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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002712BID Latest Update: Jul. 21, 1989

The Issue Whether Respondent was justified in cancelling the award of bid of HRS Lease No. 590:2054 to Petitioner, BOOZER, on the basis that it was nonresponsive. Whether Respondent acted fraudulently, arbitrarily, illegally or dishonestly in issuing an award of HRS Lease No. 590:2054 to Intervenor rather than to Petitioners or some other bidder.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: HRS caused an invitation to bid to be advertised regarding Lease No. 590:2054 on January 3, 1989 and January 10, 1989. The Invitation to Bid required that all bids be received on or before 2:30 p.m. February 1, 1989, for 9,168 net rentable square feet, plus or minus 3%, of existing office space. A pre- bid meeting was scheduled for January 11, 1989. The advertisement also advise that the bid specifications could be obtained from the Orlando Regional Office of HRS, and that the State of Florida reserved the right to reject any and all bids. The material provisions of the bid specifications at issue in this proceeding are: The space be made available on September 1, 1989 or within 175 days after bid is finalized. The proposed space must be in an "existing building", which was: defined to mean "dry and capable of being physically measured to determine net rentable square footage at the time of bid submittal". The bidder provide 2 clear photographs of the exterior front of the proposed facility and 2 scaled (1/8 inch or 1/4 inch 1 foot preferred) floor plan showing present configurations with measurements that equate to the net rentable square footage (HRS Exh. 1, General Specifications Requirement No. 10(a)) Emphasis in original). Building(s) in not more than 2 locations provided the facilities are immediately adjacent to or within 100 yards of each other. Prior to the pre-bid conference, but after the initial publication of the bid invitation, representatives of NOTTUS contacted Ernie Wilson, the facilities services manager for District 7, HRS, to inquire regarding the propriety of submitting a bid for space in two buildings in which HRS presently had facilities, together with a facility that was greater than 100 yards from the existing facilities. At the time of the inquiry, NOTTUS was leasing facilities to HRS at its Lipscomb facility in Palm Bay, Florida. A portion of the square footage that NOTTUS inquired about leasing to HRS was the remaining square footage in two buildings that HRS partially occupied at that time. All of the premises submitted by NOTTUS under its bid package were located in the Woodlake PUD, which is all under single ownership. A representative from HRS advised the representative from NOTTUS that: the issue regarding the proximity of the locations would not be addressed as a bid specification, but rather, that would be a matter to be weighed by the evaluation committee in analyzing the bids. the bid proposal to be submitted would actually be for two locations as a portion of the space offered by NOTTUS was to be located in buildings in which HRS presently maintained facilities. The submittal of the bid package regarding the premises subject to occupancy by HRS, as ultimately submitted by NOTTUS, would definitely not disqualify the bid submittal. Mr. Wilson also received telephone calls from BOOZER and a third bidder making inquires regarding the bid package. The Pre-bid conference was held on January 11, 1989. No objections or questions regarding the bid specifications as to be utilization or definition of the terms "existing building" and "present configuration" were raised at that time. At no time prior to the submission of the bids were any objections or questions raised by BOOZER regarding the utilization of the term "existing building" or the term "present configuration" as those terms were defined within the bid specification. Each of the Petitioners in this action, the Intervenor, as well as two other parties, submitted bids to HRS within the time requirement set forth in the bid documents. The bids were opened at the time and place reflected in the aid documents and Invitation to Bid. Subsequent to the opening of the bids, John Stewart, who is Ernie Wilson's supervisor, and Ernie Wilson reviewed the bid packages submitted for Lease No. 590:2054 and made a determination as to which bids were responsive. As a result of that evaluation, a determination was made that all five bidders were responsive. These bidders were the Petitioner, Fred D. BOOZER, the Intervenor, Nottus, Inc. the Petitioner, Trust NB-1 Micah G. Savell and Professional Center V. Inc. These bid proposals were then submitted to the evaluation committee who viewed the property of each of the bidders on February 13, 1989. The bid documents of BOOZER contained an additional document, i.e., a site plan, which reflected that the premises subject to his bid proposal were an "existing building". The area submitted for the bid was shaded reflecting the entire square footage submitted for bid as being "in existence." The drawing further reflected the "existing building" as being the "proposed HRS building". The premises subject to the Petitioner's, BOOZER, bid were not in existence, as that term was defined in the bid specifications, in that approximately 2500 square feet had not yet been constructed. Two walls, a floor slab and a roof were not in existence. The only improvements located therein were palm trees, grass and a sidewalk. Petitioner stipulated that the area occupied by the palm trees, grass and sidewalk was in fact "not dry". The existing building at 2225 South Babcock Street that was dry at the time of the bid opening constituted approximately 6,900 square feet of premises subject to Petitioner's bid. At the time of the inspection, the Petitioner, BOOZER, was present. At no time did BOOZER indicate that the total facility bid was not in existence. The members of the evaluating committee who viewed the property for purposes of evaluating the bid were not aware of the fact that the entire premises subject to BOOZER's bid proposal was not in "Existence" and "dry". The floor plan showing the present configuration of BOOZER's facility reflected an open floor space for the area occupied by the palm trees, grass and sidewalk. The palm trees, grass and sidewalk were not reflected in the present configuration drawing. Both the floor plan and site plan were prepared by BOOZER's son with his approval. In evaluating the respective bid proposals, the evaluation committee rated the properties as follows: Fred D. BOOZER - 450 points Nottus, Inc.- 433 points Micah Savell - 384 points Trust NB-l - 360 points Professional Center V. Inc.- 357 points The location requirement found in Article D.3(b) of the bid package was taken into account. In evaluating the Nottus bid, including a zero rating from one of the evaluation committee members. As a result of the points awarded by the evaluation committee, a determination was made to award the bid to BOOZER, who was notified of this award on or about March 14, 1989 by letter dated March 14, 1989. On or about March 20, 1989, Petitioner, BOOZER, obtained a construction permit from the City of Melbourne to construct a fire wall and framing for additional shell building. This building permit was for the purpose of enclosing the area that was occupied by the palm trees, grass and sidewalk at the time of the bid proposal being submitted. Upon being awarded the bid, Petitioner, BOOZER then made a decision to commence construction to complete the premises subject to his bid proposal, and had expended $28,000 thereon through the hearing date. On or about March 29, 1989, HRS, through Ernie Wilson and Lynn Nobley, discovered the fact that approximately 2,500 square feet represented as being a part of the existing building, in fact was not existing pursuant to the bid specifications. At the time of this discovery, construction under the construction permit had not been completed. Mr. Wilson advised BOOZER at that time that he was concerned that BOOZER's bid was nonresponsive because the premises subject to the bid proposal were not in an "existing" building at the time of the bid submittal. The normal procedure for HRS in awarding a bid where the initial award is cancelled or thrown out is to award the bid to the second and next best lowest bidder. It is not the normal practice of the HRS evaluation committee to measure the applicable properties at time of evaluation to determine net rentable square footage. At the time of discovery of the foregoing status of BOOZER's building, Ernie Wilson, contacted a Nottus representative, Fred E Sutton, its President, to advise him of the possible nonresponsiveness of BOOZER's bid and requested information to determine whether Nottus, the second low bidder, still had facilities available pursuant to its bid documents and whether Nottus would agree to continue to continue to be bound by the terms thereof. Mr. Sutton advised Ernie Wilson that the facilities were still available and that Nottus would agree to abide by the terms of its bid proposal. Following the procedural steps necessary to advise the appropriate individuals within HRS of the possible nonresponsive bid by BOOZER, Ernie Wilson was advised by the Director of HRS General Services, King W. Davis, by letter dated April 2, 1989 to withdraw the award for the proposed lease 590:2054 from BOOZER because of approximately 2,500 feet of nonexisting space. He was also instructed to award same to Nottus as the second lowest bidder. On or about April 14, 1989, Ernie Wilson advised BOOZER of the Notice of Withdrawal of the award from BOOZER and award to Nottus, together with the reasons therefor, which was received by BOOZER on April 17, 1989. Petitioner, BOOZER, timely initiated these actions by filing his Notice of Intent to appeal the withdrawal of the award of bid to him and the award to Nottus, and by timely filing a formal written protest and request for formal hearing. Attachment "D" of the bid package required the submittal of a proposed plan to a division of the State Fire Marshal for review of any proposed construction or renovation to determine whether such construction or renovation complied with the uniform fire safety standards. Said plans were required to be prepared by licensed architects and engineers for certifications outlined in Attachment "D". These matters were all to be completed prior to the commencement of any revocation or alteration. Petitioner, BOOZER, commenced said improvements prior to said approval. In fact, BOOZER submitted no plans in compliance with these requirements prior to construction. Petitioner, BOOZER, is a licensed builder in the State of Florida, and has been for ten years. BOOZER further acknowledged that at the time of signing and submitting the bid proposal, he certified that he understood the terms of the bid specifications and agreed to be bound by them. TRUST NB-1 attempted to initiate an appeal of the award of the bid to Nottus by submitting a facsimile "notice of protest" to HRS predicated on the award of the bid to Nottus occurring greater than sixty (60) days following the bid opening date. TRUST NB-1 received notice of the award to Nottus on April 18, 1989 and attempted facsimile delivery on April 21, 1989. The facsimile "Written Notice of Protest" was not filed until April 25, 1989. The regular mail receipt of said Notice was received by HRS and filed on April 24, 1989. 38. The "formal written protest" was filed with HRS on May 1, 1989. 39. signature The facsimile Notice of Intent to Protest did not contain of a representative of TRUST NB-1. the original 40. Ernie Wilson is the custodian of records for bid protests for HRS, District 7, and is also the person designated in the bid documents as the contact person for the bid on Lease No. 590:2054. TRUST NB-1 was ranked number four in relation to the five bids submitted. Bidder Micah Savell, not a party to these proceedings, is the next low bidder after BOOZER and Nottus, Inc.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order: (a) Finding the bid of Petitioner, BOOZER, to be unresponsive and that the cancellation of the award by Respondent was justified. Find the bid of Intervenor, NOTTUS to be unresponsive. Find that Petitioner, TRUST NB-1, lacks standing and its protest should be dismissed. Reject all bids. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of July, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 1989. APPENDIX Proposed Findings of Fact by Petitioner, Fred O. Boozer: 1-5 Rejected. 6 and 7 Accepted as incorporated in the Recommended Order. Proposed Findings of Fact by Intervenor, Nottus, Inc. Accepted. Accepted as modified. 3-30. Accepted. 31. The first two sentences rejected as argument and not supported by the evidence. Last sentence in paragraph accepted. 32-40. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas Houck, Esquire 312 South Harbor City Boulevard Suite 1 Melbourne, Florida James A. Sawyer, Esquire District 7 Legal Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 400 West Robinson Street Suite 911 Orlando, Florida Sam Power Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 John Miller General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700

Florida Laws (2) 120.53255.25
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002175BID Latest Update: Jun. 26, 1989

