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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001806 Latest Update: Aug. 16, 1985

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, the exhibits received in evidence, and the testimony of the witnesses at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact. Sweet's Lounge, Inc., held alcoholic beverage license number 16-350, Series 2-COP, for the location of Sweet's Lounge, 706-710 Northwest First Street, Dania, Florida, at all times relevant to the charges in this case. On April 24, 1985, Beverage Investigator Frank Oliva drove his automobile to the front of the premises of Sweet's Lounge. He was approached by a male who asked what he wanted, and Oliva responded that he wanted "Boy," a street name for heroin. The male answered that he did not have any. Another male approached Oliva, who again indicated that he wanted some "Boy". Oliva observed the male enter the premises of Sweet's Lounge. Beverage Investigator Alphonso Junious was inside the licensed premises of Sweet's Lounge and observed the entire transaction with Oliva. He observed the male enter the premises of Sweet's Lounge and approach a female patron known as Ramona, who handed the male a tinfoil package. The male returned to Investigator Oliva and exchanged the tinfoil package for $20.00. The male then reentered Sweet's Lounge and gave the $20.00 to Ramona. The substance alleged to be heroin was laboratory analyzed to contain no controlled substances. On April 25, 1985, Beverage Investigator Frank Oliva returned to the front of the premises of Sweet's Lounge. He discussed the purchase of some "Boy" from an individual named William Rainey. Rainey went inside the premises of Sweet's Lounge and returned with a tinfoil package which he delivered to Oliva in exchange for $20.00. The substance alleged to be heroin was laboratory analyzed to contain no controlled substances. On April 25, 1985, Investigator Junious returned to the premises of Sweet's Lounge. The on-duty barmaid, Beatrice, left the premises for a short time and asked a female, later identified as the barmaid Linda, who was sitting at the end of the bar counter smoking a marijuana cigarette, to watch the bar until Beatrice returned. Beatrice said nothing to Linda about the marijuana cigarette. Linda walked behind the bar and continued smoking the marijuana cigarette while performing bartending duties. When Beatrice re-entered the premises, Ramona was standing in the doorway handing a tinfoil package to a male in the view of Beatrice. Junious entered into conversation with Ramona and, during the conversation, Ramona delivered a small tinfoil package to an unknown male patron. Investigator Reylius Thompson was also inside the premises of Sweet's Lounge on April 25, 1985. He observed several patrons smoking marijuana cigarettes, which he was able to identify through their appearance, smell, and the manner of smoking. On May 1, 1985, Investigators Junious and Thompson returned to the licensed premises of Sweet's Lounge. They observed the bartender Beatrice seated at the bar counter with two male patrons who were smoking a marijuana cigarette. After the bartender Linda came on duty, the officers observed her remove a marijuana cigarette from her purse and begin to smoke it behind the bar counter. Junious asked Linda for change for a $20.00 bill so he could buy cocaine. Linda asked what Junious wanted, and he told her a $10.00 piece of cocaine. Linda removed a tinfoil package of cocaine from her purse behind the counter and sold the cocaine to Junious for $10.00. While Investigator Thompson was seated at the bar on May 1, 1985, he also asked Linda for some cocaine. Linda again removed a tinfoil package of cocaine from her purse and delivered it to Thompson in exchange for $10.00. On May 3, 1985, Investigators Junious and Thompson returned to the licensed premises of Sweet's Lounge. While Beatrice was bartender, Junious observed several patrons smoking marijuana cigarettes. After Linda came on duty, Junious asked to purchase $10.00 piece of cocaine from her. Linda requested Beatrice to hand her her purse, from which she removed a tinfoil package of cocaine. Junious observed a plastic bag containing numerous tinfoil packages inside of Linda's purse. Linda sold the package of cocaine to Junious for $10.00 While Investigator Thompson was sitting at the bar on May 3, 1985, he asked Linda for some cocaine. Linda asked Beatrice to pass her purse to her from behind the bar. Beatrice handed the purse to Linda and Linda took out a tinfoil package of cocaine which she sold to Thompson for $10.00 On May 8, 1985, Investigators Junious and Thompson returned to Sweet's Lounge. While the investigators were seated at the bar counter, they observed three male patrons also seated at the bar counter smoking a marijuana cigarette in the presence of Beatrice, the bartender. After Linda came on duty, Junious asked her for a $10.00 piece of cocaine. Linda removed her purse from behind the bar, removed a tinfoil package of cocaine from her purse, and sold the cocaine to Junious for $10.00. Later that evening, Thompson asked bartender Linda for a $10.00 piece of cocaine. She again removed a tinfoil packet containing cocaine from her purse and sold the cocaine to Thompson. ll. On May 10, 1985, Investigators Junious, Thompson and McKeithen went to Sweet's Lounge. Junious asked the bartender Linda for $10.00 worth of cocaine, and she replied that she only had rocks. Junious agreed to purchase the rocks and received a tinfoil package of cocaine from Linda, which she had removed from her purse behind the bar. Later that same evening, Investigator Thompson also asked Linda for $10.00 worth of cocaine. She removed from her purse a tinfoil package containing cocaine which she sold to Thompson for $10.00. That same evening Investigator Thompson observed a male disc jockey smoking marijuana in the presence of patrons and passing the marijuana cigarette to some of the patrons. On May 14, 1985, Investigators Thompson and McKeithen returned to Sweet's Lounge. Thompson observed four patrons seated at a table cutting a white powder and snorting it from the top of the table. He also observed Ramona and a male patron, while seated at the bar, snort a white powder through an empty cigarette paper tube in view of the bartender Beatrice. On May 15, 1985, Investigators Junious and Thompson returned to Sweet's Lounge. Junious asked the bartender Linda if she had any cocaine, and she responded that she did but Junious would have to wait until she served a customer. After serving a customer, Linda sold Junious a small tinfoil package containing cocaine for 510.00. Junious also observed several patrons smoking marijuana cigarettes, sniffing white powder, and removing tobacco from regular cigarettes, inserting white powder into the cigarettes, and smoking same. On that same date, Investigator Thompson also asked Linda for cocaine. She replied that she had rock or powder cocaine and Thompson ordered rock. Linda walked into the package store portion of the lounge and returned shortly to Thompson, handing him a tinfoil package containing a small rock of cocaine in exchange for $10.00. On that same date Thompson observed Ramona using an empty cigarette paper tube to snort a white powder. On May 22, 1985, Investigators Junious and Thompson entered the licensed premises of Sweet's Lounge. The officers observed patrons seated at the bar counter smoking a marijuana cigarette in the presence of bartender Beatrice. The officers also observed Ramona seated at a table with several male patrons, all of whom were snorting a white powder from the table top and smoking a white powder in cigarettes. On May 29, 1985, Investigator Thompson returned to Sweet's Lounge. He observed Linda smoking a marijuana cigarette behind the bar counter and observed Ramona sitting on the west side of the premises with a quantity of white powder on the table. Thompson approached Ramona, sat down next to her, and began to talk to her about cocaine. While Thompson was seated with Ramona another female patron smoked a marijuana cigarette. Later that same evening, Thompson asked bartender Linda for cocaine and she responded that she had rock or powder. He ordered powder and Linda removed a tinfoil package of cocaine from her purse, which she sold to Thompson for $10.00. On the majority of the occasions described above when the investigators were inside the premises of Sweet's Lounge, there was a pervasive odor of marijuana smoke throughout the entire premises. The white powder which was being sniffed by patrons on the licensed premises at the various times described above was cocaine. In brief summary, the following relevant events took place at the licensed premises during the period of the investigation: 4/24/85: A patron participated in sale of a counterfeit controlled substance. 4/25/85: A patron participated in sale of a counterfeit controlled substance, an employee smoked a marijuana cigarette while on duty, and a patron delivered two small tinfoil packages to other patrons, and several patrons smoked marijuana cigarettes. 5/01/85: Two patrons smoked a marijuana cigarette, an employee smoked a marijuana cigarette while on duty, and an employee made two sales of cocaine. 5/03/85: Several patrons smoked marijuana cigarettes, and an employee made two sales of cocaine. 5/08/85: Three patrons smoked marijuana cigarettes in immediate presence of an employee, and an employee made two sales of cocaine. 5/10/85: A disc jockey smoked marijuana and shared it with patrons, and an employee made two sales of cocaine. 5/14/85: Six patrons sniffed cocaine; two did so in immediate presence of an employee. 5/15/85: Several patrons smoked marijuana and sniffed cocaine, and an employee made two sales of cocaine. 5/22/85: Several patrons smoked marijuana cigarettes in the immediate presence of an employee and several patrons sniffed cocaine. 5/24/85: A patron had cocaine in open view on a table, a patron smoked a marijuana cigarette, an employee on duty smoked a marijuana cigarette, and an employee made one sale of cocaine. Mr. Ebbie Sweet was never on the licensed premises on any of the occasions described above when the investigators were on the licensed premises. At all times material to this case, Mr. Andrew Johnson has been the manager of Sweet's Lounge. The owner, Mr. Ebbie Sweet, has given the manager various instructions about the operation of the premises. The instructions include: (a) keep the premises clean, (b) keep drugs out of the premises, (c) tell all employees to do the same, (d) put up signs about what can and cannot be done on the premises [including a sign reading "No Drugs Allowed"], (e) post the DABT flyer, and (f) put a "no loitering" sign outside the premises. The "no loitering" sign has not worked very well. When Mr. Andrew Johnson is on the premises he spends most of his time in the package store portion of the premises and very little of his time in the bar portion. On one occasion prior to the events described above, the Dania Police Department told Mr. Andrew Johnson there was a drug problem in Sweet's Lounge. He told them to come in anytime they wanted to and to arrest anyone they wanted to. Mr. Johnson did not change any procedures at Sweet's Lounge after the Dania Police Department told him about drug problems. Mr. Andrew Johnson knows Ramona. He has never seen her buy or use drugs, but he has heard that she is suspected of being a drug user. Ramona was a frequent visitor at Sweet's Lounge. Mr. Ebbie Sweet is the president of and the principal functionary of Sweet's Lounge, Inc. A sister and a nephew of Mr. Sweet also have some nominal connection to the corporation, but neither of them is active in running the licensed business. Mr. Ebbie Sweet enjoys an excellent reputation in his community. He is active in community affairs and has engaged in various charitable activities for the betterment of his community. It has always been his desire to run a reputable business and if he had known what was going on inside the lounge he would have fired those involved and would have closed the place up himself. In sum: Mr. Ebbie Sweet appears to be a good citizen who was trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, for both him and the community, he wasn't trying quite hard enough. Some time ago Mr. Ebbie Sweet's wife passed away. As a result of that misfortune Mr. Sweet slowed down a lot and became less active in many things, including the amount of time and energy he devoted to the licensed business. He had at one time visited the licensed premises on a regular basis, but during the past ten months he only made a couple of trips a month to the licensed premises, and those were primarily to check on the inventory. During the past ten months he has hardly ever visited the licensed premises after dark. Mr. Sweet was relying on Mr. Andrew Johnson to manage things for him at the licensed premises even though he knew that Mr. Johnson was not the most reliable of managers. As Mr. Sweet put it, Mr. Johnson "has a few faults." Some years ago Mr. Sweet had an alcoholic beverage quota license which permitted him to sell all types of alcoholic beverages at Sweet's Lounge. When he had that license he had written instructions for his employees, he had doormen, and he had security guards. Since he sold the quota license and obtained his present license (which is limited to beer and wine sales), he has not had written instructions for his employees, he has not had doormen, and he has not had security guards. Mr. Sweet does not perform polygraph examinations or background checks on his employees. He has thought about hiring undercover people to patrol the premises, but has never done anything about it. The area of town in which Sweet's Lounge is located is one in which controlled substances are readily obtainable. Sweet's Lounge has had a recurring problem with undesirable people loitering in front of the lounge, people Mr. Sweet described as "hoodlums." All of the employees who worked in the bar portion of the licensed premises knew that marijuana and cocaine were being used by patrons inside the licensed premises on a regular, frequent, and flagrant basis. None of the employees took any action to prevent, discourage, or terminate the use of controlled substances by patrons. The foregoing findings of fact include the majority of the findings of fact proposed by the Petitioner. They do not, however, include any proposed findings based solely on the testimony of Investigator McKeithen. Some of the proposed findings based on McKeithen's testimony are irrelevant to the disposition of this case. Other proposed findings based solely on McKeithen's testimony are rejected because much of her testimony was neither persuasive nor convincing. While I have no doubts at all about her candor, honesty, or integrity, I have certain doubts about her attention to detail and her ability to recall and describe with accuracy events that took place in her presence. In making the finding that the employees who worked in the bar portion of the licensed premises were aware of the extensive use of drugs by patrons, I have not overlooked the testimony of the employees denying such knowledge. I find the denials to be unworthy of belief in light of all the other evidence in the record.

