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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 16, 2003 Number: 03-004727MPI Latest Update: Sep. 23, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 09, 2012 Number: 12-002315 Latest Update: Dec. 26, 2012

Conclusions Having reviewed the Administrative Complaint, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency has jurisdiction over the above-named Respondent pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. 2. The Agency issued the attached Administrative Complaint and Election of Rights form to the Respondent. (Ex. 1) The Election of Rights form advised of the right to an administrative hearing. 3. The parties have since entered into the attached Settlement Agreement. (Ex. 2) Based upon the foregoing, it is ORDERED: 1. The Settlement Agreement is adopted and incorporated by reference into this Final Order. The parties shall comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Respondent shall pay the Agency $9,000.00. If full payment has been made, the cancelled check acts as receipt of payment and no further payment is required. If full payment has not been made, payment is due within 30 days of the Final Order. Overdue amounts are subject to statutory interest and may be referred to collections. A check made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration” and containing the AHCA ten-digit case number should be sent to: Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, MS 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 1 Filed December 26, 2012 3:52 PM Division of Administrative Hearings 3. The six-month survey cycle is imposed and conditional licensure status is imposed beginning on 9/19/2011 and ending on 10/06/2011. ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this al day of Decente — , 2012.

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of this Final Order was served on the below-named persons by the method designated on this sh ay of , 2012. Richard Shoop, Agency k Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg. #3, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Finance & Accounting Facilities Intake Unit Revenue Management Unit | (Electronic Mail) (Electronic Mail) Tria Lawton-Russell Jonathan S. Grout, Esq. Office of the General Counsel Attorney for Respondent Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 2011 (Electronic Mail) Winter Park, FL 32790 (U.S. Mail) Cathy M. Sellers Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings | Electronic Mail)

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bunnell, Florida Jun. 17, 2014 Number: 14-002810 Latest Update: Oct. 16, 2014

Conclusions Having reviewed the Amended Administrative Complaint, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency has jurisdiction over the above-named Respondent pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. 2. The Agency issued the attached Amended Administrative Complaint and Election of Rights form to the Respondent. (Ex. 1) The Election of Rights form advised of the right to an administrative hearing. 3. The parties have since entered into the attached Settlement Agreement. (Ex. 2) Based upon the foregoing, it is ORDERED: 1. The Settlement Agreement is adopted and incorporated by reference into this Final Order. The parties shall comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Respondent shall pay the Agency $1,500.00. If full payment has been made, the cancelled check acts as receipt of payment and no further payment is required. If full payment has not been made, payment is due within 30 days of the Final Order. Overdue amounts are subject to statutory interest and may be referred to collections. A check made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration” and containing the AHCA ten-digit case number should be sent to: Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, MS 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Filed October 16, 2014 3:44 PM Division of Admin\strative Hearings ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this 22 day of Kpfubee , 2014. (ne fel retary vare Administration

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 CERTIFY that a true and correct co f this Final Order was served_on the below-named persons by the method designated on this Ee of KM » 2014. Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg. #3, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Finance & Accounting Facilities Intake Unit Revenue Management Unit (Electronic Mail) (Electronic Mail) John E Bradley Ted Mack Office of the General Counsel Counsel for Petitioner Agency for Health Care Administration Powell and Mack (Electronic Mail) 3700 Bellwood Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32303 (U.S. Mail)

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001650 Latest Update: Oct. 15, 1985

