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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 04, 2008 Number: 08-004382PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Titusville, Florida Feb. 02, 2000 Number: 00-000547 Latest Update: Nov. 03, 2000

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner's license should be classified as conditional, pursuant to Section 400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (1999), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 59A-4.1288. (All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes (1999) unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the date of this Recommended Order).

Findings Of Fact Respondent is the state agency responsible for evaluating nursing homes in Florida pursuant to Section 400.23(8). Petitioner is a licensed nursing home located in Titusville, Florida (the "facility"). Chapter 400 originally required Respondent to conduct a survey of each nursing home in Florida every 12 months. Each survey was commonly referred to as an annual survey. The legislature subsequently changed the survey interval to every 15 months, but each survey is still referred to as an annual survey. Respondent conducted an annual survey of the facility on November 17 through 19, 1999. The survey report is identified in the record as the "2567 Report." The parties agree that the 2567 Report is the charging document. The 2567 Report expressly determined that Petitioner failed to ensure that resident number four (the "resident") did not develop pressure sores on September 16, 1999, and that Petitioner failed to ensure that the resident received the necessary treatment and services to prevent pressure sores from developing. The parties stipulated that no other deficiency is at issue in this proceeding. The resident had developed pressure sores on June 18, 1999, but those sores had healed before September 16, 1999, and are not at issue in this proceeding. The 2567 Report determined that the alleged deficiency violates 42 Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR") Section 483.25(c). Rule 59A-4.1288 applies relevant federal regulations to Florida nursing homes. The 2567 Report identifies the standard of care at issue as Tag F314. Based on the Tag 314, Respondent issued Petitioner a nursing home operating license rated as "Conditional" for the period November 19, 1999, through December 23, 1999. The conditional license decreased the license rating for Petitioner from "Standard" to "Conditional" within the meaning of Section 400.23(8). On December 23, 1999, Respondent conducted a follow-up survey. Respondent determined that Petitioner had corrected the deficiencies in Tag F314 and issued a "Standard" license pursuant to Section 400.23(8)(a). Respondent rated the severity of alleged deficiency between November 19 and December 23, 1999, with a rating of "II". A severity rating of "II" means the deficiency presented an immediate threat to the health, safety, or security of residents in the facility. Respondent is also required to rate the deficiency under a federal classification system. Respondent assigned a scope and severity rating of "G" to the alleged deficiency between November 19 and December 23, 1999. A "G" rating means an isolated incident creates actual harm to a resident, but the resident is not in immediate jeopardy. Applicable law requires that Petitioner post the conditional license in a conspicuous place near the entrance of the facility. Petitioner did so and filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing with Respondent. The Petition challenged the finding of the November survey that Petitioner committed a Class II deficiency and also challenged Respondent's decision to issue a conditional license to Petitioner. Respondent referred the Petition to DOAH and this proceeding ensued. Open Areas A threshold issue is whether the resident developed pressure sores or whether the open areas were reddened areas or friction blisters that did not satisfy the definition of pressure sores. A pressure sore is defined in 42 CFR Section 483.25(c) as: . . . ischemic ulceration and/or necrosis of tissues overlying a bony prominence that has been subjected to pressure, friction or shear. Neither of the open areas over the resident's left and right hips satisfied the definition of a pressure sore. Neither open area was located over a bony area. Both wounds were located over a fatty area of the resident's hips. The medical records describe the area over the right hip as having peeled-back skin, being small in size, and having yellow slough. That description is consistent with chafing and is not descriptive of a pressure sore. Unlike the two open areas over the resident's hips, the open area over the resident's coccyx was located over a bony area of the tailbone. However, the small size and rapid healing time of two weeks are consistent with contact dermatitis caused by diarrhea rather than a pressure sore. The open area did not have the deep tissue damage associated with a pressure sore. Pressure sores start deep in the muscle and work their way to the surface. They are caused by prolonged pressure to skin over a bony area and typically require a prolonged healing time. The open area over the resident's right hip had healed by December 23, 1999, when Respondent conducted the follow-up survey. However, the open area over the resident's left hip had not healed as of the date of administrative hearing on May 12, 2000. The long healing time for the open area over the resident's left hip is consistent with a pressure sore even though the area is not located over a bony area. Petitioner performed an MRI bone scan to determine why the open area over the resident's left hip was not healing. The scan revealed that the resident had a prosthetic hip and that the prosthesis had loosened. The MRI scan noted that the "skin wound shows no associated bone activity." The failure of the wound to heal, more likely than not, was caused by stress on the resident's skin from the interaction between the loose prosthesis and the contraction and relaxation of the resident's muscles. The resident's clinical condition demonstrates that the occurrence of the open area over the resident's left hip and its failure to heal were unavoidable. Petitioner did not fail to provide the treatment and services necessary to prevent the open area over the left hip from developing. The treatment measures used by Petitioner for the open area over the resident's left hip included debridement, or surgical cleaning. Surgical cleaning of the open area is appropriate for a friction blister as well as a pressure sore. Unlike Respondent's witness, both of the witnesses for Petitioner actually observed the resident. The Director of Nursing and the nurse that testified for Petitioner both concluded that the three open areas on the resident were not pressure sores. Their testimony was credible and persuasive. Petitioner listed the three open areas at issue on the Pressure Ulcer Report in the medical records because that is the only form available to document open wound and treatment areas. The medical records contain six references that describe the three open areas on the resident as ulcers or decubitis wounds. Hundreds of other references in the medical records describe each of the three open areas as a wound, blistered area, or red area. Notice Assuming arguendo that the three open areas on one resident were pressure sores, a second threshold issue is whether the 2567 Report provides adequate notice of the charges against Petitioner. The parties agree that the 2567 Report charged Petitioner with allowing a pressure sore to develop and with failing to ensure that the resident received the care and services needed to prevent pressure sores from developing. However, the parties dispute whether the 2567 Report charged that Petitioner failed to provide the services necessary to promote healing. Tag F314 in the charging document provides notice to Petitioner in the following manner. Tag F314 first states the "Requirement" for the quality of care of each resident, then states the basis for the conclusion that the "Requirement" was not met for the resident, and finally states the "Findings" that allegedly support the conclusion. In relevant part, Tag F314 states: F314 483(25(c) Requirement SS=G Quality of Care (emphasis supplied) Based on the comprehensive assessment of a resident, the facility must ensure that a resident who enters the facility without pressure sores does not develop pressure sores unless the individual's clinical condition demonstrates that they were unavoidable; and a resident having pressure sores receives necessary treatment and services to promote healing, prevent infection and prevent new sores from developing. (emphasis supplied) This requirement is not met as evidenced by: The facility did not ensure that [the resident] received the care and services to prevent pressure sores from developing. (emphasis supplied) Findings: Resident #4 was admitted 1/27/98 with diagnoses of dementia, bronchitis, thrombosis and embolism. Her MDS (Minimum Data Set) dated 6/18/99 indicated she had three (3) stage II pressure sores. These apparently healed because documentation in the nurses notes dated 9/10/99, noted "no open areas". Her care plan dated 9/20/99 noted open areas to the left hip, stage II, measuring 4 x 1.5 cm and right hip, unstageable, measuring 3 cm, and sacral area, stage II, measuring 2 cm. Documentation on 10/5/99 noted the coccyx was healed and on 10/12/99, left and right hips reddened stage I. On 9/16/99 at 10:55PM, documentation in the nurses notes indicated "3 x 3 red area left hip with 2 intact blisters