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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003502 Latest Update: May 08, 1990

The Issue The issues presented herein are whether or not Respondent's incense to practice medicine should be suspended, revoked or the licensee otherwise disciplined for alleged violation of Chapters 458 and 893, Florida Statutes, as set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed herein signed May 31, 1983.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received, stipulations of the parties and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following relevant factual findings. Respondent is a medical doctor and has been issued license number ME 0017825. Respondent's last known address is 2361 N.W. 24 Terrace, Miami, Florida 33172. (Stipulation of the parties) Respondent has been licensed as a medical doctor in Florida since 1971. Respondent studied at Havana University School of Medicine and graduated in 1957. He practiced in Cuba from 1957 through 1966. During that period, he was engaged in a general practice and was also a psychiatrist at Clinica Dependiente. While at Clinica Dependiente, Respondent served as a medical director for the rehabilitation of minors and as medical director for Santa Clinica Psiquiatria. Respondent relocated from Cuba and came to Miami on or about February 15, 1967. Respondent sat for the Federation of State and Medical Boards of the United States during September of 1968, the standardized test for graduates of foreign medical schools. During 1968 and 1969, Respondent was engaged as a psychiatrist at Halifax District Hospital in Daytona Beach, Florida. During 1969, he served a rotating internship at Mount Sinai Hospital for one year. Thereafter, he served rotating internships at Doctors, Victoria, Parkway and one other hospital in the Dade County area until approximately 1974. During his tenure at Halifax Hospital, Respondent treated some parties who were drug addicts. Respondent admits to having treated the patients referred to in the Administrative Complaint filed herein. Additionally, pursuant to Petitioner's Request for Admissions filed herein, Respondent has admitted the allegations set forth in paragraphs 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52 and 59 of the Administrative Complaint, to wit: Between the dates of approximately January 5, 1981 and December 15, 1981, Respondent prescribed 360 Dilaudid 2/ (Hydromorphone), a controlled substance, pursuant to Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, for Patrick Golden. Between the dates of approximately March 26, 1981 and January 15, 1982, Respondent prescribed 1425 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Ellen Henderson. Between the dates of approximately March 2, 1981 and November 11, 1982, Respondent prescribed 855 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Ronald Chica. Between the dates of approximately May 12, 1981 and January 9, 1982, Respondent prescribed 132 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for James Brannigan. Between the dates of approximately February 19, 1981 and February 2, 1982, Respondent prescribed 965 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Gilbert Fernandez. Between the dates of approximately November 21, 1981 and December 12, 1981, Respondent prescribed 180 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Patsy Gamlin. Between the dates of approximately January 7, 1981 and January 14, 1982, Respondent prescribed 820 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Rudolph Ferguson. Between the dates of approximately February 24, 1981 and February 15, 1982, Respondent prescribed 2220 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Michael Salle. Between the dates of approximately February 24, 1981 and February 15, 1982, Respondent prescribed 2190 Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) for Ronald Weatherington. Dale K. Lindberg, M.D., was tendered and received as an expert in these proceedings in the area of Family Practice, Methadone and Drug Addiction. Dr. Lindberg has been instrumental in establishing a methadone detoxification program at Memorial Hospital in Hollywood, Florida. Methadone is the only legally recognized Schedule II controlled substance used in this country for the treatment of drug addiction. Private practitioners, pursuant to specific federal law, cannot legally administer methadone or any other Schedule II controlled substance for the treatment of drug addition. In order to qualify or be certified to treat drug addicts, application must be made simultaneously with the Federal Food and Drug Administration (to their Methadone Monitor Division), to the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency and to the Federal Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse. Upon certification with these governmental departments, only then can a physician prescribe methadone to a drug addict to be ingested in oral form, once a day. (21 C.F.R. 291.505) Dr. Lindberg received and reviewed the nine (9) patients' records listed in the Administrative Complaint as well as the prescriptions written for those patients by Respondent. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2-19). Dr. Lindberg, after review, concluded that Respondent inappropriately and excessively prescribed Dilaudid to said patients. Dr. Lindberg opined that Respondent prescribed Dilaudid for those patients for "very little indication" and continued over long periods of time prescribing Dilaudid to those patients. He considered that Respondent was maintaining the patients on Dilaudid in violation of the law. (TR 148, 239). Dr. John Handwerker, M.D., testified as an expert herein on behalf of Petitioner. He has served as the first Chairman of the Department of Family Practice at the University of Florida Family and Community Medicine Programs. He is Chairman of the Family Practice Department of Mercy Hospital in Miami and is Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Miami. Dr. Handwerker is knowledgeable regarding generally prevailing and accepted standards of family practice in Dade County and was accepted, without challenge, as an expert in the field of Family Practice. Dr. Handwerker reviewed the nine (9) patients' records listed in the Administrative Complaint as well as the prescriptions written for each patient. Based upon Dr. Handwerker's review of those records and prescriptions, Respondent committed gross and repeated malpractice. This opinion stems from Respondent's "inappropriately and excessively prescribing Dilaudid to patient for chronic" while the Physicians Desk Reference clearly stated that Dilaudid should not be prescribed for patients with chronic pain. (Testimony of Dr. Handwerker) SPECIFIC PATIENTS A. Patrick Golden first visited Respondent's office on October 7, 1981. Golden complained of chronic pain arising from trauma suffered while he was involved in an industrial accident. His diagnosis was a compression of the fourth and fifth lumbar disk. He was treated for radiculitis. Respondent prescribed Dilaudid to relieve the pain that patient Golden was suffering from and based on the fact that Golden reportedly had been receiving Dilaudid from a former physician. Respondent conducted an examination of patient Golden and prescribed exercises for him. Respondent did not take x-rays although he states that he observed x-rays which had been taken by Golden's former physician. Respondent prescribed Dilaudid for Golden because it was the only drug which "killed the pain, unlike motrin and metrobromate." Nearing the end of Respondent's treatment of patient Golden, his wife began stealing Mr. Golden's drugs. Respondent referred her to a methadone program and obtained a notarized statement from Mrs. Golden to substantiate the fact that she was diverting drugs intended for her husband. Respondent observed that patient Golden was becoming addicted to Dilaudid nearing the end of his treatment although throughout the major portion of his treatment of patient Golden, he felt that while he was dependent on Dilaudid, he was not felt that while he was dependent on Dilaudid, he was not "addicted." Respondent tried to reduce the amount of Dilaudid that he was prescribing to patient Golden without success. Respondent believed that Dilaudid was medically necessary to treat patient Golden due to the suffering he was undergoing from the chronic pain. (Respondent's testimony and Petitioner's Exhibit 20). B. Ellen Henderson was treated by Respondent during the dates of approximately March, 1981 through January, 1982. Henderson suffered with her lumbar spine. Patient Henderson took motrin tablets since her preteen years. Patient Henderson has been treated at several methadone centers and is believed to have been taking approximately 25-40 Dilaudid four-milligram tablets per day. Upon Respondent's first treatment of patient Henderson, he advised her that she was "killing herself and that she needed to reduce that terrible dosage of Dilaudid." Patient Henderson was "treated for pain in the back and to reduce the amount of Dilaudid." In this regard, Respondent tried to reduce her intake of Dilaudid to approximately 8 Dilaudid four-milligram tablets per day. When Respondent stopped treating patient Henderson, he had reduced the amount of Dilaudid that he was prescribing for her to approximately 8 four- milligram tablets of Dilaudid per day. C. Respondent treated Ronald Chica from approximately March, 1981 through November, 1982. Chica was treated for