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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Apr. 20, 1992 Number: 92-002388 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue The issues for determination in this proceeding are whether Respondent should be terminated from his employment with the Broward County School Board and whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be revoked, suspended, or otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Background Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate 595579 in science and elementary education. Respondent's teaching certificate is valid through June 30, 1992. Respondent has filed an application for renewal. Respondent has held a professional service contract with the Broward County School Board (the "School Board") since September 11, 1987. Respondent began teaching in the Broward County school system in 1987. He taught at Seminole Elementary School. His mid-year evaluation indicated he needed some improvement in the preparation of lesson plans. His final evaluation indicated that Respondent had improved his lesson plans and had good control of his class. For the 1988-1989 school year, Respondent was employed as a fourth grade teacher at Banyan Elementary School. His mid-year evaluation indicated a need for improvement in lesson plans. His final evaluation, however, was satisfactory. Respondent continued teaching at Banyan Elementary School until December, 1989. From December, 1989, until he was suspended on January 16, 1992, Respondent taught at Rogers Middle School. Respondent's initial evaluation at Rogers Middle School indicated the need for some improvement, but his final evaluation for the 1989-1990 school year was satisfactory. At the end of the 1989-1990 school year, Mr. Sterling Dupont replaced Mr. Greg Clark as the principal of Rogers Middle School. Ms. Ellen Etling and Mr. Mike Newman, two of the three assistant principals, were also new members of the administration at Rogers Middle School. Mr. Dupont assigned Respondent to a self-contained drop out prevention class during the Summer of 1990. A class is self-contained when its students remain with the same teacher for the entire day. The drop out prevention class required a teacher certified in elementary education so that the students' academic needs could be individualized. Mr. Dupont wanted a male teacher in the class because of the students' inability to perform in a school setting and behavioral problems. Respondent is approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs approximately 112 pounds. Mr. Dupont did not consider other factors in applicable School Board guidelines for assignment of teachers to a disciplinary drop out prevention class. Mr. Dupont did not consider Respondent's: desire and ability to work with problem students; expertise in behavior management techniques; desire and ability to identify and solve underlying causes of student behavior rather than merely modify behavior; ability and expertise in diagnosing difficulties opposed to motivational achievement; ability to utilize school and community resources to benefit students; and ability to utilize a variety of instructional approaches to meet individual needs and learning styles of students. Mr. Dupont did not ask Respondent if he wanted to teach the drop out prevention class and did not otherwise confer with Respondent prior to making the assignment. Respondent was informed of his assignment in August, 1990, in accordance with customary practice for all class assignments. Criteria for placement in the drop out prevention class included excessive absences, being held back a grade or being older than other students, failing to perform at the appropriate grade level, and behavior difficulties. While a majority of the students were not placed in the class due to disruptive behavior, most of the students demonstrated disruptive behavior. The class was officially categorized as a drop out prevention class but was also a very disruptive class. Many students in the class came from single parent homes, disadvantaged socio-economic environments, and exhibited low self-esteem. One of the objectives of the class was to raise the students' self-esteem and grade level performance. The class was also intended to ensure that the students made a successful transition to the middle school setting. The Broward County school system has eliminated corporal punishment as a form of discipline. Teachers are not to become physically involved with students in order to discipline or control them. The use of force is appropriate only to prevent harm or injury to a teacher or student. Teachers may not use physical means to control students, punish their behavior, or maintain order in the classroom. Respondent violated the policy against corporal punishment. During the 1990-1991 school year and the 1991-1992 school year, Respondent engaged in inappropriate physical contact with students as a means of discipline or control. Respondent used excessive force to control students, yelled at students, faculty, and administrative staff, violated rules of the State Board of Education, and engaged in misconduct. Respondent's misconduct was so serious that it impaired his effectiveness in the school system. See paragraphs 21-44, infra. In most instances, the students involved in the events at issue in this proceeding were engaged in inappropriate behavior which warranted correction, discipline, and punishment. In addition, the relationship between Respondent and the administrative staff at Rogers Middle School was strained by Respondent's dissatisfaction with administrative support and his lack of success in obtaining a transfer. However, the underlying problems between Respondent and the administration and the disruptive behavior of Respondent's students did not justify Respondent's misconduct and violation of applicable rules. The School Board complied with the requirements in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.008 for fair dismissal procedures. Respondent received an unsatisfactory evaluation for the 1990-1991 school year. On January 9, 1991, Ms. Etling issued an evaluation that Respondent needed improvement in behavior management, lesson design, and oral speech. Ms. Etling advised Respondent verbally and in writing that he would be given the opportunity to improve his performance by observing other teachers and attending workshops. On April 22, 1991, Mr. Dupont issued an evaluation that Respondent needed to improve in behavior management, classroom atmosphere, and lesson design. Mr. Dupont advised Respondent to observe other drop out prevention teachers, attend workshops, and review articles and tapes on positive attitudes. The administration arranged for Respondent to visit drop out prevention classes at other middle schools and offered Respondent the opportunity to attend workshops. Respondent attended some drop out prevention classes at other middle schools. Mr. Dupont made every reasonable effort to assist Respondent in obtaining a transfer to another school, but Respondent was unable to obtain a transfer. The School Board investigated a complaint regarding Respondent's conduct at school. On March 13, 1991, the Professional Standards Committee found probable cause to support the complaint. The Committee recommended that Respondent receive a letter of reprimand, be referred to Professional Practices Services, and be suspended for a period of time. In lieu of suspension, the School Board and Respondent entered into a Memorandum of Understanding. Pursuant to the agreement of the parties, Respondent received a letter of reprimand on May 3, 1991, sanctioning him for verbal abuse and battery against his students. The letter of reprimand was issued by Mr. Ronald Wright, Director of Professional Standards for the School Board. Respondent was referred to Professional Practices Services, required to attend in-service programs, required to implement those programs in his classroom, and required to participate in an employee assistance program. Respondent was assigned to teach seventh grade science for the 1991- 1992 school year. Many of the students in his seventh grade class also demonstrated behavior problems. Some of the students had been in the drop out prevention class during the previous school year. Respondent was placed on administrative leave effective January 17, 1992. He was suspended with pay on March 11, 1992, and suspended without pay on April 7, 1992. Reduced Effectiveness And Rule Violations In December, 1990, Respondent used excessive force to restrain a female student who was involved in a fight with a smaller male student. Quanika Murray was beating Ladarian Griffin with her fist. After Quanika failed to respond to Respondent's verbal commands, Respondent put both of his arms around Quanika in a "bear hug." Quanika hit Respondent in the ribs with her elbow. Respondent threw Quanika to the ground and pinned her there by holding both of her arms behind her back. When an administrator came to the scene in approximately 60 seconds, Respondent released Quanika Murray. She lunged at Ladarian Griffin again, and Respondent threw Quanika against the wall and pinned her there until the administrator took her away. On December 12, 1990, Respondent used excessive physical force to break up a verbal confrontation between two students and precipitated a physical confrontation between one of the students and Respondent. William Boyd and Tanika Boyd were arguing in the hall. Respondent told the students to go to class. William left but Tanika became verbally abusive and confrontational toward Respondent. Respondent pushed Tanika toward her class. Tanika hit Respondent. When another teacher approached, Respondent and Tanika backed away from each other. Tanika backed into the teacher and fell to the ground. The teacher pinned Tanika to the ground by holding both of her arms behind her. Respondent approached the two and inadvertently kicked sand in Tanika's face. On February 25, 1991, Respondent used unnecessary and excessive physical force to control and discipline a student. School policy prohibited students from being in designated areas without a pass. The policy was intended to give teachers time to prepare for class before school started each morning. Respondent was monitoring a gate to one of the designated areas. Quincy Wilkins attempted to enter the designated area without a pass. When Respondent told Quincy not to proceed without a pass, Quincy became loud, verbally abusive, and pushed Respondent. Respondent grabbed Quincy's arm, put it behind the student's back, and pushed Quincy against the wall. The hold was painful, and Quincy broke free. Respondent took the student to the front office, and charged Quincy with attempting to fight Respondent. On March 20, 1991, Respondent was verbally abusive toward a student, used unnecessary physical force to control and discipline the student, and engaged in unprofessional conduct during an IOWA testing procedure in the school cafeteria. Respondent was acting as one of the monitors for the test. He reprimanded a student for failing to follow instructions by yelling at the student, throwing the student's books on the floor, grabbing the student by the arm, and seating the student at a table closer to the front of the room. The incident created a major disturbance and caused some of the students to miss directions for taking the test. On April 15, 1991, Respondent used excessive physical force to control a student who was not threatening another teacher. Alex Hernandez had been involved in an altercation with another student. Another teacher broke up the fight and reprimanded Alex. Alex was a good student, and the teacher felt that a verbal warning was sufficient under the circumstances. While the teacher was speaking with Alex, Respondent approached Alex from behind, grabbed him by the arms, and threw him against the lockers. Respondent led Alex to the front office with both arms behind the student's back. Respondent charged Alex with trying to hit another teacher. The teacher informed the front office at a later time that Alex had not threatened him or tried to hit him. Respondent yelled at students over minuscule matters. On September 6, 1991, Respondent yelled at a student for chewing gum. Respondent's conduct prompted a complaint by the student's parents and required a conference with the parents to resolve a matter that would have been trivial in the absence of Respondent's conduct. On September 13, 1991, Respondent yelled at students over minuscule matters and called them stupid, arrogant, and rude. An administrator was required to intervene in Respondent's class. On September 16, 1991, Respondent denied a female student's request to use the bathroom. About 15 minutes after class started, a student with menstrual problems requested permission to use the bathroom. The student returned to her seat and approximately five minutes later began leaking blood onto her clothing. The student left the room and sought the assistance of an administrator. On September 20, 1991, Respondent engaged in a confrontation with the assistant principal in the presence of approximately 200 students. Respondent's anger, over the behavior of another student, was misdirected at the assistant principal. Respondent screamed and pointed his finger in the assistant principal's face. On September 30, 1991, Respondent used unnecessary and excessive physical force on a student and filed criminal charges against the student. Ladarian Griffin refused to comply with Respondent's request to behave in class. Respondent properly disciplined Ladarian by placing Ladarian in a separate chair at the front of the class. Ladarian persisted in his disruptive behavior. Respondent called the front office to have someone cover Respondent's class while Respondent ushered Ladarian to the front office. No coverage was provided. When the class was over, Respondent let all of his students leave except Ladarian and blocked Ladarian's exit through the classroom door. Ladarian attempted to run through Respondent. Respondent physically subdued Ladarian and took him to the front office. Respondent requested that the principal file charges against Ladarian with the public resource officer. When the principal refused, Respondent filed charges against Ladarian with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department. Respondent later requested that the charges be dropped. On October 4, 1991, the parents of two students telephoned the school administration to complain about Respondent yelling at their children during a class. The yelling interfered with the students' school work. On October 10, 1991, Respondent improperly accused a student of committing a felony against him. When the bell rang to end the sixth hour class, Respondent refused to allow his students to leave until the students returned their books. Respondent stood at the door to the classroom until each student placed a book on his or her desk. When Respondent turned to answer a knock at the door, Anthony Maclemore ran into Respondent with his head, shoved Respondent to the side, and ran out the door. Respondent mistakenly thought the student was Lashaun Johnson. Respondent wrote a referral for Lashaun and asked the principal to have Lashaun arrested. Mr. Dupont refused. Respondent filed a report and a complaint for prosecution against Lashaun with the local police department. Respondent told Lashaun's guardian that the police were going to arrest Lashaun that evening. The following day Lashaun and Lashaun's guardian participated in a conference with Ms. Etling and Respondent. Respondent realized his mistake and apologized. The mistaken identity caused substantial distress to Lashaun and Lashaun's guardian. Anthony Maclemore was suspended for three days. On October 15, 1991, Respondent yelled at Ms. Etling during a discussion on an educational matter. This incident occurred in the presence of numerous students. On November 13, 1991, Respondent issued a semester grade of "F" to 72 of his 160 students. During a conference with the parents of one of the students who received an "F", Respondent engaged in a tirade against the students' behavior and the failure of the administration to assist him in correcting that behavior. During a conference with the parent of another student, Respondent alluded to the student's bad behavior as a basis for the poor grade but was unable to present one disciplinary referral for that student. Between November 14 and November 21, 1991, several students or their parents complained to the administration of Respondent's verbal abuse and mistreatment of students. Respondent repeatedly yelled at students and disparaged them for their lack of academic effort. On November 21, 1991, Respondent took a folder away from Alex Holmes and told Alex he could get the folder back from Ms. Etling at the end of the day. Alex was disrupting the fifth period class by banging the folder on his desk. The folder contained materials Alex needed for another class. At the end of the class, Alex attempted to retrieve the folder himself, and Respondent attempted to prevent Alex from retrieving his folder before the end of the day. Alex hit Respondent. Respondent attempted to restrain Alex by placing his arms around Alex and pulling Alex's shirt over his head. Before Alex was restrained by other students, Alex hit Respondent in the head, forehead, face, and chest. Alex also used a bone from a skeleton that had been knocked over during the fight to hit Respondent on his leg and leave puncture wounds. Respondent filed criminal charges against Alex. Alex was arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to one day house arrest. Respondent was absent from work until December 20, 1991, due to injuries sustained from the incident with Alex Holmes. From December 20, 1991, through January 13, 1992, Respondent was involved in several confrontations with students and administrative staff in which Respondent yelled at students and staff. On January 16, 1992, Mr. Dupont informed Respondent that Respondent was being placed on administrative leave. Mr. Dupont instructed Respondent to return to his classroom and remove his personal belongings. Respondent was escorted to the classroom by the school's resource officer. Respondent threw his personal belongings on the floor of the classroom. Documents were discarded and tossed about the classroom leaving it in complete disarray. The school resource officer was instructed by Mr. Dupont not to arrest Respondent. A police officer was called in to escort Respondent from the school campus. Respondent used a school cart to transport his personal belongings to his automobile. Respondent pushed the cart over prior to leaving the school campus. Respondent left his classroom in disarray. The classroom was cleaned by the cleaning service that night and used the next day for another class.