below". The next note on 9/17/99 at 10:30 PM indicated "preventative skin care". The pressure ulcer reports noted that the pressure sore on left and right hips was first observed on 9/16/99 as stage I. On 9/20/99, four (4) days later, both pressure sores were noted as stage II, measuring 1 cm round with the left hip having serous drainage and the right hip having scant drainage. However, nurses notes documented on 9/20/99 that the pressure sore on right hip measured cm red with brown center, left hip measured cm red with 1.5 cm soft, open white/brown center, and sacral area 2 cm red open. By 9/24/99 documentation in the pressure ulcer report noted the left hip increased in size to 2.2 x 4 cm. Documentation noted right hip increased to 1.6 x 1.4 cm 10/21/99. Nurses notes dated 9/22/99 at 7:00 PM noted, "treatment orders received from doctor", six (6) days after the pressure sore was first observed and two days after the order was faxed to the physician. Interview with charge nurses on both units on 11/16/99, at 3:30 PM and 11/17/99 at 2:00 PM revealed they did not know why the resident had developed pressure sores. Observation of the pressure sore on 11/17/99 at 1:00 PM revealed the left hip measuring 1.5 x 2.5 cm with yellow slough and the right hip measuring 1.1 x 0.7 cm with a necrotic area on top. There was no way to determine what stage the pressure sore on the left hip was at this time since it was covered with slough. The charge nurse indicated that the pressure sores had become worse over the weekend. The resident was observed on 11/18/99 from 9:35 AM in bed, lying on her back and head of bed elevated 45 degrees, 10:20 AM, lying flat on her back in bed, 11:48 AM and 12:20 PM lying on her back flat in bed. The resident's position was changed at 1:30 PM when she was turned to her left side. During the course of the survey, the resident was never observed out of bed. Additionally, the resident had a 36 pound weight loss for one year and a 13 pound weight loss for six months. There was no documentation that the facility provided services necessary to ensure that this resident did not develop pressure sores and no documentation that the physician was notified promptly after the pressure sores were first observed. Documentation revealed that the facility notified the physician when the pressure sores on both hips were stage II and six days after they were first observed. (emphasis supplied) The express terms of Tag F314 do not charge that Petitioner failed to provide the resident with the necessary treatment and services to promote healing and prevent infection. Evidence of any alleged deficiency not contained in the express terms of the charging document are not relevant and material to the allegations in the charging document. Open Areas Were Unavoidable Assuming arguendo that one or more of the three open areas on the resident were pressure sores and that the 2567 support provided adequate notice of the charge that Petitioner's services failed to promote healing and prevent infection, two issues must be determined. One issue is whether the resident's clinical condition made the occurrence of the pressure sores unavoidable. The other issue is whether Petitioner failed to provide the treatment and services necessary to prevent the pressure sores. Respondent's witness did not evaluate whether the resident's open areas were avoidable. The witness did not offer an opinion on this issue. The resident was originally admitted to the facility in 1991. She has resided there since that time except for a number of brief trips to the hospital. She is a long-term resident of the facility whose needs are well known to facility staff. By 1999, the resident was a very sick woman. Her diagnoses included: Alzheimer's disease/dementia; low thyroid; psychosis; colostomy; artrial fibrillation; mitral valve prolapse; embolism; deep vein thrombosis; dysphagia; anorexia; bronchitis; urinary track infection; electrolyte and fluid imbalance; contractures; depression; intermittent edema; periodic diarrhea; chronic incontinence of bowel and bladder; and decreased tissue tolerance. The resident was routinely evaluated by Petitioner using a Minimum Data Set ("MDS") evaluation tool. The MDS assessment of April 14, 1999, identified the resident as being at risk for, among other things, the development of pressure sores and for weight loss. Petitioner developed a care plan to address these risks. The care plan for pressure sores included prompt cleaning and drying after each incidence of incontinence; regular monitoring of skin condition; a weekly skin assessment; encouraging the resident to maintain her nutrition and hydration; turning and repositioning the resident at least every two hours; and encouraging the resident to participate in movement oriented activities to relieve pressure points. When the resident's skin became compromised and reduced the turning surfaces, Petitioner brought in an air bed. In an effort to provide the resident with the best care possible, Petitioner upgraded the air bed several times without reimbursement. The parties agree that the resident's medical condition was highly compromised and that her condition deteriorated during 1999. She had numerous clinical comorbidities and became bedfast due to the development of contractures. The major problems that required constant monitoring and adjustment to the resident care plan included chronic incontinence of the bladder that resulted in excoriation and breakdown of the resident skin. Petitioner routinely used a Foley catheter for the resident to allow her skin to heal. Once the skin healed, the catheter was removed. Once the catheter was removed, the resident would suffer from renewed excoriation and breakdown of her skin. This cycle repeated itself throughout 1999. The resident also suffered from edema throughout 1999. This resulted in her being hospitalized on June 9, 1999. Whenever the resident experienced worsening of her edema, she would be put on Lasix. When her edema abated, Petitioner discontinued its Lasix. The resident experienced weight loss as her medical condition deteriorated. She weighed 162 pounds on January 15, 1999, and 121 pounds by August 15, 1999. Her weight stabilized in August, however, and never dropped below her ideal body weight. Petitioner tried numerous interventions to stabilize and increase the resident's weight. One intervention included dietary supplements. However, dietary supplements had to be discontinued because they caused diarrhea. The resident suffered from dysphagia that created difficulty in eating and swallowing. In an attempt to overcome this condition, Petitioner gave the resident speech therapy and put her on a pureed diet. Throughout 1999, Petitioner continued to evaluate the resident's condition and to provide her with the best possible care. Petitioner gave the resident MDS evaluations seven times between March and September, 1999. All of the resident's body functions, including skin integrity, were constantly on the verge of becoming dysfunctional. On September 12 and 13, 1999, the East Coast of Florida was threatened by Hurricane Floyd. Hurricane Floyd appeared to be heading straight for Titusville. The facility administrator monitored the national disaster center, the hurricane center, and the local weather information. The facility administrator decided that Petitioner should evacuate the facility to provide for the safety of the residents. The evacuation of a nursing home is a demanding task. All residents must be fed and have liquids during the transfer. The facility has to make sure that the residents' medications and medical devices and clothes will travel with the residents. Although Petitioner doesn't usually use adult diapers on its residents, it was necessary during transport from and back to the facility because there is no ability to change resident clothing during the trip. These tasks were made all the harder because Petitioner did not have its full complement of staff due to the hurricane. All in all, it took over five hours to load the residents onto the busses for evacuation. Petitioner evacuated the residents to three central Florida nursing homes that were also short-handed due to the hurricane. Petitioner sent the resident to Plantation Bay in Kissimmee, Florida. While she was there, it was impossible to implement every element of her care plan. Care focused primarily on feeding residents, seeing that they received their medications, and keeping them clean and dry. Petitioner transported the resident's air mattress to Plantation Bay. By September 15, 1999, Hurricane Floyd had passed, and the residents returned to the facility. This again necessitated packing the residents up, placing them in adult diapers, and transporting them back to the facility. When the staff and residents returned to the facility, they found that the electric power was out temporarily. The residents' clothes could not be washed immediately and the residents had to wear adult diapers until the power was restored. On September 16, 1999, the resident underwent a complete evaluation. At that time, it was noted that she had a 3 cm. X 3 cm. red area on her left hip with two small intact blisters below the reddened area. She did not have any open areas at that time. This area was examined again the next day. At that time, the facility was providing preventive skin care and was putting barrier cream on the left hip area. On September 19, 1999, the treating physician examined the resident, and did not note anything concerning her skin integrity. On September 20, 1999, the resident had open areas on her skin for the first time. The nurse's notes on that day describe three open areas as follows: On the