Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following facts relevant to the four issues presented for determination are found: WORKING CAPITAL In calculating debt and equity costs for the petitioner, it is appropriate to use the parent company's capital structure. Here, forty percent (40 percent) of the parent's capital structure is equity and sixty percent (60 percent) is debt. In order to support its operating and/or construction activities, the petitioner receives advances from its parent company, Utilities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, or from its subsidiary, Water Service Corporation. The petitioner has treated these advances as part of its equity structure since there is a cost to these funds to petitioner, in substance if not in form. If these funds do have a specific, identifiable cost in the test year ending December 31, 1979, such as interest, they are properly includable as part of petitioner's equity structure. Pursuant to an Agreement between petitioner and its parent, the monetary advances by petitioner's parent company or its subsidiary to support petitioner's operating and/or construction activities will bear interest at the end of each calendar quarter at the rate of prime plus one quarter of one percent per annum on the average advances outstanding during the quarter. (Petitioner's Exhibit 10). This is a known and identifiable cost, and therefore the position taken by the petitioner regarding working capital allowance is correct. The proper amount attributable as "working capital allowance" is $54,699 for the water rate base and $28,179 for the sewer rate base for the test year ending December 31, 1979. UNCOLLECTIBLE REVENUES For the years 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980, the petitioner's bad debt expense averaged 1.2 percent of its total revenues. (Petitioner's Exhibit 9). The petitioner proposes a pro forma bad debt expense contending that the number of people who do not pay their bills remains essentially constant and that as rates increase, the dollars increase in relationship to the rates. In other words, petitioner proposes that the annual expense for uncollectible accounts should be increased by the same percentage that the test year dollars uncollected from customers who did not pay their bills relates to the amount of dollars which would be collected under the increased rate. The respondent's witness felt there had been no proof of the direct relationship between the increase in uncollectible accounts. In designing rates for the future, the amount of the customer's consumption of utility services during the test year are employed on the assumption that past consumption will represent future consumption. ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION The petitioner has requested an adjustment in its depreciation rate from 2.0 to 2.86 percent, based on all facilities other than general plant. The respondent has concurred with this requested increase to 2.86 percent, but would apply that depreciation rate to the beginning of the 1979 test year, thereby treating the difference as a deduction in rate base. If the adjusted rate is applied to the expense side, it must also be applied to the investment side, according to respondent's accounting analyst. The petitioner feels that the depreciation expense should be treated as a reduction in rate base only to the extent that it has been allowed in previous rates and collected from the customers. The increased expense will not be collected until the year 1981. The effect of charging the increased depreciation back to the 1979 test year would mean a $9,732 reduction in the water rate base and an $8,540 reduction in the sewer rate base. RATE OF RETURN The petitioner and the respondent agree that petitioner's capital structure is composed of forty percent equity and sixty percent debt capital, and that the cost of debt is 9.63 percent, for a weighted cost of 5.78 percent. The petitioner feels that the appropriate return to be placed on equity capital is 19.63 percent, for a weighted cost of 7.89 percent and an overall 13.63 percent return on rate base. The respondent would place the cost rate for equity at 16 percent, for a weighted cost of 6.40 percent and an overall 12.18 percent return on rate base. The petitioner utilized three methods of calculation to arrive at its proposed rate of return on equity capital, and then averaged the three results. One such method was to create a hypothetical Ba rating and then add a risk factor of 4 percent, resulting in a cost of equity of 20.7 percent. A second method, utilizing a combination of dividend yield on listed water companies and a growth factor, resulted in a cost of equity capital of 18.72 percent. The third approach involved the addition of the 4 percent risk factor of equity over debt to the average yield outstanding for various water companies, resulting in a return of 18.4 percent, Considering an attrition allowance on equity capital of 1.2 percent, a 14.7 percent overall rate of return would be within the bounds of a reasonable rate of return. Utilizing a comparable earnings analysis of nonregulated and regulated utilities, including electric, gas and telephone as well as water and sewer utilities, and taking dividend yield rates and adding growth rates, respondent's financial analyst computed the reasonable range of the cost of equity for the Florida water and sewer industry to be between 14.25 and 16.25 percent. With the equity ratio being 40 percent, respondent's witness recommended a 16 percent return on equity, with permission to fluctuate plus or minus one percent. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Members of the public who testified at the hearing were concerned with increased charges for water and sewer service since many of them were on fixed and limited incomes. While one witness complained of mosquito larvae in a dish of water left over a weekend for a dog, other witnesses opined that they had received good service from the petitioner.
Conclusions In consideration of the above and the entire record, we make the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: Utilities, Inc. of Florida is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission. The value of the Utility's rate base devoted to public service on which it is entitled to earn a fair return is $589,663 for its water division and $427,422 for its sewer division. The Company's adjusted net operating income for the test year was $18,847 and $24,405 for its water and sewer divisions, respectively. A range of 15 percent to 17 percent constitutes a fair and reasonable return on equity for Utilities, Inc. of Florida with rates to be set at the mid- point of 16 percent which gives an overall rate of return of 12.18 percent. The rates collected on an interim basis pursuant to Order Nos. 9446 and 9559 were lawful, just and reasonable and the revenues received thereunder should be retained by the Company. That the revised rates, as authorized herein constitute just, reasonable compensatory and not unfairly discriminatory rates within the meaning of Chapter 367, Florida Statutes. The use of a base facility charge rate structure eliminates discrimination against seasonal customers and encourages conservation and is appropriate for use in this docket. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF, it is ORDERED by the Florida Public Service Commission that each and every finding of fact and conclusion of law as expressed herein is approved. It is further ORDERED that Utilities, Inc. of Florida is hereby authorized to file rate schedules consistent herewith designed to generate gross annual revenues of $350,316 for the water system and $206,865 for the sewer system, which represent increases over the test year revenues of $85,007 and $41,335, respectively. It is further ORDERED that Utilities, Inc. of Florida will make refunds to its water customers consistent with the discussion in the body of this order. It is further ORDERED that the rates approved as a result of this Order shall be effective for consumption after the date of this order, but no bills will be rendered thereunder until after the filing and approval of revised tariff pages appropriate with this Order. It is further ORDERED that the Company include in each bill during the first billing cycle during which this increase is effective a bill stuffer explaining the nature of the increase, average level of increase, a summary of the tariff changes, and the reasons therefor. Said bill stuffer shall be submitted to the Commission's Water and Sewer Department for approval prior to implementation. By Order of the Florida Public Service Commission this 9th day of June , 1981. (SEAL) HDB Steve Tribble COMMISSION CLERK
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the petitioner's application for a rate increase be granted as requested except for adjustments made for uncollectible debts or accounts. Respectfully submitted and entered this 5th day of March, 1981. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of March, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: R.M.C. Rose Myers, Kaplan, Levinson, Kevin and Richards Suite 103 1020 East Lafayette Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Harry D. Boswell Staff Counsel Florida Public Service Commission 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Steve Tribble, Clerk Public Service Commission 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In re: Application of UTILITIES, DOAH CASE NO. 80-1893 INC. OF FLORIDA for an increase DOCKET NO. 800395-WS(CR) in water and sewer rates in ORDER NO. 10049 Seminole and Orange Counties, ISSUED: 6-9-81 Florida. / The following Commissioners participated in the disposition of this matter: JOSEPH P. CRESSE, Chairman GERALD L. GUNTER JOHN R. MARKS, III KATIE NICHOLS Pursuant to notice, an administrative hearing was held before Diane D. Tremor, Hearing Officer with the Division of Administrative Hearings, on January 20, 1981, in Maitland, Florida. The Hearing Officer's Recommended Order was entered on March 5, 1981, and oral argument was held on May 11, 1981, on exceptions filed by the Commission staff. We now enter our order.
