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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jan. 04, 1996 Number: 96-000023 Latest Update: Jul. 24, 1996

The Issue The issue is whether the Petitioner is qualified for designation and certification as a minority business enterprise.

Findings Of Fact At the hearing, it became apparent that the reasons for denial were principally lack of independence and affiliation with a non-qualifying company. The parties stipulated to the following: Ms. Wendy Stephens, President and Secretary of WPS and sole stockholder WPS, possess the authority to, and does in fact, exercise complete control over the management, daily operations and corporate affairs of WPS. Ms. Stephens possesses the technical capability, managerial qualifications and expertise to operate WPS. The following facts were proven at hearing: Ms. Stephens is a white, female and is qualified as a minority person under the statute. In 1991, Charles Perry, Ms. Stephen's father and a white male, provided $7,000 for start up capital and a lease of 3 acres on his farm to house Alachua Greenery, a wholesale/retail nursery which Wendy Stephens began with assistance from Perry. Ms. Stephens has never made payments on the aforementioned lease. Charles Perry and Wendy Stephens were the sole stockholders in Alachua Greenery, each holding 50 percent of the shares in the corporation. Perry has contributed nothing more to the operation of the corporation, and has never exercised any control over the corporation, although he was initially a director. WPS is a Florida corporation, domiciled and doing business in the state. WPS is worth less than $3,000,000 and has three employees. Ms. Stephens is and always has been the sole stockholder of WPS, and has served as its President and Secretary since its incorporation. Ms. Stephens husband, Gary Stephens, was once a director of WPS upon the advice of counsel; however, he exercised no control over the corporation and resigned as a director on April 12, 1996. Gary Stephens sold a Bobcat tractor to Wendy Stephens upon which he has deferred payments. This Bobcat is used by WPS and Alachua Greenery. Gary Stephens has no other financial or other interest in WPS or Alachua Greenery. WPS was formed for the purpose of engaging in the retail landscaping business, which is a logical business expansion from the wholesale nursery business. WPS has engaged in the retail landscaping business for several customers. WPS shares equipment, land, vehicles, and employees with Alachua Greenery. There is no evidence that WPS, which has performed a number of contracts, has been a conduit of money to Alachua Greenery. On May 13, 1996, Perry gifted his share of Alachua Greenery to Wendy Stephens.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner's application for minority business status be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of June, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SunCom 278-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of June, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 96-0023 Both parties submitted proposed findings which were read and considered. The following states which of those findings were adopted, and which were rejected and why. References to numbered paragraphs in Petitioner's findings includes all letter subparagraphs unless otherwise noted. PETITIONER'S RECOMMENDED ORDER Paragraphs 1,2 Statement of Case Paragraph 3 Irrelevant Paragraphs 4-6 Statement of Case Paragraph 7a Paragraph 9 Paragraph 7b Subsumed in Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7c Subsumed in Paragraphs 6 & 8 Paragraph 7d Contrary to best evidence Paragraph 7e Irrelevant Paragraph 7f Subsumed in Paragraph 9 Paragraph 7g Irrelevant Paragraphs 7h,i Paragraph 7 Paragraphs 7j,k,l Subsumed in Paragraph 8 Paragraphs 7m,n,o,p Paragraph 4 Paragraph 7q Subsumed in Paragraph 12 Paragraph 7r Paragraph 11 Paragraphs 7s,t Irrelevant RESPONDENT'S RECOMMENDED ORDER Paragraph 1,2 Subsumed in Paragraph 8 Paragraph 3 Subsumed in Paragraph 10 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Subsumed in Paragraph 10 Paragraph 6 Not necessary Paragraph 7,8 Paragraph 12 Paragraph 9 Not necessary COPIES FURNISHED: David L. Worthy, Esquire Peter A. Robertson and Associates 4128 Northwest 13th Street Gainesville, Florida 32609 Joseph L. Shields, Esquire Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 201 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2005 Veronica Anderson, Executive Administrator Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development Collins Building, Suite 201 107 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2000

