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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004373 Latest Update: May 03, 1988

The Issue Whether the Department should issue certificate of need number 4502 to construct and operate a fifty-bed long-term psychiatric hospital in Leon County, Florida, to HCAC?

Findings Of Fact HCAC is a corporation formed by Anthony Estevez for the purpose of developing and operating a long-term psychiatric facility in Leon County, Florida. The facility was to be known as HCAC psychiatric Hospital of Leon County. Mr. Estevez owns 100 percent of the stock of HCAC. The Department is the state agency in Florida authorized to issue certificates of need for long-term psychiatric facilities. TMRMC is a general acute care hospital located in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. TMRMC operates a free- standing short-term psychiatric facility in a two-story, approximately 45,000 square foot, structure located within a block and a half from the main hospital. TMRMC's psychiatric facility is licensed for sixty beds. At present, forty-five of its beds are actually open, with fifteen beds in each of three units. One unit is available for adult patients (including geriatric patients), one is available for adolescent patients and one is available for an open adult unit. The other fifteen beds are available but are not staffed because of a lack of patients. Apalachee is a private, non-profit corporation. Apalachee provides comprehensive community mental health services to Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla Counties. Apalachee was established consistent with State and federal guidelines to provide a variety of mental health Services. On March 17, 1986, a Letter of Intent was filed with the Department notifying the Department of Mr. Estevez's intent to apply for a certificate of need in the March 16, 1986, batching cycle. This Letter of Intent was filed within the time requirements of Florida law. On April 15, 1986 Estevez filed an application for a certificate of need for a comprehensive, free-standing, ninety-bed long-term psychiatric facility to be located in Leon County, Florida. Leon County is located in the Department's District 2. District 2 is made up of Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jackson, Jefferson, Holmes, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, Wakulla and Washington Counties. Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla Counties make up Subdistrict 2B. The other Counties make up Subdistrict 2A. HCAC's application was filed with the Department and the District 2 local health council. In a letter dated May 15, 1987, the Department requested additional information from HCAC. The information requested by the Department was provided by HCAC on or about June 19, 1986 and June 23, 1986. On September 23, 1986, the Department issued a State Agency Action Report partially approving HCAC's certificate of need application. HCAC was notified of the Department's decision and was issued certificate of need #4502 by letter dated September 30, 1986. HCAC had sought approval to construct a ninety-bed facility providing specialty long-term psychiatric services for the chronically mentally disturbed; patients with a ninety-day average length of stay. The facility was to provide care to adolescents, adults and geriatrics. Certificate of need #4502 authorized HCAC to construct a fifty-bed long-term adult, geriatric and adolescent psychiatric hospital in Leon County. The Department approved the facility because of its perception that there is no long-term psychiatric facility serving the geographic area proposed by HCAC to be served. By letter dated November 13, 1987, the Department issued an amended certificate of need #4502 to HCAC restricting the services to be provided to adult and geriatric long-term psychiatric services. HCAC intends on using thirty-six beds for adults and fourteen beds for geriatric patients. HCAC did not contest the Department's reduction in the size of the approved facility or the limitation of the scope of services to adult and geriatric patients. At the formal hearing HCAC presented evidence to Support the approved fifty-bed facility Serving only adults and geriatrics. HCAC has not contested the Department's decision to only partially approve HCAC's application. Supporting documentation took into account the smaller size of the approved facility. No substantial change in the scope or emphasis of the facility was made by HCAC other than the elimination of adolescent Services. HCAC has projected an average occupancy rate of 80 percent for the third year of operation. Because of the failure to prove that there is a need for an additional fifty long-term psychiatric beds for District 2, HCAC has failed to prove that this projection is reasonable. As of the date of the Department's initial decision and at the time of the formal hearing of these cases Rivendell Family Care Center (hereinafter referred to as "Rivendell") an eighty-bed long-term-psychiatric free-standing hospital located in Panama City, Bay County, Florida, had been open for approximately six weeks. Rivendell's occupancy rate at the time of the formal hearing was approximately twenty-four percent. Long-term psychiatric services mean hospital based inpatient services averaging a length of stay of ninety days. Long-term psychiatric services may be provided pursuant to the Department's rules in hospitals holding a general license or in a free-standing facility holding a specialty hospital license. Generally, the chronically mentally ill constitute an under-served group. In order to provide a complete continuum of care for the mentally ill, in-patient hospital treatment, including twenty-four hour medical care and nursing services and intensive resocialization or teaching of resocialization skills, should be provided. The Department has not established a standard method of quantifying need for long-term psychiatric beds in Florida. The Department's approval of the additional long- term psychiatric beds and facility at issue in this proceeding and the Department's and HCAC's position during the formal hearing that there is a need for HCAC's facility was based generally upon their conclusion that there is a "lack of such a facility to serve the geographic area." During the formal hearing, the Department further justified the need for the facility as follows: Basically it was felt that given the geographic distance or distances between this area, the eastern portion of District II, and the closest facilities, meaning licensed hospitals or facilities authorized by a Certificate of Need to offer long-term adult psychiatric services in a Chapter 395 licensed hospital, that there probably should be one here of a minimal size because we were not firm in, or in surety of the number of patients who might need the service in this area. But we thought that there should be at least a minimally sized long-term psychiatric hospital in this area to serve this area. HCAC and the Department failed to prove that there is a need for an additional fifty long-term psychiatric beds in District 2. At best, HCAC and the Department have relied upon speculation and assumptions to support approval of the proposed facility. In order to prove need, the characteristics of the population to be served by a proposed health service should be considered. A determination that there is a need for a health service should be based upon demographic data, including the population in the service area, referral sources and existing services. HCAC and the Department did not present such evidence sufficient enough to Support the additional fifty beds at issue in this proceeding. HCAC did not use any need methodology to quantify the gross need for long-term psychiatric beds in District 2. Nor did HCAC or the Department present sufficient proof concerning existing services, the population to be served, the income or insurance coverage of the Service area population or actual service area referral patterns. In its application. HCAC premised its proposal, in part, on the assumption that "the Leon County area is an undeserved area with residents being referred to facilities long distances away." HCAC exhibit 2. The evidence does not support this assumption. HCAC also premised its proposal upon its conclusion that it would receive patient referrals from existing institutions. The evidence failed to support this conclusion. HCAC also premised its proposal upon the fact that long-term psychiatric services have been designated as a licensure category by the Department. This does not, however, create a presumption that there is a need for such services in a particular area. Based upon the evidence presented at the formal hearing concerning one methodology for quantifying the need for long-term psychiatric beds, there may already be a surplus of long-term psychiatric beds in District 2. Such a surplus of beds may exist whether State hospital beds and ARTS and GRTS program beds are considered. The methodology is based upon national length of stay data for 1980 which was obtained from the National Institute of Mental Health. The methodology did not take into account more current data or Florida specific data. Therefore, use of the methodology did not prove the exact number of long- term psychiatric beds needed for District 2. Although the weight of the evidence concerning the use of the methodology failed to support a finding as to the exact number of long-term psychiatric beds needed in District 2, its use was sufficient to support a finding that there may be a surplus of beds already in existence. The methodology further supports the conclusion that HCAC and the Department have failed to meet their burden of proving that there is a need for the proposed facility. The weight of the evidence failed to prove whether long-term inpatient psychiatric services, other than those provided at State hospitals, are "within a maximum travel time of 2 hours under average travel conditions for at least 90 percent of the service area's [District 2] population." The closest long-term inpatient psychiatric facility [other than a State hospital], Rivendell, is located in Panama City, Bay County, Florida. This facility is located in Subdistrict 2A. There is no facility located in Subdistrict 2B. Rivendell is located on the western edge of Subdistrict 2B, however. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that this facility is not within a maximum travel time of 2 hours under average travel conditions for at least 90 percent of District 2's population. On page seven of the State Agency Action Report approving Rivendell, the Department indicated that "[t]he proposed location insures that 90 percent of the District I and District II population will have access within two hours travel time." This determination was made prior to the initial approval by the Department of HCAC's proposed facility. If the Florida State Hospital at Chattahoochee (hereinafter referred to as "Chattahoochee"), which is located in District 2, is taken into account, long-term psychiatric services are available within a maximum travel time of 2 hours under average travel conditions for a least 90 percent of District 2's population. Chattahoochee provides long-term inpatient psychiatric hospital care to indigent and private pay patients. The quality of cafe at Chattahoochee is good and a full range of therapeutic modalities typically available at other psychiatric hospitals are available. HCAC and the Department have suggested that there is need for the additional fifty beds at is sue in these cases because of their conclusion that 90 percent of the population of District 2 is not within two hours under average travel conditions of long-term psychiatric services. The failure to prove this conclusion further detracts from their position as to the need for the proposed facility. HCAC exhibit 8 is a copy of the goals, objectives and recommended actions contained in the 1985-87 Florida State Health Plan relating to mental health facilities. The evidence in this proceeding failed to support a finding that HCAC's proposed facility will enhance these goals, objectives and recommended actions. Goal 1 of the 1985-87 Florida State Health Plan is to "[e]nsure the availability of mental health and substance abuse services to all Florida residents in a least restrictive setting." Objectives 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4, and the actions recommended to achieve these objectives are not applicable to HCAC's proposed facility. Objective 1.3 provides that additional long-term inpatient psychiatric beds should not be approved in any district which has "an average annual occupancy of at least 80 percent for all existing and approved long-term inpatient psychiatric beds." Goal 2 of the 1985-87 Florida State Health Plan is to "[p]romote the development of a continuum of high quality, cost effective private sector mental health and substance abuse treatment and preventive services." The objectives and recommended actions to achieve this goal are not applicable to HCAC's proposed facility. Goal 3 of the 1985-87 Florida State Health Plan is to "[d]evelope a complete range of essential public mental health services in each HRS district." The objectives and recommended actions to achieve this goal are not applicable to HCAC's proposed facility. The Florida State Plan for Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services does not specifically deal with private long-term psychiatric services. Instead, it relates specifically to treatment in the state mental health treatment facilities. The applicable district mental health plan does not specifically address long-term psychiatric services. The plan does, however, recommend that new facilities should indicate a commitment to serving the medically indigent. HCAC has agreed to provide 5.6 percent of its patient days for indigent care. HCAC's commitment to provide 5.6 percent of its patient days for indigent care is consistent with this objective. Mental Health District Boards have been abolished. The District 2 Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Planning Council, however, has published the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health 1986-89 Provisional District Plan. It is acknowledged in this Plan that deinstitutionalization and the provision of the least restrictive means of treatment should be promoted. The use of long- term psychiatric inpatient beds does not promote this philosophy. If a patient is not admitted as part of the 5.6 percent indigent commitment of HCAC and cannot pay the $10,500.00 per month admission charges, HCAC will not admit the patient. Additionally, if a patient is admitted and runs out of funds to pay the daily charges and is not part of the 5.6 percent indigent commitment, the patient will be transferred to another facility. HCAC's facility will be accessible to all residents who can pay for their services or who are part of the 5.6 percent indigent commitment of HCAC. The provision of 5.6 percent indigent care is adequate. HCAC will provide non- discriminatory health care services, to those indigent patients who are covered by HCAC's 5.6 percent commitment. The Counties which make up Subdistrict 2B, other than Leon County, are below the average national and State poverty levels. In most of the Counties, twenty percent of the population have incomes below the poverty level. HCAC has not managed any type of psychiatric hospital and currently has no employees. The proposed facility is to be managed by Flowers Management Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Flowers"). Flowers is a psychiatric management company that has been in operation since 1984. Mr. Estevez owns fifty-one percent of the stock of Flowers and is the Chairman of the Board. Flowers is operating five Psychiatric/substance abuse facilities: three hospital based and two free-standing pychiatric/chemical dependency facilities. The staff and faculty of Flowers has a strong background in the management of psychiatric facilities. Flowers has no experience in the management of a long-term psychiatric facility. Mr. Nelson Elliot Rodney, Flowers' Regional Vice President, will be ultimately responsible for the management of the proposed facility. The administrator of the facility will report to Mr. Rodney. Mr. Rodney will seek to implement the goals outlined in HCAC's certificate of need application for the proposed facility. Mr. Rodney has not designed a psychiatric hospital. Nor has Mr. Rodney worked at or administered a long- term psychiatric hospital. The overall treatment plan as presented in HCAC's certificate of need application and as presented at the formal hearing lends itself to the development of a good program for long-term psychiatric care. HCAC has associated itself with experts in long-term psychiatric care in order to develop a detailed plan specifically addressing the treatment needs of long-term psychiatric patients. HCAC has the ability to, and will, provide good quality patient care. Apalachee provides certain programs in Subdistrict 2B which provide alternatives to long-term psychiatric hospitalization: the Geriatric Residential Treatment System (hereinafter referred to as "GRTS") and the Adult Residential Treatment System (hereinafter referred to as "ARTS"). Apalachee's GRTS program, which serves Individuals fifty-five years of age and older, contains a residential component with a total capacity of Seventy geriatric beds. A wide variety of services are provided as part of the GRTS program, including day treatment and case management components. When Apalachee's ARTS program is fully implemented there will be a total of one hundred sixty-three beds available for the care on long-term mentally ill adults and geriatrics within Subdistrict 2B. The ARTS program serves adults who are eighteen to fifty-four years of age. Apalachee's GRTS and ARTS programs do not provide the identical services provided in a free-standing long-term psychiatric hospital. The programs do provide some identical or similar services, and, to that extent, the programs complement the continuum of psychiatric care available. To the extent that they provide the same type of services, Apalachee's GRTS and ARTS programs serve as alternatives to HCAC's proposed facility. There is a national shortage of registered nurses. This shortage is particularly acute with regard to psychiatric nurses. TMRMC has a current shortage of three registered psychiatric nurses, three part-time psychiatric registered nurses, seven flex positions for psychiatric nurses, one full- time nurse technician position and one mental health worker. TMRMC has had difficulty, despite adequate efforts to recruit, recruiting for its psychiatric facility since it opened. It has never been fully staffed with psychiatric nurses. There is also a shortage of occupational therapists. TMRMC has had an occupational therapist vacancy for seven months. Mr. Rodney will be responsible for the recruitment of the necessary personnel for the proposed facility. Mr. Rodney indicated that he would utilize recruitment methods similar to those used by TMRMC. Mr. Rodney will also use his experience and contacts in the Dade County, Florida area. HCAC's salary package is reasonable and HCAC will provide adequate in- service training programs. Although HCAC will have difficulty in attracting qualified staff, just as TMRMC has had, it will be able to obtain adequate staff for the proposed facility. HCAC may do so, however, at the expense of existing health care providers. Apalachee provides the following programs in District 2: Wateroak--A sixteen-bed long-term psychiatric hospital for the treatment of children and adolescents. It is a licensed Specialty hospital; In November of 1987, Apalachee began construction of an acute care facility, which will provide inpatient short- term psychiatric services; Case Management Services--Case management services, which include supportive counseling, medication therapy, assistance with transportation and home visitation, are provided to the chronically mentally ill on an outpatient basis. The Services are to be provided where the patients reside; Hilltop--A sixteen-bed residential treatment center. Hilltop is a group home living facility for adults eighteen to fifty-four years of age; Chemical Dependency Program--Individual, group and family counseling and educational services on an outpatient basis for Individuals with suspected substance abuse problems; Emergency Services--Year-round, twenty-four hour a day telephone or face-to-face evaluations to persons with an acute disturbance or who are in need of evaluation for determination of the proper level of care; PATH--Positive Alternative to Hospitalization Program, a crises stabilization unit developed as an alternative to short-term psychiatric care; PPC--Primary Care Center, a nonhospital medical detoxification unit providing short-term detoxification care to alcohol abusers; Gerontological Programs--Made up of the GRTS program and an outpatient component. Through the outpatient component, Apalachee uses its outpatient clinics in each County in its service area to provide linkage for therapy and medication and supportive counseling to geriatrics; ARTS Program; and Designated Public Receiving Facility--Apalachee is the designated public receiving facility for Subdistrict 2B. It screens and evaluates every person admitted to Chattahoochee. Apalachee's adult mental health programs which are available to indigent patients, directly impact both long and short-term hospital utilization, lowering such utilization. For example, before establishing the services provided to suspected substance abusers, many patients were placed in long-term psychiatric hospitals. Referrals to TMRMC of patients under the Baker Act have been reduced from an average of fifteen to eighteen patients per day to an average of one-half to one person per day. There has also been a decrease in admissions to Chattahoochee since Apalachee established the GRTS and ARTS programs. At the time of the formal hearing of these cases TMRMC had a census of only twenty-eight adult patients in its short-term psychiatric facility. TMRMC's census has been low for the past two years. TMRMC's short-term psychiatric facility is operating at a loss. Any further loss of patients would have a serious impact on the facility. From October 1, 1986 to July 31, 1987, TMRMC lost $127,337.00 on its short-term psychiatric facility. For the twelve-month period from October 1, 1986 to October 1, 1987, it is reasonably estimated that TMRMC will lose $139,722.00. TMRMC would like to open the fifteen-bed unit (which is presently closed) of its short-term psychiatric facility. It must increase its census before it can do so. It has been attempting to increase its census by sending out mail-outs and newsletters, sponsoring educational programs advertising, inviting health care professionals to the facility and initiating clinical affiliations with university programs. Rivendell is an eighty-bed long-term psychiatric facility. Forty of its eighty beds are licensed for adults and geriatric patients. The other forty beds are licensed for children and adolescent patients. Rivendell's census at the time of the formal hearing of these cases was six to eight patients. Chattahoochee has a total of 823 long-term psychiatric beds for adults and geriatrics. There are no like and existing long-term psychiatric beds for adults and geriatrics located in Subdistrict 2B. The only like and existing long-term psychiatric beds for adults and geriatrics available to residents of District 2 are located in Subdistrict 2A at Rivendell. The proposed HCAC facility will result in increased competition in District 2. This increase in competition will have an adverse impact on suppliers of inpatient psychiatric services. Admissions to the proposed facility will likely include patients who would be more appropriately hospitalized in a short-term facility. Although HCAC has no plans to admit short-term patients and will attempt to prevent such admissions, mental health professionals cannot accurately predict the length of a patient's stay upon admission. The determination will often require an in- hospital evaluation of the patient. Therefore, patients more appropriately treated in a short-term facility such as TMRMC will end up spending some tide in HCAC's proposed facility. TMRMC will lose patient days if the HCAC facility is constructed. This will adversely affects TMRMC's occupancy rate, which is already low, and cause further losses in revenue. Given the surplus of long-term psychiatric beds in District 2 and the low occupancy of short-term beds in Subdistrict 2B, it will difficult for HCAC to continue in existence without admitting short-term psychiatric patients. The operation of the proposed HCAC facility will also adversely affect the availability of nurses to staff Apalachee's acute care facility and other Apalachee operations and TMRMC's ability to staff its short-term psychiatric facility. Even the loss of one more full-time registered nurse at TMRMC could cause critical staffing problems. Because of the lack of need for fifty additional long-term psychiatric beds in District 2, HCAC's proposed facility would also have an adverse affect on Rivendell. The proposed facility will provide internships, field placements and semester rotations for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and counselors. The facility will work closely with community agencies and community personnel in developing, operating and providing resources for training for community groups, patient groups and personnel. In- service training will be open to selected professionals in the community. HCAC's proposed facility will have a positive effect on the clinical needs of health professional training programs and schools for health professions in District 2. The-total estimated cost of the proposed project approved by the Department is $4,108,000.00. HCAC plans on financing 100 percent of the cost of the project with a mortgage loan at 13 percent interest. Mr. Estevez has had experience in obtaining financing for health care and other commercial projects. In 1987 alone, Mr. Estevez was personally involved in over $20,000,000.00 of financing. Short-term financial feasibility means the ability to successfully fund a project to ensure that the project will succeed in the short-term. To achieve short-term financial feasibility, there must be sufficient funds to cover any losses incurred during the initial operating period and to cover any short fall in working capital necessary to fund the project. NCNB, a financial institution with which Mr. Estevez has had, and continues to have, a long and profitable association, has indicated interest in financing the proposed project. A financing letter to this effect has been provided. Although the letter does not specifically refer to the proposed project, the weight of the evidence supports a finding that NCNB would be willing to finance the project. In light of Mr. Estevez's experience in obtaining commercial financing and his relationship with NCNB, it is reasonable to conclude that 100 percent financing of the project can be obtained at 13 percent interest. The proposed project will have a negative cash balance at the end of its first and second year of operation. Given Mr. Estevez's commitment to the project, sufficient funds for capital and operating expenses will be available to cover these negative cash balances. Although Mr. Estevez did not provide a separate audited financial statement, the weight of the evidence proved that Mr. Estevez has the ability to provide the necessary capital. In the short-term, HCAC's proposal is financially feasible. HCAC has projected that it will operate at an average length of stay of ninety days. It will charge an all-inclusive $350.00 per day for its long- term psychiatric services, including all ancillary services. Initially, HCAC projected the following payor mix: Medicaid of 30 percent; Medicare of 20 percent; and insurance and private pay of 50 percent. HCAC was informed by the Department that Medicaid reimbursement was not available for psychiatric services in private free-standing psychiatric hospitals. Consequently, HCAC modified its payor mix by eliminating Medicaid from its payor mix. At the formal hearing of this case, HCAC projected the following payor mix: Medicare of 3.3 percent; indigent of 5.6 percent; and insurance and private pay of 91.1 percent. Medicare reimburses for psychiatric care in a limited fashion. That is why HCAC reduced its projected Medicare reimbursement to 3.3 percent of its total revenue. Medicare patients generally use the majority of their lifetime reserve Medicare reimbursable days for other types of care, including short-term psychiatric care and acute care. Persons in need of long-term psychiatric care generally have a poor work history because of their illness interferes with their ability to obtain and maintain employment. Patients have few economic resources of their own. A patients family structure is often disorganized as a result of the patient's episodes of illness. These episodes strain the family relationship. Persons in need of long-term psychiatric care are often unable to pay for needed services and their family members are either unable or unwilling to support the person. There is no facility in Florida with a payor mix of 91 percent insurance and private pay. HCAC's projection of 91.1 percent insurance and private pay is not a reasonable projection. This finding of fact is based upon the high poverty levels within Subdistrict 2B, the lack of need for additional long-term psychiatric beds and the failure to prove that insurance benefits for long-term care are available in District 2. The State of Florida, Employees Group Health Self-Insurance Plan does not provide coverage for specialty hospitals, such as HCAC's proposed facility. The State of Florida provides 42 percent of the employment in Leon County. Insurance provided by other employers in the area limits coverage for inpatient psychiatric care to thirty to thirty-one days. These benefits are often exhausted before long- term care becomes necessary. In order to achieve a 91.1 percent insurance and private pay payor mix, 80 percent to 100 percent will have to be private pay patients. Such a high percentage of private pay patients is not reasonable. The effective buying income in Leon County in 1986 was approximately $22,600.00. In District 2 it was $18,700.00. Madison County and Jefferson County are among the counties heading Florida's poverty rate. Taylor County is the ninth poorest county in the State. HCAC has projected a 95 percent occupancy rate for its proposed facility within six months of its opening. HCAC has failed to prove that this occupancy rate can be achieved. In light of the high poverty rate in the area, the lack of need for long-term psychiatric services and the inability of patients to pay for such services, this projected occupancy rate is not reasonable. In light of HCAC's failure to prove that there is a need for the proposed facility or that its payor mix is reasonable, HCAC has failed to demonstrate that its occupancy projection is achievable. HCAC has projected that 7.3 percent of its gross revenue will be deducted as revenue deductions. Included in this amount are contractual allowances, charity care and bad debts. Medicare reimburses hospitals for total costs rather than revenue or charges. HCAC, therefore, gas projected approximately $6,000.00 for the first year and $24,000.00 for second year as contractual allowances. HCAC's projection of deductions from revenue are not reasonable. Bad debt of 1.6 percent is unreasonable compared to the experience at other long- term psychiatric facilities in Florida. The $350.00 all-inclusive charge is not reasonable. This charge will not be sufficient to cover the proposed facility's costs. HCAC's projected costs for "Supplies and other" and for taxes are reasonable. HCAC has failed to prove that its proposed facility is financially feasible in the long-term. The projected and approved cost of construction is $3,965,456.00. HCAC has indicated that the facility will consist of two, one-story buildings connected by a hallway. The facility will have approximately 40,563 gross square footage. The actual site for the project has not been selected or purchased. The floor plan calls for twenty-five, semi-private rooms for patients. The patient-care building will contain four independent and secure living/program areas connecting to a central core which will contain an atrium open to the outdoors. There will be approximately 811 gross square feet per bed, which is adequate. The proposed design is reasonable. The projected completion forecast of HCAC is reasonable. The projected costs of completing the building are reasonable. The building will be built by Project Advisers Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "PAC"). PAC is a health care, commercial and residential construction company. Mr. Estevez owns 100 percent of PAC. Since 1978, PAC has been involved in the construction of St. John's Rehab Center and Nursing Home, South Dade Nursing Home, Hialeah Convalescent Center, South Dade Rehab Hospital and two psychiatric/chemical dependency hospitals for Glenbeigh Hospital. Generally, there are no differences in the construction requirements between short-term and long-term psychiatric facilities.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED the Department enter a Final Order denying the application of HCAC for a certificate of need to construct and operated a fifty-bed long-term psychiatric facility in Leon County, Florida. DONE and ENTERED this 3rd day of May, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of May, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-4373 and 864374 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact it has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommend Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. HCAC's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 5-6. The third through fourth sentence are hereby accepted. 1 and 6. 3 1 and 39. 4 6 and 9 5 7. 6 8-10, 34 and 97. 7 11. 8 11, 14 and 76. The last Sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence 6. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 10 10 and 69. 11 Hereby accepted. 12 39-40. 13 These proposed findings of fact are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. They deal with the weight to be given to other evidence. 14 42. 15-19 Although these proposed findings of fact- are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. The first sentence is not supported by the weight of the-evidence. The rest of the proposed findings of fact are hereby accepted. Although the proposed finding of fact contained in the first sentence is generally true, it is cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. The rest of the proposed findings of fact deal with the weight to be given to other evidence. These proposed findings of fact are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 23-26 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 27 Although this proposed finding of fact is generally true, the weight of the evidence failed to prove that HCAC will be able to achieve its plans. 28-33 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 34 43. 35 51. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 36 52. 37 53. 38 69-70. 39 72. 40 73. 41 74. 42 67. 43 68. 44 34 and 37. 45 104. 46. The first sentence is law. The last sentence is accepted in 105. 47 97 and 99-100. 48 101. 49 103. 50 102. 51 Hereby accepted. 52-53 These proposed findings of fact deal with the weight to be given other evidence. 54 78. 55 79-80. 56 79. 57-58 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 76. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although generally correct, these proposed findings of fact do not support HCAC's projected utilization. Irrelevant. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. 65 92. 66 93. 67 94. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 68 95. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. HCAC's proposed facility and TMRMC are not comparable. 71-75 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 54 and 59. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first two sentences are hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. 79-83 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 84-85 Statement of law. Hereby accepted. 6 and 25. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 88-90 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 91-92 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 93 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. The last two sentences are conclusions of law. 94-95 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. The first sentence is a conclusion of law. The second sentence is hereby accepted. The last sentence is irrelevant. 13. The last two sentences are conclusions of law. Irrelevant. 100-102 Hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. 44. The last sentence is irrelevant. 47. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 16. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 108 15. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. See 23. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Conclusions of law. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 114 34. 115 29. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 115a 30. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 115b-e 30. The next to the last sentence of e is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 115f Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 116-117 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 118 Hereby accepted. 119-120 35. 121 Irrelevant. 122 33. 123-124 Irrelevant. 125-129 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 130 3. 131 Hereby accepted. 132 64. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 133 See 49 and 65. 134 54. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 Hereby accepted. 2-3 8-9. 4 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 5 13 and 25. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Conclusion of law. 8 31. 9 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 10-12 Irrelevant. 13 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 14-16 Conclusions of law. TMRMC's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 1, 6 and 9-11. 2 See 6 and 9. 3 6-10. 4 76. 5 77-78. 6 79. 7 79-80. 8 Hereby accepted. 9 81. 10 82-83. 11 34 and 36. 12 36. 13 6. 14-15 39. 16 41-42. 17 2. 18 3. 19 4 and 6. 20-21 54. 22 Not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 23 54. 24 46 and 54. 25-26 54-55. 27-29 54. 30 54-55. 31 44-45, 47 and 54. 32 Hereby accepted. 33 54-55. 34 55. 35 Irrelevant. 36 56. 37 58. 38 49. 39 48. 40 50. 41-44 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 45-46 65. 47-48 57. 49 58. 50 63-64. 51 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52 63-64. 53 63-64. 55 Hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 56 65. 57 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 58 25 and 59. 59 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 60-62 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 63 25 and 59. 64-68 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 69 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 70-71 27. Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 74 18 and 96. Irrelevant. Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 77-81 Although generally true, these proposed findings of fact are not relevant to this de novo proceeding. 82 Hereby accepted. 83 84. 84 Hereby accepted. 85-86 Irrelevant. 87 See 69 and 72. 88 94. 89 Hereby accepted. 90 74. 91 94. The last three sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 92-93 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 94-96 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 97 19. 98-99 18. Hereby accepted. Irrelevant. Hereby accepted. 103 19. 104 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 105 20. 106 21. 107 Hereby accepted. 108-110 See 23. 111 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 112 85. 113 86. 114 88. 115 89. 116-118 Although these proposed findings of fact are generally true, they are cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary. 119 91. 120 90. 121 96. 122-126 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 127 Hereby accepted. 128-129 Irrelevant. 130 22. 131 97-98. 132 99. 133-139 Not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 140 95. 141 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 142 97. 143-146 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Apalachee's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 6 and 8-9 2 4. 3(a)-(i)(1) 54. 3(i)(2) 44-45. 3(j) 44 and 54. 3(k) 54. 4 3. 5 1. 6 104. 7 39 and 41. 8 27 and 60. 9 25 and 59. 10(a) Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 10(b) 27. 10(c) 26. 10(d) Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 11 13. 12(a) 81. 12(b) 82-83. 13 6 76 and 87. The second, third, fifth- eighth sentences, the Second Paragraph and the last Paragraph are not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 71 and 74. Other than the first two Sentences of the first Paragraph and the first two sentences of the third Paragraph, these Proposed findings of fact are not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 16(a) 90. The Second Paragraph is not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 16(b) 88. 16(c) 94. 16(d) 76 and 95. Other than the first three sentences of the first Paragraph and the last Paragraph, these Proposed findings of fact are not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 17 48-49 and 65. The Sixth and eighth Sentences and the last Paragraph are not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 44-47 and 54. The last Sentence of the first Paragraph and the last four Sentences of the last Paragraph are irrelevant. 19 62. 19(a) 3, 23, 56-57 and 64. The Second and third Paragraph are Cumulative and unnecessary. 19(b) 63. The Second Paragraph is Cumulative and unnecessary. 19(c) Cumulative and unnecessary, 19(d) 25, 59, 62 and 66. 19(e) 65. 20 Not Supported by the Weight of the evidence or Cumulative and unnecessary, 21 39 and 41. The last Paragraph is not Supported by the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Jean Laramore, Esquire Anthony Cleveland, Esquire Post Office Box 11068 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Ronald W. Brooks, Esquire 863 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore E. Mack, Esquire John Rodriguez, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Darrell White, Esquire Gerald B. Sternstein, Esquire Post Office Box 2174 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003768RX Latest Update: Oct. 24, 1985

