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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 18, 2002 Number: 02-000621 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 2003

The Issue Petitioners challenged the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) preliminary Final Order, alleging that Petitioners committed the "unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation for the purposes of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line [(CCCL)] without benefit of a permit." The ultimate issue is whether the work Petitioners performed was seaward of the CCCL, and if it was, whether there was a violation of Amended Permit FR-563 and Section 161.053(2), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Ben Withers, Inc., is a Florida corporation doing business in the State of Florida. Petitioner, Ben Withers, is the President and owner of Ben Withers, Inc., and a resident of Panacea, Florida. (Henceforth, Ben Withers and Ben Withers, Inc., are referred to collectively as "Mr. Withers," unless otherwise noted.) Mr. Withers is a licensed general contractor. The Department is the executive agency of the State of Florida operating pursuant to, among others, Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 62, Florida Administrative Code. Pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, the Department administers the CCCL program for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. Coastal Construction Control Line Program The Department's Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources regulates construction and excavation activities seaward of the CCCL. The Department is responsible for determining and setting the CCCLs. The CCCL is a scientifically established line pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes. By definition, the CCCL "defines that portion of the beach-dune system subject to severe fluctuations based on a one-hundred-year storm surge, storm waves, or other predictable weather conditions." Rule 62B-33.002(13), Florida Administrative Code. Construction and excavation activity seaward of the CCCL is regulated by Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and Rule 62B- 33, Florida Administrative Code. Mr. Withers admitted that he is aware of Department rules regarding beaches and coastal construction and is also aware that excavation seaward of the CCCL requires a permit unless it is otherwise exempt, and that he had this knowledge prior to the present case. Accessing the Pepper Project Site Under Amended Permit FR-563 Dog Island is a barrier island south of and about three miles off the coast of Franklin County, Florida. The island is approximately eight miles in length. There is no bridge to the island. The Pepper project site is on the far western end of the island. The Gulf of Mexico borders the island on the south and St. George Sound borders the island to the north. The most common way to access the Pepper site with any vehicle carrying equipment and materials, would be to use a boat or barge to a marina area (Tyson's Harbor) near the center of the island, or a private dock, and then traverse west down the middle of the island or down the beach itself, or a combination of the two. The Easy Street Easement is an easement area for a roadway running east and west through Dog Island. The parties agree that Easy Street and the Easy Street Easement are the same. The Easy Street Easement had been an unpaved roadway years before; part of the roadway was still visible in May 2001, and other parts had been covered with vegetation. There are portions of Easy Street and Easy Way east of the cul-de-sac which are visible roadways. See, e.g., Department Exhibit 13. Additionally, parts of Easy Street are seaward of the Department's CCCL (e.g., in the narrows area which is west of the cul-de-sac) and other parts are landward of the CCCL. See, e.g., Finding of Fact 29. Pursuant to its statutory duty, in 1996, the Department set the reference monuments R-158-R-160 for the CCCL on the west end of Dog Island. These monuments are in the narrows area of the island and run west to east. The CCCL is not visible on the ground. A surveyor is needed to locate the line. The alleged violation in this case was committed between R-158 and R-160, part of the narrows area. The Easy Street Easement on Dog Island runs both north and south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac and then runs westerly to the west end of Dog Island. The CCCL Permits On October 21, 1999, the Department issued Permit FR-563 to Leonard Pepper, the property owner, for the construction of a single–family dwelling and for structures associated with the dwelling on the west end of Dog Island. Permit FR-563 contained Standard Permit Conditions that required in part: (1)(a) all construction or activity for which the permit was granted be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications which were approved by the Department as a part of the permit; (1)(b) all construction or activity authorized under the permit shall be conducted using extreme care to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach and dune system; and (1)(g) existing beach and dune topography and vegetation shall not be disturbed except as expressly authorized in the permit. Permit FR-563 did not authorize the start of construction until a construction access plan to the Pepper project site was approved, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system. On October 16, 2000, Amended Permit FR-563 was issued with a Notice to Proceed Withheld. The Amended Permit also contained Special Condition 1.5 which required the submittal and approval of "[a] construction access plan showing the route and timing for bringing equipment and materials to the site, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system." The Department was concerned about the manner in which equipment and materials would be brought to the project site without causing further harm to the system. Amended Permit FR-563 did not expressly or implicitly authorize excavation or grading seaward of the CCCL in any area on Dog Island off of the project site and footprint of the house. In late 2000, Mr. Withers became involved with the Pepper project after Amended Permit FR-563 (with the Notice to Proceed Withheld) was issued on October 16, 2000. Part of Mr. Withers' job responsibility was to prepare and submit a construction access plan to the Department for approval. The Department does not normally require an access plan because most job sites are located in areas with established roads for ingress and egress. Here, there was no established road to and from the project site. The access plan was necessary in order to determine how Mr. Withers would transport equipment and materials to the Pepper project site on the west end of Dog Island due to the site's remote location and the absence of an established roadway to the site. Mr. Withers expected that materials and heavy equipment, including cranes, would be off-loaded at Tyson's Harbor, located approximately in the middle of Dog Island, and transported by vehicle to the project site along the access plan route. He expected to only transport pilings using the beach access route. On March 15, 2001, Mr. Withers submitted an access plan which described the route Mr. Withers would traverse by vehicle with construction equipment and materials. See Endnote 1. The Easy Street Easement starts at the east end of the island as an established roadway. Proceeding in a westerly direction, Easy Street comes to a dead-end at a cul-de-sac landward of the CCCL. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to access the job site using part the Easy Street/Easy Street Easement (starting on the east end of the island) going north from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac, then heading in a westerly direction just south of the Ausley house (west of R-158 and just landward of the CCCL) and across the narrows area and continuing in a westerly direction along the northern shoreline and in southerly direction toward R-154. The access plan then authorized Mr. Withers to proceed in a westerly direction over the middle portion of the west-end of the island, then in a southerly direction toward the project site.1 The access plan showed a route both landward and seaward of the CCCL along the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 4- orange line then blue line after the orange circle on the west-end of the island. As described by Mr. McNeal of the Department, the access route is seaward, for the most part, of the CCCL from R-157 to R- 159 (running west to east) and landward of the CCCL east of R-159. The Department described the damaged area of 5,305.6 square feet (Department Exhibit 11A, insert "B") caused by Mr. Withers as east of R-159 and seaward of the CCCL and south of the access plan route. See also Finding of Fact 35. However, it appears that a portion of Easy Street, between R-159 and R-160, is seaward of the CCCL. Compare Department Exhibit 12 with Department Exhibits 4, 11A, and 13. During a pre-hearing deposition, Mr. Withers marked in pink the route he took through a portion of the narrows area which coincides with the portion of Easy Street between the approximate locations of R-159 and R-160, depicted on Department Exhibit 12. See Finding of Fact 43. (Mr. Withers had the Easy Street Easement staked prior to doing any work on Dog Island. See Findings of Fact 33-35.) The damaged area appears to coincide with this portion of Easy Street, and seaward of the CCCL. See Department Exhibit 11A. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to drive (vehicular traffic) his equipment over the easement following the route depicted on the access plan until he arrived at the project site. See Endnote 1. The Department expected that travel along the access route would cause minimal and temporary damage or destruction to the topography, so the plan was considered acceptable. The access plan did not authorize excavation of a roadway within the route, including the narrows area, nor did it contemplate any other activity over or around a dune other than what might occur as a result of driving.2 The Department understood that Mr. Withers would be driving daily over the access plan route to the project site. The Department assumed that trucks would be used to transport equipment and materials. The Department did not differentiate among vehicles which could be used, including large trucks. On April 11, 2001, the Department issued a Notice to Proceed to Mr. Pepper to begin construction of his single-family dwelling in accordance with Amended Permit FR-563. The access plan is part of the Amended permit. Shortly after the Notice to Proceed was issued, The Nature Conservancy advised the Department of concerns it had with the access plan. As a result, on April 24, 2001, there was a meeting in Apalachicola, Florida, convened by the Department and attended by other interested governmental entities and private persons, including Mr. Withers. The purpose of the meeting was explore other possible ways and means of access by Mr. Withers to the Pepper project site.3 No resolution was reached during the meeting and the access plan previously approved by the Department remained effective. The previously issued Notice to Proceed was also in effect. The Violations Mr. Withers hired Kenneth Greenwood of Garlick Environmental Associates to perform a threatened/endangered species inspection, plant and animal, on an approximately 30-foot wide strip on the Easy Street Easement (approximately 1,800 feet) being utilized in Mr. Withers' access plan and within the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 13-yellow markings. On May 2, 2001, Mr. Greenwood performed the inspection within the easement that Mr. Withers had staked out by a land surveyor, approximately 15 feet on either side of the stakes. He found no threatened/endangered species. (The CCCL was not staked by Mr. Withers because, according to Mr. Withers, the Department did not ask him to locate the CCCL with stakes.) The access route depicted by Mr. McNeal in orange on Department Exhibit 4, which runs east of R-159, is similar to the description of the staked areas east of R-159, described by Mr. Greenwood and marked in yellow on Department Exhibit 13. See Findings of Fact 28-29. Both areas are landward of the CCCL. However, the 5,305.6 square foot damaged area is east of R-159 and is seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Greenwood described the area where he performed his investigation as being "relatively undisturbed," "relatively stable," having no vehicle tracks, and he stated that there were areas of bare sand as well as areas of "natural beach dune vegetation." He described the area as "relatively flat with some small amounts of mounding." The pictures taken by Mr. Greenwood within the staked easement on May 2, 2001, as part of his investigation, do not depict any vehicle tracks. After Mr. Greenwood completed his investigation on May 2, 2001, he observed Mr. Withers landward of the CCCL on a front-end loader and north of the cul-de-sac, proceeding west along the Easy Street Easement scraping off the top layer of soil and heading in a westward direction. Mr. Greenwood believed that the activity performed by Mr. Withers at this time was consistent with unpaved, road construction. According to Mr. Greenwood, the width of the scraped area appeared to be approximately the width of the bucket on Mr. Withers' front-end loader. Mr. Withers stated that he was doing minor grading landward of the CCCL with a John Deere 310-E front-end loader tractor when Mr. Greenwood was present on May 2, 2001. This tractor had a front bucket (approximately seven to eight feet wide) and a backhoe for excavating dirt on the back-end. Mr. Withers described the work which he performed when Mr. Greenwood was present as moving out and smoothing off the top of the sand landward of the CCCL in order for his equipment to get through. Mr. Withers also stated that he made areas in the easement seaward of the CCCL smooth by using the bottom of the bucket of his front-end loader to move sand around. Mr. Withers mentioned that he was very concerned that he needed to have the pathway he was utilizing in the access plan marked and smoothed off and fairly level. He believed the access plan authorized him to smooth off the areas on the access route. Mr. Withers stated that he had to have the access path level because he was bringing a self-propelled, 25-ton crane down the access path and they are top heavy and can get off balance, topple over, or get stuck. Mr. Withers described two types of work that he performed in the Easy Street Easement as: 1) clearing landward of the CCCL that required scooping and moving dirt, and 2) smoothing several areas seaward of the CCCL, just east of R-158 to around R- 160. An area of excavation damage seven feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning approximately 130 feet east of R-158) and an area 41 feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning at R-159, continuing east approximately 500 feet) are located within the area Mr. Withers stated he did some "smoothing off areas," again, east of R-158 and continuing east toward, but west, of R-160. Mr. Withers believed that Amended Permit FR-563 allowed him to use the Easy Street Easement in the access plan "to do . . . whatever was necessary and . . . needed to get [his] equipment, access [his] equipment down to the job site." He also admitted smoothing the areas. Mr. Withers also stated that Amended Permit FR-563 granted him permission to access the west end of Dog Island. Therefore, there was no need for him to locate the CCCL. Mr. Withers referred to the easement in the access plan as turning into a good pathway after he smoothed the areas. Mr. Withers stated that it was his "intention to gain access to the west end of Dog Island through a legal easement and an existing roadway" and that he wanted to utilize it. Mr. Withers testified "that he knew a lot of roads on Dog Island crossed seaward of the [CCCL]" in response to questioning whether he knew at the time of his performing work on the easement, whether or not the Easy Street Easement crossed seaward of the CCCL. He knew he was going to be traversing "fairly close" to the CCCL. Mr. Withers stated he did not knowingly violate the conditions of the Amended Permit. Mr. Withers was aware of the Department's permit requirements for work seaward of the CCCL when he performed his access work in the easement on Dog Island. However, Mr. Withers never had a survey done to figure out where the CCCL was located. Notice of the Alleged Violations Around May 2, 2001, the Department received a complaint that excavation was occurring seaward of the CCCL on Dog Island in the narrows area of the Easy Street Easement. On May 4, 2001, John A. Poppel, William Fokes, and Phil Sanders went to Dog Island on behalf of the Department to investigate the complaint of excavation in the narrows area seaward of the CCCL. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Poppel performed a survey of the narrows area and located the CCCL. He located monuments R-158- R-160. Department Exhibit 11. As a product of his survey, Mr. Poppel was able to depict the newly excavated roadway or pathway in relation to the CCCL. Mr. Poppel calculated that one area of damage was seven feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 503.8 square feet of damage and a second area of damage was 41 feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 5,305.6 square feet of damage. These square foot areas represent only the disturbed areas seaward of the CCCL, not the entire area between the CCCL and the Gulf of Mexico. Both areas of damage are within the area where Mr. Withers stated that he smoothed out the sand. As part of the May 4, 2001, investigation, William Fokes, an Engineer I with the Department, took photographs of the damaged areas and prepared an inspection report. Mr. Fokes' report indicates that an approximately 11-foot wide roadway or pathway had been cleared by excavation with the most seaward extent of the road being about 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. In addition, the report states that small dunes and beach vegetation had been destroyed. Mr. Fokes described the damage as excavation or grading done by some kind of machine, which cut and uprooted vegetation and pushed sand to the side as it leveled the ground. Mr. Fokes testified that the damage did not appear to be caused by merely traversing the area. Mr. Sanders, an engineer with the Department, processes CCCL permit applications and supervises Mr. Fokes, a field engineer. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Sanders observed the narrows area in question and confirmed that it looked like a "graded road" in that "[i]t appeared in the road bed that vegetation was gone and had been pushed out to the side, graded away," and that there was "excavation" seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Sanders stated that this activity did not comply with the approved access plan. On May 7, 2001, a Notice of Violation was issued to Mr. Withers for the "the unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and native vegetation for the purpose of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line." Mr. Greenwood's photographs taken May 2, 2001, when compared with Mr. Fokes' photographs taken May 4, 2001, show that no discernable roadway or pathway was present landward or seaward of the CCCL in the narrows area at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection on May 2, 2001. This is evident when comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Exhibit 15a, taken on May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibit 16g taken on May 4, 2001--the roadway or pathway present in the May 4, 2001, photo is absent in the May 2, 2001, photograph, and the vegetation has been removed from part of the area. Comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Department Exhibit 15b, taken May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibits 16c and d, taken on May 4, 2001, also shows that the roadway or pathway was not present on the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection. The previously mentioned pictures, which were used for a comparison, were taken by two different people on separate