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be required to obtain a current operating permit for his aerobic treatment unit and have a $500.00 fine imposed for violating an agency rule for the reason cited in the Citation for Violation issued by Petitioner on December 1, 1999.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: In this dispute, Petitioner, Department of Health (Department), has alleged that Respondent, Dr. Anthony Massaro, a retired public health physician, failed to obtain an annual operating permit for an aerobic treatment unit (ATU) located at his residence at 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard, Flagler Beach, Florida. The Flagler County Health Department (Health Department) is charged with the responsibility of issuing such permits. That department is under the direction and control of Petitioner. While Respondent readily admits that he failed to obtain a permit, he contends that he was misled by the Health Department when he first installed an ATU at his residence; the Health Department is not enforcing the law regarding ATUs and thus another system would be more appropriate; and the law, as he interprets it, allows him to install another type of on-site sewage disposal unit on his property. Respondent purchased his property in Flagler County in 1997. The property is located in Ocean View Estates Subdivision (subdivision), which has an Urban Single-Family Residential District (R-1b) zoning classification under the Flagler County Land Development Code (Code). Section 3.03.05A of the Code requires that owners within the R-1b classification use "public or community water and sewer facilities," but makes an exception for "[s]mall R-1b subdivisions, fifty (50) lots or less, utilizing a public community water system," in which case residents "may utilize Class I aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems." Further, "[t]he use of individual onsite sewage disposal systems must be consistent with adopted county policies and standards." Because the subdivision has 50 lots or less, and public or private sewer facilities were not available in the area, the subdivision's Plat Agreement recorded in 1995 provided that "[i]ndividual aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems are to be permitted and constructed as each lot is developed." Another type of onsite sewage disposal system is the anerobic system, which has a septic tank and larger drainfield, is far less expensive, but does not conform with "county policies and standards" in this locale. Thus, this type of system requires a variance from the zoning regulations before one can be installed in the subdivision. Even so, Respondent says "all" of his neighbors have installed such a system. Because of the Plat Agreement, the zoning restriction, the difficulty in obtaining a variance, and the lack of a sewer line, Respondent had no choice except to use an ATU system for his residence. This meant that he had to apply for a permit from the Health Department. Once a permit is obtained and an ATU installed, the owner must renew his operating permit annually at a cost of $150.00, and he must enter into a maintenance agreement with a licensed contractor. The $150.00 fee is used to defray the costs incurred by the Health Department in making quarterly inspections and performing annual sampling and laboratory analysis of effluent. The record does not reflect precisely when a sewer line became operational across the street from Respondent's property, but the sewer project was accepted "for service" in April 1998, or before Respondent's ATU was installed in August 1998. Had Respondent known this, he would have obviously chosen that option rather than an ATU. The evidence reflects that in November 1997 Respondent made application for an ATU with the Health Department, a permit was issued in December 1997, and the system was installed and approved in August and September 1998, respectively. In early April 1998, the Health Department was advised by the private utility company that it would accept new sewer connections in a service area that included Respondent's home. However, Health Department representatives made no mention of this to Respondent since they were under the impression that he desired to use the ATU option, they do not normally "counsel" applicants on onsite sewage disposal system options, and Respondent had made no inquiry. Disclosure of this fact would have saved Respondent considerable money (and grief) in the long run; unfortunately, however, while good public relations would dictate otherwise, the Health Department had no legal obligation to do anything other than process the pending application. Likewise, it has no obligation in law to now pay the costs for Respondent to hook up to the line because of its non-disclosure. Respondent has now invested more than $5,000.00 in his ATU. This type of system is operated by a compressor in Respondent's garage, which must be run 24 hours per day, and is very noisy. Because of this, Respondent understandably wishes to change to an anerobic system, which has a traditional septic tank, larger drainfield, no unsightly "mound" in the yard, no annual permits, and is far cheaper than an ATU. Also, it does not require a noisy motor to sustain operations. However, this type of system is prohibited by the Code except where a variance from Flagler County (County) has been obtained. It appears to be unlikely that Respondent can obtain a variance from the County. Because Respondent's property is so low in relation to the sewer line, to achieve the proper gravity, he must install a lift station and pay a connection fee, both totaling $3,540.00, before hooking up to the sewer system. Given these costs, and the considerable investment he already has in an ATU, Respondent does not consider this to be a viable alternative. Respondent pointed out that, despite the requirement that they do so, many ATU owners in the County are not running their systems 24-hours per day because of the noise from the compressor. He also pointed out that the Health Department has consistently found numerous violations of such systems during its inspections. He further asserted that while the $150.00 annual fee is to defray certain sampling and laboratory analysis costs associated with inspecting ATUs, the Health Department has done neither on his ATU. Finally, Respondent pointed out that prior to 1999 the regulations were enforced by sampling the compliance of a very small percentage of total ATU systems (ten percent), rather than all systems, in the County. Given these considerations, Respondent concludes that ATUs are the least effective way to treat sewage, and that existing laws and regulations have not been enforced. Assuming these allegations to be true, and they were not seriously disputed, they are legitimate concerns. However, until the law is changed, they do not constitute a lawful basis for allowing Respondent to switch to an anerobic system. Respondent further contended that under his interpretation of the general law, which was not fully understood by the undersigned, he is not required to use an ATU. But local zoning regulations clearly require that he do so, and until the state or local regulations are changed or waived, he cannot use an anerobic system. Finally, Respondent has cooperated with the Department throughout this process. With his lengthy public health background, Respondent initiated this action with good intentions, seeking to point out the flaws in the ATU systems, and to remedy a problem which none of his neighbors apparently have. Given these considerations, a civil penalty should not be imposed.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order sustaining the charge in the Citation for Violation and requiring that Respondent obtain an annual permit for his ATU. A civil penalty is not warranted. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Charlene J. Petersen, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Dr. Anthony Massaro 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard Flagler Beach, Florida 32136 Amy M. Jones, General Counsel Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
Findings Of Fact Quality of Service There were no customers of the utility present at the public hearing, except for the Department of the Navy. As a result, there is no public testimony in the record relating to the quality of the water and sewer service provided by the utility. However, a representative of the Department of Environmental Regulation and an engineer from the Public Service Commission agree that the utility's water treatment meets all relevant quality standards, and its sewage treatment is within acceptable limits. Nevertheless, there exist problems of infiltration into the company's sewage lines which have resulted in variations in its level of treatment efficiency. The Department of the Navy acknowledges that some of these infiltration problems originate at the Navy housing facility, and the Navy asserts that corrective measures will be undertaken. In the meantime, the Navy contends that the sewage flows from its housing facility have been underestimated, resulting in an overstatement of revenue to the utility. However, there is insufficient specific evidence in the record to support a finding of fact resolving this issue. Since the variations in the utility's sewage treatment efficiency are within acceptable levels, the Company's wastewater treatment is found to be satisfactory. Rate Base By its exhibits, the utility has alleged its adjusted rate base to be $59,401 for water and $87,134 for sewer. Public Service Commission adjustments reduce and correctly state the water rate base to be $19,356 and the sewer rate base to be $65,552. The utility contests the removal of $16,530 from sewer rate base as a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC). This amount is the difference between the $155,000 paid by the Duval County School Board to a partnership consisting of the utility's partners and others, and the $138,170 recorded on the books of the utility. It contends the $16,330 represents a contractor's profit to one of the former partners of utility, but this amount is properly recordable as CIAC and should be removed from rate base. Other adjustments are either not contested, or make no material difference in the utility's revenue requirements, and should be accepted. The accompanying schedules 1 and 3 detail the rate base for both water and sewer with appropriate explanations for the adjustments. Cost of Capital Representatives from the utility and from the Public Service Commission presented evidence on the issue of cost of capital. The major area of disagreement relates to the company's capital structure. The Commission contends that the utility is 100 percent debt, while the utility asserts the capital structure to be 52.97 percent equity and 47.03 percent debt. The Commission's contention is based on the annual reports filed by the utility wherein a deficit is reported in the equity account. The utility, however, has made several adjustments to the investment shown in the annual reports which it alleges increase equity from a deficit of $39,804 to a positive amount of $92,727. The first adjustment made by the utility is in the amount of $22,700 to make the amount of investment equal to rate base, in accordance with principles of double entry bookkeeping. However, because revenue requirements of public utilities are based on used and useful plant in service rather than on total assets, it is not uncommon for the rate base to be different in amount from the total capitalization. Thus, this adjustment is unnecessary and improper. The utility's second adjustment increases the amount of investment by $39,464 as the Unrecovered Cost of Abandonment of Utility Plant. The plant to which this adjustment refers was abandoned, and because of the hazards presented by the abandoned structure, it was disassembled and scrapped. The unrecovered costs were written off for tax purposes, but were not written off for regulatory purposes. This amount should be treated as any other loss, and the adjustment to increase investment should be disallowed. When a utility has recovered the cost of a loss due to abandonment through a write off against income, the placement of the amount of the investment in the capital account results in accounting twice for the loss. The third adjustment involves an amount of $57,067 representing loans procured by the utility's partners from a financial institution. Although these loans were made directly to the partners, the proceeds were used by the utility and the company services the debt. The utility contends that these funds are equity, and it has increased the investment account by the amount thereof. However, the intent of the parties to the transaction was that the funds borrowed by the partners were loaned to the utility, not invested in it. Accordingly, the utility's adjustment is improper; the amount of the loan should be considered as debt in the utility's capital structure; and it should be allowed to earn the embedded cost of this debt, but not an equity return on the amount thereof. In summary, since this utility's equity account has a deficit balance, the appropriate capital structure is 100 percent debt. The cost of this debt is its embedded cost, estimated to be 11.75 percent overall, and the weighted cost is 10.21 percent, as shown in the following table. CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMPONENT PERCENT OF AMOUNT CAPITAL COST RATE WEIGHTED COST Mortgage Note $36,593 20.9 8.00 2.312 Loans Outstanding 48,162 38.0 9.69 3.681 Proposed Note 41,870 33.1 12.76 (est) 4.220 TOTAL $126,625 100.0 10.213 perc. These "Amounts" are the non-current portion of the debt. Operating Statements The accompanying schedules 2 and 4 detail the operating statements for both water and sewer, with appropriate adjustments. The utility contests the Commission's disallowance of depreciation on its proforma plant acquisition. However, the plant has not yet been constructed. Thus, although the proforma plant adjustments have been agreed to, depreciation expense thereon cannot be allowed. The utility further challenges a Commission adjustment disallowing depreciation expense on contributed assets. This adjustment is proper and should be allowed. The utility also contends that it should be allowed income taxes, asserting that an unincorporated proprietorship is entitled to the same income tax expense as a corporation, and that the related income taxes do not have to be paid, merely accrued. However, the purpose of the income tax accounts in the NARUC Uniform System of Accounts is to allow entities which pay income accounts in which to record them. There is no provision in the uniform system for recordation of a nonexistent expense. Since the utility admits that the partnership has paid no income taxes, the disallowance is proper. Finally, the utility contests what it claims is disallowance by the Commission of all its proposed amortization of abandoned plant. However, the exhibits reflect that the Commission increased the amount of amortization expense from $2,790 to $3,284 for water, and from $3,016 to $6,468 for sewer, to allow for amortization of the abandoned plant. Revenue requirements The application of a 10.21 percent rate of return to the adjusted rate base for both water and sewer requires that the utility receive gross annual revenues of $33,752 for water and $81,432 for sewer. These revenues represent increases of $9,381 and $23,446 for water and for sewer, respectively. See Schedules 2 and 4 attached). Rate structure The utility provides water service to an average of 67 residential customers, 12 general service customers and 11 multi-dwelling customers (Average 346 Units). It provides sewer service to an average of 26 residential customers, 12 general service customers and 4 multi-dwelling customers (Average 645 Units). The present residential water rates are structured to provide for a minimum quarterly charge, which includes a minimum number of gallons, and a one- step excess rate over that minimum. The proposed rates follow the same basic structure. The present general service water rates are structured in the same manner, except that the rates for this classification are approximately 25 percent higher than residential. The proposed rates follow the same basic structure. The