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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004109 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 1988

The Issue The issues are whether Petitioner, Daniel O. Cobb, is entitled to payment of claims for surgery performed on Ms. Cobb, Susan Catherine Cobb, his spouse, on November 11, 1985, and whether Respondent, the State, is estopped from denying coverage. A prehearing stipulation was filed limiting the facts, issues, exhibits and witnesses. The stipulated facts were incorporated into the Recommended Order and are in the Final Order as well. Petitioner presented the testimony of himself and his spouse. Petitioner's exhibits 2 through 6 were accepted into evidence. Exhibits 3 and 4 constituted hearsay. The Department presented the testimony of Hazel Rosser and Joseph F. Wellman. Four exhibits by the Department were offered into evidence and were accepted. Neither party ordered a transcript. Only the Department filed a proposed recommended order and findings of fact. The Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of Law in the Recommended Order are hereby adopted, except in Findings of Fact Nos. 16, 17, and 18, Mrs. Scott is changed to Mrs. Cobb and in Findings of Fact No. 18, Mr. Scott is changed to Mr. Cobb.

Findings Of Fact Daniel O. Cobb was an employee of the Florida Department of Transportation during 1985. Mr. Cobb and his spouse, Susan Cobb, had family coverage under the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "State Plan"), until November 1, 1985. The State Plan is administered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Pursuant to the agreement between the State of Florida and Blue Cross/Blue Shield benefits which are payable under the State Plan are governed by a "Benefit Document." Each year, State employees are given an opportunity change the form of health insurance coverage they wish to have. During this "open enrollment period" an employee covered by the State Plan can elect to participate in a Health Maintenance Organization and an employee covered by a Health Maintenance Organization can elect to participate in the State Plan. During 1985, there was an open enrollment period between September 9, 1985, and September 20, 1985. During the 1985 open enrollment period State employees, including Mr. Cobb, were provided a Notice to Employees in which they were advised to carefully review information contained in a Benefit Comparison Brochure, a Rate Comparison Chart and a Health Care Plan Selection Form. These documents were provided to all State employees. The Selection Form instructed employees to "Please read the employee notice about HMO service areas and effective date of coverage before completing this section." State employees were also advised that any change in coverage would be effective November 1, 1985. On September 19, 1985, Mr. Cobb signed a State of Florida Employes Group Health Self Insurance Plan, Change of Information Form. Pursuant to this Change of Information Form, Mr. Cobb elected to terminate his health insurance coverage with the State Plan. On the Change of Information Form it was indicated that Mr. Cobb's election to terminate his coverage under the State Plan was to be effective November 1, 1985. Therefore, Mr. Cobb was informed and should have known that he was no longer eligible for medical cost payment for himself or his family pursuant to the State Plan after October 31, 1985. Mr. Cobb also signed a Member Enrollment (Group) and Physician Selection Form on September 19, 1985. Pursuant to this Form, Mr. Cobb enrolled himself, his Spouse and their children, in Health Options, Inc., a health maintenance organization. Mr. Cobb's participation in Health Options, Inc., began November 1, 1985. On September 19, 1985, Mr. Cobb was provided a list of Health Options, Inc., approved physicians which were available for use by Mr. Cobb and his family. Mr. Cobb designated Gerald A. Giurato, M.D., as his primary care physician on the Physician Enrollment Form which he signed on September 19, 1985. On October 28, 1985, Mr. Cobb was mailed a copy of the Health Options Member Handbook which, among other things, describes the grievance procedure to be followed when medical expenses were not paid by Health Options Inc., and the manner in which physicians were to be used in order to be entitled to payment, of their charges. The Handbook informed Mr. Cobb that all care had to be arranged through a primary care physician and that only services provided or approved by the primary care physician were covered. The Handbook also indicated that treatment by physicians who were not approved by the primary care physician would be the responsibility of the patient. During 1985 Mrs. Cobb was under the care of Alexander Rosin, M.D. Dr. Rosin performed surgery for the removal of a cyst on Mrs. Cobb, on November 11, 1985. Dr. Rosin was not a physician approved by Health Options, Inc., or Mr. Cobb's primary care physician. Nor was the surgery approved. Claims attributable to the November 11, 1985, surgery were submitted to the State Plan. Claims, for the charges of Dr. Rosin, Scott Blonder, M.D., and a Pathologist were submitted. The expenses for the November 11, 1985, surgery were incurred after coverage of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb under the State Plan ended. The type of surgery performed on Mrs. Cobb was also not authorized by the Benefit Document. No claims were submitted to Health Options, Inc., for medical expenses incurred for Mrs. Cobb's operation on November 11, 1985. None of the medical expense attributable to Mrs. Cobb's November 11, 1985, surgery were incurred with physicians or facilities approved by Health Options, Inc. By letter dated August 27, 1986, the Department denied the claims submitted to the State Plan attributable to Mrs. Cobb's November 11, 1985, surgery. Mr. Cobb filed a request for an administrative hearing to contest the Department's proposed denial.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is RECOMMEDED that a final order be issued by the Department denying payment of claimed expenses attributable to Mrs. Cobb's surgery of November 11, 1985. DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of July, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 864109 The Department has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number, of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 18. The letter denying payment was dated August 27, 1986, and not September 4, 1986. See DOA exhibit 1. 2 7. 3 Hereby accepted. 4 7. 5 3. 6 4 and 5. 7-9 6. 10-12 11. Summary of testimony and irrelevant. Summary of testimony argument. Concerning the weight to be given evidence and cumulative. 15 7. 16 Hearsay. 17-18 Conclusion of law. 19-20 16. 21 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 22 15. COPIES FURNISHED: O. C. Beakes, Esquire Lindner Smith, Jr., Esquire 836 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32205 Andrea R. Bateman, Esquire Department of Administration Room 438, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Vila, Secretary 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.57120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 21, 2000 Number: 00-002548 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 16, 2013 Number: 13-003116RP Latest Update: Jun. 26, 2014

The Issue The ultimate issue in this case is whether Respondent's proposed Florida Administrative Code Rule 69O-149.022(3), which would incorporate by reference Form OIR-B2-2112, constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Before that issue may be reached, however, it is necessary to determine whether Petitioners have standing to challenge the proposed rule.