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of misconduct in office and terminating Respondent from his employment with the School Board. It is recommended that The Educational Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of engaging in conduct which seriously reduced Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the School Board and otherwise violated applicable rules of the State Board of Education. It is further recommended that the Final Order of the Educational Practices Commission suspend Respondent's teaching certificate for one year from the date Respondent was first suspended without pay and place Respondent on probation for two years after the expiration of his suspension. Respondent's probation should be subject to such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Educational Practices Commission to be reasonable and necessary. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of August, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of August, 1993. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 92-2388 and 92-3425 Proposed findings of Petitioner, Virgil L. Morgan. 1.-2. Accepted in substance 4.-5. Accepted in substance 7.-8. Accepted in substance 10.-13. Accepted in substance 18. Accepted in substance 3.,6.9. Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence 14.-17. Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence 19.-21. Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence Proposed findings of Petitioner, Betty Castor. 1.-16. Accepted in substance 17.-21. Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence Accepted in substance Rejected as not alleged in the administrative complaint 24.-25. Accepted in substance 26.-27. Rejected as not alleged in the administrative complaint Accepted in substance Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence 30.-32. Rejected as not alleged in the administrative complaint Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence Rejected as not alleged in the administrative complaint 35.-36. Accepted in substance 37.-40. Rejected as not alleged in the administrative complaint 41.-46. Accepted in substance 47.-50. Accepted in substance 51.-52. Rejected as not supported by the weight of evidence 53.-68. Accepted in substance Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in substance Rejected in part as irrelevant and immaterial 2.-13. Accepted in substance 14. Accepted in part and rejected in part as not supported by the weight of evidence 15.-16. Accepted in substance Accepted in part and rejected in part as not supported by the weight of evidence Accepted in substance Accepted in specifics but rejected as to the generalization for the reasons stated in findings 21-44 Accepted in substance Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence 22.-25. Accepted in substance 26. Accepted in part and rejected in part as contrary to the weight of evidence 27.-33. Accepted in substance 34. Accepted in part and rejected in part as contrary to the weight of evidence 35.-38. Accepted in substance 39. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence 40.-55. Accepted in substance COPIES FURNISHED: Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire 1512 East Broward Boulevard Suite 300 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Margaret E. O'Sullivan, Esquire Department of Education 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Sally C. Gertz, Esquire FEA/United 118 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1700 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Virgil L. Morgan, Superintendent Broward County School Board 1320 Southwest 4th Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33312

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Apr. 14, 1997 Number: 97-001855 Latest Update: Jun. 21, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner may terminate Respondent’s professional service contract as a teacher for unsatisfactory performance or incompetence.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner first employed Respondent on August 23, 1977, in a paraprofessional position as a bilingual tutor. While so employed, Respondent attended Nova University working toward a degree in early education. She earned her degree in 1989 and received a teaching certificate in elementary education and English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Respondent’s first instructional assignment was as an ESOL teacher at the start of the 1989-90 school year. She did not have a classroom, but taught as a pullout teacher. She remained in this position for four years. Respondent was first assigned to a regular classroom in the 1993-94 school year when her ESOL program was terminated. She taught a combined first and second grade class for the 1993- school year and then taught a second grade class for the 1994- school year. On March 1, 1994, Susan Griesinger became the principal of Tice Elementary School. There was little substantive contact between Dr. Griesinger and Respondent during the 1993-94 school year. During the 1994-95 school year, Dr. Griesinger twice observed and evaluated Respondent’s classroom performance. The evaluations were satisfactory. The Summative Observation Instrument for an observation of a second-grade mathematics class on November 17, 1994, contains numerous indications that Respondent has adequately organized and presented the instructional material. Student misbehavior was not an issue during the class. Dr. Griesinger concludes the evaluation by writing: “Your enthusiasm is catching! Many concepts in one lesson. Students enjoyed the clocks.” Dr. Griesinger prepared a second Summative Observation Instrument for an observation of another second-grade mathematics class on February 27, 1995. This evaluation is much the same as the first and concludes: “This was a hard concept. I am glad you gave the children actual shapes.” On March 6, 1995, Dr. Griesinger prepared Respondent’s year-end Performance Assessment. Respondent received satisfactory grades in all 40 categories. These grades are “Effective level of performance,” which is the only satisfactory grading option on the form. However, for two categories for which Respondent received satisfactory grades, Dr. Griesinger noted the need for “Focus for development/feedback.” Falling under “Presentation of Subject Matter,” the two categories were “Teaches a systematic process for developing academic values” and “Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter.” The Performance Assessment concludes: “Carmen has tried very hard this year to reach all students. She has a positive attitude.” Between the preparation of the Performance Assessment and the end of the 1994-95 school year, Dr. Griesinger and her assistant principal, Holly Bell, began receiving parent complaints about Respondent. The parents questioned whether Respondent could control her class. When Dr. Griesinger asked Respondent about the complaints, Respondent attributed the problems to a handful of misbehaving students. The following school year, Dr. Griesinger observed Respondent’s teaching more closely to see if there was a problem. Dr. Griesinger, Ms. Bell, and the guidance counselor conducted several informal observations of Respondent’s classroom. During the summer, Tice Elementary School had received a grant to hire an outside teaching consultant to train teachers in peer coaching. Dr. Griesinger asked the consultant, Kaye Sutcliff, to observe Respondent and make suggestions. Ms. Sutcliff observed Respondent and suggested that she find other employment. On October 24, 1995, Dr. Griesinger sent a memorandum to Respondent confirming a meeting that they had had the prior day. The memorandum memorializes a concern with the “lack of classroom management we see this year” and states that Respondent is not consistent with discipline. The memorandum also mentions another concern as to how Respondent “present[s] your content to the students.” The memorandum elaborates: Last year I had a difficult time following your lesson when I came in to do your observation. I talked with you about some things you could have done differently. You need to be very specific when you are introducing new concepts. The memorandum concludes that Dr. Griesinger will be doing formal and informal observations to assist Respondent. The memorandum restates that Dr. Griesinger has asked Respondent to work closely with her coach and video and audio tape her lessons to see how she can improve and make her content clearer. The memorandum tells Respondent that Dr. Griesinger, Ms. Bell, and Lynn Pottorf will work with Respondent to try to help her. Ms. Pottorf was the Elementary Generalist Coordinator employed in the District office. On January 4, 1996, Dr. Griesinger wrote a memorandum to Dr. Madeline Doran, Director of Personnel, asking that she place Respondent in the Intensive Assistance Program as soon as possible due to “extreme difficulty with classroom management, curriculum content and lesson delivery.” Acting on the advice of Dr. Griesinger and Dr. Doran, Dr. Jerry Baker, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, informed Respondent by letter dated January 24, 1996, that he was placing her in the eight-week Intensive Assistance Program. As part of the program, Dr. Doran formed an assistance team consisting of Dr. Griesinger, Ms. Bell, Ronalee Ashby, and Ms. Pottorf. Ms. Ashby is the District Coordinator of Personnel Services. The purpose of the team is to help the teacher as much as possible through observing her classroom teaching and discussing their findings with the teacher at weekly meetings. The team reviews the teacher’s performance and recommends further action to Dr. Doran. The Intensive Assistance Program informs the teacher that, based on input from the team and Dr. Doran, Petitioner may determine that the teacher’s performance is adequate, extend the Intensive Assistance Program for another eight weeks, recommend reassignment to a more suitable position, withhold recommendation for an annual reappointment, determine that the teacher’s performance is inadequate and recommend dismissal or recommend acceptance of the teacher’s resignation. On January 30, 1996, Ms. Ashby had a meeting with Respondent during which Ms. Ashby explained the Intensive Assistance Program in detail. Respondent completed an interview form for the Intensive Assistance Program. In the form, Respondent noted no particular problems interfering with her teaching. She stated that she was “okay with subj[ect],” but had some problems gathering materials. She mentioned two students out of 20 in her class who presented behavioral problems and one student who presented academic problems. She stated that she would like to get the students more involved. She stated that her general health was “good--some headaches,” and she denied having any nonschool problems adversely affecting her teaching. On March 20, 1996, Jo Ellen Kessler, Coordinator of Curriculum Services, conducted a two-hour observation, concluding that she never saw Respondent provide instruction for the students. Ms. Kessler stated: Dr. [Griesinger] asked that I spend at least one hour in the classroom. I spent approximately two hours there because I kept waiting for Ms. Hernandez to provide instruction for the students. During the time I was in the classroom, there was no review of any material. There was no introduction, no initial instruction. No clear directions were given for doing the activities on the chalkboard. The students were given no reason for learning. There was no motivation for learning, no personal connections made. There were no instructional materials prepared for them to use during the lesson, other than the things written on the chalkboard--certainly not the best way to engage students. There was no evidence of any materials prepared for students of differing abilities. There was no instruction given to help any of them learn the skills involved. . . . The children who behaved nicely were not really acknowledged for their attention or behavior. No specific praise was given to any student. Most of the well behaved children were not given an opportunity to be involved in the tasks. They sat with nothing to do. The students were given no clear expectation of what their behaviors should be. They had no limits set, no idea of what was acceptable and what was not. The students were not engaged in any of the tasks. They hung over their desks, put their heads down and appeared quite bored. In summary, the students did almost nothing for a two-hour period. The teacher was not teaching and was completely ineffective in managing their behavior. They were not involved in meaningful review or practice. Their behavior would be much improved if they had well-planned instruction and materials and if they were given meaningful learning tasks. The children in the room appeared to be bright and willing to learn, but they were not given the opportunity to do so. On March 22, 1996, Dr. Baker, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, sent a letter to Respondent giving her official notice, pursuant to Section 231.36(3)(e), Florida Statutes, that her performance was “unsatisfactory” and, if the deficiencies were not corrected next year, he would recommend that the School Board terminate her at the close of the 1996-97 school year. On March 25, 1996, Dr. Griesinger prepared Respondent’s year-end Performance Assessment. In contrast to the preceding year, Respondent received only four satisfactory grades, all in conformance to school and district rules. Nearly all of the other grades were “Unacceptable level of performance observed.” The Performance Assessment concludes: “Carmen needs to improve drastically in all areas.” On the same day, Ms. Bell had to go to Respondent’s classroom to restore order. Hearing Respondent and students shouting from outside the door, Ms. Bell found seven students out of their seats and the remaining students seated with nothing to do. The prior day a substitute teacher had had no problem with the class. On or about April 4, 1996, Respondent went on medical leave for the rest of the school year due to anxiety and menstrual problems. At the hearing, Respondent produced little, if any, evidence concerning the onset of her medical problems or their effect on her teaching. The preponderance of the evidence proves that demands that Respondent improve her classroom performance preceded the medical problems, although Respondent’s complaints of anxiety may have been exacerbated by these demands. Dr. Griesinger hired a substitute teacher for the remainder of the school year. The substitute teacher had no problem teaching Respondent’s class for the next two months. Respondent returned to work at the start of the 1996-97 school year with clearance from her physician. She was assigned a second grade class. Separate observations on September 4, 1996, by Dr. Griesinger and Ms. Bell record a boy barking like a dog in the back row during class without notice from Respondent, a boy sleeping so soundly that Respondent twice could not awaken him and gave up trying with a shrug of her shoulders, and motivated students losing interest after Respondent never called on them despite having their hands up for long periods of time. In all cases of misbehavior, Respondent imposed no consequences. During an observation on September 5, 1996, Respondent repeatedly asked the class what mountains look like. While she was doing so, one boy, who had been in and out of his seat for five minutes, managed to get the teacher’s manual off Respondent’s desk, give it to the observer, and tell the observer that this is where Respondent gets all her questions. At the same time, a girl, who was playing while in her seat, made two trips to the bathroom in 30 minutes, spending the second visit playing in the bathroom, turning the fan on and off. After teaching from August 20 through September 12, 1996, Respondent again went on medical leave. Dr. Griesinger hired a new teacher to take over the class. On October 3, 1996, Ms. Ashby sent a memorandum to the then-counsel for Petitioner advising him that Respondent’s classroom performance has continued to deteriorate and that he should review the file for proceeding with a predetermination hearing for “incompetency,” noting that Petitioner had given her notification last spring that she had “one year and six weeks to improve.” On October 21, 1996, Dr. Griesinger sent a letter to Respondent confirming their conversation of October 7 in which Respondent informed Dr. Griesinger that she would be taking the year off for medical reasons. The letter asks Respondent to call Dr. Griesinger prior to October 25 if this is incorrect. Respondent did not call Dr. Griesinger in response to the October 21 letter. Instead, a few days before Christmas vacation was to start, Respondent contacted Dr. Griesinger and told her that she would be returning to teach when school started again in January. Dr. Griesinger justifiably decided not to disturb the second grade class that the replacement teacher was handling quite well. Dr. Griesinger instead formed a new fourth grade class and assigned it to Respondent. Respondent began teaching the class on the first day of school after vacation, which was January 6, 1997. On January 9, 1997, Ms. Pottorf observed Respondent’s fourth grade social studies class. She found that the students were well-behaved and on-task for only about 10 minutes. The lesson was “disjointed,” and Respondent displayed an obvious unfamiliarity with the subject matter, as evidenced, for instance, by her inability to find a definition for “pioneer” in the text or her incorrect assumption that the Miami Indians were a tribe in Florida, not Ohio. She referred to the two or three students who had read the lesson as “her friends who knew the answers,” excluding the remainder of the class. Respondent failed to guide students’ responses, allowing the same answers and silly answers to continue. Unaware of the time, Respondent allowed the lesson to end without review or conclusion. The next class was reading. Respondent immediately lost the attention of the class by engaging in a discussion with a child about the seating arrangements. For no good reason, Respondent required the class to cover material that had been covered earlier in the week. She displayed a poor command of the reading material. For instance, telling the students that “errors” were to be called “challenges,” Respondent proceeded to use the words, “error” or “mistake” throughout the lesson, each time adding that “We are to call them challenges.” Randomly checking workbooks, Respondent failed to note which students had done their work and which had not. After