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: The School Board of Palm Beach County advertised for sealed bids for a project consisting of structural modifications and reroofing at Atlantic Community High School, project no. 000881600. All bidders were required to be prequalified by the School Board prior to the bid opening and had to exhibit evidence that similar work of equivalent magnitude had been accomplished prior to this bid. Language in the bid advertisement notified potential bidders that the School Board reserved the right to waive minor informalities in the bids, or to reject all bids. On April 5, 1989, the bids for the Atlantic Community High School (Atlantic) project were opened and a tabulation performed. All bidders had been prequalified by the School Board and had properly submitted the required bid bond. The results of the bid tabulation established GRI as the lowest bidder, Anderson second, and Milne & Nicholls third. Only three bids were timely received. The amount indicated on the GRI bid was stated only in numbers, not written in words. The written numbers, however, were clearly noted and GRI has, at all times, stated it intends to be bound by the figures listed. No error in the amount has been suggested. On April 5, 1989, Dr. Louwers, as contract administrator for the School Board, notified GRI that its bid for the Atlantic project had been deemed nonresponsive. The basis for this determination was GRI's failure to submit the bid book intact, failure to submit bid Form 00420 at the time of the bid opening, the lack of a warranty letter at the time of the bib opening, and the failure to state the price of the bids in words. GRI sought review of the determination that it had been nonresponsive and an informal hearing was conducted on April 11, 1989. As a result of that hearing, GRI'S bid was deemed responsive and all bidders were notified. Thereafter, Anderson timely challenged the intended bid award to GRI. At the time of the bid opening, GRI did not submit its bid book intact. Instead, GRI submitted the proposal form with the amounts indicated for each section together with the bid bond. The bid proposal form required the bidders to indicate an amount in several categories. These categories included a base bid and six alternates numbered 1 through 6. The amounts listed by all bidders were tallied and are specified on joint exhibit no. 10. GRI's bid was the lowest of the three bids received. Once the bids were opened, and it was determined who the three low bidders were, GRI immediately submitted its list of major subcontractors on Form 00420. Within 24 hours of the bid opening, GRI submitted its list of subcontractors and suppliers, Form 00430. Pertinent to this case are the following provisions found in the Instructions to Bidders, section 00100 of the bid package: BIDDING PROCEDURES: 3.01 All bids must be prepared using the forms contained in these specifications and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. * * * 3.05 Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Form: Each bidder shall use Proposal Form contained in these specifications, indicate his bid prices thereon in proper spaces, for the entire work and for the alternates. Proposal Forms shall remain attached to the specifications.... Each proposal shall specify a unit price written in ink in both words and figures, * * * (d) The specification book is to be left INTACT, the cover signed by the Contractor, the proposal bid guarantee (Certified Check or Bid Bond) to be signed and filled out in the specification book which will be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall be marked: * * 3.10 Subcontractors: At the time of the bid opening each bidder submitting a bid shall have in his possession a written list of the major subcontractors; namely, structural metal work and metal covering, structural manufacturer, lightweight insulating concrete, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical, whom he proposes to use on this work. The three (3) apparent low bidders will be required to submit Form 00420 (list of major subcontractors) to the Owner at the time of the opening of the bids.... Within 24 hours of the bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall submit Form 00430 (list of subcontractors and suppliers), completed in full to the Owner. Failure to submit these lists within the time period specified herein shall result in a non- responsive bid. * * * 6. REJECTION OF BIDS: 6.01 The bidder acknowledges the right of the Owner to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid received. In addition, the bidder recognizes the right of the Owner to reject a bid if the bidder failed to furnish any required bid security, or to submit the data required by the bidding documents, or if the bid is any way incomplete or irregular; to reject the bid of a bidder who is not in a position to perform the contract; and to re- advertise for other or further bid proposals. In addition to the foregoing, the apparent three lowest bidders were required to submit certifications to verify information regarding the roofing system included in their proposals. These certifications included: a certification verifying that the pre-engineered metal roofing system had been tested and approved by Underwriter's Laboratory as Class 90; a dealer certification verifying the supplier is a manufacturer's authorized and franchised dealer of the roofing system to be furnished including the date on which authorization was granted; an installer certification specifying that the installer had been regularly engaged in the installation of pre-engirieered metal buildings of same or equal construction to the system proposed including a list of successful installations performed within 200 miles of West Palm Beach, Florida; and a manufacturer's certification verifying that the manufacturer will provide warranties in accordance with the bid specifications. These certifications were to be provided with Form 00430, within 24 hours of being determined an apparent low bidder. GRI did not provide the certifications identified in paragraph 8 within 24 hours of April 5, 1989; however, all certifications were submitted prior to the final hearing in this cause. GRI was not deemed responsive by School Board personnel until after the informal hearing conducted on April 11, 1989. The letter to GRI notifying it of the results of the informal hearing was dated April 19, 1989. The issue of the certifications, therefore, did not arise until Anderson sought to challenge the decision reached by the informal hearing (that GRI was responsive). Anderson submitted all data required by the bid package at the time of the bid opening or within 24 hours of being determined an apparent low bidder. Anderson submitted the bid package intact and complete. According to bark Lottes, the project architect for the Atlantic bid, the manufacturer's certification required to be submitted within 24 hours of the the bid package was to assure the School Board that it would obtain the warranty designated in the bid specifications. Typically, a warranty is not issued until the work is completed. The purpose of the manufacturer's certication is to verify that the warranty, when issued, will be of the type and terms designated by the bid package. No structural deck replacement will be required for the Atlantic job. A general contractor would be required to perform structural deck replacement. GRI listed a general contractor, Mancini Building, among its list of subcontractors and suppliers. The roofing system proposed by GRI is to be manufactured by Varco- Pruden. The installer to perform the structural metal work for the roofing system proposed by GRI is Bretsnyder Netals, Incorporated (Bretsnyder). Bretsnyder has prior experience with metal roofs of the type designated by this bid project. Varco-Pruden has acknowledged Bretsnyder to be an authorized installer of the Varco-Pruden roofing system proposed by GRI. Varco-Pruden has provided a certification that it will warranty the roofing system pursuant to the bid specifications. GPI is registered as a roofing contractor with Gregg Wallick as its licensed roofing contractor. Anderson is a registered general contractor.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the School Board of Palm Beach County enter a final order awarding the bid for the Atlantic project, project no. 000881600, to GRI, Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of June, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division ofAdministrative Hearings this 23rd day of June, 1989. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-2175BID Rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Anderson: Paragraphs 1 through 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are accepted. Paragraph 4 is rejected as irrelevant or immaterial. Whether or not a general contractor is required to perform portions of the work for the Atlantic project is irrelevant to the resolution of the issue in this case. First, because a general cortractor was listed among GRI's subcontractors (the list of which was timely filed) and second, because the weight of the testimony established the project to be roofing in nature with no structural work required. Paragraph 9 is rejected as argument or unsupported by the weight of the evidence in this cause. Rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the School Board: Paragraphs 1 through 15 are accepted. Paragraph 16 is rejected as irrelevant. Rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by GRI: Paragraphs 1 through 4 are accepted. Paragraph 5 is accepted to the extent that it states the GPI bid to be lowest; however, as to the exact amount of the difference, it is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 6 through 8 are accepted. Paragraph 9 is rejected as argument. To the extent that the paragraph is addressed in findings of fact paragraphs 4 and 5, it is accepted. Paragraph 10 is accepted. Paragraph 11 is rejected as conclusion of law or argument except as provided in paragraphs of the preliminary statement, together with paragraphs 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack S. Cox Merola, McCarthy & Cox, P.A. 4114 Northlake Boulevard Suite 301 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Robert A. Rosillo Associate Counsel School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road P.O. Box 24690 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4690 Nathan E Nason Gary N. Gerson Nason, Gildan, Yeager & Gerson, P.A. Post Office Box 3704 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Thomas J. Mills Superintendent of Schools School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road P.O. Box 24690 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4690

Florida Laws (2) 489.1056.01
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004460BID Latest Update: Jun. 25, 1987

The Issue The two major issues in this case are as follows: Was the failure of Datamaxx to submit resumes of training and maintenance personnel as required by Performance Mandatory No. 10 of the Invitation to Bid a material deviation from the Invitation to Bid such as to render Datamaxx a nonresponsive bidder? If Datamaxx was a nonresponsive bidder, must the contract be awarded to Burroughs, or must DHRS, pursuant to Section 13A-1.002(3), Florida Administrative Code, have the contract rebid, or seek single source procurement or negotiation approval from the Division of Purchasing?