The Issue Whether Petitioners, as members of the Florida Patient's Compensation Fund, are liable for additional assessments for Fund Years 1980-81 and 1981-82, as set forth in the Notice of Assessment filed on April 22, 1985. This proceeding arose as a result of petitions filed by two groups of hospitals contesting a Notice of Assessment issued by the Department of Insurance on April 22, 1985, based upon the certification by the Board of Governors of the Florida Patient's Compensation Fund to the Insurance Commissioner of a deficiency in the amount of money available to pay claims for the 1980-81 and 1981-82 fiscal Fund years. The proposed assessment seeks payment of the alleged deficiency in the total amount of $40,480,556.00 from health care providers who were members of the Fund during the Fund years in question, pursuant to Section 768.54, Florida Statutes. By Order, dated June 11, 1985, the two cases were consolidated into one proceeding, and the Florida Patient's Compensation Fund was granted intervention. Petitioners originally consisted of Southeast Volusia Hospital District and 58 other hospitals (Case No. 85-1650), and Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center and 39 other hospitals (Case No. 85-1664). However, prior to final hearing, a majority of the hospitals from both groups voluntarily dismissed or otherwise withdrew their claims for relief in the proceeding. By Notice of Joinder, dated July 30, 1985, American Hospital, Northridge General Hospital and Pan American Hospital abandoned their claims in Case No. 85- 1650 and adopted the Amended Petition in Case No. 85-1664. As a result, the only remaining party of record in Case No. 85-1650 was St. Petersburg Osteopathic Hospital, Inc. which by Order, dated August 13, 1985, was ordered to show cause why it should not be dismissed as a party for failing to advise the Hearing Officer as to its status pursuant to Order dated July 12, 1985. No response to the Order to Show Cause having been received, it will be recommended herein that St. Petersburg osteopathic Hospital Inc. be dismissed as a party in Case No. 85-1650. Further, inasmuch as there are no longer any parties to that case, it will also be recommended for dismissal herein. By Prehearing Conference Order, dated July 11, 1985, Case No. 85-1664 was restyled to reflect Petitioners as Duval County Hospital Authority, et al. The parties remaining in Case No. 85-1664 at time of hearing were American Hospital of Miami, Inc., Duval County Hospital Authority, Gateway Community Hospital, Hialeah Hospital, Northshore Medical Center, Inc., Northridge General Hospital, Inc., Pan American Hospital, and St. Joseph's Hospital. By Prehearing Orders, dated July 11 and July 29, 1985, it was determined that questions concerning the setting or adequacy of base fees or additional fees, the statutory "cap" on physician assessments! the statutory cumulative "cap" on maintenance of the Fund per fiscal year, and the effect of payment limitations placed on the Fund by statute, were not properly at issue in this proceeding. However, one issue presented in the Amended Petition in Case No. 85-1664 as to whether the Fund has statutory authority to estimate reserves as a basis for an assessment was deemed to be an issue within the scope of this proceeding. The parties entered into a Prehearing Stipulation (Joint Exhibit 1), which included certain factual matters, subject to relevance, and the unresolved question of law as to whether the Fund and Department may include reserves on known claims other than those resolved by settlement or verdict in calculating the amount needed for assessments. At the final hearing, the parties stipulated that the Fund certification includes full credit for all previously noticed assessments, whether collected or not. They further stipulated as to the expertise of Charles Portero in claims handling and reserving practices. The parties also stipulated that there was no issue of fact as to the reasonableness of any individual claim reserve existing as of January 31, 1985, or included in the certification, except as to the Von Stetina claim. Testimony of Charles Portero concerning the Von Stetina claim was made confidential and the transcript of such testimony was extracted and submitted under seal pursuant to order of* *NOTE: Page 4 of the Recommended Order is omitted from the document on file with DOAH and, therefore, is not included in this research database. amount of the projected excess or insufficiency to the Insurance Commissioner with a request that he levy an assessment against Fund participants for that fiscal year. Petitioner hospitals were members of the Fund during one or more of Fund years 1980-81 and 1981-82 Each month, the Administrative Manager of the Fund follows a prescribed procedure to determine if an assessment is required for a particular Fund year, utilizing what is termed a "retrospective rating plan." The plan provides that assessments will not be levied in any year until the cash available for paying claims in that membership year is down to 50 percent of the loss and expense reserves for all known losses. It further provides that the amount should be sufficient to create enough cash flow to pay known reserved claims for the year showing such deficit. In reviewing the Fund's monthly financial report of January 1, 1985, it was determined that a sufficient deficit existed to warrant the levy of an assessment. Thereafter, an outside audit of the Fund accounts was conducted and presented to the Fund Board for Certification. On March 25, 1985, the Florida Patient's Compensation Fund certified a deficiency to the Department in the following amounts: 1980-81 Membership Year $14,866,718.00 1981-82 Membership Year 25,613,838.00 TOTAL $40,480,556.00 This certification was authorized by the Board of Governors of the Florida Compensation Fund on March 19, 1985. An audit substantiating the need for the assessment was performed by Catledge, Sanders and Sanders, certified public accountants. On April 22, 1985, the Department of Insurance issued a Notice of Assessment for Fund years 1980-81 and 1981-82. Notice was published in Volume II, No. 8 at page 1907 of the Florida Administrative Weekly on May 3, 1985. The Notice of Assessment announced the Department's intent to levy and authorize the Fund to collect an assessment in the amount certified by the Fund ($40,480,556.00). The Notice of Assessment further provided that the assessment be divided among the various classes of health care providers for each year as follows: (i) Physicians and Surgeons 1980-81 1981-8 Class 1 0 0 Class 2 0 0 Class 3 0 0 (ii) Hospitals $14,754,672 $25,388,773 (iii) HMO 35,621 161,102 Ambulatory Surgical Centers 76,425 63,963 Professional Associations 0 0 The Department computed the portion of the assessments to be paid by the different classes of health care providers for all years in question based upon the "indicated rate method," modified to all5w for the statutory proscription against assessing certain health care providers more than "an amount equal to the fees originally paid by such health care provider." This is the same method utilized in five previous assessment proceedings and specifically approved by the Florida Supreme Court in Department of Insurance v. Southeast Volusia Hospital District, 438 So. 2d 815, 821 (Fla. 1983). The appropriateness of the procedure has not been placed at issue in this proceeding. The amounts of the assessments sought by the Fund, and described in the Notice of Assessment, were calculated by the Fund by using the following formula: Total fees paid for the Fund year + Investment Income attributable to the Fund year + Amounts previously noticed as assessments Expenses allocated to that Fund year Amount paid on claims for that Fund year Amount reserved for all known claims for that Fund year The Fund used the same procedure calculating the amount of this assessment as it used in the first five assessments. The Department used the same procedure and methodology (indicated rate method) in allocating the assessment among the various classes as it used in the first five assessments. The amount of the assessment is based on the amount needed to pay known claims. This amount needed to pay known claims includes the amount reserved as the estimated loss and expense payments. The Fund follows standard industry reserving practices, as modified in several respects by its particular needs and procedures. Each claim is assigned to a claims supervisor who obtains information concerning the claims incident from the primary insurance carrier. The initial reserve on a claim is based on a variety of factors, including the type of injury, potential damages, liability considerations, geographic location, and the particular attorney for the claimant. After a determination that a reserve is needed on the file, the claims supervisor makes an initial determination of the amount which is referred to the claims manager for approval. Final approval of the posted reserve lies in the hands of the Claims Committee of the Fund. The figure is usually fixed at a sum for which it is believed that the claim could be settled and the potential liability arising from a jury verdict. The necessity of obtaining approval of the Claims Committee for the initial reserve and any subsequent changes creates a certain amount of delay in obtaining such decisions. Changes may be effected in the reserve when injuries are found to be greater than anticipated, or because of the discovery of additional facts affecting potential liability. It is not unusual for a particular claim to be submitted three or four times to the Claims Committee before it is settled.

Findings Of Fact The following Findings of Fact are based on the evidence presented at the hearing: The parties stipulated to the reasonableness of all established claim reserves reflected in the current assessment sought by the Fund. However, Petitioners questioned the reasonableness of the Fund reserve on the Von Stetina claim which had been included in a previous assessment. Although it is questionable as to whether the adequacy of such a prior reserve should be addressed in a proceeding contesting a subsequent assessment, it is clear that the determination of a deficit necessarily involves deductions or credits for prior reserves in determining a current deficit. In any event, the Von Stetina reserve was established according to the standards practices of the Fund, and no evidence was presented by Petitioners to show that it was unreasonable or otherwise incorrect either on January 31, 1985, when it was determined that a sufficient deficit existed to warrant the levy of an assessment, or at the present time. The Von Stetina case is presently pending in the judicial process and, accordingly, there is no basis at the present time to reduce the previously established reserve. (Stipulation, Testimony of Portero) As heretofore found, the Fund includes a "claim" as a basis for an assessment as soon as a reserve for the claim is established. Petitioners presented the testimony of an accountant who expressed the opinion that the term "claim" as used in pertinent statutes should be restricted to final judgments or settlements against a health care provider in excess of the provider's primary coverage. This "cash basis" methodology would require the entry of a final judgment or settlement before the claim could be considered in determining whether a deficit exists for any particular Fund year. On the other hand, expert testimony from the Fund's Claims Manager shows that the definition of "claim" as used by the Fund is basically in accordance with the generally accepted meaning and usage of that term by the insurance industry. The reserving practices of the Fund are found to constitute a reasonable basis for arriving at the projected amounts required to meet the claims made against the Fund account for a particular fiscal year. (Testimony of Cherry,Portero) It is further found that the present assessment was prepared in accordance with standard procedures, that the amounts proposed to be levied as an assessment for each Fund year in question represent a deficiency in the Fund account for such years, and that the proposed allocations of such amounts among the specified health care providers are appropriate. (Respondent's Exhibits 1-7, Joint Exhibit 1- Stipulation, Testimony of Portero)

