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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001948 Latest Update: Oct. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues contained herein, Respondent, Lois E. Anderson Bailey, was a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida under license number 12519-1. During the period between July, 1982 and January, 1983, and for an unknown period both before and after that time, Dr. Allan R. Varraux was a pulmonary specialist who, as a part of his practice, performed bronchoscopies at ORMC. As a routine part of this practice, Dr. Varraux utilized a cocaine solution to spray the back of the throat of his patients as an anesthetic prior to inserting the bronchoscope. Cocaine is also used as an anesthetic after the bronchoscope is inserted because it lasts between one-half an hour to forty-five minutes as opposed to xylocaine which lasts only fifteen minutes or so. Dr. Varraux also prefers to use cocaine over xylocaine because the latter often causes spasms in the patient. During this period, Dr. Varraux knew the Respondent, who was nursing supervisor of the Endoscopy section at the time, and discussed with her the controls for the use of cocaine for this purpose because cocaine is a controlled substance. At no time did Dr. Varraux ever discuss with Respondent the potential for the substitution of xylocaine for cocaine in this procedure nor did he ever approve its substitution. On or about January 18, 1983, Dr. Varraux wrote a letter to Mr. Holton, Director of the hospital pharmacy, asking for a survey of cocaine use at ORMC. He did this because of a survey done at another hospital at which he also practiced with which he was familiar to be sure that the amount of cocaine he was using was reasonable. The audit revealed that at the time in issue here, no cocaine was dispensed by the pharmacy for the Endoscopy section. Dr. Varraux considered this odd because he was ordering cocaine solution for the bronchoscopies he was performing and as a result, some cocaine should have been issued. He subsequently found out that xylocaine was being substituted for cocaine. He had not authorized the substitution and was greatly concerned because of the potentially serious impact the substitution might have on a patient if the patient were allergic to xylocaine and the physician did not know that the substitution had been made. In his opinion, it is not good medical practice to substitute xylocaine for cocaine without the doctor's orders and without informing the physician of the change. In practice, the cocaine is injected with a syringe into the apparatus being utilized during the bronchoscopy. At that point, the order for the use of cocaine is a verbal order which is, thereafter recorded in the nurse's notes and in the doctor's dictated report concerning the procedure. Since there is no standard procedure for this operation, Dr. Varraux established, in discussions with the Respondent, his general procedures which in all cases included the use of cocaine as an anesthetic. Respondent actually assisted in very few of Dr. Varraux procedures. Eighty-five percent of his procedures were done with Ken Rosenau assisting and Mary Ann Hinds assisted in others. However, Respondent was the supervisor of the endoscopy section and if there was a problem, Dr. Varraux would go to her first. Lynn W. Capraun, an instructor of respiratory therapy at Valencia Community College, and an advisor in that area to ORMC, was asked by Mr. Rogers to audit the endoscopy section records for bronchoscopies performed from July, 1982 through January, 1983. His audit was limited to only those on a list of procedures given him by Mr. Rogers and he is not aware of what percentage of the total bronchoscopy load this list consisted of. However, as a part of this audit, he reviewed for each specific case the doctor's clinical resume' and the nurse's notes to see what the doctor called for and what was in fact done. Based on his audit, it appeared that during the period in question, more than 203 ml of cocaine had been ordered by physicians but there was no supporting documentation in the nurse's notes to indicate that the cocaine had been administered even though there was documentation for the use of other drugs. Here, it should be noted that Mr. Capraun is also the partner of Mr. Rogers in a private respiratory therapy business. The records of the pharmacy at ORMC revealed that the last issue of cocaine too the endoscopy section prior to the audit was made in July, 1982. Prior to that time, as far back as 1981, records indicated that the pharmacy had issued 60 ml of cocaine solution every three or four weeks. All issues are reflected as such issues are logged and the name of the individual to whom the drug is issued, who must be licensed, is retained. In addition, pharmacy records reflected no issue of any controlled drug, not only cocaine, to the endoscopy section between late October, 1982 and January 3, 1983. After Respondent was suspended on January 19, 1983, Mr. Holton examined the drug sheets kept in the endoscopy section and the drugs kept on the floor. He found three bottles of cocaine solution, one of which contained 60 ml and the other two contained 40 ml. Analysis of the contents of one bottle reflected the solution at 3.9 percent cocaine which is acceptable. The other two bottles, however, were at a lower strength - one at .5 percent and the other at 1.4 percent cocaine. Though there were three bottles of solution, only two records to support these bottles were found. One was dated May 21, 1982 and the other, June 23, 1982. Cocaine is issued by the pharmacy only upon the presentment of a proof of use sheet which reflects the fact that the previous issue has been used up and it is the practice of the pharmacy, according to Mr. Holton, not to issue new supplies of a controlled substance without a proof of use sheet to show the use of the previous issue. The records of the hospital reflect that the Endoscopy section is a small user of any controlled drug. From the above, an inference can be drawn that cocaine was improperly removed from the Endoscopy section. However, from review of the evidence as a whole, not only that already discussed but that to be discussed as well, it is impossible to determine for certain that there was a loss and if so, who was responsible for it. It certainly cannot be said with any degree of certainty that the Respondent either took it or knew who did. When Mr. Rogers received the letter from Dr. Varraux regarding the use of cocaine in the Endoscopy section of his department, he went to look for the Respondent to discuss the problem with her. He found that she had gone for the day and so he discussed the situation with Mrs. Williams, one of Respondent's assistants, who advised that Respondent had, at times, asked her to substitute xylocaine for cocaine. The following day, he looked into the situation further and after talking with his supervisor, called in Respondent and showed her Dr. Varraux's letter. He says Respondent first indicated she was aware of the situation - then changed her position. She again changed her position, indicating that she was aware of only one incident and that she had discussed with the employees of the section the illegality of the practice advising them not to do it. Mr. Rogers was told by his employers that he could suspend the Respondent if he felt it to be necessary. As a part of his inquiry, he discussed the matter with Mr. Holton and other employees of the department whom he asked to make statements regarding the alleged substitution. His requests were for specifics of the incidents - if they knew of the practice, who had asked them to do it, and things of that nature. When he got the employees' statements back, he reviewed them and took them to the personnel office for advice. Thereafter, he notified Respondent by mail of her termination. Mary Ann Hinds worked at the Endoscopy section as an LPN during the period July, 1982 through September, 1983 assisting physicians, including Dr. Varraux, in bronchoscopy procedures. She contends that at some time during October or November, 1982, Respondent called her into the office and advised that cocaine would no longer be used in bronchoscopy procedures and xylocaine would be substituted. She says she was told to chart the initial 4 percent xylocaine solution but not the 10 percent xylocaine solution she would give to the doctor without telling him of the substitution even though the doctor might ask for cocaine. She says that Ms. Bailey told her this would be done because during a prior procedure when the assistant used xylocaine instead of cocaine, Dr. Varraux did not know the difference and Bailey concluded that they would use the xylocaine instead of cocaine thereafter. Ms. Hinds did not question this because Respondent was the head of the department. Ms. Bailey was, in her opinion, difficult to talk to and as a result of these instructions, she followed this new procedure from the time of the instruction on through January, 1983. During this period, she saw Mr. Rosenau and Mr. Hooper also do the same thing. Although Ms. Hinds was quite definite in her testimony regarding the conversation with Ms. Bailey, she is significantly less sure of her testimony regarding control of drugs on the ward. For example, she cannot recall ever signing any proof of use forms. She contends that the LPNs and technicians did not sign off on the drug book. They would tell the Respondent what was used and she made the entries. When cocaine was to be used, she got it from a bottle in the Respondent's office. Helen Williams also worked under Respondent in the endoscopy section until January, 1983 assisting doctors with bronchoscopy procedures. When she first came to work in this section, she did not know that cocaine was being used. She recalls that in a conversation shortly after she came to work, Respondent told her they were using 4 percent xylocaine solution in place of a cocaine solution because they had done it one time with Dr. Varraux and he did not notice and as a result, they continued to follow this procedure. However, Ms. Williams, though she subsequently heard from Rosenau that substitutions were being made, never saw it done nor did she ever substitute. Though she says she advised Respondent she didn't think this substitution was a good idea, Respondent is supposed to have replied that this is the way it was done. Ms. Williams accepted Ms. Bailey's word when told that there was no cocaine on the unit and that cocaine was not being used even though the drug book at the time showed 27 cc of cocaine solution unused and on the unit. She discussed this with Ms. Bailey and concluded that if her supervisor knew about it, that was sufficient, and she did not report this to anyone else. She also did not report her knowledge of the substitutions being made to anyone else because she did not feel it was her place to do so since Respondent was the section head and knew about it. Ted Hooper, also an endoscopy technician, did bronchoscopies with Dr. Varraux for several years and toward the end, substituted xylocaine for cocaine in these procedures without telling the doctor what he was doing. He had seen Rosenau substitute xylocaine while he was watching procedures to learn how to do them before becoming a technician. When he asked Bailey about this, he says, she responded that it was done, for one reason, because it was cheaper for the patient. She also told him it was all right to do this as it had already been taken care of. She did not tell him, outright, to make the substitution but because she had said it was taken care of, he thought it was permissible. However, he also contends that he observed cocaine being used by Hinds and others in Dr. Varraux' cases after he became a technician in July, 1982. James E. Hardy, in October, 1982, employed as a transporter in the Endoscopy section of ORMC, also assisted in bronchoscopies, working at times with Dr. Varraux and he was aware of the practice of substituting xylocaine for cocaine in these procedures. When he first went to work in the section, he says, he was asked to substitute by Respondent who told him it was being done because it was cheaper for the patient but refused to do so. To his knowledge, however, he does not recall seeing the substitution actually performed. On one bronchoscopy he recalls, which he set up, cocaine was used which he got from Respondent. Mr. Rosenau testified at the March, 1985 hearing. He clearly indicated that xylocaine was substituted for cocaine in the procedures performed by Dr. Varraux and the cocaine they had on hand was rarely taken from the drug locker. He absolutely denies that during all the period of time he was working with Respondent, he ever discussed with her or admitted to her that he had substituted xylocaine for cocaine nor did Respondent ever tell him to do this. In fact, he cannot recall how this practice got started. Here it should be noted that Rosenau, Hardy, and Hooper were all friends of Mr. Rogers and at least Rosenau and Hardy owed their employment at the time to him. Respondent was recognized by Dr. Bone as partially responsible for the growth of the Endoscopy section at ORMC. He recalls her as being an exceptional nurse: reliable, dependable, and proficient - a perfectionist who did an excellent job. He had complete confidence in her ability and in her honesty and integrity. If he asked her to do something, she did it more reliably than others. Because of her perfectionist nature, however, she may have alienated people and