a student was left without a reading partner, Respondent said she would be his partner, but she never returned to be his partner. When the students became loud and off-task, Respondent required them to call out the reading words in unison with her arm signals. She made them repeat words numerous times, to the obvious irritation of the students. After one child asked her not to do this, and, in response to Respondent’s inquiry, the rest of the class asked to be spared the repetition, Respondent agreed not to continue asking them to repeat the same word. But she continued to do so. At one point, she made them start over because they did not show enough energy, as the task became filler for the period, which ended without review or conclusion. On the same date, Ms. Bell did an observation of Respondent. She noted that the majority of the students were off-task. Respondent repeatedly tried to restore order by telling the students to look at the rules, but there were no rules posted anywhere in the classroom. On January 10, 1997, Respondent enlisted the students’ assistance in adopting classroom rules. A list of seven rules was disorganized, with some rules encompassing all of the others. The students became more restless when Respondent asked about consequences. No one answered her questions about consequences as the process became more disordered. Respondent evidently did not understand the point system that she had developed, leaving the whole system confusing and unmanageable. Later, a child privately asked to be Respondent’s helper. Respondent announced this request to the class, but did not otherwise acknowledge it. Respondent moved into a lesson on pronouns, but could not define a pronoun. Abruptly leaving this lesson after only three minutes, Respondent presented a new lesson on narrative writing, which she explained in one rambling sentence interspersed with frequent allusions to the rules and consequences that they had just worked out. Few students were on-task by this time. Respondent taught through February 6, 1997. At that time, Petitioner suspended her for her poor classroom performance. Respondent’s three major problems in the classroom were that she did not know her material, could not teach, and could not control the behavior of her students. She wasted time in transitions, such as to lunch, physical education, or taking attendance. She missed many opportunities to reinforce good behavior and frequently reinforced bad behavior by ignoring visible defiance or even unwittingly rewarding it. She confused students as often as she instructed them and displayed no idea of how she could explain content to her students. She sometimes displayed an uncertain grasp of even elementary materials. The result of these deficiencies is that Respondent impeded learning by repeatedly failing to communicate with and relate to the students to the point that they were deprived of a minimum educational experience. There is evidence of effective instances of teaching by Respondent. Undoubtedly, Respondent had some days that were better than others. However, Respondent’s performance as a teacher was so bad so often that she was ineffective and incompetent as a teacher. Numerous individuals observed her work in the classroom and found it seriously deficient. Ms. Ashby ultimately opined that, after a long career in education, Respondent, whom she described as a “horrible teacher,” was “one of the worst teachers I ever worked with.” Respondent tried to show at the hearing that her teaching problems were the result of her health problems. As already noted, the evidence shows that her teaching problems preceded the emergence of her health problems. However, even if the health problems preceded the teaching problems, Respondent, with the approval of her physician, returned to the classroom in January 1997 and performed abysmally. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that her health problems, or other mitigating factors, induced Respondent (and her physician) to decide that she could return to the classroom in January. The impact of her poor performance was dramatic, as the learning of her students slowed and even ended upon her return to the classroom. Respondent argues that Dr. Griesinger and others in the administration were biased against her for reasons that are unclear from the record. Although Dr. Griesinger decided by no later than January 1997 that Respondent was not going to be able to eliminate her performance deficiencies, this determination was supported by the record and was not indicative of bias. Dr. Griesinger’s determination did not distort her observations, which were corroborated by several other individuals. Respondent understandably draws support from Dr. Griesinger’s initial positive evaluation. This evaluation was more likely due to a combination of her carelessness and optimism, as she converted an evaluative instrument to a device designed to encourage and promote one of her classroom teachers. Most likely, Respondent was ill-suited to assume the responsibilities of a classroom teacher when she began teaching second grade in the fall of 1993, but may have initially escaped the serious problems that later befell her due to a combination of factors, such as the youth of her students, extraordinary effort of what was effectively a new teacher, and inattentiveness of the school administration.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-003321 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

Findings Of Fact Respondent has taught business education at Horace Mann Junior High School for the past three and one half years. On November 17, 1982, she was teaching a business class during which a student, Rhetta Allen, was struck on the face and cut by a staple gun. The stapler was thrown by Respondent at or in the direction of Allen, who refused to take her seat as directed by Respondent. Respondent testified that she was moving across the classroom and was tripped by a student causing her to lose her balance and accidentally throw the stapler. This claim was not corroborated. Rather, the testimony of Allen and three other students who witnessed the incident established that Respondent was angry, that she did not lose her balance, and that she threw the stapler intentionally. It was not established whether Respondent intended to strike Allen with the stapler or whether she merely threw it in Allen's direction. At best, she threw the stapler in disregard of Allen's safety.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of misconduct in office in violation of Subsection 231.36(6), Florida Statutes (1981) and affirming her 30-day suspension. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of June, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of June, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Jesse J. McCrary, Esquire 3000 Executive Plaza 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Elizabeth Du Fresne, Esquire 1782 One Biscayne Tower Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 Ellen Leesfield, Esquire 2929 S.W. Third Avenue Fifth Floor Miami, Florida 33129 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County School Board 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 29, 1990 Number: 90-003940 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1990

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the two Respondents, or either of them, should be assigned to the Petitioner's school program.

Findings Of Fact During the 1989/90 school year, Michel Alvarez and his brother, Maikel Alvarez, were both students at American Senior High School in Dade County, Florida. Michel was in the ninth grade and Maikel was in the tenth grade. During the 1989/90 school year, Michel and Maikel Alvarez were students in the industrial arts class of a teacher named Morton Bernstein. On May 1, 1990, during the change of classes after second period, Michel Alvarez approached another student in his second period industrial arts class, Benny Rodriguez, and asked why the latter had been pointing at him. A verbal dispute ensued as to whether there had been any pointing and, if so, what anyone was going to do about it. Thereupon, Michel tackled Benny around the waist with enough force to knock Benny to the floor. Both boys fell to the floor, Benny beneath on his back, Michel above, facing Benny and holding onto him. They struggled on the ground. As they struggled, a large crowd of other students quickly gathered. During the course of the struggle, Benny Rodriguez was kicked or stomped several times. As a result of the blows he received during the struggle, Benny Rodriguez suffered a broken nose and several bruised ribs. 1/ Maikel Alvarez was nearby when he was informed that his brother was in trouble. Maikel pushed his way through the crowd and worked his way towards the middle. Maikel pulled his brother off of Benny Rodriguez and Maikel and Michel Alvarez moved away from the crowd of students. Maikel and Michel Alvarez both went to their respective third period classes. During third period, both of them were called to the Principal's office. At about the same time that Maikel Alvarez went to help his brother, a teacher named Morton Bernstein became aware of the crowd and the struggle and went to break it up. When Bernstein got to the scene of the fracas, the struggle was over and Benny Rodriguez was on the floor, obviously injured. Bernstein assisted Benny and called the school security office. A school security officer accompanied Benny to the main office. Donald Hoecherl, an assistant principal, was present when the security officer brought Benny to the office. Hoecherl put Benny in a room and asked if he was okay. Benny was still bleeding but was coherent. Hoecherl questioned Benny to find out what happened. He then summoned Michel and Maikel to the office where he questioned them. He also called the parents of the students involved, the police, and the school's special investigative unit. Hoecherl had the students write down what happened after they had given him a verbal account. Benny was released to his parent. He was taken to his doctor who then sent him to the hospital. He remained hospitalized for two days and had an operation for the fracture to his nose. Mrs. Alvarez arrived and Hoecherl explained, through an interpreter, what had happened based on the account he had gotten from Bernstein and the students. During the discussion with Mrs. Alvarez and her sons, Maikel appeared to have a poor attitude and he did not appear to be taking what had happened seriously. Mrs. Alvarez told Maikel to straighten up in his chair. She then slapped him. Maikel pushed his mother against the wall. Hoecherl and the police officer who had been called to the school had to restrain Maikel from further physical confrontation toward his mother. Maikel was placed in handcuffs. Hoecherl told Mrs. Alvarez that he was suspending both Michel and Maikel for ten days and recommending an expulsion with a waiver to opportunity school. He made certain that School Board rules and procedures for according the Alvarezes their due process rights were followed. Hoecherl prepared and mailed home the Notice of Suspension forms for Maikel and Michel which narrated the reasons for the disciplinary actions and the right to a school level hearing. Michel's Notice of Suspension form indicated that the suspension was for battery and kicking another student. Maikel's Notice of Suspension form indicated that the action was being taken for battery on a student and parent. Both forms indicated that these rule infractions were Group III violations. The School District's Code of Student Conduct provides that Group III violations warrant expulsion from school. Bernstein had both Michel and Maikel as students in his industrial arts classes. Michel required more attention than the rest of the students. Bernstein described Michel's behavior as disruptive of the regular program and also indicated that Michel's behavior created safety concerns because of the use of power tools in his class. Michel was not passing Bernstein's course because of excessive absences and poor effort. Maikel did little or no work in Bernstein's class. He sat around and talked to friends and did not complete projects. His absences were excessive and he was not passing. Carol McKenny taught Michel math. Michel was disruptive, absent excessively, and was making no effort. He required more attention than her other students, which made it difficult to teach. She talked to Michel and to Mrs. Alvarez about her concerns in an attempt to help him, yet this produced no noticeable improvements in his behavior, attendance, or effort. James McKiernan taught Maikel biology. Maikel was failing this subject because he was making no effort and was frequently absent. McKiernan spoke with Maikel and Mrs Alvarez, but Maikel did not improve. Henry Adams was Michel's and Maikel's guidance counselor. He talked to both students during the year in an attempt to help them. He discussed their chronic absences which were in excess of the state mandatory attendance requirements. He discussed the relationship of attendance to grades. He discussed their behavior in class. He talked to Mrs. Alvarez about their absences and poor progress in school. Adams, who is knowledgeable of the programs offered by the district's opportunity schools, is of the opinion that both students would benefit from such placement because of the smaller class sizes, more structured environment, and increased counseling services. Hoecherl conducted a review of both students' school records files prior to making his final recommendation to the Assistant Superintendent for Alternative Education. His review included grade reports, ability test scores, discipline reports, and attendance information. Michel has average ability and was capable of making B's and C's; however, he failed six of eight courses during the year. Even had he not been suspended on May 1, 1990, he would not have been academically successful because of his grades prior to the last marking period. Maikel has average to slightly below average ability, but was capable of average work in the courses he was taking; however, he failed seven of nine courses during the year. Even had he not been suspended on May 1, 1990, he would not have been academically successful because of his grades prior to the last marking period. Maikel had previously been suspended for five days for fighting. This was a Group III expellable offense. Maikel also had been assigned to several Saturday schools in an attempt to help him remediate the work he had missed when he cut classes on approximately 20 occasions. Saturday school is a District- approved method for helping a student improve his academic performance through a tutorial program. American High School had provided both Michel and Maikel with a variety of student services, including counseling by Adams, Saturday school for Maikel, teacher conferences, and parental contact by the administration. Despite the school's efforts, both students were not successful in the regular program at American High School. An opportunity school assignment would assist Michel and Maikel because it would provide greater structure, smaller class sizes and increased student services. This educational alternative program would afford both students an opportunity to become more successful in school. Maikel is currently enrolled in the opportunity school. He is doing well in his classes and has improved his attendance.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Dade County School Board enter a Final Order in these consolidated cases concluding that Michel Alvarez and Maikel Alvarez are properly assigned to Douglas MacArthur Senior School-North, an opportunity school located in Dade County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED at Tallahassee, Leon County Florida, this 11th day of December, 1990. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of December, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port St. Lucie, Florida Mar. 11, 2014 Number: 14-001052PL Latest Update: Jan. 27, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent committed any of the offenses alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint dated March 26, 2014, and, if so, what is the appropriate disciplinary penalty?