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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-003002 Latest Update: Nov. 17, 1989

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses described in the Administrative Complaint? If so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him?

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a roofing contractor licensed to practice in the State of Florida. Since January, 1982, he has been the qualifying agent for Tropical Clima-Coat Inc. (Tropical). On September 21, 1983, Tropical entered into a written contract with Bertha Guerry and her husband Joseph, in which it agreed, for $2,449.10, to perform the following roofing work on the Guerrys' residence, which was located at 2185 S.W. 38th Street in Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Remove loose gravel and dirt from existing roof surface/flat deck. Apply Tropical Clima-Coat's resin- based cement to fill holes and cracks in the roof surface. Apply acrylic primer to provide maximum adhesion for acrylic waterproofing. Apply acrylic waterproofing, creating a uniform, bonded, elastomeric, watertight surface. Apply White Acrylic Roof Finish as a durable, mildew-resistant wear barrier. The contract further provided that the Guerrys were to receive a "5 year, 100% warranty against leaks." The work specified in the contract was completed on October 31, 1983, and the Guerrys thereupon paid Tropical in full. Tropical, in turn, gave the Guerrys a written warranty signed by its Vice-President, which provided, in part, as follows: If within 5 years after Tropical Clima- Coat applies its Roof System to your roof, a leak develops because of the failure of our roofing system,* we will repair it free. * Damage excluded from warranty: Tropical Clima-Coat shall not be liable for any leaks or damage caused by riots or vandalism, termites or other insects, penetration of the roof or waterproofing system by nails; nor shall Tropical Clima-Coat be liable for leaks or damage caused by acts of God, including but not limited to: lightening, gale, hurricane, tornado, hailstorm, flood, earthquake, or unusual phenomena of the elements; nor from damage to roof due to settlement, distortion, dry rot, failure or cracking of the roof deck, walls, partitions, or foundation of the structure; nor defects or failure of materials used as a roof base, over which our waterproofing system is applied; nor by biological growth, traffic upon the roof or any similar cause. The warranty also contained the following provision prescribing the time and manner in which claims under the warranty had to be made: The owner of the roof will notify Tropical Clima-Coat immediately by certified mail, at its main office (3746 N.W. 16th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33311) of any leaks alleged to result from causes not excluded from coverage by this warranty. Such notification must be mailed within 30 days of discovery of the need for repairs, and all correspondence must include the above Certificate Number. In June, 1986, Mrs. Guerry noticed that there was a leak in her roof above the living room. She telephoned Tropical and requested that it repair the leak in accordance with the warranty she and her husband had been given. Tropical responded promptly to Mrs. Guerry's request. It sent one of its workers to the Guerry residence and he patched the leak. Arrangements were made for the worker to return to the Guerry residence and pressure clean the roof. Pursuant to these arrangements, the worker came back to the residence and pressure cleaned the roof as he had promised. It took him two hours to complete the task. Following the pressure cleaning of the roof, Mrs. Guerry discovered that there were now leaks in the roof above the kitchen. Having made this discovery, she again telephoned Tropical and requested that it repair these newly-discovered leaks. As it had done in response to her previous telephonic request, Tropical dispatched a worker to the Guerry residence, albeit not as promptly as on the prior occasion. The worker applied black ceramic granules to the surface of the roof in an attempt to alleviate the problem. The Guerrys now had a black roof instead of the white roof for which they had contracted. Mrs. Guerry again telephoned Tropical and complained about the new color of her roof. Tropical responded by having a worker go to the Guerry residence and spray paint the roof white. The paint, however, did not adhere well to the granular material on the roof. Furthermore, Mrs. Guerry observed new leaks in the roof. On September 8, 1986, she telephoned Tropical to advise it of these recent developments. Respondent visited the Guerry residence the next day. He told Mrs. Guerry that Tropical intended to remove the granules and recoat the roof with an asphalt material imbedded with a polyester fabric for greater strength to prevent against leaks. He further assured her that, upon completion of the repair work, the roof would be white. On September 15, 1986, a crew of Tropical workers were on the Guerrys' roof with approximately 80 to 100 gallons of asphalt when a sudden, unexpected heavy rainstorm interrupted their work. The rainwater mixed with the asphalt and created "black goo," some of which fell from the roof onto the sides of the house, the porch, the driveway, the sidewalks, the grass, the bushes, and the trees. Tropical had its workers endeavor to clean up the mess that the rainstorm had created. They used mineral spirits in an attempt to remove the hardened remains of the "black goo" from the porch, the driveway and the sidewalks and swept the residue onto the grass, bushes and trees. In so doing, they contaminated the soil and killed the vegetation. Respondent was responsible for the decision to use mineral spirits in the cleanup effort. He did not realize, as he should have, that the use of this substance would result in environmental damage. The cleanup progressed slowly. Frustrated by the lack of substantial progress, Mrs. Guerry telephoned Respondent and demanded that he go to her home and do something about the situation. Respondent did not believe that his presence at the home would help matters any and he told Mrs. Guerry so. Nonetheless, on September 17, 1986, he paid his final visit to the Guerry residence. During his visit, Respondent met with Mrs. Guerry for approximately an hour and a half. Mrs. Guerry expressed to Respondent her outrage concerning the situation. Respondent recognized that Mrs. Guerry had a right to be annoyed and that Tropical needed to take action to remedy her plight. He wrote down on a piece of paper the following things that Tropical would do for the Guerrys: FIX ROOF LOOSEN SOIL W/RAKE 4. REMOVE "STICKINESS" FROM DRIVEWAY AND SIDEWALK 