Whether Respondent's license as a real estate broker should be suspended or revoked, or the licensee otherwise disciplined, for alleged violation of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, as set forth in Administrative Complaint, dated December 4, 1981. This proceeding involves allegations by the Florida Board of Real Estate (now Florida Real Estate Commission) that Respondent, James R. Siebert, violated Subsection 475.25(1)(h) Florida Statutes, by sharing a commission with a person not properly...
Petitioner can't use administrative discipline to compel payment of civil obligations. Recommend suspension for moral turpitude only.
: 475.25
Respondent was bona fide resident of Florida when applied for license despite subsequent filing of domicile in Illinois to keep family home from creditors.
The issues in this proceeding are whether the Respondent has committed violations of statutes pertaining to the practice of nursing as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what disciplinary action is appropriate.Recommend three-year probation with counseling and supervision for nurse who let mental illness affect work and failed to keep minimum standards.
Whether or not the Petitioner is entitled to be issued a Certificate of Need to establish a home health agency to serve Putnam County, Florida.Deny Certificate of Need (CON) for failure to demonstrate the combined census of home health agencies reached the 300 average daily census maximum.
: 120.57
Complaint against Real Estate salesman dismissed where he was guilty of misrepresentation in a business transaction but did not intend to injure as complaint alleges.
: 475.25
Error in charging excess duplication fees and failing to send medical records to another dentist until bill paid. Corrected. Written reprimand only.
Respondent should be reprimanded for failing to get informed consent of patient for medical procedure.
Deny petition for retirement as co-ordinator when the school board had abolished that position prior to Petitioner's retirement. Dismiss.
The issues presented by this case concern the question of whether the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, has exhausted all treatment for the Petitioner, Gerald R. Straw, through sex offender programs administered by the Respondent. See Section 917.20, Florida Statutes.Respondent has exhausted all appropriate treatment for Petitioner sex offender.
: 120.57
A formal administrative hearing was conducted in this matter on May 6, 1982, in Fort Myers, Florida. The following appearances were entered: Robert J. Willis and Gregory S. Schell, Bartow, Florida, appeared on behalf of the Petitioners; and James M. Barclay, Tallahassee, Florida, appeared on behalf of the Respondent.Petitioner didn't carry burden of proof to show respondent's rule on issuing CONs failed to consider federally mandated social criteria.
Petitioners should not get permit, because they did not affirmatively prove their project would not harm the waters of the state.
: 403.087
Whether respondent's special restaurant alcoholic beverage license should be disciplined or a civil penalty imposed, for failure to comply with special restaurant operation requirements contained in Section 561.20, Florida Statutes (1981) and Rule 7A-3.15, Florida Administrative Code.Petitioner failed to establish Respondent didn't abide by the special rules of restaurant licensure. Dismiss complaint.
Whether respondent's alcoholic beverage license should be disciplined on the charge that it violated Sections 212.15(2)(b) and 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes (1981), by failing to remit taxes collected pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes (1981).Respondent didn't remit sales tax due to Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (DABT). The license has expired and is a nullity which cannot be acted against.
Respondent convicted of possession of stolen car bought it thinking that it was legitimate. Because it is not a crime of moral turpitude related to brokering, dismiss.
: 475.25
Revocation of broker license for failing to provide rental information, failing to refund fee charged, closing office, and then disappearing.
The issue here presented concerns an alleged violation of Rule Subsection 5F-2.01(1)(c)1, Florida Administrative Code, related to the permissible ten percent (10 percent) evaporated temperature for which gasoline shall not exceed 140F, and penalties to be imposed for such violations, in keeping with Section 525.06, Florida Statutes (1980), and Rule Subsection 5F-2.01(1)(c)1, Florida Administrative Code.Respondent fined $500 for offering to sell gas stored at temperature higher than 140...
Charge that dealer sold contaminated gas sustained.
: 120.57
University doctor precluded from a Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, proceeding and complaint dismissed where Doctor had previously pursued his complaint through University grievance procedure.
: 120.57
Petitioner from People's Rebublic of China cannot establish statutory acupuncture credentials and cannot be licensed.