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of complaints against holders of Florida Educational Certificates accused of violating section 1012.795, Florida Statutes, and related rules. Respondent Erin S. Scheumeister holds Professional Educator’s Certificate 982133. Valid through June 30, 2015, the certificate covers the areas of Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Exceptional Student Education, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. At all times material to this proceeding, the St. Lucie County School District (District) employed Ms. Scheumeister as an Exceptional Student Education teacher at Samuel S. Gaines Academy K-8 (“Samuel Gaines” or “Gaines Academy”). During the 2012-2013 school year, a typical school day in Ms. Scheumeister’s class ended with a science or social studies lesson which would be presented jointly with the class of Ms. Madelina. Ms. Madelina was another Exceptional Student Education teacher at Gaines Academy, and she and Ms. Scheumeister would co-teach the class. For the science lesson, Ms. Madelina would bring her class to Ms. Scheumeister’s classroom. Ms. Madelina’s self-care aide, Jane Alice Waite, assisted with the joint science lesson. During the 2012-2013 school year, two support staff members, a behavior tech and a paraprofessional, were assigned to Ms. Scheumeister’s class. Ms. Scheumeister is charged with violations that flow from an incident that occurred during a joint science class on Friday, March 8, 2013. The joint science class was conducted, as was customary, at the end of the school day but in Ms. Madelina’s absence because she was absent from school the entire day. In her place was Amy Crossland, a frequent substitute teacher at Gaines Academy. Ms. Crossland also substituted on occasion for Ms. Scheumeister when she was absent and had filled in for Ms. Scheumeister’s paraprofessional aide on more than one occasion so that she was familiar both with Ms. Scheumeister’s class and Ms. Madelina’s class and the arrangement for joint science or social studies classes at the end of the day. As Ms. Crossland put it at the hearing, “It [Ms. Scheumeister’s class] was a challenging classroom, so they [the Administration] would put me in there frequently because they knew I [could] do it.” Hr’g Tr. 11. One of the students in Ms. Scheumeister’s class was R.W., a nine-year-old male student with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Language Impairments. Described by Ms. Crossland as “a sweet kid but . . . a handful,” Hr’g Tr. 12, R.W. exhibited aggressive behavior on a regular, if not daily, basis. Ms. Scheumeister summed this behavior up as follows: He would hit, kick, punch staff, students, knock over desks, fall on the floor, roll around on the floor, knock over furniture. He would do self-injurious behavior such as pinching himself on the arm or he would run over into the kitchen and hit his head on . . . the counter where we have to block him from hurting himself. Hr’g Tr. 102. R.W.’s aggressive behavior was triggered when his routine was disrupted or he became upset. Whenever the trigger occurred, R.W.’s behavior became aggressive quickly. An example of R.W.’s aggressive behavior involved a sink in an island in the kitchen that is either adjoining the classroom or part of the classroom. The sink had a faucet that could be rotated away from a position above the sink into a position above the floor. In moments of acting out, R.W. would swivel the faucet and turn the water on so that water would pour onto the floor. Over the course of the several times that Ms. Crossland was present in Ms. Scheumeister’s class, she saw R.W. turn the faucet on above the floor. Ms. Scheumeister’s response usually consisted of attempts to redirect R.W. to appropriate behavior. By the time of the incident on March 8, 2013, R.W. had swiveled the faucet and turned it on to spill water onto the floor more than once that day. These spills occurred during the joint science class in the presence of students from the two classes of Mses. Scheumeister and Madelina. Immediately after the first time, R.W. ran from the sink and dropped to the floor, which was common behavior for R.W. when he did not get his way or was disciplined. Ms. Scheumeister “raised her voice a little bit,” Hr’g Tr. 13, and her facial expression indicated that her patience with R.W. was wearing thin. Ms. Crossland attributed Ms. Scheumeister’s less-than calm reaction to R.W.’s misbehavior, plus the added stress of the joint science lesson with so many students present in the classroom at once. Ms. Scheumeister did not do anything to R.W. physically the first time he ran the water onto the classroom floor on March 8, 2013. Her reaction became physical, however, when R.W. did it again. Ms. Scheumeister grabbed R.W.’s shoulders with both of her hands. With R.W. kicking and screaming, Ms. Scheumeister sat him on the floor. Ms. Scheumeister pushed and pulled R.W. through the water in what witnesses described as a mopping action. His shirt and shorts became wet. Ms. Scheumeister followed this physical discipline with words to R.W. with the effect that if he thought it was funny to spill water on the floor, she thought it would be funny for him to have to explain to his parents why his clothes were wet. Jane Alice Waite, a paraprofessional aide assigned to Ms. Madelina’s class, observed Ms. Scheumeister push and pull R.W. through the water on the classroom floor. Ms. Waite’s response was immediate. She gathered Ms. Madelina’s students, left Ms. Scheumeister’s classroom with them, and returned the students to Ms. Madelina’s classroom. Ms. Waite did not want her students to remain in the presence of Ms. Scheumeister’s actions with R.W. for fear that they would be upset or become over-excited, a tendency of autistic students. Ms. Waite appreciates that maintaining order in a classroom of autistic students can be a task that is “overwhelming.” Hr’g Tr. 46. Nonetheless, Ms. Waite found Ms. Scheumeister’s method of discipline of R.W. to amount to a loss of control and to be unjustifiable and inappropriate. Morgan Kelly was the behavior tech in Ms. Scheumeister’s classroom the day of the incident. Ms. Kelly confirmed the testimony of Mses. Crossland and Waite. She saw Ms. Scheumeister “proceed with the mopping action dragging [R.W.] back and forth across the water.” Hr’g Tr. 53. Ms. Kelly’s immediate reaction was to offer to change R.W.’s clothing. Ms. Scheumeister reiterated that R.W. could go home wet and his parents can wonder why. R.W. responded to the comment by again turning on the faucet and running water onto the floor. Ms. Scheumeister grabbed R.W. and dragged him through the water again and then instructed Ms. Kelly to put R.W. on the bus wet without a change in clothing. R.W. rode the bus home in wet clothing. The incident with R.W. was not the first time Ms. Kelly had observed Ms. Scheumeister act inappropriately with the autistic students in her classroom. On one occasion, Ms. Scheumeister disparaged her students for their inability to answer questions about a topic at kindergarten level that she had just read to them. On other occasions, Ms. Scheumeister said to some of her students that she intended to “choke them out.” Ms. Scheumeister also on more than one occasion pulled a student’s tee shirt over the back of the chair in which they were sitting so that the student could not get up. Ms. Kelly reported the incident with R.W. to Carolyn Wilkins, the principal of Gaines Academy at approximately 5:30 p.m. on the evening of March 8, 2013, a few hours after it occurred. Ms. Crossland also reported the matter. Rather than to the principal, Ms. Crossland submitted the report to the Exceptional Student Education Department chairperson. In the investigation that ensued, Mses. Kelly, Crossland, and Waite provided written statements. Ms. Waite’s view of the incident with R.W. differed from Ms. Crossland’s in one respect. Ms. Waite was “not sure” how R.W. ended up in the water. But her statement was consistent with the other two statements in that Ms. Waite wrote that Ms. Scheumeister “pulled him in the water two or three time[s] and stated she was not going to change him and he was going home wet and he got on the bus wet.” Pet’r’s Ex. 4. In the wake of the report from Ms. Kelly, Ms. Wilkins called the assistant superintendent of Human Resources. The assistant superintendent directed Principal Wilkins to call the Department of Children and Families and the school resource officer. Ms. Wilkins did so. She followed up the reports with a call to Ms. Scheumeister. In the conversation with Ms. Scheumeister, the principal informed her of the allegations, and ordered Ms. Scheumeister to report to the District office on the following Monday. The District followed its procedures dictated by reports of a teacher’s inappropriate conduct with a student. The District commenced an investigation, and Ms. Scheumeister was transferred to the District office on what the District refers to as a “temporary duty assignment,” Hr’g Tr. 81, or “TDA.” See Pet’r’s Ex. 7. In keeping with standard procedure, the District hand-delivered to Ms. Scheumeister a copy of a written document entitled “Notice of Investigation and TDA” dated March 11, 2013, the Monday after the incident with R.W. In May 2013, Principal Wilkins sent a letter dated May 29, 2013, to Ms. Scheumeister. It informed her that Principal Wilkins had decided not to recommend Ms. Scheumeister for reappointment for the 2013-2014 school year. An Administrative Complaint was executed on November 7, 2013. On March 26, 2014, Petitioner moved to amend the Administrative Complaint. The motion was granted following Respondent’s notice of withdrawal of her opposition to the amendment. A section of the Amended Administrative Complaint entitled “MATERIAL ALLEGATIONS” contains three paragraphs, numbered 3, 4, and 5. Paragraph 3 alleges: Respondent twice grabbed R.W., a 9-year-old student diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Language Impairment, and dragged him across the floor in an attempt to mop up a puddle of water that R.W. had spilled. During this, Respondent stated to the student, “You think it is funny to flood the room? Well, I think its funny your clothes are wet.” When another school personnel offered to change R.W.’s clothes, Respondent refused to allow it and commented she wanted R.W. to go home with wet clothes. Paragraph 4 alleges: Respondent made inappropriate comments or actions to her nine (9) students, who are diagnosed with Autism, including but not limited to, “I’m going to choke you out”; “That’s a kindergarten book and you (students) are not as smart as kindergarteners”; “It’s ok his (student’s) pants are too tight, he shouldn’t reproduce,”; putting student’s over their chairs to prevent them from getting out of their chair and yelling at students. Amended Administrative Complaint, executed March 26, 2014, EPC Case No. 123-2596. Paragraph 5 alleges that following an investigation, Ms. Scheumeister’s “employment contract was non- renewed for the 2013-2014 school year.” On the basis of the material allegations, the Amended Administrative Complaint charged Ms. Scheumeister as follows: STATUTE VIOLATIONS COUNT 1: The Respondent is in violation of Section 1012.795(1)(d), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has been guilty of gross immorality or an act involving moral turpitude as defined by rule of the State Board of Education. COUNT 2: The Respondent is in violation of Section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has been found guilty of personal conduct which seriously reduces her effectiveness as an employee of the school board. COUNT 3: The Respondent is in violation of Section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession prescribed by State Board of Education rules. RULE VIOLATIONS COUNT 4: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Rule 6A- 10.081(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, in that Respondent has failed to make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental health and/or physical health and/or safety. COUNT 5: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Rule 6A- 10.081(3)(e), Florida Administrative Code, in that Respondent has intentionally exposed a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Ms. Scheumeister requested a formal hearing before DOAH on an Election of Rights form in which she disputed all allegations of the Administrative Complaint. On March 10, 2014, the Office of Professional Practices Services filed the case with the EPC, and the EPC announced in a letter dated March 11, 2014, that it would forward the case to DOAH.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent’s educator’s certificate be revoked for a period of not less than five years and that an appropriate fine be levied for each count. If Respondent, when eligible, reapplies for an educator’s certificate and receives one, a condition of the certificate should be probation for a period of five years with additional conditions appropriate to the facts of this case to be set by the Education Practices Commission. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of September, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of September, 2014. COPIES FURNISHED: Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Lois S. Tepper, Interim General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief Bureau of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Carol R. Buxton, Esquire Florida Education Association 1516 East Hillcrest Street, Suite 109 Orlando, Florida 32803 (eServed) Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire Charles T. Whitelock, P.A. 300 Southeast 13th Street, Suite E Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (eServed)

Florida Laws (5) 1012.795120.569120.57120.68775.021
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Mar. 13, 1995 Number: 95-002599 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Respondent should be dismissed from employment with the Polk County School Board because of the matters alleged in the letter of intent prepared by the Superintendent of Schools.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, (Board), was the county agency responsible for providing public primary, secondary and adult education in Polk County, Florida, and operated Haines City High School, (HCHS), in Haines City. Respondent had been employed at HCHS for eight years, and in the last two years prior to the incidents herein taught in the school's Diversified Cooperative Training Program, (DCT) under a continuing contract of employment. DCT students are allowed to leave campus before the end of the school day to work at jobs in the local area. However, Respondent allowed some students to leave school during the morning hours for the purpose of getting breakfast and, coincidentally, to bring items back to school for her to eat. There is also allegation that Respondent would solicit students to run personal errands for her during school hours but would not give them a pass to allow them to lawfully leave the campus. Allegedly, she advised them that they were on their own and she would deny responsibility or knowledge if they were caught. Taken together, the evidence establishes that Respondent did allow students to leave class on personal business and did not give them passes to be off campus. It also appears that she solicited them to pick up items for her while they were away, but not that she solicited students to leave class to run errands off campus for her. Even so, her actions are in violation of the Board policy regarding student absence from campus, a policy about which Respondent had been briefed. In addition, some time during the Autumn of 1994, Respondent overheard a student on the school's football team, Bradford Parton, discussing with his girlfriend the fact he was having cramps. Respondent advised him he should take potassium and on at least one occasion, during a class session, gave Parton a pill which, she said, would give him energy and take away his cramps. She believed the pill was the functional equivalent of one banana. Respondent was aware that it was a violation of Board policy for anyone other than the school nurse to administer any form of pill or medication to a student. When the Principal learned that Respondent had given Parton the pill, he directed an investigation into the matter. On November 17, 1994, after he had heard that Respondent was making comments in class to the effect that the students were getting her in trouble with the administration, the Principal gave her verbal instructions not to discuss these matters with the students and to limit her conversations with them to matters related to class work. His comment to her included, "Just teach the class. Just don't bring yourself down to their level." The following day, on November 18, 1994, after receiving word that Respondent had again spoken to Parton after he had warned her not to do so, the Principal reduced his prior comments to writing and again instructed her not to discuss the matter with any students, warning her that he considered her doing so a matter of insubordination which, if repeated, would result in severe disciplinary action. There is some indication Respondent, in early December, 1994, advised several students after the warning she was going to have them removed from her class She subsequently advised the school's guidance counselor that several of the students involved should be removed from her class because they appeared to be "unhappy" in it. The students denied being unhappy in class and urgently resisted being removed because they needed the credit to graduate. Respondent's comments to the students constituted insubordination, and her action in urging removal of the students was considered by the administration to be an attempt at retaliation against them because of their allegations made against her. There is also indication that while the investigation into the allegations against her was under way, Respondent spoke with Ms. Denmark, another teacher, who was in the room when Respondent gave the pill to Mr. Parton, in an effort to get her to change her statement. School Board officials consider Respondent's blatant violation of school rules and policies by allowing students to leave campus without a pass and by improperly administering a pill to a student combine to severely impair her effectiveness as a teacher. Under the circumstances established here, this appears to be the case. Prior to the initiation of this action, Respondent had received a verbal warning regarding drinking in front of students at a conference and regarding making untoward comments about Blacks. Her personnel record, commencing with the teacher evaluation of her performance in the 1988-1989 school year, reflects positive comments and no substantial criticism. However, in July, 1994, the Superintendent advised Respondent of his intention to suspend her without pay for five days for making improper comments of a sexual nature toward students and for allowing students to grade papers, to average grades and to have access to her grade book. Respondent requested hearing on this proposed action. That hearing was held consolidated with the instant hearing and no final action has been taken by the Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Mary L. Canova's, suspension without pay pending hearing be sustained and that she be dismissed from employment as a teacher with the Polk County School Board because of misconduct in office and gross insubordination as described herein. RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 95-2599 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: 1. - 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 9. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted in so far as Respondent allowed students to leave campus and periodically suggested those who did run errands for her. - 13. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein with the understanding that the term, "no further details regarding the allegations were provided" refers to the charging letter, and that Respondent was provided with specific allegations of misconduct prior to hearing. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence accepted and incorporated herein. Second sentence rejected. See Partain's December 2, 1994 letter to Chapman. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Lane, Tron, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland & Jacobsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1578 150 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. 24650 U. S. Highway 19 North Suite 308 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 John A. Stewart Superintendent Polk County Schools Post Office Box 391 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 26, 2014 Number: 14-003011TTS Latest Update: Sep. 13, 2016

The Issue The main issues in this case are whether, as the district school board alleges, a teacher has given the district just cause to terminate his employment contract for incompetency, and, alternatively, whether the teacher failed to correct performance deficiencies during a 90-day probationary period, which would constitute separate grounds for dismissal if proven true.