Findings Of Fact Based on the admissions of the parties, on the testimony of the witnesses at the hearing, and on the exhibits received in evidence, I make the following findings of fact: For at least the past 10 years, the DHRS Data Communications Network has been maintained by Burroughs on a sole source basis. At the end of the previous Burroughs Terminal Maintenance contract with Burroughs, the Department of General Services (DOS) asked DHRS to bid the contract in lieu of sole source procurement, it being the belief of DOS that there was competition in this area. On or about September 19, 1986, DHRS published an Invitation to Bid which advised prospective bidders that sealed bids would be opened on October 20, 1986, for a contract, known as "Burroughs Terminal Maintenance" [Bid No. 86 ATM] regarding maintenance of the terminals of the DHRS Data Communications Network. The Special Conditions of the Invitation to Bid contained, among others, the following provisions: The State has established certain require- ments with respect to bids to be submitted by bidders. The use of "shall," "must" or "will" (except to indicate simple futurity) in this Invitation to Bid indicates a requirement or condition from which a material deviation may not be waived by the State. A deviation is material if, in the State's sole discretion, the deficient response is not in substantial accord with this Invitation to Bid requirements, provides an advantage to one bidder over other bidders, has a potentially significant effect on the quantity or quality of items bid, or on the cost to the State. Material deviations cannot be waived. (at p. 1) No negotiations, decision, or actions shall be initiated or executed by the bidder as a result of any discussions with any State employee. Only those communications which are in writing from the Department's Purchasing office may be considered as a duly authorized expression on behalf of the State. Also, only communications from bidders which are signed and in writing will be recognized by the State as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the bidder. (at p. 2) All personnel performing maintenance must be trained to service the equipment covered by this contract. Training shall be completed before the individual is assigned to service the equipment covered by this contract. Training shall be provided to whatever level is necessary to ensure the individual has the required qualifications to perform satisfactory maintenance service on Burroughs equipment listed in Attachment A of this Invitation to Bid. Bidder shall submit with their bid a summary of their Burroughs training program and resumes of personnel who will be performing this training and the resumes of personnel who will be per- forming the maintenance. (at p. 8) Bidder shall certify to the State, at the time the bid is submitted, that bidder has existing established service centers staffed with personnel trained to service the equipment covered by this contract . . . In lieu of this requirement, if bidder does not have existing established service centers, liaison office, and trained personnel, and bidder submits a plan for compliance, the required certification must be given the State no later than two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated starting date of the contract as indicated in the paragraph of this document entitled Calendar of Events. Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in rejection of the bid and award of the bid to the next lowest responsive bidder. The Invitation to Bid was drafted by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The only bidders on the contract (other than no- bids) were Burroughs and Datamaxx. DHRS found Burroughs and Datamaxx both to be responsive bidders and posted their bids making them public in the recognized manner of publicizing the bidder to be awarded a bid. Both bids were found to be responsive by DHRS at the time they were made public. The Datamaxx bid was the lowest bid and the Burroughs bid was the next to lowest bid. DHRS staff recommended the contract be awarded to Datamaxx. The Datamaxx bid was approximately $784,000 less than the Burroughs bid. In its bid Datamaxx indicated that it understood and agreed to all provisions of the Invitation to Bid, specifically including those dealing with Mandatory Requirements, Verbal Instruction Procedure, Rejection of Bids, Bid Evaluation, Performance Mandatories, and Certification. Datamaxx submitted the Certification required under the terms of the Invitation to Bid and did not submit a plan for compliance with its bid. Datamaxx never requested in writing that the requirement for resumes be waived, and DHRS never advised Datamaxx in writing that it did not have to submit the resumes. Datamaxx did not submit with its bid the resumes of training and maintenance personnel required under Performance Mandatory 10 of the Invitation to Bid. Performance Mandatory No. 10 required the submission of resumes with the bid, and did not concern an event that would take place after the bid had been let. DHRS considered the requirement for resumes to be a mandatory requirement. The qualifications of the persons who would be performing the maintenance under the contract would have a potentially significant effect on the quality of the maintenance provided. Nothing could be more material to the contract than the ability of the personnel to perform that contract. The difference in the dollar amount of the bids of Burroughs and Datamaxx influenced the decision of DHRS in finding Datamaxx to be a responsive bidder. This was a major reason Datamaxx was found to be a responsive bidder. In evaluating the Datamaxx bid, DHRS went outside the material provided in the Datamaxx bid. Subsequent to the posting of bids, DHRS met with Datamaxx and advised Datamaxx that its initial submission was deficient for not including resumes with the bid, that DHRS had waived the resumes, but that in order for DHRS to continue its recommendation that the bid be awarded to Datamaxx, DHRS had to have the resumes prior to the awarding of the bid. DHRS considered it an error and a deficiency in the bid that the resumes were not furnished. Datamaxx, on November 6, 1986, advised DHRS in a letter to Charles Ray that it would submit a plan which would address, among other things, service personnel resumes by November 17, 1986. DHRS could not have considered Datamaxx's letter of November 6, 1986, in evaluating whether Datamaxx was a responsive bidder, because that letter was not received until after DHRS had already found Datamaxx to be a responsive bidder and recommended that the contract be awarded to Datamaxx. Had Datamaxx not submitted the resumes prior to November 17, 1986, DHRS staff would have recommended that the award of the contract be withdrawn. The performance the State would receive under the contract would directly depend on the qualifications of the persons performing the service and the maintenance, and the resumes would be the only source of information regarding the qualifications of the personnel.

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that a final order be entered to the following effect: Concluding that the bid submitted by Datamaxx USA Corporation on Bid No. 86 ATM should be rejected on the grounds that it is not responsive, Concluding that the bid submitted by Burroughs Corporation should be rejected on the basis of Rule 13A-1.002(3), Florida Administrative Code, and, Providing for the agency to issue a second invitation to bid/request for proposals or take other action provided by Rule 13A-1.002(3), Florida Administrative Code. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of June 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of June 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-4460B1D The following are my specific rulings on each of the proposed findings of fact submitted by both parties: Findings proposed by Petitioner Paragraphs 1 through 19 are accepted with a few minor editorial modifications. The first two lines of paragraph 20 are rejected as redundant. The remainder of paragraph 20 is accepted. Findings proposed by Respondent Paragraphs 1 and 2 are accepted in substance. Paragraph 3 is rejected as constituting unnecessary details. Paragraphs 4 through 7 are accepted. Paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 are rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph 11 is rejected in part as irrelevant and in part as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 12 is accepted. Paragraph 13 is rejected as constituting irrelevant and unnecessary details. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert L. Powell Assistant General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Edgar Lee Elzie, Jr., Esquire MacFarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly 804 First Florida Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (3) 120.53120.57287.042
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-000391 Latest Update: Apr. 24, 1978

The Issue The issues presented for determination at the hearing are as follows: 1/ Whether respondent Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) abused its discretion or acted in bad faith, arbitrarily, capriciously, or under a misconception of law in rejecting all bids received on the subject project on December 21, 1977. Whether the decision of the respondent D.O.T. to reject all bids was made in violation of Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law, F.S. s286.011.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: By a "notice to contractors" dated November 24, 1977, the respondent D.O.T. advertised that it would receive bids on December 21, 1977, from qualified contractors for various construction and maintenance programs. The project which is the subject of this proceeding was contained in this notice, identified as "Gadsden County: Federal Aid Project No. I-10-3(31)157 Contract II (Job No. 50001-3423) SR 8 (I-10)." This project involved the paving of a certain stretch of Interstate Highway 10 in Gadsden County, which stretch was the last remaining unopen portion of I-10. In addition to a short summary of the contents of the project the notice on this project contained the following language which was underlined and capitalized in the notice: NOTE: A PRE-BID CONFERENCE ON THIS PROJECT WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1977, AT 10:00 A.M. IN ROOM 301 OF THE HAYDON BURNS BUILDING, 605 SUWANNEE STREET, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA. ALL POTENTIAL BIDDERS WILL BE RE- QUIRED TO ATTEND. NOTE: ON-THE-JOB TRAINING WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. Mr. Henry Eugene Cowger, deputy state construction engineer for the D.O.T., made the initial decision to require attendance at a prebid conference for this project, although he himself did not draft the language used in the notice. Cowger felt that a prebid conference would be valuable to bidders and the Department due to the uniqueness of this particular project with regard to the requirements concerning maintenance of traffic and work progress. More specifically, the contract called for a close working relationship and cooperation with the first stage contractor on this stretch of road. The first stage contractor is respondent/intervenor White. Also, it was anticipated that the project would be opened in sections with unusual traffic requirements so that the entire project could be utilized in a limited fashion. Mr. Cowger instructed William F. Ray, the Department's area construction engineer, to arrange for and conduct the prebid conference. No specific instructions were given to Mr. Ray as to which provisions of the contract were to be discussed at the conference. Cowger felt that Ray was knowledgeable with the project and therefore that he needed no instructions. The prebid conference was held as scheduled on December 14, 1977. Representatives of six different construction companies attended, including a representative from respondent White Construction Company. Through neglect or oversight, petitioner Couch did not attend the conference. A memorandum to the file from Mr. Ray indicates that the following occurred at the conference: A statement was made at the beginning of the meeting by W. F. Ray that nothing said by any person at the meeting would change or modify any part of the contract documents. Certain portions of the special Provisions per- taining to maintenance of traffic and limitations of work areas were read and discussed. It was agreed by those present that the intent of these Specials Provisions was clear and under- standable. Mr. McRae of H.D.W. stated that the unknown delay times built into this project would result in much higher than normal bids and his company would probably not enter a bid. After a short discussion of the terms of the contract, the meeting was adjourned. The conference lasted from thirty to forty-five minutes. At the hearing, Mr. Ray related the questions he could remember which were asked by the contractors. It was admitted that virtually all of the provisions and expectations, unique or otherwise, were fully spelled out in the contract documents. Most of the inquiries at the conference related to the absorption of certain maintenance and traffic costs and responsibilities between the contractor and the D.O.T. In each instance, it was disclosed that the D.O.T. would be responsible for these unless the contract specifically provided otherwise. Questions regarding the sequence of operations and the phasing of the work with the first stage contractor were not specifically answered by D.O.T. representatives. Of the three contractors who submitted bids on the subject project on December 21, 1977, only respondent/intervenor White had attended the December 14th rebid conference. Joseph F. Villadsen, petitioner's engineering division vice president, had visited the site of the project and had studied the contract provisions, which appeared clear to him. In numerical order, the bids submitted on December 21, 1977, were as follows: $1,410,730.72 - - petitioner Couch $1,514,272.63 - - respondent/intervenor White $1,579,168.72 - - Contee Sand and Gravel Company, Inc. The respondent has an Awards Committee composed of five executives from the D.O.T. This Committee generally meets once a month to review bids and make a recommendation to respondent's Secretary on the award of contracts for some thirty-five to fifty projects per month. Although Secretary Webb has the authority to make an independent decision and/or to reject the recommendations of the Awards Committee with regard to the acceptance of bids, he could not recall ever having done so. On the afternoon of December 21, 1977, the same day as the bids were received, Mr. Jay Brown, respondent's director of road operations and chairman of the Awards Committee, learned from two representatives of White that the apparent low bidder, petitioner Couch, had not attended the prebid conference. He thereupon called together those members of the Awards Committee who were in the building at that time to discuss what should be done. Brown also counseled with P.E. Carpenter, the division administrator for the Federal Highway Administration, to determine the extent of the federal participation in funding if a bid other than the low bid were accepted. Awards Committee members Brown, Sill Ekey, Peter J. White and Willis Armstrong met on December 21 and 22, 1977. In reaching a determination as to their recommendation to the Secretary, the committee members considered three alternatives -- awarding the contract to Couch as the apparent low bidder, awarding the contract to White as the next lowest bidder and as the only bidder who attended the prebid conference or rejecting all bids received and readvertising for new bids. Each alternative was considered a viable one by the committee members. Although the members felt that the requirement of attendance at a prebid conference was a reasonable requirement due to the uniqueness of the project, no inquiry was made as to what actually transpired at the conference. Nor was any inquiry made as to a reason for petitioner's nonattendance. It was the unanimous decision of those Committee members present that it would best serve the interests of the State to reject all bids and proceed to readvertise. This decision to recommend rejection and readvertisement was based upon several reasons. The prime consideration was that this project involved the last remaining unopen link in Interstate Highway 10 and time was of the essence. It was felt that if the contract were awarded to Couch or to White, there would be litigation causing delay to the completion of Interstate 10. The Committee members were also concerned with the significant amount of difference between the bids of Couch and White. Rejecting all bids appeared to the Committee members to be the "cleaner" way to go. Mr. Brown testified that the D.O.T. does not generally accept the bid where only one bid is received. Here the apparent low bidder and the highest bidder were considered irregular for failure to attend the prebid conference. Thus, the Department was left with only one bid. Through Mr. Brown, Secretary Thomas Webb, Jr., was telephonically notified of the recommendation of the Awards Committee. Mr. Webb concurred with the Committee's recommendation because he was concerned with a possible delay to the project due to litigation were the bid to be awarded to either Couch or to White. Thereafter, the bidders were notified by telegram that all bids on the project had been rejected due to the failure of the low bidder to attend the prebid conference, and that the project would be readvertised. On December 29, 1977, Couch filed a "complaint" with the D.O.T. requesting a hearing pursuant to F.S. s120.57 on the issue of whether the D.O.T. lawfully rejected Couch's bid on the subject project. By Order dated January 9, 1978, Secretary Webb denied Couch's request for a hearing. This denial was appealed by Couch to the District Court of Appeal, First District, and White Construction Company was made a party to that proceeding. After numerous motions were filed and oral argument was had, the District Court, by Order dated February 24, 1978, relinquished jurisdiction for a period of sixty days and remanded the case to the D.O.T. for the purpose of providing Couch a s120.57(1) hearing. The District Court stayed the D.O.T. from awarding the contract for the subject project. Prior to the Orders of the District Court, the D.O.T. readvertised the project, calling for a prebid conference on January 11, 1978, and the receipt of bids on January 12, 1978. This time, attendance at the conference was announced to be "expected," rather than "required." At the hearing, the D.O.T. divulged that attendance at prebid conferences would no longer be required or mandatory in order to avoid the problem inherent in the instant proceeding. Both Couch and White attended the January 11th prebid conference and submitted bids on January 12th. Couch's bid was identical to its December 21, 1977, bid. White submitted a bid approximately $40,000.00 below the bid of Couch. The D.O.T. receives bids on approximately 420 to 550 construction projects a year. During the past ten years, only seven other prebid conferences with required attendance have been held. In those instances, the language contained in the notice was different from the language used in the subject notice. On three occasions the language used was: "ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS MUST ATTEND THIS PRE-BID CONFERENCE AS BIDDING DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE ISSUED TO CONTRACTORS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN PROPERLY REPRESENTED AT THIS MEETING." On three occasions the language was: "ATTENDANCE WILL BE MANDATORY FOR THOSE INTENDING TO BID ON THIS PROJECT.? On one occasion the language was: "ATTENDANCE WILL BE MANDATORY FOR THOSE INTENDING TO SUBMIT A BID ON THIS PROJECT." The situation where the apparent low bidder has not attended a required prebid conference has never before arisen.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that the D.O.T.`s decision to reject all bids and readvertise the subject project be affirmed and upheld. Respectfully submitted and entered this 24th of April, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (1) 337.11
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-005617BID Latest Update: Jan. 27, 1988

