Allow the permit, but with modifications.
Respondent charged with malpractice and breach of agreement in treatment of dog. Recommend dismissal, because there was no agreement and used standard practice.
Description of location of proposed Savings and Loan in Ocala. No Recommended Order or conclusions of law in compliance with Section 120.57(1)(b)(12), Florida Statutes.
Recommend suspension and fine for aiding unlicensed practice and mistreating child patients.
Prior to commencement of the hearing, the parties stipulated to the following: Jessie James Thompson applied for a Class "F" unarmed guard's license, Exhibit 1. The Department denied Thompson's application because he had failed to report his arrests as required in Question 13 of the application. The arrests in 1967 and 1978, referenced in the letter of denial, Exhibit 2, are true and accurate. Except for the grounds stated in the letter of denial, the applicant is otherwise qualified for...
: 120.57
The issues in this case are whether the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint occurred, and whether the Respondent should be fined $5,000.Department of Health and Rehabilitation's (DHRS) expert witness proved multiple violations of safety code in nursing home. Civil fine levied with discussion of limits of fine.
Whether a septic tank construction permit should be issued by the Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, for use by the Respondent, Alex Rutkowski, owner of Lot number 6, Block E, Carlton Terrace Subdivision First Addition, in Clearwater, Florida. Whether the filling in of Lot number 6 and the construction of a septic tank will damage the residence of the Petitioner, Elinor Burger, on Lot number 5.Deny application for septic tank permit. Respondent didn't show compliance...
: 120.57
Petitioner's dredge and fill permit should be denied as against the public interest destroys estuarine breeding ground for marine organisms.
Petition dismissed when facts fail to support the allegations that Petitioner's substantial interests would be affected by issuance of permit.
Whether the license #47-00498H, held jointly by Byron R. and Susan R. Underwood, should be suspended or revoked or whether civil penalties should be assessed.Respondent failed to follow statute regulating notice and return of damage deposits.
Deny extension for excessive rainfall for road contractor; it was not proven to be an excessive amount of rain for the area.
: 120.57
Whether the license of the Respondent should be revoked, or whether a lesser penalty should be imposed.Respondent was guilty of gross immorality and moral turpitude in misappropriating school funds. Recommend limited revocation.
: 120.57
Former real estate broker sought re-registration which was denied due to revocation of old license. Not enough time for rehabilitation. Deny.
Whether Respondent's license as a limited surety agent should be revoked or the licensee otherwise disciplined for alleged violations of Chapter 648, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 4-1, Florida Administrative Code, as set forth in the Administrative Complaint dated October 16, 1979. In this proceeding, Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against Respondent for various alleged violations of Chapter 648, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 4-1, Florida Administrative Code, arising out of...
Whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be revoked pursuant to Chapter 231, Florida Statutes, as set forth in petition, dated November 8, 1979. She is charged with obtaining a Florida substitute teaching certificate by fraudulent means and of grossly immoral conduct. Respondent Judy D. Linder appeared at the hearing unaccompanied by legal counsel or other representative. Her rights in an administrative proceeding were explained to her by the Hearing Officer and she acknowledged that...
: 322.16
Whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be revoked pursuant to Chapter 231, Florida Statutes, as set forth in petition, dated November 8, 1979.Respondent took marijuana into prison where he taught. Recommend revocation of teaching certificate for four years because of past good reports.
Did the Respondent direct aides to administer medications to patients?Petitioner failed to prove Respondent gave medication to patients contrary to the statutes. Dismiss.
Did the Respondent direct aides to administer medications to patients?Petitioner failed to prove Respondent allowed nurse aides to medicate patients. Dismiss.
This cause came on for final hearing before the undersigned Hearing Officer beginning on January 21, 1980, and concluding on January 31, 1980. By stipulation the parties to this proceeding waived the statutory requirements that a final order be rendered within thirty days after the final hearing. A list of appearances entered in this cause is omitted because of its length. Such a list can be found elsewhere in the record of this proceeding. This is an action pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida...
Permit revoked where reliance on mistaken information provided by officials and parties agree that structure does not conform to zoning requirements.
: 120.57