present multi-dwelling water rates are structured in compliance with the provisions of the old Rule 25-10.75, Florida Administrative Code, which provided that the rate for master metered multiple dwelling structures should be 66 2/3 percent of the minimum residential rate, with an equal minimum gallonage allowance included within the unit minimum charge. The total number of gallons to be included within the minimum gallonage allowance was determined by the number of units served, with excess gallons over the cumulative allowance to be billed at the excess residential rate. The proposed races follow the same basic structure for determining the minimum gallonage allowance and excess gallonage over the minimum allowance. The proposed minimum charge per unit has been structured approximately 25 percent higher than the proposed minimum unit charge for residential service. The proposed excess rate has been structured at the same level as general service, which is approximately 25 percent higher than the residential service rate. Any rate structure that requires a customer to pay for a minimum number of gallons, whether those gallons are used or not, is discriminatory. Over 27 percent of this utility's basic residential customers did not use as much as the minimum gallonage allowance during the test year. The average number of gallons consumed in the gallon brackets below the minimum allowance bracket was 3,197 gallons per customer per quarter. A rate structure that requires the general service customers to pay a higher rate than the other classifications of service is also discriminatory. Since the Cost of Service to Multiple Dwelling Structures Rule 25- 10.75, Florida Administrative Code, was repealed by Commission Order No. 7590, issued January 18, 1977 in Docket No. 760744-Rule, it has been the practice of the Public Service Commission to structure this type customer in the general service classification, and to structure water rates under the Base Facility Charge form of rate design. The basic concept of this type rate design is to determine a base charge whose foundation is based on the associated costs of providing service to each type customer. The charge covers associated costs such as transmission and distribution facility maintenance expenses, depreciation, property taxes, property insurance, an allocated portion of customer accounts expenses, etc. The amount of the charge is determined by an equivalent residential connection formula using the standard meter size as the base. There are not any gallons included within the frame of the Base Facility Charge. The second structure is to determine the appropriate charge for the water delivered to the customer. This charge would cover related costs such as pumping expenses; treatment expenses, an allocated portion of customer accounts expenses, etc. The primary reasoning supporting this type structure is that each customer pays a prorata share of the related facility costs necessary to provide service, and thereafter the customer pays for only the actual number of gallons consumed under the gallonage charge. The present residential sewer rates are structured in the manner of a quarterly flat-rate charge for all residential customers. The proposed rates are structured with a minimum charge, which includes a minimum number of gallons and an excess rate above that minimum. The present general service sewer rates are structured so that a percentage factor is applied to the water bill to determine the sewer charge. The rates for this classification are structured approximately 25 percent higher than residential. The proposed rates are structured with a minimum charge, which includes a minimum number of gallons and an excess rate above the minimum. The proposed rates are structured approximately 25 percent higher than residential. The present multi-dwelling sewer rates are structured in compliance with the provisions of the old Rule 25- 10.75, Florida Administrative Code, which provided that the rate for sewer service to multiple dwelling units should be 66 2/3 percent of the basic charge for sewer service to single residential units. The proposed rates are structured with a minimum charge for each unit, which includes a minimum number of gallons, and an excess rate over the minimum. The minimum charge per unit and the excess rate are structured approximately 25 percent higher than residential. Since the repeal of Rule 25-10.75, Florida Administrative Code, it has been the practice of the Public Service Commission to structure this type customer in the general service classification of customers, and to structure sewer rates under the Base Facility Charge form of rate design. This should be implemented by the utility for both water rates and sewer rates. The utility has been misapplying its schedule of rates for the commercial sewer classification of service. The schedule calls for 250 percent of the water bill with a minimum charge of $0.15 monthly ($24.45 quarterly). However, the utility has been billing its commercial sewer customers 250 percent of the water bill plus the minimum charge. This amounted to an overcharge to this customer classification of approximately $1190 during the test period. The utility should be required to make the appropriate refund to each commercial sewer customer, and the amount of this overcharge has been removed from test year revenues on the attached schedule 4. The utility is collecting a meter installation charge of $200, and a charge of $246 for each connection to the sewer system, without any apparent tariff authority. Further, the charges made for customer reconnect after disconnection for nonpayment are not adequate to cover the associated costs of this service. An investigation docket should be opened to consider the appropriateness of the meter installation charge, and to receive evidence of actual costs of service restoration. Finally, insufficient facts were presented to support a finding relative to the validity of the utility's sewer service contract with the Navy or the compatibility of the charges for sewer service to the Navy with the utility's tariff. These issues should be revisited during the course of the investigation docket. However, the utility's practice of requiring customer deposits when service is billed in advance should be discontinued.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Buccaneer Service Company, 1665 Selva Marina Drive, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, be granted in part, and that the utility be authorized to receive gross annual water revenue of $33,752, and gross annual sewer revenue of $81,423, by rates to be approved by the Public Service Commission. It is further RECOMMENDED that the utility be required to adopt a Base Facility charge form of rate design for both water and sewer rates, and to make appropriate changes in its tariff. It is further RECOMMENDED that the utility be required to refund to each commercial sewer customer a prorata portion of the total amount of overcharges collected since the beginning of the test year. It is further RECOMMENDED that an investigation docket be opened for the purpose of making further inquiry into the appropriateness of the utility's meter installation charge, to receive evidence of actual costs of service restoration, and to determine the validity of the utility's contract for sewer service with the Navy and the appropriate rate to be charged for this service. And it is further RECOMMENDED that the utility be required to discontinue the practice of collecting customer deposits for service which is billed in advance. THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER entered on this 6th day of August, 1980. WILLIAM B. THOMAS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675
Findings Of Fact Respondent is a state agency whose primary purpose is to provide an adequate supply of potable water to the Florida Keys. To this end, it has acquired or constructed well fields, treatment plants, transmission pipelines, pumping stations, distribution pipelines, and other related facilities. Because of its exaggerated linear service area of 130 miles, it incurs high capital and operating costs. Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, Respondent's enabling act, confers upon Respondent the authority to impose the subject System Development Fee. Respondent imposed the subject System Development Fee, which is an impact fee, in December 1974. Respondent's Rule 48-3.002(1) expressed the purposes of the System Development Fee as follows: The System Development Fee is an impact fee charged to new and existing customers who modify, add or construct facilities which impose a potential increased demand on the water system. This fee is charged in order to equitably adjust the fiscal burden of a new pipeline and expanded or improved appurtenant facilities between existing customers and new water users. All system development fees are allocated to the direct and indirect costs of capital improvements made necessary by actual and expected increased demand on the water system. The term "unit" is a commonly accepted concept in the public utility industry, and impact fees are often assessed on a per "unit" basis. Respondent's Rule 48-3.002(5)(b) provides for the assessment of the System Development Fee on a per unit basis and provides, in pertinent part, as follows: 5. (b) Where the premises served consists of single or multiple commercial units, the System Development Fee shall be assessed based on each individual unit. In those cases where the individual unit will require a meter size that exceeds a 5/8" meter to properly support the unit, the System Development Fee shall be based on the meter size required to serve that unit, whether individually metered or not. ... The term "unit", as used in Respondent's System Development Fee Rule is a technical term, but it is defined by Respondent's Rule 48-2.001(19) as follows: (19) "Unit" A unit is a commercial or residential module consisting of one or more rooms with either appurtenant or common bathroom facilities and used for a single commercial purpose or single residential use. The number of units existing in a multiple unit service operation are to be determined in accordance with Rule 48-2.007(1)(c), which provides, in pertinent part, as follows: ... The number of units, whether residential or commercial, will normally be determined according to applicable city or county occupational licenses, building permits, or plans of the subject structure. In cases of discrepancy or inconsistency in definition, or interpretation, the following Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority definition will control: A unit is a commercial or residential module consisting of one or more rooms with either appurtenant or common bathroom facilities and used for a single commercial purpose or single residential purpose. Respondent grandfathers in units that were in existence prior to December 1974 when the System Development Fee was first enacted. A System Development Fee is not imposed on any unit that was in existence prior to December 1974. Of the 376 improved campsites that presently exist at Petitioners' campground, 279 were improved prior to 1974. Consequently, only the 97 campsites improved after the enactment of the System Development Fee are at issue in this proceeding. Respondent is concerned with the potential use of a unit because it must be prepared to respond to that potential use. Once a customer has paid the System Development Fee for a unit, the owner of the unit can transfer the unit without the purchaser having to pay an additional System Development Fee regardless of the use the purchaser intends to make of the unit. Respondent has consistently applied the System Development Fee charges on a per unit basis for the purposes stated in its Rule 48-3.002(1). The per unit charge was $600 when first enacted in 1974, was increased to $1,500 in 1984, and was increased to its present level of $2,000 in 1986. A widely publicized amnesty program was in effect from August 1, 1984 through October 1, 1984, during which customers who had added units to their property without reporting same to Respondent could report the units during the amnesty program and pay the System Development Fee on an installment basis. Customers were advised that after the amnesty program closed, the System Development Fee would be based on rates in effect at the time an unreported unit was discovered, not at the rate the unreported unit was constructed. This policy serves to encourage Respondent's customers to promptly report newly added "units", and the policy produces fees commensurate with the expenses to be incurred by Respondent after it learns of the new units. Petitioner George W. Eager is the owner of approximately 30 acres of real property located west of U.S. 1 at Key Largo, Florida. Mr. Eager purchased the subject property in 1969, sold it in 1974, and reacquired it in 1975 by a deed given in lieu of foreclosure. This property is located within the area served by Respondent. Petitioner Calusa Camp Resort, Inc., a closely held Florida corporation whose stock is owned by Mr. Eager and his two children, operates a campground on this real property. In addition to the 376 campsites, the campground contains a grocery store, a marina, laundry facilities, bathrooms and showers, a swimming pool, a sewage treatment plant, and a sewage pumping station. The marina was not in operation at the time of the formal hearing. Petitioners hold the two business licenses they are required to have by Monroe County. One business license is for the operation of the campground while the other one is for the operation of the grocery store. Petitioners secured all pertinent building permits during the course of the improvement of the campground. Mr. Eager opened the campground in 1969, at which time he entered into a contract for services with Respondent. Mr. Eager constructed a private water system as part of the improvements to his real property. This private water system was connected to Respondent's water transmission system in 1969, and a one inch master meter was installed at that point of delivery. This one inch master meter has served Petitioners' property at all times pertinent to this proceeding. Mr. Eager entered into a new contract for services with Respondent in 1975. This contract did not indicate that Mr. Eager's property was considered a multiple unit operation and it did not indicate in the space available the number of units to be served. By a provision in this contract, Respondent reserved the right to change its rules and regulations and the rates for use of water from time to time. In 1976, Mr. Eager entered into another contract for services with Respondent for the provision of water to a swimming pool that he had constructed. This contract did not indicate that Mr. Eager's property was considered a multiple unit operation and it did not indicate in the space available the number of units to be served. Of the thirty acres owned by Mr. Eager, approximately twenty acres are west of the access road that divides the property and approximately ten acres are east of the road. Prior to 1974, Mr. Eager developed 279 individual campsites on eighteen of the acres west of the access road. These campsites had water, electrical, and sewer hookups for recreational vehicles and could accommodate all types of camping. A grocery store, bathrooms and showers, laundry facilities, and recreational facilities were also located on these eighteen acres. The remaining two acres west of the access road were reserved as the site for the marina. Prior to 1974, the ten acres east of the access road was used for open camping, but individual campsites were not designated. Water was made available to the campers who used this area through approximately 32 spigots spaced throughout the area and the other campground facilities were available to them. The ten-acre open area would accommodate up to 125 campsites. Since the enactment of the Systems Development Fee, Petitioners converted the ten-acre open camping area into 97 campsites with each campsite having water, electrical, and sewer hookups. This development, completed in 1983, organized the camping in the ten-acre area, but it did not increase the number of potential campers in the ten-acre area over the 1974 level. This development did, however, change the type camping