linked the reference of soil erosion to a 100-year flood event referenced in the same subsection. Mr. Cunningham was of the opinion that there is no need to quantify an increase in soil erosion in the rule. He noted that soil erosion is used in a common sense manner and that attempting to put a numerical limit on it is not practical and "it's not something that's done anywhere throughout the country. It's just not something that lends itself to easy quantification like flood stages do". Mr. Cunningham's opinion that the words and phrases which Petitioner asserts are vague are words of common usage and understanding to persons in the field is the more persuasive testimony. This opinion is also consistent with statutory construction used by courts which will be addressed in the conclusions of law.
The Issue The issues to be determined in this proceeding are: whether the challengers have standing; and (2) whether Proposed Rule 40E-8.221(2) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.
Findings Of Fact Based on the parties' stipulations and the evidence adduced at the final hearing, the following findings of fact are made: The Parties The District is a government entity existing and operating pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes, as a multi- purpose water management district. The District has the power and duty to adopt MFLs consistent with the provisions of part I of chapter 373. Sanibel is a barrier island sanctuary in Lee County and a duly-formed municipality with a population of more than 6,000. Sanibel is situated at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, within the Caloosahatchee's greater estuarine area. Sanibel is known primarily for its natural beauty, including clear blue waters, shell beaches, world-class sport fisheries, and wildlife refuges. That is why tourists come from around the globe to visit Sanibel, and why Sanibel's residents move and remain there. Sanibel actively participated in the rulemaking process for the Proposed Rule from its inception. Sanibel submitted two technical comment letters to the District during the development of the Proposed Rule. Sanibel's natural resources director, James Evans, attended numerous public and technical meetings associated with the development of the Proposed Rule, speaking on the record at each of the public meetings prior to the adoption hearing by the District's governing board. The Town, located on Estero Island in Lee County, is also a barrier island community and duly-formed municipality with a population of more than 6,000. The Town is situated just south of the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River and on the southeastern edge of the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. The Town is known primarily for its natural beauty, including clear blue waters, shell beaches, world-class sport fisheries, and wildlife refuges. Cape Coral is a duly-formed municipality in Lee County and is the largest city between Tampa and Miami, with a population in excess of 150,000. Cape Coral is bordered on the south by the Caloosahatchee River and has over 400 miles of navigable canals and waterways, all of which are within the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. In addition, Cape Coral has an assigned load reduction allocation under the Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for the Caloosahatchee River Estuary (CRE) due to it being designated as impaired for dissolved oxygen and nutrients. Maintaining sufficient flow in the Caloosahatchee River would have a direct impact on Cape Coral's ability to meet its assigned load reduction allocation. In addition to living on or near the water, a substantial number of the residents of Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town engage in water-based recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, kayaking, paddle boarding, bird watching, and nature observation in and around the Caloosahatchee River's greater estuarine area. Fort Myers is a duly-formed municipality in Lee County and has a population of approximately 80,000. Fort Myers is bordered by the CRE throughout its entire jurisdictional boundary. Fort Myers owns and maintains a yacht basin (Ft. Myers Yacht Basin), which includes a mooring field and an anchorage field in the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers presented testimony that commercial crabbing and recreational fishing have declined and that it has suffered economic harm due to water quality issues. Fort Myers owns the submerged land in the Caloosahatchee River from Marker 39 to Marker 58, and islands in the river. One such island will be used as a park for recreational activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and hiking for visitors to enjoy the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers also owns and operates piers and a public boat ramp within the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers' dock master has observed declines in seagrasses in the Caloosahatchee River during his 19-year career working at the Ft. Myers Yacht Basin. Fort Myers has adopted a Harbor Management Plan for the management of its mooring and anchorage fields in the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers has also been assigned a load reduction allocation under the BMAP for the CRE, and is responsible for a certain amount of pollution reduction