Findings Of Fact On or about October 28, 1987, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) mailed its Invitation To Bid (ITB) No. 88-32BC to prospective bidders. According to the Special Bid Conditions of ITB No. 88- 32BC, the stated purpose of the ITB was "to obtain competitive bid prices from Vendors/Contractors for the purchase and installation of Open Office Partitions/Furnishings and related accessories for use by the department's ABUSE REGISTRY, located in the East Wing, 2729 Fort Knox Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32308." Included among the responses to the ITB were bids by International Interiors, Inc., (International), by Perdue Office Interiors, Inc., (Perdue), by Executive Office Supply, Inc. (Executive), and by Haworth. The construction of the future HRS office space in the East Wing of 2729 Fort Knox Blvd. was coordinated between the owner and HRS to accommodate the needs of the HRS Abuse Registry. The space will be used by qualified HRS personnel and support staff to receive and maintain telephone reports of child abuse and related complaints. HRS consulted with the owner's architect to determine the ultimate floor plan of the HRS space in the building and then consulted an interior design expert to determine how HRS could best utilize the space for the purposes of the Abuse Registry through these efforts, HRS designed an office interior consisting of a system of partitions and furniture. The interior design was reduced to a blue print or design drawing specifying gross dimensions as well as the particular dimensions of offices, partition panels, hallways, work space (desk tops), related components of the system and the particular location of building support columns and electrical power poles. The ITB included a design drawing and provided in pertinent part in its Special Bid Conditions: DESIGN: This project has a limited amount of space with fixed walls and fixed dimensions as given on the architectural drawing. Each vendor must guarantee his system will fit into the space without any violation of Florida Building Codes. Design Drawings and a Component Listing have been included in each bid package so that each vendor will have the equal opportunity to evaluate the project as a whole as well as by its parts. All dimensions are listed as nominal dimensions since various manufacturers' component varys [sic] somewhat in exact dimensional sizes. Surface materials and colors will be selected from the successful vendor's line after the award of the bid has been made. SITE EXAMINATION: The area to be used by the Abuse Registry is located on the main floor, east wing, 2729 Fort Knox Blvd., in Tallahassee, Florida 32308. The site has existing walls, columns, door entrances, etc., which will have to be taken into consideration when integrating your open office system into the design scheme. It is the responsibility of the vendor to inspect the premises and familiarize himself with all of these on-site conditions. A floor plan has been provided for reference only, and any specific analysis or dimensioning should be made on site by the vendor. Contact Mr. DeVoe Moore to schedule a tour of the work site. (904) 656-6211. Failure to consider on-site conditions may result in disqualification of the bid. The Technical Specifications provide in pertinent part: All dimensions in this component listing has [sic] been provided for the purpose of fulfilling the overall dimension requirements as shown in the furniture plan. Variations from these will occur between different manufacturer's products. In providing dimensions other than those listed, it is critical to maintain a minimum hall clearance of 4'0" or code requirement and to work within the given permanent walls. (Emphasis added.) International's bid was the lowest at $211,523.96. But HRS disqualified it as nonconforming because cursory review, as well as International's own design drawing furnished with its bid, showed that International's proposal would intrude three feet into a four foot hallway around the perimeter of the office space which is required, and is required to be four feet wide, by the applicable building codes and the State Fire Marshal. HRS' disqualification of the International bid on that ground was erroneous under the facts presented at final hearing. The intrusion of the International proposal into the required hallway was due to International's error in configuring the partition panels for purposes of the design drawing. No other bidder even included a design drawing, which was not required by the ITB. The apparent intrusion of the International proposal into the hallway is easily corrected by swapping 66" partition panels that had been placed along the length of the office space for purposes of preparing International's design drawing with 48" partition panels that had been placed perpendicular to the 66" panels. With this new configuration, the International bid fits into the gross dimensions of the HRS office space without any loss of work space or cabinet space as a result of the reconfiguration. 3/ However, International's Shaw/Walker product has partition panels that are 3" thick. (The ITB calls for partition panels that are at least 2" thick. See Finding Of Fact 15, below.) At least in part for that reason, International cannot fit as much Shaw/Walker furniture into the HRS office space as specified in the HRS design drawing. To fit the Shaw/Walker product into the space, International substituted 42" corner desk tops for the 48" corner desk tops specified in the Technical Specifications of the ITB in 36 of the 60 office cubicles in the design drawing. This results in a loss of 6" of desk top on either side of those corner desk tops, a total of 6 square feet of desk top in each affected cubicle, and reduces the size of those 36 office cubicles from 64 to less than 58 square feet. Neither Executive nor Perdue had to vary from the Technical Specifications, and they will be able to duplicate the HRS design drawing without losing desk top surface area or office cubicle square footage. If it knew it could have put together an acceptable bid offering less work space, Perdue could have done so at a lower cost and therefore at a lower bid price. Under the ITB, the dimensions of the individual components were nominal, but the assembly of components to reproduce the overall dimensions of the furniture plan on the HRS design drawing was a mandatory bid specification. Although it was the lowest in price, International's bid must be disqualified as unresponsive. As between Perdue and Executive, Executive made the lower bid by only approximately $235, $228,000 to $228,235.36. However, Executive's bid departs from the Technical Specifications in several significant respects. The Special Bid Conditions of the ITB provides in pertinent part: SYSTEM QUALITY - BRAND NAMES: It is the intent of the solicitation that the successful bidder provide modular furnishing comparable-in quality to: Haworth Steelcase Shaw/Walker HRS approved equivalent The department considers that the above furnishings establish standards for comparison and identify levels of quality for design of materials, methods of fabrication and assembly. The department retains the right to determine the acceptability of systems not mentioned above. Bidders proposing systems and components as alternates to those identified above must submit a request for pre-qualification to include complete descriptive literature and a list of current installations. (Emphasis added.) Executive pre-qualified the Westinghouse Furniture Systems' Wes Group product which it bid. The Westinghouse furniture generally is comparable in overall quality to the three specified products -- Haworth, Steelcase and Shaw/Walker. However, the Haworth, Steelcase and Shaw/Walker products were specified not only because of their overall quality but also because HRS, through its consultant, understood that they would meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications of the ITB. The ITB does not state or suggest that its Technical Specifications are waived by pre-qualification of an "equivalent" product. HRS had several major concerns, in addition to the furniture design or floor plan, in putting this project out for bid. Due to the number of people who would be doing primarily telephone work in an open office environment, one primary concern was for high quality acoustical panels. Under "Power And Communication Panels," the Technical Specifications of the ITB state in pertinent part: Acoustical fabric panels shall maintain a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) rating of .90 or greater and an STC rating of at least 29. The higher the acoustical rating of a partition panel, the higher its cost. Therefore, if a bidder could reduce the acoustical rating, it could afford to make a more price competitive bid. For that reason, Perdue telephoned HRS' consultant before submitting its bid to ask if the acoustical rating was "critical" and was told that it was. Perdue bid Steelcase product, including partition panels that conform to the requirements of the Technical Specifications instead of its lower cost, lower rated panels. Executive bid partition panels with an NRC rating of only .80 and an STC rating of only 27. Another major concern of HRS was for quality, durable construction so that HRS could expect to get years of satisfactory use of the furniture system it was purchasing. For this reason, the "Power And Communication Panels" section of the Technical Specification also provides in part: "All panels shall have a minimum 2" all-steel frame." Steelcase partition panels meet the specification; Westinghouse panel frames are only 1 1/2" thick. HRS also wanted to be sure that the office furniture system it was purchasing would be able to accommodate the need for its Abuse Registry personnel to work with a variety of electrically-operated equipment, including computer equipment. Under "Electrical Panels," the Technical Specifications of the ITB provide in pertinent part: "Panels shall have the capability of distributing four 20 amp circuits, one isolated; UL listed." The Westinghouse panels Executive bid have the capability of distributing only three 20 amp circuits (without additional electrical components.) Meanwhile, Perdue's bid meets this specification, too. When Perdue telephoned to inquire about the acoustical specification, it also asked if this electrical specification was critical, and the HRS consultant confirmed that it was. Therefore, Perdue bid higher priced panels that meet the specifications instead of lower priced panels comparable to the Westinghouse panels Executive bid. Both Perdue's and Executive's bid had some other minor non- conformities. Perdue's Steelcase overhead cabinets operate by a nylon glide with metal scissor hinge instead of by a ball bearing hinge, as specified, and its panel tackboards are 15 1/2" x 30" instead of 24" x 30", as specified. But Executive's Westinghouse partition panels have adjustable glides on the post by which the panels are connected instead of two adjustable glides on each panel, as specified (assuming panel-to-panel connections). Because it does not meet critical aspects of the Technical Specifications of the ITB, the Executive bid must be disqualified as unresponsive. The Haworth bid also was responsive but was for approximately $270,000, far above the others. Perdue's bid, as the lowest responsive bid, should be awarded the contract.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a final order (1) granting the bid protests of both International and Perdue insofar as they protest the award of HRS Bid 88-32BC to Executive on the ground that the Executive bid is unresponsive, (2) denying the International protest insofar as it seeks the award of HRS Bid 88-32BC on the ground that it too is unresponsive, and (3) granting the bid protest of Perdue also insofar as it seeks the award of HRS Bid 88-32BC because Perdue is the lowest responsive bidder. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of January, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of January, 1988.

