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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Jan. 06, 1994 Number: 94-000089 Latest Update: Feb. 01, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Department of Insurance, was the state agency responsible for the licensure of insurance agents and the regulation of the insurance business in Florida. Respondent, Richard M. Rinker, was licensed by the Petitioner as a health insurance agent engaged in the business of soliciting, selling and servicing health insurance policies for National States Insurance Company. Levon H. and Joan D. Sprague, husband and wife, moved to Florida from New York in August, 1991. Prior to moving to Florida, the Spragues operated a restaurant in New York and purchased health insurance from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for themselves and some of their employees. They also owned a H.I.P. policy which was similar to a health maintenance organization, but both that coverage and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage were dropped when they moved to Florida. Because both Mr. and Mrs. Sprague were getting older, and because both had indications of possible future health problems based on experience and family history, upon the recommendation of Mrs. Sprague's father, who had purchased coverage from Respondent and was satisfied with the service received, they contacted Respondent and met with him about purchasing health insurance. The first meeting was on January 6, 1992. At that time, the Sprague's made Respondent aware of the fact that they had no health insurance coverage at that time and that they wanted to purchase coverage which would give them 100 percent reimbursement of all bills for medical care rendered. After some discussion, they agreed to accept less coverage for doctors' bills and other professional services, but were quite adamant in reiterating they wanted a policy that would cover 100 percent of the cost of hospitalization. They emphasized this because of Mr. Sprague's family's history of heart problems and they wanted to be sure the hospital expense would be covered in full. They felt the doctors could wait a while for payment of the full amount of their bills. During the course of his presentation, Respondent utilized a document called a National States Limited Medical-Surgical Hospital Confinement Plan which purportedly outlined the specifics of policy coverage. Under that portion entitled "Specific Benefits", the form read, "This policy pays percent of usual and customary expenses of the following type:". Under the blank space, in smaller type, were the numbers "10, 20, 30, 40". In the blank area, Respondent, by hand, inserted 80 percent. Above, and to the right of that insertion, he also placed the numbers, "100 percent" and "40 percent." Respondent explains this as being his attempt to provide answers to questions asked of him by Mrs. Sprague. He noted that his company does not offer a major medical policy such as desired by the Spragues, and that the only way he could provide coverage close to that which they wanted was to combine policies. Using a yellow highlighter, he also highlighted the words, "Doctor's charges", "doctor's office", "clinic", "hospital", "home", and "surgical or medical center." He also highlighted the terms "annual mammography screening" because Mrs. Sprague had specifically inquired about coverage of that procedure. On that visit, Respondent sold the Spragues two policies each. These were "MSH-1" and "MSH-2" policies which, the Spragues recall, Respondent indicated would provide the total coverage they wanted. Initially, the premium was to be $3,600.00 for the year, but when the Spragues indicated they could not afford that much, after calling his office, Respondent was able to offer them 6 months coverage for one half the price. They were satisfied with this and accepted the policies. Mr. Rinker received as his commission 45 percent of the premium paid in by the Spragues for the first year of the policy. When he departed the Spragues' home, he left with them the policy outline he utilized in his presentation, a large manila envelope containing information regarding his office hours and phone number, and a MSP form required by law. The coverage was not heavily used at first. When, during the first six month period, claims were initially denied because of the waiting period, the Spragues accepted that. After the expiration of the waiting period, all claims submitted for doctors' visits and mammography were covered to at least 80 percent of the amount expected by the Spragues. This was, however, because of the combined benefits paid by the two policies. Neither policy, alone, paid 100 percent percent of the claim. The Spragues were satisfied with this because it was not hospitalization. Later on, however, it became apparent that Mr. Sprague would have to enter the hospital for coronary bypass surgery, and he was admitted on an emergency basis. Before the surgery was done, however, the Spragues wanted to be sure the hospital bills would be paid in full, and they had their daughter- in-law, who had extensive experience in the insurance business prior to that time, to examine the policies. Her review of the policies generated some questions in her mind as to whether they provided 100 percent coverage of all hospital costs. To satisfy herself and her in-laws, utilizing the telephone number for Respondent on the materials left by him with the Spragues, she contacted him and asked, specifically, whether the policies he had sold to the Spragues, provided the 100 percent coverage they desired. His answer was somewhat evasive and non- responsive to her inquiry. He said, "Don't worry. She'll [Ms. Sprague] be able to sleep at night. She has a good policy." This did not satisfy either Ms. Sprague or her mother-in-law, and so she called Respondent again. During this second conversation he admitted that for at least a part of the cost, there was a 40 percent coinsurance provision. Respondent claims that during these calls, Ms. Sprague did not tell him that her father-in-law was to have surgery but only told him about tests. The tests were covered and the bills therefor paid by National States. By the time of these calls, however, Mr. Sprague was already in the hospital and facing the surgery the following morning. There was little that could be done. Mr. Sprague wanted to cancel the surgery but his wife would not allow this and the operation was accomplished. The hospital bills received by the Spragues amounted to approximately $140,000. Of this, the insurance company paid approximately $18,000. Ultimately, the Spragues and the hospital were able to reach an agreement for settlement of the obligation for $40,000. In order to satisfy this, Mr. Sprague was required to liquidate all his investments. He still owes the doctors a substantial sum but is making periodic payments to liquidate those obligations. The policies which Respondent sold to the Spragues were limited medical and surgical expense policies which pay only a limited percentage of incurred medical expenses over a limited period of time. Neither policy pays 100 percent of any medical or surgical expense. Respondent did not clearly communicate this fact to the Spragues. They suffered from the misconception that the policies sold to them by the Respondent paid 100 percent coverage for hospital expense, 80 percent for doctor fees, and 40 percent for medication. Petitioner presented no evidence that what Respondent did was below the standards accepted of sales agents within the health insurance industry. On the other hand, James Quinn, an insurance agent since 1975, who has taught life and health insurance and the legal responsibility of agents in the health insurance area with the approval of the Department since 1985, testified on behalf of Respondent. Mr. Quinn noted that there are three types of medical policies in use, including basic medical expense, major medical, and comprehensive major medical. The first of these, basic medical expense, permits liberal underwriting and pays policy limits. In Mr. Quinn's opinion, based on the age and preexisting conditions that the Sprague's have, major medical coverage, like they wanted, would cost between seven and ten thousand dollars annually, excluding deductibles. Health insurance coverage outlines, such as used by Respondent in his presentation to the Spragues are, according to Mr. Quinn, reasonably self-explanatory and are left with the insured either when the policy is applied for or is delivered. In the former case, the client is able to read the outline and cancel the policy before delivery, if he so desires. In the latter case, the insured has a set number of days to read the policy after delivery and cancel if he so desires. These outlines do not substitute for the policy, however, and generally, the agent prefers to deliver the policy personally so he can go over it again with the insured. According to Mr. Quinn, it is difficult to explain coverage to prospective insureds because of their unfamiliarity with the terminology and the available benefits. He concluded that the action of the Respondent, in issue here, whereby he used the coverage outline to explain the coverages to the Spragues, was consistent with proper agent conduct and was within industry standards. He also concluded that based on what Respondent had available to sell to the Spragues, he sold them the best package he could, at the time.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this matter finding Respondent, Richard Michael Rinker, guilty of a violation of Sections 626.611(5), (7), (9), and (13); 626.621(2) and (6); 626.9521, and 626.9541(1)(a)(1), (1)(e)(1), and (1)(k)(1), Florida statutes, and suspending his license as a health insurance agent for nine months. RECOMMENDED this 13th day of October, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of October, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 94-0089 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. 3. & 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 10. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted as to finding Mr. Quinn is an expert regarding insurance standards and business practices, but rejected as insinuating those opinions are binding on the Hearing Officer. Rejected notwithstanding the opinions of Mr. Quinn. Accepted, as there is no evidence to the contrary. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. First sentence rejected as contra to the evidence. Second sentence accepted as to the furnishing, but the quality of the information was less than clear. Balance accepted. & 8. Rejected. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel T. Gross, Esquire Department of Insurance and Treasurer Division of Legal Services 612 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 Thomas F. Woods, Esquire Gatlin, Woods, Carlson & Cowdery 1709-D Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Tom Gallagher State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Bill O'Neill General Counsel Department of Insurance The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (5) 120.57626.611626.621626.9521626.9541