right hip there is a 3 cm. open area with peeled skin and a 2 cm. brown center; on the left hip there is a 4 cm. red area with a 1.5 cm. open area with a white/brown center; and on the sacral area there is a 2 cm. open area. Facility staff notified the treating physician of this development and recommended that Allevyn bandages be prescribed for all three open areas. On September 22, 1999, the treating physician notified staff that he concurred with their recommendation. Within two weeks, the area of the coccyx/sacral area had healed completely. The right hip area was completely healed within two months. The left area still had not completely healed at the time of the Final Hearing and continues to be an area of concern and a focus of treatment. On November 15, 1999, before the state survey inspection started, Petitioner had a culture done on the resident's left hip to determine if that area was infected. The results of that laboratory test showed that the area was not infected. On November 23, 1999, Petitioner debrided, or surgically cleaned, the open area on the resident's left hip in an effort to promote healing. On December 23, 1999, Petitioner had a bone scan done to the area of the resident's left hip. The scan noted that there was a possible loosening of the resident's prosthesis and that the "skin wound shows no associated bone activity". Petitioner did everything reasonably possible to prevent the resident from developing pressure sores and to treat the open areas. Petitioner performed seven MDS assessments between March and September, 1999, four Braden assessments during that period, and a weekly head-to-toe skin assessment. Petitioner inspected for skin integrity during the resident's twice-weekly showers. Petitioner turned the resident and repositioned her at least every two hours. In addition, Petitioner turned and repositioned the resident every time she was treated for incontinence and after each meal. Petitioner made every effort to keep the resident dry and clean, even though she had chronic incontinence. Petitioner routinely placed the resident on a catheter to allow her skin to heal. Once her skin was intact, the catheter was removed. However, incontinence led to further skin breakdown that, in turn, led to the catheter being put back in place. Petitioner used a barrier cream in an effort to keep the resident skin dry and clean. When indicated, Petitioner put heel-protecting booties on the resident. When the resident turning surfaces became weakened, Petitioner obtained a pressure- relieving air mattress without reimbursement and upgraded the mattress several times. Proper Care Respondent contends that Petitioner failed to provide the resident with the necessary treatment and services to promote the healing of her pressure sores and that the result of this failure was the development of infections. The particular treatment and services that Respondent alleges Petitioner did not provide are turning and repositioning the resident; notifying the resident doctor in a timely manner after the development of the open areas; and failure to address weight loss. Turning and repositioning a resident who is at risk for the development of pressure sores, or who has developed pressure sores, is a standard intervention. It keeps a resident from having prolonged pressure over any one bony prominence. The standard protocol in the industry calls for a resident to be turned and repositioned at least every two hours. Respondent asserts two grounds for finding that the resident was not turned and repositioned every two hours. First, the nurse's notes do not always state that the resident was turned and repositioned. Of 720 possible opportunities to note turning and repositioning between March 24 and November 19, 1999, the nurses' notes contain 105 entries that refer to turning and repositioning. According to Respondent's expert witness, if turning and repositioning isn't in the chart, it didn't occur. The resident was extremely compromised and was at great risk for the development of pressure sores. If the resident had been turned and repositioned only 105 times of 720 opportunities, she would have developed serious pressure ulcers on all of her weight-bearing surfaces including her heels, knees, and ankles. She would have developed Stage IV ulcers on her heels and sacrum had she not been regularly turned and repositioned. The absence of pressure sores on the resident is persuasive evidence that Petitioner regularly turned and repositioned the resident. There is no requirement or nursing standard that routine care such as turning and repositioning must be charted. Routine care is sometimes charted by nurses out of habit, but charting turnings and repositionings is not mandatory. The resident's records show that charting of certain routine items was irregular. For example, the air mattress for the resident remained in place once it was put in place. The resident's chart notes the presence of an air mattress on June 6, 8, 11, and 17. There is no mention of the air mattress in the nurses' notes of June 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, or 20. There are multiple nurses' notes on June 12, 21, 24, 26 and 30, wherein one of the notes mentions the air bed and others do not. Similarly, the charts note that the resident had open areas to her skin for September 16, 20, 30, and October 4 and 5, 1999. The nurses' notes for September 17, 22, 24, 29, and October 7 and 8, 1999, do not mention the resident's skin condition. The surveyor noted in relevant part: The resident was observed on 11/18/99, from 9:30 AM in bed, lying on her back and the head of bed elevated 45 degrees, 10:20 AM, lying on her back flat in bed, 11:48 AM and 12:20 PM lying on her back flat in bed. The resident's position was changed at 1:30 PM when she was turned to her left side. From this recitation, Respondent infers that the resident was not turned and repositioned for a four-hour period on November 18, 1999, and was not, therefore, regularly turned and repositioned. The resident had severe contractures that resulted in her left leg being pulled way up and across her body. Due to this condition, the resident could appear to be lying flat on her back when she was either on her back or when she was actually on her right side. The surveyor did not enter the resident's room when the surveyor made the observations contained in the survey report. The surveyor merely observed the resident briefly from the hallway. The surveyor mistakenly believed the resident was on her back when she was actually on her right side. The Director of Nursing was aware that the resident was a focus of the survey. The Director directed her CNA's, her wing managers, and her Assistant Director of Nursing to be sure that the resident was regularly turned and repositioned. The Director personally checked to confirm that the resident was regularly repositioned. She knew of her own knowledge that the resident was turned and repositioned at least every two hours and identified the person who physically did the turning. Respondent asserts that Petitioner was deficient because it did not notify the resident's doctor of her skin condition for a period of six days. Respondent bases this allegation on the fact that the first red area on the resident was observed on September 16, 1999, and the doctor's concurrence of staff's recommended treatment was not received until September 22, 1999. The resident's treating physician visited her at the facility on September 19, 1999. He did not determine that additional treatment orders were needed at that time. Facility staff first noted open areas on the resident on September 20, 1999, and notified the treating physician on that day. In the notification, staff requested that the physician approve a treatment plan that called for "cleanse w/ N/S then apply Requesting Allevyn Islands for all three. Change every three days & prn." The physician was out of town, but approved the recommendation when he returned on September 22, 1999. The resident's physician visited her after the red area was observed on her left hip, but before it became open. Petitioner notified the physician immediately upon noting the open areas. The two-day delay in getting confirmation of the recommended treatment was caused by the physician's absence and not by Petitioner. Respondent's witness testified that the resident's weight loss "was a factor that influenced the clinical outcome of the pressure ulcer," that it "was a tangible manifestation of some type of physiological symptom failure," and that the weight loss indicated that the resident was at risk for developing pressure sores. However, Petitioner knew that the resident was at risk for developing pressure sores. Petitioner prepared and implemented numerous care plans to deal with this risk. Respondent did not allege that the nutritional services provided to the resident were inadequate. The resident never dropped below her ideal body weight. The resident stabilized in August 1999, approximately 123 pounds. Petitioner provided the resident with speech therapy for dysphagia and difficulty with swallowing and digestion. Petitioner provided the resident with dietary supplements to increase her caloric intake. The supplements were discontinued because they caused diarrhea. Petitioner placed the resident on a pureed diet in an effort to make her food easier to eat. A dietitian evaluated the resident 23 times between May 27 and December 8, 1999. Respondent did not identify any dietary or nutritional intervention that Petitioner should have taken, or any ill- advised nutritional treatment that Petitioner did provide. Petitioner was aware of the resident's weight loss, constantly