spondylolysis--a degeneration of the vertebrae. Respondent prescribed Dilaudid for patient Chica because it relieved the pain. Respondent knew that patient Chica was addicted to the drug Dilaudid. D. James Brannigan was treated by Respondent from approximately May of 1981 through January of 1982. Respondent knew that Mr. Brannigan was dependent upon Dilaudid. Despite this knowledge, Respondent continued to prescribe Dilaudid for Mr. Brannigan in an effort to treat Brannigan's addiction with Dilaudid. Respondent was attempting to ease the withdrawal symptoms that patient Brannigan would suffer if he were immediately cut off from his supply of Dilaudid. E. Respondent treated patient Gilbert Fernandez during the dates of approximately February of 1981 through approximately February of 1982. During that period, Mr. Fernandez suffered from compression features of the ribs and the lumbar region. Mr. Fernandez had a physical and psychological dependence on the drug Dilaudid. Respondent treated patient Fernandez by prescribing Dilaudid tablets for him. Patient Fernandez had been treated at methadone centers in the past and presently was receiving methadone treatment while Respondent was treating him. Respondent prescribed Dilaudid to relieve the pain as well as to ease the withdrawal symptoms that patient Fernandez would undergo if he was immediately taken from the administration of Dilaudid. F. Between the dates of approximately February of 1981 through February of 1982, Respondent prescribed approximately 2,190 four-milligram Dilaudid tablets for patient Ronald Wetherington. Patient Wetherington was given approximately 60 tablets every 7 days. Patient Wetherington was addicted to the drug Dilaudid and Respondent ultimately referred him to a methadone center to deal with his withdrawal problems. G. During the period of February, 1981 through February, 1982, Respondent prescribed approximately 2,220 four-milligram Dilaudid tablets for patient Michael Sallee. Patient Sallee suffered from and was treated by Respondent for a compression fracture of the fifth lumbar. Mr. Sallee was a cabinetmaker and did considerable lifting in the performance of his work. Respondent knew that Mr. Sallee was dependent upon Dilaudid and continued to prescribe the narcotic during the term of his treatment. Respondent attempted to treat Mr. Sallee's addiction with Dilaudid. H. During the period of January of 1981 through January of 1982, Respondent treated patient Rudolph Ferguson and, during that period, prescribed approximately 820 four-milligram Dilaudid tablets for him. Patient Ferguson suffered from and was treated for back and rib problems from an auto accident. Respondent knew that patient Ferguson was dependent upon the drug Dilaudid and knew he was addicted to Dilaudid. Despite this knowledge, Respondent continued prescribing the drug Dilaudid to patient Ferguson to reduce the withdrawal symptoms and "to continue to treat the disease." Respondent referred patient Ferguson to a methadone clinic and, in fact, drove him to a nearby clinic for treatment. I. Respondent treated patient Patsy Gamlin during the period of November 21, 1981 through December 12, 1981. During that period, he prescribed 180 tablets or approximately 60 tablets every 10-14. Respondent administered a drug screen during December of 1981 and did not treat patient Gamlin after December. Dilaudid is a narcotic analgesic; its principal therapeutic effect is relief of pain. There is no intrinsic limit to the analgesic effect of Dilaudid; like morphine, adequate doses will relieve even the most severe pain. Clinically however, dosage limitations are imposed by the adverse effect, primarily respiratory, depression, nausea and vomiting which can result from high dosages. (Physicians Desk Reference, page 1038 [1984 Edition]) The Physicians Desk Reference has this to say about drug abuse and dependence: Dilaudid is a schedule II narcotic. Psychic dependence, physical dependence, and tolerance may develop upon repeated administration of narcotics; therefore dilaudid should be prescribed and administered with caution. However, psychic dependence is unlikely to develop when dilaudid is used for a short time for treatment of pain. Physical dependence, the condition in which continued administration of the drug is required to prevent the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome, usually assumes clinically significant proportions only after several weeks of continued narcotic use, although some mild degree of physical dependence may develop after a few days of narcotic therapy. Tolerance, in which increasingly large doses are required in order to produce the same degree of analgesia, is manifested initially by a shortened duration of analgesic effect, and subsequently by decreases in the intensity of analgesia. The rate of development of tolerance varies among patients. Prior to prescribing a drug such as Dilaudid, a physician should take a full history from a patient and perform a thorough physical examination. The history should include, inter alia, the patient's chief complaint, with questions from the physician to the patient involving areas of past problems with the nervous system, ears, eyes, lungs, chest, respiratory system, GI tract and urinary tract. The physical examination should involve all body systems, including blood pressure, examination of the head, neck, chest and back regions. If patient complains of low back pain, there should be a physical examination specifically involving the low back area before prescribing the scheduled controlled substance here at issue. The past history is important to determine the duration of the problem, any previous medical treatment, examinations or tests by other physicians regarding the lumbosacral or low back area. A physical examination should be performed designed to elicit indications of neurological evolvement, including straight-leg raise tests, impairment of sensation in the extremities tests and other neurological inquiries. Such a full history and a physical examination is prior to initiating a course of treatment involving treatment of chronic pain due to the existence of a wide assortment of other treatment modalities which might treat the root of the problem, rather than merely being pain symptoms. An examination of the Respondent's records and the prescribing patterns of Dilaudid for the patients involved indicates that Respondent simply made insufficient findings upon which to base the decision to prescribe the drug Dilaudid. By prescribing Dilaudid, without an adequate physical examination, or the gathering of detailed patient medical history, would constitute a failure to conform to the level of care, skill and treatment recognized by reasonably prudent similar physicians under these conditions and circumstances. By continuing to prescribe these drugs, without any involved discussion or consideration of the effect the previous course of treatment had had on the patient, other than simple inquiry by Respondent concerning, as example, how the patient was feeling, 3/ also constitutes inappropriate prescribing of scheduled controlled substances, and demonstrates a failure to conform to the generally accepted an prevailing standards of medical practice in the Dade County community. (Testimony of Dr. Handwerker) Respondent has never been subjected to disciplinary proceedings in the past. His past professional record reveals that he has a sincere concern for his patients. Throughout these investigative proceedings and the final hearing herein, the Respondent was candid, forthright and truthful. His prescribing of the controlled substance Dilaudid was based on his mistaken opinion that it was medically necessary to prescribe Dilaudid for his patients. Throughout these proceedings, it became clear that Respondent had not kept abreast of the proper course of treatment, detection and proper prescribing patterns for scheduled drugs for the patients be treated. To Respondent's credit, he has been studying the proper prescribing of controlled substances since the initiation of the investigation and the administrative proceedings involved herein. Respondent has never "faked" exams and every prescription that he wrote was based on an office visit and an exam, though a very cursory exam. Respondent did not receive any illegal profits from the sale of drugs nor did he divert, or attempt to divert, any drugs for illegal profit. His office fees, which range from $15 to $25 were not based on the amount of the drugs prescribed but, rather, on the patient's ability to pay. Respondent operates a small general practice with his wife serving as his receptionist. He personally completes all prescription forms with his wife/receptionist. Patients receiving treatment from Respondent are free to get their prescriptions filled at any pharmacy of their choice. Respondent was unaware and the evidence does not show that any of his patients had prior criminal records.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and the entire evidence of record, it is therefore recommended that a Final Order be entered imposing a written reprimand and one year's probation upon the Respondent Carlos de la Fe, and requiring that during the probationary, he enroll and complete, to the satisfaction of the Board of Medical Examiners, a continuing medical education course concerned with the appropriate indications for and prescription of scheduled controlled substances. 4/ RECOMMENDED this 24th day of October, 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 1984.