Recommendation In view of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be issued by the Department of Insurance dismissing Case No. 85-1650, and levying assessments in accordance with the Notice of Assessment, dated April 22, 1985, for the Fund years specified therein. DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of October, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of October, 1985. APPENDIX PETITIONERS' PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT Paragraphs 1-7: Adopted by Stipulation (Joint Exhibit 1) in Findings of Fact 1-3, 5, 8. Paragraphs 8-10: These are conclusions of law and are therefore rejected as not being Proposed Findings of Fact. See Conclusions of Law in Recommended Order. Paragraph 11: Rejected as unsupported by the evidence. See Finding of Fact 10. Paragraph 12: Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Paragraph 13: First sentence rejected as unsupported by evidence. Remainder adopted in Finding of Fact 10. Paragraph 14: Rejected as unsupported by the Evidence. (Confidential Portion) Paragraphs 1-6: Irrelevant and unnecessary except as set forth in Findings of Fact 9. RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT Paragraphs 1, 3-10: Adopted in Findings of Fact 1-8. Paragraph 2: Rejected as Conclusion of Law rather than Finding of Fact. Paragraphs 11 & 12: Substantially adopted in Findings of Fact 9 Copies furnished: Honorable William Gunter Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William C. Owen and W. Douglas Hall, Esquires Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel, Smith, and Cutler Post Office Drawer 190 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David A. Yon, Esquire Department of Insurance 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Clay McGonagill 241 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 St. Petersburg Osteopathic Hospital, Inc. 401 15th Street, North St. Petersburg, Florida Information Copy to Neil H. Butler, Cathi C. O'Halloran and Ben Wilkinson, Esquires, Pennington, Wilkinson, Dunlap, Butler & Gautier Post Office Box 13527 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-3527

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003901 Latest Update: Mar. 12, 1987

The Issue The issue in this cause is whether the prerequisites of Section 154.314, Florida Statutes, have been met. That section governs withholding of funds due to the county under revenue sharing or tax-sharing in order to forward said funds to a regional referral hospital to compensate the hospital for services rendered to an out-of-county indigent patient. Specifically, the parties stipulated and agreed that all prerequisites had been met except whether Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center exhausted its administrative and legal remedies, as provided in Chapter 120, prior to certifying to the Comptroller's Office the amount due from Suwannee County. Suwannee County presented the testimony of Frank C. Davis and had one exhibit admitted in evidence. The Department of Banking and Finance (Department) had one exhibit admitted into evidence. Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center (TMRMC) had six exhibits admitted into evidence. The Department waived the filing of a proposed order. Suwannee County and TMRMC submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. All proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law have been considered. A ruling has been made on each proposed finding of act in the Appendix attached hereto and made a part of this Recommended Order.

Findings Of Fact TMRMC is a regional referral hospital located in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. From May 15, 1985, to July 2, 1985, TMRMC provided medical care to Doris M. Cherry. The total bill for these services was $68,182.75. On July 10, 1985, TMRMC wrote to Suwannee County and requested reimbursement in the amount of $3,827.83 for the treatment rendered to Doris M. Cherry. This amount represented the maximum reimbursement which can be sought under Section 154.306, Florida Statutes. Reimbursement is limited to payment for 12 days of services at the per diem reimbursement rate currently in effect for the regional referral hospital under the medical assistance program to the needy under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. On July 23, 1985, Suwannee County, through its county coordinator, Frank C. Davis, refused TMRMC's request for payment and disputed whether the patient was entitled to the benefits under Chapter 154, Part IV. The letter from Suwannee County did not advise TMRMC of its right to request a formal hearing pursuant to Chapter 120 and it did not provide a point of entry as required in Rule 28-5.111(1), Florida Administrative Code. On December 20, 1985, TMRMC wrote to Suwannee County requesting an administrative proceeding to determine the issues and liability of Suwannee County to TMRMC for the claimed services. TMRMC also filed a formal Request for Hearing. TMRMC requested that the matter be referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for a hearing to be conducted according to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. Suwannee County failed to take any action on TMRMC's Request for Hearing. In an abundance of caution, TMRMC again wrote to Suwannee County on January 17, 1986, pointing out that no response had been received to the Request for Hearing and again requesting a hearing. TMRMC attached a copy of the Request for Hearing to this letter. As evidenced by the return receipt, the Board of County Commissioners received this letter on January 22, 1986. Suwannee County neither granted nor denied TMRMC's Request for Hearing. Instead, Suwannee County chose to ignore the request. The February 4, 1986, meeting of the Suwannee County Board of Commissioners shows that the Board voted unanimously to wait before responding to the request. No response was ever made. Suwannee county did not give written notice to TMRMC of their decision to ignore the request for hearing. TMRMC took no judicial action by mandamus or certiorari to enforce its right to a hearing. Further, TMRMC did not petition the District Court of Appeal for review of this matter. After waiting several months for a response from Suwannee County, on August 13, 1986, TMRMC certified to the Division of Accounting and Auditing, Comptroller's Office, the sum of $3,827.83 to be withheld from revenue-sharing or tax- sharing funds allocated to Suwannee County. The Department of Banking and Finance sent Its Notice of Intent to Withhold Funds to the Board of County Commissioners of Suwannee County on August 29, 1986. It was only in response to this action by the Comptroller's Office, acting through the Department of Banking and Finance, that Suwannee County requested a formal hearing. By its Request for Formal Hearing, Suwannee County attempted to raise and litigate the eligibility of Doris M. Cherry to the benefits of Chapter 154, Part IV. However, it is undisputed that these disputed issues the fact cannot be litigated in this proceeding because this hearing is limited in scope to determine only, if the prerequisites of Section 154.314, Florida Statutes, have been satisfied. Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center, et al., v. Lewis, 399 So.2d 106 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Banking and Finance enter a final order determining that all prerequisites to Section 154.314, Florida Statutes, had been met and forward the amount certified to the Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center from the revenue-sharing or tax-sharing funds due to Suwannee County. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of March, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of March, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3901 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Suwannee County Proposed findings of fact 1, 3, and 4 are rejected as unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 11 is rejected as being unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance or as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed findings of fact: 2(11); 5(1); 6(2); 7(3); 8(4); 9(5); 10(6); 12(9); and 13(10). Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Intervenor, TMC Proposed finding of fact 8 is rejected as being argumentative and conclusory. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance or as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(3); 2(4); 3(4); 4(4); 5(5 and 6); 6(7); 7(8); 9(10); and 10(9). COPIES FURNISHED: Walter W. Wood, Esquire Office of the Comptroller The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jesse F. Suber, Esquire Post Office Box 1049 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Ernest A. Sellers, Esquire James W. Prevatt, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 8 Live Oak, Florida 32060 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68154.306154.312154.314
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jan. 08, 2014 Number: 14-000125 Latest Update: Jun. 24, 2014