over time. Bonita Springs is a municipality of more than 50,000 in Lee County. The borders of Bonita Springs include portions of Estero Bay, which, along with San Carlos Bay and the Caloosahatchee River, is part of the greater Lower Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Bonita Springs includes wildlife refuges, such as the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve and Lovers Key State Park and Recreation Area. While Bonita Springs' strategic priorities include environmental protection and water quality, it does not have environmental staff or test water quality. Bonita Springs participates in Estero Bay Management and the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP). Bonita Springs provides financial assistance to the Caloosahatchee Citizen Sea Grass Gardening Project. Concerns regarding harm to the CRE and tape grasses are shared by a significant number of residents in Bonita Springs and Estero, including injury to the quality of life and recreational uses such as swimming, boating, and kayaking in the waterways. Estero is a municipality of more than 30,000 in Lee County. Estero borders the eastern portion of Estero Bay. Estero includes wildlife refuges, such as Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve and Koreshan State Park. While Estero has environmental policies, it does not have environmental staff or test water quality. Estero makes financial contributions to CHNEP. Estero is concerned that the Proposed Rule will affect its water quality, which could affect its residents' quality of life. Estero believes it could be harmed by poor water quality because its residents are portable retirees who can move away, or tourists who can choose not to visit. Captiva Island is situated at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, within the Caloosahatchee's greater estuarine area. CCP is a Florida not-for-profit corporation representing property owners, businesses, and the community of Captiva Island. Captiva Island is part of unincorporated Lee County and is located north of Sanibel. CCP has 200 financial contributors comprised of property owners, businesses, and residents on Captiva Island. CCP's mission includes protection of clean off-shore water, diverse and healthy marine life, and robust native vegetation along with the protection of mangrove fringe and water quality. CCP works with Lee County on provisions of the County's comprehensive plan, which include the quality of adjacent waters. CCP relied on the expertise of James Evans, the director of natural resources for Sanibel, and on the Sanibel- Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF). CCP was advised that the Proposed Rule was not sufficient to protect the environment and Vallisneria americana (Vallisneria) or tape grass during the dry season. Caloosahatchee River and Estuary The watershed of the Caloosahatchee River covers approximately 861,058 acres. The watershed consists of four sub-watersheds, three of which are upstream of the S-79 structure. The Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed (estuarine system) is downstream of the S-79 structure. The S-79 structure captures all the upstream discharges of fresh water that go into the estuarine system through the S-79 structure. Major tidal tributaries of the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin are the Orange River and Telegraph Creek, which drain into the upper estuary downstream of the S-79 structure. Fresh water inflows from these and other tributaries also contribute fresh water into the estuarine system. The Caloosahatchee River was originally a natural watercourse running from its origin at Lake Flirt to San Carlos Bay. It is currently defined as the "surface waters that flow through the S-79 structure, combined with tributary contributions below S-79 that collectively flow southwest to San Carlos Bay." Fla. Admin. Code. R. 40E-8.021(2). Man-made alterations to the Caloosahatchee River began as early as 1884, but major alterations began in the 1930s with the authorization and construction of the C-43 Canal. The C-43 Canal runs 41.6 miles from Lake Okeechobee at Moore Haven, i.e., from the S-77 structure, to Olga, i.e., the S-79 structure. The C-43 Canal serves as a conveyance feature to drain water from the three sub-watersheds located upstream of the S-79 structure and convey regulatory discharges of water from Lake Okeechobee. In 1957, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) prepared a report focused on drainage, flood control, and navigation needs of the Caloosahatchee River Basin, and one recommendation was construction of the S-79 structure. The key objectives of the S-79 structure were to eliminate undesirable salinity in the lower Caloosahatchee River, prevent the rapid depletion of water supplies, and raise the prevailing dry weather water table levels. The S-79 structure was constructed in 1965. It is a lock and dam structure that is also known as the Franklin Lock and Dam. The S-79 structure captures all upstream fresh water discharges that go into the CRE. The S-79 structure demarcates the head of the CRE, which extends 26 miles downstream to Shell Point, where it empties into San Carlos Bay in the southern portion of the greater Lower Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Most of this surface water flow takes a southerly route, flowing to the Gulf of Mexico under the