USC (1) 21 CFR 291.505 Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.331893.05
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-002309 Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1990

Findings Of Fact Alexander G. Toth graduated from medical school in 1943 and migrated to Miami in 1948. He took his three-year residency in general surgery at the V. A. Hospital in Miami starting in 1951 and thereafter practiced general surgery until 1976 when he had a serious accident. This accident plus additional health problems caused him to give up surgery and he has practiced family medicine since 1976. His office hours have been limited from 9 until 12 each week day since 1976. Approximately 10 patients per day were seen by Respondent during the period involved in these charges. At all times here relevant Respondent was licensed by Petitioner as a physician. Richard Hatcher was a patient of Respondent in 1975 at which time he complained of headaches and low back pain. Respondent prescribed Percodan, Doriden, Dilaudid and Placidyl during a one-year period Hatcher was a regular patient. At this time Hatcher had a suit pending to recover damages for injuries received in an automobile collision. Hatcher did not see Respondent with any regularity again until 1978. Respondent's patient records of Hatcher (Exhibit 5) show he treated Hatcher on 11-20-78 on complaint of can't sleep, low back pain and spasm of lower back, by prescribing 100 Valium and 100 Percodan. Exhibit 6, which is a copy of prescriptions written by Respondent for Hatcher, shows the following prescriptions were written for Hatcher on dates indicated: 6/2/78 - 30 Valium 10 mg; 8/8/78 - 50 Seconal and 30 Fastin 30 mg; 10/11/78 60 Tuinal 3 grs, 60 Fastin 30 mg, 50 Valium 10 mg and 100 Percodan; and 11/20/78 - Valium 10 mg, 30 Fastin 30 mg and 100 Percodan. Exhibit 5 shows in 1975 Hatcher was 6 feet and 180 pounds. The entry dated 12/18/78 opposite Fastin is (Wt 205). During the period 12/18/78 to 2/27/79 Respondent prescribed for Hatcher on numerous prescriptions the following: 300 Percodan, 250 Valium, 230 Tuinal 3 gr, 60 Fastin, 60 Demerol 100 mg, one 30 cc vial Demerol 100 mg per cc, and 30 syringes (Exhibit 6) . Exhibit 5 contains an entry dated 3/2/79 "(Wants Demerol) Refused - refer to JMH", and a final entry (3-19) Deceased." Hatcher voiced the same or similar complaints of pain on each visit to Respondent. Richard Hatcher was found dead in his apartment on or about 21 March 1979 some 24 to 36 hours after he died. Cause of death was acute intravenous narcotism. The syringe with which the fatal narcotic was injected was still in his arm when his body was found. Due to the rapid clearing of many drugs from the blood the autopsy failed to reveal which of the opiate drugs caused Hatcher's death. About one week later Mrs. Hatcher, the mother of Richard, received from her ex-husband and father of Richard a page from a notebook found in Richard's apartment after his death signed by Richard which indicates some concern by Hatcher that he might overdose on drugs given him by Dr. Toth, the Respondent (Exhibit 12). Richard Hatcher became seriously involved with drugs in 1967 when he was 21 years old. By 1975 his mother noted a personality change where he would quickly go from normal to extremely agitated. In the fall of 1978 Hatcher committed himself to Village South, a drug rehabilitation program in Dade County, for some 4 or 5 months. After release from Village South Hatcher continued to take drugs. To his mother's knowledge he overdosed several times before his death. Three times she found him unconscious on the floor of her apartment and on numerous other occasions he was "spaced out". Respondent testified that Hatcher showed no indication he had abused or misused the medications Respondent prescribed. If so, it is evident that Respondent did not closely observe Hatcher or do more than hear his litany of pain. On the other hand, Exhibit 5 shows that some 2-1/2 weeks before Hatcher's death Respondent refused to prescribe the Demerol wanted by Hatcher. Unless Respondent recognized the seriousness of Hatcher's addiction it is not conceivable that he would suddenly refuse drugs so freely prescribed in the past. Michael Kavney was a patient of Respondent from June 1979 until his death from an overdose of Placidyl on 14 or 15 January 1980. On June 11 1979 Kavney complained of pain in his shoulder and Respondent prescribed 50 Tylenol. Kavney was 6 feet tall, weighed 189 pounds, and told Respondent he wanted to lose weight. Respondent on June 11, 1979 also prescribed 50 Fastin. On 8-16-79 Respondent, at Kavney's request, called in a prescription for 50 Valium. On 9/7/79 he called in a prescription for 50 Tylenol. Both of these prescriptions resulted from a phone call to Respondent. On October 29, 1979 Kavney visited Respondent, told him the shoulder pain persists and he would like some more weight reducers. By this time Kavney's weight was down to 185 pounds from 189 four months earlier. Respondent prescribed 50 Tylenol, 50 Valium (Exhibit 4) and 30 Fastin (Exhibit 3). By script dated 11/21/79 Respondent prescribed 50 Fastin for Kavney and by script dated 11/26/79 he prescribed 50 Tylenol (Exhibit 4). No record of these is contained in Exhibit 3. By entry on Exhibit 3 dated December 17, 1979 Respondent recorded "pain left shoulder, using heat at home, can't take codeine, Percodan 50". The Tylenol, which had been prescribed on four previous occasions, contains 1 grain of codeine per tablet. On January 14, 1980 Kavney visited Respondent, told him of disturbed sleep patterns, that he had taken Placidyl on prior occasions with good results and Respondent prescribed 60 Placidyl (750). Kavney was found dead in his automobile with an empty bottle with Placidyl label on the floor. An autopsy done on January 15, 1980 shows Kavney died from an overdose of Placidyl. Terry McGarey grew up in Miami and played in bands with Kavney as early as high school days. He had also known Hatcher since 1963. McGarey first visited Respondent in 1970 with an arm injury. He next saw Respondent near the end of 1976 and he complained of headache and leg pains from an earlier motorcycle accident. McGarey received a prescription for Percodan. McGarey, who appeared as a witness, testified that he had visited Respondent every three or four weeks in 1976 complaining of headache and during these visits he also received Placidyl, Demerol, Parest and Valium. These visits continued in 1977 with the same frequency and results. Respondent's patient records for Terrance McGarey (Exhibit 1) commence 3/28/78. The first entry is not dated but states "cc severe headaches - nausea - at JMH March `78. Neuological dept. - treated for organic brain syndrome - at JMH 1976 migraine - no allergies - only relief Demerol. Rx demerol 100 mg #5 fiorinal tabs." Thereafter Exhibit 1 shows entries 7-31-78, 8-7-78, 8-28, 9-1, 9-6, 9-11, 9-27, 10-9, 10-20, 10-29, 10-31, 11-16, 11-22, 12-18, 12-22, 12-29, 1-3, 1-8, 3-21 and 4-19-79. Most of these entries resulted from office visits but some entries recorded prescriptions as a result of phone calls. During this period prescriptions were issued to McGarey for Percodan, Emperin, Doriden Parest, Tuinal, Demerol, Placidyl, Dalmane, Darvon, Seconal and Valium (Exhibit 2) On May 7, 1979 McGarey called the Cardella Pharmacy saying he was Dr. Toth, gave the correct DEA number and authorized the delivery of 18 Placidyl 50 mg to patient Jerry McGaret. The pharmacist called the doctor's office, which was closed, and then issued the drugs to McGarey. A subsequent try was unsuccessful when the pharmacist was told by Respondent's office that this man was no longer a patient of Respondent. Respondent testified that he treated McGarey for migraine headaches, insomnia, nervousness, and low back pain. He found no evidence of abnormal conditions in his examination of McGarey. Through mid-October Respondent had no indication McGarey was in a methadone program or addicted and the drugs were continued with each visit or phone call. On December 29 Respondent learned from McGarey that he had been admitted to JMH for seizures and the resident recommended Seconal. On this basis Respondent prescribed Seconal but did not learn the cause of the seizures. On January 8, 1979 McGarey's mother called Respondent to advise that her son was a drug abuser and had been on a methadone program for 18 months. Following this entry is the notation "No more Rx's - back to JMH". Respondent's next entry on Exhibit 1 is "Called records at JMH patient admitted 2-9-79 - overdosed - discharged 2-14 Signed out - mother took him home." Although Respondent testified it never entered his mind that McGarey might be a drug abuser he also testified that the symptoms of narcotic addiction are agitation, nervousness, slurred speech and poor equilibrium. On the witness stand McGarey exhibited traits of nervousness and agitation. He appeared hyperactive rather than calm and sedate. His movements were jerky rather than fluid and he did not give the impression of a normally relaxed person under tension because he was testifying. On 11 January 1980 Kirk Kratz, a 