evaluated and reevaluated her nutritional needs and strategies for meeting them, and successfully halted her weight loss while she was still within her ideal body weight and before she suffered any breakdown of her skin. No nutritional deficiency was shown. Respondent infers that the resident's wound to her left hip became infected because it was noted at one time in the nurse's notes to have a foul odor and pus. As a part of the treatment of the resident's left hip, Petitioner applied Hydrogel directly on the wound and Polyskin over that. The dressing remained in place for three days. The dressing created a foul odor as it disintegrated over the three days it was in place. As the serous drainage of the wound mixes with the medication, it creates the appearance of pus. Petitioner had a culture done to test for infection. The culture test was ordered before the survey inspection. The test demonstrated that the resident did not have an infection. In addition, the resident's physician never prescribed an antibiotic for infection. At the time of the inspection, the resident census at the facility was 113. Of those, at least 50 percent were identified as being at risk for the development of pressure sores. Based on the national average of a 7-9 percent incidence of pressure sores on nursing home residents, one would expect that the facility would have 8 to 10 residents at any one time with pressure sores. The resident was the only resident Respondent alleged to have pressure sores. Class II Rating Assuming arguendo that the resident did actually develop three pressure sores, the greater weight of the evidence suggests that she was turned and repositioned on a regular basis at least every two hours; that her physician was properly kept abreast of changes in her condition; that her nutritional status was regularly evaluated and every effort was made to maintain her weight; and that her wounds did not become infected and were superficial and relatively mild. As such, it was not proven that the alleged deficiencies had more than an indirect or potential relationship to the health, safety, or security of the resident. The alleged deficiencies should have therefore been classified as no more than Class III deficiencies, and Petitioner should not have been issued a Conditional license.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order finding Respondent not guilty of the alleged deficiency and reinstating Respondent's license rating to standard for the period between November 19 and December 23, 2000. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of September, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of September, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark S. Thomas, Esquire Michael Hope, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308-0543 R. Davis Thomas, Jr., Qualified Representative Jay Adams, Esquire Broad and Cassel 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Paul J. Martin, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

CFR (1) 42 CFR 483.25(c) Florida Laws (2) 120.57400.23 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59A-4.1288
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 03, 1993 Number: 93-003038 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 1996

Findings Of Fact Petitioner applied to the Board of Medicine for licensure by endorsement as a physician in the State of Florida. The Board of Medicine is the regulatory agency in the State of Florida charged with the duty to regulate the practice of medicine in the state, including the licensure of physicians. Petitioner has been in psychotherapy as a patient of Dr. Stanley G. Garner since 1986. Dr. Garner was qualified and accepted as an expert witness in the speciality of psychiatric medicine. Petitioner began psychotherapy with Dr. Garner and has remained in therapy with him on a voluntary basis. The purpose and emphasis of Petitioner's psychotherapy has been the identification and resolution of ongoing family problems, including marital and divorce issues, which have been imposed upon an earlier history of being raised in a dysfunctional family. Petitioner was very upset when she first saw Dr. Garner in 1986 due to events that resulted in protracted divorce proceedings. The purpose of Petitioner's therapy has never been to assess or ensure Petitioner's fitness to practice medicine since this was never a therapeutic issue to either the Petitioner or to Dr. Garner. Petitioner's psychotherapy has been directed towards improving her comfort, happiness, and quality of life. Dr. Garner has spent over 400 hours in therapy with Petitioner and has diagnosed Petitioner as having Dysthymia, which is a fairly recent term for a depressive condition that used to be called neurotic depression or depressive neurosis. Dysthymia was described by Dr. Garner as being an extremely common condition and one that is shared by many of his physician patients without impairment of their ability to perform as physicians with reasonable care and skill. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, the diagnosis of Dysthymia has to include the presence of at least two of the following conditions while depressed: (1) poor appetite or over eating, (2) insomnia or hypersomnia, (3) low energy or fatigue, (4) low self esteem, (5) poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, (6) feelings of hopelessness. Dysthymia does not usually lead to sudden changes in personality or behavior, and Dr. Garner has noted no sudden changes in Petitioner's personality during the course of his treatment of her. Petitioner's application reflected that she had undergone psychotherapy as a patient of Dr. Garner since 1986. In response to the application, Respondent required information from Dr. Garner as to Petitioner's treatment. By his letter of July 17, 1991, Dr. Garner provided Respondent with historical information as to Petitioner's condition and her psychotherapy and advised Respondent, in pertinent part, as follows: Dr. Shienvold has been in psychotherapy with me, on a regular basis, since 9/13/86 for treatment of her depressive disorder. She is currently being seen weekly in individual psychotherapy and weekly in group psychotherapy. The frequency of her visits has varied during the course of her treatment. Currently, she is taking Prozac 20 mg. each morning; this medication seems to be helping her cope with the many pressures of her current life situation. She was not on medication during most of her time in therapy. * * * Dr. Shienvold's diagnosis is Dysthymia (300.40 DSM III-R). She has never shown any evidence of a psychotic disorder and has no history of, nor propensity for, substance abuse. Her prognosis is excellent, but she definitely needs ongoing psychotherapy for the foreseeable future. There are still many current vocational, financial, familial, and parental pressures which impede her more rapid progress. I have no doubt, however, that she will overcome these obstacles and continue to be a dedicated and hard working physician. This applicant for medical licensure, in my professional opinion, will certainly be able to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. Given her very high level of intelligence and her rapidly increasing fund of knowledge and experience, along with her genuine caring devotion to her patients, I am convinced that Dr. Shienvold will become a truly outstanding physician and do honor to our profession. If my comments seem flowery and excessive, it is because in my almost 35 years as a physician, and as a psychiatrist to a large number of fellow physicians, I have only rarely seen someone as qualified to practice Medicine as Frances Shienvold. As part of the application process, Respondent arranged for the Physician's Recovery Network (PRN) to have Petitioner examined by an independent psychiatrist. This examination was performed in January 1992 by Dr. Burton Cahn. On February 24, 1992, Dr. Cahn submitted his report to Dr. Goetz by letter. Dr. Cahn's letter provided, in pertinent part, as follows: At the present time, I see no reason why Dr. Shienvold would be unable to practice medicine because of a mental or emotional condition. She is not psychotic. She is not a substance abuser. She is not at this time significantly depressed. She does not represent a danger to herself or to others. I therefore find no reason on a mental or emotional basis that Dr. Shienvold is unable to practice medicine. The record in this proceeding is not clear when the idea that a monitoring contract with the PRN would be deemed necessary by the Board of Medicine. It is apparent from Dr. Garner's follow-up letter to the Board of Medicine on January 16, 1992, that Petitioner was aware at that time that such a condition may be imposed on her licensure by Respondent. Dr. Garner's letter of January 16, 1992, provided, in pertinent part, as follows: It is my professional opinion that the assignment of Dr. Shienvold to the Physicians Recovery Network was an error. The requirement that she sign an Advocacy Contract with "PRN" is inappropriate for her situation, and would be for anyone else with her particular medical/psychological history. There is certainly no need for any kind of "monitoring" of her continuation in psychotherapy. . . . * * * In summary, I believe that Dr. Shienvold should be granted her Florida license to practice medicine without any special conditions or restrictions. . . . * * * Her diagnosis remains the same (Dysthymia), and her prognosis is excellent. By letter dated February 26, 1992, Dr. Goetz advised the Board of Medicine that "Dr. Cahn finds no reason why Dr. Shienvold would be unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety." Dr. Goetz's