Florida Laws (2) 120.57288.703
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida May 09, 1994 Number: 94-002653 Latest Update: Jan. 05, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the matters concerned herein, either the Department of Management Services, or its successor, the Commission of Minority Economic and Business Development, was the state agency in Florida responsible for certification of Minority Business Enterprises in this state. Johnston was started by Mrs. Cloversettle's grandfather and operated by him and his three sons, including Conrad Johnston, Mrs. Cloversettle's father, for many years. As a child and young woman, Mrs. Cloversettle worked at the place of business in differing capacities and learned something of the business operation. At some point in time, she married Mr. Cloversettle who was and has been an employee of the firm, and over the years, he operated much of the equipment used in the business. Mrs. Cloversettle is also a licensed cosmetologist, and owns and operates a beauty salon through a corporation she owns with her husband. He does much of the handyman work at that shop and she works, part time, as a cosmetologist. Most of her time, however, is occupied with the affairs of Johnston. There are currently 60 shares of common stock issued in Johnston Lithograph & Engraving, Inc.. Seven and three quarters shares are owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cloversettle. Three and three-quarters shares came from her father, and she acquired four additional shares at the time she bought the business. Three and three quarters shares are owned by Mrs. Cloversettle's aunt, Ms. Sims, who lives in North Carolina; fifteen shares are held in the name of her father, Conrad Johnston; and eighteen and three-quarters shares each are held by his two brothers, Bert and Don. Ms. Sims takes no income from Johnston, does not participate in the management of the company, and plays no role in it other than as share owner. At one point, Mr. Cloversettle owned a one-half interest in the four shares his wife got at the time of purchase, but she considered herself the owner in that they were titled jointly only "for simplicity", just as the house and their bank accounts are also owned jointly. On April 26, 1994, after the initial denial of Petitioner's application for MBE certification, the joint ownership was terminated and the shares registered in Ms. Cloversettle's name only without any exchange of consideration therefor. Much the same pertains to the company bank accounts. Before the denial, both George and Brenda Cloversettle could sign company checks. Since then, however, George Cloversettle has been removed as an authorized signatory on company accounts. The shares owned by Ms. Cloversettle's father and his brothers, Donald, Bertram, are presently held as "security" for the payment of the purchase of Johnston by Mrs. Cloversettle. The shares are not voted and are held in escrow under an escrow agreement. A stock pledge agreement, dated February 7, 1986, to which the Cloversettles were not parties, produced after the hearing, pertains only to the corporation and Conrad and Margaret Johnston. Its terms, somewhat confusing, can best be interpreted as providing that upon default in payment, the stock held in escrow would revert to the original holder as titled on the face of the certificate or, at the option of the original owner, be sold. At the time of denial, the shares owned by Donald and Bertram had not been properly endorsed into the escrow but this was done prior to formal hearing when, by affidavit dated August 1, 1994, the escrow agent indicated both Donald's and Bertram's shares were subject to the 1986 escrow agreement. The 1986 agreement prohibits the issuance of any new or additional shares of stock until the purchase obligation is paid off. This provision may have been violated when the four additional shares were issued to the Cloversettles in 1990. The shares owned by both Bertram and Donald were the subject of a stock sale agreement for $93,000.00 for each block of eighteen and three-quarters shares. Both the date of the agreement and the signatures of the parties are not evidenced on the documents, however, but it appears Bertram deposited fifteen of his shares with the Tampa 1st National Bank in 1975, some fifteen years prior to the Cloversettle's 1990 purchase of the company. Conrad Johnston entered into a purchase agreement in 1985 with the original owners which did not include the Cloversettles. His fifteen shares were signed into escrow on February 6, 1986. These discrepancies in capital ownership were not clarified at hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Cloversettle entered into the agreement to buy the company from the Johnstons in 1990 for a purchase price of $300,000. Though in an earlier deposition, Mrs. Cloversettle indicated only about $3,000 of the purchase price had been paid, which money allegedly came from the proceeds of an insurance policy loan and a mortgage on their home, at hearing, she testified $30,000 had been paid, all of which came from the mortgage on their home. No payments on the obligation are currently being made by the Cloversettles because each of the original owners executed an agreement deferring payment until the company is financially able to make regular payments. The minutes of a special shareholder's meeting held on July 8, 1994, reflect the above-noted Johnston brothers' certificates were surrendered for cancellation in July, 1990. However, the minutes also note that the sale and redemption of the certificates was subject to an escrow pursuant to the February, 1986 escrow agreement which, in November, 1993, was affixed to an amended agreement naming Edward Hill as Escrow Agent, which referred to the Johnston brothers not as stockholders but as secured creditors. Because of the complex manipulation of the shares and their status, it is impossible to determine the relative ownership of the parties. Petitioner has not established with any degree of clarity that Brenda Cloversettle, though a minority owner, has actual and real ownership of at least 51 percent of the company equity free of any residuary or reversionary interest which could divest her of her 51 percent ownership. The shares covered by the escrow agreement, while classified by Petitioners as treasury stock, cannot legitimately be so considered since it is still in the name of the original owners and does not become property of the company until the obligation incurred for its purchase is satisfied. While, as noted previously, no additional payments have been made on the purchase price, the company maintains a life insurance policy on each Johnston which Ms. Cloversettle indicates is to be used to pay off the outstanding debt upon their respective deaths. She admits however, there is no document requiring the insurance proceeds to be used that way, and no independent evidence of the policies' existence was forthcoming. The primary business of Johnston is commercial printing/graphics. Ms. Cloversettle is the sole director of the corporation whose bylaws, as of July 8, 1994, require all directors to be minority persons. She has asserted, and it was not disproved by evidence to the contrary, that she has the primary role in decision-making concerning the company's business transactions and she is the sole person required to execute any transaction related documents. She has final authority as to all corporate decisions and is not required to consult with anyone else when corporate decisions are being made, though she may do so. Johnston does not keep inventory on hand but purchases supplies necessary on a job driven basis. According to Ms. Cloversettle, she controls the purchase of inventory and determines the need and appropriateness of equipment rentals or purchases. She seems to be familiar with and to understand the use of the products utilized by the company in its daily operations. She has a fundamental knowledge of the equipment used in the company's operation and, though she may not be fully qualified to operate every piece, can operate some of it. Though she periodically consults with her husband regarding business operations, she is not required to do so and has the responsibility for the hiring and management of employees. She alleges she sets employment policies, wages, benefits, and employments conditions at the company without the need to coordinate her actions with anyone. However, in a phone interview with the Department's representative, in February, 1994, Ms. Cloversettle had difficulty correctly answering many of the technical questions she was asked at hearing. Mr. Cloversettle, who has worked with the firm for approximately twenty years, is its key employee in computer graphics and serves as production manager and vice-president. Without doubt, along with Mr. Ezell, the firm's printer, he is primarily responsible for the daily plant operations, supervising the other employees, planning daily work flow, and insuring the vendors who supply the needed raw materials do so in a timely fashion. Ms. Cloversettle is college trained and, as noted previously, a licensed cosmetologist. She has done bookkeeping for the firm and acted as office manager, but has no formal training in printing, or graphics, other than years of observation as she grew up with the operation when it was operated by her father. Her primary hands-on experience is in book bindery and shop cleaning but she can run some of the smaller, less exotic equipment. She is not familiar with all the terms and duties involved in the operation of this business and could not accomplish them all. She acknowledges she spends most of her time in the office. She claims to be solely responsible for the financial affairs of the company and is the only one currently authorized to sign company checks. This situation, as has been noted, is of but recent origin, however. Nonetheless, Mr. Cloversettle continues to remain subject to equal debt responsibility with Ms. Cloversettle because of his prior co-signing of risk documents relative to loans taken by the company prior to the application, denial and hearing. Ms. Cloversettle's testimony regarding her method of evaluating the company's ability to perform potential jobs creates the impression that she is aware of the company's limitations and its abilities. She does not run the cameras or the presses and she need not do so. She does not solicit business but she hires a salesperson to do so and has the authority and capability to evaluate and accept or reject the work brought in. In the last two quarters of 1993, according to company payroll records, Mr. Cloversettle was paid approximately $6,426.00 while Ms. Cloversettle was paid only $2,650.00. However, after the application was denied, the ratio was changed dramatically to where she now earns $180.00 per week, and he, only $52.95.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying Johnston Lithograph & Engraving, Inc.'s request for certification as a minority business enterprise. RECOMMENDED this 15th day of September, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of September, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. 3. Accepted as to the shares of Ms. Cloversettle and Ms. Sims. However, this does not indicate acceptance of the proposition that there are no other shareholders, or that the transfer of shares from Mr. Cloversettle to his wife was bona fide. 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. 5. Accepted and incorporated herein. 6. Accepted. However, as noted in the body of the Recommended Order, it is impossible to clearly define the actual status of the brothers' and father's retained shares or whether they have the potential to dilute Ms. Cloversettle's shares. 7. Accepted and incorporated herein. 8. Not proven. 9. Not proven. 10. - 12. Accepted, but based entirely on unsupported testimony of Ms. Cloversettle. 13. & 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. 15. - 18. Accepted, but based entirely on unsupported testimony of Ms. Cloversettle. 19. & 20. Accepted and incorporated herein. 21. Accepted as a restatement of testimony. 22. & 23. Accepted. 24. Accepted as a restatement of testimony. 25. Not an appropriate Finding of Fact but a comment on the evidence. 26. & 27. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: First four sentences accepted and incorporated herein. Balance accepted as a comment on the evidence. Accepted. Not a proper Finding of Fact but more a comment on the state of the evidence. Accepted. Accepted but more as a comment on the state of the evidence. - 12. Accepted and incorporated more briefly herein. More a comment on the evidence and a Conclusion of Law than a Finding of Fact. Accepted and incorporated herein. First two sentences accepted and incorporated herein. Balance more a comment on the meaning and effect of the basic fact. & 17. Accepted and incorporated herein. First three sentences accepted and incorporated herein. Balance comment on the evidence. - 22. Accepted and incorporated herein. 23. & 25. This is a restatement of testimony by both sides. 26. & 27. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Frederick T. Reeves, Esquire Langford, Hill, Trybus & Whalen, P.A. Post Office Box 3277 Tampa, Florida 33601-3277 Wayne H. Mitchell, Esquire Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development Knight Building, Suite 201 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 John Thomas Interim Executive Director Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development Knight Building 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (3) 120.57288.70390.202
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 22, 1999 Number: 99-004476 Latest Update: May 05, 2000