29-year-old male, visited Respondent's office as a patient. He had a cast on his right upper arm and stated it was fractured some two weeks earlier. Also he had received a gunshot wound in the abdomen before Christmas and a laparotomy had been performed. He complained of pain in the right arm. He was given a prescription for 100 Percodan for pain and 60 Tuinal 3 gr for sleep. Kratz returned 12 February with same complaints and was given prescriptions for 100 Percodan, 60 Tuinal and 30 Valium. On 2/29 Kraft appeared without the cast, told Respondent the police had broken the cast, held him in jail for 3 days and confiscated his medication. He was given prescriptions for 100 Percodan and 60 Tuinal. On 4/8/80 Kratz still complained of "pain in the shoulder and arm and can't sleep." Prescriptions for 100 Percodan, 60 Tuinal and 100 Valium were given him. Finally on 6/13, with complaint of pain in hand and shoulder, Kratz was given prescriptions for 100 Percodan and 30 Doriden (Exhibit 9). Hatcher and McGarey were drug addicts before and during the time they were being treated by Respondent. At one time or another both of them had been enrolled in the methadone program at Jackson Memorial Hospital and/or other withdrawal programs for addicts. In addition to getting drugs from Respondent, they were also obtaining drug prescriptions from other doctors. Also from the quantity of drugs prescribed for Kavney and Kratz it is evident that both of these individuals were also addicts. During the period between 1 January 1980 and 14 June 1980 Respondent, with an active practice of some 700 patients prescribed approximately 28,000 Percodan and 2,000 Percocet tablets to various patients. Exhibit 16 shows a breakdown of the 130 patients treated by Respondent during this period. While Exhibit 16 shows Kirk Kratz received 100 Percodan only on 2/29/80, Exhibit 8 indicates he received 500 Percodan between 1 January and 14 June 1980. Assuming all other entries on Exhibit 16 to be accurate, a spot check shows the following patients were given Percodan or Percocet during the period 1 January - 14 June in the following quantities: Steven Arnold - 300; Cathy Blauk - 450; Bill Davis - 500; Kirk Decker - 300; George Fernandez - 300; Sidney Ford - 600; Ron Jangie - 300; Jerome Johnson - 300; Patty La Fortuna - 310; Vincent La Fortuna - 200; William Leonard - 350; Mary Leslie - 300; Gus Melquezo - 400; Michael Pravioski - 225; Debbie Saey - 250; Robert Sandifer - 400; James Setters - 300; Alvin Terrell - 300; Mike Thill - 300; Mark Wolfson - 200; Joe Worth - 300; and Harvey Zemaster - 200. Exhibit 16 also shows that most of these prescriptions were written for quantities of 100. It also lists almost 18,000 Percodan issued to 130 patients during this period, or an average of 140 per patient. Percodan, Tuinal, Parest, Demerol and Seconal are Class II drugs. One hundred Percodan taken in a one-month period will cause addiction in the taker. After 48 hours taking Percodan every 4 to 6 hours the patient will have withdrawal symptoms. Although Placidyl, Valium, Doriden, Empirin and Dalmane are not Class II drugs, they are dangerous and therefore controlled. Fifteen Placidyls taken at one time can be fatal. Many of the drugs prescribed by Respondent, when taken in combination, create a synergistic effect which makes the combination greater than the sum of its parts. Similarly a synergistic effect is created when some of these drugs are taken in conjunction with alcohol. Fastin is used for weight control. Neither Hatcher nor Kavney at 6 feet and 180 - 185 pounds should have been a candidate for weight loss. Further, prescriptions for Fastin and Seconal (for sleep) at the same time are incompatible as one is an upper, the other a downer. Tuinal in combination with Valium will increase depression. When Fastin is added, a pharmacological jungle can result. Respondent acknowledged that he relied more on the statements of his patients than upon an examination to determine when to prescribe medications. If the patient said he hurt, Respondent would prescribe a pain killer. A two- week-old fracture properly set and in a cast should cause little pain. If pain persists two weeks after casting something is wrong that will not likely heal itself. Therefore, painkillers to mask the symptoms are contraindicated. Similarly, a persistent pain in the shoulder is likely to be caused by inflammation and an anti-flammatory agent is indicated. Neither Tylenol nor Percodan are anti-inflammatory agents. Dr. John V. Handwerker, M.D. was accepted as an expert in family practice medicine. After reviewing Respondent's records of Hatcher, Kavney, Kratz and McGarey he expressed the strong opinion that the complaints of the patients did not justify the narcotics prescribed; that much larger quantities of each drug were prescribed at one time than was medically indicated or prudent; that drugs were prescribed in dangerous combinations due to the synergistic effect if taken together, plus some of these drugs such as Fastin and Valium are mutually exclusive; that issuing a prescription to take these drugs "as needed" was improper and dangerous; and that narcotics were frequently prescribed for alleged ailments for which more effective non-narcotic drugs were available. This witness was particularly critical of the prescription for liquid Demerol, as this should be prescribed only when the patient can't take the drug orally. After reviewing Exhibit 7 Dr. Handwerker expressed the opinion that prescribing 28,000 Percodan tablets during a 5-1/2 month period could only be justified with a large practice limited to trauma patients and that the records and prescription schedules show a practice harmful to the public. This opinion was based partially on Dr. Handwerker's practice in which, during the same period, he saw 2,081 patients and wrote 73 prescriptions for 1,996 Percodan tablets. Exhibit 7 contains 291 prescriptions issued by Respondent during this period, and recovered by Petitioner's investigator from pharmacies in the vicinity of Respondent's office. These coupled with Respondent's patient records show some 28,000 Percodan and 2000 Percocet tablets were prescribed. Valium is the most commonly prescribed drug in the United States and one of the most abused drugs. If a patient is emotionally stable 60 Valium is too many to prescribe for a patient at one time. If a patient is emotionally disturbed there is even greater reason for not prescribing 60 Valium. Dr. Roderick Palmer, M.D., testified as an expert in clinical pharmacology. He opined that prescribing 100 Percodan for a patient at one time was not appropriate because if the pain results from a traumatic injury, such injury will normally cease being painful in 4 or 5 days, and 100 Percodan is enough to commit suicide or become addicted. Dr. Palmer described Percodan and Placidyl as widely abused drugs. Sixty Placidyl in one prescription is too many because of suicide potential. Further, if one Placidyl is taken every day for 60 days the patient would probably become addicted. Taking more than one Placidyl per day could impair coordination enough to result in an industrial or automobile accident or other injury. With respect to Exhibit 7, Dr. Palmer cited instructions for Percodan or Percocet that the physician should not prescribe enough to result in addiction (not more than 30) nor prescribe enough for patient to commit suicide. It is necessary for patients to return to the physician before the patient can become addicted to the drugs prescribed. In this way the doctor will not lose control over the patient which could result in the patient becoming addicted. With respect to the 28,000 Percodan prescribed in a 5-1/2 months period Dr. Palmer viewed that quantity as more than he would prescribe in a lifetime. Dr. Murray Sims, M.D., is a Board certified surgeon who testified on behalf of Respondent. He found the prescriptions issued to Hatcher, Kavney, McGarey and Kratz to be proper for the complaints of the patients. Sims has known Respondent for many years, and has worked, studied, and taken examinations with Respondent. Dr. Sims prescribes Percodan in quantities of 100 and even 200. He does not believe 100 Percodan taken in a 30-day period is addictive. He has one 93-year old patient to whom he mails prescriptions for 100 Percodan per month (40 to 60 days) because, as she told him, "It makes my day start off right." (Tr. Vol. II, p. 102). When asked if Percodan and Tuinal taken together would have a synergistic effect Dr. Sims said no (Tr. Vol. II, p. 67) but on p. 119 he testified "I guess it would, you get a relief of both, yes. Don't hold me too much about pharmacy." Dr. Sims practice is 99 percent devoted to surgery patients and if he has a patient with a non-surgical related disorder he usually refers the patient to another doctor. This witness's testimony regarding the various drugs prescribed by Respondent and the appropriateness thereof was not deemed as credible as was the testimony of Drs. Hardwerker and Palmer. This was so because the latter had more expertise in this area of medicine and demonstrated greater credibility on the witness stand.