Florida Laws (4) 120.53287.012287.042287.057
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 16, 1997 Number: 97-002842BID Latest Update: Nov. 04, 1997

The Issue Whether the Department acted illegally, arbitrarily, dishonestly, or fraudulently when it rejected all of the bids submitted in response to Invitation to Bid No. 97-023-OR. See Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes (1997).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner ABS is an authorized dealer for Neopost, a manufacturer of mailing equipment. Petitioner is also a Certified Minority Business Enterprise, pursuant to Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. Prior to the subject Invitation to Bid, the Department issued a similar Invitation to Bid. That bid was initially awarded to Pitney Bowes, Inc., but Pitney Bowes, Inc., was unable to meet delivery requirements of that bid, and the Department decided to re-bid. The Department issued the subject ITB No. 97-023-OR on March 10, 1997. Pursuant to its terms, the bid opening was held on April 29, 1997. The subject ITB provides, in pertinent part, as follows: At page 3 of 11 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS The state has established certain requirements with respect to bids to be submitted by bidders. The use of "shall", "must", or "will" (except to indicate simple futurity) in this Invitation to Bid/Request for Purchase indicates a requirement or condition from which a material deviation may not be waived by the State. The words "should", or "may" in this /Request for Purchase to Bid [sic] indicate desirable attributes or conditions, but are permissive in nature. Deviation from, or omission of, such a desirable feature, will not in itself cause rejection of a bid. (emphasis supplied) At page 6 of 11 MANUFACTURER REPRESENTATIVE Bidder must provide proof of authorized dealership for equipment specified and the beginning and ending term of authorization. (emphasis supplied) SERVICE . . . Service is to be provided direct from the manufacturer. Third party service is acceptable only if it may be demonstrated that the location that is to provide the service can demonstrate 36 months experience in servicing the model proposed. Failure to receive this certification will be sufficient cause for rejection of this bid. (emphasis supplied) The manual signature of Ms. Klusmeier on ABS's April 1997 Bid certified that the bid was in compliance with all requirements of the ITB, "including but not limited to, certification requirements." ABS is not a manufacturer of the mailing equipment it bid. In its Bid, ABS enclosed a certificate issued by the Department's Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office certifying that ABS was a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) under the provisions of Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. However, ABS failed to specifically include proof of authorized dealership for the equipment specified with its bid. At all times material, the Department's MBE office had a copy of ABS' manufacturer-dealer agreement with Neopost (the manufacturer) and an ABS catalogue displaying all the Neopost bid items and stating that ABS is an authorized dealer for Neopost. However, this information was not part of the subject bid response package. Rather, it had been previously submitted by ABS to obtain MBE certification. It was not re-submitted as part of ABS' ITB response package. ABS has manufacturer's (Neopost's) authorized service centers in Florida. ABS intended that ABS and another authorized dealer would provide service in the State of Florida for the equipment it bid. However, ABS failed to include with its Bid a demonstration that either ABS or the other dealer had a minimum of 36 months' experience servicing the Neopost equipment. The November 1996 ITB had requested the same manufacturer and service information as the subject April 1997 ITB, and ABS responded in the same way to both ITB's. ABS was not ruled unresponsive in November 1996 on that basis. In April 1997, ABS also initially was treated as a responsive bidder. On May 1, 1997, the only two bids (ABS and Pitney Bowes, Inc.) were opened by one of the Department's Purchasing Specialists, Oradell Rollins. The Department posted its intent to award the bid to ABS. On May 5, 1997, Pitney Bowes, Inc., the only other bidder for the subject ITB, filed a timely Notice of Intent to Protest with the Department. Pitney Bowes, Inc., is a manufacturer and bidder which services its own products. The Department's Purchasing Office has never established a pattern of accepting an MBE Certificate in lieu of specified bid elements. The Department afforded Pitney Bowes, Inc., an informal protest procedure without notification to, or participation by, ABS. On May 16, 1997, upon request from the Department's Director of Purchasing, ABS immediately forwarded a letter to the Department from Neopost advising that ABS was an authorized Neopost dealer; that ABS and others had been certified by the manufacturer to service the mailing equipment ABS had bid for the subject ITB; and that ABS had been servicing Neopost equipment for more than 36 months. Ms. Rollins had previously requested this information just after bids were opened but had not indicated it was urgent. This type of information is not normally requested after bid opening. The Department's Purchasing Office considered waiving the missing information because its personnel had dealt satisfactorily with ABS on other contracts for a number of years, but such waiver is not the Department's usual procedure. On May 15, 1997, Pitney Bowes, Inc., timely filed with the Department its Formal Written Protest. Petitioner faults this letter's recitation that the Pitney Bowes, Inc., representative saw the alleged flaws in the ABS bid on the day that bids were opened. Petitioner proved that the Pitney Bowes, Inc., representative could not have seen ABS's bid on the day of the bid opening, but the same information could have been derived subsequently. Pitney Bowes' April 1997, Notice of Protest is not in evidence for comparison with its Formal Written Protest. No nefarious dealings or collusion necessarily flows from the foregoing findings of fact. Based upon a review of the Formal Written Protest of Pitney Bowes, Inc., and upon advice of the Department's General Counsel, the Department determined that ABS's bid on the subject 1997 ITB was, in fact, nonresponsive because, when opened, it had failed to contain "proof of authorized dealership," and also had failed to include the required "certification" on "Third Party Service." On May 22, 1997, the Department sent a letter to ABS advising ABS of the Department's decision and further advising that the Department intended to re-bid for the equipment. ABS received the Department's letter on May 27, 1997. The Department's decision to re-bid instead of to award to Pitney Bowes, Inc., was in part determined by its desire to avoid situations in which there is only one responsive bidder. It was also influenced by Departmental concerns that the Pitney Bowes, Inc., bid was much higher than the disqualified ABS bid. Departmental personnel believed that a re-bid would secure a lower cost to the Department. ABS timely filed its Notice of Intent to Protest and its Formal Written Protest. Pitney Bowes, Inc. was given notice of the referral of Petitioner's protest to the Division of Administrative Hearings and chose not to intervene. ABS established that it currently provides mailing equipment for the Department all over the State of Florida and that it coordinates service for that equipment through a Neopost network in all those locations. However, ABS did not establish that it has provided or serviced exactly the same type of equipment for the Department at each of these locations, as ABS bid in April 1997. Over time, ABS has dealt with Purchasing Specialist Oradell Rollins on these other Departmental Contracts. Prior to the subject 1997 bid opening, Mr. Bowls, ABS's "Neopost Government Specialist," had informed her that ABS covered the State of Florida for Neopost. Ms. Rollins had received an ABS catalogue and ABS's MBE Certificate in connection with ongoing business prior to the April 1997 bid opening. ABS does not perceive that ABS using other dealers certified by the manufacturer (Neopost) constitutes ABS using "Third Party" service agents, nor does ABS consider itself to be a "Third Party," as that term is used in the subject ITB. However, the Department has consistently interpreted "Third Parties" to include any dealers who are not simultaneously manufacturers and bidders, and its ITBs require bidders who are not also manufacturers to demonstrate within their Bid that each service location is certified and has 36 months' experience at the time of bid opening.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Labor and Employment Security enter a Final Order dismissing the protest of American Business Systems and establishing a time frame in which its Invitation to Bid may be relet. RECOMMENDED this 24th day of September, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax FILING (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of September, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Linda Klusmeier, Qualified Representative American Business Systems 8638 Phillips Highway, Room 12 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 Edward A. Dion, General Counsel Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle, South East 307 Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189 Douglas L. Jamerson, Secretary Department of Labor and Employment Security 2012 Capital Circle, South East 303 Hartman Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jun. 13, 2003 Number: 03-002221BID Latest Update: Dec. 19, 2003