3. REMOVE BLACK FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE (STAINS WILL REMAIN) REMOVE "STICKINESS" FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE REMOVE STICKINESS FROM DECORATIVE WALL (STAINS WILL REMAIN) REMOVE STICKINESS FROM SIDEWALKING STONES REMOVE BLACK FROM CHAT @ BACK DOOR SOD- TO BE DETERMINED LATER Respondent indicated he would sign this document and he asked Mrs. Guerry to do the same to acknowledge their understanding and agreement as to the remedial action Tropical was to take. Mrs. Guerry refused. Nonetheless, the cleanup effort continued. Mrs. Guerry, however, did not permit Tropical to continue its repair work on the roof. Concerned about the damage that had been done to the vegetation on her property, Mrs. Guerry contacted a horticultural consultant, Robert G. Haelhle. Haelhle surveyed the property on September 18, 1986. Following his survey he wrote a letter to the Guerrys advising them of the following: On September 18, 1986, I visited the Guerry property at Mrs. Guerry's request. The landscape plantings are in real trouble due to a mineral spirits spill. Mineral spirits and water were used to clean up roofing tar that washed off the roof after a heavy rainstorm. The kerosene [sic] and water mixture washed over the lawn, around the base of a West Indian Cherry tree (very rare), an arborvitae, and a 165 foot Ixora hedge on the east and west sides of the house. The Ixora hedge is over 7 feet tall and 30 years old and would not be replaceable. The mineral spirits/water mix will poison the soil and eventually could affect the water table. All affected soil will have to be removed from the area before any new planting can be accomplished. The West Indian Cherry was starting to yellow and the grass was dying at the time of my visit. Time is of the essence to preserve the remaining plantings. The kerosene [sic]/water mix poisons the root system of the plants and does not allow for normal water penetration. I am not optimistic about the remaining plantings. I contacted Jane McCarthy of the Environmental Quality Board, tel: 765- 5881. She was to send an inspector to assess the soil damage at the site. Neither Tropical nor Respondent replaced the "plantings" that had been damaged or destroyed as a result of the cleanup effort. On September 22, 1989, Mrs. Guerry telephoned Respondent. She reiterated that she did not want any work done on the roof until she had an independent expert inspect it and provide her with guidance. That same day, Edward T. Weiner, a licensed architect hired by the Guerrys, inspected their roof. Based on his observations of the condition of the roof, it was Weiner's opinion that the repair work done by Tropical was unacceptable and that a new roof needed to be installed. He so advised the Guerrys by letter dated September 29, 1986. The Guerrys also hired an attorney, Craig W. Lekach, to furnish them legal advice and representation concerning their dealings with Tropical. On September 23, 1986, Lekach telephoned Respondent and instructed him to "get busy" with the repair work that needed to be done. The following day, Respondent telephoned Mrs. Guerry and told her that he was anxious to complete the repair work on her roof. Mrs. Guerry took the opportunity to again express her displeasure with the work Tropical had done. She also indicated that she had yet to hear from Weiner regarding his assessment of the condition of the roof. That same day, September 24, 1986, Respondent received word that a Broward County Environmental Compliance Officer had inspected the Guerrys' property and determined that mineral spirits used in the cleanup effort had contaminated soil on the property. Respondent was further informed that the excavation of the contaminated soil would remedy the situation. Having received permission from the Guerrys' attorney to proceed with the repair work, Respondent sent a crew to the Guerry residence on September 25, 1986, to vent the roof. Mrs. Guerry, however, did not allow the workers to install the vents. Another telephone conversation between Mrs. Guerry and Respondent ensued. Respondent reiterated that it was his desire to finish the work that needed to be done on the roof. Mrs. Guerry, in turn, indicated that she would not let Tropical continue its work on the roof until she had Weiner's report in hand and had the opportunity to further discuss the matter with her attorney, her son and others with whom she had consulted. The conversation ended with Respondent telling Mrs. Guerry that he would be waiting to hear from her. On September 26, 1989, Respondent wrote a letter to Attorney Lekach in which he complained that Mrs. Guerry was interfering with Tropical's efforts to make her whole. The letter read, in part, as follows: We do carry casualty insurance and I feel it may be best to supply you with the name and address of our agent and allow him to coordinate with Mrs. Guerry's homeowners agent. Truly, this situation is considered an "act of God" and I do not believe that we can adequately communicate with the customer as she is in such an excited state we now find her implacable. We would be glad to install the proper roof vents and do the final painting of her roof if she will permit us. If she will not, then we must close the file and direct her to our insurance company. This is really unfortunate! Sound roofing practices were utilized; we were careful to watch the weather and, although we had a sudden cloudburst, we did stay around to try to clean up. We have not been negligent and we have spent considerable time and money to resolve the situation. Please advise at your earliest convenience. Respondent next heard from Lekach on October 9, 1986. Later that same day, pursuant to Lekach's request, Respondent met with Lekach and discussed "the problems at the Guerry residence." The following day, Lekach sent Respondent a letter memorializing the highlights of their discussion. The letter provided, in part, as follows: You will be permitted access to the Guerry property for the following purposes: Inspection of the roof, cleaning of the yard which will include replacement of sod as necessary, replacement of topsoil as necessary, and removal of tar. The performance of the above shall neither be construed as an admission of liability on your part, nor an acceptance of this work as being satisfactory or complete. I agree, however, that it is imperative that steps be taken immediately to mitigate the damage. Further we will both be doing the following: obtain information about repair methods and costs for chattahoochee surface. obtain information about repair methods for the "staining" problem on walls and patio so that the area can be painted. review proposals for correction or replacement of roof, if