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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 17, 1999 Number: 99-000740BID Latest Update: Oct. 19, 1999

The Issue The issue in this case concerns whether the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT's or Department's) proposed action to award a contract to Couch Construction, L.P., is contrary to the agency's governing statutes, the agency's rules or policies, or the bid or proposal specifications.

Findings Of Fact The Florida Department of Transportation (Department) issued an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for road resurfacing on State Road 10/US 90 in Columbia County, Florida; Financial Project No. 208406-1-52-01 (The Project). Four companies submitted responses to the ITB. Couch was low bidder at $2,271,354.81, and Petitioner was second low at $2,278,263.07. The ITB incorporated the plans and specifications for the proposed highway resurfacing. The price proposal specifications stated in pertinent part: Item Number 2102-10. . .Approximate Quantity. . . 4,320.00 hours Item Number 2102-74-1 . Approximate Quantity . . .75,780.00 each day Item Number 2102-99 . . Approximate Quantity . . . 720.00 each day None of the bidders filed a timely objection to the price proposal specifications. Article 2-6, of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction states: A proposal will be subject to being considered irregular and may be rejected if it shows omissions, alternations of form, additions not called for, conditional or unauthorized alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind; also if the unit prices are obviously unbalanced, either in excess of or below the reasonable cost analysis values. After the bids were opened, each bid was reviewed by the Department to determine whether the bid was mathematically and/or materially unbalanced. The Department's Preliminary Estimates Engineer conducts an unbalanced review of the bids to determine if the bids are mathematically unbalanced. A bid is considered to be mathematically unbalanced if the prices quoted are significantly different from the approximate cost of the item to the contractor. It is very common for bids on construction projects to contain some item prices that are mathematically unbalanced. Bid prices that are mathematically unbalanced are considered by the Department to be non-material irregularities if they do not affect the order of the bidders. In determining whether a mathematically unbalanced price is material, the Department follows a policy set out by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Department has been following the same policy since at least 1992. The FHWA does not allow for materially unbalanced bids to be accepted by the Department on projects that are federally funded. A materially unbalanced bid is one in which there is a reasonable doubt as to whether award to the bidder submitting the mathematically unbalanced bid will result in the ultimately lowest cost to the Department. The Department has developed an Unbalanced Program Logic for its computer analysis of the bids. The program flags the items that are mathematically unbalanced. It flags the item with an "A" for those items that are above the tolerance window, "U" for under the tolerance window, and "F" as front-loaded items. The flagged items which are short-listed by the computer program are sent to the designer of record to verify the quantities and to verify whether the correct pay item was used. The designer of record verified that the quantities were correct for this Project. As part of the bid review, the Department does a statistical average or mean average for each of the bid items. A standard and a-half deviation either side of the mean is established. The bid items outside that standard and a-half deviation, positive or minus, are discarded. The remaining bid items are re-averaged and this second average is referred to as the "serious average." A front-end loaded item is an item for which work is performed early in the contract. Mobilization is considered a front-end loaded item. Couch's Mobilization item 2101-1B was flagged by the computer analysis. The Department did an analysis of the Mobilization item. The Department started with the difference between Couch's bid and the Petitioner's bid on this item, $18,0000.00. That amount was multiplied by the current interest rate, 10 per cent, and then multiplied by a factor of .5, which spread it over half the contract, times 180-day contract period divided by 365, one calendar year. The result was $434.84, which represents the potential advantage that could result from paying the $18,000.00 amount early in the contract. That amount, $434.84, did not materially unbalance Couch's bid. The three items identified by Petitioner as unbalanced (paragraph 3, above) were low and did not present any detriment to the Department. If those three items overran at the rate established, it would be an advantage to the Department. In evaluating unbalanced bids, the Department follows the guidance in a May 1988 memorandum from the FHWA, which addresses bid analysis and unbalanced bids. The memorandum provides that where unit prices for items bid are either unusually high or low in relation to the engineer's estimate of the price, the accuracy of the estimated quantities of the items are to be checked. If the quantities are reasonably accurate, the bid is to be further evaluated to determine whether the mathematical imbalance is materially unbalanced such that there is "reasonable doubt that award to the bidder submitting the mathematically unbalanced bid will result in the lowest ultimate cost to the Government." The analysis of a mathematically unbalanced bid to determine if it is materially unbalanced considers the effect of the unbalanced bid on the total contract amount; the increase, if any, in the contract cost when quantities are corrected; whether the low bidder will remain as the low bidder; and whether the unbalanced bid would have a potential detrimental effect upon the competitive process or cause contract administration problems later. In this case, the Department compared the unit prices (line item prices) by each bidder on the bid proposal sheet to the average unit price for that item. The average unit price is based upon an average of the bidders' unit prices bid for a given pay item and the Department's estimated unit price for that item. If an individual bidder's unit price is significantly greater or less than the average price, the Department's computer flags the item as mathematically unbalanced. Such a bid then receives further evaluation by the Department to ensure the accuracy of the original estimates of the quantities of those items for which an unbalanced unit price has been submitted. The Department also reviews the project plans for accuracy. The more in-depth review is performed to determine if there is a potential for a cost overrun or if there is an error in the Department's estimated quantities which would result in an increased cost to the Department for the project. In this case, Couch and Anderson submitted bid proposals for each of the individual line item prices contained on FDOT's form. Couch's unit price for the off-duty law enforcement item was $0.25/hour. The Department's average price for the off-duty law enforcement item was $25.22/hour. The Petitioner's quotation for off-duty law enforcement was $26.00/hour. The Department's computer analysis of Couch's bid flagged the off-duty law enforcement item as mathematically unbalanced. The quote by Petitioner for the off-duty law enforcement item was not unbalanced, and therefore was not flagged for further review by the Department. The same analysis was applied to the barricades and variable message sign items, with similar results. The Department also did an in-depth review of item 2101-B, Mobilization, for front-end loading. The result of that analysis was that, as a result of front-end loading, there was the probability of increased cost to the Department of $443.84. This small increase in the cost to the Department was not large enough to change the order of the bidders. Therefore, it was not a materially unbalanced item. The Department then made a more in-depth review of the three mathematically unbalanced items in Couch's bid and determined that none of those items were materially unbalanced, because none of them had the potential to increase the cost to the Department and none of them had the potential to change the order of the bids. In sum, the Couch bid was not materially unbalanced. The evidence in this case is insufficient to support a basis for rejecting the Couch bid.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Department of Transportation issue a final order in this case dismissing the Petitioner's Formal Protest and Request for Hearing; denying all relief requested by the Petitioner; and awarding the subject contract to the Intervenor, Couch Construction, L.P. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of May, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of May, 1999.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57337.11
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003868BID Latest Update: Sep. 28, 1988