Findings Of Fact The Broward County School Board ("School Board"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Broward County Public School System. At all relevant times, Respondent Christopher Marshall ("Marshall") was employed as a math teacher in the Broward County school district, a position which he had held for some 15 years before this proceeding began. During that period, Marshall taught at a few different schools, the latest being McArthur High, where he worked for several years up to and including the 2013-14 school year. Marshall's teaching career, sad to say, has been mediocre. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that, at least as early as 2002, Marshall was identified by administrators and colleagues as a teacher of marginal ability. More than once over the years Marshall was placed on performance probation due to concerns about his unsatisfactory performance. Rather than terminate Marshall's employment, however, the district transferred Marshall from school to school, and somehow he managed to muddle through, doing enough to be rated "satisfactory" and avoid getting the sack. One of Marshall's defining characteristics has been the remarkably high percentages of Fs and Ds that his students consistently have earned, year in and year out. Frequently more than half of his students took home final grades lower than a C——and sometimes quite a bit more than 50 percent fell into this category. This was true across grade levels (Marshall taught grades nine through 12) and without regard to degrees of subject-matter difficulty (Marshall taught advanced as well as basic classes; he was not assigned only struggling students). It was not uncommon for Marshall to fail between one-quarter and one-third of his students. In the 2013-14 school year, for example, 31 percent of Marshall's Liberal Arts Math 2 students received a failing grade; 25 percent of his Math College Readiness students failed; and ten percent of his Algebra 2 students got Fs. This was consistent with a decade-long pattern. Needless to say, a teacher whose students in large numbers routinely get Ds or worse in his classes attracts attention from students, colleagues, parents, and administrators. In Marshall's case, students complained to other teachers——and to their parents. Parents, of course, complained to administrators and demanded that their children be placed in other classes. Often, to placate angry parents, Marshall's students were transferred, with the result that Marshall's classes were small, and other math teachers had to squeeze in additional students. Teachers complained about this. It must be acknowledged that poor grades are not necessarily a reflection of the teacher's ability or lack thereof. Certainly, as a general rule, each student bears substantial responsibility for his or her own grade, and no one should expect a teacher simply to hand out high marks that are unmerited and unearned. Sometimes, to be sure, an F or a D is as richly deserved as an A or a B. That said, the sheer persistence of Marshall's grade distribution under different conditions and through changing student populations implies that something other than resistance or indifference to learning, poor study habits, or lack of intellectual ability must be at work. The undersigned has combed the record for an explanation of his students' poor grades that might exonerate Marshall but can find none. There is no persuasive evidence, for example, that Marshall is a demanding teacher who sets the bar high for his students, administering tough but fair tests that are difficult for the unmotivated or unprepared to pass. To the contrary, Marshall had his students spend time on rote exercises, such as copying definitions and formulas from the textbook, which have little educational value. Nor did Marshall's students tend to excel in their next math classes. Rather, after being taught by Marshall, his students often had difficulty in their subsequent courses because they had not learned the prerequisite material. For years, administrators have tried to cajole or compel Marshall to reduce the number of students receiving Fs and Ds in his classes, not by the expedient of grade inflation, but by implementing different pedagogical techniques and strategies. Marshall, however, has ignored these importunings and directives, and nothing has changed. Marshall's apparent imperviousness to criticism has been an ongoing source of frustration to his colleagues and administrators. Marshall considers himself to be an "awesome" teacher, and therefore he concludes that anyone who has a different opinion——which unfortunately seems to be nearly everyone with whom he has worked——is either mistaken, lying, or treating him unfairly. This has led Marshall to file numerous grievances and complaints against his supervisors, none of which has been successful. He is not, however, confrontational, discourteous, or abusive in his workplace relationships. Rather, Marshall engages in passive-aggressive behavior. Faced with a demand or a directive, Marshall does not argue (although he might politely disagree); he simply does not comply. The greater weight of the evidence persuades the undersigned to find that the bad grades Marshall's students consistently have received are a symptom of Marshall's inability to teach. Although he knows his subject, Marshall lacks the skills necessary to impart his knowledge to his students, who consequently do not learn math in his classes. It is not that Marshall is deliberately trying not to succeed. He is not being insubordinate in this regard. He is simply not suited to the job of teaching high school math. In 2011, following a legislative directive then recently enacted, the school district adopted a teacher evaluation system known as the Broward Instructional Development and Growth Evaluation System ("BrIDGES"), which is based on Dr. Robert J. Marzano's strategies for educational effectiveness. When rating a teacher's classroom performance using BrIDGES, an evaluator inputs his or her observations into a database by filling out an electronic "iObservation" form. The iObservation tool contains 60 "elements," each of which represents a discrete strategy, action, or skill that a teacher might employ as appropriate: e.g., "Using Academic Games," "Identifying Critical Information," and "Displaying Objectivity and Control." The elements are organized under four separate "domains" as follows: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors (Elements 1-41) Domain 2: Planning and Preparing (Elements 42-49) Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching (Elements 50-54) Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism (Elements 55-60). The 41 elements of Domain 1 are further subdivided into nine Design Questions, DQ1 through DQ9. On October 8, 2013, the school district and the Broward Teachers Union entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") setting forth their agreements regarding the use of BrIDGES to evaluate teachers for 2013-14. Pursuant to the MOU, each classroom teacher was to receive at least three observations, including one formal (30 or more minutes), one informal (15-25 minutes), and one snapshot or walkthrough (3-10 minutes) observation. During an observation, the subject teacher receives a "datamark" (prescribed number of points) for each element that the evaluator chooses to rate. For 2013-14, the datamarks were as follows: Innovating (Highly Effective), 4 points; Applying (Effective), 3 points; Developing (Effective), 2.5 points; Beginning (Needs Improvement), 2 points; and Not Using (Unsatisfactory), 1 point. Each teacher was to receive at least 45 datamarks, comprising at least 25 datamarks in Domain 1 and 10 within Domains 2, 3, and/or 4. A weighted average of the datamarks assigned to a teacher's performance as recorded on the iObservation forms became the teacher's Instructional Practice Score ("IPS"). The IPS was equal to 0.68X plus 0.32Y, where X was the average of the teacher's Domain 1 datamarks and Y was the average of the teacher's datamarks for Domains 2, 3, and 4 combined. The IPS was reported as a number having three decimal digits, to the thousandths place. This created a false precision, for the calculated result could not possibly have been more precise than the number having the least number of significant figures in the equation, which would always be a one-digit integer (unless the teacher happened to receive strait 2.5s——possible, but unlikely, and not the case here). In other words, the numbers to the right of the decimal point in the teacher's IPS were mathematically insignificant, spurious digits, because the original data could not support a measurement beyond the precision of one significant figure. The IPS should have been (but was not) rounded to a single-digit integer to avoid reporting insignificant digits. For 2013-14, the BrIDGES Overall Evaluation Score equaled the sum of the teacher's IPS (weighted as 49%), Deliberate Practice score (weighted as 1.0%), and Student Growth score (weighted as 50%). Teachers at McArthur High (including Marshall) for whom no individual student data were available automatically received a Student Growth score of 3.0 for that school year, and all teachers (including Marshall) who completed a self-assessment received a Deliberate Practice score of 3.0. The Overall Evaluation Scale for 2013-14 was Highly Effective (3.450-4.000), Effective (2.500-3.449), Needs Improvement (2.000-2.499), and Unsatisfactory (1.000-1.999). As of February 4, 2014, Marshall had received eight observations: three formals, three informals, and two walkthroughs. He had received 56 datamarks in Domain 1 and five datamarks in Domains 2, 3, and 4. His weighted IPS, to that date, was 2.145 (but this computed score was precise to no more than one significant figure and therefore should be understood as a 2 after rounding off the spurious digits), or Needs Improvement. Pursuant to the MOU, once a teacher receives an average IPS of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory among other conditions that Marshall had met as of February 4, 2014, a Performance Development Plan ("PDP") may be written for that teacher. Accordingly, in early February 2014, a PDP was written for Marshall. As well, on February 12, 2014, the principal of McArthur High placed Marshall on performance probation for 90 calendar days, delivering to Marshall a notice of "less than effective performance" ostensibly pursuant to section 1012.34(4), Florida Statutes. The statute, however, authorizes 90-day performance probation only for a teacher whose performance is unsatisfactory, and Marshall's performance was not unsatisfactory; it was Needs Improvement. Needs Improvement is, to be sure, less than Effective performance, but it is better than Unsatisfactory. Indeed, none of the levels of performance besides Unsatisfactory denotes unsatisfactory performance and thus, logically, all teachers rated Highly Effective, Effective, or Needs Improvement fall within the range of satisfactory performance. In any event, between February 28 and May 7, 2014, Marshall received 12 more observations, which added 75 datamarks to his total in Domain 1 (making 131 in all) and six additional datamarks in Domains 2, 3, and 4 (for a grand total of 11). The iObservation forms for Marshall's last six observations, incidentally, are not in evidence. As of May 7, 2014, Marshall's IPS was 1.963. This number, by itself, would be Unsatisfactory on the Overall Evaluation Scale. Given, however, that the initial numerical data was captured (mostly) in single-digit integers, together with a handful of 2.5s, the decimal places are spurious in this result; there is no meaningful distinction between "1.963" (which is a textbook example of false precision) and "2" (which is what 1.963 should be rounded up to, to avoid the fallacy of overprecision). Thus, if the insignificant figures are ignored, Marshall's IPS, by itself, is actually Needs Improvement. But more important, Marshall's IPS was not his Overall Evaluation Score, and therefore it is improper and unfair to deem his performance Unsatisfactory on the Overall Performance Scale based on an IPS of 1.963 as the School Board wants to do. Marshall's Overall Evaluation Score, as calculated by the School Board, was 2.492 — Needs Improvement.1/ Again, Needs Improvement is less than Effective and clearly not ideal, but it is not Unsatisfactory. To the contrary, Needs Improvement is one of the levels of satisfactory performance. Going a step farther, if Marshall's IPS were rounded to 2, as it should be to eliminate the false precision, and his Overall Evaluation Score recalculated absent the spurious decimals, then his final score would be 2.51, which in turn should be rounded to 3 to avoid overprecision, but which equals Effective performance regardless. The point is, based on a final score of 2.492, Marshall's overall performance can as correctly be deemed Effective as Needs Improvement, for there is no real difference between 2.492 and 3 based on the original data used to make these calculations.2/ (To repeat for emphasis, computations cannot make the original data more precise.3/) Determinations of Ultimate Fact The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Marshall is guilty of the offense of misconduct in office, which is defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-5.056(2).4/ The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Marshall is guilty of incompetency,5/ which is just cause for dismissal from employment. A preponderance of the evidence establishes that Marshall's performance as measured in accordance with the BrIDGES evaluation system was not Unsatisfactory during the 2013-14 school year. Therefore, the evidence does not support the termination of Marshall's employment contract pursuant to section 1012.34(4). The evidence does not support a determination that Marshall independently violated section 1012.53, apart from his incompetency, which affords a sufficient basis (as "just cause") for dismissal. The evidence does not support a determination that Marshall independently violated School Board Rule 4008(B), apart from his incompetency, which affords a sufficient basis (as "just cause") for dismissal.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order dismissing Marshall from his employment as a teacher in the Broward County Public Schools for the just cause of incompetency as a result of inefficiency. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 2016.