Findings Of Fact The Financial Services Commission ("Commission") is a four-member collegial body consisting of the governor and cabinet. The Office of Insurance Regulation ("Office") is a structural unit of the Commission. Giving rise to this case, the Office initiated rulemaking and made recommendations to the Commission concerning an amendment to rule 69O-149.022, which would incorporate by reference Form OIR-B2-2112, titled "Consumer Notice [Regarding] The Impact of Federal Health Care Reform on Health Plan Costs" ("Form 2112"). Whenever the Commission or the Office engages in rulemaking, the members of the Commission serve as the agency head. The Commission thus has the ultimate responsibility for approving and adopting the proposed rule. CHAIN is a nonprofit corporation which operates solely within the state of Florida. CHAIN is subject to the oversight of a voluntary board of directors. As a health-care advocacy organization, CHAIN is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and derives its income primarily from grants and contributions. CHAIN provides services to low- and moderate-income individuals who lack health insurance coverage or perceive their coverage to be unaffordable or inadequate. CHAIN provides health insurance purchased through Florida's small-group health insurance market to each of its five full-time employees. Greg Mellowe is a full-time employee of CHAIN who receives health insurance coverage through such employment. During the 2013 regular session, the Florida Legislature passed a bill, which the governor approved, enacting section 627.410(9), Florida Statutes. This section requires that insurers provide to policyholders of individual and small-group nongrandfathered plans a notice that describes the estimated impact of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA")——popularly and more commonly known as Obamacare——on monthly premiums.1/ An insurer that issues a nongrandfathered plan must give this notice one time——when the policy is issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2014——on a form established by rule of the Commission. (A "nongrandfathered" plan is a health insurance plan that must comply with all of Obamacare's requirements. For ease of reference, such plans will be referred to as "compliant plans.") Having been directed to act, the Office commenced rulemaking to establish the form of the notice to be sent to persons insured under compliant, individual and small-group plans, eventually proposing to adopt Form 2112. The Commission approved this form at a hearing on August 6, 2013. Form 2112 fills a single, one-sided page2/ and looks like this: CHAIN will receive the Obamacare notice when it renews its small-group health insurance plan, or purchases a new plan, on or after January 1, 2014.

Florida Laws (4) 120.56120.57120.68627.410
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 22, 2002 Number: 02-004560 Latest Update: Mar. 25, 2004

The Issue Whether the surgery to correct complications from non- covered cosmetic surgery are covered under the State of Florida self-insured health plan?

Findings Of Fact Sharon Lett, Petitioner, was initially hired by the State of Florida on October 1, 1986, and began participating in the State's self-insured health plan known as the State Employees' Preferred Provider Organization Plan, or State PPO Plan. Pre-existing conditions were covered after 365 days. In June 1985, Lett had bilateral silicone breast implants placed under the pectoral muscles. This occurred before she was covered under any of the state-sponsored health insurance plans. The implant surgery was performed for purely cosmetic reasons. Lett continued to work for the State until her retirement and was covered under the State's health insurance plan. Upon her retirement she continued her coverage under the State PPO Plan. In 1997, while covered by the plan, Lett sought medical intervention for problems related to the implants. She had concerns about the implants leaking and there were indications in the form of "lumps" and x-ray images which indicated the implants were leaking. There are some clinical studies which indicate that leaking implants are a potential health problem. The "lumps" and leakage decrease the ability to properly diagnose breast cancer. For patients who have a higher risk for breast cancer, these difficulties in diagnosis place the implanted patients at greater risk. Lett is diagnosed as being at greater risk for breast cancer. Both of her implants have leaked. Lett sought removal of the implants beginning in 1997. The State's PPO Plan has denied approval of the surgical procedure to remove the implants because the implant surgery was originally for cosmetic purposes. The latest denial was by letter dated September 27, 2002. The Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI) is responsible for the management of the State's group insurance programs, to include the PPO Plan. The State's PPO Plan is administered under contract by Florida Blue Cross and Blue Shield. In support of her latest request for payment for the surgery to remove the implants, Lett provided DSGI the following: Medical Report of Marguerite Barnett, M.D., (Respondent's Exhibit 4), dated May 23, 2002. Clinical Record Progress Notes by Frank B. Vasey, M.D., for visit on April 15, 2002. Lett also provided a diagnostic report by Mary E. Swain, M.D., dated June 1, 2000. The DSGI agrees that the reports of Drs. Barnett and Vasey accurately describe Petitioner's medical condition and accurately identify the etiology of the condition that necessitates the surgery Petitioner seeks. At the time Lett initially enrolled in the State PPO Plan, the benefits document in effect was State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan Benefit Document, as Amended on October 1, 1986. Section VII, Exclusions, of the 1986 Benefits Document provides: Services for cosmetic surgery or treatment unless the result of a covered accident as provided in Subsection VIII.A. However, cosmetic surgery is a covered service if it is: in connection with the correction of a congenital anomaly for an eligible dependent born while family coverage is in force and performed while the Plan is in force, a medically necessary procedure in the correction of an abnormal bodily function, or for reconstruction to an area of the body which has been altered by the treatment of a disease, provided such alteration occurred while the insured was covered under the Plan. Section VIII, Limitations, of the 1986 Benefits Document provides: The following limitations shall apply under the Plan: A. Cosmetic surgery or treatment necessary for the repair or alleviation of damage to an insured is covered by the Plan if such surgery or treatment is the result of an accident sustained while the insured is covered under the Plan and actually performed while the Plan is in force, except as provided under Section XIII and XIV of this Benefit Document. Section XIII deals with termination of an insured's coverage and is not applicable here. Section XIV deals with termination of the program and is not applicable here. At the time Lett requested approval for the surgery to remove the implants, the benefits document in effect was State Employees' PPO Plan Group Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefit Document effective January 1, 2000 (hereafter, 2000 Benefits Document). The 2000 Benefits Document states regarding services not covered by the plan that cosmetic surgery is not covered unless it is: A result of a covered accident if the accident happens and the surgery or treatment is performed while the person is covered by this health insurance plan, For correction of a congenital anomaly for an eligible dependent born while the employee has family coverage and performed while the dependent is covered by this health insurance plan, A medically necessary procedure to correct an abnormal bodily function, For reconstruction to an area of the body that has been altered by the treatment of a disease, provided the alteration occurred while the person was covered by this health insurance plan, For breast reconstructive surgery and the prosthetic devices related to a mastectomy. "Mastectomy" means the removal of all or part of the breast for medically necessary reasons as determined by a licensed physician, and "breast reconstructive surgery" means surgery to reestablish symmetry between the two breast, . . . Complications resulting from non-covered services, except complications of pregnancy defined on pages 49-50, are excluded from coverage generally. See 2000 Benefit Document, page 31, paragraph 53. It is noted that the 1986 Benefit Document does not have a provision similar to that cited in paragraph 21, above. Under the 1986 Benefit Document, cosmetic surgery would not have been covered, but surgery necessary to address complications from non-covered services was not limited or excluded. The problems suffered by Lett did not arise until after the time limit excluding pre-existing conditions had expired or run.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's Petition be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Sharon Lett 240 Starmount Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire Department of Management Services Office of the General Counsel 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 William Simon, Secretary Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Alberto Dominguez, General Counsel Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 22, 1991 Number: 91-005324 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 1992

The Issue Whether Mr. Wills is entitled to reimbursement from the State Group Health Insurance Plan for health services provided by an otolaryngologist and a speech pathologist for vocal therapy.