The Issue Whether the Petitioner should be certified as a minority business enterprise (MBE) by the Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office of the Department of Labor and Employment Security (Department).

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, All Kinds of Blinds, was incorporated in the State of Florida on January 15, 1999, as All Kinds of Blinds of So. Fla., Inc. The President of the Petitioner is Angela Conroy, a female. Mrs. Conroy owns 51 percent of the company. The remaining 49 percent of the company is owned by Phillip Conroy, Angela’s husband. Mr. Conroy also serves as the company’s vice president and secretary. On June 2, 1999, Mrs. Conroy executed a Florida Statewide and Inter-local Minority Business Enterprise Certification Application that was filed with the Department. The application identified Angela Conroy as the person who makes policy, financial decisions, signs payroll, signs surety bonds and insurance, and makes contractual decisions for the Petitioner. The application also identified Phillip Conroy as the person who makes personnel decisions and signs payroll for the Petitioner. Mr. Conroy is authorized to sign checks on behalf of the company. According to the application, the Petitioner performs various functions regarding the sales, consultation, service, and installation of all types of window coverings. Mrs. Conroy sought MBE certification as an American woman with majority ownership of the Petitioner. Mrs. Conroy has ten years of experience in this type of business but was reluctant to let her former employer know that she was opening her own business. Accordingly, Mrs. Conroy authorized Mr. Conroy to execute applications and various papers on behalf of the Petitioner. She relied on his business experience to guide her through the start-up process. An initial loan in the amount of $4,000 from the couple’s joint bank account was the start-up funds for the Petitioner. Mr. Conroy does the installations for the Petitioner. He performs other functions for the company as may be necessary. He also owns and operates an air conditioning filter company that leased a vehicle also used for the Petitioner’s business. Mr. Conroy maintained that his name appears on records pertaining to the Petitioner as a convenience for his wife. Mr. Conroy is a white male.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Labor and Employment Security, Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office, enter a final order denying the Petitioner’s application for MBE certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of April, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of April, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela Conroy All Kinds of Blinds 123 North Congress Avenue Suite 328 Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Joseph L. Shields, Senior Attorney Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Suite 307, Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189 Mary Hooks, Secretary Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Suite 301, Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189 Sherri Wilkes-Cape, General Counsel Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Suite 307, Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189

Florida Laws (2) 288.703607.0824
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 25, 1994 Number: 94-004697 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 1995

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to be certified as a minority business enterprise.