Conclusions Having reviewed the Administrative Complaint, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency has jurisdiction over the above-named Respondent pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. 2. The Agency issued the attached Administrative Complaint and Election of Rights form to the Respondent. (Ex. 1) The Election of Rights form advised of the right to an administrative hearing. 3. The parties have since entered into the attached Settlement Agreement. (Ex. 2) Based upon the foregoing, it is ORDERED: 1. The Settlement Agreement is adopted and incorporated by reference into this Final Order. The parties shall comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Respondent shall pay the Agency $2,000. If full payment has been made, the cancelled check acts as receipt of payment and no further payment is required. If full payment has not been made, payment is due within 30 days of the Final Order. Overdue amounts are subject to statutory interest and may be referred to collections. A check made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration” and containing the AHCA ten-digit case number should be sent to: Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, MS 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Filed June 24, 2014 12:07 PM Division of Administrative Hearings ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this /f day of Pen 2 , 2014. Leb Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of this Final Order was served on the below-named persons by the method designated on this 7) day of , 2014. ‘hes , Agency Cler| # Agency ealth Care Aditfinistration 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg. #3, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Finance & Accounting Facilities Intake Unit Revenue Management Unit (Electronic Mail) (Electronic Mail) Andrea Lang Linzie F. Bogan Office of the General Counsel Administrative Law Judge Agency for Health Care Administration Division of Administrative Hearings (Electronic Mail) (Electronic Mail) Thomas W. Caufman, Esq. Attorney for Summerville 14 LLC d/b/a Emeritus at Bonita Springs Quitairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. 4905 W. Laurel Street, 2" Floor Tampa, Florida 33607 (U.S. Mail)

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000747 Latest Update: Feb. 07, 1986