Findings Of Fact The State of Florida makes available to employees several health insurance programs. One of the options available to employees is the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Employees may also enroll in a number of different health maintenance organizations depending upon the county in which the employee resides. The Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan was established by the Legislature, and its benefits are described in the Benefit Document. The Plan as a whole is administered by Blue Cross-Blue Shield, which did not write the terms of the Plan. When an employee chooses to participate in the Plan, the State contributes to the employee's insurance cost by paying a portion of the premium for the employee in order to be covered by the Plan. Mr. Wills is employed by the State of Florida as the Chief Assistant Public Defender for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in Broward County, Florida. Mr. Wills is a Senior Trial Attorney in the Public Defender's Office and a senior administrator who needs his voice to carry on his professional duties. He was a member of the Plan at all times relevant to this proceeding. The case revolves around whether Mr. Wills is entitled to reimbursement for expenses he incurred when he was diagnosed in June 1990 as having a vocal chord lesion, also known as a contact ulcer or granuloma of the vocal fold, and participated in a course of medical treatment for this condition. For example, Mr. Wills would attempt to speak, but portions of words could not be heard. Mr. Wills ultimately was treated by Dr. W. Jarrard Goodwin. Dr. Goodwin is a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat (i.e., an otolaryngologist), and teaches at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Dr. Goodwin was of the view that the lesion was caused by the mechanical banging together of the vocal chords, and that surgery was not an appropriate treatment for him. Instead, he prescribed an antibiotic and three weeks vocal rest. He had a second consultation with Mr. Wills on August 14, 1990, at which time Dr. Goodwin referred Mr. Wills to Donna S. Lundy, a speech pathologist in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Miami Medical School, for voice therapy. A contact ulcer or granuloma can result from the pitch of the voice being too high or too low, from speaking too loudly, or from not breathing from the diaphragm. All of these can be treated with behavioral voice therapy through exercises, either to raise or lower the pitch of the voice, or to breathe from the diaphragm and relax the vocal chords in order to decrease effort and strain near the lesion. Mr. Wills saw Ms. Lundy for sessions of vocal therapy at Dr. Goodwin's office on August 11, September 13, October 5, November 11, and December 27, 1990, and Mr. Willis practiced the exercises he was given between appointments. Even if Mr. Wills had had surgery, i.e., a stripping of the vocal chords, an alternative treatment for the contact granuloma, he still would have had vocal therapy following that surgery to modify his vocal habits to prevent a recurrence of the lesion. As a result of the vocal therapy, Mr. Wills' condition has improved, and he no longer suffers from the contact granuloma. Speech therapy treats abnormalities of speech production, language formulation and processing, such as articulation disorders, stuttering, language delay, and disorders of neuromuscular control. It is not the same as voice therapy. Five claims for health services were submitted on behalf of Mr. Wills by Donna S. Lundy, under procedure code 92507. Code 92507 on the approved fee schedule covers "Speech, Language or Hearing Therapy, with Continuing Medical Supervision, Individual." Dr. Goodwin, also submitted one claim under procedure code 92507 for services provided to Mr. Wills on August 14, 1990. All such claims were rejected by the Department. The State of Florida, Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan benefit document contains exclusions. The applicable exclusion, according to the Department, is Section VII(Q): VII. Exclusions The following exclusions shall apply under the plan: * * * * Q. Occupational, recreational, edu-cational, or speech therapy, orthoptics, biofeedback, contra-ceptives, telephone consultation, cardiac rehabilitation exercise programs, or visits for the purpose of exercise by bicycle, ergometer or treadmill. Benefit Document, page 46. There is no further explanation of the term "speech therapy" found in exclusion VII(Q) in any other portion of the Benefit Document. The approved fee schedule for the Group Health Self-Insurance Plan has a procedure code for "speech, language or hearing therapy, with continuing medical supervision, individual." That the approved fee schedule has such an entry at all is an indication that there are circumstances where speech language or hearing therapy is covered. Otherwise, the entry would be wholly inconsistent with the Department's position that Section VII(Q) flatly prohibits any payment for "speech therapy". Ms. Lundy is licensed speech-language pathologist in the State of Florida. Unless a person qualifies for licensure as a speech-language pathologist, a person may not describe him or herself using a number of terms. Among these forbidden terms are "speech pathologist", "speech therapist", "language pathologist", "voice therapist" and "voice pathologist". Section 468.1285(1)(b), Florida Statutes, (1990 Supp.). The Department relies upon the definition for the practice of speech-language pathology in the Professional Practice Act, Chapter 468, Part I, Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.), to argue that any services provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist must necessarily fall within the exclusion found in Section VII(Q) of the Benefit Document. The Department's argument that because the term "speech therapy" is not defined in the Benefit Document, it should determine the meaning of the term by looking to see how the term "speech-language pathology" is defined in Section 468.1125(7)(a), Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.), the professional practice act for speech-language pathology, is unpersuasive. There was no testimony that the Benefit Document was written with all definitions found in various professional practice acts in mind. There is certainly no proof that the Legislature crafted the miscellaneous professional practice acts in Chapter 468 with an eye towards using the definitions in those acts for determinations under the Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan. The Benefit Document and the professional practice acts have little or nothing to do with each other, and neither shed light upon terms used in the other.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Secretary of the Department of Administration enter a Final Order requiring the Division of Employees' State Insurance to pay all claims submitted by Donna S. Lundy and the claim of Dr. Goodwin which have been denied. The Benefit Document does not clearly exclude voice therapy for a contact granuloma, and in the absence of a clear exclusion, the law requires that those claims be paid. RECOMMENDED this 24th day of December, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of December, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-5324 Rulings on findings proposed by the Department: Adopted in Finding 1. Adopted in Findings 2 and 3. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding 3. Adopted in Finding 4. Discussed in Finding 5. Rejected as unnecessary. See, Conclusions of Law. Adopted in Finding 9. Adopted in Finding 10. Rejected. See, Conclusions of Law. Adopted in Finding 5. Rulings on findings proposed by Mr. Wills, treated as if the paragraphs had been numbered: Adopted in Finding 3. Adopted in Findings 3 and 4. Adopted in Finding 5. Adopted in Finding 7. Generally adopted in Finding 9. Generally adopted in Finding 5. Adopted in Findings 5 and 9. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven Michaelson, Esquire 9326 Northwest 18th Drive Plantation, FL 33322 John M. Carlson, Esquire Department of Administration 438 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 John A. Pieno Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

Florida Laws (3) 120.57468.1125468.1285
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jun. 12, 1992 Number: 92-003531 Latest Update: Mar. 03, 1993

Findings Of Fact Respondent is licensed in the state as a life and health insurance agent and as a health insurance agent. Respondent was employed by H.B. Barach and Associates during the month of April, 1991. Respondent and his employer began selling insurance policies for Farmers Health Trust ("Farmers") sometime in April, 1991. North American Life Insurance was the prospective underwriter for Farmers. Respondent was informed by Petitioner's West Palm Beach office that no complaints had ever been filed against Farmers but that no verification could be made as to whether Farmers was licensed to do business in the state. Respondent reviewed the policy and began selling policies to be issued by Farmers. Pursuant to the customary business practice in the community, Respondent included the paper work required to be licensed to sell policies for Farmers when Respondent submitted the first premiums. Farmers has never been licensed to do business in this state. North American Life Insurance never agreed to be the underwriter for Farmers. Respondent was never licensed to sell insurance policies to be issued by Farmers. On or about April 1 and 16, 1991, respectively, Respondent solicited and sold to Ms. Clarice Hunt and Mr. Milton Seagrave, separate health insurance policies to be issued by Farmers. Ms. Hunt and Mr. Seagrave each issued a check in the amount of $480 payable to Respondent's employer pursuant to Respondent's instructions. Respondent advised Ms. Hunt and Mr. Seagrave that their money would be refunded to them if Farmers declined to issue a policy. Ms. Hunt had difficulty obtaining health insurance due to a previous back injury for which she had filed a workers' compensation claim. Mr. Seagrave had been previously rejected by Mutual of Omaha. Ms. Hunt's check and Mr. Seagrave's check was deposited and negotiated by Respondent's employer. No policy was ever issued by Farmers to either Ms. Hunt or Mr. Seagrave, and neither was ever refunded their money. After April 16, 1991, Respondent was informed by his employer that Farmers did not have an underwriter. Respondent sold no other insurance policies to be issued by Farmers. Respondent made repeated, good faith attempts to obtain refunds for Ms. Hunt and Mr. Seagrave. Respondent was willing but financially unable to personally refund the moneys to Ms. Hunt and Mr. Seagrave. When it was apparent to Respondent that his employer would not refund the money to Ms. Hunt, Respondent assisted Ms. Hunt in filing a complaint with Petitioner. Respondent knowingly solicited insurance on behalf of Farmers without holding an agency appointment to do so. On June 5, 1992, a Consent Order was issued incorporating the terms of a Settlement Stipulation between Petitioner and Mr. Herbert Barach. Pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Stipulation, Mr. Barach agreed to reimburse Ms. Hunt and Mr. Seagrave for the premium paid by each in the amount of $480. Respondent has no other disciplinary history.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of violating Sections 626.611(8) and (10), 626.561(1), 626.621(8), and 626.901, Florida Statutes, placing Respondent's licenses on probation for one year, and assessing a fine against Respondent in the amount of $500.00. RECOMMENDED this 14th day of January, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of January, 1993.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57626.561626.611626.621626.681626.691626.901
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Oct. 22, 2010 Number: 10-009846BID Latest Update: Jan. 18, 2011

