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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 08, 1991 Number: 91-004177 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 1992

The Issue On June 7, 1991 the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) released its intent to issue Permit No. DC05-194008, authorizing Florida Cities Water Company (FCWC) to construct a 300-acre restricted public access spray irrigation system for the land application of treated domestic wastewater (Sprayfield Permit). And, on August 6, 1991 DER released its intent to issue Permit No. MS05-194894, relating to stormwater management and management and storage of surface waters (MSSW Permit) for the sprayfield site. Petitioners Brevard Groves, Inc. and H & S Groves, Inc. (Groves), Parrish Properties, Inc., Parrish Management, Inc. (Parrishes), Atico Financial Corp. (Atico) and David and Eleanor Shreve (Shreve), each requested a formal administrative hearing challenging the issuance of the sprayfield permit. Groves requested a hearing challenging the issuance of the MSSW Permit. The ultimate issue is whether FCWC is entitled to these permits.

Findings Of Fact FCWC is a private utility company, with headquarters at 4837 Swift Road, Suite 100, Sarasota, Florida, 34231. FCWC's Barefoot Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant (the WWTP) provides water and wastewater service to the Barefoot Bay development in southern Brevard County, Florida. DER, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2900, is an agency of the State of Florida which regulates domestic wastewater treatment and disposal facilities and permits their construction and operation. For domestic wastewater projects, DER is also charged with reviewing applications for stormwater management and management and storage of surface water pursuant to an operating agreement between DER and St. Johns River Water Management District. David and Eleanor Shreve are beekeepers who live approximately a quarter-mile from the proposed sprayfield. They maintain beehives in the groves and woods surrounding the proposed site. The remaining Petitioners own citrus groves that are adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed site. These groves are producing and are actively maintained. The WWTP has a treatment capacity of 0.9 million gallons per day (MGD). As of July, 1990, the WTTP was treating and disposing of effluent from approximately 4,200 residences in the Barefoot Bay development. At buildout, within the five-year life of the Sprayfield Permit, the WWTP will serve 5,000 residents, and will generate approximately 0.6 MGD of wastewater. Disposal of treated effluent is presently achieved by a 40-acre sprayfield, storage ponds and direct discharge of pond overflow to the San Sebastian Drainage District Canal (Canal). In 1986, DER issued FCWC a warning notice to the WWTP regarding an unlawful discharge to the Canal. FCWC met with DER to discuss options to correct the discharge. In 1988, FCWC entered a Consent Order that would allow FCWC to discharge treated effluent into the Canal until a deep injection well could be built for alternative disposal. FCWC also discussed other alternatives with DER, such as golf course irrigation. The Consent Order was amended in 1991 to provide for land application in lieu of deep injection. In accordance with the amended Consent Order, FCWC has submitted monthly monitoring reports to DER, for the WWTP and for the storage (percolation) ponds. DER has never issued a notice of violation to FCWC for failure to comply with monitoring in the Consent Order. The Site The proposed sprayfield site is divided into two large tracts, the "northern parcel" and the "southern parcel." The site is primarily citrus groves. Although some citrus trees were damaged by a freeze in recent years, most are still viable. Most of the areas between the trees and limited areas without trees are covered with dense grasses and weeds. The site, and the surrounding groves, have been significantly altered to provide sufficient drainage for citrus trees, which require well-drained conditions. The area is covered by shallow ditches (swales), between mounded rows of earth comprising beds for the trees. These citrus mounds, created by soil cast up during excavation of the swales, occur on 60-foot centers and rise 2 1/2-3 feet above the bottom of the swales. The swales have pipes at each end, which discharge into an agricultural collection ditch or the Canal. Each block of citrus is surrounded by a collection ditch some 8-10 feet deep. All collection ditches ultimately discharge into the Canal, which borders the site on the north and is approximately 20 feet deep and 100 feet wide. The collection ditches and Canal prevent the entrance of offsite surface water run- off into the site and receive surface water run-off and groundwater seepage from the site. The Sprayfield Project The project is proposed in two phases. Phase I meets total annual effluent disposal needs of 0.55 MGD, using both the proposed sprayfield and the existing 40-acre sprayfield, which will continue in operation for both phases of the project. Phase II meets the total annual effluent disposal needs of 0.6 MGD at build-out. This results in an average annual application rate of 0.54 inch/week or approximately 28 inches per year on the proposed sprayfield. The project is designed to eliminate the current discharge to the Canal. The effluent will be given secondary treatment with basic disinfection. The treated effluent will be pumped from the WWTP to storage ponds and then to the proposed sprayfield. The existing ponds will be retrofitted as storage ponds for Phase I. An additional storage pond will be constructed at the proposed sprayfield for Phase II. The spray irrigation system will operate primarily with four traveling gun sprinklers. Two sets of fixed-head sprinklers will also be used for the two small triangular portions of the site. The traveling sprinklers will be operated for approximately 5.9 hours/day during Phase I and 6.5 hours during Phase II. The four traveling sprinklers will run simultaneously on four of the thirty-three travel lanes (tracks) located between the swales covering the site. Ordinarily each track will be sprayed every eighth day. To make up for days when irrigation is not possible, additional disposal capacity can be obtained by operating the sprinklers for extra shifts on tracks not previously irrigated that day. The site will be mowed regularly, and any accumulated grasses or debris will be removed. Any areas presently in weeds, or the areas not covered by vegetation are reasonably expected to fill in with dense grasses when irrigation commences. Maintaining the grass cover in the swales will prevent erosion of soil and debris into the swales and reduce the need for maintenance of clogged swale outlet pipes. The system is designed and will be operated to avoid ponding or direct surface run-off of sprayed treated effluent. However, there may be some very limited potential for droplets of treated effluent clinging to vegetation being washed into the swales by a heavy storm event immediately following an application. Therefore, the sprinklers will not be operated when the water table is closer than four inches from the bottom of the swales. Operators will know when to spray by reading automatic groundwater elevation monitoring gauges installed in several places throughout each block of citrus, including the middle. In addition, an automatic device will shut off sprinklers during a rainfall, so that no significant amount of treated effluent will leave the site mixed with stormwater. The site is bordered on three sides by groves and on one side by undeveloped vacant land. The width of the proposed buffer zone from the sprayfield wetted area to the site property line is at least 100 feet, as required in Rule 17-610.421(2), F.A.C., and is substantially wider for extensive lengths of the project border. The buffer is approximately 130 ft. wide on the eastern boundary of the northern parcel, approximately 250 to 235 ft. wide on the western boundary of the northern parcel, and approximately 225 to 160 ft. on the western border of the southern parcel. The distance between the wetted area and adjacent property owners' boundaries is much greater than 100 ft. for other portions of the sprayfield borders due to linear features that provide additional buffering. It is over 200 ft. from the wetted area to the nearest property owner on the northern border of the northern parcel because of the San Sebastian Canal, and 160 ft. on the southern border of the northern parcel and the southern and eastern borders of the southern parcel because of the 60-foot wide Micco Road right-of-way. Aerosal Drift and Other Off-Site Impacts While Petitioners allege that their groves would be contaminated by aerosol drift from the site, they presented no expert or other competent, substantial evidence on the extent or volume of such drift. FCWC air modelling expert, Dr. Robert Sholtes, used the EPA Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC), the most commonly used predictive model in the air pollution community, to evaluate the project's aerosol drift. While the sprinklers are planned to be operated a maximum 6.5-hour shift, a conservative 7.0-hour shift was used. Other data inputs to the ISC Model were hourly windspeeds at the Daytona Beach weather station for five years; sprinkler nozzle size and pressure; and droplet size, distribution and settling rates obtained from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. The model yielded the annual average deposition of sprayed effluent in grams per square meter (gm/m2) outside the wetted area for one sprinkler as it moves along its track. The accumulated deposition off the site property line, considering operation of all tracks, can be predicted using these results. Because heavy deposition of droplets settles out fairly rapidly, the aerosol from tracks farther into the site does not significantly affect the maximum impact shown for one track. Due to the prevailing east and west coastal winds, heaviest deposition will occur off the eastern and western property line of the site. The volume of treated effluent that will be blown offsite is not substantial. The greatest volume is approximately 1000 millimeters/square meter/year (ml/m2/yr) off the eastern property line out to approximately 50-75 feet, and 500 ml/m2/yr off the western property line out to approximately 75 feet. A maximum of 100 ml/m2/yr is predicted and a maximum of 50 ml/m2/yr is predicted off the southern and northern lines, respectively. In practice, volumes of aerosol drift off-site will be below the predicted levels in areas where trees occur in the buffers. Most significantly, there are existing rows of citrus trees along the eastern border of the northern parcel within the buffer area, which is the area of heaviest predicted drift. In addition, aerosol drift will be minimized by operating procedures. Wind speed and direction will be monitored at the site. If the wind is over 20 miles per hour, there will be no spraying. For winds of lesser speeds, the spray tracks on the edges of the sprayfield will not be used during a strong directional wind, e.g., for a wind blowing east, the track on the eastern border will not be utilized. The tracks are on approximately 240-foot centers. Therefore, elimination of spraying for the track on the edge of the site will have the effect of withdrawing the aerosol drift deposition pattern 240 feet further into the sprayfield. Considering that the farthest extent of the maximum 1000 ml/m2/yr levels of drift is 75 feet, such a program will be very effective in minimizing drift. Because no motors will be required to operate the site, significant noise is not expected. The treated effluent will not contain significant amounts of odor-causing constituents, and odors are not expected. Finally, lighting is not planned on the proposed sprayfield, so this is not expected to be a source of offsite impact. Assurances for Proposed Application Rate A determination of the site's ability to accept treated effluent at the maximum proposed application rate of 0.54 inch/week without adverse effects was based on (1) the hydraulic loading capacity of the site to receive the applied water, considering soil permeability and other physical site conditions, and (2) the allowable nitrogen loading rate, considering the ability of the vegetation to uptake the nitrogen contained in the treated effluent. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes a general manual for technical assistance in designing land application systems across the United States. This manual, "Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater - Process Design Manual" (EPA Manual), is cited as a general technical guidance source in DER Rule 17- 610.300(4), F.A.C. The EPA Manual contains formulae for the calculation of both the hydraulic loading capacity and the allowable nitrogen loading rate. The EPA Manual recommends use of the more restrictive of the hydraulic loading capacity or the allowable nitrogen loading rate as the hydraulic loading rate for the project. Hydraulic Loading Capacity. A hydraulic loading capacity of 0.63 inch/week for the proposed sprayfield was determined based on field exploration, laboratory testing, hydrogeological conditions and engineering evaluation, summarized in a report included in the application. This 0.63 inch/week hydraulic loading capacity is above the maximum proposed application rate of 0.54 inch/week and substantially below the maximum rate of 2 inches/week allowed by DER Rule 17-610.423(4), F.A.C. EPA Equation 4-3 for hydraulic loading capacity balances the volume of water that enters the site with the volume of water that leaves the site. Values in Equation 4-3 are evapotranspiration, which is the water released to the atmosphere from soil surfaces and by vegetation (ET); precipitation rate (rainfall); and Pw, which is water removed by vertical percolation downward through the soils. Due to the high vertical permeabilities of the sandy soils at this site, unrefined use of EPA Equation 4-3 would give a very high hydraulic loading capacity for this project, on the order of 10 times that proposed by FCWC. Therefore, a more detailed input/output water balance formula was used to determine annual hydraulic loading capacity (applied effluent in the formula) of 0.63 inch/week: rainfall + applied effluent + groundwater inflow = evapotranspiration, + groundwater outflow + surface run-off + evaporation + irrigation losses. The average annual rainfall, based on data from the U.S. NOAA weather station at Melbourne, is 48.17 inches. Due to the isolating effect of the deep ditches surrounding the site, groundwater inflow is considered to be so negligible that it was not assigned a value for the equation. ET, based on standard scientific references, is 45 inches/year for citrus trees. An additional 20 inches/year loss is attributable to grasses covering soil surfaces. In lieu of vertical percolation, groundwater outflow laterally through the surficial aquifer was projected to be 1.8 inches per year, based on hydraulic conductivity and soil permeabilities for the site. Surface run-off of stormwater was estimated to be 10 inches per year. Irrigation losses were estimated at 15% of the amount of applied effluent. Pond Storage Capacity. The proposed application rates for the two phases of the project are annual averages. The volume of storage needed for occasions when conditions preclude application must be determined. DER requires the calculation of storage by analytical means for the 10-year rainfall recurrence interval, using 20 years of rainfall data, and accounting for all water inputs on a monthly basis, using site-specific data. A minimum storage volume equal to three days application is required. Rule 17-610.414 (2), F.A.C. Calculations presented in the application met these requirements and showed storage needs of 8.08 million gallons (MG), or approximately 15 application days' volume, for Phase I; and 15 MG, or 25 application days for Phase II. Additional storage calculations, reflecting the monthly variations of wastewater inflow due to the seasonal population, were prepared for Phase I. These calculations reflected the same storage requirements. Petitioners' Allegations Regarding Application Rate and Storage Although they had prepared no analyses, performed no calculations, conducted no laboratory tests and undertaken only one field test (test hole for groundwater level), Petitioners' witnesses asserted that site conditions precluded successful operation of the sprayfield at the maximum proposed application rate of 0.54 inch/week. They asserted that swale pipes would plug and a clay "hardpan" at the bottom of the swales would prohibit percolation of stormwater. Thus, the swales would be full of water for long periods and further application would be precluded. They also asserted that significant volumes of treated effluent would leave the site as run-off. They alleged treated effluent would enter the swales directly from accumulation of spray and indirectly from seepage from the sides of the citrus mounds. Finally, Petitioners asserted 15 days of storage was inadequate because the site would be too wet for application for at least a month. FCWC presented testimony and evidence based on site reviews, numerous field and laboratory tests, computer modelling, and calculations that successfully refuted these allegations. Petitioners' expert in grove management and local soil conditions, Mr. Burnette, stated that extremely wet conditions required pumping of swales for weeks at a time in nearby groves. FCWC's experts asserted that the proposed sprayfield site currently has, and will continue to have, under proper maintenance, much better drainage than Mr. Burnette's groves, where regular grading of swale inverts and herbicide applications denude soil and cause erosion which plugs pipes and backs up water in the swales. In addition, unlike the situation described in Burnette's groves, the proposed site contains no swales that are lower in elevation than the collection ditches, thereby facilitating stormwater run-off. The top layer of soil comprising the citrus mounds and the swales is relatively clean sand. Petitioners' so-called "hardpan" is a slightly clayey to clayey fine sand layer which separates the upper sand from a thick layer of very clean, beach-type sand. FCWC geotechnical experts determined the clayey sand layer was 18 to 24 inches below the bottom of the swales. Without any field testing, Petitioners' expert hydrogeologist, Mr. Oros, asserted that the clayey sand layer was at the bottom of the swales. In contrast, Mr. Burnette stated that the clayey sand layer occurs four to eight inches below the bottom of the swales on the adjoining groves, where the graded swales are 10 to 14 inches deeper than the shallow swales on the proposed sprayfield site. Thus, Mr. Burnette's testimony supports the FCWC conclusion that this layer is found up to 2 feet below the swales on the proposed site. Moreover, contrary to Petitioners' assertions that the layer acts as a "hardpan", water can pass relatively freely through it and the water table will not "perch" above it. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (SCS) reports a permeability value for this soil type of one to 12 feet per day. Dr. John Garlanger, FCWC expert in subsurface investigation and soil mechanics, conducted a field inspection of the soil and reviewed grain size distribution analyses. He determined that the permeability of the clayey sand layer is about one foot of water per day. Petitioners' expert hydrogeologist concurred that the layer could have this permeability rate. Soil is at the "wilting point" when its water content is too low for plants to transpire additional water. Soil is at "field capacity" when added water "fills up" the soil and it becomes saturated. The "water table" is the level at which the soil is totally saturated. Petitioners erroneously assert that 90% of the 0.54 inch of treated effluent will travel straight down to the water table. Instead, due to capillary action, the first foot of the sandy soil at the site can store about 0.6 inch of water between the wilting point and field capacity. If there is no rain between applications, 100% of the 0.54 inch will be transpired by vegetation out of the first foot of soil. This "resets" the soil moisture content to the wilting point in preparation for another application. If heavy rains cause the soil to remain at field capacity rather than returning to the wilting point through ET, the soil can still absorb up to 2.25 inches of water per foot, or three-fourths to one inch of water per four inches of soil, before it reaches saturation. Therefore, even if the soil is saturated up to 4 inches below the swales, the top 4 inches of soil will still absorb the 0.54 inch of treated effluent without reaching total saturation or causing any run-off. If subsequent heavy rains saturate the remaining soil and raise the water table to the bottom of the swales, the excess rainwater which falls on the saturated surface will run off as stormwater, and most of the treated effluent will remain stored within the soil. Furthermore, because the water table is proposed to be measured at centers of the blocks where, due to distance from the drainage ditches, the water table is closest to the surface, soil storage capacity across the site will exceed these projected levels. Petitioners' experts also asserted that if it rains after the 0.54 inch application, the groundwater will "mound" up below the citrus mounds, creating a hydraulic gradient or head differential (between the water table under the citrus mounds and the water table below the swales) sufficiently great to cause the treated effluent in the mound to flow toward the swales and seep into them from the sides of the citrus mounds. Mr. Golding admitted that such seepage would not occur when the groundwater table is below the bottom of the swales. Nevertheless, he opined that seepage of treated effluent would be considerable because he believed, based on opinion and experience alone, that the water table would be at the bottom of the swales or higher for at least 30 days straight in a "wet year." FCWC's experts successfully refuted these assertions. A significant portion of the treated effluent falling onto the citrus mounds will be stored in the soil as described above. The treated effluent (only applied when water level is 4 inches below the swales) that actually reaches the water table will cause only a very slight "water mound" (only 2 inches in 30 feet) which will not produce any appreciable "head" or lateral flow to the swales. On only three occasions (a total of 8 days) during the wettest year in ten did the "water mound" rise above the bottom of the swales resulting in any groundwater seepage from the citrus mounds into the swales. Thus, during the entire wettest year in ten, less than one-half of 1% (0.12 inch of the approximately 28 inches) of annual applied treated effluent, very diluted with groundwater, might seep from the mounds into the swale. Contrary to Petitioners' expert's assertion that the seasonal high water level (SHWL) was not provided by FCWC, this information was supplied in the application and was reaffirmed by calculations of Dr. Garlanger at rebuttal. The importance attached to the SHWL for this project was not adequately explained by Petitioners. FCWC experts explained that the SHWL is the average (NOT maximum) height of the groundwater during the two to six wettest months of the year. Because the water table varies throughout the year, it is the calculation of the position of the water table from month to month that is significant and is required by DER. This monthly changing water table was the basis of storage water balance calculations contained in the application. Even though the monthly storage calculation in the application meets the DER/EPA requirements, Petitioners' witnesses asserted that the application did not indicate how many days the water table would rise to four inches below the swales and thus how many days spraying was precluded and storage was required. Dr. Garlanger analytically calculated the water table beneath the site, using Darcy's Law, and known parameters at the site, such as the depths of the ditches, the geometry and relative distances, and the thickness and permeability of the soil layers. Thus, although never required for any of the 100 land application projects he has evaluated, Dr. Garlanger performed computer modelling and calculations to predict the daily level of the water table beneath the swales for both Phase I and II during the wettest year in ten. Water inputs in his model included treated effluent and daily rainfall from an actual year (1969) when rainfall reached the levels of the statistically wettest year in ten. Water losses were soil storage, ET, distribution losses, deep percolation and run-off. Treated effluent was not applied when the model predicted that the water table would be higher than four inches below the bottom of the swales and when there was significant rainfall (more than one-hundredth of an inch). This modelling predicted that 6.1 MG/11-day storage was needed for Phase I. Thus, the project as proposed has substantially more storage than needed, with a proposed 8.1 MG/15-day storage. The model produced similar results for Phase II, showing a total 10.1 MG/18-day storage need compared with the proposed 15 MG/25-day storage. Petitioners also challenged various "irrigation efficiency" figures used by FCWC experts. All water leaving a water source, in this case the WWTP, does not reach the roots of the crops for which it is intended. "Irrigation efficiency" expresses this fact as the percentage of water pumped that is used by the vegetation. In the monthly storage water balance calculations the applicant used an "irrigation efficiency" of 70% of the total applied treated effluent, which is recommended in IFAS Bulletin 247 and in the USDA, SCS, "Florida Irrigation Guide"; 15% of the applied treated effluent was attributed to "irrigation losses" in the calculations in the application to determine the hydraulic loading capacity; and Dr. Sholtes stated that data he used indicated that 94% of "the water that came out of the nozzle reached the ground" within the wetted area of the site and the remaining 6% was aerosol drift and evaporation. Petitioners' expert questioned whether an irrigation efficiency of 70%, 85% or 94% should have been used and suggested that the calculations should be redone. The expert misunderstood the terms, comparing the proverbial apples and oranges. With a 70% irrigation efficiency, 30% treated effluent is lost to the plants. Only a small portion of this 30% loss is attributable to aerosol drift and evaporation in the air. Most of the 30% treated effluent hits the ground but is still lost to the plants through evaporation of treated effluent intercepted on plant leaves, losses from the distribution system, e.g., leaky fittings at the WTTP, and percolation of water below the reach of plant roots. The "irrigation losses" (15%) in the application include all of those types of losses, except the treated effluent losses through percolation. This approximately 15% of the total treated effluent appeared as a separate value from "irrigation efficiency." Water Quality Assurances Nitrogen Loading Rate. Because nitrogen is generally the constituent of most concern for sprayfields, EPA Equation 4-4, which is intended to produce a conservative result, projects nitrogen loading possible without exceeding the groundwater standard for nitrate. Two FCWC experts calculated the allowable nitrogen loading rate. James Christopher, project engineer and expert in water quality and chemistry, adjusted the EPA equation to reflect stormwater leaving the site, which is a more technically correct refinement of the equation and has the effect of lowering the allowable rate. A "U value" (the variable for rate of nitrogen uptake by crop)of 100 kilograms/hectare/year (kg/ha/yr) was used by James Christopher. Dr. Harvey Harper, another FCWC water quality expert, an environmental engineer, who has taught numerous university courses in wastewater treatment and has been involved in scientific studies of pollution removal, also calculated the nitrogen loading rate for the annual average rainfall and the wettest year in ten. He did not adjust EPA Equation 4-4 for stormwater run-off, because Petitioners had questioned any deviations from the formula. He used a U value of 150 kg/ha/yr, because he considered a value of 100 too low to be realistic. He used the highest nitrogen value in data from the WWTP. Other values he used in the equation were nearly identical to those of Mr. Christopher. The results were an allowable nitrogen loading rate of 0.75 inch/week for a year of average rainfall and 0.93 inch/week for the wettest year in ten. These rates are substantially higher than the proposed gross hydraulic loading rate of 0.54 inch/week. Petitioners' expert, Dr. J. P. Subramani, asserted that a U value of 0 kg/ha/yr should have been used, although he admitted that a site with a U value of 0 kg/ha/yr would be bare sand devoid of vegetation. The U values of 100 and 150 kg/ha/yr used by FCWC were extremely conservative. The EPA Manual provides U value ranges for forage grasses, at a low of 130-225 kg/ha/yr for bromegrass, to a high of 400-675 kg/hayr for coastal bermuda grass. Ignoring the testimony of FCWC witnesses that the grass would be mowed and removed from the site, Dr. Subramani supported his opinion only with the unfounded contrary assertion that the vegetation on site will not be harvested and removed as a crop. Petitioners alleged that discharges from the site would contaminate surface and ground waters and otherwise adversely affect water quality; inadequate renovation of pollutants would take place in the soil; and the receiving waters were already below standards. Petitioners' experts did no studies or analyses, nor did they predict expected concentrations for any parameters for sprayed treated effluent leaving the site as surface waters or groundwaters. Petitioners' exhibits regarding water quality issues consisted of two single-day monitoring reports for the existing WWTP discharge and the Canal and a set of 1990-91 water quality report sheets for the WWTP. FCWC's expert, Dr. Harper, analyzed the project's impacts on groundwater and on surface waters (the Canal) if the treated effluent were to leave the site as surface run-off in the swales, as groundwater seepage into the collection ditches, or as aerosol drift. Based on 1990-91 water quality monitoring of the WWTP's existing treated effluent, Dr. Harper projected the concentrations of parameters of concern for the treated effluent to be sprayed at the site. Although monitoring of heavy metals is not required at the WWTP, he also projected levels for these parameters based on EPA figures and existing data from two larger domestic wastewater treatment plants. Because those two plants have contributions from industrial and commercial components not found at the WWTP, the projections substantially over-estimated heavy metals expected for the WWTP. Groundwater Impacts. Dr. Harper estimated the pollution removal efficiencies for treated effluent traveling through approximately one foot of soil by reference to the EPA Manual and a study he had performed. He then applied these efficiencies to the projected concentrations for the sprayed treated effluent. Even at maximum projected concentrations, the results showed that projected constituents would be at or better than groundwater quality standards after renovation in the soil. Thus, due to low levels of constituents of concern, including those for which no numerical standard is provided in the rules, the project will not cause groundwater water quality violations and will have no adverse effect on the biological functions in the groundwaters directly underlying the site. Contrary to Petitioners' assertions, DER witnesses stated that DER does not interpret provisions of Rules 17-600.530(4) and 17-610.310(3)(c)4, F.A.C., as requiring background groundwater samples in the application. Because research has shown that groundwater quality results for sprayfields are generally very good, DER routinely defers such sampling until after permit issuance. Thus, the groundwater monitoring plan in the application and in the draft sprayfield permit provides that all monitoring wells will be sampled to establish background water quality and results submitted to DER prior to spray irrigation. DER's expert witness in environmental engineering and wastewater land application design, Christianne Ferraro, as well as John Armstrong, DER's environmental specialist in site contamination clean-up, stated that they had reviewed groundwater monitoring currently provided by FCWC for the WWTP. They found no nitrogen violations. Surface Water Impacts. The preponderant evidence showed that treated effluent will not flow directly into the swales. Therefore, FCWC proved it will not leave site as surface run-off. However, in order to project the worst-case water quality evaluation for droplets greatly diluted by rainwater or groundwater which may enter the swales, it was assumed that all treated effluent landing within swales "made of glass" would run off directly into the Canal. In addition, uptake, removal or dilution likely to occur in the collection ditches was ignored. Pollution removal efficiencies for grassed swales (based on a year-long study) were applied to the projected concentrations for the treated effluent. After renovation in the swales, any treated effluent leaving the site would contain concentrations for parameters of concern at or better than surface water quality standards. Therefore, water quality in the receiving surface waters will not be violated. Due to removal efficiencies for soils, the treated effluent leaving the site as groundwater seepage into the collection ditches is expected to meet surface water quality standards. In addition, the trace quantity of effluent (0.12 inch for wettest year in ten) which may seep into the swales will reach the San Sabastian Canal only after being greatly diluted within the groundwater and filtered and purified in the soil in the citrus mounds and grassed swales. Even projecting ten times the amount of aerosol drift predicted for the project, the water quality impact of any sprayed treated effluent entering the Canal as drift is so small as to be insignificant. Ambient Water Quality. The existing discharge is having minimal effect on the water quality of the Canal. Furthermore, by eliminating the direct discharge, the project will reduce the present impacts on the Canal by 92-99%. Nonetheless, Petitioners suggest that the project may further degrade ambient waters which they allege are already below standards. Dr. Harper assessed the ambient water quality characteristics of the Canal, which is Class III fresh surface water and the ultimate receiving water for the site. Even including water quality data for the Canal put in evidence by Groves, the Canal is not currently at or below any state water quality standards for Class III waters, except for occasional Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels. Levels of DO in sprayed treated effluent are expected to be very high. Even if groundwater seepage into the collection ditches and the Canal from the proposed sprayfield contains low levels of DO due its travel underground, it will not lower levels of DO in the ambient waters because the groundwater will also be low in BOD, which depresses DO. Thus, groundwater seepage is expected to have a neutral effect on ambient DO or to increase DO levels due to its diluting effect on BOD. Groundwater inflow to the site is negligible but outflow occurs at a significant measured rate. The only significant inputs are sprayed treated effluent and rainfall. Therefore, the groundwater under the site will eventually reach a stable condition where its constituent levels are the average of the constituent levels in rainwater and the treated effluent. The treated effluent to be applied on this site is at or above state groundwater standards. Necessarily, regardless of the condition of the existing groundwater it cannot possibly be degraded by the treated effluent to below state standards and may well be improved by it. Thus, FCWC has provided reasonable assurances that Rule 17- 600.530(4), F.A.C., has been met, without monitoring of ambient groundwaters in the application. The deposition of treated effluent will not violate the standard that all waters of the state shall be free from components which, alone or in combination with other substances, are present in concentrations that are carcinogenic or teratogenic to humans, animals or aquatic species or that pose a serious threat to public health, safety or welfare. Human Health Risk and Contamination. Petitioners allege that the sprayfield poses a hazard for contamination of their properties. They produced no witness or evidence of contamination other than experts in grove management, citrus production and management, and Petitioners themselves, who expressed scientifically unsubstantiated fears of the impact of the sprayfield on human health or the marketing of their fruit and honey. FCWC expert Dr. Christopher Teaf, who teaches biology, toxicology and risk assessment at Florida State University and is also president and principal toxicologist with a firm doing hazardous substance and waste management research, determined that the project poses no off-site contamination hazard. Pathogens. Fecal coliform is a standard measure for the health hazards of treated effluent based on an indicator group of microbiological organisms, present in the intestinal tracts of all warm-blooded animals as well as a number of insects and cold-blooded species. These organisms do not themselves ordinarily cause human disease, but may indicate the presence of other pathogenic organisms. Coliform bacteria are common in water bodies in general, and the state limit for these bacteria is 200/100 ml. Rule 17- 302.560(6), F.A.C. The World Health Organization has concluded that levels as high as 1,000/100 ml constitute an adequate standard and will not be associated with human disease. Only extremely limited numbers of bacteria can survive the hazardous journey from the WTTP to the Petitioners' property. First, required chlorination at the WWTP will reduce the coliforms to no more than 200/100 ml. At that level, pathogenic bacteria are negligible, if present at all. Pressures during ejection from the spray heads will cause a 70-90% mortality rate. Once airborne, bacteria will be killed because of temperature, ultraviolet radiation and desiccation. As water drops evaporate, constituents become more concentrated and the drops become toxic environments for bacteria. Bacteria falling to earth are filtered in the first few inches of surface soils. Any organisms borne off site will find that, due to the antibacterial qualities of citrus peel and fruit and the plethora of chemical agents routinely applied, the adjacent groves are an extremely inhospitable environment. Too few bacteria will survive at FCWC's proposed application levels, or at 10 times those levels, to constitute an infective dose and contribute to the incidence of human disease. Thus, treated effluent in the form of aerosol drift will have no adverse effect on the health of humans or otherwise cause contamination of areas adjacent to the proposed sprayfield. Consumption of Fruit. Bacteria are not taken up by the plant roots and the aerosol drift will not have any effect on the actual health of the citrus trees themselves. The minimal deposition from spray will be removed through washing required by governmental standards to remove dirt, grime and other contamination, such as fungicides, herbicides and pesticides applied as a normal practice in the citrus industry. Based on fifteen years of scientific literature, including the EPA Manual, crops irrigated with treated effluent do not contribute to human health problems in populations that consume those crops. With application of treated effluent with bacterial concentrations, even 10,000 to 100,000 times higher than the standard, there has been no incidence of human disease related to the consumption of such crops. Part II of Rule 17-610, F.A.C., "Reuse: Slow rate land application systems; restricted public access;" governs the type of sprayfield proposed by FCWC. Petitioners alleged that, due to the proximity of their groves and beekeeping activities, higher levels of treatment than those in Part II should be required. They argued that "advanced wastewater treatment" (AWT), defined in Section 403.086(4), F.S., would be more appropriate. This statute gives DER the discretion to require AWT when it deems necessary. Section 403.086(1)(a), F.S. However, AWT would not meet the requirements of Part III of Rule 17-610, which governs irrigation ("direct contact") of edible food crops and requires Class I reliability for treatment which is not required for AWT. Section 403.086(4), F.S.; Rule 17-610.460 and 17-610.475, F.A.C. Adjacent land uses were a part of the permit review for this project required in Part II. Buffer restrictions provide protection from the sprayfield so that levels of deposition are negligible compared to those when spray irrigation is applied directly at the food crop site. Thus, by its decision to issue this permit, DER recognized that minimal aerosol drift is not the "direct contact" envisioned in Part III and that because the project did not pose a hazard to adjoining groves higher levels of treatment are not necessary. Aerosol drift from treated effluent will have no effect on human health due to contamination of honey or adverse effects on the Shreve's bees located near the proposed sprayfield. Natural enzymes in unpasteurized honey are hostile to bacteria. The Shreves have never experienced a problem with the existing forty acre sprayfield even though it is accessible to their bees and has been in the area as long as the bees have. Petitioners allege that the sprayfield will attract birds, creating an aviation hazard to airplanes using the grass airstrip owned by Petitioner, Parrish Properties. Mr. Parrish, who is a licensed pilot, asserted that water ponding on the site and the mowing operation will attract birds. Both the proposed sprayfield and the surrounding groves will be mowed and irrigated and thus will provide the same type of mixed grass and citrus tree habitat as presently found in the groves. Therefore, Petitioners are currently attracting the same type and number of birds to their groves as FCWC's proposed sprayfield will attract. FCWC's expert in botany and ornithology, Mr. Noel Wamer, observed no large birds at the site, the existing 40-acre sprayfield or the surrounding citrus groves. He did observe small birds such as northern cardinals, towhees, and warblers, typical of citrus grove habitats. Cattle egrets might also be expected in the groves and the proposed sprayfield, particularly during mowing operations. Wading birds would only be attracted if water remained on the site for approximately one week or more to allow development of aquatic organisms as a food source. Birds present on the proposed sprayfield are very unlikely to fly up and collide with planes. The grass airstrip is used infrequently, with only 12 landings in the past year. For a number of years Mr. Wamer has observed bird behavior at the Tallahassee sewage treatment plant sprayfields near the Tallahassee Airport. The one-half mile distance between the runway and sprayfields in Tallahassee is nearly the same as the distance between the Petitioners' grass airstrip and the site. Planes landing at the Tallahassee airport are at an altitude of between 500 and 600 feet over the sprayfields, the same height as predicted over the site. Regardless of the size of planes, the birds, primarily cattle egrets, do not react, but continue feeding or resting. Stormwater and Surface Water Management Activities. On April 3, 1991, FCWC submitted an application with DER to modify and operate the existing stormwater and surface water management system on the sprayfield site (MSSW system). The Notice of Intent to Issue the MSSW Permit was published in the Florida Today newspaper on July 27, 1991. Minor activities are proposed to improve the existing system: (1) culverts at the ends of swales will be cleaned to restore full flow capacity; (2) obstructions and excess vegetation will be removed from the collection ditches to restore their original flow lines; and (3) any depressions in the swales will be filled and regraded to attain a minimum swale bottom elevation of 20.2 feet above mean sea level. As asserted by DER's expert in surface water management, the stormwater discharges will not be a combination of stormwater and domestic waste sufficient to trigger review of stormwater under DER rules as required by Rule 40C-42.061(3), F.A.C. Considering all proof adduced, particularly that stormwater will be treated to applicable standards in the grassed swales, water quality will not be violated, and the post- development peak discharge will not exceed the pre-development peak discharge from the site, FCWC provided reasonable assurances that the proposed MSSW system would not be harmful to the water resources in the area and would not be inconsistent with the overall objectives of the district. Summary of Findings and Permit Conditions FCWC has established that the sprayfield, as proposed, will meet the applicable regulatory requirements for the sprayfield and MSSW permits. Included in the specific conditions attached to the notice of intent to issue the sprayfield construction permit is the requirement that the site be operated to preclude saturated ground conditions or ponding. (FCWC Exhibit #3, paragraph 13, specific conditions). Witnesses for the applicant described certain proposals to assure this condition is met, and those proposals should be incorporated into the condition. Those proposals include the cessation of spraying during a rain event and the installation of devices to automatically turn off the sprinklers when rain occurs, the cessation of spraying whenever the groundwater level is within four inches of the bottom of the swales, and the installation of ground water gauges to determine when this level is reached. In order to minimize aerosol drift, the applicant proposes to establish wind gauges indicating the direction and speed of wind at the site. It was suggested that spraying would cease when the wind reaches 20 miles an hour, and sprinklers should be positioned to avoid spraying the downwind perimeter of the site when drift is likely to occur. This condition should also be incorporated in the permit. If the operational adjustments cannot be made automatically it will be necessary to require that the plant be staffed at all times that the spray system is turned on, notwithstanding the minimum six hours, five days a week required in Rule 17-602.370, F.A.C. and referenced in the intent to issue. Engineering computations in the application rely on the assumption that the vegetation onsite will be harvested (mowed and removed). Since spray irrigation treatment of wastewater depends on renovation or removal of effluent by the soil vegetation system, periodic mowing and removal of the vegetation should also be included as a permit condition.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered issuing permits number DC05-194008 and MS05- 194894, with the additional conditions addressed in Finding of Fact paragraphs 60 and 61, above. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 27th day of May, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by Petitioners, Groves and Shreve: Rejected as unsupported by competent evidence (as to the allegation of irresponsible plant operation). 2.-4. Rejected as irrelevant. 5.-7. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in paragraph 9. 10.-11. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence as to "irrigation efficiency". 12.-13. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence and mischaracterization of the witness' testimony. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as statement of testimony, not finding of fact, which testimony is outweighed by other evidence. 17.-18. Adopted in paragraph 3. 19. Adopted in paragraph 28. 20.-21. Adopted in paragraph 8. 22.-23. Adopted in substance in paragraph 22. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Average annual application rate of .54 inches/week yields 28 inches a year. Rejected as unnecessary. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. 26.-29. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 30.-31. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted in paragraph 19. Adopted in paragraph 20. Adopted in paragraph 11. Adopted in paragraph 19. Addressed in paragraph 36; adopted in substance. 38.-39. Rejected as unnecessary. 40. Adopted in paragraph 31. 41.-47. Rejected as unnecessary, or contrary to the weight of evidence as to "irrigation efficiency". 48.-49. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 50. Adopted in paragraph 34. 51.-52. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. The grass will be mowed and removed. The "U" value was based on the grasses, not the citrus. 53. Rejected as contrary to the evidence, as to "unknown density and type". 54.-57. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Adopted in paragraph 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. 63.-64. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 65. Rejected as confusing, as to the term "unsuitable conditions". 66.-69. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 70. Rejected as confusing. 71.-72. Rejected as unnecessary. 73.-74. Rejected as a mischaracterization of the witnesses' testimony. 75.-82. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 84.-85. Rejected as unnecessary. 86.-87. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 88.-89. Rejected as unnecessary. 90.-94. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 95.-97. Rejected as unnecessary. 98.-99. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. 100.-103. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 104.-109. Rejected as a mischaracterization of the testimony or misunderstanding of the term "irrigation efficiency". 110.-112. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 113.-114. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. Rejected as unnecessary. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. 117.-118. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as contrary to the law and evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 16 by implication. Rejected as unnecessary and misunderstanding of the testimony. Addressed in Conclusions of Law. 124.-126. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted by implication in paragraph 21. 129.-130. Rejected as unnecessary. 131. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 132.-134. Rejected as unnecessary. 135.-138. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 139.-141. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire M. Christopher Bryant, Esquire OERTEL, HOFFMAN, FERNANDEZ & COLE, P.A. P. O. Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 Harry A. Jones, Esquire EVANS, JONES & ABBOTT P.O. Box 2907 Titusville, FL 32781-2907 Kathleen Blizzard, Esquire Richard W. Moore, Esquire P.O. Box 6526 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Douglas MacLaughlin Asst. General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Rd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (5) 120.57373.413373.416403.0868.08 Florida Administrative Code (2) 40C-4.30140C-42.061
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 20, 2012 Number: 12-001056 Latest Update: May 22, 2013