turned them away, but he never had any doubts about her nor did he ever have any reports from other doctors that she did not do her job well. He worked with her until she left the hospital. She was a "take charge" person but never exceeded her authority or deviated from prescribed procedures or doctors' orders. This opinion of Respondent is shared by Christina Stephens who worked under Respondent for a period of time. She found the Respondent to be stern, regimented as to order of procedures, and very organized, but she never saw any irregularities by the Respondent in carrying out doctor's orders. As to Mr. Rosenau, however, of whom she also had some knowledge, she found him to be somewhat unprofessional in his patient care and actions and brought this to the attention of the supervisor by written report on several occasions. This was, however, several years prior to the time in issue here and she has not worked with him since 1976 nor does she have any knowledge of his performance since that time. Respondent began work at ORMC after she was a student in the respiratory therapy program there at the request of Mr. Rogers. She started as a pulmonary rehabilitation technician part time. At that time, there were only two employees in the section. When, after a few months, the supervisor left, Respondent took over. Over a period of time, new procedures were introduced including gastroenterology and Respondent was trained in them as she went. She began doing more of the latter than pulmonary rehabilitation even though she remained head of that section. She was then asked to help set up an Endoscopy section and started doing those procedures as well. Rosenau was working on the floor in the respiratory therapy section and was having trouble with his supervisor. As a result he wanted to come to work in the Endoscopy section and Respondent arranged a transfer for him even though he had little experience in endoscopy and none in gastroenterology. When she first started working with gastroenterology, the patient and his medication were brought into the section. When the procedure was finished, the unused medication was sent back with the patient. As the section got bigger however, and more procedures were accomplished, this practice began to hold things up. The physicians requested that medications be kept in the section for their use. Respondent resisted this because she did not feel there were sufficient safeguards available to maintain proper control. Nonetheless, the physicians pushed for it but the change did not happen until Dr. Varraux became insistent that the medications be kept there. He worked through Rogers and Holton to get a narcotics box installed on the section. When this was done Mr. Holton gave two sets of keys to the box to Mr. Rogers who immediately turned one set over to the Respondent and gave one set to Rosenau. When Dr. Varraux decided to use cocaine for anesthesia he discussed it with Rogers and Holton since Respondent did not have the authority to request it. As a result, the pharmacy began dispensing 60 ml bottles of cocaine solution for use in bronchoscopies with a control sheet accompanying it to be kept in the locked portion of the bronchoscopy cart. Again, Respondent and Rosenau both had access to this cart. In fact, Rosenau had access to every key that Respondent had except the one to her desk. According to the Respondent, she had difficulty with Rosenau regarding drugs on several occasions when he would draw narcotics into syringes, a procedure he was neither trained nor authorized to do. In the Spring of 1982, bronchoscopies were done by nurses who would give valium but cocaine was administered by Rosenau only. However, when cocaine was used, Respondent would sign off on the sheets along with others whose names appeared on the form as administers of the drug. In mid-1982 bronchoscopies were transferred to the respiratory therapy section, by then headed by Rosenau, but this did not seem to work out and after a short period, the procedure was returned back to the endoscopy section, with Rosenau still doing them under the overall supervision of Respondent. Respondent contends that she did not train people to do the bronchoscopy procedures. Rosenau had been doing this for months before all of this took place. Ms. Hinds came to work in late July, 1982, and Respondent had no control over bronchoscopies at that point as they were in Rosenau's section. As to Hardy, she characterized him as an errand boy who was never trained to do bronchoscopies and with whom she never discussed them. She did, however, have a discussion with Rosenau on one occasion about cocaine. She relates that on this particular instance, Rosenau advised her in confidence that he had substituted Xylocaine for cocaine by mistake on a bronchoscopy performed by Dr. Varraux and wanted to get it off his chest. He assured her that if she would give him another chance, he would never let it happen again. Here, even though Rosenau had a previous disciplinary record which she had discussed with Rogers, she decided to take no action because she felt it would be fruitless. Rogers had taken no corrective action against Rosenau in the past and she had no reason to believe he would do so now. Rosenau, as was seen above, denies this conversation but no doubt it did occur. Respondent does not know why she was terminated and was shocked by the action. Rogers had mentioned something about cocaine and had given her an opportunity to resign but she refused. She claims to know nothing about the dilution of the cocaine solution. She claims to know nothing of the substitutions of xylocaine for cocaine other than that reported to her by Rosenau. She categorically denies ever telling Hinds, Williams, or anyone else to substitute xylocaine for cocaine. Counsel for Respondent spent considerable time attempting to establish that the charges against her are the result of a plot by Rogers, Rosenau and others at the hospital to remove her from her position. At best, the evidence shows a lack of control within the respiratory therapy section. There does appear to be a decided relationship between Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rosenau but Respondent has failed to establish that this relationship manifested itself in a plan to bring about her unjustified separation. The evidence establishes that xylocaine was substituted for cocaine and there is some substantial evidence to indicate the Respondent had some knowledge or information indicating that this was being done. There is no credible evidence, however, to establish that Respondent herself substituted xylocaine for cocaine or instructed or directed anyone else to do so. At worst hers is a sin of omission rather than commission.

Florida Laws (1) 464.018
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jul. 27, 2010 Number: 10-006276PL Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2011

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent failed to maintain good moral character and thereby violated section 943.1395(7), Florida Statutes (2008),1/ and if so, what penalty should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent has been a certified law enforcement officer, issued law enforcement certificate 233642. At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed as an officer by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO). As such, he was subject to random drug screenings as a condition of his employment. On April 23, 2009, Respondent was selected for a random drug screen. He reported to Baptist Occupational Health Clinic (Baptist) in Jacksonville to provide a urine specimen for testing. Respondent gave the specimen by urinating in a previously unused specimen cup provided to him by Heather Walizer, a medical assistant employed by Baptist. Respondent delivered the cup containing his urine to Ms. Walizer, who divided the specimen into two vials. She then capped and sealed the vials, and had Respondent initial each vial and sign the chain of custody form. Ms. Walizer labeled Respondent's specimen with his social security number, and assigned to the specimen a unique specimen number, in this case number 6228701, which would not be used for any other specimen. The vials containing Respondent's urine specimen were sealed with a label that prevented the vials from being opened without breaking the seal. Ms. Walizer packaged the two vials with Respondent's urine specimens in a bag which was also sealed and labeled. Ms. Walizer put the bag with Respondent's urine samples in a refrigerator at Baptist for pick up by a courier to be delivered to Quest Diagnostics (Quest) laboratories in Tucker, Georgia. Upon arrival at Quest, the specimen was assigned a unique laboratory accession number, 842481F, for purposes of drug testing. There is no dispute that the urine sample supplied by Respondent was received by and analyzed by Quest, and that the report generated is for the sample provided by Respondent. Quest maintained the required chain of custody procedures in handling Respondent's specimen. The package received by Quest was unsealed by laboratory personnel qualified to receive it and the specimen was subjected to screening and confirmatory analysis for evidence of the presence of controlled substances in the urine. The initial test performed by Quest is an immunoassay test used to screen all samples. Any sample that is positive by that screening method is then tested by a confirmatory method, i.e., gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Respondent's urine sample tested positive for the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine, and was reported at a concentration of 556 nanograms per milliliter. The confirmatory test results were consistent with those obtained for the screening test. The cutoff for a positive result in the immunoassay screening test is 300 nanograms per milliliter. The cutoff for the confirmatory test is 150 nanograms per milliliter. The test results were reviewed by Dr. Liberto Columbo, M.D., the Medical Review Officer for Baptist, who called Respondent and discussed the results of the testing with him. Dr. Columbo reported the results of both tests to Nurse Gerald Shaw of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office as positive for cocaine. Nurse Shaw notified the JSO Internal Affairs Office of the drug test results, and Respondent was interviewed on April 30, 2009. Respondent vehemently denied, as he did at hearing, the illicit use of cocaine. Respondent was terminated from his position as a law enforcement officer by the JSO. Respondent testified that he did not take cocaine and would not do so. He had taken off work in the days immediately preceding the test to care for his grandchildren while his daughter was delivering her third child. His daughter testified credibly that she would never have left her children in Respondent's care if she believed he was under the influence of cocaine. Respondent suffers from cluster headaches and has done so for several years. He believes that some honey given to him by his daughter, which was purchased overseas, contained coca leaves, and his ingestion of this honey in the weeks before the drug test may have been the basis of finding the benzoylecgonine metabolite in his system. Advertisements for the honey located on the internet represent that it contains coca oil and powdered coca leaves. Respondent went so far as to have the substance analyzed for cocaine metabolites. He also subjected himself to further drug testing, including a fingernail analysis. While the results of the testing and the information related to the product Respondent believes was the source of the positive drug test was not admissible in this proceeding,2/ the undersigned has considered the efforts Respondent undertook to determine whether there could be a source for the positive result other than his illicit use of cocaine. Dr. Columbo acknowledged that there are several commercially-available food products, produced primarily in South America, that contain coca. He testified that those food products include tea and a honey that contains coca oil and powder. Even assuming that Respondent could demonstrate that the honey he ingested would produce a positive result for benzoylecgonine, however, there was no evidence as to what amount of honey he would have to ingest in order to cause a positive drug test, or whether he in fact he did ingest that amount. There was no evidence presented indicating that Respondent has ever been disciplined previously, either by his employer or by the Commission. Further, there is no evidence presented of any impaired behavior by Respondent, or any history of substance abuse. To the contrary, Respondent credibly testified that he has prescriptions for Scheduled II controlled substances to treat his cluster headaches that he has chosen not to fill.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter a final order finding Respondent in violation of section 943.1395(7), as defined in Florida Administrative Law Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(d). It is further recommended that Respondent's certification as a law enforcement officer be suspended for a period of 60 days, followed by probation for a period of two years. As condition of probation, it is recommended that the Commission require random drug testing and substance abuse counseling, as contemplated by Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27.005(7)(c). DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of February, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of February, 2011.