letter of February 26, 1992, also provided the following: "If the Board chooses to license this applicant, I would be pleased to monitor Dr. Shienvold's continuing treatment with a PRN contract." By Order dated March 16, 1993, the Board of Medicine approved Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement with a condition. The Board's Order provided, in pertinent part, as follows: You are hereby notified pursuant to Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, that the Board of Medicine voted to APPROVE with certain requirements your application for licensure as a physician by endorsement. The Board of Medicine reviewed and considered your application by endorsement on October 2, 1992, in Miami, Florida and has determined that said licensure by endorsement be APPROVED with the requirement that you establish a monitoring contract with the Physician Resource Network (PRN). The Board stated as grounds therefore: That you have a history of successful psychotherapy for a depressive disorder that requires ongoing treatment. Although your ability to practice medicine has not been compromised, it is appropriate to establish monitoring to ensure continued successful treatment. At its February 6, 1993, meeting in Jacksonville, Florida, the Board denied your request for reconsideration of this matter. The requirement set forth herein is a requirement for licensure and should not be interpreted or applied as disciplinary action by the Board. The Physician's Resources Network referred to by the foregoing Order is the same organization as the Physician's Recovery Network. The PRN is also referred to as the Impaired Practitioner Program. The purpose of the PRN program is to protect the public by assuring the health and well being of licensed health practitioners in the State of Florida. Dr. Garner's testimony at the formal hearing was consistent with the opinions he expressed in his two letters to Respondent. Petitioner has been responsible in securing appropriate medical care for herself including psychiatric care, and has been a cooperative patient while under Dr. Garner's care. For most of her psychotherapy, Petitioner has been seeing Dr. Garner twice a week. At the time of the formal hearing, she was seeing him once a week. Dr. Garner has no reason to believe that she would irresponsibly discontinue her therapy or become uncooperative in the foreseeable future. Petitioner has not suffered severe Dysthymia, but she has been at times severely depressed. Those occasions when she was severely depressed were in reaction to her mother's death and in reaction to her abandonment by her father and by her husband. Prior to entering medical school, Petitioner held a Ph.D. in cell biology and anatomy. Over the past seven years she has gone through a divorce, reconciled with her mother, suffered the death of her mother, become estranged from her father and stepmother, and completed medical school. At the time of the formal hearing, she had almost completed her residency. Petitioner has never been found to be unfit to practice medicine with requisite levels of skill and care at any time during her residency. Petitioner has participated in a residency program at Jackson Memorial Hospital for approximately three years. The residency program includes participation in out patient clinics at Mt. Sinai Hospital and service in regular hospital wards, the emergency room, intensive care units for both neonatal patients and other pediatric patients. As a resident, Petitioner worked under the general supervision of a licensed physician, but she had ample opportunity to independently exercise her professional responsibilities and judgment. Petitioner's ability to practice medicine with fitness and safety has not been impaired by Dysthymia, any other mental or emotional condition, or the medication she takes for the Dysthymia. Her memory has not been impaired. At any given time, a person suffering from depression can have difficulty in concentrating or in making decisions. The evidence in this proceeding established that Petitioner's ability to concentrate and to make decisions in the day to day practice of her profession has not been impaired. Her interest in her patients has not been impaired. She does not suffer from unusual fatigue. Petitioner has various medical conditions that add stress to her life. She suffers from sinus problems which have resulted in surgery and ongoing treatment for infections, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, gastritis which includes duodenitis, and esophageal reflux. Petitioner continues to suffer financial and family problems relating to her father, stepmother, brother, and son. Petitioner can still become very upset at times. It is anticipated that Petitioner will remain under Dr. Garner's care for at least one more year. Petitioner intends to continue in psychotherapy until her symptomology is fully resolved. Dr. Garner considers Petitioner's prognosis to be excellent, but is of the opinion that she needs ongoing psychotherapy for the foreseeable future. Dr. Garner is of the opinion that Petitioner could practice medicine with the requisite skill and safety if she were to discontinue psychotherapy completely. At the time of the formal hearing, Petitioner had been taking Prozac for approximately two years. Prozac is an antidepressant which helps Petitioner keep her mood at a high level while she deals with difficult problems in psychotherapy. Dr. Garner is of the opinion that Petitioner can practice medicine with the requisite level of skill and safety without Prozac. He is of the opinion that it is best for her to continue to take Prozac and that there are no significant side effects to the medication. Dr. Roger Goetz is the director of the PRN program and was accepted as an expert in Respondent's impaired practitioner program. The purpose of a monitoring contract with the PRN is to monitor whether there is a failure of a participant to progress in psychotherapy, if there is a change in medication, if there is any discontinuance of therapy, or if there is a change of treating professionals. Dr. Goetz considers the monitoring contract to be the least intrusive way to establish a relationship between the participant and the PRN program. Dr. Goetz is of the opinion that it is in Petitioner's best interest and the best interest of the public that she be in a monitoring contract with the PRN as a condition of her licensure because the contract would provide confirmation that Petitioner is doing well in her therapy before it became necessary to institute a disciplinary action or investigation, the contract would ensure that no abnormal transference was going on, and the contract would, in light of her psychiatric treatment, give assurance that she poses no problem to the public welfare. Dr. Goetz made it clear that he was testifying as the Director of the PRN and that he was not attempting to speak on behalf of the Board of Medicine. He also made it clear that it was the responsibility of the Board of Medicine to decide whether a practitioner needs services from the PRN and that the PRN becomes involved after the Board of Medicine determines that a practitioner needs its services. The terms and conditions of the monitoring contract would be negotiated by the parties after the Board of Medicine enters a Final Order that requires the imposition of a monitoring contract. Because those negotiations have not occurred, Dr. Goetz could only testify as to the terms he would expect to be contained in a monitoring contract. In addition to the reports required of the treating psychiatrist, the contract would confer on the PRN the authority to require Petitioner to withdraw from practice for evaluation if the PRN determines that "any problem" has developed. The monitoring contract is expected to be of at least five years duration and, according to Dr. Goetz, be imposed as long as Petitioner is in therapy without regard to the purpose or the nature of her therapy. Dr. Garner is of the opinion that PRN monitoring would impede rather than ensure Petitioner's progress in therapy because it would diminish the underlying confidentiality of therapy. From the proceedings before the Board of Medicine, it is apparent that the board considered the information contained in Petitioner's application file, including the opinions expressed by Dr. Garner and by Dr. Cahn before entering its Order of March 16, 1993. At the formal hearing, there was no articulation of the reasons the Board of Medicine had for determining that Petitioner's history of psychotherapy and the fact that the psychotherapy was ongoing justified the imposition of the monitoring contract with the PRN.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order which unconditionally grants Petitioner's application for licensure to practice medicine by endorsement. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of November, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of November, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-3038 The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, and 40 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted by the Recommended Order or are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 42, and 43 are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 38 and 41 are rejected as being unnecessary as findings of fact, but are consistent with the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 39 are rejected as being speculative. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 44 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 6 and 9 are adopted in part by the Recommended Order. These proposed findings of fact are, in part, rejected as being inconsistent with the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 12 are adopted as being opinions expressed by Dr. Goetz. COPIES FURNISHED: Howard J. Hochman, Esquire 1320 South Dixie Highway, Suite 1180 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Claire D. Dryfuss, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, PL-01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0770 Jack McRay, Acting General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0770