that could be accommodated in this area. Prior to the development, the area could not accommodate camping in large vehicles such as motorhomes and recreational vehicles. After the development, the campsites were improved to accommodate all types of camping. None of the campsites are permanently improved with any structures or rooms and Petitioner does not rent campsites with accommodations on them. Persons renting the campsites provide their own method of camping, whether it be by car, truck, motorhome, travel trailer, tent, or otherwise. In 1983, Petitioners requested that the size of the water meter serving his property be increased from one inch to two inches. At that time, Respondent's staff suspected that Petitioners may have modified the campgrounds so as to have triggered the System Development Fee. Consequently, Mary Castellano, Respondent's Policy & Procedure Coordinator wrote a letter of inquiry to Petitioners' attorney. This letter, dated May 2, 1983, provided, in pertinent part, as follows: The material submitted by you last March 2, 1983, has been reviewed. Although a planned layout of the campground was provided from 1969 showing a plan to develop 279 camp and trailer spaces, what is required, prior to approval of a change to a larger meter, is some type of proof showing the number of camp and trailer spaces in existence and actually served prior to June 13, 1974, and certification regarding the actual number of camp and trailer spaces in existence today. If those two numbers are the same, no system development fee will be assessed and Mr. Eager's request for a 2" meter will be honored upon payment of additional deposit, new service charge and tapping fee. However, if there were less camp and trailer spaces in 1974 actually in existence then than there are at the present time, then additional system development fees will be assessed on a per space basis for the difference. Ms. Castellano's letter of May 2, 1983, accurately stated Respondent's interpretation of its rule imposing the System Development Fee. The information requested by this letter was not forthcoming, and Petitioners did not pursue the request to change the master meter from one inch to two inch again until 1989. Respondent's staff did not pursue whether Petitioners owed a System Development Fee until the issue was again raised in 1989. The water bills sent by Respondent to Petitioners up until April 1989 reflected that Petitioners had been classified as a "single unit commercial" account. In April 1989, the billing reflected that Petitioners were classified as a "multiple unit commercial" account. Because Petitioners' private water system is located on private property, Respondent's staff could not discover any undeclared units except by conducting an appropriate inspection. In 1989 Respondent's staff conducted such an inspection of Petitioners' campground and determined that Petitioners had added 97 campsites, that each campsite was a "unit" within the meaning of Respondent's rules, and that a system development fee of $2,000 was due for each site. This was the first time that Respondent had inspected the property and was the first time that Respondent knew that Petitioners had improved the 97 campsites. Respondent does not routinely inspect all private water systems or keep an up-to-date count of all units within its service area because of the costs of gathering such information. On April 26, 1989, Mary Castellano, who was still employed by Respondent, but whose title had been changed to Director of Policy Administration, wrote Petitioners a letter which provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Of the 376 spaces/units currently existing, the Authority accepts the documentation submitted to establish that 279 spaces/units existed prior to June 1974, for which no System Development Fees are due. However, the following fees are assessed and due for the remaining 97 spaces/units: System Development Fee ($2,000 x 97 Units) $194,000.00 Deposit ($75 x 97 Units) 7,275.00 Service Charge ($15 x 97 Units) 1,455.00 $202,730.00* *Plus Tapping Fee * * * 4. The Authority will require the execution of a Restrictive Covenant since a potential for future expansion exists. Petitioners thereafter filed a timely request for formal hearing after Respondent's Board of Directors upheld the assessment of the System Development Fee at a duly called meeting.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order which upholds the assessment against Petitioners of the System Development Fee based on the improvement of the 97 campsites since 1974. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Gus H. Crowell, Esquire Tittle & Tittle, P.A. P. O. Drawer 535 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Floyd A. Hennen, Esquire Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Post Office Box 1239 Key West, Florida 33040 Patty Woodworth, Director Planning & Budgeting Executive Office of the Governor The Capitol, PL-05 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-5620 The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner: The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 1 as being subordinate to the findings made or as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 2-10, 12, 14, and 18-21 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 11 are adopted in part by the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. While it was established that one corporation operated the campground, it was not established that no additional business purpose exists at the property. The property contains, in addition to the subject campsites, a grocery store, a marina, laundry facilities, and a sewage pumping station that is available to non-campers. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 13 are rejected as being conclusions of law. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 15 and 16 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 17 and 23 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The findings of fact contained in the first three sentences of paragraph 23 are adopted in material part. The findings of fact contained in the final sentence of paragraph 23 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Respondent. The paragraphs contained in the findings of fact section of Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order have been numbered 1-13 for convenience. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 3, 6, 7, 12, and 13 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted in part by the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The examples given by Respondent were not incorporated as a finding of fact because the examples used are not analogous to the facts of this case. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 4 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 5 are adopted in part by the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are adopted in part by of the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 9 are rejected as being recitation of testimony or as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 10 are adopted in part by the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being recitation of testimony or as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 11 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order with the exception of the findings of fact contained in the final sentence of the paragraph, which are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached.
The Issue Whether, and to what extent, Magnolia Valley Services, Inc., should be allowed to increase its water and sewer service rates.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented at hearing, the following facts are determined: I. The Application By application filed on August 14, 1980, APPLICANT sought authority to increase its water and sewer rates, on an interim and permanent basis, in amounts sufficient to produce $60,847 in annual gross water revenues, and $100,768 in sewer revenues. By Order No. 9571 dated September 30, 1980, the COMMISSION authorized an interim sewer revenue increase, under bond, of $8,205, and denied an interim increase in water revenues. The COMMISSION has approved APPLICANT's use of a test year ending December 31, 1979. At hearing, the APPLICANT amended its application by reducing its requested water revenues to $50,287, and increasing requested sewer revenues to $101,522. (Testimony of Gregg, Prehearing Statement; P-4.) II. Depreciation Rate Depreciation is a method of allocating the cost of fixed assets to their estimated useful life. As an above-the-line operating expense, it affects a utility's net operating income; by its impact on accumulated depreciation of plant-in-service and accumulated amortization of contributions-in-aid-of- construction, it also effects calculation of rate base. (Testimony of Walker, Gregg; P-3, R-1.) The COMMISSION has promulgated no rules as guidelines which establish generally, or in particular, the useful life of utility assets or the method by which their depreciation should be calculated. In practice, however, it has allowed utilities to apply a straight-line 2.5 percent depreciation rate and a 40-year useful life to all depreciable assets. Any deviation from this 2.5 percent across-the-board rate must be justified by the utility. (Testimony of Heiker.) Here, the APPLICANT proposes depreciation rates which vary according to the estimated useful life of the plant or equipment involved. In contends that its shorter estimates of useful life of specific assets reflect reality and actual experience more accurately than an across-the-board 40-year life standard. For example, rate meters are routinely replaced on a 20-year basis and lack of reserve capacity and changing voltages have substantially reduced the expected life of electrical motors and equipment. The APPLICANT's estimates of useful life were established by the opinion of a utility consultant and engineer whose qualifications went unchallenged by the COMMISSION; no competent evidence was offered to discredit or rebut his conclusions. The COMMISSION's engineer candidly admitted that depreciation "is really a nebulous thing," (Tr. 64) and declined to assert that the APPLICANT's depreciation schedules were erroneous. (Tr. 69.) The COMMISSION disputed the APPLICANT's depreciation schedules by referring to an unpublished 1973 staff memorandum retained at the agency's offices and not produced at hearing. That memorandum purportedly adopted 1973 depreciation rates developed by the American Water Works Association. Upon motion of APPLICANT, testimony concerning the contents of that memorandum was subsequently stricken. The COMMISSION engineer also testified that he was unfamiliar, even generally, with how the American Water Works Association's depreciation rates were derived. In light of the quality of the evidence presented of record, the APPLICANT's depreciation rates (including estimated useful life) are accepted as persuasive. (Testimony of Heiker, Gregg; P-1, P-3.) III. Attrition Allowance The APPLICANT seeks to include in operating expenses an attrition allowance of $1,992 for water and $8,161 for sewer operations based on alleged attrition it experienced between 1975 and 1979. It defines attrition as increased annual expenses which cannot be recovered at the time they are incurred. The COMMISSION opposes the requested attrition allowance on the grounds that: (1) the attrition study performed by the APPLICANT is unreliable, and (2) that the recent enactment of Section 367.081(4), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1980), which allows the passing through of certain increased expenses to customers, eliminates the need for a special attrition allowance. (Testimony of Gregg, Walker; P-2.) The COMMISSION's position is well taken. First, a major portion of the cost increases experienced by the APPLICANT in the past will be able to be passed through to its customers pursuant to Section 367.081, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1980). 2/ Those costs include increased power costs and ad valorem taxes. The APPLICANT responds that Section 367.081(4), supra, will not enable it to fully recover increasing expenses when they occur because rates may be adjusted, based on increased operating costs, not more than twice a year. Section 367.081(4)(e), supra. However, this new law should be implemented before it is pronounced inadequate to fulfill its purpose. Experience may show that major costs increase sporadically, or at predictable cycles, which facilitate carefully timed rate increases under Section 367.081(4), and that two such increases a year may prove fully adequate. (Testimony of Gregg, Walker; P- 2, R-1.) Secondly, the attrition study (P-2) submitted by the APPLICANT does not reasonably justify, or provide a reliable basis for projecting an attrition rate into the future. The 1975-1979 historical cost increases have not occurred at a constant rate. The 1979 increase in water operation costs was less than one- half of the average increase experienced between 1975 and 1979; in sewer operations, the 1979 cost increases were less than one-third of the four-year average. Moreover, a major factor in increased sewer costs was the 1978 conversion to a spray irrigation, total retention, sewage treatment system. Since this system meets the 1983 federal Clean Water Act standard of no- discharge, it is unlikely that increased operational costs relating to treatment changes will continue to occur. In short, the 1975-1979 historical cost increases of APPLICANT have been sporadic and do not support an assumption that they will continue to occur at the same rate. To include an attrition allowance based on such an assumption would be unwarranted. (Testimony of Gregg, Walker; P-2, R-1.) IV. Allowance of an Undocumented Operating Charge The APPLICANT proposed a $600 sewer expense item which was opposed by the COMMISSION because of lack of documentation. In response, the APPLICANT submitted--immediately prior to hearing--a cancelled check in the amount of $1,000. The discrepancy between the two amounts remains unexplained. Such action falls short of providing adequate documentation, and the proposed $600 sewer expense item must therefore be rejected. See, 25-10.77, FAC. V. Elements of Ratemaking and Applicant's Gross Revenue Requirements The parties agree: (1) that 14.5 percent is a fair and reasonable rate of return on rate base and reflects the actual cost of capital to APPLICANT; that the new rates should be designed in accordance with the base facility design concept, and that the quality of APPLICANT's water and sewer service is satisfactory. The remaining elements of ratemaking--rate base and net operating income--are not in dispute, and are depicted below: 3/ RATE BASE Test Year Ended 12/31/79 Water Sewer Plant in Service Accumulated $269,887 $511,200 Depreciation $(37,384) 4/ $(54,685) Net Plant $232,503 $456,515 Contributions in Aid of Construction (179,251) (360,055) Accumulated Amortization 22,421 Net Contributions in Aid of 4/ 41,231 4/ Construction (156,830) (318,824) Working Capital 3,515 7,082 TOTAL $ 79,188 $144,773 OPERATING STATEMENT Test Year Ended 12/31/79 Water Sewer Operating Revenues $53,300 $72,608 Operating Expenses: Operations 25,552 45,353 Depreciation 3,848 5/ 4,876 5/ Maintenance 2,572 6/ 11,306 6/ Amortization 1,439 Taxes Other Than Income 4,654 7/ 8,338 7/ TOTAL Operating Expenses $36,626 $71,312 Net Operating Income$16,674 $ 1,296 By applying a 14.5 percent rate of return against a rate base Of $79,188 for water and $144,773 for sewer, it is concluded that the APPLICANT should be allowed an opportunity to earn a return, or net operating income of $11,482 for water and $20,992 for sewer. Annual gross revenues of $48,108 (water) and $92,304 (sewer) are required to produce such a return--resulting in a net annual reduction of water revenues of $5,192 and a net increase of $19,696 in sewer revenues. VI. Interruption of Service Treatment Without Advance Notice Although the overall quality of its service has been adequate, infra, the APPLICANT has unnecessarily inconvenienced customers by interrupting water service without advance notice. These interruptions were planned in advance and not made on an emergency basis. The APPLICANT failed to adequately explain or excuse its failure to give timely notice. (Testimony of Pepper.)