Findings Of Fact The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services currently leases approximately 22,000 square feet of space from Nelson P. Davis. The space is contained in two separate buildings, both located at 417 Racetrack Road, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. The Department and Davis were involved in a legal dispute involving the currently leased premises, which concluded in 1986 with the entry of judgment in Davis' favor. While some antagonism remains between the parties related to the legal action instituted by Davis, Davis has been an acceptable landlord in all other respects. The current lease expires February 1, 1989. Davis has been aware, since late February or early March of 1988, that the Department would need space in excess of the currently occupied 22,000 square feet, but was not aware of the actual additional space requirements until the issuance of the invitation to bid. In general, the Department's space requirements have increased annually. In response to the anticipated need for additional space, Davis initiated plans for design of a third Racetrack Road building that could meet the additional need, but did not construct the facility. In response to the space requirements of previous years, Davis has constructed additional space. The Department has occupied the additional space in such proportions as to avoid the competitive bidding process, however, the current need for additional space exceeds the maximum which can be leased without competitive bidding. The Department on May 11, 1988, issued an invitation to Bid for approximately 26,165 square feet of space in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. (HO #1) In response to the invitation, Davis submitted a bid proposal. The Davis proposal, the sole proposal received by the Department, was disqualified by the Department as non-responsive. On June 23, 1988, the sole bid was opened by Joseph Pastucha, HRS District One Facilities Manager, who initially reviewed the Davis bid. Mr. Pastucha identified items of concern related to the responsiveness of the bid and then provided the information to his supervisor, who in turn provided the information to Mr. James Peters. The Department did not contact Davis for further information or to provide the opportunity to correct any defects. James Peters, HRS's District One Manager for Administrative Services has expressed on at least one occasion a desire to avoid entering into business arrangements with Nelson P. Davis. The bases for Peters' opinion is the earlier litigation between the parties. Peters was on the committee which was to have evaluated bids submitted in response to the invitation. However, Peters has stated that his personal opinion would not influence his participation in the bid solicitation process. The evidence did not indicate that Peters based his opinion regarding the Davis bid submission solely on the earlier litigation or that any other person involved in the agency's action permitted personal opinions to affect the decisional process. Davis' bid proposal included the two buildings constituting approximately 22,000 square feet located at 417 Racetrack Road which the Department currently occupies, plus a third building of approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed square footage and lease cost were acceptable. The third building was to be either a planned, unconstructed building located at the 417 Racetrack Road location or an existing building located "7/l0ths of a mile southeast of the present HRS offices," (the off-site building). However, a memorandum attached to Davis' submission stated that he did not intend to use the off-site building for HRS purposes, (HO #2). Further, Davis had previously indicated in conversation with the HRS manager of the 417 Racetrack Road offices that he planned to utilize the off-site space otherwise. On page one of the bid submittal form Davis indicated the address of the proposed location as 417 Racetrack Road. By letter dated July 5, 1988, the Department notified Davis that his bid offering was deemed non-responsive and that the Department expected to readvertise for space in Ft. Walton Beach. The letter made no mention of any opportunity to protest the determination. The statement, "[f]ailure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.53(5), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes," which is required to be included in the notice of agency decision by Section 120.53(5)(a), Florida Statutes, was omitted by the Department. (HO #3) On or about July 7, 1988, Davis contacted the Department of General Services to express his dismay regarding the disqualification of his submittal. A meeting, held on or about July 19, 1988, between Davis and Department representatives, did not alter the Department's position. On or about July 25, 1988, the written notice of protest and request for hearing was filed. The Department forwarded the request to the Division of Administrative Hearings. The letter dated July 5, 1988, advising Davis that his bid was deemed non-responsive enumerated five reasons for the Department's decision. The reasons stated were: No photograph of the proposed facility was submitted as requested; No floor plan of the facility was submitted as requested; A substituted site was submitted Proposed space was not an existing building and was not measurable; Three buildings in bid proposal constitute three locations and are unacceptable. The letter was signed by Chuck Bates, DHRS Deputy District Administrator, District One. The letter was drafted by James Peters. (HO #3) Mr. Bates relied upon Peters and Pastucha to provide information sufficient to justify the disqualification of the bid, and was satisfied that the action was justified prior to signing the letter. Examination of the bid submittal package reveals that Davis failed to acknowledge by initial the requirements of page seven, but that he did, on that page, appropriately respond to questions related to proposed parking spaces being bid. The Department did not base the disqualification of the bid on the failure to acknowledge the page and did not include the failure to initial the page in the stated reasons for deeming the bid non-responsive. Paragraph 9(a) of the bid submittal form requires the submission of a clear photograph of the exterior front of the building. (HO #2) Davis submitted no photographs. Paragraph 9(b) of the bid submittal form requires the submission of a scaled floor plan showing present configurations with measurements. (HO #2) Davis submitted floor plans for the proposed-to-be-constructed building and for the off-site building, but failed to submit floor plans for the two buildings which the Department currently occupies. The bid also failed to include calculations of net rentable square footage related to the omitted floor plans. The letter to Davis stated that an additional reason for disqualification of his bid from further consideration was the submission of a substituted site, (HO #3). The "substituted site" refers to Davis' inclusion of the off-site building not identified in the bid submission other than by the statement that the building was located seven-tenths of a mile southeast of the present HRS office location. No map, street address, legal description, or other identifying information was submitted. The proposal submitted by Davis included plans to construct a third building at 417 Racetrack Road, which was rejected as not measurable. The invitation to bid states that to be considered, the space must be existing, dry and physically measurable, at the time of bid submitted. (HO #1) The proposed third building clearly fails to meet this requirement. While the Department may permit the correction of minor deficiencies, the deficiencies were adjudged by the Department to be more than minor. The proposal's inclusion of nonexisting space (Racetrack Road building #3) or in the alternative a building, the location of which can not be determined from the bid information and which the bidder apparently intends not to provide, is non- responsive to the specifications of the invitation. As to the fifth enumerated reason for disqualification of the bid (three buildings/three locations) the Department and Petitioner presented extensive testimony related to paragraph 3(b) of page 15 of the bid submittal form. Page 15 of the bid submittal form is titled "Evaluation Criteria" and contains a list of weighted factors which were to be used in the evaluation of bids. (HO #2) Paragraph 3(b) states, as one factor for consideration in evaluation, whether the bid provides for the required aggregate square footage in a single building, and continues, "[p]roposals will be considered, but fewer points given, which offer the aggregate square footage in not more than two locations provided the facilities are immediately adjacent to or within yards of each other." (HO #2) The space left for the specification of maximum yardage was erroneously left uncompleted by the Department and the Department did not learn of the error until the bid was submitted. The Department's disqualification of the bid on this basis relies on the Department's assertion that the three buildings included in the Davis proposal constitute three locations and that a responsive bid may contain not more than two locations. The Department's position is that "location" and "building" are synonymous and that paragraph 3(b) of the evaluation criteria prohibits consideration of a bid submission including more than two buildings. The Department's position is rejected as arbitrary. The bid package does not state that proposals including more than two buildings will be disqualified. The sole reference to the number of buildings in a responsive bid submission is as stated and contained on the page of "Evaluation Criteria", wherein it is identified with a weighting factor of five percent of total possible points.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order dismissing Case No. 88-3868BID. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of September, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of September, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-3868BID The following constitute rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner: Accepted in part. The use of the word "required in the fourth sentence is rejected. The referenced section relates to evaluation factors, not specific requirements. Accepted. Accepted in part. The third building was proposed as either the off-site building or the planned, non-existent space. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as restatement of testimony. Other testimony indicated that Petitioner planned to use the off-site location for non-HRS purposes. Rejected, immaterial. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted as modified. Accepted in part. The use of the word "technical" is rejected. Accepted. Accepted as modified. Accepted as modified. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted as modified. Accepted as modified. Accepted as modified. The change between the two invitations to bid was to clarify the obvious confusion related to the use of terms "location" and "building" and was made not to the bid specifications but to evaluation criteria. Rejected as restatement of testimony. Rejected, conclusion of law. Accepted so far as relevant. While the Davis bid was disqualified as non-responsive, the right to reject any and all bids encompasses the disqualification of a bid as non-responsive to the specific requirements of an invitation to bid. Respondent: Rejected, conclusion of law. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Floor plan of the off-site building was submitted showing that the building is essentially a hollow, box-like structure. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected, irrelevant. While the usual distance may be 100 yards, the actual bid specifications do not state such. Further the sole reference to the distance between "locations" was contained in evaluation criteria. At no time prior to the June 23, 1988 bid opening did the Department attempt to identify the preferred distance between locations. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce A. McDonald, Esquire Post Office Box 887, Suite 105 151 Mary Esther Cutoff Mary Esther, Florida 32569 Rodney M. Johnson, Esquire Acting District One Legal Counsel Post Office Box 8420 Pensacola, Florida 32505-8420 Joseph J. Pastucha 3300 North Pace Boulevard Room 109 Town & Country Plaza Pensacola, Florida 32505 Jan Kline 417 Racetrack Road Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548 James V. Peters Department of General Services 160 Governmental Center Fourth Floor, Room 412 Pensacola, Florida 32501 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Tom Batchelor Staff Director House HRS Committee The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 26, 1991 Number: 91-007597BID Latest Update: Mar. 02, 1992