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001451 Latest Update: Apr. 25, 1989

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Marcus Paul, was employed part-time as a dentist by the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Pensacola, Florida. As part of his employment Dr. Paul was enrolled in the State's Employee Health Insurance Plan. The State's Health Plan is a self-insurance plan. Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) of Florida is the State's agent for administering the Health Plan and is initially responsible for timely and promptly investigating and paying legitimate health claims. Under the State's Health Plan an employee is responsible for the first $1,000 of covered expenses. The Plan pays the balance of any covered expenses incurred by the employee. Covered expenses are defined in the plan. Such expenses are basically limited to reasonably necessary medical treatment or care of some kind. Dr. Paul also carried a direct pay health insurance policy with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania policy was a non-coordinating policy with the State's Health Plan. In essence, the Pennsylvania policy paid directly to its insured, Dr. Paul, regardless of the benefits paid by the State's Plan and the State's Plan benefits are not reduced by the Pennsylvania policy's payment of health benefits. Around September 15, 1984, Dr. Paul suffered a pulmonary embolism. He was hospitalized for his condition from September 15, 1984 to September 30, 1984. On admission, the hospital obtained Dr. Paul's health insurance information and had him sign the usual authorizations to allow the hospital to file his insurance claim. The total hospital charge resulting from Petitioner's hospitalization was $10,873.01 of which $10,582.30 was eligible for payment under the State Plan. The hospital filed a claim on both of Dr. Paul's contracts of insurance. Both contracts of insurance paid benefits to the hospital. BCBS of Pennsylvania paid approximately $9,500 and BCBS of Florida paid $9,582.00. The amount paid by BCBS of Florida represents the total covered expenses less the $1,000 the insured is responsible for. Because of the double payment the hospital told Dr. Paul that he was entitled to a refund from it. However, before the hospital refunded the money to Dr. Paul, BCBS of Florida discovered the double payment. No evidence was presented as to how BCBS of Florida discovered the other insurance company's co-payment. BCBS of Florida immediately demanded the hospital refund its payment. The hospital did so. BCBS of Florida mistakenly took the position that it was not the primary payor on the claim and refused to pay the claim. The hospital thereafter looked to the Pennsylvania proceeds for its payment. Dr. Paul was thereby prevented from receiving the monies due him under his Pennsylvania policy at a time when his need for funds was high since, due to his illness, he could not conduct a regular practice. For approximately one year Dr. Paul attempted to correct BCBS of Florida's mistake. However, he ran into a brick wall. Finally, after Dr. Paul retained an attorney to deal with BCBS, BCBS admitted its mistake and paid the hospital as the primary payor of Dr. Paul's claim. BCBS' failure to pay Dr. Paul's claim for over one year was a breach of his contract of insurance and negligent. BCBS' actions caused Dr. Paul not to be able to receive other monies that were rightfully his and at a minimum caused Dr. Paul to incur damages in the amount of attorney's fee he was forced to pay to rectify BCBS' mistake. When BCBS paid the claim the second time the company paid $10,281.93 to the hospital. Dr. Paul's $1,000 deductible was not subtracted from the amount BCBS paid. The hospital then refunded $10,105.70 to Dr. Paul. The discrepancy between the original `84 payment and the second `85 payment is $300.17. Therefore, only $699.83 could be attributable to Dr. Paul. Additionally Dr. Paul did not receive the full BCBS payment from the hospital. The amount he received was $176.23 less than the amount paid by BCBS. Therefore, the amount owed by Dr. Paul, if any, is $523.60. The hospital has possession of the other $176.23. BCBS later discovered its error and attempted to collect the full $1,000 deductible from Dr. Paul. He refused to pay since he had incurred and paid more than $3,000 in attorney's fees when he was forced to hire an attorney to obtain proper payment of his insurance claim. Since Dr. Paul refused to pay, BCBS turned his name over to DOA, its principal, for further collection action. DOA terminated further payment of Dr. Paul's ongoing insurance claims. 1/ Additionally, DOA unsuccessfully attempted to have the comptroller garnish Dr. Paul's wages. These actions were taken even in light of the breach of contract and negligent failure of DOA's agent to properly pay Dr. Paul's claim.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is Recommended: That the Department enter a final order determining that Dr. Paul is liable to it for the $523.60. DONE and ENTERED this 25th day of April, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 1989.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123582.30873.01
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003466 Latest Update: Nov. 23, 1988

The Issue This case involves a dispute as to whether the Petitioner underpaid the premiums due on his health insurance coverage and, if so, what action should be taken by the Department of Administration as a result of any premium underpayments. By notice dated March 18, 1988, the Department of Administration notified the Petitioner that the Department records "show a total underpayment of $1,117.81 for the coverage periods 9/86 through 9/87." At the formal hearing, over the objection of the Petitioner, the Department was permitted to offer evidence regarding the Petitioner's premium history (both the amounts due and the amounts actually paid) for the entire period of the Petitioner's employment with the State of Florida, a period which runs from May 1978 until October 1988. At the formal hearing the Department of Administration presented the testimony of one witness and offered several exhibits, all of which were received. The Petitioner did not present any evidence, but did present oral argument on his own behalf. The parties were allowed 10 days from November 3, 1988, within which to file their post-hearing submissions with the Hearing Officer. The Department of Administration timely filed Proposed Findings Of Fact. Those findings are specifically addressed in the appendix to this recommended order. The Petitioner did not file any post-hearing submission.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence received at the formal hearing, I make the following findings of fact. From May 1, 1978, until August 1, 1978, the Petitioner requested and received family coverage under the State Group Health Self-insurance Plan. From November 1, 1978, until November 1, 1985, the Petitioner requested and received individual coverage under the State Group Health Self-Insurance Plan. From November 1, 1985, until the date of the hearing, the Petitioner requested and received family coverage under the State Group Health Self-Insurance Plan. From May 1, 198, until July 1, 1984, the Petitioner was a part-time employee of the State of Florida, working .25 of a full-time equivalent position. Accordingly, his premiums for health insurance coverage under the State Group Health Self-Insurance Plan during this period should have been paid on the basis of employment in a .25 full-time equivalent position. From July 1, 1984, until at least the date of the hearing, the Petitioner has been a part-time employee of the State of Florida, working .20 of a full-time equivalent position. Accordingly, his premiums for health insurance coverage under the State Group Self-Insurance Plan during this period should have been paid on the basis of employment in a .20 full-time equivalent position. During the period beginning May 1, 1988, and continuing through October of 1988, the amount by which the Petitioner underpaid his health insurance coverage premiums totals S1,116.36. 1/ During the period beginning March 1, 1986, and continuing through October of 1988, the amount by which the Petitioner underpaid his health insurance coverage premiums totals $861.74. During the thirteen-month period beginning with September 1986 and ending with (but including) September 1987, the amount by which the Petitioner underpaid his health insurance coverage premiums totals $258.36.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing, I recommend the entry of a Final Order to the following effect: Finding the Petitioner to be in debt to the State of Florida in the amount of $258.36 by reason of underpayment of premiums during the period of September 1986 through September 1987. Providing that the Petitioner's health insurance coverage under the State Group Health Self-Insurance Plan will be cancelled unless within thirty (30) days following the entry of the final order the Petitioner either pays the full amount of $258.36 or enters into an installment payment program consistent with Rule 22K-1.049(1)(a)2., Florida Administrative Code. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of November, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of November, 1988.