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Magnolia Valley Services, Inc., be authorized to file new rates structured on the base facility charge concept and designed to generate gross annual revenues of $48,108 for water operations and $92,304 for sewer operations, based on the average number of customers served during the test year. It is further RECOMMENDED that the utility be directed to strictly comply in the future with Section 25-10.56, Florida Administrative Code, by giving advance notice of service interruptions which are not emergency in nature. DONE AND ORDERED this 1st day of April, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of April, 1981.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the receiver for Bayside Club, Islamorada, Inc., a dissolved Florida corporation ("Bayside"). Mr. Joseph Popplewell is a general contractor and former president of Bayside. Respondent is the governmental entity authorized by Chapter 76-441, Section 14(1), Laws of Florida, to adopt impact fees for the water system in the Florida Keys, to equitably adjust the financial burden of a new pipeline, and to expand it or improve appurtenant facilities between existing customers and new water users. In 1986, Bayside sought to construct a 30 unit hotel on approximately one acre of land in Monroe County, Florida. The development project was formally classified as an expansion of an existing eight unit hotel. The existing hotel, however, had little, if any, useful life, and, in substance, the project involved the development of a new 30 unit hotel. Bayside obtained a building permit on June 4, 1985. In the same month, the building permit was challenged by an adjacent land owner. The challenge asserted that the existing hotel constituted a grandfathered nonconforming use and that the building permit improperly treated the development site as if it were located in a zoning district which permitted hotel usage and subsequent expansion. During the last half of 1985, the Monroe County Commission considered the challenge to the building permit and found that the building permit was valid. The adjacent landowner filed suit against Bayside. The circuit court upheld the validity of the building permit. The suit was finally decided on May 29, 1990, when the Third District Court of Appeal reversed the lower court's decision that the building permit was valid. Dowd v. Monroe County, 557 So.2d 63 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990). On May 29, 1990, the circuit court entered its order declaring the building permit invalid. In 1986, Bayside was advised by Respondent that unit water system development fees ("impact fees") were scheduled to increase from $1,500 to $2,000. Bayside chose to avoid paying impact fees at the increased unit rate and to achieve a savings in development costs. On or about April 18, 1986, Bayside executed an Agreement For Water Service. On or about April 29, 1986, Bayside issued a check payable to Respondent in the amount of $36,840, which included impact fees in the aggregate amount of $33,000. As provided in Florida Administrative Code Rule 48-3.002 2., the Agreement For Water Service expressly stated in paragraph 1 that "SAID SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SHALL NOT BE REFUNDABLE." Construction of the proposed hotel stopped sometime in 1986. A receivor was appointed for Bayside by the appropriate circuit court on June 14, 1991. Sometime in early 1992, the receiver for Bayside requested a refund of the impact fees. Respondent denied that request in a letter dated February 27, 1992, but refunded amounts paid by Respondent in excess of the impact fees. Respondent's denial of Petitioner's request for a refund did not constitute an unreasonable classification and did not establish a differential rate that was either unjust or inequitable. Respondent has consistently applied Florida Administrative Code Rule 48-3.002 2. to prohibit the refund of impact fees regardless of the classification or rate charged the person who paid the impact fee. Petitioner had adequate notice in Rule 48-3.002 2. and the Agreement For Water Service that the impact fees were nonrefundable. Respondent reasonably anticipated that the projected costs for expanding the water system would be incurred. The county commission and circuit court both upheld the validity of the building permit. If Bayside reasonably anticipated that projected costs for expanding the water system and appurtenant facilities would not be incurred due to a suit challenging the building permit, Bayside had the option of not paying the impact fees until the final conclusion of litigation. Bayside was on notice that the impact fees were nonrefundable and chose to forego its option not to pay the fees until the conclusion of the suit challenging the building permit. Bayside made a business decision to save money and time by paying the impact fees when it did. Viewed in the light of hindsight, that business decision was imprudent. Bayside did not notify Respondent that the costs of expanding the system were not reasonably anticipated until six years after Bayside chose to pay the impact fees. The nonrefundable impact fees imposed by Respondent in 1986 were just and equitable. Expansion of the water system pipeline and appurtenant facilities was reasonably required as a result of the development proposed by Bayside at the time that the impact fees were imposed. The costs attributable to such expansion were reasonably anticipated by Respondent at the time that the impact fees were imposed. The use of the impact fees was limited to meeting such reasonably anticipated costs of expansion. The impact fees imposed by Respondent in 1986 did not exceed a pro rata share of reasonably anticipated costs. Expansion of Respondent's water system was necessary irrespective of the proposed hotel. The expansion of Respondent's water system and appurtenant facilities was financed through the sale of debentures. The indebtedness incurred is made good through revenues in the form of rates, fees, and other charges. Under such circumstances, rates and fees were set with a view towards raising the money necessary to repay the loan. The impact fees did not cease to be just and equitable merely because they were set high enough to meet the water system's reasonably anticipated capital requirements.
Findings Of Fact In light of the aforementioned stipulations entered into by the parties, the parties agreed that the only remaining disputed issue was the quality of service being provided by Petitioner. In this connection, the record establishes that Petitioner operates nine water systems in Duval County, one of which is known as the "Milmar Plant." Water furnished through this plant has, in the past, violated applicable regulatory standards with regard to high iron levels and corrosivity, to such an extent that the system was the subject of a Corrective Order entered by the Duval County Public Health Division of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services in 1980. However, as a result of Petitioner's agreement to connect to the City of Jacksonville water system, these problems should be alleviated when the switch-over and connection are accomplished. Accordingly, as a condition to approval of the requested rate increase, Petitioner should be required to complete the switch-over and connection to the City of Jacksonville water system prior to the entry of a Final Order granting the requested rate increase.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner began employment with Respondent in November 1983. He was assigned to the Water and Sewer Department as a laborer. In 1986, Petitioner was transferred by the Respondent to the Water and Sewer Department water meter shop to be a water meter repairman. Petitioner continued his employment in that section until the spring of 1993. At that time, Petitioner accepted status under the Respondent's Disability Income Replacement policy. This arrangement is for an employee who is absent due to disability for more than 60 days. He then becomes eligible to receive payment of 60 percent of the employee's regular earnings. From the years 1986 into 1990, Petitioner enjoyed good health. During that period his employee work evaluations ranged from satisfactory to above satisfactory. In 1990, Petitioner developed psoriasis. In the beginning, the condition was controlled through medical treatment. However, in 1991, Petitioner was diagnosed with bladder cancer. As a result, while being treated for the bladder cancer in 1991 and 1992, to include two surgeries, Petitioner was unable to receive medical treatment for his psoriasis. Consequently the psoriasis became more severe. There was a change in supervisory personnel on April 4, 1991, which affected Petitioner's employment status together with that of other employees within the Water and Sewer Department. The change came about when Richard Davis, who headed the Water and Sewer Department was replaced by Henry Hicks. Respondent had found it necessary to replace Davis, because in Respondent's view Davis was not satisfactorily addressing the personnel issues within the Water and Sewer Department. When hired, one of the issues which Hicks felt he needed to address was a morale problem caused by employee perceptions that the Department of Water and Sewer employee rules were not being enforced in a consistent manner. Hicks was of the opinion that this perception existed, in part, because supervisors maintained a casual approach to employee counseling and discipline. Hicks, in his tenure, reminded the supervisors to formalize their procedures in dealing with employee counseling and disciplining. He required the supervisor provide documentation of any disciplinary action whether verbally given or by a written reprimand. This change in direction tended to increase the number of documented incidences of imposition of employee discipline within the Water and Sewer Department. The first employee evaluation which Petitioner received after Hicks' assumption of his position of director of the Water and Sewer Department was in 1991. The 1991 evaluation which Petitioner was given contained positive and negative remarks about Petitioner's work performance. In the spring of 1991, the Water and Sewer Department held a picnic, an activity in which the employees were encouraged to participate. As in prior years the Petitioner volunteered to be a member of the food committee for the picnic and was appointed to that committee. Members of the food committee would serve food at the picnic. At that time, the Petitioner's psoriasis was such that he was noticeably peeling and flaking. Howard Johnson, a supervisor with Respondent approached Hicks and told Hicks that several employees had stated that they, the employees, would not go to the picnic if Petitioner served food because they were afraid that Petitioner's skin would flake into the food. Having been apprised of this situation, upon a date prior to the picnic, Hicks met with Petitioner and told Petitioner what had been reported to Hicks and asked Petitioner to serve the needs of the picnic activity in some other manner than food service. Specifically, the Petitioner was offered the opportunity to help "set up" the picnic area. Petitioner did not accept the alternative offer to assist in the outing. Instead, Petitioner was offended and felt that he was unreasonably singled out due to his psoriasis. Nonetheless, the reaction by other employees to having Petitioner serve food and the response by Hicks to offer an alternative opportunity to assist in the activity did not constitute harassment or unreasonable conduct toward Petitioner. In association with the picnic for the spring of 1991, Bobby Thigpen, a supervisor with Respondent, made a comment to Petitioner about Petitioner's psoriasis and Petitioner's participation on the food committee at the picnic. Although Petitioner was mindful of Thigpen's candor about the subject, Thigpen's remarks contributed to Petitioner's hurt feelings concerning other employees not wishing Petitioner to serve food at the picnic. The remarks by Thigpen were not designed to harass Petitioner based upon Petitioner's physical condition. In addition, Petitioner did not report Thigpen's remarks to his supervisor pursuant to Respondent's "No times relevant to the inquiry, prohibited harassment on the basis of handicap status as well as other protected categories. The policy instructed the employee who believed that he had been harassed to bring the matter to the supervisor or to the Human Resource Department within the organization if the employee did not feel that he could discuss the matter with his supervisor. Respondent's employees are required to attend an annual meeting to review this policy. Petitioner did not complain to the Human Resource Department that he had been harassed by Thigpen through Thigpen's remarks regarding Petitioner's service on the food committee. No other competent proof was offered to the effect that Respondent's employees had made derogatory comments about Petitioner's physical disabilities. Because Petitioner's psoriasis was in a more severe condition, Petitioner would leave flakes of skin on chairs in the Water and Sewer Department break-room. When the Petitioner's co residue they would switch chairs rather than sit in the chair on which