Findings Of Fact West Construction, Inc., is a Florida corporation that is engaged in the construction business. The focus of the business is the renovation and new construction of commercial buildings. Petitioner has been certified as a minority business enterprise by several local governmental entities. Petitioner regularly bids on governmental contracts. Petitioner's application to the Respondent for certification as a minority business enterprise was denied. Petitioner is a "small business" as that term is defined by Section 288.703(1), Florida Statutes. 1/ At the time of the formal hearing, Martha A. Morgan owned 51 percent of the issued shares of stock in West Construction, Inc., served as one of two members of the Board of Directors, and was the President, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary of the corporation. Ms. Morgan is an American woman. 2/ At the time of the formal hearing, Donald West owned the remaining 49 percent of the authorized and issued shares of stock, served as the other member of the Board of Directors, and was Vice-President and Secretary of the corporation. Mr. West is not a "minority person". Ms. Morgan and Donald West have been married to each other since 1985. West Construction, Inc. was incorporated by Donald West and his father in 1977 after they had operated as a partnership for several years. The corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of common stock. When it was incorporated, a total of 200 shares of stock were issued, with Donald West and his father each being issued 100 shares of stock. When Donald West's father retired in 1984, the corporation repurchased his 100 shares of stock and distributed to him an amount equal to 50 percent of the assets of the business. This distribution adversely impacted the corporation's ability to secure performance bonds for projects. After that repurchase, the only issued shares of stock were the 100 shares that had been issued to Donald West in 1977. Prior to her marriage to Mr. West in 1985, Ms. Morgan had her own separate assets. She contributed these assets to the marriage. The marital assets were thereafter used to obtain performance bonds for the corporation and served as security for other obligations of the company. Ms. Morgan is a college graduate with a degree in Business Administration. Her experience includes working as a certified legal assistant for a land development company. In 1985, Ms. Morgan started working for West Construction doing accounting, posting, and general record keeping. In 1989, she began to take a more active role in the affairs of West Construction in that she did more of the day to day bookkeeping, including payroll and accounting. Since December 1992, Ms. Morgan has been licensed by the State of Florida as a certified building contractor. Ms. Morgan became the majority owner of the company on January 1, 1993, when Donald West transferred to her 51 of his 100 shares of stock in the corporation. Donald West remained the only other stockholder with 49 shares of stock. Effective January 1, 1993, Ms. Morgan became the President, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary of the corporation. Ms. Morgan and Mr. West became the only two members of the board of directors of the corporation. One of the reasons for the transfer of stock was to qualify the corporation for certification as a minority business enterprise. The consideration for the transfer of the stock to Ms. Morgan was the contribution she had made to the marital assets and the work she had done on behalf of the corporation. There was no separate payment of money by Ms. Morgan for this stock. Donald West has been in the construction business all of his adult life. He has a degree from the University of Florida in building construction and has a general contractor's license and a building contractor's licensed from the State of Florida. Mr. West's construction licenses were used to qualify the firm for construction work between 1977 and December 1992, when Ms. Morgan obtained her building contractor's license. Ms. Morgan's license has been used to qualify the corporation since she obtained it. Ms. Morgan is in charge of managing the finances of the company. Ms. Morgan keeps the company books, pays the bills, and invests any profits. She is responsible for payroll, insurance, bonding, accounts receivables, and billings. Both Ms. Morgan and Mr. West have the authority to sign checks, make withdrawals and deposits on company accounts, and execute bank documents. Both have the authority to draw on a line of credit that has been established by the company, but neither has had the need to do so. Mr. West has the authority to sign company checks, but he seldom does so. Ms. Morgan and Mr. West are jointly and severally liable as indemnitors on the company's bond, and their personal assets, including the jointly owned marital assets, act as security for this risk. Both serve as guarantor's on the company's line of credit. At the time of her application for certification, Mr. West and Ms. Morgan were paid the same salary. Between that time and the formal hearing, Ms. Morgan had increased her salary so that she was being paid $3,000 per month and Mr. West was being paid $2,000 per month. Ms. Morgan testified that she determined her own salary without consulting Mr. West. Ms. Morgan arranged for the financing of the latest vehicle purchased by the company, she determined that the building out of which the company operates should be financed. She made the decision as to how the company's idle capital would be invested. In addition to Mr. West and Ms. Morgan, the company has two other full time employees who were employed by Mr. West before Ms. Morgan became an owner, officer and director of the company. One of these employees is a carpenter and the other is a general laborer. Mr. West is the direct supervisor for these two employees. Ms. Morgan reviews submittals from subcontractors and works as the liaison between subcontractors and the project architect. Mr. West supervises the work of subcontractors. Ms. Morgan is also responsible for finding projects for the company to bid upon. The company subscribes to two services that provide information to potential bidders as to public works projects. Ms. Morgan reviews that information and determines the projects upon which the company will bid. Ms. Morgan obtains and reviews the bid packages, secures any other information she deems necessary by communicating with the contract letting agency or architect, and attends the pre-bid meeting. Both Mr. West and Ms. Morgan work on the company's bid. Mr. West's role is to prepare quantitative takeoffs from the bid plans. Ms. Morgan determines the overhead by factoring in the amount of current business undertaken by the company, the complexity of the project, and the difficulty of the project. Both Mr. West and Ms. Morgan attend pre-construction meetings. Ms. Morgan usually signs the company bids and any resulting contracts as its president and uses her license to qualify the company. Both Ms. Morgan and Mr. West develop the company's work schedule. Despite being licensed as a certified building contractor, Ms. Morgan has never supervised a construction project from beginning to conclusion. The actual construction projects undertaken by the company are supervised and managed by Mr. West. Both Ms. Morgan and Mr. West order materials and supplies for construction projects. Ms. Morgan would have to hire someone to manage the construction projects if Mr. West were not available. The management of this family run company is divided between Ms. Morgan and Mr. West. Petitioner established that Ms. Morgan takes a meaningful role in the management of the affairs of the corporation, but it is also clear that Mr. West takes a meaningful role. The managerial functions performed by both stockholders are essential to the operation of the company. One was not established to be more important than the other. It is found that Petitioner failed to establish that Ms. Morgan exercises dominate control of the affairs of the business.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development enter a final order that denies West Construction, Inc.'s application for certification as a minority business enterprise. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 1995.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57287.0943287.0947288.703607.0824
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jan. 05, 1995 Number: 95-000022 Latest Update: Jul. 18, 1995