Florida Laws (7) 112.0455120.569120.57893.13943.13943.1395944.474
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002193 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 1979

Findings Of Fact Ellen K. Clark is a registered nurse holding license number 0927962 issued by the Florida State Board of Nursing. Mrs. Clark was employed at Florida Hospital North, Orlando, Florida, in August and in September of 1977, in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). During her employment, she had access to Meperedine (Demerol) used to medicate patients in the ICU. On September 28, 1977, Joann Johnson, Head Nurse of the ICU, discovered a shortage in the quantity of Demerol during a routine drug audit. She asked Clark to assist her in a recount, and at that time, Clark admitted to her that she was powerless to drugs and had taken and used Demerol from the ICU. Clark also admitted having been recently hospitalized for the treatment of Demerol abuse at Palm Beach Institute. Clark made similar admissions to the Board's investigative nurse. The chief pharmacist for Florida Hospital North, Arthur Lu, identified narcotic control forms for the drug Demerol which were received into evidence as Exhibit 1. Lu also stated that Demerol is the trade name for the drug Meperedine. Kathy Wahl, Assistant Director of Medical Records, identified the medical records for Jerome Kalish, a patient at Florida Hospital North. These records were received into evidence as Exhibits 2, 3 and 4. These records show that Clark withdrew many more doses of 50mg. and 75mg. Demerol injectable than were administered to Kalish. No wastage of these drugs was recorded as required. Dr. Kenneth Crofoot, a clinical psychologist who had treated Clark from October until December, 1977, testified concerning his treatment of Clark. Dr. Crofoot obtained his doctorate in guidance counseling from George Washington University and did a two year residency in the specialty in the Federal Mental Hospital in Washington, D.C. He worked in this field in a hospital environment until his retirement to Florida. Since his retirement, he has done volunteer counseling with the Seminole County mental health authorities and has served as a consultant to the state courts in Seminole County. He has been qualified and has testified as an expert witness in both the federal and state courts. Mrs. Clark was referred to Dr. Crofoot by the pastor of a Seventh Day Adventist Church, of which denomination Dr. Crofoot is also an ordained minister. Dr. Crofoot has had experience with the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in his career as a clinical psychologist. Mrs. Clark admitted to Crofoot that she was taking Demerol, and Crofoot assumed that she was addicted to the drug. Mrs. Clark sought Dr. Crofoot's help and treatment for her drug problem. Mrs. Clark met one hour per week for three months in therapy sessions with Dr. Crofoot. Dr. Crofoot diagnosed Mrs. Clark's problem as a serious lack of self identity and a lack of value system sufficient to permit her to cope with the stress of personal crises. This condition was brought to a critical stage by Mrs. Clark's concern over her husband's health, a recent move to the Orlando area where she had no friends, and the financial problems which arose from the move and her husband's illness. Dr. Crofoot was of the opinion that Mrs. Clark had received a good start in the treatment of her problems which were the cause of her abuse of Demerol while at Palm Beach Institute. Building on her earlier treatment, Dr. Crofoot expressed his professional opinion that Mrs. Clark developed a new sense of self identity and a value system sufficient to now enable her to cope with her personal problems without relying on drugs. Mrs. Clark has been employed since October by a physician specializing in Neurology for four hours a day, five days a week. Mrs. Clark advised the doctor of her problem with drugs when she sought employment with him, and at that time, an agreement was reached that she would have no responsibility for the administration of the drug Demerol. Mrs. Clark admitted that during her employment she had abused Demerol twice, a fact which she reported immediately to the doctor. The first instance of abuse occurred in October, shortly after commencing work with the doctor, and again in December of 1977. She has continued her employment with the physician and has not had any further episode of drug abuse.

Recommendation Because of the admissions of the Respondent, the only real issue presented in this case is the penalty to be assessed. This is made very difficult by the extreme candor of Mrs. Clark. At the proceeding, Mrs. Clark admitted all of the allegations against her except admitting she was using 125mg. of Demerol I.V. every four hours. She was very assertive and refused to admit this allegation of the complaint, which was subsequently determined to be an error. Mrs. Clark admitted to Mrs. Johnson her abuse of the drug Demerol prior to even a repeat audit of the drugs on hand in the ICU or the records were reviewed to determine who was responsible for the shortages. Mrs. Clark advised her current employer that she had a drug problem when she was initially interviewed. She also admitted with absolute candor at the hearing that she had abused Demerol at his office but had reported this to the doctor immediately. Such honesty substantiates Dr. Crofoot's observation that Mrs. Clark has developed a new and stronger value system. Mrs. Clark offered no excuse for her conduct and admitted her problem. She also admitted when she "fell off the wagon." Her only defense in mitigation of the charges against her was that she was seeking help for her problem and was making progress. From her testimony concerning her abuse of drugs in October and December, a question clearly exists of whether Mrs. Clark has conquered her problem. However, she has made progress and appears to be a good candidate for rehabilitation. As an ICU nurse, Clark must be a competent, experienced nurse and it would be worth the attempt to salvage her nursing career. Her abuse of drugs after her release from treatment at Palm Beach Institute and again after the termination of therapy with Dr. Crofoot indicates that she receives support from her therapy, and should not be abruptly released from therapy while practicing. Mrs. Clark has the apparent support of her husband, her employer, and others in the community in assisting her with her problem. This is a strong base upon which to build a program of probation which would provide reasonable safe guards to the public while permitting Mrs. Clark to overcome her problem without lose of her nursing credentials which would undoubtedly be a personal set back. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Board revoke Mrs. Clark's license but that the enforcement of the revocation be suspended on the condition that Mrs. Clark reenter therapy and that the therapist make regular reports to the Board on Mrs. Clark's progress, that Clark be required to appear personally before the Board on a regular basis to report on her progress, that her employer be advised by Mrs. Clark of her drug problem and the conditions of the Board's probation, that the employer be required to advise the Board that Mrs. Clark has disclosed her problem and be required to report any abuse of drugs by Mrs. Clark or any narcotic discrepancies in which she may be involved, that Mrs. Clark be required on her own to cease employment when it appears to her that she is faced with a personal crisis with which she feels unable to cope until the crisis or stress is resolved, that it be clearly understood that a reoccurrence of the abuse of any drug or unprofessional conduct by Mrs. Clark will result in her immediate revocation through imposition of the suspended revocation, and that this probation shall remain in effect until the Board is satisfied that Mrs. Clark is fully rehabilitated DONE and ORDERED this 24th day of February, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1007 Blackstone Building 233 East Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mrs. Ellen K. Clark 5338 Dawn Mar Street Orlando, Florida 32810 John H. Mogan, Esquire 2900 N. E. 33rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jul. 12, 2016 Number: 16-003884PL Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Nov. 13, 1990 Number: 90-007186 Latest Update: May 07, 1991

The Issue An Administrative Complaint, dated March 8, 1990, but amended with leave of the Hearing Officer in an order dated December 17, 1990, alleges that Respondent violated the provisions of Section 943.1395(5) and (6), F.S., and Rule 11B- 27.0011(4)(d), F.A.C., by failing to maintain the qualification established in Section 943.13(7), F.S., requiring "good moral character". The complaint, as amended, alleges that Respondent James E. Lyons, Jr., attempted to purchase, and introduced, cocaine into his body in violation of Section 893.03, F.S., on or about January 20, 1989. The issues are whether those violations occurred and, if so, what discipline is appropriate.