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123116.36120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Feb. 05, 2003 Number: 03-000414 Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jul. 24, 2003 Number: 03-002720PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000583 Latest Update: Dec. 31, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, at all times pertinent hereto was an employee of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida charged with administering the group self-insurance health insurance program and other insurance programs such as life insurance and is the agency charged with accepting or rejecting applications for coverage under those programs, such as the application at issue. On January 11, 1980 the Petitioner commenced employment with the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as a District Intake Counselor in District eleven of the Department. Shortly after commencing employment the Petitioner attended an orientation meeting during which all insurance benefits and other benefits available for state employees were explained. Ernestine Thurston, the HRS employee who conducted the orientation session on January 11, 1980 informed all employees present at that orientation meeting, including the Petitioner, of the available benefits and the means by which they were to avail themselves by proper application, of those benefits, including the fact that the Petitioner had thirty days to enroll in the State Group Health Insurance Program without the necessity of obtaining medical approval for insurability. A second orientation meeting was held during which insurance benefits were explained for a second time to the employees whose names were depicted on the recruitment log, which names include the Petitioner 's. The Petitioner was present at both orientation sessions. At the first orientation session on January 11, 1980 the Petitioner received an HRS Employee Handbook which included the following language concerning insurance benefits: "Employees may enroll within 30 days of date of employment without evidence of insurability. "Application at a later date requires proof of insurability. Consult your supervisor, personnel manager, or district/central personnel office for additional information." The Petitioner admitted that she signed a receipt on January 11, 1980 acknowledging receipt of a complete copy of that Employee Handbook and which receipt included the following language: "I understand that it is my responsibility to review the pamphlet in detail and request any clarification needed from my supervisor or personnel office." Petitioner conceded that she did not read the pamphlet or handbook, but instead put it in her desk drawer at her office. On January 14, 1980, knowing of the need to apply for insurance benefits within 30 or 31 days of her employment during the open enrollment period, the Petitioner applied for various insurance -overages and submitted the pertinent enrollment forms through her District 11 personnel office. She applied for and received State Supplemental Health Insurance coverage through the Gulf Life Insurance Company (then called the "20/20" plan). This supplemental health insurance coverage was designed to complement the overall state group health insurance program or plan. The Petitioner at that time was covered under the overall state group health insurance plan (The Plan) through her husband's family coverage since he was an employee covered under that plan at the time. The Petitioner also timely applied for and received coverage under the state life insurance program as well. The Petitioner did not submit a new enrollee form requesting to participate in the State of Florida Employee's Group Health Self Insurance Plan within 31 calendar days of January 11, 1980. The Hearing Officer has considered the Petitioner's testimony as well as that of Ms. Thurston and the other evidence surrounding the circumstances of her initial employment, the explanation of insurance coverage benefits, including the time limit for the open enrollment without medical approval which the Petitioner did not avail herself of insofar as the group health self-insurance plan is concerned. The Petitioner did not apply for the overall group health self-insurance plan because she was already covered under that plan through her husband's coverage and not because, as Petitioner maintains, that it was never explained that she had 30, or actually 31, calendar days from January 11, 1980 to apply for that plan. Indeed it was explained to her as Ms. Thurston established and Respondent admits receiving the handbook further explaining the time limit to apply for that coverage without medical approval. She signed a receipt acknowledging her responsibility to read that pamphlet or manual and ask for clarification, if needed, concerning coverage benefits and she admitted that she did not read it. Thus it is found that at the time of her initial employment all pertinent insurance benefits and entitlements were explained to the Petitioner both verbally and in writing and she failed to avail herself of the automatic coverage provision referenced above in a timely way, for the reason stated above. In any event, on July 28, 1980 the Petitioner elected to submit a new enrollee form which was submitted with a medical statement form requesting participation in the State Plan. After correspondence with the State Plan administrator requesting additional medical information, on October 22, 1980 the Department of Administration, by letter, advised the Petitioner that she had not been approved by the plan administrator and she was denied coverage for medical reasons. Accordingly, on October 24, 1980 the Petitioner enrolled in the South Florida Group Health, Inc. Plan which is a health maintenance organization plan (HMO) and she was allowed enrollment in that plan without regard to her current medical condition. The Petitioner remained enrolled in the HMO and requested and was granted leave of absence without pay from her employment position commencing May 29, 1981. Her employing agency advised her that it was her individual responsibility to forward premium payments for the HMO health insurance premiums as well as the state life insurance coverage herself. In other words, she was to pay by cash or her own personal check for this coverage during the time she was not being paid by the state, that is, the premiums for that coverage were not being payroll deducted because she was temporarily off the payroll. Her employment with the State did not lapse during this period commencing May 29, 1981, rather she remained employed, but was on leave without- pay status. The Petitioner knew of her responsibility to pay the premiums for the HMO coverage and the state life insurance coverage itself during the period she was on leave of absence without pay as evidenced by the check she and her husband submitted in June 1981 to pay the premiums on her state life insurance coverage. The Petitioner and her husband moved from Miami to Fort Myers during early June 1981 and the Petitioner remained on leave of absence without pay. When her husband changed employment and moved to the Fort Myers area in June 1981 the Petitioner was a covered dependent under the health insurance coverage available to her husband through his new employment. I n August 1981 the South Florida Group Health, Inc., the HMO in the Miami are of which Petitioner was a member, terminated the Petitioner's health insurance coverage effective August 1, 1981 due to the Petitioner's failure to pay the premiums for that coverage. Shortly thereafter the Petitioner interviewed with personnel officials of HRS in District 8 in Fort Myers and obtained an employment position as a district intake counselor for District 8. She became an active payroll employee of HRS in District 8 by transfer in August 1981. Before the effective date of her transfer the Petitioner was interviewed by Judy Graham, an HRS employee assigned to process her transfer from her former active employment in District 11 in Miami. The Petitioner failed to advise Judy Graham at the time of the interview of her HMO coverage, merely inquiring of Ms. Graham concerning the details of continuation of her state life insurance coverage and concerning her credit union membership. Thereafter, more than 31 calendar days after the effective date of her transfer, (August 24, 1981), indeed, in excess of two years later, the Petitioner completed a new enrollee form again and applied for the state employee's group self- insurance plan benefits. The Department of Administration denied the Petitioner participation upon the determination that she was not medically approvable for insurability by the Plan's claims administrator, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. In any event, the Petitioner's continuous employment with the state and with HRS had never lapsed since she was initially hired January 11, 1980. She was merely on inactive/leave-without-pay status as a state employee from May 29, 1981 until August 24, 1981, as that relates to any right to a second 31-day open enrollment period.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Administration denying the Petitioner's requested enrollment in the State Group Health Insurance Plan without medical approval. DONE AND ORDERED this 31st day of December, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 1985. APPENDIX The following specific rulings are made on the Proposed Findings of Facts submitted by the parties: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the issues at bar. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the issues at bar. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the material issues at bar. Rejected as not being in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as not being in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted, but this Proposed Finding of Fact in itself is not dispositive of the material issues of fact and law resolved herein. Accepted. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence and testimony adduced. Accepted. Accepted. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Facts The Respondent failed to number its Proposed Findings of. Fact, therefore its Proposed-Findings of Fact will be specifically ruled upon in the order the various paragraphs containing its Proposed Findings of Fact were presented. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Gilda Lambert Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Curtright C. Truitt, Esq. Post Office Box 2706 Ft. Myers, Florida 33902 Richard L. Kopel, Esq. Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Port Richey, Florida Aug. 10, 1990 Number: 90-005000 Latest Update: May 28, 1991