Findings Of Fact Respondent is the governmental agency responsible for certifying persons as minority business enterprises. Petitioner applied for certification as a minority business enterprise. Petitioner is a minority business enterprise within the meaning of Section 288.703(2), Florida Statutes. 1/ Petitioner is a small business concern, domiciled in Florida, and organized to engage in commercial transactions. Petitioner is a Florida corporation wholly owned by Ms. Sandra A. Pichney, vice president, and by Mr. D.B. Young, president. Petitioner engages in the roof consulting business. Ms. Pichney owns 51 percent of Petitioner's outstanding stock. Ms. Pichney is a member of a minority group for purposes of Chapter 288. The remaining 49 percent of Petitioner's outstanding stock is owned by Mr. Young. Mr. Young is a licensed architect. No professional license is required for Petitioner to engage in the business of roof consulting. Petitioner has all of the occupational licenses required to engage in the commercial transactions required to conduct its business. Ms. Pichney has 16 years experience in the roof consulting business. Ms. Pichney controls the daily management and operations of Petitioner's business. Ms. Pichney: manages and operates the office; and is responsible for payroll, accounts receivable, and general financial matters. Ms. Pichney conducts field visits, estimates jobs, reviews projects, and rewrites specifications. Ms. Pichney is the person who signs checks for Petitioner in the ordinary course of Petitioner's trade or business. Mr. Young is authorized to sign checks but only signs checks in emergencies. Ms. Pichney hires and fires personnel. Ms. Pichney consults with Mr. Young, but the ultimate responsibility is born by Ms. Pichney. Ms. Pichney reviews specifications and design work for specific projects and makes amendments where appropriate. Original specifications and design work are prepared by Mr. Young and other personnel. Mr. Young, and other personnel, can be terminated by Ms. Pichney without cause. Mr. Young can be terminated as an employee at any time by Ms. Pichney, without cause. Mr. Young has no employment agreement or shareholder agreement with the company. The board of directors are comprised of Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young. Any director may be dismissed by a majority of the shareholders. As the majority shareholder, Ms. Pichney can terminate Mr. Young, as a director, without cause. Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young receive salaries and monthly draws. Although salaries are equal, monthly draws and dividends are distributed in proportion to the stock ownership of each shareholder. Ms. Pichney has exclusive use of the company car. Ms. Pichney's stock ownership has increased over the last two years because Mr. Young has been unable to attend to the demands of Petitioner's business due to Mr. Young's divorce. Ms. Pichney has properly reported the increase in stock ownership, for purposes of the federal income tax, and has, and will, pay the requisite income tax on her increased stock ownership. Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young consult with each other in making significant decisions in the ordinary course of Petitioner's business. However, the ultimate responsibility for those decisions is born by Ms. Pichney.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order granting Petitioner's application for certification as a minority business enterprise. RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of July, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 1995.

Florida Laws (1) 288.703
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 10, 1996 Number: 96-000264 Latest Update: Nov. 18, 1996