The Issue Whether the Respondent, School Board of Broward County, Florida (Respondent or Board), may reject all bids as proposed for Bid No. 2002-02-FC, Group A1, or whether such action is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is the entity charged with the responsibility of governing the public schools within the Broward County School District. As such, the acquisition of school properties and attendant improvements fall within the Board's legal authority. These cases involve the procurement of relocatable buildings suitable for classroom purposes. Pursuant to its authority, on or about December 27, 2002, the Respondent issued a bid that is the subject matter of the instant challenge. The bid, identified in this record as Bid 2002-02-FC, sought proposals for the procurement of district-wide relocatable buildings. In a prior time these buildings were known as "portable classrooms" or "portables." In the post-Hurricane Andrew world, these structures are now pre-engineered and constructed of concrete or steel (or a hybrid of both) and must be, by design, capable of being relocated to various sites. The Petitioners, Royal and Padula jointly, and the Intervenor, James B. Pirtle Construction Company, Inc. (Pirtle or Intervenor), design, construct, and install such structures. In these cases the bid sought several distinct proposals. First, the project sought vendors who would provide and deliver concrete relocatable buildings (Group A1). Group A2 (not at issue in this proceeding) sought steel relocatable buildings. Group B (also not at issue in the instant case) sought site adaptation prices for landscaping, lighted covered walkways, steps, ramps, and other engineering incidental to the installation of the buildings. The advertisement for the bid carried the same generic information as to all groups. The bid documents also contained many terms that were applicable to all groups. Pertinent to the issues of these cases are the following excerpts from the bid document (Joint Exhibit 2). The order of the excerpts should not suggest any significance. The excerpts are listed in this manner solely for convenience sake: BASIS OF AWARD In order to meet the needs of the school system . . . each Award will be . . . up to three responsive and responsible bidders meeting specifications, terms and conditions. Individual projects will be issued . . . based upon lowest cost among one or more bidders per project as determined by the project manager. Therefore, it is necessary to bid on every item in the group, and all items in the group must meet specifications in order to have the bid considered for award. Unit prices must be stated in the space provided on Document 00410 Bid Form. SBBC [the Respondent] reserves the right to procure goods from the second and third lowest bidders if: a) the lowest bidder cannot comply with delivery requirements or specifications; b) the lowest bidder is not in compliance with delivery requirements or specifications on current or previous orders; c) in cases of emergency; d) work may be issued to multiple contractors if in the opinion of The School Board of Broward County, Florida or its staff the work cannot be completed by a single contractor in the specified time such as a Summer, Winter or Spring Break or if it is in the best interest of SBBC to do so regardless of reason. ARTICLE 4 BIDDING PROCEDURES 4.01 FORM AND STYLE OF BIDS A. Bids shall be submitted on forms identical to Document 00410, Bid Form, and other standard forms included with the Bidding Documents. The following documents are required to be submitted with the Bid: * * * SIGNED SEALED ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAWINGS OF THE STRUCTURES TO BE PROVIDED (FOR RELOCATABLE BUILDINGS BID ONLY) 5.03 REJECTION OF BIDS AND IRREGULAR PROPOSALS * * * The Owner shall have the right to reject any or all Bids, reject a Bid not accompanied by a required bid security, good faith deposit, or by other data required by the Bid Documents, or reject a Bid which is in any way incomplete, irregular or otherwise not Responsive. The Owner may waive any formality in the bid requirements and award or not award the contract in the best interests of The School Board of Broward County, Florida. (Emphasis in original not shown) In addition to the foregoing, the bid documents contained detailed and specific design criteria that set forth information such as the slope of roofs, the roof spans, the mechanical systems, ventilation, plumbing, windows, and stoops. These design criteria covered hundreds of topics and encompassed virtually every facet of the structures. To review each bid proposal as to whether each design specification was met would require countless man-hours. The issue of how to review the bid proposals was not adequately anticipated by the Respondent. From the outset the bid document evolved from unusual circumstances. Whether the bid document was intended to be a request for proposals (RFP) or an invitation to bid (ITB) was a primary confusion among the Board's staff. If the proposals were to be deemed responsive or not and then ranked solely on price (thus making the bid process more like an ITB) how could staff effectively determine the threshold question of responsiveness? If the proposals were to be ranked based upon a point or qualitative approach (more like an RFP) where were the criteria by which to score the proposals? In fact, there were no objective criteria disclosed in the bid document by which a proposal could be evaluated. More curious is that no bidder brought this lack of evaluation criteria to the Board's attention during the mandatory bidder's conference. Moreover, no one challenged the bid specifications. Presumably, the bidders believed it was an "all or nothing" award. That is, if they were the lowest responsive bidder, they would receive the award. The question of who would be responsive and how that decision would be resolved did not come to light until after the bids had been opened. At the mandatory bidders' conference conducted on January 14, 2003, the bidders posed questions in the form of requests for information. In response, the Respondent issued six addenda intended to cover the questions posed. None of the responses addressed how the bid proposals would be evaluated. If anything, Addendum No. 3 added to confusion related to what documents must be submitted with the bid proposal. More specifically, Addendum No. 3 provided, in pertinent part: [Addendum 3, question and response to inquiry] 9. Can schematics be submitted with the bid instead of the signed and sealed architectural and engineering design drawings of the structures that are requested in Document Article 4.01.A.6? Response: Signed and Sealed Architectural/Structural Drawings are required to be submitted with the Bid. The Requirement for Mechanical and Electrical signed and sealed drawing is waived, however all engineering associated with the Relocatable Buildings will require engineer of record signed and sealed drawings and calculations prior to issuance of building permit DRC review. Nevertheless, when the bid proposals were opened on March 4, 2003, the Petitioners and the Intervenor were found to be the three lowest bidders. If responsive, the Intervenor would be considered the lowest bidder with the Petitioners being considered alternate vendors for the procurement. Unsatisfied with the preliminary determination that the Intervenor was the lowest bidder, the Petitioners timely challenged the bid award. The Petitioners maintained that the Intervenor had not timely provided sealed design drawings as required by the bid document. Petitioners argued that the Intervenor had attempted to impermissibly amend their proposal by late-filing a set of structural drawings for the bid. Thus the initial bid protest sought to determine what design drawings were required by the bid and whether the Intervenor had timely supplied such drawings. The Petitioners contended that the Intervenor's submittal should be rejected as non-responsive to the bid. Whether they had complied with the full dictates of the bid requirements was potentially at issue as well. While the initial bid protest was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings and scheduled for formal hearing, the parties continued to attempt to resolve the issues. It was apparent that the bidders had not submitted identical proposals. How the proposed products had been compared and evaluated was difficult to determine. From the Respondent's committee members came the disclosure that the decision of determining whether the bidders had complied with the bid ultimately came from three fashioned questions. If the structure proposed was pre- engineered, relocatable to various sites, and suitable for educational purposes, the entry was deemed responsive. Based upon this assessment the Petitioners and the Intervenor were deemed responsive and their bids ranked based upon price. This approach did nothing to discern if the designs were comparable in quality, if they met the bid design criteria, or if the drawings were even sufficient to comply with the dictates of the bid. The first posting of the bid award for Group A1 was entered March 18, 2003. On March 21, 2003, the Petitioners timely filed their notices of intent to protest the award of Group A1 to the Intervenor. Thereafter they timely filed the petitions to protest the award and the initial protest was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings. The protests did not encompass Group A2 or Group B. No bidder protested the proposed awards for Group A2 or Group B. In fact, the Respondent went forward on those procurements and awarded contracts for those groups on April 1, 2003. The Respondent did not award the contract award for the Group at issue in this proceeding. It must be noted that the instant procurement is not the Board's first experience with the procurement of concrete relocatable classrooms. In fact, the Board has purchased similar structures through a procurement contract that the Palm Beach County School Board holds with its vendors. One of the Respondent's concerns when the instant bids were reviewed was why the cost per unit for the bids in this case was higher than the Palm Beach County amount. As it turned out, the installation economy of multiple units at one site directly impacts the cost of the relocatable structures. Royal confirmed this information after the bids had been opened. When the Respondent's staff met with its counsel in preparation for the initial bid dispute (before the Board elected to reject all bids) the cost of the bid, the lack of full evaluation of the bidders' proposals, and the issues of the first protest were openly discussed. By that time any irregularities with the bid documents could not be repaired as to the contracts already awarded, but as to the instant matter the Respondent could revisit the circumstances and determine its best course. As a result of that reassessment, the Respondent elected to reject all bids regarding this group and attempt to re-bid the procurement with more certain terms. To that end on May 9, 2003, the Respondent issued a revised bid decision that provided in pertinent part: The Facilities and Construction Management Division intends to recommend that The School Board of Broward County, Florida, at the School Board meeting on June 3, 2003, reject all bids received for Group A1 and authorize revising the bidding documents and re-bidding. The rejection of all bids received for Group A1 is made due to serious flaws and ambiguities contained in Document 00200 4.01.A-6 as modified by Addendum No. 3. The Division intends to revise the bidding documents to delete the requirements that bidders submit plans with the bids; include ranges of unit quantities within the bid form; include one or more additional types of construction of the classroom buildings including a composite concrete/steel structure; and incorporate within the new Invitation to Bid all revised terms and conditions that were released through addenda in this procurement. The Petitioners timely filed protests regarding this new decision by the Board and the instant action ensued. By issuing the revised decision to reject all bids the Respondent intended to resolve all issues and to cure the perceived problem with the lack of consistent evaluation of the bidders' proposals. More specifically, the Respondent would be able to assure that the project design could comport with the specifications sought; specify whether architectural or engineering drawings were required and when (it was hoped that the confusion over "architect" vs. "engineer" could be eliminated); and obtain a substantial discount based upon economies from multi-unit purchases for a single site. None of the objectives sought were pre-textual or contrived. Additionally, by avoiding any process that would require a detailed reviewed of the bidders' proposals, countless man- hours could be saved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County enter a Final Order affirming the decision to reject all bids in this matter. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November 2003 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ___________________________________ D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Franklin L. Till, Jr. Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3125 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street 1244 Turlington Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Usher Larry Brown, Esquire Brown, Salzman, Weiss & Garganese, P.A. 225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660 Orlando, Florida 32801 Steven L. Schwarzberg, Esquire Schwarzberg & Associates Esperante, Suite 210 222 Lakeview Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Thomas R. Shahady, Esquire Adorno & Yoss, P.A. 350 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Robert Paul Vignola, Esquire Broward County School Board C. Wright Administrative Building 600 Southeast Third Avenue, 11th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 25, 1994 Number: 94-001622BID Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1996