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Robert Charles Anderson, currently is eligible for licensure and is licensed in this state as a life and health (debit) agent, life, health and variable annuity contracts agent, general lines property, casualty, surety and miscellaneous agent, and health insurance agent. The Respondent moved to Florida from Michigan in September, 1983. In January, 1984, the Respondent and a partner bought Guaranteed Underwriters, Incorporated, a corporate general lines insurance agency doing business as Security Insurance Agency (Security) in New Port Richey, Florida. The Respondent's background was primarily in the life and health insurance business; his partner's background was primarily in property and casualty insurance. They planned to divide responsibilities for Security's operations along the lines of their respective areas of expertise. However, the partnership dissolved, leaving to the Respondent responsibility for all of the operations of the agency. After the dissolution of the partnership, the Respondent delegated to unlicensed employees most of the day-to-day responsibilities for the property and casualty and workmen's compensation side of the agency's business. The Respondent was personally involved primarily in the day-to-day operations of the health and life insurance side of the business, as well as in selected large commercial accounts. The conduct of Security's business, as described above, went smoothly (there were no charges of any license violations) until two disruptive factors entered into the picture. One was financial in nature; the other was personal. In 1986, Security bought an existing insurance agency (Sunland Insurance Agency) in Holiday, merged it into Security, and attempted to operate it as part of Security's overall business. In 1987, Security bought another, large agency (Village Insurance Agency) and also merged it into Security and attempted to operate it as part of Security's overall business. At this point, the Respondent essentially was attempting to operate three insurance agencies, something he never attempted before. With the purchase of Sunland and Village, in addition to Security, the Respondent incurred significant debt which had to be met for his business to just break even. By approximately 1988, the Respondent owed approximately $150,000 still outstanding on the purchase of Security, $100,000 borrowed to finance the purchase of Village, $43,000 to three different relatives and $3,500 to the NCNB bank on loans made in connection with the business. Payments on these debts, together with payroll, rent and other business expense left Security with a monthly operating budget of almost $12,000. At this expense level, the business was losing money. In calendar year 1989, the business lost between approximately $12,600 and (counting unpaid bills outstanding at the end of the year) $17,900. At the end of 1988, severe personal problems added to the Respondent's financial woes. In December, 1988, the Respondent's wife had to be hospitalized in Tampa for eight weeks for treatment for symptoms of mental illness. During this time, in addition to trying to supervise the operations of Security, the Respondent was required to travel back and forth to Tampa (about an hour drive by car, each way) to visit his wife and also make arrangements for the care of his eighteen month old son (either by himself or by a baby-sitter). As if the Respondent's personal problems were not enough, when his wife was discharged from the hospital (with a diagnosis of a chemical imbalance), she informed him that she wanted a divorce. She took up a separate residence in Tampa where she lived pending the dissolution of the marriage. As a result of the his personal problems, the Respondent delegated more and more responsibility to his unlicensed employees. He would go to the office only for an hour or two a day. Sometimes he was not able to get into the office at all. Judy Nelson (Count V). Judy Nelson, who is self-employed doing business as Pedals 'N' Presents, used Security for her insurance needs since 1986. In January, 1989, she applied through Security for renewal of a special multi-peril (SMP) insurance policy with American Professional Insurance for another year beginning January 21, 1989. On January 10, 1989, she gave Security her check for $485 as partial payment for the coverage. The $485 was deposited into Security's general operating account which Security used to pay the operating expenses of the business. Security never processed Nelson's application or secured the coverage. On or about March 10, 1989, Nelson received notice from American Professional that no application for renewal of coverage or premium had been received and that coverage was being cancelled. Nelson immediately contacted Security regarding the notification, and one of the Respondent's unlicensed employees acknowledged an error on Security's part but assured Nelson that Security would correct the situation and have Nelson's coverage reinstated. Security never got the policy reinstated, and the policy was cancelled on March 21, 1989. On or about April 8, 1989, Nelson's business was burglarized, and Nelson made a claim on her MPS policy. At this point, in handling the claim, the Respondent realized that the policy had been cancelled and that Nelson had no coverage. But, instead of telling her the facts, the Respondent paid the claim himself. Nelson thought the claim was paid under the terms of her SMP policy and still thought she had coverage. Later, Nelson had a question about a signature on her policy and telephoned the Professional American to get her question answered. Professional American told her that she had no coverage. At about the same time, Nelson was contacted by a Department investigator, who asked her not to contact the Respondent yet as he would make arrangements for a refund for her. On or about December 6, 1989, after the Department investigator cleared it, Nelson telephoned the Respondent and asked for a refund. This time, the Respondent acknowledged that Nelson had no coverage and agreed to a refund. The Respondent paid Nelson the refund at the end of December, 1989, or the beginning of January, 1990. Nelson still does business with Security. She has in force workmen's compensation insurance through Security. Fred J. Miller (Count VI). On or about February 24, 1989, Fred J. Miller came into the Security offices to get commercial automobile insurance for the vehicles he uses in his recycling business. He dealt with one of the Respondent's unlicensed employees. Several application and other papers for coverage with Progressive American Insurance Companies were prepared and were signed by Miller. Miller also made a partial payment for the coverage in cash in the amount of $296, for which the employee gave Miller a receipt. As he left the office, the Security employee assured him that he had coverage. A few days later, on or about February 28, 1989, Security contacted Miller and told him an additional $606 was needed to obtain the coverage for which he had applied. Miller returned to Security and gave the employee he was dealing with an additional $606 cash, for which he was given another receipt. It was not proven, and is not clear, whether the cash received from Miller was placed in the Security operating account. Security never submitted Miller's application for insurance. Contrary to Miller's understanding, Miller had no insurance on his vehicles. As of April 6, 1989, Miller had neither a policy (or copy of one) nor an insurance identification card. On or about April 6, 1989, Miller bought a new vehicle and had to contact Security to get an insurance policy number in order to have the vehicle registered in his name. The Security employee speaking to Miller discovered that Miller's undated application still was in the "pending matters" file and told Miller he could not get the policy number at that time. Miller said he had to have the policy number immediately. At that point, the employee brought the problem to the Respondent's attention. The Respondent had the employee tell Miller they would call right back. Security then dated Miller's application April 6, 1989, telephoned Progressive American to secure coverage effective April 6, 1989, and called Miller back with the policy number he needed. Security then processed Miller's application to secure the coverage for a year, through April 6, 1990. Miller has renewed the Progress American coverage through Security and still has his vehicles insured under the policy. Donald E. Wilkins (Count IV). Donald E. Wilkins, President of Apple Paradise Landscaping, Inc., used Security for his general liability and automobile insurance needs. He has no complaint about, and no issue is raised in this proceeding, as to Security's handling of those coverages. (The evidence is that the coverages Wilkins applied for were placed in the normal course of business.) On or about March 9, 1989, Wilkins decided he wanted a workmen's compensation insurance certificate. He went to Security's office, and one of the Respondent's unlicensed employees completed an application for the insurance and for premium financing. Wilkins gave her a $250 check "just for the certificate." The check was deposited into Security's general operating account which Security used to pay the operating expenses of the business. On March 9, 1989, Wilkins also specifically requested that Security furnish to Hawkins Construction of Tarpon Springs, Florida, a certificate of insurance. In response to the request, Security furnished to Hawkins Construction a certificate that Apple Paradise with the "S. Atlantic Council on Workers Compensation." A policy number appears on the certificate, and the certificate states that coverage was effective March 13, 1989, to expire on March 13, 1990. There is no evidence that the Respondent personally was involved in providing this certificate of insurance. The evidence did not prove whether Wilkins ever got any workmen's compensation insurance. The Department proved that Security never processed the premium financing application, and