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent's intended decision to reject all proposals submitted in response to Request for Proposal No. R106885GM-Group Dental Insurance (the RFP) is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent.

Findings Of Fact The Lee County School District (District) currently offers two dental plans through Delta Dental, a DPO (Indemnity) and a DHMO plan to its approximately 10,000 eligible employees. Delta Dental has held the group insurance contract for approximately 12 years. The District had required its dental plan provider, if an insurance carrier, to have an AM Best rating of A- or higher. Delta Dental had had an AM Best rating of A-, but its rating had slipped to a B++. Delta Dental notified the District of the change in its AM Best rating. Upon learning of the change in the rating, the District decided to issue a request for proposals for its group dental plans. Susan Strong (Ms. Strong), who has been the director of insurance for the District for 15 years, chaired the insurance task force (ITF), which was responsible for the procurement of group insurance. Ms. Strong was also a member of the subcommittee of the insurance task force, which was responsible for drafting, issuing, and evaluating the proposals and making a recommendation to the ITF. The RFP required that the proposers who were insurance carriers have an AM Best rating of A- or higher. On June 3, 2010, the RFP was issued by the District. Dr. James W. Browder (Dr. Browder), who was at that time the superintendent of schools for Lee County, approached Ms. Strong requesting that she convene the ITF to consider lowering the AM Best rating so that Delta Dental could qualify to submit a proposal. The ITF was convened and voted to lower the AM Best rating to B++. An addendum to the RFP was issued on June 25, 2010, lowering the AM Best rating to B++ and changing the date for submittal of proposals to July 8, 2010. Pertinent provisions of the RFP provide: Objective: The objective of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide a comprehensive Group Dental Insurance, with benefits equal to or superior to those of the current dental insurance plan, to the employees of the School District of Lee County, Florida (hereafter referred to as "SDLC"). SDLC is soliciting Proposals for DHMO and DPO/Indemnity group dental benefits. The vendors are requested to quote DHMO, DPO/Indemnity options, or both. If you cannot provide all of the plan options requested, you may propose one or more of the options. The successful vendor should also offer its product(s) at competitive prices, similar to the current dental insurance plan, and guarantee rates for a minimum of two (2) years to ensure price stability for plan members. Background: * * * In order to properly evaluate the financial impact of these plans, this RFP requests data necessary to properly evaluate the plan proposed. Proposers who do not provide the requested information may be negatively impacted during the scoring process. * * * 2.10 One manually signed original (clearly marked as such), ONE (1) electronic version in Word 6.0 or higher on CD or diskette and SIX (6) Photocopies of the proposal must be sealed in one package and clearly labeled "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR GROUP DENTAL INSURANCE" on the outside of the package. The legal name, address, proposal's contact person, and telephone number must also be clearly annotated on the outside of the package. (Emphasis in original) * * * Minimum Eligibility In order to be considered for award and to be further evaluated, proposer must meet or exceed the following criteria. The proposer is responsible for providing the following information in their responses. The proposer should also include a statement of acknowledgement for the item below. Proposer shall be appropriately licensed in the State of Florida to provide dental insurance. * * * The Insurance Task Force Sub-Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committee"), SDLC, or both reserve the right to ask questions of a clarifying nature once proposals have been opened, interview any or all proposers that respond to the RFP, or make their recommendations based solely on the information contained in the proposals submitted. The Committee shall evaluate all proposals received, which meet or exceed Section 4.2, Minimum Eligibility Requirements. The Committee reserves the right to ask questions of a clarifying nature and interview any or all proposers that meet or exceed Section 4.2. . . . The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to interview any or all proposer(s) and to require a formal presentation and clarification questions with the key people who will administer and be assigned to work on the contract before recommendation of award. The interview is to be based upon the written proposal received. The Superintendent will recommend to the School Board, the award or rejection of any or all proposal(s). The School Board may award or reject any or all proposals. * * * The District will make an award to the company whose proposal is most advantageous to the District with respect to benefits/services, costs and other factors. All proposals should be submitted initially with the most favorable terms. If additional information or clarification is required, the proposer shall be prepared to submit such information in a timely manner. Award of benefits/services contracts is subject to negotiation, and the District may undertake simultaneous negotiations with those companies who have submitted proposals. The District reserves the right to waive formalities, technicalities, or irregularities in any proposal, to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part, with or without cause, to re-advertise, or to accept the proposal which, in its judgment, will be in its best interest. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The District reserves the right to waive any irregularities and technicalities and may, at its sole discretion, request a clarification or other information to evaluate any or all proposals. The District reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require proposer(s) to submit evidence of qualifications, contact references or any other information the District may deem necessary. * * * 6.1.5 The District reserves the right to: (1) accept the proposals of any or all of the items it deems, at its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the District; and (2) the District reserves the right to reject any or all items proposed or award to multiple proposer(s). * * * 6.3.1 Bidders are hereby advised that they are not to lobby with any District Personnel or Board Members related to or involved with this bid. All inquiries must be written and directed to the Department of Procurement Services. (Emphasis in original) Lobbying is defined as any action taken by an individual, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, syndicate, corporation, and all other groups who seek to influence the governmental decision of a Board Member or District Personnel on the award of this contract. Any bidder or any individuals that lobby on behalf of a bidder will result in rejection/disqualification of said bid. 6.4.1 In order to maintain comparability and enhance the review process, it is required that proposals be organized in the manner specified in Section 4.1. Include all information in your proposal. It is required that SIX (6) copies of the proposal be submitted with the original proposal (clearly marked as such) and ONE (1) electronic version in Word 6.0 or higher on CD or diskette. (Emphasis in original) The proposals in response to the RFP were submitted on July 8, 2010. Among the proposers who submitted proposals were Ameritas Life Insurance (Ameritas); CIGNA Dental & Connecticut Life Insurance Company (CIGNA); Delta Dental, Humana, United Concordia Dental Care; Metlife; and the Standard. On July 8, 2010, after the