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations 3/ and admissions of the parties, the exhibits received in evidence, and the testimony of the witnesses at hearing, I make the following findings of fact: FIRST HOSPITAL's address is the World Trade Center, Suite 870, Norfolk, Virginia 23510. CHARTER GLADE HOSPITAL is a freestanding psychiatric hospital located in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. CHARTER GLADE has (80) licensed psychiatric beds, and twenty-four (24) licensed substance-abuse beds. The service area served by CHARTER GLADE includes Collier, Lee, and Charlotte Counties. The address of HRS is 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. HRS is responsible for the administration of the "Health Facilities and Health Services Planning Act," Section 381.493, et seq., Florida Statutes (the Act), and has implemented its provisions through the adoption of rules set forth in Chapter 10, Florida Administrative Code. FIRST HOSPITAL applied to HRS for a certificate of need (CON) for the establishment of a freestanding specialty hospital in Naples, Florida. Pursuant to the Act, a CON is required before FIRST HOSPITAL can establish its specialty hospital. FIRST HOSPITAL's application was denied by HRS. FIRST HOSPITAL appealed the denial of its application to the Division of Administrative Hearings, DOAH Case No. 84-1835. CHARTER GLADE has intervened in DOAH Case No. 84-1835. In this proceeding, Petitioner has challenged the validity of Rule 10- 5.11(25) and (26), Florida Administrative Code, asserting that the rule is arbitrary and capricious and, therefore, invalid. By virtue of the fact that CHARTER GLADE is an existing facility located in the same service area in which Petitioner proposes to construct and operate its facility, and further by virtue of its participation in DOAH Case No. 84-1835, at least in part, on the basis of the provisions of Rule 10 15.11(25) and (26), Florida Administrative Code, CHARTER GLADE is substantially affected by the issues presented for determination in this cause and should be allowed to participate as a party. The Act contemplates rule adoption by HRS of specialty bed-need methodologies for psychiatric services. See, e.g., Subsection 381.494(8)(g), Florida Statutes (1983). Toward this end, HRS has adopted Rules 10-5.11(25) and (26), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 10-5.11(25), cited as the basis for denying FIRST HOSPITAL's CON application, addresses need for short-term psychiatric beds; Rule 10-5.11(26) purports to address need for long-term psychiatric beds. FIRST HOSPITAL's substantial interest in establishing its proposed specialty hospital has been determined by both of these rules. In particular, Rule 10-5.11(25), Florida Administrative Code, was applied by HRS in the denial of FIRST HOSPITAL's CON application. In addition, FIRST HOSPITAL alleges that Rules 10-5.11(25) and (26) combined fail to assess the need for intermediate inpatient specialty psychiatric services, one of the types of psychiatric services proposed by FIRST HOSPITAL. FIRST HOSPITAL's CON application proposes intermediate inpatient specialty psychiatric services. Rules 10-5.11(25) and (26), Florida Administrative Code, were adopted in early 1983. The adoption process began in the summer of 1982 when HRS assigned to one of its employees, Elfie Stamm, the task of developing a bed-need rule for psychiatric services. Ms. Stamm, at that time, was a planner in the Office of Comprehensive Health Planning of HRS. Ms. Stamm has been a planner with HRS for several years and had been responsible for the development of the State Health Plan and for the development of various rules used in the CON process. She had also been employed in the Mental Health Program Office of HRS, where her responsibilities included the development of a state plan with regard to alcoholism and mental health. She was also responsible for monitoring statewide mental health programs. Upon being assigned the task of developing the subject rules, Ms. Stamm made a thorough review of all information available to HRS with regard to the number of existing psychiatric beds and programs throughout Florida. She also evaluated all available local health plans and spoke with various individuals who had been involved in health planning, particularly those with interest in mental health planning. Ms. Stamm surveyed the available literature on health planning emphasizing mental health planning and bed-need methodologies for psychiatric beds. Ms. Stamm wrote the initial draft of Rule 10-5.11(25) based upon her collection and evaluation of data regarding existing and approved psychiatric beds in Florida and her review of literature, both Florida specific and national. A primary feature of the drafts, as well as of the adopted version, of Rule 10-5.11(25) is a fixed bed-to-population ratio of .35/1000, meaning that normally there should be no more than .35 short-term psychiatric beds for each 1,000 persons. Ms. Stamm was instructed to develop rules to assess the need for inpatient psychiatric services. As finally adopted, short-term care is defined in Rule 10-5.11(25) as care not exceeding three months and averaging a length of stay of 30 days or less for adults and 60 days or less for children and adolescents, and long-term care is defined in Rule 10-5.11(26) as care averaging a length of stay of 90 days. Neither rule defines the term "intermediate care." The documents contained in HRS Composite Exhibit IX and reviewed by Ms. Stamm are a representative sample of the literature available in the field and the level of knowledge among health planners as of the date of the promulgation of the subject rules. The documents are a reasonable cross-section of the literature available in the area of psychiatric bed-need assessment. In terms of the literature that was available at the time of the rule adoption in the area of psychiatric bed-need assessment, there is nothing missing from these documents which would have been important to a health planner in developing a psychiatric bed-need methodology. There is discussion in those documents of all the basic methodologies for determining psychiatric bed need. After reviewing all of the available materials, the HRS established a range of from .35 to .37 beds per 1,000 population and from that point made a policy decision to establish a figure of .35 to use in the bed-need formula. In promulgating the subject rules HRS invited and received comment from a broad cross-section of the public, with particular emphasis on those persons and organizations with special knowledge and interest in the provision of mental health services and the determination of psychiatric bed need. HRS conducted a workshop to which it invited a broad cross-section of individuals and organizations with particular knowledge about psychiatric bed need, including representatives of the Florida Hospital Association, Florida Psychiatric Association, Florida Council for Community Mental Health, Florida State Association of District Mental Health Boards, Florida League of Hospitals, Florida Association of Voluntary Hospitals, and the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association. The comments and results of the workshop were considered by Ms. Stamm and HRS in the promulgation of the subject rules. In response to several requests, HRS conducted a public hearing in accordance with Section 120.54(3), Florida Statutes, to receive comments from interested persons on the subject rules. More than fifteen (15) people representing various hospitals and organizations concerned with psychiatric services entered appearances and made comments at the public hearing. In addition to the oral comment presented at the public hearing, various persons and organizations submitted numerous written comments expressing their opinion with regard to the proposed rules. The comments, both oral and written, were all considered by Ms. Stamm and HRS prior to the promulgation of the subject rules. The process engaged in by HRS, primarily through Ms. Stamm, in the development of the subject rules was extensive and reasonably calculated to invite substantive public comment and to procure the knowledge on the part of HRS necessary to write workable and rational rules concerning psychiatric bed need. The knowledge acquired by HRS through this process with regard to the assessment of psychiatric bed-need methodologies was reasonably sufficient to allow it to knowledgeably draft and promulgate the subject rules. Consideration of this substantive public comment led to several changes in the subject rules as originally drafted. As originally promulgated, Rules 10-5.11(25) and (26) were challenged pursuant to Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, in various petitions filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings. In settling these proposed rule challenges, HRS modified the rules to provide for even greater flexibility in their application. HRS Composite Exhibits I through XII constitute all written matters considered or produced by HRS in the rule adoption process with regard to the subject rules. All of those documents and papers have been maintained in the records of HRS since the promulgation of the subject rules. The statutory criteria for reviewing CON applications are set out in Sections 381.494(6)(c) and (d), Florida Statutes. Rule 10-5.11, Florida Administrative Code, sets forth the rule criteria against which CON applications are evaluated. Subsections (1) through (12) and (25) of Rule 10-5.11 are the rule criteria against which applications for CONs for short-term hospital inpatient psychiatric services are to be evaluated. Subsections (1) through and (26) of Rule 10-5.11 are rule criteria against which applications for CONs for long-term psychiatric services are to be evaluated. Rule 10-5.11(25) sets forth certain criteria specifically for the evaluation of CON applications for short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services. Short-term services are in part defined as services averaging a length of stay of thirty (30) days or less for adults and a stay of sixty (60) days or less for children and adolescents under eighteen (18) years. Rule 10- 5.11(25) in its adopted form provides in relevant part as follows: Short Term Hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Services. Short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services means a category of services which provides a 24-hour a day therapeutic milieu for persons suffering from mental health problems which are so severe and acute that they need intensive, full-time care. Acute psychiatric inpatient care is defined as a service not exceeding three months and averaging a length of stay of 30 days or less for adults and a stay of 60 days or less for children and adolescents under 18 years. Short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services may be provided in specifically designated beds in a hospital holding a general license, or in a facility holding a specialty hospital license. Applications for proposed short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services will be reviewed according to relevant statutory and rule criteria. A favorable need determination for proposed general acute care psychiatric inpatient services will not normally be given to an applicant unless a bed need exists according to paragraph (25)(d) of this rule. A favorable Certificate of Need determination may be made when the criteria, other than as specified in (25)(d), as provided for in Section 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes, and paragraph (25)(e) of this rule, demonstrate need. Bed allocations for acute care short term general psychiatric services shall be based on the following standards: A minimum of .15 beds per 1,000 population should be located in hospitals holding a general license to ensure access to needed services for persons with multiple health problems. These beds shall be designated as short term inpatient hospital psychiatric beds. .20 short term inpatient hospital beds per 1,000 population may be located in specialty hospitals, or hospitals holding a general license. The distribution of these beds shall be based on local need, cost effectiveness, and quality of care considerations. The short term inpatient psychiatric bed need for a Department service district five years into the future shall be calculated by subtracting the number of existing and approved beds from the number of beds calculated for year x based on a bed need ratio of .35 beds per 1,000 population projected for year and based on latest mid-range projections published by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida. These beds are allocated in addition to the total number of general and acute care hospital beds allocated to each Department District established in Rule 10-5.11(23). Occupancy Standards. New facilities must be able to project an average 70 percent occupancy rate for adult psychiatric beds and 60 percent for children and adolescent beds in the second year of operation, and must be able to project an average 80 percent occupancy rate for adult beds and 70 percent for children and adolescent short term psychiatric inpatient hospital beds for the third year of operation. No additional short term inpatient hospital adult psychiatric beds shall normally be approved unless the average annual occupancy rate for all existing adult short term inpatient psychiatric beds in a service district is at or exceeds 75 percent for the preceding 12 month period. No additional beds for adolescents and children under 18 years of age shall normally be approved unless the average annual occupancy rate for all existing adolescent and children short term hospital inpatient psychiatric beds in the Department district is at or exceeds 70 percent for the preceding 12 2 month period. Hospitals seeking additional short term inpatient psychiatric beds must show evidence that the occupancy standard defined in paragraph six is met and that the number of designated short term psychiatric beds have had an occupancy rate of 75 percent or greater for the preceding year. Unit size. In order to assure specialized staff and services at a reasonable cost, short term inpatient psychiatric hospital based services should have at least 15 designated beds. Applicants proposing to build a new but separate psychiatric acute care facility and intending to apply for a specialty hospital license should have a minimum of 50 beds. Other standards and criteria to be considered in determining approval of a Certificate of Need application for short term hospital inpatient psychiatric beds are as follows: . . . . 7. Access standard. Short term inpatient hospital psychiatric services should be available within a maximum travel time of 45 minutes under average travel conditions for at least 90 percent of the service area's population. There are three basic types of methodologies generally accepted in the field of health planning as valid for determining the need for psychiatric hospital beds. The first type is a need-based methodology which evaluates the need for services. The second is a demand or utilization-based method, which utilizes current or projected utilization statistics for a particular service. The third is a fixed-ratio method which involves the use of a ratio, or rate, of service to population to determine projected need for that service in the future. All three of these methodologies are generally accepted and utilized by health planners throughout the United States. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but all are valid. The fixed ratio methodology is that which HRS has employed in Rule 10 5.11(25). The ratio of .35 beds per thousand population is a reasonable ratio with a rational basis in fact. It is not arbitrary and capricious as a measure of short-term psychiatric bed need. The National Institute of Mental Health developed draft guidelines in the late 197Os suggesting a range of .15 beds to .40 beds per thousand population as an appropriate fixed-bed ratio program for psychiatric short-term acute-care programs. At least four other states presently or in the past have utilized a fixed bed-need ratio in planning for health care needs. They are Massachusetts, Indiana, Michigan and Georgia. Some of those states used fixed-bed ratios less than .35 per thousand. Ms. Stamm, in developing this rule methodology for HRS, considered and balanced the different approaches relating to the establishment of need. One of her concerns on behalf of HRS, in developing the methodology was to strike a proper balance between need and demand since not everyone who needs psychiatric care will choose to seek that care or can afford to seek that care. In 1982, during the time of the rule adoption process, the ratio of existing short-term psychiatric beds per thousand population in Florida was .29 per thousand. Ms. Stamm selected .35 per thousand, in part, to allow for growth in the number of psychiatric beds for reasons other than just population growth. The current rate of existing licensed short-term psychiatric beds in Florida in 1985 is .28 beds per thousand. However, the ratio for currently existing short-term psychiatric beds, plus CON approved beds not yet licensed in 1985, is .39 beds per thousand. The fact that the existing and approved inventory of psychiatric beds is greater than the .35 ratio specified in the rule demonstrates that HRS has applied Rule 10-5.11(25) in a flexible manner as envisioned by the "not normally" language in the rule. A theoretically ideal way to determine psychiatric bed need would be for HRS to go into each community and conduct epidemiological surveys to identify the people who actually need mental health care. While such a survey, properly conducted, might produce momentarily reliable date, it is not a realistic method for statewide planning purposes because of several problems attendant to such a methodology. Such a survey would be very expensive and very time-consuming and is not practical for use on a statewide basis in a state the size of Florida. Because of the time-consuming nature of such a methodology, if applied on a statewide basis, some of the data would be stale before all of the data was gathered. Further, the rapidly changing population in Florida would require that such a survey be continually updated. The allocation of short-term beds between general and specialty hospitals set forth in subsections (d)1 and 2 of Rule 10-5.11(25) has a rational basis in fact and is not arbitrary. There are many patients who simultaneously need medical as well as psychiatric care. To have those patients located in a specialty hospital, away from a general hospital, would be inappropriate. There are also patients who have acute episodes of psychiatric illness and who need to be treated very rapidly. Because there are many more general hospitals than there are freestanding psychiatric specialty hospitals, it is appropriate to ensure that psychiatric beds are available to general hospitals to fill the particular episodic acute needs. Further, there are many patients in Florida who can afford health care only through Medicaid. Because Medicaid does not provide funding of mental health inpatient services in psychiatric specialty hospitals, it is appropriate to include in the methodology an incentive for the location of some psychiatric beds in general hospitals where psychiatric services can be funded by Medicaid. The specific allocation of the .35 per thousand bed need ratio set forth in Rule 10-5.11(25)(d)(1) and (2) is that .15 beds per thousand "should" be associated with general hospitals and .20 beds per thousand "may" be associated with specialty hospitals. This allocation was designed to be flexible so that, in any given circumstance, an allocation other than the .15 and .20 guideline could be applied. The occupancy rate standards set forth in Rule 10 5.11(25) specify that normally, additional beds should not be approved unless the average occupancy of all existing beds in a service district exceeds 75 percent for adults and 70 percent for children and adolescents. The occupancy rate standards set forth in Rule 10- 5.11(25) were not arrived at in an arbitrary fashion and are reasonable in themselves. The occupancy rates are designed to ensure that a reasonable number of beds in each facility are filled. Hospitals with a substantial number of empty beds are not cost effective. Therefore, it is reasonable to project occupancy rates in the range of those projected in the subject rule. Indeed, the occupancy rates in the rule are liberal in terms of minimum occupancy levels, compared with those in the past and those recommended by others in the industry. With regard to the travel access standard in the rule, the Task Force for Institutional Care recommended a 60 minute travel standard for 90 percent of the population in the district. The 45 minute standard is reasonable. The rule does not exclude from within the travel standard area other facilities providing the same service. At the time of the final hearing, there were sixty five (65) existing hospital facilities in Florida which had psychiatric bed services. Of those sixty-five (65) facilities, sixty-one (61), or 93 percent, had more than fifteen (15) psychiatric beds, and fifty-five (55), or 84 percent, had more than twenty (20) psychiatric beds. In the exceptional event that the average occupancy rate for a particular district did not accurately reflect the availability of beds, the language of Rule 10-5.11(25)(d)5, which says that no additional beds shall "normally" be approved unless the occupancy rates are met is sufficiently flexible to account for the exceptionality. The methodology set forth in Rule 10-5.11(25) is designed to identify and express a need for short-term psychiatric inpatient beds for the overall population of Florida. The rule was intended to be sufficiently flexible that, when balanced with the other criteria set forth in Rule 10-5.11(1) through (12), it would allow substantive input from the district and community levels with regard to the need for beds by subpopulation groups such as child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric. The "national guidelines" referred to by Ms. Stamm were proposed hut never adopted. They recommended fixed bed ratios between .15/1000 and .40/1000. The guidelines were based on a 1978 survey by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), which indicated that .15/1000 was the 25th percentile and .40/1000 was the 75th percentile of 1978 existing short-term psychiatric beds nationwide. The NIMH report stated that selection of an appropriate ratio for a particular state depended on the development of the state's mental health system and recognized that special consideration was necessary for traditionally underserved groups such as children, adolescents, and geriatrics. In the context of inpatient psychiatric care, there has been a trend over the last twenty years, and more particularly over the last five years, toward the development of specialty treatment programs, separately planned for children, adolescents, adults, and geriatrics. In recent years in Florida there has also been a trend toward the provision of alternatives to inpatient psychiatric services in facilities such as residential care. In 1982, Ms. Stamm considered evidence that children, adolescents, and geriatrics were not being adequately served by Florida's mental health facilities. Nevertheless, she did not plan for these subgroups in the rule because in her judgment decisions about allocation of services to subpopulation groups were best made at the district level by the local health councils.