Findings Of Fact James Edward Lyons, Jr., Respondent, was certified as a law enforcement officer by the Petitioner on June 14, 1986, and was issued certificate number 02-86-002-02. At all times relevant to the issues in this proceeding, Officer Lyons was employed as a law enforcement officer by the Brevard County Sheriff's Department and was assigned to the Special Investigations Division, a vice/narcotics enforcement unit. Around midnight on December 31, 1988, Brevard County Sheriff's Deputies, Billy Mitchell Young and Timothy Pemberton, sat in their parked vehicle near Railroad Avenue, an area of the county well-known for illicit drug activity. They had binoculars and were looking for activity with the purpose of intercepting dealers or buyers. They observed a vehicle which, as Deputy Young remarked to his partner, looked alot like "Eddie's" (Respondent's) unmarked department vehicle: a white Thunderbird. Respondent was not a participant in the detail to which the two officers were assigned that evening. The Thunderbird was immobile, and there were two or three people standing around it and moving around in a manner consistent with activity of street dealers competing for a sale. The vehicle stayed parked for about 10-15 minutes. As the two deputies were leaving to back up another team on a traffic arrest, they noticed the Thunderbird run a stop sign at Cross Road and Highway U.S.-1. They commenced pursuit, still unaware of the identity of the occupant. With blue lights flashing, and a spotlight on, the deputies followed the car about three miles before it finally pulled over. The Respondent got out and walked back to the deputies' car to present himself. They were his colleagues, and they knew him to be happy-go-lucky and affable. In this encounter he was very nervous and, according to Deputies Mitchell and Pemberton, he was uncharacteristically anxious to leave. He told them something about hearing about a traffic stop on his radio and going to the Railroad Avenue site to assist. This did not make sense, as the stop to which he referred had occurred much earlier. Mitchell and Pemberton were uncomfortable and somewhat saddened by the event and, at some point, mentioned it to Phillip Shimer, who at that time was in charge of the Brevard County Sheriff's Staff Services Division (including Internal Affairs). On January 20, 1989, Phillip Shimer became involved in an internal investigation involving James "Eddie" Lyons when he was contacted at home early in the morning and was informed that Deputy Lyons was being detained by the Melbourne Police Department on an alleged narcotics violation. The prior evening Deputy Lyons had been found in an area of the City of Melbourne known for narcotics activity. He was in his department Thunderbird attempting to buy crack cocaine from two undercover Melbourne police posing as drug dealers. When one of the undercover police pulled his gun to apprehend him, he fled and was arrested a few blocks away at a convenience store. In a voluntary interview given to Phillip Shimer after his release to the Brevard County Sheriff's personnel, Deputy Lyons explained that he was in the area to meet another Special Investigation Divisions Agent and drove into north Melbourne to see if he could initiate some case activity involving the sale of crack cocaine. He approached two black males on the street and initiated a conversation with them. He attempted to purchase a quantity of cocaine. As the transaction started to take place they identified themselves as police. Deputy Lyons feared that he was going to be robbed, and drove away. The account given by Respondent in his testimony at hearing was similar, but instead of affirmatively trying to make an arrest through a bogus buy, he claimed he was looking for a suspect, "Bobo", and was inquiring of his whereabouts of the two street males when one pulled a gun and he fled. The story would be more plausible if it were not for ensuing events. After listening to Deputy Lyons' explanation, Phillip Shimer suspended him with pay, removed his credentials and secured his department vehicle. He was released on his own recognizance by the Melbourne Police. He was ordered to return to Staff Services at 10:00 a.m. This was delayed until later in the day when Deputy Lyons contacted his superior officer and indicated that he was somewhat upset and did not feel he could respond yet. The parties' prehearing stipulation establishes the following: On January 20, 1989, the Respondent reported to Wuesthoff Hospital in Rockledge, Florida; [in the company of an Internal Affairs Investigator, as required by his superior officer.] At about 2:30 p.m., in a private area of Wuesthoff Hospital, the Respondent urinated into a sterile urine sample cup provided by Wuesthoff Hospital. The cup containing the Respondent's urine sample was promptly received from the Respondent by Wuesthoff Hospital laboratory employee Mr. Wade Wallace. Mr. Wallace immediately capped and sealed the sample cup and labeled it in a manner making it uniquely identifiable as the Respondent's urine sample. At about 2:35 p.m., the sealed sample cup containing the Respondent's urine sample was delivered to the Wuesthoff Hospital Toxicology Laboratory by Mr. Wallace. On January 20, 1989 at about 3:00 p.m., the sample cup containing the Respondent's urine sample was retrieved by laboratory employee Deborah Lanza. Ms. Lanza dispensed a portion of the Respondent's urine sample from the sample cup and performed an initial chemical screen for the purpose of determining if there was evidence of controlled substances or their metabolites in the Respondent's urine sample. On January 20, 1989 at about 3:15 p.m., laboratory employee Valerie Lasobeck Davies dispensed a portion of the Respondent's urine sample from the sample cup and performed a confirmation analysis of the sample. Neither the sample cup nor the Respondent's urine sample had been tampered with, altered or adulterated since the respondent's urine sample was initially collected in the sample cup. Ms. Davies tested the Respondent's sample utilizing the fluorescence polarization immunoassay analysis method. The test results showed that the sample was positive, containing some 4,830 nanograms per milliliter of a metabolite of cocaine, benzoylecgonine. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Davies performed a confirmation analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. This analysis yielded a positive finding for the cocaine metabolite, ecgonine. Both benzoylecgonine and ecgonine are unique metabolites of cocaine. The quantity of cocaine metabolite in the Respondent's urine sample was indicative of illicit use of the drug by the Respondent within seventy-two hours previous to the time at which he gave the urine sample. The quantity of cocaine metabolite was wholly inconsistent with casual handling of articles contaminated with cocaine or the mere handling, as opposed to ingestion, of the drug itself. Although cocaine residue can be absorbed through the skin, the level that would be achieved on a drug analysis would be substantially less than a 300 nanogram cutoff for a "positive" finding. In addition to evidence of his use of cocaine, Respondent's explanations of the events of December 31st and January 20th are further discredited by the fact that his mode of operation was contrary to well- established instructions and prudent practices of undercover law enforcement. Officers must not work alone, for their own safety and to preserve the integrity of the operation. A witness is important for the legal proceedings that follow. When an undercover operation is planned, law enforcement agencies with concurrent jurisdiction are informed to avoid the obvious possible result: cops arresting cops. After a jury trial, Respondent was acquitted of the criminal offense of attempted purchase of a controlled substance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, recommended that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter its final order finding Respondent guilty as charged in the Amended Administrative Complaint and imposing the penalty of revocation of his certificate. RECOMMENDED this 7th day of May, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of May, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph S. White, Esquire Department of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL 32302 James E. Lyons 415 18th Street, S.E. Winter Haven, FL 33880 Jeffrey Long, Director Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL 32302 James T. Moore, Commissioner Dept. of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL 32302

Florida Laws (5) 120.57777.04893.03943.13943.1395 Florida Administrative Code (2) 11B-27.001111B-27.00225
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-003310 Latest Update: Oct. 27, 1989

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds a law enforcement certificate issued by Petitioner on March 9, 1983. At times relevant to this inquiry he was employed by the Gainesville, Florida, Police Department as a patrolman. In that capacity, his duties included serving the public, issuing traffic citations, investigating automobile accidents, and making drug arrests. On March 16, 1987, Lt. Alan Morrow of the Gainesville Police Department was investigating a suspect, whose name is Carlos Bartee. In the course of this investigation, Bartee told Morrow that Officer Cunningham had been seen to ingest material which Bartee believed to be cocaine. This is said to have occurred while Cunningham was on duty. Further Cunningham is alleged to have talked to Bartee about getting something to put up Cunningham's nose. This latter remark is taken to mean cocaine, in view of the comments of Morrow, who is recognized as having expertise in interpreting the vernacular associated with the use of that drug. As a consequence of the assertions made by Bartee, an internal investigation was commenced by the Gainesville Police Department. In that pursuit, the locker of Cunningham was opened in his absence and a small container was found which, in Morrow's opinion, contained crack cocaine. Morrow has expertise in the field identification of that substance. In furtherance of the investigation, Respondent was interviewed and offered the opportunity to submit to a urinalysis to ascertain if he had been using cocaine. He was encouraged to seek legal assistance before making a decision on that overture. He was also offered some form of test involving hair follicles which is designed to detect the presence of cocaine. He declined the opportunity for the hair follicle test but agreed to undergo a urinalysis. That urine sample was given with his attorney being aware of that matter. The sample was placed in a container which was not contaminated. The giving of the sample was monitored to insure that no mistakes were made concerning whose sample it might be. The sample was sealed and protected against problems associated with the chain of custody. Respondent was asked to reveal any form of medication that he was using that might effect the results of the analysis made on the sample. He responded that he was using Ibupropen and BC powder. The urine sample was subjected to several tests, the Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) test; the High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) test; and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) test. Each test revealed the presence of cocaine. Those substances which he had admitted using; i.e., Ibupropen and BC powder, would not effect the accuracy of these results. Based upon these positive results, Respondent was terminated from his position with the Gainesville Police Department. In closing out his tenure with that Department, Captain Robert Samuel Mitchell, II, who was then the Internal Affairs Supervisor, asked Respondent why he took the test if he knew he had ingested it, taken to mean cocaine. Respondent replied that he did not think it would still be in his system that long. As identified by investigators with the Gainesville Police Department, the use of cocaine was contrary to their agency policies and to Florida law.