necessary. There is going to have to be a certain amount of good faith between you and Mrs. Guerry if this situation is to be resolved without litigation. Accordingly, we are now permitting you access to the property in the hope that you will also attend to the other matters set forth above. Mrs. Guerry has been hesitant to accept a partial resolution of this problem without your commitment to complete all of the repairs and this is the reason that the cleanup was delayed in some respects. Hopefully, we will be able to work towards resolving all aspects of the damage. On October 11, 1986, Respondent dispatched a crew to the Guerry property to perform the excavation work that was necessary to remove the soil that had been contaminated by the mineral spirits used in the cleanup effort. On this occasion, the workers were given access to the property for this purpose and they removed and replaced the contaminated soil. On October 13, 1986, Tropical sent a crew to the Guerry property to inspect their roof. Mrs. Guerry would not permit the Tropical workers to enter the premises. She indicated that she would not allow the workers on her property to inspect or repair the roof until she had heard from all those with whom she had consulted regarding the matter. Having been denied access to the property by Mrs. Guerry, the workers left without performing their inspection. At no time thereafter did the Guerrys directly contact Tropical and request that the workers return to the residence to finish the repair of the roof. In the absence of any such direct communication from the Guerrys, Tropical did not attempt to do any further repair work on the roof after October 13, 1986. On October 6, 1986, the Broward County Environmental Quality Control Board had issued a notice of violation citing Tropical with discharg[ing] a substance (mineral spirits) to ground." A hearing on the charge was held before the Board on November 7, 1986. Respondent appeared on behalf of Tropical at the hearing. He admitted that Tropical was guilty of discharging a pollutant, to wit: mineral spirits, into the soil, although he explained that the violation was a product of ignorance on his part regarding the qualities of mineral spirits. Based on this admission of guilt, the Board imposed a $500.00 fine, which was subsequently paid by Respondent. In late 1986, the Guerrys filed with the Department of Professional Regulation a complaint against Respondent. An investigation of the complaint was conducted, following which an initial determination was made that there was "presently no probable cause to find that [Respondent] violated the contractor disciplinary statutes." Respondent was notified of this determination by letter dated May 14, 1987. This determination of no probable cause was subsequently reversed. On January 11, 1989, an administrative complaint was filed by the Department charging Respondent with wrongdoing in connection with the work performed on the Guerry home. The Guerrys no longer own the home. The property was purchased by Broward County in furtherance of the County's airport expansion project. Respondent has previously been disciplined by the Construction Industry Licensing Board. In early 1987, Respondent was fined $500.00 for failing to obtain a permit as required by local law. In March, 1988, he was fined $1,500.00 for failing to call for all required inspections. In August, 1988, he was fined $500.00 for proceeding without a required permit, failing to obtain all required inspections, failing to reasonably honor a guarantee, and displaying gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Construction Industry Licensing Board enter a final order (1) finding Respondent guilty of gross negligence and incompetence, in violation of Section 489.129(1)(j) and (m), Florida Statutes, in connection with his supervision of the cleanup of the Guerry residence; (2) suspending Respondent's license for six months and imposing a fine of $1500 for said violation; and (3) dismissing the remaining charges against Respondent that are set forth in the instant Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 17th day of November, 1989. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of November, 1989.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57489.105489.115489.119489.129
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002919 Latest Update: Jul. 16, 1982

Findings Of Fact Joseph Barrass is a registered roofing contractor holding State of Florida license number RC0026890. Respondent was so licensed at all times relevant to this proceeding. Respondent began doing business as a registered roofing contractor through his corporation, J. B. Roofing and Repairs, Inc., about six years ago. This corporation was dissolved and he continued as a roofing contractor through a corporation known as Roofing Services, Inc. He next did business through a third corporation, C. B. Roofing, Inc. Most recently he has done business as C. B. Roofing, a sole proprietorship. Respondent failed to register any of these entities with Petitioner, and is still licensed under his original fictitious name, J. B. Roofing and Repairs. Respondent contracted with Green Glades Construction Co. in early 1979, to install roofs on some 28 new houses. A dispute arose between the parties regarding several unfinished and leaking roofs. Respondent contends he refused to complete the roofs at issue due to nonpayment in accordance with the oral contract. He also argues that he was unable to repair the leaks while the roofs were wet, as demanded by Green Glades. The dispute was settled through civil proceedings. Another matter which culminated in civil action concerned the installation and repair of a patio roof pursuant to an oral contract between Respondent and Marvin Berkowitz, at the latter's Coral Springs residence. Berkowitz complained that Respondent failed to correct a leak in this roof as required by their agreement. Respondent claims the leak was the result of an improperly installed ceiling fan and the flat roof design demanded by Berkowitz. Respondent completed the job and received final payment on October 9, 1979. However, the roof leaked and Berkowitz thereafter contacted Respondent on numerous occasions requesting repairs. It was not until Berkowitz retained counsel and threatened legal action that Respondent made any effort to repair the leak. He returned on February 14, 1980, and did limited repair work. The roof continued to leak and Berkowitz sought damages through civil action. The evidence is conflicting as to whether or not the ceiling fan had been removed when Respondent returned in February, 1980. Berkowitz testified that it had been removed, and Respondent testified that it had not. The evidence is also in conflict with respect to the caveats and/or assurances Respondent gave Berkowitz regarding this installation. The recollections of both witnesses were self-serving and their testimony was generally lacking in credibility. The City of Coral Springs' building code requires a contractor to obtain a permit prior to roof installation. Respondent knew he was required to obtain such a permit for the Berkowitz project, but failed to do so.