proposals had been opened, an e-mail was sent by the District to Ameritas, requesting that Ameritas provide the electronic version of the proposal as required by Sections 2.10 and 6.4.1 of the RFP. On July 9, 2010, the District sent an e-mail to the Standard, requesting that it supply an electronic version of its proposal in a CD format. The Standard had supplied a PDF format, which was not acceptable. On July 20, 2010, an e-mail was sent by the District to several proposers, requesting that a copy of their licenses to provide dental insurance in Florida be sent. The e-mail stated that the submittal of the license was required pursuant to Section 4.2.1 of the RFP. However, Section 4.2.1 does not require that a copy of the license be submitted; it requires only that the proposer be licensed. No evidence was presented that details how these proposers addressed the issue of licensure in their proposals. Section 6.1.3 of the RFP does allow the District to require the proposer to submit evidence of qualification prior to the award of the contract. On July 26, 2010, e-mails were sent by the District to Ameritas and United Concordia Dental Care, stating: On the DPO/Indemnity Plan Questionnaire, Question 11 asked the following: "In the chart below, provide information regarding DPO/Indemnity contracted rates and employee cost sharing for SDLC." There were two columns for your company to complete--"DPO Allowable" and "Indemnity Allowable." You did not provide amounts for the "DPO Allowable" column. This information is critical to our evaluation process. Could you please supply the DPO Allowable rates as soon as possible, but no later than 2:00 PM, Wednesday, July 28th? United Concordia Dental Care submitted the omitted DPO Allowable rates on July 27, 2010. Ameritas submitted the omitted information on July 28, 2010. The evaluation committee reviewed and scored the proposals. Based on their evaluation, Humana, Delta Dental, and CIGNA were determined to be the top three proposers to be shortlisted. On August 4, 2010, the District sent an e-mail to Humana, Delta Dental, and CIGNA, requesting that they respond to a number of clarification questions. Additionally, the School Board stated: SDLC would be interested in offering a low option DPO in lieu of a DHMO product with premiums similar to its current DHMO. What type of a DPO plan could you design with monthly premiums of $20-22 Employee, $30-35 Employee/Spouse, $30-35 Employee/Child; $50-60 Employee/Family. Provider [sic] details for each level of coverage in the table below. Deductable per Individual/Family Annual Maximum Benefit Diagnostic/Preventive Benefit Basic Benefit/Level II Major Benefit/Level III Orthodontic Benefit/Level IV Other Benefits None of the other proposers were asked to propose a separate low-option DPO plan. Section 2.1 of the RFP provided that proposers could submit a DHMO option or a DPO/Indemnity option or both options. Although some of the proposers did submit Low-Option DPO/Indemnity plans, none of the top three proposers submitted such options. CIGNA, Delta Dental, and Humana submitted a Low-Option/Indemnity plan in response to the District's e-mail of August 4, 2010. The District interviewed each of the top three proposers. On August 27, 2010, Ginny Monroe, the procurement agent for the District, sent an e-mail to Humana, which stated: Congratulations, as the top ranked proposer the SDLC wishes to enter into negotiations. Attached please find a scanned negotiation letter. Please sign and return this letter via fax or email no later than Monday, August 30, 2010 at 2:00 pm. On August 30, 2010, Dr. Gregory Adkins (Dr. Adkins), who is the chief human resources officer for the District, asked Ms. Strong to provide several bullet points highlighting the reasons Humana was selected as the dental provider. On September 7, 2010, Dr. Browder requested Ms. Strong to prepare a summary of the reasons the evaluation committee had chosen Humana. Ms. Strong prepared the summary and had it delivered to Dr. Browder on September 8, 2010. On September 9, 2010, Dr. Adkins requested Ms. Strong to prepare a side-by-side comparison of the top three proposers. She did as requested and took the comparison analysis to Dr. Adkins, who discussed them with Dr. Browder. On September 9, 2010, Delta Dental sent a letter to Dr. Browder, stating that Delta Dental had received the dental carrier finalist information. Delta Dental proceeded to address each of the issues set forth in the comparison prepared by Ms. Strong. The letter by Delta Dental was in violation of the RFP prohibitions concerning lobbying. On September 10, 2010, the Lee County School District posted an intended award to Humana, stating: "Based on the review of the individual scoring sheets by the evaluation committee, the Superintendent will recommend to The School Board of Lee County that Humana Dental Insurance Company/Comp Benefits Company be accepted as the awarded vendor having submitted the overall best responsive proposal and that purchase order(s) be forwarded to same." On September 10, 2010, Dr. Adkins sent an e-mail to Ms. Strong, questioning whether Humana's premiums were truly lower than Delta's. Ms. Strong told Dr. Adkins that she would prepare a premium analysis. She forwarded the premium analysis to Dr. Adkins on September 13, 2010. On September 13, 2010, Dr. Adkins met with Dr. Browder and others concerning the intended award. Dr. Browder wanted to reject all bids based on concerns by School Board members about the premiums and lack of clarity of the benefits offered and instructed Greta Campbell (Ms. Campbell), an employee in the procurement department, to post a rejection of all bids. Dr. Adkins asked Dr. Browder to wait on the rejection of all bids until Dr. Adkins had time to discuss the matter with Ms. Strong. At that time, the only explanation that Dr. Adkins gave Ms. Strong was that some School Board members were concerned about the premiums and benefits. Dr. Browder requested the legal staff for the District to review the procurement process before a rejection of all bids was posted. Heather Hawkins (Ms. Hawkins) reviewed the procurement and found that there were some procedural errors that had occurred. On September 23, 2010, Dr. Browder, Dr. Adkins, Ms. Hawkins, Ms. Campbell, Keith Martin, and Dr. Lawrence D. Tihen, who was to become the interim superintendent after Dr. Browder's departure, met to discuss Ms. Hawkins' findings. The procedural errors discussed concerned the District allowing proposers to supply missing information after their proposals had been submitted; the District making requests for clarifications; and the District requesting that the top three proposers submit low-option DPO plans. On September 24, 2010, the District posted a Notice of Intent to Reject All Proposals, which stated: Please be advised that the Notice of Intention to Award issued September 10 in the above-referenced matter is hereby rescinded. The Superintendent will recommend to the School Board of Lee County at its October 19th meeting that all proposals received in the above-referenced solicitation be rejected due to a procedural error.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that the rejection of all proposals was not fraudulent, illegal, dishonest, or arbitrary and dismissing Humana's protest. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of December, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUSAN B. HARRELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of December, 2010.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.576.08
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Apr. 29, 2009 Number: 09-002298 Latest Update: Jan. 22, 2010

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner, as beneficiary of her deceased father's State of Florida life insurance policy, is entitled to a benefit of $10,000 or $2,500, and is related to how notice of a change in coverage amount and premium was provided to the decedent.

