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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Cocoa, Florida Oct. 23, 2003 Number: 03-003981 Latest Update: May 13, 2004

The Issue Whether the permit application of Clifford S. and Maria Ray (the "Rays") meets the statutory and rule requirements for the Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP" or the "Department") to issue to the Rays a permit to construct a multi- family dwelling and related structures seaward of the coastal construction control line ("CCCL") on their property in Brevard County?

Findings Of Fact Legislative Intent re: Beaches and Coastal Barrier Dunes The Legislature has declared that the beaches and the coastal barrier dunes in this state, subject by their nature to severe fluctuations, represent one of the most valuable resources of Florida. See § 161.053(1)(a), Fla. Stat. The Legislature has further declared that it is in the public interest to preserve and protect the beaches and dunes from imprudent construction because it can "jeopardize the stability of the beach-dune system, accelerate erosion, provide inadequate protection to upland structures, endanger adjacent properties, or interfere with public beach access." Id. The Legislature has therefore directed the Department of Environmental Protection "on a county basis along the sand beaches of the state fronting the Atlantic Ocean [and other salt water bodies]" to "establish coastal construction control lines." Id. The "Coastal Construction Control Line" A line of jurisdiction, rather than a line of prohibition, the Coastal Construction Control Line (the "CCCL or the "Control Line") is defined in Chapter 62B-331 of the Florida Administrative Code. The Control Line is: the line established pursuant to provisions of Section 161.053, F.S., and recorded in the official records of the county, which defines that portion of the beach-dune system subject to severe fluctuations based on a 100-year storm surge, storm waves, or other predictable weather conditions. Fla. Admin. Code. R. 62B-33.002(12). The Department's Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems has regulatory authority to permit or deny construction seaward of the Control Line pursuant to statutory and rule criteria. This proceeding concerns the exercise of that authority in the form of issuance of a permit for activity seaward of the Control Line in Brevard County. Brevard County's Control Line The Control Line in Brevard County was established by the Department of Natural Resources, an agency of the state and a predecessor of DEP, in 1981 (the "1981 CCCL"). A second Control Line in Brevard County was established in 1986, again by the Department of Natural Resources. It is approximately 150 feet landward of the 1981 CCCL. It will be referred to in this order as "the CCCL" or "the Control Line." The line established in 1981 will be referred to as the "1981 CCCL," to distinguish it from the Control Line established in 1986, the Coastal Construction Control Line applicable to this proceeding. The Parties Mrs. Pope Petitioner, Carole C. Pope, owns with her husband James M. Pope, oceanfront property located at Wilson Avenue, Brevard County, Florida, where the Popes reside part time. The Popes' property has a Cocoa Beach mailing address, but is not within the city limits of Cocoa Beach. Littoral to the Atlantic Ocean, the Popes' property was identified in the pre-hearing stipulation in the Rule-related Cases (discussed in this Order's Preliminary Statement) as "Lot 11, Block 101, Avon by the Sea as described in Plat Book 3, page 7 [presumably the Official Records of Brevard County] and east to Ocean, except the west 13 feet of Lot 11." See Final Order, Pope v. Department of Environmental Protection et al., Case No. 03-3860RX, paragraph 7, page 9. The Popes have two duplex units on their property. Built in the 1950's, they consist of concrete foundations, block walls, and 10-foot-high flat roofs. Mrs. Pope and her husband have retained the native, salt-tolerant vegetation that surrounds the duplexes. Protective of the property because it serves to enhance and stabilize the primary/frontal dune, it also adds to Mrs. Pope's enjoyment and use of her property. She enjoys the native flora, an integral part of the habitat of native fauna (gopher tortoises and indigo snakes, for example) that she enjoys watching. She particularly enjoys feeding and interacting with the sociable scrub jay. The Department and its Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems The Department is responsible for the administration of Parts I and II of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, the "Beach and Shore Preservation Act." § 161.011, Fla. Stat. The Act confers on the Department the authority "to adopt rules related to the following provisions of this section [§ 161.053]: establishment of coastal construction control lines; activities seaward of the coastal construction control line; exemptions; property owner agreements; delegation of the program; permitting programs; and violations and penalties." § 161.053 (21), Fla. Stat. Pursuant to its rule-making authority in Section 161.053 (together with other specific authority), Florida Statutes, the Department promulgated Rule Chapter 62B-33: "Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems - Rules and Procedures for Coastal Construction and Excavation (Permits for Construction Seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line and Fifty-Foot Setback)." The Office is in the Department. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(11). Permits for construction or other activities seaward of the construction control line, such as the permit in this case, are issued pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, by the Program Administrator of the Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources on behalf of the Department. See Respondents 1, Vol. 2, Tab 22. The Department has not delegated Chapter 161 permitting authority to Brevard County. The Rays Clifford and Maria Ray are the owners of the property adjacent to Petitioner's property and the holders of Permit No. BE-1083, preliminarily issued by the Department in its final order of September 19, 2003. The property consists of four 50-foot-wide lots, Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Avon by the Sea. Lot 12 is immediately adjacent to Mrs. Pope's property. Some of the native vegetation on the property has been disturbed by the planting of sod and installation of an irrigation system seaward of the Brevard County coastal setback line and the Control Line. The activity is the subject of administrative enforcement actions by the County and DEP. Although government claims of violations had not been resolved finally as of the date of hearing, the Rays have not resisted the claims. The Permit was issued to the Rays under the authority of Section 161.053, Florida Statutes. It authorizes activities on the Ray property seaward of the CCCL. This activity includes the construction of an eight-story, multi-family dwelling, a swimming pool and deck, a wooden beach/dune walkway, a parking area, masonry wall and an exfiltration trench, as described in more detail in the section of the Permit entitled "PROJECT DESCRIPTION." Respondents Ex. 1, Vol. 2, Tab 22, Permit No. BE- 1083, p. 2-3. The Department was not aware of the claims of violations made against the Rays referred-to above at the time that Mr. Tammisetti, the engineer assigned to review the permit file initially, recommended that the permit be issued. Had Mr. Tammisetti been aware of the claims he still would have recommended issuance of the permit. Coastal Systems and Fixed Coastal Cells The term "Coastal System" is defined by the Department in its rules: "Coastal System" is the beach and adjacent upland dune system and vegetation seaward of the coastal construction control line; swash zone; surf zone; breaker zone; offshore and longshore shoals; reefs and bars; tidal, wind, and wave driven currents; longshore and onshore/offshore drift of sediment materials; inlets and their ebb and flood tide shoals and zones of primary tidal influence; and all other associated natural and manmade topographic features and structures. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(13). Within the coastal system are "fixed coastal cells," also defined by Department rule: "Fixed Coastal Cell" is a geomorphological component of the coastal system which is closely linked internally by active physical processes and is bounded by physical features which exercise a major control on refraction patterns or which compartmentalize or severely limit longshore sediment such as headlands or inlets. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(24). Within and adjacent to a fixed coastal cell of Florida's coastal system lie sea, shore, beach, dune system, vegetation, uplands and structures with which this proceeding is concerned. The Beach and Dune System within the Fixed Coastal Cell The Ray property and the Pope property are located in a fixed coastal cell that extends from Canaveral Inlet (north of R014, one of a series of coastal monuments installed by the state) southward to Monument R050. The community in which the property is situated is a "Coastal Uplands: Beach Dune" community characterized by a beach and dune system. There is one primary/frontal dune with a height at the top of the bank of about 13.4 feet NGVD seaward of the proposed project. The portion of property on which the project is sited is between 7.3 and 10.7 feet NGVD. The most recent DEP design wave height elevation for R015 is 14.2 feet NGVD, higher than the existing dune elevation at the Ray property. Much of the Ray property behind the dune is lower in elevation than the elevation of contiguous properties, the likely result of persistent cutting of native vegetation that acts to intercept wind-blown sand as it moves along the shoreline. Beach and Dune Data in DEP File BE-1083 In the application review process, Mr. Tammisetti submitted a memorandum dated May 24, 2001, to Mr. McNeal. The memorandum appears to have been a form with blanks into which information was inserted or handwritten close to the appropriate blank. For example, under Section I., of the form "PROPOSED PROJECT" is "A. Project Location:", followed by a description with blanks left for number of feet, direction (north, south, east, west) reference monument number, county and project address. Handwriting close to the blanks leads one to understand or gather that it intends to communicate the following statements: The location of this project is approximately 100 feet N to 103 feet S of the Department of Environmental Protection's Reference Monument R-15, in Brevard County. Project Address: Harding Ave, Cape Canaveral. This is within the local jurisdiction of Brevard County. Respondents 1, Vol. 2, Tab 13. The form also contains Section II., "CHARACTERIZATION OF BEACH/DUNE SYSTEM". The section calls for three categories of characterization: A., a general description; B., beach topography in terms of shoreline alignment, berm width in feet, berm elevation in feet (NGVD), direction of net littoral transport, volume of net littoral transport in cubic yards per year, and general conditions; and C., Primary Dune/Bluff Topography with dune width in feet. None of the information called for by this section has been filled in on the form. At hearing, Mr. Tammisetti testified2 that berm width was 220 feet and the berm elevation ranged from 3 to 10 feet NGVD. He testified that the direction of littoral transport was north to south but he did not know the volume of net littoral transport. He stated that the "general site condition" was an eroding shoreline. He estimated the dune width at between 30 to 40 feet. These facts and figures exist under an overarching consideration. The beach near R015 that fronts the Pope and Ray property is critically eroding.3 Vegetation on the Ray Property There is a sea grape cluster and numerous palm trees on the Ray property. The seaward most continuous line of native salt-resistant vegetation or the "vegetation line" is near the line at the toe of the slope of the dune bank depicted on the topographic survey drawing submitted as part of the application. Nanette Church, at the time an employee of Brevard County, visited the site on July 1, 2003. She documented the presence of fresh sod and a new irrigation system installed seaward of the County's coastal setback line, a line parallel to and 25-feet landward of the 1981 CCCL. Two days later, DEP Inspector Gene Verano conducted a site inspection and documented the placement of sod and the installation of an extensive irrigation system. On July 31, 2003, the Department under the signature of Jim Martinello, an Environmental Manager in the Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources, issued a warning letter to Mr. Ray with regard to "POSSIBLE UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES SEAWARD OF THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE." The letter reads, in part, Pope 3. [I]t appears that you have again been engaged in unauthorized activities on your property located approximately 100 feet north to 100 feet south of the Department of Environmental Protection's reference monument R-15, in Cocoa Beach, in Brevard County, Florida. The possible violation consists of the destruction/removal of native vegetation and placement of sod and an irrigation system seaward of the coastal construction control line without benefit of a permit from the [department.] The sod seaward of the CCCL has a negative effect on the stability of the dune system. A weakened dune system allows for storm surge and overwash to breach the dune and cause washout on the landward side of the dunes. Brevard County has not yet issued a land clearing or landscape permit to the Rays. A "Brevard County Land Development Site-Plan Approval" with an approval date of December 30, 2003, warned, "[i]t is the responsibility of the Owner/Engineer of Record to contact Office Natural Resources for a Land Clearing/Landscaping Permit." Respondents' 1, Vol. 1, Tab 12. The Rays are not contesting County or DEP enforcement actions relative to the land clearing, sod placement, and irrigation system installation. Project Description The project proposed by the Rays is to be located on their property in the unincorporated area of Brevard County known as "Avon-by-the-Sea," in the vicinity of Department monument R-015. The project is known by Brevard County as the Ray Condos and also as the Michelina Condominium. The location of the multi-family dwelling relative to the Control Line is "[a] maximum of 105.56 feet seaward." Id. Its exterior dimensions are "209.67 feet in the shore normal direction by 84 feet in the shore-parallel direction." Id. The type of foundation is "Pile." Id. There is no mention in the Permit of the height of the building. The swimming pool is described in the Permit in detail with regard to its dimensions and location (a maximum of 101.49 feet seaward of the control line), the type of construction and its maximum depth: six feet. Excavation/Fill for the project is described in terms of volume of excavation, its location, volume of fill as replacement, and location of fill. The Excavation/Fill description is subject to Special Permit Condition 6. Among other provisions of the condition, the fill is to be "from a source landward of the control line and shall consist of sand which is similar to that already on the site in both grain size and coloration." Id., p. 4. Other permitted structures and activities are listed and described in the Permit with reference to special permit conditions: A wooden beach/dune walkway structure of dimensions 174 feet shore-normal by 4 feet shore-parallel is to be located seaward of the control line. See Special Condition 7. A 4-foot to 14-foot swimming pool deck attached to the periphery of the swimming pool is to be located a maximum of 105.96 [feet] seaward of the control line. See Special Permit Condition 2.1. Paver-block parking area on the south side of the proposed dwelling. Masonry walls along the north and south property lines to extend a maximum of 105 feet seaward of the control line. See Special Permit Condition 2.2. An exfiltration system trench on the south side of the proposed dwelling. Among nine special conditions in the Permit are that no work can be conducted until a DEP "notice to proceed" has been received by the Rays. Another is that prior to the issuance of such a notice "two copies of detailed final site and grading plans and specifications" shall be submitted including two sets of landscape drawings. Id., p. 3, Special Permit Condition 2. See id., 2.3. The landscape plan must be submitted to Brevard County for approval under the Permit's special conditions. Given Brevard County's requirement that the Rays secure a Land Clearing/Landscaping Permit, there will be an ongoing process that poses the potential to ensure that the Rays' project will be designed to minimize the impact on native vegetation. The process also may require a restoration plan, as well, for the impact to native vegetation caused by the sod and the irrigation system. The Rays have submitted such a plan to the County. Relationship of the Proposed Project to the Pope Property The proposed multi-family dwelling is sited 10 feet south of the northern property line (the line that serves as the southern boundary of the Pope property). Ten feet is the minimum setback from adjacent property allowed by the county. The duplexes on the Pope property are situated in a range from 3.5 to 4.5 feet from the property line (the border with the Ray property.) The project, therefore, is proposed to be as close as 13.5 feet of the Pope duplexes. If built, running the length of the duplexes, it would create a relatively narrow space between the proposed structure and the Popes' duplexes that ranges from 13.5 feet to 14.5 in width. The Application The Rays submitted their CCCL permit application to the Department through their agent, Joyce Gumpher. On January 24, 2003, Ms. Gumpher executed a certification "that all information submitted with this application is true and complete to the best of [her] knowledge." Respondents Ex. 6, APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION SEAWARD OF THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE OR FIFTY-FOOT SETBACK. The application was received by DEP on January 27, 2003. Additional information was requested by the Department. On April 21, 2003, the Department deemed the application complete. During the application process, several plan sheets were revised. Revised plan sheets were submitted after the application was deemed complete (see Respondents' Ex. 6, July 29, 2003 plans and September 5, 2003 plans) and once prior to DEP's determination of its completeness. (see id., April 7, 2003 plans). Review of the Application On August 26, 2003, Mr. Tammisetti submitted a memorandum to Mr. McNeal that recommended approval of the application with special permit conditions. The memorandum, similar in form to the memorandum submitted on May 24, 2001, except for the lack of Part II., is entitled "Description of Beach and Dune System Fronting the Subject Property and an Analysis of Impacts to be Expected From the Proposed Construction." Respondents 1, Vol. 2, Tab 20. It describes the proposed project but, lacking Part II., it neither characterizes nor describes the beach/dune system. Nor does it analyze the impacts of the proposed project other than to provide the "final comment" that "[t]he proposed project is landward of line of construction and 30-year erosion project. Impactive shore- parallel coverage is approximately 72%." Id., p. 3. Under its rules, after reviewing all information required, the Department is mandated to: Deny any application for an activity which either individually or cumulatively would result in a significant adverse impact including potential cumulative effects. In assessing the cumulative effects of a proposed activity, the Department shall consider the short-term and long-term impacts and the direct and indirect impacts the activity would cause in combination with existing structures in the area and any other similar activities already permitted or for which a permit application is pending within the same fixed coastal cell. The impact assessment shall include the anticipated effect of the construction on the coastal system and marine turtles. * * * Require siting and design criteria that minimize adverse impacts and mitigation of adverse or other impacts. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.005(3). As found earlier, the file in BE-1083 does not contain any documentation that the Department conducted the impact assessments required by the rule. Nonetheless, the Department based its evaluation on the portion of the fixed coastal cell from just north of R013 to approximately 400 feet south of R017 depicted on Respondents' 7. Respondents' 7 Respondents' 7 is an aerial photograph of developed uplands and off shore waters of the Atlantic Ocean in between which is the shore line and a stretch of beach in Brevard County. The sandy beach in the photo runs from north to south from Monument R013 to approximately 400 feet south of Monument R017, five monuments in a series set by the state along the Brevard County coast. The photograph is data the Department reviewed to determine if existing structures established a "reasonably continuous and uniform construction line closer to the mean high water line than [the coastal construction control Line]." § 161.053(5)(b), Fla. Stat. (This "reasonably continuous and uniform construction line" will be referred to as the "Construction Line" in this order.) The Pope property and the Ray property both straddle the Construction Line. The photograph shows four structures (the "Four Structures") that were determined by DEP to establish the Construction Line. Two are to the north of the Ray property; two are to the south. Of the two structures to the north, the closest is between 400 and 450 feet north of the northern boundary of the Ray property. It sits between Monument R015 and R014. The other structure to the north used to establish the Construction Line lies between Monument R014 and R013. Its southernmost corner is approximately 1200 feet to the north of the northern boundary of the Ray property. The roof of the closest of the Four Structures to the south, lying between Monument R015 and R016, viewed from the air above is rectangular indicating the structure to have a rectangular footprint. Positioned at an angle to the coast, its southeastern corner is along the 1981 CCCL. That corner is approximately 400 feet south of the southern boundary of the Ray property. The second structure to the south sits between R016 and R017. Its northernmost corner is roughly 850 feet south of the southern boundary of the Ray property. The Application Rule Florida Administrative Code Rule 62B-33.008(4), entitled "Permit Application Requirements and Procedures" (the "Application Rule"), requires that the Rays' application contain certain specific information, including that identified in subsection (f): Two copies of a topographic survey drawing of the subject property. The topographic information depicted in the drawing shall be from field survey work performed not more than six months prior to the date of the application. The rule further calls for the topographic survey drawing to include specific information such as "[t]he location of any existing vegetation line on the subject property." Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.008(4)(f)9. The topographic survey drawing submitted as part of the application in January of 2003 reveals a survey date of "7/17/02." Respondent's Ex. 1, Sketch of Boundary and Topographic Survey, Lots 12-15, Block 101, Avon by the Sea, Brevard County, Florida. Other than the date of the survey, the evidence at hearing did not reveal when the fieldwork in support of the survey was conducted.4 In all likelihood the fieldwork was conducted close to July 17, 2002, but obviously prior to July 17, 2002. Whether the date of the application is considered to be the date of Ms. Gumpher's certification (January 24, 2003), or the date of its receipt by DEP (January 27, 2003), it does not depict "field survey work performed not more than six months prior to the date of the application." January 24, 2003, is six months and one week after July 17, 2002. January 27, 2003, is six months and 10 days after the date of the survey. The Vegetation Line The topographic survey drawing submitted as part of the application did not meet precisely the requirements of the Application Rule in several other ways. For one, it did not label the location of "any existing vegetation line on the subject property." At hearing, the Rays submitted a revised copy of the topographic survey drawing (still dated "7/17/02"). The revision labels a line indicated on the originally submitted topographic survey drawing as "TOE OF SLOPE" (within a few feet of the top of the dune bank) as "TOE OF SLOPE AND VEGETATION LINE." Thus, it is apparent that the originally submitted topographic survey drawing depicted the vegetation line; it merely failed in its labeling of the vegetation line. The Department, once it became aware of the omission of a reference to a vegetation line in the original submission, waived the requirement for one. At hearing, Mr. McNeal testified that the waiver was authorized by subsection (7) of the Application Requirements and Procedures Rule: The Department recognizes that the requirements specified in paragraphs 62B- 33.008(4). . . (f) . . ., F.A.C. may not, due to the project circumstances, be applicable or necessary to ensure protection to the beach and dune system. In such cases, the applicant shall, as part of the application, identify those requirements and state the reason why they are inapplicable. The Department shall waive requirements that do not apply. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.008(7). There is no evidence of record that the Rays informed DEP of a position that the "location of the vegetation line" on the topographic survey drawing was a requirement inapplicable or unnecessary to ensure protection to the beach and dune system.5 Nonetheless, construing its waiver authority to be broader than authority limited to cases in which identification of inapplicable and unnecessary requirements had been made by those seeking DEP waivers, the Department waived the requirement. The waiver was based on knowledge gained from the experience of DEP employees. The employees (Mr. Tammisetti and Mr. McNeal) knew that the vegetation line would be close to the top of the dune bank line and the toe of slope line, both of which were located on the topographic survey drawing.6 Respondents' 2 supports the Department's waiver since it labels the vegetation line where the Department roughly expected it to be. Complete Dimensions and Distance Perpendicular The Application Rule further demands that the topographic survey drawing contain: 15. Accurate dimensions and locations of the foundation outlines of any structures in the immediate contiguous or adjacent areas that the applicant contends have established a reasonably continuous and uniform construction line if the permit is requested under the provisions of Section 161.053(5)(b) or 161.052(2)(b), F.S., and the distance perpendicular [the "Distance Perpendicular"] from the CCCL or 50-foot setback to the seaward corners of the foundations of any major structures . . . . Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.008(4)(f). The application contained the dimensions and locations of the two (2) duplexes located on the Pope property, that is, the adjacent area to the north of the Ray property. With regard to the adjacent area to the south of the Ray property, the application contained the seaward dimensions and locations of the major structure that makes up the Discovery Beach Resort structure. The topographic survey drawing did not contain the dimensions of the complete footprint of the Discovery Beach Resort. Nor did it contain the distance perpendicular from the CCCL or 50-foot setback to the seaward corners of the foundations of all major structures depicted. Mr. McNeal noticed that required elements were missing from the application. When he made the permitting decision, he waived them pursuant to a delegation of authority from the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems. Delegations of Authority Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems The Director of the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems has delegated certain authority to subordinates in the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems with respect to the CCCL permitting program. The delegations, as reflected in a document entitled "Delegations of Authority, OFFICE OF BEACHES AND COASTAL SYSTEMS" (Pope Ex. 1), is to "the Director of Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems, or his/her designee." Id., 3.a. As the administrator of the CCCL program within the Bureau of Beaches and Wetlands Resources, Mr. McNeal has been delegated authority under Delegation "OBCS-9" (id., p. 14 of 24), to "[t]ake final agency action on permit applications . . . pursuant to Sections . . . 161.053 . . ., Florida Statutes, and Rule 62B-33, F.A.C., [subject to exceptions immaterial to this proceeding.]" Id. The authority so delegated is not without limitation. Among limitations enumerated and express in the Delegations of Authority document is that "[t]the exercise of any delegated authority shall conform with all statutes and rules applicable to the DEP." Id., 3.a. Waivers Pursuant to Delegated Authority Pursuant to the authority over final agency action on CCCL permit applications, Mr. McNeal, as the head of the CCCL Program in the Office of Beaches and Shores, waived the depiction of the location of the vegetation line on the topographic survey drawing, the full dimensions of the Discovery Resort in the adjacent area to the south of the Ray property and the notation of the Distances Perpendicular. He did so because the information contained on the topographic survey drawing was sufficient, in his view, to allow the Department to perform the calculations and analyses as part of the application process that would be served by a review of the topographic survey drawing. An example has been alluded to in this order. Based on years of collective experience, Mr. McNeal and Mr. Tammisetti concluded it was reasonable to assume the vegetation line would be very near the toe of the slope line in relation to the dune bank. Their assumptions were proved correct at hearing. The dimensions and locations of the major structures located immediately north and south of the proposed project (the Pope duplexes and the Discovery Resort structure) and the Distances Perpendicular were required to be included on the topographic survey drawing, but they were not intended by the Rays to establish a Construction Line. Establishment of any such line is governed by Section 161.053(5)(b), Florida Statutes: If in the immediate contiguous or adjacent area a number of existing structures have established a reasonably continuous and uniform construction line closer to the line of mean high water than the foregoing [the CCCL], and if the existing structures have not been unduly affected by erosion, a proposed structure may, at the discretion of the department, be permitted along such line on written authorization from the department, if such structure is also approved by the department [and other conditions are met]. A Construction Line The Rays contend in their application and DEP agrees that the Four Structures establish a Construction Line. Once such a line is established provided the structures are not duly affected by erosion, the Department is conferred with the discretion to permit a proposed structure along the line seaward of the CCCL under certain circumstances. See § 161.053(5)(b), Fla. Stat. Among those circumstances, the permit "shall not contravene setback requirements or zoning or building codes established by a county or municipality which are equal to, or more strict than, those requirements provided [by statute.]" § 161.053(5)(b), Fla. Stat. Furthermore, by rule of the Department, written evidence from local government must be provided that the location of the proposed structure along a Construction Line seaward of the CCCL is consistent with the Local Comprehensive Plan. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62b-33. Written evidence that Brevard County regards the Rays' proposed site to be consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan and not contrary to local setback requirements or zoning codes was provided by Brevard County to the Department. Establishment of a Construction Line Whether a Construction Line can be established for a proposed project is unique to the project and its coastal location. To establish such a line, the Office of Beaches and Coastal Systems may rely exclusively on information provided by the applicant for a permit to construct along such a line. The Office may also refer to its own database of aerial photographs (as it did in this case) and other data with regard to the State's coastal systems. The Construction Line running across the Ray property accepted by DEP is nearly identical to the 1981 CCCL. In contesting the establishment of the Construction Line, Mrs. Pope makes a number of points, several of which are worthy of discussion. For one, in 1993, the Department considered an administrative challenge brought by Mrs. Pope to the CCCL permit for the construction of the Days Inn Tower (now Best Western) hotel (one of the structures used by the Rays to establish a Line of Continuous Construction). See, OR-1, Pope v. Department of Environmental Protection et al., Agency Final Order dated May 9, 1994, DOAH Case No. 93-4560 (the "1993 Pope Case.) The Pope duplex had been found to be three or four blocks north of the property for which the permit was sought. If her property had been found immediately adjacent to the Days Inn Tower property, Mrs. Pope would have been accorded standing to contest issuance of the permit to the Days Inn Tower applicant. The hearing officer had recommended that Mrs. Pope not be accorded standing under the rule because her duplex property was not "immediately adjacent" to the Days Inn Tower parcel. Since Mrs. Pope's parcel was separated by at least what has been identified in this proceeding as the Ray property and the property of the Discovery Resort, she did not qualify for standing under the DEP Rule. Nevertheless, Mrs. Pope was afforded the opportunity to acquire standing by proving that her substantial interests would be affected by issuance of the permit. The hearing officer concluded that her attempt in this regard failed.7 The Department accepted the hearing officer's recommendation that Mrs. Pope be determined to have no standing, in part because her property was not "immediately adjacent" to the Days Inn Tower property. Mrs. Pope also asserts that the Four Structures along the 1981 CCCL do not establish a Construction Line on the basis of the testimony of her witness, Dr. Harris. Dr. Harris opined that the structures to be used to establish the Line of Continuous Construction, if one exists, are not the four used by DEP that are in the area of the Ray property but the structures on the two pieces of property closer to the Ray property, that is, immediately adjacent: the Pope property to the north and the Discovery Resort property to the south. The easternmost point of the structure on the Pope property is approximately 50 feet landward of the 1981 CCCL and extends approximately 100 feet seaward of the Control Line. The structure on the Discovery Resort property to the south is along the Control Line. See Respondents' 7. The line that Dr. Harris would establish does not run parallel to the shore line, the 30-year erosion line, the 1981 CCCL or the Control Line. It would run at an angle of approximately 15 degrees from the easternmost point of the Pope duplexes (the "point of beginning") about 425 feet to the easternmost point of the Discovery Resort structure. The point on the Discovery Resort structure (at the end of the line) is approximately 100 feet seaward of the point of beginning. If these structures are to be considered in the determination of whether a Construction Line exists as Mrs. Pope argues, then continuing the line to include the Four Structures would yield broken lines rather than a reasonably "uniform" and "continuous" line. The Department did not consider the structures in the property immediately adjacent to the Ray property to break the line it determined is established by the Four Structures. It ignored other structures as well between the northernmost and the southernmost of the four structures. Mrs. Pope, therefore, describes the Construction Line established by the Department as "imaginary" and without a factual basis. This point is one of opinion. The Construction Line is neither imaginary nor without a factual basis. It has a factual basis in precisely the data used by DEP: the aerial photograph that shows four major structures between Monuments R013 and R017, Respondents' 7, along the 1981 CCCL. The disregard for the Pope duplexes and the Discovery Resort structure as well as other structures in the areas north and south of the Ray property is a matter that falls within professional opinion and Department expertise. The establishment of the Construction Line is justified by the data DEP examined: Respondents' 7 (on which the Four Structures were identified and circled by Mr. Tammisetti at hearing.) The greater weight of the evidence is that DEP's determination of the establishment of the Construction Line should not be disturbed. It is, moreover, not surprising that such a line exists. One would expect that structures built after 1981 but before 1986 would be located along the 1981 CCCL and that structures that followed (such as the Discovery Resort structure) would be built along that Construction Line. Post-establishment of a Construction Line Establishment of a Construction Line does not entitle an applicant to a permit to build along that Construction Line. After a Construction Line is accepted by DEP as established, an applicant must satisfy three remaining sets of conditions expressed in Section 161.053(5)(b), Florida Statutes. Section 161.053(5)(b), Florida Statutes A discretionary exercise Once a Construction Line is established, an application for a permit to allow a proposed structure is subject to the discretion of the Department: "a proposed structure may, at the discretion of the department, be permitted along such line on the written authorization of the department, if such structure is also approved by the department." ii. Local Requirements The Department has no such discretion, however, if the construction or activity would "contravene setback requirements or zoning or building codes established by a county or municipality which are equal to, or more strict than . . . requirements [in chapter 161]." Id. To this list, the Department, by rule, has added consistency with state-approved Local Comprehensive Plans. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B- 33.008(4)(d). Before exercise of department discretion and inquiry into compliance with local requirements, there is a more fundamental condition that must be demonstrated by the applicant: the existing structures that establish the Construction Line must not have been unduly affected by erosion: If in the immediate contiguous or adjacent area a number of existing structures have established a [Construction Line], and if the existing structures have not been unduly affected by erosion, a proposed structure may, at the discretion of the department, be permitted along such line . . . [h]owever, the department shall not contravene [local requirements] . . . equal to, or more strict than, those requirements herein. § 161.053(5)(b), Fla. Stat. Unduly Affected by Erosion The parties differ in their view of the testimony and evidence introduced at hearing with regard to whether structures that establish the Construction Line "have not been unduly affected by erosion." Id. Neither DEP employees nor the Rays' witnesses visited the shoreline between R0-13 and R-017 to evaluate the four structures that establish the Construction Line and the effects of erosion, if any.8 Mrs. Pope asserts in her Proposed Recommended Order, "[n]o evidence or testimony was offered as to whether the structures considered by DEP were affected by erosion." Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order, p. 24. In contrast, Respondents cite to the testimony of Mr. Boehning and Respondent's 7 with the assertion, "[t]he existing structures, which form the line of continuous construction, have not been unduly affected by erosion." Respondents' 7 supports the claim of Respondents. It reveals a distance perpendicular from the Construction Line to the dark, wet sand along the shore to be approximately 275 feet. This distance encompasses white sandy beach that is approximately 175 feet and a vegetated area that is approximately 100 feet. The finding that the structures that establish the Construction Line are not unduly affected by erosion does not mean that there are not erosion problems in the area. In fact, as found earlier in this order, the beach depicted on Respondents' 7 is "critically eroding." The stretch of beach depicted in the aerial photograph that is Respondents' 7 has undergone considerable fluctuation since 1963 through erosion and beach nourishment. From 1972 to 2002, for example, the location of the mean high water line at R-015, the monument closest to the Pope and Ray properties, has varied by 206 feet from a low in September of 1972 to a high of 369.3 feet in April of 2001. Dr. Harris wrote this in a report introduced into evidence: The beach profile data show that at R-15 the beach and dune are subject to erosion. From 1972 to 2002 the variation in the MHW shoreline position was 206 feet. Beach nourishment and inlet sand by-passing operations were performed between some of the time periods, and are largely responsible for the periodic beach and dune widening. Even with the beach nourishment project, dune erosion continues to be a problem, and although the recent beach nourishment project greatly widened the beach, the position of the dune remained the same. The FDEP design wave height elevation for a 100-year storm is 14.2 feet NGVD for R-15, which is higher than the existing dune elevation. This means that the upland properties would experience storm surge, flooding and wave action during a 100-year storm. Pope 16. Projects of beach nourishment (placement of sand through human activity) were performed in 1972, 1986 and 2001. The need for beach nourishment and re-nourishment reinforces the status of the beach near R-015 as "critically eroding" and underscores the importance of protecting as much of the dune system as possible. That the beach is critically eroding is not inconsistent with a finding that the structures that establish the Construction Line are not unduly affected by erosion. Whether or not due to the 1986 and 2001 nourishment projects, the evidence of record is that, despite the status of the beach as critically eroding, the structures that establish the Construction Line are not unduly affected by erosion. Not Contrary to Local Requirements On December 30, 2002, a site-plan approval was issued by Brevard County with regard to "RAY CONDOS aka MICHELINA CONDOMINIUM" with a site address of "420 Harding Avenue, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931." Respondents' 1, Vol. 1, Tab 12, second page. Signed by the designee of the Director, Permitting and Enforcement, the development order is entitled, "BREVARD COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT SITE-PLAN APPROVAL" and contains the following: The site plan to which this approval is attached has been reviewed by affected County divisions, departments and agencies and has been determined to comply in general with the Brevard County Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan Elements. * * * It is the responsibility of the Owner/Engineer of Record to contact Office of Natural Resources for a Land Clearing/landscaping Permit Two (2) sets of As-Built drawings must be provided to Land Development prior to the Issuance of a C.O. Id. The development order concludes with a statement related to the vested right of the Rays to develop in accord with the site plan: If a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the principal structure by Dec. 30, 2005 the three (3) year vesting period, beginning with the date of site development plan approval, expires and said site plan shall become Null and Void. Only those phases of the development that have an active and valid building permit may be completed after the three-(3) year time period. Id. The reference in the site-plan approval to the "Brevard County Code of Ordinances" does not include building codes. The reference covers local setback requirements and zoning codes. Mrs. Pope appealed the issuance of the site-plan approval to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board"). Her appeal was heard over three meetings of the Board on May 6, 2003, June 8, 2003, and August 12, 2003. At the conclusion of the August 12, 2003, proceedings on the appeal, the Board voted unanimously to accept the staff recommendation to deny the appeal. An unnumbered resolution of the Board "DENYING THE APPEAL OF JAMES AND CAROLE POPE . . . PERTAINING TO THE MICHELINA CONDOMINIUM SITE PLAN" was produced by Mrs. Pope at the hearing together with the following statement of a Deputy Clerk for the Board: This is to advise that the Office of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners does not have any correspondence indicating a copy of the Findings of Fact on Michelina Condominium was forwarded to Mr. or Mrs. Pope. Pope 7. The resolution is signed by the Chairperson of the Board. Immediately below the signature block there appears the following: "(As approved by the Board on August 12, 2003)." Pope 8. The document is not stamped received by the Clerk of the Board or the County Clerk's Office, nor is there other clear indicia that the order has been rendered through a filing with the Clerk's office. On its face, however, appears an undated attestation of a deputy clerk under a seal of Brevard County that appears to attest to the Chairperson's signature. As of the dates of the final hearing in this proceeding, Mrs. Pope had not sought judicial review of the decision of the Board. At hearing, on the strength of the signed resolution denying Mrs. Pope's appeal of the site-plan approval and the site-plan approval, itself, and the apparent finality of the approval, Mrs. Pope was ruled estopped from presenting evidence that the Permit contravened local setback or zoning requirements or was inconsistent with the Local Comprehensive Plan. The establishment of a Construction Line, that the structures establishing the line are not unduly affected by erosion, and the collateral estoppel of Mrs. Pope's claim that construction or activity seaward of the Control Line along the Construction Line is contrary to local requirements, clears the way for the exercise of Department discretion as to whether to issue the permit. Department Discretion The Department's exercise of discretion must, of course, take into consideration the beach and dune system within the fixed coastal cell in which Ray property and the Pope property are located. No other conclusion could be gathered from the statements of legislative intent and the statutory scheme. Lest there be any misunderstanding, the Department has codified its policy statement on such matters: (1) The beach and dune system is an integral part of the coastal system and represents one of the most valuable natural resources in Florida, providing protection to adjacent upland properties, recreational areas, and habitat for wildlife. A coastal construction control line (CCCL) is intended to define that portion of the beach and dune system which is subject to severe fluctuations caused by a 100-year storm surge, storm waves, or other forces such as wind, wave, or water level changes. These fluctuations are a necessary part of the natural functioning of the coastal system and are essential to post-storm recovery, long term stability, and the preservation of the beach and dune system. However, imprudent human activities can adversely interfere with these natural processes and alter the integrity and functioning of the beach and dune system. The control line and 50-foot setback call attention to the special hazards and impacts associated with the use of such property, but do not preclude all development or alteration of coastal property seaward of such line; Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.005, Department Policy Statement on Permits. The exercise of this discretion is guided by criteria under rule. Among those criteria are those found in 62B- 33.005(4)(g): The construction will not cause a significant adverse impact to marine turtles, immediately adjacent properties, or the coastal system unless otherwise specifically authorized in this rule chapter. Chapter 62B-33, Florida Administrative Code, defines the term "Impacts" to include separate definitions for the terms "Adverse Impacts," "Significant Adverse Impacts," "Minor Impacts," and "Other Impacts": "Impacts" are those effects, whether direct or indirect, short or long term, which are expected to occur as a result of construction and are defined as follows: "Adverse Impacts" are impacts to the coastal system that may cause a measurable interference with the natural functioning of the system. "Significant Adverse Impacts" are impacts of such magnitude that they may: Alter the coastal system by: Measurably affecting the existing shoreline change rate; Significantly interfering with its ability to recover from a coastal storm; Disturbing topography or vegetation such that the system becomes unstable or suffers catastrophic failure; . . . * * * (d) "Other Impacts" are impacts associated with construction which may result in damage to existing structures or property or interference with lateral beach access. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(30). Minimization of Impacts and No Significant Adverse Impacts The site selected on the Ray property for the proposed project poses impacts to Mrs. Pope's duplexes during a storm event such as a 100-year storm. Because of the shore- parallel dimension of the proposed structure (84 feet), storm- generated waves and storm surge would be concentrated into the relatively narrow gap between the proposed structure and the duplexes. The resulting hydrodynamic load would cause scouring of the foundations of the duplexes. The proposed project has "frangible" or "breakaway" ground level walls. They would pose the potential for generating waterborne missiles that, hydro-dynamically propelled, would damage the duplexes. The proposed project was designed in accordance with the American Society of Civil Engineers 7 Code ("ASCE-7") and most pertinently (since referenced in the Construction Line Statute), the Florida Building Code. But the Building Code does not take into consideration a proposed structure's design or proposed site on an adjacent property or the adjacent property's structures. The proposed project, moreover, is not designed and sited to mitigate aerodynamic loading on Mrs. Pope's duplexes. During high-wind conditions, there will be a number of wind effects on the duplexes caused by the proximity of the proposed project: gust loading, high turbulence shedding, and vortex shedding among others that can be reasonably expected to cause structural impacts to the duplexes such as suction loads on roofs and eaves, flying debris and window breakage. The proximity of the proposed structure to the Pope property will have a shading effect that will cause adverse impacts on the growth of native coastal vegetation on the Pope property. As a result, there will be a reduction in the interception of wind-driven sand by the vegetation that enables it to develop healthy, deep root systems that add to dune stability.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: an impacts assessment be conducted as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 33.005(3)(a); that the proposed project be re-sited to mitigate the impacts that its siting now poses to the Pope Property and the Popes' duplexes; that the proposed project be permitted to be constructed up to the Construction Line, provided that the permit is supported by both the impacts assessment and a re- siting of the proposed project to mitigate wind, water and shading impacts; and if the proposed project is not supported by an adequate impacts assessment, or if it cannot be re-sited to mitigate the impacts to the Pope Property, that the permit be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of March, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of March, 2004.