Florida Laws (1) 458.331
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001195 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 1979

Findings Of Fact Hilda T. Clark, Respondent, is a registered nurse who holds license no. 21750-2. Evidence adduced during the course of the hearing reveals that during 1961, while Respondent was employed as a private duty nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami, she withdrew a narcotic drug, to wit: Dilaudid, for her patient, Mrs. Fanny Goldblum on approximately thirty occasions, which she administered to herself instead of the patient. Based on an Information for violation of the Florida Uniform Narcotic Drug Act (Chapter 398.19, F.S.) which was filed on March 15, 1961, the Respondent pled guilty and was placed on probation for a term of seven years on March 31, 1961. Thereafter, on January 12, 1977, the Respondent, while employed as a private duty registered nurse at the University of Miami Hospital and Clinic, converted to her own use a narcotic drug, to wit: Demerol. When confronted with this fact, the Respondent admitted to the Head Nurse, M. Francis, R.N., that she had injected herself with the Demerol and that she was addicted to narcotics for many years. The Respondent does not contest the above allegations and in fact admits that she engaged in the conduct that is alleged in the administrative complaint filed herein. However, she urges that the suspension of her license is unwarranted in these circumstances inasmuch as she was undergoing tremendous pressure based on her mother and spouse's poor health. Additionally, she related an incident wherein she was undergoing tremendous pain and was placed on the medication, Demerol for the relief of pain due to severe herpes zoster infection. Evidence and testimony introduced during the course of the hearing reveal that herpes zoster infection causes severe pain and that to control such pain, her physician, Edward E. Goldman, M.D., prescribed oral Tolwen, Demerol and Dilaudid suppositories. There also was evidence introduced during the course of the hearing which indicated that the Respondent is not now suffering from any drug related problems or addiction and that her professional abilities are beyond question. Respecting the most recent incident which occurred on January 12, 1977, evidence reveals that the Respondent was indeed laboring under a great deal of stress and mental pressures which, in her words, forced her to resort to the unlawful withdrawal and injection of the narcotic drug, Demerol. There was no evidence introduced that the Respondent engaged in any unlawful act during the period between the incident which occurred in 1961 and the January, 1977 incident. Nor was there any further evidence of any drug addiction problem by Respondent subsequent to the January, 1977 incident. The unlawful use of and procurement of drugs by nursing professionals is a serious act which should not be condoned without sanction by the Board of Nursing. It goes without saying that such acts and/or conduct constitutes a departure from the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice and in fact constitutes unprofessional conduct. See Chapter 464.21(b), Florida Statutes. Based on evidence received during the course of the hearing, there is substantial and competent evidence from which a finding can be made that the Respondent engaged in conduct violative of the above chapter i.e., Subsection 464.21(b), Florida Statutes. However, there was no evidence introduced on which a finding can be made that the Respondent is guilty of conduct violative of Chapter 464.21(c) and (d), as alleged. Although two instances of unlawful useage of narcotic drugs was alleged which the Respondent admits, in view of the length of time between the two occurrences, the undersigned concludes that the record fails to establish that the Respondent is habitually addicted to the use of controlled substances as provided in Chapter 464.21(c), Florida Statutes. I shall therefore recommend that the remaining two allegations be dismissed. Respecting the finding that the Respondent engaged in unprofessional conduct within the meaning of Chapter 464.21(b), Florida Statutes, I shall bear in mind and give consideration to the lengthy and creditable service that she has given to the nursing profession, a profession in which she desires to continue to practice. Based thereon and the favorable testimonials received into evidence, I shall recommend that the Respondent be placed on probation for a period of two years.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law I hereby recommend that the Respondent be placed on probation for a term of two years. In all other respects, I hereby recommend that the complaint allegations be dismissed. RECOMMENDED this 12th day of September, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1005 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 George A. Kokus, Esquire Cohen and Kokus 500 Roberts Building 28 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jul. 20, 2016 Number: 16-004101PL Latest Update: Mar. 01, 2017

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent possessed Dilaudid without a legitimate purpose, and whether Respondent is unable to practice nursing with reasonable skill and safety, in violation of section 464.018(1), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint and, if so, the appropriate penalty.

Findings Of Fact The Department of Health, Board of Nursing, is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of nursing in the state of Florida, pursuant to section 20.43, and chapters 456 and 464, Florida Statutes. At all times material to this proceeding, Lisa Michelle Jackson was a licensed registered nurse in the state of Florida, holding license number RN 9375240. Respondent’s current address of record is 2358 York Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32207. On Saturday, November 7, 2015, Respondent left work and picked up her minor son from her parents’ house. She drove home, parked at her front door, and lost consciousness. At some point, Respondent’s parents called her cell phone. The phone was answered by Respondent’s son, who advised them of the situation. Respondent’s parents went to her house, and apparently called emergency medical services. EMS personnel arrived on the scene and administered Narcan to Respondent. Narcan is a medication that blocks receptors for opioid-based drugs, and is used to reverse the effects of opioids. It is commonly used when medical personnel suspect a patient of an opioid overdose. Respondent was thereafter transported to St. Vincent’s Riverside Medical Center (Riverside), and admitted with encephalopathy and acute respiratory failure. Respondent had to be placed on a respirator. A urine drug screen was performed, which returned positive for benzodiazepines and opiates. Riverside related the encephalopathy and respiratory failure to a suspected drug overdose. Respondent denied having taken anything containing benzodiazepines. She did indicate that approximately a year earlier she had undergone a tooth extraction, for which her dentist had prescribed Percocet. She had some left over, and testified that she had taken some for back pain several days before November 7, 2015. Respondent was discharged from Riverside on November 9, 2015, at approximately 11:40 a.m. After her discharge from Riverside on November 9, 2015, but later that afternoon, Respondent was speaking with her mother on the telephone. Respondent’s mother did not like the way she sounded, and came to the house. Respondent’s mother believed that Respondent was lethargic, but Respondent admitted only to being tired from her earlier hospital stay. EMS was called, and Respondent was again transported to Riverside, where she was admitted at approximately 5:45 p.m. Her diagnosis on admission was hypertensive disorder. She self-discharged against medical advice, signing the discharge papers at 6:36 p.m. There was no evidence that Respondent’s admission to Riverside on November 9, 2015, was the result of the use or abuse of any substance. On November 20, 2015, Respondent and Carl Nesmith were at Respondent’s residence. Respondent testified that she was experiencing back pain. At some time during the evening, Respondent took three or more Dilaudid tablets. Respondent testified that the tablets belonged to Mr. Nesmith, though the evidence was not sufficient to support a finding to that effect. Nonetheless, by the time of the arrival of the EMS team and her subsequent admission to Riverside as described herein, the tablets were in her possession. Dilaudid is a brand name of hydromorphone, an opioid. Pursuant to section 893.03(2)(a)1.k., Florida Statutes, hydromorphone is a Schedule II controlled substance that “has a high potential for abuse and has a currently accepted but severely restricted medical use in treatment in the United States, and abuse of the substance may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.” Respondent did not have a prescription for Dilaudid. At some point during the evening of November 20, 2015, Respondent passed out in her bathroom. EMS was called and dispatched to Respondent’s residence. The inference is that Mr. Nesmith called them, but since Respondent was unconscious, and Mr. Nesmith did not testify, the identity of the caller is not known. More to the point, the identity of the caller is not relevant. When EMS personnel arrived, they found Respondent unresponsive on the bathroom floor. Mr. Gorsuch recognized Respondent’s symptoms, including agonal breathing, as characteristic of an opioid overdose, and administered Narcan to counteract the effects of the suspected drug. The Narcan “worked,” and Respondent regained consciousness. EMS personnel discovered a plastic bag with loose pills in Respondent’s purse. The pills were taken with Respondent as she was transported by EMS to Riverside. Respondent was received at the Riverside emergency room shortly after midnight on November 21, 2015. Her condition was described as “drowsy but arousable with slurred speech.” Upon her arrival at Riverside, Ms. Quartano observed that Respondent was clutching a Ziplock-type bag of pills in her hand. How the pills came to be in her hand was not explained. Whether in her purse or in her hand, the pills were in Respondent’s possession. The pills were provided to Dr. McBride Johnson, who identified the pills as Dilaudid based on their shape, color, and markings. Respondent’s diagnosis upon admission was acute encephalopathy; poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments, and biological substances, accidental, initial encounter; and altered mental status. Respondent underwent a urine screening, which returned positive for benzodiazepines. Despite the fact that Respondent knew that she had taken “pills” during the evening in question, she denied to hospital personnel that she had taken any drugs or alcohol. As she had on November 9, 2015, Respondent self- discharged against medical advice, signing the discharge papers at 5:30 a.m. Upon her discharge from the hospital, Respondent was taken into custody by Sergeant Coleman