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether the applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC, are entitled to issuance of a permit by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD or District) for the modification of a surface-water management system to serve the 24.1-acre World Dressage Complex in Wellington, Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioners Charles Jacobs and Kimberly Jacobs are the owners of a residence at 2730 Polo Island Drive, Unit A-104, Wellington, Florida. The residence is used by the Jacobs on an annual basis, generally between October and Easter, which corresponds to the equestrian show season in Florida. Petitioners maintain their permanent address in Massachusetts. The District is a public corporation, existing by virtue of chapter 25270, Laws of Florida 1949. The District is responsible for administering chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, within its geographic boundaries. The District’s statutory duties include the regulation and management of water resources, including water quality and water supply, and the issuance of environmental resource permits. The Applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC, are Florida limited-liability companies with business operations in Wellington, Florida. The Applicants are the owners of four parcels of property, parts of which comprise the complete 24.1- acre proposed Complex, and upon which the surface-water management facilities that are the subject of the Permit are to be constructed. Contiguous holdings of the four Applicants in the area consist of approximately 35 additional acres, primarily to the north and west of the Complex. Acme Improvement District The Acme Improvement District was created in the 1950s as a special drainage district. At the time of its creation, the Acme Improvement District encompassed 18,200 acres of land. As a result of additions over the years, the Acme Improvement District currently consists of approximately 20,000 acres of land that constitutes the Village of Wellington, and includes the Complex property. On March 16, 1978, the District issued a Surface Water Management Permit, No. 50-00548-S, for the Acme Improvement District (1978 Acme Permit) that authorized the construction and operation of a surface-water management system, and established design guidelines for subsequent work as development occurred in the Acme Improvement District. The total area covered by the 1978 Acme Permit was divided into basins, with the dividing line being, generally, Pierson Road. Basin A was designed so that its interconnected canals and drainage features would discharge to the north into the C-51 Canal, while Basin B was designed so that its interconnected canals and drainage features would discharge to the south into the C-40 Borrow Canal. Water management activities taking place within the boundaries of the Acme Improvement District are done through modifications to the 1978 Acme Permit. Over the years, there have been literally hundreds of modifications to that permit. The Property The Complex property is in Basin A of the Acme Improvement District, as is the property owned by Petitioners. Prior to January 1978, the property that is proposed for the Complex consisted of farm fields. At some time between January, 1978 and December 18, 1979, a very narrow body of water was dredged from abandoned farm fields to create what has been referred to in the course of this proceeding as “Moose Lake.” During that same period, Polo Island was created, and property to the east and west of Polo Island was filled and graded to create polo fields. Polo Island is surrounded by Moose Lake. When it was created, Polo Island was filled to a higher elevation than the adjacent polo fields to give the residents a view of the polo matches. Petitioners’ residence has a finished floor elevation of 18.38 feet NGVD, which is more than three-quarters of a foot above the 100-year flood elevation of 17.5 feet NGVD established for Basin A. The Complex and Petitioner’s residence both front on Moose Lake. There are no physical barriers that separate that part of the Moose Lake fronting Petitioners’ residence from that part of Moose Lake into which the Complex’s surface-water management system is designed to discharge. Moose Lake discharges into canals that are part of the C-51 Basin drainage system. Discharges occur through an outfall at the south end of Moose Lake that directs water into the C-23 canal, and through an outfall at the east end of Moose Lake that directs water into the C-6 canal. There are no wetlands or surface water bodies located on the Complex property. 2005-2007 Basin Study and 2007 Acme Permit Material changes in the Acme Drainage District since 1978 affected the assumptions upon which the 1978 ACME Permit was issued. The material changes that occurred over the years formed the rationale for a series of detailed basin studies performed from 2005 through 2007. The basin studies, undertaken by the District and the Village of Wellington, analyzed and modeled the areas encompassed by the 1978 Acme Permit in light of existing improvements within the Acme Improvement District. The changes to Basin A and Basin B land uses identified by the basin studies became the new baseline conditions upon which the District and the Village of Wellington established criteria for developing and redeveloping property in the Wellington area, and resulted in the development of updated information and assumptions to be used in the ERP program. On November 15, 2007, as a result of the basin studies, the District accepted the new criteria and issued a modification of the standards established by the 1978 Acme Permit (2007 Acme Permit). For purposes relevant to this proceeding, the 2007 Acme Permit approved the implementation of the new Permit Criteria and Best Management Practices Manual for Works in the Village of Wellington.1/ The language of the 2007 Acme Permit is somewhat ambiguous, and portions could be read in isolation to apply only to land in Basin B of the Acme Improvement District. Mr. Waterhouse testified that the language of the permit tended to focus on Basin B because it contained significant tracts of undeveloped property, the land in Basin A having been essentially built-out. However, he stated that it was the District’s intent that the Permit Criteria and Best Management Practices Manual for Works in the Village of Wellington adopted by the 2007 Acme Permit was to apply to all development and redevelopment in the Acme Improvement District, and that the District had applied the permit in that manner since its issuance. Mr. Waterhouse’s testimony was credible, reflects the District’s intent and application of the permit, and is accepted. The Proposed Complex The Complex is proposed for construction on the two polo fields to the west of Polo Island, and properties immediately adjacent and contiguous thereto.2/ The Complex is designed to consist of a large covered arena; several open-air equestrian arenas; four 96-stall stables, with associated covered manure bins and covered horse washing facilities, located between the stables; an event tent; a raised concrete vendor deck for spectators, exhibitors, and vendors that encircles three or four of the rings; and various paved access roads, parking areas, and support structures. Of the 96 stalls per stable, twenty percent would reasonably be used for storing tack, feed, and similar items. The surface-water management system that is the subject of the application consists of inlets and catch basins, underground drainage structures, dry detention areas, swales for conveying overland flows, and exfiltration trenches for treatment of water prior to its discharge at three outfall points to Moose Lake. The horse-washing facilities are designed to tie into the Village of Wellington’s sanitary sewer system, by-passing the surface water management system. The Permit Application On May 18, 2011, two of the Applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC, and Polo Field One, LLC, applied for a modification to the 1978 Acme Improvement District permit to construct a surface-water management system to serve the proposed Complex. At the time of the initial application, the proposed Complex encompassed 20 acres. There were no permitted surface water management facilities within its boundaries. The Complex application included, along with structural elements, the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for handling manure, horse-wash water, and other equestrian waste on the property. Properties adjacent to the Complex, and under common ownership of one or more of the Applicants, have been routinely used for equestrian events, including temporary support activities for events on the Complex property. For example, properties to the north of the Complex owned by Far Niente Stables II, LLC, and Polo Field One, LLC, have been used for show-jumping events, derby events, and grand prix competitions, as well as parking and warm-up areas for derby events and for dressage events at the Complex. Except for an earthen mound associated with the derby and grand prix field north of the Complex, there has been no development on those adjacent properties, and no requirement for a stormwater management system to serve those properties. Thus, the adjacent properties are not encompassed by the Application. Permit Issuance On November 22, 2011, Permit No. 50-00548-S-203 was issued by the District to Far Niente Stables II, LLC. Polo Field One, LLC, though an applicant, was not identified as a permittee. On January 13, 2012, the District issued a “Correction to Permit No. 50-00548-S-203.” The only change to the Permit issued on November 22, 2011, was the addition of Polo Field One, LLC, as a permittee. On January 25, 2012, the Applicants submitted a request for a letter modification of the Permit to authorize construction of a 1,190-linear foot landscape berm along the eastern property boundary. On February 16, 2012, the District acknowledged the application for the berm modification, and requested additional information regarding an access road and cul-de-sac on the west side of the Complex that extended into property owned by others. On that same date, the Applicants provided additional information, including evidence of ownership, that added Stadium North, LLC and Stadium South, LLC, as permittees. On March 26, 2012, the District issued the proposed modification to Permit No. 50-00548-S-203. On November 15, 2012, the Applicants’ engineer prepared a revised set of plans that added 2.85 acres of property to the Complex. The property, referred to as Basin 5, provided an additional dry detention stormwater storage area. On or shortly after December 3, 2012, the Applicants submitted a final Addendum to Surface Water Management Calculations that accounted for the addition of Basin 5 and other changes to the Permit application that increased the size of the Complex from 20 acres to 24.1 acres. On December 18, 2012, the Applicants submitted final revisions to the BMPs in an Updated BMP Plan. On January 7, 2013, the District issued the final proposed modification to the permit. The modification consisted of the addition of Basin 5, the deletion of a provision of special condition 14 that conflicted with elements of the staff report, the Updated BMP Plan, the recognition of an enforcement proceeding for unauthorized construction of the linear berm and other unauthorized works, and changes to the Permit to conform with additional information submitted by the Applicants. The final permitted surface-water management system consists of inlets and catch basins, underground drainage structures, a 0.64-acre dry detention area, swales for conveying overland flows, and 959-linear feet of exfiltration trench. For purposes of this proceeding, the “Permit” that constitutes the proposed agency action consists of the initial November 22, 2011, Permit; the January 13, 2012, Correction; the March 26, 2012, letter modification; and the January 7, 2013 modification. Post-Permit Activities at the Complex Work began on the Complex on or about November 28, 2011. Work continued until stopped on April 18, 2012, pursuant to a District issued Consent Order and Cease and Desist. As of the date of the final hearing, the majority of the work had been completed. In late August, 2012, the Wellington area was affected by rains associated with Tropical Storm Isaac that exceeded the rainfall totals of a 100-year storm event. Water ponded in places in the Polo Island subdivision. That ponded water was the result of water falling directly on Polo Island, and may have been exacerbated by blockages of Polo Island drainage structures designed to discharge water from Polo Island to Moose Lake. No residences were flooded as a result of the Tropical Storm Isaac rain event. The only flooding issue related to water elevations in Moose Lake was water overflowing the entrance road, which is at a lower elevation. The road remained passable. Road flooding is generally contemplated in the design of stormwater management systems and does not suggest a failure of the applicable system. Permitting Standards Standards applicable to the Permit are contained in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(a)-(k), and in the District’s Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications (BOR), which has been adopted by reference in rule 40E-4.091(1)(a). The parties stipulated that the standards in rules 40E-4.301(1)(d),(g) and (h) are not at issue in this proceeding. Permitting Standards - Water Quantity Those provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that pertain to water quantity, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: Will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands; Will not cause adverse flooding to on- site or off-site property; Will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities. In addition to the preceding rules, section 6.6 of the BOR, entitled “Flood Plain Encroachment,” provides that “[n]o net encroachment into the floodplain, between the average wet season water table and that encompassed by the 100-year event, which will adversely affect the existing rights of others, will be allowed.” Section 6.7 of the BOR, entitled “Historic Basin Storage,” provides that “[p]rovision must be made to replace or otherwise mitigate the loss of historic basin storage provided by the project site.” The purpose of a pre-development versus post- development analysis is to ensure that, after development of a parcel of property, the property is capable of holding a volume of stormwater on-site that is the same or greater than that held in its pre-development condition. On-site storage includes surface storage and soil storage. Surface Storage Surface storage is calculated by determining the quantity of water stored on the surface of the site. Mr. Hall found no material errors in the Applicants’ calculations regarding surface storage. His concern was that the permitted surface storage, including the dry detention area added to the plans in December 2012, would not provide compensating water storage to account for the deficiencies he found in the soil storage calculations discussed herein. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants’ surface storage calculations are found to accurately assess the volume of stormwater that can be stored on the property without discharge to Moose Lake. Soil Storage Soil storage is water that is held between soil particles. Soil storage calculations take into consideration the soil type(s) and site-specific soil characteristics, including compaction. Soils on the Complex property consist of depressional soils. Such soils are less capable of storage than are sandier coastal soils. When compacted, the storage capacity of depressional soils is further reduced. The Applicants’ calculations indicated post- development storage on the Complex property to be 25.04 acre/feet. Mr. Hall’s post-development storage calculation of 25.03 acre/feet was substantively identical.3/ Thus, the evidence demonstrates the accuracy of Applicants’ post- development stormwater storage calculations. The Applicants’ calculations showed pre-development combined surface and soil storage capacity on the Property of 24.84 acre/feet. Mr. Hall calculated pre-development combined surface and soil storage, based upon presumed property conditions existing on March 16, 1978, of 35.12 acre/feet. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Hall concluded that the post-development storage capacity of the Complex had a deficit of 10.09 acre/feet of water as compared to the pre-development storage capacity of the Property, which he attributed to a deficiency in soil storage. The gist of Mr. Hall’s disagreement centered on the Applicants’ failure to consider the Complex’s pre-development condition as being farm fields, as they were at the time of issuance of the 1978 Acme Permit, and on the Applicants’ application of the 25-percent compaction rate for soils on the former polo fields. As applied to this case, the pre-development condition of the Complex as polo fields was a reasonable assumption for calculating soil storage, rather than the farm fields that existed in January 1978, and is consistent with the existing land uses identified in the 2005-2007 basin studies and 2007 Acme Permit. Given the use of the Complex property as polo fields, with the attendant filling, grading, rolling, mowing, horse traffic, parking, and other activities that occurred on the property over the years, the conclusion that the soils on the polo fields were compacted, and the application of the 25- percent compaction rate, was a reasonable assumption for calculating soil storage. Applying the Applicants’ assumptions regarding existing land uses for the Complex property, the greater weight of the evidence demonstrates that the proposed surface water management system will provide a total of 25.04-acre feet of combined soil and surface storage compared to pre-development soil and surface storage of 24.84-acre feet. Thus, the proposed Project will result in an increase of soil and surface storage over pre-development conditions, and will not cause or contribute to flooding or other issues related to water quantity.4/ Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the proposed surface-water management system will meet standards regarding water quantity established in rule 40E-4.301(1)(a), (b), and (c), and sections 6.6 and 6.7 of the BOR. Permitting Standards - Water Quality Those provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that pertain to water quality, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that the water quality standards . . . will be violated; Will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. Section 373.4142, entitled “[w]ater quality within stormwater treatment systems,” provides, in pertinent part, that: State surface water quality standards applicable to waters of the state . . . shall not apply within a stormwater management system which is designed, constructed, operated, and maintained for stormwater treatment Such inapplicability of state water quality standards shall be limited to that part of the stormwater management system located upstream of a manmade water control structure permitted, or approved under a noticed exemption, to retain or detain stormwater runoff in order to provide treatment of the stormwater . . . . Moose Lake is a component of a stormwater-management system that is located upstream of a manmade water control structure. The Permit application did not include a water quality monitoring plan, nor did the Permit require the Applicants to report on the water quality of Moose Lake. During October and November, 2012, Petitioners performed water quality sampling in Moose Lake in accordance with procedures that were sufficient to demonstrate the accuracy of the results. The sampling showed phosphorus levels in Moose Lake of greater than 50 parts per billion (ppb).5/ That figure, though not a numeric standard applicable to surface waters, was determined to be significant by Petitioners because phosphorus may not exceed 50 ppb at the point at which the C-51 Canal discharges from the Acme Improvement District into the Everglades system. Notwithstanding the levels of phosphorus in Moose Lake, Mr. Swakon admitted that “the calculations that are in the application for water quality treatment are, in fact, met. They’ve satisfied the criteria that are in the book.” In response to the question of whether “[t]he water quality requirements in the Basis of Review . . . the half inch or one inch of runoff, the dry versus wet detention . . . complied with those water quality requirements,” he further testified “[i]t did.” Mr. Swakon expressed his belief that, despite Applicants’ compliance with the standards established for water quality treatment, a stricter standard should apply because the pollutant-loading potential of the Complex, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen from animal waste, is significantly different than a standard project, e.g., a parking lot. No authority for requiring such additional non-rule standards was provided. The evidence demonstrates that the Applicants provided reasonable assurances that all applicable stormwater management system standards that pertain to water treatment and water quality were met. Permitting Standards - Design Features and BMPs Provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that constitute more general concerns regarding the design of the Complex, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will be capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being performed and of functioning as proposed. Petitioners alleged that certain deficiencies in the Complex design and BMPs compromise the ability of the stormwater management system to be operated and function as proposed. Design Features Petitioners expressed concern that the manure bin, though roofed, had walls that did not extend to the roofline, thus allowing rain to enter. Photographs received in evidence suggest that the walls extend to a height of approximately six feet, with an opening of approximately two feet to the roof line. The plan detail sheet shows a roof overhang, though it was not scaled. Regardless, the slab is graded to the center so that it will collect any water that does enter through the openings. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the manure bins are sufficient to prevent uncontrolled releases of animal waste to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Petitioners suggested that the horse-washing facilities, which discharge to a sanitary sewer system rather than to the stormwater management facility, are inadequate for the number of horses expected to use the wash facilities. Petitioners opined that the inadequacy of the wash facilities would lead to washing being done outside of the facilities, and to the resulting waste and wash water entering the stormwater management system. Petitioners provided no basis for the supposition other than speculation. Mr. Stone testified that the horse-washing facilities are adequate to handle the horses boarded at the stables and those horses that would reasonably be expected to use the facility during events. His testimony in that regard was credible and is accepted. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the horse-washing facilities are adequate to prevent the release of wash water to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Petitioners expressed further concerns that horse washing outside of the horse-washing facilities would be facilitated due to the location of hose bibs along the exterior stable walls. However, Mr. Swakon testified that those concerns would be minimized if the hose bibs could be disabled to prevent the attachment of hoses. The December 2012 Updated BMP Plan requires such disabling, and Mr. Stone testified that the threads have been removed. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the presence of hose bibs on the exterior stable walls will not result in conditions that would allow for the release of wash water to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Best Management Practices The Updated BMP Plan for the Complex includes practices that are more advanced than the minimum requirements of the Village of Wellington, and more stringent than BMPs approved for other equestrian facilities in Wellington. Petitioners identified several issues related to the Updated BMP Plan that allegedly compromised the ability of the Complex to meet and maintain standards. Those issues included: the lack of a requirement that the Applicant provide the District with a copy of the contract with a Village of Wellington-approved manure hauler; the failure to require that BMP Officers be independent of the Applicants; the failure to require that the names and telephone numbers of the BMP Officers be listed in the permit; and the failure of the District to require that violations by tenants be reported to the District, rather than being maintained on-site as required. Mr. Stone testified that the BMP conditions included in the Updated BMP Plan were sufficient to assure compliance. His testimony is credited. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the terms and conditions of the Updated BMP Plan are capable of being implemented and enforced. Permitting Standards - Applicant Capabilities Provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that are based on the capabilities of the Applicants to implement the Permit, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will be conducted by an entity with the sufficient financial, legal and administrative capability to ensure that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, if issued. As the owners of the Complex property, the Applicants have the legal authority to ensure that their tenants, licensees, invitees, and agents exercise their rights to the property in a manner that does not violate applicable laws, rules, and conditions. Regarding the financial capability of the Applicants to ensure the successful and compliant operation of the Complex, Mr. Stone testified that the entity that owns the Applicants, Wellington Equestrian Partners, has considerable financial resources backing the Complex venture. Furthermore, the Applicants own the property on and adjacent to the Complex which is itself valuable. As to the administrative capabilities of the Applicants to ensure that the activities on the site will comply with relevant standards, Mr. Stone testified that an experienced and financially responsible related entity, Equestrian Sport Productions, by agreement with the Applicants, is charged with organizing and operating events at the Complex, and that the Applicants’ BMP Officers have sufficient authority to monitor activities and ensure compliance with the BMPs by tenants and invitees. Mr. Stone’s testimony that the Applicants have the financial and administrative capability to ensure that events and other operations will be conducted in a manner to ensure that the stormwater management system conditions, including BMPs, will be performed was persuasive and is accepted. The fact that the Applicants are financially and administratively backed by related parent and sibling entities does not diminish the reasonable assurances provided by the Applicants that the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Complex will be undertaken in accordance with the Permit. Petitioners assert that many of the events to be held at the Complex are sanctioned by international equestrian organizations, and that their event rules and requirements -- which include restrictions on the ability to remove competition teams from the grounds -- limit the Applicants’ ability to enforce the BMPs. Thus, the Petitioners suggest that reasonable assurances cannot be provided as a result of the restrictions imposed by those sanctioning bodies. The international event rules applicable to horses and riders are not so limiting as to diminish the reasonable assurances that have been provided by the Applicants. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that construction and operation of the stormwater management system will be conducted by entities with sufficient financial, legal, and administrative capability to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. As a related matter, Petitioners assert the Applicants failed to disclose all of their contiguous land holdings, thus making it impossible for the District to calculate the actual impact of the Complex. Although the application was, for a number of items, an evolving document, the evidence demonstrates that the Applicants advised the District of their complete 59+- acre holdings, and that the Permit was based on a complete disclosure. The circumstances of the disclosure of the Applicant’s property interests in the area adjacent to the Complex was not a violation of applicable standards, and is not a basis for denial of the Complex permit. Permitting Standards - C-51 Basin Rule The final provision of rule 40E-4.301 that is at issue in this proceeding is as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will comply with any applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established in Chapter 40E-41, F.A.C. Mr. Hall testified the Complex violated permitting standards partly because it failed to comply with the C-51 Basin rule, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-041, Part III, pertaining to on-site compensation for reductions in soil storage volume. Mr. Waterhouse testified that the C-51 Basin rule does not apply to the lands encompassed by the Acme Improvement District permits, including the Complex property. The C-51 Basin rule was promulgated in 1987, after the issuance of the original Acme Improvement District permit. The District does not apply new regulatory standards to properties that are the subject of a valid permit or its modifications. Therefore, the area encompassed by the 1978 Acme Permit, and activities permitted in that area as a modification to the 1978 Acme Permit, are not subject to the C-51 rule. The Joint Prehearing Stipulation provides that “Chapter 373, Fla. Stat., Chapter 40E-4, Fla. Admin. Code, and the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District (July 4, 2010) are the applicable substantive provisions at issue in this proceeding.” The Stipulation did not identify chapter 40E-41 as being applicable in this proceeding. Given the testimony of Mr. Waterhouse, which correctly applies standards regarding the application of subsequently promulgated rules to existing permits, and the stipulation of the parties, the C-51 Basin rule, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40-E-041, Part III, does not apply to the permit that is the subject of this proceeding. Therefore, the stormwater management system does not violate rule 40E-4.301(1)(k). Consideration of Violations Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302(2), provides, in pertinent part, that: When determining whether the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met, the District shall take into consideration a permit applicant’s violation of any . . . District rules adopted pursuant to Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S., relating to any other project or activity and efforts taken by the applicant to resolve these violations. . . . Petitioners have identified several violations of District rules on or adjacent to the Complex property during the course of construction, and violations of District rules associated with the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC), the owner of which shares common managers and officers with the Applicants, for consideration in determining whether reasonable assurances have been provided. Violations on or Adjacent to the Complex On March 22, 2012, the District performed an inspection of the Complex property. The inspection revealed that the Applicants had constructed the linear berm along the eastern side of the Property that was the subject of the January 25, 2012, application for modification of the Permit. The construction was performed before a permit modification was issued, and was therefore unauthorized. A Notice of Violation was issued to Far Niente Stables II, LLC, on March 22, 2012, that instructed Far Niente Stables II, LLC, to cease all work on the Complex. Several draft consent orders were provided to Far Niente Stables II, LLC, each of which instructed Far Niente Stables II, LLC, to cease and desist from further construction. Construction was not stopped until April 18, 2012. The matter was settled through the entry of a Consent Order on May 10, 2012 that called for payment of costs and civil penalties. The berm was authorized as part of the March 26, 2012 Complex permit modification. All compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District During inspections of the Complex by the parties to this proceeding, it was discovered that yard drains had been constructed between the stables and connected to the stormwater management system, and that a bathroom/utility room had been constructed at the north end of the horse-washing facility. The structures were not depicted in any plans submitted to the District, and were not authorized by the Permit. The yard drains had the potential to allow for animal waste to enter Moose Lake. The Applicants, under instruction from the District, have capped the yard drains. No other official compliance action has been taken by the District. A permit condition to ensure that the yard drains remain capped is appropriate and warranted. At some time during or before 2010, a mound of fill material was placed on the derby and grand prix field to the north of the Complex to be used as an event obstacle. Although there was a suggestion that a permit should have been obtained prior to the fill being placed, the District has taken no enforcement action regarding the earthen mound. Petitioners noted that the Complex is being operated, despite the fact that no notice of completion has been provided, and no conversion from the construction phase to the operation phase has been performed as required by General Condition Nos. 6 and 7 of the Complex permit. Such operations constitute a violation of the permit and, as such, a violation of District rules. However, the District has taken no official action to prohibit or restrict the operation of the Complex pending completion and certification of the permitted work and conversion of the permit to its operation phase. The construction of the berm, yard drains, and bathroom/utility room, and the operation of the Complex, causes concern regarding the willingness of the Applicants to work within the regulatory parameters designed to ensure protection of Florida’s resources. However, given the scope of the Complex as a whole, and given that the violations were resolved to the satisfaction of the District, the violations, though considered, do not demonstrate a lack of reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met. Violations related to the PBIEC At some time prior to February 13, 2008, one or more entities affiliated with Mark Bellissimo assumed control and operation of the PBIEC. When the facility was acquired, the show grounds were in poor condition, there were regulatory violations, it had no BMPs of consequence, there were no covered horse-wash racks, and the wash water was not discharged to a sanitary sewer system. After its acquisition by entities associated with Mr. Bellissimo, the PBIEC was substantially redesigned and rebuilt, and BMPs that met or exceeded the requirements of the Village of Wellington were implemented. The PBIEC currently has 12 arenas that include facilities for show jumping events, and nine horse-wash racks. The PBIEC has the capacity to handle approximately 1,700 horses. On March 14, 2008, the District issued a Notice of Violation to Far Niente Stables V, LLC, related to filling and grading of an existing stormwater management system and lake system at the PBIEC; the failure to maintain erosion and turbidity controls to prevent water quality violations in adjacent waters; the failure to maintain manure and equestrian waste BMPs; and the failure to transfer the PBIEC stormwater management permit to the current owner. On October 9, 2008, Far Niente Stables V, LLC, and the District entered into a Consent Order that resolved the violations at the PBIEC, required that improvements be made, required the implementation of advanced BMPs, and required payment of costs and civil penalties. On January 12, 2011, a notice was issued that identified deficiencies in the engineer’s construction completion certification for the stormwater management system improvements, horse-wash facility connections, and other activities on the PBIEC. Although completion of all items required by the Consent Order took longer -- in some instances significantly longer -- than the time frames set forth in the Consent Order,6/ all compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District. On January 7, 2011, the District issued a Notice of Violation and short-form Consent Order to Far Niente Stables, LLC, which set forth violations that related to the failure to obtain an environmental resource permit related to “Tract D and Equestrian Club Drive Realignment.” The short-form Consent Order was signed by Far Niente Stables, LLC, and the compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District. Based on the foregoing, the violations at the PBIEC, though considered, do not demonstrate a lack of reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met for the Complex Permit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order: Incorporating the June 29, 2012, Order of Standing and Timeliness; Approving the issuance of Surface Water Management System Permit No. 50-00548-S-203 to Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC.; and Imposing, as an additional condition, a requirement that the unpermitted yard drains constructed between the stables be permanently capped, and the area graded, to prevent the unauthorized introduction of equine waste from the area to the stormwater management system. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of April, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of April, 2013.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57373.413373.4142
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003029 Latest Update: Apr. 25, 1986