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Florida Hospital, is a tertiary care hospital located in Orange County, Florida, and consisting of three different campuses, with a total of 1,075 licensed beds. It is the second busiest and biggest hospital in Florida. T2. 9,20. Florida Hospital submitted its original FY 1984 budget to the Hospital Cost Containment Board (HCCB) on October 31, 1983. Petitioner's Exhibit 5. The FY 1984 budget was revised at least once through informal negotiation with HCCB staff before it was considered by the HCCB, and these revisions were accepted by the staff of the HCCB. T1. 54, 104. These changes were not placed in evidence. The HCCB reviewed Petitioner's FY 1984 budget at its meeting on April 19, 1984. T1. 54; Petitioner's Exhibit 4. The budget was accepted and not selected for public hearing, and the HCCB found that Petitioner's hospital had one of the top three highest case mixes in the state. Petitioner's Exhibit 4. Petitioner's 1984 fiscal year ran from January 1, 1984 to December 31, 1984. T1. 52. Although the budget was not considered by the HCCB until April, 1984, the budget was effective for all of fiscal year 1984. T1. 54. By letter dated October 11, 1984, but received October 15, 1984, Florida Hospital submitted an amended FY 1984 budget to the Hospital Cost Containment Board. T1. 54; T2. 51; Petitioner's Exhibit 6. The amendment thus was submitted 289 days after the beginning of Petitioner's 1984 fiscal year, using the date of receipt as the date of submission, and 77 days from the end of the fiscal year. By letter dated February 11, 1985, the HCCB staff notified Florida Hospital that its amended 1984 budget would not be accepted because it was received less than 90 days before the end of Florida Hospital's 1984 fiscal year. T1. 54-55; Petitioner's Exhibit 2. Florida Hospital is not aware of any analysis made by the staff of the HCCB with respect to the merits of the proposed amendment. T1. 56. In the fall of 1984, the HCCB applied the 90 day policy to all hospitals which submitted proposed budget amendments. T1. 7, 13. The policy was initiated in late summer or early fall, 1984. T1. 6,7. The HCCB did not provide the Petitioner with any other reason for the proposed denial of its amendment. T1. 23. The HCCB has now abandoned its policy of refusing to accept budget amendments within the last 90 days of the fiscal year, and that issue is not present in this case because the HCCB does not rely upon it to deny the amendment proposed by the Petitioner. T1. 11, 27. Effective May 18, 1984, the Legislature substantially amended the Health Care Cost Containment Act of 1979, section 395.501, et seq., Fla. Stat. Chapter 84-35, Laws of Florida (1984). Historically, there was no practice or policy of the HCCB or its staff to either encourage or discourage amendment of budgets after submission to the HCCB, and although such amendments were not required by law, amendments were routinely allowed. T1. Under prior law, the HCCB had no regulatory authority over hospital budgets, and could not require a hospital to revise its budget or to abide by its budget. T1. 40. The HCCB only had the power to subject the hospital to a public hearing. Id. It often occurred that hospitals would revise a budget under the former law, after preliminary staff analysis and recommendation, and it is inferred that often such amendments were prompted by the possibility that the unrevised budget would trigger a public hearing. T1. 39. In fiscal year 1984, ninety-nine hospitals submitted amendments or other changes to their budgets after initial budget Submission to the HCCB. Petitioner's Exhibit 1. Sixty-five of those amendments were accepted by the staff of the HCCB or the HCCB and became a part of the hospital's 1984 budget. Id. At least fifteen or twenty of the attempts to amend the FY 1984 budget set forth above were filed after the particular fiscal year had already begun. T1. 70. The majority of these fifteen or twenty were changes or amendments submitted prior to the time that the particular budget was submitted to the board of the HCCB. Id. In most eases, these fifteen or twenty amendments were accepted by the HCCB. T1. 71. Thus, it was common for the HCCB to accept amendments to the FY 1984 budget after the beginning of that fiscal year. There is no evidence, however, that any of these amendments accepted by the HCCB had the effect, under the amended 1984 law, of reducing the variance between a 1984 budget as originally filed and 1984 audited actual experience to diminish or entirely avoid the base year adjustment required by section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat. (1985). On March 6, 1984, Kissimmee Memorial Hospital submitted an amendment to its FY 1984 budget after the beginning of that fiscal year. Its fiscal year was calendar year 1984. This amendment was accepted by the HCCB in April, 1984, and was effective retroactively and prospectively, for the entire fiscal year. T1. 71-77; Petitioner's exhibit 7, worksheets C-3, C-4 and X-4. Of the fifty FY 1984 files reviewed at the HCCB by Scott Miller, witness for the Petitioner, one contained an amendment to a budget which was accepted by the HCCB after the HCCB had approved the budget. T1. 77. That hospital was Central Florida Regional Hospital. Id. The fiscal year for Central Florida Regional Hospital was calendar year 1984. T1. 79. The HCCB accepted the budget during their June, 1984, meeting. T1. 79; Petitioner's Exhibit 8. Subsequently, by letter dated September 21, 1984, Central Florida Regional Hospital submitted a proposed amendment to its FY 1984 budget. T1. 79-80. The proposed amendment was received by the HCCB on September 24, 1984, and sought an amendment due to receipt of favorable prior year Medicare settlements. Petitioner's Exhibit 8, letter of September 21, 1984, and worksheets C-2 and X-4; T1. 81. This was 22 days before the HCCB received the amendment proposed by the Petitioner in this case, and was more than 90 days from the end of the 1984 fiscal year. Apparently the amendment proposed by Central Florida Regional Hospital was subjected to the same 90 day amendment policy as Petitioner's amendment, but since the amendment of Central Florida Regional Hospital was submitted with more than 90 days left in the fiscal year, the amendment was not precluded by application of that policy. T1. 7, 13. The amendment proposed by Central Florida Regional Hospital related to past and future periods, and was proposed to be effective for the entire fiscal year. T1. 136, 81. The amendment was concerned solely with actual experience, the receipt of a Medicare settlement, which was a single unusual revenue event. The HCCB accepted the amendment, T2. 69, and the amendment became effective for the entire 1984 fiscal year. T1. 80-81; T2.69. (Specifically, staff of the HCCB accepted the amendments, the amendments were entered into the HCCB computer, this was deemed to be acceptance by the HCCB itself, and the amendments were averaged on the computer for the entire 12 month period. T2. 67, 69-70.) The effect of the amendment was to increase net revenue per adjusted admission by about $180, and this increase was too small to have any impact upon the issue of whether Central Florida Regional Hospital would be subject to a base year adjustment pursuant to section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat. (1984). T1. 