dates, and from approximately the same locations. Also, Department Exhibit 16j was taken 250 feet east of R-159 and within the narrows area, facing east which shows clearing approximately 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. On May 14, 2001, at the request of the Department, Ken Jones, a principal engineer with Post Buckey et al., performed a damage assessment of the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement which was seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Jones has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in physical oceanography. Mr. Jones was familiar with the narrows area having been to Dog Island for recreation during the past 20 years and as a Dog Island property owner for the last three years. Mr. Jones described the narrows area as relatively flat and located between the St. George Sound to the north and the Gulf of Mexico beaches to the south. Between these two areas, the land is undulating sand and fairly consistent vegetation. At the time of Mr. Jones' damage assessment, he determined that a road had been cut through the vegetative portion of the dune of the narrows. Mr. Jones observed cut roots and a majority of the vegetation destroyed. Mr. Jones stated it appeared that the damage was caused by a vehicle with a blade on the front. The result was the road sat down in the sand approximately four to six inches. Mr. Jones stated that the work appeared to have been recent because distinct edges were still present. Mr. Jones took photographs and compiled an inspection report as part of his damage assessment. Mr. Jones testified that the damage "was pretty consistent from both landward and seaward of the [CCCL]." The pictures labeled Department Exhibits 18a1 and 18a2 depict a level pathway or roadway barren of vegetation seaward of the CCCL. Department Exhibit 18a4 is a photograph of a typical vegetated dune. Mr. Jones took this picture in order to have a general idea of what the vegetation coverage was in order to get an idea from a cost-estimating perspective. Mr. Jones's cost estimate for repairing the damage to the narrows area seaward of the CCCL, was approximately $7,500.00.4 Mr. Jones calculated the $7,500.00 by making an estimate of what it would cost to buy coastal vegetation, and by estimating what it would cost to employ laborers to hand rake the sand back into position and to plant the vegetation. Administrative Fine and Damages Jim Martinello, an environmental manager in charge of enforcement and compliance with the Bureau, used Mr. Jones' damage assessment estimate for informational purposes in assessing the damages amount for the narrows area. Mr. Martinello calculated the administrative fine and damages in accordance with Section 161.054, Florida Statues, and Rules 62B-54.002 and 62B-54.003, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.002, Florida Administrative Code, provides that the Department shall assess fines for willful violations of, or refusing to comply with, for example, Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and the fine should be sufficient to ensure immediate and continued compliance. In determining the actual fine within the range, the Department shall consider the offender's past violations, if any, and other aggravating or mitigating circumstances. Aggravating circumstances include prior knowledge of rules. Mitigating circumstances may be considered. Id. Mr. Withers had knowledge prior to the issuance of Amended Permit FR-563 of Department rules regarding permit requirements for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. On October 4, 1996, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. This matter was resolved by entering into a consent order. On October 29, 1997, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible permit violation seaward of the CCCL. On November 13, 1997, Mr. Withers was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. On October 27, 2000, Mr. Withers wrote a letter to Mr. McNeal indicating that he believed that the Easy Street Easement on Dog Island heading south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de- sac, then west to the west end of Dog Island, is landward of the CCCL and, therefore, no permit was necessary to reopen and use the easement, but he would have a surveyor establish the control line prior to work commencing. On November 7, 2000, Phil Sanders replied by letter to Mr. Withers' October 27, 2000 letter, in which Mr. Sanders reminded Mr. Withers of the pertinent rules and laws and suggested that Mr. Withers have the CCCL surveyed. On December 20, 2000, Mr. Martinello sent Mr. Withers an advisory letter informing him that the area he traversed (on July 2000) on the south route of the Easy Street Easement from the cul- de-sac on Dog Island was considered to be a dune as defined by Rule 62B-33.002, Florida Administrative Code. However, Mr. Martinello further advised that the Department did not take any action because "the traversing [did not] cause any substantial damage, it was minimal damage." In regard to the present case, it is more than a fair inference that Mr. Withers had specific knowledge of the CCCL and the Department's laws and rules, and that he knew excavation was not authorized seaward of the CCCL. The information in the prior Findings of Fact was used by the Department, and specifically Mr. Martinello, to determine that the harm to the beach resource or potential harm was major, and the administrative fine assessed was $7,500.00. However, part of Mr. Martinello's determination was predicated on Mr. Jones' assessment that the site one narrows violation was approximately 700 feet in length when, in fact, the area was approximately 500 feet in length, which explains in part the disparity between a 9,800 square foot area and the proven 5,305.6 square foot area. See Finding of Fact 78 and Endnote 4. Even the additional amount of damage of 503.8 square feet for the site two narrows area, when viewed in the aggregate, is significantly less than Mr. Jones' assessment of damages by square feet. (Mr. Martinello used the Jones' assessment as a guideline. Mr. Martinello says that the mistake did not alter his decision, although he was unaware of the mistake until the final hearing. He also says that Mr. Jones recommended a higher damage amount than the $5,000.00 assessed by the Department in its preliminary Final Order. He did--$7,500.00 for 9,800 square feet of damage.) Grossly negligent or knowing violations of statutes and Department rules regarding coastal construction seaward of the CCCL, which result "in harm to sovereignty lands seaward of mean high water or to beaches, shores, or coastal or beach-dune system(s), including animal, plant or aquatic life thereon," shall be considered in determining damages. Rule 62B-54.003(1), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that a damage amount greater than the minimum amounts may be assessed to ensure, immediate and continued compliance and the Department may consider, e.g., the need for restoration and the damaged ecological resource. The Department determined that the violation was knowing based on the factors mentioned above. The Department also considered the need for restoration and the damage to ecological resources and whether the amount would ensure immediate and continued compliance. Id. The Department determined that there was harm to the resource and that it was major and knowing. The Department proposed to assess the minimum damage amount of $5,000.00. On January 11, 2002, the Department entered a preliminary Final Order for the unauthorized grading and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation seaward of the control line for the purpose of constructing a roadway. The amount assessed in the Final Order was $12,500.00, $7,500.00 in administrative fines and $5,000.00 in damages, as described above. As noted, there has been harm to the beach area resource seaward of the CCCL and the Department proved the need for restoration and the damage to the ecological resource. In mitigation, Mr. Withers' construction access plan was approved by the Department. The Department knew that Mr. Withers intended to use the access route, which ran seaward of the CCCL from approximately R-157 to R-159 (except for a small portion between R-158 and R-159) in the narrows area; that Mr. Withers planned to transport equipment and materials by truck using the access route and necessarily would traverse seaward of the CCCL; and that he would continuously use the access route until the project was completed. The actual damaged area is less than originally determined by Mr. Jones, thus the need for restoration reduced. Mr. Jones, without the benefit of a survey, estimated the total cost to restore the damaged area of 9,800 square feet to be approximately $7,500.00. The total square feet of damage proven in this proceeding is 5,809.4 square feet in the narrows area and the Department is requesting $12,500.00 in fines and damages. Based on an approximate ratio of square feet and dollars needed to restore, a damage assessment in the amount of $4,500.00 is appropriate. Balancing the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, a fine of $3,500.00 is appropriate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a final order be rendered as follows: That a final order be issued adopting this Recommended Order; and Within 30 days of a final order being effective, Petitioners shall pay a fine of $3,500.00 and $4,500.00 in damages with the total amount of $8,000.00, to the Department of Environmental Protection. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of January, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of January, 2003.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.595161.053161.05457.111
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001177 Latest Update: Aug. 22, 1983

The Issue The issue in this case is whether a beach house petitioners plan to build in south Walton County was already under construction, within the meaning of Section 161.053(7), Florida Statutes (1981) and Rule 16B-33.04(1), Florida Administrative Code, at the time the current coastal construction control line took effect there.