Findings Of Fact On or about October 30, 1984, Lawrence E. Bennett, a consultant engineer for Peninsula, forwarded to DER's domestic waste engineering section an application to construct/operate a domestic wastewater treatment and disposal system along with the appropriate plans and a check for the fee. The package included proposals for construction of a 300,000 gpd splitter box and addition of a 100,000 gpd contact stabilization plant. Thereafter, on May 22, 1985, Mr. Bennett submitted a revised copy of the application pertaining to the 100,000 gpd expansion initially submitted as above. The revised application reflected Peninsula's proposed outfall to the Halifax River which was applied for under separate permit. By application dated October 7, 1983, as revised on May 15, 1985, Peninsula proposed to construct an outfall discharge into the Halifax River from the secondary treatment plant. By letter dated October 29, 1984, Mr. Bennett advised DER, inter alia, that the discharge rate would be an ADF of 1.25 mgd. The application for the additional 100,000 gpd plant and splitter box also provided for a chlorination facility. This expansion was needed because 200,000 gpd capacity is already committed to serve current residents and customers of the utility. The new construction is designed to accommodate established future demand. In Mr. Bennett's opinion, the design of this facility will accommodate all DER criteria and standards. The outfall facility proposed in the second project will be a pvc forced main for a part of the distance with iron pipe for the remainder and a lift station attached to pump the effluent to a point in the river selected where the river is deep enough to meet DER water criteria. The initial permit application on this project called for discharge into a portion of the river which did not meet water quality standards. As a result; DER suggested discharge point closer to the center of the river, and this change is now planned. At this point, the outflow will meet DER standards. Intents to issue the permits, as modified, were issued in August 1985. Peninsula has also filed for permits with the Florida Public Utilities Commission, the United States EPA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for these projects. The plans are based on the estimated population expansion called for in the next few years. Peninsula is fully capable, financially, of providing and paying for the projected improvements. In the past, it has always provided sufficient funding to do that which is called for under its permits and which is necessary. The waters in question here are Class III waters of the State, mainly recreational. There is no shellfish harvesting in the area because of the pollution of the Halifax River, condition which has existed since at least 1941. Results of tests conducted by experts for Peninsula show the quality of the water presently coming out of the treatment plant is cleaner than that currently existing in the Halifax River. The outfall pipe in question will have the capability of handling approximately 1,200,000 gpd. Latest reports from the water treatment plant indicate that the current average daily flow is 150,000 gpd representing approximately 75% of capacity. The design estimated for this project was based on a 250 gpd per unit use rate multiplied by the estimated number of units presently existing and to be constructed in the period in question. It is estimated however, that within two to three years even this project will be insufficient and Peninsula will have to file an additional request for expansion. Construction will have no detrimental environmental effect on the waters of the Halifax River. Mr. Bennett recommends discharge into the river rather than pumping the effluent backup to Port Orange because the local dissipation rate into the Halifax River, which is called for under these projects, is much quicker than that at Port Orange. Studies run on siting of the outfall pipe location which is close to Daggett Island included studies relating to dilution calculation and water quality of the effluent versus water quality of the river near the outfall. The project was, therefore, sited in such a manner as to provide for the least possible detrimental effect. Those studies, however, were for the original outfall location, not the present location as proposed by DER which is approximately 150 to 200 feet away. In the experts' opinion, however, there is very little difference in the two sites. The Daggett Island site is not unique in any way. It is a mangrove swamp of approximately 3 to 4 acres with nothing on it. Once the pipe is buried, it will be difficult to know that it is there. Even during construction, there would be little detrimental effect or disruption to the river ecology. Mr. Bennett's conclusions are confirmed by Mr. Miller; a DER engineer specializing in wastewater facility permits who has reviewed the plans for expansion of the plant for completeness and adequacy and found that they were both. The approval of the outfall pipe initially was made in Tallahassee based on the original siting. He reviewed it again, however, and determined that both projects are environmentally sound and conform to the DER standards. Rule 17-6, Florida Administrative Code, requires surface water discharge to have secondary treatment activity prior to discharge and the discharge cannot exceed 20% 80D and suspended solids. According to DER studies; the secondary treatment afforded the water at this location was adequate with the caveat that the District might want to require an extension of the outfall to the main channel of the river to promote tidal flushing of the effluent. It was this change which was; in fact, made by the District office. Without the change, the incoming tide would take the wastewater up into Daggett Creek. By moving it as suggested, west of the point of Daggett Island, the tide would go up river rather than into the creek taking the effluent with it. Concern over the creek is due to its limited natural flushing as opposed to the greater natural flushing of the river. It was the intent of all parties to achieve the desired result and move the outfall point; if at all possible, at no increase in cost. Consequently, the pipeline was moved at the same length with a slight possible addition to take the outlet to the same depth and this change became a condition to the issuance of the permit. The Peninsula will also need a dredge and fill permit in order to accomplish the work in question. The outfall plans (both construction and discharge) meet the requirements set forth in the pertinent provisions of Rule 17-6, Florida Administrative Code. DER evaluated post- construction, concluding that the new point source discharge would not violate these standards. However, prior to approval of these projects, DER did not perform a biological, ecological, or hydrographic survey in the area. As a result, it cannot be said that the criteria outlined in Rule 17-4.29(6), Florida Administrative Code, will not be adversely affected by the outfall pipe. Nonetheless, these surveys were not deemed necessary here. EPA denial of the NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit, would have no impact on DER's intent to issue the instant permits. NPDES permits have no bearing on the state permitting process. If the NPDES permit is denied, the utility cannot discharge its effluent into the river. The state permit merely authorizes the construction. The NPDES permit applies to the outfall portion of the project, not to the treatment plant. Only if it could be shown there was a longstanding adverse effect on the water quality so as to bring it below standards, would this construction not be permitted. The depth of the water in the proposed area of the outfall is five feet. A 12-inch pipe would extend below the soil with an upturn to exit into the bottom of the river. Short term impacts of actual construction are not relevant to the permitting process. If there are any, they would be related to and considered in the dredge and fill permitting process. This conclusion is supported by the testimony of Jan Mandrup-Poulsen, a DER water quality specialist who, in his analysis of the instant projects, first looked at the plans for the outfall just a week before the hearing. By this time, the water quality section of DER had previously considered the project and he is familiar with the suggested change in the outfall location. In November 1985, he spent several days on a boat on the Halifax River in this area collecting data. His inquiry and examination showed that in the area in question, there are no grass beds, oyster beds, or anything significant that would be adversely affected by the location of the pipe and the outlet. The pipe outlet, as suggested, is far enough out into the river to keep it under sufficient water at all times to promote adequate flushing. In his opinion, the proposed discharge will be quickly diluted and will not violate the standards or other criteria set out in Section 17-3.121, Florida Administrative Code. In contrast to the above, Mr. Richard Fernandez, a registered civil engineer with a Master's Degree in environmental engineering, who did a study of these projects for TPI, indicated that the County 201 plan relating to this area, mandated by the federal government, calls for the eventual closing of all independent wastewater treatment plants with ultimate delivery of all wastewater to the Port Orange facility. If implemented, this plan calls for the conversion of the Peninsula facility to a pump station for the transmittal of effluent to Port Orange. In his opinion, the proposed discharge standard, as evaluated here, for the secondary treatment facility, is very high for such a facility. He feels the surface water discharge content of dissolved oxygen and suspended solids should be lower. In addition, he is of the opinion that the degree of treatment of discharged water required by the facilities in question here is too low and lower than typical secondary discharge points elsewhere in the area. Nonetheless, Mr. Fernandez concludes that while the intended facility here would probably not lower the quality of river water below standards, it is not in the public interest to construct it. Having considered the expert testimony on both sides, it is found that the construction requested here would not create sufficient ecological or environmental damage to justify denial. The proposals in the 201 plan calling for the transmittal of all effluent to Port Orange would not be acceptable to DER. The cost of such a project and the ecological damage involved would be so great as to render the project not even permittable. The currently existing percolation ponds used by the facility at Port Orange are not adequate to serve current needs and leech pollutants into the surrounding waterway. While the exact transmission routes called for under the 201 plan are not yet set, there would be substantial ecological problems no matter what routing is selected. There would be substantial damage to bird habitat, mangrove, and other protected living species unless some way were found to get the pipe across the river in an environmentally sound fashion. Consequently, DER has taken the position that the current proposals by Peninsula are superior to any plan to transmit waste to Port Orange.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED THAT DER: Enter an order dismissing with prejudice Volusia County's Petition in DOAH Case No. 85-3029 and, Issue permits to Peninsula Utilities, Inc., for the construction of a 100,000 gpd expansion to its existing wastewater treatment plant and to construct a river outfall line as was called for in the amended specifications listed in the application for this project. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of April, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Martin S. Friedman, Esquire Myers, Kenin, Levinson & Richards 2544 Blairstone Pines Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301. Deborah Getzoff, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Rd. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lester A. Lewis, Esquire Coble, McKinnon, Rothert, Barkin, Gordon, Morris and Lewis, P.A. P. O. Drawer 9670 Daytona Beach, Florida 32020 Ray W. Pennebaker, Esquire Assistant County Attorney P. O. Box 429 Deland, Florida 32720 Victoria Tschinkel Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings Of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner, TPI 1-2. Accepted in paragraph 17. 3-4. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Peninsula 1-13. Accepted in the Findings of Fact of the Recommended Order. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, DER 1. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 1 and 2. 2-3. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 5. 4-5. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 20 and 21. 6. 7. Accepted in Finding of Fact 19. 8. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14. 9. Accepted in Finding of Fact 9. 10. Accepted in Finding of Fact 8 and 21. 11. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14 and 17. 12-13. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14 and 17. 14-15. Rejected as a statement of evidence and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted in Finding of Fact 17. Recitation of Mr. Miller's testimony is not a Finding of Fact. The conclusions of Mr. Mandrup- Poulsen's testimony is not a Finding of Fact. Recitation of Mr. Mandrup-Poulsen's testimony testimony is not a Finding of Fact. Accepted in Finding of Fact 23. Recitation of testimony is rejected as not a Finding of Fact. Conclusions drawn from that testimony accepted in Finding of Fact 24.

Florida Laws (2) 403.87403.88
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000694 Latest Update: Dec. 05, 1983

The Issue Whether Gar-Con's revised application for a permit to construct a sewage plant, and soakage trenches to dispose of the effluent, should be granted?

Findings Of Fact Eight to ten miles south of Melbourne Beach and 8.3 miles north of Sebastian Inlet, Gar-Con plans to develop a parcel of land stretching west from the Atlantic Ocean, across Highway A1A, to the Indian River. Gar-Con expects to build a motel and residential complex complete with tennis courts, parking garage, water treatment plant and the sewage treatment facility for which a construction permit is sought in these proceedings. The sewage treatment plant would be built on a site 480 feet west of Highway A1A and 90 feet south of Gar-Con's northern property line, at an elevation of 11 or 12 feet above mean sea level. Ocean Way Water and Sewer Association, Inc. is to be organized as a nonprofit corporation to own and operate the wastewater treatment facility. The Public Service Commission, through the director of its water and sewer treatment, has taken the position that the proposed "sewer system will fall within the exemption described in Section 367.022(7), Florida Statutes." DER's Composite Exhibit A. PACKAGE PLANT PROPOSED The facility Gar-Con proposes is designed to treat 100,000 gallons of sewage daily, which is the estimated "total flow" (T. 75) the sanitary engineer who designed the system anticipates from the development. Sewage generated by the development would flow to the plant, through a bar rack designed to remove rags and other large objects, and into aeration tanks where, over a 24 hour period, interaction with air and a biological mass would supply oxygen and cause the formation of biological floccules. The flocculant sewage would then move to a clarifier hopper. During its five hour stay there, solids which were not earlier segregated as the sewage moved over a weir into the clarifier, would be precipitated and removed. The clear, residual liquid would be pumped through one of two sand filters (each of which would also have granular activated carbon and be capable of filtering 100,000 gallons daily) into one of two chlorine contact chambers where a gas chlorinator would introduce chlorine for an hour. Under ordinary circumstances, the chlorinated effluent would then be pumped into one of two soakage trenches. The soakage trenches, each designed for use every other week, are to be gravel-filled ditches covered over first with felt paper, then with compacted fill. The gravel would lie at least one foot beneath the surface of the ground in a space ten feet wide and three feet deep stretching the 940 foot length of each soakage trench. Punctured like sieves, two six-inch PVC pipes would run through the gravel, sweating effluent from their pores. There is also a plan to dig a percolation pond or grassed swale five feet deep, 120 feet long and 80 feet wide near the wastewater treatment plant, which could serve as a receptacle for effluent, in case of "a 1:10 year storm or when the filters are down and/or if soakage trenches would need repair." Gar- Con's Exhibit 2-A. It would hold about 100,000 gallons. The solids caught by the weir, those extracted in the clarifying process, and those recovered from backwashing the filters would serve as catalyst for the aeration process as needed. Excess sludge, about 3,000 pounds monthly, would undergo "aerobic digestion," before being removed to Brevard County's Central Disposal Facility on Adamson Road, for disposal there. Gar- Con's Exhibit No. 7. Primary and secondary drinking water standards would be met by the effluent as it left the plant (although the engineer who designed the system would not drink the effluent himself), except that, from time to time, nitrate concentrations might reach 12 milligrams per liter, and except in the "event that a homeowner might put some type of [inorganic toxic or carcinogenic] material into the sewer system." (T. 86) The biological oxygen demand (BOD) would be ten milligrams per liter; suspended solids would probably amount to about five milligrams per liter; pH would probably be slightly under seven; nitrates would average approximately eight milligrams per liter but would "peak out at certain times during the year, for maybe extended periods up to two months, at twelve milligrams per liter," (T. 80); and there would be a chlorine residual after 60 minutes of two milligrams per liter. AMBIENT WATERS There would be no direct discharge to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian River or any other body of surface water, nor would any indirect effect on surface waters be measurable. No body of surface water lies within 500 feet of the site proposed for the plant and soakage trenches. Potable groundwater underlies the site; the groundwater table slopes toward the Atlantic Ocean, 9.5 to 12.5 feet below ground. "[D]uring the traditional rainy season," Gar-Con's Exhibit 2B, Attachment, p.3, the groundwater may rise to within seven feet of the surface. The PVC pipes in the soakage trenches are to be placed two and a half feet deep. As effluent percolated through the sandy soil, there would be "mounding" of the groundwater underneath the soakage trenches, and dispersal in all directions. Surface flow is to be diverted from the soakace trenches so that only rainwater falling directly on them would percolate down through the gravel beds. Taking soil characteristics into account, and assuming a "water table depth" of 20 feet, an engineer retained by Gar-Con predicted that "the maximum expected groundwater rises beneath the east and west trenches are 2.4 and 2.1 feet, respectively under a loading of 100,000 gpd for a period of 7 days." Gar-Con's Exhibit No. 3. The water table depth, "the height, the top of the groundwater from the first restrictive layer," (T. 172), is probably more like 40 feet than 20, which accounts in part for the "conservatism" of the mounding predictions. Under very severe weather conditions (a 100 year storm), groundwater would rise as high as the bottom of the trenches making them unavailable to receive effluent, but the effluent would not be forced above ground. In a 100 year flood, water would be expected to rise to seven feet above mean sea level. Under such conditions, people could be expected to evacuate the area. In a 25 year storm, the system could be expected to continue to function. Groundwater to the north and east of the proposed site was sampled, and the samples were analyzed. The water to the north had 380 milligrams of chlorides per liter and the water to the east had 450 milligrams of chlorides per liter. As it left the proposed treatment plant, the effluent would contain approximately 150 milligrams of chlorides per liter. SOUND AND LIGHT Lights like those used as street lights are to be installed at four places in the wastewater treatment plant. A timer, which can be overridden, would turn the lights on at dusk and off at eleven o'clock at night. The lights would illuminate the plant adequately. Pumps would move sewage to and through the proposed plant. Most of the pump motors would be submerged and unable to be heard. Two electric blowers, a flow meter and a totalizer would also have electrical motors. The blowers and the blower motors are to be equipped with insulated fiberglass covers and the blowers would also have intake and double outlet silencers. Four feet from the plant the noise of the motors would be comparable to that of a home air conditioning unit. At the nearest residence the noise level would scarcely exceed background noise. At hearing, Gar-Con revised its application and agreed to install an emergency generator which would also be encased in insulated housing and is to be equipped with a muffler. AEROSOL AND ODOR Unless the proposed plant loses electric power for 24 hours or longer, no offensive odors would emanate from it. The bar rack and weirs would be regularly hosed down. Against the possibility of a power failure, Gar-Con agreed at hearing to install permanently an emergency generator with sufficient capacity to keep both the wastewater treatment plant and the water treatment plant it plans to build operable. No aerosol drift is foreseen. The surface of the liquid In the aeration tanks would be 1.4 feet below the top of the rim. Walkways four feet wide along the inside perimeters of the aeration holding tanks would prevent dispersal of most of aerosol. A decorative hedge around the treatment plant, which would eventually be 15 feet high, is a final fail-safe. WELLS To the north are two shallow wells within 500 feet of the site proposed for the wastewater treatment plant. Both wells belong to Kel Fox, who wrote Gar-Con that he had no objection to their proposed wastewater treatment facility in light of Gar-Con's agreement to furnish drinking water to existing facilities on his property and reimburse him expenses incurred in disconnecting the two shallow wells. Gar-Con's Exhibit 2E. There is a deep well within 500 feet to the south. DER and Gar-Con have entered into the following stipulation, dated September 2, 1983: Existing Wells. Prior to the operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con will offer to supply drinking water at a reasonable cost to owners of property on which are located operational or approved shallow drinking water wells that are within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site. Gar-Con will make this offer to all such owners known to it prior to the operation of its plant. Gar-Con will further offer to provide reasonable compensation to such owners to disconnect their shallow wells. Gar-Con will endeavor to arrange for provision of drinking water to these owners and the disconnection of those wells prior to the operation of its plant. Future Wells. Should nearby individual (non-corporate) property owners propose to construct shallow drinking wells located within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site after Gar-Con begins operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con also will offer to supply them with drinking water at a reasonable cost and to provide reasonable compensation to them to disconnect those wells. However, Gar-Con shall have no obligation to make any such offer to owners of future wells if sampling of monitoring wells located at or near its external property line indicates that the groundwater meets the primary drinking water standards and, after July 1, 1985, the secondary drinking water standards listed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-22.104. Gar-Con agrees to record a master notice of restriction barring future owners of lots within the Ocean Way development, which are owned by Car-Con at the time of permit issuance, from installing shallow drinking water wells on such property or otherwise using the shallow aquifer beneath their property as a source for irrigation or for potable water, so long as use of the proposed sewage disposal system continues, and the Department has not found that this restriction is unnecessary. This restriction, which shall be a covenant running with the land, further shall require future owners to purchase water from Gar-Con or any successor owner of the development's water system if Gar-Con or the successor provides water service. These restrictions also shall be contained in all other appropriate documents of title. In addition, Gar-Con plans to create a non-profit water and sewer association to own and control the development's water and sewer system. Gar-Con will include in the Articles of Incorporation of this association a requirement that all property owners served by the system must be members of the Association. Gar-Con is entitled to a zone of discharge extending to its current property line with the exception that the zone of discharge shall not include the area contained within a 100' radius of Gar-Cons's proposed water supply wells. DER Staff concurs that the above conditions, in conjunction with the sewage treatment and disposal system and the groundwater monitoring program proposed by the applicant, to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-4, F.A.C. will provide reasonable assurance that existing and future off-site and on-site property owners will be protected from any adverse effects that might result from the operation of the proposed sewage treatment disposal system. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10. There are to be a half dozen monitoring wells to allow sampling of the groundwater at strategic points in the shallow aquifer. NATURAL RESOURCES Turtles nest in the general vicinity but off the site of the proposed project. Construction and operation of the proposed waste water treatment facility would have no impact on the turtles apart from making it possible for more people to live closer to where they nest.