Florida Laws (7) 101.49120.569120.57161.011161.021161.052161.053
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Jun. 25, 2002 Number: 02-002552PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000990 Latest Update: Feb. 28, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto Respondent Howard B. Berman has been a licensed real estate broker having been issued license number 0178090. At all times material hereto Respondent Michael J. Weil has been a licensed real estate broker having been issued license number 0179132. At all times material hereto Respondent Paramount Realty, Inc., has been a corporation licensed as a broker having been issued license number 0196048. Although Respondent Berman was a director of Respondent Paramount Realty, Inc. since at least March 7, 1979, he did not become an officer or stockholder in that corporate broker until December of 1982 or January of 1983. Although Respondent Weil was a director of Respondent Paramount Realty, Inc. since at least March 7, 1979, he did not become an officer or stockholder in that corporate broker until January of 1984. Prior to the time that Respondent Berman and Respondent Weil became officers and stockholders of Paramount Realty, Inc., they were not employed by Paramount but rather had an independent contractor relationship with that corporate broker. On or about June 13, 1979, Respondent Weil, acting as trustee for himself and for Respondent Berman, entered into a contract to purchase a certain parcel of land located in Broward County, Florida, with the intent of developing that land by building a condominium thereon. On or about October 18, 1979, Respondent Weil as trustee sold the above-referenced parcel of land to an investors group known as North Beach Development Group, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, which the Respondents organized. The general partner in that limited partnership was North Beach Development Company, a Florida corporation, in which none of the Respondents had an interest. On or about October 18, 1979, Respondents Berman and Weil, as employees of North Beach, Inc., a Florida corporation, negotiated and obtained a consultation agreement between North Beach Development Group, Ltd. and North Beach, Inc. under which Respondents Berman and Weil would provide consultation services in connection with the development of a 34 unit condominium complex on the above-referenced parcel of land. On or about October 19, 1979, the general partner North Beach Development Company, and each of its stockholders, and each of the limited partners of North Beach Development Group Ltd. executed an Approval, Consent and Ratification agreement approving the above mentioned consultation agreement, establishing Respondent Paramount as the exclusive real estate agent for the condominium units, and approving the purchase by Respondents Berman and Weil of condominium units Nos. 604 and 607 for a combined total purchase price of $185,000. Prior to the creation of North Beach Development Group, Ltd., Respondents Berman and Weil placed $25,000 of their moneys on deposit under the contract to purchase the above-referenced land. During the existence of the limited partnership Respondents Berman and Weil loaned approximately $40,000 to the partnership. Respondents Berman and Weil also personally guaranteed the three million dollar construction loan involved in the project. Accordingly, both Respondents Berman and Weil had their personal funds at risk in the development of the condominium project. At no time did either Respondent Berman or Respondent Weil represent to Pat Dalton or any other investor or potential investor that either or both of them had invested or would invest any of their personal moneys in either the general partner North Beach Development Company or the partnership North Beach Development Group, Ltd. Five changes were made to Respondent Berman's unit 604, the total cost of all five changes being approximately $2,300. On May 19 and May 20, 1981, two checks were written off the account of North Beach Development Group, Ltd. to pay for the five changes to unit 604. On May 26, 1981, Respondent Berman (and his wife) closed on their purchase of unit 604. At the closing, Respondent Berman totally reimbursed North Beach Development Group, Ltd. the moneys it spent six days earlier for the five changes to unit 604.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final order be entered finding Respondents Howard B. Berman, Michael J. Well and Paramount Realty, Inc., not guilty of the allegations in the Amended Administrative Complaint filed against them and dismissing that Amended Administrative Complaint with prejudice. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 25th day of January, 1985, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of January, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold Huff, Executive Director Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Fred Langford, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Post office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Richard S. Rachlin, Esquire 1810 New World Tower 100 N. Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000095 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 1982

The Issue The issue for determination at the final hearing was whether the Petitioner Blaha possessed the requisite standing to maintain this action and if so, whether the Applicant Aquarina Developments, Inc., established by a preponderance of the evidence entitlement to a permit from the Coastal Construction Control Line ("CCCL") which would authorize construction of the following: (1) twelve above-ground balconies extending five feet over the CCCL; (2) two roof overhangs extending approximately one foot over the CCCL; (3) two dune walkovers and four decks providing elevated beach access; and (4) a temporary fence extending no more than five feet beyond the CCCL. At the final hearing, the Respondent Aquarina Developments, Inc., (hereafter "Aquarina" or "Applicant") offered Respondent's Exhibits 1-16, which were admitted into evidence. Edward Fleis, Howard J. Teas, Bert Leltz and Ross Witham testified on behalf of the Respondents. Peter Pritchard, Rob Lee and Georges Blaha testified for the Petitioner. Additionally, public comment was taken as provided at Section 120.57(1)(b)(4), Florida Statutes. A Proposed Recommended Order has been submitted by the Respondent Aquarina Developments, Inc. To the extent that the proposed findings submitted by Respondent are not reflected in this Order, they are rejected as unsupported by the weight of credible evidence or as being immaterial to the results reached.

Findings Of Fact By application No. 775-020.61 filed on July 1, 1981, Respondent Aquarina requested a coastal construction permit for construction of portions of twelve cantilevered balconies, two roof overhang sections, a temporary construction fence, four elevated wooden decks, and two dune crossovers, all seaward of an established coastal construction control line ("CCCL") in Brevard County, Florida. The purpose of the proposed structures is to enhance utilization of the beach by residents of Aquarina's PUD located between the Atlantic Ocean and Mullet Creek, a tributary of the Indian River in South Brevard County, while at the same time inhibiting the deleterious effects of unrestrained pedestrian and vehicular access across the beach dune on the property. Respondent Aquarina's project is located on the barrier islands separated from the mainland by the Indian River, thirteen miles south of Melbourne and five miles north of Indian River County. Aquarina proposes to develop a condominium community approved as a PUD by Brevard County, with a projected population of 3,400 persons including 1,600 residential units, a commercial area, and 500 hotel rooms. The project includes at least two condo- mini urn buildings located entirely landward of the CCCL except for the following specific portions: Twelve cantilevered balconies ex- tending approximately five feet beyond the CCCL but not touching the ground; Two roof overhang sections extending approximately one foot beyond the CCCL; Two beach-dune walkover structures to be constructed a maximum of seventy- five feet seaward of the CCCL, which are to provide controlled beach access; Four elevated wooden observation decks constituting integral parts of the walkover structures; A temporary construction fence extending no more than five feet beyond the CCCL. On or about November 20, 1981, the Department indicated its intent to recommend to the Executive Director the issuance of the Applicant's coastal construction permit. After the granting of a requested extension of time, Petitioner Blaha filed objections and a Petition for the Initiation of Formal Proceedings under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. The Petition raised three issues: Whether construction of the proposed minor structures seaward of the CCCT would harm sea turtles inhabiting the area at issue; Whether a new CCCL should have been set based on changing conditions in the area; Whether the additional shading caused by the proposed structures would harm the dune vegetation system. At the beginning of the hearing, the Hearing Officer heard argument and received evidence on the issues raised by the Motions to Dismiss filed by the Department and the Applicant. The Respondent's Motions raised three issues: Whether the Petitioner had standing to initiate this cause; Whether the alleged impact that the Applicant's proposed coastal construction would have on sea turtles lies within the jurisdiction of the Department and the Hearing Officer under Chapter 161 of the Florida Statutes; and Whether the exact configuration of the CCCL is a proper subject for consi- deration at a hearing challenging the proposed issuance of a coastal construction permit. Petitioner Blaha admitted that he did not live on the beach at issue and in fact lived on the west side of State Road A1A, three miles to the north of the Applicant's proposed project. The Petitioner stated that he was the Director of the Space Coast Branch of Friends of Animals, an environmental organization concerned about wildlife, although not representing the organization in this proceeding, and that he had a general interest in protecting the beach from erosion, a problem affecting everyone on the barrier island. In response to the argument that Petitioner Blaha had no special interest differing in kind from the interests of the general public, the Petitioner alleged that he runs on the beach and observes the sea turtles, arguing that this evinces a more than average interest in protecting the beach and its wildlife. The Hearing Officer also heard argument on whether the Department has jurisdiction to consider potential impacts on the nesting habitats of sea turtles from proposed coastal construction, under Chapter 161, Florida Statutes. Petitioner Blaha urged that although Section 161.053, Florida Statutes and the rules promulgated thereunder do not address sea turtles and their protection, the statute should be so interpreted. The Department responded that any jurisdiction it may have over sea turtles would be reposited in its Marine Resource Division, not in the permitting procedures for a coastal construction permit. In addition, federal laws protect endangered sea turtles, and the federal government has primary jurisdiction over the regulation of the nesting habitats of such sea turtles. Similarly, the Applicant and the Department pointed out that the Petitioner's criticism of the placement of the present CCCL falls outside the scope of a hearing on the issuance of a coastal construction permit, since Section 120.54, Florida Statutes provides for rulemaking proceedings for those attempting to change a rule established CCCL and Rule 16B-33.10, Florida Administrative Code, contains provisions for CCCL revisions or modifications on application of a riparian owner of property at or on the CCCL. Petitioner Blaha is not a riparian property owner and this was not a proceeding under Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. Respondent Aquarina established that it had taken and would continue to take all reasonable actions necessary to ensure the protection of sea turtles that inhabit the site through public relations campaigns and public advertisements to educate the public and especially the residents of the PUD and through architectural design efforts and dareful construction practices that will limit the impact of the proposed development on sea turtles and their nesting habitats. Moreover, to the extent that the development might have an impact on sea turtles, the source of the impact would not primarily be the structures at issue in these proceedings, but the buildings, parking lots, and other human habitation lying landward of the CCCL. The proposed temporary construction fence to be placed five feet beyond the CCCL will help conserve the dunes by limiting the potential impact of construction, and the Respondent Aquarina has agreed to restore that affected area to its natural state upon the completion of construction. Most importantly, the proposed dune crossovers will protect the dunes from the destruction that is occurring in the dunes to the north of the project and on the project site itself because of unrestrained pedestrian and vehicular traffic over and/or through the dunes and the accompanying destruction of dune vegetation in those areas. The dune crossovers are wooden walkways on raised pilings designed to have as little contact with the dunes as possible, with railings to restrain pedestrians from straying away from this direct access from the condominiums to the beach. The crossovers will make it unnecessary and undesirable for residents and visitors to create alternative foot paths through the heavy dune vegetation to the beach. Coupled with the educational program already being implemented by Aquarina, the dune crossovers should help to conserve the dunes. The Respondent Aquarina established that the incremental shading caused by the proposed roof overhangs extending about one foot beyond the CCCL and the cantilevered balconies extending approximately five feet beyond the CCCL would not significantly add to the shading from the buildings themselves, which lie entirely landward of the CCCL. The evidence showed that even the impact of the shading from the landward buildings would have no significant impact on the dune vegetation system or increase the rate of erosion or deterioration of the dune. See Rule 16B-33.02(23)(b), Florida Administrative Code. The additional impact from the minor structures for which the Respondent Aquarina seeks its permit should be minimal.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent Department of Natural Resources, through its Executive Director, grant the requested construction control permit to the Applicant Aquarina Developments, Inc., subject to the conditions stated in the proposed permit (No. BE-80), the draft of which was attached to the Department's letter of November 20, 1981, notifying Petitioner Blaha of the Department's intent to issue the requested permit. DONE and ORDERED this 25th day of October, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 ApA1Achee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Georges Blaha 280 Flamingo Drive Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951 Deborah A. Getzoff, Esquire Assistant Department Attorney Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Clifford A. Schulman, Esquire GREENBERG TRAURIG ASKEW HOFFMAN LIPOFF QUENTEL & WOLFF, P.A. 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 Henry Dean, Esquire General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Elton Gissendanner, Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Building Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (4) 120.54120.57161.053403.412
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000132 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 1982