Florida Laws (4) 120.54120.56120.57120.68
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003907 Latest Update: Feb. 03, 1989

The Issue The issue for determination is whether either applicant's request for a CON for IRTP beds should be granted. LORTC's allegation that La Amistad plagiarized portions of another PIA facility's CON application was deemed at hearing to be irrelevant. Likewise, it was determined at hearing and in a post- hearing order entered on November 1, 1988, that the sale of La Amistad to UHS of Maitland, Inc. had no material bearing on the La Amistad application under review here. In the parties' prehearing statement filed on September 26, 1988, the following were agreed: Consideration of the applications at issue is governed by the statutory criteria contained in section 381.705, Florida Statutes and Rule 10- 5.011(1)(b)(1)-(4), Florida Administrative Code. These criteria are either satisfied or are inapplicable: Section 381.705(1)(g), (h), (only as to the following clauses: "the effects the project will have on clinical needs of health professional training programs in the service district; the extent to which the services will be accessible to schools for health professions in the service district for training purposes if such services are available in a limited number of facilities"), (j), Florida Statutes (1987) As to LORTC, the parties stipulated that the criteria in Section 381.705(1)(h) as to availability of funds for capital and operating expenditures is satisfied. This is not a stipulation that the application satisfies the financial feasibility criterion contained in Section 381.705(1)(i). Rule 10-5.011(1)(b)(4)(b) , Florida Administrative Code. Each applicant argues that its application, and not that of the other, should be approved. HRS and West Lake both argue that neither application should be approved.