61-62. The policy described in finding of fact 8 above was never promulgated by the HCCB as a rule. T1. 9, 12. No general written notice was given to hospitals potentially affected by the policy. T1. 13. The first notice given to hospitals of the existence of the policy was when staff of the HCCB notified a particular hospital in response to proposed fiscal year 1984 budget amendments. Id. Florida Hospital first learned of the existence of the policy when its attempted budget amendment was rejected by the HCCB staff on February 11, 1985. T1. 54-55. The amendment proposed by the Petitioner to its FY 1984 budget included a reduction of about 21,000 patient days, and a reduction of about 1900 admissions from the original budget. T1. Additionally, the amendment sought to increase revenue amounts which resulted primarily from a change in case mix. Id. Finally, there were increases in expenses for malpractice insurance and data processing software. Id. Revenues respond quite directly to increases or decreases in case mix. T1. 68. Case mix is a mathematical expression of the intensity of services provided to the patient, T2. 16, which correlates to the degree of illness of the patient. Id. The average case mix is 1.0. T2. 17. In the summer and early fall of 1983, when the Petitioner prepared its original budget for 1984, case mix standards did not exist, T1. 61, and the 1984 budget was not based upon a case mix. Id. Case mix data for fiscal years 1982 and 1983 became available in January, 1984. T1. 135. Florida Hospital's case mix, and its revenues, increased in fiscal year 1984 primarily due to the introduction of the Medicare prospective payment system on October 1, 1983. T1. 59, 65, 96. Additionally, in the market served by Florida hospital there was increased activity from health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations. T1. 59. The Medicare prospective payment system was a major change in the reimbursement system. T1. 119. These changes in the health care market caused Florida Hospital to experience a decrease in length of stay and an increase in the intensity of services rendered to sicker patients. This occurred because the new Medicare System, as well as HMO's and PPO's, were intended to reduce hospital stays and treat less sick patients outside the hospital. T1. 59. The budget of Florida Hospital was initially prepared and submitted in October, 1983, with virtually no actual experience under the new Medicare prospective payment system. T1. 95-96. See also findings of fact 2 and 19, supra. Florida Hospital hired two consultants to assist it in trying to predict the impact of the new Medicare program. T1. 95. Florida Hospital receives many of its patients on referral from other hospitals which cannot provide services to such patients. T2. 18, 33-34. Thus, Florida Hospital is relied upon by the surrounding area to treat sicker patients. T2. 25. It is hard to predict trends in such referrals, and consequently, it is difficult to predict the impact of other market changes, such as the Medicare changes and the success of health maintenance organizations described above, since Florida Hospital must rely on referrals. Health maintenance organizations in the first year of operation in the surrounding community were able to substantially reduce days of care, and this success was not predictable by Florida Hospital when it formulated its FY 1984 budget. T2. 14- Additionally, the Orlando area in the last two years has experienced significant unpredictable increases in population, which added to the foreseeability problems of Florida Hospital. T2. 18-20. Over the several years preceding fiscal year 1984, Florida Hospital experienced a trend of increasing open heart surgical procedures. T1. 60. In 1984, Florida Hospital originally budgeted for a significant increase over 1983, to its maximum capacity using a 5 day week. Id. But the demand continued, and in 1984, Florida Hospital began doing open heart surgery on weekends. T1. 61. This decision, coupled with a decrease in length of stay per surgery, resulted in an increase in open heart surgeries greater than originally predicted in the 1984 budget. Id; T1. 110-111. Florida Hospital might have anticipated using weekends when it prepared its 1984 budget, but did not do so because weekend work is not a normal practice. T1. 112. In the fall of 1983, the national trend for open heart surgery was showing a decrease in such procedures. T1. 135-36. Additionally, Florida Hospital experienced a shift of less complicated surgeries, such as cataract surgeries, from inpatient to outpatient procedures, resulting in an overall increase in intensity of the remaining surgical procedures. T1. 62-63. The Hospital has no control over this choice, since it is made by physician and patient and is affected by reimbursement policies of insurance and governmental programs. Id. Florida Hospital monitors its budget on a monthly basis, but does not have specific criteria for evaluating the meaning of trends. T1. 86-87. A change of 5 percent would cause concern to Florida Hospital but other circumstances would be evaluated. T1. 87. In the first two months of the first quarter of FY 1984, Florida Hospital experienced a slight increase of admissions over budget estimates. T1. 85-88. In a letter to the HCCB dated March 23, 1984, Florida Hospital noted that the intensity of its case mix for Medicare patients had increased about 50 percent since 1979, and that the length of stay had dropped 0.2 days from 1983 to 1984. Intervenor's Exhibit I. At the time the letter was prepared, the Hospital had no way of knowing if the non-Medicare case mix was the same. T1. 109. The data further showed a trend away from psychiatric patient days, which produce less revenue per day, toward more intense forms of care, which produce more revenue per day. Id. The letter was sent to provide information requested by staff of the HCCB, and to explain changes to the budget as originally submitted. Id.; T1. 104. While March and April of 1984 showed some signs of a change from predictions in the budget, it was not until June, 1984, that Florida Hospital experienced a significant decline in patient days. T1. 97-98. Even then, it was determined that the June, 1984, experience was not a good trend indicator, but was an anomaly. Id. This was shown to be the case when June, 1984, was compared to June, 1985. Id. Moreover, these were only gross trends in patient days and admissions, and were not specific for case mix. T1. 99. In fact, Florida Hospital finished the fiscal year at about the gross revenue level it had predicted in its 1984 budget; the problem was an increase in intensity of case mix, with lower patient days generating higher revenue per adjusted admission. Id. In June, 1984, Florida Hospital received a Medicare settlement for two or three prior years. The settlement was $10 million, and the timing of the receipt of such settlements was not within the control of Florida Hospital. T1. 63, 93. Significant variances were first noticed by Florida Hospital in revenue per adjusted admission in July, 1984. T1. The variances were cumulative from April, 1984. T1. 100. The vice president for finance at Florida Hospital, Scott Miller, was first aware of the amendments to the Hospital Cost Containment law, chapter 84-35, Laws of Florida (1984), establishing a base year adjustment for fiscal year 1984 based upon actual experience in 1984, in June, 1984. T1. 