Findings Of Fact At the time of his death on November 29, 2008, Maurice Adkins was covered by the state life insurance plan, as a retired employee of the State of Florida. The Petitioner, Justina Mullennix, is the daughter of Mr. Adkins and is the beneficiary of any life insurance benefits paid or payable from the state life insurance plan on account of the death of her father. Effective January 1, 2000, the coverage for retirees was increased to $10,000.00. The premium for this coverage was $4.20 per month. The DSGI prepared a letter dated July 31, 2006, to notify the retirees that effective January 1, 2007, the life insurance benefit options provided to retirees would change. The changes allowed retirees to elect one of the following options: $2,500 benefit for a monthly premium of $ 4.20. $10,000 benefit for a monthly premium of $35.79. Termination of coverage. The letter dated July 31, 2006, informed retirees that their life insurance premium would remain the same, but that their coverage would be reduced to $2,500, unless they elected coverage in the amount of $10,000 and elected to pay the higher premium. The letter advised the retirees they could change their election up to and including January 19, 2007. Mike Waller, an employee of the DSGI, maintains benefits data for the People First/Division of State Group Insurance. In July 2006, Mr. Waller was asked to prepare a file containing the names and mailing addresses of all retirees who were covered by life insurance. Mr. Waller created the file, prepared in July 2006, to use in a "mail merge," to send all retirees a copy of the letter dated July 31, 2006. In preparing the file containing the mailing addresses of retirees covered by life insurance, Mr. Waller used the addresses of record that he maintained. In July 2006, the address of record for Mr. Adkins was 2877 Belair Road E., Jacksonville, Florida 32207, and was included in the file. Mr. Waller prepared the file and on July 3, 2006, delivered it to Dick Barnum and Thomas Lockeridge. Thomas Lockeridge delivered the file to Laura Cutchen, another employee of the DSGI. The DSGI contracted with Pitney Bowes to mail the letter of July 31, 2006, to all retirees. After obtaining copies of the letter from the print shop of the DSGI, Ms. Cutchen delivered the letters and the file containing names and addresses of retirees to Pitney Bowes to assemble. The letters dated July 31, 2006, in envelopes addressed to each retiree who carried life insurance at the time, were delivered to the U.S. Post Office, accompanied by Ms. Cutchen. The State of Florida first class mailing permit had been applied to each envelope. The letter dated July 31, 2006, was mailed to Mr. Adkins at the Belair address. The return address on the envelope containing the letter was the Division of State Group Insurance, 4050 Esplanade Way, Ste. 215, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-0949. The letter was not returned to the Division. The letters that were returned to the DSGI were processed by Janice Lowe, an employee of the DSGI. Each letter that was returned to the Division of State Group Insurance was handled in one of two ways: a) if the envelope showed a different address on a yellow sticker applied by the US Postal Service (USPS), the letter was re-mailed to that address; b) if the returned envelope did not provide a different address, a manual search of the database of the Division of Retirement was made, a copy of the print screen showing the address in the Retirement database was made, if different from that on the database of the Division of State Group Insurance, and the original envelope and letter were placed in another envelope and mailed to the address from the Division of Retirement database. A copy of each Retirement screen that was accessed by Ms. Lowe was printed and inserted in alphabetical order in a binder. For every person whose letter was returned, and for which there was not another address, there would have been a Retirement print screen. The absence of a Retirement print screen indicates that the initial letter was not returned. There is no retirement print screen for Mr. Adkins, indicating that the letter to him dated July 31, 2006, was not returned to the DSGI. DMS has contracted with Convergys, Inc., to provide human resources management services, including assisting in the administration of employee benefits. Convergys primarily performs these tasks through an on-line system known as “People First.” Prior to Convergys assuming responsibility for the administration of benefits, DSGI maintained benefits information in the Cooperative Personnel Employment System (COPES). When Convergys assumed responsibility for the management of benefits, the benefits information from COPES was imported into the Convergys People First System. People First became the system of record for the DSGI beginning January 1, 2005. People First and the Division of Retirement do not share databases and each maintains its own database of names and addresses. Once a year the DSGI must hold Open Enrollment for the health program. § 110.123(3)(h)5, Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 60P-1.003(16). Open Enrollment is the period designated by the DMS during which time eligible persons may enroll or change coverage in any state insurance program. Prior to Open Enrollment each year, the DSGI provides employees and retirees a package that explains the benefits and options that are available for the next plan year. The 2006 Open Enrollment period, for the 2007 Plan Year, ran from September 19, 2006, through October 18, 2006. During open enrollment for Plan Year 2007, the People First Service Center was charged with the responsibility of sending open enrollment packages to State of Florida retirees and other employees. People First mailed Mr. Adkins’s Open Enrollment Package to the 2877 Belair Road E., Jacksonville, Florida 32207 address, on September 3, 2006. The Open Enrollment Package for Plan Year 2007 was mailed by People First through the U.S. Post Office, first class postage paid. The Open Enrollment Package mailed to Mr. Adkins, for 2006 Open Enrollment, was not returned to People First. The Open Enrollment Package mailed to Mr. Adkins on September 3, 2006, contained Mr. Adkins’s 2007 Benefits Statement; a letter from John Mathews, former Director of the DSGI; "Information of Note"; a Privacy Notice; Notice Regarding Prescription Coverage; and a 2007 Benefits Guide. The Information of Note included the following statement: Retiree Life Insurance For Plan Year 2007, those currently enrolled with retiree life insurance may elect to retain the current $4.20 premium for a benefit of $2,500, retain the current benefit of $10,000 for a premium of $35.79, or cancel coverage. If no change is made during open enrollment, participation will continue at the $4.20 premium level. Neither Mr. Adkins nor anyone on his behalf affirmatively elected to continue $10,000.00 in life insurance coverage during the enrollment period in 2006 and 2007. Because the election was not made, at the death of Mr. Adkins, the benefit paid to the Petitioner was $2,500.00. Prior to January 1, 2007, the Life Insurance Trust Fund was used to augment the premiums paid by retirees for life insurance. The premium paid by the retirees did not support a $10,000 coverage level. In year 2006, the DSGI determined that the money in the life insurance trust fund, used to augment the retiree’s benefits from years 2000 through 2007, would not be available after 2007. Beginning January 1, 2007, the change in life insurance coverage was made because the funds in the Life Insurance Trust Fund were no longer available to augment the premium payment required to maintain a benefit level of $10,000.00, for a payment of $4.20 per month by the retirees. In 2006, the DSGI determined that the then-current life insurance premium of $4.20 would support a benefit of $2,500, and that the $10,000 benefits would cost $35.79. The notices provided by the July 31, 2006, letter and the 2006 Open Enrollment Package were sufficient notices of the increase in premium in that they provided a reasonable opportunity within which to make a selection of the level of coverage. On December 30, 1997, the Division of Retirement received a written notice of change of address for Mr. Adkins. The new address was 217 Skye Dr. W, Jacksonville, Florida 32221. Although Mr. Adkins had changed his address with the Division of Retirement, he did not notify the DSGI. A change of address with one division does not automatically change addresses in the other. The two divisions have different databases. During no time relevant to these proceedings have the two divisions shared databases. The DSGI, through People First, used the database of the Division of Retirement to send the 2004 Benefits Statement as an experiment to determine whether DSGI undeliverable returns would decrease. The same database was also used for the mailing of the letter dated September 2, 2003. However, neither DSGI nor People First changed its database after the 2004 Benefits Statement was sent and subsequent information was mailed to the DSGI address of record, based upon the COPES system. Therefore, the letter dated July 31, 2006, and the 2006 Open Enrollment Package for the Plan Year 2007, were mailed to the same Belair address, the address of record. A change of address for Mr. Adkins was not made in the database of the DSGI until December 1, 2008, when People First was provided a change of address. The only change of address that the Petitioner has alleged, was the one provided by Mr. Adkins to the Division of Retirement (only) in 1997.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings of the parties, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance, dismissing the petition in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of January, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire Department of Management Services Office of the General Counsel 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Justina Mullennix 1217 Skye Drive West Jacksonville, Florida 32221 John Brenneis, General Counsel Division of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (8) 110.123112.19112.191120.52120.569120.5720.2290.406 Florida Administrative Code (2) 60P-1.00360P-2.005
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001485 Latest Update: May 29, 1987