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of violating Sections 489.119, 489.129(1)(g) and 489.129(1)(j), F.S., in failing to register his business entities and contracting without requisite qualification. It is further RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of violating Subsection 489.129(1)(d), F.S., for wilful disregard of the Coral Springs building code pertaining to building permits. It is further RECOMMENDED: That all other charges against Respondent be dismissed. It is further RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner suspend Respondent's roofing contractor's license for a period of six months. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of February, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of February, 1982.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57489.119489.129
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Aug. 15, 2017 Number: 17-004640 Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida Aug. 20, 2010 Number: 10-008075 Latest Update: Nov. 12, 2019

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent, Linda Ratliff, d/b/a Suncoast Roofing of Polk County, Inc. (Respondent), violated provisions of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes (2009),1 as alleged in the Administrative Complaint dated June 21, 2010, issued by Petitioner, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Construction Industry Licensing Board (Petitioner or Department), and, if so, what penalties should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of contracting, pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 489, Florida Statutes. Respondent is, and has been at all times material to the allegations of this case, a certified roofing contractor, license number CCC 058307. Respondent’s license is currently in “probation, active” status. Respondent’s address of record is 2023 Shoreland Drive, Auburndale, Florida 33823. Linda Ratliff, individually, is the licensed, primary qualifying agent for Suncoast Roofing of Polk County, Inc. (Suncoast). J. Ratliff works in the family business, and has done so for approximately 17 years. As the primary qualifying agent for Suncoast, Linda Ratliff is responsible for the supervision of all operations of the business. Such operations include, but are not limited to, field work at contract sites, financial responsibility for the entity, and all contractual obligations of the company. In this case, the only contractual obligation in dispute is in relation to a contract between Respondent and Ray and Loretta Noble. On or about February 25, 2009, Respondent entered into a contract (the contract) with Ray and Loretta Noble. The contract described the work to be performed. The address for the property was identified as 1021 and 1023 Brunell Road, Lakeland, Florida. The Noble property was a duplex, and the contract required the owner to pay $6,800.00 “when finish with work.” The terms of the contract specified that Respondent would: remove the old, flat roofing; replace felt with glass base; fix any rotten wood; recover the roof with 1.5 Iso Board installation and Rubber Bitumen; replace roof stacks with new stacks; obtain the permit; torch down Bitumen; install 12-year manufacturer warranty on shingles, 12 years on Rubber Bitumen, 15 TPO; provide a five-year warranty on labor; clean-up and haul off all trash from roof; roll yard with magnetic roller; provide professional job supervision, and re-shingle the front of the apartment. Respondent applied for and received a building permit for the Noble contract on or about February 27, 2009. Thereafter, Respondent proceeded with work on the property. On or about March 3, 2009, Respondent requested payment from Mr. Noble regarding completion of the roof. J. Ratliff, acting in his capacity as an agent for Respondent, represented to Mr. Noble that the job was finished and that payment was due and owing. Based upon Mr. Ratliff’s representations, Mr. Noble believed that the roof had passed inspection, and that the roof had been installed as presented in the contract. Accordingly, Mr. Noble paid Respondent the full contract price for the job. Unbeknownst to Mr. Noble, the new roof did not pass inspection. In fact, the roof never passed inspection. Initially, Respondent failed to perform minor work to ensure that the roof was water tight. For each deficiency identified by a city inspector, Respondent returned to the job site and made minor repairs. Ultimately, the job could not pass inspection due to the placement of air-conditioning units on the roof of the structure. Respondent did not remove the units prior to installing the new roofing system. In order to assure a water- tight roof, the units would have needed to be removed so that roofing materials could be place underneath. Afterward, the units would have to be re-positioned on the roof. Instead, Respondent sealed around the existing air conditioners as best as could be done, but Respondent’s work did not prevent water from intruding below. After a series of failed inspections, on or about July 7, 2009, city officials, Respondent, and the property owner met at the job site to determine what could be done to cure the roof problems. City officials advised the property owner that the air-conditioning units would need to be moved to allow the installation of roofing material and re-set afterwards. Mr. Noble did not want to incur the cost of the additional project. Respondent also refused to correct the job so that it could pass inspection. Respondent advised Mr. Noble that it would cost an additional $800.00 to have a licensed person remove the units and re-set them. Respondent and Mr. Noble reached an impasse and neither would compromise. Respondent never returned to the job site, and did not obtain an acceptable inspection for the work performed. Eventually, Mr. Noble had another company re-roof the structure and incurred an additional $7,400.00 in roofing expenses. Respondent did not refund any of Mr. Noble’s money, nor did Respondent honor the terms of the contract. The roof failed not fewer than seven inspections and several of the failures were unrelated to the issue associated with the air- conditioning units. The investigative costs for this case totaled $325.90. Respondent has prior disciplinary action against the license, as noted in Petitioner’s Exhibit C. Respondent’s claim that an additional licensee would have been required to remove the air-conditioning units and re- set them, is not mitigation of the circumstances of this case. Respondent had the option of not undertaking a project that required the removal of the air-conditioning units, in order to assure a water-tight result. As the licensed party, Respondent knew or should have known how to install a water-tight roofing system.