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence addressed at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The request for sealed bids for the construction of the Project was advertised on October 9, 16 and 23, 1991. There were six addenda to the original bid documents which added, deleted or modified provisions of the original bidding requirements, contract requirements, administrative requirements and technical specifications. The original bid documents plus the six addenda will be referred to herein as the "bid documents". The bid documents required that all bids be in full accord with the contract documents. Sealed bids for the Project were opened on October 30, 1991. Wright submitted the lowest lump sum bid for the Project, with Sovran submitting the second lowest lump sum bid and Kellogg submitting the third lowest lump sum bid. At the time of the bid opening, the bid documents listed only four casework manufacturers that were approved to furnish casework for the Project. Empire Custom Cabinets, Inc. (Empire) was not listed as one of the four approved casework manufacturers in the bid documents. The bid documents did not require the bidder to list the casework manufacturer it intended to obtain the casework from, but only that the bidder name the casework subcontractor. The only work item in the bid documents which requires identifying the name of the manufacturer on the subcontractor's list is the metal roof system. Because Empire's bid on the casework was extremely low compared to other bids received by Wright on the casework, Wright called Empire prior to submitting its bid to confirm that Empire's bid was submitted per plans and specifications. Although Wright did not specifically inquire of Empire at this time as to which manufacturer Empire was obtaining the casework from for the Project, Empire did advise Wright that Empire's bid on the casework was according to plans and specifications. Additionally, Empire did not divulge or advise Wright at this time that the bid was based on Empire manufacturing the casework for the Project. Based on this representation from Empire, Wright listed Empire as its casework subcontractor, and calculated its lump sum bid for the Project using Empire's bid. Although Wright listed Empire as its casework subcontractor in its bid, this did not create an irregularity in Wright's bid since Wright's bid was per plans and specification without exception or exclusion. This would require Wright to furnish casework for the Project manufactured by one of the four approved casework manufacturers listed in the bid documents regardless of which subcontractor Wright listed as the subcontractor for casework. By letter dated November 1, 1991, the Board's architect for the Project requested Wright to have Empire submit written certification by one of the four approved casework manufacturers that its casework was being furnished to Empire for the project. By letter dated November 4, 1991, Empire advised Wright that Empire's bid on the casework for the Project was based on casework to be manufactured by Empire. On the same day, Wright furnished the architect for the Project a copy of Empire's letter of November 4, 1991. In response to a request by the Board, Wright, by letter dated November 7, 1991, advised the Board that Wright would furnish casework manufactured by one of the four approved manufacturers listed in the bid documents for the Project. By letter dated December 3, 1991, Empire advised Wright that Empire would need to withdraw its bid if Empire was required to use casework manufactured by one of the four approved casework manufacturers listed in the bid documents. On that same day, Wright furnished the Board a copy of Empire's letter and requested that the Board allow Wright to remove and replace Empire with Steven Ward and Associates, Inc. (Ward), as the casework subcontractor since Ward would be able to furnish and install casework manufactured by LSI Corporation of America, Inc., one of the four approved casework manufacturers. No Action has been taken on that request. The bid documents provide for a subcontractor to be removed and replaced from the list of subcontractors after the bid is opened if there is a showing of good cause and written approval by the Board and the Project architect is obtained. Although Empire's bid on the casework for the Project submitted to Wright was based on Empire manufacturing the casework, there is competent substantial evidence in the record to establish facts to show that at the time Wright submitted its bid on the Project it had reasonable grounds to believe that Empire's bid on the casework was based on Empire furnishing and installing casework manufactured by one of the four approved casework manufacturers. After determining that Empire could not perform under its bid, Wright obtained a bid from Ward for furnishing and installing the casework for the Project which was less than Ward's original bid submitted to Wright before the bid opening. However, this bid was substantially more than Empire's bid, and if Wright is allowed to substitute Ward for Empire, Wright will have to absorb the additional costs since the bids were lump sum bids. Wright is neither attempting to furnish casework from a manufacturer that is not approved, nor is Wright requesting an increase in the lump sum bid price. The advertisement for Sealed Bids for the Project required that all bidders be prequalified by the Board prior to the bid date. Sovran and one other bidder were not prequalified by the Board prior to the bid date in accordance with Advertisement for Sealed Bids for the Project. Sovran received the bid documents for the Project approximately one month before the bid date but did not file a Notice of Protest of the prequalification requirement contained in the Advertisement for Sealed Bids for the Project. Sovran holds a certificate as a general contractor licensed in the State of Florida in accordance with Chapter 489, Florida Statutes. As a certified general contractor Sovran, pursuant to Section 489.125, Florida Statutes, was authorized to bid on the Project notwithstanding the Board's prequalification requirement. This was explained by the Board's representative at the bid opening. The bid documents required that a subcontractor list be submitted by all bidders, and when submitted with the bid becomes an integral part of the bid. The purpose of the subcontractor list was to prevent bid shopping, and to allow the Board an opportunity to review the subcontractors to determine if any subcontractor on the list had performed unsatisfactorily on previous Board projects. Neither the statutes relating to competitive bidding nor the bid documents prohibit the listing of the general contractor together with a subcontractor on a subcontractor list. The subcontractor list submitted by Sovran indicated "Sovran Constr/Naples" as the name of the subcontractor for the masonry work and "Sovran/Naples" as the name of the subcontractor for the poured-in-place concrete work. "Naples" is Naples Concrete and Masonry Work, Inc. The bid received by Sovran from Naples was for both labor and materials for the poured-in-place concrete and masonry work. Sovran neither requested nor did Naples furnish Sovran a bid to provide labor only for the poured-in-place concrete and masonry work. There was no agreement between Sovran and Naples whereby Sovran would supply the materials and Naples would furnish the labor for the poured-in-place concrete and masonry work. Sovran did request and receive bids from other companies for furnishing materials only for the poured-in-place concrete and masonry work. Sovran listed itself, the general contractor, along with Naples on the subcontractor list for the purpose of supplying the materials for the poured-in- place concrete and masonry work. Sovran's main reason for supplying the materials was that Naples was not bondable. Without a payment bond from Naples, Sovran would be without protection and could be forced into paying double for the materials in the event Naples failed to pay the material suppliers. Although the Superintendent of the Lee County Schools has recommended to the Board that the Board accept Wright's bid for the Project, the Board has not voted on that recommendation. The fact that Wright used Empire's bid to calculate its lump sum bid in no way excuses Wright for the requirement set out in the bid documents that casework used for the Project (when the time comes) be manufactured by one of the four approved casework manufacturers. Wright gains no economic advantage in this regard since the lump sum bid price remains the same. The advertisement for Sealed Bids on the Project provides that the Board reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities of any bid received.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, accordingly RECOMMENDED: That the Board enter a Final Order dismissing the instant bid protest and awarding to Wright the contract for the construction of Elementary School "C", Job No. 91063. DONE and ORDERED this 13th day of February, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13 day of February, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NUMBER 91-7597B1D The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1 - 3(1,2 and 3 , respectively); 4 - 5(6); 6(4); 7 - 9(5); 12(10); 13(11); 15 - 16(12); 17(13); 18 - 19(16); 20(29); 21(18); 23(19); 24 - 25(20); 26(22); 27(23); 28(22); 29 - 30(29); 32 - 33(25); and 34(26). Proposed finding of fact 10 is rejected as not being supported by competent substantial evidence in the record in that Wright's bid was as per plans and specifications without exceptions or exclusions which included the use of casework manufactured by one of the approved casework manufacturers. Proposed finding of fact 11 is rejected as not being supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record in that the Board knew of Empire's bid being based on nonconforming materials prior to issuing its Notice of Intent. However, the only information the Board had in reference to Wright's bid before issuing its Notice of Intent was that Wright had bid as per plans and specifications and would be installing casework manufactured by one of the approved manufacturers. The only question was whether Empire could furnish casework manufactured by one of the approved manufacturers. Proposed finding of fact 14 is neither material nor relevant. How the Board's architect interpreted Wright's bid is neither material nor relevant to this proceeding. Proposed finding of fact 22 is unnecessary to the conclusion reached in the Recommended Order. Proposed finding of fact 31 is more in the way of an argument than a finding of fact. Proposed findings of fact 35 and 36 are covered in the Preliminary Statement. The timeliness of Kellogg's protest is not an issue and therefore, a finding that it was timely is unnecessary. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent While not specifically adopting proposed finding of fact 1, where material or relevant or necessary to this proceeding, and supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record the stipulated facts have been adopted. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 2(4,5); 3(9); 4 - 5(7); 7 - 8(8); 10(16); 11(14); 12(31); 13(21); and 15(23). Proposed finding of fact 6 is more in the way of an argument than a finding of fact. Proposed finding of fact 9 and 14 are neither material nor relevant. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Intervenor See ruling on Respondent's proposed finding of fact Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 2 - 3(21); 4(24); 5 - 6(21); 13(23); 14(24,28); 15(22); 16 - 17(23,24); and 18(28). Proposed findings of fact 7 through 12 are neither material nor relevant to this proceeding. COPIES FURNISHED: David E. Gurley, Esquire Norton, Gurley & Darnell, P.A. 1819 Main Street, Suite 610 Sarasota, FL 34236 Marianne Kantor, Esquire The School Board of Lee County 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33901 James M. Talley, Esquire Fisher, Rushmer, Werrenrath, Keiner, Wack & Dickson, P.A. Post Office Box 712 Orlando, FL 32802 Karl Engel Superintendent Lee County School Board 2055 Central Avenue Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 120.53120.57489.125
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 21, 1996 Number: 96-000894BID Latest Update: Aug. 14, 1996

The Issue Whether the Department of Management Services acted arbitrarily, fraudulently, illegally or dishonestly in rejecting the bid proposed by Petitioner Stimsonite Corporation; and Whether the Department of Management Services' proposed award of a contract to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Inc. was arbitrary, illegal, fraudulent or dishonest.