Findings Of Fact In October of 1982, the petitioners acquired a lot in south Walton County, on the north shore of the Gulf of Mexico. Even before the purchase, Mr. Wiese had been in touch with respondent's personnel, who apprised him of the imminence of the adoption of the new (now current) coastal construction control line, at that time already proposed for Walton County. The former coastal construction control line was considerably seaward of the current line, which became effective on December 29, 1982. Petitioners, who have built some seven houses, drew plans for a house to be built on their Walton County lot one foot landward of the old coastal construction control line. They applied for and obtained the necessary county building permit. They contracted for grading on site, which took place on November 27, 1982. In the course of this work, the landward face of the sand dune was disturbed and petitioners realized that, if they were to build so close to the water, a wall or something like a wall would have to be erected and buttressed to keep the sand dune from migrating under or into their beach house. They determined that the plans were inadequate as drawn. Mr. Wiese nevertheless arranged for one Al Christopher to bring two poles to the site and place one of them upright in the sand. When asked at hearing how long the two poles Mr. Christopher delivered to the site were, Mr. Wiese said he did not know. After Mr. Christopher began, petitioners did not ask him to desist either with bringing pilings to the site or with placing them in the ground. Mr. Christopher evidently did what he was asked to do, before he ever began working with the poles. Before the single pile was placed, batter boards were used to locate the perimeters planned for the building. Batter boards are temporary markers which are removed once the foundation is in place. In constructing piling foundations for beach houses along the gulf coast, in this part of Florida if not elsewhere, the ordinary sequence is to bring all foundation piles to the site before bringing the equipment necessary to install all the piles at once. This makes for efficient use of expensive machinery, and is virtually always done. One of the Wieses' neighbors, fearing that the new coastal construction control line would take effect last fall arranged for a single pile to be driven, but his project was well underway by the time the new coastal construction control line did in fact take effect. As late as March of this year, Mr. Wiese checked with a Texas supplier to see if foundation piles would be available for the project. The plans drawn before the grading of November 27, 1982, called for a foundation of 37 piles, each of which was to be 45 feet long. No horizontal members nor bracing of any kind was contemplated for the foundation. The foundation piles were to be put so close together that it would have been impractical to bring heavy equipment in to do the grading after they were in place. The idea in leveling the ground was to prepare it so a concrete slab could be poured to serve as a parking surface underneath the beach house. Under both the plans originally drawn and the plans under which petitioners now hope to proceed the parking surface itself is not expected to have a structural function, Mr. Wiese's testimony to the contrary notwithstanding. Once petitioners were persuaded that the project needed "reengineering," they diligently sought out expert assistance and new foundation plans were eventually drawn to their satisfaction. Petitioners' efforts took place on a regular, if not a daily basis, but consisted in large part of finding the right people for the "reengineering" job. The plans which petitioners propose to use were stamped with the final engineer's seal on March 3, 1983, more than two months after the current coastal construction control line took effect.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent deny petitioners' beach house project grandfathered status, and apply the coastal construction control line adopted for Walton County on December 29, 1982, in any agency action regarding the project. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 1983, Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 ApA1Achee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph C. Jacobs, Esquire John C. Pelham, Esquire and Melissa Fletcher Allaman, Esquire ERVIN, VARN, ODOM & KITCHEN Post Office Box 1770 Tallahassee, Florida 32322-1170 Deborah A. Getzoff, Esquire Suite 1003 Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Elton Gissendanner, Director Executive Suite 3900 Commonwealth Building Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (2) 120.56161.053
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002724 Latest Update: Jan. 27, 1986

The Issue The issue for determination is whether the Woodleys are entitled to a permit to construct a single family residence seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line in Charlotte County, Florida. At hearing Petitioner presented the testimony of Thomas L. Jones, Albert Case Hine III (by deposition), and Sylvia S. Woodley. Petitioner had seven exhibits admitted into evidence and proffered two exhibits. Respondents presented the testimony of Sylvia S. Woodley and Erick J. Olsen. Respondents had five exhibits admitted into evidence. At the start of the formal hearing, Petitioner's Motion to Amend the Petition was granted with the agreement of the parties and the formal hearing proceeded under the Amended Request for Formal Hearing. The transcript of the proceedings was filed on January 2, 1986, and the parties filed posthearing Proposed Orders on January 14, 1986. A ruling has been made on each proposed finding of fact in the Appendix attached to and made a part of this Recommended Order.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the stipulation of the parties, the following facts are found: On September 25, 1984, Joseph V. Bell, Jr., on behalf of John C. and Sylvia S. Woodley, filed an application for a permit pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, to construct a single-family dwelling to extend a maximum of 420 feet, a balcony to extend a maximum of 73 feet and installation of a septic tank and drainfield to extend a maximum of 35 feet, respectively, seaward of the coastal construction control line (CCCL) in Charlotte County, Florida, at approximately 536 feet south of the Department of Natural Resources' reference monument R-47. The application filed was deemed complete pursuant to rule by DNR staff on October 29, 1984. The application was withdrawn from the January 8, 1985, Governor and Cabinet meeting at the request of the applicant. This application was deferred from the March 19, 1985, Governor and Cabinet meeting with a motion for the Executive Director to submit a recommendation relative to the State acquisition of the property. The application was again considered at the May 7, 1985, Governor and Cabinet meeting and the Executive Director recommended acquisition of the Woodley property and surrounding area adjacent to the Don Pedro Save our Coast Project. With the concurrence of the Woodleys, the Governor and Cabinet deferred the request to February 1, 1986, to allow time for the land acquisition. On June 5, 1985, the Land Acquisition Selection Committee met to consider adding the proposed addition to the Don Pedro Island Complex Land Acquisition Project under the Save Our Coast Component of the State Recreation and Parks Land Acquisition Program. The Committee voted 5-1 against the land acquisition. The Executive Director again agendaed the application for consideration before the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the agency head of the Department of Natural Resources, on July 2, 1985. The staff recommendation was for denial. The following additional facts were found based upon testimony and evidence presented at the formal hearing: The application was approved by the Governor and Cabinet on July 2, 1985, with the specific conditions that the structure be constructed in accordance with DNR's structural specifications (pursuant to Section 16B-33.07, Florida Administrative Code) and that the Woodleys agree not to armor their property in the future. The Woodleys have stipulated that they will comply with these conditions. DNR Final Order No. 3229 was issued by DNR on July 29, 1985, and incorporated the aforementioned conditions. The Woodleys have owned the subject property since 1956. The Petitioner, Thomas L. Jones, purchased the property adjacent to and landward of the Woodleys' property on June 28, 1985. Jones' witness, Dr. Albert Case Hine, III, whose testimony was offered by deposition, is a geological oceanographer studying modern shallow marine depositional environments and coastal geological systems. However, Hine was neither offered as nor accepted as an expert witness. According to Hine, the Woodleys' property could be threatened by future inlet activity. However, this opinion was based on a undated report which does not identify the author. Additionally, Hine has never visited the island or shoreline in question, has never studied Charlotte County, and based his opinion essentially on information provided to him by Jones. Therefore little weight is given to Hine's testimony. Erik Olsen was admitted as an expert in coastal engineering, coastal processes and the application of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code. Olsen has direct experience with Charlotte County and particularly the Knight Island Complex which includes everything from Stump Pass about five miles north, to Gasparilla Pass about three miles south of the Woodleys' property. He has reviewed historical data for that area spanning 120 years. Olsen has been on the Woodleys' property. Woodleys' property