from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. Respondent told Sergeant Coleman that the Dilaudid had been given to her by a friend for back pain, and that she had them for several days. Despite her deposition testimony that she had taken pills allegedly provided to her by Mr. Nesmith, she told Sergeant Coleman that she had taken one of her previously prescribed Percocet tablets, and denied having taken any of the pills given to her by her “friend.” Respondent was then placed under arrest. Respondent’s mother had, for years, taken care of Respondent’s son while Respondent was working, often at night. Between November 2015 and January 2016, Respondent’s parents took over primary care of her son in order to provide him with a more stable environment. There is no evidence that Respondent ever diverted opioids, or any other drugs, from her employer. However, after having been visited by a Department of Health investigator, Respondent’s employer, University of Florida Health - Shands (Shands), first suspended and then, in January 2016, terminated Respondent’s employment as a registered nurse. On February 14, 2016, a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Deputy performed a traffic stop on Respondent after observing her fail to maintain her lane of traffic, stop past the stop bar at a stop light, drive up onto the curb nearly striking a pole, drive onto another curb and nearly onto the sidewalk, and while attempting to negotiate a turn, nearly strike another pole. The deputies called to the scene observed that Respondent had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, lethargic movements, and that she was unsteady on her feet. She underwent Field Sobriety Exercises but failed to perform them to standard. Respondent testified that she had taken some over-the- counter sleeping medication at least 12 hours before being stopped. She could think of no reason why such medications would have had an effect on her by the time of the stop. Respondent stated that her erratic driving was caused by her vehicle pulling to the right and being difficult to control, which was consistent with her deposition testimony that it was because her car needed an alignment. That explanation was not believable. Respondent was arrested for driving while under the influence. The charges were ultimately reduced to reckless driving, but Respondent was required to attend DUI driving school, attend the DUI Victim Impact Panel, and perform community service. On March 15, 2016, Respondent was walking from her mother’s house to her car when she passed out in her mother’s yard. The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department responded, arriving at approximately 12:15 p.m. The EMS personnel administered Narcan to Respondent, and transported her to Baptist Medical Center (Baptist). By the time she arrived, she was able to communicate with medical personnel, and attributed the incident to a fight with her mother, and lightheadedness from not eating that day. Respondent testified that “they told me at the hospital that I had morphine in my system, and I had no morphine.” Respondent’s understanding of what she was told is not substantiated by the Baptist medical records. Thus, the evidence is not sufficient to support a finding that Respondent had morphine in her system on March 15, 2016. Respondent was discharged from Baptist at approximately 1:15 p.m., about an hour after her arrival. Beginning “towards the end of 2015,” and extending “maybe up until March or April [2016], maybe a little later,” Respondent went to the Jacksonville Metro Treatment Center where she received daily methadone treatments in an effort to wean herself off of controlled substances. She “somewhat” received counseling, but the substance of her testimony indicates that the methadone was the driving cause of her visits to the treatment center. She stopped attending the treatment center due to the cost. From April 2016, when she stopped receiving methadone treatment at the Jacksonville Metro Treatment Center, until June or July 2016, Respondent received outpatient Suboxone treatment at Merit Health River Region, which accepts Medicaid. Suboxone is like methadone, but it blocks opioid receptors. Respondent stopped going to River Region because it was hard for her to get there due to transportation issues. Respondent did not complete her treatment, and she was not advised that she was in remission or that she should discontinue her treatment. Respondent has received no substance abuse treatment since she stopped going to River Region. On or about March 17, 2016, Dr. Sanchez evaluated Respondent as allowed by section 464.018(1)(j). The evaluation included not only a face-to-face interview with Respondent, but included a review of records, including medical and law enforcement records, related to each of the incidents described herein. During the evaluation, Respondent advised Dr. Sanchez that she had used opioids “opportunistically” for about 10 years, with her usage being sporadic and impulsive. Respondent further advised Dr. Sanchez that she had used a Fentanyl patch three to four days prior to the evaluation. Pursuant to section 893.03(2)(b)9., Florida Statutes, Fentanyl is a Schedule II controlled substance with the same potential for abuse as Dilaudid. Respondent did not have a prescription for Fentanyl. Dr. Sanchez opined that Respondent’s use of Fentanyl that close to the evaluation, with the risk of detection in the toxicology screen, was an indication of the strength of her addiction. Respondent did not tell Dr. Sanchez about the March 15, 2016, incident during which she passed out in her mother’s yard, an incident that occurred only two days prior to the evaluation. She agreed that the incident would have been relevant to Dr. Sanchez’s evaluation. The failure to disclose the incident is indicative of an evasive attitude towards matters that would reasonably be expected to affect Respondent’s ability to practice nursing with reasonable skill and safety. Dr. Sanchez noted that Respondent had a history of emergency room visits over extended periods of time with different pain complaints, including back pain, abdominal pain related to gastric bypass surgery, and a broken tooth, all of which resulted in recommendations for short-term opiate therapy. Dr. Sanchez opined that Respondent’s actions suggested drug- seeking behavior. However, the maladies described, including a bulging disc from a car accident, and chronic tooth issues including, at the time of the evaluation, an abscess, were diagnosed by physicians, who prescribed pain management medications, and were not illusory. Regardless of whether Respondent’s use of opioids was initiated as a result of a medically-prudent prescription, the evidence is clear and convincing that Respondent’s use has passed to the stage of addiction. Dr. Sanchez opined that the incident on November 7, 2015, when Respondent took some form of opioid and picked up her child on the way home, ultimately losing consciousness at the wheel of her car, was evidence of a strong compulsion to use opioids. Dr. Sanchez’s opinion that this incident indicated a significant lack of judgment and control is credited. The incident on November 20, 2016, is further strong evidence of a growing and dangerous addition. In light of the other incidents described herein, and Respondent’s familiarity with opioids over the years, both as a patient and a nurse, Respondent’s testimony that she did not understand what she was taking that evening is simply not credible. Dr. Sanchez stated the circumstances surrounding Respondent’s February 14, 2016, arrest for driving under the influence is further evidence that Respondent was “losing control” of her addiction. The suggestion that the incident was the result of poor alignment is not credible, particularly in light of Respondent’s appearance and performance during the stop. Dr. Sanchez determined that Respondent refuses to accept responsibility for her behavior and remains in denial of her substance abuse issues, a conclusion that is supported and accepted. As a result of his evaluation, Dr. Sanchez diagnosed Respondent with severe opioid use disorder. He opined that Respondent has significantly impaired judgment due to her substance abuse, which precludes her from functioning as a registered nurse with the necessary skill and safety to patients. His testimony is credited. Dr. Sanchez further opined that Respondent requires an extended period of continuous supervision with monitoring, substance abuse treatment, random toxicology testing, and an extended period of time of documented abstinence from controlled substances before Respondent would be able to practice nursing with sufficient skill and safety to patients. He recommended that Respondent complete a full course of treatment geared to substance abuse and chemical dependency, initially as inpatient treatment, followed by an intensive outpatient program after a reasonable period of abstinence. Finally, Dr. Sanchez recommended that Respondent execute an Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) monitoring agreement. IPN is the impaired practitioner program for the Board of Nursing, pursuant to section 456.076. IPN monitors the evaluation, care, and treatment of impaired nurses. IPN oversees random drug screens and provides for the exchange of information between treatment providers, evaluators, and the Department for the protection of the public. Respondent has not entered any form of inpatient treatment, though she indicated that she is currently on a wait- list for inpatient treatment, has discontinued outpatient treatment, and has not entered into an IPN agreement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Nursing, enter a final order: determining that Respondent violated sections 464.018(1)(i) and 464.018(1)(j); imposing a suspension of license number RN 9375240 for one year and thereafter until such time as Respondent personally appears before the Board and can demonstrate the present ability to engage in the safe practice of nursing, with such demonstration to include at least one IPN evaluation in which the evaluator finds Respondent to be able to engage in the safe practice of nursing or recommend the conditions under which safe practice could be attained; requiring compliance with IPN recommendations and contract conditions, as imposed; imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $250.00; and awarding costs incurred in the prosecution of this case to the Department. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of November, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of November, 2016. COPIES FURNISHED: Lisa Michelle Jackson 2356 York Street Jacksonville, Florida 32207-3541 (eServed) Rob F. Summers, Esquire Brynna J. Ross, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 (eServed) Nichole C. Geary, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 (eServed) Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 (eServed) Jody Bryant Newman, EdD, EdS Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57120.68456.072456.073464.018893.0390.803