Petitioner had left flakes of skin. Although Petitioner found out that the other employees were switching chairs due to the flakes of Petitioner's skin being found on the initial chair, there is no competent proof that any employee ever commented to the Petitioner that the employee would be opposed to the Petitioner eating in the break-room due to his physical condition. Petitioner, together with other employees who were supervised by Dan Miller, had been harassed by Miller at times relevant to the inquiry. In Petitioner's instance, Miller's harassment was not directed to Petitioner's physical disabilities. Some of the remarks made by Miller to Petitioner were that Petitioner was short and fat and further derogatory comments about Petitioner's haircut and clothes. Miller had also called the Petitioner dumb or stupid because Petitioner asked Miller to repeat instructions over the radio that was used for communicating between the supervisor and his respective employees. Notwithstanding Petitioner's contention that he had told Miller that he was having trouble hearing because of psoriasis that had spread to Petitioner's ears, Miller denies that Petitioner had told Miller that psoriasis was affecting Petitioner's hearing, and Miller's testimony is credited. On the contrary, without knowledge of any physical disability concerning hearing which Petitioner had, and without regard for the reaction any other employees which Miller supervised might have, Miller made insulting comments to employees which he supervised when talking to them on the radio. Employees other than Petitioner to whom the insulting comments were directed had no known physical disabilities. James Scarberry, a co-employee who worked for Miller, overheard Miller yell at Petitioner on occasion having to do with Petitioner's job performance, not Petitioner's physical disability related to hearing. Petitioner asked Miller and a co-worker not to smoke in his presence because he had recently had bladder cancer surgery. Petitioner contends that this request was met with laughter and jokes. Miller testified that the request was not met with jokes or laughter. Instead, Miller recalls, and his testimony is credited, that Petitioner complained that Al Nichols, a co-worker, had smoked excessively in Petitioner's presence. The subject of Nichols' and Miller's smoking in Petitioner's presence was discussed among Miller, Nichols and Respondent, and it was agreed that Nichols and Miller would try not to smoke excessively in Petitioner's presence. No medical evidence was presented which tended to identify the necessity for Petitioner to be afforded a smoke environment due to his medical condition or that Petitioner had ever made requests other than that directed to Miller and Nichols regarding not smoking in his presence at work. Petitioner had made requests that he be provided light duty because of the problems he experienced with his knees due to psoriasis. These requests were directed to Miller, Petitioner's immediate supervisor. The requests were not always granted. When Petitioner was turned down for light duty it was based upon the fact that light duty was generally not available in the Water and Sewer Department for any employee. Moreover, at that time, employees in Petitioner's work assignment usually worked alone and it would adversely affect the production of the unit if two repairmen were dispatched to do a job which would ordinarily take only one repairman to complete. Petitioner presented no proof concerning denial of light duty at a time when a physician may have specifically recommended light duty for Petitioner. Concerning discipline directed to the Petitioner, on March 18, 1982, Petitioner stopped at a job site to which he had not been assigned. There he engaged David Lipps, an employee of Respondent, in a conversation. Lipps was a supervisor at the site and the conversation had to do with the meal policy which had been applied at the site. Eventually the conversation became an argument, at which point Lipps told Petitioner that he did not belong at the job site and asked him to leave. Lipps then reported the incident to his supervisor, Rodney Thompson and the matter eventually came to the attention of Hicks. Hicks discussed the matter with the Petitioner and Lipps and concluded that Petitioner had no business purpose for being at the Lipps' job site and that Petitioner was responsible for causing the argument with Lipps. Petitioner was issued a written warning on March 26, 1992. The disciplinary reprimand was not related to Petitioner's physical disabilities. On May 18, 1992, Petitioner received a written reprimand. The reprimand was based upon the Petitioner's conduct while on weekend standby duty. This assignment was in keeping with the periodic requirement to serve on weekend standby. On May 16, 1992, Petitioner was on a standby status with Lipps. Lipps was referred to as the "A" worker and Petitioner was the "B" worker. The "A" worker was in charge of the work team. Petitioner arrived at the first job site 34 minutes before Lipps. When Lipps arrived, Petitioner complained that Lipps was an hour late. Petitioner then told Lipps that he had somewhere else to go that day. Lipps and Petitioner went to a second job and by that time Lipps told Petitioner that he was tired of Petitioner's complaining about having to work that day and concluded that Lipps did not have Petitioner's full cooperation. As a result, Lipps determined to leave the completion of the second job until the following Monday. Lipps reported the incident to his supervisor, Rodney Thompson. Petitioner had been previously counseled about his attitude concerning standby duty. Hicks reviewed the facts surrounding Lipps' complaint and decided to issue a written reprimand to Petitioner for making negative verbal remarks about Petitioner's duties and for failing to cooperate with his supervisor on standby duty. The disciplinary action was not for purposes of discriminating against Petitioner because of Petitioner's physical disabilities. Moreover, Hicks had reprimanded two other employees, Ed Swift and Bob Buckley for making negative verbal comments about job duties. Hicks did not know these other individuals to be suffering from any form of physical disability. In June of 1992, Petitioner applied for and was granted a leave of absence for an unspecified period. By June 2, 1992, Petitioner knew that he would need to go on extended leave beginning June 8, 1992. He failed to inform any of his supervisors that he was going on this medical leave. He did not show up for work on June 8, 1992. Hicks inquired of Petitioner on June 8, 1992, about not telling his supervisor that he was going to be on medical leave. Petitioner responded to the inquiry by indicating that he had told Scarberry, Petitioner's co-worker, of his intention to go on medical leave and that he had told a city clinic nurse that he was going on leave of absence. Hicks pointed out, correctly, that telling the nurse and Scarberry of Petitioner's intentions to take medical leave did not relieve Petitioner of the duty to directly inform a supervisor of that intention. Moreover, Scarberry had told the Petitioner that he, Scarberry, would not be at work the first day of Petitioner's medical leave, making it questionable that Scarberry would have advised a supervisor that Petitioner was hoping to be absent from work that day. Scarberry made Hicks aware that Scarberry had pointed out to Petitioner that he would not be at work on June 8, 1992. Petitioner's assertion that he wrote a note to his immediate supervisor, Miller, regarding the plan to be out on June 8, 1992, if true, is of no utility because the note was not given directly to Miller and was never indirectly received by Miller. Miller had not been at work June 5, 1992, the friday before Petitioner was missing from his job duty on June 8, 1992. Petitioner knew that Miller was not at work on June 5, 1992. As a consequence of not informing a supervisor that he was going to be on extended medical leave, Petitioner was disciplined. The action by Respondent on which Petitioner was given a written reprimand for failure to inform a supervisor that Petitioner was going to take extended medical leave did not constitute discrimination against Petitioner based upon his physical disabilities. Petitioner was allowed to take the extended medical leave. Noel Werner, a secretary in the Water and Sewer Department had also been reprimanded by Hicks for failing to follow proper procedures for obtaining authorization to take medical leave. Hicks is unaware of any physical disability that Ms. Werner may have. When Petitioner took leave in June of 1992, he believed that he would be eligible for Disability Income Replacement. However, in August 1992, Petitioner was informed that the Respondent's Risk Management Department had determined that he was ineligible because he was under the care of a licensed health counselor as opposed to an M.D. or a Ph.D. Carol Ingham, Respondent's Human Resource Director, learned of this circumstance and contacted the Assistant City Manager, Dick Lewis, and requested that Petitioner be granted an exception to the policy of not being eligible for Disability Income Replacement when using a licensed health counselor. As a result, Petitioner's request was reevaluated and he was ruled eligible for Disability Income Replacement through the policy pertaining to that status for the period August 4 through 30, 1992. Concerning his physical condition, in the spring of 1992, Petitioner was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his knees. This meant he was disabled to do any persistent bending or kneeling, which was a requirement of his employment in the Water and Sewer Department. His condition also disabled him from doing his assigned work because his work as a water meter repairman involved walking distances of a 100 feet or more on a persistent basis and standing all day. Concerning the medical leave of absence which Petitioner took in the summer of 1992, this subject was discussed by Ingham in conversation with the city clinic nurse, Holly McLaughlin. They talked about the stress which Petitioner seemed to be experiencing and the failure to follow the policy of informing his supervisor of his intention to take medical leave. On June 15, 1992, Ms. Ingham met with Petitioner and his wife to discuss Petitioner's stress. At that time, Petitioner reported to Ms. Ingham that Petitioner's supervisor Miller had treated him badly and that Miller had also treated other employees badly. Petitioner told Ingham that Miller had called Petitioner stupid and had been abusive in conversation over the radio. No claim was made by Petitioner that Miller had made comments directed to Petitioner's physical disabilities. As a follow Ingham discussed Petitioner's remarks about Miller's conduct with a number of the Petitioner's co-workers. Ingham decided that Miller had, in fact, yelled and cursed at a number of employees he supervised, to include Petitioner. No other employee reported to Ingham that Miller had made derogatory comments in their presence concerning Petitioner's physical disabilities. Based upon Ingham's findings, Hicks determined to discipline Miller for his conduct directed toward employees whom Miller supervised. Miller received a written reprimand and was given the option of being demoted or seeking counseling through an employee assistance program. Miller opted to go to the employee assistance program. Moreover, Miller was told that if conduct toward subordinates continued that he would be subject to more severe discipline to include discharge. Miller's treatment of the employees he supervises has improved since the imposition of discipline. Petitioner returned to work in August 1992, following his leave of absence for medical purposes. At that time, he was issued a service truck which another employee had been using. Petitioner felt that he should have been issued a new truck which the Water and Sewer Department operated. The truck that Petitioner had been issued was dirty and smelly. Miller told Petitioner that the newer truck was assigned to an employee who needed the larger truck because that employee would be performing heavier work than Petitioner would be called upon to perform. Miller offered to have the truck which Petitioner had been issued cleaned up or detailed. Petitioner declined that offer. Petitioner complained about the truck that he had been assigned to a co-worker, Fred Sauls. He told Sauls that he was going to take the truck he was issued and drive it to city hall to show Ingham, the Human Resource Director. In fact, Petitioner reported the incident to Ms. Ingham. The Petitioner received a letter of reprimand on September 4, 1992, for complaining to a co-worker and Ms. Ingham about an everyday work related problem rather than following the chain of command. Prior to receiving that written reprimand, Petitioner had been specifically counseled by Hicks concerning handling everyday work related problems through Petitioner's supervisor. Those specific instructions on everyday work related problems were not countermanded by the general opportunity which Hicks had described for employees to go outside the chain of command when they did not feel that they would get satisfaction from an immediate supervisor, and the open door opportunity to consult with the Human Resource Director. In this instance, the response from Miller was adequate to meet Petitioner's needs in confronting an everyday work related problem and Petitioner had no reason to complain to Sauls or to complain to Ingham. The written reprimand given to Petitioner was not designed to discriminate against Petitioner based upon his physical disabilities. Hicks and Ingham became aware of the Petitioner's inability to perform his assigned job duties due to his physical disabilities and they looked for other duties that the Respondent might be able to perform in view of his physical disabilities. The only positions that were found for which Petitioner was otherwise qualified and physically able to perform were part-time positions that did not offer medical benefits. Upon further reflection, Ingham and Hicks offered to combine these two positions in the Respondent's Recreation Department into a single job which would allow Petitioner to continue working and to receive benefits. The combined position was at a lesser pay than the present position which he held. Petitioner decided that he would prefer to be placed in the status of Disability Income Replacement in lieu of the combined jobs. In April 1993, Petitioner accepted the status of Disability Income Replacement and has not returned to work.