The Issue The basic issue in this case is whether the Petitioner is entitled to a waiver of the limitations in the state group health self insurance plan regarding pre-existing conditions during the first 12 months of coverage under the plan.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, on the testimony presented at the hearing, and on the exhibits received in evidence, I make the following findings of fact. The Petitioner was first employed by the Department of Transportation as a Clerk Typist Specialist on October 31, 1986. As a new employee, the Petitioner was entitled to select health insurance under the state group health self insurance plan or with a participating health maintenance organization (HMO). The state group health self insurance plan and the HMO's each have different benefits and premiums. The Petitioner's direct supervisor is Ms. Gwen Molander. On October 30, 1986, the day prior to her first day of employment, the Petitioner met with her supervisor to sign the employment paperwork. On that day Ms. Molander called the Department of Transportation personnel office in Lake City for the purpose of finding out whether the state group health self insurance plan would cover pre-existing allergy conditions of the Petitioner's son. Ms. Molander specifically asked the Lake City personnel office if the plan would cover the Petitioner's son if the son was under the care of an allergist. The words "pre- existing condition" were not used in the conversation Ms. Molander had with the Lake City personnel office. The Lake City personnel office told Ms. Molander that the Petitioner's son would be covered even if it was not an open enrollment period. The Petitioner authorized a "double-up" deduction so the health insurance would be effective as of December 1, 1986. The Petitioner's son has been covered as a dependent under the Petitioner's health insurance since December 1, 1986. Based on the information from the Lake City personnel office, the Petitioner believed that the state group health self insurance plan would provide coverage for all of her son's medical expenses without any limitation regarding pre-existing conditions. The Petitioner's son had a pre-existing allergy condition for which he received medical treatment in December of 1986 and thereafter. Since December of 1986 the Petitioner has incurred medical bills of approximately $2,000.00 for treatment related to her son's pre-existing allergy condition. The state group health self insurance plan has refused to pay any of the medical expenses related to the treatment of the pre-existing allergy condition of the Petitioner's son. The state group health self insurance plan contains a provision to the effect that "no payment shall be made for pre- existing conditions during the first 12 months of coverage under the Plan." Accordingly, the refusal to pay described above is consistent with the provisions of the state group health self insurance plan. At the time the Petitioner chose to enroll in the state group health self insurance plan, she could also have chosen any of three HMO programs available to state employees in he Gainesville area. Petitioner chose the state group health self insurance plan because of her belief that it provided coverage for her son's pre-existing allergy condition. There is no competent substantial evidence in the record in this case regarding the coverage provided by the three available HMO's, the limitations (if any) on the coverage, or the cost to the employee of such coverage. At the time the Petitioner chose to enroll in the state group health self insurance plan, her employing office did not have any written information regarding the health insurance options available to new employees. There is no evidence that the Petitioner attempted to obtain information regarding health insurance options from any source other than her direct supervisor and the Lake City personnel office. On the insurance enrollment form signed by the Petitioner, dated October 31, 1986, the Petitioner was put on notice and acknowledged that coverage and the effective dates of coverage under the state group health self insurance plan were governed by Rule Chapter 22K-1, Parts I and II, Florida Administrative Code, and by the plan benefit document, "regard-less of any statements or representations made to me. " The Petitioner has previously worked in the insurance field and she is familiar with limitations on coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is recommended that the Department of Administration issue a final order in this case denying the relief requested by the Petitioner and dismissing the petition in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of May, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of May, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-1485 The following are my specific rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by both parties: Proposed findings submitted by Petitioner As noted in the introductory portion of the recommended order in this case, the Petitioner's post-hearing submission consists of a letter dated May 12, 1987. Although the letter does not contain any statements which are identified as proposed findings of fact, in light of the lesson taught by Kinast v. Department of Professional Regulation, 458 So.2d 1159 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984), all factual assertions in the letter of May 12, 1987, have been treated as though they were proposed findings of fact. The references which follow are to the unnumbered paragraphs and sentences of the letter of May 12, 1987. First unnumbered paragraph: This is an introductory comment only. Second unnumbered paragraph: First sentence is rejected as a proposed finding because not supported by evidence in the record. Second sentence is a statement of position rather than a proposed finding. Third sentence is rejected as a proposed finding because not supported by evidence in the record. Fourth sentence is a statement of the relief requested rather than a proposed finding. Fifth sentence is rejected as a proposed finding because it is inconsistent with the greater weight of the evidence. Third unnumbered paragraph: This entire paragraph is rejected as proposed findings because it consists of statement of position and argument rather than proposed facts. Proposed findings submitted by Respondent The Respondent's proposed findings of fact are contained in twelve numbered paragraphs in Respondent's proposed recommended order. The paragraph references which follow are to each of those twelve paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Accepted. Paragraph 2: First sentence accepted. Second sentence is rejected in part and accepted in part; first ten words are rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. The remainder of the sentence is accepted. Paragraph 3: Accepted. Paragraph 4: Accepted in substance with correction of confused dates and deletion of irrelevant details. Paragraph 5: Accepted. Paragraph 6: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 7: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 8: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 9: First sentence accepted in substance. Second sentence rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Paragraph 10: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 11: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 12: Rejected as irrelevant due to the fact that no such literature was available at Petitioner's employing office. COPIES FURNISHED: Ms. Juanita L. Resmondo Department of Transportation Maintenance Office Post Office Box 1109 Gainesville, Florida 32602 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.52120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 08, 2000 Number: 00-002410 Latest Update: Dec. 29, 2000