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.60458.313458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida May 04, 2020 Number: 20-002106PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-003022 Latest Update: Feb. 24, 1989

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documented evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: In General Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.30, Florida Statutes; Chapter 455, Florida Statutes; Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent is and has been at all times material hereto a licensed physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0016786. On February 27, 1984, Florida Medical license of the Respondent was suspended for a period of one year in Department of Professional Regulation vs. Teotimo D. Bonzon, M.D., Case Number 82-799. At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was the primary care physician for Mary T. Upton, a patient with a history of bronchial asthma. Valium On January 11, 1985 the patient, Mary T. Upton, developed onset of acute respiratory distress and was seen by the Respondent, first in his office and then as an outpatient. On the second occasion, Respondent gave the patient valium, a Schedule IV Controlled Substance. On January 12, 1985, Upton was admitted to Methodist Hospital of Jacksonville, Florida, with a complaint of Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis. Bronchial Asthma is a condition that affects the respiratory drive. Valium relaxes the muscles and sedates the central nervous system and respiratory drive of a person and, as such, is not a drug to be administered in an outpatient setting under the circumstances that Respondent administered valium to Upton. Theo-Dur After admission and initial treatment, the patient continued to experience respiratory distress, and the Respondent was notified. Respondent ordered the drug Theo-Dur to be given orally. This was after Upton was given Theophylline, but before she was stabilized on Theophylline. Theo-Dur is a long sustained action form of Theophylline, which takes twelve hours to have an appreciable affect and, as such, is used primarily for maintenance and should not be used in acute situations such as Upton's until the patient is stabilized. Theophylline At the time Upton was admitted to the hospital on January 12, 1985 and Respondent started her on Aminophylline (also called Theophylline I.V.), Respondent was aware of Upton's previous use of medication containing Theophylline for her asthma condition and that she had a prescription to obtain such medication. Although Respondent was aware of Upton's previous use of medication containing Theophylline, Respondent did not inquire of Upton, or in any other manner determine, if she had ingested any form of Theophylline before administering the Aminophylline I.V. upon admission to the hospital on January 12, 1985. Upton had taken Theophylline before the Theophylline I.V. was administered. It is the recognized standard of care for a physician to obtain the level of Theophylline in the patient's body before administering Theophylline and, to periodically check the level of Theophylline to assure the best therapeutic level is achieved. Upton was on the hospital floor at approximately 11:20 a.m. on January 12, 1985 and the first time a physician ordered the Theophylline level checked was between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on January 12, 1985 after Respondent consulted with Dr. Libao. Before the Theophylline level was checked, Respondent had already administered Theo-Dur. Toxicity of Theophylline occurs when the content of the blood exceeds 20 milligrams per 100cc and any level over the 20 milligrams per 100cc may cause the patient to have gastrointestinal side affects such as nausea, vomiting and nervousness which may be life threatening. Respondent's failure to monitor the Theophylline level resulted in the patient receiving a toxic level of 24 milligrams per 100cc of Theophylline; however, there was no evidence that Upton suffered any side affects. D. Thoracostomy On January 17, 1985, routine chest x-rays confirmed a pneumothorax in Upton's left lung which was reported to the Respondent by the radiologist, Dr. Victor Saenz, by telephone between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on January 17, 1985. Without reviewing the x-rays, Respondent proceeded to treat the left pneumothorax with a chest tub (or Thoracostomy) in Upton's right lung. There was sufficient time to review the x-rays since the Thoracostomy was not performed until between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on January 17, 1985. Respondent did not order follow-up x-rays the day of the surgery to determine the effectiveness of the surgery. It is accepted medical practice for the physician, particularly a surgeon who performs an invasive procedure such as a thoracostomy, to order x- rays immediately following the surgery to make sure the procedure is working By placing the chest tub in the wrong side of the lung, Respondent created a situation wherein another pneumothorax might occur; however, by removing the chest tub from the right lung and placing it in the left lung alleviated this possibility. Respondent failed to realize that the chest tub had been placed in the wrong side of the lung (the right side) until the morning of January 18, 1985 when he was advised by the nurse that Upton had a pneumothorax on the left side rather than the right side where the chest tub had been placed by Respondent. Respondent's error was discovered as a result of routine x-rays performed by Dr. Walkett at 7:45 a.m. on January 18, 1985, the day following surgery. These follow-up x-rays also revealed Subcutaneous Emphysema throughout Upton's chest. Placing the chest tub in the right lung will not re-expand the left lung. Upon being informed of his error, Respondent proceeded to the hospital and removed the chest tub from Upton's right lung and placed it in her left lung. As a result of Respondent's error, Upton's heart beat increased around 3:00 a.m. on January 18, 1985 causing cardiac distress. Allergies At the time of the patient's admission it was noted that she was allergic to iodine. However, Respondent having treated Upton for some time prior to this admission, had knowledge that she was not allergic to iodine. Prior to the Thoracostomy and Tracheostomy, Respondent used Betadine scrub on Upton. Betadine contains iodine. Other solutions are readily available at Methodist Hospital that are not iodine-based. Tracheostomy On January 17, 1985 at or about the same time he performed the Thoracostomy, the Respondent performed a surgical procedure known as a Tracheostomy on Upton. Following the Tracheostomy, performed by the Respondent, the patient's condition did not improve and she continued to experience complications, including Subcutaneous Emphysema. Subcutaneous Emphysema occurs when air pockets form under the patient's fat tissue layer which cause swelling and can compromise the patient. On January 18, 1985, the Respondent's temporary admitting and consultation privileges at Methodist Hospital were suspended in a letter from Dr. Wallace Walkett, the president of the Medical and Dental Staff. The treatment of Upton was turned over to other physicians. Dr. Frederick Vontz, a Board Certified Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon was called in by Dr. Walklett to repair the problems with Upton's trachea. When Dr. Vontz first saw Upton she was in moderate to severe distress and her body was swollen from the Subcutaneous Emphysema. On January 26, 1985, Dr. Vontz performed a Bronchoscopy on Upton that showed granulation tissue, which is scar tissue that may be an obstacle to breathing. The cause of this granulation tissue was the tracheostomy procedure performed by Respondent. Due to Upton's difficulty in breathing and the continuing Subcutaneous Emphysema, she was taken to the operating room on January 31, 1985. In the operating room, Dr. Vontz discovered a tear in the trachea that extended to six and one-half centimeters above the carina. Dr. Vontz also discovered that the air causing the Subcutaneous Emphysema was escaping from a false channel in the trachea. The damage to the posterior wall of the patient's trachea was caused by the improper tracheostomy procedure performed by Respondent on January 17, 1985. Upton died at 12:00 noon on March 6, 1985 and, although there is evidence that the tear in Upton's trachea may have contributed to Upton's death, there is insufficient evidence to show that it was clearly the sole cause of Upton's death. The record is clear that the level of care, skill and treatment provided Upton by the Respondent, fell below that which would be recognized as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances by a prudent similar physician.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and Rule 21M- 20.001(2), Florida Administrative Code, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a Final Order suspending the Respondent, Teotimo D. Bonzon's license to practice medicine in the state of Florida for a period of two (2) years with condition for reinstatement determined by the Board as it deems appropriate. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED and ENTERED this 24th day of February, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 87-3022 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner In General 1.-4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1-4. Valium 1.-4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 8, 7 and 6, respectively. Theo-Dur 1.-2. Adopted in Findings of Fact 9 and 10. Theophylline 1.-2. Adopted in Findings of Fact 11 and 13, respectively. 3.-4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. Adopted in Finding of Fact 15. Adopted in Findings of Fact 12 and 16. 7.-8. Adopted in Findings of Fact 12 and 17, respectively. Thoracostomy 1.-4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 7.-8. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Adopted in Finding of Fact 23. Adopted in Finding of Fact 24. Adopted in Finding of Fact 26. 15.-l6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 25. Allergies 1.-2. Adopted in Findings of Fact 28 and 29. 3. Rejected as not being material or relevant. Tracheostomy 1.-9. Adopted in Findings of Fact 31-39 Unnecessary in reaching a conclusion in this case. Adopted in Finding of Fact 40. 12.-13. Subordinate to facts actually found in the Recommended Order. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent A. General 1.-3. Adopted in Findings of Fact 2, 1 and 4, respectively. B. The Use of Betadine 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 28, but clarified. Theophylline Adopted in Finding of Fact 9, but clarified. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13 that Respondent had ordered Theophylline intravenously before checking the Theophylline level in the patient. Theo-Dur Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Valium Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Thoracostomy Adopted in part in Findings of Fact 18-27, otherwise rejected. Tracheostomy Adopted in Finding of Fact 31, but modified. Adopted in Finding of Fact 34. Adopted in Findings of Fact 24, 32 and 33, but modified. Adopted in Finding of Fact 36. The first sentence and the first phrase of the second sentence are adopted in Findings of Fact 38 and 39. The balance is rejected as being a restatement of testimony rather than a finding of fact. However, even if the last sentence was stated as a finding of fact, it would be rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. COPIES FURNISHED: MARK A. SIERON, ESQUIRE POST OFFICE BOX 855 ORANGE PARK, FLORIDA 32067 JOHN R. WEED, ESQUIRE 605 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET PERRY, FLORIDA 32347 STEPHANIE A. DANIEL, ESQUIRE CHIEF ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 130 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0750 KENNETH D. EASLEY, ESQUIRE GENERAL COUNSEL DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 130 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0750 DOROTHY FAIRCLOTH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BOARD OF MEDICINE 130 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0750 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 10, 1992 Number: 92-004897 Latest Update: Jan. 04, 1993

Findings Of Fact Based on all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined. At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Eileen F. Rowan, was a licensed respiratory therapist having been issued license number RT 0001346 by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine (Board). She has been licensed by the Board since September 1987 and has been a practicing member of the profession since 1981. When the events herein occurred, respondent was using her license in the State of Florida. She now resides in Gilbertville, Pennsylvania. On July 17, 1990, respondent plead nolo contendere to the charges of unlawfully purchasing a controlled substance, crack cocaine, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Based upon those charges, on February 12, 1991, the Board suspended her license until such time as she established her ability to practice respiratory care with skill and safety. In March 1991, respondent agreed to participate in a recovery program sponsored by the Physicians Recovery Network (PRN), a program for impaired health care professionals. Her physician monitor was Dr. Kenneth W. Thompson, the clinical director of an addictive disease unit at Charter Springs Hospital in Ocala, Florida. She also executed an advocacy contract with PRN wherein she agreed to participate in a twelve-step recovery program, including attending various meetings and submitting to random drug testing. Based on a recommendation by Dr. Thompson in September 1991 that respondent had made "dramatic progress" while participating in the rehabilitation plan, the Board reinstated respondent's license and concurrently placed it on five years' probation with PRN involvement and the implementation of a practice plan. The probation order provided that "respondent shall not consume, inject, or ingest any controlled substances unless prescribed or administered by another practictioner authorized by law to prescribe or dispense controlled substances." The order also provided that respondent "attend AA or NA meetings on a frequency of at least one meeting per week" and "attend Cadeucus meetings on a frequency of not less than one meeting per week." This action was formalized in a Board order entered on October 19, 1991. Shortly thereafter, respondent began employment as a respiratory therapist with Citrus Memorial Hospital (hospital) in Inverness, Florida. Under the terms of her employment, she was required to submit to random drug screening. On March 12, 1992, Dr. Thompson reported to PRN that respondent had been taking prescribed narcotics due to surgery on her hand and had missed several scheduled meetings. He accordingly recommended a PRN reevaluation. A few weeks later, respondent executed an updated PRN advocacy contract containing essentially the same conditions and requirements as were in the original contract. On May 13, 1992, and in compliance with her employment agreement, respondent provided two urinalysis samples for testing. One was collected by her employer, placed in a tamper-evident bag and sent to SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories in Tampa, Florida, for testing. Using a 50 nanogram per milliliter cutoff level, the urine sample tested positive for the presence of marijuana. A subsequent confirmatory test on the same sample yielded positive results for the presence of marijuana. The second urine sample was tested by Doctors & Physicians Laboratory in Leesburg, Florida, and used a higher cutoff level of 100 nanograms per milliliter. It tested negative. Even so, because the first sample tested positive, respondent was dismissed from her position with the hospital. This positive finding also constituted a violation of a condition of the Board's order of October 19, 1991, regarding the prohibition against consumption of controlled substances. Except for the one positive result on May 13, 1992, however, there is no evidence that respondent tested positive on any of the other numerous drug screens during her probationary period. Respondent has challenged the results of the first sample on the grounds the testing may have been in error and an appeals referee for the Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security accepted that argument in favorably ruling on her unemployment compensation claim. However, that ruling is not binding here, and testimony by Dr. Amos for the testing laboratory established the validity and reliability of the test results. On May 20, 1992, respondent telephoned Dr. Thompson and advised him that she had been terminated from her position at the hospital because she had tested positive for marijuana on a drug screen. Although later denied by respondent, she also admitted to him at that time that she had "occasionally" been using marijuana. Armed with this information, the Board suspended respondent's license on an emergency basis on June 8, 1992, pending the outcome of this proceeding. Expert testimony by Dr. Thompson and Dr. Roger A. Goetz established that as of May 1992, respondent was suffering from chemical dependency and required treatment for that addiction. Therefore, it may be inferred from the evidence that respondent is unable to practice respiratory therapy with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of her use of chemicals. There is no evidence of record that respondent's one-time confirmed use of marijuana during the spring of 1992 caused any danger to the public or injury to a patient. Except for the disciplinary order entered in 1991, there has been no other disciplinary action against her license since 1987. Also, there are no complaints from former employers or patients regarding her quality of work during the last eleven years. At the same time, it should be noted that respondent depends upon her license for her livelihood. Indeed, since the emergency suspension of her license, respondent has been unable to secure meaningful work in Florida or Pennsylvania. She now desires to return to Florida and resume her profession. Finally, respondent states that she is now "clean" of drugs and in essense wants a second chance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a Final Order finding respondent in violation of Subsections 468.365(1)(i) and (x), Florida Statutes, and that her existing probation terms and conditions be extended for an additional year. Subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may deem appropriate, the emergency suspension of respondent's license should be lifted and she be allowed to resume her profession. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of October, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-4897 Petitioner: 1. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 2-3. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. 4. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3. 5-9. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4. 10. Rejected as being unnecessary. 11-12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. 13. Rejected as being unnecessary. 14-16. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 17-20. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 21. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 22-23. Rejected as being unnecessary. 24. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 25-35. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 36. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 37-38. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. Note - Where a proposed finding of fact has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being unnecessary, irrelevant, subordinate, or not supported by the more persuasive evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Dorothy J. Faircloth Executive Director Board of Medicine 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0770 Jack L. McRay, Esquire 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Randolph P. Collette, Esquire 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Ms. Eileen F. Rowan 2821 Leidy Road Gilbertville, Pennsylvania 19525

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68455.225468.365
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 19, 1990 Number: 90-000320 Latest Update: Oct. 01, 1990

The Issue The issue addressed in this proceeding is whether Respondent's license to practice nursing should be suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined for alleged violations of Chapter 464, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Nan Lynn Baumgartner, is a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, holding license number PN-34192-1. Respondent was licensed in 1972. In 1974, Respondent was employed at Tallahassee Convalescent Home located in Tallahassee, Florida and during the time period relevant to this proceeding, worked the 3-11 p.m. shift. The Home's function is to provide for the care of its geriatric residents. Respondent had responsibility for 72 residents. Respondent was employed at the Center until April 26, 1988, when she was terminated by the facility for incompetent nursing skills, exercising poor judgment, failure to follow-up on orders and inability to pass out medications on time and appropriately. Ms. Baumgartner's employer suspected her performance problems were due to a alcohol or drugs. None of the evidence presented at the hearing clearly or convincingly established that Respondent had an alcoholic or drug abuse problem which impaired her ability to function. The bulk of the evidence which would have indicated such a problem was uncorroborated hearsay some of which was contradicted by other more reliable testimony. The remainder of the evidence which was relied upon by the Department to show impairment due to a drug or alcohol abuse problem was Respondent's demeanor, her lethargy and slowness in handing out medications, and various examples of her using poor judgment in performing her duties. All of these incidents occurred during a 1-1 1/2 month period during which Respondent had suffered four broken ribs in the fall from a horse. In fact, her doctor had advised her not to work for several weeks after her fall from the horse. However, Respondent could not get the time off from work and attempted to work during this period of time. As to Respondent's demeanor and lethargy, there was a great deal of conflict in the evidence depending on how each respective witness thought or assumed Respondent should behave. More importantly, however, is that Respondent's demeanor and lethargy during this time period can be attributed to some medical difficulties she had with her jaw and blood pressure and to the fact that she experienced a great deal of pain form her broken ribs. The examples of Respondent's judgment which Petitioner alleges demonstrate Respondent's poor judgment, frankly do not rise to such a level. The examples were: 1) Respondent called the oncall physician instead of the Director of Nursing when the oxygen concentrator being used by a patient malfunctioned; 2) She allowed a certified nursing aide to give oxygen to a patient; 3) She called the police when it was reported to her that a patient had mysteriously been burned; and 4) There was a patient who was not restrained. The incident involving the oncall physician simply does not demonstrate poor judgment. The fact that Ms. Baumgartner may or may not have followed some unproven chain of command in making her calls does not establish below standard judgment. She quite correctly called the physician who was on-call for that evening when she discovered the oxygen concentrator was not working. She then followed the Doctor's instructions. The alleged contents of a later conversation which occurred between the facility's Director of Nursing and the Doctor was the rankest of hearsay and is simply too unreliable to clearly and convincingly demonstrate poor judgment on Respondent's part. Connected with the oxygen concentrator incident was the incident involving Respondent's allowing a Certified Nursing Assistant to work the oxygen concentrator machine. The more persuasive evidence involving this incident was that it occurred during the oxygen concentrator's malfunction discussed above. A group of people surrounded the machine. One of the persons present around the machine was a CNA and at least two nurses were also present. They were attempting to figure out how to fix the oxygen machine. No one could and the Doctor was called. Given the fact that there were at least two other nurses present along with the CNA attempting to fix the oxygen machine, these facts do not clearly and convincingly demonstrate poor judgment on Respondent's part which would fall below minimum standards and constitute a breach of Chapter 479, Florida Statutes. Similarly, the facts surrounding the mysterious burn incident do not demonstrate that Respondent fell below minimum standards or failed to report the incident. There was no reliable evidence demonstrating Respondent's involvement in or knowledge of a patient being burned on her shift. Respondent was called at home around 3:00 or 3:30 in the morning. She had been asleep. The Respondent was called by Pat Yates, who was the charge nurse on the shift following Respondent. Respondent believed the incident had happened on Ms. Yates' shift. After Respondent spoke with Ms. Yates and because of some similar rumors about Ms. Yates floating around the facility, Respondent decided to call the police. 1/ She believed Ms. Yates was trying to "frame" one of the CNA's on Respondent's shift with whom Ms. Yates had a very heated argument at the shift change. Again this incident in which there was no reliable substantive evidence suggesting Respondent's involvement or responsibility, does not demonstrate poor judgment on Respondent's part or her failure to report the incident's occurrence. The incident involving the unrestrained patient likewise does not demonstrate poor judgment on the part of Respondent. The patient was prescribed by the doctor to be restrained on an as needed basis. The as needed prescription by the physician suggests that such restraints were not necessary all of the time unless the patient was showing some sort of behavior which would require her to be restrained. The evidence did not demonstrate that such restraints were needed on Respondent's shift. The only allegation established by the Department was that for approximately a month to a month and a half Respondent was extremely slow in passing out medications to the patients. The center had established medications at 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. The 5:00 p.m. medication pass took approximately an hour and a half to perform. The 9:00 p.m. medication pass took approximately 45 minutes to an hour to perform. Respondent frequently, for at least half of the month to a month and a half time period would be handing out medications three hours late. It was not demonstrated that she was not documenting or charting the lateness of these medications since no medical records were introduced into evidence and the testimony on that point was unclear. The standard practice in Florida is to attempt to pass medicine to nursing home residents within plus or minus one hour of the designated time. The fact that the desired hour leeway is not always obtained does not indicate that a nurse is falling below minimum standards. The number of patients to be served, the difficulty in getting the patient to take his or her medication, and the types of medication being given all enter into the determination of whether a nurse is falling below minimum standards in the length of time it takes her to pass out medications. None of these factors were presented at the hearing. 2/ Without, such specific evidence it is impossible to determine whether Respondent was falling below minimum standards. 3/

Recommendation It is accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That the Division enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE and ORDERED this 1st day of October, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of October, 1990.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57464.018
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