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of law found in Counts I, II, III, IV, VI, and VII. Based upon the guidelines, past disciplinary actions against the Respondent, and a totality of the circumstances, it is further recommended that an administrative fine in the amount of $5000.00 be imposed for the violations noted above. Also, it is recommended that Respondent’s license be suspended for six months. Finally, it is recommended that Respondent be required to reimburse Petitioner for the investigative and other costs incurred in this case to the full extent allowed by law. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of December, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 2010.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68455.227489.1195489.129
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000655 Latest Update: Aug. 23, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Respondent's name is Troy Griffin. The Respondent is now and was at all times relevant to the pending Administrative Complaint, a registered residential contractor in the State of Florida having been issued license number RR 0030688. The Respondent is not now and at no time material to the pending Administrative Complaint was the Respondent a certified or registered roofing contractor in the State of Florida. At all times material to the pending Administrative Complaint, the Respondent's license #RR 0030688 qualified Griffin Remodeling & Repairs, Jacksonville, Florida. In June 1978 the Respondent d/b/a Griffin Remodeling and Repairs contracted to repair the residence of June Moody, Jacksonville, Florida. The contracting work included work upon the Moody's built-up roof, which Respondent re-roofed pursuant to contract. Respondent built up the roof with more than one layer of felt in 1978. These layers were discovered by the city's inspector in 1982. Respondent returned in 1978 and patched the roof he installed. These patches were seen by the city's inspector in 1982. The owner, Moody, did not complain of leaks in 1982. There was no evidence of leaks in 1982. A roof poorly installed without sufficient tar and felt will leak within the time that has passed between 1978 and 1982. See inspector's testimony in response to Hearing Officer's question. Moody's home was a single family, one story residence. No evidence was received regarding whether the City of Jacksonville requires examinations of roofing contractors prior to their certification.

Recommendation Having found that the Respondent did not commit the alleged violations, it is recommended that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed and no action be taken. DONE and ORDERED this 23rd day of August, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Buildina 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of August, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: W. Douglas Beason, Esq. Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Troy Griffin 7443 Laura Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 James Linnan, Executive Direetor Department of Professional -I Regulation. Construction Industry Licensing Board P. O. Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Florida Laws (3) 120.57489.105489.113
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000154 Latest Update: Aug. 22, 1984

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is a registered roofing contractor, having been issued license number RC 0020923. On may 27, 1982, the Respondent, doing business as T & T Roofing Company, contracted with Jessie Reid, 1021 Abeline Drive, Deltona, Florida, to replace an existing shingle roof for a total contract price of $2,406.20. At all times material hereto, the Respondent was registered with the Construction Industry Licensing Board as qualifying agency for A. L. Roofing Specialists. At no time has the Respondent qualified T & T Roofing Company. On August 26, 1982, when the Respondent completed work on Jessie Reid's roof, he was paid $2,406.20 which was the entire contract price for this job. The Respondent was to return to the job site to inspect the roof and correct minor remaining problems. However, when the Respondent would not return to the job, even after repeated calls, it was determined that there is a difference in shingle thickness at points on the roof, and the rain runs down over the gutters instead of into them. Further, the hip and ridge caps are of a different material than the major portion of the shingled roof; there are exposed nails; and the gutters are filled with roofing debris. The Respondent has not been responsive to communications and he has refused to make the necessary corrections to Jessie Reid's roof. The Respondent never obtained a permit for the reroofing work done for Jessie Reid at 1021 Abeline Drive, in Deltona. A permit is required to do reroofing work in Deltona, which is within the jurisdiction of Volusia County.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Registered Roofing Contractor's license number RC 0020923 held by the Respondent, John W. Thorn, be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of May 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM B. THOMAS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of May 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Edward C. Hill, Jr., Esquire 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. John W. Thorn Post Office Box 1897 Deland, Florida 32720

Florida Laws (5) 120.57455.227489.105489.119489.129
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002468 Latest Update: Sep. 23, 1986