Florida Laws (1) 367.022
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Dec. 16, 1991 Number: 91-002968 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1994

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Tamaron wastewater treatment facility (facility), located at 3800 Gatewood Drive, Sarasota, Florida, serves the Tamaron residential subdivision which was originally developed by U. S. Homes Corporation in 1976. The subdivision presently consists of 499 homes and was completely built out in the mid-1980's. The facility was originally owned and operated by U. S. Homes Corporation. Tamaron Utilities, a nonprofit entity comprised of the 499 homeowners, acquired the facility in November, 1987. At that time, the facility's existing operating permit was transferred to Tamaron Utilities. The facility is overseen by an elected board of volunteer homeowners. The Department is the agency of the State of Florida that is authorized to regulate domestic wastewater treatment and disposal facilities and permit their construction and operation. It is the successor agency to the Department of Environmental Regulation. By letter dated November 10, 1987, the Department notified Tamaron of the requirements of Chapter 87-303, Laws of Florida (Grizzle-Figg Amendment), which amended Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, and of the Department's intention to modify Tamaron's operating permit to incorporate a schedule of compliance with Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter 87-303, Laws of Florida. On August 23, 1988, an operating permit (D058-141783), which contained secondary water treatment requirements, was issued to the facility. Specific condition 7 of the permit required that the facility be in compliance with the Grizzle-Figg Amendment by October, 1990, or eliminate discharge to surface waters. On September 5, 1990, Tamaron filed an application with the Department to renew its domestic waste water treatment and disposal systems operation permit. Tamaron did not consider its facility as discharging waste into one of the specifically named water bodies set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment or to "water tributary thereto" and thereby required to meet the advanced waste treatment criteria set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. However, in an abundance of caution, Tamaron proceeded to bring its facility into compliance with the advanced waste treatment criteria as set forth in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. After numerous requests for additional information and several meetings between Tamaron and the Department, the Department issued its Notice of Permit Denial on April 9, 1991, asserting that Tamaron had not provided: (a) reasonable assurance that the requirements of Section 403.086(1)(c), Florida Statutes, mandating advanced waste treatment (AWT) before discharge to certain designated surface waters, would be met and; (b) reasonable assurance that the discharge to those certain designated surface waters would result in minimal negative impact as required by Section 403.086(5)(a), Florida Statutes. The facility continues to operate under its secondary treatment permit No. DO58-141783. The facility consists of a wastewater treatment plant designed for secondary treatment, with tertiary filtration. The design capacity of the facility is 155,000 gallons per day (0.155MGD) with actual flows of slightly over 100,000 gallons per day (0.100MGD+). Three percolation ponds surround the facility comprising the primary effluent disposal method for the facility. The Tamaron subdivision has a series of excavated surface water bodies (stormwater lakes), hydraulically connected, which eventually discharge at the northeast corner of the subdivision into Phillippi Creek. The direct path of surface water flow is from the subdivision's stormwater lakes to Phillippi Creek. These stormwater lakes are in multiple ownership. Under Department policy, stormwater systems permitted by the Department, its predecessor DER, or a water management district solely as stormwater treatment facilities under Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, are not considered "waters of the State". However, stormwater systems built prior to Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, permitting requirements, were considered "waters of the State" if they discharge more frequently than a twenty five year, twenty-four hour storm event. See Petitioner's exhibits 13 & 15. Tamaron's stormwater system was built prior to Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code, permitting requirements, and was designed to discharge at a ten year, twenty-four hour storm event which is more frequent than a twenty five year, twenty-four hour storm event. Discharge of water into Phillippi Creek from the subdivision's stormwater lakes is fairly frequent; however, the volume of the discharge is low. Phillippi Creek is a natural surface water which eventually flows into Roberts Bay. Roberts Bay is a specifically named water body in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment (Section 403.086(1)(c), Florida Statutes). Since September, 1989, Tamaron has retained William Murchie, P.E. of AM Engineering, to evaluate the design and operation of the facility in order to comply with appropriate regulatory requirements. The facility provides biological treatment through a contact stabilization utilizing an activated sludge. This process typically provides high quality advanced secondary biological treatment. A chemical feed tank system utilizing ferrous sulfate was added to the facility several years ago to chemically precipitate out total phosphorus to meet the advanced waste treatment requirements. High-level disinfection is achieved in the large chlorine contact chamber and through two tertiary filters. At the design flow of 0.155MGD, the chlorine contact chamber provides nearly 80 minutes of contact time, while actual contact time for existing flows, not including time in filters, is calculated at 110 minutes. Upon leaving the chlorine contact chamber and the biological treatment components of the facility, the chlorinated effluent is directed through two tertiary filters to reduce the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS). After the tertiary filters, the effluent passes through the sample block where it is sampled for TSS, BOD and chlorine and is then piped sequentially into the first, second and third percolation ponds. The percolation ponds span two acres and provide residence time of 35 to 45 days, during which time the effluent is further biologically treated and nitrogen is reduced. From the percolation ponds, the effluent is pumped into a low pressure system which uniformly distributes effluent over two nitrogen reduction filters. The nitrogen reduction filters are located north of the plant and are immediately adjacent to one of the subdivision's stormwater lakes. The nitrogen reduction filters consist of deep sand beds covered with Bermuda grass to provide high nitrogen uptake. The irrigation of the two nitrogen reduction filters is alternated every half day. These nitrogen reduction systems were modified in October/November, 1990, by adding 3 to 3 1/2 feet of clean sand with a permeability rate of 28 feet per day, planting Bermuda grass, and installing an irrigation/distribution system. These filters replaced two sand pits with shallow layers of very coarse sand, after initial testing demonstrated the sand pits to be inadequate in removing nutrients consistent with statutory requirements. In January, 1992, an underdrain system utilizing perforated pipe was installed in the nitrogen reduction filters to create an aerobic zone and to provide a representative sample port after nutrient reduction in the filters. This sample port, used for the biweekly monitoring, consists of a single solid pipe, that collects effluent from the perforated pipes, with a tap to prevent discharge into the adjacent stormwater lake, except during sampling events. The biweekly sampling event results in effluent being discharged from the pipe for approximately 30 minutes to flush the pipe so as to get a proper sample. The underdrain sampling port at the nitrogen reduction filters replaced two earlier monitor wells between the nitrogen reduction filter and the stormwater pond, which proved ineffective because of their location. The perforated underdrains are situated in filter bed sand of medium grain size with a permeability rate 100 feet per day and located below 3 - 3 1/2 feet of clean sand with a permeability rate of 28 feet per day and above very permeable layers of sand, stone and coarse shell. (See Tamaron's exhibit 23 and Department's exhibit 14) The very permeable layers of sand, coarse shell, the perforated pipe and the single solid pipe are all located above the ground water table. Since the perforated pipe and sample port are both located above the ground water level and the surface of the adjacent stormwater lake, it is unlikely that the effluent sample taken from the sample port would be influenced by the ground water or a back flow of water from the adjacent stormwater lake. The coarse shell layer situated below the nitrogen reduction filters extends to the edge of the adjacent stormwater lake. Therefore, the effluent, other than the effluent trapped in the perforated pipe and carried to the sample port, that is irrigated onto the nitrogen reduction filters passes through the sand and into the coarse shell layer. The effluent is then transported laterally through the coarse shell layer to the underground edge of the adjacent stormwater lake where there is a subsurface discharge into the adjacent stormwater lake. Since the discharge to the stormwater lakes is primarily subsurface in nature, the logical compliance point to measure effluent parameters would be the underground sample port which collects the effluent prior to subsurface discharge into the stormwater lake. See Petitioner's exhibit 15. The direction of ground water flow at the facility is towards the north to the adjacent stormwater lakes as evidenced by the hydraulic gradient of the site determined using ground water table elevations. The location for sampling effluent from the facility for compliance with secondary standards was described in Specific Condition 5 of Tamaron's previous permit No. D058-141783 dated August 23, 1988. Specific Condition 5 states that the discharge from the chlorine contact chamber shall be sampled in accordance with Chapter 17-19, Florida Administrative Code, (now Chapter 17-601, Florida Administrative Code), for compliance with the stated secondary limits. The facility's tertiary filters are located after the chlorine contact chamber. Tamaron samples effluent for compliance with secondary standards (BOD,TSS, chlorine) at the sampling box after disinfection and tertiary filtration. Tertiary filtration is designed to achieve a more efficient removal of TSS and BOD. The resulting effluent is usually of higher quality than secondarily treated effluent. A secondary plant with tertiary filtration is referred to as an "advanced secondary treatment" plant. Data presented by Tamaron titled Tamaron 1991-1993 Data On FDER Permit Compliance (Tamaron's exhibit 17, page 1 of 2) shows reported values, sampled after tertiary filtration at the sample box, which suggest that secondary treatment parameters, including fecal coliform, are not being exceeded. The data actually shows a very high removal rate for the parameters sampled. The United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, number FL0042811, to Tamaron for the facility with an effective date of June 1, 1991, which authorized Tamaron to discharge from the facility to the receiving waters named Phillippi Creek to Roberts Bay in accordance with the effluent limitation, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in the permit. Since the facility was located in the Grizzle-Figg Amendment area of Florida certain changes were made from the draft permit to the final permit. Those changes appear in the Amendment To The Statement Of Basis At The Time Of Final Permit Issuance which is made a part of the final permit. The amendment provides for changes in Part I, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements. These changes, among other things, require that the Grizzle-Figg Amendment annual limits of 5 mg/l BOD, 5mg/l TSS, 3mg/l total nitrogen and 1mg/l total phosphorus be added to the effluent limits to adequately maintain water quality standards, and added monitoring requirements and measurement frequency regulations to give the basis for permit limits and conditions in accordance with Chapters 17-302, 17-600 and 17-601, Florida Administrative Code. Data presented by Tamaron titled Tamaron 1991-1993 Data On NPDES Permit Compliance (Tamaron's exhibit 17, page 2 of 2) show reported values sampled after nitrogen reduction filters which suggest that the maximum values for AWT parameters, including fecal coliform, are not being exceeded, particularly after January, 1992, when Tamaron began sampling effluent collected by the perforated underdrains at the sample port. Tamaron has been monitoring and reporting compliance under its final NPDES permit and providing copies to the Department. There was no evidence that Tamaron was ever in violation of its NPDES permit. Tamaron submitted documentation to the Department with its permit application that demonstrated high-level disinfection within the facility was being achieved. However, TSS was being sampled after the application of the disinfectant. Using this procedure, the facility continued to achieve high- level disinfection until the permit denial. After the permit denial, the facility resumed basic disinfection which was required under Tamaron's permit for secondary treatment. This same data indicates that there was compliance with the requirements for fecal coliform. The record is not clear as to the frequency and number of samples taken to provide the data for reporting compliance with the NPDES permit and the data presented in Petitioner's exhibit 17, page 2 of 2. However, there was no evidence, other than sampling for TSS after the disinfectant was added, that Tamaron was not complying with its NPDES Permit that required, among other things, that the monitoring requirements and measurement frequency of the Department's rules and regulations be followed by Tamaron. Tamaron has modified and upgraded the facility in order to achieve a treatment process which will produce effluent of a quality for discharge under the Grizzle-Figg Amendment. Tamaron has provided reasonable assurances, although not absolute assurance, that the facility can comply with the discharge permit requirements of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, including Section 403.086, Florida Statutes, notwithstanding the testimony of Jay Thabaraj to the contrary concerning Tamaron's sampling technique and its method of obtaining high-level disinfection which can be addressed as a specific condition, if necessary. Studies conducted by the Tamaron's engineer included in Petitioner's exhibit 21 indicates that there was no adverse impact to the stormwater lakes from the facility's wastewater treatment and disposal system. Tamaron has provided reasonable assurances that the point of discharge is a reasonably access point, where such discharge results only in minimal negative impact.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a final order granting Tamaron an operating permit for its facility as secondary treatment facility. In the alternative, that the Department enter a final order granting Tamaron an operating permit for its facility that requires compliance with the advanced waste treatment criteria set forth in Section 403.086(4), Florida Statutes, that, in addition to any general or specific conditions that are normally required, contains specific conditions that: (a) contains specific instructions on sampling technique, sampling frequency and reporting as set forth in Rule 17- 740(1)(b)2., Florida Administrative Code, and (b) sets forth compliance with high-level disinfection, with a time limit for compliance, that accomplishes the intent of the rule, if not the strict letter of the rule, without total redesign of the facility. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of May, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of May, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-2968 The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Petitioner, Tamaron's Proposed Findings of Fact: The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1); 2(2); 3(3); 4(5,6); 5(6); 6(7); 8(12); 10(8); 11-12(13-25,38); 13(31-34); 14(8); 15(13); 16(14); 17-18(15); 19(36); 20(16); 21(17); 22(18); 23(19); 24(20); 25(21);26(22); 32(32,7); 33(33); 34(32,32); 36(31); 39-40(34); 41(36); 42- 43(34); 44(35); 47(4); and 51(10). Proposed findings of fact 27-31, and 35 are conclusions of law rather than findings of fact.. Proposed findings of fact 45, 46, 48-50, 56, 57, 59, and 61-72 are arguments rather than findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact 7, 9, 37, 38, 52-55, 58 and 60 are neither material nor relevant. Respondent, Department's Proposed Findings of Fact: The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1,6); 2(2); 3(4,10); 5(9); 6(9,10); 8(11); 9-17(18-27); 18(8); 19(13); 20(5); 21(17); 22(30); 23(31); 24(14); 25(17); 26(18-23); 27(34); and 32(35,38). Proposed finding of fact 4 is neither material nor relevant but see Findings of Fact 18-25. Proposed findings of fact 7, 31 and 33 are arguments rather than findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact 28-30 are conclusions of law rather than findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Kenneth Plante, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Charles G. Stephens, Esquire C. Robinson Hall, Esquire Enterprise Plaza, Suite 1516 101 E. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33602 Francine Ffolkes, Esquire Office of General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68403.021403.031403.061403.086
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Oct. 19, 1992 Number: 92-006254 Latest Update: Oct. 05, 1993

Findings Of Fact Based upon the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The SFWMD is a public corporation in the state of Florida existing by virtue of Chapter 25270, Laws of Florida, 1949, and operating pursuant to Chapter 573, Fla. Stat., and Title 40E, Fla. Admin. Code, as a multi-purpose water management district, with its principal office in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Navy has proposed construction of a naval housing facility on the Peary Court site (the "Site") in Key West, Florida. The Site is approximately 25.89 acres and will provide 160 housing units for junior enlisted Navy and Air Force personnel and their families. The Site is the center of a larger, 37 acre drainage basin. The Site was formerly the location of military housing. However, for the past 18 years, the Site had been used by the City of Key West, with the assent of the Navy, for active and passive recreation for city residents. The Site contains a cemetery of historic value and a former military housing structure now being used by the Navy Key West Federal Credit Union with an associated parking area of paved asphalt. On February 6, 1992, the Navy submitted an application for a Surface Water Management District General Permit for the Project. The proposed surface water management system (the "System") was designed by Rice Creekmore, a registered professional engineer, and his company Johnson, Creekmore, and Fabray. The proposed System utilizes the existing topography and incorporates a number of drainage control mechanisms to manage the run-off from the Site. The System employs inlets, swales and culverts to direct stormwater run-off into dry detention areas (ponds) for pretreatment prior to discharging into seven 24-inch Class V injection wells (drainage wells). As discussed below, these injection wells must be permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation ("FDER"). The dry pond areas utilize key ditches, bottom elevation 1.0' NGVD, in order to hydraulically connect all of the dry pond areas together into one dry system prior to overflowing into the drainage wells beginning at elevation 1.5' NGVD. In other words, the detention ponds are interconnected with pipes. The design includes only one point where run-off would be discharged from the Site during any storm equal to a 25 year, three day storm event. That discharge would occur at the lowest point of the Site at the corner of Eisenhower and Palm. The water would be discharged through a V notch weir (the "Weir") into the City's stormwater system. An existing 12" storm drain line at the discharge point will be replaced by a 13.5" by 22.0" Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe culvert. As discussed in more detail below, the System is designed so as to detain 1" of run-off within the dry detention ponds prior to any discharge through the Weir. After review of the application and submittals, the SFWMD issued a Notice of Intent to issue General Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No. 44-00178-S (the "Permit") on September 29, 1992. Petitioner and Intervenor timely petitioned for an administrative hearing challenging the SFWMD decision to award the Permit. There is no dispute as to the standing of either Petitioner or Intervenor. The SFWMD has adopted rules that set forth the criteria which an applicant must satisfy in order for a surface water management permit to issue. The criteria are set forth in Rule 40E-4, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 40E-4.301(1)(m) and 40E-4.091(1)(a) incorporate by reference The Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Permit Applications within South Florida Water Management District - April, 1987, ("The Basis for Review"). The Basis for Review explicates certain procedures and information used by the SFWMD staff in reviewing a surface water management permit application. The SFWMD issues general permits for projects of 40 acres or less that meet specific criteria. All other projects must obtain individual permits which are reviewed by the District Board. The specific rules relating only to general permits are set forth in Rule 40E-40. In addition, the Basis for Review sets forth certain technical requirements which must be met for the issuance of a general permit including general construction requirements and special requirements for wetlands. The Basis for Review also sets forth criteria for how a proposed system should address water quantity and water quality issues. The SFWMD assumes that water quantity and water quality standards will be met if a system satisfies the criteria set forth in the Basis for Review. Water Quantity Criteria Rule 40E-4.301(a), Florida Administrative Code, requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that a surface water management system will provide adequate flood protection and drainage. The purpose of the water quantity criteria is to insure that pre- development flows and post-development flows are equal. The SFWMD requires calculations of a project's projected post-development flow to guarantee that the post-development discharge rate will not be in excess of the pre-development discharge rate. These calculations are based on a 25 year, 3 day storm event. There is no stormwater management system in place at the Project Site. The pre-development topography results in a pre-development discharge point from the Site at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue. At this point, a discharge or outfall pipe leads into the City of Key West's stormwater management system. The City's system ultimately discharge into Garrison Bight, a nearly waterbody which is discussed in more detail below. At the time the Navy began planning for the Project, the Navy was told that the discharge pipe had a capacity of accepting water at a rate of 40 cubic feet per second ("CFS"). The Navy initially designed a system to utilize this capacity. Subsequently, it was discovered that, due to the size of the pipe at the discharge point and the capacity of the pipes downstream in the City of Key West's stormwater management system, the City would not allow or accommodate a discharge of more than 11 CFS from the Site. Thus, the System had to be redesigned so that the discharge to the City's system would not exceed 11 CFS. The system was redesigned to incorporate the seven (7) Class V injection wells. The injection wells are intended to insure that discharge from the Project into the City stormwater system through the surface water discharge pipe at Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue will not exceed 11 CFS. The injection wells introduce treated stormwater into the ground before it reaches the discharge point. The pre-development rate of surface water discharge from Peary Court in a 25 year, 72 hour storm event was 55 CFS. This rate was calculated based upon a site survey, a determination of the existing amount of pervious versus impervious surface area, and a calculation made through a generally accepted civil-engineering computer program. 1/ This predevelopment discharge is the amount of water which would be expected to discharge off-site after percolation occurs. The number and size of the injection wells for the proposed system were determined based upon tests of an on-site twelve-inch fire well. The results of the tests revealed that the on-site test well could manage in excess of 2 CFS. Due to test limitations, the exact capacity could not be measured, but the capacity was clearly more than 2 CFS. These results were then compared with data obtained from the engineering firm of Post, Buckeley, Schuh & Jernigan for installed wells in the Florida Keys of a similar nature and size to the wells in the proposed surface water management system. The Post, Buckeley test results indicated that 24-inch wells had a capacity of 31 CFS. In addition, the design engineer consulted with South Florida Well Drillers, who have drilled other wells in the Florida Keys including 24-inch wells at the Key West airport which were completed shortly before the application for this Project. South Florida Well drillers found the capacity of 24-inch wells in Key West to be in the 25 to 30 CFS range. Based upon the results of the test well and the related reports described above, the project engineer based his design of the surface water management system on an estimated well capacity of 8.4 CFS for each well. These estimates were submitted by the Navy in its application and were appropriately determined to be reasonable by the SFWMD staff. Indeed, the evidence established that 8.4 CFS was a conservative estimate. The seven injection wells, at an estimated capacity of approximately 8.4 CFS each, provide in excess of 56 CFS of well discharge capacity, which is beyond the necessary discharge volume for the Project. Limiting Condition No. 13 of the Permit requires the Navy to obtain a well capacity test from a Florida Registered Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist following the installation of the first Class V injection well at the Site. If the results of this test indicate that the capacity of the well is different than that submitted by the Navy in its application, the Navy must apply for a permit modification to provide a design which incorporates a representative injection well flow-rate and an appropriate number of wells for the Site. In view of the reasonableness of the capacity rates utilized for the wells, it is unlikely that the results of the capacity test will result in any major design change in the proposed surface water management system. The use of the injection wells in the proposed surface water management system will significantly reduce the amount of run-off which would otherwise reach Garrison Bight from the Site. After the System is completed, it is expected that the amount of run-off from the Site that will reach Garrison Bight will be only 20 percent of the predevelopment amount. In addition, because there has previously been no management of the run-off from the Site and surrounding areas, there has been a frequent flooding problem at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue after heavy rain storms. The proposed surface water management system will accommodate the overflow of water which historically occurred when discharges from Peary Court and the surrounding areas could not be accommodated by the Key West storm water management system. Petitioner and Intervenor suggest that the effect of tidal flow on the capacity of the wells was not fully considered. The evidence established that the design engineer considered normal high tides in calculating groundwater elevations. Respondent's engineering experts have concluded that the proposed surface water management system is effectively designed to accommodate the Florida Keys' tidal flows. Petitioner and Intervenor offered no expert testimony to refute this conclusion and/or to establish that the tides would impact the effectiveness of the proposed surface water management system. In the event that an extremely high tide occurs at the time of a storm, the detention ponds may hold standing water for a short time. This water would not be discharged off-site. There is no evidence that tidal influences would in any way adversely affect the System's ability to uptake pollutants in the "first- flush". The Class V shallow injection wells are an integral part of the proposed Peary Court surface water management system. Without the injection wells it is not clear whether the Project could meet the SFWMD water quantity criteria. The SFWMD does not have authority to permit Class V injection wells. FDER must permit those wells. The Peary Court site is not the first Florida Keys' project permitted by the SFWMD which utilizes injection wells. The surface water management permits for the other projects were issued contingent upon obtaining the necessary permits for the injection wells. Special Condition No. 14 of the Permit provides that the Permit is conditioned on the Applicant obtaining the applicable permits from FDER for the injection wells. During the interim while the Navy is seeking the FDER permits, it should be required to retain all run-off on-site. If the Navy is not able to obtain the necessary FDER permits for the injection wells, the Navy should be required to either retain all run-off on-site or propose an alternate design to meet the SFWMD's water quantity requirements. A modified permit application with a new Notice of Intent should be required for any alternate design. The following Special Condition Number 14 was offered by the SFWMD at the hearing (language revised from original condition is highlighted and underlined): THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT OBTAINING THE NECESSARY CLASS V INJECTION WELL PERMITS FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION (FDER). THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT AN APPROVED CLASS V DRAINAGE WELL PERMIT FROM FDER PRIOR TO OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. IN THE INTERIM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL CERTIFY TO THE DISTRICT THAT NO OFF-SITE DISCHARGE WILL OCCUR UNTIL THE APPROVED CLASS V DRAINAGE WELLS ARE IN OPERATION. IF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN MUST BE MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF FDER REQUIREMENTS OR IF THE CLASS V INJECTION WELL PERMITS ARE NOT ISSUED, THE APPLICANT SHALL APPLY FOR A PERMIT MODIFICATION TO PROVIDE A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN WHICH SHALL MEET DISTRICT CRITERIA IN EFFECT AT THAT TIME. The proposed additional language requires the Navy to certify that no off-site discharges will occur until the injection wells are permitted and are operating. This revised language should be added to Special Condition No. 14 to clarify that the injection wells must be in operation prior to any off-site discharge from the surface water management system. Maintenance of the surface water management system entails upkeep of the dry detention areas and routine grass cutting, as well as inspection of the injection wells on a periodic basis to guard against clogging and reduced capacity. The system is essentially designed to operate without direct surveillance or intervention. Injection wells do not require any additional maintenance over and above that which is routinely required for other types of surface water management systems. The injection wells will require routine maintenance to ensure that manholes and inlets do not become clogged. Limiting Condition No. 8 of the Permit requires that the surface water management system, including the injection wells, be maintained. At the hearing, the SFWMD proposed that a condition be added to the Permit to further clarify the maintenance requirements. A condition requiring long-term maintenance would be desirable and reasonable. A new special condition should be added to the Permit requiring long-term maintenance of grass swales and inspections of injection wells for clogging. Acceptable language for such a condition would be: SPECIAL CONDITION NO. 15 The permittee shall provide long-term maintenance of the surface water management system, encompassing the injection wells, including, but not limited to, (a) maintenance of the vegetation in the grass swales and detention ponds and (b) routine inspections of wells and discharge structures for clogging. Water Quality Criteria As noted above, there is no designed system for surface water management and/or water quality pretreatment at the Site in its undeveloped state. Surface water run-off that can not be managed by the City of Key West's storm water management system collects in roads adjacent to the Site, resulting in adverse water quality and quantity impacts to adjacent land and receiving waters. The applicable water quality criteria, contained in Rule 40E-4.301, Florida Administrative Code, require an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that a surface water management system will not cause adverse water quality impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands, and will not cause discharge which results in any violation of the standards and criteria of Chapter 17-302 for surface waters of the state. Rule 40E-4.301 provides that: In order to obtain a permit under this chapter, an applicant must give reasonable assurances that the surface water management system is consistent with the State Water Policy as set forth in Chapter 17-40, Florida Administrative Code (40E-4.301(1)(h), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 17-40.420 provides in pertinent part: Minimum Stormwater Treatment Performance Standards. When a stormwater management system complies with rules establishing the design and performance criteria for stormwater management systems, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that such systems will comply with state water quality standards. The Department and the Districts, pursuant to Section 373.436, Florida Statutes, shall adopt rules that specify design and performance criteria for new stormwater management systems which: 1. Shall be designed to achieve at least 80 percent reduction of the average annual load of pollutants that would cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards. The Basis for Review, which is incorporated into Title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, by reference, further delineates the applicable water quality permit criteria for surface water management systems. Regarding water quality criteria, the Basis for Review provides: State standards - Projects shall be designed so that discharges will meet state water quality standards, as set forth in Chapter 17-3 [revised to 17-302], Florida Administrative Code. The SFWMD's water quality criteria do not require chemical testing of stormwater for residential projects. The SFWMD's water quality criteria require that the design of a surface water management system meet applicable design/technology based criteria. Section of the Basis for Review contains the specific water quality criteria for the design of a surface water management system. The SFWMD allows applicants to design their surface water management system using either dry or wet detention or dry or wet retention, so long as the treatment provided by the system meets water quality and quantity criteria. Dry detention consists of a system of grass swales and vegetative- covered ponds which detain water at a predetermined rate prior to off-site discharge. Wet retention can contain canals, ditches, lakes or ponds to retain water on-site. If a system is designed to meet the criteria specified in of the Basis for Review and incorporates Best Management Practices ("BMP's") for the type of system proposed, the SFWMD presumes that water quality standards will not be violated. In determining which system is appropriate for a particular site, water quantity (flooding impacts) and water quality impacts must be balanced. In some cases, water quantity concerns may preclude certain types of water quality treatment methods. At the hearing in this case, Petitioner and Intervenor suggested that retention is superior to detention in designing surface water management systems. The evidence presented in this case was insufficient to support this conclusion. In any event, this contention focuses only on water quality considerations. One drawback to retention is that it may have on-site flooding impacts. With respect to this Project, the evidence indicates that retention may not have been an acceptable alternative because of possible adverse water quantity impacts. The Navy's proposed surface water management system was designed to utilize dry detention with filtration for treatment of surface water prior to discharge into the injection wells and/or off-site. The design uses a system of grass swales and grass-covered detention ponds to detain and filter pollutants from the surface water as it makes its way through the dry detention system. The System is designed to utilize as many grass swale areas as possible to filter or treat the surface water before it reaches the detention ponds which provide further treatment. The swales restrict the flow of water to approxmiately one half to one foot per second which allows for percolation and a tremendous amount of filtration. The System utilizes the natural topography of the Site to direct water through the dry detention system to the lowest point of the Site at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue. Any water which makes it to this last detention pond and is not drained into one of the injection wells can flow through the discharge structure (the Weir) at 11 CFS and ultimately make it into Garrison Bight. Petitioner and Intervenor have suggested that the design of the proposed System is defective because water discharged from the cul-de-sacs in the Project design will flow directly into detention ponds without passing over any of the grass swales. The permit criteria do not specify that all surface water must contact grass swales prior to reaching a detention pond. While greater filtration is achieved the longer the run-off remains in the system, the evidence established that the detention ponds by themselves provide sufficient water quality treatment. With respect to all but one of the cul-de-sacs, the water must pass through at least two detention ponds before it is discharged. Run-off from the cul-de-sac closest to the Weir will receive treatment only in the last discharge pond. Petitioner and Intervenor questioned whether the run- off from this last cul-de-sac will receive adequate treatment, in other words, whether the "first flush" will be adequately detained prior to discharge, especially in circumstances when the detention pond is already wet. However, the evidence was insufficient to establish that their concerns are justified and/or that this situation would constitute a violation of water quality standards. This cul-de-sac is only 100 ft in diameter and accounts for no more than 8 percent of the total run-off from the Site. After considering all of the evidence, it is concluded that the water from the cul-de-sacs will be adequately treated in accordance with the permit criteria prior to any discharge. In assessing the Navy's proposed surface water management system the following criteria from the Basis for Review are pertinent in determining whether the proposed System will provide appropriate water quality treatment: Retention and/or detention in the overall system, including swales, lakes, canals, greenways, etc., shall be provided for one of the three following criteria or equivalent combinations thereof. . .: Wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch of run-off from the developed project, or the total run-off of 2.5 inches times the percentage of imperviousness, whichever is greater. Dry detention volume shall be provided equal to 75 percent of the above amounts computed for wet detention. If the receiving waterbody, is a "sensitive receiving water," which would include an Outstanding Florida Water, the following additional criteria regarding direct discharges are applicable: d. Projects having greater than 40 percent impervious area and which discharge directly to sensitive receiving waters shall provide at least one half inch of dry detention or retention pretreatment as part of the required retention/detention. The SFWMD interprets the permitting criteria as creating a rebuttable presumption that a surface water management system that provides detention in accordance with BMP's of the first inch (1") of run-off from a Site, commonly referred to as the "first-flush", will meet state water quality standards. The "first-flush" occurs at the onset of a rainfall when most pollutants run off paved areas and percolate into the grass swales. It is an accepted design parameter that the "first flush" contains 90 percent of the pollutants which will be collected in the run-off. The 90 percent of the pollutants in the first flush are consequently retained on-site through pure percolation and never reach the discharge facility. Although Petitioner and Intervenor suggest that dry detention does not provide this degree of filtration, the evidence was insufficient to support this contention. The proposed System for this Project provides treatment for the first one inch (1") of run-off from the developed Project, thereby meeting the permitting criteria for sensitive receiving waters. Intervenor and Petitioner contend that the development of this Project will necessarily result in a larger amount of pollutants in the run-off from the Site. They argue that the Applicant has not provided reasonable assurances that capturing 90 percent of the increased level of pollutants in the first flush will meet water quality standards. As noted above, compliance with the permit criteria creates a rebuttable presumption that water quality standards will be met. Insufficient evidence was presented to overcome this rebuttable presumption. In calculating the appropriate volume for the dry detention ponds, the Project engineer used the Site's percentage of impervious area. The percentage of impervious area was determined in accordance with SFWMD criteria. The calculations do not account for any percolation from the impervious areas even though much of that run-off will pass through swales and other grassy areas of the Site. In addition, there is a built-in buffer between the berm elevation around the ponds and the expected water level in the ponds. These factors confirm that there is significant additional capacity in the ponds which is an overage or safety net. In sizing the detention ponds, the project engineer also factored in additional off-site water that will be coming on-site from Palm Avenue. This water currently ponds on Palm Avenue contributing to a recurring flooding problem in the area. This off-site water will be routed through an inlet and pumped directly into on-site detention areas thereby reducing flooding on Palm Avenue and providing some treatment for off-site run-off that was not previously treated before entering the City's stormwater system. As noted above, additional water quality criteria requirements apply to projects which discharge to an Outstanding Florida Water. These additional criteria are set forth in paragraph 40 above. Outstanding Florida Water or OFW is the designation given exclusively by the FDER to certain waterbodies in Florida which have special significance, either for ecological or recreational reasons. Outstanding Florida Waters are afforded the highest degree of water quality protection. The criteria for designation of waters as Outstanding Florida Waters is found in Chapter 17-302, Florida Administrative Code. When the SFWMD initially reviewed the Permit application for this Project, it erroneously assumed that Garrison Bight, the ultimate receiving body for the waters discharged from the project through the City stormwater system, was an OFW. Although the SFWMD applied water quality criteria for OFW's when it reviewed the subject permit application, the evidence at the hearing in this case established that Garrison Bight is not an Outstanding Florida Water. A FDER representative, qualified as an expert in the designation of Outstanding Florida Waters, testified that the Outstanding Florida Water designation does not apply to certain waterbodies that were degraded at the time of designation or did not have the significance or pristine water quality that merit special protection. The designation also does not apply to artificial waterbodies. Artificial waterbodies are defined in Rule 17-302.700(9)(i), Florida Administrative Code, as a waterbody created by dredging or excavation or by the filing in of its boundaries on at least two sides. The FDER has formally determined that Garrison Bight is not an Outstanding Florida Water because Garrison Bight is an artificial waterbody in accordance with the definition. Furthermore, Garrison Bight is the site of extensive boating and marina activities. The water quality of Garrison Bight is currently degraded in comparison to ambient conditions and offshore/unconfined water. In sum, the evidence established that proposed surface water management system meets or exceeds the current permit criteria. Consequently, the water flowing into Garrison Bight from the Site will be significantly less and much cleaner after the proposed surface water management system is installed than it currently is without a designed surface water management system.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered approving the issuance of Surface Water Management General Permit No. 44-01785 in accordance with the Notice of Intent dated September 29, 1992 and the additional conditions noted in this Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of May, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. J. STEPHEN MENTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1993.