Wilkins testified that he never got a payment book or other request for payment from any premium financing company. But the representative of the National Council on Compensation Insurance gave no testimony on Wilkins or Apple Paradise. Wilkins himself did not appear to have any complaint against the Respondent or Security. Theoharis Tsioukanaras (Count III). Theoharis (Harry) Tsioukanaras owned and operated Harry's Painting and Enterprises, Inc. He had been doing business with the Respondent to meet his business and personal insurance needs since the Respondent first bought Security (and did business with the prior owner for a year before that). He had his business and personal automobile insurance, as well as his workmen's compensation insurance through Security. In the normal course of their business relationship, either Harry would telephone Security when he had insurance needs or Security would telephone Harry when it was time to renew insurance. Harry would then drop by the office to complete the necessary paperwork and pay the premium. When Harry did not have the necessary premium money when it was time to buy or renew insurance, the Respondent regularly loaned Harry premium money and Harry would pay the Respondent back later. Harry usually dealt with the Respondent's unlicensed employees, not with the Respondent directly. On or sometime after July 7, 1989, Harry telephoned Security for proof of insurance on a 1987 Subaru so that he could avoid having to pay for lender insurance on the vehicle at a bank where he was seeking to obtain financing. One of the Respondent's unlicensed employees gave Harry a purported insurance identification card for "Progressive American," listing a purported insurance policy number and purported policy effective dates of July 7, 1989, to January 7, 1990. The lending institution did not accept the card. In fact, no Progressive American policy had issued on the vehicle. At some point, Harry came by the Security office and told the Respondent that he (Harry) was due a $640 refund for automobile insurance renewal premium money on a policy that never issued. By the Respondent's own admission, he checked with his records and his unlicensed employees and confirmed that Harry was owed the money. On September 28, 1989, he gave Harry a check for $640. 1/ Despite the circumstances that resulted in the false Progressive American insurance identification card, in Harry's need to buy Allstate insurance on a vehicle he thought was insured through Security, and in Harry's need for a $640 refund from Security, Harry continues to do his insurance business with the Respondent and Security and also refers friends to the Respondent for insurance needs. John Stuiso (Count I). On or about June 7, 1989, John Stuiso, a self-employed building contractor, applied for both general liability and workmen's compensation insurance through Security. (Stuiso had been insured through Security for the preceding four years with no apparent problems.) Stuiso paid Security $3,250 as partial payment of the premiums on the policies and also applied for premium financing through Security. At least $3,000 was paid by check; the evidence is not clear how the other $250 was paid. The $3,000 check was deposited into Security's general operating account which Security used to pay the operating expenses of the business. It is not clear what happened to the other $250. It was understood between Stuiso and Security that Security would have the applications processed and would inform Stuiso if there was any problem with coverage. Not having heard anything to the contrary, Stuiso believed he had the general liability and workmen's compensation insurance for which he had applied. In fact, Security never processed either application for insurance or either application for premium financing. In late July or early August, 1989, Stuiso requested that Security furnish a certificate of insurance for him to provide to a customer, APCO Building Systems of Oldsmar, Florida. On August 4, 1989, Security issued to APCO a certificate that Stuiso had both general liability insurance with American Professional Insurance Company and workmen's compensation insurance with "South Atlantic Council on Work Comp." Purported policy numbers also appeared on the certificate. When Stuiso never received a payment book for his premium financing, he became concerned about his coverage and was about to approach the Department for assistance when he received a telephone call from a Department investigator who had been investigating the Respondent (unbeknownst to the Respondent.) The investigator told Stuiso that he had no coverage. Stuiso then approached the Respondent and asked for a refund. The Respondent checked his records and asked his unlicensed employees about Stuiso's claim that he had paid for and applied for insurance that never issued. He learned for the first time the facts about Stuiso and immediately wrote Stuiso two refund checks, one for $3,000 and one for $250. Due to the financial problems the Respondent was having, his $3,00 check was returned for insufficient funds. The Respondent tried to borrow the money to cover the $3,000 check from a friend who declined on advice of counsel. Stuiso then went to the police and had the Respondent charged with writing a worthless check. The Respondent was advised of this and turned himself in to the police. He was given a week to make good on the check. The Respondent was able to borrow the money from another friend and paid Stuiso in full. However, his encounter with the police brought home to him the depths to which he had sunk. He decided to commit suicide by monoxide poisoning but changed his mind before it was too late. He telephoned his wife in Tampa to report what he had just done, and she initiated steps to have him committed involuntarily for treatment for mental illness under Florida's Baker Act. He spent four days in the Community Hospital in New Port Richey, Florida, where he was diagnosed as having "adjustment reaction." He was released to the custody of his wife and spent the next week to ten days with her in Tampa. After the Respondent recovered, he decided to do whatever was necessary to save his business and pay off his debts. He laid off office staff and, to take up the slack, himself assumed the responsibilities he had been delegating to his unlicensed employees. He also decided, in light of the Harry's and Stuiso matters, to himself investigate to see if there were any other Security customers who did not have insurance coverage for which they had paid. He found Wanda Mae Riley (Custom Plumbing of Pasco, Inc.). Wanda Mae Riley (Count II). In about August, 1988, the Respondent himself called on Wanda Mae Riley of Custom Plumbing of Pasco County to advise her that the company's general liability and automobile insurance policies for its fleet of four trucks were up for annual renewal on August 24, 1988. The Respondent filled out applications for renewal of the policies and for premium financing and accepted Riley's check in the amount of $3,244 as down payment for the renewal policies. The $3,244 was deposited into Security's general operating account which Security used to pay the operating expenses of the business. The Respondent telephoned American Professional Insurance Company to bind the coverage. He or his office also issued proof of insurance identification cards for Custom Plumbing. But, for reasons he cannot explain (having no recollection), he never processed the applications and the binders expired when the applications were not processed and policies were not issued in the normal course of business. Having had a lapse of memory as to the matter and as to Security's responsibilities to Custom Plumbing, the Respondent did not know and never told Riley or Custom Plumbing that the insurance policies were not renewed and that Custom Plumbing did not have the coverage it thought it did. Later in 1988, Security also arranged for workmen's compensation insurance for Custom Plumbing. The evidence did not prove that there were problems in the way Security obtained this coverage for Custom Plumbing. In approximately April, 1989, Custom Plumbing requested that Security furnish a certificate of insurance for him to provide to the Barnett Bank of Hernando County. On April 21, 1989, Security issued to the bank a certificate that Custom Plumbing had automobile insurance with American Professional Insurance Company. The expired binder number (which perhaps was the same as the policy number of the prior year's policy) appeared on the certificate as the purported policy number. There is no evidence that the Respondent personally was involved in providing this certificate of insurance. When, in approximately late October or early November of 1989, the Respondent discovered that Security had not obtained the coverages for which Custom Plumbing had made down payments in August, 1988, he telephoned Riley to inform her 2/ and tell her that he would refund the down payments Custom Plumbing had made in August, 1988. When the refund was not made promptly, Riley went to a lawyer to have a promissory note drawn for the Respondent's signature. The promissory note reflected the $3,244 the Respondent owed to Custom Plumbing, payable $500 a month. On or about December 9, 1989, the Respondent signed the note, which was paid in full in accordance with the terms of the note. (As previously found in Finding 14, by this time the Respondent also had heard from Nelson.)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Petitioner, the Department of Insurance and Treasurer, enter a final order: (1) finding the Respondent, Robert Charles Anderson, guilty of the charges contained in Counts I, II, III, V and VI of the Administrative Complaint, as set forth in the Conclusions of Law, above; and (2) suspending the Respondent's licenses and eligibility for licensure for six months. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of May, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of May, 1991.

Florida Laws (6) 626.561626.611626.621626.681626.691626.734
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 09, 2007 Number: 07-005155 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 2008

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Petitioners’ Interim Rate Request (IRR) for an increase should be granted.

