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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 01, 1999 Number: 99-004164F Latest Update: Jan. 08, 2001

The Issue Whether pursuant to Sections 57.111 or 120.595(1), Florida Statutes, Petitioner Rafael R. Palacios (Palacios) should be awarded reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in defense of an administrative proceeding against him that was initiated by the Respondent, Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Department). Whether pursuant to Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes, Petitioner Steven L. Johns (Johns) should be awarded reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in defense of an administrative proceeding against him that was initiated by Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Steven L. Johns, is a Florida Certified General Contractor and the principal qualifier for C. G. Chase Construction Company (Chase Construction). In 1994, Chase Construction entered into a construction contract with Carnival Cruise Lines for an expansion project at the Port of Miami. Chase Construction subcontracted the mechanical work to R. Palacios & Company. Petitioner, Rafael R. Palacios, is the president, primary qualifier, and 100 percent stockholder of R. Palacios & Company. Palacios' principal place of business is located in Miami, Florida. In July and December 1998, Palacios employed less than 25 employees and had a net worth of less than $2,000,000. The contract for the Port of Miami project consisted of two phases. Phase I was to construct an arrival lobby and an enclosed walkway to a terminal. Phase II included the addition of boarding halls, the renovation of an existing elevated area, and the addition of baggage areas. A foundation permit had been pulled for Phase I. The foundation work was quickly completed, and Chase Construction representatives advised both the Port of Miami and Carnival Cruise Lines that they could go no further without a permit. Work stopped for a short period of time. In June 1995, a Representative from the Port of Miami called Chase Construction and told them to go to the Dade County Building and Zoning Department (Building Department) the next day to meet with Port of Miami officials, the architect, and building and zoning officials. Johns sent Dave Whelpley, who was a project manager and officer of Chase Construction. Palacios did not attend the meeting. Dr. Carlos Bonzon (Bonzon) was the director and building official of Dade County's Building Department during the majority of the construction activities at the Port of Miami by Chase Construction. As the building official, Dr. Bonzon gave verbal authorization for the work on the project to proceed above the foundation without a written permit. Inspections were to be done by the chief inspectors for Dade County. After the meeting with the Building Department officials in June 1995, Johns understood that authorization had been given by the building official to proceed with construction without a written permit. Work did proceed and inspections were made on the work completed. The Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BBCO) had the responsibility to oversee Dade County's Building Department. In early 1996, an officer of the BBCO accompanied a building inspector during an inspection of the Port of Miami project. It came to the attention of the BBCO officer that no written permit had been issued for the project. The BBCO officer notified the chief of code compliance for Dade County. A written permit was issued for Phase II of the Port of Miami Project on February 6, 1996, at which time approximately 80 percent of the work had been completed. On the same date, Chase Construction issued a memorandum to its subcontractors to secure the necessary permits. Shortly after the permits were issued, an article appeared in the Miami Herald concerning the project and the lack of written permits. Respondent, Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Department) became aware of the situation as a result of the newspaper article and began an investigation. Diane Perera (Perera), an attorney employed by the Department since 1993 to prosecute construction-related professional license law violations, played a major role in determining and carrying out the Department's subsequent actions regarding the Port of Miami project and persons licensed by the Department who had been involved in the project. The Department opened investigations against eight Department licensees. Those licensees included two building officials, Bonzon, and Lee Martin; four contractors, Johns, Palacios, Douglas L. Orr, and D. Jack Maxwell; one engineer, Ramon Donnell; and one architect, Willy A. Bermello. By Administrative Complaint prepared by Perera and filed on September 9, 1997, before the Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board (BCAIB), the Department charged Bonzon with various violations of Part XIII of Chapter 486, Florida Statutes, for having allowed above-grade construction on the project to proceed in the absence of approved plans and building permits. In conjunction with the Bonzon case, Charles Danger (Danger), a licensed professional engineer and Director of BBCO testified in a deposition that above-grade construction of the project had proceeded without a building permit and without approved plans in violation of Chapter 3, Section 301 of the South Florida Building Code. He also testified that Bonzon had exceeded his authority under the South Florida Building Code by authorizing the above-grade construction and that the contractors who performed the work did so in violation of the South Florida Building Code. The Department's charges against Bonzon were resolved through a settlement agreement, whereby Bonzon agreed to relinquish his building code administrator's license. A final order of the BCAIB accepting the settlement agreement was filed on July 2, 1998. In the settlement agreement, Bonzon specifically agreed that his interpretation of the South Florida Building Code provisions, including portions of Section 301, was erroneous. On June 24, 1998, the Department presented the Department's Case Number 97-17322 involving Johns to the Division I Probable Cause Panel (PCP) of the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB). The panel members on this date were Gene Simmons and Wayne Beigle. Stuart Wilson-Patton and Leland McCharen, assistant attorneys general, were present to provide legal advise to the PCP. The prosecuting attorney presenting the case to the panel was Perera. The Department was requesting a finding of probable cause against Johns for a violation of Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes, for knowingly violating the applicable building code by performing above-grade construction work on the Port of Miami project in the absence of approved plans and specifications. Prior to the meeting of the Division I PCP of the CILB, Perera had furnished the two panel members documentary evidence pertaining to the case, copies of which were received in evidence at the final hearing as Respondent's Exhibits 5 and 13, with the exception of a letter dated July 31, 1998, from Petitioners' attorney, Renee Alsobrook. Respondent's Exhibit 5 consisted of materials taken from the Bonzon and Lee Martin cases, including the transcript of the December 22, 1997, deposition of Charles Danger, who was the building officer for the BBCO from 1991 to 1998. Respondent's Exhibit 13 was the investigative file for the Johns' case. The Division I PCP discussed Johns' case and voted to request additional information regarding whether any fast track ordinance existed in Dade County, and if so, how it might have applied to the Port of Miami project. On June 24, 1998, the Division II PCP of the CILB met and discussed the Palacios case, which was designated as the Department's Case No. 97-17313. The members of the panel were James Barge and Richard Cowart. Mr. Wilson-Patton and Mr. McCharen were present to provide legal advise to the PCP. The prosecuting attorney presenting the case to the PCP was Perera. The Department was requesting a finding of probable cause against Palacios for violating Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes, by knowingly violating the applicable building code by performing above-grade construction work on the Port of Miami project in the absence of approved plans and a building permit. Prior to the Division II PCP meeting, the panel members were provided with materials which were received in evidence at the final hearing as Respondent's Exhibits 5 and 14, with the exception of letters dated July 31 and August 26, 1998, from Renee Alsobrook. Respondent's Exhibit 14 is the Department's investigative file on the Palacios case. Following a discussion of the Palacios case, one of the panel members made a motion not to find probable cause. The motion died for lack of a second, and the panel took no further action on the case that day. Pursuant to Section 455.225(4), Florida Statutes, the case was treated as one in which the PCP failed to make a determination regarding the existence of probable cause and was presented to Hank Osborne, Deputy Secretary of the Department, to make a determination whether probable cause existed. On July 2, 1998, Deputy Secretary Osborne found probable cause, and the Department filed an Administrative Complaint against Palacios, charging a violation of Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes. The Department never served Palacios with the Administrative Complaint filed on July 2, 1998. The Department did not notify Palacios that the Administrative Complaint had been filed and did not prosecute the Administrative Complaint. At the time the Administrative Complaint was filed, the Department believed that the Legislature was in the process of enacting legislation to repeal Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes. Chapter 98-419, Laws of Florida, which became law on June 17, 1998, repealed Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 1998. Because of the repeal and the lack of a savings clause for pending cases, the Department determined that as of October 1, 1998, the Department did not have authority to take disciplinary action based on a violation of Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes. On December 18, 1998, the Department presented the Department's Case Nos. 97-17133 and 97-1732 to the PCPs for a second time with a recommendation to find probable cause that Johns and Palacios had violated Section 489.129(1)(p), Florida Statutes, for proceeding on any job without obtaining applicable local building permits and inspections. Mr. McCharen was present to provide legal advice to the PCPs. Ms. Perera was also present during the meetings of the PCPs. Documentary materials presented to the PCP considering Palacios' case included the materials on the Bonzon and Martin cases which had been previously presented to the PCP panel in June 1998 and the investigative files on Palacios. The investigative file included letters with attachments from Palacios' attorney Rene Alsobrook concerning the materials contained in the Bonzon and Martin cases as they related to Palacios and the investigative file on Palacios. Additionally, the investigative file contained a report from Frank Abbott, a general contractor who had been asked by the Department to review the file on Palacios. Mr. Abbott concluded that Palacios had violated several provisions of Chapters 489 and 455, Florida Statutes, including Section 489.129(p), Florida Statutes. The PCPs found probable cause in the Johns and Palacios cases. On December 23, 1998, the Department filed administrative complaints against Palacios and Johns alleging violations of Section 489.129(1)(p), Florida Statutes. The cases were forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment to an administrative law judge. Palacios and Johns claimed that they were relying on the authorization from Bonzon when they proceeded on the above-grade construction work. No formal administrative hearing was held on the administrative complaints filed on December 23, 1998. On December 18, 1998, a Recommended Order was issued in the related case against Lee Martin, Department Case No. 97-11278, finding that Mr. Martin, the building official who replaced Bonzon and assumed responsibility for the Port of Miami project, had the discretion to allow the remaining construction to proceed while taking action to expedite the plans processsing. A Final Order was entered by the Department dismissing all charges against Mr. Martin. On February 26, 1999, Petitioners Palacios' and Johns' Motions to Dismiss and Respondent's responses were filed. The Motions to Dismiss did not request attorney's fees or costs and did not reference Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes. The motions did contain the following language: The DBPR has acted in an improper and malicious manner by precluding the Respondent from asserting his response to the second draft Administrative Complaint and requesting the Panel to find probable cause for reasons other than whether there was probable cause to believe the Respondent violated specific disciplinary violations. On March 19, 1999, the cases were consolidated and noticed for hearing on May 12-13, 1999. Section 489.129, Florida Statutes, was amended during the 1999 legislative session to provide: A contractor does not commit a violation of this subsection when the contractor relies on a building code interpretation rendered by a building official or person authorized by s. 553.80 to enforce the building code, absent a finding of fraud or deceit in the practice of contracting, or gross negligence, repeated negligence, or negligence resulting in a significant danger to life or property on the part of the building official, in a proceeding under chapter 120. . . . On April 15, 1999, the Department filed a Motion for Leave to Revisit Probable Cause Panel and to Hold in Abeyance. On April 20, 1999, Petitioners filed a response, stating they did not object to the granting of the motion to hold in abeyance. The final hearing was cancelled, and the cases were placed in abeyance. On May 24, 1999, the Department submitted a Status Report, stating that the cases would be placed on the next regularly scheduled PCP meeting scheduled for June 16, 1999. By order dated May 25, 1999, the cases were continued in abeyance. On July 1, 1999, Palacios and Johns filed a Status Report, indicating that the cases would be presented to the PCPs sometime in July and requesting the cases be continued in abeyance for an additional 30 days in order for the parties to resolve the issues. On July 30, 1999, Palacios and Johns filed a Status Report, stating that the cases were orally dismissed on July 28, 1999, and that a hearing involving issues of disputed facts was no longer required. Based on Johns' and Palacios' status report, the files of the Division of Administrative Hearings were closed by order dated August 3, 1999. No motion for attorney's fees and costs was filed during the pendency of the cases at the Division of Administrative Hearings. On August 3, 1999, orders were entered by Cathleen E. O'Dowd, Lead Attorney, dismissing the cases against Palacios and Johns.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.57120.595120.68455.225489.129553.8057.10557.111
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 19, 2011 Number: 11-004239PL Latest Update: Sep. 22, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003442 Latest Update: Jun. 09, 1989

The Issue Whether the Respondent was validly disciplined by a local government, which causes the Respondent to be in violation of Section 489.129(1)(i), Florida Statutes (1985). Whether the Respondent failed to perform the contracting job alleged in the Administrative Complaint in a reasonably timely manner, or abandoned the job, in violation of Section 489.129(1)(m), (k), Florida Statutes (1985). Whether the Respondent exhibited financial mismanagement, misconduct or diversion, in violation of Section 489.129(1)(h), (m), Florida Statutes (1985). Whether the Respondent committed gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct in connection with the job alleged in the Administrative Complaint, in violation of Section 489.129(1)(m), Florida Statutes (1985).

Findings Of Fact At all times material to these proceedings, the Respondent, Charles R. Schelah was licensed as a certified general contractor in Florida, and held license number CG C016841. Mr. Schelah was the qualifying agent for Schelah Construction, Inc. On March 11, 1986, Schelah Construction, Inc., entered into a contract with Moner F. Green and Karen L. Green to construct a residence in Prairie Creek Park, Charlotte County, Florida A copy of the contract is Petitioner's Exhibit Pursuant to the written agreement, construction would occur as per the signed construction drawings. The total contract price was to be $102,775.00. This quote was contingent upon a construction start on or before March 15, 1986. After that date, increases in supply and labor costs would be borne by the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Green. The contract further stated that there is no specific completion date, that an expected completion date was August 30, 1986. Construction began on the residence on April 4, 1986. Three revisions of the drawings were completed by the owner before a building permit was requested by the Respondent Schelah. Throughout the progress of construction, major and minor revisions were made by the owners. Many of these revisions delayed construction as the Respondent was required to obtain new special order materials and retrofit many of the changes into the existing construction phase. The Respondent recollected that thirty-five revisions were made to the construction plans by the owners during various phases of construction. In September 1986, the owners began to frequently telephone the Respondent in order to urge him to quickly complete the project as the owners were now required to pay the savings and loan association mortgage installments. The Respondent did not return the telephone calls. A letter was sent to the Respondent by the owners' attorney on November 3, 1986, notifying him that he needed to resume his responsibilities at the construction site. The Respondent did not reply to this letter. On November 7, 1986, the Respondent was removed as contractor of record by the owners. All but the final draw from the savings and loan had been given to the Respondent before his removal. After the Respondent was removed from the project, the owners were given notice of the following liens: $2,750.55 to Pre-Hung Doors of Florida for supplies delivered in August 1986; $700.00 to Paul Hartt Plastering and Stucco, Inc. for work completed in September 1986. The work completed by both subcontractors was performed during the Respondent's term as the prime contractor on the project. These two contractors were never paid by the Respondent out of draws received by him for that purpose through October 1986. These subcontractors, as well as others, testified that they were unable to communicate with Respondent after September 1986. The final draw from the savings and loan in the amount of $19,618.97, was used by the owners to complete the project themselves. The proof of payment submitted by the owner, Mr. Green, at hearing for completion under the direct contract was $6,149.14, in Respondent's Exhibit 14. The residence was completed by the owners in December 1986. Mr. Green, the owner, filed a complaint with the Charlotte County Building Board on October 29, 1986, alleging that the Respondent refused to call him, and was dragging completion of the job for unknown reasons hearing was held on February 19, 1987. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Charlotte County Building board suspended the permitting privileges of Schelah Construction, Inc., until such time as all jobs in progress were finished. During the administrative hearing, the Respondent admitted that a twenty-one day delay on the Green project occurred when he was unable to acquire a sheetrock hanger who would go to the hinterlands (Prairie Creek Park) where the residence was being built. He contends however, that the additional time delays were a result of changes in supply orders due to the changes made by the owners, and the requirement that subcontractors be rescheduled to accommodate these changes. Petitioner's experts in construction practices within Florida, Mr. Bernard Verse and Mr. Stanley Ink, were unable to render an opinion that the Green Construction project had been abandoned by Respondent Schelah, or that there had been a diversion of funds. However, Mr. Ink did render an opinion that the project was not completed in a reasonably timely manner, that the Respondent is guilty of financial mismanagement, and that the Respondent committed gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct on the job in that the Respondent did not use due diligence in completing the job, staying on the job, and paying the subcontractors as the contractor should. Mr. Verse opined that the Respondent committed financial mismanagement and gross negligence in the practice of contracting. It was gross negligence not to maintain contact with clients. The Respondent's own expert in construction practices in the Punta Gorda area, Mr. Larry Deirmeyer, noted that it is difficult to acquire unscheduled building supplies in the Punta Gorda area if a contractor runs a small construction company because the supply houses are in Fort Myers, where rapid growth is occurring. In addition, it is difficult to get subcontractors to work on construction in areas like Prairie Creek Park, which is remote from the developed areas of Charlotte County. After Mr. Deirmeyer was admitted as an expert in construction practices, the Hearing Officer learned that he had built a custom home for the owner Moner Frank Green in 1980. Mr. Green's removal of Mr. Deirmeyer's company from the construction project during the last draw of that project, and his continuous changes in those plans were not considered by the Hearing Officer in this case except for the purpose of weighing Mr. Deirmeyer's independence as an expert witness. Another expert witness in construction practices presented by the Respondent was James Anderson, a state certified contractor from the Port Charlotte area. Mr. Anderson acknowledged the local builder supply problem and rendered the opinion that nine months was a reasonable period of time in which to complete the Green project, based upon the construction plans, the change orders, and the travel required to the project, which is not in the immediate Port Charlotte area. The Respondent Schelah did not maintain communication with the owners regarding the progress of the project, even though he was telephoned repeatedly and received written communication from the Green's attorney. This failure to maintain communication resulted in the Respondent's dismissal from the project. The County's Building Director's requests for communication were also refused by the Respondent.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent be found not guilty of having violated Section 489.129(1)(i), Florida Statutes, as alleged in paragraph five of the administrative complaint. That the Respondent be found not guilty of having violated Sections 489.129(1)(m) and (k), Florida Statutes, as alleged in paragraph six of the administrative complaint. That the Respondent be found not guilty of having violated Sections 489.129(1)(h) and (m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in paragraph seven of the administrative complaint. That the Respondent be found guilty of having violated Section 489.129(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in paragraph ten of the administrative complaint in regard to misconduct by the Respondent on the Green project. That the penalties assessed against the Respondent not include an aggravation of penalties under Rule 21E-17.002, Florida Administrative Code, and that the Respondent pay a fine of $750.00, as set forth in Rule 21E-17.001(5), Florida Administrative Code. DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of June, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. VERONICA E. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 88-3442 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. See HO #1. Rejected as to location of project. The rest is accepted. See HO #2. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #2. Accepted. See HO #4. Accepted. See HO #4. Accepted. See HO #4. Accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. See HO #4. Accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. See HO #6. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #9. Accepted. See HO #9 and #10. Accepted. See HO #10. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #13. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #13 and #11. Rejected. See HO #11. Accepted. See HO #11. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #14. Accepted. See HO #3 and #8. Accepted. See HO #7. Respondent's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. See HO #2. Accepted. See HO #3 and #4. Accepted. See HO #13. Accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. See HO #6. Accepted. See HO #6. Accepted. See HO #7. 9. Accepted. See HO #9, #10, #11, #12 and #13. 10. Rejected. Irrelevant to this proceeding. COPIES FURNISHED: Elizabeth R. Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0729 John Charles Heekin, Esquire 21202 Olean Boulevard, Suite C-2 Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 Kenneth E. Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0729 Fred Seely, Executive Director Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board 111 East Coastline Drive Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001520 Latest Update: Jan. 28, 1988

The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent engaged in conduct, set forth hereinafter in detail, which amount to wilful or deliberate violation of local law and thereafter abandoned a construction project without just cause, prior to completion.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I make the following relevant factual findings. The Petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of contracting. Respondent is, and has been at all time material hereto, a registered general contractor having been issued license number RG 0006192. On July 15, 1985, Respondent contracted with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mara to renovate a garage at the Mara home in Hollywood, Florida for a price of $3,000. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Respondent was given, prior to commencement of the job, a $2,000 deposit. Respondent commenced performing the Mara job in Hollywood without first obtaining a building permit. About one month after Respondent commenced completion of the Mara's project, he left the project having completed less than 20% of the work he contracted to perform. Respondent has not returned to the Mara's project in more than two years despite the Mara's plea that he return to complete the work. A review of the official records for the City of Hollywood reveals that Respondent did not obtain any permit to complete the garage renovation for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mara. Pursuant to Chapter 71-575, Laws of Florida, special acts of 1971, the City of Hollywood has adopted the South Florida Building Code, as revised from time to time, as the building code for the City of Hollywood and its regulations governed the construction, maintenance, repair and condemnation of buildings for the City of Hollywood. (Ordinance #0-71-158, Section 1, 12 22-71 Petitioner's Exhibit 6). As noted, Respondent, or a representative on his behalf, did not appear at the hearing to contest or otherwise refute the allegations contained in the Administrative Complaint filed herein.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent's license number RG 0006192 as a registered general contractor be REVOKED. DONE and ORDERED this 28th day of January, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1988.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Feb. 27, 1998 Number: 98-000956 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to be certified by endorsement as a standard building inspector.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is the agency of the State of Florida that certifies standard building inspectors pursuant to the provisions of Part XII of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes (consisting of Sections 468.601 - 468.633). By application dated November 7, 1996, Petitioner applied for certification as a building inspector. This application contemplated that Petitioner would sit for the certification examination. Respondent determined that Petitioner was qualified to sit for the Principles and Practice portion and the Technical portion of the certification examination. Petitioner did not achieve a passing score on the certification examination. Consequently, his application for certification was rejected. By application dated December 22, 1997, Petitioner applied for certification as a building inspector without having to take the licensure examination. This was properly construed by Respondent to be an application for certification by endorsement. Petitioner requested Respondent to waive the certification examination pursuant to the provisions of Section 468.613, Florida Statutes, which provide as follows: The board shall examine other certification of training programs, as applicable, upon submission to the board for the consideration of an application for certification by endorsement. The board shall waive its examination, qualification, education, or training requirements to the extent that such examination, qualification, education, or training requirements are determined by the board to be comparable with those established by the board. By his application dated December 29, 1997, Petitioner sought certification based upon his qualifications1 and upon what his counsel referred to as "substantially equivalent" exams. The "substantially equivalent" exams to which counsel for Petitioner referred were to the examinations Petitioner passed in order to be licensed as a general contractor and as a roofing contractor. Petitioner's application reflects that he passed licensure examinations during 1983 in Broward County and in Dade County in the general contractor category. Petitioner passed a similar examination in Palm Beach County, Florida, in 1986. Part XII of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes, was created by Chapter 93-166, Laws of Florida. Prior to 1993, there was no state-wide certification of building inspectors. There was no evidence as to the contents of the examinations Petitioner passed in 1983 and 1986, and there was no evidence as to the contents of the certification examination administered by Respondent to candidates for certification as building inspectors. Consequently, there is no basis upon which a comparison of these examinations can be made.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner's application for certification by endorsement be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of April, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1999.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57468.601468.609468.613
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000187 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1989

The Issue Whether the Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the administrative complaint filed in this case and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent, Michael Rada was a certified general contractor, the qualifying agent for A-Team Remodeling and Design, Inc. and held license number CG C026705 of the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. On or around December 10, 1987, Mrs. Katherine Hill contracted with A- Team Plumbing, Inc. to renovate a bathroom in her home. A-Team Plumbing, Inc. is an entity separate and distinct from A-Team Remodeling and Design, Inc. and Mr. Rada was not associated with A-Team Plumbing, Inc. Following A-Team Plumbing, Inc.'s failure to complete the job, Mr. Rada, on behalf of A-Team Remodeling and Design, Inc. agreed with Mrs. Hill to re-do the job. Mr. Rada, as qualifying agent for A-Team Remodeling and Design, Inc., applied to the City of Plantation for the building permit on January 11, 1988, and it was issued on February 13, 1988. At the instruction of the City of Plantation, the job was gutted, and Mr. Rada began his work sometime in March, 1988. The job should have been completed in two to three weeks, but was not completed until May 6, 1988. During construction, Mr. Rada's work was erratic and at times dilatory. On several occasions, he made appointments to work on the job, necessitating Mrs. Hill's absence from her employment, and, then, he would not keep the appointments or even contact Mrs. Hill about his failure to report. In addition to having failed to complete the job in a timely manner, the proof demonstrated that when completed the work failed to conform to that standard existent in the community for similar work. Even after the final inspection, a hole remained in an adjoining closet wall, the base boards were not flush with the walls and "gop" hung down in one corner of the room. Mrs. Hill refused to pay for the job because of her dissatisfaction. As general contractor, Mr. Rada assumed responsibility for the completion of the job at the time of his initial visit to Mrs. Hill and his application for the building permit. By failing to complete the job in a workmanlike and timely manner, Mr. Rada's performance was incompetent and exemplified misconduct in the practice of contracting.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered imposing on Respondent an administrative fine of $750. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 28th day of July 1989. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 89-187 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Addressed in paragraph 1. Subordinate to the result reached. Addressed in paragraph 2. Subordinate to the result reached. Subordinate to the result reached. Subordinate to the result reached 2. Subordinate to the result reached. In part, subordinate to the result reached; in part, addressed in paragraph 3. Addressed in paragraph 3. Subordinate to the result reached. Addressed in paragraph 4. Addressed in paragraph 5. Addressed in paragraphs 3 and 4. In part, addressed in paragraphs 4 and 5; in part, subordinate to the result; in part, not supported by competent and substantial evidence. In part, subordinate to the result reached; in part, addressed in paragraphs 4 and 5. In part, subordinate to the result reached; in part addressed in paragraph 2. Subordinate to the result reached. COPIES FURNISHED: Elizabeth Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0729 Michael Rada, pro se 4576 Northwest 16th Terrace Tamarac Lakes, Florida 33304 Fred Seely Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Kenneth E. Easley, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.57489.105489.119489.129
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida Apr. 28, 2008 Number: 08-002108PL Latest Update: Mar. 05, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent Robert Kegan (Mr. Kegan) committed violations of Chapters 455 and 468, Florida Statutes, as alleged in an Administrative Complaint filed by Petitioner Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Department).

Findings Of Fact Mr. Kegan has a Certificate of Licensure from the Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board. He was first licensed in 1994, and, unless he renewed it, the license expired on November 30, 2008. At all times pertinent, he was the Building Code Administrator in Mt. Dora, Florida. Mr. Kegan has never been employed by the City of Leesburg in any capacity. The Department is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of building code administration and inspections pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapters 455 and 468, Florida Statutes. Linda Renn purchased a home located at 2407 Winona Avenue, Leesburg, Florida, from Mr. Kegan and his wife pursuant to a contract entered into during March 2001. Prior to entering into the contract for sale, Ms. Renn walked through the house with Mr. Kegan. Ms. Renn was aware that it was an older home and testified, "And I felt very comfortable after leaving the home and doing the walk through that even though I was buying an older home with older home obsolescent issues types, but that the renovations were enough that I felt comfortable." Ms. Renn typed up an addendum to the contract prior to execution that stated Mr. Kegan would level a part of the house that required leveling, install an HVAC, install a 220-volt outlet for the clothes dryer, and would accomplish certain other improvements prior to closing on the home. The addendum became part of the contract for sale. Mr. Kegan provided Ms. Renn with his business card indicating that he was the Building Code Administrator in Mt. Dora. Ms. Renn observed Mr. Kegan in a shirt with the Mt. Dora logo upon it, indicating that he was a building official of Mr. Dora, and she visited him in his office in Mt. Dora. There is no question Ms. Renn was aware that he was a building official in Mt. Dora. Ms. Renn claimed that because he was a building official she completely relied on the representations he made to her. However, this assertion lacks credibility because she employed an independent home inspector prior to closing. During the walk-through, the HVAC was resting upon the floor of the home's garage. However, at a time between March 17 and April 29, 2001, Mr. Kegan had the HVAC installed, as he agreed. Subsequently, Ms. Renn discovered this work was accomplished by an unlicensed individual. An inspection of the premises was conducted by Guy Medlock of Benchmark Building Inspections, Inc., on March 29, 2001. A report was issued on March 30, 2001. The report noted that the dwelling was 53 years old and had problems that one would expect from a home that old. Mr. Medlock also noted that the house had a lot of charm. Mr. Medlock's inspection noted that the dwelling required roof repairs and wood rot repairs. It was noted that it was necessary to ameliorate water leaks and correct electrical deficiencies, among other items. There were seven items noted with estimated costs of repair ranging from $50.00 to $150.00. At the time of the inspection, the 220-volt receptacle had not been installed for the washer and dryer. Mr. Medlock further noted that there was no plumbing available for the washer. Because of Mr. Medlock's report, Ms. Renn was well aware of the defects he noted, and she knew this prior to closing. The report stated that he, Mr. Medlock, had discussed the electrical deficiencies with Ms. Renn and suggested that she have an electrician inspect the dwelling. Ms. Renn testified that she gave greater weight to Mr. Kegan's knowledge than to the home inspector that she hired, but there is no basis in the record for her to arrive at that conclusion. On April 29, 2001, the day before closing, Economy Electric of Eustis, Florida, installed a 220-volt line, and Mr. Kegan paid for this work. Economy Electric's principal is Larry New. He is licensed to accomplish electrical work. He performed additional electrical work that was paid for by Ms. Renn, including upgrading wires so that her computer would not be damaged by bad wiring. On April 30, 2001, Mr. and Mrs. Kegan conveyed the premises to Ms. Renn by warranty deed. Subsequently, Ms. Renn concluded that she was not happy with certain facets of the house, and tried to contact Mr. Kegan to have her perceived problems corrected. Mr. Kegan was difficult to contact. In a letter dated November 4, 2001, Ms. Renn filed a 16-page complaint with the Department alleging numerous Florida Building Code violations by Mr. Kegan. She requested that the Department investigate these alleged violations. Sometime immediately prior to January 10, 2002, Ms. Renn had Raymond Anderson of Suter Air Conditioning, Inc., of Leesburg, inspect the HVAC. He made Ms. Renn aware of several city code infractions involving the HVAC. Sometime immediately prior to January 11, 2002, Ms. Renn had someone named James A. Dolan inspect the electrical service at the premises. In a letter dated January 11, 2002, Mr. Dolan stated that there were "national electrical code violations" at the house and that it was his opinion that an electrical inspector or building code official should look into the situation. Ms. Renn believed this to be true. Sometime immediately prior to February 5, 2002, Ms. Renn had the electrical service inspected by Bronson Electric Service, Inc., of Eustis, Florida. In a letter dated February 5, 2002, David E. Bronson reported numerous electrical deficiencies, including an improperly fused air conditioning unit. Mr. Bronson found that the electrical service to the house required an upgrade to 150 amps because the current service was inadequate. He quoted a price of $1,546.00 to accomplish the required modifications. Ms. Renn believed this to be accurate. Ms. Renn employed an inspector from Ocala, Florida, who prepared an inspection report dated May 10, 2002. She learned there were plumbing, electrical, and mechanical problems. She also learned that the roof did not meet building code standards. She noted that for a period of two and one-half years, the HVAC neither cooled nor heated, although it did make some noise. Permits were required for the electrical upgrade and for the air conditioning installation in Ms. Renn's house. No permits were obtained by Mr. Kegan, or his friends, or persons he employed to work on Ms. Renn's house, as were required by the City of Leesburg. By April 18, 2002, all permits had been obtained. Unlicensed persons worked on both the HVAC installation and the electrical upgrade. Work of that sort is lawful only if accomplished by licensed persons. The work accomplished without the appropriate permit and the work done by unlicensed persons, was done under the control of Mr. Kegan. Ultimately, Larry New, a licensed electrician, and Jimmy Harris, a licensed person, fixed all of the problems; got the work inspected; and ensured that all permits were in place. After her complaint to the Department which was drafted November 4, 2001, and submitted in early 2002, Ms. Renn was informed by the Department that she should handle the case locally. Complaints were made by Ms. Renn to the Leesburg Building Department and to many other officials of the Leesburg municipal government. Ultimately, a hearing regarding Mr. Kegan was held before the Lake County Board of Building Examiners (County Board) on August 7, 2003, in Tavares, the county seat of Lake County. Both Leesburg and Mt. Dora are in Lake County. The County Board heard charges against Mr. Kegan's contractor's license for accomplishing work in the trades of roofing, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing using unlicensed workers and failing to obtain permits. It imposed sanctions, including a $1,000 fine. The County Board required Mr. Kegan to do the work he promised, but it was clear that he had already accomplished that work, except for some roofing issues not further identified. The County Board did not address his position as the Building Code Administrator in Mt. Dora, Florida. The action of the County Board was subsequently reversed by a circuit court. Relations between Ms. Renn and Mr. Kegan eventually deteriorated to the point where Ms. Renn had a trespass warning served on Mr. Kegan and sought to have the state attorney prosecute him for trespass. She was not successful in this. She also sued Mr. Kegan civilly, but eventually she voluntarily dismissed the case. None of the actions taken by Ms. Renn, resulted in Mr. Kegan being disciplined. At some point thereafter, Ms. Renn appeared to be satisfied with her house and the retaliation she had visited upon Mr. Kegan. However, while Ms. Renn was "working on legislation" in Tallahassee, Florida, in 2006, she was asked by a Department attorney to reopen the case. Other than the transcript from the County Board hearing of August 7, 2003, nothing had changed. Every problem she had with the house that should have been ameliorated, had been ameliorated. Nevertheless, she did as asked by the Department attorney, and this case was filed. Ms. Renn sent two letters dated April 3, 2006, and one letter dated April 21, 2006, to the Chief Professions Attorney of the Department. The latter missive was a follow-up to the April 3, 2006, communications. The April 3, 2006, communications are considered complaints as contemplated by Subsection 468.619(4), Florida Statutes (2005). There is no evidence of record that Mr. Kegan was informed of the complaint or that he was permitted 30 days to respond as contemplated by Subsection 468.619(4)(b), Florida Statutes (2005). There is no evidence of record that the Department submitted the complaint regarding Mr. Kegan to a probable cause panel for review as contemplated by Subsection 468.619(4)(b), Florida Statutes (2005), within 180 days. There is no evidence to the contrary, either. In summary, the Department has proven that Mr. Kegan, during 2001 and 2002, caused work to be accomplished at 2407 Winona Avenue, Leesburg, Florida, when he owned the house, as well as after he sold the house to Ms. Renn, and this work was done without proper permits and, on occasion, by persons who had no license when a license was required.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation dismiss the Administrative Complaint in the case of Robert Kegan. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of January, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HARRY L. HOOPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of January, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Harry T. Hackney, Esquire Harry Thomas Hackney, P.A. 3900 Lake Center Drive, Suite A1 Mount Dora, Florida 32757 Elizabeth F. Duffy, Esquire Charles Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Ned Luczynski, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Robyn Barineau, Executive Director Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (9) 120.5720.165455.225455.227468.603468.604468.607468.619468.621
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-002295 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, Respondent, Benjamin J. Eigner, held certified general contractor's license number CG C001534 issued by Petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Construction Industry Licensing Board. In 1980, Respondent was employed by the City of Tamarac as its chief building official. In that position his major function was to administrate and supervise employees who enforced the South Florida Building Code and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac. (Respondent's Exhibit 2). His duties included, inter alia, the review of qualifications and issuance of certificates of competency to contractors who wished to work within the City. On or about February 7, 1980, the Broward County Grand Jury issued a true bill or indictment against Respondent charging him with having solicited a bribe in his capacity as chief building official for the City of Tamarac. On or about July 3, 1980, Respondent entered a plea of nolo contendere in Broward County Circuit Court to the charge of bribery. Adjudication of guilt and imposition of sentence was withheld, and Respondent was placed on probation for a period of five years. As a special condition, Respondent was also required to spend one year in the Broward County Jail. (Respondent's Exhibit 1). Because of health problems, Respondent was medically discharged from serving the remainder of his one year incarceration on January 26, 1981.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent be found guilty as charged in the Administrative Complaint and that his certified general contractor's license be suspended for a period of nine months from the date of the final order entered herein after which time it shall be automatically reinstated. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of October, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of October, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Myron B. Berman, Esquire P. O. Box 1113 North Miami Beach, Florida 33160 Mr. Benjamin J. Eigner 7850 Beechfern Circle Tamarac, Florida 33321

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
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