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons it is recommended that the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a Final Order revoking alcoholic beverage license number 16-350, series 2-COP issued to Sweet's Lounge, Inc., for the premises located at 706-710 Northwest First Street, Dania, Florida. DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of August, 1985, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of August, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Louisa Hargrett, Esquire Staff Attorney Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Chesley V. Morton, Esquire 604 Southeast Sixth Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Howard M. Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard B. Burroughs, Jr. Secretary The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.29777.011823.10893.13
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marianna, Florida Aug. 07, 1996 Number: 96-003665 Latest Update: Feb. 04, 1999

The Issue Whether controlled substances were possessed, sold, or used at the Jolly Spot Lounge and, if so, whether the owner's alcoholic beverage license should be revoked or whether he should be otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and documentary evidence received at the hearing, in addition to the testimony found in the above-referenced depositions, the following findings of fact are made: The Petitioner is the State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (Department). The Respondent is Lawrence C. Whitehead, (Whitehead), d/b/a/ the Jolly Spot Lounge located at 508 East Nelson Avenue, DeFuniak Springs, Walton County, Florida. At all times pertinent to the instant matter, Whitehead operated the Jolly Spot Lounge where alcoholic beverages were sold under Alcoholic Beverage License No. 76-00016, Series 2-COP. During the spring and summer of 1996, Whitehead was the subject of an undercover investigation regarding allegations of narcotic sales at the Jolly Spot Lounge. During the course of the investigation, Investigator James Lorenz of the Walton County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement officers met with a confidential source for the purpose of investigating complaints of narcotic sales at the Jolly Spot Lounge. The confidential source was instructed by the law enforcement officers to attempt to purchase narcotics at the licensed premises. At all time pertinent to the investigation, the confidential source was searched before the investigation to confirm that she had no contraband on her person. After each of the narcotic sales, the confidential source would rejoin the law enforcement officers where she would surrender the purchased cocaine. On eight separate occasions (May 7, 1996; May 24, 1996; May 24, 1996; May 31, 1996; May 31, 1996; June 7, 1996; July 27, 1996; and July 28, 1996) undercover police officers, confidential informants under the direct supervision and direction of law enforcement officers, or investigators entered the licensed premises in an attempt to purchase cocaine from employees or patrons. On each occasion, the officers, the informants, or the investigators were able to consummate a drug deal and purchase some form of cocaine. On May 7, 1996, the confidential source entered the Jolly Spot Lounge and met with a person identified as Ernest Whitehead (E. Whitehead). E. Whitehead was tending bar, and he told the confidential source that he was the manager. E. Whitehead and the confidential source discussed the purchase of crack cocaine and subsequently, E. Whitehead sold the confidential source crack cocaine in exchange for twenty dollars. Both the conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased from E. Whitehead was later analyzed at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) laboratory and determined to be cocaine. On May 24, 1996, a confidential source drove to the Jolly Spot Lounge, and while in the parking lot she was approached by a person identified as Darrell Guice. The confidential source and Guice engaged in a conversation regarding the purchase of narcotics. Subsequently, Guice entered the Jolly Spot Lounge and immediately returned with crack cocaine. The cocaine was sold to the confidential informant in exchange for twenty dollars. The conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined to be cocaine. Later on May 24, 1996, the confidential source, returned to the Jolly Spot Lounge. While in the parking lot, E. Whitehead exited the Jolly Spot Lounge and approached the confidential source's vehicle. The confidential source and E. Whitehead engaged in a conversation regarding the purchase of one hundred dollars' worth of cocaine. E. Whitehead then sold the confidential source five pieces of crack cocaine in exchange for the bargained price. The conversations and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined to be cocaine. On May 31, 1996, the confidential source returned to the Jolly Spot Lounge, and similar to past episodes, E. Whitehead exited the Jolly Spot Lounge and approached the confidential source’s vehicle. The confidential source and E. Whitehead engaged in a conversation regarding the purchase of fifty dollars worth of cocaine. Soon thereafter, E. Whitehead sold the confidential source three pieces of crack cocaine. The conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined to be cocaine. Later on May 31, 1996, the confidential source returned in a vehicle and parked in a parking lot immediately across the street from the Jolly Spot Lounge. E. Whitehead exited the Jolly Spot Lounge and spoke with the confidential informant regarding the purchase of cocaine. E. Whitehead reentered the Jolly Spot Lounge and shortly thereafter, Donald Whitehead exited the Jolly Spot Lounge and delivered seven pieces of cocaine to the confidential source. After the transaction was completed, Donald Whitehead returned to the Jolly Spot Lounge. The conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined to be cocaine. On June 7, 1996, the confidential source returned to the Jolly Spot Lounge and met with E. Whitehead for the purpose of discussing the purchase of a “cookie.” A cookie is a slang word for an ounce of cocaine. After brief negotiations, E. Whitehead informed the confidential source that the “cookie” would cost $1,100.00. Later on the same day, the confidential source returned in her vehicle, parked in the Jolly Spot Lounge parking lot, and met with E. Whitehead. After a brief meeting, E. Whitehead went into the Jolly Spot Lounge and immediately returned with a plastic bag containing the “cookie” of cocaine. The cocaine was given to the confidential source in return for $1,100.00. The conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without any attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was field tested with positive results for the presence of cocaine and confirmed by the U.S. Department of Law Enforcement, Drug Enforcement Administration Laboratory. On or about July 27, 1996, Investigative Aide T. Kent, a sworn correctional officer, entered the Jolly Spot Lounge in furtherance of the above referenced investigation. Kent met with persons identified as Charles Whitehead and “Sugar Man,” and engaged them in conversation regarding the purchase of crack cocaine. Charles Whitehead was tending the bar. During this conversation, a person identified as “Jody” approached, and “Sugar Man” advised Kent that “Jody” could sell her some crack cocaine. Kent ordered and “Jody” delivered two rocks of crack cocaine in exchange for $40.00. At or near the time of the transaction, “Jody” gave “Sugar Man” a piece of crack cocaine who in turn immediately began smoking it in the Jolly Spot Lounge. The conversation and the narcotics transaction occurred in an open manner without attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined to be cocaine. On July 28, 1996, Kent and Division Special Agent Beverly Causey entered the Jolly Spot Lounge. There were approximately 40 patrons inside the premises. Kent noted that there was the distinctive odor of crack cocaine inside the premises. “Sugar Man” met Kent and Causey at the bar. Kent told “Sugar Man” that they wanted some more crack cocaine and they were directed to “Jody.” Kent and Causey each purchased from “Jody” what he represented to be crack cocaine. The conversation and the transaction occurred in an open manner without attempt to conceal the subject matter of the conversation or the transaction. The substance purchased on this occasion was later analyzed by the FDLE laboratory and determined not to be cocaine. Administrative charges were brought against Whitehead based upon alleged violations of the controlled substance statute within the beverage statute.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a final order revoking alcoholic beverage license number 76-00016, Series 2-COP, issued to Lawrence C. Whitehead, d/b/a the Jolly Spot Lounge, for premises located at 508 East Nelson Avenue, DeFuniak Springs, Walton County, Florida. DONE and ORDERED this 19th day of December, 1996, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM A. BUZZETT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of December, 1996.