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations which dismisses the Petitioner's claims. DONE and ENTERED this 13th day of June, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of June, 1994. APPENDIX The following discussion is given concerning the Proposed Findings of Fact of the parties: Petitioner's Facts: Paragraphs 1 through 6 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 7 through 14 are contrary to facts found. Respondent's Facts: Paragraphs 1 through 26 are subordinate to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: William A. Ramputi, Esquire Scott, Gleason & Pope, P.A. 409 Southeast Fourteenth Street Ocala, Florida 34471 David H. Spalter, Esquire Fisher & Phillips 2310 One Financial Plaza Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Human Relations Commission Building F Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee FL 32303-4149 Dana Baird, General Counsel Human Relations Commission Building F Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee FL 32303-4149
Findings Of Fact Quality of Service At the end of the test year (calendar year 1979), the utility provided water and sewer service to approximately 2,577 customers, most of whom reside in two mobile home parks. Of that number, seven testified at the hearing. Two were concerned with the magnitude of the increase sought by the utility, one complained of an odor emanating from the sewage treatment plant, and the remainder described the water as being discolored and having a bad taste. There were no complaints about poor water pressure or interruptions in service. At present, there are no citations or corrective orders with regard to the utility's water plant. Its sewage treatment facility is being operated pursuant to a temporary operating permit granted by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. The effluent from the sewage treatment facility is meeting all applicable standards. Rate Base Petitioner has proposed an average water rate base of $311,028 and a year-end sewer rate base of $426,373 (Exhibit No. 4). However, it proposes to include in water rate base additional costs associated with the construction of a water storage tank. This increases the utility's proposed average water rate base to $376,118. The Commission urges a number of adjustments to rate base which collectively have the effect of reducing the amounts proposed by the utility. These adjustments affect plant in service, construction work in progress, accumulated depreciation and working capital allowance, and should be accepted. First, a reduction in water plant and an increase in sewer plant are required to correct certain costs recorded in the wrong system account. It is also necessary to increase water plant and sewer plant to reflect the capitalization of certain costs that were improperly expensed. Second, the proposed inclusion in rate base of costs associated with the (1) automatic switching for chlorine feed and chlorine scale, (2) chlorine emergency repair kit, and (3) a 500,000 gallon concrete storage tank is improper because these expenditures are substantially beyond the scope of the test period and are not "required by (a) duly authorized governmental authority." Section 367.081(2), Florida Statutes. Third, because of the adjustment to plant in service, it is also necessary to adjust accumulated depreciation. Finally, revisions to the operation and maintenance expenses discussed hereinafter necessitate a mechanical adjustment to the utility's working capital allowance. The following schedules portray the adjusted rate bases for water and sewer operations, and a brief description of each of the adjustments made in arriving at those amounts. Ferncrest Utilities, Inc. Average Water Rate Base Year Ended December 31, 1979 COMPANY ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED BALANCES Utility Plant in Service $ 625,030 (1) $ 625,030 Construction Work in Progress 209,985 (200,375) (2)9,610 Accum. Depreciation (95,911) - (3) (95,911) CIAC (376,191) - (376,191) Working Capital Allowance 13,205 (244)(4) 12,961 Income Tax Lag -0- (234) (234) Adjusted Rate Base $ 376,118 $ 175,265 During the hearing, the utility revised its rate base exhibit to reflect the changes in plant in service discussed in the main body of this order (Exhibit No. 4). Accordingly, no adjustment is shown on the schedule. Reduces construction work in progress by eliminating the expected costs associated with the automatic switchings for chlorine feed and chlorine scale, chlorine emergency repair kit, and a 500,000 gallon concrete storage tank. During the hearing, the utility agreed with the change in accumulated depreciation occasioned by the revisions in plant in service in item (1)(Exhibit No. 4). Therefore, no adjustment is shown on this schedule. Restates the working capital allowance to reflect one-eighth of operation and maintenance expenses. Ferncrest Utilities, Inc. Year End Sewer Rate Base Year Ended December 31, 1979 COMPANY ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED BALANCES Utility Plant in Service $1,373,224 - (1) $1,373,224 Construction work in Progress 2,285 (2,285)(2) -0- Accum. Depreciation (180,902) - (180,902) CIAC (780,457) - (780,457) Working Capital Allowance 12,223 (428)(3) 11,795 Income Tax Lag -0- (603) (603) Adjusted Rate Base $ 426,373 $ 423,057 The utility revised its rate base exhibit during the hearing in accordance with the plant in service adjustments discussed above (Exhibit No. 4). Accordingly, no adjustment is reflected on the schedule. Reduces construction work in progress by eliminating those expected costs associated with the automatic switchings for chlorine feed and chlorine scale and a chlorine emergency repair kit. Restates the working capital allowance to reflect one-eighth of operation and maintenance expenses. Net Operating Income On Exhibit No. 13, the utility shows an operating loss of $39,241 for its water operations and an Operating loss of $14,857 for its sewer operations for calendar year 1979. The utility then adjusts its results of operations by including the additional revenues required to earn a fair rate of return, and additional operating and maintenance expenses that it contends should be recognized. As adjusted, Ferncrest portrays an operating income of $54,236 and $61,483 for its water and sewer operations respectively. Certain adjustments are required, however, which affect revenue, operation expense, maintenance expense, depreciation expense, taxes other than income and income taxes. Revenues must first be reduced to reflect only that amount which is being recommended hereinafter. Operation expense should be restated to (1) reflect the expenses in the proper system account, (2) show the proper accrual, (3) remove expenses that should be capitalized, (4) recognize additional expenses not reflected in test year operations, and (5) correct improper amortization periods and pro forma adjustments. Maintenance expense must necessarily be corrected to transfer out charges improperly recorded therein. Depreciation expense should be recalculated using an average depreciable base for water operations and a year-end depreciable base for sewer operations in accordance with the rate bases used above. Finally, an adjustment to gross receipts taxes and income taxes is required to conform such taxes to the appropriate amount of revenues being recommended herein. The adjusted operating incomes of the utility and a description of the adjustments made in arriving at those amounts are shown on the following schedule. FERNCREST UTILITIES, INC., Operating Income - Water Year Ended December 31, 1979 ADJUSTED COMPANY ADJUSTMENTS BALANCE Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: 178,221 (33,349) (1) $144,872 Operation $ 98,298 (2) 98,298 Maintenance 7,342 (1,957) (3) 5,385 Depreciation 3,367 - (4) 3,367 Taxes other than Income 12,211 (833) (5) 11,378 Income Taxes 2,766 (1,595) (6) 1,171 Total Operating Expenses $ 123,985 119,599 Operating Income $ 54,236 $ 25,273 Revenues are adjusted downward to reflect only that amount being recommended herein. The utility has agreed to utilize the amount of operation expenses reflected above (Exhibit No. 13) . Therefore, no adjustment is shown on the schedule. Reduces maintenance expense by eliminating the pro forma annual cost of motor maintenance, and amortizing certain repairs over a 3-year period (Exhibit No. 15, Schedule 1; Exhibit No. 17, Schedule B) Because the utility has agreed to the revision of depreciation expense stated above, the actual adjustment is not reflected on the schedule (Exhibit No. 13). Restates gross receipts taxes owed by the utility to conform with the recommended revenue increase (Exhibit No. 13) Conforms income taxes with increase in revenues. Ferncrest Utilities, Inc. Operating Income - Sewer Year Ended December 31, 1979 ADJUSTED COMPANY ADJUSTMENTS BALANCE Operating Revenues $ 181,672 (4,109) (1) $ 177,563 Operating Expenses Operation 90,312 (273) (2) 90,039 Maintenance 7,474 (3,150) (3) 4,324 Depreciation 7,478 - 7,478 Taxes other than Income 11,006 (102) (4) 11,704 Income Taxes 3,119 (105) (5) 3,014 Total Operating Expenses 120,109 116,559 Operating Income $ 61,493 $ 61 004 Adjusts revenues to reflect the actual amount being recommended heroin (Exhibit No. 13) Reduces operation expenses by using a 2-year amortization period for recalibration of a motor in lieu of charging all expenses to test year operations alone, and reclassifying STP deodorant costs to A/C 704 (Exhibit No. 15, Schedule 2). Revises maintenance expense by eliminating the pro forma annual cost of motor maintenance (Exhibit No. 17, Schedule A) Adjusts taxes other than income to reflect the appropriate amount of gross receipts taxes related to the recommended increase in revenues (Exhibit No. 13). Conforms income taxes with increase in revenues. COST OF CAPITAL The utility's application reflects it had a deficit in its equity accounts and no outstanding long-term debt as of the end of the test period. It did have approximately $600()00 in short-term debt which it characterized as "demand monies." It intends to roll over the short-term debt by borrowing $600,000 from The Dania Bank at 14 percent interest rate. The utility's capital structure would then consist of 100 percent debt at a cost rate of 14 percent. It was this return that was initially used by the utility in developing its revenue requirements. However, Commission approval is required in order to consummate that loan agreement. Such approval was denied by Order No. 9539, dated September 15, 19-30, in Docket No. 800577-US. On reconsideration the Commission approved the application by Order No. 9665, dated November 26, 1900, provided the utility use $120,000 of the proceeds as cumulative preferred stock. Accordingly, the pro forma capital structure will consist of 16.65 percent equity and 83.15 percent long term debt, By agreement of the parties, a cost rate of 14 percent should be assigned to the debt component and a 16 percent cost rate assigned to equity. The overall resulting cost of capital is 14.42 percent, and that rate should be used in determining the utility's revenue requirements. REVENUE REQUIREMENTS Given the above cost of capital, a grant of $68,540 in additional annual water revenues and $83,663 in additional annual sewer revenues should enable Ferncrest to earn a fair return on its utility operations. RATE STRUCTURE Residential water customers are now assessed a minimum monthly charge which includes a minimum number of gallons and a one-sept excess rate over that minimum gallonage. A declining block type of rate structure is used for general service water customers. Residential sewer customers with 5/8" x 3/4" meters pay a flat rate each month irrespective of usage, while those with larger meter sizes have the same structure as do residential water customers. General service sewer rates are based upon a declining block rate structure. The base facilities charge advocated by the Commission is superior to the rate designs presently used. Under