100. Section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat. (1984), requires comparison of the 1984 budget for net revenues per adjusted admission filed with the HCCB with the audited actual experience of each hospital for such revenues. The bulk of the work in preparation of the proposed amendment to its FY 1984 budget, Petitioner's Exhibit 6, was done in August, 1984, based upon data to June 30, 1984. T1. 92, 83. One of the reasons for submitting the amended budget was to diminish the base year adjustment described in finding of fact 30 above. T1. 100. Since the potential loss to Florida Hospital is over $10,000,000, it is likely that this was a major cause for the amendment. Additionally, the proposed amendment was submitted to more honestly reflect changes in the predicted budget. T1. 102. From a purely fiscal point of view, without consideration of regulatory consequences, there is an incentive to underestimate revenues and overestimate expenses. T2. 26-27. During the preparation of the proposed budget amendment, Florida Hospital did not consult the Florida Hospital Reporting System Manual, and did not talk with any employee of the HCCB for advice with respect to the proposed amendments. T1. 130. The proposed budget amendment submitted in October, 1984, dealt with the entire fiscal year 1984, and did not distinguish between portions of the year which already had been completed and the remainder of the fiscal year. T1. 131-132. As set forth in finding of fact 16, the basis of the proposed amendment was actual experience in fiscal year 1984, T1. 139-140, and contained revenues actually received that were substantially greater than originally predicated. With respect to future periods, the budget was a projection. Due to seasonal variances, unpredictable receipt of lump sum payments, and variations in changes in admissions for various types of cases, it is not practicable to prorate the budget of Florida Hospital, as proposed to be amended, in daily, monthly, or quarterly segments, T1. 133, and the proposed amended budget does not contain a method for such proration. A budget can be defined as a projection for a future time of expenditure and revenue, and it reflects anticipated goals. T1. 127, 131. There is no evidence in the record to suggest that Florida Hospital has ever attempted to avoid a public hearing by underestimating revenue, and there is no evidence in the record to suggest that Florida Hospital's original FY 1984 budget contained intentional underestimations of revenue or intentional overestimations of reductions from gross revenue. As found in findings of fact 18 through 31, Florida Hospital's original FY 1984 budget was based upon the best information then available. It took six months to prepare, T. 127, and was reasonable at the time submitted. Florida Hospital submitted amendments to its budgets in FY 1982 and 1983. Petitioner's Exhibit 1. In years prior to 1984, Florida Hospital had submitted amendments to budgets after the beginning of its fiscal year. T1. 134. Florida Hospital has claimed in previous years that it offers services not offered by other hospitals in its group. T2. 72-73. Through discussions with the staff of the HCCB, it was agreed between Florida Hospital and the staff of the HCCB that Florida Hospital could delete from its FY 1984 budget revenues and expenses associated with kidney transplant, employee housing, pathologist laboratory fees, sales of gasoline to employees, and a laundry. T2. 73-74. See Petitioner's Exhibit 10, attachment 2 and 3. The effect of deletion of these items from the FY 1984 budget was to delete a predicted $3,231,000 in revenue. Petitioner's Exhibit 10, attachment 1. When Florida Hospital filed its audited actual experience for 1984, the HCCB had a new staff analyst assigned to review the budget of Florida Hospital, and the new analyst concluded that the items described in finding of fact 40 should be included in the actual report initially, Petitioner's Exhibit 10, attachment 4, but that these items would be "pulled back out" for purposes of analysis later. T2. 75. However, Respondent's Exhibit 1 did not implement this agreement. Instead, the items described above were deleted from the FY 1984 budget but were included in the FY 1984 actual experience figures on this exhibit. Id. The total amount of revenue actually received for these items in FY 1984, which should be deleted from the FY 1984 actual experience of Florida Hospital pursuant to the understanding with staff of the HCCB, is $4,074,415. If this amount is not deleted, Florida Hospital's base year adjustment pursuant to section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat. is larger by nearly $3 million. T2. 76. Respondent's Exhibit 1 computes the FY 1984 net revenue per adjusted admission for Florida Hospital for the following: FY 1984 original budget; FY 1984 budget as proposed to be amended; FY 1984 budget if the proposed amendment is allowed for only the last 77 days of the fiscal year; and the 1984 actual experience. T2. 51-53. As discussed in finding of fact 41, the figure for 1984 actual experience does not delete the items discussed in that finding. Respondent's Exhibit 2 computes the adjustment to base year if the proposed amendment is not accepted, and if the items described above in findings of fact 40 and 41 are not deleted from actual experience. T2. 56-58. The amount of this adjustment would be $13,771,310 which is $344.52 per adjusted admission for FY 1986. Respondent's Exhibit 2. Respondent's Exhibit 3 computes the adjustment to base year if the proposed amendment is accepted for the 77 days remaining in the fiscal year, and if the items described above in findings of fact 40 and 41 are not deleted from actual experience. T2. 59-60. The amount of this adjustment would be $10,476,400, which is $262.09 per adjusted admission for FY 1986. Respondent's Exhibit 3. If the proposed amendment is not accepted, but the items described in findings of fact 40 and 41 are deleted from actual experience, the adjustment to base year would be $10,871,303, which is $271.97 per adjusted admission for FY 1986. Petitioner's Exhibit 9. If the proposed amendment is accepted for the 77 days remaining in the fiscal year, and if the items described in findings of fact 40 and 41 are deleted from actual experience, the adjustment to base year would be $7,760,747, which is $190.15 per adjusted admission for FY 1986. Petitioner's Exhibit 9. If the proposed amendment is accepted by the HCCB to be effective for the entire FY 1984, the budgeted net revenue per adjusted admission for Florida Hospital is $4,008.70. Respondent's Exhibit 1. Assuming that the deductions from actual experience in 1984 are not made (see findings of fact 40 and 41), the net revenue per adjusted admission actually experienced by Florida Hospital in 1984 was $4,346.66. Id. Since the difference between these two figures is less than 10 percent above the budgeted amount, $4,008.70, the base year of Florida Hospital would not be adjusted pursuant to section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat., if the proposed amendment were accepted for the entire fiscal year. This result would occur even though the deductions from revenue described above are not made.