Findings Of Fact AHCA is the agency of state government responsible for the implementation and administration of the Medicaid Program in the State of Florida. AHCA is authorized to audit Medicaid Cost Reports submitted by Medicaid Providers participating in the Medicaid Program. Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud are licensed nursing homes in Florida that participate in the Medicaid Program as institutional Medicaid Providers. On May 23, 2007, Avante at Jacksonville entered into a settlement agreement with the representative of the estate of one of its former residents, D. P. The settlement agreement provided, among other things, that Avante at Jacksonville would pay $350,000.00 as settlement for all claims. Avante at Jacksonville paid the personal representative the sum of $350,000.00. By letter dated July 16, 2007, Avante at Jacksonville requested an IRR effective August 1, 2007, pursuant to the Plan Section IV J.2., for additional costs incurred from self-insured losses as a result of paying the $350,000.00 to settle the lawsuit. Avante at Jacksonville submitted supporting documentation, including a copy of the settlement agreement, and indicated, among other things, that the costs exceeded $5,000.00 and that the increase in cost was projected at $2.77/day, exceeding one percent of the current Medicaid per diem rate. At all times pertinent hereto, the policy held by Avante at Jacksonville was a commercial general and professional liability insurance policy. The policy had $10,000.00 per occurrence and $50,627.00 general aggregate liability limits. The policy was a typical insurance policy representative of what other facilities in the nursing home industry purchased in Florida. The policy limits were typical limits in the nursing home industry in Florida. By letter dated July 18, 2007, AHCA denied the IRR on the basis that the IRR failed to satisfy the requirements of Section IV J. of the Plan, necessary and proper for granting the request. Avante at Jacksonville contested the denial and timely requested a hearing. Subsequently, Avante at Jacksonville became concerned that, perhaps, the incorrect provision of the Plan had been cited in its IRR. As a result, a second IRR was submitted for the same costs. By letter dated October 22, 2007, Avante at Jacksonville made a second request for an IRR, this time pursuant to the Plan Section IV J.3., for the same additional costs incurred from the self-insured losses as a result of paying the $350,000.00 settlement. The same supporting documentation was included. Avante at Jacksonville was of the opinion that the Plan Section IV J.3. specifically dealt with the costs of general and professional liability insurance. By letter dated October 30, 2007, AHCA denied the second request for an IRR, indicating that the first request was denied based on “all sub-sections of Section IV J of the Plan”; that the second request failed to satisfy the requirements of the Plan Section IV J.3. and all sections and sub-sections of the Plan “necessary and proper for granting [the] request.” Avante at Jacksonville contested the denial and timely requested a hearing. On October 19, 2007, Avante at St. Cloud entered a settlement agreement with the personal representative of the estate of one of its former residents, G. M. The settlement agreement provided, among other things, that Avante at St. Cloud would pay $90,000.00 as settlement for all claims. Avante at St. Cloud paid the personal representative the sum of $90,000.00. By letter dated December 10, 2007, Avante at St. Cloud requested an IRR effective November 1, 2007, pursuant to the Plan Section IV J, for additional costs incurred as a result of paying the $90,000.00 to settle the lawsuit. Avante at St. Cloud submitted supporting documentation, including a copy of the settlement agreement, and indicated, among other things, that the increase in cost was projected at $2.02/day, exceeding one percent of the current Medicaid per diem rate. At all times pertinent hereto, the policy held by Avante at St. Cloud was a commercial general and professional liability insurance policy. The policy had $10,000.00 per occurrence and $50,000.00 general aggregate liability limits. The policy was a typical insurance policy representative of what other facilities in the nursing home industry purchased in Florida. The policy limits were typical limits in the nursing home industry in Florida. By letter dated December 12, 2007, AHCA denied the IRR on the basis that the IRR failed to satisfy the requirements of “Section IV J of the Plan necessary and proper for granting [the] request.” Avante at St. Cloud contested the denial and timely requested a hearing. Insurance Policies and the Nursing Home Industry in Florida Typically, nursing homes in Florida carry low limit general and professional liability insurance policies. The premiums of the policies exceed the policy limits. For example, the premium for a policy of Avante at Jacksonville to cover the $350,000.00 settlement would have been approximately $425,000.00 and for a policy of Avante at St. Cloud to cover the $90,000.00 settlement would have been approximately $200,000.00. Also, the policies have a funded reserve feature wherein, if the reserve is depleted through the payment of a claim, the nursing home is required to recapitalize the reserve or purchase a new policy. That is, if a policy paid a settlement up to the policy limits, the nursing home would have to recapitalize the policy for the amount of the claim paid under the policy and would have to fund the loss, which is the amount in excess of the policy limits, out-of-pocket. Florida’s Medicaid Reimbursement Plan for Nursing Homes The applicable version of the Plan is Version XXXI. AHCA has incorporated the Plan in Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G-6.010. AHCA uses the Plan in conjunction with the Provider Reimbursement Manual (CMS-PUB.15-1)3 to calculate reimbursement rates of nursing homes and long-term care facilities. The calculation of reimbursement rates uses a cost- based, prospective methodology, using the prior year’s costs to establish the current period per diem rates. Inflation factors, target ceilings, and limitations are applied to reach a per patient, per day per diem rate that is specific to each nursing home. Reimbursement rates for nursing homes and long-term care facilities are typically set semi-annually, effective on January 1 and July 1 of each year. The most recent Medicaid cost report is used to calculate a facility’s reimbursement rate and consists of various components, including operating costs, the direct patient care costs, the indirect patient care costs, and property costs. The Plan allows for the immediate inclusion of costs in the per diem rate to Medicaid Providers under very limited circumstances through the IRR process. The interim rate’s purpose is to compensate for the shortfalls of a prospective reimbursement system and to allow a Medicaid Provider to increase its rate for sudden, unforeseen, dramatic costs beyond the Provider’s control that are of an on-going nature. Importantly, the interim rate change adjusts the Medicaid Provider’s individual target rate ceiling to allow those costs to flow ultimately through to the per diem paid, which increases the amount of the Provider’s overall reimbursement. In order for a cost to qualify under an interim rate request, the cost must be an allowable cost and meet the criteria of Section IV J of the Plan. The Plan provides in pertinent part: IV. Standards * * * J. The following provisions apply to interim changes in component reimbursement rates, other than through the routine semi- annual rate setting process. * * * Interim rate changes reflecting increased costs occurring as a result of patient or operating changes shall be considered only if such changes were made to comply with existing State or Federal rules, laws, or standards, and if the change in cost to the provider is at least $5000 and would cause a change of 1 percent or more in the provider’s current total per diem rate. If new State or Federal laws, rules, regulations, licensure and certification requirements, or new interpretations of existing laws, rules, regulations, or licensure and certification requirements require providers to make changes that result in increased or decreased patient care, operating, or capital costs, requests for component interim rates shall be considered for each provider based on the budget submitted by the provider. All providers’ budgets submitted shall be reviewed by the Agency [AHCA] and shall be the basis for establishing reasonable cost parameters. In cases where new State or Federal requirements are imposed that affect all providers, appropriate adjustments shall be made to the class ceilings to account for changes in costs caused by the new requirements effective as of the date of the new requirements or implementation of the new requirements, whichever is later. Interim rate adjustments shall be granted to reflect increases in the cost of general or professional liability insurance for nursing homes if the change in cost to the provider is at least $5000 and would cause change of 1 percent or more in the provider’s current total per diem. CMS-PUB.15-1 provides in pertinent part: 2160. Losses Arising From Other Than Sale of Assets A. General.—A provider participating in the Medicare program is expected to follow sound and prudent management practices, including the maintenance of an adequate insurance program to protect itself against likely losses, particularly losses so great that the provider’s financial stability would be threatened. Where a provider chooses not to maintain adequate insurance protection against such losses, through the purchase of insurance, the maintenance of a self- insurance program described in §2161B, or other alternative programs described in §2162, it cannot expect the Medicare program to indemnify it for its failure to do so. Where a provider chooses not to file a claim for losses covered by insurance, the costs incurred by the provider as a result of such losses may not be included in allowable costs. * * * 2160.2 Liability Losses.