Florida Laws (6) 561.20561.29817.563823.10893.03893.13
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000719 Latest Update: Jan. 29, 1990

The Issue The issues presented for resolution in this proceeding concern whether the Respondent's alcoholic beverage licensure should be subjected to disciplinary sanctions because of alleged misconduct involving the sale and use of controlled substances on a licensed premises, more specifically delineated in the Notice to Show Cause filed in this proceeding by Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, JIMMIE WILLIAMS, owns the club or tavern known as the "Copa Cabana", doing business at 2901 North Haynes Street, Pensacola, Florida. That establishment holds a Series 2-COP alcoholic beverage license number 27- 00239, authorizing the sale of beer and wine on the premises. The Respondent is the sole owner of the Copa Cabana. Burnett Patterson, at times pertinent hereto, during September 1988 through February 1989, was a patrol deputy with the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Department. While a deputy with that Department, he engaged in special drug investigations. During the course of this employment, he became involved in numerous undercover operations designed to curb traffic and use of controlled substances. He thus became familiar with the appearance, properties and paraphernalia associated with crack cocaine and marijuana. On September 2, 1988, he met with Law Enforcement Investigator, Paul Blackmon, of the DABT. Investigator Blackmon asked Deputy Patterson to assist in a drug investigation of the Copa Cabana. At approximately 8:00 p.m. on that date, Deputy Patterson entered the Copa Cabana licensed premises in an undercover capacity. While in the licensed premises, inside the Copa Cabana, he observed patrons of that establishment openly smoking marijuana and crack cocaine. He observed one black male patron walking around inside the licensed premises holding a piece of crack cocaine visibly in his front teeth in order to advertise it for sale. This activity was done in the presence of the licensee/Respondent, Jimmie Williams. The undercover agent further observed numerous persons selling marijuana and cocaine inside, as well as outside the licensed premises. These persons made no attempt to conceal their illegal actions. It has not been demonstrated who owned or controlled the grounds immediately outside the door of the licensed premises. On September 16, 1988, at approximately 8:15 p.m., Deputy Patterson again entered the licensed premised in an undercover capacity. Upon entering the licensed premises, he observed 15 to 20 patrons inside and observed the Respondent working at the bar. Deputy Patterson went to the restroom inside the Copa Cabana and observed two black males cutting crack cocaine into small pieces, mixing them with marijuana, and rolling the resulting material into cigarettes or "joints" for smoking. Deputy Patterson purchased one piece of crack cocaine for $20.00 from a patron known as William Barker while inside the restroom. While inside the licensed premises, Deputy Patterson observed patrons openly smoking crack cocaine and marijuana. He was approached by other patrons, who asked if he wanted to purchase controlled substances. The substance purchased was analyzed and tested positive for cocaine. On September 19, 1988, at approximately 7:40 p.m., Deputy Patterson again entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity. Upon entering, he made contact with patron, Jerry Green, who was accompanied by a patron known as "Killer." Deputy Patterson purchased one "baggie" of marijuana for $10.00 from "Killer." This transaction, along with the open smoking of marijuana, took place in the presence of the Respondent. Deputy Patterson also observed numerous controlled substance transactions taking place outside and near the entrance of the licensed premises. The substance he purchased was analyzed and proved to be marijuana. On September 24, 1988, at approximately 3:30 p.m., Deputy Patterson again entered the license's premises. He observed several patrons entering and exiting the restroom area. He entered the restroom and made contact with patron, John Butler. John Butler asked Deputy Patterson what he was looking for, and the Deputy replied "crack." Deputy Patterson was sold one piece of crack cocaine by John Butler and another unknown patron for $20.00. Deputy Patterson observed several patrons entering the restroom and purchasing crack cocaine. Jimmie Williams was inside the licensed premises during the time Deputy Patterson was present and making these observations. Deputy Patterson further observed several narcotic transactions outside the front entrance of the licensed premised. The substance purchased by Deputy Patterson was analyzed and tested as positive for the presence of cocaine. On October 8, 1988, at approximately 4:10 p.m., Deputy Patterson again entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity. Prior to entering, he was asked by several patrons loitering near the entrance of the Copa Cabana if he wanted to purchase controlled substances. Once inside the licensed premises, he entered the restroom, where he made contact with patron, Calvin Black. Deputy Patterson purchased one piece of crack cocaine from Calvin Black for $20.00. Deputy Patterson then departed the restroom and observed patrons openly smoking marijuana while playing pool. Deputy Patterson contacted patron, Terry Boutwell, by the pool table. Terry Boutwell sold Deputy Patterson one baggie of marijuana for $10.00 at that location. Upon leaving the building, Deputy Patterson was again approached by persons outside the entrance to the Copa Cabana and asked if he wanted to purchase controlled substances. During all of the aforementioned events, including the sale of marijuana and the smoking of marijuana in the vicinity of the pool table, the Respondent was inside the licensed premises. Both the substance purchased from Calvin Black and that purchased from' Terry Boutwell were subsequently analyzed and proved to be controlled substances. On January 28, 1989, at approximately 5:00 p.m, a confidential informant, Alonzo Blackman, was designated to conduct a controlled substance purchase inside the licensed premises from the licensee, Jimmie Williams. The confidential informant was given specific instructions to buy only from Williams. Prior to departing the Sheriff's Department, he was thoroughly searched. It was determined that he had no controlled substances or money on his person. He was provided with a concealed, wireless voice transmitter. He was also given $50.00 of the Sheriff's Department's money for the purpose of purchasing crack cocaine. Subsequently, the confidential informant departed the Sheriff's Department with Deputy Gwen Salter. The pair was followed and traced by Escambia County Sheriff's Deputy Mark Shaeffer. Deputy Shaeffer was equipped with a radio receiver and monitored transmissions emitted from Alonzo Blackman's transmitter. Deputy Shaeffer observed Alonzo Blackman park behind the Copa Cabana to the rear of the building on a back street and depart Deputy Salter's vehicle. He observed Alonzo Blackman walk through the wooded area behind the Copa Cabana and disappear around the side of the building, moving toward the front of the Copa Cabana building. After Alonzo Blackman was out of sight around the corner of the Copa Cabana building, Deputy Shaeffer could hear normal outdoor sounds, as well as Alonzo Blackman's footsteps through the transmitter. Shortly thereafter, he heard the sound of a juke box playing and loud voices consistent with the noises one would expect when a person entered a bar. Within two or three minutes thereafter, Deputy Schaeffer observed Alonzo Blackman come back in sight around the corner of the licensed premises and enter Deputy Salter's vehicle. Deputy Schaeffer followed the two back to the Sheriff's Department, keeping Alonzo Blackman in visual sight the entire time. When Alonzo Blackman and Deputy Salter returned to the Sheriff's Department, Alonzo Blackman presented Deputy Schaeffer with a slab of rock cocaine and no longer had the $50.00 given to him by the Sheriff's Department. Subsequently, the substance purchased was analyzed and tested positive for the presence of cocaine. The Petitioner adduced a hearsay statement from Deputy Schaeffer to the effect that Alonzo Blackman had told him that he had purchased the rock cocaine in question from the Respondent. That statement was not admitted into evidence since it was not corroborative hearsay for the purposes of Section 120.58, Florida Statutes. The hearsay statement concerning the alleged purchase from the Respondent is not corroborative of the testimony concerning the other independent events in question in this proceeding involving the sale and use of controlled substances on the licensed premises by others. The only testimony or evidence directly concerning the alleged purchase of cocaine from the Respondent was that related by confidential informant, Blackman, to Deputy Schaeffer. The only other evidence purporting to show that the Respondent sold a slab of rock cocaine was the testimony by Deputy Schaeffer revealing what he saw and heard over his radio receiver. All he saw was Alonzo Blackman passing around the side of the building aid later returning around the back corner of the building. He heard his footsteps as he passed around and presumably entered the building, judging from the change in sounds received. There was no evidence that any voices or other noises transmitted to Deputy Schaeffer's listening station consisted of the actual drug transaction and specifically that any of the voices or sounds he might have heard were those of the Respondent in conducting that transaction. Since Deputy Schaeffer's testimony, itself, does not implicate the Respondent in selling the drug, the hearsay statement of the confidential informant, Alonzo Blackman, who could not be located at the time of the hearing, cannot be admissible corroborative hearsay. Thus, it was not established that on this occasion, the slab of rock cocaine was actually purchased from the Respondent. On February 8, 1989, at approximately 5:00 p.m., Alonzo Blackman was again designated to conduct a controlled substance purchase inside the Copa Cabana from the Respondent. He was given the same specific instructions, and Deputy Schaeffer made the same visual and auditory observations as he had with regard to the alleged transaction of January 28, 989. The same factual findings apply, and are made, with regard to this transaction as were made above concerning the January 28, 1989 transaction. The alleged fact that the purchase was made from Jimmie Williams was again predicated on the hearsay statement of Blackman, which was not corroborative and was uncorroborated. It cannot be used to support a finding that the Respondent sold the cocaine in question. On February 7, 1989, at approximately 8:00 p.m., Escambia County Investigators, Tyron Wicks, Melvin Possey and J. Johnson, conducted a "routine drug sweep" of the Copa Cabana. This type of operation was a routine matter for Investigator Wicks in the six months prior to February 7, 1989. Upon entering the licensed premises, Investigator Wicks went directly to the men's restroom where he observed four patrons having a conversation while looking into a paper bag. Investigator Wicks seized the paper bag which contained nine plastic baggies of marijuana ready for distribution and charged him with possession of 20 grams of marijuana with the intent to distribute. Investigator Wicks is familiar with the smell of marijuana smoke; and during "drug sweeps" conducted in the licensed premises, estimated to be 20 or 30 such operations for the previous six months, he smelled such smoke in the licensed premises on a number of occasions. On these occasions, he had also found marijuana and crack and razor blades, as well as pipes and cans used for smoking crack, on the floor of the licensed premises. He has seen people buy drugs at the Copa Cabana while he has been present there with the Sheriff's Department Narcotics Unit during the years 1988 and 1989. Sergeant Bobby Jackson of the Narcotics Division of the Escambia County Sheriff's Department has bean a law enforcement officer for approximately 14 years. He is familiar with the smell and appearance of marijuana and crack cocaine. He has been involved in 20 to 30 raids at the licensed premises. On at least 15 occasions, officers in his party have found controlled substances. The Respondent was always present when these raids took place. On many of the raids, Sergeant Jackson smelled the odor of marijuana smoke in the licensed premises. He is certain that the Respondent was present on these occasions. During these raids, he has observed marijuana cigarette butts on the floor of the licensed premises and has often found people inside bagging marijuana. Prior to the suspension of the beverage license on February 10, 1989, Sergeant Jackson received quite a few complaints about the licensed premises; and each time he visited it, he would observe a great number of people standing around inside and outside the licensed premises. It has been quite different since the suspension of the license and the shutdown of operations at the Copa Cabana. Sergeant Jackson has received very few complaints since February 10, 1989. Sergeant Jackson, however, never received any complaints from the Respondent about drug use in the establishment. John Green is a black male, whose mother lives approximately a block from the licensed premises. He has been a friend of the Respondent for approximately 15 years. During the period of January and February of 1989, he patronized the licensed premises six days a week, every week. He would go there after work and stay until approximately 9:00 p.m. He states that he always saw the Respondent behind the bar. John Green stated that the bar was a self- service bar where patrons could get beer out of the cooler in front of the bar and pay for it at the counter. He maintained that he had never seen Deputy Patterson and that, in his opinion, marijuana smoke smells just like Kool cigarette smoke. He drinks beer every night, including the times when he patronized the Copa Cabana. He testified under oath that he had never seen anyone use drugs in the licensed premises and that on one