The Issue Whether Petitioner should be granted certification as a Minority Business Enterprise.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Dora Industries, Inc. (Dora Industries), was started in 1989 by Sandra Roth (Roth), an American woman. Roth owns all of the company. Initially, Dora Industries bought janitorial and maintenance products from other companies and sold the products as a distributor. Roth graduated from Hunter College with a degree in graphic arts. From 1979 to 1985, she worked for Union Carbide in North Carolina doing research for the chemical division. She was later placed in charge of dealing with third world countries on ways to use chemicals in agriculture. In 1986, Roth went to work for Gold Coast Chemical Corporation (Gold Coast Corporation), which was owned by Eli Finkleberg. Her role at Gold Coast Corporation included doing the paperwork necessary for registering the chemicals manufactured by Gold Coast Corporations with the appropriate regulatory agency. In 1989, Roth formed Dora Industries and married Eli Finkleberg. Dora Industries purchased some of its products from Gold Coast Corporation. Due to ill health, Eli Finkleberg put Gold Coast Corporation up for sale in 1993. The company was advertised for sale in trade magazines. Using funds which Roth had acquired from the dissolution of a previous marriage, she purchased the manufacturing operations of Gold Coast Corporation in 1993. The purchase price was $96,000, which consisted of $47,091 in cash and the remainder in the assumption and payment of certain leases and contracts. In addition, Roth agreed to renegotiate the lease of the real property on which Gold Coast Corporation was housed to include the costs of clean up for hazardous materials which were found in the ground underneath the Gold Coast Corporation warehouse. The landlord attributed the presence of the hazardous materials to Gold Coast Corporation. The estimated cost of the clean up was not to exceed $200,000. The inventory of Gold Coast Corporation was not included in the sale. However, the inventory remained in the warehouse previously occupied by Gold Coast Corporation and was handled for Gold Coast Corporation by Dora Industries d/b/a Gold Coast Chemical Products (Gold Coast Products). After the inventory was sold Gold Coast Corporation no longer sold any products and has not actively sold chemicals for the last two years. Currently Dora Industries is manufacturing chemical cleaning products, distributing its own products and the products of other companies, and exporting products. Eli Finkleberg is the treasurer and a salaried employee of Dora Industries. His responsibilities include interviewing applicants for sales positions, running the sales division of the company, overseeing the sales manager, and supervising the office staff. His annual salary is approximately $35,000. Due to his poor health, he works between four and six hours a day. Jerome Berman is the general manager in charge of operations for Dora Industries. Mr. Berman owned and ran a chemical company for 23 years prior to coming to work for Dora Industries. His responsibilities include ordering all materials and supplies used in the production of and resale of industrial supplies, hiring and firing of all warehouse and distribution personnel, complying with governmental regulations, bidding, and supervising the warehouse and productions. Mr. Berman's annual salary is $57,000. Both Mr. Berman and Mr. Finkleberg have the authority to sign checks on the Dora Industries account. Mr. Berman's authority is limited to $5,000. Roth is responsible for making major purchases for the business such as a telephone system which she recently acquired. Roth employs a chemist who is responsible for the formulas used in the manufacture of the chemical products. This is the third chemist which Roth has employed since she started Dora Industries. Some of the formulas are given to Dora Industries by the suppliers of the raw materials, and some formulas are developed by the chemist. Roth does not have the expertise to develop formulas but she does have the expertise to manufacture a batch of products using a formula. Each day Roth discusses the sales and operations with Mr. Finkleberg and Mr. Berman, respectively. In the hiring of sales personnel, Roth meets the applicants which have been interviewed by Mr. Finkleberg and makes the final decision on who to hire. Roth has delegated the hiring of the hourly wage personnel in the warehouse to Mr. Berman. According to Berman, he advises Roth who he intends to hire in case she should have an objection. Mr. Berman has to report the reasons that he fires personnel to Roth. Roth did the bidding for the company before Mr. Berman was hired. Mr. Berman follows a set formula of cost plus a percentage of profit in the bidding process and requests permission from Roth before making any significant deviations from the formula. Eli Finkleberg owns Trout and Associates, which is a telemarketing firm selling cleaning chemicals to companies outside of Florida. Trout and Associates has one full-time employee and one part-time employee. The full-time employee is housed in an office in the building occupied by Dora Industries. Trout and Associates buys some of its products from Dora Industries for resale.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting Petitioner certification as a minority business enterprise. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of October, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Lorenzo Ramunno, Esquire 1882 North University Drive Plantation, Florida 33322 Joseph L. Shields, Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel Department of Labor and Employment Security, Division of Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Hartman Building, Suite 307 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189 Douglas L. Jamerson, Secretary Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle Southeast 303 Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152 Edward A. Dion, General Counsel Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle Southeast 303 Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 19, 1992 Number: 92-003644RX Latest Update: Apr. 25, 1996

Findings Of Fact The Florida Department of Transportation is the state agency charged with the responsibility to develop and adopt criteria for a DBE program, and administer the DBE program. Burkett is a Florida corporation whose sole stockholder is a white female American. She meets the criteria of a socially and economically disadvantaged individual. Burkett applied for certification as a DBE on July 12, 1991, and on October 1, 1991, the Department denied Burkett certification. Burkett submitted additional information and made changes in its internal organization to better conform to the Department's requirements; however, the Department has denied Burkett the designation based upon the owner's lack of expertise in the critical areas of the firm's operation, to wit; she does not possess education or experience in engineering. The parties stipulate that Burkett is substantially effected by the rules being challenged, and possesses standing to bring this rule challenge. In determining the qualifications of an applicant for DBE status, the Department utilizes Sections 334.044(2), 337.137, 339.05, and 339.0805, Florida Statutes; 49 CFR Part 23; the United States Department of Transportation administrative decisions; guidelines and training manuals from USDOT or the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); and its own rules. At the recommendation of a representative from FHWA, the Department amended the rules being challenged regarding qualifications for DBE certification to explicate the requirement for ownership control, as required by Section 339.0805(1),(c), supra, and 49 CFR Part 23.53, to include the concept of "expertise in critical areas of operation of the business" which is required by the USDOT. The terms "expertise" and "critical areas of operation" are not defined in the Florida Statutes or DOT's rules. The DOT interprets "critical areas of operation" to mean the technical area in which the DBE certification is being sought. Management limited to the day-to-day normal business operations is not considered to be a "critical area of operation." The DOT's evaluation of "expertise" changes from business to business based upon the applicant's type of work. The department expects to see education and experience on the part of the disadvantaged owner in the technical area of operations of the business. The Department denied the Petitioner DBE certification because the disadvantaged owner did not possess engineering experience or education.