Findings Of Fact Marvel O. Warren and his brother Dan own a parcel of beachfront property in Walton County, south of State Road 30A (SR30A) near Seagrove Beach. Like Mr. Warren, the other intervenors own beachfront in the area, which lies in County Commission District Five. In 1954, before the Warrens built their house landward of the dunes, no road ran toward the beach from SR30A. Construction traffic to the house site beat down a path, however. In Walton County, each county commissioner is responsible, within the district he represents, for road maintenance and, on existing county right-of- way, for construction of new roads. DNR's Exhibit No., 7; Testimony of Owens. Expenditures in excess of $500 for materials beyond what the county has stockpiled require approval by the full commission, however. Testimony of Owens. FIRST ROAD BUILT Albert Gavin of Freeport was county commissioner for District Five when, in 1958 or 1959, he caused a red clay road to be built from SR30A southerly along the eastern edge of the Warren property over sand dunes and onto the beach to within 20 or 30 feet of the water's edge. During Mr. Gavin's tenure, the county owned a borrow pit and kept no records of how much clay was placed where. (No records of the quantity of clay deposited on the beach at any time were offered in evidence at the hearing.) Fishermen used the road to launch boats into the Gulf of Mexico. Except for any portion that may have extended onto sovereignty land, the road lay on county-owned right-of-way. UPLAND SEGMENT PERMANENT The clay road landward of the sand dunes leading along the eastern edge of the Warren property to SR30A (the upland road) has been consistently maintained and in existence since it was originally built. The upland road ends at the bluff line, which is practically congruent with the coastal construction control line at that point on the coast. DNR's Exhibit No. 4; Testimony of Hill. At some time between 1960 and 1969, also landward of the subsequently established coastal construction control line, a clay parking lot was built adjacent to the upland road. BEACH SEGMENTS EVANESCENT Whenever clay has been placed on the beach, seaward of the crest of the landwardmost sand dune, the gulf has washed it away. Many clay roads at the site did not last the summer. Virtually no clay deposit has lasted longer than a full year. One attempt after another to construct a clay road seaward of the sand dunes (the beach segment) has failed. Witnesses testified that the sun bleached the red clay and that wind covered it with white sand but wave action has been the clay's principal nemesis. When Harold C. Lucas was commissioner for District Five from March, 1968, to January, 1969, no clay was deposited on the beach and there was no beach segment. Except for three months in 1975 when Van Ness R. Butler, Jr., of Grayton Beach, served as District Five's county commissioner, Conley Martin of Portland represented the district from 1969 to 1976. As county commissioners, both of these men directed clay to be placed on the beach at various times. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ESTABLISHED A beach segment was in existence at the time the coastal construction control line was established, and recorded, on June 4, 1975, although the beach segment that then existed went straight from the foot of the sand dune toward the edge of the gulf, instead of veering east like the new; longer beach segment built last September. THEN EXISTING ROAD DESTROYED, REPLACED In September of 1975, Hurricane Eloise removed not only the beach segment of the road but much of the beach, including the dunes themselves. As road foreman for District Five at the time, Robert N. Budreau used a road grader and other equipment to fill a large hole between the Warren house and the sand dune and to cover over broken toilets and other debris with a mixture of sand and yellow clay. After the filling, a roadway was constructed with the same sand and clay mix, extending about 25 feet seaward of the dunes along a line perpendicular to the gulf shore. REPLACEMENT ROAD RECLAIMED BY ELEMENTS In 1976, Freddie M. Bishop was elected county commissioner for District Five. After the beach segment built by Mr. Budreau washed out, at least one constituent, Gene Wesley, asked Mr. Bishop to replace it, but Mr. Bishop broke with sisyphean tradition, and declined to place any clay on the beach, or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or replace the beach segment. By the time petitioner McLean succeeded Bishop as commissioner for District Five, the beach segment had been completely obliterated. The end of the upland road continued, however, to be one of some half-dozen points of access for four-wheel drive vehicles to Walton County's gulf beaches. Commissioner Bishop did cause two truckloads of oyster shells to be deposited on the "hump" of the landward sea dune, on or near the bluff line. NEW BEACH SEGMENT In response to constituents' requests, Mr. McLean ordered a new road built. He caused clay and gravel to be placed and compacted seaward of the coastal construction control line by county workmen and machinery, including some "borrowed" for the purpose from colleagues on the Walton County Commission. Built without a DNR permit in September of 1981, this new beach segment extends 180 feet seaward of the coastal construction control line and takes an unprecedented veer to the east. The only preexisting foundation for the new beach segment was the beach itself. Like Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner W. F. Miles "lent" county trucks he had charge of to respondent McLean, but Mr. Miles did not know in advance that Mr. McLean intended to use them to build a road on the beach. Commissioners Matthews, Miles, and Owens were aware of the existence of the coastal construction control line in Walton County and, in a general way, of DNR permitting requirements and procedures, including the fact that the County Commission itself acts on certain coastal construction applications. Commissioners Anderson and McLean did not testify on these matters. DNR has issued no permit for anything like the new beach segment at any time since the coastal construction control line wad established. DNR has no record of any inquiry concerning the new beach segment by or on behalf of petitioners McLean or Walton County, before the new beach segment was built. There was no showing that Mr. McLean sought legal advice before ordering construction of the new beach segment. Paragraphs 1 through 8 of DNR's "Final Order," as amended at the final hearing and set forth above, have been established by stipulation of the parties. The hearing officer has had the benefit of posthearing submissions, including proposed findings of fact, filed by all parties. Proposed findings have been adopted, in substance, where relevant, except when unsupported by appropriate evidence.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the following, it is RECOMMENDED: That DNR order petitioner Walton County to remove the new beach segment seaward of the Walton County Coastal Construction Control Line within 30 days of entry of a final order. That DNR remove the new beach segment seaward of the Walton County Coastal Construction Control Line itself, in the event of petitioner Walton County's noncompliance with the final order; and take steps to recover the cost from petitioner Walton County. That DNR impose no civil or administrative fine against petitioner W. L. "Billy" McLean. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: George Ralph Miller, Esquire Post Office Box 687 DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 W. Dennis Brannon, Esquire Post Office Box 1503 Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32549 Deborah A. Getzoff, Esquire Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 M. Stephen Turner, Esquire Post Office Drawer 591 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Elton J. Gissendanner Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (3) 120.57161.053161.054
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002868VR Latest Update: Feb. 26, 1986

The Issue Do Driscoll Properties and/or Harbor Course Club, Inc., Respondents, have vested rights to complete the project at issue, a golf driving range? (Case Nos. 84-2868VR and 84-3805VR) If Respondents do not have vested rights, did the application to clear land for the golf driving range comply with the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and in particular with the comprehensive plan and land development regulations for the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern? (Case No. 84-2868VR). Is the Department of Community Affairs estopped, or otherwise equitably barred, from preventing the completion of this project? (Case Nos. 84-2868VR and 84-3805VR) Did Driscoll Properties or Harbor Course Club, Inc., violate the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes? (Case No. 84-3805VR) Did Monroe County violate Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, by issuing a land clearing permit prior to transmitting the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution 091-1984 to the Department of Community Affairs, the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Developer? (Case No. 84-3805VR) If there is a violation of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, what is the proper remedy? (Case No. 84-3805VR)

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated to the following findings of fact which are incorporated herein: The owner of record of the subject property is Driscoll Properties, a Florida general partnership, 522 Gables International Plaza, 2655 LeJeune Road, Coral Gables, Florida 33134, and the property is located in Section 5, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, North Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, within a subdivision known as Harbor Course South, Section One. Driscoll Properties, and Harbor Course Club, Inc., submitted to Monroe County an Application for Land Clearing, Permit No. C-14919, for the subject property in order to build a golf driving range. The application was dated March 18, 1983, and received by the County on or about March 24, 1983. Monroe County Application for Land Clearing, Permit No. C-14919 was denied by William Russell, Assistant Director, Monroe County Planning, Building and Zoning on May 20, 1983. The denial of Permit Application for Land Clearing No. C-14919 was appealed by Harbor Course Club, Inc., to the Monroe County Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment denied the appeal on December 14, 1983, by Resolution (of) Administrative Appeal 8-83. The Monroe County Board of Adjustment Resolution No. 8-83, denying the Application for Land Clearing, Permit No. C-14919, was appealed by Harbor Course Club, Inc., to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners reversed the decision of the Monroe County Board of Adjustment by adopting Resolution No. 091-1984 on March 23, 1984. The Monroe County Zoning Department was responsible for issuing and rendering Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution 091-1984. On April 25, 1984, Harbor Course Club, Inc., or a person acting on its behalf, applied to and obtained from Monroe County Building and Zoning Department ministerial land clearing permit No. C-14919, which was authorized by Resolution 091-1984. Harbor Course Club, Inc., or an authorized agent, employee or representative, received a letter dated June 12, 1984, enclosing Resolution No. 091-1984 and the minutes from the hearing described in No. 6 above. Harbor Course Club, Inc., or an authorized agent, employee or representative arranged for clearing of the subject property. Land clearing activity on the subject property began on April 30, 1984. Land clearing activity on the subject property was conducted on May 2, 3, 7, 8 and 10, 1984. Land clearing on the subject property was continued on July 19, 20 and 24, 1984, and completed August 2, 1984. At the times in question, the Petitioners maintained an office in Monroe County. At the times in question, Bob Dennis was an environmental specialist in the Petitioners' Monroe County office. The Key Largo woodrat is listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to 50 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 17, Section 17.11(h). The Key Largo woodrat is listed as an endangered species by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission pursuant to Rule 39-27.03(27). The following findings of fact are made based on the evidence submitted at the hearing, after considering the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses who testified: The subject property consists of approximately 3.6 acres. Harbor Course Club, Inc., seeks to have the subject property developed into a golf driving range for the use of its members. Harbor Course Club, Inc., is a private membership golf club located within the Ocean Reef Development on North Key Largo. Ocean Reef is a residential development with three eighteen hole golf courses consisting of approximately 4000 acres, half of which is developed and half of which has been dedicated to wilderness. The subject property as well as the entire Ocean Reef Development is part of an Area of Critical State Concern previously designated on July 1, 1979 under Section 380.0552, Florida Statutes, and subject to Chapters 27F-B and 27F- 9, Florida Administrative Code. Monroe County has developed a comprehensive plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which provides for certain standards and criteria for the issuance of development permits, such as the one applied for in this instance. As it relates to this case, the comprehensive plan is known as the Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element. Prior to its clearing, the subject property was a high quality, mature tropical hardwood hammock with a closed canopy approximately thirty feet in height, and represented a unique genealogy not found elsewhere in North America outside of the Everglades. There were also several "protected" or "threatened" tree species on the site such as the paradise tree, red berry stopper and thatched palm, and approximately five active Key Largo woodrat nests. The clearing that has taken place has substantially destroyed the tropical hardwood canopy and removed most of the top soil from the area. One strip of hammock remains at the border of the property as well as several tree clumps, but the strip and clumps are too small and narrow to serve as a habitat. Therefore, the area's use as a habitat for woodrats has been destroyed and their nests can no longer be found on site. Trees such as the torchwood which were previously found on the site and which serve as host plants for endangered or threatened species, such as the Schaus swallowtail butterfly, have also been destroyed. This finding is based on the testimony of Mark Robertson, Dr. Art Weiner who was accepted as an expert in biology and Florida Keys ecology, and Numi Goodyear, an expert in zoology and Keys mammalian. The subject property was not selectively cleared, but rather was indiscriminately cleared. This has had a scouring effect on the soil. The evidence does not establish that fill material has been deposited on site. A survey of trees and vegetation on the subject property was submitted by the applicants, but this was not a complete or adequate survey of vegetation on the site. The applicants had no adequate protective plan for the endangered or threatened species, such as the woodrat, and trees on the subject property. Although it was established through the testimony of Melvin R. "Chick" Harbert, who was recognized as an expert in golf facility components, that a golf practice area is an integral part of Professional Golfer's Association approved courses, and that such areas allow golfers to warm up, practice and receive golfing lessons, it has not been established by competent substantial evidence that driving ranges, such as the one applied for in this case, are customarily associated with golf courses such as the ones in Ocean Reef. There is no evidence that professional golf tournaments have, or will be, held at these courses, or that the owners of the courses intend to seek P.G.A. sanctioning of a tournament at their facility. Additionally, Harbert admitted that not every golf course requires a driving range. Finally, Harbert's involvement with the Ocean Reef Development as a professional golf instructor diminishes his credibility as a witness. Even if it had been found that driving ranges are customarily associated with golf courses such as the ones in this case, the testimony of Charles C. Gardner, a partner in Driscoll Properties, and Charles Pattison, Director of Planning, Building and Zoning for Monroe County, establishes that a golf driving range was not shown or located on the subject property on the Master Development Plan Map for the Ocean Reef Development filed with the County in June, 1977. Further, other than the permit from which the appeal in this case was taken, there are no records, maps, authorizations or permits on file with the County which allow or indicate a driving range on the subject property. Therefore, the applicants had no interest in the development of a driving range at this location prior to its designation as an Area of Critical State Concern. To the contrary, Gardner specifically testified that the desire to locate a driving range on the subject property did not arise until 1982 or 1983. Although Permit No. C-14914 was transmitted to Petitioner's Keys Office on May 14, 1984, Monroe County Resolution No. 091-1984 and the development order authorizing issuance of the permit for land clearing were not transmitted to Petitioner until June 21, 1984. On August 3, 1984, Petitioner filed its appeal with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission of Resolution No. 091-1984. Bob Dennis, Petitioner's environmental specialist, attended the March 23, 1984 meeting of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners when Resolution 091-1984 was adopted. He did not participate in the meeting, but simply observed the meeting as part of his normal job duties.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that a Final Order be issued denying Respondents Harbor Course Club, Inc. and Driscoll Properties' application for a land clearing permit. Since the clearing has already taken place, there are no changes in the development proposal that would make it eligible for a permit, and it is therefore also recommended that further development permits for the site in question comply with final action to be taken in Case No. 84-3805VR. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of February, 1986, at Tallahassee Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of February, 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 84-2868VR Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Facts: Adopted in Findings of Fact 1 and 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Adopted in Findings of Fact 2 and 23. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 1, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 19, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 6-12. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 27, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in part in Findings of Fact 26 and 27 but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 22, but otherwise rejected as not based on competent, substantial evidence. Adopted in Findings of Fact 16, 17 and 22. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 19-20. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 22, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 5, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. Rejected since this is actually a conclusion of law. 28-30. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 28. Rejected since in part this is a conclusion of lawn and is otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 28, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Findings of Fact 11-13. Adopted in Findings of Fact 22, 23. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 22, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 42-45. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rulings on Respondents Driscoll Properties, Walter Driscoll and Harbor Course Club, Inc., Proposed Findings of Fact which have been adopted by Respondent Monroe County: 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 2-3. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 27, but otherwise rejected as not based on competent, substantial evidence. Rejected as not based on competent, substantial evidence, and otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. Adopted in Finding of Fact 26. Rejected in Finding of Fact 26. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. Rejected as not based on competent, substantial evidence, and otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 11-13. Adopted in part and rejected in part in Finding of Fact 24. Rejected in Finding of Fact 25. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. Rejected in Findings of Fact 22-25. Adopted in Findings of Fact 8, 28. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 18 but otherwise rejected in Finding of Fact 23. 23-24. Adopted in Findings of Fact 15, 29. 25. Rejected as irrelevant. 26-27. Adopted in Finding of Fact 28. 28-29. Rejected as not based on competent, substantial evidence and otherwise irrelevant. 30-33. Rejected as not a proper proposed Finding of Fact since this is simply Respondents' summary of rulings and testimony at final hearing. The testimony of Mark Robertson and the deposition of Sandra Hersh has been accepted and considered to the extent they reflect the personal observations, experiences and records of said witnesses. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Bob Graham Governor The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Bill Gunter Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Jim Smith Attorney General The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable George Firestone Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Ralph Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Doyle Conner Commissioner of Agriculture The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Glenn W. Robertson, Secretary Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Office of the Governor Room 415 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Susan Vernon, Esquire 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 Larry A. Stumpf, Esquire Suite 1000 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 Sarah E. Nall, Esquire C. Laurence Keesey, Esquire Ross Burnaman, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (12) 120.57120.68163.3161163.319417.11350.04380.031380.04380.05380.0552380.07380.11
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Sep. 04, 2009 Number: 09-004816GM Latest Update: Nov. 15, 2011