Findings Of Fact La Amistad is a not-for-profit corporation providing a variety of mental health services to children, adolescents and young adults on campuses in Maitland and Winter Park, Florida since 1970. At the time of hearing La Amistad operated 27 licensed IRTP beds at its Maitland campus. At the time of hearing La Amistad had a contract to sell its residential treatment program, including the beds that are the subject of this proceeding, to Universal Health Services, Inc. The contract was entered into after this CON application was filed. LORTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of PIA, Psychiatric Hospitals, Inc. (PIA), which in turn is wholly owned by NME Hospitals, Inc. PIA owns or operates approximately three residential treatment centers (RTCs) and 58 psychiatric hospitals throughout the country, including Laurel Oaks Hospital in Orange County, Florida, an 80-bed licensed hospital providing short term psychiatric and substance abuse services to children and adolescents. HRS is the state agency charged with the responsibility of implementing and enforcing the CON program, pursuant to Section 381.701-381.715, Florida Statutes. The Intervenor, West Lake, is an 80-bed licensed psychiatric hospital in Longwood, Seminole County, Florida. West Lake has allocated 16 beds to its children's program and 24 beds to its adolescent programs. West Lake is licensed for both long and short-term psychiatric beds. THE APPLICATIONS La Amistad's application requests the conversion of 13 existing beds (currently licensed as child caring beds) to licensed IRTP beds, the demolition of several old buildings and the construction of a new building which will contain a total of 16 IRTP beds. The 13 additional beds would bring La Amistad's IRTP total to 40 beds. The total project cost of La Amistad's proposal is $500,000.00 or $38,462.00 per bed. La Amistad's Maitland facility is located in a residential area and is itself designed to be residential in nature, rather than institutional. The patients prepare their own food under the supervision of a dietician and other staff. They also do their own housekeeping. La Amistad is not a "locked unit". A maximum of 16 patients reside in each "house" on the La Amistad campus. The houses are staffed on a 24-hour a day basis. Like other similar facilities, La Amistad utilizes a multi-discipline team approach to treatment. That is, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and other staff work together. The treatment team meets weekly to discuss the program and treatment of each patient. Family members may visit and stay at the campus on weekends. Families are encouraged to participate in the treatment process. La Amistad has a full-time school on campus with teachers provided by the Orange County School System. The average length of stay for patients is in excess of Il to 12 months. This is consistent with HRS' understanding that 9-14 months is an average length of stay for an intensive residential treatment program. LORTC's application is for CON approval of a 40-bed IRTP located on the grounds of its existing freestanding psychiatric hospital, Laurel Oaks. The facility is currently under construction and will be operated as a residential treatment center if its IRTP CON is denied. LORTC anticipates serving two out of three of the following groups: adolescents who need long-term care, older children (8 years to 13 years) who need long-term care, and chemically dependent adolescents. The projected average length of stay is 120 days, which stay is consistent with that of other PIA residential treatment centers in Florida. The LORTC facility will be "locked". Meals will be prepared at Laurel Oaks Hospital and will be transported in some, as yet undetermined, manner to the separate building. The geographical area in which LORTC will be located is not residential. The capital cost of the 40 bed facility is projected at $3,291,000.00. The funds, provided by the parent company, NME, will be expended, regardless of CON approval. LORTC also uses a multi-discipline team approach to treatment. Each patient's treatment program will consist of psychiatric support services, educational services and family services. Students will attend academic classes four hours a day at the facility. THE APPLICABLE DISTRICT PLAN AND STATE HEALTH PLAN The District Seven Health Plan does not address needs, policies, or priorities for IRTP facilities for children and adolescents. The State Health Plan addresses very generally the need for mental health and substance abuse services. Goal 1 seeks to: "Ensure the availability of mental health and substance abuse services to all Florida residents in the least restrictive setting." Goal 2 seeks to: Promote the development of a continuum of high quality, cost effective private sector mental health and substance abuse treatment and preventive services". Goal 3 seeks to: "Develop a complete range of essential public mental health services in each HRS district." (Laurel Oaks Exhibit #20). The applications neither violate nor materially advance these goals. In both instances the beds will exist for the provision of mental health services, with or without the certificate of need. La Amistad's proposal clearly presents a "less restrictive alternative" to the more institutional psychiatric hospital. Laurel Oaks is also an alternative, although more institutional than homelike in character. NEED, INCLUDING THE AVAILABILITY OF LIKE OR ALTERNATIVE SERVICES AND INCREASED ACCESSIBILITY IRTP beds are a statutorily defined class of specialty hospital beds: Intensive residential treatment programs for children and adolescents means a specialty hospital accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals which provides 24-hour care and which has the primary functions of diagnosis and treatment of patients under the age of 18 having psychiatric disorders in order to restore such patients to an optimal level of functioning. Section 395.002(8), Florida Statutes. Because an IRTP is a hospital, a certificate of need is required. This alone distinguishes an IRTP from a residential treatment program (RTP). In spite of its name, HRS considers an IRTP as a service that is less intensive than a long or short term psychiatric hospital. Generally, the RTP and IRTP have a longer average length of stay than a psychiatric hospital and provide a more homelike setting. No HRS rule further defines the IRTP, and as evidenced by the La Amistad and LORTC proposals, the projected average length of stays vary widely (120 days for LORTC, versus 12-14 months for La Amistad). Long term psychiatric hospitals have an average length of stay of over 90 days. West Lake has treated adolescents in its psychiatric beds as long as a year, although this has not occurred recently. HRS has no rule methodology for calculating the need for IRTP's. However, HRS considers there is a need for at least one reasonably-sized IRTP in each HRS service district. In HRS district VII there are currently two IRTPs: Devereaux, a 100-bed facility in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida, licensed on February 26, 1988; and La Amistad, with 27 IRTP beds in Orange County, licensed in August, 1988. Although HRS clearly does not limit its approval to only one IRTP per district, it has a policy of waiting to see what the need and demand are before it authorizes an additional program with a CON. Its deviation from this policy regarding approval of the La Amistad beds was adequately explained as a settlement based on the acknowledgment of a prior administrative error. Utilization of the Devereaux beds was not a consideration in that unique case. HRS also uses as a reasonable non-rule policy the requirement that existing programs be 80 percent occupied before additional programs are authorized. This is modeled after the promulgated rule in effect for long-term psychiatric beds. At the time the applications were considered, La Amistad was not licensed and Devereaux had a less than 50 percent occupancy. Conflicting evidence was presented with regard to the accessibility of both La Amistad's 27 beds and Devereaux' 100 beds. Devereaux is approximately one to two hours from the three counties identified as LORTC's primary service area: Seminole, Osceola and Orange. LORTC argues that families who need to actively participate in the patients' treatment are discouraged by the travel distance. However, Laurel Oak Hospital currently refers patients to its sister facilities in Manatee and Palm Beach counties, which are more distant than Devereaux. No patient origin studies of Devereaux were done and LORTC's expert in health and planning conceded that it takes a while for people to become aware of a new facility and its services, and a new facility can stimulate patient migration. The credible weight of evidence is that a travel time of two hours or less would not significantly influence decisions to use the facility. La Amistad is noted for its treatment of schizophrenics. It sponsors seminars attracting participants from a wide geographical area. It does not, however, limit its beds to patients with that diagnosis. In the past approximately 48 percent of La Amistad's beds (its entire facility, not just the IRTP beds) have been utilized by schizophrenics. This does not alone evidence non-accessibility of its IRTP beds. The statutory definition of an IRTP, cited in paragraph 17, above, is broad enough to include the type of care provided in long-term psychiatric hospitals, such as West Lake. The programs described in the applications of both LORTC and La Amistad are similar to the programs currently operated at West Lake for children and adolescents. The multi-disciplinary team monitors the patient's progress with a goal toward reintegration into the community. The patients attend school and receive a wide variety of therapies, with varying intensity: individual and group counseling, activity and occupational therapy, family therapy, vocational planning, and the like. When the patient is admitted, an evaluation is done to determine an anticipated length of stay. Some require a shorter stay, with more intensive therapy; others are more appropriately treated for a longer period, with less intensity. West Lake's program is not full. There are myriad alternative programs for the treatment of children and adolescents in the tri-county area. Seagrave House, the Charlie Program and Boystown are residential programs for children and adolescents who may have received treatment in a hospital but who are not ready to return home and could progress further in a residential program. Mainstream, a partial hospitalization program, is also available to this age group. A partial hospitalization program provides structured daytime treatment with the same therapies offered in a hospital or full residential program, but the patients are able to return home at night. Other existing facilities and programs available in the service district include Parkside Lodge, the Care Unit, the Center for Drug-free Living, Glenbeigh Hospital and Rainbow. Laurel Oaks has referred patients to Rainbow, a residential treatment program for youths with substance abuse problems. La Amistad presented anecdotal testimony from its clinical and other staff regarding the numbers of patients they could refer to La Amistad if the application were approved. In no instance did these witnesses eliminate the other available programs as appropriate alternatives. Several other witnesses testified on behalf of LORTC regarding the need for additional long-term treatment programs for children and adolescents. It is clear, however, that these individuals from the Orange County Public Defender's office, the Orange County Public Schools and the Seminole County Mental Health Center were descrying the need for services for economically disadvantaged youths and those without insurance. Neither La Amistad nor LORTC propose to materially serve that population. Medicaid funds are not available to licensed speciality hospitals and both La Amistad and LORTC will serve patients referred and paid for by HRS, with or without an IRTP CON. The projected percentage of non-pay patient days in both applications is negligible. Any consideration of alternatives in this case must consider the alternatives of the applicants themselves. In both cases, the beds will be available with or without the CON, and the treatment programs are substantially the same with or without the CON. Denial of these applications will not decrease the potential supply of beds in District VII. Indeed, LORTC candidly argues that it is asking only that HRS assist in enhancing financing access to its beds, that CON approval and subsequent licensure will provide increased access to patients with insurance which will not reimburse non- hospital based care. LORTC, and to a lesser degree, La Amistad, insist that approval will positively impact access for privately insured patients. The weight of evidence does not support that basic contention in this case. PIA's non-hospital RTCs in Palm Beach and Manatee County claim to have a 60-70 percent commercial insurance pay or mix. LORTC projects only 67 percent commercially insured patients after its first year of operation. This does not represent an increase. According to its financial experts La Amistad is not projecting any increase in insurance reimbursement because of licensure as an IRTC. Two trends in insurance reimbursement practices were described at length in this proceeding. First, companies are willing to negotiate an "out-of- contract" reimbursement when a non-covered facility is able to show that its services are more appropriate and in the long term, more cost effective than the covered services for a particular patient. Second, insurance companies are carefully scrutinizing long term treatment reimbursement and are limiting coverage in expensive residential programs. Neither trend weighs in favor of approval of these applications. AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES Nursing costs in health care institutions usually comprise more than 50 percent of the operating costs. It is the largest single budget item in a hospital or health care facility. Throughout the country and in District VII, there is a shortage of nurses and trained allied health personnel. Although Laurel Oaks Hospital is staffed, maintaining its staff of registered nurses is a day-to-day problem. West Lake also experiences difficulty in maintaining qualified staff. No doubt LORTC, with aggressive recruitment will initially attract the personnel it needs. Financial incentives will have to be provided and West Lake's problems will be exacerbated. The additional costs will be passed on to the consumer, thus perpetuating the upward inflation spiral of health care costs. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY AND EFFECTS ON COMPETITION La Amistad states it intends to finance $450,000.00 of its $500,000.00 total project cost through bank loans, fund raising efforts and personal commitments from board members. Its pro forma, as corrected and updated at the hearing is reasonable, based upon the facility's actual experience in staffing and filling beds. However, the ability of the applicant itself to complete construction for the replacement beds is questionable in light of an admission at hearing by Walter Muller, M.D., the founder and Medical Director of La Amistad. Dr. Muller conceded that one of the reasons for the sale to Universal Health is to obtain adequate funds for the new building. (transcript pages 271-272). LORTC contends that no capital expenditure is relevant here as the facility is being constructed as a non-hospital RTC. For the transfer to IRTC status no additional expenses will be incurred. Regardless of the validity of that contention, the parties have stipulated that funds are available for capital and operating expenditures. LORTC's pro forma is reasonable based on the extensive experience of its parent company with similar facilities, the RTCs in Manatee County and Palm Beach County, and Laurel Oaks Hospital. That experience has not been tested in an area, where, as here, there are existing unfilled IRTPs. As provided in the discussion of need, above, LORTC cannot dismiss West Lake, Devereaux, La Amistad and other facilities offering similar programs. LORTC did not establish conclusively that it could maintain its projected utilization in the face of the potential draw of those other facilities. PIA has been highly successful in marketing its services in the past. If its success prevails and LORTC proves financially feasible, there is substantial evidence that it will be at the expense of West Lake, Devereaux, and the others. There is no evidence that LORTC or La Amistad evaluated the impact of their proposals on other service providers in the area. OTHER REVIEW CRITERIA, INCLUDING QUALIFY OF CARE Both applicants enjoy a reputation for providing good quality mental health services and there is no substantial evidence that this quality will deteriorate if the applications are approved. No competent evidence was presented regarding the failure of either applicant to meet the remaining relevant criteria.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57395.002
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003109 Latest Update: Dec. 24, 1985

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The petitioner Hillsborough County Hospital Authority, a public body corporate, owns and operates two public hospitals - Tampa General Hospital and Hillsborough County Hospital. In 1981, the Authority received Certificate of Need Number 1784 which authorized an expenditure of $127,310,000 for the consolidation of the two hospitals. The project involved new construction and renovation at Tampa General, delicensure of beds at Hillsborough County Hospital and the transfer of those beds to Tampa General. The Certificate provided for a total of 1,000 licensed beds at Tampa General Hospital and for the "renovation, new construction, consolidation and expansion of service per application." The completion of the total project was projected to occur by October, 1987, but is presently running about four months behind schedule. When the Authority received its Certificate of Need in 1981, it was then operating a total of 93 psychiatric beds between the two hospitals -- 71 at County Hospital and 22 at Tampa General. The plan for consolidation and the 1981 Certificate of Need called for an overall reduction of 14 psychiatric beds - from 93 total beds between the two facilities to 79 total consolidated psychiatric beds, at the conclusion of the project. At the time the Authority obtained its Certificate of Need in 1981, there was no differentiation between determinations of need for general acute care beds and psychiatric beds. The number of psychiatric beds operated by a hospital were not separately listed on a hospital's license. As noted above, Tampa General was operating 22 psychiatric beds when it received its 1981 Certificate of Need. Because of an increased demand for acute care beds (non- psychiatric medical and surgical beds) in late 1982, Tampa General closed the psychiatric unit and made those 22 beds available for acute care. In the Authority's 1983-85 license for Tampa General, those 22 beds were included in the 637-bed total, which was not broken down by bed type. An attachment to the license indicates that the total bed count should read 671. In the space designated for "hospital bed utilization," the figure "O" appears after the word "psychiatric." (Respondent's Exhibit 1) In 1983, the statutory and regulatory law changed with regard to the separate licensure and independent determination of need for psychiatric beds. Section 395.003(4), Florida Statutes, was amended to provide, in pertinent part, that the number of psychiatric beds is to be specified on the face of the license. Rule 10-5.11(25), Florida Administrative Code, adopted in 1983, set forth a specific psychiatric bed need methodology for use in future Certificate of Need decisions. In order to implement its new 1983 policy and rule with regard to the separate licensure and determination of need for psychiatric beds, HRS conducted a survey to determine the number of existing psychiatric beds in the State. Hospitals then had the opportunity to indicate whether their existing beds were to be allocated or designated as acute care beds or psychiatric beds. HRS conducted the survey by directly contacting each hospital which had previously indicated it was operating a psychiatric unit and then contacting by telephone any facility not answering the initial inquiry. In August and September of 1983, the Authority indicated to HRS that Tampa General did not have any psychiatric beds in operation. HRS published the results of its survey and final hospital bed counts in the February 17, 1984 edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly, Volume 10, Number 7. The inventory listed Hillsborough County Hospital as having 77 psychiatric beds and Tampa General Hospital as having O psychiatric beds. The notice in the Weekly advised that hospital licenses would be amended in accordance with the published inventory to reflect each hospital's count of beds by bed type. Hospitals were further notified that "Any hospital wishing to change the number of beds dedicated to one of the specific bed types listed will first be required to obtain a certificate of need." (Respondent's Exhibit 2). For economic and business reasons, and in order to accomplish a more orderly consolidation of the two hospitals, the Authority now desires to re-open a small, self-funding psychiatric unit at Tampa General Hospital. It wishes to utilize the maximum number of psychiatric beds designated in its 1981 Certificate of Need application (93), including the beds which had been temporarily changed in late 1982 to acute care beds, while gradually phasing out a sufficient number of beds at the County Hospital to bring the total number of psychiatric beds down to 79 by late 1987. In order to implement this plan, the Authority applied to the office of Licensure and Certification in 1985 for the licensure of 77 psychiatric beds at County Hospital and 22 psychiatric beds at Tampa General Hospital. The Authority acknowledges that it should have applied for only 16 psychiatric beds at Tampa General Hospital to meet the 1981 figure of a total of 93 beds. HRS issued a license for the 77 requested psychiatric beds at County Hospital, but issued a license for only 2 psychiatric beds at Tampa General. The record does not adequately reflect the rationale for licensing even 2 beds at Tampa General. It is not economically or practically feasible for a hospital to operate a separate 2-bed psychiatric unit. The rationale for refusing to license the remaining psychiatric beds requested is the change in the statutory and regulatory law occurring in 1983 and the survey results published in 1984 illustrating Tampa General to have no psychiatric beds in operation at that time. The stated reason for denial is "because you have failed to obtain a Certificate of Need or exemption from [CON] review . . . ." (Petitioner's Exhibit 3).

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the request of the Hillsborough County Hospital Authority for the licensure of 16 short-term psychiatric beds at Tampa General Hospital be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 24th day of December, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of December, 1985. APPENDIX-CASE NO. 85-3109 The proposed findings of fact submitted by the petitioner and the respondent have been approved and/or incorporated in this Recommended Order, except as noted below. Petitioner Page 3, last sentence and Page 4, first sentence Rejected, not supported by competent, substantial evidence. Page 6, first full paragraph Rejected, not a finding of fact. Page 6, second paragraph Rejected, not a finding of fact. Page 7, Reject those findings based upon a conclusion that Tampa General has Certificate of Need approval for psychiatric beds. Respondent 9. Second and third sentences Rejected, irrelevant and immaterial to issue in dispute. COPIES FURNISHED: William S. Josey, Esquire Allen, Dell, Frank and Trinkle P. O. Box 2111 Tampa, Florida 33601 R. Bruce McKibben, Jr., Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David Pingree Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================ =

Florida Laws (1) 395.003
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002046 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1988