is not threatened by inlet activity which would result in the reopening of a pass adjacent to and abutting on the property. The single family residence proposed by the Woodleys will be located as far landward on their property as possible. The structure will have no adverse impact on adjacent properties and will pose no risk or danger to the general public or to the ecological system in the area of their property. The siting of the proposed structure complies with the provisions of Rule 16B- 33.07(1), Florida Administrative Code. The only risk of construction of the structure is being borne and will be borne by the Woodleys. The attendant risk is that of erosion. The shoreline adjacent to the Woodleys' property has eroded at the average rate of 4.9 feet per year over the past ten years. The rate is an average and takes into account differing rates of erosion and accretion during different time periods. For example, the erosion rate for May, 1974 to October, 1981 was 3 feet per year. As the result of a major storm, the erosion rate from July, 1982 to December, 1982 was 54 feet per year. The accretion rate for December, 1982 to September, 1983 was 20 feet per year and for September, 1983 to April, 1984 was up to 5 feet per year. The future erosion rate will be affected by various factors such as storms and a potential Corps of Engineers project. In the past at lea-et one other structure existed on a lot seaward of the Woodleys' property, but it has been either destroyed by storm action and erosion or removed with only the pilings remaining. Approximately 60 feet of the lot still remained between the Woodleys' lot and the shoreline in 1984. On or about November 6, 1985, approximately 40 feet of the lot remained between the Woodleys' lot and the mean high water line. On a survey performed by Giffels-Webster Engineering Inc., on November 6, 1985, the approximate thirty year erosion projection is approximately 20.5 feet seaward of the seaward limit of the Woodleys' property.

Conclusions The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction of the parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The DNR administers the regulation of construction and excavation activities seaward of established Coastal Construction Control Lines (CCCL) pursuant to Chapters 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code. Permits for construction seaward of the CCCL are issued by DNR upon application of the property owner and upon consideration of adequate engineering data concerning shoreline stability, storm tides related to shoreline topography, design features, potential impacts, the location of structures upon the beach-dune system and potential cumulative effect of the location of structures upon the beach-dune system. Rule 16B- 33.06, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 16B-33 05, Florida Administrative Code, purports to allow only activities seaward of the CCCL which are necessary and justified. In the present case the construction of the proposed single family residence is necessary and justified by the Woodleys' right and desire to enjoy the property which they purchased in 1956. The Woodleys submitted sufficient facts and data to meet the requirements of Rule 16B-33.06. The proposed structure is located as far landward on their property as possible in order to minimize the potential impact on the beach-dune system. It is concluded that the proposed structure is justified under Rule 16B-33.06. Rule 16B-33 07, Florida Administrative Code, sets forth the structural and-other requirements necessary for permit approval. As that rule relates to location of the proposed structure, it has been satisfied. The structure is also located so as to minimize any expected adverse impact on the beach-dune system. There are no expected adverse impacts on adjacent properties. As a condition of the permit, the structure will be designed and constructed to resist the forces associated with a one-hundred year storm event. The Woodleys have agreed to this condition and have had the necessary design modifications made in the plans for the structure. The single family residence proposed by the Woodleys will satisfy all of the requirements of Rule 16B-33.07. In summary, the Woodleys have met the requirements of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code. They have established by the competent, substantial evidence that they are entitled to the permit.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Natural Resources enter a Final Order granting to John C. and Sylvia Woodley a permit for construction of a single family residence seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line in Charlotte County, Florida, subject to the following conditions. That the structure be constructed in accordance with the structural specifications established in Rule 16B-33.07, Florida Administrative Code. That no permit be sought or issued for armoring of the subject property in the future. It is further RECOMMENDED that the Amended Request for Formal Hearing, filed by Thomas L. Jones, be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of January, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of January, 1986. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact of Petitioner 1. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 9. 2. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 16. 3. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 17. 4. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 10. 5. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. 6. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 6. 7. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 3. 8. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 5. 9. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 10. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact of Respondent DNR Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 5. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 8. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 11 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 12 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 12 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 12 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 12 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 15 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 15 except as it recites testimony. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 13 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 13 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 13 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 14 except as it recites testimony. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 15 except as it recites testimony.e-'~LR Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 15 except as it recites testimony. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 18. Rulings of Proposed Findings of Fact of Respondents Woodleys Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 6. Rejected as unnecessary and irrelevant. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Rejected as argument and as constituting a conclusion of law. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 12. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 15 and 16. Rejected as conclusory and argumentative. COPIES FURNISHED: Andrew Grayson, Esquire 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 David P. Rankin, Esquire 4600 West Cypress, Suite 410 Tampa, Florida 33607 W. Kevin Russell, Esquire and Phillip J. Jones, Esquire 201 West Marion Avenue Suite 301 Punta Gorda, Florida 33950

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001791 Latest Update: May 25, 1982

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: By application dated March 9, 1981, and received by the DNR's Bureau of Beaches and Shores on March 13, 1981, respondent sought a permit to construct five single-family dwellings on five 64-foot-wide parcels of land located seaward of the established coastal construction control line (CCCL) on Grayton Beach. Attached to the application were site plans, an affidavit of ownership and a warranty deed showing respondent Roberts to be the owner of the subject property. (DNR Exhibit 1) Question number 5 on the permit application required the "specific reasons the applicant feels that the permit should be approved and why construction seaward of the control line . . . is considered necessary for reasonable use of the property." The answer provided by the applicant to this question was "the landward property line is located 150 feet seaward of the control line. Therefore, no upland property is available on the site for development." (DNR Exhibit 1) By form letter dated March 16, 1981, DNR notified respondent Roberts that his application for a permit was incomplete and that two further items of information were necessary before his application could be considered. One item was written evidence that the proposed project would not contravene local setback requirements or zoning or building codes. The other item was detailed site, grading, drainage and structural plans and specifications for the proposed structure. These plans were to be certified by a registered Florida engineer or architect. (DNR Exhibit 2) On or about March 31, 1981, the DNR received the certified architectural plans from the project architect, who is registered in the State of Florida. These plans, as well as the site plans submitted by the engineer, contained the signature and seal of the architect and the engineer. They each intended their signature and seal to constitute a certification that, in their opinion, the drawings or plans were in compliance with all statutes, rules, local ordinances and/or other regulations which govern the