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 16, 2011 Number: 11-005891PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Oct. 03, 2002 Number: 02-003883 Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jul. 28, 2003 Number: 03-002807F Latest Update: Mar. 23, 2005

The Issue The issues for consideration in this case are whether the Petitioner, Josephine Kimball, is entitled to an award of attorney fees from Respondent, Department of Health, as provided in Section 120.595, Florida Statutes (2003), and, if so, in what amount.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made. The Department, through its Bureau of Statewide Pharmaceutical Services (formerly the Bureau of Pharmacy Services), is the state agency responsible for administering and enforcing the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997), which includes the regulation of the manufacture, promotion, and distribution of prescription drugs. The Department initiated an Administrative Complaint in August 1993 (1993 Administrative Complaint) while in the middle of an investigation and after participating in a federal and state force of agencies that executed a search and seizure of the business establishment and of the home of James T. Kimball and his wife, Josephine Kimball, both of which were located in Wesley Chapel, Florida. The Kimballs' business establishment was located at 29949 State Road 54 West in Wesley Chapel, Florida ("business establishment" or "29949 State Road 54 West"). The search and seizure took place on May 12, 1993, pursuant to federal warrants. The 1993 Administrative Complaint was issued to Discovery Experimental and Development, Inc. ("DEDI"), located at 29949 State Road 54 West and related to that company's alleged sale of drugs that were not approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). After the 1993 Administrative Complaint was filed, the Department continued to investigate the activities of DEDI. Deborah Orr (Agent Orr) began working for the Department as a drug agent and investigator on or about 1993 and was assigned to investigate the underlying case until the case culminated. During the investigation, Agent Orr and other Department agents, investigators, and officials reviewed documents and other evidence seized during the search of the business establishment and the home of the Kimballs that tied both James and Josephine Kimball to several corporations that appeared to be connected to the manufacture and sale of certain unapproved drugs. Among the documents found and seized from the Kimballs' home, pursuant to the 1993 warrant and reviewed by Agent Orr, was the financial statement of James and Josephine Kimball dated April 14, 1992. According to that document, James and Josephine Kimball were 90-percent owners of DEDI, which "develops pharmaceuticals and chemicals for manufacturing" and had an assessed value of $1,000,000; James and Josephine Kimball were 90-percent owners of ASTAK, Inc. ("ASTAK"), a company that "manufactures custom order vitamins"; James T. Kimball was a 100-percent owner of Discovery Experimental and Development, Mexico N.A. (DEDI of Mexico), a company that "manufacture[s] pharmaceuticals" and ships to 12 countries; and James and Josephine Kimball were 83-percent owners of Discovery Tour Wholesalers, Inc. (Tours), which owned the real property located at 29949 State Road 54 West. The Department's investigation indicated that several companies controlled by the Kimballs had separate and distinct functions related to the unlawful drug enterprise. For example, it appeared that one company manufactured the unlawful drugs, another took and filled orders from customers for the unlawful drugs, and another put out promotional information and literature about the unlawful drugs. During the investigation, the Department determined that most of the corporations involved in the unlawful drug enterprise had common ownership and operated from 29949 State Road 54 West. The Department's investigation revealed that Josephine Kimball provided administrative and secretarial services, as well as "consultant services," for several corporations owned by her husband, James T. Kimball, and/or owned jointly by Mr. and Mrs. Kimball that were alleged and found to have been involved in unlawful drug activities. Prior to 1997, Agent Orr received and reviewed several checks written to Tours by companies operating out of the 29949 State Road 54 West location, specifically DEDI and ASTAK, both of which were involved in the manufacture and distribution of drugs that were not approved by the FDA. From a review of these checks, it appeared that Mrs. Kimball, in her individual capacity or in connection with her role at Tours, had signature authority on those corporate bank accounts because some of the checks written to Tours by DEDI and by ASTAK, on their respective bank accounts, were actually signed by Josephine Kimball. During the course of the Department's investigation, Agent Orr obtained and reviewed a letter and check which indicated that Josephine Kimball ordered and/or purchased self-inking signature stamps for "personal checks" for "R.R. Riot" and "R.C. Brown." The letter, which effectively placed the order for the self-inking signature stamps, was signed by Josephine Kimball, as the representative of "Discovery," and requested that the self-inking stamps be mailed to "Discovery, 29949 S.R. 54 West, Wesley Chapel, Florida." Moreover, the self-inking stamps were paid for by check on the account of DEDI and bore the facsimile signature of "R.C. Brown" and the hand- written signature of Josephine Kimball. The R.R. Riot and the R.C. Brown signature stamps were connected to DEDI of Mexico and B & B Freight Forwarding, Inc. (B & B Freight), respectively. According to documents reviewed by the Department, the "R.R. Riot" signature stamp was used to establish a bank account for DEDI of Mexico. A resolution, executed by James T. Kimball, as secretary of DEDI of Mexico, authorized the bank at which that company's account was established, to honor all checks or drafts or other orders of payment drawn on the DEDI of Mexico account that bore or purported to bear only the facsimile signature of R.R. Riot. The self-inking stamp for R.C. Brown was to include the facsimile signature of "R.C. Brown" and the following: B & B Freight Forwarding Pay to Order of Dis. Exp .& Dev. Inc. For Deposit Only Lloyd's Bank Acct. #12032151 During its investigation, the Department obtained bottles of liquid deprenyl from an individual in South Carolina who had ordered the product from Discovery of Mexico, c/o B & B Freight Forwarding" at 29949 State Road 54 West. Both DEDI of Mexico and B & B Freight, which were Respondents in the underlying proceedings and alleged to have manufactured, sold, or otherwise distributed drugs that were not approved by the FDA, in violation of Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997). In that proceeding, B & B Freight was determined to have violated the provisions of Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in the Administrative Complaint. Prior to issuance of the 1997 Administrative Complaint, Agent Orr wrote a report of her findings based on her multi-year investigation and sent them to her supervisor, who forwarded the report to Jerry Hill, R. Ph., Bureau Chief of the Department's Bureau of Statewide Pharmaceutical Services. Mr. Hill reviewed Agent Orr's report and other information and evidence obtained during the investigation. He also talked to some of the Department agents and/or investigators who participated in the investigation at various times during the years the investigation was on-going. Based on his review of Agent Orr's report and related information and evidence, Mr. Hill believed there were several companies involved in promoting and/or advertising, manufacturing, and distributing prescription drugs that were not approved by the FDA. The specific unapproved drugs were selegiline citrate (deprenyl) and some silvicidal products, some of which had been found during inspections of the premises at 29949 State Road 54 West prior to issuance of the 1997 Administrative Complaint. After reviewing all of the information and documents provided to him, Mr. Hill believed that some of the companies were more involved in the illegal drug operation than others. However, he also believed that all of the principals had some involvement in the illegal activity. A review of the documentation, particularly certain checks, provided to Mr. Hill indicated that Josephine Kimball had full signature authority on the checking accounts of several of the corporations that the Department determined were involved in the illegal drug activity. Based on checks seized pursuant to the federal search warrants, Mr. Hill determined that checks from DEDI, written to Tours for consulting fees, were signed by Mrs. Kimball. There was also documentation that Mrs. Kimball signed checks from ASTAK that were written to Tours. Based on the information and evidence Mr. Hill had received, he believed that the corporations that were engaging in the illegal drug activities involved two principal natural persons, James and Josephine Kimball. Mr. Hill believed that he had sufficient evidence to tie Josephine Kimball and several of the companies, including DEDI, DEDI of Mexico, ASTAK, and Tours, together. Given the companies' common ownership, and Josephine Kimball's involvement in those companies, Mr. Hill was concerned that if the Department did not prosecute all the entities and individuals involved in the operation, the illegal activity would continue and the unapproved drugs would get into commerce. After careful consideration of all the information and evidence provided to him by Department investigators, agents, and other Department officials familiar with and involved in the investigation, Mr. Hill concluded that Josephine Kimball participated in the illegal drug enterprise and was, therefore, in violation of Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997). The Department expanded its administrative enforcement action in the underlying case by the Administrative Complaint dated June 24, 1997, based on its on-going investigation of illegal activities taking place at the 29949 State Road 54 West. Mr. Hill, on behalf of the Department, issued the 1997 Administrative Complaint, and that case was later assigned DOAH Case No. 97-3836. Pursuant to a Delegation of Authority dated February 19, 1997, Mr. Hill was authorized to initiate and pursue to conclusion any legal or administrative action authorized by Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997). In the underlying administrative proceeding, after taking and considering testimony and documentary evidence, the Administrative Law Judge issued a Recommended Order finding that the Department failed to prove the allegations against Josephine Kimball by clear and convincing evidence and recommending that the charges against her be dismissed. However, the Recommended Order made no finding that the Department participated in the underlying proceeding against Petitioner for an improper purpose. With regard to the corporate Respondents in the underlying