Florida Laws (8) 1012.271012.281012.331012.341012.53120.569120.57120.68
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 26, 2003 Number: 03-003102 Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2005

The Issue The issues for determination are whether Respondent's suspension should be upheld and whether his employment with Petitioner should be terminated, as set forth in Petitioner's action letter dated August 21, 2003.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the School Board was a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Article IX, Florida Constitution, and Section 1001.32, Florida Statutes (2002). At all times material hereto, Mr. Moore was employed full-time with the School Board as a paraprofessional at Robert Renick Educational Center (Renick) and subject to the rules and regulations of the School Board in accordance with Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes (2002). The UTD Contract, between the School Board and UTD, also governs the terms and conditions of Mr. Moore's employment. In April 1977, Mr. Moore began his employment with the School Board and was assigned to Renick. He remained at Renick as a paraprofessional through February 9, 2003. In December 1996, prior to beginning his employment with the School Board, Mr. Moore was charged with possession of stolen property and driving with a suspended license and an expired registration. A few months later, on February 20, 1997, Mr. Moore completed an application for employment with the School Board and indicated on the application that he had no criminal charges pending. However, at the time that he made application for employment, the charges of December 1996 were pending. Mr. Moore does not contest several performance problems and deficiencies for the period October 19, 1998 through March 10, 2002. By memorandum dated October 27, 1998, Mr. Moore was notified by the assistant principal, James DeWitt, that he violated School Board policy on October 19, 1998, by allowing a student to be in possession of the key to his classroom. Mr. DeWitt advised Mr. Moore that a reoccurrence of the violation would lead to a conference-for-the-record. By memorandum dated October 17, 2000, Mr. Moore was notified by Mr. DeWitt that he had arrived late at school that same day without notifying the main office of his tardiness in accordance with the UTD Contract. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to adhere to the established work hours and advised Mr. Moore that further failure to adhere to his work schedule would result in disciplinary action. By memorandum dated November 2, 2000, Mr. Moore was notified by Mr. DeWitt that, on November 1, 2000, he (Mr. Moore) was playing a game on his computer while the students were taking a test even though he was required to monitor the test; and that his (Mr. Moore's) failure to supervise and monitor the test resulted in a student writing the answers in the wrong section of the test. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to adhere to his duties in his job description and advised Mr. Moore that, among other things, his lack of supervision would not be tolerated and that his failure to adhere to the duties would result in disciplinary action. By memorandum dated March 5, 2001, Mr. Moore was notified by the principal, Eugenia Smith, that, among other things, he was on leave without authorization for 17 days of the 2000-2001 school year, from February 8, 2001 through March 5, 2001. Ms. Smith directed Mr. Moore to, within three (3) days of the date of the memorandum, provide his intended date of return or resign from employment with the School Board. By memorandum dated December 20, 2001, Mr. Moore was notified by Mr. DeWitt that, on December 5, 2001, because of his (Mr. Moore's) lack of supervision, a student pushed the emergency call button twice even though no emergency existed. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to adhere to his duties in his job description and advised Mr. Moore that his failure to adhere to the duties would result in disciplinary action. By memorandum dated March 8, 2002, Ms. Smith notified Mr. Moore that he had been tardy for several days, specifying the days of tardiness. On March 8, 2002, a conference-for-the-record was held with Mr. Moore to address his tardiness, including noncompliance with verbal and written directives regarding his tardiness. Also present were, Ms. Smith, Mr. DeWitt, and a UTD representative. At the conference-for-the-record Mr. Moore was given specific directives regarding future tardiness, which were to be to work on time and to adhere to procedures in the UTD contract. A summary of the conference-for-the-record dated March 10, 2002, was prepared and was subsequently signed by Mr. Moore. By memorandum dated November 8, 2002, Mr. Moore was notified by Mr. DeWitt that, on November 7, 2002, Mr. Moore's personal telephone was confiscated because it had been used in the classroom as an extension of the school's telephone system. By memorandum dated November 13, 2002, Mr. Moore was notified by Mr. DeWitt that his (Mr. Moore's) use of his personal telephone as an extension of the school's telephone system was a violation of the School Board's policy prohibiting telephones in the classroom unless approved by the administration. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to adhere to School Board policies and advised Mr. Moore that failure to do so would result in disciplinary action. Mr. Moore does not contest violating the School Board's policy regarding the use of his personal telephone in the classroom. By memorandum dated January 17, 2003, Mr. DeWitt notified Mr. Moore that, on January 22, 2003, he (Mr. Moore) left the school for approximately one and one-half hour, from approximately 11:50 a.m. to 2:20 a.m., without signing-out as required by the School Board's policy. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to adhere to the scheduled work hours and advised (Mr. Moore) that his failure to so adhere would result in further disciplinary action. On January 22, 2003, Mr. Moore was arrested based on an outstanding warrant for the December 1996 charges previously indicated. Renick is a special center for emotionally handicapped and severely emotionally disturbed students. The student's have emotional problems, which interfere with their ability to learn. The teachers, including paraprofessionals, at Renick are specially trained to deal with the behavior problems of the students. The School Board adheres to a graduated system of discipline for students, which consists of the following: first, student conferences are held, then parent conferences, and then parent-teacher conferences; and after the conferences, indoor suspension, then detention, and, lastly, outdoor suspension. Also, located in each classroom is a call button to call security for assistance if needed. The use of profanity and corporal punishment is prohibited by School Board rules. As a paraprofessional with the School Board for several years, Mr. Moore knew or should have known the School Board's graduated system of discipline, rules, and policies. Training is provided for teachers, including paraprofessionals, in the management of students at Renick, who are misbehaving. Also, in-house workshops are provided. The training is "crisis management," which was formerly safe physical management. In crisis management, physical restraint is the last resort; interventions are used instead. A student's parent must consent in writing for the use of physical restraint; however, even without consent, physical restraint may be used for situations that do not de-escalate. If physical restraint is used, the situation must be documented and the student's parent must be notified. One intervention is a prearranged intervention in which the student and teacher agree on a technique to be used by the teacher to make the student aware that his/her behavior is escalating. The prearranged intervention may be, for instance, a pulling of the student's ear. If the prearrange intervention fails to de-escalate the student's behavior, another intervention referred to as proximity control may be used. In this technique, the student feels the teacher's presence by the teacher moving towards the student, which interrupts the student's behavior. If no interventions, whether verbal or non-verbal, de- escalates the student's behavior, which begins to get out-of- control, forms of physical restraint may be used, as a last resort. One form of physical restraint is for the teacher to hold the student with his/her hand to communicate to that student that his/her behavior is escalating, with safety being the primary issue. If the student's behavior continues to escalate, the teacher may resort to a more restrictive restraint such as the cradle. In using this technique, both the student and teacher are standing, with the student having his/her back to the teacher, and the teacher holding the student, with safety being the primary issue. Again, the teacher is attempting to have the student realize that his/her behavior is escalating. If the student's behavior continues to escalate, the teacher may take the student to the floor. One technique used is the cradle assist. In this technique, the student is brought to the floor by the teacher and the student is held by the teacher in a cradle-like position. If the student's behavior continues to escalate, the teacher, with the assistance of a colleague, may hold the student to the floor. Using a colleague, assists the student in calming down. Whenever physical restraint is used, the parents of the student are notified. Furthermore, the student is counseled, and the student's file must be documented regarding the use of physical restraint. Mr. Moore received the training as to the interventions and the physical restraints. Furthermore, he attended at least one in-house workshop. Therefore, Mr. Moore had knowledge of the behavior techniques. A past performance problem involving Mr. Moore and a student was documented by a memorandum dated July 24, 1998 from Mr. DeWitt to Mr. Moore. The memorandum addressed "alleged misconduct" by Mr. Moore committed on July 20, 1998, in which Mr. Moore allegedly choked a student, when he was putting the student in time-out, and used inappropriate language by calling the student a "faggot." Although the memorandum indicated that Mr. Moore stated that he may have grabbed the student's neck, the memorandum did not indicate that the allegation was confirmed. Mr. DeWitt directed Mr. Moore to "refrain from using inappropriate procedures and language" while performing his duties. The statement by Mr. Moore showed that he admitted, not denied, that he did take some action with the student. Regarding incidents with students, the Amended Notice of Specific Charges alleges a specific incident, occurring on December 19, 2002, between Mr. Moore and a student, J. G. Allegedly, Mr. Moore told J. G. that he "was going to kill him" and "for him [J. G.] to meet him [Mr. Moore] at the store in five minutes since he [J. G.] was bad, so they could fight"; and that he "was going to make him [J. G.] his girl"; Furthermore, Mr. Moore allegedly called J. G. a "fat bitch." Additionally, Mr. Moore allegedly told another student, X. W., that he would "fuck X. W.'s mother in the grave" and called X. W. a "faggot." Also, Mr. Moore allegedly grabbed another student, I. J., and subsequently, another student, M. S., and pulled their arms behind their backs and pushed them against a wall. Further, the Amended Notice of Specific Charges contains a general allegation of how Mr. Moore treated students, i.e., "Moore often hit students with a broomstick on the legs and buttocks, pushed students to the ground, picked a student up and slammed him to the floor, wrestled students in the classroom, and often called them gay." As to the general allegation, student D. J. testified regarding Mr. Moore pushing a student to the ground. D. J. testified that he did not want to do his work and attempted to leave the classroom without permission from Mr. Moore; that Mr. Moore would not allow him to leave the room; and that Mr. Moore placed him on the floor, face first, with his (D. J.'s) arms behind his back in a manner that hurt him (D. J.). No one else was in the classroom to witness the alleged incident. No specific time period was provided for the alleged incident. Mr. Moore's testimony did not address this particular incident. In considering D. J.'s credibility, the undersigned must include, as a factor, that the students at Renick have behavior problems but that also the students should expect to be treated in accordance with the School Board's established crisis management techniques. D. J.'s demeanor and candor, during his testimony, detracted from the credibility of his testimony. The undersigned does not find D. J.'s testimony convincing. Even if Mr. Moore engaged in the physical restraint of D. J., the evidence presented fails to demonstrate that Mr. Moore's action was inappropriate under the circumstances. D. J. was attempting to force his way out of the class. However, Mr. Moore failed to document the incident and notify D. J.'s parents that physical restraint was used. Also, as to the general allegation, student M. L. testified regarding picking a student up and slamming the student to the floor. M. L. testified that, except for him, all the other students in the class had completed their work and were in the rear of the classroom with the teacher; that he had just completed his work and was walking to the rear of the class when Mr. Moore walked into the classroom; that Mr. Moore told him that he was out of his seat without permission; and that Mr. Moore picked him up and slammed him to the floor, placing his (Mr. Moore's) knee in M. L.'s back. Mr. Moore testified that M. L. was out of his seat without permission and that M. L. was running in the classroom and would not sit down even though Mr. Moore asked him to sit down and stop running. M. L. admitted that he had been disciplined before for running around in the classroom. Mr. Moore admits that he put M. L. to the floor, which de-escalated the situation, and that he then allowed M. L. to get up. Furthermore, Mr. Moore admits that he did not document the incident and did not notify the parents of M. L. that physical restraint had been used on M. L. No testimony was presented from Mr. Moore's supervising teacher, Jaime Calaf, regarding the incident with M. L. No other testimony was presented. As to the incident with M. L., the only witnesses testifying were M. L. and Mr. Moore. In considering M. L.'s credibility, the undersigned must include, as a factor, that the students at Renick have behavior problems but that also the students should expect to be treated in accordance with the School Board's established crisis management techniques. M. L.'s demeanor and candor, during his testimony, and his admission that he had been disciplined for the same action previously detracted from the credibility of his testimony. Specifically, the undersigned is not convinced that M. L. had completed his work, that he was not disruptive, that Mr. Moore slammed M. L. to the floor, and that Mr. Moore put his knee in M. L.'s back. Mr. Moore admits that he put, not slammed, M. L. to the floor. The undersigned does not find M. L.'s testimony convincing. The evidence presented fails to demonstrate that Mr. Moore's action was inappropriate under the circumstances. However, Mr. Moore failed to document the situation and failed to notify the parents of M. L. as required that physical restraint had been used with M. L. Regarding the general allegation that Moore often hit students with a broomstick on the legs and buttocks, wrestled students in the classroom, and often called them gay, M. L. testified as to Mr. Moore punching students in the arm, who were misbehaving, and O. B. testified as to Mr. Moore hitting students with a broom. M. L. testified that, at times, Mr. Moore punched him and other students in the arm when they were misbehaving. The undersigned's decision as to M. L.'s credibility remains the same. The evidence fails to demonstrate that Mr. Moore punched students who were misbehaving. O. B. testified that Mr. Moore attempted to hit him once with a broom when he was misbehaving and, at times, hit other students with a broom when they were misbehaving. In considering O. B.'s credibility, the undersigned must include, as a factor, that the students at Renick have behavior problems but that also the students should expect to be treated in accordance with the School Board's established crisis management techniques. O. B. testified that he did not consider J. B. to be a disruptive student; whereas, the evidence presented, regarding J. B., clearly indicates that J. B. is a disruptive student. O. B.'s demeanor and candor, during his testimony, together with his unsupported conclusion that J. B. was not a disruptive student, detracted from the credibility of his testimony. The undersigned does not find O. B.'s testimony convincing. Further, Mr. Calaf testified that, on occasions, he observed Mr. Moore grabbing students in the back and getting rough with them. Mr. Calaf did not testify that he reported his observations to the principal or other person who could exact discipline upon Mr. Moore. Moreover, Mr. Calaf did not testify that what he observed was inappropriate or contrary to the established crisis management training. Consequently, Mr. Calaf's observations cannot be used to support the alleged inappropriate conduct by Mr. Moore. Regarding the specific incident involving J. G. in the Amended Notice of Specific Charges, according to the principal of Renick, Eugenia Smith, she would not have recommended the dismissal of Mr. Moore if it had not been for the incident on December 19, 2002, involving J. G., a middle school student at the time. No dispute exists that the School Board uses progressive discipline. For Ms. Smith, the incident involving J. G. was the incident that triggered the dismissal of Mr. Moore. As a result, this incident is the defining incident for Ms. Smith's decision to recommend dismissal of Mr. Moore and, therefore, if this incident is not proven, the basis for her recommendation of Mr. Moore's dismissal no longer exists. As to the specific incident involving J. G., the witnesses to the incident are J. G., other Renick students in the class, and Mr. Moore. No dispute in the testimony exists that, on December 19, 2002, Mr. Moore and J. G. got into a shouting match and that Mr. Moore never touched J. G. At Renick, J. G. was disruptive in his classes and had had many discipline problems. One psychologist at Renick, Joseph Strasko, described J. G. as physically disruptive and aggressive. Another psychologist at Renick, Theodore Cox, Jr., had observed J. G. engaging in inappropriate behavior. Also, Mr. Strasko described J. G. as a student who would not tell the truth when it was detrimental to him (J. G.); whereas, Mr. Cox had not known J. G. to tell an untruth. As to whether J. G. would tell the truth, the undersigned finds Mr. Strasko to be more credible and, therefore, finds that J. G. will not tell the truth when it is detrimental to him (J. G.). As to what lead to the shouting match, only Mr. Moore was certain as to what happened. The undersigned finds Mr. Moore's testimony credible regarding this aspect of the incident. J. G. was bullying a new student in the class and had physically moved toward the new student. Mr. Moore interceded to stop the bullying by J. G. and to protect the new student, requesting J. G. to take his seat but J. G. refused. Mr. Moore kept himself between J. G. and the new student, thereby, preventing J. G. from advancing upon the new student. What Mr. Moore said during the shouting match is where the testimony differs. However, no dispute exists as to certain aspects of the incident: that J. G. became angry and disrespectful toward Mr. Moore; that J. G. stated to Mr. Moore that, if Mr. Moore put his hands on him, he (J. G.) would bring his father and brother to Renick and they would deal with Mr. Moore; and that J. G. used profanity with Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore denies that he used profanity or disparaging remarks during the incident with J. G. The crisis management expert, Mr. Strasko,2 testified that it is not appropriate for a teacher to shout profanities at a student who is shouting profanities at the teacher; and that a teacher is required to be professional even when students are being disruptive. X. W., a student who was at Renick in the class at the time of the incident on December 19, 2002, testified that Mr. Moore called J. G. a "fat bitch" and called him (X. W.) a "punk." X. W. is J. G.'s cousin. D. J., a student who was at Renick in the class at the time of the incident on December 19, 2002, testified that he did not hear