Recommendation Under the circumstances set out in the Findings of Fact and based upon the Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered which revokes Willie C. Cunningham's law enforcement certificate. DONE and ORDERED this 27th day of October, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of October, 1989.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57893.03943.13943.1395
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Kissimmee, Florida Feb. 22, 2012 Number: 12-000746PL Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 03, 2011 Number: 11-005692PL Latest Update: Apr. 24, 2012

The Issue The issues in this case, as set forth in the Amended Administrative Complaints in each respective case, are as follows: DOH Case No. 2010-01128/DOAH Case No. 11-5692 Count One. Whether Respondent, Jacinta Irene Gillis, M.D. (hereinafter referred to herein as "Dr. Gillis"), violated sections 458.331(1)(nn) and 458.326, Florida Statutes (2008 and 2009), by: Failing to diagnose patient M.G. with intractable pain prior to prescribing a controlled substance under Schedules II-V, as provided in section 893.03, from on or about December 19, 2008 through December 30, 2009; By inappropriately or excessively prescribing potentially lethal, highly abused, controlled substances, to wit: oxycodone, oxycontin, Percocet, and Valium, to M.G. without justification during the same time period; By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances to M.G. prior to exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation; and By failing to order a urine drug screen on M.G. at any time during her course of treatment. Count Two. Whether Dr. Gillis failed to keep legible medical records justifying the course of treatment for M.G. in one or more of the following ways: By failing to document justification for inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances during her course of treatment; and By failing to document justification for not ordering a urine drug screen during the course of treatment. Count Three. Whether Dr. Gillis failed to meet the required standard of care in regards to her treatment of M.G. in one or more of the following ways: By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances without justification; By failing to confirm whether M.G. presented to a psychiatrist or psychologist after the initial referral by Dr. Gillis; By failing to order a urine drug screening of M.G. during her course of treatment; and By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances prior to exploring other modalities or rehabilitation. Count Four. Whether Dr. Gillis prescribed controlled substances, other than in the course of her professional practice, by prescribing controlled substances inappropriately or excessively in one or more of the following ways: By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances prior to exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation for M.G.; By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances without ordering a urine drug screening for M.G.; and By inappropriately or excessively prescribing controlled substances to M.G. without justification. DOH Case No. 2008-20661/DOAH Case No. 11-5961 Count One. Whether Dr. Gillis violated section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2008),1/ and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.013(3) in one or more of the following ways: By failing to perform or document performing a complete physical exam of R.S.; By failing to explore or document exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation for R.S.; By failing to obtain or document obtaining a complete medical history of R.S.; By failing to document the nature or intensity of R.S.'s pain; By failing to document the current or past treatments of R.S.'s pain; By failing to document information on the effect of pain on R.S.'s physical or psychological function; By failing to develop or document developing a treatment plan for R.S.; and By failing to determine or document determining if there were any underlying or coexisting diseases or conditions for R.S. Count Two. Whether Dr. Gillis violated sections 458.331(1)(nn) and 458.326 in one or more of the following ways: By failing to diagnose R.S. with intractable pain prior to prescribing controlled substances, i.e., Percocet; By prescribing 90 tablets of Percocet 10/325 to R.S. without justification; By prescribing Percocet to R.S. without exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation; and By inappropriately prescribing Percocet to R.S. after R.S. reported that he was not currently being treated for pain. Count Three. Whether Dr. Gillis failed to keep legible medical records justifying the course of treatment for R.S. in one or more of the following ways: By failing to document justification for prescribing Percocet to R.S.; By failing to document a complete physical examination of R.S. prior to prescribing Percocet; By failing to document a complete medical history of R.S. prior to prescribing a controlled substance; By failing to document a urine screen on R.S.; and By failing to document a diagnosis of intractable pain for R.S. Count Four. Whether Dr. Gillis violated sections 458.331(1)(nn) and 458.326 in one or more of the following ways: By failing to perform or document performing a complete physical examination of D.H. on either of two visits; By failing to obtain or document obtaining a complete medical history on D.H.; By failing to explore or document exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation for D.H.; By failing to document the nature or intensity of D.H.'s pain; By failing to document the current or past treatments of D.H.'s pain; By failing to document information on the effect of pain on D.H.'s physical or psychological function; By failing to develop or document a treatment plan for D.H.; and By failing to determine or document determining if there were any underlying or coexisting diseases or conditions for D.H. Count Five. Whether Dr. Gillis violated sections 458.331(1)(nn) and 458.326 in one or more of the following ways: By failing to diagnose D.H. with intractable pain prior to prescribing a controlled substance, i.e., oxycodone; By prescribing 120 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone without justification; By prescribing 120 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone prior to exploring other treatment modalities or rehabilitation for D.H.; and By prescribing oxycodone to D.H. after D.H. reported that he was not experiencing any pain. Count Six. Whether Dr. Gillis failed to keep legible medical records justifying the course of treatment for D.H. in one or more of the following ways: By failing to document justification for prescribing 120 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone; By failing to document a complete physical examination of D.H. prior to prescribing a controlled substance; By failing to document a complete medical history of D.H.; By failing to document urine drug screening of D.H. prior to prescribing a controlled substance; and By failing to document a diagnosis of intractable pain for D.H. prior to prescribing a controlled substance.

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency having responsibility for monitoring health care professionals, including medical doctors. Dr. Gillis is a medical doctor licensed in Florida, North Carolina, and Iowa. She is not board-certified in any area of medicine, but claims to be "eligible" for board-certification in the field of internal medicine. Dr. Gillis received her medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1997. She completed her internal medicine residency in 2003. Her medical career includes the following places of employment: Medical director/staff physician at Tennessee prison for women: March-August 2003; Hospitalist at Hilton Head Regional Medical Center: August 2003-February 2004; Pain management "specialist" in Atlanta, Georgia: March-September 2004; Staff physician for Illinois Correctional Facilities: September 2004-January 2005; Pain specialist/physician in Rock Island, Illinois: March-September 2005; Hospitalist at Brommen Medical Center in Bloomington, Illinois: May-August 2005; Hospitalist at Horizon Medical Center in Dixon, Tennessee: September 2005-January 2006; Pain specialist for National Health Services Clinic in Nashville, Tennessee: June-August 2006; Hospitalist at Kedlic Medical Center in Richland, Washington: September 2006-January 2007; Hospitalist at Auburn Regional Medical Center in Auburn, Washington: January-June 2007; Hospitalist at Mercy Medical Center in Sioux City, Iowa: July-August 2007; Hospitalist at Albermarle Medical Center in Elizabeth City, North Carolina: September-December 2007; Hospitalist at National Medical Affiliates in Punta Gorda, Florida: January-July 2008; Pain management specialist at UR Medical Clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida: July-November, 2008; and Pain management specialist at Dollar Medical Clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida: January 2009-October 2010. The Department is pursuing sanctions against Dr. Gillis based on her provision of medical care to three patients: D.H., and M.G. Both D.H. and R.S. are pseudonyms used by Deputies Negersmith and Johnson, respectively, as part of an undercover investigation of the clinic where Dr. Gillis was working in 2008. Their initials are used throughout this order for continuity, because all of the patient records and other evidence used those initials, rather than patient names. M.G. was a bona fide patient of Dr. Gillis's while she was operating another clinic in 2009-2010. In 2008, Dr. Gillis worked at a clinic operated by UR Medical Group, Inc., located in Pinellas Park, Florida. The clinic (referred to herein as the "UR Clinic") was owned by Renee Demasso, a non-physician. Dr. Gillis was the only medical doctor on staff at the clinic when she worked there. Another employee at the clinic was Quinton Knight, a large African- American male, who served as the office receptionist. The clinic had a "recruiter" named Jason Norris.2/ A recruiter is a person hired by the clinic to find new patients for the clinic's medical staff, i.e., for Dr. Gillis. On August 4, 2008, Negersmith, posing as D.H., was escorted to the UR Clinic by Norris. Upon arrival, he was given a patient information sheet to fill out. Norris directed him to write "severe lower back pain" on the sheet as the purpose of the visit. D.H. filled out the sheet, providing the following information: His pseudonym, address and contact information; His gender, marital status, height and weight; A fake social security number and date of birth; A fake driver's license number; His supposed occupation, i.e., a lineman for a private employer; A purported ailment, i.e., "severe lower back pain, weakness in knees" as the purpose for his visit; No insurance information; Neck/back pain and headaches as his medical history; A signature and date. All of the information provided was, of course, false. That is, D.H. was a fictitious name for a person pretending to be a patient. After filling out the form, D.H. discussed with Norris the cost of seeing the doctor. Norris said it would be a $350 charge. After approximately 45 minutes, D.H. was escorted to another waiting area, a vestibule separate from the main waiting area. After a short wait of five to ten minutes, D.H. was shown into an examination room where he met Dr. Gillis. D.H. was told to weigh himself on a floor scale and told Dr. Gillis his weight, 264 pounds. She then took his blood pressure which was 140/80. Dr. Gillis told D.H. that he might want to take some medication to lower his blood pressure. Dr. Gillis inquired as to the history of his present illness. According to the History and Physical Form (referred to herein as the patient chart) filled out by Dr. Gillis as she talked with the patient, D.H. said he had no pain (zero on a one-to-ten scale). Dr. Gillis wrote that D.H. "has difficulty explaining what he is really feeling" and that D.H. said muscle relaxers do not work for him. D.H. then told Dr. Gillis that oxycodone helps him to relax. Dr. Gillis then