Findings Of Fact Bruce A. Williams, Respondent, is the holder of a registered roofing contractor's license from the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. The license number is CC C020246. Respondent is vice president of Dean Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. (The Dean Company), Post Office Box 2077, Clearwater, Florida. By proposal submitted March 31, 1983, and accepted by Marshall Kent on April 1, 1983, the Dean Company contracted to remove the existing roof on Kent's residence and replace same at a price of $8,600 (Exhibit 1). The work was supposed to start April 11, 1983 and be completed on April 15, 1983. This contract was signed on behalf of Dean Company by Bruce A. Williams, Respondent, as vice president of Dean Company and by Marshall Kent. Kent is an experienced residential contractor who acknowledged having built approximately 2,000 homes. While removing the existing roof, Dean Company workers found the 30-year old house had three plys of roofing applied since the house was constructed and to remove this thick roof heavier equipment that normal was required. Kent's residence had a tectum roof decking which consists of a metallic-fiber substance which has a long life and serves as inside ceiling and outside roof decking over which built up roofing is applied. While removing the existing roof the tectum deck was fractured and Kent ordered Dean Company workers off the Job. By letter dated April 18, 1983 (Exhibit 6) Respondent advised Kent that the cost of replacing the damaged tectum would be borne by the Dean Company and it was necessary to get on with the project before additional damage was done through the areas of roof exposed by removal of the original roof. Upon seeing Exhibit 6, K. A. Williams, president of Dean Company and father of the Respondent, concluded that the problems may have been exacerbated by a personality conflict between Respondent and Kent, and turned the job over to R. L. MacMurry, another vice president at Dean Company, who had considerable experience in the roofing business. By letter dated Apri1 19, 1983 (Exhibit 7) MacMurry, on behalf of Dean Company, advised Kent that since he questioned their ability to properly install the new decking to replace the damaged decking they would employ the services of a general contractor to replace the damaged tectum, and if the replaced tectum did not match the original tectum they would have the entire ceiling painted. Kent denies receiving this letter. Kent refused these offers and by letter dated April 21, 1983 "Exhibit 8) R. A. Williams pointed out that Kent's refusal to allow Dean Company to immediately complete the roofing work in progress could lead to serious damage from water intrusion and that such damage would be Kent's responsibility. On Friday, April 29, 1983 a meeting was held between the Kents, Williams and MacMurry at which Dean Company -agreed to immediately recommence roof work, bring in a general contractor to replace the damaged decking and complete the contract. Kent demurred until the agreement was reduced to writing, preferably by an attorney. Kent prepared an endorsement on Exhibit 9 in which responsibility for the repairs was, in Kent's opinion, shifted to the general contractor. This endorsement was accepted by the parties on May 3, 1983. The residence was reroofed in accordance with the latter agreement and Kent never advised Dean Company that all work was not satisfactorily completed. Dean Company provided Kent with a five (5) year Roofing Guarantee (Exhibit 11) dated May 10, 1983, which was forwarded to Kent by letter dated May 11, 1983 (Exhibit 10) with an invoice for the total owed on the job (Exhibit 14). Kent responded with letter dated May 17, 1983 (Exhibit 23) contending he was not whole, the job was not. complete and the guarantee was a joke. Kent considered the Roofing Guarantee suspect because it was a form used by the Midwest Roofing Contractor's Association. Shortly after this time Kent was hospitalized for psychiatric treatment and upon his release from the hospital in August 1983 he found that a mechanic's lien had been placed on his property by Dean Company. He also found what he believed to be leaks into the ceiling of a bedroom but made no complaint to Dean Company. Kent then hired a roofer, Chuck Goldsmith, to inspect the work done on his roof. When Goldsmith tried to negotiate the dispute between Kent and Dean Company, Kent fired him. Kent then hired William A. Cox, an architect and roofing consultant, to inspect the roof and advise what needed to be done. Cox inspected the roof in late October 1983 and submitted a list of discrepancies he recommended for correction. In one place he was able to insert a knife blade between the Fla. roof and the vertical wall against which the roof abuts which indicated no sheathing had been installed. Expert witnesses opined that without metal sheathing the roof would have leaked within six to eighteen months and the roof could never have been intact for the 30 years the house had been built without sheathing at such a joint. The vertical side of the original flashing would have been under the stucco at this point and there was no evidence that the stucco was disturbed when the new roof was first installed by Dean Company. New flashing was subsequently installed by Dean Company at this juncture but no one testified respecting the flashing observed or not present when this new roof was removed to insert the new flashing. Failure to insert flashing at such a juncture of horizontal roof and vertical wall would constitute a violation of the Standard Building Code. The report Cox gave to Kent was not made known to Dean until January 1984. By letter dated August 21, 1984 (Exhibit 13) Clark and Logan advised K. A. Williams that they would do all of the work listed in the Cox report on the Kent residence. This work was done in August 1984. Kent contends the leak continued in his bedroom after the work was completed but he never relayed this information to either Clark and Logan or to Dean Company. He has yet to pay one penny for the work done on his roof. Kent considered Clark and Logan to be the prime contractor on the job at the time the August 1984 work was done. Kent further testified that following that work Clark and Logan abandoned the job and he also filed a complaint against that general contractor. Since April 1983 following the damage to the tectum decking, Respondent, Bruce Williams, has had no responsibility for, and did no supervision of, the reroofing of Kent's residence. When the roof was inspected by the Pinellas County Building Inspector he found the workmanship done on this job only slightly below standard. At one place-on the roof Cox found the lower section of flashing overlapped the upper section of flashing which would have permitted water to enter under the flashing. This was a mistake but not an uncommon one for roofers to make. When pointed out to Dean Company the situation was promptly corrected.

Florida Laws (1) 489.129
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Dec. 27, 1991 Number: 91-008318 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 1993

The Issue The issues that were presented for disposition in the above-styled cases were whether Respondent committed certain alleged violations of Chapter 489, F.S. and if so what discipline is appropriate. As stated below, the parties stipulated to the violations, leaving only the issue of discipline to be resolved.