Florida Laws (9) 120.56120.57120.68373.114373.403373.413373.436373.617403.021 Florida Administrative Code (2) 40E-4.09140E-4.301
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-002253 Latest Update: Mar. 12, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner owns a rectangular plot approximately 300 feet (north to south) by 1,300 feet (east to west). The property is within the City of Longwood and is zoned light industrial. The land is undeveloped except for a laminated cabinet factory and warehouse owned by Petitioner. The proposed development includes construction of a paved right-of-way sixty feet wide through the center of the parcel. Entry and exit would be from the east with a cul de sac on the west end. The property would be divided into twenty lots, each facing this street. Petitioner contemplates sale of these lots to light industrial users. A tributary of Soldiers Creek which flows into Lake Jessup and ultimately the St. John's River, separates the eastern one third of the property from the remainder of the parcel. This stream is typically one to three feet deep, with very slow movement. Water in the stream bed becomes virtually stagnant during the dry season. The on-site survey conducted by Respondent's environmental specialist established that the ordinary or mean height water line follows the 52 foot contour, creating a stream bed about 400 feet wide across Petitioner's property. The development proposal calls for filling most of this area, retaining a stream channel one hundred feet wide. Petitioner intends to install four 38" x 60" oval culvert pipes at the stream crossing of the proposed roadway. To control runoff from rain showers, Petitioner plans to construct swells on each side of the roadway and drainage troughs and catch basins are intended to retain runoff pollution. However, during peak rainfall periods, these devices will not prevent direct discharge into the watercourse. Petitioner has not conducted any tests to determine the impact of his proposed project on water quality other than percolation tests associated with the use of septic tanks. The stream is heavily forested with mature hardwood trees. The undergrowth includes buttonbush, royal fern, primrose willow and water tupelo. Clumps of pickerel weed are scattered throughout the stream. The stream bottom consists of one to two feet of leaf litter and accumulated organic muck over firm sand. Respondent's dip net sampling produced numerous least killifish, which are indicative of good water quality. Forested streams and bayheads such as this are natural storage and treatment areas for upland runoff, and tend to reduce the peak runoff discharge to lakes and rivers from rainfall. This, in turn, reduces sedimentation rates and the resultant siltation of downstream waterbodies. The proposed project would eliminate approximately one acre of stream bottom and continuous submerged transitional zone lands. Urban runoff can contain significant amounts of pollutants including nutrients, heavy metals, dissolved solids, organic wastes, and fecal bacteria. In industrial situations, such as that proposed here, concentrations of oils, greases, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and phenolic compounds from tire wear, paving and use of other petroleum products are anticipated. The discharge of these contaminants would be harmful to the plant and animal life in Soldiers Creek and the subject tributary. The proposed project would not only reduce existing vegetation which serves as a sediment trap and natural nutrient filter, but would create an impervious (paved) surface which would accelerate runoff and would, itself, be a source of pollution. Water quality would be further reduced by the introduction of fill material and the canalization of the stream, which would increase its rate of flow. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this proceeding under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The parties stipulated to Respondent's permitting authority over the proposed fill project. Specifically, Respondent has permitting jurisdiction below the 52 foot contour line which defines the stream bed. See Sections 17-4.02(17), 17-4.02(19) and 17-4.28, F.A.C. Subsections 17-4.28(1) and 17-4.28(3) F.A.C., require Petitioner to establish reasonable assurance that the short term and long term effects of the filling activity will not result in violation of the water quality criteria, standard, requirement and provisions of Chapter 17-3, F.A.C. Petitioner's stream, Soldiers Creek and Lake Jessup are surface waters within the Class III designation of Section 17-3.081, F.A.C. Sections 17-3.061 and 17-3.121, F.A.C., provide the applicable water quality standards and criteria which Petitioner must provide reasonable assurance of meeting. The standards and criteria limit the amount of various chemicals, nutrients, oils and greases which may be introduced as a result of the proposed activity. The evidence adduced herein established that the proposed project would promote substantial changes in these surface waters, degrading their existing quality. These changes would occur through the introduction of oils, greases and other undesirable chemicals and compounds. Further, Petitioner has conducted no specific testing which would establish reasonable assurance that the water quality standards would be met. Petitioner contends that denial of the permit would amount to inverse condemnation or unconstitutional taking of his property without just compensation. Such a determination is beyond scope of this administrative proceeding.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order denying the petition of Jack Cruickshank for a fill permit. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 10th day of February, 1981. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of February, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles G. Stephens, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William W. Carpenter, Esquire 830 East Highway 434 Longwood, Florida 32750

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000079 Latest Update: Sep. 04, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Alexis Crlenjak is the owner of an unimproved lot approximately 90 feet by 230 feet in size which abuts Black Creek in Clay County, Florida. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) By application received by the St. Johns River Subdistrict of the Department of Environmental Regulation on September 9, 1980, Petitioner sought a permit to place approximately 1,000 cubic yards of clean fill dirt over an area of 90 by 130 feet to a depth of 3 feet on the southern portion of his lot. The stated purpose for the request was to enable Petitioner to obtain a county permit to install a septic tank and drainfield in the filled portion of the lot. Such a permit previously had been denied by the county for the reason that inadequate drainage for a septic tank existed in the lot's present natural condition. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) Subsequent to receipt of the application, DER's Subdistrict Office solicited comments or objections to the proposed project from adjacent landowners and various governmental agencies. An adjoining landowner, Frederick G. Flagge, filed an opposition to the concept of placement of a septic tank and drainfield next to his land due to the possibility of seepage and contamination. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, expressed the view that placement of fill material in flood plain wetlands to raise the elevation for a septic tank placement is not in the public's interest and recommended denial of the application, and suggested that the applicant utilize the upland portion of his property for such purpose. The Southeast Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, concluded that the work would adversely impact fishery resources by filling productive wetlands and made a similar recommendation to that of the EPA. A representative of the Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service inspected the area in November 1980, and found that the proposed project would destroy 0.27 acres of wetlands which provide nesting, feed and shelter habitat for various species of birds, maimals and reptiles. The agency therefore recommended that any fill be limited to upland areas. The Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission reviewed the application and recommended denial because the project would adversely affect fish and wildlife resources by eliminating a protective wetland habitat. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) Petitioner's lot is bounded on the north by Black Creek, on the east by a dredged canal which terminates at a boat basin immediately south of his property. A filled driveway separates Petitioner' s land from the Flagge property to the west. Although the area surrounding the north bank of Black Creek is still in a natural condition, Petitioner's and Flagge's lots are practically the only ones on the south bank in that area which are undeveloped and still in a relatively natural state. The northern border of Petitioner's property is high and dry due to the berm along Black Creek which has been deposited over the years and has become vegetated. However, the southern half is a hardwood swamp area where blackgum is the dominant species, together with other species such as buttonbush, water ash, dahoon, willow, water locust, red maple and sweetgum. Black Creek is classified as a Class III body of water under Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. The type of vegetation on the southern portion of Petitioner's lot is associated with periodic inundation during seasonal rainfall, and is thus deemed to constitute the landward extent of waters of the state pursuant to the vegetative indices of Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. After receiving the application an environmental specialist in Respondent's subdistrict office visited the site and thereafter prepared a Permit Application Appraisal. He identified the various species of plant life located in the area to be filled and determined that it was properly within Respondent's jurisdiction. His appraisal found that the swamp area in question benefits the water quality of Black Creek by filtering sediments and assimilating pollutants generated by upland runoff. He also found that the area is a fish and wildlife habitat, provides flood control, and serves as a primary food source for fish and wildlife. He therefore determined that the proposed project would result in the elimination of those biological resources that aid in maintaining water quality and would further degrade water quality by adding septic tank waste in close proximity to the waterway. He concluded that the project as proposed would induce flooding on the lot to the West by blocking the flow through the swamp which presently is connected by a culvert under the filled driveway to the west. His supervisor subsequently visited the site and agreed with the application appraisal. It was their combined opinion that filling of the land would eventually lead to eutrophication of the adjacent canal and adversely affect the water quality of Black Creek. At the time of their visits, the DER personnel did not observe standing water on Petitioner's property, but did so on the adjacent lot to the west. (Testimony of Rector, Tyler, Exhibit 2) As a result of the adverse application appraisal, Respondent advised Petitioner on December 9, 1980, of its intent to deny the application based on the loss of submerged land, and anticipated water quality degradation by replacing the aquatic ecosystem with a septic tank and drain ield which has a potential for leaking into the adjacent canal. The Notice of Intent to Deny further specified state water quality standards which would be adversely affected, and found that the applicant had not provided the department with affirmative reasonable assurances that the immediate and long-term impacts of the project would not result in a violation of state water quality standards. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) At the hearing, Petitioner scaled down his request by stating that he now only wished to fill an area approximately 25 feet by 40 feet in the southwest corner of his lot to serve as the drainfield for a septic tank. However, the DER personnel who had reviewed the project testified that their recommendation of denial would not be changed in spite of the reduced proposed filling activity. They were of the opinion that the same considerations which led to the denial recommendation would still be present, except on a smaller scale. They indicated that Petitioner could still use his land, in spite of the permit denial, for recreational activities, or by erecting a "stilt" house on the lower half of the lot. However, in such an eventuality, the septic tank and drainfield would have to be placed on the upland portion of the lot. As petitioner pointed out, this cannot take place under current health regulations in view of the fact that a well is located on the north side of the adjacent lot, and the spacing distance would be insufficient for state and county permitting purposes. Although Petitioner denied that a culvert existed under the driveway separating the lots, he conceded that he had not visited the property for about a year. (Testimony of Tyler, petitioner, Exhibit 2)

Recommendation That Petitioner's application be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 12th day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Victoria J. TSchinkel Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Silvia Morell Alderman, Esquire Alexis Crlenjak Assistant General Counsel Route 2, Box 618 Department of Environmental Havana, Florida 32333 Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jan. 03, 1994 Number: 94-000001RX Latest Update: Nov. 07, 1995

Findings Of Fact On or about July 25, 1989, Stephen G. Thompson, Permitting Engineer with the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), predecessor of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), wrote a memorandum to Howard Rhodes, Deputy Director of DER's Bureau of Water Facilities Planning and Regulation. The memo relayed a question being posed by an engineering consultant working for Pasco County on its Lake Padgett Effluent Disposal System, DER construction Permit No. DC51-159899. The question was whether Special Condition 15 should be deleted from the permit. The Lake Padgett permit was for a rapid rate infiltration (percolation pond) land application system for the disposal, via ground water recharge, of domestic wastewater effluent. Through the question passed along to Rhodes, Rhodes understood that the system included percolation ponds and drainage ditches on the site, which the County's engineer referred to as "perimeter ditches." Rhodes was given to understand that the perimeter ditches were designed to improve the performance of the system by lowering the ground water table at the site and increasing the hydraulic capacity of the ponds. The question posed by the County's engineer indicated to Rhodes that Special Condition 15 to the Lake Padgett permit prohibited discharges from the perimeter ditches into wetlands, citing Section 403.086 of the Florida Statutes. The County's engineer suggested: Since these perimeter ditches are being installed 100 feet from the wetted perimeter of the percolation ponds, I believe it is correct to define the water in said ditches as groundwater rather than wastewater effluent. Therefore, I do not believe that Chapter 403.086 would apply to the water in these perimeter ditches. In passing the question along to Rhodes, Thompson also cast it in his own words: If the permittee designs the project with a perimeter ditch system 100 feet away from the edge of the percolation/evaporation pond wetted area, will the discharge from the ditch system have to meet WQBEL or Grizzle-Figg limits if applicable? According to Chapter 17-610.517(2) and 17-610.522, the collection and discharge of more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water shall be considered as an effluent disposal system. The question is whether the 100 feet buffer will allow the descrip- tion of the perimeter ditch water to be ground water or a co-mingled ground/reclaimed water. Rhodes reviewed the question and answered by memorandum dated September 15, 1989, which stated in salient part: Based on this review, discharges from perimeter ditch systems of percolation ponds must meet surface water quality requirements of advanced treatment, water quality based effluent limitations, or Grizzle- Figg limitations where applicable. Attached are comments which explain why these surface water quality requirements must be met. * * * COMMENTS Depending on site-specific parameters such as the infiltration rate, existing ground water table, subsurface flow, percolation pond depth, and ditch depth, the content of the water in the ditch may be either ground water or a mixture of ground water and reclaimed water. Because these parameters are site-specific, the content of water in the ditch is site-specific. However, knowledge of whether the water in the ditch is ground water or a mixture of ground water and reclaimed water is not important in determining the effluent limitations of the discharge from the ditch. . . . Because construction of perimeter ditches is associated with the operation of percolation ponds, the ditch should be considered part of the wastewater treatment facility and any discharge from the ditch must meet the applicable requirements of Rule 17-6, F. A. C., or Chapter 403, F.S. Also, because perimeter ditches are constructed around percolation ponds to improve performance, the ditches are located near the percolation ponds and some reclaimed water is normally drained to and collected in the ditch. Rule 17-610.517(2), F.A.C., specifically states discharge from perimeter drainage features that collect reclaimed water after land application are restricted by surface water quality considerations of additional treatment or the WQBEL provisions of Rule 17-6, F.A.C. . . . It was argued that because the zone of discharge is 100-feet from the percolation pond and the ditch is also 100-feet from the percolation pond, the water in the perimeter ditch system is ground water. However, zone of discharge as defined by Rule 17-6.0321(33), F.A.C., does not mean that all water located outside the zone of discharge is ground water. Zone of discharge is more appropriately interpreted as a "mixing zone" for ground water. Waters inside the zone do not have to meet water quality standards. If waters outside the zone do not meet water quality standards, the permit is violated. The following question also was raised: Why do the effluent limitations of Chapter 403.086, F.S., apply for the discharge of a perimeter ditch constructed 100-feet from a percolation pond when they do not apply for the discharge from a percola- tion pond constructed 100-feet away from wetlands? The answer to this question is: The discharge from the ditch is a surface water discharge whereas the discharge from the percolation pond is a ground water discharge. In the case of ground water discharges, ground water quality standards must be met outside the zone of discharge. . . . It seems that [the second sentence of F.A.C. Rule 17-610.517(2)] was interpreted to mean; if more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water is collected in the ditch, the water is considered effluent and if 50 percent or less of the applied reclaimed water is collected, the water is considered ground water. This is not the intent of this rule. The intent is; if more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water is collected in the ditch, the applied reclaimed water is considered an effluent disposal system and if 50 percent or less of the applied reclaimed water is collected, the applied reclaimed water may be considered a reuse system. Therefore, this section of rule is not applicable to the Lake Padgett effluent disposal question. The permittee requested Specific Condition 15 be deleted from the permit. In some cases, this may be done. However, if it is deleted, a condition should be added to the permit that the discharge from the ditch meet surface water quality requirements of advanced treatment, WQBELS, or Grizzle-Figg limitations, where applicable . . ., [and] the permittee should also be required to provide reasonable assurance that the required discharge limitations can be met. On March 15, 1990, another Department employee, named Jim Bottone, prepared a two-page memorandum generally discussing the increasing use of perimeter ditches conjunction with rapid-rate land application systems. The memorandum concluded: "In summary, the use of perimeter ditches in conjunction with rapid-rate systems appears to be a 'force fit' of technology in order to save money on disposal. These systems appear to circumvent the intent of the Department's reuse initiative." The discussion included a statement: "Rule 17- 610.517(2) states that the discharge from a perimeter ditch shall be restricted by surface water quality considerations." On December 13, 1990, the Department's Reuse Coordinator, David W. York, Ph.D., P.E., sent Richard Harvey, Deputy Director of the Department's Division of Water Facilities, a memorandum on the subject of perimeter ditches and rapid-rate land application systems. It referred to the Rhodes and Bottone memos, stating that the Rhodes memo "clearly addresses the applicability of surface water quality considerations for this type of system." It also stated: If perimeter ditches are used in association with land application projects, and if the ditches receive flows containing a portion of the applied reclaimed water, the ditches are subject to surface water quality constraints. Surface water quality constraints may include technology-based effluent limits, water quality-based effluent limits, or Grizzle-Figg limitations, as appropriate. F.A.C. Rule Chapter 17-610 pertains to "Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application." F.A.C. Rule 17-610.517 is entitled "Surface Runoff Control." Paragraph (1) of the rule requires that the land application site be designed to prevent the entrance of surface runoff, if necessary by placement of berms around the application area for this purpose. Paragraph (2) of the rule provides: Discharge from perimeter drainage features that collect reclaimed water after land application, shall be restricted by surface water quality considerations pursuant to additional treatment or WQBEL provisions of Rules 17-600.420(2) and 17-600.430, F.A.C., respectively. Rapid-rate land application systems that result in the collection and discharge of more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water shall be considered as effluent disposal systems. Rules 17-600.420(2) and 17-600.430 establish additional levels of wastewater treatment for facilities that discharge to surface waters. The Department is in the process of amending part (2) of Rule 17- 610.517(2) by separating the sentences, making the second sentence a new part (3) of the rule, and explaining that the new part (3) would be used solely to classify projects as "reuse" or "disposal" and would in no way affect the requirements of part (2) of the rule. This amendment explicitly would codify in the rule the explanation in the Rhodes memo that the second sentence of current Rule 17-610.517(2) addresses the classification of disposal systems and, to that end, establishes as a benchmark the "collection and discharge [in the ditches] of more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water." F.A.C. Rule 17-610.522, entitled "Subsurface Drainage," provides: Subsurface drain systems, where necessary, shall be designed in accordance with appropriate portions of Rule 17-610.300(4)(f), F.A.C., concerning Soil Conservation Service criteria for subsurface drains. The drainage system shall be designed so that the seasonal high water table is drawn down to a minimum of 36 inches below pond bottoms during resting periods. Pollutant content (including fecal coliforms) of the reclaimed water collected by the underdrains may be further restricted by surface water quality considerations pursuant to additional treatment or WQBEL provisions of Rules 17-600.420(2) or 17-600.430, F.A.C., respectively. Rapid-rate land application systems that result in the collection and discharge of more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water shall be considered as effluent disposal systems. The Department also is in the process of amending Rule 17-610.522 by separating the sentences, making the last sentence a new part (2) of the rule, and explaining that the new part (2) would be used solely to classify projects as "reuse" or "disposal" and would in no way affect the requirements of part (1) of the rule. The 50 percent figure in F.A.C. Rules 17-610.517(2) and 17-610.522 was chosen based on deliberations by the 1988-89 Reuse Technical Advisory Committee (RTAC). The RTAC offers technical expertise and advice to the Department as revisions to Chapter 17-610 are drafted. A criterion was needed for categorization purposes, and it was determined that 50 percent represented a reasonable break point. The members of the RTAC represent the national leaders in reuse of reclaimed water. F.A.C. Rule 17-610.521(2) establishes a minimum 500-foot setback distance between the wetted areas of a reuse land application site and Class I and II surface waters of the state, reduced to 100 feet if high-level disinfection is provided. F.A.C. Rule 17-610.521(5) provides that setback distances to other classes of surface waters "shall be sufficient to provide reasonable assurance of compliance with applicable water quality standards." F.A.C. Rule 17-610.521(8) provides: The minimum setbacks . . . shall only be used if, based on review of the soils and hydrogeology of the area, the proposed hydraulic loading rate, quality of the reclaimed water, expected travel time of the ground water to the potable water supply wells and surface waters, and similar considerations, there is reasonable assurance that applicable water quality standards will not be violated. There is a valid reason for not establishing the same minimum setback distances between the wetted edge of percolation ponds and perimeter drainage features that collect reclaimed water after land application. Unlike reclaimed water that disperses and diffuses in the ground before a part of it reaches a water body solely through the ground, even though reclaimed water may travel through the ground for 100 feet before reaching perimeter drainage features, those features then collect and concentrate the resulting mixture of reclaimed water and groundwater for discharge into the surface water, typically at a limited number of discharge points and at higher volumes and flow rates. At some point as it migrates through the ground and mixes with other ground water, reclaimed becomes indistinguishable from naturally occurring ground water. It is, of course, difficult to pinpoint precisely how far from the wetted edge of a percolation pond this occurs.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.56120.68403.086
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Palatka, Florida Jun. 03, 2014 Number: 14-002610 Latest Update: Oct. 24, 2016