Findings Of Fact In February 1994 the School Board, by and through its design consultants, W. R. Frizzell Architects, Inc., and, more particularly, its project architect, Byron Tramonte, issued plans, specifications, and related contract documents associated with additions, remodeling, and reroofing of John F. Kennedy Middle School, Palm Beach County, Florida. At a pre-bid conference conducted at the project job site attended by representatives of the School Board, its consultants, as well as representatives of Petitioner, Respondent, and Intervenor, among others, Petitioner's Greg Hill questioned the sufficiency of the drawings with respect to the earth work requirements associated with Alternate 1. As a result of this inquiry, the owner's design consultant issued Addendum 2 (including an as-built drawing) dated February 23, 1994, which was ". . . made available for grading estimates." The drawing attached to Addendum 2 had two sets of elevation numbers on it. One set of elevation numbers were underlined. The clearest of the underlined numbers were difficult to read. Many of the underlined numbers were impossible to read. The other set of elevation numbers on the subject drawing were boxed. The boxed numbers were all clear and legible. In view of the purpose for which the drawing was attached to Addendum 2, the most logical interpretation of the drawing was that the boxed elevation figures represented the existing elevations. The drawing attached to Addendum 2 also included some circled handwritten information. In large letters the circled information read: "JFK MIDDLE SCHOOL AS BUILT EXIST. ELEV." Immediately below in smaller letters it read: "Note: The 2 softball fields were not constructed. 2/23/94." The circled handwritten information was to some extent ambiguous. But it was an ambiguity that could be resolved by careful site inspection. Careful site inspection would have revealed that the boxed numbers corresponded to existing site conditions and that the underlined numbers, to the extent they were legible, did not. Petitioner's Vice President Greg Hill was primarily responsible for the preparation of the portion of the Petitioner's bid relating to Alternate 1. Greg Hill visited the job site during the prebid conference and also visited the job site on one other occasion after receiving Addendum 2, but before submitting the Petitioner's bid. Greg Hill is an experienced estimator with respect to matters involving the type of work encompassed by Alternate 1. In spite of his experience and in spite of his two pre-bid site visits, Greg Hill misinterpreted the architect's intent and used the underlined elevations on the drawing attached to Addendum 2 as a basis for estimating portions of the work associated with Alternate 1. As a result of this mistake Greg Hill reached erroneous conclusions about the amount of fill that would be required and substantially overestimated the amount of fill. This mistake caused the Petitioner's bid for Alternate 1 to be somewhat higher than it would have been if Greg Hill had based his estimates on the boxed elevation numbers. A similar mistake was made by CSR Heavy Construction-North, Inc., a company that was seeking work as a subcontractor on Alternate 1. On the last day for submitting bids on the subject project, the Intervenor received an unsolicited bid from CSR Heavy Construction-North, Inc., to perform some or all of the work encompassed by Alternate 1. CSR's bid was much higher than the Intervenor's proposed bid for that work, which caused the Intervenor's President to become worried that perhaps he had misinterpreted the drawings attached to Addendum 2. Intervenor's President called the School Board Architect and asked for confirmation of his interpretation to the effect that the bidders should base their estimates on the boxed elevation numbers on the drawing attached to Addendum 2. The architect confirmed that the Intervenor's President had correctly interpreted the drawing. The architect did not call any other potential bidders to tell them they should use the boxed numbers because he thought it was obvious that all potential bidders should use the boxed numbers. The bids for the subject project were opened on March 3, 1994. The Petitioner was the apparent responsive low bidder for the base bid. The Intervenor was the apparent responsive low bidder taking together the base bid and the bids on Alternates 1 and 2. The School Board published notice of its intent to award a contract to the Intervenor for the base bid and Alternates 1 and 2. The Instructions To Bidders portion of the subject bid specifications included the following provisions: BIDDER'S REPRESENTATIONS: Each Bidder, by making his Bid, represents that he has read and understands the Bidding Documents. Each Bidder, by making his Bid, represents that he has visited the site and familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the Work is to be performed. BIDDING PROCEDURES: * * * 3.11 Familiarity with Laws: The Bidder is assumed to be familiar with all Federal, State and Local Laws, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations, that in any manner affect the Work. Public Contracting and Purchasing Process Florida Statute, Section 287.132-.133 (Public Entity Crimes) is applicable. Ignorance on the part of the Bidder will in no way relieve him from responsibility. * * * AWARD OF CONTRACT: The Contract, if awarded by the Owner, will be awarded to the lowest bona fide responsible Bidder; provided the Bid is reasonable and it is in the interest of the Owner to accept the Bid. The method of determining the lowest bona fide Bid from Bidders shall be the Base Bid price plus or minus Alternate Prices listed on the Bid Proposal Form which are accepted by the Owner. Alternates will be considered for acceptance by the Owner as set forth in the Alternate section of the Specifications, Division One-General Requirements, Section 01030-Alternates. * * * BID PROTEST PROCEDURES: * * * 10.02 The Bid Documents/"Advertisement tol Bid" will be posted in the office of thel Department of Capital Projects at the time of the solicitation to Contractors. Any person who is affected adversely with respect to the Bid Documents shall file a notice of protest in writing within seventy-two (72) hours after the receipt of the Bid Documents, and SHALL FILE A FORMAL WRITTEN PROTEST WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER THE DATE HE FILED THE NOTICE OF PROTEST. Failure to file a notice of protest or failure to file a formal written protest shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120. It is important to the proper functioning of the public works bidding process that all bidders be treated alike. To this end, important information furnished to one potential bidder should be furnished to all other potential bidders.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a Final Order in this case dismissing the protest of the Petitioner and awarding a contract to the Intervenor for the base bid and Alternates 1 and 2. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of May 1994 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of May 1994. APPENDIX The following rulings are the specific rulings on all proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties: Findings submitted by Petitioner. Paragraphs 1 through 5: Accepted in whole or in substance. Paragraph 6: Rejected as not completely accurate. The practices described are common, but not universal. Drawings usually have a legend to explain the difference between existing elevations and elevations to be achieved. Paragraph 7: The first sentence of this paragraph is rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. The remainder is accepted in substance. Paragraph 8: The first sentence of this paragraph is rejected as constituting subordinate and unnecessary details. The last sentence of this paragraph is rejected as constituting inferences or arguments not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 9, 10, and 11: Accepted in substance, but with some modifications in the interest of clarity and accuracy. Paragraph 12: Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 13: Accepted in part. Accepted that if the Petitioner had used the boxed elevation numbers, it's proposal on Alternate 1 would probably have been substantially lower. The remainder of this paragraph is rejected as speculation Paragraph 14: Rejected as not fully supported by competent substantial evidence and as, in any event, subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 15: Rejected as constituting primarily argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. To the extent the material in this paragraph purports to be factual, it tends to be contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. The greater weight of the evidence is to the effect that there were no ambiguities in Addendum 2 that could not have been resolved by careful site inspection. Paragraph 16: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 17: Rejected as constituting subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 18: Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence; careful site inspection would have confirmed that the boxed numbers represented the existing elevations. Paragraph 19: Accepted. Paragraph 20: Rejected as speculative and as not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. Paragraph 21: Rejected as constituting a proposed ultimate conclusion of law, rather than a proposed finding of fact, and as, in any event, a conclusion that is not warranted by the evidence. Findings submitted by Respondent. Paragraphs 1 through 8: Accepted in whole or in substance. Paragraph 9: Rejected as constituting subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 10: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 11: Rejected as constituting subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 12: Rejected as constitution a proposed ultimate conclusion of law, rather than a proposed finding of fact. (The conclusion is warranted, but it is a conclusion nevertheless.) Findings submitted by Intervenor: (No separate proposals; the Intervenor adopted the proposed findings of the Respondent.) COPIES FURNISHED: Robert A. Rosillo, Esquire School Board of Palm Beach County 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 Alan C. Brandt, Jr., Esquire Leiby, Ferencik, Libanoff and Brandt Suite 400 150 South Pine Island Road Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33324 Richard B. Warren, Esquire Kelley, Aldrich & Warren, P.A. 801 Spencer Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Dr. C. Monica Uhlhorn, Superintendent Palm Beach County School Board 3340 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869

Florida Laws (2) 120.572.01
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002044BID Latest Update: Jul. 09, 1985