—Liability damages paid by the provider, either imposed by law or assumed by contract, which should reasonably have been covered by liability insurance, are not allowable. Insurance against a provider’s liability for such payments to others would include, for example, automobile liability insurance; professional liability (malpractice, negligence, etc.); owners, landlord and tenants liability; and workers’ compensation. Any settlement negotiated by the provider or award resulting from a court or jury decision of damages paid by the provider in excess of the limits of the provider’s policy, as well as the reasonable cost of any legal assistance connected with the settlement or award are includable in allowable costs, provided the provider submits evidence to the satisfaction of the intermediary that the insurance coverage carried by the provider at the time of the loss reflected the decision of prudent management. Also, the reasonable cost of insurance protection, as well as any losses incurred because of the application of the customary deductible feature of the policy, are includable in allowable costs. As to whether a cost is allowable, the authority to which AHCA would look is first to the Plan, then to CMS-PUB.15- 1, and then to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). As to reimbursement issues, AHCA would look to the same sources in the same order for the answer. The insurance liability limit levels maintained by Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud reflect sound and prudent management practices. Claims that resulted in the settlements of Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud, i.e., wrongful death and/or negligence, are the type of claims covered under the general and professional liability policies carried by Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud. Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud both had a general and professional liability insurance policy in full force and effect at the time the wrongful death and/or negligence claims were made that resulted in the settlement agreements. Neither Avante at Jacksonville nor Avante at St. Cloud filed a claim with their insurance carrier, even though they could have, for the liability losses incurred as a result of the settlements. Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud both chose not to file a claim with their respective insurance carrier for the liability losses incurred as a result of the settlements. AHCA did not look beyond the Plan in making its determination that neither Avante at Jacksonville nor Avante at St. Cloud should be granted an IRR. Wesley Hagler, AHCA’s Regulatory Analyst Supervisor, testified as an expert in Medicaid cost reimbursement. He testified that settlement agreements are a one time cost and are not considered on-going operating costs for purposes of Section IV J.2. of the Plan. Mr. Hagler’s testimony is found to be credible. Mr. Hagler testified that settlement agreements and defense costs are not considered general and professional liability insurance for purposes of Section IV J.3. of the Plan. To the contrary, Stanley William Swindling, Jr., an expert in health care accounting and Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, testified that general and professional liability insurance costs include premiums, settlements, losses, co-insurance, deductibles, and defense costs. Mr. Swindling’s testimony is found to be more credible than Mr. Hagler’s testimony, and, therefore, a finding of fact is made that general and professional liability insurance costs include premiums, settlements, losses, co-insurance, deductibles, and defense costs.4 Neither Avante at Jacksonville nor Avante at St. Cloud submitted any documentation with their IRRs to indicate a specific law, statute, or rule, either state or federal, with which they were required to comply, resulted in an increase in costs. Neither Avante at Jacksonville nor Avante at St. Cloud experienced an increase in the premiums for the general and professional liability insurance policies. Neither Avante at Jacksonville nor Avante at St. Cloud submitted documentation with its IRRs to indicate that the premiums of its general and professional liability insurance increased. Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud could only meet the $5,000.00 threshold and the one percent increase in total per diem under the Plan, Sections IV J.2. or J.3. by basing its calculations on the settlement costs. Looking to the Plan in conjunction with CMS-PUB.15-1 to determine reimbursement costs, CMS-PUB.15-1 at Section 2160A provides generally that, when a provider chooses not to file a claim for losses covered by insurance, the costs incurred by the provider, as a result of such losses, are not allowable costs; however, Section 2160.2 specifically includes settlement dollars in excess of the limits of the policy as allowable costs, provided the evidence submitted by the provider to the intermediary (AHCA) shows to the satisfaction of the intermediary that the insurance coverage at the time of the loss reflected the decision of prudent management. The policy coverage for Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud set the policy limits for each facility at $10,000.00 for each occurrence. Applying the specific section addressing settlement negotiations, the loss covered by insurance would have been $10,000.00 for each facility and the losses in excess of the policy limits--$340,000.00 for Avante at Jacksonville and $80,000.00 for Avante at St. Cloud—would have been allowable costs.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order denying the interim rate requests for an increase for Avante at Jacksonville and Avante at St. Cloud. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of September 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of September, 2008. 1/ The corrected case-style.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59G-6.010
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000162 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times pertinent to the allegations of the First Amended Administrative Complaint, respondent Dennis Victor Daniels was licensed as an Ordinary Life including Disability Agent in Florida and was employed by Gulf Health/Life, Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida. On or about January 14, 1980, Julie Stratton (then Julie Marzec) contacted respondent at the offices of Gulf Health/Life, Inc. for the purpose of purchasing health insurance. She and respondent discussed different insurance policies, and respondent informed her that if she joined the American Benevolent Society (ABS) she could obtain a lower rate for her policy and obtain the best policy for her money. Mrs. Stratton could not remember if respondent informed her of the exact amount of money she would save on her insurance if she joined the ABS. She was informed that other benefits and discounts from area businesses would be available to her as a member of the ABS. Mrs. Stratton joined the ABS in order to obtain less expensive insurance. She wrote two checks -- one in the amount of $15.00 payable to the ABS and the other in the amount of $54.26 payable to CNA Insurance Company. She obtained two insurance policies. The form numbers on these policies were 51831 and 52176. Based upon a referral from an agent with Allstate Insurance Company, John Valentine and his wife went to the offices of Gulf Health/Life in order to obtain hospitalization and surgical insurance coverage. Before moving to Florida, Mr. Valentine was covered by a group policy through his place of employment. Respondent informed Mr. Valentine that members of the ABS could obtain a policy at group rates which entailed a lesser premium than individual rates. Mr. Valentine wrote two checks -- one in the amount of $178.73 payable to CNA Insurance Company and the other in the amount of $25.00 payable to the ASS. Mr. Valentine received two policies from CNA -- one bearing form number 51831 and the other bearing form number 52176. He also received a brochure listing the places of business from which he could receive discounts as a member of the ABS. Gulf Health/Life, Inc. was a general agent for CNA. During the relevant time periods involved in this proceeding, CNA had different policies for health insurance. Policies with a form number of 51831 required the policyholder to be a member of an organization endorsing CNA in order to purchase that policy. Form 51831 policyholders paid a lesser premium for their policies. The difference in premiums between the group or organization policy and an individual policy with the same coverage is approximately $10.00. To obtain the policy bearing form number 52176, there is no requirement that the policyholder be a member of a group or an organization. Ms. Watkins, a secretary employed with Gulf Health/Life, Inc. between December of 1978 and June of 1979 observed a device known as a "light box" on the premises of Gulf Health/Life. This was a square-shaped plywood box with a slanted glass top and a high-intensity lightbulb within the box. On from a half-dozen to a dozen occasions on Fridays between January and April, 1979, Ms. Watkins observed respondent bent over the light box with a pen in his hand tracing a signature onto an insurance application. She could not produce any documents or recall any names of any insurance applicant whose signature was traced or copied by the respondent.