had D.H. perform three simple tasks: walking a short distance on his toes, walking on his heels, and raising his arms above his head. D.H. walked as directed, but he could not raise his arms higher than shoulder height because he was concealing a firearm in his waistband and raising his arms any higher would have revealed the weapon.3/ So he raised his arms up to shoulder height and then lowered them. D.H. cannot remember whether Dr. Gillis asked him why he could not raise his arms higher. Her notations on the patient chart indicate only that D.H. has less strength in his right foot (leg) and less range of motion in his left arm. At the conclusion of the examination, Dr. Gillis listed "chronic back and neck problems, chronic pain symptoms, non-specific" as the assessment and treatment plan for D.H. The lower left corner of the patient chart has an indication saying "needs records." D.H. purposefully avoided using the word "pain" throughout his examination. The only mention of pain was on the intake sheet he filled out, where he checked a box entitled neck/back pain. D.H. told Dr. Gillis that oxycodone helped him relax. She did not inquire as to whether he was taking any other medications or suggest any other modalities or treatment with D.H. After the examination, D.H. went back to the front office where he received a prescription for 120 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone and for 90 tablets of 600 mg Motrin. He handed Norris $350 in cash, which Norris then gave to Knight. No receipt was provided for the payment. D.H. then went to a local pharmacy and had the prescription filled. Pursuant to prior arrangements, he gave 60 of the oxycodone tablets to Norris for sale on the street.4/ The remaining tablets were placed into locked storage. Norris did not know D.H. was a police officer, of course. On August 27, 2008 (23 days later), D.H. appeared at the UR Clinic again. This time he was accompanied by Deputy Johnson who was posing as patient R.S. The deputies arrived at the clinic and looked for Norris, who was usually hanging around the parking lot. However, Norris was not there, and the deputies could not reach him via telephone, so they decided to go into the clinic anyway and see if they could obtain additional drugs. When D.H. and R.S. came into the clinic without Norris accompanying them, Knight became very upset and agitated. D.H. told Knight that Norris had recently changed his cell phone number, and it was not possible to contact him right then. R.S. started to walk out of the office, but Knight called him back and asked him for $350 and a copy of his identification. Knight then gave R.S. a patient information sheet to fill out. D.H. was not asked to fill out any paperwork at that time. D.H. was then escorted to the examination room where he saw Dr. Gillis again. No tests or physical examination were conducted. The only thing Dr. Gillis asked D.H. was whether he had brought his medical records with him. D.H. told her he had not had time to get them from his prior doctor yet. Dr. Gillis instructed D.H. not to come back to the clinic without his medical records. At the foot of the chart, Dr. Gillis wrote "Dr. Rew, family doctor; 2 weeks records; brought in personally." The note was not explained by Dr. Gillis. The patient chart filled out by Dr. Gillis on the second visit was extremely abbreviated in content. Under chief complaint, Dr. Gillis wrote, "patient states treatment plan is working; no complaints." The chart contains his vital signs: pulse of 142/80 and weight of 268 pounds. The history of present illness section of the form says only that D.H has a zero out of ten level of pain with treatment. She noted that has "no changes from prior testing" and added a note to "refill meds." The assessment and treatment plan section says "chronic back and neck problem." According to D.H., he never mentioned any problem to Dr. Gillis. Dr. Gillis did not inquire as to whether D.H. was currently taking any medications, but wrote, "oxycodone #120" and "Motrin 600 #90" on the current medications section of the chart. There was no physical examination of any kind performed on this visit. D.H. then went out to the office and got his prescription for 120 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone. Dr. Gillis never asked him whether he had taken all of the prior prescription, nor did she discuss pain with him. As part of his cover, D.H. intentionally avoided the use of the word "pain" when talking to Dr. Gillis. Meanwhile, R.S. completed his patient information sheet, providing the following information: His pseudonym, address and contact information; His gender, marital status, height and weight; A fake social security number and date of birth; A fake driver's license number; His occupation (carpenter work) and employer (unemployed); Purpose of visit, which D.H. listed as "stiffness in both shoulders"; No auto accident involved and no insurance available; Medical history options of high blood pressure and neck/back pain were checked in the list of various diseases and conditions listed on the sheet; An allergy to Keflex; Referred to clinic by a friend. R.S. was then taken back to an examination room where he met Dr. Gillis. He, too, contrived not to mention the word pain in his conversations with Dr. Gillis. He simply said he had a stiff shoulder. Dr. Gillis took his vital signs and had R.S. do the same physical tests that D.H. had performed in his first visit. remembers Dr. Gillis listening to his chest with a stethoscope and then examining his shoulder. The patient chart filled out by Dr. Gillis during R.S.'s visit contained the following information: "Chief complaint--Self employed; carpentry; history of surgery on back, shoulder problems one year ago; surgery and thus pain; no history of pain management." She correctly noted that R.S. was not currently on any medications. Dr. Gillis's assessment and treatment plan for R.S. was listed on the chart as chronic shoulder pain. There is no explanation for that notation. At the bottom corner of the chart, Dr. Gillis wrote "MRI of neck/shoulder; Dr. Wood, Pinellas County Orthopedic." That notation was not explained further by Dr. Gillis. R.S. went back to the front office where he was handed a prescription for Percocet 10/325, even though he never asked for medication. The Percocet was at the maximum strength (10 mg) for oxycodone content for that medication. R.S. then left the office, identified photographs of Dr. Gillis and Knight for his superiors and had no further involvement with the investigation. The testimony of Negersmith and Johnson as to their undercover actions was credible. Each of them had a clear and unambiguous memory of the events and did not appear to have any prejudices or ill intent that might negatively affect their testimony. The truth and veracity of their statements is accepted. At some point in time after the August 27, 2008, visit, the PCSO decided they had enough evidence to prosecute the UR Clinic as a "pill mill." As part of that prosecution, Dr. Gillis was pulled over in a traffic stop one day as she was leaving the clinic. After detaining her and explaining the charges that were being filed, the deputies advised Dr. Gillis to retain all patient records for patients she had been treating at the clinic. Later, Dr. Gillis cooperated with the sheriff's office and provided sets of original patient records to them. Dr. Gillis thereafter left her employment with the UR clinic and opened her own clinic. Patient M.G. presented to Dr. Gillis at her new place of employment, Dollar Medical Clinic, on December 19, 2008. Dr. Gillis was the owner and operator of this new clinic. M.G. filled out a patient information sheet which garnered the following information about him: Name, address and contact information; Marital status (married), and emergency contact information; Height, weight, and date of birth; Purpose of visit, listed as "refill on meds, follow-up on surgery." Auto accident on November 17, 2007; Insurance company information; and Medical history of neck/back pain, headaches, and arthritis. M.G. was then examined by Dr. Gillis. She filled out a patient chart for him that listed a history of surgery and treatments for pain. The patient chart lists Dr. Spuza and Dr. Nucci as physicians from whom M.G. had received care in the past. The patient chart noted that M.G. needed to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist as soon as possible. There was also a note indicating that M.G.'s MRI needed to be confirmed. Then there was a note written by Dr. Gillis saying "[p]atient is not going to be patient." There was no explanation as to what that note meant. The assessment and plan of treatment was then listed as "pain dependent" (although the writing on the patient chart is not very clear, and no testimony was elicited from Dr. Gillis to confirm what was written) and that the patient was advised about decreasing his pain medications. M.G. complained of pain at an eight on the one to ten scale with "treatment with oxycodone times four," presumably meaning four times per day. Upon completion of her examination of M.G., Dr. Gillis wrote him a prescription for 240 tablets of 30 mg oxycodone, 120 tablets of 40 mg oxycontin, 30 tablets of 10 mg valium, and 60 tablets of 500 mg naprosyn. According to the prescription, M.G. was supposed to take one of the oxycodone tablets every three hours, 24 hours per day, i.e., eight times per day. That was in addition to the oxycontin, which was to be taken every six hours. According to Dr. Gerber, "no pain doctor in the country would write a prescription like that." It would also be almost impossible for a patient to take all of those medications as prescribed. Approximately one month later, on January 16, 2009, M.G. returned to Dr. Gillis for the first of several follow-up visits. The patient chart filled out by Dr. Gillis that day indicates the chief complaint by M.G. to be "pain, top of buttocks radiating down leg to foot on left side." M.G. said his pain level was an eight out of ten with his medications. Dr. Gillis wrote a note to refill the medications and that there were "no acute changes" to M.G.'s condition. This time, the assessment and treatment plan was abbreviated as "A/P." This was the beginning of very cursory notes in the patient charts for M.G. The notes on the chart became shorter and less detailed as time went on. The "A/P" was listed as chronic neck pain and dental issues. Dr. Gillis then wrote prescriptions for 240 more oxycodone tablets, 120 more oxycontin tablets, 30 valium and 30 amoxicillin tablets. There is no record in the chart as to why the amoxicillin was added to M.G.'s medication regimen. There is no justification for providing essentially the same regimen of treatment when the patient was complaining of pain at a level of eight out of ten. M.G. came back for another follow-up on February 13, 2009. At that visit, Dr. Gillis charted the chief complaint as "thorac lumbar surgery [indecipherable] months ago." Again M.G. complained of a level of pain at eight out of ten when using his medications. Dr. Gillis noted her intent to refill the medications and that there were no acute changes in M.G.'s condition. His "A/P" was listed as chronic back pain. A prescription for the same medications, same doses, and same amounts as the previous visit was issued. M.G. returned on March 12, 2009, for a follow-up visit. The chief complaint at that time was "patient has difficulty [indecipherable]." Under history of present illness, Dr. Gillis wrote that M.G. has no history of pain prior to surgery and that he gets no relief from valium or Soma. There is no prescription for Soma in the records, so M.G. must have been getting that drug from some other source. There is no indication Dr. Gillis inquired as to where he got the medication, whether he was on any other medications, or how often he was taking the medication. Dr. Gillis again wrote that there were no acute changes in M.G.'s condition although he did not present with the same chief complaint. The "A/P" appears to be chronic back pain, although the writing is not clear. Prescriptions for oxycodone and oxycontin were renewed as before, and a