Conclusions An Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings has entered an Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction And Closing File in this proceeding.

Other Judicial Opinions OF THIS FINAL ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 120.68, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND FLORIDA RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.030(b)(1)(C) AND 9.110, TO INITIATE AN APPEAL OF THIS ORDER, A NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT'S AGENCY CLERK, 107 EAST MADISON STREET, MSC 110, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-4128, WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DAY THIS ORDER IS FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM PRESCRIBED BY FLORIDA RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.900(a). A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL AND MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FILING FEE SPECIFIED IN SECTION 35.22(3), FLORIDA STATUTES. YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW IF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL IS NOT TIMELY FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK AND THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. MEDIATION UNDER SECTION 120.573, FLA. STAT., IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUES RESOLVED BY THIS ORDER. Final Order No. DEO-11-0028 CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the original of the foregoing has been filed with the undersigned Agency Clerk of the Department of Economic Development, and that true and correct copies have been furnished to the persons listed below in the manner described, on this JS Thay of November, 2011. Y ‘ Miriam Snipes, Agenéy Clerk DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 107 East Madison Street, MSC 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128 By U.S. Mail and Electronic Mail: Mr. Benjamin Gross, Esq. City of Daytona Beach 301 S. Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 grossb@codb.us By Hand Delivery: David L. Jordan, Assistant General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 107 East Madison Street, MSC 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128 By Filing with DOAH: The Honorable J. Lawrence Johnston Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ferndale, Florida Jun. 08, 2017 Number: 17-003286GM Latest Update: Jan. 31, 2018

The Issue Whether small-scale amendments to the City of Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinances 2017-13 and 2017-15 on June 6, 2017 (the “FLUM Amendments”), are “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2016).1/

Findings Of Fact The Parties and Standing Petitioner, Ronald Ross, resides and owns property within the City. Mr. Ross submitted written comments concerning the FLUM Amendments to the City during the period of time beginning with the transmittal hearing for the FLUM Amendments and ending with the adoption of same. Respondent is a Florida municipal corporation with the duty and authority to adopt and amend a comprehensive plan, pursuant to section 163.3167, Florida Statutes (2017). The Subject Properties Together the FLUM Amendments affect eight contiguous parcels located at the corner of North 2nd Street and Broome Street, which runs perpendicular to, and dead ends at, North Front Street, the City’s historic waterfront. The subject properties are located two blocks east of North Front Street. The structure at 211 Broome Street is an existing single-family home built circa 1900. The structure at 205 Broome Street is a vacant single- family home built circa 1900. The parcel at 224 North 2nd Street contains a multi- family structure. The remaining parcels are vacant and undeveloped. The Amendments are owner-initiated. Existing Conditions Residential uses are not allowed in the IND land use category. As such, the residential uses on the subject parcels are non-conforming to the regulations for that category. The residential uses at 211 Broome Street and 224 North 2nd Street are “grandfathered” from the prohibition on residential uses, and are allowed to continue as non-conforming uses until such time as any one of a number of criteria are met. Significant redevelopment of the structure would trigger the requirement to conform to allowable uses. The residential structure at 205 Broome Street is vacant, in disrepair, and cannot be redeveloped for a residential use in the IND category. The FLUM Amendments The FLUM Amendments change the FLUM category for each of the eight parcels from IND to CBD. The purpose of the IND land use category is to “recognize the existing industrial development, appropriate open air recreation activities, and the animal shelter, and to ensure the availability of land for industrial and airport purposes.” Industrial uses include “airport dependent uses, manufacturing, assembling and distribution activities; warehousing and storage activities; green technologies, general commercial activities; integral airport related support services such as rental car facilities, parking facilities; and other similar land uses.” The CBD category is designed to “accommodate single- family or duplex residential uses, either ‘stand alone’ or in a mixed residential and business structures; offices; commercial retail; personal service establishments; restaurants; transient accommodations; commercial parking facilities; civic uses; and cultural uses.” The CBD allows other uses, such as indoor recreation, multi-family, marinas, daycare centers, and educational facilities, subject to certain conditions. The maximum density of residential uses in CBD is 34 units per acre (34/acre). The maximum intensity of non-residential uses in both IND and CBD is a floor area ratio (”FAR”) of 2.0. The Community Redevelopment Area All of the subject properties are located within the City’s Waterfront Area Community Redevelopment Area (“Waterfront Area CRA”). Section 163.360, Florida Statutes, authorizes local governments to undertake community redevelopment projects in areas designated as slum or blighted, or areas with a shortage of affordable housing. The local government must first adopt, by resolution, findings that slum, blight, or inadequate housing exists. See § 163.355, Fla. Stat. Following adoption of this “Finding of Necessity,” the local government, or community redevelopment agency, may adopt a community redevelopment plan for the area, following review and comment by the local planning agency, and an advertised public hearing. Once a community redevelopment area (“CRA”) is designated, the local government may issue redevelopment revenue bonds; approve investments, acquisitions, demolition, removal, or disposal of property in the area; approve community policing innovations; and exercise the power of eminent domain. The statute provides a financial benefit for CRAs known as tax increment financing, or “TIF.” The incremental increase in ad valorem value of properties within the CRA, derived from investment in the CRA, must be deposited in a trust fund established by the local government. TIF revenues may only be utilized for redevelopment projects within the CRA boundary. The City adopted a “Finding of Necessity” to establish a CRA in 2004. The City found the following statutorily- enumerated blighted conditions in its waterfront district: inadequate street layout and parking facilities; unsanitary or unsafe conditions; deterioration of site and other improvements; and inadequate and outdated building density patterns. In June 2004, the City established the Waterfront Area CRA including the marina, shrimping and seafood processing area, and adjacent residential areas, including the subject properties. The total acreage of the Waterfront Area CRA is 37.364 acres. In its 2005 resolution approving the Waterfront Area CRA Redevelopment Plan (Redevelopment Plan), the City found, “The Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise.” Challenges to the Plan Amendments Internal Inconsistency Petitioner first challenges the FLUM Amendments as inconsistent with Housing Element Policy 3.01.01, which reads as follows: The City shall perform a housing needs assessment by December 2013. Information contained in the assessment should include, but not be limited to, information regarding housing trends; the number, type and condition of existing housing units; identification of substandard housing units; the number and types of housing units needed in the future for all income ranges based on growth projections; and shortages and/or deficiencies in the existing housing stock. The housing needs assessment should be updated a minimum of every five (5) years. It is an undisputed fact that the City has not conducted the housing needs assessment mandated by the subject policy. Petitioner maintains that the FLUM Amendments, which allow the subject properties to be developed (or, redeveloped, as the case may be) for residential densities as high as 34/acre, conflict with the policy. Petitioner’s argument on this point is essentially that the FLUM Amendments are not supported by relevant data and analysis in the form of the assessment called for in the policy. That argument is separate and apart from the issue of whether the FLUM Amendments create an internal inconsistency with the policy. The cited policy does not prohibit the City from adopting any plan amendment until the assessment is completed. Petitioner presented no expert witness testimony regarding internal inconsistency between the FLUM Amendments and the cited policy. The record does not support a finding that the FLUM Amendments are inconsistent with Housing Element Policy 3.01.01. Petitioner next contends the FLUM Amendments are inconsistent with Housing Element Policy 3.02.08, which reads as follows: The City shall establish a City-wide neighborhood planning program to encourage the stabilization and preservation of residential areas throughout the City and strengthen linkages between neighborhoods and City government. The parties stipulated that the City has not implemented the neighborhood planning program called for in the policy. Petitioner’s argument on this point is that without the neighborhood planning program, the City cannot assess the impact of the FLUM Amendments on the medium density residential neighborhood to the east of the subject properties.3/ The policy in question does not prohibit the City from adopting plan amendments until the neighborhood planning program is implemented. Petitioner introduced no expert witness testimony regarding internal inconsistency between the FLUM Amendments and the cited policy. The evidence does not support a finding that the FLUM Amendments are inconsistent with Housing Element Policy 3.02.08. Data and Analysis Petitioner’s last argument is the FLUM Amendments are inconsistent with section 163.3177(1)(f), which requires as follows: All . . . plan amendments shall be based upon relevant and appropriate data and an analysis by the local government that may include, but not be limited to, surveys, studies, community goals and vision, and other data available at the time of adoption of the . . . plan amendment. The City’s Senior Planner, Kelly Gibson, testified in deposition that the FLUM Amendments are supported by the Findings of Necessity supporting creation of the Waterfront Area CRA, the Redevelopment Plan, and the historic development patterns of the Waterfront Area CRA. One of the City’s stated purposes of creating the Waterfront Area CRA is to “afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Area by private enterprise.” Applicants for the change in land use designation of 205 and 211 Broome Street seek to redevelop the deteriorated residential structure at 211 Broome Street. The applicants will not invest in redevelopment of the property under the IND designation because that designation prohibits residential uses. The FLUM Amendments will encourage redevelopment by allowing the applicants to invest in the dilapidated structure. Further, the FLUM Amendments afford the applicants more flexibility in development of the vacant lots because, while the IND land use category is limited to the uses described in paragraph 14, above, the CBD category allows single-family and duplex residential uses, offices, commercial retail, personal service establishments, restaurants, transient accommodations, commercial parking facilities, civic uses, and cultural uses. The applicants for change in the land use designation of properties located at 224 North 2nd Street, and the adjoining vacant lots, seek to reinvest in the existing non-conforming multi-family residential structure. The FLUM Amendments encouragement redevelopment by allowing the reinvestment sought by the applicants. Likewise, the FLUM Amendments provide flexibility for infill development of the adjoining vacant lots. The Redevelopment Plan includes initiatives and programs for the Waterfront and “Transitional Areas.” The subject properties are located within a Transitional Area of the Waterfront Area CRA. One of the purposes of the Redevelopment Plan is to “encourage opportunities for new development by allowing a broader mix of uses in the . . . transitional areas[.]” Further, the Plan states, “It is critical that the strategies are prioritized to initiate growth of tax increment revenues to the Agency – a primary or seed funding source for many of the redevelopment efforts identified in this Plan.” Objective 2 of the Redevelopment Plan is to promote a mix of uses within the CRA. This section states, “The existing Future Land Use and Zoning designations along the waterfront and adjacent areas limit the type of allowable uses to industrial uses. Such limitations may be a primary impediment to redevelopment of the CRA.” The Redevelopment Plan further states, “[T]he City should take a proactive position in accommodating a broader mix of uses with design controls.” The CBD category allows a broader mix of uses than the IND category. See paragraphs 14 and 15, above. Further, the FLUM Amendments remove the impediment to redevelopment of the subject properties created by the prohibition on residential uses in the IND category. Petitioner elicited testimony from the City’s experts that there are minimal differences between the uses allowed within the existing zoning category of the subject properties and the zoning category sought under the applicant’s concurrent rezoning request. Petitioner proved that the uses allowed within the CBD zoning category, which are not allowed in the existing I-1 (Light Industrial), are residential, daycare centers, group homes, and bed and breakfast inns. The issue in this case is not the breadth of the zoning category, but that of the FLUM category.4/ The FLUM Amendments are supported by both the Findings of Necessity establishing, and the Redevelopment Plan for, the Waterfront Area CRA.5/ Finally, Petitioner points to Future Land Use (FLU) Policy 1.07.10 to support his argument that the FLUM Amendments are not supported by data and analysis. FLU Policy 1.07.10 reads, in pertinent part, as follows: A proposed amendment to the FLUM to increase the land area within the Central Business District land use category shall demonstrate the suitability of the proposed site based on: The need for additional land area within the Central Business District land use category; Consistency of the land area with the characteristics of the Central Business District; and Consistency of the land area with the characteristics of the downtown. Petitioner presented the lay testimony of former City Mayor and Councilman Greg Roland, distinguishing the location and characteristics of the downtown and the CBD from those of the subject properties. In the same vein, Petitioner grilled both Ms. Gibson and Mr. McCrary in deposition regarding what data and analysis support a need for additional land in the CBD. The testimony and other evidence regarding this policy was largely irrelevant because Petitioner did not allege, in either his Petition or the pre-hearing stipulation, that the FLUM Amendments were internally inconsistent with FLU Policy 1.07.10. The testimony regarding compliance with FLU Policy 1.07.10 was relevant to Petitioner’s contention that the FLUM Amendments are not based on relevant and appropriate data. However, as explained below, the issue is whether the FLUM Amendments are supported by data available at the time the amendments were adopted, not whether non-existent data may be contrary to the amendments. Petitioner did not prove beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendments are not based upon relevant and appropriate data and analysis in violation of section 163.3177(1)(f).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Economic Opportunity enter a final order determining that the City of Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by Ordinances 2017-13 and 2017-15 on June 6, 2017, are “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2017). DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of November, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of November, 2017.

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57163.3167163.3177163.3180163.3184163.3187163.3245163.3248163.360
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Cocoa, Florida Aug. 17, 1993 Number: 93-004560 Latest Update: May 10, 1994

The Issue Whether the Petitioners, and each of them, have standing to bring the instant action before the Division of Administrative Hearings. Whether the 5500 North Corporation has meets the requirements set forth in Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and Rule 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code, for obtaining a permit to construct a structure seaward to the coastal construction control line (CCCL).