Findings Of Fact On or about October 30, 1995, DMS mailed to interested vendors ITB No. 20-550-590-A for Sign Material, Reflective Sheeting & Related Materials. Stimsonite and 3M were among the vendors who received copies of the ITB. After receiving the ITB, no interested vendor, including Stimsonite and 3M, requested that DMS clarify any of the ITB's general or special terms and conditions. Similarly, no one timely filed any protest to challenge any ITB terms or conditions. On or about December 28, 1995, DMS opened the bids submitted in response to the ITB. Thereafter, DMS evaluated the bids and determined which were responsive to the ITB requirements. Stimsonite and 3M were the only vendors to submit bid prices for ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22, which pertain to reflective sheeting. DMS's bid tabulations reflect that 3M and Stimsonite offered the following bid prices, per square foot, for reflective sheeting under ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22: Item No. 13 15 22 Stimsonite $3.5489 $3.2199 $3.2199 3M $3.588 $3.25 $3.25 On or about January 23, 1996, DMS posted the bid tabulations. DMS's bid tabulations specify an NAS (not as specified) code indicating reasons why it rejected certain bids. Stimsonite's bids on ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22 were rejected as non-responsive with an indication of NAS Code 1. NAS Code 1 provides: "Vendor did not submit diskette as required by the bid." Stimsonite admittedly did not include a computer diskette with its 1995 bid. Because of the absence of the diskette, the Stimsonite bid had neither a price list nor a material list. No responding vendor, except 3M, included a computer diskette in response to the 1995 ITB. l3. DMS consistently rejected all bids submitted in response to its 1995 ITB which failed to include the required computer diskette(s). In evaluating the 1995 bids, DMS reviewed the material list information that 3M submitted with its bid in hard copy and on computer diskette. DMS posted its intent to award the bid to the only fully responsive bidder, 3M. Shortly after DMS posted the 1995 bid tabulations with its intent to award to 3M as the only responsive bidder, Stimsonite urged DMS to accept a materials list that Stimsonite had prepared on computer diskette. DMS refused to accept this diskette, which Stimsonite was offering nearly a month after the 1995 bid opening date. DMS rejected Stimsonite's late offering of the diskette because it was offered after bid opening, because it was offered after evaluation of bids, and because DMS's intent to award already had been posted. However, the greater weight of the evidence is that Stimsonite's after-offered diskette would not have met the 1995 ITB specifications even if it had been submitted simultaneously with Stimsonite's bid response. The after-offered diskette failed to offer the required size widths of reflective sheeting or the accessory items used with the sheeting such as process colors, inks, clears, and thinners. Stimsonite timely challenged the rejection of its 1995 bid as non- responsive and timely challenged DMS's intent to award the contract to 3M. Stimsonite contended, with regard to its failure to timely submit a conforming diskette, that the clear language of the 1995 ITB did not require the submission of a diskette for the items Stimsonite had chosen to bid on, and that submission of such a diskette could legitimately be made only by the successful bidder after bid opening. The 1995 ITB, which is at issue in this proceeding, contains the following Special Conditions directly related to a material list on Page 4: FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID On all bids which require any of the following documents: Manufacturer's or Dealer's Published Price Lists, Authorized Dealer's List Authorized Service Center Locations. Bidder shall provide these documents, with his bid, in a letter quality text response and with computer diskette media. The format for the computer diskette media shall be: WordPerfect 5.1 file format using an IBM Compatible Personal Computer, On 8-1/2" x 11" paper with portrait orientation, Margins: Left: minimum .3 inch; Right: minimum .8 inch, Top & Bottom: minimum .5 inch, Font: Courier 10 cpi, 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskette media, No landscape, No Tables or Columns, No Line Draw, No pictures, No strike- throughs and No Graphics allowed. These documents shall be submitted in hard copy as well as on 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskette media. [Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disqualification of your bid.] [Emphasis supplied] MATERIAL LIST A material list shall be provided on diskette formatted as specified in the Special Cond- ition "FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID" along with a print out of same for each item bid. The information must include product number for color, and size specified sheeting under the DMS thirteen (13) digit commodity number. If prices are included on the materials list they must be contract prices. [This list may be included on the same diskette as "Format for Submission of Bid" listed above.] (Emphasis supplied) Some other provisions of the 1995 ITB which affect the issues in this case are as follows: General Condition 4(b) on page 1 of the ITB specifies: ELIGIBLE USERS: Under Florida Law use of State contracts shall be available to political sub- divisions (county, local county board of public instruction, municipal or other local public agency or authority) and State Univer- sities, which may desire to purchase under the terms and conditions of the contract. General Condition 5 provides: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: No addition- al terms and conditions included with the bid response shall be evaluated or considered and any and all such additional terms and condi- tions shall have no force and effect and are inapplicable to this bid. If submitted either purposely through intent or design or inadver- tently appearing separately in transmittal letters, specifications, literature, price lists or warranties, it is understood and agreed the general and special conditions in this bid solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this bid and the bidder's autho- rized signature affixed to the bidder acknow- ledgment form attests to this. General Condition 7 states: INTERPRETATIONS/DISPUTES: Any questions con- cerning conditions and specifications shall be directed in writing to this office for receipt no later than (10) days prior to the bid opening. Inquiries must reference the date of the bid opening and the bid number. No interpretation shall be considered binding unless provided in writing by the State of Florida in response to requests in full comp- liance with this provision. . . General Condition 15 states: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicable provisions of all Federal, State, county and local laws, and of all ordinances, rules and regulations shall govern development, submittal and evalua- tion of all bids received in response hereto and shall govern any and all claims and dis- putes which may arise between person(s) hereto and the State of Florida, by and through its officers, employees and authorized represent- atives, or any other person natural or other- wise; and lack of knowledge thereof shall not constitute a legal defense against the effect thereof. General Condition 26 provides that: [THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER(S) MUST PROVIDE: a copy of any product literature and price list, in excellent quality black image on white paper.] [Emphasis supplied] On the bottom of page 2, after the list of General Conditions, there is a note which states: [ANY AND ALL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS ATTACHED HERETO WHICH VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE.] THIS SHEET AND THE ACCOMPANYING BID CONSTITUTE AN OFFER FROM THE BIDDER. IF ANY OR ALL PARTS OF THE BID ARE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES, AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DIVISION OF PURCHASING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES, SHALL AFFIX HIS SIGNATURE HERETO, AND THIS SHALL THEN CONSTITUTE THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS FORM BECOME A PART OF THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. [Emphasis supplied] Page 2A of the ITB contains a Vendor Bid Preparation Checklist. No. 16 thereof reminds all bidders to review the FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID for compliance with bid requirements. After the list of General Conditions, the Special Conditions begin on page 3 of the ITB. Among the Special Conditions of note in addition to the FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID and MATERIAL LIST, stated above, are: PURPOSE: ...to establish a 12 month contract by all State of Florida agencies and other eligible users ... TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION: ... When technical documentation is required by this ITB, its pur- pose is to demonstrate compliance of the pro- duct bid with applicable technical require- ments of the ITB and to allow a technical evaluation of the product. [Failure to provide the required technical documentation with the bid submittal shall make the bidder nonre- sponsive], unless the Division of Purchasing, in its sole discretion and in the best inte- rest of the State, determines the accept- ability of the products offered through technical documentation available within the Division [as of the date and time of bid opening]. ... [Emphasis supplied] ACCESSORIES: [Inks, colors, clears, and thinners, required for use with non-perfor- ated commodities shall be included in the price per square foot bid price.] [Emphasis supplied] BALANCE OF LINE: [The bidder shall bid a balance of line which will include options and accessories at a fixed discount. Only vendors awarded specified sheeting items will be eligible for a balance of line award. Items in the balance of line which are dupli- cative of those specified will be deleted. The balance of line price list must be in effect on the date and time of the bid opening]. [Emphasis supplied] The Specification Summary and Bid Price Sheets for bidding items 13, 15, and 22 of the ITB are found on pages 25, 26, and 27 of the ITB and were as follows: SPECIFICATION SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMODITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-350-0100 Sheeting, not perforated, reflective, Type IIIA, or Type IIIC sizes 1" through 48" by 50 yds, with a precoated pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). Primer Not Required. Sheeting (Both Types) shall be available in no less than the following colors: blue, brown, green, yellow, and silver-white. Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (13 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be in- cluded in the per square foot price bid]. [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMOD- ITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-350-0120 Sheeting, not perforated, reflective, Type IIIA, or Type IIIC sizes 1" through 48" by 50 yds, with a precoated pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). Primer Not Required. Sheeting (Both Types) shall be available in no less than the following color: orange Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (15 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be included in the per square foot price bid.] [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: SPECIFICATION SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMODITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-760-2600 Reflective sheeting, construction barricade sheeting, Type IIA, or IIIA, or IIIB, or IIIC pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). 4" or 6" orange and white or orange and silver strips running diagonally across the sheeting at a 45 degree angle, size 12", 24" and 36" by 50 yds. Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (22 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be in- cluded in the per square foot price bid.] [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: After the item-by-item specifications, the ITB provides a page (page 39) of specification summary and price sheet for bidding the "balance of line discount offered for directly related sign material, not specified on the Bid Price Sheet." That format requires that the bidder state a fixed percentage discount from the price list for balance of line items. "Balance of Line" as used by DMS in the ITB refers to any and all accessories that might be used with the individual Items that are bid. Stimsonite's bid supervisor claimed that Stimsonite's failure to submit a diskette containing a material list was a reasonable, and indeed a clear and unambiguous, reading of the 1995 ITB. He had read the ITB to provide that the three categories of list (a manufacturer's or dealer's published price list, authorized dealer list, or authorized service center location list) which were named under the Special Condition, FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID, on page 4 were required to be submitted on a diskette with the bid, but he also considered that the diskette was not required for the three items that Stimsonite bid upon (Items 13, 15, and 22 on pages 25, 26, and 27 at Finding of Fact 20 supra) because none of the categories of list under FORMAT were required specifically within those Item No. specifications on the subsequent specification pages. Apparently due to the admonition at the bottom of ITB page 2 of the General Conditions [see Finding of Fact 19(f)], he assumed that the Item No. instructions on the specifications and price summary sheets on pages 25, 26, and 27 took precedence over, i.e. supplanted, the Special Condition MATERIAL LIST paragraph requiring a material list for every item in both hard copy and on diskette which also included the requirement of including product numbers for color, size, and DMS commodity numbers. Stimsonite's bid supervisor also asserted that because the Special Condition MATERIAL LIST paragraph and the Item No. specifications of pages 25, 26, and 27 did not specifically reiterate that the material list diskette must be submitted with the bid, the material list diskette legitimately could be submitted after the bid award, as was attempted by Stimsonite. He ostensibly interpreted General Condition 26, applicable to successful bidders, to mean that only successful bidders must provide a price list and a material list. Accordingly, Stimsonite further argued in the alternative that even if the ITB could be construed to require submission of a material list on diskette, Stimsonite's failure to submit the diskette to DMS with the rest of its bid response was only a minor irregularity unworthy of being ruled unresponsive because DMS had no substantive need for the information on the material list diskette until it decided which bidder was going to be the successful bidder. The bid supervisor's perception that the information on the diskette was not needed for bid evaluation purposes was another reason he ostensibly did not timely submit a diskette. Stimsonite has not asserted that late submission was a waiveable irregularity. 1/ In fact and to the contrary, the diskette is used by DMS to evaluate bids for responsiveness. This evaluation technique was introduced in 1994. It allows the reviewer, in this case, Ms. Boynton, to use the material list on the diskette to determine if each bidder has actually bid everything DMS asked for in the item by item specifications. Without a diskette, the reviewer cannot confirm that a bid matches the ITB. DMS uses the bidder's material list on diskette to confirm that the bidder currently manufactures the full range of sheeting widths and sizes (1 inch through 48 inches by 50 yards), as the ITB requires, which is a nonstandard range in the reflective sheeting industry. Additionally, DMS uses the material list diskette to confirm that the bidder proposes to make the full range of required sheeting widths and sizes available to state and local government purchasers. (See General Condition (4)(b) ELIGIBLE USERS and Special Condition PURPOSE in the ITB) DMS also uses the material list diskette to ensure that the bidder will make the required range of inks, clears, colors, and thinners available at the bid price. After the bid has been awarded, Ms. Boynton also uses the diskette for dissemination to contract users for ordering purposes on the electronic contract system. The diskette system saves DMS the time and cost of wordprocessing data from hard copy and avoids transcription erors. This was one of the purposes behind DMS' decision to start requiring a diskette in 1994. It comports with General Condition 4(b) ELIGIBLE USERS and Special Conditions PURPOSE. The Stimsonite bid supervisor did not have a manufacturer's price list and was not offering any accessories other than those inks, etc. covered under the Special Condition ACCESSORIES paragraph and those stated on pages 25, 26, and 27. Therefore, he did not read the Special Condition BALANCE OF LINE paragraph saying duplicates listed on page 39 for balance of line would be disregarded by DMS as an indicator that DMS expected any balance of line bids to include more than just the inks, etc. listed under ACCESSORIES and on pages 25, 26, and 27. Because he could not conceive of any balance of line more extensive than the inks, etc. which seemed to him to be excluded by the language on the specifications summary and price sheets for each Item No. (ITB pages 25, 26, and 27) and the balance of line summary and price sheet (page 39), and because Stimsonite was offering these inks, etc. within the price per square foot of sheeting at no extra charge on pages 25, 26, and 27, Stimsonite's bid supervisor felt that the diskette was not needed to evaluate these prices. Therefore, when he showed a balance of line on the balance of line summary sheet (ITB page 39) he showed no discount and he submitted no material list or price list on diskette. The ITB required a discount if a balance of line was offered under Special Condition BALANCE OF LINE. According to DMS employees, a price list was only necessary if a balance of line was bid. If a balance of line was bid, then a price list was necessary. The result of Stimsonite's interpretation of the 1995 ITB was that Stimsonite submitted a bid without a diskette which therefore contained neither a price list nor a material list. The hard copy offered a balance of line with no discount from a price list. Responsiveness in bidding Item Nos 13, 15, and 22 in 1995 did not require that vendors submit an authorized dealer's list or service center location list. The ITB used the language "shall submit" with regard to bidding a balance of line, but according to Ms. Boynton, the evaluator, and Mr. Barker, Chief of DMS's Bureau of Procurement, submission of a balance of line was not mandatory. Ms. Boynton speculated that if DMS did not get a balance of line bid from a responding bidder, DMS "might possibly find it was a minor irregularity." Clearly, the ITB provided that if there were any duplications on the balance of line offering, the agency could unilaterally delete them. However, if a vendor did bid a balance of line, DMS would need a price list, since with a balance of line and no price list, there was no way to evaluate the bid because DMS then could not calculate what the percentage reduction would be based upon. Therefore, under this situation in 1995, Stimsonite's balance of line bid with no price list on diskette was rejected as nonresponsive. 2/ The greater weight of the credible evidence, particularly but not exclusively that of Ms. Boynton, Mr. Barker, and Mr. Johnson, is that allowing any bidder to turn in the diskette after bid opening and award would give that bidder the advantage of changing the balance of line prices. If permitted to submit the material list after award, the bidder could elect to offer only one size which would impose an additional cost on the contract users to provide labor and expertise to cut to size, thus lowering the bidder's cost. Under a scenario which required only successful bidders to submit a diskette, DMS would not have the opportunity to reject the bid if the information on the diskette was nonconforming to the bid specifications. The bidder who delayed or never submitted a diskette also could exclude cities and counties from the cost-saving electronic contract system and could take telephone orders from the Department of Transportation, one of the agencies eligible to tie-in to DMS's electronic contract. Requiring a diskette only after award might permit the successful bidder to limit the sizes and colors offered. By not submitting a diskette at all, even late, a bidder could even disqualify its bid and back out of the contract if that bidder unilaterally decided its bid was too low or if the price of raw materials increased. Experience with successful bidders who ultimately failed to submit a material list at all was another reason for DMS's decision to start requiring a diskette in 1994. Any of the foregoing situations creates an advantage to the bidder who files a diskette late or the bidder who never files a diskette. Any of the foregoing situations increases costs to the state agency and contract users. Factually, this is a material irregularity. Stimsonite alleged that 3M was unresponsive because its bid transmittal letter contained a paragraph on terms and conditions of sale and warranties. However, it appears that the warranty language in 3M's transmittal letter actually enhances its bid. Also, it is standard practice for DMS to ignore these letters pursuant to ITB General Condition 5, which states that transmittal letter variances are of no force and effect. Factually, since 3M's letter cannot be relied upon by 3M either to enhance or diminish its bid, and since all such letters are disregarded in the bid evaluation/tabulation, the transmittal letter is a minor, nondisqualifying irregularity as to the 3M bid. Stimsonite asserted that the 3M diskette was not responsive to the ITB specifications. There is no dispute that the diskette 3M submitted was in the wrong font. However, since font size can be customized by a "click" on a computer mouse, and since Ms. Boynton was able to use 3M's diskette for the purposes intended by the ITB specifications, the irregular font size of 3M's diskette is found factually to constitute an immaterial flaw not worthy of declaring 3M's bid nonresponsive. Finally, Stimsonite contended that because the 3M bid failed to answer an ITB question that requested information about why a vendor's price list was item by item higher or lower than previous years, the entire 3M bid was unresponsive. This contention was not acknowledged as viable by the agency witnesses. DMS, like 3M, viewed this question as only information gathering for some cost trend analysis by the agency apart from bid evaluation. The information requested could not alter the bid price offered by 3M and is not necessary to DMS's evaluation of its bid or comparison of its bid with other bids. It is a flaw systematically ignored by the agency in bid evaluation. There was no evidence that any bid has ever been rejected for such a flaw. The absence of such information does not affect the cost to the agency nor does its absence provide an advantage to 3M. Factually, it is a minor irregularity.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services enter a final order ratifying its award of ITB 20-550-590-A Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22 to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Inc. and dismissing the bid protest Petition of Stimsonite. RECOMMENDED this 14th day of June, 1996, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of June, 1996.