Recommendation It is therefore recommended that the Hospital Cost Containment Board enter its Final Order approving the proposed amendment to the FY 1984 budget of Florida Hospital only for the last 77 days, and, as a result, calculating the adjustment pursuant to section 395.509(11), Fla. Stat. (1985), in the following amounts: subtraction of a total of $7,760,747 net revenues from FY 1986 budget, which is subtraction of $190.15 net revenues per adjusted admission for the FY 1986 budget. DONE and ENTERED this 7th day of February, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida WILLIAM C. SHERRILL, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of February, 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 85-0747H Rulings upon Proposed Findings of Fact. Pursuant to section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat., the following are specific rulings upon all proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. The numbers herein correspond to the numbers of each proposed finding by party. Findings of fact in this recommended order are indicated by the abbreviation "FF". Findings of Fact Proposed by the PETITIONER, Florida Hospital. Adopted, FF 1. Adopted, FF 2. law. law. Adopted, FF 3. Adopted, FF 4. Adopted, FF 6. Adopted, FF 7. Adopted, FF 8. Adopted, FF 9. Rejected because the proposed finding is a question of Rejected because the proposed finding is a question of Adopted, FF 10. Adopted, FF 11. Adopted, FF 12. Rejected because of insufficiency of evidence that this categorical, all inclusive finding of fact can be mode. There is a marked distinction between amendments submitted by Hospitals before acceptance of the budget by the HCCB, and amendments submitted after the budget has been accepted by the HCCB. See FF 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Further, of the ninety-nine instances of amendment, the Petitioner presented only one occasion when an amendment was accepted after the budget had been approved by the HCCB and was accepted for the entire fiscal year, some of which had already been executed. See FF 14. Through 19. Adopted, FF 13. 20. Through 28. Adopted, FF 14. Adopted, FF 8 and 14. Adopted, FF 15. Adopted, FF 8. Adopted, FF 15. Adopted, FF 15. Adopted to the extent found in FF 11 end 12, and the remainder rejected for lack of evidence. Adopted, FF 8. Rejected because irrelevant since the basis for the 90 day incipient policy is not at issue because the policy is not at issue. Adopted, FF 7 and 8. Adopted, FF 8. Adopted, FF 15. Adopted, FF 8. True, but irrelevant and therefore rejected. Rejected because not supported by the evidence. As found in FF 17 through 31, Florida Hospital was aware of the amended law, effective May 18, 1984, that subjected hospitals to a potential base year adjustment resulting from FY 1984 budget data, but as also found in those findings, Florida Hospital could not prepare its proposed amendment any sooner due to lack of data. The delay in filing the amendment, on this record, occurred due to lack of data, not lack of notice concerning the 90 day policy. Adopted, FF 39. Adopted in part, FF 39. However, the purpose of prior year amendments cannot be a portion of this finding of fact because there is insufficient evidence. Without evidence as to the nature of such prior year amendments, and given the reverse incentive in those years to understate revenues to avoid public hearing, it cannot be concluded that the motives for such amendments were to "present a fair document to the HCCB." Adopted, FF 8. and 48. Adopted, FF 16. and 49. through 51. Adopted, FF 17. 52. and 53. Adopted, FF 18. 54. and 55. Adopted, FF 19. 56. and 57. Adopted, FF 20. 58. and 59. Adopted, FF 21. 60. and 61. Adopted, FF 22. Adopted, FF 21. Rejected. It is unclear from the evidence whether volume of patient days and admissions "magnifies" the impact of changes in market conditions. It could be statistically true that a greater volume produces more reliable predictions due to a larger base pool of data, which averages out small anomalies in data. Adopted, FF 19. through 69. Adopted, FF 23. 70. and 71. Adopted, FF 24. Adopted, FF 38. Adopted, FF 29. Adopted, FF 31. Adopted, FF 28. and 77. Adopted to the extent modified in FF 38. To the extent not adopted in the modified language, it is rejected for lack of evidence. Adopted, FF 33. Since there were no other definitions given in the record, adoption of this finding as proposed would be misleading. T1. 127-128. Thus, it is rejected as phrased. Adopted, FF 37, except this is the same definition, not "another" definition. Rejected as phrased. There is not evidence in the record that the budget which is the subject of testimony at T1. 129 was prepared or used in any manner with respect to past time in the budget year. Adopted in the introduction, but not, strictly speaking, a finding of fact. Adopted, FF 42. and 86. Adopted, FF 43. and 87. Adopted, FF 44. 88. and 89. Adopted, FF 14. Adopted to the extent relevant in the introduction. Adopted, FF 40. Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative to FF 40. Adopted, FF 40. through 96. Adopted, FF 41. Adopted, FF 45. Adopted, FF 46. Findings of Fact Proposed by the RESPONDENT, HCCB. The first sentence is adopted, FF 9. The next two sentences are rejected as issues of law, not fact. The next sentence is adopted, FF 7 and 9. The last sentence, also a matter of law, is rejected because not fact. Adopted only to the extent in FF 8, and remainder is rejected as unnecessary and irrelevant since the policy is not used by the HCCB to deny amendment in this ease. Adopted, FF 5 and 7. Adopted, FF 8, except the last sentence, which is not relevant as discussed above. The first two sentences are adopted as modified in FF The next sentence is adopted in FF 16. The next sentence is adopted as modified in FF 26. The last sentence is adopted as modified in FF 27 and 29. The first sentence is adopted in FF 16, the second sentence is adopted in FF 19, the last two sentences are adopted in FF 23. The first sentence is adopted in FF 3. The last sentence is true, T2. 51, but not relevant. Adopted, FF 32 and 34. Adopted, FF 35. Adopted, FF 40. The first sentence is rejected for the reasons stated in FF 40 and 41. The second sentence is rejected as an issue of law, and also rejected because irrelevant: there does not appear to be any statute allowing or prohibiting the HCCB to "disregard" any portion of a budget. But as found in FF 10, there is apparently some discretion afforded the HCCB, discretion that is exercised frequently. Adopted, FF 14 and 8. Findings of Fact Proposed by the INTERVENOR, The Public Counsel. Adopted, FF 1. Adopted, FF 9. Adopted, FF 2. Adopted, FF 2, 3, and 4. Adopted as modified in FF 16. and 7. Adopted as modified in FF 16, but there is not enough evidence to show a "trend." Adopted, FF 3 and 4. Adopted, FF 7. Adopted, FF 16. Adopted, FF 31. Adopted, FF 19. Adopted, as modified in FF 27 and 29. Adopted, FF 30. Adopted, FF 30. Adopted, FF 32. The record contains no evidence that the subject matter of the proposed amendment is incorrect, or false, and thus the motive for such amendment is largely irrelevant. For this reason, this finding is rejected. Adopted, FF 34. Rejected because the record citation does not support the proposed finding. Rejected because misleading. The proposed amendment does not relate to a specific future time, but in fact relates to the remaining days of the fiscal year, since that was all that was left of the budget year when the amendment was filed. Adopted, FF 35. Adopted as modified, FF 35. Adopted as modified, FF 36. Adopted as modified, FF 36. Adopted as modified, FF 35. Adopted, FF 36. Adopted, FF 26 and 36. Adopted as modified, FF 35 and 36. Adopted as modified, FF 35 and 36. Adopted, FF 19 and 20, except the last sentence, which is cumulative and unnecessary. Rejected because irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant and cumulative to FF 20. Adopted, FF 20. Rejected as irrelevant and cumulative to FF 20. Adopted, FF 19. Rejected as irrelevant. See FF 18 and 20. The record supports only one conclusion regarding the prospective payment system: no one knew what massive changes would occur in the market place prior to actual implementation of that system for a number of months. Awareness that PPS was on the way, without knowing what it would do, is irrelevant. Adopted as modified, FF 30. Rejected as irrelevant. See FF 15 through 31, which conclude that the Petitioner acted in a timely manner to prepare and submit its proposed amendment. Adopted, FF 37. Adopted, FF 38. Adopted, FF 10. Adopted, FF 3 and 10. Adopted, FF 12. Adopted as modified, FF 12. Adopted as modified, FF 12. Further, the point is irrelevant. Rejected because the proposed finding is an issue of law. Rejected because inextricably mixed with the issue of law contained in proposed finding 46. Rejected because inextricably mixed with the issue of law contained in proposed finding 46. COPIES FURNISHED: Curtis Ashley Billingsly, Esquire Hospital Cost Containment Board 325 John Knox Road Building L, Suite 101 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 David Watkins, Esquire Oertel & Hoffman, P.A. 2700 Blairstone Road, Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jack Shreve, Public Counsel Office of Public Counsel 202 Blount Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 T. L. Trimble, Esquire 2400 Bedford Road Orlando, Florida 32803 James Bracher, Executive Director Hospital Cost Containment Board 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (2) 1.04120.57
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