Sanibel Causeway that crosses San Carlos Bay. When fresh water inflows are high, tidal action pushes some of this water back up into Matlacha Pass and Pine Island Sound. Additionally, some water exits to the south and flows into Estero Bay through Matanzas Pass. Salinity exhibits a strong gradient in the CRE. Changes in the watershed upstream of the S-79 structure have profoundly influenced the delivery of fresh water to the CRE. Runoff is now more variable with higher wet season flows and lower dry season discharges. Large volumes of fresh water during the wet season can flush salt water from the tidally-influenced sections of the water body, resulting in low salinity conditions throughout most of the CRE. In contrast, fresh water inflow at the S-79 structure can stop entirely during the dry season, especially during significant drought events. This results in saline intrusion that can extend upstream to the S-79 structure. Fluctuations of this magnitude at the head and mouth of the system cause mortality of organisms at both ends of the salinity gradient. Downstream of the S-79 structure, the CRE was significantly altered by multiple dredging activities, including the removal of extensive shoals and oyster bars. Seven automobile bridges, a railroad trestle, and the Sanibel Causeway were built between the 1880s and 1960s. A large canal network was built along the northern shoreline of the CRE in Cape Coral. To provide navigational access from the canal network to deeper water, multiple access channels were dredged within the CRE. Alterations to the delivery of fresh water combined with structural changes to the tidally-influenced sections of the water body have had lasting ecological consequences. These include the loss of extensive shoals and oyster bars, loss of a flourishing bay scallop fishery, and significant decline in seagrass cover in deeper areas. MFLs An MFL is the limit at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources or ecology of the area. The District's rules define significant harm as the "temporary loss of water resource functions, which results from a change in surface or ground water hydrology, that takes more than two years to recover, but which is considered less severe than serious harm." Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-8.021(31). The rule further specifies that a water body's specific water resource functions addressed by an MFL are defined in the MFL technical support document. Id. MFLs are calculated using the best information available. The regulatory agency is required to consider changes and structural alterations to watersheds, and the constraints such changes or alterations placed on the hydrology of an affected watershed. Certain waterbodies may not serve their historical hydrologic functions and recovery of these waterbodies to historical hydrologic conditions may not be economically or technically feasible. Accordingly, the regulatory agencies may determine that setting an MFL for such a water body based on its historical condition is not appropriate. Caloosahatchee MFL For the CRE, MFL criteria were designed to protect the estuary from significant harm due to insufficient fresh water inflows and were not guidelines for restoration of estuarine functions to conditions that existed in the past. The MFL criteria consider three aspects of the flow in terms of potential significant harm to the estuary: (1) the magnitude of the flow or the volume of fresh water entering the estuary; (2) the duration of time that flows can be below the recommended level before causing significant harm; and (3) the return frequency, or the number of times the MFL can be violated over a number of years before it results in significant harm, recognizing that natural climatic variability will be expected to cause fresh water inflows to fall below recommended levels at some natural frequency. The CRE MFL initially adopted in 2001 was primarily based on the salinity tolerance of one valued ecosystem component (VEC). The VEC was Vallisneria americana or tape grass, a fresh water aquatic plant that tolerates low levels of salinity. A major assumption of this approach was that flow and salinity conditions that protect Vallisneria would also protect other key organisms in the estuary. The 2001 CRE MFL was based on a regression model for estimating the relationship between surface salinity measured at the Ft. Myers monitoring station located in the Ft. Myers Yacht Basin and discharge at the S-79 structure. Although the District monitors surface and bottom salinity at multiple stations in the CRE, the Ft. Myers monitoring station is located centrally in the CRE and at the historical downstream extent of the Vallisneria habitat. The Ft. Myers monitoring station also has the most comprehensive period of record of monitoring data available. The fixed data sondes that monitor surface and bottom salinity are located at 20 percent and 80 percent of total river depth measured at mean low water. The data sondes continuously measure temperature and specific conductivity and, depending on the manufacturer, contains programs that calculate salinity. Those calculations are based on standards recognized and used worldwide by estuarine, marine, and oceanographic scientists.1/ The regression model only implicitly included inflows from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed downstream of