Findings Of Fact The application and project On October 15, 1986, Respondent, Florida Residential Treatment Centers, Inc. (FRTC), filed a timely application with the Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Department), for a certificate of need to construct a 60-bed specialty hospital to be licensed as an intensive residential treatment program for children and adolescents in Broward County, Florida. On March 11, 1987, the Department proposed to grant FRTC's application, and petitioners, Florida Psychiatric Centers (FPC) and South Broward Hospital District (SBHD), timely petitioned for formal administrative review. FRTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Charter Medical Corporation (Charter). Currently, Charter owns, operates or has under construction 85 hospitals within its corporate network. Of these, 13 are general hospitals, and 72 are psychiatric hospitals. Notably, Charter now operates residential treatment programs in Newport News, Virginia, Provo, Utah, and Mobile, Alabama; and, is developing such a program in Memphis, Tennessee. Within the State of Florida, Charter operates psychiatric hospitals in Tampa, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Miami, and Ocala. In connection with the operation of these facilities, Charter has established satellite counseling centers to screen patients prior to admission and to provide aftercare upon discharge. Of 20 such centers operated by Charter, one is located in Broward County and two are located in Dade County. The facility proposed by FRTC in Broward County (District X) will treat seriously emotionally disturbed children and adolescents under the age of 18. The patients admitted to the facility will have the full range of psychiatric diagnoses, with the probable exception of serious mental retardation and severe autism. FRTC will not treat patients who present themselves with a primary substance abuse diagnosis, nor will it admit patients who are actively dangerous. This distinguishes FRTC from an acute psychiatric hospital where actively dangerous patients requiring immediate medical intervention are often admitted. The anticipated length of stay at FRTC will vary depending upon the patient's responsiveness to treatment, but is reasonably expected to range between 6 months to 2 years, with an average of 1 year. The treatment programs to be offered at FRTC will be based upon a bio- psychosocial treatment model. This model assumes that the biological component of a patient's condition has been stabilized and that psychiatric medication will be administered solely to maintain this stabilized condition. The social component of the model is designed to resolve problems in interpersonal, family and peer relationships through educational groups, psychiatric co-therapeutic groups and family group therapy. The psychological component focuses primarily on developing personal understanding and insight to guide the patient toward self-directed behavior. Among the therapies to be offered at FRTC are individual, family, recreational, group and educational. Group therapy will be designed to resolve interpersonal problems and relationships, and focuses primarily on building trust among group members. Some group therapy sessions will also cover specific issues such as sex education, eating disorders, self-image and social skills. The goal of recreational therapy will be to teach patients to play appropriately, showing them how to give, take and share, and to follow and to lead. Recreational activities will be available both on and off campus. The goal of occupational therapy will be to develop skills used in work. For a child whose work is school, this often involves using special education techniques. For teenagers, occupational therapy also develops work skills, and prepares them for vocational training or employment. Family therapy is crucial because the family is she core of child development. Families will be invited to spend days with their children at FRTC where they will learn behavioral management techniques, and participate in parent education activities and multifamily groups. The school component of the program includes development of an individualized educational plan for each child. School will be conducted 4-5 hours a day. FRTC will utilize the level system as a behavioral management tool This system provides incentives for learning responsibility for one's own behavior and for functioning autonomously. The typical progress of a patient at FRTC will be as follows. First, a team which includes a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist and teacher will decide, based upon available information, whether admission is appropriate. If admitted, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted within 10 days, a goal- oriented treatment program will be developed for each patient, designed to remedy specific problems. Discharge planning will begin immediately upon admission. A case manager will be involved to assure that the treatment modalities are well-coordinated. Finally, FRTC will provide aftercare upon discharge. Should any FRTC patients experience acute episodes, they will be referred to acute care psychiatric hospitals with which FRTC has entered into transfer agreements. Likewise, patients who require other medical attention will be referred to appropriate physicians Consistency with the district plan and state health plan. While the local health plan does not specifically address the need for intensive residential treatment programs (IRTPs) for children and adolescents, it does contain several policies and priorities that relate to the provision of psychiatric services within the district. Policy 2 contains the following relevant priorities when an applicant proposes to provide a new psychiatric service: ... Each psychiatric inpatient unit shall provide the following services: psychological testing/assessment, psychotherapy, chemotherapy, psychiatric consultation to other hospital departments, family therapy, crisis intervention, activity therapy, social services and structured education for school age patients, and have a minimum patient capacity of 20 and a relationship with the community mental health center. Facilities should be encouraged to provide for a separation of children, adolescents, adults, and geriatric patient' where possible. Greater priority should be given to psychiatric inpatient programs that propose to offer a broad spectrum of continuous care. ... Applicants should be encouraged to propose innovative treatment techniques such as, complementing outpatient and inpatient services or cluster campuses, that are designed to ultimately reduce dependency upon short term psychiatric hospital beds. New facilities should be structurally designed for conducive recovery, provide a least restrictive setting, provide areas for privacy, and offer a wide range of psychiatric therapies. Applicants should be encouraged to offer intermediate and follow-up care to reduce recidivism, encourage specialty services by population and age, engage in research, and offer a full range of complete assessment (biological and psychological). Additionally, the local plan contains the following policies and priorities which warrant consideration in this case: POLICY #3 Services provided by all proposed and existing facilities should be made available to all segments of the resident population regardless of the ability to pay. Priority #1 - Services and facilities should be designed to treat indigent patients to the greatest extend possible, with new project approval based in part on a documented history of provision of services to indigent patients. Priority #2 - Applicants should have documented a willingness to participate in appropriate community planning activities aimed at addressing the problem of financing for the medically indigent. POLICY #4 Providers of health services are expected to the extent possible to insure an improvement of the quality of health services within the district. Priority #1 - Applicants for certificate of need approval should document either their intention or experience in meeting or exceeding the standards promulgated for the provision of services by the appropriate national accreditation organization. Priority #2 - Each applicant for certificate of need approval should have an approved Patient Bill of Rights' `as part of the institution's internal policy. POLICY #5 Specialized inpatient psychiatric treatment services should be available by age, group and service type. For example, programs for dually diagnosed mentally ill substance abusers, the elderly, and children, should be accessible to those population groups. Priority #1 - Applicants should be encouraged to expand or initiate specialized psychiatric treatment services. The FRTC application is consistent with the local health plan. FRTC's program elements and facility design are consistent with those mandated by the local plan for mental health facilities, and its proposal offers a wide range of services, including follow-up care. FRTC intends to provide a minimum of 1.5 percent of its patient day allotment to indigent children and adolescents, and will seek JCAH accreditation and CHAMPUS approval. The state health plan addresses services similar to those being proposed by FRTC, and contains the following pertinent policies and statements: Mental health services are designed to provide diagnosis, treatment and support of individuals suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. Services encompass a wide range of programs which include: diagnosis and evaluation, prevention, outpatient treatment, day treatment, crisis stabilization and counseling, foster and group homes, hospital inpatient diagnosis and treatment, residential treatment, and long term inpatient care. These programs interact with other social and economic services, in addition to traditional medical care, to meet the specific needs of individual clients. STATE POLICIES As the designated mental health authority' for Florida, HRS has the responsibility for guiding the development of a coordinated system of mental health services in cooperation with local community efforts and input. Part of that responsibility is to develop and adopt policies which can be used to guide the development of services such that the needs of Florida residents are served in an appropriate and cost effective manner. Policies relating to the development of mental health services in Florida are contained in Chapter 394 and Chapter 230.2317, F.S. The goal of these services is: '... reduce the occurrence, severity, duration and disabling aspects of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.' (Chapter 394, F.S.) '... provide education; mental health treatment; and when needed, residential services for severely emotionally disturbed students.' (Chapter 230.2317, F.S.) Within the statutes, major emphasis has also been placed on patient rights and the use of the least restrictive setting for the provision of treatment. 'It is further the policy of the state that the least restrictive appropriate available treatment be utilized based on the individual needs and best interests of the patient and consistent with optimum improvement of the patient's condition.' (Chapter 394.459(2)(b), F.S.) 'The program goals for each component of the network are'... 'to provide programs and services as close as possible to the child's home in the least restrictive manner consistent with the child's needs.' (Chapter 230.2317(1)(b), F.S.) Additional policies have been developed in support of the concept of a 'least restrictive environment' and address the role of long and short term inpatient care in providing mental health services for severely emotionally disturbed (SED) children. These include: 'State mental hospitals are for those adolescents who are seriously mentally ill and who have not responded to other residential treatment programs and need a more restrictive setting.' (Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office, 1982) 'Combined exceptional student and mental health services should be provided in the least restrictive setting possible. This setting is preferably a school or a community building rather than a clinical or hospital environment.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984) 'Alternative, therapeutic living arrangements must be available to SED students in the local areas, when family support is no longer possible, so that they may continue to receive services in the least restrictive way possible.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984) 'SED students should not be placed in residential schools or hospitals because of lack of local treatment resources, either educational or residential.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984). * * * Sufficient funding for the development of residential treatment and community support is necessary if the state is to fulfill its commitment to providing services for long term mentally ill persons. These services provide, in the long run, a more humane and cost effective means of meeting the mental health needs of Florida residents. Community services have been shown to be effective in rapidly returning the majority of individuals to their productive capacity and reducing the need for costly long term, institutional mental health services. There is, therefore, a need to proceed as rapidly as possible with the development of publicly funded services in those districts which are currently experiencing problems resulting from gaps in services. * * * Services for Adolescents and Children An additional issue which has been identified as a result of increased pressures for development of hospital based programs is the need to differentiate between services for adults and those for children and adolescents. Existing policy supports the separation of services for children and adolescents from those of adults and requires the development of a continuum of services for emotionally disturbed children. The actual need for both long and short term inpatient services for children and adolescents is relatively small compared to that of adults but is difficult to quantify. Providers, however, continue to request approval for long and short term adolescent and children services as a means of gaining access to the health care market. Continued development of long and short term inpatient hospital programs for the treatment of adolescents and children is contrary to current treatment practices for these groups and is, therefore, inappropriate without local data to support the need for these services. Such development can contribute to inappropriate placement, unnecessary costs of treatment, and divert scarce resources away from alternative uses. In addition, the following pertinent goals are contained in the state health plan: GOAL 1: ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES TO ALL FLORIDA RESIDENTS IN A LEAST RESTRICTIVE SETTING. * * * GOAL 2: PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONTINUUM OF HIGH QUALITY, COST EFFECTIVE PRIVATE SECTOR MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE SERVICES. * * * GOAL 3: DEVELOP A COMPLETE RANGE OF ESSENTIAL PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN EACH HRS DISTRICT. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.1.: Develop a range of essential mental health services in each HRS district by 1989. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.2.: Place all clients identified by HRS as inappropriately institutionalized in state hospitals in community treatment settings by July 1, 1989. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 3.2a.: Develop a complete range of community support services in each HRS district by July 1, 1989. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.3.: Develop a network of residential treatment settings for Florida's severely emotionally disturbed children by 1990. The FRTC application is consistent with the state health plan which emphasizes the trend toward deinstutionalization, and the importance of education, treatment and residential services for severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents rather than the traditional approach of institutional placement. Deinstutionalization assures more appropriate placement and treatment of patients, and is less costly from a capital cost and staffing perspective. The FRTC application also promotes treatment within the state, and will assist in reducing out-of-state placements. Need for the proposed facility The Department has not adopted a rule for the review of applications for IRTPs, and has no numeric need methodology to assess their propriety. Rather, because of the paucity of such applications and available data, the Department reviews each application on a case by case basis and, if it is based on reasonable assumptions and is consistent with the criteria specified in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, approves it. In evaluating the need for an IRTP, the Department does not consider other residential treatment facilities in the district, which are not licensed as IRTP's and which have not received a CON, as like and existing health care services because such facilities are subject to different licensure standards. Under the circumstances, the Department's approach is rational, and it is found that there are no like and existing health care services in the district. While there are no like and existing health care services in the district, there are other facilities which offer services which bear some similarity to those being proposed by FRTC. These facilities include short-term and long-term residential treatment facilities, therapeutic foster homes and therapeutic group homes. These facilities are, however, operating at capacity, have waiting lists, and do not in general offer the breath or term of service proposed by FRTC. There are also short-term and long-term psychiatric hospitals within the district that include within their treatment modalities services similar to those proposed by the applicant. The short-term facilities are not, however, an appropriate substitute for children and adolescents needing long-term intensive residential treatment and neither are the long-term facilities from either a treatment or cost perspective. Notably, there are only 15 long term psychiatric beds in Broward County dedicated to adolescents, and none dedicated to children. In addition to the evident need to fill the gap which exists in the continuum of care available to emotionally disturbed children and adolescents in Broward County, the record also contains other persuasive proof of the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal. This proof, offered through Dr. Ronald Luke, an expert in health planning whose opinions are credited, demonstrated the need for and the reasonableness of FRTC's proposed 60-bed facility. Dr. Luke used two persuasive methodologies which tested the reasonableness of FRTC's 60-bed proposal. The first was a ratio of beds per population methodology similar to the rule methodology the Department uses for short-term psychiatric beds. Under this methodology, approval of FRTC's proposal would result in 25.47 beds per 100,000 population under 18 in District X. This ratio was tested for reasonableness with other available data. Relevant national data demonstrates an average daily census of 16,000 patients in similar beds. This calculates into 24.01 beds per 100,000 at a 90 percent occupancy rate and 25.93 beds per 100,000 at an 85 percent occupancy rate. Additionally, Georgia has a category of beds similar to IRTP beds. The Georgia utilization data demonstrates a pertinent ratio of 27.05 beds per 100,000 population. The second methodology used by Dr. Luke to test the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal, was to assess national utilization data for "overnight care in conjunction with an intensive treatment program." The national census rate in such facility per 100,000 population for persons under 18 was 21.58. Multiplying such rate by the district population under 18, derives an average daily census of 52. Assuming an optimal occupancy rate of 85 percent, which is reasonable, this demonstrates a gross need for 61 IRTP beds in District X. Dr. Luke's conclusions not only demonstrate the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal, but corroborate the need for such beds within the district. This proof, together with an analysis of existing or similar services, existing waiting lists for beds at similar facilities, and the placement by the Department of 28 children from Broward County outside the county in 1986 for long-term residential treatment, demonstrates the need for, and reasonableness of, FRTC's proposal. Quality of care The parties have stipulated that Charter and its hospitals provide quality short and long term psychiatric care. All of Charter's psychiatric hospitals are JCAH accredited, and Charter will seek JCAH accreditation and CHAMPUS approval for the proposed facility. Based on Charter's provision of quality psychiatric care, its experience in providing intensive residential treatment, and the programs proposed for the Broward County facility, it is found that quality intensive residential treatment will be provided at the FRTC facility. The availability of resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. The parties have stipulated that FRTC has available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. The proof further demonstrates that FRTC will be able to recruit any other administrative, clinical or other personnel needed for its facility. 1/ Accessibility to all residents FRTC projects the following utilization by class of pay: Insurance 66.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 7 percent. While this is an insignificant indigent load, FRTC has committed to accept state-funded patients at current state rates. FRTC's projected utilization by class of pay is reasonable. The evident purpose of FRTC's application is to permit its licensure as a hospital under Section 395.002, Florida Statutes, and thereby permit it to be called a "hospital." If a residential treatment facility is licensed as a hospital it has a significant advantage over unlicensed facilities in receiving reimbursement from third party payors. Therefore, accessibility will be increased for those children and adolescents in need of such care whose families have insurance coverage since it is more likely that coverage will be afforded at an IRTP licensed as a "hospital" than otherwise. Design considerations The architectural design for the FRTC facility was adopted from a prototype short-term psychiatric hospital design which Charter has constructed in approximately 50 locations. This design contains the three essential components for psychiatric facilities: administration, support and nursing areas. The floor plan allows easy flow of circulation, and also allows for appropriate nursing control through visual access to activities on the floor. This design is appropriate for the purposes it will serve, and will promote quality residential care. As initially proposed, the facility had a gross square footage of 31,097 square feet. At hearing, an updated floor plan was presented that increased the gross square footage by 900 square feet to 32,045, an insignificant change. In the updated floor plan the recreational component was increased from a multipurpose room to a half-court gymnasium, an additional classroom was added, and the nursing unit was reduced in size to create an assessment unit. The updated floor plan is an enhancement of FRTC's initial proposal, and is a better design for the provision of long-term residential care to children and adolescents than the initial design. While either design is appropriate, acceptance of FRTC's updated floor plan is appropriate where, as here, the changes are not substantial. Financial feasibility As previously noted, the parties have stipulated that FRTC has the available funds for capital and operating expenses, and that the project is financially feasible in the immediate term. At issue is the long-term financial feasibility of the project. FRTC presented two pro forma calculations to demonstrate the financial feasibility of the project. The first pro forma was based on the application initially reviewed by the Department. The second was based on the proposal presented at hearing that included the changes in staffing pattern and construction previously discussed. Both pro formas were, however, based on the assumption than the 60-bed facility would achieve 50 percent occupancy in the first year of operation and 60 percent occupancy in the second year of operation, that the average length of stay would be 365 days, and that the daily patient charge in the first year of operation would be $300 and in the second year of operation would be $321. These are reasonable assumptions, and the proposed charges are reasonable. The projected charges are comparable to charges at other IRTP's in Florida, and are substantially less than those of acute psychiatric hospitals. For example, current daily charges at Charter Hospital of Miami are $481, and FPC anticipates that its average daily charge will be $500. FRTC projects its utilization by class of pay for its first year of operation to be as follows: Insurance (commercial insurance and CHAMPUS) 65.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 8 percent. The projection by class of pay for the second year of operation changes slightly based on the assumption that, through experience, the bad debt allowance should decrease. Consequently, for its second year of operation FRTC projects its utilization by class of pay to be as follows: Insurance (commercial insurance and CHAMPUS) 66.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 7 percent. These projections of utilization are reasonable. FRTC's pro forma for the application initially reviewed by the Department demonstrates an estimated net income for the first year of operation of $97,000, and for the second year of operation $229,000. The updated pro forma to accommodate the changes in staffing level and construction, demonstrates a $102,000 loss in the first year of operation and a net income in the second year of operation of $244,000. The assumptions upon which FRTC predicated its pro formas were reasonable. Accordingly, the proof demonstrates that the proposed project will be financially feasible in the long-term. Costs and methods of construction The estimated project cost of the FRTC facility, as initially reviewed by the Department, was $4,389,533. The estimated cost of the project, as modified at hearing, was $4,728,000. This increase was nominally attributable to the change in architectural design of the facility which increased the cost of professional services by approximately $7,500 and construction costs by $139,322. Of more significance to the increased cost of the project was the increase in land acquisition costs which raised, because of appreciation factors, from $750,000 to $1,000,000. The parties stipulated to the reasonableness of the majority of the development costs and most of the other items were not actively contested. Petitioners did, however, dispute the reasonableness of FRTC's cost estimate for land acquisition and construction supervision. The proof supports, however the reasonableness of FRTC's estimates. FRTC has committed to construct its facility south of State Road 84 or east of Interstate 95 in Broward County, but has not, as yet, secured a site. It has, however, allocated $1,000,000 for land acquisition, $200,281 for site preparation exclusive of landscaping, and $126,000 for construction contingencies. The parties have stipulated to the reasonableness of the contingency fund, which is designed as a safety factor to cover unknown conditions such as unusually high utility fees and unusual site conditions. Totalling the aforementioned sums, which may be reasonably attributable to land acquisition costs, yields a figure of $1,326,281. Since a minimum of 6 acres is needed for project accomplishment, FRTC's estimate of project costs contemplates a potential cost of $221,047 per acre. In light of the parties' stipulation, and the proof regarding land costs in the area, FRTC's estimate for land acquisition costs is a reasonable planning figure for this project. FRTC budgeted in its estimate of project costs $6,000 for the line item denoted as "construction supervision (Scheduling)." Petitioners contend that construction supervision will far exceed this figure, and accordingly doubt the reliability of FRTC's estimate of project costs. Petitioners' contention is not persuasive. The line item for "Construction supervision (Scheduling)" was simply a fee paid to a consultant to schedule Charter's projects. Actual on site supervision will be provided by the construction contractor selected, Charter's architect and Charter's in-house construction supervision component. These costs are all subsumed in FRTC's estimate of project cost. FRTC's costs and methods of proposed construction, including the costs and methods of energy efficiency and conservation, are reasonable for the facility initially reviewed by the Department and the facility as modified at hearing. The petitioners FPC, a Florida partnership, received a certificate of need on May 9, 1986, to construct a 100-bed short term psychiatric and substance abuse hospital in Broward County. At the time of hearing, the FPC facility was under construction, with an anticipated opening in May 1988. Under the terms of its certificate of need, the FPC facility will consist of 80 short-term psychiatric beds (40 geriatric, 25 adult, and 15 adolescent) and 20 short-term substance abuse beds. Whether any of the substance abuse beds will be dedicated to adolescent care is, at best, speculative. The principals of FPC have opined at various times, depending on the interest they sought to advance, that 0, 5, or 20 of such beds would be dedicated to adolescent care. Their testimony is not, therefore, credible, and I conclude that FPC has failed to demonstrate than any of its substance abuse beds will be dedicated to adolescent care and that none of its treatment programs will include children. As a short term psychiatric hospital, FPC is licensed to provide acute inpatient psychiatric care for a period not exceeding 3 months and an average length of stay of 30 days or less for adults and a stay of 60 days or less for children and adolescents under 18 years. Rule 10-5.011(1)(o), Florida Administrative Code. While its treatment modalities and programs may be similar to those which may be employed by FRTC, FPC does not provide long-term residential treatment for children and adolescents and its services are not similar to those being proposed by FRTC. Notably, FPC conceded that if the patients admitted by FRTC require treatment lasting from 6 months to 2 years, there will be no overlap between the types of patients treated at the two facilities. As previously noted, the proof demonstrates that the length of stay at the FRTC facility was reasonably estimated to be 6 months to 2 years, with an average length of stay of 1 year. Under the circumstances, FPC and FRTC will not compete for the same patients. As importantly, there is no competent proof that FRTC could capture any patient that would have been referred to FPC or that any such capture, if it occurred, would have a substantial impact on FPC. Accordingly, the proof fails to demonstrate that FPC will suffer any injury in fact as a consequence of the proposed facility. SBHD is an independent taxing authority created by the legislature. Pertinent to this case, SBHD owns and operates the following facilities in Broward County: Memorial Hospital of Hollywood, 1011 North 35th Avenue, Hollywood, Florida, and Memorial Hospital Share Program, 801 S.W. Douglas Road, Pembroke Pines, Florida. Memorial Hospital of Hollywood is a general acute care hospital, with 74 beds dedicated to short-term psychiatric care. These beds are divided between three units: two closed units for acute care (42 beds) and one open unit (32 beds). There is no unit specifically dedicated to the treatment of adolescents, and Memorial does not admit any psychiatric patient under the age of 14. When admitted, adolescents are mixed with the adult population. From May 1987 through January 1988, Memorial admitted only 5-10 adolescents (ages 14-18). Their average length of stay was 12-14 days. Memorial Hospital Share Program is a 14-bed inpatient residential treatment program for individuals suffering from chemical dependency. No patient under the age of 18 is admitted to this program, which has an average length of stay of 27 days. SBHD contends that its substantial interests are affected by this proceeding because approval of FRTC's facility would result in the loss of paying psychiatric and residential treatment patients that would erode SBHD's ability to provide services to the indigent, and would, due to a shortage of nursing, recreational therapy and occupational therapists who are skilled and trained in the care of psychiatric patients, affect the quality of care at its facility and increase costs for recruiting and training staff. Due to the paucity of competent proof, SBHD's concerns are not credited, and it has failed to demonstrate that its interests are substantially affected by these proceedings. Succinctly, SBHD offered no proof concerning any staffing problems it was encountering and no proof of any disparity that might exist between wages and benefits it offers its employees and those to be offered at the FRTC facility. In sum, it undertook no study from which it could be reasonably concluded that the FRTC facility would adversely impact its staffing or otherwise increase the cost of recruiting and training staff. Likewise, SBHD undertook no study and offered no credible proof that the FRTC facility would adversely impact it financially. In fact, the FRTC facility will not treat the same patient base that is cared for by SBHD.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that FRTC's application for certificate of need, as updated, be granted, subject to the special condition set forth in conclusions of law number 12. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 7th day of September, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of September, 1988.