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Consumptive Use Permit No. 2-083-91926-3, and Environmental Resource Permit No. IND-083-130588-4 should be issued as proposed in the respective proposed agency actions issued by the St. Johns River Water Management District.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Sierra Club, Inc., is a national organization, the mission of which is to explore, enjoy, and advocate for the environment. A substantial number of Sierra Club’s 28,000 Florida members utilize the Silver River, Silver Springs, the Ocklawaha River, and the St. Johns River for water-based recreational activities, which uses include kayaking, swimming, fishing, boating, canoeing, nature photography, and bird watching. St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc., is one of 280 members of the worldwide Waterkeepers Alliance. Its mission is to protect, restore, and promote healthy waters of the St. Johns River, its tributaries, springs, and wetlands -- including Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River -- through citizen- based advocacy. A substantial number of St. Johns Riverkeeper’s more than 1,000 members use and enjoy the St. Johns River, the Silver River, Silver Springs, and the Ocklawaha River for boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and other water-based recreational activities. Karen Ahlers is a native of Putnam County, Florida, and lives approximately 15 miles from the Applicant’s property on which the permitted uses will be conducted. Ms. Ahlers currently uses the Ocklawaha River for canoeing, kayaking, and swimming, and enjoys birding and nature photography on and around the Silver River. Over the years, Ms. Ahlers has advocated for the restoration and protection of the Ocklawaha River, as an individual and as a past-president of the Putnam County Environmental Council. Jeri Baldwin lives on a parcel of property in the northeast corner of Marion County, approximately one mile from the Applicant’s property on which the permitted uses will be conducted. Ms. Baldwin, who was raised in the area, and whose family and she used the resources extensively in earlier years, currently uses the Ocklawaha River for boating. Florida Defenders of the Environment (FDE) is a Florida corporation, the mission of which is to conserve and protect and restore Florida's natural resources and to conduct environmental education projects. A substantial number of FDE’s 186 members, of which 29 reside in Marion County, Florida, use and enjoy Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha Aquatic Preserve, and their associated watersheds in their educational and outreach activities, as well as for various recreational activities including boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and other water-based recreational activities. Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC (Sleepy Creek or Applicant), is an entity registered with the Florida Department of State to do business in the state of Florida. Sleepy Creek owns approximately 21,000 acres of land in Marion County, Florida, which includes the East Tract and the North Tract on which the activities authorized by the permits are proposed. St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD or District) is a water-management district created by section 373.069(1). It has the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control the water resources within its geographic boundaries. See § 373.069(2)(a), Fla. Stat. The Consumptive Use Permit The CUP is a modification and consolidation of two existing CUP permits, CUP No. 2-083-3011-7 and CUP No. 2-083- 91926-2, which authorize the withdrawal of 1.46 mgd from wells located on the East Tract. Although the existing CUP permits authorize an allocation of 1.46 mgd, actual use has historically been far less, and rarely exceeded 0.3 mgd. The proposed CUP modification will convert the authorized use of water from irrigation of 1,010 acres of sod grass on the East Tract, to supplemental irrigation of improved pasture for grass and other forage crops (approximately 97 percent of the proposed withdrawals) and cattle watering (approximately three percent of the proposed withdrawals) on the North Tract and the East Tract. An additional very small amount will be used in conjunction with the application of agricultural chemicals. CUP No. 2-083-3011-7 is due to expire in 2021. CUP No. 2-083-91926-2 is due to expire in 2024. In addition to the consolidation of the withdrawals into a single permit, the proposed agency action would extend the term of the consolidated permit to 20 years from issuance, with the submission of a compliance report due 10 years from issuance. Sleepy Creek calculated a water demand of 2.569 mgd for the production of grasses and forage crops necessary to meet the needs for grass-fed beef production, based on the expected demand in a 2-in-10 drought year. That calculation is consistent with that established in CUP Applicant’s Handbook (CUP A.H.) section 12.5.1. The calculated amount exceeds the authorized average allocation of 1.46 mgd. Mr. Jenkins testified as to the District’s understanding that the requested amount would be sufficient, since the proposed use was a “scaleable-type project,” with adjustments to cattle numbers made as necessary to meet the availability of feed. Regardless of demand, the proposed permit establishes the enforceable withdrawal limits applicable to the property. With regard to the East Tract, the proposed agency action reduces the existing 1.46 mgd allocation for that tract to a maximum allocation of 0.464 mgd, and authorizes the irrigation of 611 acres of pasture grass using existing extraction wells and six existing pivots. With regard to the North Tract, the proposed agency action authorizes the irrigation of 1,620 acres of pasture and forage grain crops using 15 center pivot systems. Extraction wells to serve the North Tract pivots will be constructed on the North Tract. The proposed North Tract withdrawal wells are further from Silver Springs than the current withdrawal locations. The proposed CUP allows Sleepy Creek to apply the allocated water as it believes to be appropriate to the management of the cattle operation. Although the East Tract is limited to a maximum of 0.464 mgd, there is no limitation on the North Tract. Thus, Sleepy Creek could choose to apply all of the 1.46 mgd on the North Tract. For that reason, the analysis of impacts from the irrigation of the North Tract has generally been based on the full 1.46 mgd allocation being drawn from and applied to the North Tract. The Environmental Resource Permit As initially proposed, the CUP had no elements that would require issuance of an ERP. However, in order to control the potential for increased runoff and nutrient loading resulting from the irrigation of the pastures, Sleepy Creek proposes to construct a stormwater management system to capture runoff from the irrigated pastures, consisting of a series of vegetated upland buffers, retention berms and redistribution swales between the pastures and downgradient wetland features. Because the retention berm and swale system triggered the permitting thresholds in rule 62-330.020(2)(d) (“a total project area of more than one acre”) and rule 62-330.020(2)(e) (“a capability of impounding more than 40 acre-feet of water”), Sleepy Creek was required to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit for its construction. Regional Geologic Features To the west of the North Tract is a geologic feature known as the Ocala Uplift or Ocala Platform, in which the limestone that comprises the Floridan aquifer system exists at or very near the land surface. Karst features, including subterranean conduits and voids that can manifest at the land surface as sinkholes, are common in the Ocala Uplift due in large part to the lack of consolidated or confining material overlaying the limestone. Water falling on the surface of such areas tends to infiltrate rapidly through the soil into the Floridan aquifer, occasionally through direct connections such as sinkholes. The lack of confinement in the Ocala Uplift results in few if any surface-water features such as wetlands, creeks, and streams. As one moves east from the Ocala Uplift, a geologic feature known as the Cody Escarpment becomes more prominent. In the Cody Escarpment, the limestone becomes increasingly overlain by sands, shell, silt, clays, and other less permeable sediments of the Hawthorn Group. The North Tract and the East Tract lie to the east of the point at which the Cody Escarpment becomes apparent. As a result, water tends to flow overland to wetlands and other surface water features. The Property The North and East Tracts are located in northern Marion County near the community of Fort McCoy. East Tract Topography and Historic Use The East Tract is located in the Daisy Creek Basin, and includes the headwaters of a small creek that drains directly to the Ocklawaha River. The historic use of the East Tract has been as a cleared 1,010-acre sod farm. The production of sod included irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Little change in the topography, use, and appearance of the property will be apparent as a result of the permits at issue, but for the addition of grazing cattle. The current CUPs that are subject to modification in this proceeding authorize groundwater withdrawals for irrigation of the East Tract at the rate of 1.46 mgd. Since the proposed agency action has the result of reducing the maximum withdrawal from wells on the East Tract to 0.464 mgd, thus proportionately reducing the proposed impacts, there was little evidence offered to counter Sleepy Creek’s prima facie case that reasonable assurance was provided that the proposed East Tract groundwater withdrawal allocation will meet applicable CUP standards. There are no stormwater management structures to be constructed on the East Tract. Therefore, the ERP permit discussed herein is not applicable to the East Tract. North Tract Topography and Historic Use The North Tract has a generally flat topography, with elevations ranging from 45 feet to 75 feet above sea level. The land elevation is highest at the center of the North Tract, with the land sloping towards the Ocklawaha River to the east, and to several large wet prairie systems to the west. Surface water features on the North Tract include isolated, prairie, and slough-type wetlands on approximately 28 percent of the North Tract, and a network of creeks, streams, and ditches, including the headwaters of Mill Creek, a contributing tributary of the Ocklawaha River. A seasonal high groundwater elevation on the North Tract is estimated at 6 to 14 inches below ground surface. The existence of defined creeks and surface water features supports a finding that the North Tract is underlain by a relatively impermeable confining layer that impedes the flow of water from the surface and the shallow surficial aquifer to the upper Floridan and lower Floridan aquifers. If there was no confining unit, water going onto the surface of the property, either in the form of rain or irrigation water, would percolate unimpeded to the lower aquifers. Areas in the Ocala Uplift to the west of the North Tract, where the confining layer is thinner and discontiguous, contain few streams or runoff features. Historically, the North Tract was used for timber production, with limited pasture and crop lands. At the time the 7,207-acre North Tract was purchased by Sleepy Creek, land use consisted of 4,061 acres of planted pine, 1,998 acres of wetlands, 750 acres of improved pasture, 286 acres of crops, 78 acres of non-forested uplands, 20 acres of native forest, 10 acres of open water, and 4 acres of roads and facilities. Prior to the submission of the CUP and ERP applications, much of the planted pine was harvested, and the land converted to improved pasture. Areas converted to improved pasture include those proposed for irrigation, which have been developed in the circular configuration necessary for future use with center irrigation pivots. As a result of the harvesting of planted pine, and the conversion of about 345 acres of cropland and non-forested uplands to pasture and incidental uses, total acreage in pasture on the North Tract increased from 750 acres to 3,938 acres. Other improvements were constructed on the North Tract, including the cattle processing facility. Aerial photographs suggest that the conversion of the North Tract to improved pasture and infrastructure to support a cattle ranch is substantially complete. The act of converting the North Tract from a property dominated by planted pine to one dominated by improved pasture, and the change in use of the East Tract from sod farm to pasture, were agricultural activities that did not require a permit from the District. As such, there is no impropriety in considering the actual, legal use of the property in its current configuration as the existing use for which baseline conditions are to be measured. Petitioners argue that the baseline conditions should be measured against the use of the property as planted pine plantation, and that Sleepy Creek should not be allowed to “cattle-up” before submitting its permit applications, thereby allowing the baseline to be established as a higher impact use. However, the applicable rules and statutes provide no retrospective time-period for establishing the nature of a parcel of property other than that lawfully existing when the application is made. See West Coast Reg’l Water Supply Auth. v. SW Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., Case No. 95-1520 et seq., ¶ 301 (Fla. DOAH May 29, 1997; SFWMD ) (“The baseline against which projected impacts conditions [sic] are those conditions, including previously permitted adverse impacts, which existed at the time of the filing of the renewal applications.”). The evidence and testimony in this case focused on the effects of the water allocation on the Floridan aquifer, Silver Springs, and the Silver River, and on the effects of the irrigation on water and nutrient transport from the properties. It was not directed at establishing a violation of chapter 373, the rules of the SJRWMD, or the CUP Applicant’s Handbook with regard to the use and management of the agriculturally-exempt unirrigated pastures, nor did it do so. Soil Types Soils are subject to classifications developed by the Soil Conservation Service based on their hydrologic characteristics, and are grouped into Group A, Group B, Group C, or Group D. Factors applied to determine the appropriate hydrologic soil group on a site-specific basis include depth to seasonal high saturation, the permeability rate of the most restrictive layer within a certain depth, and the depth to any impermeable layers. Group A includes the most well-drained soils, and Group D includes the most poorly-drained soils. Group D soils are those with seasonal high saturation within 24 inches of the soil surface and a higher runoff potential. The primary information used to determine the hydrologic soil groups on the North Tract was the depth to seasonal-high saturation, defined as the highest expected annual elevation of saturation in the soil. Depth to seasonal-high saturation was measured through a series of seven hand-dug and augered soil borings completed at various locations proposed for irrigation across the North Tract. In determining depth to seasonal-high saturation, the extracted soils were examined based on depth, color, texture, and other relevant characteristics. In six of the seven locations at which soil borings were conducted, a restrictive layer was identified within 36 inches of the soil surface. At one location at the northeastern corner of the North Tract, the auger hole ended at a depth of 48 inches -- the length of the auger -- at which depth there was an observable increase in clay content but not a full restrictive layer. However, while the soil assessment was ongoing, a back-hoe was in operation approximately one hundred yards north of the boring location. Observations of that excavation revealed a heavy clay layer at a depth of approximately 5 feet. In each of the locations, the depth to seasonal-high saturation was within 14 inches of the soil surface. Based on the consistent observation of seasonal-high saturation at each of the sampled locations, as well as the flat topography of the property with surface water features, the soils throughout the property, with the exception of a small area in the vicinity of Pivot 6, were determined to be in hydrologic soil Group D. Hydrogeologic Features There are generally five hydrogeologic units underlying the North Tract, those units being the surficial aquifer system, the intermediate confining unit, the upper Floridan aquifer, the middle confining unit, and the lower Floridan aquifer. In areas in which a confining layer is present, water falling on the surface of the land flows over the surface of the land or across the top of the confining layer. A surficial aquifer, with a relatively high perched water table, is created by the confinement and separation of surface waters from the upper strata of the Floridan aquifer. Surface waters are also collected in or conveyed by various surface water features, including perched wetlands, creeks, and streams. The preponderance of the evidence adduced at the final hearing demonstrates that the surficial aquifer exists on the property to a depth of up to 20 feet below the land surface (bls). Beneath the surficial aquifer is an intermediate confining unit of dense clay interspersed with beds of sand and calcareous clays that exists to a depth of up to 100 feet bls. The clay material observed on the North Tract is known as massive or structureless. Such clays are restrictive with very low levels of hydraulic conductivity, and are not conducive to development of preferential flow paths to the surficial or lower aquifers. The intermediate confining unit beneath the North Tract restricts the exchange of groundwater from the surficial aquifer to the upper Floridan aquifer. The upper Floridan aquifer begins at a depth of approximately 100 feet bls, and extends to a depth of approximately 340 feet bls. At about 340 feet bls, the upper Floridan aquifer transitions to the middle confining unit, which consists of finely grained, denser material that separates the interchange of water between the upper Floridan aquifer and the lower Floridan aquifer. Karst Features Karst features form as a result of water moving through rock that comprises the aquifer, primarily limestone, dissolving and forming conduits in the rock. Karst areas present a challenging environment to simulate through modeling. Models assume the subsurface to be a relatively uniform “sand box” through which it is easier to simulate groundwater flow. However, if the subsurface contains conduits, it becomes more difficult to simulate the preferential flows and their effect on groundwater flow paths and travel times. The District has designated parts of western Alachua County and western Marion County as a Sensitive Karst Area Basin. A Sensitive Karst Area is a location in which the porous limestone of the Floridan aquifer occurs within 20 feet of the land surface, and in which there is 10 to 20 inches of annual recharge to the Floridan aquifer. The designation of an area as being within the Sensitive Karst Area Basin does not demonstrate that it does, or does not, have subsurface features that are karstic in nature, or that would provide a connection between the surficial aquifer and the Floridan aquifer. The western portion of the North Tract is within the Sensitive Karst Area Basin. The two intensive-use areas on the North Tract that have associated stormwater facilities -- the cattle unloading area and the processing facility -- are outside of the Sensitive Karst Area Basin. The evidence was persuasive that karst features are more prominent to the west of the North Tract. In order to evaluate the presence of karst features on the North Tract, Mr. Andreyev performed a “desktop-type evaluation,” with a minimal field survey. The desktop review included a review of aerial photographs and an investigation of available data, including the Florida Geological Survey database of sinkhole occurrence in the area. The aerial photographs showed circular depressions suggestive of karst activity west and southwest of the North Tract, but no such depressions on the North Tract. Soil borings taken on the North Tract indicated the presence of layers of clayey sand, clays, and silts at a depth of 70 to 80 feet. Well-drilling logs taken during the development of the wells used for an aquifer performance test on the North Tract showed the limestone of the Floridan aquifer starting at a depth below ground surface of 70 to 80 feet. Other boring data generated on the North Tract suggests that there is greater than 100 feet of clay and sandy clay overburden above the Floridan aquifer on and in the vicinity of the North Tract. Regardless of site-specific differences, the observed confining layer separating the surficial aquifer from the Floridan aquifer is substantial, and not indicative of a karst environment. Aquifer performance tests performed on the North Tract were consistent in showing that drawdown in the surficial aquifer from the tests was minimal to non-detectable, which is strong evidence of an intact and low-permeability confining layer. The presence of well-developed drainage features on the North Tract is further evidence of a unit of confinement that is restricting water from going deeper into the subsurface, and forcing it to runoff to low-lying surface water features. Petitioners’ witnesses did not perform any site- specific analysis of karst features on or around the Sleepy Creek property. Their understanding of the nature of the karst systems in the region was described as “hypothetical or [] conceptual.” Dr. Kincaid admitted that he knew of no conduits on or adjacent to the North Tract. As a result of the data collected from the North Tract, Mr. Hearn opined that the potential for karst features on the property that provide an opening to the upper Floridan aquifer “is extremely remote.” Mr. Hearn’s opinion is consistent with the preponderance of the evidence in this case, and is accepted. In the event a surface karst feature were to manifest itself, Sleepy Creek has proposed that the surface feature be filled and plugged to reestablish the integrity of the confining layer. More to the point, the development of a surficial karst feature in an area influenced by irrigation would be sufficient grounds for the SJRWMD to reevaluate and modify the CUP to account for any changed conditions affecting the assumptions and bases for issuance of the CUP. Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River The primary, almost exclusive concern of Petitioners was the effect of the modified CUP and the nutrients from the proposed cattle ranch on Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River. Silver Springs Silver Springs has long been a well-known attraction in Florida. It is located just to the east of Ocala, Florida. Many of the speakers at the public comment period of this proceeding spoke fondly of having frequented Silver Springs over the years, enjoying its crystal clear waters through famous glass-bottomed boats. For most of its recorded history, Silver Springs was the largest spring by volume in Florida. Beginning in the 1970s, it began to lose its advantage, and by the year 2000, Rainbow Springs, located in southwestern Marion County, surpassed Silver Springs as the state’s largest spring. Silver Springs exists at the top of the potentiometric surface of the Floridan aquifer. Being at the “top of the mountain,” when water levels in the Floridan aquifer decline, groundwater flow favors the lower elevation springs. Thus, surrounding springshed boundaries expand to take more water to maintain their baseflows, at the expense of the Silver Springs springshed, which contracts. Rainbow Springs shares an overlapping springshed with Silver Springs. The analogy used by Dr. Knight was of the aquifer as a bucket with holes at different levels, and with the Silver Springs “hole” near the top of the bucket. When the water level in the bucket is high, water will flow from the top hole. As the water level drops below that hole, it will preferentially flow from the lower holes. Rainbow Springs has a vent or outlet from the aquifer, that is 10 feet lower in elevation than that of Silver Springs. Coastal springs are lower still. Thus, as groundwater levels decline, the lower springs “pirate flow” from the upper springs. Since the first major studies of Silver Springs were conducted in the 1950s, the ecosystem of Silver Springs has undergone changes. The water clarity, though still high as compared to other springs, has been reduced by 10 to 15 percent. Since the 1950s, macrophytic plants, i.e., rooted plants with seeds and flowers, have declined in population, while epiphytic and benthic algae have increased. Those plants are sensitive to increases in nitrogen in the water. Thus, Dr. Knight’s opinion that increases in nitrogen emerging from Silver Springs, calculated to have risen from just over 0.4 mg/l in the 1950s, to 1.1 mg/l in 2004, and to up to 1.5 mg/l at present,1/ have caused the observed vegetative changes is accepted. Silver River Silver Springs forms the headwaters for the Silver River, a spring run 5 1/2 miles in length, at which point it becomes a primary input to the Ocklawaha River. Issues of water clarity and alteration of the vegetative regime that exist at Silver Springs are also evident in the Silver River. In addition, the reduction in flow allows for more tannic water to enter the river, further reducing clarity. Dr. Dunn recognized the vegetative changes in the river, and opined that the “hydraulic roughness” caused by the increase in vegetation is likely creating a spring pool backwater at Silver Springs, thereby suppressing some of the flow from the spring. The Silver River has been designated as an Outstanding Florida Water. There are currently no Minimum Flows and Levels established by the District for the Silver River. Ocklawaha River The Ocklawaha River originates near Leesburg, Florida, at the Harris Chain of Lakes, and runs northward past Silver Springs. The Silver River is a major contributor to the flow of the Ocklawaha River. Due to the contribution of the Silver River and other spring-fed tributaries, the Ocklawaha River can take on the appearance of a spring run during periods of low rainfall. Historically, the Ocklawaha River flowed unimpeded to its confluence with the St. Johns River in the vicinity of Palatka, Florida. In the 1960s, as part of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal project, the Rodman Dam was constructed across the Ocklawaha River north of the Sleepy Creek property, creating a large reservoir known as the Rodman Pool. Dr. Knight testified convincingly that the Rodman Dam and Pool have altered the Ocklawaha River ecosystem, precipitating a decline in migratory fish populations and an increase in filamentous algae. At the point at which the Ocklawaha River flows past the Sleepy Creek property, it retains its free-flowing characteristics. Mill Creek, which has its headwaters on the North Tract, is a tributary of the Ocklawaha River. The Ocklawaha River, from the Eureka Dam south, has been designated as an Outstanding Florida Water. However, the Ocklawaha River at the point at which Mill Creek or other potential surface water discharges from the Sleepy Creek property might enter the river are not included in the Outstanding Florida Water designation. There are currently no Minimum Flows and Levels established by the District for the Ocklawaha River. The Silver Springs Springshed A springshed is that area from which a spring draws water. Unlike a surface watershed boundary, which is fixed based on land features, contours, and elevations, a springshed boundary is flexible, and changes depending on a number of factors, including rainfall. As to Silver Springs, its springshed is largest during periods of more abundant rainfall when the aquifer is replenished, and smaller during drier periods when groundwater levels are down, and water moves preferentially to springs and discharge points that are lower in elevation. The evidence in this case was conflicting as to whether the North Tract is in or out of the Silver Springs springshed boundary. Dr. Kincaid indicated that under some of the springshed delineations, part of the North Tract was out of the springshed, but over the total period of record, it is within the springshed. Thus, it was Dr. Kincaid’s opinion that withdrawals anywhere within the region will preferentially impact Silver Springs, though he admitted that he did not have the ability to quantify his opinion. Dr. Knight testified that the North Tract is within the Silver Springs “maximum extent” springshed at least part of the time, if not all the time. He did not opine as to the period of time in which the Silver Springs springshed was at its maximum extent. Dr. Bottcher testified that the North Tract is not within the Silver Springs springshed because there is a piezometric rise between North Tract and Silver Springs. Thus, in his opinion, withdrawals at the North Tract would not be withdrawing water going to Silver Springs. Dr. Dunn agreed that the North Tract is on the groundwater divide for Silver Springs. In his view, the North Tract is sometimes in, and sometimes out of the springshed depending on the potentiometric surface. In his opinion, the greater probability is that the North Tract is more often outside of the Silver Springs springshed, with seasonal and year—to—year variation. Dr. Dunn’s opinion provides the most credible explanation of the extent to which the North Tract sits atop that portion of the lower Floridan aquifer that feeds to Silver Springs. Thus, it is found that the groundwater divide exists to the south of the North Tract for a majority of the time, and water entering the Floridan aquifer from the North Tract will, more often than not, flow away from Silver Springs. Silver Springs Flow Volume The Silver Springs daily water discharge has been monitored and recorded since 1932. Over the longest part of the period of record, up to the 1960s, flows at Silver Springs averaged about 800 cubic feet per second (cfs). Through 1989, there was a reasonable regression between rainfall and springflow, based on average rainfalls. The long-term average rainfall in Ocala was around 50 inches per year, and long-term springflow was about 800 cfs, with deviations from average generally consistent with one another. Between 1990 and 1999, the relationship between rainfall and springflow declined by about 80 cubic feet per second. Thus, with average rainfall of 50 inches per year, the average springflow was reduced to about 720 cfs. From 2000 to 2009, there was an additional decline, such that the total cumulative decline for the 20-year period through 2009 was 250 cfs. Dr. Dunn agreed with Dr. Knight that after 2000, there was an abrupt and persistent reduction in flow of about 165 cfs. However, Dr. Dunn did not believe the post-2000 flow reduction could be explained by rainfall directly, although average rainfall was less than normal. Likewise, groundwater withdrawals did not offer an adequate explanation. Dr. Dunn described a natural 30-year cycle of wetter and drier periods known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) that has manifested itself over the area for the period of record. From the 1940s up through 1970, the area experienced an AMO wet cycle with generally higher than normal rainfall at the Ocala rain station. For the next 30-year period, from 1970 up to 2000, the Ocala area ranged from a little bit drier to some years in which it was very, very dry. Dr. Dunn attributed the 80 cfs decline in Silver Springs flow recorded in the 1990s to that lower rainfall cycle. After 2000, when the next AMO cycle would be expected to build up, as it did post—1940, it did not happen. Rather, there was a particularly dry period around 2000 that Dr. Dunn believes to have had a dramatic effect on the lack of recovery in the post-2000 flows in the Silver River. According to Mr. Jenkins, that period of deficient rainfall extended through 2010. Around the year 2001, the relationship between rainfall and flow changed such that for a given amount of rainfall, there was less flow in the Silver River, with flow dropping to as low as 535 cfs after 2001. It is that reduction in flow that Dr. Knight has attributed to groundwater withdrawals. It should be noted that the observed flow of Silver Springs that formed the 1995 baseline conditions for the North Central Florida groundwater model that will be discussed herein was approximately 706 cfs. At the time of the final hearing in August 2014, flow at Silver Springs was 675 cfs. The reason offered for the apparent partial recovery was higher levels of rainfall, though the issue was not explored in depth. For the ten-year period centered on the year 2000, local water use within Marion and Alachua County, closer to Silver Springs, changed little -- around one percent per year. From a regional perspective, groundwater use declined at about one percent per year for the period from 1990 to 2010. The figures prepared by Dr. Knight demonstrate that the Sleepy Creek project area is in an area that has a very low density of consumptive use permits as compared to areas adjacent to Silver Springs and more clearly in the Silver Springs springshed. In Dr. Dunn’s opinion, there were no significant changes in groundwater use either locally or regionally that would account for the flow reduction in Silver Springs from 1990 to 2010. In that regard, the environmental report prepared by Dr. Dunn and submitted with the CUP modification application estimated that groundwater withdrawals accounted for a reduction in flow at Silver Springs of approximately 20 cfs as measured against the period of record up to the year 2000, with most of that reduction attributable to population growth in Marion County. In the March 2014, environmental impacts report, Dr. Dunn described reductions in the stream flow of not only the Silver River, but of other tributaries of the lower Ocklawaha River, including the upper Ocklawaha River at Moss Bluff and Orange Creek. However, an evaluation of the Ocklawaha River water balance revealed there to be additional flow of approximately 50 cfs coming into the Ocklawaha River at other stations. Dr. Dunn suggested that changes to the vent characteristics of Silver Springs, and the backwater effects of increased vegetation in the Silver River, have resulted in a redistribution of pressure to other smaller springs that discharge to the Ocklawaha River, accounting for a portion of the diminished flow at Silver Springs. The Proposed Cattle Operation Virtually all beef cattle raised in Florida, upon reaching a weight of approximately 875 pounds, are shipped to Texas or Kansas to be fattened on grain to the final body weight of approximately 1,150 pounds, whereupon they are slaughtered and processed. The United States Department of Agriculture has