the S-79 structure. To address this, during the 2003 re-evaluation, a linear reservoir model of Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin inflows was developed. The regression model results showed that a total inflow from S-79 plus the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin of about 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) was required to produce a salinity of 10 at the Ft. Myers monitoring station. Thus, the 2001 CRE MFL of 300 cfs measured at the S-79 structure would produce a salinity of 10 at the Ft. Myers monitoring station only with additional inflow from the downstream Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub- watershed. However, that additional inflow estimate was highly uncertain. The conclusion was that actual flow measurements over a period of time were needed in order to perform more robust calibrations for the new models that were being developed. The Re-evaluation The District's re-evaluation effort began in 2010 after the Conservancy of Southwest Florida filed a petition requesting review of the Caloosahatchee MFL. At the time, the governing board denied the petition but directed staff to undertake additional research and monitoring to ensure a future revision would be supported by the best information available. The first step was to review the September 2000 Final Peer Review Report (PRR) for the initial adoption. The 2000 PRR identified several items the District should consider, including a hydrodynamic salinity model, a numerical population model for Vallisneria, quantification of habitat value for Vallisneria, and documentation of the effects of minimum flows on downstream estuarine biota. The 2000 PRR documented concerns that the current MFL was based solely on the salinity tolerance of Vallisneria and recommended using multiple indicator species. To address those recommendations, the District conducted studies to evaluate multiple ecological indicators, such as zooplankton, aquatic vegetation, oysters, benthic communities, and blue crabs, in the Caloosahatchee from the S-79 structure to beyond Shell Point. In addition, the District collected flow data from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed for at least five years to develop watershed, flow, and hydrodynamic models that could properly simulate inflows and salinity responses. When the initial research was complete in 2016, the District published the Draft Science Document containing 11 component studies. In September 2016, the District held a two- day Science Symposium to present the 11 component studies and gather public comment. In response to public comment, the District performed additional evaluations, modeling, and updated the component studies to produce a Draft Technical Document. A Peer Review Panel reviewed the Draft Technical Document, which included the Draft Science Document. The Peer Review Panel has over 150 years of combined relevant scientific experience. The Peer Review Panel toured the CRE by air and water. The District also held a Peer Review Session to engage the public and obtain feedback. The Peer Review Panel's 2017 report (PRP report) stated that the District had "crafted a well-executed and well- documented set of field and laboratory studies and modeling effort" to re-evaluate the CRE MFL. The PRP report supported the 11 component studies, the modeling, the evaluations, and the initial proposed rule language. The Final Technical Document published in January 2018 incorporated five different models and additional science, examining the entire watershed and the criteria itself. The Final Science Document was Appendix A to the Final Technical Document and contained the scientific research and analysis that was done for the 11 component studies, the modeling, and the additional scientific analyses performed in response to public and stakeholder input. The District initiated rule development in December 2017. Rule development workshops were held in February and June 2018 and a stakeholder technical meeting was held in May 2018. The District validated the comments after each workshop and meeting, and revised the proposed rule language. The District published its Notice of Proposed Rule on July 23, 2018.2/ At its September 13, 2018, meeting, the District's governing board held a public hearing on the Proposed Rule. The mayors of Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town publicly commented at the hearing. After considering public comments, the governing board adopted the Proposed Rule. The District documented and responded to each public comment, memorializing the information in the Final Technical Document. Later, after the rule workshops and May 2018 technical meeting, the District prepared and presented all of the updated information, including public comment, at the September 2018 adoption hearing. Thus, the District's re-evaluation process was open and transparent. The Re-evaluated Caloosahatchee MFL The science supporting the re-evaluation involved a comprehensive assessment of the effects of diminished dry season fresh water inflows on the CRE. The dry season was chosen for two reasons. First, because it is well-established that the upstream migration of salt combined with reduced fresh water inflow alters the health and productivity of estuarine habitats. Second, because the dry seasons are the times when the current MFL criteria