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations and admissions of the parties, on the exhibits received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at hearing, I make the following findings of fact. The South Florida Water Management District (hereinafter "District") advertised for bids on Contract No. M-0137, Bid No. B-85-91, for the construction of a structure maintenance facility. The Specifications and Contract Documents for the project required that bidders submit a "Base Bid," which related to the essential components of the project, and three "add alternates," which related to additional items that the District might contract for over and above the Base Bid. The Notice To Contractors regarding this project included the following language: The right is reserved, as the interest of the District may require, to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the proposal, or to readvertise for other or future proposals. Paragraph 2 of the Instructions To Bidders includes the following language: "The intent of the Proposal Form is to secure a price, based on unit prices, for the work described in the Contract. . . ." (emphasis added) Paragraph 4 of the Instructions To Bidders reads as follows: The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals (i) when such rejection is in the interest of the District; (ii) if such proposal is void per se; or (iii) if the proposal contains any irregularities, PROVIDED, however, that the District reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to accept the lowest responsible bidder's proposal determined by the Engineer on the basis of the gross sum for which the work will be performed, arrived at by a correct computation of the base bid plus the alternate bid item or items selected by the District. Bid items will be considered by the District on the has is of budgetary capability. (First emphasis in original; second emphasis added.) Paragraph 5 of the Instructions To Bidders reads as follows: Proposals will be considered irregular if they show omissions, unauthorized alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional or unauthorized alternate bids, or other irre- gularities of any kind; also if the unit prices are unbalanced either in excess of or below the reasonable cost analysis values, or incomplete in any manner, including failure to bid on all items on the bid form. Paragraph 8 of the Instructions To Bidders reads as follows: No proposal can be withdrawn after it is filed unless the Bidder makes his request in writing to the District prior to the time set for the opening of bids, or unless the District fails to accept it within sixty (60) days after the date fixed for opening bids. Paragraph 10 of the Instructions To Bidders reads as follows: No interpretation of the meaning of the Plans, Specifications or other Contract Documents will be made to any Bidder orally. Every request for such interpretation should be in writing addressed to the Engineering & Construction Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, Post Office Box V, West Palm Beach, Florida, zip code 33402, and to be given consideration must be received at least Ten (10) calendar days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written Addenda to the Specifications which, if issued, will be mailed by registered mail to all prospective bidders (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes) not later than Five (5) calendar days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Failure of any bidder to receive any such Addendum of interpretation shall not relieve any bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. The bid items are described in Section 01021 of the Specifications and Contract Documents. Subsection 1.01 of that Section describes what is included in the Base Bid as follows: The Base Bid includes all work shown on the plans and called for in the specifications for: Structure Maintenance Facility, complete. Building utilities including all rough-in required for alternate bid items whether or not alternate bids are accepted. Site work including utilities. All other costs of the project not attributable to Items 1 thru 3 above or Alternate Bid Nos. 1 thru 3 below. Subsection 1.02 of Section 01021 describes what is included in Alternate Bid No. 1 as follows: In the Base Bid all structural supports to receive the monorail trolley beams and hoists are included. Alternate No. 1 includes all work shown on the plans and called for in the specifications for two 15 ton capacity monorail hoists and trolley beams complete and operational. Work includes all final utility connections to points indicated on drawings, shipping, unloading at site, installation and final check-out and instruction to owner on operation of equipment as well as all other costs not attributable to items previously mentioned. Subsection 1.03 of Section 01021 describes what is included in Alternate Bid No. 2 as follows: In the Base Bid all mechanical and electrical rough-in is to be provided for the two offices and the toilet and locker rooms above. Alternate No. 2 includes all costs over the Base Bid for completing the offices, toilets and locker rooms including all plumbing and lighting fixtures, partitions, lockers finishes, structure and metal stair as indicated and specified in the applicable sections of these specifications. Subsection 1.04 of Section 01021 describes what is included in Alternate Bid No. 3 as follows: The Base Bid includes all site grading to finish elevations indicated. Alternate No. 3 includes all costs over the Base bid for providing subsurface preparation and asphaltic concrete paving to finish elevations indicated as described in Section 02513 for all areas where asphaltic concrete paving is shown. In September of 1984 the District had received bids for a similar project. Similar contract documents and bid forms were used for the project. Cox & Palmer Construction Company, Overland Construction Company, Inc., and Booth Construction, Inc., all submitted bids on the September 1984 project. All of the bids submitted on the September 1984 project, including the Booth bid, were submitted on an add alternates" basis. All of the September 1984 bids were rejected. A total of seven bidders submitted bids on the instant project. With the exception of Booth Construction, Inc., all of the bidders on the instant project calculated their bids on an "add alternates" basis. It was the clear intent of the architecture firm that prepared the Specifications and Contract Documents that the bids should be submitted on an add alternates" basis. There were no irregularities in the bidding process regarding the instant project prior to the opening of the first bid. At the duly appointed time a representative of the District began the process of opening and announcing the amounts of the bids. The first bid to be opened was the bid submitted by Overland Construction Company, Inc. The amounts bid by Overland were as follows: Base Bid $ 378,800 Alternate No. 1 64,000 Alternate No. 2 18,000 Alternate No. 3 11,200 Immediately after the announcement of the amounts bid by Overland, Mr. York, the Director of the District's Engineering and Construction Division, asked, "Is that an add-on or deduct?" Someone in the audience answered that it was an "add-on" bid. Mr. Gerachi, on behalf of Booth, promptly stated that the alternates should have been bid as "deducts". A general discussion ensued among members of the audience regarding whether the alternates should have been bid as "add-on" or "deducts." In order to continue with the bid opening process and to restore order in the room, a representative of the District announced that the matter would be resolved when the bids were tabulated and another representative of the District began the process of opening the rest of the bids. The bid submitted by Booth Construction, Inc., was the fourth bid to be opened. The amounts written on the Booth bid were as follows: Base Bid $ 396,586 Alternate No. 1 54,072 Alternate No. 2 14,597 Alternate No. 3 9,185 Immediately after the amounts of the Booth bid were announced, Mr. Alvin Booth, president of Booth Construction, Inc. stood up and stated that the Booth bid had been calculated on the basis of "deduct" alternates. The essence of his statement was that in calculating the amount of his company's Base Bid he had added to the base bid the sum of the three alternate bids with the understanding that the amounts shown for any of the three alternates would be deducted from his Base Bid if the District decided not to award a contract for one or more of the alternates. This statement following the opening of the Booth bid was the first time that anyone on behalf of Booth had made a specific unambiguous statement to representatives of the District responsible for this bidding process regarding the manner in which the Booth bid was calculated. 1/ The bid submitted by Cox & Palmer Construction Company was opened after the Booth bid. The amounts bid by Cox & Palmer were as follows: Base Bid $ 392,225 Alternate No. 1 38,770 Alternate No. 2 19,200 Alternate No. 3 11,456 The bid submitted by Booth Construction, Inc., was prepared by both Vincent Gerachi, an estimator and project manager employed by Booth Construction, Inc., and by Alvin Booth, president of Booth Construction, Inc. Mr. Gerachi has been an estimator on construction projects for approximately 12 years. Mr. Booth has been in the construction business for approximately 30 years and has had his own construction company for about 18 years. Both Mr. Gerachi and Mr. Booth were uncertain whether the alternate bids were supposed to be bid as "add-ons" or as "deducts." Neither of them attempted to do anything to resolve their uncertainty until the morning of the very day on which bids were to be submitted. On that morning Mr. Gerachi called a representative of the District to ask whether the bid should be prepared with the alternate bids calculated as "add-ons" or as "deducts." Mr. Gerachi spoke to Mr. Brown at the District, who suggested that Mr. Gerachi call the architecture firm that had prepared the Specifications and Contract Documents. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 10 of the Instructions To Bidders (see paragraph 6 of these findings of fact, above), it is a customary practice of the trade for bidders to communicate directly with project architects to resolve any uncertainties in the Specifications and Contract Documents. Indeed, it is generally understood in the trade that it is the duty of the bidder to communicate with the project architect to seek resolution of any ambiguities. Mr. Gerachi tried to reach the project architect by telephone, but was unable to reach him because the architect had already left his office to drive to the bid opening. Mr. Gerachi did not have an opportunity to talk to the architect prior to filing the Booth Construction bid because the architect did not come into the bid opening room until about one minute after 2:00 p.m. Mr. Gerachi talked to Mr. and Mrs. Booth before turning in the Booth bid. Mr. Gerachi prepared the Booth bid with the alternate bids calculated as "deducts" from the Base Bid. In other words, the amount of the Base Bid on the Booth bid included the sum of the three alternate bids, which alternate bids were also separately stated on the Booth bid. Alvin Booth participated in the preparation of the bid and was aware of the manner in which the Booth bid was calculated before the bid was submitted to the District. Even though the Base Bid on the Booth bid is in the amount of $396,586, it was the intention of Booth Construction, Inc., to bid $318,732 for the work described as being within the scope of the Base Bid. The reason for the higher amount being entered for the booth Base Bid is that Vincent Gerachi and Alvin Booth misinterpreted the Specifications and Contract Documents and added to the Booth Base Bid the sum of the Booth bids on each of the three Alternate Bids. 2/ This misinterpretation of the Specifications and Contract Documents was caused by the culpable negligence or willful inattention of Vincent Gerachi and Alvin Booth. After all of the bids were opened a representative of the District announced that the District would consider the matter and notify all bidders of its decision at a later date. Thereafter the District, having concluded that Booth Construction, Inc., had acted in good faith and that the irregularities in the form of its bid were "minor irregularities," decided to treat the oral statements by Mr. Gerachi and Mr. Booth as amendments to the Booth bid, to treat the Booth Base Bid as being $318,732, and to award a contract to Booth Construction, Inc., for the Base Bid and Alternate No. 1 in the amount of $372,804, calculated as follows: $318,732 (Amended Booth Base Bid) 54,072 (Booth Alternate No. 1 Bid) $372,804 (Total Contract) Booth Construction, Inc., has the ability to perform the contract and can perform the contract for the proposed contract amount of $372,804. Booth Construction, Inc., is a responsible bidder. The District estimate of the cost of the work covered by the Base Bid and Alternate No. 1 was $329,000. There are no irregularities in the bid submitted by Cox & Palmer Construction Company. Cox and Palmer Construction Company is a responsible and responsive bidder. The bid submitted by Cox & Palmer is the lowest responsive bid for the combination of the Base Bid and Alternate No. 1. 3/ The foregoing findings of fact include the substance of the majority of the findings proposed by the parties, although I have rejected a number of unnecessary details and editorial comments in the parties' proposals. Any proposed findings which are not incorporated in the foregoing findings are rejected on the grounds of not being supported by competent substantial evidence or as being contrary to the weight of the persuasive evidence.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing, I recommend that the South Florida Water Management District enter a Final Order to the following effect: Concluding that the irregularities in the Booth Construction, Inc., bid may not be waived and that the bid will be considered, as submitted, to be a Base Bid in the amount of $396,586; Concluding that in view of the foregoing treatment of the Booth bid, the bid of Palmer & Cox Construction Company is found to be the lowest responsive bid for the Base Bid plus Alternate No. 1; Concluding that the District will accept the bid of Palmer & Cox Construction Company and enter into a contract with Palmer & Cox Construction Company consistent with the amounts bid by Palmer & Cox Construction Com- pany for the Base Bid and Alternate No. 1; and Concluding that the petition of Overland Construction Company, Inc., is dismissed for lack of standing. DONE AND ORDERED this 9th day of July, 1985, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of July, 1985.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 19, 1989 Number: 89-006940BID Latest Update: Mar. 02, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Department of General Services, (hereinafter "DGS") is a state agency, the responsibilities of which include the management of state construction project. It accomplishes such management through its Division of Building Construction. The Divisions responsibilities include, negotiation of architect/engineer contracts, review of plans and specifications, contract administration, and contract management. One such project is Project No. MA-87080010, the subject matter of which involves repairs and alterations to the National Guard Armory in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Armory Project. Certain portions of the bid specification for the Armory Project were prepared by the project architect, Mr. William D. Tschumy, Jr. Other portions, specifically the portions dealing with bidding conditions and contractual conditions, were provisions provided by DGS for inclusion in the specifications. The project architect was not familiar with all of the bid specification provisions provided by DGS. Prior to submitting its bid on the Armory Project, James P. Moran, Inc., had been prequalified for bidding on the project. Such prequalification did not obviate the need for James P. Moran, Inc., to meet the experience requirements in the bid specifications and in Rule 13D-11.904(2)(a)(8), Florida Administrative Code. The bid specifications for the Armory Project include the following provisions: 1/ Section B-2, page 9: 8. Firm experience - must have successfully completed no less than two project of similar size and complexity within the last three years. and; Section B-22, page 16: The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids when such rejection is in the best interest of the State of Florida and to reject the proposal of a bidder who the owner determines is not in a position to perform the contract and to negotiate the contract in accordance with its Rule 13- D11.08 if the low qualified bid exceeds the project construction budget. James P. Moran, Inc., timely submitted its bid on the Armory Project and was subsequently notified that it had been recommended for contract award by the Director of the Division of Building Construction. This recommendation was made on the basis of a recommendation by the project architect that the bid be awarded to James P. Moran, Inc. At the time of making his recommendation, the project architect was not aware of the firm experience provision in either the bid specifications or the applicable rules. A timely protest was filed by another bidder on the Armory Project, in which the protesting bidder raised the issue of the firm experience of James P. Moran Inc. DGS concluded that the protest was valid and after further deliberation made the determination to reject all bids. All the bids other than the bid submitted by James P. Moran, Inc., exceeded the funds available for construction of the Armory Project. Because the other bids all exceeded the available funds, DGS decided that the best course of action would be to modify the scope and nature of the work involved in the project and then re-bid the project. It is reasonable to expect that the proposed modifications to the project will result in lower bids, because the modifications would permit the work to be done quicker and at less cost to the contractor. James P. Moran, Inc., was incorporated in 1981. However, prior to the summer of 1988, it had submitted no bids acquired no permits, and had neither started nor completed any jobs. The qualifying contractor for James P. Moran, Inc., is Mr. James P. Moran who, for many years prior to the summer of 1988, was an employee, officer, and shareholder of Frank J. Moran, Inc. Mr. James P. Moran holds a State of Florida building contractors license, a State of Florida electrical contractors license, a Dade County electrical masters license, a Broward County electrical masters license, and a State of Maine electrical contractors license. While employed by Frank J. Moran, Inc., Mr. James P. Moran was also the qualifying contractor for that corporation. While so employed, Mr. James P. Moran's primary duties were those of project director and estimator. He was also a corporate officer of Frank J. Moran, Inc. During his employment with Frank J. Moran, Inc., Mr. James P. Moran was the project manager on projects of similar size and complexity to the Armory Project. The construction budget for the Armory Project is approximately 250,000. The dollar values of construction jobs are valid indicators of the comparative sizes of construction jobs. The dollar values of the two largest construction jobs completed by James P. Moran, Inc., are approximately $161,000 and $112,000, respectively. The two largest construction jobs completed by James P. Moran, Inc., are not of similar size to the Armory Project. While DGS is concerned about the qualifications of the personnel employed by a contracting firm, DGS is also concerned about the track record of the firm itself, and, therefore, requires that a firm have completed projects in its own name in order to qualify for a bid award. In other words, a new firm cannot "take credit" for work performed by one of its employees at a time when the employee was working for another firm. Also, DGS does not allow "stacking" of the dollar value of several small jobs in order to demonstrate completion of a job of similar size to the job that is the subject of a bid. The purpose of the experience rule is to require a contracting firm to have completed at least two jobs of similar dollar size to the dollar size of the job being contracted. Among, the reasons stacking is not allowed is that completion of a job of any given size is a more complicated and complex undertaking than completion of a series of smaller jobs that total up to the same dollar value as the job of given size. DGS has now modified the scope of the project and has amended the plans and specifications in such a fashion that it will take less time to complete the modified Armory project and may reasonably be expected to result in lower bids closer to or below the construction budget. The modified Armory project may reasonably be expected to result in a savings of both time and money.

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of General Services issue a final order in this case rejecting the bid of James P. Moran, Inc., as being non-responsive, and rejecting all other bids, in order to modify the scope of the project and rebid it. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 2nd day of March 1990. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of March, 1990.

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