project. A certification of documents by the placement of signature and seal of an engineer or architect is the commonly accepted practice and usage in those professions. It is not the policy of DNR to require an itemized certification reciting every requirement of the DNR rules. By form letter dated April 6, 1981, the DNR notified the applicant that written evidence of compliance with local government regulations was still lacking. (DNR Exhibit 4) On April 13, 1981, DNR received a letter dated April 9, 1981 from the Walton County Attorney advising that "The Board of County Commissioners of Walton County has no local setback requirements or zoning or building requirements which would prohibit the proposed activity as submitted to the Bureau." (DNR Exhibit 5) This letter satisfied the requirement of Rule 16B-33.08(1)(c), Florida Administrative Code, that the proposed project would not contravene local setback requirements or zoning or building codes. Full scale copies of topographic and site plans were received by the Bureau of Beaches and Shores on April 15, 1981. The application for a permit was deemed complete as of April 15, 1981, (DNR Exhibit 7), and respondent Roberts' agent was notified by letter dated June 23, 1981 that the DNR Executive Director had recommended to the Governor and Cabinet (the agency head of the DNR) approval of the application. (DNR Exhibit 10) The completed application reflects that the five single-family dwellings are to be supported by treated timber pilings with an underside minimum elevation of +14 feet (NGVD). The Federal Base Flooding Elevation for Grayton Beach is +9 feet (NGVD). The architect has certified that the proposed dwelling units are designed to withstand 140 mile per hour winds. The seaward- most dwelling of the five is a maximum of 263 feet seaward of the coastal construction control line, and the applicant's entire parcel of land is located over 150 feet seaward of the control line. The project is located approximately 230 feet from the mean high water line. The project also includes the construction of a private road, septic tanks and drainfields. The dune system in front of the proposed structure will offer substantial protection to the structure against storm and wave action. The excavation proposed includes that necessary for the placement of the pilings, the septic tanks and the drainfields, and the construction of the proposed driveway. The proposed drainfields will extend partially above existing grade and fill material i11 be placed over them. The driveway consists of a 16-foot asphalt paved road located landward of the proposed dwellings. The dunes will be reduced in height where the driveway is to be constructed. It is not clear from the testimony or the documentary evidence adduced at the hearing where the parking of vehicles belonging to residents or guests of the five units is to occur. While there was testimony from Mr. Truitt to the effect that no net loss of sand will occur and that the project will involve more of a balancing of grade as opposed to excavation, the engineering plans submitted with the application illustrate at least nine rather large areas of cut and fill associated with the driveway, septic tanks and drainfields. The project engineer had considered no studies on the topography or littoral trends of this specific site, had no knowledge of engineering data regarding adjacent properties and had not reviewed any data regarding major storms on the subject project site. The engineering plans submitted as a part of the application contain a diagram illustrating five separate 750 gallon septic tank systems, one for each dwelling unit, with the "drainfield [for each unit] to be constructed in accordance with Chapter 10D-6, F.A.C." (DNR Exhibit 1) The larger scale engineer's drawing submitted to DNR on April 15, 1981, gives more specific information regarding the location and depth of the below grade drainfields on the seaward side of the structures. A DNR interoffice memorandum dated June 1, 1981, reflects that the applicant's agent agreed in a telephone conversation that, "if possible, he would move the septic tank (750 gal) and related drainfields to the landward side of the buildings." (Joint Exhibit 1) The Cabinet agenda item dated later in time, however, notes that the "septic tanks (750 gallon) and drainfields will extend an additional 50 feet seaward of each dwelling." (DNR Exhibit 8) The exact proposed location of the septic tanks and drainfields was not clarified at the final hearing, nor was sufficient evidence adduced concerning the justification for the proposed discharge system. Evidence concerning the availability of any existing alternatives to the system proposed by the applicant was not adduced, nor was evidence presented concerning storm water discharge. As of the time of the hearing in this matter, the applicant had no plans for heating or cooling the five dwelling units. When asked at the hearing what "justification" the Bureau of Beaches and Shores received for the proposed waste water discharge system, Mr. Clifford Truitt, the Bureau's chief engineer and the person responsible for review of this application, replied in two ways. First, he stated that the fact that the property was located entirely seaward of the CCCL was justification for the discharge system. However, he admitted that a "dry sanitary system" would be a better alternative. Later, Mr. Truitt stated that "justification" for the domestic waste system is only required when there is a beach level discharge. Mr. Truitt was accepted as an expert witness in the area of coastal engineering. His opinions regarding the proposed project were based upon his review of aerial photography of the Grayton Beach area and comparison of topographic profiles of the area, his review of the engineering and topographic information submitted with the application itself and his familiarity with the project location. No evidence was adduced that engineering data concerning storm tides related to shoreline topography was considered by Mr. Truitt or anyone else. No specific studies exist regarding the stability, littoral trends or the erosional history of the proposed site and surrounding area. The project site has been the subject of other permit applications considered by the DNR, and Mr. Truitt was of the opinion that a mitigating feature of the present application was that "the present proposal has the lowest density and least extension seaward of the control line of any proposal to date." (DNR Exhibit 8) It was Mr. Truitt's opinion that the dwelling unit structures were adequately elevated and designed to adequately resist the natural forces associated with a 100-year return interval storm event and would not increase the threat of damage or danger to nearby structures. Factual evidence concerning the 100-year storm event was not presented at the hearing. Mr. Truitt further opined, without the aid of engineering data or the studies mentioned above, that the proposed construction would not affect the natural shoreline fluctuations or the stability of the dunes in the area. Such an opinion contains no factual basis in the record of this proceeding, and thus is not sufficient evidence upon which to make a similar finding of fact. On various sporadic occasions, a waterway or pass connecting Western Lake to the Gulf of Mexico runs in a westerly direction in the vicinity of the applicant's property. At times, this watercourse has been wide and deep enough to allow swimming, diving and the passage of small boats. The witnesses who testified about this watercourse were not qualified as surveyors or experts in estimating or calculating the exact location of that watercourse relative to the proposed site, and there was no testimony that such an event had occurred within the past twenty years. At least two witnesses testified that the last time they could recall the watercourse or pass traversing or abutting the applicant's property was in the late 1950s. The proposed project site has been covered with storm waters on at least two occasions in the past seven years. No evidence was adduced at the hearing concerning the substantial interests in this permit application of named petitioners Colonel G. A. P. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cawthon, Mrs. Kate Florence, Mrs. Burton Murray, Colonel and Mrs. Lee Fry, Mrs. Laney Ellis and Mrs. Randall Jones. Mrs. G. A. P. Haynes, one of the petitioners in this proceeding, owns and resides on property immediately adjacent to the project site, and presently entertains an unbroken view of the beachfront. She is concerned with potential sewage problems and damage to her residence from flying debris caused by wind or storm should the proposed construction be approved. Mrs. Haynes was also concerned about the potential adverse effect of the proposed construction on the value of her adjacent property. Petitioner Burton Murray lives to the north of the project site, at least several hundred feet away. His prime concern was that no structure could survive at that location and that the project would therefore be a waste of money. Petitioner Elizabeth Hayes Jones (named as Ms. Lisbeth Haas in the petition) lives across the street and to the east of the project site. Her residence was completely destroyed by hurricane and has since been rebuilt at the same site. She feels that the applicant's project site is not safe for construction, and fears storm damage to her home from the buildings if constructed.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein it is RECOMMENDED that the application for a coastal construction control line permit to construct five single-family dwellings on Grayton Beach be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 25th day of May, 1982. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Jerry W. Gerde, Esquire Davenport, Johnston, Harris, Gerde & Harrison, P. A. 406 Magnolia Avenue Panama City, Florida 32401 W. Paul Thompson, Esquire Thompson and Adkinson P. O. Drawer 608 DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 Deborah A. Getzoff, Esquire Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Douglas Building, Suite 1003 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Dr. Elton J. Gissendanner Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (3) 120.57161.052161.053