occasion, however, he had thrown someone out of the licensed premises for using drugs. Dorothy Mouton lives approximately six miles from the Copa Cabana and works at Washington Junior High School in an administrative capacity. She knows the Respondent, who also works there as a coach. She, in the past, has stopped at the Copa Cabana to eat a snack and converse the During the period of August of 1988 to February of 1989, she went to the Copa Cabana every week. According to Ms. Mouton, the Respondent had a stool behind the bar and would get beer from the cooler for patrons who requested beer. She claimed that she was able, by her experience, to identify marijuana smoke and crack cocaine. She maintained that she never saw any drug of either sort in the licensed premises She also testified that it was her habit to depart the licensed premises every day between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Chris Dortch is a 27 year old black male who has known the Respondent for a long period of time. He helped the Respondent operate the Copa Cabana when he first established it. He lives approximately four blocks from the Copa Cabana. He goes to the licensed premises every day and sometimes stays until it closes. He has always observed the Respondent staying behind the bar counter while he is on duty. This witness also claimed under oath that he had never seen any cocaine or marijuana smoked in the licensed premises and had never smelled any marijuana smoke within the licensed premises. He testified that he saw police officers in the licensed premises at least ten times, but never observed any arrests. Elizabeth Freeman lives around the corner from the licensed premises and has lived there approximately four years. During the period of September of 1988 to February 10, 1989, she went to the club every day for about an hour where she would talk to Williams and play video games. She claimed that she observed Williams, on occasion, move from behind the counter into the public area of the tavern. She also testified that she has never seen any indications of drug use on the premises. Shirley Washington was in the habit of going to the club during the period of August of 1988 to February of 1989 at approximately 4:30 p.m. and generally would stay until closing, usually around 9:00 p.m. She was a member of a social group called "The Copa Cabana Queens." It was her habit, during this period of time, to drink four to five six-packs of beer each day. She is familiar with the smell of crack cocaine smoke and marijuana smoke. She testified that she had never observed any marijuana or crack cocaine within the licensed premises. She has been a friend of the Respondent for approximately 25 years. The Respondent is an instructor and coach with the Escambia County School Board. He has owned the Copa Cabana for 15 years. It is a recreation center, lounge, notion store and meeting place. He also has live entertainment and occasionally, a fashion show. His license authorizes him to sell and serve beer and wine. He is the only employee, but Ms. Washington minds the bar for him when he is temporarily away from it (in the restroom, etc.). He testified that he never observed Deputy Patterson until the day of the hearing. He testified that no drugs had ever been in the licensed premises and that he had never dealt in drugs. The testimony of Deputies Patterson and Schaeffer, Investigator Wicks, Sergeant Jackson, and Law Enforcement Investigator Ralph Kelly, to the effect that controlled substances were openly and notoriously used and sold on the premises in question, conflicts in a general sense with the testimony of Respondent's witnesses to the effect that they never saw any marijuana or crack cocaine on the premises or smelled any and so forth. This conflict in the testimony of the witnesses of the Petitioner and Respondent must be resolved by determining which are more credible. Determining the credibility of witnesses is an important and exclusive task of the fact finder Guidelines for resolving credibility issues are provided in Volume 24, Florida Jurisprudence 2nd, Sections 688-696, and grand jury instruction 2.04 on page 779 of West's Florida Criminal Laws and Rules (1989), which sets forth areas to consider in determining whether a witness is credible. Those areas include: whether the witness had an opportunity to observe and know the things about which he testifies' whether his memory seemed accurate; whether he was straight forward in his answers; whether he was interested in the result of the case at issue; whether it is consistent with other testimony and evidence adduced; and whether he has, at some different time, made an inconsistent statement from the testimony given before the court. Firstly, concerning the testimony of John Green, it can be seen that he testified to having patronized the establishment during the period of January and February of 1989 and purported never to have seen Deputy Patterson. This is not surprising since there was no testimony by the Deputy that he was in the licensed premises during those two months. Therefore, John Green would have had no opportunity to observe Deputy Patterson at the time he frequented the licensed the premises. John Green also testified that he drank beer in the licensed premises every night and, thus, could quite likely have suffered a diminution of his powers of observation as a result of drinking beer. Dorothy Mouton maintained that she went to the Copa Cabana every week during the period of August of 1988 to February of 1989. She stated that she went there between the time she got off work until 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Her time in the licensed premises was, therefore, very limited; and everything alleged by the Petitioner's witnesses could easily have occurred without her being on the licensed premises to observe the alleged violations. Elizabeth Freeman stated that she went to the Copa Cabana for about an hour each day during the time alleged in the Notice to Show Cause. If her testimony that she saw no drugs used on the licensed premises is accepted as true that still does not resolve the problem that the amount of time that she spent on the licensed premises was quite limited. The violations testified to by the Petitioner's witnesses could have occurred during her absence from the licensed premises. Shirley Washington claimed that she was at the Copa Cabana every day from 4:30 p.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m. during the time pertinent to the charges in the Notice to Show Cause. She also testified that she would drink four to five six-packs of beer every day. That could easily diminish her powers of observation and, no doubt, did. None of the witnesses for the Respondent could describe the events of any particular day alleged in the Notice to Show Cause. Their testimony was rather of a very general nature and not date or time-specific. On the other hand, the Petitioner's witnesses were trained law enforcement officers and observers, who kept meticulous records of their participation in the events in question and who gave detailed testimony as to the time, date and circumstances of each event that took place on the licensed premises and later became the subject of the charges in the Notice to Show Cause. There is no evidence that any of the law enforcement officers were drinking or otherwise had impaired powers of observation during the pertinent times. The Respondent's witnesses' memories and resulting testimonies appeared very general at best. Concerning the issue of whether the witnesses might have some interest in how the case should be resolved, it should be pointed out that the Respondent's witnesses were all old friends of the Respondent. John Green has been a friend of the Respondent for 15 years. Dorothy Mouton is a co-worker of the Respondent's at Washington Junior High School and must be counted as a friend of the Respondent. Chris Dortch has apparently known the Respondent since he was a small child. Elizabeth Freeman has been his friend and customer for the past four years. Shirley Washington has been the Respondent's friend for 25 years. All of these people are not only friends of the Respondent, but apparently considered the Copa Cabana a sort of favorite resort or meeting place away from home and clearly wanted to continue the benefit of the close friendly relationship. The Petitioner's witnesses, on the other hand, were professional police officers, none of whom had any relationship with the Respondent or the Copa Cabana. There was no evidence that any of the officers were somehow targeting the Respondent for special prosecution efforts. It rather appears that the events which came to light, as described in their testimony and the Notice to Show Cause, were discovered through routine police operations. Further, Deputy Patterson testified concerning the issue of whether the Respondent exhibited proper diligence in supervising and maintaining surveillance over the licensed premises. He stated that when the Respondent sold' a beer, he would do so by receiving the money for the beer and then moving outside of the bar to the cooler, kept in the room near the bar, to obtain the beer and give it to the customer. The Respondent's witnesses, however, addressed this matter with differing testimony. John Green, stated that customers would get the beer themselves from the cooler and then go to the counter to pay for it. Dorothy Mouton stated that the Respondent would get the beer from the cooler himself, which required him to walk outside the area behind the bar into the area of the room, in which the bar was located, to the cooler, which would allow him to view the rear room and restroom area of the licensed premises. Chris Dortch testified that the Respondent stayed behind the counter during beer sales. Elizabeth Freeman stated that she had observed the Respondent move from behind the counter into the open area of the licensed premises in the act of getting a beer for a customer. Thus, the Respondent's witnesses' testimony as to this question was inconsistent in terms of rebutting the testimony of Deputy Patterson as to the manner in which beverages were sold by the Respondent, as that relates to the Respondent's physical position in the licensed premises and ability to see what activities transpired in the rear room, the area of the restroom entrance and the pool table. In any event, the foregoing analysis reveals that the testimony of the Petitioner's witnesses is more credible. It is concluded that that of the Respondent's witness, and the Respondent himself, show a lack of knowledge, clear memory, and consistency, at best, without reaching the question of whether any of the Respondent's witnesses deliberately falsified their testimony. Accordingly, the testimony of the Petitioner's witnesses, to the extent that it conflicts with that of the Respondent's witnesses, is accepted as more credible.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the competent, credible evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, JIMMIE WILLIAMS, d/b/a Copa Cabana, be found guilty of the offenses set forth in Counts II and III of the Notice to Show Cause. It is further recommended that Count I of the Notice to Show Cause be dismissed. It is further recommended that the alcoholic beverage license held by the Respondent be revoked and that a civil penalty of $2,000.00 be assessed against the Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of January, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of January, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-719 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact 1.-6. Accepted. Accepted, but not as probative of the ultimate fact of the sale of rock cocaine by the Respondent, himself. Accepted, but not as probative of the ultimate fact of the sale of rock cocaine by the Respondent, himself. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted, but not as probative of any material issue presented for adjudication. 12.-16. Accepted, in that these proposed findings of fact describe the testimony of these witnesses. However, these witnesses have been determined to be not credible. 17. Accepted, to the extent that it is arc accurate description of the Respondent's testimony. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1.-4. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and as not Entirely in accordance with the clear and convincing evidence. 7.-9. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and hot in accordance with the clear and convincing evidence. Rejected, as not materially dispositive of the issues presented. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and not, itself, materially dispositive. Rejected, as not, .in itself, materially dispositive. Accepted, in part, but the evidence in this case does not delineate the extent of the premises owned or controlled by the Respondent, and to that extent, it is rejected. Rejected, as subordinate to tide Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and as to it's purported material import. Rejected, as to its material import in relation to the remainder of Deputy Patterson's testimony. Rejected, as contrary to the clear and convincing evidence. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and not in accordance with the clear and convincing evidence. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and not being an accurate reflection of the overall sense of the witnesses' testimonies. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter. Rejected, as being contrary to the greater weight of the clear and convincing evidence. Accepted, but not, itself, dispositive of material issues presented, except to the extent that it has not been proven that the Respondent, himself, offered any drugs for sale. Accepted. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter and as not being, itself, dispositive of material issues presented. Rejected, as immaterial. Even if this is true, it does not overcome proof that the Copa Cabana club's operations constitute a nuisance. COPIES FURNISHED: Harry Hooper, Esq. Deputy General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1007 Leo A. Thomas, Esq. Levin, Middlebrooks, Mabie, Thomas, Mayes & Mitchell, P.A. P.O. Box 12308 Pensacola, FL 32581 Leonard Ivey, Director Department Of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1000