Florida Laws (4) 120.53120.57287.012287.057 Florida Administrative Code (2) 60A-1.00160A-1.002
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000690BID Latest Update: Mar. 30, 1988

The Issue The first issue to be determined is whether the BOARD can reject all bids, with or without cause. The second issue is to determine if the BOARD is required to have cause, was there a sufficient basis for the rejection of all bids in Bid NO. 3996?

Findings Of Fact On December 14, 1987, the BOARD sent invitations to bid to a list of approved vendors in Bid NO. 3996. The purpose of the invitation was to obtain the lowest responsible bid on a purchase of one hundred and fifty typewriters. The bids were to be submitted prior to January 11, 1988 at 2:00 P.M.. They were opened by the BOARD on the same day. OFFICE did not receive an invitation to bid despite its request to be placed on the approved vendor's list in November of 1987. When OFFICE learned of the outstanding invitation to bid, its representative, Mr. Richard Foss, went to the BOARD's Purchasing Department and requested a bid package. The bid documents given to OFFICE mistakenly gave January 14, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. as the deadline for the bid submission. Because of the later date given by the BOARD to OFFICE, the company's bid was received after the opening of the bids. When the results of the bidding were made known at the public bid opening, NAPLES bid was the lowest received. On January 14, 1988, after 10:42 A.M., it was discovered by the BOARD that OFFICE's bid price was lower than the price submitted by NAPLES. At this time, NAPLES bid had not yet been accepted by the BOARD, and no formal announcement had been made awarding the contract to NAPLES. During the BOARD's Purchasing Department's bid analysis, a request was made to reject all bids in Bid NO. 3996. The reason given by Purchasing for the request for rejection was that the specifications were being revised. The bids were rejected on the same date. The written reason sent to the vendors on January 14, 1988 for the bid rejection was that one vendor had been given an incorrect opening date. Attached to the written notice to the vendors was a new bid invitation for Bid NO. 4013. The BOARD explained its mistake was unfair to the one vendor. A new bid opening date was given of February 1, 1988. On January 14, 1988, in addition to the required bid documents, OFFICE submitted a letter which listed additional offerings or incentives that OFFICE would give the BOARD if OFFICE was awarded the contract. These additional purchasing incentives were: wall charts and teacher/student manuals for each typing classroom in the county. OFFICE also informed the BOARD that one of the BOARD's own service personnel was already trained in the servicing of Swintec typewriters. The bid submitted by OFFICE did not meet either the weight or the print wheel specifications as set forth in Bid NO. 3996. The specifications as written in Bid NO. 3996 were not written to eliminate all other typewriters but the Brothers 511-11. Weight specifications required were below the Brother's minimum weight, and at least two other manufacturers provide protected drop-in cassette print wheels in electronic typewriters. The Invitation to Bid contained specific provisions which encouraged the bidding of typewriters other than the Brother 511-11, and set up procedures under which other typewriters, which substantially meet the specifications, could be reviewed on their merits. NAPLES was the lowest responsible bidder for the electronic typewriter contract in the prior school year. The BOARD had rejected all bids at that time because of the decision to consider a different brand of typewriter once bids were opened. A notice of protest was filed by NAPLES, and the BOARD agreed to honor NAPLES bid and award the company the contract. The BOARD revised its bid specifications from last year prior to its solicitations for bids in Bid NO. 3996. The protected drop-in cassette print wheel and the weight requirements were two new technical specifications. During the hearing, the BOARD was unable to determine whether the weight factor or the protected drop-in cassette print wheel requirement will continue to be included in future revisions of the specifications.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the BOARD reject the bid submitted by OFFICE as it was nonconforming and sought an advantage not enjoyed by the other bidders. Reinstate the bids which were rejected in Bid NO. 3996, consider the bids, and make an award of the contract to NAPLES. DONE and ENTERED this 30th day of March, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. VERONICA D. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of March, 1988. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen Emens, President Naples Business Equipment and Systems, Inc. 859 4th Avenue South Naples, Florida 33940 Harry A. Blair, Esquire 2138-40 Hoople Street Ft. Myers, Florida 33901 Richard Foss, Typewriter Sales Manager 8A-Del Prado Boulevard Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Karl Engel, Superintendent Lee County Public Schools The School Board of Lee County 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901

Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Naples, Florida Jun. 24, 1991 Number: 91-003828BID Latest Update: Aug. 05, 1991

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: On May 10, 1991, respondent, School Board of Collier County (Board), issued a written invitation to various contractors inviting them to submit proposals for certain construction work to be performed on Naples Park Elementary School in Collier County, Florida. The invitation in question is more specifically identified as Bid No. 120-5/91 Site Development/Naples Park Elementary School. The bidders were advised that their bids must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on June 4, 1991. Bids were timely filed by five contracting firms, including petitioner, A2M2R Construction, Inc. (AMR), and Haas Construction, Inc. (Haas). On June 4, 1991, various school personnel, including Dallas Disney, Board architect, Vicki McKinney, Board assistant director of purchasing, and Pat Humphrey, a Board secretary, and the Board's engineering consultant, Glen Bridges, met for the purpose of opening the sealed bids. They agreed that the five bids would be opened in alphabetical order. This meant that AMR's bid was opened first while Haas' bid was opened fourth. Bridges was assigned the task of opening the bids and reading the dollar amount of each bid. In the case of AMR, it proposed a base bid in the amount of $174,815. When Bridges opened Haas' bid, he said words to the effect that he could not clearly make out the amount of the base bid. This was because the original number had been changed by Haas prior to the submission of its bid, and it could not be clearly read. Accordingly, Bridges handed the proposal to McKinney, who read the number as $146,500. She then handed the bid document to Disney who also concluded the bid was in that amount. At that point, the president of Haas, who was present at the bid opening, was asked if the amount was indeed $146,500. When he confirmed that it was, he was asked to place his initials next to the base bid number. He did so even though paragraph (6)(a) of the Bid Instructions provides that "(a)ny erasures or other corrections in the proposal must be explained or noted over the signature of bidders". According to AMR, this provision required that Haas initial the amount before it sealed and filed its bid. This interpretation of the Bid Instructions was confirmed by Board personnel. Thus, AMR contends that by Haas initialing its bid amount after the bids were opened, Haas violated the Bid Instructions and should have its bid proposal rejected. As it turned out, the bid amount submitted by Haas was the lowest dollar bid on the project, and the Board has proposed to award the contract to Haas. According to the Board's assistant superintendent for business affairs, Robert Wilson, who has supervised hundreds of bid lettings over the last several years, the circumstances in this case were "unusual" in that Haas initialed the bid amount after the bid documents were opened. However, Wilson considered this to be a minor irregularity which, by the terms of the Bid Instructions, could be waived by the Board. Further, he did not find such action to give Haas an undue advantage in the bidding process or place AMR and other bidders at a disadvantage. This was not contradicted. On the bid form used by the bidders, there is a line left blank before the space where the numerical amount of the bid is inserted. AMR contends that the purpose of this space was to be used by a bidder to spell out in words the amount of its bid, and because Haas did not spell out in words the dollar amount of its bid, the proposal should be rejected. However, there is no requirement in the Bid Instructions that the dollar amount be spelled out in words nor was there a school policy imposing such a requirement. Therefore, as to this contention, no irregularity in the bidding process occurred.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by respondent awarding the contract in question to Haas Construction, Inc. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of July, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Respondent: 1-2. Adopted in finding of fact 3. Adopted in finding of fact 2. Adopted in finding of fact 4. 5-7. Adopted in finding of fact 3. Rejected as being unnecessary. Adopted in finding of fact 3. Adopted in finding of fact 4. Adopted in finding of fact 3. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. James R. Powell, Jr. P. O. Box 150340 Cape Coral, FL 33915 Thomas W. Franchino, Esquire 700 Eleventh Street, South Suite 203 Naples, FL 33940-6777 Dr. Thomas L. Richey, Superintendent Collier County School Board 3710 Estey Avenue Naples, FL 33942

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 18, 2020 Number: 20-004216BID Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024

The Issue Whether the Department’s action to reject all bids submitted in response to DOT-RFP-20-5003-DAA, relating to asbestos abatement, demolition, and removal services, is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent.