this type of structure, a minimum charge will be assessed to recover the fixed or base costs of providing service, such as depreciation, taxes and a portion of billing and collecting expenses. Thereafter, a variable charge will be made for the gallons actually consumed. Because this type of rate structure offers greater control to the customer as to the amount of his bill, and allocates costs in a more equitable manner, it should be adopted. During the test year, a $5.50 fee was collected from approximately 50 customers per month who did not pay their bills in a timely fashion. This revenue ($3,300 on an annual basis) should be treated as miscellaneous revenue in designing the new rates. The utility reguests approval of a new tariff provision that governs the use of oversized lines and facilities constructed for developers (Exhibit No. 10) This provision is necessary in order to prescribe the deposit requirements for main extensions, and should be approved. The utility owns and operates a sewage collection and sewage treatment system which provides sewage treatment and disposal services to an adjacent travel park. As a result of this discharge, Ferncrest incurs chemical costs that exceed its applicable tariff rates. It proposes to amend its tariff to permit the recovery of such costs from the travel park (Exhibit No. 1) . Without this provision, the general body of ratepayers would be required to subsidize a portion of the operations. Accordingly, it should be accepted. The Commission proposes that language be added to the tariff which states: "During the period that service is not being furnished to the premises, a monthly standby charge equivalent to the base facility charge will be made. If service is terminated and resumed at the same address to the same customer within twelve months from the date of termination, an amount equal to the base facility charge for the period of the service termination will be collected as a condition precedent to the restoration of service." This change is necessary in order for the utility to recoup the fixed costs incurred in maintaining service to the customers, and it should be incorporated into the tariff. Finally, because an average rate base has been used for water operations and a year-end rate base for sewer operations, rate allocations for the systems should be based upon average and year-end customers and consumption respectively.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Ferncrest Utilities, Inc. be granted in part and that the utility be authorized to file new tariffs to be approved by the Florida Public Service Commission that will generate $68,540 and $83,663 in additional annual gross revenues for the utility's water and sewer operations. It is further RECOMMENDED that the utility file appropriate tariff sheets in conformity with the Rate Structure portion of this Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the bond or letter of credit filed by the utility be returned for cancellation. This Recommended Order entered on this 12th day of December, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of December, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: R.M.C. Rose, Esquire Suite 103, 1020 E. Lafayette Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jerome L. Hall, Esquire Suite 304, 200 S.E. 6th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Marta M. Crowley, Esquire 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue Whether a permit to convert previously permitted percolation ponds to a land application, reclaimed water, spray and drip irrigation system should be granted to Respondent, Destin Water Users, Inc.
Findings Of Fact The City of Destin, Florida is located on a sandy strip of land which lies between the Gulf of Mexico to the south and the Choctawhatchee Bay to the north. This strip of land generally consists of rapidly percolating soil. Importantly, the strip of land has a breakline running through it which functions similar to the Continental Divide of North America in determining the direction of flow of any water located on either side of the divide. In this case, the breakline causes water to flow either north or south depending on which side of the breakline the water is located. DWU provides water and sewer treatment to residents and businesses located in the City of Destin, Florida. In order to provide its sewer service, DWU operates a waste water treatment plant along with several wastewater percolation ponds and wastewater spray and drip irrigation systems. Sometime in 1991, DWU entered into a lease agreement with a third party in which DWU would permit the third party to construct a golf course on a thirty acre site which currently contains four of DWU's percolation ponds. The four percolation ponds, which are the subject of this proceeding are located off U.S. Highway 98 in Destin, Florida. The northern boundary of the subject site is the southern boundary of the property in which Petitioners' have an interest. After construction of the golf course, DWU plans to continue to dispose of treated wastewater at the site by using a dual irrigation system consisting of a sprinkler system for spray irrigation and a series of underground plastic pipes for slow drip irrigation. DWU desired to create a dual use for the 30 acre site in order to generate more income from the property and still be able to dispose of wastewater on the property. In order to accomplish its goal, DWU was required to obtain a permit for the planned conversion of the percolation ponds to a land application, reclaimed water, spray and drip irrigation system. Because a spray and drip irrigation system would be put into place, DWU would be required to provide additional nutrient and BOD removal before water is put on the property. DWU clearly has the capability and experience required to provide additional nutrient and BOD removal. Also because a spray and drip irrigation system would be substituted for the percolation ponds the maximum quantity of effluent to be applied to the property would be reduced to 1.58 gallons per day under the proposed permit. The location of the percolation ponds and consequently the proposed spray and drip irrigation system is a superior site for effluent disposal because of the sandy soil, high elevation relative to the property surrounding the site, and the high permeability rate of the soil. The ponds have been in existence for approximately ten years, and have operated under a permit which allows a maximum average of 1.65 million gallons of wastewater a day to be applied to the ponds' 30 acre site. Indeed, when the ponds were originally permitted approximately ten years ago all of the various factors affecting flow rates were reduced to calculations to determine the amount of effluent which could safely be placed on the percolation ponds' site to insure complete and continual compliance with Department requirements. To date, all of the effluent currently being applied to the percolation ponds meets the Department's standards when it leaves the percolation pond property and there have not been any violations of the operating permit or any other statutes, or rules for the subject percolation ponds during the history of their operation. Similarly, the design calculations for the proposed conversion to the spray and drip irrigation system on the proposed golf course show that the water quality will continue to meet the Department's standards when it leaves the property. The pond site is surrounded by eight monitoring wells. These wells measure the level of any contaminants which may seep into the groundwater and also measure any changes in groundwater levels. The monitoring wells are a requirement of the percolation ponds' permit to insure compliance, with state water quality standards and to insure that the percolation ponds are not adversely affecting any off-site property. DWU has submitted quarterly reports of the readings from these monitoring wells, as required by law, to the Department. The wells will remain in place should the property be converted to a golf course with a spray and drip irrigation wastewater disposal system. A portion of the monitoring wells which encircle the percolation ponds lie along the northern boundary of the percolation ponds, which is the southern boundary of Petitioners' property. Petitioners submitted the testimony of two lay witnesses in an attempt to establish a causal relationship between the percolation ponds and flooding in and around the percolation pond area. Petitioners' witness, Bud Sharon, testified that he saw water on property located immediately to the south of DWU's percolation ponds which he had previously owned. The water Mr. Sharon saw was a continuous stream of water running down the side of his property. The stream of water developed after the ponds had been built. However, this witness was not qualified to render any expert opinions correlating the presence of any water on his property to any activities on DWU's percolation ponds. Most importantly, the evidence showed that the ponds were not in continuous use by DWU and at times were dry while Mr. Sharon's stream was continuous. This fact alone leads to the conclusion that the stream of water Mr. Sharon testified about was caused by factors not attributable to the percolation ponds. Additionally, analysis of the water found upon this witness' property was determined to be free from any contaminants and did not pose any health risks. Finally, the evidence demonstrated that with improved storm water control throughout the general area the stream has abated. Dale Whitney was also proffered by petitioners and presented lay testimony regarding his observations of water in the vicinity of the percolation ponds. This witness testified that he saw water emanating from the berm which forms the southern boundary of the DWU percolation ponds. However, it was established during cross-examination that this witness did not know whether the DWU percolation ponds were in use at the time or when they had previously been in use. This witness also admitted under cross-examination that he was not qualified through experience, training or otherwise to opine about the source of water which he observed or whether it was in any way attributable to the percolation ponds. Additionally, the evidence showed that Mr. Whitney's observations occurred shortly after a heavy rain and during a particularly wet time of the year. In short, the water seen by Mr. Whitney more than likely was the result of storm water control in the area with rainwater percolating out of the berm. The evidence was insufficient to show that effluent from the percolation ponds was leaking through the berm. On the other hand, the empirical data from the monitoring wells surrounding the percolation ponds demonstrates that the breakline for the area is north of the percolation ponds' site and is on Petitioners' property. The groundwater at the subject site flows in a southerly direction to the Gulf of Mexico. The data from the monitoring wells also indicates that the wastewater stays in the groundwater and does not emanate to the surface and cause flooding. Similarly, there was no competent substantial evidence that the subject site caused any flooding at any time to the Petitioners' property. Indeed the historical data gathered from the percolation ponds' site demonstrates that water on that site runs away from Petitioners' property. In short, Petitioners failed to offer any plausible basis for inferring that water on the percolation ponds' site could flow uphill over the breakline and cause either flooding or raised nutrient levels on Petitioners' property. 1/ Moreover, for the past ten years during which the percolation ponds have been in existence, all effluent contaminant levels have been well within compliance with all Department rules. Moreover, Petitioners presented no substantial credible evidence, either testimonial or documentary, concerning any water sample analyses in support of their allegations regarding water borne contaminants emanating from the percolation ponds onto their property; and no substantial credible evidence in any way materially controverting the engineering information submitted by DWU in its application or the determinations made by the Department in its analyses and approval of DWU's application. Clearly, the actual performance of the percolation ponds over the past ten years establishes that the site will perform in accordance with the Department's rules should the proposed conversion be allowed. Additionally, given DWU's full compliance with all of the Department's rules relative to the performance and function of the percolation ponds over the past ten years, as well as compliance on DWU's use of its currently existing reclaimed water reuse systems and the fact that the conversion proposal meets the Department's water quality and design criteria requirements for reclaimed water use, reasonable assurances that DWU will continue to comply with all the Department's rules should the proposed conversion be allowed have been given and the permit should be granted.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order issuing permit application number DC46-199969 to Destin Water Users, Inc. RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of August, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 1992.