USC (2) 49 CFR 2349 CFR 23.53 Florida Laws (7) 119.07120.56120.68334.044337.139339.05339.0805 Florida Administrative Code (1) 14-78.005
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Oct. 06, 1998 Number: 98-004444 Latest Update: Mar. 22, 1999

The Issue Is Petitioner entitled to certification as a Minority Business Enterprise pursuant to Rule 38A-20.005, Florida Administrative Code?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: On February 12, 1998, Teddy L. Serdynski and Janice A. Serdynski entered into a Partnership Agreement which in pertinent part provides as follows: NAME: The name of the partnership shall be known as "Ted's Auto Parts." PURPOSE: The purpose of the partnership shall be the operation of an automobile parts business and related enterprises. * * * COMMENCEMENT: The partnership shall officially commence upon execution of this agreement. DURATION: The partnership shall continue until dissolved, either by the parties or by legal proceedings, or by liquidation. CAPITAL: The capital of the partnership shall be contributed in amounts equalling 51% by JANICE A. SERDYNSKI and 49% by TEDDY L. SERDYNSKI, thereby granting to the said JANICE A. SERDYNSKI the controlling interest of said partnership. WITHDRAWAL: No partner shall withdraw any invested capital without the consent of the other partner. CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES: Capital gains and losses shall be shared in a proportionate amount of their investment and ownership interest. * * * MANAGEMENT: Although JANICE A. SERDYNSKI is the owner of a controlling interest in the partnership, each shall have equal voice in the management of the affairs of the partnership. Both parties shall administer to the general affairs of the partnership and shall carry out and put into effect the general policies and specific instructions of their decision on any given matter. BANK ACCOUNTS: The partnership shall maintain checking and other accounts in such bank or banks as the partners shall agree upon. Withdrawals and writing of checks on the partnership account may be done jointly and/or singly. PROFITS AND LOSSES: The partners shall share in accordance with their ownership interest in the profits and losses. . . . LIMITATIONS ON PARTNER: No partner, without the consent of the other partner, shall borrow money in the partnership name for partnership purposes or utilize collateral owned by the partnership as security for such loans, assign, transfer, pledge, compromise or release any of the claims or debts due to the partnership except on payment in full; consent to the arbitration of any dispute or controversy of the partnership; transfer firm assets; make, execute or deliver any assignment for the benefit of creditors; maker, execute or deliver any bond, confession of judgment, guaranty bond, indemnity bond, or surety bond or any contract to sell, bill of sale, deed, mortgage, lease relating to any substantial part of the partnership assets or his/her interest therein; or engage in any business or occupation without the consent of the other partner. * * * 17. DISPUTES: That the parties agree that all disputes and differences, if any, which shall arise between the parties, shall be referred to and decided by two indifferent, competent persons in or well acquainted with the trade, one person to be chosen by each party, or to submit to arbitration by a recognized arbitration service, and his/her or their decisions shall, in all respect, be final and conclusive on all parties. Ted's Auto Parts was a sole proprietorship from May 1, 1985 until February 11, 1998. From May 1, 1985, until February 11, 1998, Janice A. Serdynski shared ownership in Ted's Auto Parts equally with her husband, Teddy L. Serdynski, a non- minority. Janice A. Serdynski does not share income from Ted's Auto Parts commensurate with her 51 percent ownership. Decision-making, withdrawal of funds, borrowing of money, and the day-to-day management of Ted's Auto Parts are shared equally between Janice A. Serdynski and Teddy L. Serdynski. Ted's Auto Parts is a family operated business with duties, responsibilities, and decision-making occurring jointly, and, at time, mutually among family members. Both Janice A. Serdynski and Teddy L. Serdynski are authorized to sign checks on the account of Ted's Auto Parts.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it recommended that the Department enter a final order finding that Petitioner has failed to meet the requirements for Minority Business Enterprise certification and dismiss the petition filed by Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd of March, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas I. Jamerson. Secretary Department of Labor and Employment Security 303 Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152 Edward A. Dion General Counsel Department of Labor and Employment Security 307 Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152 Janice A. Serdynski Ted's Auto Parts 190 Second Avenue, South Bartow, Florida 33830 Joseph L. Shields, Senior Attorney Department of Labor and Employment Security 307 Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 25, 1994 Number: 94-004690 Latest Update: Oct. 26, 1995

Findings Of Fact General Contractors & Construction Management, Inc. (Petitioner), is a Florida corporation engaged in the business of general contracting and construction (construction and renovation of commercial and residential buildings), including subcontracting, since 1985. Petitioner's President is Ms. Akram Niroomand-Rad and its Vice-President is Mr. Kamran Ghovanloo, Ms. Niroomand-Rad's husband. Petitioner is a small business concern as defined by Subsection 288.703(1), Florida Statutes. Prior to April 1990, Ms. Niroomand-Rad owned 50 percent of Petitioner's stock. In April 1990, she acquired 100 percent of the stock and became the Petitioner's sole owner. Ms. Niroomand-Rad is a minority person as defined by Subsection 288.703(3), Florida Statutes. According to Petitioner's articles of incorporation and by-laws, its corporate business is conducted by a majority of the board of directors. Petitioner has two directors, Ms. Niroomand-Rad and Mr. Ghovanloo, 1/ and as such, the minority owner does not control the board of directors. Also, according to Petitioner's by-laws, Petitioner's President manages its business and affairs subject to the direction of the board of directors. Petitioner's licensed contractor is Mr. Ghovanloo who is a certified general contractor. Ms. Niroomand-Rad is not a licensed contractor although she is taking course work to become a licensed contractor. Mr. Ghovanloo is Petitioner's qualifier, and, as its qualifier, brings his expertise and license to the business. Further, as qualifier, he is also responsible for the finances of Petitioner and for pulling the necessary permits in order for Petitioner to perform the contractual work. Additionally, Mr. Ghovanloo performs Petitioner's estimating, handles quality inspection of job sites, assists in the evaluation and preparation of bids, and attends some of the pre-bid meetings on projects. Ms. Niroomand-Rad has been involved in soliciting bids, reviewing bids and estimates, negotiating contracts, visiting clients, responding to correspondence, overseeing financial activities, hiring and firing, and visiting job sites. However, Ms. Niroomand-Rad relies heavily upon Mr. Ghovanloo's technical expertise, expert opinions, and judgment and upon others for guidance and for handling the technical aspects of the business. Further, Ms. Niroomand-Rad relies heavily on Mr. Ghovanloo, and others to a lesser degree, regarding the purchasing of goods, equipment, or inventory, and services needed for the day-to-day operation of the business, including evaluating and retaining subcontractors. Mr. Ghovanloo is authorized to sign checks without restriction. Ms. Niroomand-Rad was reared in a construction environment. Also, she has completed a construction management course offered by the City of Miami and is a licensed real estate broker. Petitioner has been certified as an MBE by Dade County and the Dade County School Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission on Minority Economic and Business Development enter a final order denying General Contractors & Construction Management, Inc., certification as a Minority Business Enterprise. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 1995.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57287.0943288.703
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 10, 1993 Number: 93-001594RX Latest Update: Apr. 28, 1994