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts (verbatim) The Department is an agency of the State of Florida tasked with procuring the services for Districtwide Asbestos Abatement and Demolition and Removal Services for Right of Way property under the Department’s supervision by law. The Department published a bid solicitation for DOT-RFP-20-5003- DAA, seeking bids to provide District Five Asbestos Abatement and Demolition and Removal Services for FDOT. The RFP included specifications, qualification requirements, instructions on what would be required of responders, a bid price proposal sheet, and the award criteria. Cross Construction and Cross Environmental submitted bids in response to the RFP. Cross Construction’s and Cross Environmental’s bids were evaluated by the Department. There is no debate, challenge, or disagreement raised in the Petitions with regard to the Technical Scores submitted by the responding firms to the RFP, only disagreement on three pay items. On June 15, 2020, the Department’s Selection Committee reviewed and discussed the information presented as to the Technical and Pricing scores of the Responding firms, asked for an additional bid item analysis, and indicated that it would reconvene at a future date for a decision. On June 22, 2020, the Selection Committee reviewed, discussed, and confirmed the recommendation presented by the results of the Technical Review Committee scorings and the Project Manager’s Bid Price analysis and selected Cross Construction and Cross Environmental as Intended Awardees. The Selection committee also found that Johnson’s Excavation and Services Inc., [Johnson] and Simpson Environmental LLC [Simpson] were deemed non-responsive due to irregular, and unbalanced pay items prices. On August 24, 2020, the Department’s Selection Committee decided to cancel the Procurement with the intent to readvertise with adjustments to the Scope and Pricing Structure and decided to reject all proposals. Additional Findings of Fact The “three pay items” referenced in paragraph six of the stipulated facts are the items that ultimately caused the Department to reject all bids in the instant dispute. The three pay items are collectively referred to as mobilization pay items. The RFP directs that bids are to contain two parts. Part I is the technical proposal, and Part II is the price proposal. Section 30.3 of the RFP provides that proposers “shall complete the Bid Price Proposal Form No. 2 and submit [the form] as part of the Price Proposal Package … [and that] [t]he Procurement Office and/or the Project Manager/TRC will review and evaluate the price proposals and prepare a summary of its price evaluation.” Five bidders submitted proposals in response to the RFP. One bidder did not advance beyond the initial review phase because its technical proposal did not meet minimum bid standards. The remaining bidders were CCS, CES, Simpson, and Johnson. Price proposals submitted by each of the remaining bidders were evaluated by the Department. Section 3 of the RFP provides a general outline of the process associated with awarding the contract. The steps are: “Pre-Proposal Conference; Public Opening (Technical Proposals); Price Proposal Opening & Intended Award Meeting; and, Selection Committee Meeting Summarizing Evaluations and Determining Anticipated Award.” The agenda for the “Price Proposal Opening & Intended Award Meeting,” as established by the RFP, provides as follows: Opening remarks of approx. 2 minutes by Department Procurement Office personnel. Public input period – To allow a reasonable amount of time for public input related to the RFP solicitation. At conclusion of public period, the Technical evaluation scores will be summarized. Announce the firms that did not achieve the minimum technical score. Announce the firms that achieved the minimum technical score and their price(s) as price proposals are opened. Calculate price scores and add to technical scores to arrive at total scores. Announce Proposer with highest Total Score as Intended Award. Announce time and date the decision will be posted on the Vendor Bid System (VBS). Adjourn. Section 30.4 b. of the RFP provides that a proposer can be awarded a maximum of 30 points for its price proposal. This section also provides that “[p]rice evaluation is the process of examining a prospective price without evaluation of the separate cost elements and proposed profit of the potential provider.” On June 15, 2020, the selection review committee met publicly for the purpose of opening price proposals and announcing an intended award. Price proposals were opened, and the eligible bidders received the following price scores: CCS - 11.09; CES - 13.22; Johnson - 19.76; and Simpson - 30. In terms of total score, which combined both the technical and price scores, Simpson received a score of 113.00, which was the highest score, followed by CES (107.55), CCS (103.76), and Johnson (101.76). After opening and considering the price proposals of the respective bidders, the selection committee did not announce an intended award at the meeting on June 15, 2020, but instead requested that the project manager “do further analysis on the pay items for any potential imbalance.” The project manager, through a staff member, performed the additional analysis and determined that Johnson and Simpson submitted “irregular, unbalanced pay items” which resulted in their respective bids being deemed non- responsive and thus not eligible for award. The “irregular, unbalanced pay items” are the three mobilization pay items at issue in the instant matter, and are identified on the bid price proposal sheet as items AB200, AB201, and AB202. Simpson bid $400 for item AB200, $100 for item AB201, and $50 for item AB202. Johnson bid $250 for item AB200, $250 for item AB201, and $100 for item AB202. CCS bid $1 for item AB200, $1 for item AB201, and $1 for item AB202. CES bid $1 for item AB200, 75 cents for item AB201, and 50 cents for item AB202. The Department, in evaluating the bidders’ mobilization pay items, considered costs associated with abatement two structures, a 1,500 and 2,250 square feet structure respectively. For the 1,500-square-foot structure, CCS’ AB200 mobilization costs totaled $1,500. For the 2,250-square-foot structure, CCS’ AB201 mobilization costs totaled $2,250. For the 1,500-square-foot structure, CES’ AB200 mobilization costs totaled $1,500. For the 2,250-square-foot structure, CES’ AB201 mobilization costs totaled $1,687.50. For the 1,500-square-foot structure, Johnson’s AB200 mobilization costs totaled $375,000. For the 2,250-square-foot structure, Johnson’s AB201 mobilization costs totaled $562,500. For the 1,500-square-foot structure, Simpson’s AB200 mobilization costs totaled $600,000. For the 2,250-square-foot structure, Simpson’s AB201 mobilization costs totaled $225,000. On June 22, 2020, the selection committee reconvened and announced CCS and CES as intended awardees of the contract. The Department also announced at this meeting that Johnson and Simpson were “deemed non- responsive due to irregular, unbalanced pay item prices.” On June 24, 2020, Simpson filed a Notice of Protest wherein the company informed the Department of its intent to formally protest the intended award of contracts to CCS and CES. On or about July 6, 2020, Simpson filed with the Department its “formal written petition of protest.” Although Simpson’s formal protest is dated July 6, 2020, CCS and CES contend that Simpson’s protest was actually filed on July 7, 2020, thereby making the protest untimely by a day. The Department did not refer Simpson’s formal protest to DOAH for final hearing, but instead considered the issues presented by Simpson in its protest and then attempted to negotiate a resolution with Simpson, CCS, and CES. Those efforts were unsuccessful. The question of the timeliness of the formal bid protest filed by Simpson is not before the undersigned. Nevertheless, the undisputed facts as to Simpson’s protest, as demonstrated by the record herein, are as follows. On June 24, 2020, Simpson filed notice of its intent to protest the RFP. On June 29, 2020, CCS received notice that a bid protest was filed with respect to the RFP. On July 1, 2020, CES filed a public records request “for public records related to the bid protest made to the” RFP. On or about July 6, 2020, Simpson filed its formal written protest with respect to the RFP, and although the evidence is not clear as to the date, it is undisputed that the Department received affidavits from Simpson explaining the factual circumstances surrounding the filing of the company’s formal written protest. On July 15, 2020, the Department notified CCS and CES that “in response to the Formal Written Protest filed by Simpson Environmental Services, the Department will hold a settlement conference” on Friday, July 17, 2020. On July 21, 2020, Simpson, CES, and CCS notified the Department that they “reached an agreed upon settlement proposal.” On August 11, 2020, the Department, after considering the settlement proposal for several weeks, notified Simpson, CES, and CCS that the Department would discuss the RFP at a public meeting to be held on August 24, 2020. As previously noted, it was during the meeting on August 24, 2020, when the Department announced that all proposals received in response to RFP were rejected. CES, on or about July 1, 2020, submitted to the Department a public records request wherein the company sought a copy of documents related to Simpson’s protest. In response to the request, the Department provided CES a copy of the formal written protest filed by Simpson. It is undisputed that the initial copy provided to CES by the Department did not show either the date or time of receipt of the document filed by Simpson. At some point after the settlement conference, the Department provided to CES a date and time stamped copy of Simpson’s formal written protest. There was no evidence presented explaining the circumstances or the process which resulted in the Department providing different copies of Simpson’s formal written protest to CES, and the remaining evidence does not provide a sufficient foundation to reasonably infer that the Department acted with nefarious motives when providing different versions of the documents to CES. Simpson’s formal protest contains the following statement with respect to the price proposal that the company submitted in response to the RFP: Petitioner’s individual bid price items were based in fact, were reasonable and were in conformity with standard industry rates for similar asbestos abatement and demolition and removal projects. Petitioner’s bid price items were also patently similar to bid price items that Petitioner has previously submitted in response to past FDOT proposal requests that ultimately resulted in the corresponding contracts having been awarded to Petitioner. Indeed, Petitioner has a longstanding relationship with the FDOT as Petitioner has previously contracted with FDOT as a vendor performing asbestos abatement services on numerous projects over the course of the past eight years. Petitioner’s price items for bid proposals have remained consistent for each of its past projects with FDOT. Petitioner’s price items for the instant bid proposal did not differ or vary in any material aspect from those proposed by Petitioner for previous projects that FDOT has deemed reasonable. Michelle Sloan works for the Department as a district procurement manager, and was assigned to manage the instant RFP. Ms. Sloan testified that because Simpson protested the Department’s intended decision to award the contracts to CCS and CES, and specifically referenced in its protest “that their bid for mobilization was in conformance with industry standards, as well as previous bids submitted to the agency that were deemed responsive,” she conducted additional review of the Simpson and Johnson bids. Ms. Sloan testified that after reviewing the RFP, the price sheets related thereto, Simpson’s protest, and the additional analysis of the pay items conducted following the June 15, 2020, selection committee meeting, she concluded that material ambiguities existed in the RFP’s mobilization pay items and recommended to the district secretary that the Department “reject all [bids] and re-advertise with a revised pricing sheet and instructions.” On August 24, 2020, the selection committee, following public notice, accepted Ms. Sloan’s recommendation, rejected all proposals, and canceled the procurement with the “intent to re-advertise with adjustments to the Scope and Pricing structure.” A review of the credible evidence demonstrates a rational basis for the conclusions reached by Ms. Sloan and members of the selection committee. Exhibit C of the RFP is titled “Price Proposal/Detailed and Contractual Price Sheet.” The first page of this document provides a general description of the asbestos removal and abatement pay items. The general pay items are as follows: AB100 Fees [as] determined from the Department of Environmental Protection based upon regulated material. AB200 One-time fee necessary to mobilize for full isolation, per parcel, when abatement with isolation is required. AB300 Fees to be charged by square feet for preparation [of] structure before abatement can commence. AB400 Fees to be charged by square feet, to abate asbestos from various surfacing material such as ceiling, walls, beams, plaster, sheetrock and fireproofing using conventional containment methods. AB500 Fees to be charged either by square foot, linear foot or fittings to abate asbestos from various mechanical systems such as boilers, stacks ducts, fittings, pipes, flutes and flanges. AB600 Fees to be charged either by square foot, linear foot or fittings to abate asbestos from various mechanical systems such as boilers, stacks, ducts, pipe, fittings and jackets which involve the use of a Glove bag. AB700 Fees to be charged by square foot, to abate asbestos from various roofing materials such as cement roof shingles, flashing, rolled roof, felts, wood shingles and mobile home coating. AB800 Fees to be charged by square foot or piece to abate asbestos from various materials such as floor tile, mastic adhesive, sheet vinyl, carpet, wood sub- floor, concrete sub-floor, vibrator dampers, wallboard, metal ductwork and sinks with insulation and heat shields (light fixture). AB900 Fees to be charge[d] by landfill for asbestos disposal. The bid price proposal sheet, which is form number 2 of the RFP, provides a listing of specific pay items related to the general “AB ---” items listed in Exhibit C to the RFP. Below is an example of some of the specific pay items listed on the bid price proposal sheet: [See table on next page] Item Number Description (A) Estimat ed Quantit y Unit (B) Unit Pric e Total Bid Amount (A x B) ASBESTOS REMOVAL ABATEMENT AB200 Mobilization for structures less than 2,000 Sq. FT. 1 SQ. FT. AB201 Mobilization for structures [from] 2001 – 5000 Sq. FT. 1 SQ. FT. AB202 Mobilization for structures over 5001 Sq. FT. 1 SQ. FT. AB300 Mask and Seal 1 SQ. FT. AB401 Remove ACM plaster/lathe including all surface materials 1 SQ. FT. AB501 Remove insulation from fittings 1 LF. AB603 Remove insulation from boilers, stacks or ducts piping 1 LF. AB703 Remove roofing cement 1 SQ. FT. AB810 Remove carpet and mastic adhesive 1 SQ. FT. AB820 Remove sinks with insulation 1 SQ. FT. AB901 Non-Friable 1 SQ. FT. General pay item category AB200, as described on Exhibit C, does not reference a “unit of measurement,” but instead notes that items within this category are to be determined on a “one-time – per parcel” basis. When the AB200 general pay item category is compared to the specific pay items for this category enumerated on the bid price proposal sheet (i.e., AB200, AB201, and AB202), it is evident that the unit of measurement “square feet” is listed as the basis for calculating the bid amount for this item when no such unit of measurement is stated for this item on Exhibit C. Comparatively, general pay item categories AB300 through AB800 each expressly references a specific unit of measurement (i.e., square foot, linear foot, or by the “piece”), and these units of measurement carry over to and are consistently reflected on the bid price proposal sheet for the specific pay items enumerated therein. By inserting a unit of measurement (i.e., square feet) in the mobilization pay items listed on the bid price proposal sheet, when the general description on Exhibit C instructs that they are “one-time, per parcel” pay items, the Department created a material ambiguity in the bidding process.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby Recommended that the Department of Transportation issue a final order in Case Nos. 20-4214 and 20-4216 finding that the rejection of all proposals in response to Request for Proposal RFP-DOT-20-5003-DAA was not illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent, and dismissing the two petitions. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of December, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINZIE F. BOGAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of December, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas Dell Dolan, Esquire Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458 (eServed) Richard E. Shine, Esquire Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Brian A. Leung, Esquire Holcomb & Leung, P.A. 3203 West Cypress Street Tampa, Florida 33607 (eServed) Diane E. H. Watson, Esquire Cross Environmental Services, Inc. Post Office Box 1299 Crystal Springs, Florida 33524-1299 (eServed) Kevin J. Tibault, P.E., Secretary Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street, MS 57 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 (eServed) Sean Gellis, General Counsel Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street, MS 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Andrea Shulthiess, Clerk of Agency Proceedings Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street, MS 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 (eServed)