are likely to be exceeded or violated. The 11 component studies targeted specific concerns regarding physical and ecological characteristics. Together they offered a holistic understanding of the negative effects of diminished fresh water inflow on estuarine ecology. The re-evaluated MFL criteria were developed using a resource-based approach. The approach combined the VEC approach and the habitat overlap concept. The habitat overlap approach is based on the idea that estuaries serve a nursery function and salinity determines the distribution of species within an estuary, including distribution during different life stages. The combined approach studied the minimum flow requirements of the various indicator species in terms of magnitude, duration, and return frequency, resulting in the following three aspects of the flow: (1) for magnitude, a 30-day moving average flow of 400 cfs measured at the S-79 structure; for duration, an MFL exceedance occurs during a 365-day period when the 30-day moving average flow at S-79 is below 400 cfs and the 30-day moving average salinity exceeds 10 at the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station; and (3) for return frequency, an MFL violation occurs when an exceedance occurs more than once in a five-year period. The magnitude component is based on the salinity requirements of Vallisneria, along with results from the 11 studies modeling salinity and considering the salinity requirements of the other VECs. The duration component is based mainly on the estimates of rate of loss of Vallisneria shoots when salinity rises above 10 and the recovery rate of the shoots when salinities fall back below 10. Return frequency was determined based on long-term rainfall records rather than flow measurements from the S-79 structure, which the PRP report felt was well justified. In addition to the component studies, the re-evaluated MFL criteria and existing recovery strategy were evaluated using a suite of hydrologic and ecological models simulating long-term fresh water inflow to the CRE associated with varying management options, the resulting salinity in the CRE, and the ecological response of indicator species that are sensitive to low fresh water inflows. Five models were utilized. Three models simulated fresh water inflows to the CRE: two for S-79 flows; and one for Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed flows. The other two models were a three-dimensional hydrodynamic salinity model and a Vallisneria model. Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed has a number of tributaries that drain fresh water into the CRE. The flow at several of the tributaries was monitored for a five-year period. The measured flow was used to calibrate a watershed model and conduct a long-term simulation. The results showed an average fresh water inflow for all seasons of approximately 430 cfs. The average fresh water inflow during the dry season was 245 cfs while the wet season average fresh water inflow was 613 cfs. Fresh water inflow from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub- watershed was approximately 20 percent of total fresh water inflow to the CRE while 80 percent was released through the S-79 structure. Petitioners' and Intervenors' Objections 400 cfs Is Too Low Sanibel relied on a memorandum prepared by Dr. David Tomasko (Tomasko report) concerning his company's review of the January 2018 Final Technical Document supporting the Proposed Rule. The Tomasko report, dated October 23, 2018, was in the form of a "technical memorandum" outlining "preliminary findings." The Tomasko report was admitted as a joint exhibit; however, Dr. Tomasko did not testify at the final hearing. The Tomasko report is hearsay that was not used to supplement or explain competent direct evidence. Although hearsay is admissible in this proceeding, it cannot be the sole basis for a finding of fact.3/ See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. The District's expert witnesses, who testified at the final hearing, explained that ten of the 11 component studies identified average indicator flows at S-79 ranging from 237 to 545 cfs with standard deviations ranging from plus or minus 57 to plus or minus 774 cfs.4/ The District's experts performed three different evaluations of those flow results. They identified the mean of all the means, calculated the median of the means, and performed a probability density function. The flow results for each of the three evaluations were 381 cfs, 400 cfs, and 365 cfs, with standard deviations that ranged from plus or minus 277 cfs to plus or minus 706 cfs. The District's experts testified that the three flow results are indistinguishable from a statistical point of view. The District chose 400 cfs because it was the highest flow result, and, therefore, the most protective of the three. The Petitioners and Intervenors failed to present evidence that showed any deficiencies in the District's component studies, hydrologic, hydrodynamic, or statistical modeling, or analysis of compliance data. The preponderance of the evidence established that the District used the best available science to calculate the MFL criteria. The District did not act arbitrarily or capriciously when it chose 400 cfs as the magnitude component of the MFL criteria. Inclusion of Salinity in the MFL Criteria The preponderance of the evidence also established that Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE. It supports essential ecological goods and services, is sensitive to salinity fluctuations at the ecosystem scale, and has value to a variety of stakeholders. The location of Vallisneria habitat in the upper CRE and its negative response to increased salinity made it an excellent candidate as an ecological indicator for fresh water inflow. A combination of field monitoring, mesocosm studies, and modeling results allowed the application of Vallisneria responses as a platform to quantify the effects of high salinity duration in the upper CRE. Component Study Eight reviewed the development and initial application of a simulation model for Vallisneria in the CRE. The Vallisneria model was used to evaluate the salinity conditions that led to net annual mortality, or, in other words, the duration of high salinity exposure that led to decreased Vallisneria shoots versus the duration of low salinity conditions required for recovery. Component Study Seven included an analysis of the relationship between the number of consecutive days where salinity at the Ft. Myers monitoring station was greater than 10 and the percentage of initial Vallisneria shoots remaining at the end of each high salinity period. To further evaluate the duration element associated with the MFL criteria, the field monitoring data contained in Component Study Seven was evaluated with the mesocosm and modeling results. All three sources were analyzed similarly to derive a combined curve showing high salinity exposure duration that is significantly harmful to Vallisneria. The model also provided information that was used to quantify the duration of low salinity conditions required for Vallisneria to recover a relative fraction of shoots after high salinity exposure. Merging the exposure and recovery evaluations facilitated a determination of the unfavorable salinity duration that could significantly harm Vallisneria habitat. With significant harm defined as the environmental harm from which two years are required to recover, the determination was that Vallisneria should experience no more than 55 consecutive days of salinity greater than 10. However, stakeholders expressed concerns regarding the percentage loss of Vallisneria habitat after 55 days of high salinity exposure. In response, the District conducted further analysis of modeling results and revised the duration component to accept the stakeholder recommendation, now expressed in the Proposed Rule, of a 30-day moving average salinity greater than 10. The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that by expressing the MFL as a "flow plus salinity component" the Proposed Rule enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented. However, the duration component is part of compliance and represents the duration of time that flows can be below the recommended level before causing significant harm to the indicator species Vallisneria. The MFL in the Proposed Rule is a 30-day moving average flow of 400 cfs measured at the S-79 structure. Flow is both measured and operationally controlled at the S-79 structure. However, as previously found, there are other sources of fresh water entering the CRE downstream of the S-79 structure. The District does not control and cannot control these downstream sources, which modeling reveals contribute approximately 20 percent of total fresh water inflow to the CRE. By including salinity, the District can account for fresh water inflows coming from the tidal basin when there are low or no flows at S-79 since the significant harm threshold in the CRE is directly related to salinity tolerance of the indicator species Vallisneria. The District's experts also testified that salinity can be used as a flow component because it is not affected by chemical or biological processes and is an indicator of how much fresh water is entering the system.5/ Salinity is included in the duration component of the MFL criteria and is an exceedance criterion because the science established that the salinity gradient is crucial to the overall health of the CRE. Including salinity in the duration component of the MFL criteria achieves the purpose of the statutory mandate to set MFLs that are designed to avoid significant harm to the water resources and ecology of the area. No Unit of Measurement for Salinity The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the Proposed Rule is vague because the language does not contain any units for salinity. The UNESCO calculation is the standard equation used by the estuarine and marine science community to convert specific conductivity and temperature data to salinity. The District's experts testified that the UNESCO calculation reports salinity as a ratio, which is a dimensionless number and has no units. The District uses the UNESCO calculation and performs the conversion in a spreadsheet that it maintains. In some instances, certain brands of data sondes are programmed to perform the calculation and provide the salinity number. The preponderance of the evidence established that use of the practical salinity unit (PSU) is not technically correct. PSU is a misnomer, a pseudo-unit equivalent to a unitless salinity number. The Petitioners' and Intervenors' expert witness, Dr. Anthony Janicki, conceded there is no difference between reporting salinity as unitless or as PSU. And although