Florida Laws (8) 120.572.04561.29823.01823.10893.03893.1390.803
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Melbourne, Florida Apr. 28, 1992 Number: 92-002654 Latest Update: Sep. 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Lopez Grocery, Inc., is the holder of alcoholic beverage license number 15-02358, series 2APS, for the premises at 214 Emerson Drive, N.W., Palm Bay, Brevard County, Florida. Serafin Lopez and his wife, Elena, are President and Vice-President, respectively and are sole owners of the business. On November 3, 1991, the Palm Bay Police Department was conducting surveillance of Lopez Grocery as a result of reports that it was selling alcoholic beverages to underage persons. Cpl. Kraynick, a seven year law enforcement officer, was assigned to the surveillance on the 3:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. shift. Cpl. Kraynick was positioned about 40 feet outside the store, at the edge of the woods, with a clear view of the cash register and clerk inside the store. The store is at the end corner of a small strip shopping center. The other stores were vacant at the relevant time. At approximately 7:00 p.m., the parking lot was empty and the store was well lit from within. Cpl. Kraynick observed a brown pick-up truck pull up to the store. A white juvenile female went in, brought a six-pack of beer to the counter, got cigarettes and exited. She went to the passenger side of the truck to speak with the passenger and reentered the store where she picked up several more loose beers and paid for her purchases. The clerk bagged the beer and made change without requesting identification. The juvenile left the store with the beer. Cpl. Kraynick's original instructions had been to simply conduct the surveillance and notify his partners to make a traffic stop and arrest. When he learned that the partners were called out, he pursued the brown pick-up in his vehicle, and made the stop about 1/4 mile from the store. As soon as he activated his lights, the pick-up pulled over. He obtained a driver's license from the driver, the same person who had purchased the beer, and he confirmed that she was sixteen. Cpl. Kraynick confiscated the beer, still cold, from behind the driver's seat. The passenger had stashed an opened beer in her purse, where it had spilled, leaving an empty bottle. After releasing the girls to their parents, Cpl. Kraynick returned to Lopez Grocery. When he returned, he found Mr. Lopez, who explained that his wife had gone to buy a lottery ticket. She returned around 7:45 p.m. and was arrested for selling alcoholic beverages to an underage person. At the hearing, Angela Theresa Valente, the girl who purchased the beer, unequivocally identified Ms. Lopez as the clerk who made the sale. At no time was she asked her age or was asked for identification by Ms. Lopez. Angela was 16 at the time of the sale; she was born on December 28, 1974. Her appearance is that of a teenager. Ms. Lopez denies that she made the sale and claims that she was away purchasing lottery tickets when the sale was made. She and her husband are the only employees. Ms. Lopez also denies that her store sells Coors Light beer, the loose beer confiscated by Cpl. Kraynick. The grocery does sell Michelob Light, the six- pack that was confiscated. Cpl. Kraynick observed Coors Light singles in the grocery cooler the night that the arrests were made. Ms. Lopez' testimony was substantially less credible than that of Cpl. Kraynick and Angela Valente, both of whom positively identified her as the person who made the sale. Ms. Lopez claimed to have witnesses who could establish that she was not at the store around 7:00 p.m. when the sale was made, but she did not produce those witnesses.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondents' alcoholic beverage license # 15-02358, series 2-APS be suspended for 30 days and that a civil penalty of $500 be imposed. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 1st day of September 1992. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of September 1992. COPIES FURNISHED: Nancy C. Waller, Esquire Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Elena and Serafin Lopez 214 Emerson Drive Palm Bay, Florida 32907 Richard W. Scully, Director Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Donald D. Conn, General Counsel Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007