a certification for grass—fed beef which requires that, after an animal is weaned, it can only be fed on green forage crops, including grasses, and on corn and grains that are cut green and before they set seed. The forage crops may be grazed or put into hay or silage and fed when grass and forage is dormant. The benefit of grass feeding is that a higher quality meat is produced, with a corresponding higher market value. Sleepy Creek plans to develop the property as a grass- fed beef production ranch, with pastures and related loading/unloading and slaughter/processing facilities where calves can be fattened on grass and green grain crops to a standard slaughter weight, and then slaughtered and processed locally. By so doing, Sleepy Creek expects to save the transportation and energy costs of shipping calves to the Midwest, and to generate jobs and revenues by employing local people to manage, finish, and process the cattle. As they currently exist, pastures proposed for irrigation have been cleared and seeded, and have “fairly good grass production.” The purpose of the irrigation is to enhance the production and quality of the grass in order to maintain the quality and reliability of feed necessary for the production of grass-fed beef. East Tract Cattle Operation The East Tract is 1,242 acres in size, substantially all of which was previously cleared, irrigated, and used for sod production. The proposed CUP permit authorizes the irrigation of 611 acres of pasture under six existing center pivots. The remaining 631 acres will be used as improved, but unirrigated, pasture. Under the proposed permit, a maximum of 1,207 cattle would be managed on the East Tract. Of that number, 707 cattle would be grazed on the irrigated paddocks, and 500 cattle would be grazed on the unirrigated improved pastures. If the decision is made to forego irrigation on the East Tract, with the water allocation being used on the North Tract or not at all, the number of cattle grazed on the six center pivot pastures would be decreased from 707 cattle to 484 cattle. The historic use of the East Tract as a sod farm resulted in high phosphorus levels in the soil from fertilization, which has made its way to Daisy Creek. Sleepy Creek has proposed a cattle density substantially below that allowed by application of the formulae in the Nutrient Management Plan in order to “mine” the phosphorus levels in the soil over time. North Tract Cattle Operation The larger North Tract includes most of the “new” ranch activities, having no previous irrigation, and having been put to primarily silvicultural use with limited pasture prior to its acquisition by Sleepy Creek. The ranch’s more intensive uses, i.e., the unloading corrals and the slaughter house, are located on the North Tract. The North Tract is 7,207 acres in size. Of that, 1,656 acres are proposed for irrigation by means of 15 center- pivot irrigation systems. In addition to the proposed irrigated pastures, the North Tract includes 2,382 acres of unirrigated improved pasture, of which approximately 10 percent is wooded. Under the proposed permit, a maximum of 6,371 cattle would be managed on the North Tract. Of that number, 3,497 cattle would be grazed on the irrigated paddocks (roughly 2.2 head of cattle per acre), and 2,374 cattle would graze on the improved pastures (up to 1.1 head of cattle per acre). The higher cattle density in the irrigated pastures can be maintained due to the higher quality grass produced as a result of irrigation. The remaining 500 cattle would be held temporarily in high-concentration corrals, either after offloading or while awaiting slaughter. On average, there will be fewer than 250 head of cattle staged in those high-concentration corrals at any one time. In the absence of irrigation, the improved pasture on the North Tract could sustain about 4,585 cattle. Nutrient Management Plan, Water Conservation Plan, and BMPs The CUP and ERP applications find much of their support in the implementation of the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), the Water Conservation Plan, and Best Management Practices (BMPs). The NMP sets forth information designed to govern the day to day operations of the ranch. Those elements of the NMP that were the subject of substantive testimony and evidence at the hearing are discussed herein. Those elements not discussed herein are found to have been supported by Sleepy Creek’s prima facie case, without a preponderance of competent and substantial evidence to the contrary. The NMP includes a herd management plan, which describes rotational grazing and the movement of cattle from paddock to paddock, and establishes animal densities designed to maintain a balance of nutrients on the paddocks, and to prevent overgrazing. The NMP establishes fertilization practices, with the application of fertilizer based on crop tissue analysis to determine need and amount. Thus, the application of nitrogen- based fertilizer is restricted to that capable of ready uptake by the grasses and forage crops, limiting the amount of excess nitrogen that might run off of the pastures or infiltrate past the root zone. The NMP establishes operation and maintenance plans that incorporate maintenance and calibration of equipment, and management of high-use areas. The NMP requires that records be kept of, among other things, soil testing, nutrient application, herd rotation, application of irrigation water, and laboratory testing. The irrigation plan describes the manner and schedule for the application of water during each irrigation cycle. Irrigation schedules for grazed and cropped scenarios vary from pivot to pivot based primarily on soil type. The center pivots proposed for use employ high-efficiency drop irrigation heads, resulting in an 85 percent system efficiency factor, meaning that there is an expected evaporative loss of 15 percent of the water before it becomes available as water in the soil. That level of efficiency is greater than the system efficiency factor of 80 percent established in CUP A.H. section 12.5.2. Other features of the irrigation plan include the employment of an irrigation manager, installation of an on-site weather station, and cumulative tracking of rain and evapotranspiration with periodic verification of soil moisture conditions. The purpose of the water conservation practices is to avoid over application of water, limiting over-saturation and runoff from the irrigated pastures. Sleepy Creek has entered into a Notice of Intent to Implement Water Quality BMPs with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services which is incorporated in the NMP and which requires the implementation of Best Management Practices.2/ Dr. Bottcher testified that implementation and compliance with the Water Quality Best Management Practices manual creates a presumption of compliance with water quality standards. His testimony in that regard is consistent with Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services rule 5M-11.003 (“implementation, in accordance with adopted rules, of BMPs that have been verified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as effective in reducing target pollutants provides a presumption of compliance with state water quality standards.”). Rotational Grazing Rotational grazing is a practice by which cattle are allowed to graze a pasture for a limited period of time, after which they are “rotated” to a different pasture. The 1,656 acres proposed for irrigation on the North Tract are to be divided into 15 center-pivot pastures. Each individual pasture will have 10 fenced paddocks. The 611 acres of irrigated pasture on the East Tract are divided into 6 center-pivot pastures. The outer fence for each irrigated pasture is to be a permanent “hard” fence. Separating the internal paddocks will be electric fences that can be lowered to allow cattle to move from paddock to paddock, and then raised after they have moved to the new paddock. The NMP for the North Tract provides that cattle are to be brought into individual irrigated pastures as a single herd of approximately 190 cattle and placed into one of the ten paddocks. They will be moved every one to three days to a new paddock, based upon growing conditions and the reduction in grass height resulting from grazing. In this way, the cattle are rotated within the irrigated pasture, with each paddock being used for one to three days, and then rested until each of the other paddocks have been used, whereupon it will again be used in the rotation. The East Tract NMP generally provides for rotation based on the height of the pasture grasses, but is designed to provide a uniform average of cattle per acre per year. Due to the desire to “mine” phosphorus deposited during the years of operation of the East Tract as a sod farm, the density of cattle on the irrigated East Tract pastures is about 30 percent less than that proposed for the North Tract. The East Tract NMP calls for a routine pasture rest period of 15 to 30 days. Unlike dairy farm pastures, where dairy cows traverse a fixed path to the milking barn several times a day, there will be minimal “travel lanes” within the pastures or between paddocks. There will be no travel lanes through wetlands. If nitrogen-based fertilizer is needed, based upon tissue analysis of the grass, fertilizer is proposed for application immediately after a paddock is vacated by the herd. By so doing, the grass within each paddock will have a sufficient period to grow and “flush up” without grazing or traffic, which results in a high—quality grass when the cattle come back around to feed. Sleepy Creek proposes that rotational grazing is to be practiced on improved pastures and irrigated pastures alike. The rotational practices on the improved East Tract and North Tract pastures are generally similar to those practiced on the irrigated pastures. The paddocks will have permanent watering troughs, with one trough serving two adjacent paddocks. The troughs will be raised to prevent “boggy areas” from forming around the trough. Since the area around the troughs will be of a higher use, Sleepy Creek proposes to periodically remove accumulated manure, and re-grade if necessary. Other cattle support items, including feed bunkers and shade structures are portable and can be moved as conditions demand. Forage Crop Production The primary forage crop on the irrigated pastures is to be Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass or other grass types tolerant of drier conditions will be used in unirrigated pastures. During the winter, when Bermuda grass stops growing, Sleepy Creek will overseed the North Tract pastures with ryegrass or other winter crops. Due to the limitation on irrigation water, the East Tract NMP calls for no over-seeding for production of winter crops. Crops do not grow uniformly during the course of a year. Rather, there are periods during which there are excess crops, and periods during which the crops are not growing enough to keep up with the needs of the cattle. During periods of excess, Sleepy Creek will cut those crops and store them as haylage to be fed to the cattle during lower growth periods. The North Tract management plan allows Sleepy Creek to dedicate one or more irrigated pastures for the exclusive production of haylage. If that option is used, cattle numbers will be reduced in proportion to the number of pastures dedicated to haylage production. As a result of the limit on irrigation, the East Tract NMP does not recommend growing supplemental feed on dedicated irrigation pivot pastures. Direct Wetland Impacts Approximately 100 acres proposed for irrigation are wetlands or wetland buffer. Those areas are predominantly isolated wetlands, though some have surface water connections to Mill Creek, a water of the state. Trees will be cut in the wetlands to allow the pivot to pass overhead. Tree cutting is an exempt agricultural activity that does not require a permit. There was no persuasive evidence that cutting trees will alter the fundamental benefit of the wetlands or damage water resources of the District. The wetlands and wetland buffer will be subject to the same watering and fertigation regimen as the irrigated pastures. The application of water to wetlands, done concurrently with the application of water to the pastures, will occur during periods in which the pasture soils are dry. The incidental application of water to the wetlands during dry periods will serve to maintain hydration of the wetlands, which is considered to be a benefit. Fertilizers will be applied through the irrigation arms, a process known as fertigation. Petitioners asserted that the application of fertilizer onto the wetlands beneath the pivot arms could result in some adverse effects to the wetlands. However, Petitioners did not quantify to what extent the wetlands might be affected, or otherwise describe the potential effects. Fertigation of the wetlands will promote the growth of wetland plants. Nitrogen applied through fertigation will be taken up by plants, or will be subject to denitrification -- a process discussed in greater detail herein -- in the anaerobic wetland soils. The preponderance of the evidence indicated that enhanced wetland plant growth would not rise to a level of concern. Since most of the affected wetlands are isolated wetlands, there is expected to be little or no discharge of nutrients from the wetlands. Even as to those wetlands that have a surface water connection, most, if not all of the additional nitrogen applied through fertigation will be accounted for by the combined effect of plant uptake and denitrification. Larger wetland areas within an irrigated pasture will be fenced at the buffer line to prevent cattle from entering. The NMP provided a blow-up of the proposed fencing related to a larger wetland on Pivot 8. Although other figures are not to the same scale, it appears that larger wetlands associated with Pivots 1, 2, 3, and 12 will be similarly fenced. Cattle would be allowed to go into the smaller, isolated wetlands. Cattle going into wetlands do not necessarily damage the wetlands. Any damage that may occur is a function of density, duration, and the number of cattle. The only direct evidence of potential damage to wetlands was the statement that “[i]f you have 6,371 [cattle] go into a wetland, there may be impacts.” The NMP provides that pasture use will be limited to herds of approximately 190 cattle, which will be rotated from paddock to paddock every two to three days, and which will allow for “rest” periods of approximately 20 days. There will be no travel lanes through any wetland. Thus, there is no evidence to support a finding that the cattle at the density, duration, and number proposed will cause direct adverse effects to wetlands on the property. High Concentration Areas Cattle brought to the facility are to be unloaded from trucks and temporarily corralled for inspection. For that period, the cattle will be tightly confined. Cattle that have reached their slaughter weight will be temporarily held in corrals associated with the processing plant. The stormwater retention ponds used to capture and store runoff from the offloading corral and the processing plant holding corral are part of a normal and customary agricultural activity, and are not part of the applications and approvals that are at issue in this proceeding. The retention ponds associated with the high-intensity areas do not require permits because they do not exceed one acre in size or impound more than 40 acre-feet of water. Nonetheless, issues related to the retention ponds were addressed by Petitioners and Sleepy Creek, and warrant discussion here. The retention ponds are designed to capture 100 percent of the runoff and entrained nutrients from the high concentration areas for a minimum of a 24—hour/25—year storm event. If rainfall occurs in excess of the designed storm, the design is such that upon reaching capacity, only new surface water coming to the retention pond will be discharged, and not that containing high concentrations of nutrients from the initial flush of stormwater runoff. Unlike the stormwater retention berms for the pastures, which are to be constructed from the first nine inches of permeable topsoil on the property, the corral retention ponds are to be excavated to a depth of six feet which, based on soil borings in the vicinity, will leave a minimum of two to four feet of clay beneath the retention ponds. In short, the excavation will penetrate into the clay layer underlying the pond sites, but will not penetrate through that layer. The excavated clay will be used to form the side slopes of the ponds, lining the permeable surficial layer and generally making the ponds impermeable. Organic materials entering the retention ponds will form an additional seal. An organic seal is important in areas in which retention ponds are constructed in sandy soil conditions. Organic sealing is less important in this case, where clay forms the barrier preventing nutrients from entering the surficial aquifer. Although the organic material is subject to periodic removal, the clay layer will remain to provide the impermeable barrier necessary to prevent leakage from the ponds. Dr. Bottcher testified that if, during excavation of the ponds, it was found that the remaining in-situ clay layer was too thin, Sleepy Creek would implement the standard practice of bringing additional clay to the site to ensure adequate thickness of the liner. Nutrient Balance The goal of the NMP is to create a balance of nutrients being applied to and taken up from the property. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the nutrients of primary concern, and are those for which specific management standards are proposed. Nutrient inputs to the NMP consist generally of deposition of cattle manure (which includes solid manure and urine), recycling of plant material and roots from the previous growing season, and application of supplemental fertilizer. Nutrient outputs to the NMP consist generally of volatization of ammonia to the atmosphere, uptake and utilization of the nutrients by the grass and crops, weight gain of the cattle, and absorption and denitrification of the nutrients in the soil. The NMP, and the various models discussed herein, average the grass and forage crop uptake and the manure deposition to match that of a 1,013 pound animal. That average weight takes into account the fact that cattle on the property will range from calf weight of approximately 850 pounds, to slaughter weight of 1150 pounds. Nutrients that are not accounted for in the balance, e.g., those that become entrained in stormwater or that pass through the plant root zone without being taken up, are subject to runoff to surface waters or discharge to groundwater. Generally, phosphorus not taken up by crops remains immobile in the soil. Unless there is a potential for runoff to surface waters, the nutrient balance is limited by the amount of nitrogen that can be taken up by the crops. Due to the composition of the soils on the property, the high water table, and the relatively shallow confining layer, there is a potential for surface runoff. Thus, the NMP was developed using phosphorus as the limiting nutrient, which results in nutrient application being limited by the “P-index.” A total of 108 pounds of phosphorus per acre/per year can be taken up and used by the irrigated pasture grasses and forage crops. Therefore, the total number of cattle that can be supported on the irrigated pastures is that which, as a herd, will deposit an average of 108 pounds of phosphorus per year over the irrigated acreage. Therefore, Sleepy Creek has proposed a herd size and density based on calculations demonstrating that the total phosphorus contained in the waste excreted by the cattle equals the amount taken up by the crops. A herd producing 108 pounds per acre per year of phosphorus is calculated to produce 147 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year. The Bermuda grass and forage crops proposed for the irrigated fields require 420 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year. As a result of the nitrogen deficiency, additional nitrogen-based fertilizer to make up the shortfall is required to maintain the crops. Since phosphorus needs are accounted for by animal deposition, the fertilizer will have no phosphorus. The NMP requires routine soil and plant tissue tests to determine the amount of nitrogen fertilizer needed. By basing the application of nitrogen on measured rather than calculated needs, variations in inputs, including plant decomposition and atmospheric deposition, and outputs, including those affected by weather, can be accounted for, bringing the full nutrient balance into consideration. The numeric values for crop uptakes, manure deposition, and other estimates upon which the NMP was developed were based upon literature, values, and research performed and published by the University of Florida and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Dr. Bottcher testified convincingly that the use of such values is a proven and reliable method of developing a balance for the operation of similar agricultural operations. A primary criticism of the NMP was its expressed intent to “reduce” or “minimize” the transport of nutrients to surface waters and groundwater, rather than to “negate” or “prevent” such transport. Petitioners argue that complete prevention of the transport of nutrients from the property is necessary to meet the standards necessary for issuance of the CUP and ERP. Mr. Drummond went into some detail regarding the total mass of nutrients expected to be deposited onto the ground from the cattle, exclusive of fertilizer application. In the course of his testimony, he suggested that the majority of the nutrients deposited on the land surface “are going to make it to the surficial aquifer and then be carried either to the Floridan or laterally with the groundwater flow.” However, Mr. Drummond performed no analysis on the fate of nitrogen through uptake by crops, volatization, or soil treatment, and did not quantify the infiltration of nitrogen to groundwater. Furthermore, he was not able to provide any quantifiable estimate on any effect of nutrients on Mill Creek, the Ocklawaha River, or Silver Springs. In light of the effectiveness of the nutrient balance and other elements of the NMP, along with the retention berm system that will be discussed herein, Mr. Drummond’s assessment of the nutrients that might be expected to impact water resources of the District is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Mr. Drummond’s testimony also runs counter to that of Dr. Kincaid, who performed a particle track analysis of the fate of water recharge from the North Tract. In short, Dr. Kincaid calculated that of the water that makes it as recharge from the North Tract to the surficial aquifer, less than one percent is expected to make its way to the upper Floridan aquifer, with that portion originating from the vicinity of Pivot 6. Recharge from the other 14 irrigated pastures was ultimately accounted for by evapotranspiration or emerged at the surface and found its way to Mill Creek. The preponderance of the competent, substantial evidence adduced at the final hearing supports the effectiveness of the NMPs for the North Tract and East Tract at managing the application and use of nutrients on the property, and minimizing the transport of nutrients to surface water and groundwater resources of the District. North Central Florida Model All of the experts involved in this proceeding agreed that the use of groundwater models is necessary to simulate what might occur below the surface of the ground. Models represent complex systems by applying data from known conditions and impacts measured over a period of years to simulate the effects of new conditions. Models are imperfect, but are the best means of predicting the effects of stresses on complex and unseen subsurface systems. The North Central Florida (NCF) model is used to simulate impacts of water withdrawals on local and regional groundwater levels and flows. The NCF model simulates the surficial aquifer, the upper Floridan aquifer, and the lower Floridan aquifer. Those aquifers are separated from one another by relatively impervious confining units. The intermediate confining unit separates the surficial aquifer from the upper Floridan aquifer. The intermediate confining unit is not present in all locations simulated by the NCF model. However, the evidence is persuasive that the intermediate confining unit is continuous at the North Tract, and serves to effectively isolate the surficial aquifer from the upper Floridan aquifer. The NCF model is not a perfect depiction of what exists under the land surface of the North Tract or elsewhere. It was, however, acknowledged by the testifying experts in this case, despite disagreements as to the extent of error inherent in the model, to be the best available tool for calculating the effects of withdrawals of water within the boundary of the model. The NCF model was developed and calibrated over a period of years, is updated routinely as data becomes available, and has undergone peer review. Aquifer Performance Tests In order to gather site-specific data regarding the characteristics of the aquifer beneath the Sleepy Creek property, a series of three aquifer performance tests (APTs) was conducted on the North Tract. The first two tests were performed by Sleepy Creek, and the third by the District. An APT serves to induce stress on the aquifer by pumping from a well at a high rate. By observing changes in groundwater levels in observation wells, which can be at varying distances from the extraction well, one can extrapolate the nature of the subsurface. In addition, well-completion reports for the various withdrawal and observation wells provide actual data regarding the composition of subsurface soils, clays, and features of the property. The APT is particularly useful in evaluating the ability of the aquifer to produce water, and in calculating the transmissivity of the aquifer. Transmissivity is a measure of the rate at which a substance passes through a medium and, as relevant to this case, measures how groundwater flows through an aquifer. The APTs demonstrated that the Floridan aquifer is capable of producing water at the rate requested. The APT drawdown contour measured in the upper Floridan aquifer was greater than that predicted from a simple run of the NCF model, but the lateral extent of the drawdown was less than predicted. The most reasonable conclusion to be drawn from the combination of greater than expected drawdown in the upper Floridan aquifer with less than expected extent is that the transmissivity of the aquifer beneath the North Tract is lower than the NCF model assumptions. The conclusion that the transmissivity of the aquifer at the North Tract is lower than previously estimated means that impacts from groundwater extraction would tend to be more vertical than horizontal, i.e., the drawdown would be greater, but would be more localized. As such, for areas of lower than estimated transmissivity, modeling would over-estimate off-site impacts from the extraction. NCF Modeling Scenarios The initial NCF modeling runs were based on an assumed withdrawal of 2.39 mgd, an earlier -- though withdrawn - - proposal. The evidence suggests that the simulated well placement for the 2.39 mgd model run was entirely on the North Tract. Thus, the results of the model based on that withdrawal have some limited relevance, especially given that the proposed CUP allows for all of the requested 1.46 mgd of water to be withdrawn from North Tract wells at the option of Sleepy Creek, but will over-predict impacts from the permitted rate of withdrawal. A factor that was suggested as causing a further over-prediction of drawdown in the 2.39 mgd model run was the decision, made at the request of the District, to exclude the input of data of additional recharge to the surficial aquifer, wetlands and surface waters from the irrigation, and the resulting diminution in soil storage capacity. Although there is some merit to the suggestion that omitting recharge made the model results “excessively conservative,” the addition of recharge to the model would not substantially alter the predicted impacts. A model run was subsequently performed based on a presumed withdrawal of 1.54 mgd, a rate that remains slightly more than, but still representative of, the requested amount of 1.46 mgd. The 1.54 mgd model run included an input for irrigation recharge. The simulated extraction points were placed on the East Tract and North Tract in the general configuration as requested in the CUP application. The NCF is designed to model the impacts of a withdrawal based upon various scenarios, identified at the hearing as Scenarios A, B, C, and D. Scenario A is the baseline condition for the NCF model, and represents the impacts of all legal users of water at their estimated actual flow rates as they existed in 1995. Scenario B is all existing users, not including the applicant, at end-of-permit allocations. Scenario C is all existing users, including the applicant, at current end-of-permit allocations. Scenario D is all permittees at full allocation, except the applicant which is modeled at the requested (i.e., new or modified) end-of-permit allocation. To simulate the effects of the CUP modification, simulations were performed on scenarios A, C, and D. In order to measure the specific impact of the modification of the CUP, the Scenario C impacts to the surficial, upper Floridan, and lower Floridan aquifers were compared with the Scenario D impacts to those aquifers. In order to measure the cumulative impact of the CUP, the Scenario A actual-use baseline condition was compared to the Scenario D condition which predicts the impacts of all permitted users, including the applicant, pumping at full end-of-permit allocations. The results of the NCF modeling indicate the following: 2.39 mgd - Specific Impact The surficial aquifer drawdown from the simulated 2.39 mgd withdrawal was less than 0.05 feet on-site and off- site, except to the west of the North Tract, at which a drawdown of 0.07 feet was predicted. The upper Floridan aquifer drawdown from the 2.39 mgd withdrawal was predicted at between 0.30 and 0.12 feet on-site, and between 0.30 and 0.01 feet off-site. The higher off-site figures are immediately proximate to the property. The lower Floridan aquifer drawdown from the 2.39 mgd withdrawal was predicted at less than 0.05 feet at all locations, and at or less than 0.02 feet within six miles of the North Tract. 2.39 mgd - Cumulative Impact The cumulative impact to the surficial aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, was less than 0.05 feet on-site, and off-site to the north and east, except to the west of the North Tract, at which a drawdown of 0.07 feet was predicted. The cumulative impact to the upper Floridan aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, ranged from 0.4 feet to 0.8 feet over all pertinent locations. The cumulative impact to the lower Floridan aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, ranged from 1.0 to 1.9 feet over all pertinent locations. The conclusion drawn by Mr. Andreyev that the predicted impacts to the lower Floridan are almost entirely from other end-of-permit user withdrawals is supported by the evidence and accepted. 1.54 mgd - Specific Impact The NCF model runs based on the more representative 1.54 mgd withdrawal predicted a surficial aquifer drawdown of less than 0.01 feet (i.e., no drawdown contour shown) on the North Tract, and a 0.01 to 0.02 foot drawdown at the location of the East Tract. The drawdown of the upper Floridan aquifer from the CUP modification was predicted at up to 0.07 feet on the property, and generally less than 0.05 feet off-site. There were no drawdown contours at the minimum 0.01 foot level that came within 9 miles of Silver Springs. The lower Floridan aquifer drawdown from the CUP modification was predicted at less than 0.01 feet (i.e., no drawdown contour shown) at all locations. 