Findings Of Fact Gordon Lee Cederberg is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed registered roofing contractor, having been issued license number RC 0051346, by the State of Florida. At all times material Respondent was the licensed qualifier for Allied American Roofing Company and was responsible in such capacity for supervising its contracting activities. Allied American Roofing Company was dissolved on November 4, 1988. Stipulated Violations By stipulation, Respondent has admitted the following allegations of the amended administrative complaint in DOAH #91-8319: 3. CASE NO. 0106373 COUNT THREE Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Michael Roberts on April 4, 1988 to reroof a home located at 530 Mason Street, Apopka, Florida. The contract price was $942.80 and was paid in full. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without obtaining a permit and securing required inspections from the City of Apopka Building Department. By the reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(d), F.S., in that the Respondent willfully and deliberately disregarded and violated the applicable building code of a municipality, to wit, Apopka, Florida, by failing to obtain a permit and inspection is as required by that municipality. 4. CASE NO. 0107766 COUNT FOUR Respondent's license was under suspension by the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board between August 10, 1988, and March 3, 1989. Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Nancy Wiegner on September 22, 1988, to reroof a home located at 15 Kentucky Street, St. Cloud, Florida. The contract price was $1,600.00 and it was paid in full. Respondent commenced work under the contract but failed to obtain a permit prior to commencing such work from the City of St. Cloud, Florida, and the municipality issued a stop order on the job. Respondent further engaged in contracting in a municipality where he had not registered. By reason of the foregoing allegation, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., in that he failed in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.117(2), F.S., in that he engaged in contracting in a municipality, to wit, St. Cloud, Florida, where he had failed to comply with the local licensing requirements for the type of work covered by his registration. COUNT FIVE By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(d), F.S., in that Respondent willfully deliberately disregarded and violated the applicable building code of a municipality, to wit, St. Cloud, Florida by failing to secure a permit as required by that municipality. COUNT SIX By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S., by engaging in contracting while his license was suspended. COUNT SEVEN By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing gross negligence, misconduct, and/or incompetency in the practice of contracting. 8. CASE NO. 0112740 COUNT EIGHT Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Emma Smith on October 3, 1988 to reroof a home at 1911 Mullet Lake Park Road, Geneva, Seminole County, Florida. The contract price was $4,100.00 and it was paid in full. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without obtaining a permit and securing required inspections from the Seminole County Building Department. Respondent failed to properly construct a watertight roof which continued to leak and caused damage to the home. Respondent has failed to honor the five (5) year labor and twenty (20) year material warranty that was part of the said contract, although he was requested to do so. By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(n), F.S., in that the Respondent proceeded on a job without obtaining an applicable local building department permit and inspections. COUNT NINE By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S., by engaging in contracting while his license was suspended. COUNT TEN By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting by failing to honor the written warranty described in paragraph twenty-six above. COUNT ELEVEN By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. 12. CASE NO. 89-001674 COUNT TWELVE Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing Company contracted with Thelma Beck to reroof a home at 3910 Pineland Ridge Road, Orlando, Orange County, Florida on January 26, 1989 for a price of $2,270.00. Respondent accepted a $100.00 deposit for said job; the work was not begun and the $100.00 deposit was returned to Mrs. Beck. By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S., by engaging in contracting while his license was suspended. COUNT THIRTEEN By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. COUNT FOURTEEN Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Morris Remmers to reroof a home at 8719 Butternut Boulevard, Orlando, Orange County, Florida, on or about February 23, 1989. The contract price was $2,870.00 and it was paid in full. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without obtaining a permit and securing required inspections from the Orange County Building Department. By reason of the foregoing allegation, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(n), F.S., in that Respondent proceeded in a job without obtaining an applicable local building department permit and inspections. COUNT FIFTEEN By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S., by engaging in contracting while his license was suspended. COUNT SIXTEEN By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. 17. CASE NO. 89-008737 COUNT SEVENTEEN Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Robert Speirs to reroof a dwelling at 2467 Fieldingwood Road, Maitland, Seminole County, Florida on or about October 14, 1988. The contract price was $3,600.00. Respondent proceeded to work the job but failed to obtain a permit and secure required inspections from the Seminole County Building Department. Respondent failed to properly construct a water tight roof which continued to leak. Respondent failed to honor the three (3) year labor and twenty (20) year material warranty that was part of the contract although he was requested to do so. By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(n), F.S., in that Respondent proceeded on a job without obtaining an applicable local building department permit and inspections. COUNT EIGHTEEN By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S., by engaging in contracting while license was suspended. COUNT NINETEEN By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting by failing to honor his written warranty described in paragraphs forty-seven above. COUNTY TWENTY By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. 21. CASE NO. 109636 COUNT TWENTY-ONE Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing Company contracted with Daniel J. Doherty to reroof a home at 225 Dover Wood Road, Fern Park, Seminole County, Florida on October 2, 1988, for the contract price of $3,590.00 which was paid in full. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without obtaining a permit and securing required inspections from the Seminole County Building Department. Respondent failed to construct a watertight roof, which contributed to water damage to the interior of Mr. Doherty's home. Respondent failed to honor the five (5) year labor and twenty (20) year material warranty that was part of the contract, although he was requested to do so. By the reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(n), F.S., by proceeding on the job without obtaining a local building department permit and inspections. COUNT TWENTY-TWO By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(j), F.S., by failing in a material respect to comply with the provisions of Section 489.127(1)(e), F.S. by engaging in contracting while his license was suspended. COUNT TWENTY-THREE By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing gross negligence, misconduct, and/or incompetency in the practice of contracting by failing to honor his warranty as described in paragraph fifty-six above. COUNT TWENTY-FOUR By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. COUNT TWENTY-SEVEN Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing contracted with Gloria Viruet to reroof a home at 3010 (renumbered to 3007) Northwood Blvd., Orlando, Orange County, Florida on June 7, 1988. The contract price was $3,500.00. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without receiving a permit and securing required inspections from the Orange County Building Department. The Respondent failed to properly construct a watertight roof and a leak developed after construction. Respondent failed to honor the five (5) year labor and twenty (20) material warranty that was part of the said contract, although he has been requested to do so. By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(d), F.S., in that Respondent willfully and deliberately disregarded and violated the applicable building code of a County, to wit, Orange County, Florida by failing to obtain a permit and inspections as required by that County. COUNT TWENTY-EIGHT By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting, by failing to honor his written warranty described in paragraphs seventy. COUNTY TWENTY-NINE By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. 28. CASE NO. 0108263 COUNT THIRTY Respondent d/b/a Allied American Roofing Company contracted with John E. Hultin to reroof a home located at 3610 Lakeview, Apopka, Florida on November 7, 1987. The contract price was $2,900.00 and it was paid in full. Respondent proceeded to complete the job without obtaining a permit and securing required inspections from the Seminole County Building Department. Respondent failed to properly install a roof covering, violating Section 103 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Standard of Installation of Roofing Coverings adopted by Seminole County and Seminole County Ordinance Section 40.51. The contract provided for a five (5) year labor warranty and a twenty (20) year material warranty. Respondent made several attempts to correct defects but has not fulfilled his warranty as the roof continued to leak. By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(d), F.S., in that the Respondent willfully and deliberately disregarded and violated the applicable building code of a county, to wit, Seminole County, Florida by failing to obtain a permit and inspections as required by that county. COUNT THIRTY-ONE By reason of the foregoing allegations, Respondent has violated Section 489.129(1)(d), F.S., in that the Respondent willfully and deliberately disregarded and violated the applicable building code of a county, to wit, Seminole County, Florida by installing the above described roof in a grossly negligent manner and in a manner which violated Section 103 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Standard of Installation of Roof Covering, adopted by Seminole County and Seminole Ordinances Section 40.51. COUNT THIRTY-TWO By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practices of contracting by failing to honor his written warranty described above. COUNT THIRTY-THREE By reason of the aforesaid allegations, Respondent is guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(m), F.S., by committing an act or acts of gross negligence, incompetency and/or misconduct in the practice of contracting. FACTS RELATED TO RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED MITIGATION Respondent has been engaged in the practice of roofing contracting for over twenty years. Prior to moving to Florida in 1983 his company worked in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana on large commercial jobs. In 1983 he was employed by the Disney company to do commercial roofing work. After licensure in Florida, Cederberg continued with large public works and commercial jobs in Florida. Sometime around 1988, after a disastrous reversal of fortune, the company filed for bankruptcy. Although he was utterly unfamiliar with the practice of residential roof contracting, particularly the demanding supervision involved, Gordon Cederberg began doing residential work. Around this same time Cederberg's wife left him and he was given custody of three children, ages three, six, and nine. He was emotionally distraught and obtained counseling and financial and other support from his church group. Cederberg's roofing contractor's license was suspended by the Construction Industry Licensing Board from August 1, 1988 to March 1, 1989, during which time he continued to work, due to financial pressures. Warranty work was not done due to his financial and emotional straits. According to Cederberg and his witnesses, he is in the process now of turning his life around. He operates on a smaller scale and is able to handle the work. He has one employee and has been able to avoid new complaints. He is still financially unable to provide restitution to the customers previously harmed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: that the parties' stipulation with regard to dismissals and admissions described above be accepted by the Board and that the following penalty be imposed: a) 1000.00 fine; one year suspension, with this penalty suspended during, and removed upon successful completion of, probation with an appropriate timetable for restitution and the requirement that appropriate continuing education courses are completed; and payment of costs of investigation and prosecution. DONE and ENTERED this 31st day of December, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 1992. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Daniel O'Brien, Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board P.O. Box 2 Jacksonville, FL 32202 William S. Cummins, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Jack Snow, Esquire 407 Wekiva Spings Road, Suite 229 Longwood, FL 32779

Florida Laws (6) 120.57455.225489.117489.1195489.127489.129
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002387 Latest Update: Jun. 09, 1983

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant facts are found. Jesse Bruce, Respondent herein, is a registered roofing contractor and has been issued license No. RC0022948. On September 2, 1981, Respondent entered into a contract to repair a roof at 3684 NW 29th Street, Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, for Ms. Beryl Babb for the sum of $485.00. Respondent admits that he commenced construction under the above-referenced contract without first having obtained a building permit. Respondent was paid in full under the contract by Ms. Babb on September 4, 1981. Pursuant to the terms of the construction contract, Respondent provided for a two-year warranty on the roof repairs. Within an approximate two-month period following the repairs by Respondent, Ms. Babb made repeated phone calls to Respondent's construction company to report complaints that she was having in that the roof and garage appeared to "leak more than it had leaked prior to the repairs." Ms. Babb made at least six telephone calls to Respondent's construction company to no avail. During November, 1981, Ms. Babb filed a civil complaint in small claims court and during January, 1982, Ms. Babb received a judgment against the Respondent for $300.00. 1/ Respondent ahs been a licensed and registered roofing contractor since October, 1974. Respondent acknowledged that he received complaints from Ms. Babb as was testified herein; however, he states that he was busy during the times in which the complaints were made, an further that he did not want to make repairs inasmuch as Ms. Babb had elected to file a civil complaint against him in small claims court. Finally, Respondent acknowledged that he was obliged to return tot he Babb residence to make the repairs inasmuch as the complaints from Ms. Babb came during the two-year period in which the warranty for the roof repairs was in effect.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Respondent be placed on probation for a period of six (6) months. 3/ RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of February, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of February, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael J. Cohen, Esquire Suite 101, Kristin Building 2715 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33306 Jesse Bruce 721 NW 20th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Mr. James Linnan Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57455.227489.129
# 10

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