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the First Amended Administrative Complaint filed against the respondent on April 29, 1982, be DISMISSED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 10th day of September, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Curtis A. Billingsley, Esquire Franz Dorn, Esquire 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William A. Patterson, Esquire Masterson, Rogers, Patterson and Masterson, P. A. 447 Third Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Honorable Bill Gunter Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000866 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Emory Daniel Jones, was not involved or engaged in the insurance business prior to August, 1977. (Tr. 177.) In approximately August of 1977, United Sun Life Insurance Company (USL) hired Respondent as an agent. (Tr. 176, 177.) Respondent passed the insurance test administered by the State of Florida in August, 1977, and was scheduled for a seminar given by USL. (Tr. 178.) In late August, 1977, Respondent attended a three-day seminar established by USL for all its new agents. (Tr. 178.) At this seminar, USL taught the agents about a policy known as T.O.P. This was the only policy taught to the agents even though USL had other policies available. (Tr. 128.) The T.O.P. contract is a life insurance policy. This policy has two primary benefits. (Tr. 230, 231.) The first is the death benefit provided by all life insurance policies. Under the death benefit provision, the owner of the T.O.P. pays a premium to USL. When the insured dies, USL will pay the death benefit (money) to the beneficiary listed on the policy. (Tr. 128, 251.) The second major benefit provided by the T.O.P. is the life benefit feature. (Tr. 251.) The T.O.P. is an insurance policy which provides for the payment of dividends to the owner of the policy. The T.O.P contract states that the owner will share in the divisible surplus earnings of USL as determined by the Board of Directors. (Tr. 120; contract page 5, Exhibit #3.) The dividends were to be paid after the second year. (Tr. 129, 130.) The owner would participate in the divisible surplus earnings of USL through the payment of a dividend. (Tr. 129, 188.) As long as the T.O.P. was in effect, the owner would receive these dividends. USL developed a presentation to be given by the agents to prospective customers. This presentation was taught in the training session by USL. (Tr. 183, 249, 260, 270.) The agents were to memorize the presentation and were not to vary from the wording when they were attempting to sell the T.O.P. to prospective customers. (Tr. 185, 249.) The presentation taught by USL stressed the life benefit feature of the T.O.P. contract. (Tr. 251, 271.) The death benefit was only minimally covered because of the relatively high cost for the life insurance portion of the contract. This presentation further explained several features which made the T.O.P. contract life benefit provisions attractive to future customers: The T.O.P. contract owner was to participate in the divisible surplus earnings of USL. The only other persons that would also participate in the divisible earned surplus were the shareholders. (Tr. 196.) The T.O.P. contract was to be sold only to a limited number of people. After an undisclosed number of T.O.P. contracts were sold, the T.O.P. contract was to be taken off the market. (Tr. 234, 261, 276.) USL was not going to sell or issue any other policies which would participate in the divisible earned surplus of USL. (Tr. 234, 255, 261, 276.) USL would grow (increase its divisible earned surplus) by selling policies other than the T.O.P. contract. The more policies that were sold, the greater the divisible surplus earnings that would be available to the T.O.P. contract owners for dividends. (Tr. 196, 276.) Since the T.O.P. owners were limited and no other participating policies were to be issued, the T.O.P. owners would share in any increases in the divisible surplus earnings of USL. The greater the number of policies sold, the greater the dividends. The T.O.P. owners were then solicited to help the agents sell insurance policies of USL to their friends. This help would reduce the cost of advertising and increase the sales of insurance. The lower expenses and greater volume would mean more divisible surplus earnings in USL and greater dividends available to the T.O.P. owners. (Tr. 201.) To illustrate these points, USL taught the agents to draw circles representing other insurance policy owners. Lines were then drawn from these circles to the T.O.P. owner's circle. The lines between the circles represented the premiums paid on the other policies, which would increase divisible surplus earnings that would increase the dividends of the T.O.P. owners. (Tr. 196, 232, 263, 270.) USL taught the agents to illustrate the features of the life benefit by dollar signs. As the agent would talk about the other policies increasing the dividends to the T.O.P. owners, he was to increase the size of the dollar sign. (Tr. 233.) The whole emphasis of this presentation was on the participating feature. Another feature emphasized in the USL presentation was that the T.O.P. owner would participate in the divisible surplus earnings of USL as long as he was alive. Therefore, the agents were to stress that the T.O.P. owner should be a younger person in the family. If that person lived 70 years, then USL would pay dividends for 69 of those 70 years. This feature of the policy was stressed in the memorized presentation. (Tr. 204, 205, 232, 233, 252, 264, 270.) In late August of 1977, Respondent attended the training session and memorized the presentation. (Tr. 181, 184, 185.) At the end of the training session, USL reviewed the Respondent's presentation and found nothing wrong. (Tr. 187.) In late August of 1977, Respondent went into the field to sell the T.O.P. contract to potential customers. (Tr. 187.) Count I On September 7, 1977, Respondent met with Louis Charles Morrison and made the USL presentation on the T.O.P. policy to Morrison. Respondent made the presentation in the way he had been taught. Morrison was aware that he was purchasing an insurance policy. He was led to believe through USL's sales presentation as given by Respondent that the participating feature of the T.O.P. policy made this policy a good investment. Morrison concluded it was not a good investment because the dividends were not as great as he had anticipated they would be. Respondent's representations to Morrison with regard to the T.O.P. policy were not false. Count II On September 12, 1977, Respondent met with Fred Menk and gave to him the USL presentation on the T.O.P. policy. Respondent gave the presentation as he had been taught. Menk was aware that he was purchasing insurance. (Tr. 51.) Respondent made no representation about future dividends. (Tr. 59.) The interest rate was represented to increase as USL grew, which it did. (Tr. 59.) Menk was dissatisfied and felt the policy was misrepresented because he did not get the rate of return he had anticipated. (Tr. 59.) According to Menk, Respondent's representations made with regard to interest rate increases were accurate, and Respondent made no representations regarding future dividends. Count III Respondent met with Paul Loudin in September of 1978, and gave him the USL presentation on the T.O.P. policy as Respondent had been taught. Loudin was aware he was purchasing insurance. (Tr. 21, 26, 27, 31.) His interest was in life insurance and retirement compensation. (Tr. 36.) In part, Loudin's dissatisfaction was the belief he had lost his money because he did not receive a dividend on his first year's premium. The policy reflects that no dividends are payable in the first year. (Respondent's Exhibit #7.) A copy of the policy was provided to Loudin by Respondent. (Tr. 45.) Loudin also anticipated a dividend of 12 to 18 percent on his premiums based upon Respondent's general comments. However, he did not remember the exact conversation with Respondent. (Tr. 31, 32, 38, 39.) Loudin received a letter from USL which reflects a dividend history based upon an 18-year-old insured with an annual premium of $1,000 as follows: End of 2nd year $100.35 End of 3rd year 130.66 End of 4th year 162.86 The rate of return in the fourth year would be 11.6 percent on the fourth year's premium. The representations made to Loudin by Respondent were substantially true, or the relevant information was made available to Loudin by the Respondent. Count IV On November 30, 1977, Respondent met with Gayle Mason and gave the USL presentation on the T.O.P. policy as he had been taught. Mason knew she was purchasing insurance. (Tr. 107.) Respondent represented that the number of participants in the T.O.P. policy would be limited. (Tr. 108.) The current rate of return was taken by Respondent to be 11 percent, and it was represented that the return could be more. (Tr. 109.) Dividends were to be paid from surplus earnings. (Tr. 114.) Mason called the Better Business Bureau and the State Insurance Commissioner's office, and she was aware that USL was an insurance company and she was engaged in an insurance transaction. (Tr. 115.) Respondent represented that as USL grew, the dividends would increase. (Tr. 118.) Mason received a dividend in the second year in accordance with the policy. The representations made to Mason by Respondent were true or thought by Respondent to be true.

Recommendation Having found the Respondent, Emory Daniel Jones, not guilty of violating any of the statutes or rules as alleged, it is recommended that the Administrative Complaint against Respondent be dismissed. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 17th day of January, 1983, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of January, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: David A. Yon, Esquire Department of Insurance 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Paul H. Bowen, Esquire 600 Courtland Street, Suite 600 Post Office Box 7838 Orlando, Florida 32854 The Honorable William Gunter State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57626.611626.621626.9541
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