Florida Laws (4) 120.5727.05394.459395.002
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001415 Latest Update: May 23, 1990

Findings Of Fact Background On September 28, 1988, First Hospital Corporation of Florida d/b/a First Hospital of Palm Beach County (First Hospital) filed a timely application for the July 1993 planning horizon with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Department) for a certificate of need (CON) to construct a 48- bed short-term psychiatric specialty hospital, dedicated to the care of children and adolescents, in District IX. 1/ District IX is comprised of Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee Counties. On February 3, 1989, the Department published notice in the Florida Administrative Weekly of its intent to grant First Hospital's application. Petitioners, Lake Hospital & Clinic, Inc. d/b/a Lake Hospital of the Palm Beaches (Lake Hospital), and Community Hospital of the Palm Beaches, Inc. d/b/a Humana Hospital Palm Beaches (Humana), existing providers of psychiatric services to adolescents in Palm Beach County, filed timely petitions for a formal administrative hearing to oppose the grant of the subject application. The matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the assignment of a hearing officer to conduct a formal hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, and Savannas Hospital Limited Partnership (Savannas), an existing provider of psychiatric services to adolescents in St. Lucie County, was granted leave to intervene. 2/ The proposed facility At issue in this proceeding is the application of First Hospital for a CON to construct a 48-bed short-term psychiatric specialty hospital dedicated to the care of children and adolescents. This project is, however, only a portion of an 80-bed facility that First Hospital proposes to construct on a 30-acre parcel of land adjacent to Wellington Regional Memorial Hospital in western Palm Beach County. As sited, the proposed facility would be located west of the Florida Turnpike; on the west side of State Road 7 and approximately .2 miles north of Forest Hills Boulevard. The 80-bed facility that First Hospital proposes to construct would consist of a central core area and three attached wings or units. Two of the wings, each containing 24 beds, will be dedicated as short-term psychiatric beds, with one wing for young adolescents (10-14 years of age) and one wing for older adolescents (14-18 years of age). The third wing, consisting of 32 beds, will be dedicated as a residential treatment center (RTC) for adolescents. The central core area would include administrative, therapy, kitchen and dining, gymnasium classroom areas and other support functions, and is essential to the operation of the psychiatric units, but will be shared with the residential treatment unit. A therapeutic preschool program, for children 3-5 years of age, as well as a partial hospitalization program for adolescents, are also proposed to be offered, and will be located in the central core area. 3/ The psychiatric program proposed by First Hospital for its 48-bed short-term psychiatric facility will address emotional and behavioral disorders that may affect adolescents, and which require admission to a short-term acute care facility for treatment. In its application, First Hospital estimates an average length of stay of 45 to 60 days. The availability, quality of care, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility, extent of utilization and adequacy of like and existing health card services in the service district As a touchstone for assessing need within a service district, the Department has established a short-term psychiatric bed need methodology that must normally be satisfied before a favorable need determination will be found. That methodology, codified in Rule 10-5.011(1)(0)(4), Florida Administrative Code, contains two identifiable parts. The first part deals with the mathematical derivation of a net bed need for the planning horizon by assuming a gross bed need ratio of .35 beds per 1,000 population, and reducing that figure by the number of existing and approved beds. Based on the population projections of the Executive Office of the Governor, July 1988 release, application of this methodology derives a net need for 48 short-term psychiatric beds for the July 1993 planning horizon (gross bed need of 480- existing and approved beds of 432 = 48 net bed need. 4/ The second part of the Department's need methodology addresses occupancy standards for existing facilities that must be satisfied before a favorable need determination will normally be found. For short-term child and adolescent beds, the rule mandates an average annual occupancy rate of not less than 70 percent for all such existing facilities for the preceding 12- month period. Here, the proof demonstrates an average annual occupancy rate in excess of 70 percent for the 12-month period preceding the Department's need calculation, and satisfaction of the second part of the Department's need methodology. On August 12, 1988, the Department, pursuant to Rule 10-5.008(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, published notice of the hospital fixed need pool for the July 1993 planning horizon in the Florida Administrative Weekly. Pertinent to this case, such notice erroneously established a net need for 33 short-term psychiatric beds in District IX. Following publication of the fixed need pool, the Department received information that its calculation of the net need for short-term psychiatric beds in District IX was erroneous. Upon review, the Department established that its initial calculation was in error, and on August 26, 1988, the Department published a notice of correction in the Florida Administrative Weekly, which correctly established a net need for 48 short-term psychiatric beds in District IX for the July 1993 planning horizon. This adjustment to the fixed need pool did not result from any intervening changes in population estimates, bed inventories, or other factors which would lead to different projections of need, but from an error in the Department's mathematical calculation. Under the circumstances, the Department's correction of the fixed need pool was appropriate and timely, and a need for 48 short-term child and adolescent psychiatric beds for the July 1993 planning horizon has been demonstrated. Of the 432 short-term psychiatric beds approved and existing within the district on August 17, 1988, 119 beds were reported to the local health council as dedicated to short-term child and adolescent psychiatric services, and the balance of 313 beds as dedicated to adult psychiatric services. Allocation of the 119 short-term child and adolescent beds was reported as follows: Lake Hospital 26 beds, Fair Oaks 27 beds, Humana 27 beds, Savannas 15 beds, and Lawnwood (Harbour Shores) 24 beds. Lake Hospital is a 98-bed freestanding psychiatric specialty hospital located in Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida, that treats adolescents and adults for psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. As of August 17, 1988, Lake Hospital was licensed to operate 56 short-term psychiatric beds, 26 long- term psychiatric beds, and 16 short-term substance abuse beds. Of the 56 short- term psychiatric beds, 26 beds were approved for adolescent care and 30 beds were approved for adult care. During calendar year 1987, Lake Hospital enjoyed an occupancy rate of 91.8 percent for its 26 short-term psychiatric beds, which were dedicated to the care of adolescents, ages 12- 17. In January 1988, Lake Hospital opened a replacement facility on its campus consisting of a two-story structure with four 18- bed units, and reported to the local health council that two of those units (36 beds) were dedicated to short-term adolescent care in January and February 1988, and that thereafter only 18 beds were dedicated to short-term adolescent care. Based on such utilization, Lake Hospital enjoyed an occupancy rate of 95 percent for the first four months of 1988 and a 93.9 percent occupancy rate for calendar year 1988 for its adolescent beds. 5/ Fair Oaks is a 102-bed free standing psychiatric specialty hospital located in Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that treats children, adolescents, and adults for psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. As of August 17, 1988, Fair Oaks was licensed to operate 70 short-term psychiatric beds, 15 long-term psychiatric beds, and 17 short-term substance abuse beds. Of the 70 short-term psychiatric beds, 27 beds were approved for child and adolescent care and 43 beds for adult care. During the calendar year 1987, Fair Oaks' second year of operation, it achieved an occupancy rate of 73.1 percent for its 27 short-term child and adolescent psychiatric beds. For the first four months of calendar year 1988, Fair Oaks enjoyed an occupancy rate of 99.7 percent, and for all of calendar year 1988 an occupancy rate of 91 percent. 6/ Humana is a 250-bed general hospital located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Of its existing beds, 162 are dedicated as medical/surgical beds, and 88 as short-term psychiatric beds. For calendar year 1987, Humana reported to the local health council that 27 of its 88-bed complement of psychiatric beds were dedicated to short- term adolescent services, but declined or neglected to report its utilization so that an average length of stay could be calculated. In fact, Humana did not operate a short-term adolescent program for 1987, but operated a long-term program without Department approval. Pertinent to this conclusion, the proof demonstrated that Humana applied for the development of an 88-bed psychiatric pavilion in 1983. Certificate of Need No. 2647 was issued to Humana on November 17, 1983, for 80 short-term psychiatric beds consisting of 48 adult psychiatric beds, 24 geriatric beds, and 8 adult special beds; and, on January 8, 1985, Humana received CON No. 3237 for the additional 8 short-term adult psychiatric beds. Humana opened its psychiatric pavilion in November 1986, and by January 1987 was serving adolescents, ages 13 through 18, in a 27-bed unit notwithstanding the absence of Department approval. As to the services provided in that unit, the proof is compelling that it was dedicated to long-term adolescent psychiatric services with an average length of stay of approximately 280 days. At some point thereafter, but not earlier than July 1989, Humana also began providing short-term adolescent psychiatric services at its facility. 7/ Following the Department's investigation into Humana's operation of a long-term adolescent psychiatric program, Humana applied for a modification of its CON Nos. 2647 and 3237 to allow it to operate a district adolescent unit. On July 14, 1989, Humana received Department approval, and such CON's were modified to allow 15 short-term adolescent psychiatric beds. This modification is, however, currently the subject of an appeal to the District Court. In the interim, on December 14, 1988, Humana received CON No. 5294 for the addition of 15 short-term beds for adolescents and adults, and on February 25, 1989, Humana received CON No. 5722 for the redesignation of 15 short-term psychiatric beds to 15 long-term beds. Currently, Humana has available 30 short-term psychiatric beds for adolescent use, and 15 long-term beds, but its short-term program is in a start-up mode. Savannas is a 70-bed freestanding psychiatric hospital located in Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida, approximately 40 miles north of Palm Beach County, that treats adolescents and adults for psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. As of August 17, 1988, Savannas was licensed to operate 50 short-term psychiatric beds and 20 short-term substance abuse beds. Of the 50 short-term psychiatric beds, 15 beds were approved for adolescent care and dedicated to patients ages 14- 17, and 35 beds were approved for adult care. Savannas opened its facility in October 1987, and for that calendar year reported 1,215 patient days for its short- term adolescent unit, For calendar year 1988, its first full year of operation, Savanna's adolescent unit achieved 3,589 patient days, or an occupancy rate of 65.5 percent. Lawnwood (Harbour Shores) is a general hospital located in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida, that, as of August 17, 1988, was licensed to operate 60 short-term psychiatric beds. Of the 60 short-term psychiatric beds, 24 beds were approved for child and adolescent care, and 36 for adult care. The date Lawnwood commenced operations does not appear of record; however, during calendar year 1987, it achieved a 62 percent occupancy rate for its 24-bed adolescent unit. For calendar year 1988, Lawnwood maintained a similar occupancy rate even though Savannas was drawing patients from the same service area to its new facility. Considering the availability, accessibility, extent of utilization and adequacy of short-term child and adolescent beds in the service district at all times pertinent to this case, there exists a need for the 48 beds requested by First Hospital, and such beds should be located in Palm Beach County consistent with the local health plan, discussed infra. The need for the proposed facility in relation to the district plan and state health plan Applicable to this case is the 1985-87 state health plan, which contains the following goals and objectives pertinent to short-term inpatient psychiatric beds: GOAL 1: ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES TO ALL FLORIDA RESIDENTS IN A LEAST RESTRICTIVE SETTING. OBJECTIVE 1.1: The ratio of short term inpatient hospital psychiatric beds to Florida's population should not exceed .35 beds per 1000 population thru 1987. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: a: Restrain increases in the supply of short term inpatient hospital psychiatric beds to no more than .35 beds per 1000 population. OBJECTIVE 1.2: Through 1987, additional short term inpatient hospital psychiatric beds should not normally be approved unless the average annual occupancy rate for all existing and approved adult short term inpatient psychiatric beds in the service district is at least 75% and average annual occupancy for existing and approved adolescent and children beds is at least 70%. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: a. Restrict approval of additional short term inpatient psychiatric beds to these service districts which have an average annual occupancy of 75% for existing and approved adult beds and 70% for existing and approved adolescent and children beds. GOAL 2.: PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONTINUUM OF HIGH QUALITY, COST EFFECTIVE PRIVATE SECTOR MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE SERVICES. OBJECTIVE 2.1: Define, develop and implement policy regarding the appropriate treatment settings and the role of each setting in the delivery of mental health and substance abuse services by 1987. GOAL 3: DEVELOP A COMPLETE RANGE OF ESSENTIAL PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN EACH HRS DISTRICT. First Hospital's application is consistent with the goals and objectives of the state health plan. Here, First Hospital proposes to provide a 24-hour-a-day therapeutic milieu, with an average length of stay of 60 days or less, for children and adolescents suffering from mental health problems which are so severe and acute that they need intensive, full-time care. As such, First Hospital will offer care for those individuals for whom short-term inpatient psychiatric care is the least restrictive setting appropriate, and which care, consistent with the Department's need methodologies, will complement the range of mental health services needed in the district. Also applicable to this case, is the 1988 District IX local health plan. Pertinent to this case, the local health plan divides District IX into two subdistricts when planning for short-term psychiatric beds. Subdistrict one consists of Indian River, Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties, and subdistrict two consists of Palm Beach County. In allocating short-term psychiatric beds between subdistricts, the local plan provides: When bed need is shown in District IX for either short-term psychiatric services or substance abuse services in accordance with Chapter 10-5.11 of the Florida Administrative Code, the method for allocating beds among subdistricts shall be based upon projected subdistrict occupancy figures as determined by use-rates during the most recent calendar year in combination with projected subdistrict population figures. New beds shall be allocated to the subdistrict showing the highest projected percent occupancy, to the extent that the projected percent occupancy equal that of the other subdistrict. When projected occupancy figures show parity, any remaining beds shall be allocated based upon each subdistrict's percentage of projected patient days for District IX. All projections shall be five years into the future to correspond with the planning horizon governing the addition of psychiatric and substance abuse beds as set forth in state rule. Applying the local plan's methodology to the facts of this case demonstrates that the beds identified by the Department's need methodology should be allocated to subdistrict two, Palm Beach County, which is the county within which First Hospital proposes to locate. The local plan also requires an examination of an applicant's commitment or record of service to medicaid/indigent and underserved population groups. The First Hospital facility will be a specialty hospital and therefore not eligible to provide medicaid services; however, First Hospital has committed to dedicate 8 percent of its patient days to indigent care. Under such circumstances, First Hospital's application is, on balance, consistent with the local plan. The ability of the applicant to provide quality of care and the applicant's record of providing quality of care First Hospital is a wholly owned subsidiary of First Hospital Corporation, an established provider of psychiatric services to children and adolescents since 1983. As of this date, First Hospital Corporation owns and operates 15 hospitals nationally, and has demonstrated the commitment and ability to provide quality care to its patients. Here, First Hospital's staffing is reasonable, and while the program proposed by First Hospital is generic in nature, and similar to that offered by other short-term providers of such services, it will assure, in light of demonstrated need, that patients needing acute short-term psychiatric services in the district will continue to receive quality care. To the extent that the needs of the district may subsequently evidence the need for more specialized programs, First Hospital has demonstrated its ability to address such needs, and to provide quality programs and services. The availability and adequacy of other health care facilities and services in the service area which may serve as alternatives for the health care facilities and services proposed by the applicant The Department's short-term psychiatric bed rule addresses the need for psychiatric facilities that will treat emotional and behavioral disorders which require admission to a short-term acute care facility for treatment. Where such short- term psychiatric care is indicated, any other type of placement would not be appropriate under existing rules (not long-term, residential treatment, group home, or out-patient care), and there are no alternatives for the services proposed by First Hospital. The availability of resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation First Hospital has demonstrated that it either has or can obtain all resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. As heretofore noted, First Hospital Corporation, the parent of the applicant, has provided psychiatric services to children and adolescents since 1983, and currently owns and operates 15 hospitals nationally. It has never experienced any serious difficulty in financing its operations, either start-up or operational, and has in place an existing program for the recruitment and training of medical, administrative, clerical and other personnel that might be needed for the proposed facility. First Hospital Corporation has no other new projects pending at this time, and has committed itself to the project proposed by its subsidiary. Additionally, Dr. Ronald Dozoretz, who is president, chairman of the board, and the principal stockholder of First Hospital Corporation, has the available resources to finance the subject project, and has also committed to do so if necessary. 8/ The extent to which the proposed services will be accessible to all residents of the service district, and the applicant's past and proposed provision of health care services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent As a freestanding psychiatric facility, First Hospital is not eligible to receive Medicaid funds for the treatment of psychiatric disorders; however, it has committed to provide 8 percent of its patient days to the care of patients who qualify as indigent, and has agreed that its CON be so conditioned. In view of this commitment, as well as the demonstrated need within the district for the proposed services, approval of First Hospital's application will increase accessibility to all residents of the district. The probable impact of the proposed project on the costs of providing health services proposed by the applicant. The proof demonstrates that existent facilities in Palm Beach County are operating near capacity, and that to meet expected demand at the planning horizon an additional 48 short- term psychiatric beds are needed. Under such circumstances, approval of First Hospital's application will stimulate competition and promote quality assurance and cost-effectiveness. While the proof establishes the need for 48 additional beds at the horizon year, the protestants to First Hospital's application contend that, due to the finite number of qualified professionals within the area to staff the facility and the finite number of patients requiring such care, they will be adversely impacted if the application is approved. Succinctly, they contend that they may lose staff or be compelled to pay higher salaries, and that they may lose patients and therefore revenue, if the facility is approved. The protestants' proof regarding potential impact to their existing staff or competition for staff was unpersuasive. In light of the number of existing facilities that already offer mental health type services within the district, and therefore currently compete for the same professionals, First Hospital's entry into the market should not significantly impact existing competition. As importantly, the protestants failed to quantify any such impact or otherwise persuasively demonstrate that, assuming they were compelled to pay more to retain or attract competent staff, such increased expense would adversely affect their operation. With regard to the protestants' concerns regarding lost patient days and revenue, the demonstrated need for the additional 48 beds at the horizon year mitigates the potential for any adverse impact to existent providers in the long term. However, this does suggest that First Hospital's application, as proposed, does not demonstrate a potential to significantly adversely affect existent providers in the short term. To the contrary, should First Hospital achieve the level of utilization it projects in its application, its facility would have a significant adverse impact on existing programs. In this regard, First Hospital's application projects that it will achieve 8,956 patient days in 1991, its first year of operation, and 13,193 patient days in 1992, its second year of operation. Through 1991, there will only be a growth of approximately 3,498 patient days over those that were served by existing facilities in 1988, and through 1992, there will only be a growth of approximately 4,664 patient days over those that were served by existing facilities in 1988. Therefore, to achieve it's projected occupancy levels, First Hospital would have to capture 5,458 patient days in 1991 and 8,529 patient days in 1992 from the patient base that had previously been served at existing facilities. Such impact to those facilities, should First Hospital be able to achieve its projected levels of occupancy, would be significant and adverse. 9/ The costs and methods of the proposed construction As heretofore discussed, First Hospital proposes to construct an 80- bed facility on approximately 30 acres of land in Palm Beach County, Florida, which will include the 48 short-term psychiatric beds which are the subject of this proceeding, as well as the 32 residential treatment beds which the Department concluded were not subject to CON review. The 80-bed facility proposed, at 49,142 gross square feet, will consist of a central core area of approximately 25,000 square feet, which includes three wings; an education and activity wing, a food service wing, and an administrative wing. These wings will house the therapy, kitchen and dining, gymnasium, classrooms, administrative offices, and other services necessary to support the psychiatric facility. Attached to the core area, are two psychiatric wings, at 7,592 square feet each, which will each contain 24 beds dedicated to short-term psychiatric care, and one wing, at 8,944 square feet, which will contain 32 beds dedicated as residential treatment beds. On the adjacent grounds, First Hospital also proposed a swimming pool, tennis courts, baseball field, and sports filed. In its application, First Hospital estimated its total project cost for the proposed psychiatric facility at $4,213,522. This project cost was composed of development cost of $61,500, financing/refinancing costs of $259,800, professional services of $162,000, construction costs of $2,503,162, equipment costs of $480,000, and other related costs of $150,000. But for the construction cost category ($2,503,162), First Hospital derived its estimate of total project costs by allocating 60 percent of the cost of each component of the total cost to the psychiatric facility and 40 percent to the residential treatment facility (the 60/40 methodology). In the case of construction costs, First Hospital based its estimate on the square footage of the psychiatric wings and 60 percent of the core area, which derived a gross square footage for this cost item based on 30,184 square feet, to which it added 60 percent of its estimated costs for site preparation and contingency of construction. Based on this premise, First Hospital's proposal is driven by a $76.33 per square foot cost of construction. 10/ Assuming the propriety of First Hospital's 60/40 allocation of costs, its estimate of project costs is still significantly understated. Here, the proof demonstrates that, as opposed to the $76.33 per square foot cost for construction and site preparation costs estimated by First Hospital, the cost for such work will be $105 per square foot, inclusive of construction and site preparation costs. Based on the 30,184 square feet First Hospital allocated to the project, such cost will amount to $3,169,320, which, when added to the 5 percent contingency factor, the $96,000 allocated for the proposed pool, and the addition of 460 square feet to patient rooms needed to meet Department standards, derives a construction cost figure of $3,472,086, as opposed to the $2,503,162 estimated by First Hospital. In addition to straight construction costs, First Hospital also underestimated its equipment costs. In this regard, First Hospital's equipment list omits many necessary items, including: nurse call equipment, a security system, an emergency generator, therapy and recreational equipment, gym equipment, ice machines, defibrillators, crashcarts, educational materials, media equipment, graphic artwork, interior design items, shelving/lockers for staff and patients, housekeeping items, medication carts, and other necessary equipment. Had First Hospital properly calculated its equipment costs, it would have derived a cost of at least $1 million for movable equipment and at least $150,000 for fixed equipment for the 80--bed facility as opposed to the $700,000 for movable equipment and $100,00 for fixed equipment it estimated. Under such circumstances, applying First Hospital's 60/40 methodology would establish an equipment cost for the subject project at $690,000, as opposed to the $480,000 estimated by First Hospital. 11/ Since financing costs and professional services fees would also require an upward adjustment because of the increase in construction and equipment costs, the total cost for the subject project, utilizing First Hospital's 60/40 methodology, would reach at least $5,488,843, as opposed to the $4,213,522 estimated by First Hospital. 12/ The foregoing analysis of construction costs assumed the reasonableness of First Hospital's 60/40) allocation methodology. For reasons discussed infra, First Hospital's allocation methodology is not reasonable, and its construction costs are therefore dramatically understated. In this regard, the proof demonstrated that the core area, consisting of 25,000 square feet, would be necessary to support the 48-bed psychiatric units whether the 32-bed residential treatment unit were built or not, and that it would be more appropriate to combine the core area and the psychiatric area to assess the subject application. When this is done, the construction cost alone for the project calculates to $4,638,501. 13/ In addition to straight construction costs, all of the other estimated project costs appearing on Table 25 of First Hospital's exhibit 1 are also suspect because of its 60/40 methodology; however, for purposes of this analysis item a, project development costs, and item f, other related costs are assumed accurate, as are construction supervision costs and loan fees. Notably, capitalized interest would increase to at least $355,621, architectural/engineering fees would increase to approximately $242,969, and equipment costs would increase to approximately $726,000. With these adjustments alone, the cost of the 48-bed psychiatric project, which includes the core area, comes to approximately $6,821,000, or over $2,607,000 more than First Hospital estimated. 14/ The unreasonableness of First Hospital's 60/40 methodology To assess the financial feasibility of the proposed project, First Hospital's pro formas address only the expected financial performance of the 48 psychiatric beds and ignore the financial feasibility of the 32-bed residential treatment unit, even through First Hospital postulates that such unit will support 40 percent of the cost of the hospital's core area. At hearing, the explanation offered by First Hospital and the Department for not addressing the financial feasibility of the residential treatment unit, as well as the out-patient services, was their contention that such services are not CON reviewable because First Hospital, as regards the residential treatment unit, is not yet a "health care facility" and, as regards the outpatient services, that such services are exempt from review. In this regard, they point to the provisions of Section 381.706(1), Florida Statutes, which provides; . . . all health-care-related projects, as described in paragraphs (a)-(n), shall be subject to review and shall file an application for a certificate of need with the department . . . (c) A capital expenditure of $1 million or more by or on behalf of a health care facility . . . for a purpose directly related to the furnishing of health services at such facility; provided that a Certificate of Need shall not be required for an expenditure to provide an outpatient health service . . . (Emphasis added) They also point to the provision of Section 381.702, Florida Statutes, which contains the following definitions: (7) "Health care facility" means a hospital. . . . (12) "Hospital" means a health care facility licensed under chapter 395. Based on these statutory provisions, First Hospital and the Department conclude that the residential treatment unit and the outpatient services are not CON reviewable because First Hospital is not yet licensed or the outpatient services are exempt. While the logic of First Hospital's and the Department's conclusion seems questionable where, as here, the projects are proposed to be integrated and constructed simultaneously, the Department's reading of the statute comports with its literal reading and is accepted. However, although the residential treatment unit and outpatient services may not be subject to CON review does not suggest that their financial feasibility is not relevant to this proceeding. To the contrary, their financial feasibility is critical if First Hospital's 60/40 methodology is to be considered rational. Here, the 48-bed psychiatric facility proposed by First Hospital is comprised of two 24-bed units and a core unit that provides all necessary support functions, including administrative, therapy, kitchen and dining, gymnasium and classroom areas, for those units. That core area, of 25,000 square feet, is an essential part of the proposed psychiatric hospital; without it there would be no psychiatric hospital, and at a lesser square footage the project would be lacking sufficient space to provide necessary services. When licensed by the Department, the two 24-bed units and the core area will be licensed as a psychiatric hospital. Notwithstanding, the fact that the 25,000 square foot support area is an integral and essential part of the proposed hospital, the Department chose to ignore 40 percent of its costs and expenses in assessing the financial feasibility of the project. The basis for the Department's action was its conclusion that the non-CON reviewable residential treatment unit comprised 40 percent of the overall population of the entire facility (80-beds overall), and that since it would share the core area, 40 percent of the costs of constructing that area, as well as subsequent operating expenses, were not pertinent to an evaluation of the proposed hospital. Here, the Department's reasoning and its conclusion, be they incipient policy, do not have evidentiary support. The psychiatric hospital proposed by First Hospital is, as heretofore noted, the two 24-bed units and the core area. This is the only portion of the project over which the Department has control, and necessarily the only portion that it can assure will be built as proposed; it has no control over whether the residential treatment unit will ever be built or be built as proposed. Therefore, since the core unit is an essential part of the psychiatric hospital, and the residential treatment unit is exempt from CON review, an assessment of the subject application must consider the cost of the entire core area as part of the project under review. While economies of scale permit utilization of the core unit by the residential treatment unit without additional space, this does not detract from the conclusion that the cost of the core is a cost of the hospital. Rather, such excess capacity is fortuitous for First Hospital, and may permit it to spread the expenses of its operation over a larger population base if the residential treatment unit is built. However, to reasonably assess whether those expenses of operation can be spread to or supported by the residential treatment unit to any extent, much less 40 percent, requires an analysis of the financial feasibility of those services. Here, First Hospital offered no proof of the financial feasibility of the residential treatment unit, and there is no rational basis on which any allocation of operating expenses for the core area can be demonstrated to be supportable by it. Accordingly, to assess the financial feasibility of the proposed psychiatric hospital it is necessary to attribute the cost of the core area to the proposed project, as well as the costs of carrying and operating that part of the proposed hospital. 15/ The immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposal To assess the financial feasibility of the proposed project, First Hospital's pro forma assumes that it will achieve 8,956 patient days in its first year of operation and 13,193 patient days in its second year of operation, with a per diem patient charge of $500 in year one and $525 in year two, and that it will thereby achieve a gross revenue of $4,478,000 in its first year of operation and a gross revenue of $6,926,325 in its second year of operation. While the proposed patient charges are reasonable, First Hospital's occupancy projections are not supported by persuasive proof and, therefore, it has failed to demonstrate what revenues it could reasonably expect to generate. A facility's projected patient days are typically a product of an informed analysis of projected admissions and projected average length of stay. Here, First Hospital undertook no such analysis, but simply assumed a number of patient days, without any rational predicate in an effort to demonstrate financial feasibility. Notably, there is a clear trend toward shorter lengths of stay in psychiatric hospitals, which was even recognized by First Hospital's Dr. Dozoretz who reasonably expected an average length of stay at the proposed facility of 30 to 40 days. However, First Hospital assumed in its pro forma an average length of stay ranging from 45 to 60 days. Such assumption could not have been the basis for any considered analysis of utilization since it is excessive, as well as too imprecise. Moreover, in testing the reasonableness of a utilization projection, it is also important to consider physician support, the extent of waiting lists, community support, the extent of competition, and the depth of local needs assessment. Here, there is no persuasive proof that First Hospital enjoys any support from local physicians, that there are any waiting lists, that the market is not competitive, that there is any community support for the project, or that it undertook any reasonable assessment of local need. In addition to its failure to demonstrate what utilization level it could reasonably achieve in its first two years of operation, and therefore establish a reasonable estimate of its gross revenue, First Hospital's pro forma also, significantly underestimated building depreciation, equipment depreciation, and interest expense because of its failure to adequately address construction and equipment costs, discussed supra. Had First Hospital properly assessed such costs, by subsuming the psychiatric hospital to include 100 percent of the psychiatric wings and core area, it would have calculated building depreciation at $176,230 per annum, equipment depreciation at $72,600 per annum, and interest at $750,360 per annum. At these rates, assuming the validity of First Hospital's projection of gross revenue, the facility's projected loss in year one would increase from $115,629 to $529,848, and its projected profit in year two of $442,184 would be reduced to $27,965. 16/ As well as underestimating the foregoing expenses, First Hospital's pro forma also significantly underestimates a number of other expenses, including deductions from gross revenue, supplies and other expenses, and the indigent care tax assessment. In this regard, the proof demonstrates that First Hospital underestimated its deductions from revenue by $367,000 in year one and $214,000 in year two; underestimated its supplies and other expenses in year one by at least $645,000, and in year two by at least $561,000; and omitted the indigent care tax assessment of $56,000 in year one and $75,000 in year two. Considering these additional adjustments, First Hospital's project, even assuming its gross revenue projections are reasonable, is not financially feasible in either the short-term or long-term. 17/ The criteria on balance In evaluating the application at issue in this proceeding, none of the criteria established by Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, or Rule 10- 5.011(1)(o), Florida Administrative Code, has been overlooked. First Hospital's failure to demonstrate the financial feasibility of its proposal is, however, dispositive of its application, and such failure is not outweighed by any other, or combination of any other, criteria.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: As to Case NO. 89-1415, that a final order be entered denying First Hospital's application for Certificate of Need. As to Case NO. 89-1438, that a final order be entered dismissing Humana's petition for formal hearing. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 23rd day of May 1990. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of May 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 27, 2012 Number: 12-000427CON Latest Update: Mar. 14, 2012