about what J. G. and Mr. Moore were arguing. However, D. J. testified that, when J. G. told Mr. Moore that he (J. G.) was going to bring his (J. G.'s) brother, Mr. Moore told J. G. to bring his brother and that he (Mr. Moore) would "lay him on the ground." O. B. a student who was at Renick in the class at the time of the incident on December 19, 2002, testified that, when J. G. told Mr. Moore that he (J. G.) was going to bring his (J. G.'s) brother, Mr. Moore told J. G. to bring his brother to the store and that they would deal with it then. O. B. further testified that J. G. and Mr. Moore were calling each other gay and other derogatory names. Further, regarding the incident on December 19, 2002, Mr. Calaf did not witness the incident. Mr. Calaf returned to the class after the incident had occurred and observed J. G. crying and Mr. Moore and J. G. shouting at each other. Mr. Calaf did not testify as to what Mr. Moore and J. G. were shouting but did testify that he advised Mr. Moore that he (Mr. Moore) should not shout at students and should always remain professional, not getting on the level of the students. As to J. G.’s being disruptive in the class, Mr. Calaf testified that J. G. was generally disruptive and that usually Mr. Moore could calm J. G. down. The undersigned finds Mr. Calaf's testimony credible. In considering J. G.'s credibility, the aforementioned factors describing J. G. must be considered. In considering X. W.'s credibility, the undersigned must include, as a factor, that the students at Renick have behavior problems but also that teachers are required not to use profanity and to be professional. Further, the undersigned must consider the fact that X. W. is J. G.'s cousin, which was unbeknownst to Ms. Smith. In considering D. J.'s credibility, the undersigned must consider the factor that D. J. complained that Mr. Moore used physical restraint against him in an earlier incident in which the only witnesses were he and Mr. Moore. The incident and D. J.'s credibility are addressed earlier in these findings. In considering O. B.'s credibility, the undersigned must consider that O. B. complained that he observed Mr. Moore hitting students at Renick with a broom. The incident and O. B's credibility are addressed earlier in these findings. In considering Mr. Moore's credibility, the character testimony provided by Mr. Strasko and the character letters provided by Mr. Moore's colleagues must be considered. Mr. Strasko and Mr. Moore's colleagues address, among other things, what they consider the appropriate manner in which Mr. Moore handled students who were having behavior problems. Further, Mr. Moore's length of employment with the School Board, and his aforementioned past performance situations must be considered, including the one documented alleged inappropriate crisis management technique and language used by Mr. Moore in July 1998. Taking all of the aforementioned factors of credibility into consideration, the undersigned finds Mr. Moore's testimony more credible than the students, the character testimony and letters persuasive, and the lack of evidence, as to what was said, by a witness who was not involved in the incident, i.e., Mr. Calaf. Therefore, the undersigned finds that Mr. Moore did not use profanity during the incident of December 19, 2002. Mr. Moore did not report the incident involving J. G. Mr. Moore did not believe that the incident rose to the level that reporting was necessary. Moreover, no physical restraint was used. On May 1, 2003, a conference-for-the-record was held with Mr. Moore by the School Board's Office of Professional Standards (OPS) to review his employment history and future employment with the School Board. Among those in attendance with Mr. Moore were a UTD advocate, Ms. Smith, and the assistant superintendent for the Office of Exceptional Student Education and Student/Career Services. By a summary of the conference- for-the-record, dated June 6, 2003, the conference-for-the record was memoralized. By memorandum dated May 28, 2003, Ms. Smith and the assistant superintendent recommended the dismissal of Mr. Moore. By letter dated August 21, 2003, the School Board notified Mr. Moore that at its meeting on August 20, 2003, it took action to suspend him and initiate dismissal proceedings against him from all employment with it.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order: Finding Algernon J. Moore, Jr. in violation of Counts I and IV in accordance with this Recommended Order. Dismissing Counts II and III. Upholding the suspension of Algernon J. Moore, Jr. Dismissing Algernon J. Moore, Jr. from all employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of December 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 2004.

Florida Laws (6) 1001.321012.221012.33120.569120.57447.209
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 05, 1991 Number: 91-004936 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 1992

The Issue The issue presented is whether Respondent is guilty of the allegations contained in the Notice of Specific Charges filed against him, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him, if any.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been employed by Petitioner as a high school teacher assigned to Miami Norland Senior High School. Respondent holds a continuing contract. Respondent began teaching for the Dade County Public Schools during the 1968-69 school year. During that school year, the annual evaluation form utilized by Petitioner provided that a score of below 3.5 indicated unsatisfactory work. During that, his first year of teaching, Respondent received a score of 3.2 on his annual evaluation. For the next 15 years thereafter, Respondent was rated as being acceptable on his annual evaluations for each and every year. During the 1984 summer session, an incident occurred between Respondent and one of his students. As a result of Petitioner's investigation into the allegation that Respondent had committed a battery on that student, conferences were held between Respondent and administrative personnel. Respondent requested a leave of absence for the 1984-85 school year due to personal reasons, and his request for leave of absence was granted. Respondent was required, however, to undergo a psychological evaluation prior to returning to his duties as a classroom teacher. During that school year while Respondent was on leave of absence, he was evaluated by Dr. Gail D. Wainger, a psychiatrist to whom he was referred by Petitioner. Respondent thereafter saw Dr. Albert C. Jaslow, a private psychiatrist, on two occasions. Dr. Jaslow submitted two reports which contained, inter alia, a recommendation that Respondent be transferred to a different school. Dr. Wainger reviewed Dr. Jaslow's reports and her own earlier report and, on May 21, 1985, submitted a report to Petitioner stating, inter alia, that there was no barrier to Respondent's being reinstated into active teaching. Based upon that evaluation, Petitioner permitted Respondent to return to the same teaching position previously held by him for the 1985-86 school year. At the conclusion of that school year, Respondent was rated as being acceptable on his annual evaluation. Respondent again received acceptable annual evaluations for the following two years, i.e., the 1986-87 and the 1987- 88 school years. On his annual evaluation for the 1988-89 school year Respondent was rated as being unacceptable in the area of classroom management, one of the six categories of classroom performance. Pursuant to the rules governing the TADS evaluation system, a rating of unacceptable in any of the categories covered by the annual evaluation instrument requires an overall rating of unacceptable. On his annual evaluation for the 1989-90 school year Respondent was rated as being acceptable in all six categories of classroom performance, including the area of classroom management. It was specifically noted on his annual evaluation form that Respondent had performed satisfactorily during both of the official observations made of his classroom performance. However, Respondent was rated as unacceptable in the non-classroom category entitled professional responsibility. That rating of unacceptable in that one category required that Respondent's overall rating be unacceptable. The basis for the unacceptable rating in the area of professional responsibility involved the determination that Respondent had been disrespectful to students on two separate occasions. On April 16, 1990, one of Respondent's students called another of his students who had an unusual skin pigmentation condition "two-toned." Respondent immediately told the offending student, "do not call the girl two-toned." A conference for the record was conducted with Respondent on April 30, 1990, and Respondent was given a supervisory referral to the Employee Assistance Program. During the week of May 7, 1990, one of Respondent's students was being verbally abusive to the other students, and Respondent told him to stop. That student thereupon began being verbally abusive toward Respondent and using profanity. Respondent then said to that student, "you should talk. You look like Mr. Spock from Star Trek." A conference for the record was conducted with Respondent, and he was issued a formal reprimand. The summary of the conference for the record dated June 1, 1990, prepared by the principal of Miami Norland Senior High School states that the student involved has physically-deformed ears. On his annual evaluation for the 1990-91 school year Respondent was rated as being unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instruction, and professional responsibility. Accordingly, he received an overall evaluation of unacceptable. During the 1990-91 school year there were no reported incidents of Respondent allegedly making disrespectful remarks to students. That basis for being rated unacceptable in the area of professional responsibility during the prior academic year was cured. The rating of unacceptable in the area of classroom management was based upon a number of observations of Respondent during the school year wherein the observers noted a lack of control in the classroom, Respondent's failure or inability to re-direct students who were off-task, Respondent's failure or inability to enforce classroom rules, and Respondent's failure or inability to deal with students who were tardy in coming to his class. As to his techniques of instruction, observers during that school year noted that Respondent was teaching from sub-standard books (without noting whether that was a matter within Respondent's control), that the students were confused by Respondent's directions on several occasions, that the students did not understand the lessons being taught, and that on several occasions Respondent made errors in math when writing examples on the board. Some of the observers also noted that Respondent spent too much time on some of the lessons that he was teaching. Numerous prescriptions were given to Respondent during that school year to improve his instruction and to manage his classroom, such as reading sections of the TADS manual and observing other teachers. Respondent complied with each and every prescription given to him. As to being unacceptable in the area of professional responsibility, Respondent failed to properly maintain student folders reflecting their work to justify grades being given to the students, and there were errors in Respondent's gradebook. It also became apparent that Respondent was not making parental contact for students that were performing unsatisfactorily. By March of the 1990-91 school year Respondent was directed in writing to make parental contact as required by Dade County Public School policy. By memorandum dated June 3, 1991, Respondent was notified that he was required to produce within 48 hours a complete up-to-date gradebook, a parent contact log substantiating parent contacts for the entire school year, and all student folders substantiating Respondent's gradebook. He was advised that if he did not do so, he would receive an unsatisfactory rating in the area of professional responsibility. The principal and assistant principal understood the directive to mean that Respondent must produce those documents by noon on June 6, and Respondent understood the directive to mean that he was to produce the documents on June 6. At noon, the principal was not available to Respondent. Respondent did produce many of the documents later that day. There was, of course, no parental log for the entire year since one did not exist. At the end of the 1990-91 school year a recommendation for dismissal was made. Based upon that recommendation, the School Board of Dade County, Florida, suspended Respondent from his employment effective at the close of the workday on July 25, 1991, for incompetency and gross insubordination. In 1984 Respondent filed a grievance against Assistant Principal Wessel and Principal Fowler at Miami Norland Senior High School. The subject of the grievance was that Assistant Principal Wessel had in a loud voice and in a demeaning manner criticized Respondent's lesson plans in front of other teachers, staff and students. The grievance was also filed against Principal Fowler to enlist his assistance in making Wessel refrain from repeated conduct of that nature. The Union considered the grievance to be valid and processed it through the grievance procedures. Thereafter, Respondent was advised by Fowler and Wessel that he had made a big mistake and he would be sorry for having filed that grievance. Respondent began to believe that he had lost the support of the administration and that his job was in jeopardy. When Respondent returned to his teaching duties after his leave of absence during the 1984-85 school year he was moved to a classroom directly across from the main office. Respondent considered that action to be demeaning. He still achieved acceptable evaluations for that year and the following year. During the next school year, in the middle of February, the administration moved Respondent to an old metal shop room and gave his classroom to a new teacher. He still achieved an acceptable annual evaluation that year. For the following school year the administrators assigned Respondent to teach five low-level math classes using five different classrooms. For the last three years of his teaching career, the ones during which he received unacceptable ratings in different categories, Respondent was required to teach all low-level math classes. Although administrative personnel testified that some teachers like low-level classes, Respondent repeatedly made it clear that he did not want that assignment. Further, there is a specific contract provision between the Dade County Schools and the teachers' union prohibiting teachers from being locked into low-level classes year after year, as Respondent was. During the last several years while Respondent was achieving unsatisfactory ratings in some categories, while he was being switched from classroom to classroom, and while he was being required to teach only low-level classes year after year, the administrative staff actively undermined Respondent's authority and demeaned him in front of students and other teachers. They told teachers and students that they were trying to get rid of Respondent and that Respondent was a bad teacher. When Respondent referred disruptive students to the office, the administrative staff laughed or simply refused to take any follow-up action. On one occasion when Respondent referred a student to the office for throwing an eraser at another student, an assistant principal told the misbehaving student that he should have thrown the eraser at Respondent instead. Respondent "lost face" around the school. It became known that the students could misbehave in Respondent's classes with impunity. Even the students understood that Respondent was assigned only the most difficult of students. Although there was a new principal at Miami Norland Senior High School during Respondent's last year of teaching, the new principal, coincidentally, had been the principal for the 1984 summer session at Parkway Junior High School where Respondent had been involved in an incident with a student prior to taking his year's leave of absence from teaching. Under the new principal's administration, Respondent was retained in his assignment of five low-level math classes and was moved to the classroom directly across from the office. No evidence was offered that the new principal understood that efforts had been made to keep Respondent's authority undermined and to make him quit. It is clear, however, that no steps were taken to stop or reverse the damage to Respondent's reputation and ability to teach. In response to Respondent's referral to the Employee Assistance Program, Respondent did make the contact required of him. In fact, there were numerous contacts between Respondent and the personnel involved in that program. Additionally, Respondent was seen by Dr. Goldin, a mental health professional, on four occasions between April and June of 1990. Between June and September of 1990, he also saw an associate of Dr. Goldin eight times in individual sessions and four times in joint sessions with his wife. Respondent repeatedly requested transfers from his teaching assignment at Miami Norland Senior High School. Some of the requests were made to his principals and some of them were sent to the Office of Professional Standards. From the time that Respondent returned to his teaching duties after his leave of absence during the 1984-85 school year, he requested transfers each and every year. He requested a transfer at least twice during his last year of teaching. Some of the requests for transfer were hardship requests and others were normal requests. Additionally, both Dr. Jaslow in 1985 and Dr. Goldin in 1990 recommended to the Office of Professional Standards that Respondent be transferred to a different school. All requests for transfer were ignored. During the last years of Respondent's teaching career, in addition to the stress placed upon him by the administrative staff's efforts to undermine and ridicule him, he experienced additional stress as a result of his wife's serious illness. He told a number of the administrative staff about the problem at home. The difficulty under which that placed him was part of the reason for the referral to the Employee Assistance Program. During those last years, during conferences with administrative staff regarding his performance, Respondent exhibited anxiety and showed signs of stress. He accused the administration of undermining him and of treating him unfairly. He even attributed some of the problems he was experiencing in the classroom to the administrators. Their reaction to Respondent's accusations was to accuse Respondent of being paranoid.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered suspending Respondent without pay for the 1990-91 school year and reinstating him as a full-time classroom teacher thereafter at a school other than Miami Norland Senior High School. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of January, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of January, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER DOAH CASE NO. 91-4936 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 1, 4, 33, 35-37, 65, 67, 68, 72, and 74 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 2, 3, 8, 11, 19, 32, 38, 58, 71, 75, and 77 have been rejected as not being supported by the weight of the credible evidence in this cause. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 5-7, 9, 10, 12-18, 20-31, 39-57, 59-64, 66, 69, 70, 73, and 76 have been rejected as being unnecessary in determining the issues involved in this proceeding. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact numbered 34 has been rejected as being contrary to the weight of the evidence in this cause. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 1, 4-11, 13, and 14 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 2, 3, 12, and 15 have been rejected as not constituting findings of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel, conclusions of law, or recitation of the testimony. Copies furnished: Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Octavio J. Visiedo Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33132 William Du Fresne, Esquire Du Fresne and Bradley, P.A. 2929 S.W. Third Avenue, Suite One Miami, Florida 33129

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Jun. 12, 1990 Number: 90-003623 Latest Update: May 14, 1991

The Issue The issues in this case concern whether the Petitioner, School Board of Bay County, should terminate the Respondent from his position of employment and his status as a continuing contract teacher for allegedly committing "misconduct in office."