Florida Laws (3) 120.57561.29562.111
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002453 Latest Update: Feb. 11, 1982

The Issue This case concerns an Administrative Complaint filed by the Petitioner against the Respondent. Count I to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03 and 893.13(1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: Penny Reid, related to sales of the substance methaqualone, on July 26, 1981, and August 22, 1981. Count II to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03 and 893.13 (1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: Penny Reid, related to sales of the substance methaqualone, on July 16, 1981, and July 20, 1981, and September 9, 1981. In addition, there are allegations of a sale of lysergic acid diethylamid, on July 16, 1981. 2/ Count III to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03 and 893.13(1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: "Eve" related to sales of the substance methaqualone, on August 14, 1981, and with the sale of the substance cocaine, on August 15, 1981. Count IV to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03 and 893.13(1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: "Kitty," related to sales of the substance methaqualone, on August 15, 1981, and with the sale of the substance cocaine on September 26, 1981. Count V to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03, 893.13(1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: "Orlando," related to sales of the substance cannabis, on July 26, 1981. Count VI to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of violations of Sections 893.03, 893.13(1)(a) and 561.29, Florida Statutes, by actions of one of its agents, servants or employees, namely: "Julie," related to sales of the substance cocaine on September 26, 1981. Count VII to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent, between July 16, 1981, and October 2, 1981, of maintaining a place, namely the licensed premises, which was used for keeping or selling controlled substances, in particular methaqualone, cocaine and cannabis, in violation of Subsections 893.13(2)(a).5 and 561.29(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Count VIII contends that between July 16, 1981, and October 2, 1981, the Respondent, by actions of its agents, servants or employees and patrons, kept or maintained the building or place which was used for illegal keeping, selling or delivering of substances controlled under Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, and in doing so violated Section 823.10, Florida Statutes, and Subsection 561.29(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Count IX accuses the Respondent of allowing its agent, servant or employee, Annie D. Bryant, to unlawfully possess a controlled substance on the licensed premises, namely, marijuana, in violation of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes, and Subsection 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Count X accuses the Respondent of allowing its agent, servant or employee, Danita Buchin, to unlawfully possess a controlled substance on the licensed premises, namely, marijuana, in violation of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes, and Subsection 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Count XI accuses the Respondent of allowing its agent, servant or employee, Barbara Jean O'Rourke, to unlawfully possess a controlled substance on the licensed premises, namely, marijuana, in violation of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes, and Subsection 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Count XII accuses the Respondent, on April 20, 1981, through its corporate officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, or servants, of failing to file a sworn declaration of the transfer of voting stock of the corporate licensee, in violation of Rule 7A-3.37, Florida Administrative Code. Count XIII accuses the Respondent, through actions of its corporate officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, or servants, on May 4, 1981, of failing to notify the Petitioner of a change of corporate officers within ten (10) days of that change, in particular, within ten (10) days of the resignation of George and Florrie Pappas, as corporate officers and directors of the corporate licensee, in violation of Rule 7A-2.07(2), Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Effective August 18, 1980, Pappas Enterprises, Inc., which trades or does business as Foremost Liquors and Hideaway Lounge, at 1005 East 49th Street, in Hialeah, Dade County, Florida, was licensed by the Petitioner to sell alcoholic beverages. At that time, the sole officers listed for the corporation were George and Florrie Pappas. George Pappas was listed as the sole shareholder. In May, 1981, Miguel Rodriguez purchased the shares in the corporation, Pappas Enterprises, Inc. At that time, in his attorney's office, he executed a personal data sheet and certificate of incumbency for the benefit of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco; however, this personal data sheet proposing Rodriguez as a new officer and shareholder of the subject corporation was not filed with the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco until October 14, 1981. Furthermore, the first official request for change of corporate officers, owners and shareholders from the Pappases to Rodriguez was not filed with the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco until November 4, 1981. Prior to October 14, 1981, the Respondent corporation, in the person of Miguel Rodriguez, was served with a Notice to Show Cause/Administrative Complaint containing the first eight (8) counts alluded to in the Issues statement in this Recommended Order. The date of this service was October 2, 1981. Subsequent to that time, an amendment was allowed adding the remaining counts to the Administrative Complaint. The Respondent, through actions of Miguel Rodriguez, in his effort to protect his interest in the Respondent corporation, which he had purchased, and in view of the fact that he had effective control of the licensed premises during all times pertinent to the Administrative Complaint, has requested a Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, hearing, following service of him at the licensed premises as agent in fact for the corporation. The hearing was allowed to go forward upon the request made by Rodriguez because Rodriguez's substantial interests are at stake. The requested transfer of ownership and substitution of officers filed on November 4, 1981, is unresolved pending the outcome of the proceedings herein. See Subsection 561.32(2), Florida Statutes. On July 15, 1981, in the evening hours, Beverage Officer, Louis J. Terminello, went to the licensed premises known as the Hideaway for purposes of conducting an undercover narcotics investigation. Once he had entered the premises, he spoke with one of the employees, Penny Reid, a dancer. Upon his inquiry concerning the subject of narcotics Reid told him that she would sell him methaqualone tablets for $3.00 each and lysergic acid diethylamid (LSD) for $5.00 per dosage. In order to consummate the transaction, she explained that she would need to leave the licensed premises. Around 12:15 A.M. on July 16, 1981, Reid approached Miguel Rodriguez and asked permission to leave the licensed premises. She was granted that permission and Reid and Terminello went to a residence location off the licensed premises where a purchase was made of ten (10) methaqualone tablets and four (4) units of LSD at the unit prices as have been indicated. The Beverage Officer and dancer then returned to the licensed premises around 1:30 A.M. On July 20, 1981, at around 9:45 P.M., Officer Robert Chastain entered the licensed premises and spoke with Penny Reid. This conversation ensued when Reid approached Chastain. The subject of drugs was discussed and subsequent to that time, Reid received permission to leave the licensed premises. (She was still employed by the Respondent.) On the date above, Reid and Chastain went to a residence and purchased ten (10) methaqualone tablets. The price for the tablets was $30.00. When they returned to the bar, while in the premises, Reid removed one methaqualone tablet from the napkins in which they were wrapped and gave Chastain nine (9) tablets. Terminello came back to the licensed premises on the evening of July 25, 1981, and spoke with the dancer Reid. During the conversation methaqualone was discussed and she indicated that she did not have that substance at the time. She said she might have some of the material available to her later that night. Reid left the licensed premises around 11:35 P.M. on July 25, 1981, to return around 11:55 P.M. While in the licensed premises she exchanged five (5) methaqualone tablets at $3.00 per tablet, in return for $15.00 on July 26, 1981. This transaction took place in the hall area near the rest rooms in the licensed premises and no effort was made on the part of Reid to disguise the transaction. On July .26, 1981, during his visit to the licensed premises, at approximately 1:30 A.M., Officer Terminello spoke to a man who identified himself as "Orlando" and who claimed to be a manager at the premises and the son of Miguel Rodriguez. In fact, "Orlando" was not a manager at the licensed premises nor the son of Rodriguez. During this conversation, Terminello asked "Orlando" where he could get coke, meaning the controlled substance cocaine. "Orlando" responded that he might get the cocaine on some occasion but not on that evening. "Orlando" did give Officer Terminello marijuana, also known as cannabis, a controlled substance. This item was given to Officer Terminello as he was departing the premises on July 26, 1981. Terminello returned to the licensed premises on August 14, 1981, around 9:45 P.M. On that evening, he spoke with a dancer identified to him as "Eve" who was later determined to be Eve Mae Carroll. Carroll was employed as a dancer in the licensed premises. While seated at a table near the front door, Carroll told Terminello that she would sell "quaaludes" meaning methaqualone at a price of $2.50 a tablet and a total of three (3) tablets. Terminello paid her the prescribed price and she delivered the substance methaqualone to him while seated at the table. She also indicated that she would sell him cocaine at a later time, in that she was expecting a delivery of that substance. At around 12:30 A.M. on August 15, 1981, a further discussion was held between Terminello and Carroll and while standing at the bar, Terminello purchased cocaine from Carroll. On August 15, 1981, at around 12:45 A.M., Terminello spoke with another dancer employed in the licensed premises who was identified as "Kitty" whose actual name is Kathleen Keddie, who explained to him that she had some "ludes," meaning methaqualone. She wanted $4.00 for each tablet and while seated at a table in the bar area, Terminello purchased two (2) methaqualone tablets from Kitty. On August 22, 1981, Terminello was back in the licensed premises at approximately 9:50 P.M. and was seated at the bar talking to Penny Reid who told him she was going to get some "ludes," methaqualone. This activity was to occur on her next break from dancing as an employee in the licensed premises. She left the licensed premises with a patron and returned at around 10:25P.M. and handed Terminello a paper towel containing five (5) methaqualone tablets for which he paid her $15.00. On September 9, 1981, Terminello was again at the licensed premises and was approached by Penny Reid. He asked her for "ludes or acid" meaning methaqualone or LSD, respectively. She told Terminello that she would have to go to a house to obtain these items. She then asked the manager to leave and Terminello and Reid went to the residence where methaqualone was purchased and suspected LSD as requested by Terminello. (She was still employed by the Respondent.) On September 16, 1981, while pursuing the investigation, Terminello again returned to the licensed premises and spoke with Reid who was still an employee at the premises. She told Terminello that she could go to a residence and obtain narcotics. At this time Terminello was accompanied by another Beverage Officer, Robert Chastain. After entering into a discussion on the evening in question, the two (2) officers went with Reid to an off-premises residence where methaqualone and suspected LSD were purchased. On this occasion, Reid took part of the methaqualone purchased as a "tip" and carried those methaqualone tablets back into the licensed premises when the officers and the dancer returned to the licensed premises. On September 19, 1981, Officer Terminello talked to Reid who remained employed at the licensed premises and the discussion concerned narcotics. Then they left the licensed premises and went to a residence where cocaine and methaqualone were purchased. Reid kept three (3) of the methaqualone tablets as a "tip" and she carried those methaqualone tablets back into the licensed premises when Terminello and the dancer returned to the bar. When they had returned to the licensed premises on September 19, 1981, Terminello was approached in the bar by a Michael Harrington who asked Terminello if he wanted to buy coke, meaning cocaine. Harrington then indicated that they should go out into the parking lot of the premises which they did and in the presence of another patron, Alexis Pagan, Terminello purchased a gram of cocaine. On September 25, 1981, Terminello returned to the licensed premises and spoke to an employee/dancer previously identified as Kathleen Keddie. Keddie told him that her "old man" could bring some cocaine into the premises and make some of it available to Terminello. This conversation took place around 9:45 P.M. on that evening. At approximately 12:05 A.M. on September 26, 1981, while seated at the bar, Terminello purchased approximately one (1) gram of cocaine from Keddie for $75.00. In the early morning hours of September 26, 1981, Terminello was also approached by a Julie Murphy who was employed as a cocktail waitress in the licensed premises and she told Terminello that she could sell him cocaine cheaper, at $55.00 a gram. She indicated she would serve as a go-between, intermediary, and told Terminello to leave the premises and come back later. Terminello left and returned at around 3:00 A.M., and while at the bar, purchased the cocaine from Murphy at the agreed upon price of $55.00. During the course of Terminello's investigation at the licensed premises, on a number of occasions he saw people sniffing what, from his expertise in law enforcement, appeared to be cocaine and, from the appearance and odor, using cigarettes thought to be marijuana. These activities occurred in the bathroom areas, halls and package store area. Augusto Garcia who was employed as a manager in the licensed premises was observed at times in the proximity of the activities referred to immediately above and Garcia was also observed by Officer Terminello in the men's room snorting what appeared to be cocaine. On one occasion Garcia was observed near the front door to the bar and package area where a marijuana type cigarette was being smoked in the presence of Garcia, by an employee who worked in the package store. Reid had also told Terminello that she had been fired as an employee at the licensed premises because she was so "luded" out that she fell off the stage. Nonetheless, she had been rehired. Terminello had observed Miguel Rodriguez in the licensed premises during the course of the investigation, mostly in the package store and on occasion in the bar area. Terminello did not speak with Rodriguez during the investigation. On October 2, 1981, the petitioning agency served the Notice to Show Cause/Administrative Complaint at the licensed premises. Following this service, an inspection was conducted in the licensed premises of the lockers of several dancers, for which the dancers had the keys. These dancers were employees at the licensed premises on that date. The search of the lockers and purses of the dancers led to the discovery of marijuana. The dancers in question were Annie D. Bryant, Danita Buchin and Barbara Jean O'Rourke. (Following the October 2, 1981, service of the Administrative Complaint on Miguel Rodriguez, and with Rodriguez's knowledge of the pendency of narcotics allegations being placed against the dancers, Kathleen Keddie, Annie D. Bryant and Danita Buchin, those individuals were allowed to remain as employees in the licensed premises.) During the time in question by the Administrative Complaint, Augusto Garcia acted as a manager in the licensed premises. He had been hired by Miguel Rodriguez. His normal hours of employment were 6:00 P.M. through as late as 4:30 A.M., except for Fridays and Saturdays when he worked a couple of hours. When he was on duty, Rodriguez was ordinarily at the licensed premises. Rodriguez had instructed Garcia to be cognizant of drug problems in the licensed premises and to keep the bar quiet and peaceful. In particular, Rodriguez had instructed Garcia not to allow drugs in the bar and if someone was found with drugs to throw him out. An individual identified as Hector who is a friend of Garcia's assisted in these matters. Garcia indicated the policy of management at the licensed premises was to check the person of the dancers and their bathroom and dressing area to discover narcotics. Nevertheless, testimony by Kathleen Keddie, a person implicated in these matters for narcotics violations and an employee at the bar as a dancer established the fact that she had never been searched for narcotics. Rodriguez was not told by Garcia about people selling drugs in the licensed premises, Garcia would simply "throw them out." Garcia did tell Rodriguez about people "sniffing" what he suspected to be cocaine. At the time Garcia served as a manager in the licensed premises, one Willie Rolack also was a manager in the licensed premises. Willie Rolack's duties as manager were primarily associated with the package store, in contrast to the bar, area. He would periodically go in the bar to check to see if there were fights occurring and to determine if drugs were being used. Rolack had been instructed by Rodriguez to call the Hialeah Police Department if persons who were using drugs would not depart the premises. At times, the Hialeah Police Department has assisted in removing those patrons. Additionally, some employees at the licensed premises had been dismissed for drug involvement as observed by Rolack. Miguel Rodriguez worked sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) hours in the licensed premises, mostly in the package store; however, he did have occasion to check the bar area while at the licensed premises. Rodriguez had told the dancers that he would not tolerate their involvement with drugs and he had instructed customers who were found with drugs that they should leave and not return. He had a policy of not allowing the dancers to leave the licensed premises except on occasion to go for food at nearby restaurants; however, as has been determined in the facts found, the occasions of the departures of the dancers were fairly frequent and not always for the purposes of obtaining food. Rodriguez, through his testimony, verifies a general policy of checking dancers' lockers and pocketbooks and watching their activities. The lockers as have been indicated before were controlled by the dancers themselves who had keys. Prior to July, 1981, and in particular, in June, 1981, one Alexis Pagan had worked as the bar manager and had been dismissed for drug involvement. Nonetheless, the same Alexis Pagan had been observed in the licensed premises during the times set forth in the administrative charges, to include the instance mentioned before.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57561.29561.32823.10893.03893.13
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000735 Latest Update: May 23, 1980

The Issue Whether or not on or about November 1, 1976, Stella Lee Hill, licensed under the beverage laws, and/or her agent, servant, or employee, to-wit: Jacob Hill, did sell or cause to be sold or delivered intoxicating liquors, wines, or beer to-wit: one-half pint labeled Seagrams Extra Dry Gin, in Santa Rosa County, that which has voted against the sale of such intoxicating liquors, wines or beer, contrary to Section 568.02, F.S.

Findings Of Fact Stella Lee Hill is the holder of license no. 67-129, series 1-COP, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage. Stella Lee Hill has held this license from October 1, 1976, up to and including the date of hearing. This license is held to operate at Munson Highway, Route 6, Box 190, Milton, Florida, and to trade as Vonnie Branch Tip Inn, the trade name of the licensed premises. A series 1-COP license is a license which entitles the licensee to make beer sales for consumption on the premises. Santa Rosa County, Florida through its voters has determined that only beer may be sold in that county, of a weight 3.2% alcoholic content. No other form of alcoholic beverages may be sold in Santa Rosa County. On November 1, 1976, around 7:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, agent Roy Cotton, of the State of Florida, Division of Beverage met with an undercover agent, one Robert Lewis. Robert Lewis was not shown to be a member of any law enforcement agency. The meeting took place on the east side of Milton, Florida, in an open field. At that time a discussion was entered into between Cotton and Lewis on the subject of making an alcoholic beverage purchase of unauthorized alcoholic beverages, at the Respondent's licensed premises. Cotton search Lewis to make sure that he did not have any money or alcoholic beverages on his person and also search Lewis' automobile to insure that no alcoholic beverage was in that automobile. After making such search, Cotton provided Lewis with $5.00 in United States currency to make the aforementioned purchase. Lewis drove to the licensed premises in one automobile and Cotton in another. Cotton stationed himself so that he could see the licensed premises and the surrounding buildings, but did not go in the licensed premises. Lewis entered the licensed premises and while in the licensed premises spoke with the brother of the licensee, one Jacob Hill and asked for a half pint bottle of liquor. Jacob Hill left the licensed premises and went to an adjacent house which was the home of the mother of the licensee and returned to the licensed premises and presented Lewis with a one half pint bottle of Seagrams Extra Dry Gin. Lewis paid Jacob Hill for the half pint bottle of Seagrams Extra Dry Gin, a liquor containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, and left the premises. This sale was consummated in the presence of Stella Lee Hill, the licensee. The facts as established, show that intoxicating liquors were sold by an agent of the Respondent, to-wit: Jacob Hill, in a county where the voters had decided against the sale of specific intoxicating liquors. Therefore, the Respondent has violated Section 568.02, F.S.

Recommendation It is recommended that the license no. 67-129, series 1-COP, held by the Respondent, Stella Lee Hill, be suspended for a period of 30 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of June 1977 in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Charles T. Collett, Esquire Division of Beverage The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Stella Lee Hill Munson Highway Route 6, Box 190 Milton, Florida

Florida Laws (2) 561.29568.02
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 15, 1994 Number: 94-001371 Latest Update: Aug. 28, 1996

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses alleged in the notice to show cause and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact The bar At all times pertinent hereto, respondent, Melba Mosca, held alcoholic beverage license number 23-00737, series 2-COP, for the premises known as 71 Bar and Grill (the "premises"), located at 1220 Normandy Drive, Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. The investigation On January 28, 1994, Officer Luis King of the Miami Beach Police Department, operating undercover, entered the licensed premises as part of an investigation of illegal drug activity. The premises is a small bar, containing one main bar, a pool table, a pinball machine and a jukebox. At the time he entered, Officer King observed between 15 and 20 patrons, a female bartender, and another individual behind the bar, later identified as "Dave." At the time, Dave appeared to Officer King to be the manager or in charge of the premises since he had the keys to the register, full access to the bar and the remainder of the premises, and actively controlled the bartender and patrons. During subsequent visits, Officer King discovered that Dave was the son of the owner, respondent Melba Mosca, and his activities in the bar, from bartending, scheduling the bartenders, and ordering bar supplies and food, confirmed his employment and management status in the bar. 1/ That evening, Officer King observed one Phillipi Blanco (Flip), a known narcotics dealer, on the premises, and the pattern of his activities suggested to Officer King that Flip might be dealing narcotics. Accordingly, Officer King resolved to return to the premises on another occasion. On February 11, 1994, Officer King returned to the premises at or about 9:30 p.m., and noticed Dave, the only employee on the premises, tending the bar. Dave appeared very agitated that evening, consistent with being under the influence of some controlled substance, and exhibited some strange behavior, such as exposing his genitalia while working behind the bar. On one occasion that night, Dave locked himself in the men's restroom with unknown patrons for approximately one-half hour, leaving the bar unattended. That same evening, Officer King met with Eugene Scott, who he had met the previous night, in the men's restroom, and Scott offered to sell Officer King one plastic baggie of cocaine for $30. Officer King accepted, and paid Scott $30 in exchange for the cocaine. 2/ On February 12, 1994, Officer King returned to the licensed premises at or about 7:30 p.m. Officer King did not recall if Dave was on the premises that evening, but about 8:40 p.m. he approached Eugene Scott by the back door and asked Scott if he could purchase some more cocaine. Scott stated that he did not have any cocaine but that he did have some marijuana. In exchange for $10, Officer King purchased a baggie of marijuana from Scott. As noted, this transaction occurred near the back door, and was not observable from the bar. During the evening of February 19, 1994, Officer King returned to the licensed premises to continue his investigation. While at the premises, Officer King played pool with a patron known as Manuel Fernandez (Manny), who he knew from previous visits and during the course of that game asked Manny if he could purchase some cocaine. Manny refused. Later, Officer King observed Flip and an unknown patron enter the restroom. Officer King and Manny entered the restroom and Officer King asked Flip if he could buy some cocaine. Flip refused, because he "did not know " Officer King "well enough." Immediately after Flip left the restroom, Manny asked Officer King what he wanted and Officer King replied that he wanted to purchase $20 worth of cocaine. Officer King handed Manny $20 and a few minutes later Manny joined Officer King at the pool table and handed him a plastic baggie, secreted inside a matchbook, containing cocaine. Dave was in the bar at the time, but the proof fails to demonstrate that he observed or had the opportunity to observe any of these discussions or transactions. On March 1, 1994, at or about 7:45 p.m., Officer King returned to the licensed premises to continue his investigation, and during the course of that visit engaged Dave in a game of pool. While playing pool, Officer King was approached by a patron known as "Gennie," who Officer King had observed on the premises previously. Gennie asked Officer King if he needed anything and Officer King replied that he wished to purchase $20 worth of cocaine. Officer King gave Gennie $20 and Gennie approached Dave and asked if he had any cocaine. Dave replied that it would be a little while, and shortly thereafter he left the premises. A few minutes later Dave returned with an unknown male, entered the men's restroom, and locked the door. A few minutes later, Dave exited the restroom, and he and Gennie engaged in a hand-to-hand transaction. Gennie then went to the lady's restroom, and on her return handed Officer King a plastic baggie of cocaine and explained she had taken a "hit" before delivering it to him. Later that evening, Officer King asked Gennie if she could get him another $20 worth of cocaine. Gennie replied that would be "no problem," and approached Dave and asked him for another $20 worth of cocaine. Shortly thereafter, Dave and the unknown male again entered the men's restroom and locked the door. When he exited a few moments later, Dave went directly to Gennie and they again engaged in a hand-to-hand transaction. Gennie then went to the lady's restroom, and when she emerged a few moments later handed Officer King a small plastic baggie containing cocaine. Gennie again advised Officer King that she had taken a "hit" prior to delivery, as "her payment". On March 4, 1994, Officer King returned to the licensed premises to continue his investigation. Upon entering the premises Officer King went directly to the restroom and was followed by Scott. Scott asked Officer King if he "needed anything." Officer King told Scott he wished to purchase some cocaine, and later that he wished to purchase some marijuana and crack cocaine. Scott advised Officer King that it would be a while before he could get the cocaine, but that he could get the marijuana and crack cocaine immediately for $10 each. Officer King gave Scott $20, and Scott left the premises. A few minutes later, Scott returned to the premises and handed Officer King a plastic baggie containing marijuana and a rock of crack cocaine. Officer King then left the premises, but returned about 30 minutes later. While Officer King was playing pool with Dave, Scott returned to the premises, approached Officer King, and handed Officer King a plastic baggie containing cocaine. This transaction occurred openly, with no attempt by Scott to conceal the transaction from Dave. The owner's explanation Respondent, Melba Mosca, is 70 years of age, and has owned the 71 Bar and Grill since April 1993. According to respondent, she has been very alert to prevent drugs from being present on the premises, has signs posted in the bar prohibiting drugs, and has instructed her bartenders not to allow drugs and to phone the police if they see any drugs. Respondent further averred that in October 1993 she was hospitalized for an operation, and her ability to supervise the premises since that time was impaired. Notwithstanding, she was on the premises two to three times a day, and at shift change. According to respondent, her son Dave "watched" the premises for her when she was ill, but was not an employee. The testimony of Helia Mercado, respondent's nighttime bartender, was consistent with that of respondent. As heretofore noted in endnote 1, the testimony of respondent and Ms. Mercado that Dave was not an employee or agent of the owner was rejected as not persuasive or credible. Indeed, respondent's own testimony that Dave "watched" the premises for her, and Officer King's observation of his activities, compel the conclusion that Dave was an agent or employee of the owner. The testimony of respondent and Ms. Mercado that they had never observed any narcotics activity on the premises, as well as the efforts that were taken to discourage it, while of questionable credibility, stands unrefuted. Indeed, there is no proof of record that respondent was present on the premises when any of the transactions occurred that are the subject matter of the notice to show cause, and no proof that she or any of her agents or employees, except for Dave, were ever in a position to observe, much less observed, those or any other illicit activities on the premises. Under such circumstances, and given the limited number of transactions, the limited time of day at which they occurred, and the surreptitious nature of the majority of the transactions at issue, it cannot be concluded that respondent, based on the competent proof of record, fostered, condoned, or negligently overlooked such illegal activity.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered dismissing the notice to show cause. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 15th day of April 1994. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of April 1994.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.29823.10893.03893.13
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 20, 1996 Number: 96-005971 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue This is a license discipline case in which Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against the Respondent on the basis of alleged unlawful sale of an alcoholic beverage and cigarettes to a minor.

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant and material to this proceeding, the Respondent held license number 23-12104, series 2-APS, authorizing it to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises of New Hialeah Supermarket, located at 3201 East 4th Avenue, Hialeah, Dade County, Florida (hereinafter "the licensed premises"). Aleya Ribhi Maali (hereinafter "Maali") is the sole corporate officer and shareholder of the respondent corporation. On September 24, 1996, Special Agents Spayd, Smith, and Delmonte conducted random tests of alcoholic beverage licensees' compliance with laws prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 and tobacco to persons under the age of 18. On September 24, 1996, Investigative Aide C. R.2 entered the licensed premises in furtherance of the above referenced investigation. C. R.'s date of birth is August 15, 1979. She was 17 years of age at all times relevant to these proceedings. C. R. selected a can of Budweiser beer from the back of the store. She then approached Maali at the cash register counter and asked her for a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. Maali handed C. R. the pack of cigarettes which she had retrieved from the display behind the register counter. Respondent proceeded to sell C. R. the can of Budweiser beer and the Marlboro cigarettes. Maali did not request to see any identification as proof of legal age, nor did she ask C. R. her age. Maali was questioned by Agents Delmonte and Smith. Maali admitted that she had not been paying attention to what she had been doing. She said that she had been working in the store since 8:00 a.m. At the formal hearing she testified that the sale to C. R. was a consequence of being tired and confused because of the long work day. She testified that at the time of the sale she had been thinking about going home to make dinner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered in this case concluding that the Respondent is guilty of the two unlawful sales charged and imposing a penalty consisting of a 7-day license suspension and administrative fines in the total amount of $1,500.00 DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of May, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1997.

Florida Laws (6) 561.01561.29562.11562.47775.082775.083 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61A-2.022
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000793 Latest Update: Jul. 19, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to these proceedings, Roosevelt Horne was doing business as Roosevelt's Playhouse at 541 Julia Street, New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida, pursuant to Florida alcoholic beverage license number 74-00549, Series 2-COP. Roosevelt's Playhouse is the licensed premises. From September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Blossem Butler White was employed by Mr. Horne at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ms. White was the only person employed at Roosevelt's Playhouse by Mr. Horne from September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988. During the period of September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Reylius Thompson, a Law Enforcement Investigator of the Petitioner, participated undercover in a narcotics investigation of Roosevelt's Playhouse conducted by the Petitioner and New Smyrna Beach law enforcement officials. On the afternoon of September 21, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. There were approximately 5 to 6 persons on the premises. Ms. White was the bartender. Mr. Thompson asked Ms. White if he could purchase crack cocaine. Ms. White first suggested that Investigator Thompson approach a male patron in the bar. Investigator Thompson indicated that the individual would not sell anything to him. Ms. White then asked Investigator Thompson how much cocaine he wanted and he indicated two pieces. Investigator Thompson gave Ms. White $20.00. Ms. White left her position behind the bar and approached a female patron identified as Angie Lewis. Ms. White and Ms. Lewis then approached a man in the lounge identified as Carlton. Ms. White gave Carlton money and Carlton gave Ms. White an item. Ms. White and Ms. Lewis returned to the bar and Ms. Lewis gave a piece of crack cocaine to Investigator Thompson. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz of the New Smyrna Beach Police Department. During the afternoon of September 29, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ten or less patrons were on the premises. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson sat at the bar and asked Ms. White if he could buy crack cocaine from her. Ms. White indicated that she did not have any at that time and asked if he could wait 15 minutes. After fifteen minutes Ms. White took Investigator Thompson into the men's restroom where she retrieved several pieces of crack cocaine wrapped in a napkin. Investigator Thompson took two pieces of the crack cocaine and paid Ms. White $40.00. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. Investigator Thompson returned to Roosevelt's Playhouse during the evening of September 29, 1988. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson asked Ms. White for one piece of crack cocaine. Ms. White left the service bar and went to the ladies restroom. Ms. White returned shortly thereafter and gave Investigator Thompson a piece of crack cocaine. Investigator Thompson paid Ms. White $10.00. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. During the afternoon of September 30, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Five to six patrons were on the premises. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson asked Ms. White is she had any crack cocaine. Ms. White said that he should get it from a man in the lounge later identified as Darnell. Investigator Thompson indicated that he did not want to buy it from Darnell. Ms. White then told Investigator Thompson that she would get it for him. Investigator Thompson then gave Ms. White $20.00 and Ms. White gave the money to Darnell in exchange for an item. Ms. White returned to her position behind the bar and gave Investigator Thompson a piece of crack cocaine. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. During the evening of October 1, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Ms. White was standing by a video machine talking to an individual known as Tony. Investigator Thompson approached the two individuals and asked Tony if he could buy crack cocaine. Tony said yes, took a piece of crack cocaine from his pocket and placed it on top of the video machine. Investigator Thompson gave Tony $20.00 and took the cocaine. Ms. White witnessed the. transaction. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz on October 3, 1988. The items purchased by Investigator Thompson at Roosevelt's Playhouse were analyzed and determined to be cocaine. During the period of September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Mr. Horne was told by a friend that the friend suspected that Ms. White was selling illegal drugs at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Mr. Horne approached Ms. White on two separate occasions and asked her if she was in fact selling drugs. Ms. White denied that she was selling drugs. Mr. Horne did not take any other steps to insure that Ms. White was not selling, or allowing the sale of, drugs on the premises. During the time that Investigator Thompson was in Roosevelt's Playhouse, Mr. Horne did not enter the premises. Mr. Horne did not enter the premises very often despite the fact that Mr. Horne lived only one house from the premises. During the period at issue in this case Mr. Horne's wife had a stroke and was in the hospital. Mr. Horne spent his time visiting his wife in the hospital and working as a building contractor. Other than asking Ms. White if she was selling drugs in the lounge, Mr. Horne did not take any steps to prevent the sale of illegal drugs at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Roosevelt's Playhouse is closed and Mr. Horne is attempting the sell it. Mr. Horne cooperated with the Petitioner in the prosecution of this case.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Roosevelt Horne, d/b/a/ Roosevelt's Playhouse, be found guilty of violating Sections 561.29(1)(a) and (c), Florida Statutes (1987). It is further RECOMMENDED that the alcoholic beverage license held by Roosevelt Horne be suspended for a period of six months to allow Mr. Horne an opportunity to sell the license and business. It is further RECOMMENDED that, if Mr. Horne has not sold his alcoholic beverage license by the end of the six months suspension of Mr. Horne's license, Mr. Horne's alcoholic beverage license be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of July, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of 19th July, 1989. APPENDIX Case Number 89-0793 The Petitioner has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1. 1. 2-3. 2. 4. 3. 5. See 4. 6-7. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The evidence did not prove what was being sold on September 21, 1988, by Carlton and on September 23, 1988. 8. See 5. 9. 6. 10. See 7. The sixth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 11. 8. 12. 9. 13-14. 10. 14-16. 11. COPIES FURNISHED: John B. Fretwell Assistant General Counsel Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Roosevelt Horne d/b/a Roosevelt's Playhouse 541 Julia Street New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32069 Leonard Ivey Director Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1927 Joseph A. Sole General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1927

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.29823.10893.03893.13
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-001048 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1984

Findings Of Fact Johnnie Woods, Jr. is the owner of the licensed premises known as "Black Magic" located at 2908 Northwest 62nd Street, Miami, Florida, operating under alcoholic beverage license no. 23-5233, Series 2-COP. On January 26, 1984, Beverage Officer Davis entered the licensed premises known as Black Magic as part of an investigation to determine if drug violations were occurring on the licensed premises. On this visit, Davis observed numerous patrons either smoking marijuana (cannabis) or snorting suspected cocaine. On January 30, 1984, Beverage Officer Houston observed a barmaid known as May smoke a marijuana cigarette and snort suspected cocaine from a plate while working at the bar. Houston also purchased a marijuana cigarette from an unknown patron who she had seen walking through the bar with a baggie of rolled marijuana cigarettes. On this date, Houston was approached by a patron known as Daryl Chester-field who handed her a small brown envelope containing marijuana and some rolling papers. She then rolled a marijuana cigarette and placed it in her purse for safekeeping. While on the premises this date with Officer Houston, Officer Davis also observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana and snorting suspected cocaine. On February 2, 1984, Investigator Davis was on the licensed premises as part of this investigation. He observed an unidentified patron place a plastic bag of marijuana on top of a video game machine and roll several marijuana cigarettes while at the machine. This took place openly and no attempt was made by any employee to stop such activity. On February 10, 1984, Officer Houston entered the licensed premises as part of this investigation. She observed the on-duty bartender, Willie Brown, a/k/a Johnnie, smoke a marijuana cigarette while standing at the bar. At her request, Houston was referred to an individual known as Jimmy by the doorman, Slim, in order to purchase marijuana cigarettes. She thereafter purchased two separately rolled marijuana cigarettes from Jimmy for a total of two dollars. While purchasing the marijuana cigarettes from Jimmy, he inquired if Officer Houston would be interested in any cocaine. Later on February 10, 1984, Officer Davis approached Jimmy and purchased a $25 bag of cocaine from him. The transaction between Jimmy and Officer Davis occurred in the storeroom of the licensed premises from which Jimmy had earlier been observed removing beer to stock the bar. Before leaving the licensed premises this date, Jimmy approached Officer Davis and handed him a marijuana cigarette while Davis was seated at the bar. The delivery of this cigarette was unsolicited by either Officer Davis or Officer Houston. On February 16, 1984, Officers Houston and Davis again entered the licensed premises of Black Magic. Upon entering both officers observed the majority of the patrons either smoking marijuana or snorting what appeared to be cocaine. They also observed the on-duty bartender, May, smoking marijuana behind the bar. May was also seen this date snorting suspected cocaine from a saucer on the bar. While on the premises, Officer Houston again purchased two marijuana cigarettes from the individual known as Jimmy for a total price of two dollars. Also on this date, Houston approached the manager, Willie Brown, a/k/a Johnnie, and inquired if he had any cocaine. He then walked to the rear of the bar, entered the storage room, and returned with a small suede pouch from which he obtained a foil package containing cocaine. Houston gave Johnnie $25 in exchange for the package of cocaine. On March 1, 1984, Officer Thompson entered the premises of Black Magic as part of this investigation. Upon entering the licensed premises, Thompson observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana. While on the premises this date, Thompson purchased a $10 package of cocaine from the employee/manager known as Johnnie. The cocaine transaction took place inside the bar in an open manner. On March 2, 1984, Officer Thompson again entered the licensed premises as part of the investigation. Thompson observed the on-duty bartender, May, smoking a marijuana cigarette while working behind the bar. After observing May remove a cellophane bag containing several rolled marijuana cigarettes from her purse, Thompson inquired if she would sell him too of the cigarettes. In response to this request, May sold Thompson two marijuana cigarettes from the cellophane bag for two dollars. On the evening of March 2, 1984, Officer Thompson again entered the licensed premises at which time he observed the on-duty doorman, Slim, smoking a marijuana cigarette. He also observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana. On this occasion, Thompson inquired of an on-duty barmaid known as Felicia, if she had any cocaine. She initially stated that she had none, but later returned and asked Thompson what he wanted. He requested a ten dollar bag of cocaine. She then took Thompson's money and walked to the south end of the bar. Upon returning she handed him two foil packages containing cocaine. 1/ While on the licensed premises this date, Thompson observed the licensee, Johnnie Woods, Jr., seated at the south end of the bar with an unidentified individual who was observed smoking a marijuana cigarette. The controlled substances obtained from the employees and patrons of the licensed premises of Black Magic were maintained in the exclusive custody and control of the referenced beverage officers until such time as they could be submitted to the Metro-Dade Crime Lab for analysis. Upon submission to the Crime Lab, chemists analyzed each submission by the Division and found that each purchase made by the respective beverage agents were in fact the controlled substances represented to them at the times of the transactions. Upon each occasion that the beverage officers entered the bar during the investigation, there was widespread use of marijuana and cocaine throughout the licensed premises. While there were at least two signs on the licensed premises prohibiting the use or possession of drugs, at no time did the officers ever observe managers or employees of the licensed premises attempt to stop or restrict the use or sale of controlled substances on the licensed premises. In mitigation, Respondent established that he was hospitalized for a three-month period prior to and during the early portion of the investigation. He was, however, present on March 2, 1984, when controlled substances were openly used and delivered.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's alcoholic beverage license for a period of 90 days, including the emergency suspension now in effect. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of April, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of April, 1984.

Florida Laws (2) 561.29823.10
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