Findings Of Fact The Department of Environmental Protection, f/k/a Department of Natural Resources, is the state agency charged with the responsibility of regulating coastal construction under Chapter 161, Florida Statutes. 5500 North Corporation (Respondent/Applicant) is the owner of the property located at 5600 North Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach, Brevard County, Florida 32931. 5500 North Corporation submitted an application for a coastal construction control line (CCCL) permit to build on the vacant portion of its property, a seven (7) story building, along with required access drives and parking, as an addition to the Cocoa Beach Days Inn Hotel complex. The site of the proposed Days Inn Tower fronts on the Atlantic Ocean and is located three (3) miles south of Port Canaveral, near DNR survey monument R-16. The application and attached document were compiled and submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection by Plata Engineering, Inc., and consisted of the following documents: Application to the Department for the proposed construction of the building, consisting of three pages, front and back, six pages total. A legal description of the property, and a Warranty Deed for the property demonstrating ownership in 5500 North Corporation. Reduced certified survey of the site, showing control lines and other required information. Reduced Site Plan prepared by Plata Engineering, Inc. Section C - which is a section through the site plan, showing the dune configuration in relation to the proposed building and the construction control lines. A depiction of a section through the proposed building and some of its structural elements. Full size drawing of the proposed site. Turtle assessments form with attached lighting specifications of the manufacturer, and aerial of the site attached. Structural Design Calculations. Complete set of Building Plans, dealing with floor planning, and the structural elements of the calculations that were submitted with the structural calculations. The application was deemed complete, and on May 20, 1993, the Department issued a proposed Final Order issuing Permit Number BE-760 for the proposed structure. Standing of Petitioners Petitioner, Carole Pope, resides in the City of Rockledge, Brevard County, Florida. She is the owner of Lot 11, Block 101 of the platted subdivision known as Avon-By-The Sea which is located in unincorporated Brevard County, north of the existing north boundary of the City of Cocoa Beach. A duplex dwelling unit is located on the parcel. Petitioner occupies one unit annually during the summer. Petitioner Pope's property is not adjacent to the property where the proposed Days Inn Tower is to be located. The property is located approximately three blocks directly north of the proposed building and measures 475 feet east- west by 50 feet north-south and is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Petitioners, Hugh and Cora Harris, own property located at Lot 13 of replat of Blocks 104 and 105, Avon-by-the Sea, in the unincorporated land of Brevard County, which borders on the City of Cocoa Beach. Petitioners' property is located across Young Avenue, and north of the property owned by 5500 North Corporation. The Harris's property contains a single family dwelling unit and is adjacent to the property were the proposed Days Inn Tower is to be located. Petitioners, Patricia A. and Eugene A. Wojewoda, own a unit at the Cocoa Beach Towers, a multi-family condominium, which is located north of the property owned by 5500 North Corporation, across Young Avenue, in the City of Cocoa Beach. The Wojewoda's unit is located on property which is adjacent to the property where the proposed Days Inn Tower is to located. Petitioners Wojewodas are Real Estate Brokers and owners of Professional Touch Realty, Inc. One of their four offices is located at 108 Young Avenue, immediately across the street and north of the subject property. Petitioners, Howard and Martha Crusey, own a unit, which they rent out, in the Cocoa Beach Towers, which is located north and adjacent to the property owned by 5500 North Corporation. Petitioners reside at 430 Johnson Avenue in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Department sent out a notice for public comment to each of the immediate adjacent property owners. Existing Uniform and Continuous Line of Construction As part of the application process, the Department made a determination of the existing line of uniform and continuous construction. The existing line of uniform and continuous construction is a theoretical line that goes from the most seaward extent of the two adjacent structures, where adjacent structures exist, and extends north and south along the seaward edge of the structures. In the instant case, there is historical development of major habitable structures on either side of the parcel for which the proposed building is being constructed and which are co-terminus with the prior CCCL. The footprint of the proposed Days Inn Tower does not extend seaward of the existing uniform and continuous line of construction, although a new structure (Discovery Beach) north of the Cocoa Beach Towers has been constructed landward of the current CCCL. The existing structures, which form the existing line of uniform and continuous construction, have not been unduly affected by erosion. The property was purchased by 5500 North Corporation in 1988. The property was commercially developed with the existing hotel buildings between 1959 and 1962, and the site has been operated as a hotel since that time. The footprint of the building was set by the engineers based on the parking requirements of the City of Cocoa Beach, and environmental concerns. It was determined that if the parking were located on the seaward side of the building, there would be drainage problems, and the need for a storm water treatment system for the parking lot. With the parking lot located landward of the proposed building, there will be no drain off to the side areas, but rather drain off would be to the middle of the property where the exfiltration system is located. The parking lot located landward of the proposed building meets the City of Cocoa Beach parking requirements and the drainage requirements. When siting the footprint of the proposed building, the engineers also took into consideration the fact that if the parking were located on the seaward side of the proposed building, the headlights would shine out to the beach and possibly impact sea turtles nesting. The applicants stated that construction seaward of the control line or 50-foot setback is considered necessary for reasonable use of the property, for the following reasons: The proposed building is basically an addition to a completion of the original concept of the overall hotel complex that was never completed in the past due to either financial or room availability need. The proposed placement seaward of the CCCL can be attributed to the configuration of the existing on-site buildings and the require- ment to satisfy the City of Cocoa Beach's extensive parking and limited access point requirements that have been subjected to this proposed site development. Please note that the proposed building is not being placed seaward of the existing line of continuous construction that has been established by the adjacent buildings to the north and the south. The Department determines necessity based upon the impacts the proposed structure will have on the active beach, and the dune system, and the neighborhood properties including the subject property, how the property is zoned, and whether it is situated behind the existing continuous line of construction. It is the Department's opinion that if the proposed building is in compliance with the standards established in Chapter 16B-33, F.A.C., the necessity of the proposed building has been justified. Impacts to the Beach-Dune System The greater weight of evidence supports the conclusion that the shoreline fronting the site of the proposed Days Inn Tower is stable. This section of the coastline has historically been accretional, and still continues to be accretional. There exists adequate evidence of current littoral trends. There exists accepted methodologies for determining evidence of expected wind, wave, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces associated with the design storm event which was presented in 5500 North Corporation's application for CCCL permit. Based on the 1989 Brevard County Study conducted by Olsen and Associates, Inc., there is no erosion at the location of the proposed building, instead the shoreline is prograding seaward instead of landward. Therefore, the shoreline is at least stable or accretional. Based on its in-house analysis, the Department of Environmental Protection conservatively adopted an erosion rate of one foot per year, which is considered a relatively minor erosion rate. Based on the Department of Environmental Protection's projection of the erosion for the area being one foot per year, the location of the proposed building lies well in excess of 200 feet landward of the thirty-year seasonal high water line. Although the proposed structure extends 118 feet seaward of the CCCL, the setback of the proposed building from the existing dune line is significant; therefore, there was no evidence of a threat of impact on the beach, to the beach or dune system as a result of the construction at the specific site. There are existing devices (i.e., an existing fence on the property which funnels people into boardwalks so that people cannot walk uncontrolled on the beach dune system) implemented in Brevard County and specifically on the site which will help manage people impacts as well. The setback between the dune and the proposed construction qualitatively relates to the ability of the site to recover after a one-hundred year storm. If a structure is located too far seaward, either immediately adjacent to or on top of the dune, it would inhibit the natural storm recovery process. The proposed building is set a significant distance landward of the dune formation itself, so there will be adequate room for the dune to recover in the future should there be a one-hundred year storm event. The proposed structure is located at a sufficient distance landward of the beach-dune system to permit natural shoreline fluctuations and to preserve the dune stability and the natural recovery following storm induced erosion. The proposed construction will not have a cumulative impact that will threaten the beach or dune system or its recovery potential following a major storm event. low. Impacts to Adjacent Property Owners The probability of potential impacts to adjacent property owners is One reason the proposed building will not have adverse impacts to adjacent properties is that the proposed building is located significantly landward, and does not go further seaward than the existing line of construction. The adjacent buildings were constructed landward of the previous CCCL. The nature of the design associated with the particular project or the structural components of the design also minimize the impact to the parcel and to adjacent parcels. The first feature of the design of the proposed building is that the major habitable floors of the building are above the elevation of the one- hundred year storm and wave activity on top of the storm surge, so they will not be impacted by the water height or the wave activity of the storm. The second feature of the design of the proposed building is that everything below the habitable floors is designed to break away and lie down during any impact by wave activity, which allows the storm to go through the building rather than having those forces exerted on the building itself. The frangible driveway is designed so that the individual stones will fall as the grade falls, and most of them will end up buried in the event of a storm. The third feature of the design of the proposed building is that the building is elevated on a pile foundation which is sunk to a depth which is sufficient to accommodate for the anticipated erosion of a one-hundred year storm, and the pile caps are sunk well into the ground so that they do not contribute to erosion. Therefore, the building has been designed to withstand the one-hundred year storm, and the dynamics of the storm are allowed to go through the building and to be dissipated, in contrast to endangering the building or endangering adjacent properties. Due to the fact that the proposed building is "super-elevated and the portions that are actually impacted by the one-hundred year storm being frangible," the proposed building will not impact the adjacent properties. The proposed Days Inn Tower would serve to protect the adjacent Cocoa Beach Towers, and Petitioner Harris's property, by blocking the impact of a storm coming from the southeast. The proposed structure is designed so as to minimize any expected adverse impact on the beach dune system or adjacent properties or structures and is designed consistent with Section 16B-33.005, Florida Administrative Code. The proposed building meets the requirements of Chapter 161, Chapter 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code. Structural Design of Proposed Building The applicant provided adequate engineering data to the Department concerning the construction design of the building. The structure is designed in accordance with the minimum building code adopted for the area pursuant to Section 553.70-553.895, Florida Statutes. The proposed building is designed in accordance with the local code, and, in the opinion of the structural engineer who designed the building, either meets or exceeds the required codes. The proposed building is designed in accordance with Section 6, American National Standards/American Society of Civil Engineering 7-88 (July 1990) "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures", and has a minimum basic wind speed of 110 miles per hour. The proposed building is designed so that the building and its components will not become airborne missiles. The plans for the windows and doors require that they meet the 110 miles per hour wind loads. The proposed building is made of concrete reinforced masonry, and does not have bricks or attached masonry which could detach in a storm and become airborne. There are no substantial walls or partitions to be constructed below the level of the first finished floor, except for the elevator and stairs, seaward of the CCCL. The walls on the first floor are frangible walls which are designed to resist the 110 mile per hour wind pressure, but they lie down or collapse into the erosion hole created under wave surge pressure. The frangible walls are made of 4-inch thick concrete with reinforcing rods inside them, and are cut into 4 foot by 4 foot panels. The Department of Environmental Protection requires that any walls constructed below the one-hundred year storm surge plus storm wave elevations be frangible walls. The structural design considered the hydrodynamic loads which would be expected under the conditions of a one-hundred year storm event. The calculation for wave forces on building foundations and building superstructures is based on minimum criteria and methods given in professionally recognized documents accepted by the Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation with the Department. The structural design considered hydrostatic loads which would be expected under the conditions of maximum water height associated with a one- hundred year storm event. The calculations for hydrostatic loads considered the maximum water pressure resulting from a fully peaked, breaking wave superimposed on the design storm surge. Both free and confined hydrostatic loads were considered in the design calculations. Hydrostatic loads which are confined were determined using the maximum elevation to which the confined water would fully rise if unconfined. Vertical hydrostatic loads were considered as forces acting both vertically downward and upward; however, there is no action upward because the maximum water level is at midlevel of the first floor and does not reach the second floor. The structural design considered the hydrodynamic loads which would be expected under the conditions of a one-hundred year storm event. The calculations for hydrodynamic loads considered the maximum water pressure resulting from the motion of the water mass associated with a one- hundred year storm event. Full intensity loading was applied on all structural surfaces above the design grade which would effect the flow velocities, which are above the first floor and are not reached by the wave surge. The proposed building is elevated on, and securely anchored to, an adequate pile foundation in such a manner as to locate the building support structure above the design breaking wave crests or wave uprush as superimposed on the storm surge with dynamic wave set up of one-hundred year storm. The piling foundation is designed to withstand anticipated erosion, scour, and loads resulting form a one-hundred year storm, including wind, wave, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, and the pile caps are located below the erosion line as indicated by the Department's information and graphs. The elevation of the soil surface used in the calculation design grade is less than that which would result from the anticipated beach and dune erosion due to the one-hundred year storm event. The erosion calculations for foundation design account for all vertical and lateral erosions and scour producing forces. The pile caps are set below the design grade which includes localized scour, and are designed for the erosion of soil during the one-hundred year storm event. The piles are driven to a penetration which achieves adequate bearing capacity taking into consideration the anticipated loss of soil above the design grade, based on information provided by the geotechnical engineer's recommendation and the Department's requirements. The design plans and specifications submitted as part of the permit application for the proposed Days Inn Tower are in compliance with the standards established in Rules 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code. Turtle Impacts There is a two prong test which the proposed structure must meet to determine if the proposed building would have an adverse impact on nesting sea turtles. First, the proposed structure must not occupy marine turtle habitat, and second, the proposed structure's lighting must be adequate to eliminate adverse impacts to marine turtles. The effects of pedestrian traffic or flashlights on the beach are not considered by the Department when reviewing a permit application for adverse impacts to the marine turtles. The proposed building is sited significantly landward of the nesting beach, which is evidenced by the 75-foot wide dune stretch; therefore, it is not anticipated that the structure will result in any direct mortality of any marine turtle, nor would the building result in the degradation of the marine turtle nesting habitat. The proposed seven story structure will not occupy marine turtle habitat. The permit requirement to do dune restorative work, proposed by the Department, enhances the marine turtle habitat by further building the dune and enhancing the dune. Although the turtles do not nest beyond the dune crest, the dune is an integral part of protecting the habitat. There is a potential that the building, due to its height, could enhance marine turtle nesting habitat by blocking out the ambient glow from the City of Cocoa Beach which would create a dark beach directly in front of the proposed structure which could attract nesting. The applicant submitted a lighting plan to the Department which complied with the guidelines that are established in the information form entitled "Assessment to reduce impacts to marine turtles for lighting to reduce adverse impacts associated with coastal lighting." There are two main components of the lighting plan associated with the proposed building: the parking lot lights and the structural lighting. The parking lot lighting is designed as low-level Ballard-style lighting which is only 48 inches above the grade and emits light in a downward direction which will not be directly visible from the beach. The parking lot lighting design is the type recommended by the Department for parking lots, and is a good lighting design. The Department also recommends that an applicant plant hedges or landscape features to block out parking lights. The applicant is proposing to plant hedges in front of the 18 parking spaces that are on the seaward side of the proposed building. The structural lighting plan does have lighting on the seaward facade of the proposed building, which is not recommended by the Department, but the lights are designed to eliminate or significantly reduce the impact to marine turtles. The lights consist of canister, shielded, down-casting lights on the balconies which house a yellow bug lamp which is less impactive to turtles, and which is acceptable to the Department. The Department issued an approval letter regarding the proposed building to the project engineer which contained permit conditions for the protection of the marine turtles in association with the project. The permit conditions are as follows: No construction, operation, transportation or storage of equipment or materials is authorized seaward of the existing chain link fence located approximately 175 feet seaward of the coastal construction control line. No temporary lighting of the construction area is authorized at any time during the marine turtle nesting season (March 1 through October 31). All permanent exterior lighting shall be installed and maintained as depicted in the approved lighting schematic. No additional permanent exterior lighting is authorized. c All windows and glass doors visible from any point on the beach must be tinted to a transmittance value (light transmission form inside to outside) of 45% or less through the use of tinted glass or window film. Pursuant to the Department's requirements, the proposed construction will not have an adverse impact on nesting sea turtles, their hatchlings, or their habitat. Vegetation Impacts The vegetation patch on the dune system is approximately seventy five feet wide under today's conditions, and is probably growing to some degree. The vegetation system is basically comprised of a low-level dune which is planted both naturally and artificially with indigenous, salt-tolerant type vegetation, and sea oats. The existing line of construction which the proposed building is set behind is well landward of the zone of indigenous vegetation. Special condition #4 contained in the permit issued by the Department requires the applicant to convert some of the existing sodded area between the vegetation limits and the proposed construction to plantings with indigenous vegetation, which will serve to enhance the dune system. The native beach vegetation will be adequately protected by the permit conditions, given the location of the construction. Local Government Approvals On June 3, 1992, the Cocoa Beach Board of Adjustment granted a variance to the CCCL to the 5500 North Corporation for construction of the proposed building. Challenges to decisions of the City's Board of Adjustment is to the circuit court. In the instant case, the time for challenging the decision of the Board has expired. The City of Cocoa Beach Planning Board has the authority to approve site plans for site specific construction. The City's Planning Board has the responsibility of ensuring that the site plan conforms with the Comprehensive Plan and to recommend changes, if needed, to the City Commission. On July 13, 1992, the Cocoa Beach Planning Board voted to approve the site plan for the proposed building submitted by the 5500 North Corporation. The decision of the Planning Board granting approval of the 5500 North Corporation's site plan showed part or all of the building was seaward of the CCCL. The Petitioners did not file an appeal of the Planning Board's decision with the City Commission. Nor did they challenge the Planning Board's action in the circuit court. The 5500 North Corporation was not required to apply to the city commission for an amendment to the Cocoa Beach Comprehensive Plan in order to permit the proposed hotel tower to be located in the designated high hazard area. On July 6, 1993, the Building Official issued a building construction permit to the 5500 North Corporation for the proposed building, which has been subsequently extended for an unknown period of time. There are no other permits or local government requirements which have not been met by 5500 North Corporation. The applicant submitted written evidence to the Department from the City of Cocoa Beach, who has jurisdiction over the project, which stated that the project does not contravene local setback requirements, or zoning and building codes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection issue Permit Number BE-760 to the 5500 North Corporation, subject to the conditions proposed in the proposed Final Order. DONE and ENTERED this 24th day of March, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 1994. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioners' Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1 (in part) 2, 3 (in part), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (in part), 10, 12 (in part), 13, 16 (in part), 17, 18, 19, 23 (in part), 24 (in part), 26 (in part), 27 (in part), 29 (in part), 31 (in part), 38 (in part), 49, 51, 63, 68 (in part), 69, 70, 71, 73 (in part). Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragraphs 15 (in part), 16 (in part), 27 (in part), 46, 50 (in part), 82 (in part). Rejected as subsumed, argument or Conclusions of law: paragraphs 1 (in part), 14, 15 (in part), 16 (in part), 21, 23 (in part), 25, 26 (in part), 27 (in part), 28, 29 (in part), 30, 31 (in part), 32, 33, 34 (in part), 35, 36, 37 (in part), 38 (in part), 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50 (in part), 52, 56, 57, 58 (in part), 59 (in part), 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 (in part), 72 (in part), 73 (in part), 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 (in part), 83, 84. Rejected as irrelevant or immaterial: paragraphs 3 (in part), 5, 8 (in part), 9, 11, 12 (in part), 20, 22, 24 (in part), 34 (in part), 53, 54, 55, 58 (in part), 59 (in part), 60, 72 (in part), 74, 75. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: Accepted in Substance: paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (in part), 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36 (in part), 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92, 93 (in part) 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118. Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragraph 16 (in part). Rejected as subsumed, argument or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs 21, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36 (in part), 61, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93 (in part), 103. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Kenneth Plante Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Hugh and Cora Harris (pro se) 208 Young Avenue Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 Howard and Martha Crusey (pro se) 430 Johnson Avenue, Apartment #304 Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920 Carole Pope (pro se) 715 Rockledge Drive Rockledge, Florida 32955 Patricia and Eugene Wojewoda 830 North Atlantic Avenue Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 Dana M. Wiehle, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS-35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Wilbur E. Brewton, Esquire Kelly Brewton Plante, Esquire Taylor, Brion, Buker & Greene 225 South Adams Street, Suite 250 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.57120.68161.052161.05335.22
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Milton, Florida Dec. 05, 1990 Number: 90-007706GM Latest Update: Oct. 26, 1994