Conclusions THIS CAUSE comes before the Agency For Health Care Administration (the "Agency") concerning Certificate of Need ("CON") Application No. 10131 filed by The Shores Behavioral Hospital, LLC (hereinafter “The Shores”) to establish a 60-bed adult psychiatric hospital and CON Application No. 10132 The entity is a limited liability company according to the Division of Corporations. Filed March 14, 2012 2:40 PM Division of Administrative Hearings to establish a 12-bed substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds pursuant to CON application No. 10131. The Agency preliminarily approved CON Application No. 10131 and preliminarily denied CON Application No. 10132. South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Regional Hospital (hereinafter “Memorial”) thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing challenging the Agency’s preliminary approval of CON 10131, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (“DOAH”). The Shores thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing to challenge the Agency’s preliminary denial of CON 10132, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (‘DOAH”). Upon receipt at DOAH, Memorial, CON 10131, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0424CON and The Shores, CON 10132, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0427CON. On February 16, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order of Consolidation consolidating both cases. On February 24, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction based on _ the _ parties’ representation they had reached a settlement. . The parties have entered into the attached Settlement Agreement (Exhibit 1). It is therefore ORDERED: 1. The attached Settlement Agreement is approved and adopted as part of this Final Order, and the parties are directed to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Agency will approve and issue CON 10131 and CON 10132 with the conditions: a. Approval of CON Application 10131 to establish a Class III specialty hospital with 60 adult psychiatric beds is concurrent with approval of the co-batched CON Application 10132 to establish a 12-bed adult substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds in one single hospital facility. b. Concurrent to the licensure and certification of 60 adult inpatient psychiatric beds, 12 adult substance abuse beds and 30 adolescent residential treatment (DCF) beds at The Shores, all 72 hospital beds and 30 adolescent residential beds at Atlantic Shores Hospital will be delicensed. c. The Shores will become a designated Baker Act receiving facility upon licensure and certification. d. The location of the hospital approved pursuant to CONs 10131 and 10132 will not be south of Los Olas Boulevard and The Shores agrees that it will not seek any modification of the CONs to locate the hospital farther south than Davie Boulevard (County Road 736). 3. Each party shall be responsible its own costs and fees. 4. The above-styled cases are hereby closed. DONE and ORDERED this 2. day of Meaich~ , 2012, in Tallahassee, Florida. ELIZABETH DEK, Secretary AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 02, 1990 Number: 90-002758 Latest Update: Oct. 26, 1990

The Issue Whether or not Halifax' Second Amended Petition has alleged sufficient standing to initiate a Section 120.57(1) F.S. formal hearing, pursuant to Subsection 381.709(5)(b) F.S., in challenge of HRS' modification of ATC's CON.

Findings Of Fact ATC is an existing 50-bed specialty psychiatric hospital with 25 short- term psychiatric beds for children or adolescents, five beds for short-term substance abuse by children or adolescents, and 20 long-term psychiatric beds for children or adolescents. ATC has operated under CON 2331 since 1984. By correspondence dated March 7, 1990, HRS issued to ATC Amended CON 2331 authorizing ATC to convert 15 of its 20 long-term psychiatric beds for children and adolescents into long-term psychiatric beds for adults in a secure unit. Petitioner Halifax is an existing 545 bed acute care hospital with adult patients in its 50-bed secure psychiatric unit. Its existing hospital license 2700 is for a short-term psychiatric program which does not specify use of the beds for either adults or for children and adolescents. Halifax does not have a CON for a long-term psychiatric program. Halifax' Second Amended Petition alleges its standing in the following terms: . . . Halifax is a 545 bed acute care hospital, licensed pursuant to Chapter 395, Florida Statutes, and located within HRS District IV. Halifax provides psychiatric services to adult patients in its 50 bed psychiatric unit. Due to the nature of the patients served, Halifax operates it (sic) psychiatric services in a secured unit. Halifax's psychiatric unit has been in operation since December 7, 1951 and is an "established program" under Section 381.709(5)(b) Fla. Stat. * * * 5. Halifax is a substantially affected party, and its substantial interest is subject to a determination in this proceeding in that: Halifax is an existing provider of acute care hospital services, located in Volusia County, Florida, and within HRS District IV. Halifax has an established program which provides psychiatric services to adult patients within HRS District IV. If the issuance of Amended CON 2331 were upheld, ATC would offer the same adult psychiatric services presently offered at Halifax' established psychiatric program. Therefore, Halifax is entitled to initiate this proceeding pursuant to Section 381.709(5)(b) F.S. (1989). The issuance of Amended CON 2331 will result in an unnecessary duplication of the same adult psychiatric services provided by Halifax in HRS District IV. Such duplication of services will result in decreased utilization of Halifax' psychiatric program, increased costs to consumers of such psychiatric health care services, and the decreased financial viability of Halifax' established psychiatric program. Additionally, the Second Amended Petition asserts that ATC's requested amendment of CON 2331 would represent a substantial change in the inpatient institutional health services offered by ATC and, thus, is subject to CON review pursuant to Section 381.706(1)(h) F.S. (1989). Further, Halifax alleges that, if approved, the amendment to CON 2331 will authorize ATC to serve an entirely new patient population that it is not authorized to serve pursuant to the original CON.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order dismissing Halifax' Second Amended Petition and affirming the agency action modifying ATC's CON 2331. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of October, 1990, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of October, 1990. Copies furnished to: Harold C. Hubka, Esquire Black, Crotty, Sims, Hubka, Burnett, Bartlett and Samuels 501 North Grandview Avenue Post Office Box 5488 Daytona Beach, Florida 32118 Robert A. Weiss, Esquire Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs The Perkins House 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lesley Mendelson, Senior Attorney Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 103 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Robert D. Newell, Jr., Esquire Newell & Stahl, P.A. 817 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32303-6313 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004725 Latest Update: Feb. 28, 1989

The Issue The issue presented herein is whether or not a CON to construct a 60-bed short-term psychiatric hospital in District XI should be issued to Florida Medical Center (FMC).