1.54 mgd - Cumulative Impact A comparison of the cumulative drawdown contours for the 2.36 mgd model and 1.54 mgd model show there to be a significant decrease in predicted drawdowns to the surficial and upper Floridan aquifers, with the decrease in the upper Floridan aquifer drawdown being relatively substantial, i.e., from 0.5 to 0.8 feet on-site predicted for the 2.36 mgd withdrawal, to 0.4 to 0.5 feet on-site for the 1.54 mgd model. Given the small predicted individual impact of the CUP on the upper Floridan aquifer, the evidence is persuasive that the cumulative impacts are the result of other end-of-permit user withdrawals. The drawdown contour for the lower Floridan aquifer predicted by the 1.54 mgd model is almost identical to that of the 2.36 mgd model, thus supporting the conclusion that predicted impacts to the lower Floridan are almost entirely from other end-of-permit user withdrawals. Modeled Effect on Silver Springs As a result of the relocation of the extraction wells from the East Tract to the North Tract, the NCF model run at the 1.54 mgd withdrawal rate predicted springflow at Silver Springs to increase by 0.15 cfs. The net cumulative impact in spring flow as measured from 1995 conditions to the scenario in which all legal users, including Sleepy Creek, are pumping at full capacity at their end-of-permit rates for one year3/ is roughly 35.4 cfs, which is approximately 5 percent of Silver Springs’ current flow. However, as a result of the redistribution of the Sleepy Creek withdrawal, which is, in its current iteration, a legal and permitted use, the cumulative effect of the CUP modification at issue is an increase in flow of 0.l5 cfs. Dr. Kincaid agreed that there is more of an impact to Silver Springs when the pumping allowed by the CUP is located on the East Tract than there is on the North Tract, but that the degree of difference is very small. Dr. Knight testified that effect on the flow of Silver Springs from relocating the 1.46 mgd withdrawal from the East Tract to the North Tract would be “zero.” The predicted increase of 0.15 cfs is admittedly miniscule when compared to the current Silver Springs springflow of approximately 675 cfs. However, as small as the modeled increase may be -- perhaps smaller than its “level of certainty” -- it remains the best evidence that the impact of the CUP modification to the flow of Silver Springs will be insignificant at worst, and beneficial at best. Opposition to the NCF Model Petitioners submitted considerable evidence designed to call the results generated by the District’s and Sleepy Creek’s NCF modeling into question. Karst Features A primary criticism of the validity of the NCF model was its purported inability to account for the presence of karst features, including conduits, and their effect on the results. It was Dr. Kincaid’s opinion that the NCF model assigned transmissivity values that were too high, which he attributed to the presence of karst features that are collecting flow and delivering it to springs. He asserted that, instead of assuming the presence of karst features, the model was adjusted to raise the overall capacity of the porous medium to transmit water, and thereby match the observed flows. In his opinion, the transmissivity values of the equivalent porous media were raised so much that the model can no longer be used to predict drawdowns. That alleged deficiency in the model is insufficient for two reasons. First, as previously discussed in greater detail, the preponderance of the evidence in this case supports a finding that there are no karst features in the vicinity of the North Tract that would provide preferential pathways for water flow so as to skew the results of the NCF model. Second, Dr. Kincaid, while acknowledging that the NCF model is the best available tool for predicting impacts from groundwater extraction on the aquifer, suggested that a hybrid porous media and conduit model would be a better means of predicting impacts, the development of which would take two years or more. There is no basis for the establishment of a de facto moratorium on CUP permitting while waiting for the development of a different and, in this case, unnecessary model. For the reasons set forth herein, it is found that the NCF model is sufficient to accurately and adequately predict the effects of the Sleepy Creek groundwater withdrawals on the aquifers underlying the property, and to provide reasonable assurance that the standards for such withdrawals have been met. Recharge to the Aquifer Petitioners argued that the modeling results showing little significant drawdown were dependent on the application of unrealistic values for recharge or return flow from irrigation. In a groundwater model, as in the physical world, some portion of the water extracted from the aquifer is predicted to be returned to the aquifer as recharge. If more water is applied to the land surface than is being accounted for by evaporation, plant uptake and evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and other processes, that excess water may seep down into the aquifer as recharge. Recharge serves to replenish the aquifer and offset the effects of the groundwater withdrawal. Dr. Kincaid opined that the NCF modeling performed for the CUP application assigned too much water from recharge, offsetting the model's prediction of impacts to other features. It is reasonable to assume that there is some recharge associated with both agricultural and public supply uses. However, the evidence suggests that the impact of recharge on the overall NCF model results is insignificant on the predicted impacts to Silver Springs, the issue of primary concern. Mr. Hearn ran a simulation using the NCF model in which all variables were held constant, except for recharge. The difference between the “with recharge” and “without recharge" simulations at Silver Springs was 0.002 cfs. That difference is not significant, and is not suggestive of adverse impacts on Silver Springs from the CUP modification. Dr. Kincaid testified that “the recharge offset on the property is mostly impacting the surficial aquifer,” and that “the addition of recharge in this case didn't have much of an impact on the upper Floridan aquifer system.” As such, the effect of adding recharge to the model would be as to the effect of groundwater withdrawal on wetlands or surface water bodies, and not on springs. As previously detailed, the drawdown of the surficial aquifer simulated for the 2.39 mgd “no recharge” scenario were less than 0.05 feet on-site and off-site, except for a predicted 0.07 foot drawdown to the west of the North Tract. The predicted drawdown of the surficial aquifer for the 1.54 mgd “with recharge” scenario was 0.02 feet or less. The preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that drawdowns of either degree are less than that at which adverse impacts to wetlands or surface waters would occur. Thus, issues related to the recharge or return flows from irrigation are insufficient to support a finding or conclusion that the NCF model failed to provide reasonable assurance that the standards for issuance of the CUP modification were met. External Boundaries The boundaries of the NCF model are not isolated from the rest of the physical world. Rather, groundwater flows into the modeled area from multiple directions, and out of the modeled area in multiple directions. Inflows to the model area are comprised of recharge, which is an assigned value, and includes water infiltrating and recharging the aquifer from surface waters; injection wells; upward and downward leakage from lower aquifers; and flow across the external horizontal boundaries. Outflows from the model area include evapotranspiration; discharge to surface waters, including springs and rivers; extraction from wells; upward and downward leakage from lower aquifers; and flow against the external model boundaries. Dr. Kincaid testified that flow across the external model boundary is an unknown and unverifiable quantity which increases the uncertainty in the model. He asserted that in the calibrated version of the model, there is no way to check those flows against data. His conclusion was that the inability of the NCF model to accurately account for external boundary flow made the margin of error so great as to make the model an unreliable tool with which to assess whether the withdrawal approved by the proposed CUP modification will increase or decrease drawdown at Silver Springs. The District correlates the NCF model boundaries with a much larger model developed by the United States Geological Survey, the Peninsula of Florida Model, more commonly referred to as the Mega Model, which encompasses most of the State of Florida and part of Southeast Georgia. The Mega Model provides a means to acknowledge that there are stresses outside the NCF model, and to adjust boundary conditions to account for those stresses. The NCF is one of several models that are subsets of the Mega Model, with the grids of the two models being “nested” together. The 1995 base year of the NCF model is sufficiently similar to the 1993-1994 base year of the Mega Model as to allow for a comparison of simulated drawdowns calculated by each of the models. By running a Mega Model simulation of future water use, and applying the change in that use from 1993 base year conditions, the District was able to come to a representative prediction of specific boundary conditions for the 1995 NCF base year, which were then used as the baseline for simulations of subsequent conditions. In its review of the CUP modification, the District conducted a model validation simulation to measure the accuracy of the NCF model against observed conditions, with the conditions of interest being the water flow at Silver Springs. The District ran a simulation using the best information available as to water use in the year 2010, the calculated boundary conditions, irrigation, pumping, recharge, climatic conditions, and generally “everything that we think constitutes that year.” The discharge of water at Silver Springs in 2010 was measured at 580 cfs. The discharge simulated by the NCF model was 545 cfs. Thus, the discharge predicted by the NCF model simulation was within six percent of the observed discharge. Such a result is generally considered in the modeling community to be “a home run.” Petitioners’ objections to the calculation of boundary conditions for the NCF model are insufficient to support a finding that the NCF model is not an appropriate and accurate tool for determining that reasonable assurance has been provided that the standards for issuance of the CUP modification were met. Cumulative Impact Error As part of the District’s efforts to continually refine the NCF, and in conjunction with a draft minimum flows and levels report for Silver Springs and the Silver River, the cumulative NCF model results for the period of baseline to 2010 were compared with the simulated results from the Northern District Model (NDF), a larger model that overlapped the NCF. As a result of the comparison, which yielded different results, it was discovered that the modeler had “turned off” not only the withdrawal pumps, but inputs to the aquifer from drainage wells and sinkholes as well. When those inputs were put back into the model run, and effects calculated only from withdrawals between the “pumps-off” condition and 2010 pumping conditions, the cumulative effect of the withdrawals was adjusted from a reduction in the flow at Silver Springs of 29 cfs to a reduction of between 45 and 50 cfs, an effect described as “counterintuitive.” Although that result has not undergone peer review, and remains subject to further review and comparison with the Mega Model, it was accepted by the District representative, Mr. Bartol. Petitioners seized upon the results of the comparison model run as evidence of the inaccuracy and unreliability of the NCF model. However, the error in the NCF model run was not the result of deficiencies in the model, but was a data input error. Despite the error in the estimate of the cumulative effect of all users at 2010 levels, the evidence in this case does not support a finding that the more recent estimates of specific impact from the CUP at issue were in error. NCF Model Conclusion As has been discussed herein, a model is generally the best means by which to calculate conditions and effects that cannot be directly observed. The NCF model is recognized as being the best tool available for determining the subsurface conditions of the model domain, having been calibrated over a period of years and subject to peer review. It should be recognized that the simulations run using the NCF model represent the worst—case scenario, with all permittees simultaneously drawing at their full end-of-permit allocations. There is merit to the description of that occurrence as being “very remote.” Thus, the results of the modeling represent a conservative estimate of potential drawdown and impacts. While the NCF model is subject to uncertainty, as is any method of predicting the effects of conditions that cannot be seen, the model provides reasonable assurance that the conditions simulated are representative of the conditions that will occur as a result of the withdrawals authorized by the CUP modification. Environmental Resource Permit The irrigation proposed by the CUP will result in runoff from the North Tract irrigated pastures in excess of that expected from the improved pastures, due in large measure to the diminished storage capacity of the soil. Irrigation water will be applied when the soils are dry, and capable of absorbing water not subject to evaporation or plant uptake. The irrigation water will fill the storage space that would exist without irrigation. With irrigation water taking up the capacity of the soil to hold water, soils beneath the irrigation pivots will be less capable of retaining additional moisture during storm events. Thus, there is an increased likelihood of runoff from the irrigated pastures over that expected with dry soils. The increase in runoff is expected to be relatively small, since there should be little or no irrigation needed during the normal summer wet season. The additional runoff may have increased nutrient levels due to the increased cattle density made possible by the irrigation of the pastures. The CUP has a no—impact requirement for water quality resulting from the irrigation of the improved pasture. Thus, nutrients leaving the irrigated pastures may not exceed those calculated to be leaving the existing pre-development use as improved pastures. Retention Berms The additional runoff and nutrient load is proposed to be addressed by constructing a system of retention berms, approximately 50,0004/ feet in length, which is intended to intercept, retain, and provide treatment for runoff from the irrigated pasture. The goal of the system is to ensure that post—development nutrient loading from the proposed irrigated pastures will not exceed the pre—development nutrient loading from the existing improved pastures. An ERP permit is required for the construction of the berm system, since the area needed for the construction of the berms is greater than the one acre in size, and since the berms have the capability of impounding more than 40 acre-feet of water. The berms are to be constructed by excavating the top nine inches of sandy, permeable topsoil and using that permeable soil to create the berms, which will be 1 to 2 feet in height. The water storage areas created by the excavation will have flat or horizontal bottoms, and will be very shallow with the capacity to retain approximately a foot of water. The berms will be planted with pasture grasses after construction to provide vegetative cover. The retention berm system is proposed to be built in segments, with the segment designed to capture runoff from a particular center pivot pasture to be constructed prior to the commencement of irrigation from that center pivot. A continuous clay layer underlies the areas in which the berms are to be constructed. The clay layer varies from 18 to 36 inches below the ground surface, with at least one location being as much as five feet below the ground surface. As such, after nine inches of soil is scraped away to create the water retention area and construct the berm, there will remain a layer of permeable sandy material above the clay. The berms are to be constructed at least 25 feet landward of any jurisdictional wetland, creating a “safe upland line.” Thus, the construction, operation, and maintenance of the retention berms and redistribution swales will result in no direct impacts to jurisdictional wetlands or other surface waters. There will be no agricultural activities, e.g., tilling, planting, or mowing, within the 25-foot buffers, and the buffers will be allowed to establish with native vegetation to provide additional protection for downgradient wetlands. As stormwater runoff flows from the irrigated pastures, it may, in places, create concentrated flow ways. Redistribution swales will be built in those areas to spread any remaining overland flow of water and reestablish sheet flow to the retention berm system. At any point at which water may overtop a berm, the berm will be hardened with rip—rap to insure its integrity. The berms are designed to intercept and collect overland flow from the pastures and temporarily store it behind the berms, regaining the soil storage volume lost through irrigation. A portion of the runoff intercepted by the berm system will evaporate. The majority will infiltrate either through the berm, or vertically into the subsurface soils beneath it. When the surficial soils become saturated, further vertical movement will be stopped by the impermeable clay layer underlying the site. The runoff water will then move horizontally until it reemerges into downstream wetland systems. Thus, the berm system is not expected to have a measurable impact on the hydroperiod of the wetlands on the North Tract. Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus tends to get “tied up” in soil as it moves through it. Phosphorus reduction occurs easily in permeable soil systems because it is removed from the water through a chemical absorption process that is not dependent on the environment of the soil. As the soils in the retention areas and berms go through drying cycles, the absorption capacity is regenerated. Thus, the retention system will effectively account for any increase in phosphorus resulting from the increased cattle density allowed by the irrigation such that there is expected to be no increase in phosphorus levels beyond the berm. Nitrogen Removal When manure is deposited on the ground, primarily as high pH urine, the urea is quickly converted to ammonia, which experiences a loss of 40 to 50 percent of the nitrogen to volatization. Soil conditions during dry weather conditions are generally aerobic. Remaining ammonia in the manure is converted by aerobic bacteria in the soil to nitrates and nitrites. Converted nitrates and nitrites from manure, along with nitrogen from fertilizer, is readily available for uptake as food by plants, including grasses and forage crops. Nitrates and nitrites are mobile in water. Therefore, during rain events of sufficient intensity to create runoff, the nitrogen can be transported downstream towards wetlands and other receiving waters, or percolate downward through the soil until blocked by an impervious barrier. During storm events, the soils above the clay confining layer and the lower parts of the pervious berms become saturated. Those saturated soils are drained of oxygen and become anaerobic. When nitrates and nitrites encounter saturated conditions, they provide food for anaerobic bacteria that exist in those conditions. The bacteria convert nitrates and nitrites to elemental nitrogen, which has no adverse impact on surface waters or groundwater. That process, known as denitrification, is enhanced in the presence of organic material. The soils from which the berms are constructed have a considerable organic component. In addition to the denitrification that occurs in the saturated conditions in and underlying the berms, remaining nitrogen compounds that reemerge into the downstream wetlands are likely to encounter organic wetland-type soil conditions. Organic wetland soils are anaerobic in nature, and will result in further, almost immediate denitrification of the nitrates and nitrites in the emerging water. Calculation of Volume - BMPTRAINS Model The calculation of the volume necessary to capture and store excess runoff from the irrigated pastures was performed by Dr. Wanielista using the BMPTRAINS model. BMPTRAINS is a simple, easy to use spreadsheet model. Its ease of use does not suggest that it is less than reliable. The model has been used as a method of calculating storage volumes in many conditions over a period of more than 40 years. The model was used to calculate the storage volumes necessary to provide storage and treatment of runoff from fifteen “basins” that had a control or a Best Management Practice associated with them. All of the basins were calculated as being underlain by soils in poorly-drained hydrologic soil Group D, except for the basin in the vicinity of Pivot 6, which is underlain by the more well-drained soil Group A. The model assumed about percent of the property to have soil Group A soils, an assumption that is supported by the evidence. Soil moisture conditions on the property were calculated by application of data regarding rainfall events and times, the irrigation schedule, and the amount of irrigation water projected for use over a year. The soil moisture condition was used to determine the amount of water that could be stored in the on-site soils, known as the storage coefficient. Once the storage coefficient was determined, that data was used to calculate the amount of water that would be expected to run off of the North Tract, known as the curve number. The curve number is adjusted by the extent to which the storage within a soil column is filled by the application of irrigation water, making it unable to store additional rainfall. As soil storage goes down, the curve number goes up. Thus, a curve number that approaches 100 means that more water is predicted to run off. Conversely, a lower curve number means that less water is predicted to run off. The pre-development curve number for the North Tract was based on the property being an unirrigated, poor grass area. A post-development curve number was assigned to the property that reflected a wet condition representative of the irrigated soils beneath the pivots. In calculating the storage volume necessary to handle runoff from the basins, the wet condition curve number was adjusted based on the fact that there is a mixture of irrigated and unirrigated general pasture within each basin to be served by a segment of the retention berm system, and by the estimated 15 percent of the time that the irrigation areas would be in a drier condition. In addition, the number was adjusted to reflect the 8 to 10 inches of additional evapotranspiration that occurs as a result of irrigation. The BMPTRAINS model was based on average annual nutrient-loading conditions, with water quality data collected at a suitable point within Reach 22, the receiving waterbody. The effects of nutrients from the irrigated pastures on receiving waterbodies is, in terms of the model, best represented by average annual conditions, rather than a single highest-observed nutrient value. Pre-development loading figures were based on the existing use of the property as unirrigated general pasture. The pre-development phosphorus loading figure was calculated at an average event mean concentration (EMC) of 0.421 milligrams per liter (mg/l). The post—condition phosphorus loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 0.621 mg/l. Therefore, in order to achieve pre-development levels of phosphorus, treatment to achieve a reduction in phosphorus of approximately 36 percent was determined to be necessary. The pre-development nitrogen loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 2.6 mg/l. The post—condition nitrogen loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 3.3 mg/l. Therefore, in order to achieve pre-development levels of nitrogen, treatment to achieve a reduction in nitrogen of approximately 25 percent was determined to be necessary. The limiting value for the design of the retention berms is phosphorus. To achieve post-development concentrations that are equal to or less than pre-development concentrations, the treatment volume of the berm system must be sufficient to allow for the removal of 36 percent of the nutrients in water being retained and treated behind the berms, which represents the necessary percentage of phosphorus. In order to achieve the 36 percent reduction required for phosphorus, the retention berm system must be capable of retaining approximately 38 acre—feet of water from the 15 basins. In order to achieve that retention volume, a berm length of approximately 50,000 linear feet was determined to be necessary, with an average depth of retention behind the berms of one foot. The proposed length of the berms is sufficient to retain the requisite volume of water to achieve a reduction in phosphorus of 36 percent. Thus, the post-development/irrigation levels of phosphorus from runoff are expected to be no greater than pre-development/general pasture levels of phosphorus from runoff. By basing the berm length and volume on that necessary for the treatment of phosphorus, there will be storage volume that is greater than required for a 25 percent reduction in nitrogen. Thus, the post-development/irrigation levels of nitrogen from runoff are expected to be less than pre- development/general pasture levels of nitrogen from runoff. Mr. Drummond admitted that the design of the retention berms “shows there is some reduction, potentially, but it's not going to totally clean up the nutrients.” Such a total clean-up is not required. Rather, it is sufficient that there is nutrient removal to pre-development levels, so that there is no additional pollutant loading from the permitted activities. Reasonable assurance that such additional loading is not expected to occur was provided. Despite Mr. Drummond’s criticism of the BMPTRAINS model, he did not quantify nutrient loading on the North Tract, and was unable to determine whether post-development concentrations of nutrients would increase over pre-development levels. As such, there was insufficient evidence to counter the results of the BMPTRAINS modeling. Watershed Assessment Model In order to further assess potential water quantity and water quality impacts to surface water bodies, and to confirm stormwater retention area and volume necessary to meet pre-development conditions, Sleepy Creek utilized the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM). The WAM is a peer-reviewed model that is widely accepted by national, state, and local regulatory entities. The WAM was designed to simulate water balance and nutrient impacts of varying land uses. It was used in this case to simulate and provide a quantitative measure of the anticipated impacts of irrigation on receiving water bodies, including Mill Creek, Daisy Creek, the Ocklawaha River, and Silver Springs. Inputs to the model include land conditions, soil conditions, rain and climate conditions, and water conveyance systems found on the property. In order to calculate the extent to which nutrients applied to the land surface might affect receiving waters, a time series of surface water and groundwater flow is “routed” through the modeled watershed and to the various outlets from the system, all of which have assimilation algorithms that represent the types of nutrient uptakes expected to occur as water goes through the system. Simulations were performed on the North Tract in its condition prior to acquisition by Sleepy Creek, in its current “exempted improved pasture condition,” and in its proposed “post—development” pivot-irrigation condition. The simulations assessed impacts of the site conditions on surface waters at the point at which they leave the property and discharge to Mill Creek, and at the point where Mill Creek merges into the Ocklawaha River. The baseline condition for measuring changes in nutrient concentrations was determined to be that lawfully existing at the time the application was made. Had there been any suggestion of illegality or impropriety in Sleepy Creek’s actions in clearing the timber and creating improved pasture, a different baseline might be warranted. However, no such illegality or impropriety was shown, and the SJRWMD rules create no procedure for “looking back” to previous land uses and conditions that were legally changed. Thus, the “exempted improved pasture condition” nutrient levels are appropriate for comparison with irrigated pasture nutrient levels. The WAM simulations indicated that nitrogen resulting from the irrigation of the North Tract pastures would be reduced at the outflow to Mill Creek at the Reach 22 stream segment from improved pasture levels by 1.7 percent in pounds per year, and by 0.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. The model simulations predicted a corresponding reduction at the Mill Creek outflow to the Ocklawaha River of 1.3 percent in pounds per year, and 0.5 percent in milligrams per liter of water. These levels are small, but nonetheless support a finding that the berm system is effective in reducing nitrogen from the North Tract. Furthermore, the WAM simulations showed levels of nitrogen from the irrigated pasture after the construction of the retention berms to be reduced from that present in the pre- development condition, a conclusion consistent with that derived from the BMPTRAINS model. The WAM simulations indicated that phosphorus from the irrigated North Tract pastures, measured at the outflow to Mill Creek at the Reach 22 stream segment, would be reduced from improved pasture levels by 3.7 percent in pounds per year, and by 2.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. The model simulations predicted a corresponding reduction at the Mill Creek outflow to the Ocklawaha River of 2.5 percent in pounds per year, and 1.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. Those levels are, again, small, but supportive of a finding of no impact from the permitted activities. The WAM simulations showed phosphorus in the Ocklawaha River at the Eureka Station after the construction of the retention berms to be slightly greater than those simulated for the pre-development condition (0.00008 mg/l) -- the only calculated increase. That level is beyond miniscule, with impacts properly characterized as “non- measurable” and “non-detectable.” In any event, total phosphorus remains well below Florida’s nutrient standards. The WAM simulations were conducted based on all of the 15 pivots operating simultaneously at full capacity. That amount is greater than what is allowed under the permit. Thus, according to Dr. Bottcher, the predicted loads are higher than those that would be generated by the permitted allocation, making his estimates “very conservative.” Dr. Bottcher’s testimony is credited. During the course of the final hearing, the accuracy of the model results was questioned based on inaccuracies in rainfall inputs due to the five-mile distance of the property from the nearest rain station. Dr. Bottcher admitted that given the dynamics of summer convection storms, confidence that the rain station rainfall measurements represent specific conditions on the North Tract is limited. However, it remains the best data available. Furthermore, Dr. Bottcher testified that even if specific data points simulated by the model differ from that recorded at the rain station, that same error carries through each of the various scenarios. Thus, for the comparative purpose of the model, the errors get “washed out.” Other testimony regarding purported inaccuracies in the WAM simulations and report were explained as being the result of errors in the parameters used to run alternative simulations or analyze Sleepy Creek’s simulations, including use of soil types that are not representative of the North Tract, and a misunderstanding of dry weight/wet weight loading rates. There was agreement among witnesses that the WAM is regarded, among individuals with expertise in modeling, as an effective tool, and was the appropriate model for use in the ERP application that is the subject of this proceeding. As a result, the undersigned accepts the WAM simulations as being representative of comparative nutrient impacts on receiving surface water bodies resulting from irrigation of the North Tract. The WAM confirmed that the proposed retention berm system will be sufficient to treat additional nutrients that may result from irrigation of the pastures, and supports a finding of reasonable assurance that water quality criteria will be met. With regard to the East Tract, the WAM simulations showed that there would be reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loading to Daisy Creek from the conversion of the property to irrigated pasture. Those simulations were also conservative because they assumed the maximum number of cattle allowed by the nutrient balance, and did not assume the 30 percent reduction in the number of cattle under the NMP so as to allow existing elevated levels of phosphorus in the soil from the sod farm to be “mined” by vegetation. Pivot 6 The evidence in this case suggests that, unlike the majority of the North Tract, a small area on the western side of the North Tract drains to the west and north. Irrigation Pivot is within that area. Dr. Harper noted that there are some soils in hydrologic soil Group A in the vicinity of Pivot 6 that reflect soils with a deeper water table where rainfall would be expected to infiltrate into the ground. Dr. Kincaid’s particle track analysis suggested that recharge to the surficial aquifer ultimately discharges to Mill Creek, except for recharge at Pivot 11, which is accounted for by evapotranspiration, and recharge at Pivot 6. Dr. Kincaid concluded that approximately 1 percent of the recharge to the surficial aquifer beneath the North Tract found its way into the upper Floridan aquifer. Those particle tracks originated only on the far western side of the property, and implicated only Pivot 6, which is indicative of the flow divide in the Floridan aquifer. Of the 1 percent of particle tracks entering the Floridan aquifer, some ultimately discharged at the St. John’s River, the Ocklawaha River, or Mill Creek. Dr. Kincaid opined, however, that most ultimately found their way to Silver Springs. Given the previous finding that the Floridan aquifer beneath the property is within the Silver Springs springshed for less than a majority of the time, it is found that a correspondingly small fraction of the less than 1 percent of the particle tracks originating on the North Tract, perhaps a few tenths of one percent, can reach Silver Springs. Dr. Bottcher generally agreed that some small percentage of the water from the North Tract may make it to the upper Floridan aquifer, but that amount will be very small. Furthermore, that water reaching the upper Floridan aquifer would have been subject to the protection and treatment afforded by the NMP and the ERP berms. The evidence regarding the somewhat less restrictive confinement of the aquifer around Pivot 6 is not sufficient to rebut the prima facie case that the CUP modification, coupled with the ERP, will meet the District’s permitting standards. Public Interest The primary basis upon which Sleepy Creek relies to demonstrate that the CUP is “consistent with the public interest” is that Florida's economy is highly dependent upon agricultural operations in terms of jobs and economic development, and that there is a necessity of food production. Sleepy Creek could raise cattle on the property using the agriculturally-exempt improved pastures, but the economic return on the investment would be questionable without the increased quality, quantity, and reliability of grass and forage crop production resulting from the proposed irrigation. Sleepy Creek will continue to engage in agricultural activities on its properties if the CUP modification is denied. Although a typical Florida beef operation could be maintained on the property, the investment was based upon having the revenue generation allowed by grass-fed beef production in order to realize a return on its capital investment and to optimize the economic return. If the CUP modification is denied, the existing CUP will continue to allow the extraction of 1.46 mgd for use on the East Tract. The preponderance of the evidence suggests that such a use would have greater impacts on the water levels at Silver Springs, and that the continued use of the East Tract as a less stringently-controlled sod farm would have a greater likelihood of higher nutrient levels, particularly phosphorus levels which are already elevated.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order: approving the issuance of Consumptive Use Permit No. 2-083-91926-3 to Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC on the terms and conditions set forth in the complete Permit Application for Consumptive Uses of Water and the Consumptive Use Technical Staff Report; and approving the issuance of Environmental Resource Permit No. IND-083-130588-4 to Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC on the terms and conditions set forth in the complete Joint Application for Individual and Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit and the Individual Environmental Resource Permit Technical Staff Report. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of April, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 2015.

Florida Laws (27) 120.54120.569120.57120.60120.68373.016373.019373.036373.042373.0421373.069373.079373.175373.223373.227373.229373.236373.239373.246373.406373.413373.4131373.414403.067403.087403.9278.031 Florida Administrative Code (12) 28-106.10828-106.21740C-2.30140C-2.33140C-44.06540C-44.06662-302.30062-330.05062-330.30162-4.24062-4.24262-40.473
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