The Issue The issue in these cases is whether the Santa Rosa County comprehensive plan, as adopted on September 27, 1990, and the remedial amendments adopted on April 22, 1993, are in compliance.

Findings Of Fact Exception #2. The Hearing Officer, in an October 15, 1993 order, determined that the issues in the consolidated cases would be those 13 issues stated in the petition filed on July 15, 1993, in Case No. 93-4980, which ruling was observed by the parties at the final hearing (RO page 3). Petitioners/Intervenors take issue, thus, "At no time during these proceedings did the Petitioners abandon the issues raised in their Petitions to Intervene filed in the original noncompliance proceeding." The Respondent County and the Petitioner/Respondent Department take the position that the original, noncompliance proceeding was extinguished when the Department issued its cumulative notice of intent pursuant to section 163.3184(16), Florida statutes. The County and the Department further disagree with the Hearing Officer's conclusion of law determining that the issues of public access and Navarre Beach dune system should be determined pursuant to the preponderance of the evidence standard in section 163.3184(10), Florida statutes. The County and the Department urge the Agency to enter its order addressing all issues accordingly. Subsection (9) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes, governs proceedings if the local plan or amendment is in compliance. In the words of the statute, "In this proceeding, the local plan or plan amendment shall be determined to be in compliance if the local government's determination of compliance is fairly debatable." Subsection (10) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes, governs proceedings if the plan or amendment is determined to be not in compliance. The statute specifies, in this subsection: In the proceeding, the local government's determination that the comprehensive plan or plan amendment is in compliance is presumed to be correct. The local government's determination shall be sustained unless it is shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the comprehensive plan or plan amendment is not in compliance. Subsection (16) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes, authorizes the Department of Community Affairs to enter into voluntary compliance agreements to resolve issues raised in proceedings initiated pursuant either to subsection (9) -- in compliance determinations -- or subsection (10) -- not in compliance determinations. It is under this subsection that the cumulative notice in this case was issued. Paragraph (f) of subsection (16) provides, in part, as follows: If the local government adopts a comprehensive plan amendment pursuant to a compliance agreement and a notice of intent to find the plan amendment in compliance is issued, the state land planning agency shall forward the notice of intent to the Division of Administrative Hearings and the pending s. 120.57 proceeding concerning the plan or plan amendment shall be dismissed by the hearing officer as to the department. Any affected person may challenge the plan or plan amendment which is the subject of the cumulative notice of intent by filing a petition with the agency as provided in subsection (9). The language of the statute is somewhat problematic. It is unclear how a proceeding can be dismissed as to one of the parties, in this case, the state land planning agency issuing the notice of intent. See Department of Community Affairs, et al. v. DeSoto County, Final Order No. AC-94-009 (Fla. Admin. Comm. January 31, 1994), approving, Recommended Order of Dismissal, DOAH Case No. 91- 6039GM (DOAH January 13, 1994)(approving interpretation of statute). Further, this statutory language as to dismissal of the proceeding as to the department arguably is at odds with the next sentence, which states that affected persons may challenge the plan or amendment which is the subject of the cumulative notice by filing a petition with the agency as subsection (9) provides. The statutory language does not say, "Any other affected person" may challenge; it says "Any affected person" may challenge, which ending s. 120.57 proceeding. Paragraph (f) also deals with the issue of a cumulative notice that the plan amendment is not in compliance, as follows: If the local government adopts a comprehensive plan amendment pursuant to a compliance agreement and a notice of intent to find the plan amendment not in compliance is issued, the state land planning agency shall forward the notice of intent to the Division of Administrative Hearings, which shall consolidate the proceeding with the pending proceeding and immediately set a date for hearing in the pending s. 120.57 proceeding. It is clear from that statutory language that the cumulative notice proceeding is consolidated with the pending original proceeding if the Department of Community Affairs finds the amendment not in compliance, in contrast to the language used if the Department's cumulative notice is an "in compliance" determination. Finally, paragraph (f) deals with persons who are not parties to the pending original proceeding, as follows: Affected persons who are not a party to the underlying s. 120.57 proceeding may challenge the plan amendment adopted pursuant to the compliance agreement by filing a petition pursuant to subsection (9) or subsection (10). This language seems to do more than provide for persons who are not parties to the underlying proceeding to file subsection (9) or subsection (10) petitions depending upon whether the cumulative notice is an "in compliance" one or a "not in compliance" one, as the case may be. The language also aids in interpreting the previous sentence of the paragraph, "Any affected person may challenge the plan or plan amendment which is the subject of the cumulative notice of intent by filing a petition with the agency as provided in subsection (9)." If that sentence were only intended to apply to affected persons who were not parties to the underlying proceeding, there would be no need for the sentence above-quoted, "Affected persons who are not a party to the underlying s. 120.57 proceeding may challenge the plan amendment adopted pursuant to the compliance agreement by filing a petition pursuant to subsection (9) or subsection (10)." As the state land planning agency and the Agency of final jurisdiction in an "in compliance" proceeding, it is the responsibility of the Department of Community Affairs to interpret the operable statute. Public Employees Relations Commission v. Dade County Police Benevolent Association, 467 So.2d 987 (Fla. 1985.) The Department of Community Affairs interprets the subject provisions of section 163.3184(16), Florida statutes, to mean that, if the Department issues a cumulative notice of "in compliance," the previously existing, original proceeding is extinguished. Thereafter, all affected parties must file petitions challenging the cumulative notice, and the proceeding is governed exclusively by the "fairly debatable" standard and the procedures set out in subsection (9) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes. The particular standard of proof to be applied is based upon the issuance of a notice of intent to find the plan or amendment in compliance or not in compliance. Sheridan v. Lee County, DOAH Case No. 90-7791GM, Final Order No. DCA93-158- FOF-CP (Department of Community Affairs, June 28, 1993). In Department of Community Affairs, et al. v. City of Jacksonville, DOAH Case No. 90-7496GM (January 24, 1994), Final Order No. DCA94-258-FOF-CP (Department of Community Affairs, February 24, 1994), the Department of Community Affairs expressly adopted the interpretation of Hearing Officer J. Lawrence Johnston as set forth in the Recommended Order of Dismissal and Final Order Closing File in the case of Department of Community Affairs v. DeSoto County, DOAH Case No. 91-6039GM (January 19, 1993), approved, Final Order No. AC-94-990 (Fla. Admin. Comm. January 31, 1994), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. That recommended order at footnote 3 -- recognized that there is contrary dicta in the Recommended Order in Department of Community Affairs, et al. v. Hillsborough County, DOAH Case No. 89-5157GM (December 8, 1992). In the instant case, the Hearing Officer erred in treating the proceeding as one in which both subsections (9) and (10) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes, continued to apply. The burdens of proof -- whether the fairly debatable standard, or the preponderance of the evidence standard -- could be alternatively assigned to a given issue, depending upon whether the issue remained from the original proceeding, or arose as a result of the proceeding brought in response to the cumulative notice. But the statute does not appear to allow the proceeding to be resolved as it was in the instant case, i.e., under both subsections (9) and subsections (10). If that were the case, it would be unclear in a given case as to which entity appropriately should enter the final order, the Administration Commission, or the Department of Community Affairs. Clearly, that does not comport with the objective of the Legislature in specifying the entities with final order authority separately in subsections (9) and (10). Petitioners/Intervenors suggest, in Exception #34, which is dealt with below, that both the Administration Commission and the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order in this. This would result in untenable situations, such as the potential for inconsistent rulings, separate appeals, etc. The Hearing Officer should have treated the proceeding exclusively as one arising as a result of a cumulative notice of "in compliance" governed under the auspices of subsection (9) of section 163.3184, Florida statutes. In that case, the issues should have been those directed to the cumulative notice; thus, Petitioners/Intervenors' complaint in this exception -- that the Hearing Officer should not have limited the issues to those set forth in the July 15, 1993 petition, which was filed as a result of the cumulative notice -- is not well- taken. Further, the standard of proof in a proceeding brought following a cumulative notice of "in compliance" must be the "fairly debatable" standard of section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes. In this case, however, the Hearing Officer made his various determinations and weighed the evidence with respect either to the fairly debatable standard, or to the preponderance of evidence standard, depending upon the issue. It would be implausible at best, impossible at worst, for the Agency now to attempt to reweigh the selected issues -- those that have been determined using the preponderance of the evidence standard -- under the fairly debatable standard. The Department of Community Affairs, as the Agency entering the Final Order in this cause, is not free to reweigh evidence; that is the prerogative of the Hearing Officer when there are factual issues of ordinary proof. Heifetz v. Department of Business Regulation, 475 So.2d 1277 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). Moreover, such a reweighing of the issues, even if authorized, would not change the outcome. The issues that were decided under the preponderance of the evidence standard were decided against the Petitioners/Intervenors in this case. The outcome would not change if the fairly debatable standard were applied to those issues. The Agency therefore declines the invitation to apply the fairly debatable standard throughout the proceeding, as it should have been done by the Hearing Officer. Nonetheless, the Agency also must deny Petitioners/Intervenors' Exception #2. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS EXCEPTION #2 is DENIED. Exception #3. This exception is directed to the Hearing Officer's exclusion of testimony regarding Petitioners/Intervenors' allegations of "urban sprawl." Petitioners/Intervenors assert that a cursory review of the subject petition reveals that "urban sprawl" was properly raised as an issue, even though that precise term was not used. The Hearing Officer heard argument directed to the issue of the "urban sprawl" question (TR Vol. I, pp. 12-18) and determined that it was not within the scope of the petition filed on July 15, 1993 (see Exception #2, above). The Agency has reviewed the subject petition and the portions of the record dealing with argument directed to this issue, and the Agency does not find a sufficient basis for granting the exception. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS EXCEPTION #3 IS DENIED. Exceptions #4, #5 and #6. The basis for these exceptions is the Hearing Officer's finding of fact, in paragraph 13 of the Recommended Order, that publicly-owned lands in the Garcon Point Project would not be injured by the development of privately- owned lands north of the project. According to the Petitioners/Intervenors, "The evidence introduced at the administrative hearing clearly refutes this finding." Petitioners/Intervenors allude to witness testimony that contradicts the conclusion of the expert who was tendered in general ecology and natural systems, Dr. Joe A. Edmisten [TR Vol. III, pages 78-87] on this point at hearing; it is upon Dr. Edmisten's testimony that the paragraph is supported. The contradictions notwithstanding, however, the paragraph to which these exceptions are directed is supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record, and thus the exceptions must be denied. [Edmisten (TR Vol. III), pages 95-96.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTIONS #4, #5, AND 6 are DENIED. Exception #7. This exception is directed to paragraph 14 of the Recommended Order, in which the Hearing Officer found, "More than 95 percent of Garcon peninsula is jurisdictional wetland for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . . . ." According to the Petitioners/Intervenors, no evidence was introduced to support this finding. There is competent, substantial evidence in the record sufficient to support the finding. [Edmisten (TR Vol. III), page 89.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #7 is DENIED. Exception #8. In Exception #8, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the following finding of fact in paragraph 15 of the Recommended Order, "Little development will occur on the Garcon peninsula . . ." The Petitioners/Intervenors assert that the evidence at the hearing "clearly refutes this finding" and, in support thereof, refer to Future Land Use Map indications of densities of up to four dwelling units per acre and commercial development for Garcon peninsula. The finding is supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record. [Edmisten (TR Vol. III), pages 90-91.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS EXCEPTION #8 is DENIED. Exception #9. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the findings of fact of paragraph 20 of the Recommended Order, which relates to the condition of the Navarre Beach dune system and the testimony of the expert in coastal geomorphology. The apparent basis for the exception is stated by Petitioners/Intervenors thus, "The fact that the Navarre Beach dune system is still a valuable resource is a compelling reason for implementing a dune protection program which will ensure the system's long-term viability." A finding of fact cannot be overturned on the basis of the argument stated by the Petitioners/Intervenors. Moreover, the findings of fact in paragraph 20 are supported by competent, substantial evidence. [Stone (TR Vol. II), page 155.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #9 is DENIED. Exception #10. The Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to paragraph 26 of the Recommended Order wherein the Hearing Officer finds, "The County maintains control over those beach access points shown on the Navarre Beach Future Land Use Map by maintaining them in an unleashed status." The Petitioners/Intervenors state that the evidence clearly refutes the finding, and that the Navarre Beach Future Land Use Map does not identify beach access points. The finding is based upon sufficient competent, substantial evidence of record, and must be sustained. (Miller [TR Vol. I), pages 166-167; Joint Exhibit 1, Plan Objective 11.A.9, and policies 11.A.9.1-9.S, pages 11-6 through 11-7.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #10 is DENIED. Exception #11. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to paragraph 30 wherein the Hearing Officer states that the expert of the Petitioners/Intervenors "did not critique the plan, but said it was laudable." The Petitioners/Intervenors assert in this exception that the evidence clearly refutes this finding in that the expert in question, Dr. Sneed B. Collard, criticized the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan for failing to contain policies and objectives to implement the plan's goal to protect the Pensacola Bay system. The context in which the Hearing Officer made the statement to which exception is taken is important to an understanding of the finding. paragraph 30 of the Recommended Order, in its entirety, reads as follows: Petitioners' expert also admitted that the plan was laudable in terms of the manner in which it seeks to protect the Bay system. While he criticized the plan for not containing clear implementation of its noteworthy goals, he later admitted that if all points of implementation were covered in detail, the plan would become a lengthy and cumbersome document of a more scientific nature. He further admitted to being unaware of the appropriate level of detail for a comprehensive plan and later stated that he did not critique the plan, but said it was laudable. [FF 30; RO page 14.] That having been clarified, the specific statement to which Petitioners/Intervenors take this exception is supported by competent, substantial evidence of record, to wit, the testimony of Dr. Collard, "I didn't critique the Santa Rosa Plan. I said it was laudable." [Collard (TR Vol. I), page 140]. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #11 is DENIED. Exception #12. The Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding in paragraph 31 of the Recommended Order that finds "that all challenges to the issuance of environmental permits for the bridge have been voluntarily dismissed by the challengers." The Petitioners/Intervenors take this exception based on relevancy. The context of the statement is not clear from the exception. The entirety of paragraph 31 reads as follows: Although petitioners raised the bridge as an issue in these cases, very little evidence was presented concerning the potential impacts of the proposed bridge. It is noted, however, that all challenges to the issuance of environmental permits for the bridge have been voluntarily dismissed by the challengers. It is clear from the context that the information was "noted" and not accorded great weight in the findings. Moreover, the Hearing Officer's inclusion of the information was not erroneous. Thus, there is an insufficient basis to grant the exception. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #12 is DENIED. Exception #13. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the findings of fact contained in paragraphs 37-54 of the Recommended Order, as follows: The Hearing Officer failed to consider or give any ruling with respect to the proposed findings of fact set forth at paragraphs 9-28 and the conclusions of law set forth at paragraphs 96-106 and 111 of Petitioners/Intervenors' proposed Recommended Order. indeed, the Hearing Officer utterly failed to even mention the Wet Prairies and their associated endangered and threatened species. As to the proposed findings of fact included in paragraphs 9-28 of Petitioners/Intervenors' proposed recommended order, the Hearing Officer did so rule, "[paragraphs] 7-34. Partially accepted in findings of fact 10-15 and 37- 54." [RO page 38.] As to paragraphs 96-106 and 111 of Petitioners/Intervenors' proposed recommended order, the Hearing Officer did not make explicit rulings. The subject paragraphs were conclusions of law, which the Hearing Officer is not required to address. In pertinent part, section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, provides, "If . . a party submitted proposed findings of fact . . . in connection with the proceeding, the order must include a ruling upon each proposed finding . ." It was thus within the sound discretion of the hearing officer to rule only upon the Petitioners/Intervenors' findings of fact. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #13 is DENIED. Exception #14. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the Hearing Officer's finding in paragraph 40 of the Recommended Order that states, "The plan contains extensive provisions designed to implement the Wetlands FLUM (Future Land Use Map) and provide significant protection of wetlands and the natural resource functions of wetlands." The Petitioners/Intervenors assert that no evidence was introduced to support this finding. The finding is based upon competent, substantial evidence, and therefore the exception cannot be granted. [Joint Exhibits 3 and 4, Plan Policies 11.A.4.5 (fig. 7-30); 11.B.3.3; 11.A.1.8.a.b.; 11.A.1.8.c.; 11.A.1.7; 11.A.4.3; 11.B.3.3; 11.A.2.1; 11.B.3.1.; 11.B.3.6; 11.A.1.4; and 11.A.1.8.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #14 is DENIED. Exception #15. The basis for this exception is the finding of fact in paragraph 49 of the Recommended Order wherein it is found that the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan "grants only very limited development rights in the Garcon Peninsula region, while also providing significant protections for natural resources in that area." Petitioners/Intervenors assert that the evidence refutes this finding. The finding is based on competent, substantial evidence in the record. [Joint Exhibits 3 and 4.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #15 is DENIED. Exception #16 and #17. In Exceptions #16 and #17, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to paragraph 50 of the Recommended Order. In that paragraph, the Hearing Officer finds that, short of public acquisition, "no other reasonable method by which this area can be comprehensively protected and preserved as an intact ecological unit was presented." The Hearing officer further finds, "Requiring the County to reduce densities to the point where a moratorium on development in the area is created would create inverse condemnation . . Petitioners/Intervenors state that the evidence clearly refutes these findings, that evidence was presented that one dwelling unit per 40 acres was appropriate for the Garcon peninsula, and that designations of up to four units per acre and commercial development would completely destroy the unique ecology of Garcon peninsula. Further, the Petitioners/Intervenors assert that the issue of inverse condemnation was not supported by competent evidence introduced, and that densities of less than four dwelling units per acre can be implemented without creating an "inverse condemnation" situation. As to the reasonableness of the preservation effort, the Agency has reviewed the testimony as to that point, and concludes that the finding is within the allowable inferences from the evidence presented, and within the permissible prerogatives of the Hearing Officer. [Dorman (Vol. III), page 13.] The inverse condemnation finding is rejected as being legally incorrect, but this rejection is irrelevant as to the result because it is cumulative in nature. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS" EXCEPTIONS #16 and #17 are DENIED. Exception #18. This exception is directed to the finding of fact in paragraph 51 which states that "the great majority of undeveloped areas on the Garcon peninsula currently fall within the wetlands permitting jurisdiction of DEP [Department of Environmental protection] and the federal government. As a consequence, permits for development will be difficult to obtain at best." Petitioners/Intervenors aver that there was no evidence introduced to support this finding. To the contrary, however, the finding is adequately supported by competent, substantial evidence. [Edmisten (Vol. III), pages 90-91.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #18 is DENIED. Exception #19. In Exception #19, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding of fact in paragraph 52 of the Recommended Order, in which it is stated that the Petitioners/Intervenors "failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate that the plan inappropriately treats wetlands and wildlife habitat on the Garcon peninsula in light of chapter 163 requirements." This is a permissible inference from the evidence presented, both from testimony adduced at hearing, and from the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan itself. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #19 is DENIED. Exception #20. This exception takes issue with the findings of fact of paragraphs 55-63 of the Recommended Order because the Hearing Officer "failed to consider or give any ruling" on the proposed conclusions of law in the Petitioners/Intervenors' proposed recommended order at paragraphs 142 and 143. The Hearing Officer is not required to do so for the reasons more specifically set forth in disposing of Exception #13, above. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #20 is DENIED. Exception #21. In Exception #21, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the findings of fact of paragraphs 64-70 of the Recommended Order in that the Hearing Officer "failed to consider or give any ruling" on Petitioners/Intervenors' proposed findings of fact at paragraphs 41 and 54-56 of their proposed recommended order, as well as their conclusions of law at paragraphs 112-118 and 121-126 of the same. As to the findings of fact, the Hearing Officer made such rulings, "[paragraphs] 35-56. Partially accepted in findings of fact 16-20 and 64-70." [RO page 38.] As to the conclusions of law, that issue has been addressed above in disposing of Exception #13, as also applied in disposing of Exception #20. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #21 is DENIED. Exception #22. Petitioners/Intervenors ground this exception on the failure of evidence to support the finding of fact, in paragraph 64 of the Recommended Order, that the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan requires "restoration of preexisting impacts of altered dunes . . The finding is based upon competent, substantial evidence, and therefore the exception must be denied. [Joint Exhibits 3 and 4.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #22 is DENIED. Exception #23. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding of fact in paragraph 69 for the following reasons: The Hearing Officer found that the dune system was protected because the County encourages dune walkovers, sand fences, and other similar methods. The evidence introduced at the administrative hearing clearly refutes this finding. Without a mandatory program of providing such methods to protect the dune system from pedestrian traffic, the plan's alleged protection is illusory. This finding is based upon competent, substantial evidence of record. [Joint Exhibits 3 and 4; Plan Policies 7.A.6.3 and 11.A.1.3.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #23 is DENIED. Exception #24. Petitioners/Intervenors base this exception on the finding of fact in paragraph 70 of the Recommended Order wherein the Petitioners/Intervenors assert that the Hearing Officer finds that the Petitioners/Intervenors failed, in the words of the filed exception: "to prove to the exclusion of fair debate, or even by a preponderance of the evidence, that the plan" does not fulfill the Chapter 163 and Rule 9J-5 requirements for protection of the Navarre Beach dune system. The testimony of Dr. Stone clearly refutes this finding. In point of fact, that is not an appropriate paraphrase of the wording of the finding of fact in paragraph 70. The finding of fact, verbatim, is as follows: [P]etitioners have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate, or even by a preponderance of the evidence, that the plan does not contain policies which are designed to prevent individual and cumulative impacts of development on beach and dune systems. The finding is a permissible conclusion from the evidence adduced at the hearing, and is based upon competent, substantial evidence. [Joint Exhibits 3 and 4.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #24 is DENIED. Exception #25. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the findings of paragraphs 74-76 of the Recommended Order based upon the failure of the Hearing Officer to consider or rule on conclusions of law contained in paragraphs 128- 132 of the Petitioners/Intervenor's proposed recommended order. As specified in the disposition of Exception #13, above, and as carried forth in the disposition of Exceptions #20 and #21, above, the exception is denied. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS, EXCEPTION #25 is DENIED. Exceptions #26, #27, and #28. These exceptions are directed to paragraph 75 of the Recommended Order. The findings of the paragraph that are the basis for the exception include the following: The record does not reflect impacts, if any, the project may have to the environment, but does indicate that adequate mitigation is proposed. The County cannot legally adopt any plan provisions which are inconsistent with a state transportation project. . [P]etitioners have failed to show to the exclusion of fair debate that the plan's treatment of the proposed Santa Rosa Bay Bridge is inappropriate. The findings are supported by competent, substantial evidence. [Edmisten (TR Vol. III); Joint Exhibit 2, Vol. I, pages 4-32 through 4-40.] Exceptions #27 and #28 are simply argument of the Petitioners/Intervenors' position in this proceeding and, as such, are insufficient to overturn findings supported by competent, substantial evidence. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTIONS #26, #27, and #28 are DENIED. Exception #29. This exception is directed to paragraphs 77-79 of the Recommended Order, alleged to be in error because the Hearing Officer failed to consider or rule on the conclusions of law in Petitioners/Intervenors' paragraphs 133-140 of their proposed recommended order. As more specifically discussed in disposing of Exception #13, and as concluded in the denials of Exceptions #20, #21, and #25, the Hearing Officer is not required to make such rulings. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #29 is DENIED. Exceptions #30, #31 and #32. In these exceptions, Petitioners/Intervenors assert that there was no evidence introduced to support the findings, in paragraph 77-79 of the Recommended Order, concerning beach access points. In paragraph 77, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding that reads, "The plan contains a number of provisions designed to ensure the continued availability of beach access. The future land use map indicates a number of beach access points shown on the map as conservation/recreation." In support of this exception, Petitioners/Intervenors state, "Indeed, during cross examination of Ms. Miller by the County, counsel for the County attacked Ms. Miller for stating that the beach access points were identified on the Navarre Beach Future Land Use Map." In response, Respondent County and Petitioner/Respondent Department state: The Petitioners' own witness, Yvonne Miller, testified that beach access points were indicated on the FLUM. [Citation omitted.] The fact that counsel for the County obtained clarification from Ms. Miller concerning her understanding of how access points were identified on the map is irrelevant to the validity of this finding of fact, and is not a basis for overturning same. As to paragraph 78, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding that reads that "petitioners have failed to prove to the exclusion of fair debate, or even by a preponderance of the evidence, that the plan does not include appropriate objectives and policies concerning public access to the beach." In response, Respondent County and Petitioner/Respondent Department state, "The plan support documents include extensive data and analysis concerning public access to beaches." With respect to paragraph 79, Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the finding that the Future Land Use Map includes many public access points. The Agency has reviewed the testimony adduced at hearing regarding beach access points [Miller (TR Vol. 1), pages 150- 169]. The Hearing Officer's conclusions drawn from the testimonial evidence are within the allowable range of inferences. Based upon the record testimony, the findings of fact in paragraphs 77-79 to which exceptions are taken is based upon competent, substantial evidence in the record. [Miller (TR Vol. 1), pages 150-169; Joint Exhibit 2, Vol. II, pages 7-17 through 7-19; Joint Exhibit 7.] PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTIONS #30, #31, and #32 are DENIED. EXCEPTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Exception #33. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the conclusion of law in paragraph 87 of the Recommended Order wherein the Hearing Officer concluded that the petitions challenging the plan must fail. Petitioners/Intervenors assert that they have met their burden of proof, and their petition must be granted. The Hearing Officer found that the Petitioners/Intervenors failed to meet their burden of proof. The conclusion of law ultimately was based upon the Hearing Officer's findings of fact in this case. Factual issues susceptible of ordinary methods of proof are the prerogative of the hearing officer. Heifetz v. Department 6f Business Regulation, 475 So.2d 1277 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). It is for the hearing officer to consider the evidence presented, resolve conflicts, judge credibility of witness, draw permissible inferences from the evidence, and reach ultimate findings of fact based on competent, substantial evidence. Id., 475 So.2d at 1281. In this case, the Hearing Officer did so, and his findings of fact did not support the position of the Petitioners/Intervenors. The conclusion of law was the logical result of the Hearing Officer's permissible rulings on the findings of fact. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #33 is DENIED. Exception #34. Petitioners/Intervenors take exception to the conclusion of law in paragraph 90 of the Recommended Order wherein the Hearing Officer recommends that the Department of Community Affairs enter the final order in this cause, finding the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan in compliance. Petitioners/Intervenors assert that both the Department of Community Affairs and the Administration Commission should enter a final order finding the plan to be not in compliance. For the reasons set out in disposing of Petitioners/Intervenors' Exceptions #1 and #2, above, the Administration Commission is not the entity to whom the Recommended Order in this cause should be directed. The Department of Community Affairs is the appropriate Agency to enter the final order in this cause. As to the issue of compliance, the Department found the plan, as amended, to be in compliance; the Hearing Officer heard evidence and considered the issues, and found the plan, as amended, to be in compliance. The conclusion is the logical and ultimate result of the findings of fact in this case, which were based upon competent, substantial evidence. The Petitioners/Intervenors have not borne their burden of proving that the plan, as amended by remedial amendments, is not in compliance. PETITIONERS/INTERVENORS' EXCEPTION #34 is DENIED. WHEREFORE, the Department of Community Affairs adopts the Recommended Order of the Hearing Officer, and issues this Final Order determining that the Santa Rosa County Comprehensive Plan, as amended, is in compliance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining the Santa Rosa County comprehensive plan, as amended, to be in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of July, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of July, 1994. Petitioners: APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NOS. 90-7706GM AND 93-4980GM 1-3. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. 4. Covered in preliminary statement. 5-6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 7-34. Partially accepted in findings of fact 10-15 and 37-54. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. 36-56. Partially accepted in findings of fact 16-20 and 64-70. 57-65. Partially accepted in findings of fact 31-36 and 74-76. 66-77. Partially accepted in findings of fact 24-26 and 77-79. 78-83. Partially accepted in findings of fact 27-30 and 55-63. Note - Where a proposed finding has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being irrelevant, not supported by the more credible, persuasive evidence, subordinate, or unnecessary to the resolution of the issues. Respondents: Because respondents' joint proposed order exceeded the forty page limit imposed by Rule 60Q-2.031, Florida Administrative Code, the undersigned has considered the contents of the proposed order but has not made specific rulings on each proposed finding. See Sunrise Community, Inc. v. DHRS, 14 F.A.L.R. 5162 (DHRS, 1992), affirmed 619 So.2d 30 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1993). COPIES FURNISHED: Linda Loomis Shelly, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dan R. Stengle, Esquire 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Stephanie M. Callahan, Esquire 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Thomas V. Dannheisser, Esquire County Attorney Santa Rosa County Courthouse Room 106 Milton, FL 32570 Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 David A. Theriaque, Esquire Building F, Suite 100 820 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32301 Mr. Robert Carl 9277 Deer Lane Navarre, FL 32566 John M. Harold, Esquire J. Dan Gilmore, Esquire 4400 Bayou Boulevard, Suite 45 Pensacola, FL 32503

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