Findings Of Fact FMC seeks a CON for a 60-bed free-standing psychiatric facility to be located in the Key Largo area of Monroe County in HRS District XI. FMC intends to provide 6.25 percent of its patient days at no charge to indigent patients. It further intends to provide another 6.25 percent of its patient days to HRS' clients and Baker Act patients at 50 percent of its projected charge, or $200 per day. (FMC Exhibit 2, Table 7). FMC proposes to build this facility at a cost of $6,060,000. Dr. Richard Matthews, Ph.D., has been executive director of the Guidance Clinic of the Upper Keys since 1973 and is a clinical psychologist. He is responsible for the overall administration and supervision of mental health, alcohol, drug abuse and out-patient services provided under contract with HRS. Dr. Matthews was qualified as an expert in clinical psychology and the mental health delivery health system in Monroe County. (FMC Exhibit 13). There are three guidance clinics in Monroe County, one each for the upper, lower and middle Keys. HRS contracts through each of these clinics to provide mental health care for its clients. There are no community mental health centers in Monroe County and the clinics are the sole means of delivering mental health care on behalf of HRS' clients within the county. Currently, the guidance clinic of the upper Keys places its in- patients in Harbor View Hospital in Dade County at a cost of $236 per day. Neither Harbor View nor any other hospital provides free days to any of the guidance clinics for in-patient psychiatric care. (FMC Exhibit 13, P. 9) Jackson Memorial Hospital does not accept indigent or charity psychiatric patients from Monroe County. There have been occasions where patients without resources have been unable to be hospitalized although hospitalization was indicated. The middle Keys has a crisis hospitalization unit with a limited number of beds. Patients needing hospitalization longer than three days must be transferred to Harbor View or some other facility in the District. The 15 beds at Depoo Hospital in Key West are not readily accessible to residents of the upper Keys. Residents needing psychiatric services usually go to hospitals in Dade County. Coral Reef Hospital, the nearest psychiatric facility to Petitioner's proposed facility, has in the past refused to negotiate a discounted rate with the guidance clinic. Dr. Matthews, on one occasion, sent a patient to Coral Reef who was refused treatment. Currently, no psychiatrist practices in Key Largo because there are no psychiatric beds to which a psychiatrist could admit patients. The discounted rate of $200 per day quoted by FMC is some $36 per day less than the guidance clinic currently pays to providers for referrals of its patients for psychiatric care. Additionally, the 6.25 percent of free care that Petitioner proposes is greater than the free care which the guidance clinic currently receives from any facility since no facility presently gives any free care to the clinic. The guidance clinic supports Petitioner's CON application and will contract with Petitioner who provides services for in-patients. Grant Center is a long-term 140-bed psychiatric hospital specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents. It is the nearest facility to Petitioner's proposed facility. Grant Center has agreed to refer adult patients to Petitioner. Grant Center treats 2-3 adults a month who need psychiatric care. (FMC Exhibit 14). There is one hospital providing psychiatric care in Dade County which was surveyed by the Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA) in March, 1988. Currently, a third party insurance carrier no longer utilizes Grant Center because of price. If a facility has prices which carriers consider too expensive, utilization will go down. (FMC Exhibit 14, P. 7). Grant Center currently contracts with HRS to provide its clients care at a rate of approximately $350 per day, a rate one half of Grant Center's normal rate. Jackson Memorial is the only Dade County hospital which will treat an indigent psychiatric patient. Grant Center intends to assist Petitioner with staffing or programmatic needs. It has 80-100 professional staff, most of whom live in close proximity to Key Largo. Robert L. Newman, C.P.A., is the chief financial officer at FMC. He testified, by deposition, as an expert in hospital accounting and finance. Newman analyzed the Hospital Cost Containment Board (HCCB) reports for each hospital in District XI which provides psychiatric care. There is no free standing psychiatric hospital in the District which reports any indigent or uncompensated care. Among area acute care hospitals which have psychiatric units, Miami Jackson rendered 38.89 percent indigent care, Miami Children's rendered 6.5 percent indigent care, and no other facility reported that it rendered more than 1.75 percent indigent care. (FMC see Exhibit 11, disposition exhibit 1). Jackson provides no free care to Monroe County residents and Miami Children's care is limited to treating children while Petitioner is seeking adult beds. Jayne Coraggio testified (by deposition) as an expert in psychiatric staffing and hiring. She is currently Petitioner's director of behavioral sciences. The ideal patient to staff ratio is 4 to 5 patients per day per professional staff member. During the evening shift, the ideal patient ratio per professional staff member is 7 to 8 patients. (FMC Exhibit 12, PP. 6-7). Petitioner's facility is adequately staffed based on the above ratios. FMC is considered overstaffed in the psychiatric unit by some of the other area hospitals since they do not staff as heavily as does Petitioner. Lower staffing ratios can affect quality of care since patients and their families would not receive as much therapy. Family therapy is important because the family needs to know about changes in the patient in order to make corrective adjustments. The family that is required to travel in excess of 45 minutes or more one way is less likely to be involved in family therapy. Islara Souto was the HRS primary reviewer who prepared the state agency action report (SAAR) for Petitioner's CON application. (FMC Exhibit 15). District 11 has subdivided into five subdistricts for psychiatric beds. Florida is deinstitutionalizing patients from its mental hospitals. To the extent that private psychiatric hospitals do not accept nonpaying patients, their existence will not solve the problem of caring for such patients. Souto acknowledged that the local health councils conversion policy discriminates against subdistrict 5 because there are so few acute care beds in the subdistrict. In fact, the conversion policy actually exacerbates the maldistribution of beds in the district. (FMC 15, page 26). The psychiatric facility nearest the proposed site (Coral Reef), had an occupancy of 90.3 percent. Souto utilized a document entitled Florida Primary Health Care Need Indicators, February 1, 1986, and determined that Monroe County has not been designated as a health manpower shortage area, nor a medically underserved area. This information is relied upon by health planners to determine the availability of health manpower in an area. This report refers both to physicians and R.N.'s. The average adult per diem for free-standing hospitals in District 11 range from $430 at Charter to just over $500 at Harbor View. Although districts have established subdistricts for psychiatric beds, no psychiatric bed subdistrict in any district has been promulgated by HRS as a rule. The access standard that is relevant to this proceeding is a 45-minute travel standard contained in Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)5.G. That standard states: G. Access Standard. Short-term inpatient hospital psychiatric services should be available within a maximum travel time of 45 minutes under average travel conditions for at least 90 percent of this service area's population. Here, the standard refers to the service area which is determined to be an area different than a service district. Applying the travel time standard on a service area basis makes the most sense since the subdistrict is established by the local health council and not the applicant. Analyzing this access standard on a sub-district level, 90% of the sub-districts population is not within 45 minutes of any facility anywhere in sub-district V since the sub-district is more than two hours long by ordinary travel and the population is split two-thirds in lower Dade County and one-third in Monroe County, the bulk of which is in Key West. (FMC Exhibit 17). Therefore, a facility located on either end of this sub-district is not readily accessible by the applicable travel standards to citizens at the other end of the sub-district. This access standard must however be measured and considered with the needs for psychiatric services of the kind Petitioner is proposing to provide. Petitioner has not presented any access surveys or assessments of the caliber relied upon by the Department in the past. Petitioner's facility which would be located in the Key Largo area will no doubt provide better geographic accessibility to residents of District XI who live in the Key Largo area. HRS has in the past used a sub-district analysis to determine geographic accessibility for psychiatric beds even though it has not promulgated a rule for sub-districts for psychiatric beds. See, for example, Psychiatric Hospital of Florida vs. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Pasco Psychiatric Center, DOAH Case No. 85-0780. Likewise, the Department has approved the conversion of acute-care beds to psychiatric beds even though it found that there was a surplus of psychiatric beds in the district. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). The Department has in the past used a geographic access analysis to approve psychiatric beds in District XI and has used the sub- district analysis or a time travel analysis in its review of Cedars, Coral Reef, Depoo (for psychiatric beds) and the Glenbiegh case (for long term substance abuse). The bed need calculations for the January, 1992 planning horizon shows a surplus of 180 short-term in-patient psychiatric beds. (HRS Exhibit 2). The occupancy level for short-term psychiatric beds in the district is below 70%. (HRS Exhibit 2, pages 11-12). Additionally, the occupancy standards of the local and state health plan, of which the department is required to review CON applications, have not been met in this instance. (HRS Exhibit 2, Pages 6-7). Petitioner has not submitted any documentation to HRS regarding special circumstances need. Petitioner's proposal at final hearing for a staff referral agreement with another local hospital was not contained in the CON application filed with HRS. (FMC Exhibit 14, pages 11-12). Although Petitioner has alluded to some unspecified access problem for residents in the Florida Keys, Petitioner has not documented a real access problem and certainly not a demonstration of inaccessibility under the rule access standard. (Florida Administrative Code Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)5.g.)(HRS Exhibit 2, pages 14-15). Although the proposed project would increase availability and access for underserved groups in the district, the percentage of total patient days for "indigents" is not substantial and certainly not to the point to warrant deviation from the usual access criteria. 2/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT: Petitioner's application for a Certificate of Need to build a 60-bed free- standing psychiatric hospital in District XI be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of February, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1989.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000156 Latest Update: Jan. 30, 1984

Findings Of Fact Introduction Petitioner, Leesburg Regional Medical Center ("Leesburg"), is a 132-bed acute care private, not-for-profit hospital located at 600 East Dixie Highway, Leesburg, Florida. It offers a full range of general medical services. The hospital sits on land owned by the City of Leesburg. It is operated by the Leesburg hospital Association, an organization made up of individuals who reside within the Northwest Taxing District. By application dated August 13, 1982 petitioner sought a certificate of need (CON) from respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), to construct the following described project: This project includes the addition of 36 medical/surgical beds and 7 SICU beds in existing space and the leasing of a CT scanner (replacement). The addition of the medical/surgical beds is a cost effective way to add needed capacity to the hospital. Twenty-four (24) beds on the third floor will be established in space vacated by surgery and ancillary departments moving into newly constructed space in the current renovation project. A significant portion of this area used to be an obstetric unit in the past; and therefore, is already set up for patient care. The 7 bed SICU unit will be set up on the second floor, also in space vacated as a result of the renovation project. Twelve additional beds will be available on the third and fourth floors as a result of changing single rooms into double rooms. No renovation will be necessary to convert these rooms into double rooms. It is also proposed to replace the current TechniCare head scanner with GE8800 body scanner. Based on the high demand for head and body scans and the excessive amount of maintenance problems and downtime associated with the current scanner, Leesburg Regional needs a reliable, state-of-the-art CT scanner. The cost of the project was broken down as follows: The total project cost is $1,535,000. The construction/renovation portion of the project (24 medical/surgical and 7 SICU beds) is $533,000. Equipment costs will be approximately $200,000. Architectural fees and project development costs total $52,000. The CT scanner will be leased at a monthly cost of $16,222 per month for 5 years. The purchase price of the scanner is $750,000 and that amount is included in the total project cost. The receipt of the application was acknowledged by HRS by letter dated August 27, 1982. That letter requested Leesburg to submit additional information no later than October 10, 1982 in order to cure certain omissions. Such additional information was submitted by Leesburg on October 5, 1982. On November 29, 1982, the administrator for HRS's office of health planning and development issued proposed agency action in the form of a letter advising Leesburg its request to replace a head CT scanner (whole body) at a cost of $750,000 had been approved, but that the remainder of the application had been denied. The basis for the denial was as follows: There are currently 493 medical/surgical beds in the Lake/Sumter sub-district of HSA II. Based upon the HSP for HSA II, there was an actual utilization ratio of existing beds equivalent to 2.98/1,000 population. When this utilization ratio is applied to the 1987 projected population of 156,140 for Lake/Sumter counties, there is a need for 465 medical/surgical beds by 1987. Thus, there is an excess of 28 medical/surgical beds in the Lake/Sumter sub-district currently. This action prompted the instant proceeding. At the same time Leesburg's application was being partially denied, an application for a CON by intervenor-respondent, Lake Community Hospital (Lake), was being approved. That proposal involved an outlay of 4.1 million dollars and was generally described in the application as follows: The proposed project includes the renovations and upgrading of patient care areas. This will include improving the hospital's occupancy and staffing efficiencies by reducing Med-Surg Unit-A to 34 beds and eliminating all 3-bed wards. Also reducing Med-Surg Units B and C to 34 beds each and eliminating all 3-bed wards. This will necessitate the construction of a third floor on the A wing to house the present beds in private and semi-private rooms for a total of 34 beds. There is also an immediate need to develop back-to-back six bed ICU and a six-bed CCU for shared support services. This is being done to fulfill JCAH requirements and upgrade patient care by disease entity, patient and M.D. requests. Another need that is presented for consideration is the upgrading of Administrative areas to include a conference room and more Administrative and Business office space. However, the merits of HRS's decision on Lake's application are not at issue in this proceeding. In addition to Lake, there are two other hospitals located in Lake County which provide acute and general hospital service. They are South Lake Memorial Hospital, a 68-bed tax district facility in Clermont, Florida, and Waterman Memorial Hospital, which operates a 154-bed private, not-for-profit facility in Eustis, Florida. There are no hospitals in Sumter County, which lies adjacent to Lake County, and which also shares a subdistrict with that county. The facilities of Lake and Leesburg are less than two miles apart while the Waterman facility is approximately 12 to 14 miles away. South Lake Memorial is around 25 miles from petitioner's facility. Therefore, all three are no more than a 30 minute drive from Leesburg's facility. At the present time, there are 515 acute care beds licensed for Lake County. Of these, 493 are medical/surgical beds and 22 are obstetrical beds. None are designated as pediatric beds. The Proposed Rules Rules 10-16.001 through 10-16.012, Florida Administrative Code, were first noticed by HRS in the Florida Administrative Weekly on August 12, 1983. Notices of changes in these rules were published on September 23, 1983. Thereafter, they were filed with the Department of State on September 26, 1983 and became effective on October 16, 1983. Under new Rule 10-16.004 (1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, subdistrict 7 of district 3 consists of Lake and Sumter Counties. The rule also identifies a total acute care bed need for subdistrict 7 of 523 beds. When the final hearing was held, and evidence heard in this matter, the rules were merely recommendations of the various local health councils forwarded to HRS on June 27, 1983 for its consideration. They had not been adopted or even proposed for adoption at that point in time. Petitioner's Case In health care planning it is appropriate to use five year planning horizons with an overall occupancy rate of 80 percent. In this regard, Leesburg has sought to ascertain the projected acute care bed need in Lake County for the year 1988. Through various witnesses, it has projected this need using three different methodologies. The first methodology used by Leesburg may be characterized as the subdistrict need theory methodology. It employs the "guidelines for hospital care" adopted by the District III Local Health Council on June 27, 1983 and forwarded to HRS for promulgation as formal rules. Such suggestions were ultimately adopted by HRS as a part of Chapter 10-16 effective October 16, 1983. Under this approach, the overall acute care bed need for the entire sixteen county District III was found to be 44 additional beds in the year 1988 while the need within Subdistrict VII (Lake and Sumter Counties) was eight additional beds. 2/ The second approach utilized by Leesburg is the peak occupancy theory methodology. It is based upon the seasonal fluctuation in a hospital's occupancy rates, and used Leesburg's peak season bed need during the months of February and March to project future need. Instead of using the state suggested occupancy rate standard of 80 percent, the sponsoring witness used an 85 percent occupancy rate which produced distorted results. Under this approach, Leesburg calculated a need of 43 additional beds in 1988 in Subdistrict VII. However, this approach is inconsistent with the state-adopted methodology in Rule 10- 5.11(23), Florida Administrative Code, and used assumptions not contained in the rule. It also ignores the fact that HRS's rule already gives appropriate consideration to peak demand in determining bed need. The final methodology employed by Leesburg was characterized by Leesburg as the "alternative need methodology based on state need methodology" and was predicated upon the HRS adopted bed need approach in Rule 10-5.11(23) with certain variations. First, Leesburg made non-rule assumptions as to the inflow and outflow of patients. Secondly, it substituted the population by age group for Lake and Sumter Counties for the District population. With these variations, the methodology produced an acute care bed need of 103 additional beds within Lake and Sumter Counties. However, this calculation is inconsistent with the applicable HRS rule, makes assumptions not authorized under the rule, and is accordingly not recognized by HRS as a proper methodology. Leesburg experienced occupancy rates of 91 percent, 80 percent and 73 percent for the months of January, February and March, 1981, respectively. These rates changed to 86 percent, 95 percent and 98 percent during the same period in 1982, and in 1983 they increased to 101.6 percent, 100.1 percent and 95.1 percent. Leesburg's health service area is primarily Lake and Sumter Counties. This is established by the fact that 94.4 percent and 93.9 percent of its admissions in 1980 and 1981, respectively, were from Lake and Sumter Counties. Although South Lake Memorial and Waterman Memorial are acute care facilities, they do not compete with Leesburg for patients. The staff doctors of the three are not the same, and there is very little crossover, if any, of patients between Leesburg and the other two facilities. However, Lake and Leesburg serve the same patient base, and in 1982 more than 70 percent of their patients came from Lake County. The two compete with one another, and have comparable facilities. Leesburg has an established, well-publicized program for providing medical care to indigents. In this regard, it is a recipient of federal funds for such care, and, unlike Lake, accounts for such care by separate entry on its books. The evidence establishes that Leesburg has the ability to finance the proposed renovation. HRS's Case HRS's testimony was predicated on the assumption that Rule 10-16.004 was not in effect and had no application to this proceeding. Using the bed need methodology enunciated in Rule 10-5.11(23), its expert concluded the overall bed need for the entire District III to be 26 additional beds by the year 1988. This calculation was based upon and is consistent with the formula in the rule. Because there was no existing rule at the time of the final hearing concerning subdistrict need, the witness had no way to determine the bed need, if any, within Subdistrict VII alone. Lake's Case Lake is a 162-bed private for profit acute care facility owned by U.S. Health Corporation. It is located at 700 North Palmetto, Leesburg, Florida. Lake was recently granted a CON which authorized a 4.1 million dollar renovation project. After the renovation is completed all existing three-bed wards will be eliminated. These will be replaced with private and semi-private rooms with no change in overall bed capacity. This will improve the facility's patient utilization rate. The expansion program is currently underway. Like Leesburg, the expert from Lake utilized a methodology different from that adopted for use by HRS. Under this approach, the expert determined total admissions projected for the population, applied an average length of stay to that figure, and arrived at a projected patient day total for each hospital. That figure was then divided by bed complement and 365 days to arrive at a 1988 occupancy percentage. For Subdistrict VII, the 1988 occupancy percentage was 78.2, which, according to the expert, indicated a zero acute care bed need for that year. Lake also presented the testimony of the HRS administrator of the office of community affairs, an expert in health care planning. He corroborated the testimony of HRS's expert witness and concluded that only 26 additional acute care beds would be needed district-wide by the year 1988. This result was arrived at after using the state-adopted formula for determining bed need. During 1981, Lake's actual total dollar write-off for bad debt was around $700,000. This amount includes an undisclosed amount for charity or uncompensated care for indigent patients. Unlike Leesburg, Lake receives no federal funds for charity cases. Therefore, it has no specific accounting entry on its books for charity or indigent care. Although Leesburg rendered $276,484 in charity/uncompensated care during 1981, it is impossible to determine which facility rendered the most services for indigents due to the manner in which Lake maintains its books and records. In any event, there is no evidence that indigents in the Subdistrict have been denied access to hospital care at Lake or any other facility within the county. Lake opines that it will loose 2.6 million dollars in net revenues in the event the application is granted. If true, this in turn would cause an increase in patient charges and a falling behind in technological advances. For the year 1981, the average percent occupancy based on licensed beds for Leesburg, Lake, South Lake Memorial and Waterman Memorial was as follows: 71.5 percent, 58.7 percent, 63.8 percent and 65.7 percent. The highest utilization occurred in January (81 percent) while the low was in August (58 percent). In 1982, the utilization rate during the peak months for all four facilities was 78 percent. This figure dropped to 66.5 percent for the entire year. Therefore, there is ample excess capacity within the County even during the peak demand months.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Leesburg Regional Medical Center for a certificate of need to add 43 acute care beds, and renovate certain areas of its facility to accommodate this addition, be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of December, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 1983.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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