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Robert Wayne Davidson, has been employed by the School Board of Bay County since 1983. Respondent obtained a continuing contract with the County School Board in accordance with terms of Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, approximately one year after his first employment. He has worked in various instructional positions at Rosenwald Middle School since becoming employed by the Bay County School Board. He has received an extra salary supplement for being a team leader, a position with supervision over other teachers, has served as the chairperson of the English Department at Rosenwald Middle School, and has worked in many voluntary extracurricular activities. The Respondent has received above satisfactory performance evaluations since his employment with the School Board. During the 1989-90 school year the Respondent taught an alternative program known as P.A.S.S. The P.A.S.S. or P.A.S.S. Program is designed to help students who have been retained, and who may be experiencing academic or emotional problems, or both. Having never taught in that program, the Respondent initially took a lenient approach to both his teaching and his classroom management. Sometime during the middle of November 1989, however, he recognized that some students were taking advantage of the less structured classroom atmosphere to the detriment of their own and classmates' academic and social progress. Consequently, Mr. Davidson sought advice from a colleague who recommended that he employ a more tightly structured class program and procedure. He was advised to maintain discipline and keep the students busy. He implemented these changes, and some students did not thereafter perform as well and rebelled against the imposition of more structure and discipline. Students in the alternative program P.A.S.S. could either be "mainstreamed" or "promoted" in accordance with their academic progress in that program. Sixth grade students in the P.A.S.S. Program could be promoted midyear to the seventh grade under certain exceptional circumstances with a strong recommendation from the classroom teacher. Seventh and eighth grade students could not be promoted midyear, but could be promoted for two years at the end of the school year in the P.A.S.S. Program. According to Ida Conner, the current P.A.S.S. teacher at Rosenwald Middle School, it would be unusual for a student to be promoted midyear and virtually impossible without the recommendation of that student's primary teacher. Soon after the imposition of more structure and discipline on his P.A.S.S. students, two students, April Holland and Theresa Cooley, initiated complaints against the Respondent immediately prior to the Christmas holidays in 1989. They were seventh grade students and both Theresa Cooley and April Holland had started off the year successfully. They initially performed well in the Respondent's classes. With the changes the Respondent imposed regarding structure and discipline in November 1989, which required more accountability of the students, Theresa and April began to receive "zeros" for failing to turn in work, so much so that at the time the Respondent was suspended from his duties both April and Theresa had enough zero grades for simply failing to turn in required work that their earlier A averages had declined to "Cs or Ds." Those two students never completed the missed assignments, and informed the Respondent that they had no intent to complete the assigned work. On January 11, 1990, the Respondent was suspended from Rosenwald Middle School. The two primary complaining students were Theresa Cooley and April Holland. Shortly thereafter they were promoted in midyear without the recommendation of the Respondent. For unknown reasons these students were offered the unique opportunity, unlike any other seventh grade students, to take a test in order to determine eligibility for midyear promotion. On the day of Halloween in the fall of 1989, teachers and students alike at Rosenwald School dressed in costume. The Respondent dressed in costume and wore a "Freddie Kruger" mask to jokingly frighten students. Respondent stood behind the door and grabbed students by the shoulder and shouted "boo" as they entered the room. Most of the students viewed the behavior as in a spirit of fun and were not embarrassed or scared by his actions. It was only in late December that Theresa Cooley and April Holland first indicated that they were allegedly upset by the Respondent's actions. Prior to that time not one student, including those two girls, ever complained about the incident. Indeed, Theresa Cooley even asked to borrow the mask on that occasion. April Holland testified that the Respondent hugged her from "the side" during this incident. Theresa Cooley also testified that the Respondent "sort of like" hugged April. Another student, Amy Sims, stated she had never observed the Respondent touch another student, or make any advances which could be construed as sexual advances. At the hearing, Theresa Cooley in her testimony impugned her earlier claim that the Respondent had attempted to touch her improperly with his tongue. Theresa confirmed that she had also discussed her testimony as to this issue with her cohort, April Holland, prior to the hearing. Indeed, at hearing, Theresa could not with specificity state when or where the incident allegedly occurred. She reported that when she and April discussed the matter, she thought she said it occurred in the classroom, but April believed that she had said it occurred in the lunchroom. Significantly, not one other student observed the alleged misconduct either in the classroom or the lunchroom on Halloween, or any other day for that matter. Finally, Theresa admitted that the Respondent did not say anything "out of the way" on Halloween, and that she borrowed the mask on that same day. According to the Respondent, one day during Study Hall, April Holland asked him if he ever had "dirty thoughts" about his students. Mr. Davidson responded that to do so would make him a "dirty old man." His only comment was directed toward thoughts of disciplining certain students. The inherit inconsistencies in the testimonies of Theresa and April on this issue result in that testimony being insufficient to establish their claim as it relates to the factual conduct and legal violation with which the Respondent is charged. Although the students reviewed one another's statement immediately prior to testifying by their own admission, neither could recall when the incident allegedly occurred and who may have been present. According to April, the incident in all likelihood occurred in Amy Sims' presence. Amy Sims, however, did not corroborate this claim in any way. So too, Theresa Cooley stated that the incident may have occurred in class. However, no other student confirmed the incident in any way. The testimony regarding allegations that Respondent made sexually suggestive remarks and offensive gestures is equally unreliable. Theresa Cooley and April Holland referred to an incident involving another student who did not testify at hearing. They alleged that the Respondent directed the student named "Brandy" not to sit on a desk because he was "going through a divorce and like sex eight to ten times a week." Theresa Cooley and April Holland testified essentially exactly the same regarding this alleged incident. These statements were supposedly made in the classroom in the presence of the entire class. Amy Sims, another witness for the Petitioner, was initially called to corroborate Theresa and April's claims. On cross- examination, however, she admitted that her statement on direct examination was false and that in fact Mr. Davidson did not make the statement as alleged by Theresa and April. The most plausible explanation was proffered by the Respondent who stated that he informed Brandy that the manner in which she was seated was not ladylike. Upon making this statement, he observed a student giving him "the bird" and responded to that student that the gesture did not bother him because he was use to getting it eight to ten times a week. Students Mike Everett, Mike Nobles, Rayfus Williams, Jack Pardue, Katrina Harris, and Marlena Bullock all testified that they never heard the Respondent make any inappropriate or sexually suggestive remarks during class. None of these students received any promise of or derived any actual benefit by their testimony. Also, the testimonies of April and Theresa are not credible as they relate to allegations that the Respondent made other improper comments and gestures. Respondent indicated that the same students first initiated a discussion of "three on one," apparently part of a discussion in slang terms of certain sexual activity. Later, in an attempt to chastise them for their conduct, he rebuked them while seated at his desk in his classroom during the school day. The Respondent did not make the comment as alleged by April and Theresa. No other witnesses corroborated these allegations. Moreover, it is extremely unlikely that the Respondent would have made such comments when the alleged incident was said to have occurred during regular school hours when students and adults could have been present at any time. Finally, none of these students reported the alleged incident at the time, but rather waited until December to make the allegations known. Teachers and students alike testified as to April's and Theresa's reputations for credibility in their school community. Both girls do not have good reputations for telling the truth, especially as viewed by fellow classmates. The Respondent, on the other hand, was considered by his former supervisor and colleagues to have an excellent reputation for telling the truth. When coupled with the testimony relative to the girls' reputations in the school for being untruthful, the inherent inconsistencies of their statements, their own admissions that at times their stories were not accurate and, finally, the improbability of the assertions as compared with undisputed facts, the most favorable inferences rest in favor of the Respondent. Certain students allege that the Respondent used derogatory language in oral and written form in referring to Assistant Principal Carol Love. Hereto, the inconsistencies in the stories of April and Theresa undermine their reliability. Kim White, another student who testified that the Respondent made these statements, admitted on cross-examination that the allegations were untrue. Indeed, she acknowledged that in fact that another student, Jennifer Schiedel, was responsible for writing the "swear words" on the board. The Respondent acknowledged that the words had been written on the board, but that he had no knowledge who wrote them, and upon seeing the words he erased them without comment. More importantly, many other students from almost all of the Respondent's classes testified that the Respondent did not use derogatory language in addressing the students and testified that this type of behavior would be inconsistent with the conduct and decorum he normally presented to them in class. Concerning the other allegations, the Respondent has no knowledge of them and his testimony is credited in light of the discrepancies in testimony and the questions of creditability raised as to some of the Petitioner's witnesses. The Respondent received better than satisfactory evaluations since his employment with the School Board of Bay County. His former principal and colleagues testified that he was an effective and dedicated teacher. Further, his students referred to him as a caring and conscientious teacher. There is no testimony presented by the Petitioner regarding any lack of effectiveness in the classroom.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the evidence of record, and the candor demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the School Board of Bay County finding that the Petitioner failed to establish any ground for the dismissal of the Respondent from his continuing contract status and from his position as teacher pursuant to Section 231.36, Florida Statutes; that the charges filed by the Superintendent should be denied and dismissed; that the Respondent should be reinstated to his position of employment on continuing contract status; that the Respondent should be made whole for economic and other measurable losses caused by the action of the Superintendent and the Board, including but not limited to payment to him of the amount of his full back pay and attendant benefits withheld from the date of his suspension without pay to the date of his effective reinstatement, plus interest thereon and reimbursement of all other economic losses directly resulting from his suspension without pay; that the Respondent has duly requested and is entitled to a hearing to determine entitlement and amount of the costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in defense of this action by the Board; and that by its Final Order, the Board should award attorney's fees and costs or, should agreement not be reached, should reserve jurisdiction on the issue of attorney's fees and costs and should remand the matter for the above-referenced determination on those issues by a Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 14th day of May 1991. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May 1991 APPENDIX Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as not being a finding of fact, but rather resuscitation of the factual allegations of the charging complaint. Rejected as immaterial to a resolution of the disputed issues from this de novo proceeding. It is not material to a decision concerning whether or not the conduct occurred and whether it constituted misconduct in office that the Superintendent, Mr. Simonson, recommended that the Board uphold the Respondent's suspension and dismiss him as an employee. His recommendation has no weight in this de novo proceeding. Rejected as not supported by the preponderance of evidence of record, much less clear and convincing evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record and as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Rejected as not supported by the preponderant credible evidence of record. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Copies furnished to: William G. Harrison, Jr., Esq. 304 Magnolia Avenue P. O. Drawer 1579 Panama City, FL 32401 Pamela F. Cooper, Esquire 325 John Knox Road Building L, Suite 101 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Mr. Jack W. Simonson, Superintendent Bay County School Board P. O. Drawer 820 Panama City, Florida 32402 Hon. Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 Sydney H. McKenzie, Esquire The Capitol, PL-08 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 120.57448.0857.041 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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