technically incorrect, he suggested that placing the word "practical" or putting "PSU" in the Proposed Rule would reduce confusion and vagueness. However, since the preponderance of the evidence established that use of PSU is not technically correct, the use of a pseudo-unit would actually cause confusion instead of reduce confusion. The Petitioners and Intervenors also argued that the Proposed Rule is vague because the language does not state that the method of measuring salinity is specific conductivity, or that the equation used to convert specific conductivity and temperature data to salinity is the standard developed by UNESCO. The Petitioners and Intervenors essentially argued that members of the public and those who may be regulated by the Proposed Rule are left to guess about the method or methods used to measure salinity. Because the Proposed Rule identifies and locates by latitude and longitude coordinates the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station as the location where salinity would be measured for compliance, the Proposed Rule language is not vague. The Proposed Rule is not vague because it does not describe the data sondes, what parameters are measured by the data sondes, and how those parameters are converted to a salinity number. Salinity Monitoring Location and Mean Low Water The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the Proposed Rule is vague for failing to define the phrase "20% of the total river depth at mean low water," and is arbitrary or capricious for failing to include more than one salinity monitoring station. Total river depth or the water column depth is a standardized measurement that is made from the surface down to the bottom of the river bed. Mean low water is commonly understood in the oceanographic and coastal sciences community as the average of all low tides over the time period defined as the national tidal datum epic. The District's expert witness, Dr. Cassondra Armstrong, testified that mean low water can be determined by using two documents prepared by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), i.e., the NOAA tide charts and glossary. The District's expert witnesses testified that "20% of the total river depth at mean low water" is the location of the data sonde at the Ft. Myers monitoring station that measures surface salinity. This is also the depth at which Vallisneria is located in the CRE. Since, the Proposed Rule language simply identifies the location of the existing data sonde at the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station, the language is not vague. The preponderance of the evidence established that the Ft. Myers salinity monitoring station has two salinity data sondes, the one at 20 percent of the total river depth and the other at 80 percent. The data sonde at 20 percent of the total river depth was identified in the Proposed Rule for the following reasons. First, this is the depth where Vallisneria grows and is representative of the salinity exposure for Vallisneria. Second, it guarantees the data sonde is always submerged and able to record data. Third, it has the most comprehensive period of record of monitoring data available. As previously found, Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE. The location of Vallisneria habitat in the upper CRE and its negative response to increased salinity made it an excellent candidate as an ecological indicator for fresh water inflow. Because the preponderance of the evidence established that Vallisneria continues to be a particularly useful indicator of environmental conditions in the CRE, the choice of the Ft. Myers monitoring station is not arbitrary or capricious. Water Resource Functions vs. Environmental Values The District's MFL rule specifies that a water body's specific water resource functions addressed by an MFL are defined in the MFL technical support document. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-8.021(31). The Final Technical Document identified the relevant water resource functions of the CRE as fish and wildlife habitats, estuarine resources, water supply, recreation, navigation, and flood control. The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the environmental values listed in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-40, also known as the Water Resource Implementation Rule, were not adequately addressed in the Final Technical Document. A proposed rule challenge is not the proper forum to determine whether a proposed rule is consistent with the Water Resource Implementation Rule. Such a determination is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of Environmental Protection under section 373.114(2), Florida Statutes. Consistency of the District's Proposed Rule with the Water Resource Implementation Rule of the Department of Environmental Protection is not a basis in this proceeding for a finding that the Proposed Rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Other Issues The Petitioners and Intervenors raised other issues during the hearing, although not specifically argued in their proposed final order. Since those issues were identified as disputed issues in the Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation, they are addressed below. 