prescription for Ambien was added. The valium prescription was not refilled. No explanation for the change in the drug regimen was provided by Dr. Gillis. On April 4, 2009, M.G. returned for another visit. This time his chief complaint was that he ran out of medications and had a seizure. There is no indication that Dr. Gillis inquired as to the type of seizure or whether M.G. had received any treatment for it. There is no evidence as to when M.G. ran out of his medications or how many pills he had taken since the prior visit. M.G. still complained of pain at a level of eight out of ten with his treatment. There is no indication of his pain level after he ran out of his medications. The "A/P" was listed as chronic back pain. The prescriptions written by Dr. Gillis for this visit were the same as the previous visit. For his next visit, May 12, 2009, there is no chief complaint listed on the patient chart. Dr. Gillis again wrote that there was no acute change in the patient's condition, that M.G.'s pain level was 6.5 out of ten with his treatment, and that the prescriptions should be refilled. The same oxycodone and oxycontin prescriptions (240 and 120 tablets, respectively) were written, along with the Ambien prescription. M.G. visited Dr. Gillis again on June 12, 2009. The chief complaint for that visit was low back pain caused by tripping over a toy car at his home. M.G.'s pulse and weight were measured, and there was a note on the chart that M.G. had "CBP" (which is presumably chronic back pain) and a toothache. A notation at the bottom of the chart said "25$," but is not explained. Dr. Gillis prescribed the same regimen of 240 pills of oxycodone and 120 pills of oxycontin. In the current medications section of the chart, Dr. Gillis wrote "Meds." That notation was not explained. As in each of the previous visits, Dr. Gillis did not perform a urine screen to determine whether M.G. had been taking the medications or not. M.G. came back to see Dr. Gillis on July 6, 2009. The chart for that visit says the chief complaint by M.G. was a surgical procedure called percantaneous distectomy and that M.G. "had care since the procedure." There is also a note that indicates "5 procedures," but the note is not explained. M.G. reported his pain level as five out of ten, with medications, and ten out of ten, without. Dr. Gillis prescribed the same, oxycodone and oxycontin medications as in the previous visits. There is no explanation as to why the medication levels were the same, even though M.G. was reporting less pain than in prior visits and had undergone surgery during the interim. M.G.'s next visit to Dr. Gillis was on August 5, 2009. His chief complaint on that day is essentially unreadable, and Dr. Gerber could not decipher it at all. There is a mention of Xanax in the chart, but its purpose is not explained. M.G.'s pain level is listed as six out of ten, with medications, ten out of ten, without. That is close to the pain levels described in the prior visit. However, without some sort of physical or functional exam or a psychological assessment, it was impossible to determine whether M.G. was functioning, no matter what his pain level. Dr. Gillis refilled the oxycodone and oxycontin prescriptions and added a prescription for ten tablets of Percocet 1/650, a minimal and almost useless dose. The "A/P" listed chronic lower back pain and seizure activities, but there was no discussion as to what seizures occurred or when. On September 9, 2009, M.G. presented with a complaint of a stiff neck. The chart mentioned an MRI, but did not explain or elaborate on it. The assessment of the patient was listed as "Ch LBP" (presumably chronic lower back pain), but there was no explanation of the relationship between the assessment and the presenting problem. There was no documentation of care in treatment on the patient chart. Dr. Gillis refilled the oxycodone and oxycontin and also added a prescription for Mobic, an anti-inflammatory medication. M.G. came back to visit Dr. Gillis on October 7, 2009. The chief complaint said M.G. had good and bad days and that the last surgery did not have good results. His pain level was down to six out of ten, with medications, and ten out of ten, without. Chronic lower back pain continues to be the assessment and treatment plan notation. Nonetheless, he was prescribed the exact same levels of oxycodone and oxycontin as all of the other visits. On November 4, 2009, M.G. returned to see Dr. Gillis. A different patient chart form was utilized by Dr. Gillis at that visit. The form includes a question, "Hello, how are you doing?" to which M.G. responded, "Terrible." M.G. said the ongoing treatment was working, but that he was not sleeping better. His pain level on that day was back up to seven out of ten, with medications. In her notes, Dr. Gillis said to "refill with adjustment with valium." There is no explanation as to why valium would be added to M.G.'s medication regimen. M.G. then visited Dr. Gillis on December 2, 2009. In response to the question about how he was feeling, M.G. said he was "planning for surgery; not doing good." He said the treatment was working and he was sleeping better. The assessment update on the chart said chronic lower back pain with exacerbations. The exacerbations were not explained. M.G. was prescribed the same medications as the previous visit. M.G.'s thirteenth and last monthly visit to Dr. Gillis occurred on December 20, 2009. When asked how he felt, M.G. answered "Alright." He said the treatment was working, but that some of his medications had been stolen. He reported not having oxycodone for nine days and oxycontin for seven days (or, possibly, not having nine oxycodone tablets or seven oxycontin tablets, the record is not clear.) He also said he had taken his medications that very day, but there was no indication in the record as to which medications he was talking about. He said his lower back pain was at a level of seven to eight on that day. Dr. Gillis did not inquire about the inconsistent statements and refilled his prescriptions anyway. The patient records for M.G. do not discuss whether he was paying for the cost of the prescriptions out-of-pocket or whether insurance was covering some of the cost. The cost of the medications would have been approximately $600.00 per month. It is clear that M.G. presented as a complex patient and was obviously receiving medical care elsewhere at the same time he was being treated by Dr. Gillis. He was apparently receiving medications from other sources at the same time Dr. Gillis was treating him. Dr. Gillis was at least somewhat aware of M.G.'s other medical care, but she never did monitoring or screening of M.G. that would have given her insight into how her treatment plan was interacting with M.G.'s other treatment. And, once Dr. Gillis saw that her treatment was not alleviating M.G.'s pain, she should have referred him to a board-certified pain management specialist. Dr. Marc Gerber was accepted at final hearing as an expert witness for the Department. Dr. Gerber is a board- certified pain management specialist who currently treats patients with pain management issues. Dr. Gerber's testimony was clear, concise, and credible. He did not appear to have any prejudice against Dr. Gillis as a person, but was very concerned about how she was practicing medicine. His testimony forms the basis for the following findings of fact. Relying upon the patient charts and patient information sheets provided by Dr. Gillis, there does not appear to have been a diagnosis of intractable pain for M.G. Intractable pain is pain for which, in the generally accepted course of medical practice, the cause cannot be removed and otherwise treated. There does not appear to have been an appropriate and complete physical examination of M.G. performed by Dr. Gillis. The oxycodone and oxycontin prescriptions for M.G. over a 13-month period are excessive. Despite her initial note wherein she advised M.G. that his medication levels must be decreased, Dr. Gillis continued the same regimen of oxycodone and oxycontin throughout M.G.'s treatment. There is no indication the medications were working, as M.G. continued to complain about pain for the entire 13 months he was under Dr. Gillis' care. Other than adding other medications, Valium, Mobic, Percocet, and Ambien for very brief periods, there was no change to M.G.'s prescription regimen. The patient charts for the visits to Dr. Gillis do not contain any justification for why the medications were prescribed in those quantities. The amount of oxycodone and oxycontin prescribed was, in itself, excessive. According to the prescriptions, M.G. was supposed to take one oxycontin every six hours. Oxycontin is a time-release medication that should only be taken once every 12 hours at most. M.G. was prescribed eight tablets of 30 mg oxycodone per day, i.e., one every four hours or two every eight hours--in addition to the oxycontin. The totality of those medications could be lethal. There are no indications in the patient charts that Dr. Gillis was taking vital signs and doing a physical evaluation of M.G. at every visit. Nonetheless, she continued to prescribe the high dosages of potentially lethal medications. Most importantly, Dr. Gillis never had a urine drug screen done on M.G. Such a test would have revealed whether M.G. was actually taking the drugs he was prescribed. It would have provided a determination of the level of drugs or other substances in M.G.'s body and then how the drugs were affecting him. A urine drug screen done at the time of M.G.'s earliest visit would have established a baseline for measuring the effectiveness and utility of future prescriptions. For a patient such as M.G., with a history of surgeries, a need for psychiatric evaluation, and a propensity to take large amounts of drugs, a urine drug screen would have been an essential element of the periodic review required for all such patients. Dr. Gillis erroneously stated that she had rejected and R.S. as patients after their first and second visits, respectively. The evidence shows that both "patients" voluntarily stopped visiting the clinic after completing their undercover work. Neither of the patients was told by Dr. Gillis not to return (although D.H. was told not to come back without bringing his medical records). Dr. Gillis did not testify at final hearing and did not provide any credible rebuttal to the facts asserted by the Department's witnesses. Dr. Gillis did demonstrate an understanding of the practice of medicine through her questioning of the Department's medical expert, but her treatment of patients R.S., D.H. and M.G. was deficient. The Department did not specifically allege, nor was there any evidence to support that Dr. Gillis intentionally practiced medicine in an inappropriate manner. However, her treatment of the patients in question indicates serious shortcomings in her ability to effectively and appropriately manage pain for her patients. Furthermore, Dr. Gillis represented herself at final hearing and, without assistance of counsel, was not able to effectively present a strong defense to the Department's allegations. Although she was given ample opportunity to testify concerning her care and treatment of the patients at issue, she declined to do so. Although the Department's perception of Dr. Gillis' treatment of D.H., R.S. and M.G. was based on its expert's review of medical records only, Dr. Gillis's refusal to testify left Dr. Gerber's perception as the only reliable source of information.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Health suspending the license of Respondent, Jacinta Irene Gillis, M.D., until such time as Dr. Gillis can demonstrate competency in the practice of medicine, especially as it relates to pain management, to the satisfaction of the Board of Medicine. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order assess the cost of investigating and prosecuting this case and that payment of such costs be a condition precedent to ending the suspension of Dr. Gillis's license to practice. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of February, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of February, 2012.