proceeding, the Recommended Order found that Discovery Distributing, Inc., DEDI, ASTAK, and B & B Freight, violated the provisions of Chapter 499, Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in the underlying proceeding and recommended that those Respondents be fined a total of more than $3.5 million dollars for the violations. The Department adopted the Recommended Order in the underlying proceeding in its Final Order. In this proceeding, Petitioner asserted that the Department brought the underlying proceeding against her for "personal" reasons. In support of this assertion, Petitioner presented the testimony of one witness, Petitioner's adult daughter, Toni Kimball, who was also a Respondent in the underlying proceeding. Toni Kimball testified that at some point, Agent Orr and/or counsel for the Department told her that the Department took the underlying action against Josephine Kimball because of Mrs. Kimball's relationship with James T. Kimball and that the case was "no longer business," but was "personal." Ms. Kimball's testimony is not credible or persuasive and is, therefore, rejected. Clearly, at the time the Department initiated the underlying proceeding and participated in that proceeding, there was sufficient evidence of Josephine Kimball's connection and involvement with the companies engaged in the illegal drug activities to bring and pursue the administrative action against her. At the final hearing in the underlying proceeding, there was voluminous evidence that appeared to tie Petitioner to the corporate Respondents found to have engaged in the illegal drug activity with which they were charged and that implicated her in some of these activities. Josephine Kimball and Tours, a company she operated, was represented by Elliot Dunn, Esquire, in the underlying proceeding, including and through the final hearing. Mr. Dunn withdrew from the case prior to Petitioner's filing her Proposed Recommended Order. Mr. Dunn did not testify at this proceeding and no time records related to his representation of Josephine Kimball or any of the other Petitioners in the underlying proceeding were available for review, inspection, or consideration. Josephine Kimball did not pay Mr. Dunn for the legal services that he provided. Instead, he was paid by ASTAK, one of the nonprevailing parties in the underlying proceeding and, later, by Strictly Supplements. There was never a contract between Josephine Kimball and Mr. Dunn that defined the terms and conditions of Mr. Dunn's legal representation on behalf of Josephine Kimball. However, during the time Mr. Dunn represented Josephine Kimball, he was in-house counsel for ASTAK and/or DEDI, a job for which his annual salary was about $52,000. Petitioner's expert witness opined that a reasonable hourly rate for an attorney representing each of the Petitioners, including Josephine Kimball was $175 to $350. Petitioner's expert did not form an opinion as to the total number of hours reasonably spent by Mr. Dunn representing Josephine Kimball in the underlying proceeding. Rather, the expert testified that he utilized Rule Regulating Florida Bar 4-1.5, which deals with the reasonableness of fees. Based on the factors in that Rule, Petitioner's expert opined that reasonable attorney's fees incurred by Josephine Kimball in the defense of the underlying case are $50,000, assuming the hourly rate of $175. Rolando J. Santiago, Esquire, provided legal services to Josephine Kimball in the post-hearing phase of the underlying proceeding. Specifically, Mr. Santiago reviewed the case file and the record in the underlying case and prepared the Proposed Recommended Order and related pleadings for Josephine Kimball. Mr. Santiago's hourly rate is $175 and he spent 92 hours providing legal services to Josephine Kimball in the underlying proceeding. Therefore, Mr. Santiago's fee for the legal work he performed for Josephine Kimball is $16,100. In light of the findings and conclusions reached in this Recommended Order, no findings are made or necessary regarding issues related to the reasonableness of the attorney's fees, the quality of the evidence presented on that issue or any other issues related to attorney's fees.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner Josephine Kimball's Petition for Attorney Fees and Costs be DISMISSED. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of January, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of January, 2005.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.595
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001886 Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1990

Findings Of Fact Richard Stephan Flatt, M.D., Respondent, is licensed by the Board of Medical Examiners, Department of Professional Regulation (Petitioner) as a medical doctor and was so licensed at all times here relevant. Respondent has been a Board certified Dermatologist since 1957 and has practiced Dermatology in Sarasota for some 20 years. He is 54 years old. Tana Williams was a patient of Respondent in 1971 when he first treated her for warts, and he also treated Ms. Williams' daughter. Afterward she left Sarasota but returned in 1975 or 1976, at which time she was divorced. She visited Respondent's office for treatment of warts on 5 April 1976. Her appointment was near the close of Respondent's office hours. During this visit she told Respondent she was divorced; that she liked older men; and that she would like to see him socially. He suggested she come back to the office after 5:30 p.m. when his nurse normally departed. Upon her return after 5:30, Respondent and Ms. Williams discussed an arrangement whereby he would contribute $250 per month towards her support and spend weekends at the apartment she would occupy. According to Respondent's testimony, at this time he was going through a mid-life crisis and was delighted with the prospects of being desired by a woman 23 years his junior. Some two weeks later the first weekend was shared. Although the situation was very satisfactory to Respondent, the $250 per month was insufficient even to pay the rent, let alone satisfy Ms. Williams' money requirements. Accordingly, Respondent found the liaison was costing more than he could fund from his ready cash. After the 5 April 1976 visit, Ms. Williams did not again visit Respondent's office, or consider herself Respondent' s patient. In addition to cash, Ms. Williams also wanted drugs for her nervous condition and Respondent began supplying her with Quaaludes in the latter part of 1978. By 1979, Ms. Williams was psychologically dependent on Quaaludes and was taking 10 to 12 per day. As Respondent became more financially strapped the Quaaludes were provided for the additional purpose of being converted by Ms. Williams into cash to help maintain her life style. In 1976 Respondent began ordering Quaaludes and Preludin from New York drug houses under his DEA authorization. The Quaaludes started out in quantities of 200 every few months but increased to 1,000 nearly every month by the end of 1979. Most, if not all, of the 11,000 300 mg. Quaaludes Respondent ordered on an Official Order Form for Controlled Substances were given to Ms. Williams. In addition, Respondent ordered Preludin which he also gave to Ms. Williams. Both Preludin and Quaaludes are Class II controlled substances. Due to Ms. Williams' increasing dependence on Quaaludes, nearly half of these drugs given her by Respondent were taken by her. Petitioner presented no evidence that Preludin was wrongfully prescribed or abused. During the nearly four years the relationship continued, several interruptions occurred, due largely to Ms. Williams' living with other men, one of whom she married for a short period of about two months. During the periods Ms. Williams was living with other men, she would contact Respondent to continue or renew their liaison and even threatened suicide and to publicize their relationship to his wife if he did not continue to see her. In the latter months of their association, assignations were arranged at motels at which Respondent gave Ms. Williams money and/or drugs in exchange for sex. In addition to supplying Ms. Williams with drugs obtained on Official Order Forms, Respondent also wrote prescriptions in Ms. Williams' name, in the names of his children, or in the name of a fictitious person. Those prescriptions written in names other than Ms. Williams, Respondent took to Wallpole's Pharmacy personally and picked up the drugs. By this procedure from late 1978 through 1979 Respondent acquired an additional 1,249 300-mg. Quaaludes, 150 Preludin Endurettes, and 100 Preludin tablets which he gave to Ms. Williams. Using a confidential informant, the Sarasota police made two controlled buys of Quaaludes from Ms. Williams and on one of these occasions the informant was wired for sound so his conversations with Ms. Williams could be monitored. With information received from the confidential informant and a surveillance of Ms. Williams' residence, the police became aware that Respondent was Ms. Williams' supplier of drugs. On the morning of 8 February 1980, Ms. Williams was arrested at her home on charges of possession and sale of controlled substances. After being advised of her rights, she was taken down to the State Attorney's office where she was told that she could get up to 10 years in prison for possession and sale of drugs, but that if she cooperated with the police in their case against Respondent, the State Attorney's office would recommend probation rather than jail when she was sentenced. Prior to the arrest of Ms. Williams the Sarasota Police, state and federal drug authorities were aware of Respondent's involvement and were investigating. Respondent, too, was aware of his increasing vulnerability to criminal prosecution and requested a pharmacist to pass the word to the proper authorities that he would like to surrender his DEA certificate, under the authority of which he ordered controlled substances. On February 12, 1980 federal, state and local authorities, armed with information that Respondent had ordered some 11,000 Quaaludes from three New York drug companies during the period from 1976 to the present, visited Respondent's office, told him he was suspected of narcotics violation, read him his rights and asked to see his records. Respondent cooperated fully with the authorities and presented his records which confirmed that Respondent could not account for more than 10,600 Quaaludes during the period from 1976 to the date of the inspection. Respondent made a voluntary statement to the police in which he acknowledged many of the facts noted above. He also voluntarily surrendered his narcotics license. On 22 May 1980, Respondent pleaded guilty in the Circuit Court in and for Sarasota County of two counts of possession of methaqualone and two counts of sale of methaqualone. Adjudication of guilt was withheld, but the Court sentenced Respondent to probation for a period of three years and a $5,000.00 fine on each of the two counts of possession and sale.

Florida Laws (5) 120.60458.329458.331475.25893.13
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