1. Elimination of Single-day Exceedance Criterion During the rulemaking process, Sanibel and SCCF sent the District a letter requesting justification for eliminating the single-day exceedance salinity criterion in the current rule. The District staff evaluated the available Caloosahatchee River MFL compliance record, dating back to when the MFL was adopted in September 2001. The District maintains a historical record of MFL monitoring data and reviewed it to determine if the single-day exceedance salinity criterion was exceeded before the 30-day moving average criterion. The compliance record showed five exceedance events of the single-day salinity criterion have occurred. However, the compliance record also showed that the 30- day moving average salinity criterion had already been exceeded before the five events occurred. In other words, the single-day criterion was never exceeded before the 30-day moving average criterion. Based on this evaluation, the District eliminated the single-day exceedance salinity criterion because it did not provide any additional resource protection. The District's decision was not arbitrary or capricious. 2. Not Using the Latest Model Evaluation of recommended MFL criteria and a recovery strategy for the CRE were greatly aided by integration of a suite of hydrologic and ecological models simulating (1) long-term fresh water inflow associated with varying management options, (2) the resulting salinity in the estuary, and (3) ecological response of indicator species that are sensitive to low fresh water inflows. Five models were specifically utilized, including three models for simulations of fresh water inflows to the CRE, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic salinity model, and a Vallisneria model. The three models simulating fresh water inflows included (1) the South Florida Water Management Model (SFWMM) to simulate fresh water discharges at S-79, which includes regional operations of Lake Okeechobee and incorporates Caloosahatchee River irrigation demands; (2) the C-43 Reservoir Model, which uses the SFWMM-simulated daily S-79 flow as input and simulates the management benefit of the C-43 Reservoir; and (3) the Watershed (WaSh) Model to simulate tidal tributary inflow from the Tidal Caloosahatchee Basin sub-watershed. The Caloosahatchee Hydrodynamic/Salinity Model was based on the Curvilinear Hydrodynamic Three-dimensional Model (CH3D) modeling framework with the functionality of simulating the spatial salinity structure across the entire estuary. The Vallisneria Model took the CH3D modeled salinity as input to simulate Vallisneria growth at critical locations in the estuary. The District did review the more recent Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code (EFDC) model developed for the Caloosahatchee Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and being used by the Department of Environmental Protection. The District's expert witness, Dr. Detong Sun, testified that until 2014, the hydrodynamic part of the EFDC model was not working well. He testified that in 2016, the District still had concerns and suggested the use of the District's continuous monitoring data from seven locations across the CRE rather than grab samples for model calibration. Dr. Sun's opinion was that the EFDC model has improved in recent years, but was still behind the CH3D model in terms of performance. The District's expert witness, Dr. Amanda Kahn, testified that the water quality component of the EFDC model was not appropriate for this re-evaluation because the MFL is about water quantity, not water quality. The water quality component of the EFDC model addresses nutrient loadings, not minimum flows. Dr. Kahn also testified that in setting MFL criteria for the CRE, salinity was not a water quality component. Salinity was used as a water quantity component because it does not change with biological processes and can be a measure of how much fresh water is coming into the system. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, the District's decision not to use the EFDC model was not arbitrary or capricious. 3. Seasonality The Petitioners and Intervenors argued that the District is required to set an MFL that varies by season. For the CRE, the District set MFL criteria that protect the system from low flow that would occur in either the wet or dry season. As previously found, the re-evaluation studies focused on the dry season for two reasons: first, because it is well-established that the upstream migration of salt combined with reduced fresh water inflow alters the health and productivity of estuarine habitats; and second, because the dry seasons are the times when the current MFL criteria are likely to be exceeded or violated. The MFL statute states that "when appropriate, [MFLs] may be calculated to reflect seasonal variations." § 373.042(1)(b), Fla. Stat. The preponderance of the evidence showed that for the CRE, it was not necessary to set an MFL that varied by season. Improper Purpose The Petitioners, Sanibel, Cape Coral, and the Town, did not participate in this proceeding primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation. The Petitioners did not participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose. The Intervenors, Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita Springs, and CCP, did not participate in this proceeding primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation. The Intervenors did not participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose.