Findings Of Fact Douglas L. Adams is an inmate at Union Correctional Institution. On August 26, 1985, he was awakened early in the morning and brought before a disciplinary hearing for an alleged violation of institutional rules and regulations. Prior to the hearing, he was advised by a correctional officer to pack up all his personal property and to bring it with him to the hearing. Mr. Adams took with him as much as he could which included his clothing and other personal effects, but he was unable to carry all he owned with him at one time. He did not ask for either help in carrying his property or a cart to carry it in prior to leaving his cell area to go to the hearing. When he arrived at the movement center where the hearing was to be held, he advised the authorities there that he did not have all his property with him. At that point, he asked for help or the use of a cart to go get the rest of his property but he was refused because no cart was there. As a result, he went to the hearing leaving some of his property in his cell area and while in the hearing, contends he was required to leave his property in the control center. This property was secured in a storage room behind the control center which, while not locked, was not available for access to other inmates unless they were accompanied by a corrections officer. When the hearing was over and Mr. Adams, who had been directed to administrative confinement requested to go back to his former cell area to get the rest of his property, his request was refused. His property was inventoried by UCI personnel at that time, but because in his opinion the inventory was not complete, Mr. Adams refused to sign the form. When he was released from administrative confinement he claims he did not get all his property back. He relates that he was told he had forfeited whatever property he had not brought to the hearing. As a result, he filed a complaint on September 16, 1985, which was subsequently denied. Petitioner has been incarcerated in 7 or 8 institutions within the Department of Corrections including Florida State Prison, River Junction Correctional Institution, Baker Correctional Institution, Polk Correctional Institution, Old Unit, the Reception and Medical Center, and DeSoto Correctional Institution. At each one of these institutions a rule similar to this one was in existence. At Baker Correctional Institution, the inmate was required to bring his mattress as well. Robert Craig has been in prison for a total of 27 years and has been incarcerated in almost every major penal institution in the State of Florida that was built prior to the last five years. At Avon Park Correctional Institution he underwent a disciplinary hearing and was told at the time to bring all his personal property with him to the hearing. While in the hearing, he was required to leave all his property outside in the hall. At Cross City Correctional Institution the guards took him to the hearing without his property, bringing his property along afterwards. In essence, at all the institutions where he was incarcerated, there was some variation of the same procedure regarding his personal property. He either had to bring it to the hearing or it was packed up prior to the hearing. At no institution was his property inventoried prior to the hearing. As a result, he has lost personal property including a calculator for which he was subsequently reimbursed by the institution. According to Mr. Craig, if the inmate does not bring his personal property with him he either is given a deficiency report or is precluded from going back to get it when the hearing is over. Sgt. Denmark has worked for approximately 8 1/2 years with the Department of Corrections, all at UCI, where he formerly worked at the movement center. One of the functions he performed there was to handle prisoners coming for a disciplinary hearing. The rule as explained to him regarding the inmates' personal property is that the inmate is required to bring all of it with him to the hearing. Once the property is brought with the inmate to the hearing, the inmate is free to either take it into the hearing with him or to leave it in the storage room in back of the movement center during the hearing. If the inmate is sentenced to disciplinary confinement as a result of the hearing, in that case, and at that point, the inmate's property is inventoried. If the inmate is not sentenced to disciplinary confinement, the property is returned to the prisoner who is returned to his area. In the instant case, Mr. Denmark heard the Petitioner tell Sgt. Howe, when he arrived at the movement center, that he had left some of his property in his cell. However, when Adams went into his hearing, he neither took his property with him nor requested that it be secured. According to Mr. Cunningham, the Chief Classification Supervisor, the Union Correctional Institution Policy, (85-52.9 B1) requires inmates to bring all their property to disciplinary hearings. It is an old policy, and the reason for it is to protect the property from theft. In a disciplinary hearing, there is a chance that an inmate might not get back to his old cell to retrieve his property after the hearing. For security reasons, institution officials prefer not to take a prisoner back to his old cell after a hearing because, at that point, he is often angry as a result of the hearing and disruptive. All Department of Corrections' institutions in the region incorporating UCI, except Florida State Prison, have a similar policy. Inquiry of corrections personnel at the agency headquarters in Tallahassee reveals that most major DOC facilities have a similar policy. There are a total of 33 other facilities which hold less than 100 inmates each. These smaller institutions do not, generally, have a similar policy and Florida State Prison has a different situation because of the different security problems. It is the needs of the institution, however, which determine the use of the policy. Mr. Cunnningham is aware of Mr. Adams' hearing and the complaint filed as a result thereof. Upon inquiry it was determined that Mr. Adams had failed to establish a loss and the complaint was denied. Mr. Cunningham does not know whether there was an investigation into the loss of the property left in the cell. It is Mr. Cunningham's understanding that if the witness cannot carry all his property at one time, normally, if the inmate asks for permission to do so, he will be allowed to go back and get the balance before the hearing. This is not in the procedure approved by DOC, however, nor in the IOP at UCI. Corrections Officer Howe is also aware of the fact that Mr. Adams had a hearing on August 26, 1985. He, in fact, was called to the movement center to escort several prisoners, including Adams, to the confinement barracks after the hearings. A part of this duty involves inventorying the prisoners property. Howe told Adams to get his property and bring it in for inventory. At this point, after the hearing Adams said he did not have all his property with him and asked to be taken back to his old cell to get the rest. Howe declined to do this and explained the security reasons for his decision to Adams. He did advise Adams, however, that he would call down to Adams' old cell area and have his property packed which, in fact, he did. It is standard practice at UCI, according to Howe, that if an inmate has a large amount of property, he can request the use of a cart or wheelbarrow which is assigned to each housing area for carrying this excess property. This cart will be returned by a runner who can also help carry the excess. To his knowledge, inmates are not denied the use of these carts. Howe declined to return Adams to his old cell area after the hearing because, at the time, Adams was belligerent and unstable and presented a security risk in his opinion and also, because Adams had previously been advised to bring all his property with him and had failed to do this even though there was a way for him to accomplish it.
Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to the issues herein, Respondent was licensed by the Florida Division of Real Estate under license number 0202980. On January 16, 1986, Respondent, represented by counsel, entered a plea of guilty before the Honorable Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, to a charge of being involved in a scheme to defraud to obtain money by false pretenses by U.S. Mail, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341 & 1342, and conspiracy to defraud to obtain money by false pretenses in violation of 18 U.S.C. 371. Respondent was found guilty as per his plea and was sentenced, inter alia, to imprisonment in a United States Penitentiary for 4 years on the first count and for 1 year on the second, the terms to run consecutively. Respondent surrendered to authorities at the Federal Prison Camp, Leavenworth, Kansas, on May 5, 1986, and is presently incarcerated there.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law is is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the Respondent's license as a real estate salesman in Florida be revoked. RECOMMENDED this 17th day of October, 1986 at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of October, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Arthur R. Shell, Jr., Esquire Senior Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 William J. Hogan 25392-004 B-2 Post Office Box 1000 L.V.C. Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether respondent committed the offense charged in the administrative complaint and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken.
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, respondent, Frank L. Hiler, was employed as a correctional officer at the Martin Correctional Institution (MCI). Although no direct proof was offered on the issue, it is inferred that, since respondent held such a position, he was appropriately certified by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. In April 1989, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), at the request of the Department of Corrections (DOC), commenced an investigation to address allegations that narcotics were being smuggled into MCI. During the course of such investigation, information was developed which implicated respondent in such illegal activity. Pertinent to this case, the proof demonstrates that in June 1989, respondent, on behalf of an inmate, picked up a package containing two ounces of cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, and one or two ounces of cocaine from the inmate's wife in Miami, Florida, for delivery to the inmate at MCI. At the time respondent took possession of the narcotics he was dressed in the uniform of a correctional officer and was driving a van with the DOC logo on the side. Such narcotics were not, however, delivered to the inmate because of events that were to have occurred a day or so later. Acting on a tip that respondent might be attempting to smuggle narcotics into MCI, FDLE stopped the vehicle in which he was riding outside the complex and conducted a search. Such search uncovered a "small quantity" of marijuana in the vehicle. 1/ Respondent was then offered the opportunity to give a urine sample to test for narcotics, which he declined, but offered to do so at a later date. Respondent did not, however, return to MCI, and his employment was terminated on June 28, 1989, premised on job abandonment.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that petitioner render a final order revoking respondent's certification. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22nd day of December 1992. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December 1992.
The Issue Whether petitioner should take disciplinary action against respondent for the reasons alleged in the administrative complaint?
Findings Of Fact Respondent Henry A. Faircloth holds certificates as a correctional officer, No. 05-83-599-01, and as a law enforcement officer, No. 16-89-222-03, both issued by petitioner Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission; and has held them at all pertinent times. In the spring of 1988, he worked for the Florida Department of Corrections at Holmes Correctional Institution, where he held the rank of major. On May 25, 1988, he was in a meeting about ongoing construction at the prison, when Glenda Parmer told him he was needed in his office, elsewhere in the same building. She had seen James T. Watson and Charles W. Pumphrey, correctional officers who worked as sergeants at Holmes Correctional Institution, escorting Samuel Collier, an unruly and, as it turned out, intoxicated inmate toward the security complex. After Ms. Parmer, a correctional officer who worked as an administrative lieutenant, recounted events to Major Faircloth and told him "that we had some problems," (T.224) she accompanied him on the walk back toward his office. Before they reached the hall onto which Major Faircloth's office opened, they encountered the obstreperous inmate, his hands in handcuffs behind him, (T.234) a sergeant on either side. Although she came within three or four feet of the inmate, Ms. Parmer did not observe any injuries. T.220. The mail room officer, who was also within three or four feet of the inmate about this time, saw no injuries on the inmate's face, either. T.233-4. Neither did Sergeant Pumphrey, at this point. T.541. Major Faircloth, both sergeants and the inmate started down the hall and Ms. Parmer "stepped out of the way so they could go down the hallway." T.220. As he walked by them, Major Faircloth turned to Sergeants Michael Sheppard and William Paul and Inspector William T. Nobles, who were in a group talking, and told them "to wait right there, [and not to] let any inmates come down" (T.66) the hall toward Major Faircloth's office. After he had given this order, Respondent Faircloth entered his office and closed the door. T.43. Messrs. Collier, Watson and Pumphrey had preceded him through the door into the office. From outside the office, the inmate was heard interrupting Major Faircloth, cursing loudly "and raising sand." Id. During the three or four minutes that elapsed before Major Faircloth came back out of his office, four to six noises that "sounded like licks being passed," (T.44) were audible through the closed door at intervals of 30 seconds to a minute. "It sounded like flesh meeting flesh." T.150; T.178. The inmate yelled, "[D]on't hit me anymore." T.235. Major Faircloth emerged from his office without the inmate or Sergeants Pumphrey and Watson, reentering the hall where Sergeants Sheppard and Paul and Inspector Nobles still stood. Sergeant Sheppard noticed spatters of blood on Major Faircloth's shirt, although Major Faircloth was not bleeding, as far as he could see. T.46. Ms. Hutching, the mailroom officer, told Major Faircloth he needed to change shirts, "[b]ecause he had blood spattered all over his shirt." T.238. Sergeant Paul was asked "to go get three shirts . . . two white shirts and one brown shirt . . . [o]fficers' uniform shirts." T.151. Major Faircloth walked toward the control room, then stopped in front of the mailroom and flexed his right hand. When the mailroom officer inquired about his swollen knuckles, Major Faircloth responded, "I knocked that son of a bitch's tooth out." T.238. Frederick Terrell Kirkland, a classification supervisor who is not related to the assistant superintendent, saw Major Faircloth that day and noticed his hand and his blood-spattered shirt. Deposition of Kirkland. When assistant superintendent Kirkland arrived, he spoke to respondent Faircloth, then accompanied him as he went back into the office where the inmate and sergeants Pumphrey and Watson remained. At some point Lieutenant Benny Chesnut entered Major Faircloth's office. After a few minutes, Mr. Kirkland, opening then closing the office door behind him, left to go down the hall to the bathroom. When he returned, Sergeant Sheppard opened Major Faircloth's office door to let the assistant superintendent back in. As he opened the door for Mr. Kirkland, Sergeant Sheppard "saw Major Faircloth slap the inmate in the face." T.482. Samuel Collier was seated in a chair at the time, his hands still behind him in handcuffs. Standing behind Mr. Collier, Sergeant Pumphrey rested his hands on the inmate's shoulders, facing Major Faircloth, who stood in front of inmate Collier. Sergeant Watson stood by the office door. Nothing obstructed his view of Major Faircloth's striking Samuel Collier, although he turned his head and looked at Sergeant Sheppard when the door opened. T.51. "[D]id you see the son of a bitch kick me?" Major Faircloth asked the assistant superintendent. T.83. He later apologized to Mr. Kirkland for hitting the inmate in front of him. T.330, 343. After Samuel Collier had been taken away, Major Faircloth asked William Paul "to get an inmate to go clean the blood up out of his office. But then he said, no not to get the inmate, that the inmate didn't need to see that mess, for [Paul] to clean it up [him]self." T.153. In order to place Samuel Collier in solitary confinement, which was the course decided upon, he had to be sent elsewhere, because appropriate facilities were not then available at Holmes Correctional Institution. Karen Roberts, a nurse who worked at Holmes Correctional Institution, was summoned. After she drew blood, took the inmate's temperature and pulse, and made notes recording his vital signs, Mr. Collier was driven in a van to Okaloosa Correctional Institution. When Michael G. Foley, M.D., chief health officer at Okaloosa Correctional Institution, saw him shortly after lunch on May 25, 1988, Samuel Collier still had "alcohol on his breath." The parties stipulated that laboratory tests on the blood Ms. Roberts took from the inmate "revealed a .17 blood alcohol content." T.10. He had reportedly been drinking "buck," a home brew concocted from prison foodstuffs. Ms. Roberts had noticed a laceration of the upper lip which she felt "did not need suturing" (T.111) and swelling around the eyes, which she testified she attributed to the fact that Mr. Collier was crying. She "[w]anted to put ice on his eyes . . . [but] it was impossible to keep ice" (T.113), or so she testified, so she did not try it. Samuel Collier's injuries, including loose teeth Ms. Roberts overlooked, are consistent with blows received in a fight and could not have been caused by a fall against a fence post coupled with a fall out of a chair onto the floor. T.188. Samuel Collier's injuries resulted at least in part from blows Major Faircloth administered. T.188, 196. When Dr. Foley examined Mr. Collier, both of the inmate's upper eyelids were swollen. An area of his scalp was swollen. There was "a massive hematoma to the upper lip, which is a massive swelling" (T.186) that made it protrude. He "had tenderness, abrasions and contusions to both cheeks. . . [and] some loose upper incisors." T.187. Dr. Foley ordered x- rays "to make sure there w[ere] no fractures." T. 184. The radiologist concluded that no bones were broken, according to Dr. Foley. Meanwhile, Major Faircloth told some correctional officers that they "were supposed to say that he had hurt his hand doing yard work." T.294. When Sergeant Sheppard asked about filing a report, Major Faircloth told him not to "worry about it, you didn't use force," (T.58) "you're not on the duty roster, they don't even know you were here" (T.94) or words to that effect. Major Faircloth's directive contravened Department of Corrections policy, which requires any correctional officer observing force being used against an inmate to prepare a "use of force report . . . and forward it to the Inspector General's office." T.59. The next day, Major Faircloth filed a written report, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 9, reciting that Sergeants Watson and Pumphrey and Lieutenant Chesnut had used force against Samuel Collier, but omitting any mention of the force he himself had used. On June 28, 1988, while he was interrogated by Inspector G. L. McLain, he falsely denied under oath that he had hit Samuel Collier and injured his own hand. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6. Inspector McLain had authority to administer the oath in the course of his official duties, and did so to respondent before interrogating him on June 28, 1988, and on July 6, 1988. On July 6, 1988, respondent again answered questions under oath and falsely answered affirmatively when asked whether he had been truthful during the earlier interrogation.
Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That petitioner revoke respondent's certificates both as a correctional officer and as a law enforcement officer. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER 92-1395 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 4-15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24-30 and 32-47 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 2, 3 and 31 are immaterial as to respondent Faircloth. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 16, it was not clear that a fence and gate were in place at the time. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 19, Major Faircloth first joined the group before they reached his office. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 23, the evidence did not clearly and convincingly establish the exact number of times respondent hit Collier. Sergeant Sheppard saw respondent slap Collier only once. But the evidence clearly and convincingly showed that respondent landed additional blow(s), causing his knuckles to swell. Respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22 and 23 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 5, it was not clear that a fence was up and that there was a need to pass between those two posts. That Collier hit or fell into a post was not established by the weight of the credible evidence. With respect to respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 6 and 7, the weight of the credible evidence did not establish that Collier was bleeding when he reached the security complex. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 10, credible evidence did not establish that Collier leapt from the chair and fell, striking a desk and the floor. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 13, the nurse's testimony that she thought Collier's eyes were swollen because he had been crying has not been credited. With respect to respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 16 and 17, the nurse's findings were not "totally inconsistent." She apparently did not examine the inmate's teeth. Some of the swelling she anticipated evidently occurred. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 18, Sheppard's testimony has been credited. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 19, when Sheppard saw Faircloth slap Collier he might have been looking through the clear glass window. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 20, the weight of the evidence did not establish that nobody saw Collier's injuries before he left HCI. Respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 24 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED TO: Joseph S. White, Esquire Gina Cassidy, Esquire Department of Law Enforcement P. O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Roy M. Kinsey, Jr., Esquire Kinsey, Troxel, Johnson & Walborsky 438 East Government Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 James T. Moore, Commissioner Department of Law Enforcement P. O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 A. Leon Lowry, II, Director Criminal Justice Standards Training Commission P. O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Michael Ramage General Counsel Department of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302
Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following findings of fact: l. The Petitioner, Terry Wooden, a black male, was hired by the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Corrections, on December 5, 1980 as a Correctional Officer I at River Junction Correctional Institution. River Junction Correctional Institution (RJCI) is a secure facility responsible for the care, custody and control of certain inmates. Correctional Officers are assigned to security posts which are located throughout the facility. Some "inside" security posts are located within inmate dormitories. Outside perimeter security posts, which are small tower-like buildings, are located along the perimeter fence and are the last observation posts between containment and possible inmate escape. For security reasons, the Respondent prohibits sleeping on the job and requires its correctional officers to remain alert at all times. Supervisors (generally employees holding the rank of sergeant) often make "rounds" of the facility wherein security posts are visited to ensure that the officer on, duty at that post is alert. RJCI procedure requires that an officer on duty at a security post "challenge" a supervisor or other correctional officer who approaches the security post. When a supervisor enters a dormitory, the officer assigned to that post is required to challenge that person by immediately leaving the officer's station (located within the dormitory) to meet the approaching person. If the officer is on the telephone or engaged in some activity, it is acceptable for the officer to wave his hand to the approaching person or indicate in some other manner that he is aware that someone has entered the area. When a supervisor approaches an outside security post, the officer on duty is required to meet the approaching individual at the door of the building. Discipline of employees at RJCI is based on a progressive system. During the time the Petitioner was employed at RJCI, a sergeant was required to report a sleeping/unalertness violation by a correctional officer to the shift lieutenant (supervisor of all employees on a particular shift). There were no written guidelines and the reporting officer was required to exercise some discretion in determining whether he believed that an offense had been committed. On the first incident, the shift lieutenant would counsel the employee about the infraction, but no written report was made. On the second report of an offense to the shift lieutenant, a written report of the incident would be prepared by either the reporting officer or the shift lieutenant. The shift lieutenant would interview the employee about the alleged violation and refer the report to the department head (correctional officer chief). The department head would then submit the written report to the personnel manager with recommendations. Upon receiving a written report of an infraction from the department head, the personnel manager would gather information pertaining to the offense and give it to the superintendent, along with recommendations for disposing of the case. The superintendent would then schedule a "predetermination conference", confront the employee with the allegations and determine the disciplinary action to be taken. Prior to 1979 and until June 1982, L. C. McAllister, a white male, was superintendent at RJCI; from June 1982 to December 10, 1982, George Ragans, a white male, was acting superintendent at RJCI; from December 13, 1982 through August 1983, Ken Snover, a white male, was superintendent at RJCI. Each superintendent was responsible for determining the particular penalty to be imposed using guidelines set forth in Chapter 33, Section 9 of the Rules of Personnel. Generally, the employee's first sleeping/unalertness violation reported to the personnel manager, and ultimately, the superintendent, would result in counseling (oral reprimand); the second violation would result in a written reprimand; the third violation would result in a suspension; the fourth violation would result in a longer suspension or dismissal; and, the fifth violation would result in dismissal. Major Miles, a white male, is a department head and functions as the overall supervisor of correctional officers at RJCI. Miles assigns posts and shifts to correctional officers. Major Miles usually assigns new correctional officers to midnight shift after they complete orientation. After Petitioner completed his orientation period, he was placed on midnight shift (12:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.) and assigned to Post 23 in "G" dormitory. The Petitioner completed his one year probationary period on December 5, 1981. The Petitioner was assigned an overall rating of "satisfactory" by his shift supervisor, Lieutenant Carter, a black male. The evaluation stated that Petitioner got along well with supervisors and fellow employees. In December of 1981, Lieutenant Childs, a white male, became the Petitioner's shift supervisor. Initially, the Petitioner and Lieutenant Childs enjoyed a friendly relationship. Lieutenant Childs drove the Petitioner to work on several occasions and both men shared a common interest in sports. On December 13, 1981 an officer made a routine check of "G" dormitory and found Petitioner asleep in the officer's station. The Petitioner was counseled about this first infraction. Shortly after Petitioner's sleeping incident of December 13, 1981, Major Miles changed Petitioner's post assignment from dormitory to Perimeter Post 3. Major Miles changed Petitioner's post because several inmates had complained to him that a lot of stealing was taking place and that Petitioner was not watchful enough to prevent it. The inmates also complained that Petitioner's counseling style seemed like harassment. After Petitioner's post was changed from "G" dormitory to Perimeter Post 3, his relationship with Lieutenant Childs began to turn sour. The Petitioner was "concerned" because he believed that Lieutenant Childs had input into Major Miles' decision to reassign him. On May 10, 1982, Lieutenant Childs found the Petitioner unalert at Perimeter Post 3. The Petitioner received a written reprimand for this second infraction. On August 19, 1982, Sergeant Pollock, a black male, found Petitioner unalert while on duty at Perimeter Post 3. Sergeant Pollock reported the incident to Lieutenant Childs but suggested that Petitioner be counseled rather than "written-up". Sergeant Pollock believed that a lesser punishment might encourage Petitioner's improvement. Lieutenant Childs told Pollock to think about it for a couple of days. On August 21, 1982, Sergeant Parks and Sergeant Tharpe found Petitioner unalert at his post. When Sergeant Pollock discovered this incident, he changed his mind about his previous recommendation to Lieutenant Childs. Childs told Pollock to submit a written report. The Petitioner was suspended for 3 days for these third and fourth sleeping/unalertness infractions. On September 2, 1982, Lieutenant Childs completed an employee rating evaluation on Petitioner for the period September 1, 1981 to September 2, 1982. Petitioner was given an overall rating of "satisfactory", but Lieutenant Childs noted several areas of concern. Lieutenant Childs mentioned that Petitioner seemed to interpret counseling sessions "as personal threats conspired, for no bonafide reason to harass him." However, Lieutenant Childs went on to note that Petitioner's attitude and work performance was improving and that Petitioner was "making a definite and positive effort to correct his shortcomings." On October 28, 1982 an inmate escaped from RJCI. At the time of the inmate's escape, Petitioner was on duty at Perimeter Post-3 and William Chessher, a white correctional officer, was on duty on Perimeter Post 2. Major Miles, the department head, recommended that both men be disciplined for being unalert. Because the inmate's escape route took him through Perimeter Post 3's primary area of responsibility, Major Miles recommended that Petitioner be dismissed; Miles recommended that Chessher be reprimanded or suspended because the escape route was along Perimeter Post 2's secondary area of responsibility. On November 18, 1982, Acting Superintendent George Ragans held a predetermination conference concerning Petitioner's October 28, 1982 unalertness charge. Mr. Ragans found that the offense was substantiated but did not follow Major Miles' recommendation that Petitioner be dismissed. Ragans suspended the Petitioner for fifteen (15) days for this fifth sleeping/unalertness violation. Immediately following the November 18, 1982 predetermination conference, Ragans suggested to Petitioner that Petitioner should request a shift change. However, Petitioner explained to Ragans that he had a new baby at home, was taking college courses and did not want a shift change at that time. When Petitioner returned to work on December 16, 1982 after his fifteen (15) day suspension he had decided that he wanted a shift change. Petitioner went to the control room to find out how to submit a shift change request. In the control room, Petitioner spoke with a female officer concerning the procedures for requesting a shift change. The female officer agreed to type a shift change request for Petitioner. The female officer typed the request and gave Petitioner a copy. Shift change requests are directed to the shift lieutenant, in this instance, Lieutenant Childs, who then passes the request to Major Miles for final action. The female officer told Petitioner that she would put the original request for shift change in Lieutenant Childs' box in the control room. For some reason, Lieutenant Childs never received Petitioner's written request for shift change. In January 1983, the Petitioner spoke with the new superintendent, Ken Snover, regarding a shift change. Mr. Snover told Petitioner to proceed through the change of command and if he was still not satisfied, to return and speak with him again. One night, while on duty sometime after December 16, 1982 Petitioner asked Lieutenant Childs about a shift change. Lieutenant Childs told Petitioner that there were going to be a lot of changes made. Petitioner spoke to Major Miles on one occasion after December 16, 1982 and asked about a shift change. Major Miles told Petitioner to submit a written request. Major Miles never received a written request for shift change from Petitioner. Sometime prior to August 1, 1983, Petitioner was temporarily assigned to "G" dormitory and worked with officer Gano, a white male. Gano complained to Lieutenant Childs that Petitioner was sleeping on duty. Before Gano complained to Childs, Childs had received allegations of Petitioner being asleep from other correctional officers. Because of those complaints, Childs had instructed two sergeants to closely review Petitioner's dormitory work habits. On one occasion, the sergeants told Lieutenant Childs that Petitioner appeared to be asleep while on duty. On August 1, 1983, Lieutenant Childs instructed officer Gano to let him know if Petitioner was sleeping by giving a pre-arranged signal. Officer Gano found Petitioner asleep or "non-alert" and gave the pre-arranged signal. Lieutenant Childs entered the dormitory without Petitioner challenging him and found Petitioner unalert. Lieutenant Childs wrote a report on Petitioner's sixth sleeping infraction. Superintendent Ken Snover held a predetermination conference concerning Petitioner's August 1, 1983 unalertness charge. Snover ordered the Petitioner's dismissal, effective August 18, 1983. Steve Williams, a white Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping on April 20, 1981 and was given an oral reprimand for this first offense. Williams was caught sleeping again on June 21, 28, and July 31, 1981. Because of the personnel manager's vacation a predetermination conference letter could not be sent until after the third occurrence and all three violations were addressed at the same conference. Williams was given a written reprimand for this second sleeping infraction. Thomas Jackson, a black Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping on October 29, 1982 and was given an oral reprimand for this first offense. On May 13, 1983, Jackson was caught sleeping a second time and was given an official reprimand. On August 10, 1983, Jackson was caught sleeping a third time and was suspended for one week (5 working days). Jackson was offered and accepted a shift change, from midnight to evening shift. Dennis Edwards, a white Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping in July 1982 and was counseled for this first offense. In Apri1 1983, he was caught sleeping again and was given a written reprimand. In July 1983, Edwards was suspended for 5 working days because of his third offense of sleeping while on duty. Larry Garrett, a black Correctional Officer I, was counseled for sleeping on duty for his first offense, but no documentation was made to his personnel file. On September 5, 1981 Garrett was caught sleeping a second time and was given a written reprimand. On December 3, 1981, Garrett was caught sleeping a third time and was suspended for three days. Garrett was offered a shift change, but declined because he was taking classes and had a newborn baby. On December 16, 1981, Garrett was caught sleeping for the fourth time and was terminated. Michae1 Weeks, a white Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping on June 9, 1981 and was given a written reprimand for this first offense. On May 10, 1982 he was caught sleeping a second time and was given a written reprimand. Weeks was caught sleeping again on August 1, 8 and 10, 1982. Weeks was given a predetermination conference letter, but before the hearing was held, he was caught sleeping again on August 18, 1982. Weeks voluntarily resigned on August 18, 1982. Warren Harris, a black Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping on November 29, 1979 and was given a written reprimand for this first offense. On June 13, 1981, Harris was caught sleeping again and was given another written reprimand. On September 9, 1981, Harris was caught sleeping for the third time and was suspended for three days. Harris was caught sleeping again on October 28 and 29, 1981 for his fourth offense. Harris was given a letter of termination, but resigned before the termination took effect. Harold Bailey, a white Correctional Officer I, was caught sleeping on June 14, 1982 and was counseled for this first offense. Bailey was caught sleeping again on July 17, 1982 and was given a written reprimand. On January 5, 1983 Bailey was caught sleeping on duty for the third time and was suspended for five days. On April 2, 1983, Bailey was charged with a fourth offense but Superintendent Snover found the allegations "unsubstantiated." Nevertheless, Bailey was counseled and documentation of the incident was placed in his personnel file. Bailey was offered a shift change but he refused it. Bailey's shift was later changed. In an effort to assist employees who were working midnight shift and having problems staying awake, the personnel manager and the superintendent would sometimes offer the employee a shift change or encourage the employee to seek a shift change. At various times, both black and white employees were offered, or encouraged to seek shift changes when they were having trouble on midnight shift. From time to time, correctional officers would submit requests for shift and/or post changes. Major Miles, the department head, usually made shift or post changes based on an individual's written request and the needs of the institution to have certain security posts staffed. Major Miles made some shift and post changes without a written request and over the objection of the employee if it was required by the needs of the institution. Shift and post changes at RJCI were given to both white and black employees in a substantially similar manner. Lieutenant Childs, upon receiving a request for a shift or post change, was required to forward the request to Major Miles for final action. Lieutenant Childs would forward a request for shift or post change with a favorable recommendation only if he believed the employee "earned" the recommendation by good performance on his current shift or post. As shift lieutenant, Childs was authorized to make some temporary post re-assignments for employees on his shift. During the last several months of Petitioner's employment, Petitioner was permanently assigned to Perimeter Post 3, but Lieutenant Childs temporarily assigned him to a post in "G" dormitory. While Petitioner was temporarily assigned to "G" dormitory, Lieutenant Childs became aware through "the grapevine" that Petitioner wanted to have Mondays and Tuesdays off, rather than Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Because different post assignments, carried different days off, a change in days off would have required a post change. Lieutenant Childs told Sergeant Pollock to tell Petitioner that he would arrange for Petitioner to have the desired days off as soon as possible if Petitioner's work performance improved. In January 1983 a new Department of Corrections directive required that certain correctional officers receive 160 supplementary hours of training. A majority of the staff at RJCI was required to complete the supplemental training. From January 1983 through August 1983, personnel at RJCI were engaged in the on-going training program. One set of training classes were scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.mand another set of classes were scheduled from 6:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m., five days a week. During the period from January 1983 through August 1983, shift and post changes were made primarily to allow correctional officers the opportunity to attend the training sessions as required. As superintendent of RJCI, Ken Snover conducted "predetermination conferences" wherein he was required to review allegations, determine whether or not the charges were substantiated and then decide what disciplinary action to take. Superintendent Snover did not apply a lesser standard of proof at predetermination conferences where Petitioner was charged with sleeping/unalertness violations than he applied when white officers were involved. On one occasion Snover found that the allegations of sleeping were not sufficient to warrant disciplinary action against two white employees, Harold Bailey and Walter Dean, where the allegation was made by one sergeant but denied by both correctional officers. At the predetermination conferences that Snover conducted where Petitioner was charged, the allegations were all substantiated by one or more individuals and denied only by Petitioner. Perimeter Post 3 as well as other perimeter posts, are isolated outside security posts and are generally not considered to be the most desirable security post assignments. Both black and white officers were assigned to Perimeter Post 3 and other perimeter posts. A slight majority of the correctional officers permanently assigned to perimeter posts were black. There was no indication that correctional officers were assigned to Perimeter Post 3 on a racial basis nor as a "set up" to achieve dismissal.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the complaint and the petition for relief filed by Mr. Terry Wooden. DONE and ORDERED this 8th day of September, 1986 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. W. MATTHEW STEVENSON, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day September, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED::: Drucilla E. Bell, Esq. Department of Corrections 1311 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32301 Marva Davis, Esq. 379 E. Jefferson Street P. O. Drawer 551 Quincy, FL 32351 Louie L. Wainwright Secretary Department of Corrections 1311 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32301 Donald A. Griffin Executive Director Florida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Dana Baird, Esq. General Counsel Florida Commission on. Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, FL 3230 APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Adopted in Findings of Fact 1 and 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. The first sentence is rejected as a recitation of testimony. The second sentence is rejected as not supported by Competent substantial evidence. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 31 and 32. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as a recitation of testimony. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 20 and 30. Matters not contained therein are rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 7. Matters not contained therein are rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence and/or misleading. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. 14A. Rejected as subordinate. 14B. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 47. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. 15A. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 22 and 23. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. 15B. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. 16A. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 16B. Rejected as misleading and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 5. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or misleading. Rejected as misleading and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Findings of Fact 25 and 26. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 27,^ 28 and 29. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 26. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 26, 27, 28 and 29. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as misleading and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 39, and 41. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate, misleading and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as subordinate. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. (No paragraph 34). Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 43. Matters not contained therein are rejected as a recitation of testimony. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 48. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as subordinate and/or not supported by competent substantial evidence. Rejected as subordinate. Rejected as subordinate. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Findings of Fact 12 and 15. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 16 and 17. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5 and 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. - Adopted in Findings of Fact 19 and 20. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Findings of Fact 22 and 23. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 24. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Rejected as not supported by the weight of the evidence. Adopted in Findings of Fact 27, 28 and 29. Adopted in Finding of Fact 44. Adopted in Finding of Fact 48. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 31 and 32. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Findings of Fact 39 and 47. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 47. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 37. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Finding of Fact 35. Adopted in Finding of Fact 34. Adopted in Finding of Fact 36. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 41. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Finding of Fact 33. Partially adopted in Finding of Fact 41. Matters not contained therein are rejected as subordinate. Adopted in Finding of Fact 38.
The Issue Whether or not Respondent failed to maintain the qualifications required of a correctional officer by failing to maintain good moral character, to wit, unlawfully and knowingly aiding and abetting an inmate confined at the Zephyrhills Correctional Institution to attempt to escape from such confinement on or about September 23, 1987, 1/ and, if so, what disciplinary action should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Respondent, Mary A. Jackson, was trained and employed as a police officer by the Valdosta Georgia Police Department, a position she held from 1979 to 1985. Respondent relocated from Georgia to Florida during 1986. Respondent was certified as a correctional officer by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Petitioner) on June 16, 1986 and was issued certificate number 41-86-502-03. During times material hereto, Respondent was employed by the Florida Department of Corrections as a correctional officer and was assigned to Zephyrhills Correctional Institution (ZCI). During September 1987, Robert Bridges and Charles Jeffrey were inmates incarcerated at ZCI residing in the "E dormitory". On approximately September 12, inmates Bridges and Jeffrey began discussing plans for an escape from ZCI. Their initial plan was to meet in the prison chapel and change out of their prison uniforms into street clothing which Respondent would provide. They would then mingle with prison visitors and exit the gate posing as visitors. This was to be done at a time when Respondent was in control of gate access. Inmate Bridges observed a personal relationship between inmate Jeffrey and Respondent during September 1987. This was evidenced by Respondent's visits with Jeffrey in the dorm for unusually long periods of time and their utilization of a method of communication by flashing lights at one another. Also during this period, inmate Bridges observed Jeffrey with a photo of Respondent dressed in a bikini bathing suit. Bridges and Jeffrey's initial plan was scuttled and they in turn agreed on a second escape plan whereby Respondent would provide them with a key to an exit door of "E" dorm. This door was nearest the fence and their plan was to exit the door under cover of darkness and scale the fences at a time when Respondent would be the only guard on that portion of the fence. Respondent and Bridges discussed this plan although Respondent expressed apprehension about going through with it. On September 22, inmate Bridges observed inmate Jeffrey and Respondent tossing an object back and forth to one another across a fence. Respondent stood outside the fence and Jeffrey stood inside the compound during this exchange. Bridges and Respondent also openly flirted with each other. For those reasons, Bridges felt that this behavior compromised the secrecy of the escape plan and he decided to back out. Although Bridges initially intended to attempt to escape with Jeffrey, he abandoned the plan and instead informed ZCI's authorities. Bridges was convinced that the escape would fail, resulting in the possibility of additional prison time beyond that which he was already serving. Bridges was also apprehensive that if he failed to report the plan and merely declined to participate, inmate Jeffrey would unsuccessfully attempt the escape and when it failed, Jeffrey would implicate him as a co-conspirator and he would suffer identical consequences for not divulging the plan to ZCI's security staff. On September 23, inmate Bridges requested a meeting with Lt. Wayne Hutto, an investigator at ZCI. Bridges first discussed the escape plans with Lt. Hutto and he thereafter reported the same information to Major Sammy Hill, head of security at ZCI. After discussing the escape plan with Hill and Hutto, they instructed inmate Bridges to go forward with the plan and to accept any keys given him by Respondent. Inmate Bridges was also instructed to give a prearranged signal when he received the key whereupon a correctional staff member would confiscate it. Inmate Bridges concealed his cooperation with ZCI authorities from inmate Jeffrey and the Respondent. During the evening of September 23, inmate Jeffrey reported to the prison chapel where he was assigned as chapel clerk. Jeffrey met Bridges in the chapel's office. On that day, Respondent reported to duty and was assigned to work in the institution's gatehouse control room with Sgt. Rhodene Mathis, the control room supervisor. Throughout the evening on September 23, Respondent appeared nervous and she was preoccupied with matters other than her work. As example, Sgt. Mathis assigned her to type some forms. Mathis examined the forms at a time when they should have been completed and discovered that Respondent had not started her assignment. Respondent telephoned the chapel from the control room approximately three times between her arrival at 4:00 p.m. and 7:25 p.m. On each of these occasions, Bridges would answer. Respondent in each case, asked Bridges to speak with "Nikki" whereupon Bridges gave the phone to Jeffrey. During one of the phone calls, Sgt. Mathis was out of the control room. When she returned, Respondent abruptly ended the call to Jeffrey. During one of the calls, Jeffrey told Respondent that he wanted the key and to let him and Bridges know when Sgt. Mathis was gone so that Bridges could come over and get the key from her. Sgt. Mathis departed the control room leaving Respondent alone at approximately 7:25 p.m. Her stated purpose in leaving at this time was to check on inmates in the institution's fire station. Upon her departure, Respondent immediately called the chapel and informed Bridges and Jeffrey that she was alone. Inmate Bridges walked to gatehouse from the chapel and Respondent, contrary to normal practice, released the remote gate lock mechanism and admitted inmate Bridges into the gatehouse without him asking, in advance, to declare his business in the gatehouse. Once inside the gatehouse, inmate Bridges made his way to the area immediately outside the control room. Once Respondent observed inmate Bridges from her position inside the control room, she looked to see if anyone was watching her. Respondent wrapped a key in a paper napkin and passed it to inmate Bridges through a security drawer. The key, identified as RE141-307, was the key which had been stored in a lock box in "E" dormitory. It would open the rear exit door of "E" dormitory and would assist inmates Bridges and Jeffrey in making a night escape over the fence behind "E" dormitory. This was a key which ordinarily an inmate of ZCI would be unable to obtain. As a correctional officer, Respondent had access to the key. Bridges took the key that Respondent wrapped in the napkin, placed it in his pocket and exited the gatehouse. Once outside, inmate Bridges gave a prearranged signal to Sgt. Levy Roberts, who had been designated to assist in aborting the plan by Major Hill and Lt. Hutto. Upon seeing the signal, Sgt. Roberts approached inmate Bridges and retrieved the key and napkin from Bridges. Sgt. Roberts handcuffed inmate Bridges and led him to "E" dormitory. Soon thereafter, Respondent learned that inmate Bridges had been intercepted by Sgt. Roberts. Upon learning of Bridges' interception, Respondent exhibited an unusual amount of curiosity as to the nature of Bridges interception. Respondent called a fellow officer and requested permission to leave her post to ascertain why Bridges was being held by Sgt. Roberts. This was an extraordinary request under the circumstances. Respondent's concern was her complicity in the escape plan. As agreed, Sgt. Roberts immediately telephoned Major Hill and Lt. Hutto and advised them that he had retreived the key from Bridges. Thereafter, Sgt. Roberts approached the gatehouse and signaled to Sgt. Mathis that he had recovered the key. Respondent, who was still in the gatehouse, immediately asked Sgt. Mathis for permission to leave her duty station. Later during the evening of September 23, Respondent was questioned by Major Hill and Lt. Hutto. Respondent provided a statement voluntarily without any promises, threats or coercion from either Hill or Hutto. During her statement, Respondent initially denied any involvement with Jeffrey or giving Bridges a key. However, later during her statement Respondent admitted giving Jeffrey the number of a pay phone located near her home and to receiving at least two personal calls from Jeffrey at the pay phone. Respondent admitted to accepting a collect call from Jeffrey on her home phone and she paid the tolls for the two calls which were made from Jeffrey to her at a pay station near her home. Also, Respondent admitted having previously discussed a plan for inmates Jeffrey and Bridges to escape involving the key to exit from "E" dormitory. Respondent ultimately admitted allowing Bridges to take a key from a ring located in the pass-through drawer in the guardhouse control room. At approximately 11:00 on September 23, Respondent returned to the gatehouse control room whereupon Sgt. Mathis asked her what she had done. Respondent replied that she had "really screwed up" and began crying. Upon further inquiry by Sgt. Mathis, Respondent told her that she had given Bridges a key because her safety and that of her children had been threatened by the inmates at ZCI. Although Respondent had confided in Sgt. Mathis of some personal problems prior to that time, she did not previously discuss any threats to Sgt. Mathis. On September 25, Tony Perez, a Department of Corrections prison inspector, interviewed Respondent. Respondent was advised of her constitutional rights under the Miranda decision and she agreed to answer questions voluntarily. Inspector Perez did not make any promises nor did he threaten or coerce Respondent to provide him a statement. During the early stages of the interview, Respondent related that she had three children, was divorced and that inmate Jeffrey asked her to assist him in escaping from ZCI such that he could accompany her to the Bahamas. During that statement, Respondent claims that she told inmate Jeffrey that she would not help him escape and that he could "get out on [his] own." (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, page 9.) Respondent admitted giving inmate Jeffrey the number of a pay telephone, thereafter receiving calls from him and discussing his aspirations to escape from ZCI. During Perez' interview of Respondent, she admitted that inmate Jeffrey asked her to get a "main key" and provide it to him. She also related other escape plans that she and inmate Jeffrey discussed. Respondent related receiving telephone calls from Jeffrey while he was assigned to work in the institution's chapel. Respondent also described giving inmate Bridges a napkin at the time she gave him a key from the sliding security pass-through drawer of the control room. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, pages 23-25.) Although Respondent initially maintained that if inmate Bridges took a key away from the control room, this was done without her knowledge, she finally conceded that she knew Bridges had taken a key, but insisted that it was a key from one that she randomly selected and removed from ring number 4. A subsequent audit of ring 4 disclosed no missing keys. Respondent also admitted that she phoned a fellow inmate about inmate Bridges interception by Sgt. Roberts. At the conclusion of the Respondent's interview with inspector Perez, she resigned her position as a correctional officer at ZCI. During her resignation, Respondent told Major Hill that she had made a big mistake and had ruined her career. Respondent cried uncontrollably and threatened suicide. She ultimately regained her composure and left the institution.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order revoking Respondent's law enforcement certificate number 41-86-502-03. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of March, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March, 1991.
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent failed to maintain good moral character in violation of section 943.1395(7), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27.0011(4), and if so, what penalty should be imposed?
Findings Of Fact At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed as a corrections officer with the Gulf County Jail.1/ In May of 2010, officials for the Gulf County Jail in conjunction with the Gulf County Sheriff's Office investigated allegations that contraband was being smuggled to inmates at the jail. As a result of the investigation, seven people were dismissed from employment and/or charged with crimes. Part of the investigation addressed Respondent's alleged behavior. As part of that investigation, Investigator Shane Lee of the Gulf County Sheriff's Office interviewed inmate Jason Strimel. Michael Hammond, Administrator for the jail, also attended the interview, which was videotaped. Based on information received from the interview, a baggie was retrieved from Mr. Strimel, which contained two pills and some residue. Pictures of the pills were entered into evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit 2. While Warden Hammond testified that the pills were tested and determined to be Ultram, no documentary evidence related to the testing was introduced. Based on the investigation by the Gulf County Sheriff's Office, Respondent was charged with introduction of contraband, in violation of section 951.22, Florida Statutes. Respondent entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement on January 27, 2012. His employment at the Gulf County Jail was terminated. No competent evidence was presented in this proceeding connecting Respondent to the introduction of contraband.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of March, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of March, 2013.
The Issue Should Petitioner discipline Respondent for her acts as a correctional officer in association with an inmate?
Findings Of Fact In response to requests for admissions, Respondent admitted the following: The Respondent was certified by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission on July 6, 1992, and was issued correctional number 94229. Between June 1 and July 31, 1994, the Respondent was employed as a Correctional Officer with the North Florida Reception Center. On October 16, 1995, during an interview with Inspector H. McBride, the Respondent denied knowing Inmate Dean Richardson. (D) On October 16, 1995, during an interview with Inspector H. McBride, the Respondent denied knowing Toyia Kelly. E) On March 6, 1996, Respondent resigned her position at North Florida Reception Center. Between June 1, 1994 and July 31, 1994, Inmate Dean Richardson was committed to the North Florida Reception Center as a permanent inmate. In that period Respondent came in contact with Mr. Richardson in her capacity as a correctional officer and his capacity as an inmate at North Florida Reception Center. Their contacts occurred while Respondent was on duty as a correctional officer. In a conversation that took place between Respondent and Mr. Richardson in a recreation room within the prison, Respondent told Mr. Richardson that she was "having a problem moving." Mr. Richardson responded by offering to give Respondent money. At first Respondent declined the offer. A week to two weeks later after Mr. Richardson "pushed the issue," Respondent agreed to accept the money. Mr. Richardson had approached Respondent about a dozen times before Respondent was willing to accept the money. Under the terms of their arrangement, Respondent gave Mr. Richardson a post office box address to send the money and a name at that address. The name was Toyia Kelly. In furtherance of the agreement between Mr. Richardson and the Respondent, Mr. Richardson caused a $200 draft from his inmate bank fund to be sent to Toyia Kelly on June 8, 1994, at the address Respondent had provided . After Mr. Richardson sent the $200, he asked Respondent if Respondent had received the money. She answered "no." This conversation took place within the institution where Mr. Richardson was housed. When Respondent told Mr. Richardson she did not receive the $200, Mr. Richardson told Respondent that he would send more money. Mr. Richardson did send more money, but this time he sent the money to a different post office box than before. Respondent had provided Mr. Richardson the new post office box address. On June 24, 1994, Mr. Richardson withdrew $150 by draft from his inmate bank fund and paid it to the order of Toyia Kelly at the new post office box address. Mr. Richardson did not confirm with Respondent whether Respondent had received this $150 that had been paid directly to Toyia Kelly. Of his own volition Mr. Richardson determined to send an additional $150 by a draft from his inmate bank fund. Again this was paid to the order of Toyia Kelly at the second post office box address that had been provided by Respondent. This draft was made on July 11, 1994. On this occasion Mr. Richardson asked Respondent if she had received the second $150 draft. In response Respondent nodded her head in the affirmative.
Recommendation Upon consideration the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered which revokes Respondent's correctional certificate number 94299. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Karen D. Simmons, Esquire Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Sandra Griffin 2852 Wayne Drive Lake City, Florida 32055 A. Leon Lowry, II, Director Division of Criminal Justice Standards and Training Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Michael Ramage, Esquire Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302