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004747 Latest Update: Jun. 11, 1987

Findings Of Fact The site of the revetment that is the subject of this litigation is located near the northerly coast of Pine Island in Charlotte Harbor. The property fronts on Pine Island Sound which is inside the barrier islands westward of Pine Island. Pine Island Sound is as an Outstanding Florida Water and Charlotte Harbor at this location is classified as Class II waters. Petitioner's property abuts the property owned by Meister Development Group. On Petitioner's property is located a two-story residence and two rental units. On Meister's property a four unit residential development has been erected. Sometime around 1970 a vertical seawall was erected to protect both Petitioner's property and Respondent's property. Since that time the beach has accreted to the point that by 1989 the sand beach extended an average of approximately twenty-five feet seaward of the seawall in front of Petitioner's property. However, this seawall ended near the middle of Respondents property and erosion of the beach became serious at the four unit residential development building located thereon in 1984. In 1984 the beach at this location had eroded to the point that the high water mark had passed the northern most portion of the building foundation and was threatening to undermine the structure. At this time this shoreline was devoid of aquatic vegetation. Meister employed an engineering firm to prepare a solution to the erosion problem. That firm concluded a revetment was needed and the application for the dredge and fill permit that is here contested was filed in July 1984. Since the application involved use of land seaward of the mean high water, permission of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was required before the application could receive final approval. To obtain the approval of DNR Meister agreed to provide a conservation easement to DNR and a public easement to allow the public access to cross the property seaward of the residential development. Additionally Meister conferred with Outstanding Florida Water Group to obtain their acquiescence to the project and agreed to provide navigational aids to mark the Jug Creek Channel across form the Meister property. Before a dredge and fill permit can be granted involving an Outstanding Florida Water the applicant must show the project to be in the public interest. In consulting with DER the applicant proposed a sloping revetment which is generally considered to better tolerate wave action than does a vertical wall. To enhance the public interest concept the applicant agreed to place toe stones at the foot of the revetment and plant mangroves. The toe stones would serve to hold sand in which the mangroves could grow and serve as a habitat for aquatic organisms. The applicant also agreed to place an artificial reef of rocks on the sand shoal which sits about one half mile north of applicant's and petitioner's property. Although the mangroves planted did not survive due to heavy wave action and the permit did not require survivability of these mangroves, at the hearing Meister agreed to a provision in the permit's next renewal that will include a requirement that a percentage of these mangroves planted in the toe stones survive. Landward of the residential development is a stormwater retention area that serves to keep contaminants out Pine Islands Sound. The erosion of the beach at the Meister property was threatening to extend further inland and allow contaminants to leach from the water retention area into Pine Island Sound and contaminate that body of water. Approval of the project would serve to remove that threat and be in the public interest. Finally consideration was given to the fact that the foundation of the condominium was being threatened which affected the dwelling of the residents. Protecting these residences is also considered to be in the public interest. The project was completed during a two weeks period in August 1986. The revetment generally takes off in the same line as the Vertical seawall on petitioner's property and is basically convex to fit the existing building and meet the zoning setback requirement of twenty-five feet from the building. To construct the revetment the existing vertical seawall on Meister's Property had to be removed. During construction turbidity screens were installed and construction was restricted to periods of low water to reduce turbidity. Any excess turbidity caused by the construction would settle out within twenty-four hours. Dr. O'Malley left Pine Island in March and returned in October 1986. At the time he left the beach in front of his seawall extended an average of twenty-five feet from the seawall. When he returned in October the revetment had been completed and approximately fifty-percent of Petitioner's beach had eroded. In October 1986 the beach on O'Malley's property extended two to twenty feet from the seawall. O'Malley was aware that prior to his departure the Meister property had suffered severe erosion. Believing that the construction of the revetment was the cause of the erosion of his beach Petitioner instituted this action. This was the only issue seriously contested. Petitioner's expert witness opined that the revetment acted like a groin east of Petitioner's property and caused a littoral drift, which is basically from east to west in this area, to take the sand from Petitioner's property. Further this witness opined that the longer fetch (area of open water to the north-east of Meister property) was the primary cause of the erosion of the Meister property. Historically beaches erode and accrete. Gentle waves have the tendency to cause accretion while storm waves result in seaward migration of beach sand. Photographs (exhibit 3) of Petitioner's property show typically storm wave generated erosion. The expert opinion of Respondents' witnesses that the erosion of Petitioner's property was caused by storm driven waves and was not caused by the revetment is deemed the more credible explanation of the erosion of Petitioner's beach.

Florida Laws (1) 267.061
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004012 Latest Update: May 14, 1986

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Roland Peterson, is the owner of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, Vilano Beach, in an unincorporated area of St. Johns County, Florida. Vilano Beach lies just eastward of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, and north of St. Augustine Inlet. The three lots are adjacent to each other. By applications dated June 7, 1985 petitioner sought the issuance of three coastal construction control line permits by respondent, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores (Division), to authorize construction seaward of the coastal construction control line or setback line on Lots 4, 5 and 6. More specifically, petitioner sought approval to construct a beach-side snack bar with associated beach walkover, driveway and attached decks on Lot 4, and single family residences with associated dune walkover; driveway and attached decks on Lots 5 and 6. These applications were assigned Application Numbers SJ 220, SJ 221 and SJ 222 by the Division. They were deemed to be complete on August 6, 1985. After evaluating the three applications, the Division formulated recommendations to deny the requested permits. These recommendations were adopted by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as head of the agency at its November 5, 1985 meeting. Notice of such intended action was previously forwarded to petitioner on October 23, 1985. Said notice prompted the instant proceeding. As grounds for denying the permits the Division concluded that the three projects were located seaward of the seasonal high- water line and were therefore prohibited by a law, the projects lay in an area "highly vulnerable" to a major storm; and the cumulative impact of locating these and other structures further seaward could be expected to adversely impact the beach and dune system of the Vilano Beach area. The parties have stipulated that the Division has properly calculated the seasonal high water line in the questioned area, and that petitioner's three projects lie seaward of that line. The parties have also stipulated that the three projects lie seaward of the frontal dune within the meaning of Subsection 161.053t6)(a)1., Florida Statutes (1985).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that application numbers SJ 220, SJ 221 and SJ 222 filed by Roland Peterson to construct various structures on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, Vilano Beach in St. Johns County, Florida, be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 14th day of May, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1986.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57161.053
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Hollywood, Florida Dec. 19, 1994 Number: 94-007073 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 1996

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Petitioners are eligible for a permit, pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line in Broward County, Florida.