Findings Of Fact Anthony Charles Fabian, a journeyman electrician, is the president of Fabian's Electrical Contracting, Inc. (FEC). Mr. Fabian owns 51 percent of the stock in FEC. FEC was incorporated in 1984 and since that time has been continuously engaged in the electrical contracting business. In 1987, FEC applied for and received certification as a minority business enterprise (MBE). Mr. Fabian has at all times maintained he is entitled to MBE status as a Hispanic American. Mr. Fabian was born in Tampa, Florida and lived in a Hispanic neighborhood there until he was six years old. During the time he resided in Tampa, Mr. Fabian's neighbors, family, and friends used Spanish as their predominant language. The family culture was Cuban as was that of the area where the family resided. At age six Mr. Fabian moved from Tampa to Pensacola, Florida. Mr. Fabian later moved from Pensacola to Tallahassee mid-way through his sixth grade. School mates in Pensacola and Tallahassee called him various ethnic nicknames, all related to his Hispanic ancestry. Such names included: "Julio," "Taco," "Spic," "El Cubano," and "Cuban Wheatman." Other than an affection for Cuban food, Mr. Fabian currently has no cultural practices to tie him to his Hispanic heritage. Mr. Fabian does not speak Spanish. Mr. Fabian does not reside in a predominantly Hispanic community. Mr. Fabian does not practice the religious faith of his progenitors. Mr. Fabian does not instruct his child in any Cuban cultural practice. Mr. Fabian does not know of any Spanish cultural aspect that came to him from his family. Mr. Fabian has never been refused work because of his Hispanic heritage. Mr. Fabian's mother has no Hispanic progenitors. Mr. Fabian's father, also born in Tampa, Florida, has the following ancestors: his father (Mr. Fabian's grandfather) was born in Spain, his mother (Mr. Fabian's grandmother) was born in Key West. Mr. Fabian's grandmother, Anna Rodriguez Fabian, who Mr. Fabian spent time with in Tampa spoke Spanish and claimed Cuban heritage as both of her parents had immigrated from there to Key West. For this reason, Mr. Fabian maintains he is a Cuban from Tampa. None of Mr. Fabian's grandparents was born in Mexico, South America, Central America, or the Caribbean. He has never claimed otherwise. Sometime after FEC obtained certification as a MBE, the Department adopted what is now codified as Rule 60A-2.001(8), Florida Administrative Code. Such rule defines "origins" as used in Section 288.703(3)(b), Florida Statutes, to mean that a Hispanic American must substantiate his cultural and geographic derivations by at least one grandparent's birth. In July, 1992, when FEC submitted its recertification affidavit, the Department notified Mr. Fabian that he had failed to establish that at least one of his grandparents was born in one of the applicable geographic locations. Accordingly, Mr. Fabian was advised his request for recertification would be denied. Approximately eleven other persons have been denied minority status because they were unable to substantiate origin by the birth of a grandparent. Of those eleven, none had been previously certified. FEC is the only formerly certified MBE which has been denied recertification because of the rule. However, when FEC was granted certification in 1987 it was not based upon the Department's agreement that Mr. Fabian met the statutory definition of a Hispanic American. Such certification was issued in settlement to the preliminary denial of certification since the word "origins," as used in the statute, had not as yet been defined by rule. Additionally, the recertification of FEC was based upon Department error and not an agreement that Mr. Fabian met the "origins" test. Finally, in 1991, the Department cured the rule deficiencies to create parallel requirements for certification and recertification for MBE status. When FEC submitted its recertification affidavit under the current rule, the request was denied. Mr. Fabian has been aware of the Department's position regarding his requests for recertification from the outset; i.e. since 1987. The Department promulgated the "origins" rule in response to a number of applications for MBE status from persons with distant relations or ancestors within the minority classifications. The necessity for an "origins" rule was demonstrated since the Department needed a clear standard, which staff and the public could recognize as the dividing line for who would and would not qualify as a Hispanic American, and since the purpose of the program is to provide preferences in contracting to businesses run by individuals who have been disadvantaged. In deciding to use the grandparent test, the Department looked to outside sources. Since there was no legislative history resolving the "origins" issue, the Department sought guidance from dictionary definitions and statutory uses in other contexts. In promulgating the rule, the Department gave notice to outside sources, including groups listed in the publication Doing Business in Florida, such as the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Commerce, small business development centers, community development corporations, local minority business certification offices, and the Minority Business Advocate's office. At the public hearing conducted for the purpose of receiving input regarding the grandparent test, no one offered opposition to the "origins" definition. Mr. Fabian is not a black American as defined in Section 288.703(3)(a), Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.54120.56120.57120.68287.0943288.703
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