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 DOAH Case (3) 12-084620-4214BID20-4216BID
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Apr. 28, 1992 Number: 92-002650BID Latest Update: Oct. 27, 1992

The Issue Whether Respondent's rejection of all bids for Lease No. 540:0920 was improper.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent published an invitation to bid seeking to lease approximately 9,907 net square feet of office space in Broward County (the Lease). There was no evidence of any irregularities in the preparation or the issuance of the invitation. The Petitioner, whose responsive bid was rejected by Respondent, timely and properly brought its protest and has standing to protest the Respondent's rejection of all bids for the Lease. Lynn Mobley was the statewide lease manager of the Respondent and had the responsibility to generally oversee the preparation of the bid package and the bid opening procedures. Barbara Lollie was a staff member under the supervision of Ms. Mobley and was in charge of the preparation of the request for bid proposals. Ms. Mobley's supervisor was a Ms. Barron. Five bids in response to the invitation to bid were duly received by Respondent. An evaluation committee chaired by Don Walker, Respondent's area administrator, was appointed to inspect the proposed properties and to evaluate the bids. The evaluation committee ranked the bids in the following order of preference: 1/ 1. In-Rel ($499,141.80) 2. Taft ($519,090.30) 3. Donlon ($541,119.90) 4. Procacci ($618,373.30) 5. Stirlingwood ($761,906.30) Thereafter the responses to the invitation were forwarded to Ms. Mobley's office for evaluation. Ms. Mobley's staff determined that the top two bids, those of In-Rel and Taft, were non-responsive. 2/ Ms. Mobley, who did not actively participate in the evaluation of the proposals, then advised Mr. Walker of that determination and advised him of two alternatives: to award the bid to the lowest responsive bidder or to reject all bids and re-advertise. The evaluation committee chaired by Mr. Walker had wanted to lease the property to either In-Rel or Taft. Mr. Walker told Ms. Mobley that he wanted to reject all bids and to re-advertise. Pursuant to the request for bids promulgated by the Respondent and Rule 13M-1.015, Florida Administrative Code, the Respondent reserved the right to reject any and all bid proposals for the Lease. The request for proposal of bids specifically stated: The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals for reasons which shall include but not be limited to the agency's budgetary constraints; waive any minor informality or technicality in bids, to accept that bid deemed to be the lowest and in the best interest of the State, and if necessary, to reinstate procedures for soliciting competitive proposals. Following the telephone conversation between Mr. Walker and Ms. Mobley, Ms. Mobley sent a letter dated March 23, 1992, to all bidders which notified each bidder that all bids had been rejected. That letter did not state the reasons for the rejection of all bids. Mr. Walker sent a memo on March 20, 1992, to Ms. Lollie recommending the rejection of all bids. Although this memo predated the rejection letter and was subsequently made available to Ms. Mobley, the memo was received by Ms. Mobley's office after the rejection letter had been sent. The memo gave no explication of Mr. Walker's reasons for wanting to reject all bids. The Department of General Services (DGS) published lease rate guidelines for Broward County to inform the Respondent of maximum acceptable lease rates. The purpose of these DGS guidelines was to advise the Respondent that proposed lease rates above the guidelines would be summarily rejected. At the time of obtaining bid proposals, the DGS lease rate guidelines were the only established guidelines which could be consulted by the Respondent. At no time did the Respondent calculate a pre-bid estimate of what the Respondent felt was an acceptable range of lease rates in order to be used in determining whether lease rates were too high. The Petitioner's bid, along with the other responsive bidders, were within the DGS lease rate guidelines. Mr. Walker made the request for re-bid after he learned that the bids of Taft and In-Rel were non-responsive. Mr. Walker's decision to recommend the rejection of all bids was based only on the information that the two top choices of the evaluation committee had been found to be non-responsive and on his desire to reopen the bid process in the hope of attracting more bidders. 3/ Mr. Walker wanted to modify the specifications of the invitation to bid in two regards. First, he wanted to amend the specifications to permit the leased premises to be in more than one building. Second, he wanted the geographical boundaries in which the leased premises could be located to be expanded to hopefully attract additional bidders. Mr. Walker believed that a re-bid would provide a wider range of buildings at comparable prices from which to choose and would give him an opportunity to make changes to the bid specifications. His decision to recommend the rejection of all bids was not based on a lease bid analysis or on lease rate guidelines. The recommendation was not dictated by budgetary considerations, but by his desire to shop the bid. It was Mr. Walker's understanding that at the end of his telephone conversation with Ms. Mobley that the decision to reject all bids had been made and that all bids would be rejected. Ms. Mobley made the decision to reject all bids pursuant to the recommendation of Mr. Walker after obtaining input from Ms. Lollie and Ms. Barron. Although Ms. Mobley had Ms. Lollie's analysis of the five bids, that analysis made no comparison of the rates contained in the bids with existing lease rates or the DGS guidelines. Ms. Mobley did not consult the DGS lease rate guidelines, although she was generally familiar with those guidelines, and she was unaware of any budgetary constraints that would dictate the rejection of all bids. When Ms. Mobley decided to reject all bids, she did not compare the bid proposals to the existing lease rates paid by the Respondent for leased office space in Broward County. The decision to reject all bids was not made on the advice of an attorney. Although Ms. Mobley testified that all bids on the Lease were rejected solely for price considerations, the evidence presented established that the decision to reject all bids was not based on price, price guidelines, or the Respondent's budgeting constraints. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Ms. Mobley rejected all bids because that was the action recommended by Mr. Walker. Respondent's invitation to bid did not contain any lease rate guidelines that would notify prospective bidders of a lease rate ceiling. There was no significant difference in the lease rates between the Taft and In-Rel bids that were favored but non-responsive and the third lowest bidder, the Donlon bid, which was responsive but rejected. Mr. Walker conceded that the Donlon bid was not rejected because of price considerations. Mr. Walker was of the opinion that the Donlon bid was at an acceptable price. He did not testify that the Petitioner's bid was at an unacceptable price and he did not testify as to what, other than the DGS guidelines, would be the maximum acceptable price. The DGS Lease Guidelines applicable to the bid for the Lease were as follows: A full service Lease (including electricity) -- $17.84 a square foot. 4/ Lease without electricity -- $15.18 a square foot. The present rate for the existing lease which was to be replaced by the Lease was $16.60 a square foot; this rate did not include electricity. If electricity was factored in at $2.50 a square foot, which was a factor regularly used by DGS, the present lease rate would be approximately $18.00 a square foot. The three responsive bids to the invitation were lower than the present lease after factoring in electricity. Ms. Goodman was of the opinion that Respondent's budget with respect to the Lease would be based on lease rates already in existence and consequently, that the responsive bids received and rejected were within the budget guidelines. Respondent offered no evidence to controvert that opinion. There was no evidence that the decision to reject all bids was based on economic considerations. All lease rates submitted by the rejected bidders were under the ceiling set by the DGS lease guidelines of $17.84. The Respondent acted arbitrarily when it rejected all bids.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusion of law, it is hereby recommended that the Respondent accept and evaluate the responsive bids submitted for the Lease and determine the proper recipient for an award of the Lease. RECOMMENDED this 29th day of June, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of June, 1992.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68255.25287.012
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