Findings Of Fact On November 30, 1993, Vander Ploeg and Associates, Inc., on behalf of Paul Leto, Richard Meyer, and Berta Anderes (Petitioners) submitted an application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Respondent) for a permit to perform construction on their property seaward of the Broward County Coastal Construction Control Line. Respondent deemed their application complete on April 18, 1994. Petitioners proposed construction will be seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line. The proposed construction will occur on two adjacent lots in Broward County. Petitioner Leto is the owner of one of the lots described as Lot 19, Block 196, Hollywood Central Beach, Plat Book 4, Page 20, Public Records of Broward County. Petitioners Meyer and Anderes are the owners of the other lot described as Lot 20, Block 196, Hollywood Central Beach, Plat Book 4, Page 20, Public Records of Broward County. Petitioner Leto purchased his lot in September 1992 and Petitioners Meyer and Anderes purchased their lot in March 1993. The lots were platted in or around the 1920's. Both lots are seaward of the seasonal high water line, on a sandy beach with no frontal dune structure. They are bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern most side and by a roadway (Surf Road) which is immediately adjacent to the lots on the western most side and landward of the lots. Approximately 200 feet north of the lots is an existing structure and approximately 800 feet south of this first existing structure is another existing structure. Petitioners topographical survey, which was submitted to Respondent in December 1993, showed that Lots 19 and 20, each measured 40 feet in a shore parallel direction and 80 feet in a shore normal direction, i.e., perpendicular to the shoreline. The proposed structure will be located directly on the sandy beach. The City of Hollywood, Florida has granted Petitioners a variance. Further, the proposed construction complies with the rules, zoning regulations, and ordinances of the City of Hollywood. Petitioners' application requests a permit for the construction of a single-family residence on the lots, which will house two families. However, the proposed construction is for a duplex, not a single-family residence. Petitioners are willing, and agreeable, to changing the design of the proposed structure to comply with Respondent's specifications for a single- family residence. Additionally, the proposed construction includes a riprap which will also be located on the sandy beach. A riprap is typically used for protective armoring. No structure presently exists for the riprap to protect. Furthermore, the riprap proposed by Petitioners is not adequately designed as a coastal protection structure, and if the proposed single-family residence is modified in accordance with Respondent's specifications, the proposed modified single-family residence would not be eligible for coastal armoring. The riprap structure is not an integral part of the structural design. Petitioners are willing, and agreeable, to eliminating the riprap structure. No other issues exist as to the structural integrity of the design of the proposed project. The lots on which the proposed structure will be located are a part of the beach-dune system. The natural function of the beach provides protection to upland property. The lots on which the proposed structure will be located are subject to normal storm-induced erosion. Tide and wave forces will impact the proposed structure during storms of minor intensity, including five-year storms. The proposed structure will induce greater erosion on the lots as a result of scour due to the interaction of the storm waves and currents with the proposed structure. During the storm, the normal storm-induced erosion combined with the scour erosion will form a breach or depression in the subject property. In turn, the upland property will be exposed to greater tide and wave forces, increasing the risk of erosion and damage to the upland property. The subject lots and surrounding properties have been subjected to unnatural forces which have added to the erosion. The Port Everglades inlet has inhibited the natural downdrift of sand. The City of Hollywood's beach maintenance division has been regularly pushing sand seaward and in the process, breaking down natural forming cliffs. Even though these unnatural forces are capable of being eliminated, the normal storm-induced erosion and the scour erosion would still exists. The existing developed structures to the north and south of the subject lots appear to create a reasonably uniform line of construction. However, the developed structures have been unduly affected by erosion. The proposed structure will be located within this line of construction. During a major storm along the shoreline, waves remove sand from the beach and dune area and deposit the sand in an offshore bar. After the major storm, a recovery of the beach and dunes takes place. Normal wave activity carries the sand from the offshore bar back to the beach, and the sand is then carried landward by winds and is caught and trapped by dune vegetation; thereby reforming a dune. Constructing the structure as proposed will not locate the structure a sufficient distance landward of the beach-dune system. As a result, the proposed structure will interrupt natural fluctuation in the shoreline and not preserve the natural recovery following the storm-induced erosion. The cumulative impact on the beach-dune system by the proposed structure would be severe, i.e., the effects on the beach-dune system by repeating this same proposed structure along the subject shoreline would be severe. There would be structure-induced scour and general degradation of the beach-dune system. Additionally, the recovery potential of the subject area following a major storm event would be threatened. Over the years, the beach of the subject property has been subjected to a re-nourishment project consisting of pumping sand from offshore. This method of re-nourishment may have negatively impacted the sand bar system immediately offshore affecting the hindrance of erosion. A sand bar system immediately offshore softens wave action on the shore and aids in inhibiting erosion. The proposed structure will hinder lateral public beach access. Currently, lateral beach access exists along the beach between the existing northern developed property and the existing southern developed property. The proposed structure will be located on the sandy beach, and the seaward face of the proposed structure will be within approximately one foot of the wet sand beach. At times, the proposed structure will be surrounded by water on at least three sides. No alternative beach access would be available. The proposed riprap will also be located on the sandy beach and will further hinder lateral public beach access. 2/ Loggerhead turtles, which are nesting marine turtles, engage in nesting activities along the stretch of beach where the subject property is located. They are a threatened species, i. e., close to extension. Although they do not nest every year, the turtles usually provide several nests in a single year. Typically, one hundred eggs comprise a turtle nest. In 1992, approximately 2,221 loggerhead turtle nests were in Broward County, with 22 of these nests located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Turtle nesting efforts have been observed in the beach area of the subject property. One nest was found within the subject property. Structures located on the sandy beach interfere with marine turtle nesting habits. If female turtles make contact with the structures, they often abort nesting attempts, which results in false crawls. Repetitive false crawls harms successful nesting, which may cause malformed egg chambers, impacting the successful incubation of the nest. Also, interaction with a structure can cause injury or death to a female turtle attempting to nest. Additionally, urbanization activity and lighting on the beach deter nesting. A loss of marine turtle nesting habitat will result if the proposed structure is constructed. Also, armoring, such as the proposed riprap, can result in nests being placed more seaward. 3/ Consequently, the nests would be threatened with tidal inundation, which would affect the mortality of the nest itself. As one nest has been located within the subject property, at least one nest or crawl per year would be affected by the proposed structure. Within 30 years, the proposed structure will be seaward of the seasonal high water line. The location of the proposed structure is seaward of the 30-year erosion projection for the subject property. Beach Defense Fund, Inc. (Intervenor) presented no evidence to show that its interest is different than the public at large and that it has substantial interest separate and apart from the public.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order denying the application of Paul Leto, Richard Meyer, and Berta Anderes for a permit, pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line in Broward County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of May, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 1996.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.66120.68161.053 Florida Administrative Code (5) 42-2.013162-312.02062B-26.01362B-33.00562B-33.007
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