Florida Laws (15) 120.569120.57120.60120.68153.6120.43456.072456.073456.50458.326458.331590.357.50766.102893.03 Florida Administrative Code (3) 28-106.21764B8-8.001164B8-9.013
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 18, 1994 Number: 94-005886 Latest Update: Dec. 12, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, respondent, Reyes P. Ramos, was employed as a law enforcement officer by the City of Opa-Locka Police Department, and was duly certified by petitioner, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Department), having been issued certificate number 19-83-002-05 on October 29, 1983. On January 30, 1990, respondent, as part of his annual physical examination for the Opa-Locka Police Department, reported to Toxicology Testing Services (TTS) and provided a urine sample to be analyzed for the presence of controlled substances. Upon analysis, the sample taken from respondent proved positive for the presence of the cocaine metabolite, benzoylecgonine, in a concentration of 55 nanograms per milliliter. Such finding is consistent with the ingestion of cocaine, as cocaine is the only drug commonly available that, when ingested into the human body, produces the cocaine metabolite, benzoylecgonine. On February 5, 1990, the Opa-Locka Police Department notified respondent that the analysis of his urine sample had proved positive for the presence of cocaine, a controlled substance. In response, respondent offered to provide another sample for further analysis. Later that day, February 5, 1990, respondent provided a second sample of urine to TTS to be analyzed for the presence of controlled substances. Upon analysis, the second sample also proved positive for the presence of the cocaine metabolite, benzoylecgonine, but this time at a concentration of 9.2 nanograms per milliliter. Such reduced concentration is consistent with the initial concentration of 55 nanograms per milliliter disclosed by the first sample, assuming abstinence during the intervening period. In concluding that the urine samples respondent gave proved positive for the presence of cocaine metabolite, careful consideration has been given to the collection, storage and handling procedures adopted by TTS, as well as its testing methods. In this regard, the procedures and methods employed by TTS were shown to provide reliable safeguards against contamination, a reliable chain-of-custody, and produce, through Gas Chromograph/Mass Spectrometry (GCMS), a reliable measure of the concentration of cocaine metabolite in the body. 1/ While the testing demonstrates the presence of cocaine metabolite in respondent's system, and therefore the presence of cocaine, it does not establish how ingestion occurred. 2/ It may be reasonably inferred, however, that such ingestion was proscribed by law, absent proof that the subject drug was possessed or administered under the authority of a prescription issued by a physician or that the presence of cocaine metabolite could otherwise be lawfully explained. In response to the testing which revealed the presence of cocaine metabolite in his urine, respondent credibly denied the use of cocaine, and offered the testimony of a number of witnesses who know him well to lend credence to his denial. Those witnesses, who also testified credibly, observed that respondent is a person of good moral character who, among other qualities has the ability to differentiate between right and wrong and the character to observe the difference, has respect for the rights of others, has respect for the law, and could be relied upon in a position of trust and confidence. Moreover, from the testimony of those witnesses who have known respondent for an extended period of time, commencing well prior to the incident in question, it may be concluded that, in their opinions, it is the antithesis of respondent's character to have ingested or used cocaine. Apart from his denial, respondent offered two possible explanations for the presence of cocaine in his system: (1) that, during the week of January 18, 1990, he had been in contact with four to five K-9 training aids, which contained pseudo-cocaine, while cleaning out his dog's possessions, and (2) that he had been in contact with 10 bags of rock cocaine, during the course of duty, in the early part of January 1990. As to the first explanation, the proof demonstrates that respondent was, and had been for some time, a canine officer with the City of Opa-Locka Police Department, and had a dog named "Eagle" as his partner. "Eagle" was a cross-trained drug and work dog. In or about September 1988, respondent and his dog attended narcotic detection training through the Florida Highway Patrol, and received training aids, which contained "pseudo-cocaine," for use in training dogs in the detection of cocaine. These aids were comprised of newborn baby socks, inside of which was placed pseudo-cocaine. The socks were then closed at the top with rubber bands and placed inside a folded towel, which was then rolled and taped. According to respondent, he continued to use these aids 2-3 times a week, after leaving the Florida Highway Patrol course, to keep his dog proficient. Eagle died in early January 1990 and, according to respondent, the week of January 18, 1990, respondent cleared a number of items that were used in the care or training of Eagle from a small aluminum shed in his back yard. Among those items were the training aids, which contained pseudo-cocaine. According to respondent, he disposed of the training aids by cutting the tape from the towels, removed the sock, and then shook the pseudo-cocaine into a trash can, which caused some residue to become airborne and contact him. Respondent's counsel theorizes that such contact with the pseudo-cocaine, as well as the possibility that some residue could have been lodged under respondent's fingernails, when coupled with the fact that respondent occasionally bites his nails, could be an explanation for the positive reading respondent received. Notably, respondent offered no proof at hearing, through representatives from the Florida Highway Patrol or otherwise, as to the chemical composition of the pseudo-cocaine. Under such circumstances, there is no showing of record that the pseudo-cocaine could have resulted in the positive reading he received, and it would be pure speculation to conclude otherwise. As to respondent's second explanation, that in early January 1990, during the course of duty, he had been in contact with 10 bags of rock cocaine, it likewise does not provide a rational explanation for his positive test results. Notably, according to respondent, that rock cocaine was bagged and, necessarily, he would not have had physical contact with the substance. Moreover, even if touched such would not explain its ingestion, and, considering the lapse of time from the event and his testing, is not a rational explanation for the source of his positive results. While the explanations respondent advanced at hearing were not persuasive, such does not compel the conclusion that his testimony is to be discredited. Indeed, if respondent never used cocaine, it is not particularly telling that he could not offer a plausible explanation for what he perceived to be an aberration. Here, while the results of the urinalysis point toward guilt, respondent's credible testimony, the character evidence offered on his behalf, and respondent's employment record suggest otherwise. With regard to respondent's employment history, the proof demonstrates that respondent was on active duty with the United States military from 1966 until 1972, and with the Florida National Guard (FNG) from 1974 until 1983. Prior to reverting to an inactive status with the FNG, respondent attended and graduated from the Southeastern Institute of Criminal Justice, a police academy, and was thereafter certified as a law enforcement officer. Following certification, respondent was employed by the Village of Indian Creek as a police officer for one year, and from January 1985 until his severance in 1990 as a police officer with the City of Opa-Locka. Currently, respondent is employed by the FNG, with the rank of Sergeant First Class, as a military criminal investigator assigned to counter drug programs for the Department of Justice. From respondent's initial employment as a police officer through his current employment, but for the incident in question, respondent has consistently been recognized as a professional, loyal and dedicated police officer who has also dedicated substantial personal time and resources to community service. During this service, he was frequently commended for his performance, and he has further demonstrated dedication to his profession through continued training in the law enforcement field. Among those who testified on his behalf, and spoke approvingly of respondent's good moral character, were Christina Royo, a sworn law enforcement officer with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and Alejandro Suarez, a Sergeant First Class with the United States Military, employed as a criminal intelligence analyst, and currently attached to respondent's FNG unit. Each of these witnesses are employed in positions of trust involving sensitive areas of law enforcement, and have known the respondent well for over fifteen years. In their opinions, which are credible, respondent enjoys a reputation reflecting good moral character and, it may be gleamed from their testimony, the use of controlled substances by respondent would be most uncharacteristic. Given the nominal amount of cocaine metabolite disclosed by testing and the credible proof regarding respondent's character, the inference that would normally carry petitioner's burden following proof of a positive test for cocaine metabolite, that such finding reflected the unlawful ingestion of cocaine, cannot prevail. Rather, considering the proof, no conclusion can be reached, with any degree of certainty, as to the reason for the positive test results. Accordingly, such results, standing alone, do not support the conclusion that respondent unlawfully ingested cocaine or that he is lacking of good moral character.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered dismissing the administrative complaint filed against respondent. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 24th day of March 1995. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March 1995.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.60893.03893.13943.13943.1395 Florida Administrative Code (3) 11B-27.001111B-27.0022511B-30.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 02, 2020 Number: 20-004833PL Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
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