The Issue Whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings on September 15, 2000, and, if so, the penalty that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The Department of Insurance is the state agency responsible for licensing insurance agents in Florida and with regulating their conduct. Section 624.307 and Chapter 626, Part I, Florida Statutes (1999). At the times material to this proceeding, Ingrid Machado was Florida-licensed insurance agent. In March 1999, Teresita Baldor was interested in purchasing health insurance. Ms. Baldor had previously owned a private school and had been insured through the school's group health insurance policy. After she sold the school and began teaching mathematics at Miami-Dade Community College and Saint Thomas University, she no longer had health insurance coverage. On or about March 10, 1999, Ms. Machado met with Ms. Baldor at Ms. Baldor's home. Ms. Baldor knew Ms. Machado only as an insurance agent and did not know whether Ms. Machado was affiliated with an insurance agency. Ms. Machado told Ms. Baldor during the March 10, 1999, visit that she would try to place Ms. Baldor in a group for health insurance purposes but that she did not know at that time the group Ms. Baldor would be placed in or the name of the insurance company that would provide the health insurance coverage. Ms. Machado told Ms. Baldor during the visit that she would let Ms. Baldor know the name of the company providing her coverage and that she would send Ms. Baldor the coverage information. During her March 10, 1999, visit to Ms. Baldor's home, Ms. Machado asked Ms. Baldor for general identification information, such as her name and social security number, and for other information, such as her weight. Ms. Baldor did not sign any document during this visit and cannot recall if Ms. Machado completed any form during their conversation. Ms. Machado asked Ms. Baldor to make out two checks, one in the amount of $175.00 and one in the amount of $100.00, but Ms. Baldor does not remember Ms. Machado's telling her the reason she needed two separate checks. Ms. Machado asked Ms. Baldor to leave the line for the name of the payee blank, again telling Ms. Baldor that she did not yet know which insurance company would ultimately provide health insurance coverage to Ms. Baldor. Ms. Machado told Ms. Baldor that the name of the company would be filled in on the checks at a later time. Ms. Machado told Ms. Baldor that she would have health insurance coverage effective March 15, 1999. On or about March 20, 1999, Ms. Baldor telephoned Ms. Machado because Ms. Baldor had not received any information regarding health insurance coverage. Ms. Machado told Ms. Baldor that she was having complications with her pregnancy and could no longer handle Ms. Baldor's insurance matters. Ms. Machado gave Ms. Baldor the telephone number of the "Durey Agency," told her that this agency would work with her to obtain health insurance coverage, and gave her Ray Gonzalez's name. Ms. Machado had no further contact with Ms. Baldor after the telephone conversation on or about March 20, 1999, during the times material to this proceeding. At some point, Ms. Baldor called the telephone number Ms. Machado had given her to find out why she had not received any information regarding her health insurance coverage. Ms. Baldor told the person who answered the phone, a woman named Maria, that she wanted her checks back if she could not give her any information "right then." Later the same day, Maria called Ms. Baldor and told her that she had been placed in a group for health insurance purposes. A Neighborhood Health Partnership Enrollment Form was submitted to the Neighborhood Health Partnership on behalf of Ms. Baldor. On the form, Ms. Baldor was identified as an employee of "International Marketing." A signature appeared on the bottom of the form purporting to be that of Ms. Baldor, and the date next to the signature was "5/10/99." Ms. Baldor never saw the Neighborhood Health Partnership Enrollment Form. A few weeks after Maria told Ms. Baldor that she had been placed in a group for health insurance purposes, Ms. Baldor received a package from the Neighborhood Health Partnership that contained an identification card indicating that she was enrolled in the "International Marketing Group" and indicating that her insurance coverage with the Neighborhood Health Partnership was effective as of June 15, 1999. During Ms. Baldor's conversations with Ms. Machado, Ms. Machado never mentioned the Neighborhood Health Partnership or International Marketing Group. The checks Ms. Baldor provided to Ms. Machado were made payable to the Durey Insurance Group and were processed by the bank on or about May 17, 1999. In addition, Ms. Baldor wrote checks to the Durey Insurance Group dated July 10, 1999, and August 9, 1999, as payment for her health insurance premiums. Ms. Baldor's insurance coverage with the Neighborhood Health Partnership was eventually cancelled. It was Ms. Baldor's understanding that it was cancelled because the Durey Insurance Group did not remit her premium to the Neighborhood Health Partnership and because the "International Marketing Group" in which she was placed by the Durey Insurance Group did not exist. Summary The evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Machado's actions with respect to her dealings with Ms. Baldor demonstrated a lack of fitness or trustworthiness or demonstrated that Ms. Machado lacked reasonably adequate knowledge and technical competence to engage in the transaction of insurance. The Department presented no evidence to establish any standards of skill, ability, knowledge, or competence by which Ms. Machado's acts or omissions can be judged to determine if she committed any of the violations with which Ms. Machado is charged. It is not possible to determine from the evidence presented if Ms. Machado's actions deviated from a standard of fitness or trustworthiness which a reasonably prudent insurance agent would be expected to exhibit under the circumstances or if Ms. Machado's conduct fell below a standard establishing the degree of knowledge and technical competence which a reasonably prudent insurance agent would be expected to exhibit under the circumstances. 2/ The evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Machado engaged in any unfair method of competition or deceptive practices or knowingly made any misrepresentations to Ms. Baldor regarding health insurance coverage. The uncontroverted evidence establishes that Ms. Machado took some minimal information from Ms. Baldor and told her she would place her in a group for health insurance coverage. The uncontroverted evidence further establishes that Ms. Machado did not represent to Ms. Baldor that she would place Ms. Baldor in any specific group, that she would place Ms. Baldor with any particular insurance company, 3/ or that Ms. Baldor would be provided with any specific coverage or benefits. The evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Machado knowingly collected from Ms. Baldor any sums in excess of premium because, at the time Ms. Machado collected the two checks from Ms. Baldor, Ms. Machado did not know which insurance company would write health insurance coverage for Ms. Baldor and, therefore, did not know what the premium would be. The evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Machado knowingly collected from Ms. Baldor any premium for insurance that was not, in due course, provided. The uncontroverted evidence establishes that Ms. Machado initially agreed to procure health insurance coverage for Ms. Baldor; however, because of her pregnancy, Ms. Machado referred Ms. Baldor to the Durey Insurance Group approximately ten days after Ms. Machado's only meeting with Ms. Baldor and advised Ms. Baldor that the Durey Insurance Group would assist Ms. Baldor in obtaining health insurance. There is no persuasive evidence establishing that Ms. Machado knew or should have known that Durey Insurance Group would not, in due course, provide legitimate health insurance coverage to Ms. Baldor. The evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish that Ms. Machado had any involvement, directly or indirectly, in the transaction in which the Durey Insurance Group identified Ms. Baldor as an employee of "International Marketing" and obtained health insurance for Ms. Baldor with the Neighborhood Health Partnership as a member of the "International Marketing Group." 4/ Furthermore, the evidence presented by the Department is not sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Machado's actions made her a source of injury to Ms. Baldor or anyone else. As noted above, the uncontroverted evidence establishes that, soon after Ms. Machado's visit with Ms. Baldor on March 10, 1999, Ms. Machado advised Ms. Baldor that she could not act as Ms. Baldor's agent in placing her with a health insurance company, that she had sent Ms. Baldor's information and checks to the Durey Insurance Group, and that Ms. Baldor should contact the Durey Insurance Group for further assistance. Ms. Baldor's contacts subsequent to the latter part of March 1999 with respect to her health insurance coverage were exclusively with personnel who purported to be affiliated with the Durey Insurance Group. A representative of the Durey Insurance Group notified Ms. Baldor that her health insurance would be provided by the Neighborhood Health Partnership, and Ms. Baldor's premium checks were made payable to the Durey Insurance Group. Finally, the Neighborhood Health Partnership Enrollment Form identifying Ms. Baldor as an employee of International Marketing is dated approximately two months after Ms. Machado's last contact with Ms. Baldor, and the Department failed to present any evidence tending to establish that Ms. Machado had any involvement in the preparation of this form.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Insurance issue a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint against Ingrid Machado. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of November, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of November, 2000.

Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57120.595624.307624.310626.611626.621626.951626.9521626.9561641.3901641.3903641.3905 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.204
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