Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following facts are found: The respondent Mariner Properties, Inc., also referred to herein as the "applicant", is the owner of South Seas Plantation, a vacation resort located on Captiva Island. This resort development comprises some 300 acres, with two miles of gulf-front beaches and four miles of bayfront. Located on the northern end of the Island is an existing large yacht basin or marina with facilities for docking boats up to 100 feet in length. While this marina does have slips for about eight small boats (under 24 feet in length), the facility is not well suited for the docking of small boats because of the height of the docks. Fueling services are available at this marina and an active search and rescue service operates out of the marina, with no charge to boaters in distress. A smaller boat basin exists on the southern portion of the Island, which basin was enlarged by the applicant pursuant to a permit issued by DER in 1975. The applicant has also been granted a permit to construct boat docking facilities within the small boat basin. Finger slips for about 43 small boats - - up to 24 feet in length, are planned, but construction has not yet begun. The small boat basin will not have fueling facilities for the boats. If the requested permit is granted, the rescue service which operates out of the larger yacht basin plans to dock one of its service boats in the small basin. The small basin will also serve as a refuge area for small boaters during a storm or inclement weather. In May of 1977, Mariner Properties, Inc., submitted its application to the DER to modify an existing permit by dredging an access channel to connect its small boat basin to the waters of Pine Island Sound. In its present modified form, the applicant requests a permit to maintenance dredge a channel 250 fee long, fifteen feet wide, to a depth of -3.0 feet, mean low water. Approximately 195 cubic yards of material will be excavated to construct this channel and the spoil will be unloaded on an upland area. The project will involve the destruction of almost 4,000 square feet of seagresses. Mr. Kevin Erwin, an environmental specialist with the Department of Environmental Regulation, made site inspections and performed a biological assessment of the area as it relates to the proposed project. It was his conclusion and recommendation that the application be denied based on the expected significantly adverse immediate and long-term impacts upon water quality and marine resources. Mr. Erwin was concerned with the elimination of almost 4,000 square feet of productive vegetated estuarina bottoms. Seagrasses provide an essential habitat to many marine species, act as an important nursery and feeding ground for young fish and shrimp, stabilize marine bottoms and contribute nutrients to the foodweb. The witness further felt that there was a potential for water quality violations within the channel. Mr. Erwin did observe cuts or propeller scars in the grass beds adjacent to the proposed channel. Such cuts or scars take a long period, up to fifteen years, to heal. He felt that boat traffic to and from the small boat basin should be restricted by a marked easement, as opposed to a dredge channel. Mr. Erwin's District Manager, Phillip R. Edwards, reviewed the subject application and observed the area in question. It was his oral recommendation to Tallahassee that the permit be granted. Mr. Edwards observed the seagrass cuts in the area adjacent to the proposed dredging project and concluded that more damage would result without a channel. While Mr. Edwards agreed that a potential for water quality standards existed, he felt that a channel would minimize the overall damage caused by boats continuing to travel over the adjacent seagrass areas. Mr. Forrest Fields, an environmental specialist with DER, reviewed the present application and Mr. Erwin's biological assessment of the area. He did not concur with Erwin's conclusion regarding violations of water quality standards, and felt that the applicant had given reasonable assurances to the contrary. Mr. Fields was of the opinion that a minimal channel would be less damaging to grass beds than the uncontrolled ingress and egress of boats utilizing the small boat basin. The public interest concerns of the basin being opened to the boating public and the basin being used by a rescue service without charge to boaters in distress were also expressed in the notice of intent to issue the permit prepared by Mr. Fields. Mr. Ross McWilliams, an environmental specialist with DER who reviews the work and recommendations of Mr. Fields, also recommended that the permit application be granted. Mr. McWilliams balanced the definable public loss which would ensue from the elimination of the 4,000 square feet of grass beds against the public benefit to be gained for the availability of the project to the boating public and the operation of a marine rescue service form the small boat basin. It was his conclusion that the proposed project would not be contrary to the public interest. A considerable portion of the testimony of this proceeding was devoted to the issue of whether a previous channel existed on the proposed site. Taken as a whole, the evidence establishes that the area which the applicant seeks to deepen is presently deeper than the surrounding grass flats. Aerial photographs received into evidence indicate by a straight while line some human activity and that the area in question has been used as a channel. All expert witnesses agreed that at least the shorewared 20 to 25 feet of the area appeared to have been disturbed. It could not be conclusively determined whether and when a channel had been dredged and, if so, the extent of the same. It is clear, however, that the specific area had been used as an access channel for the small boat basin in question. The area over which the applicant seeks to dredge is a shallow grass flat inhabited by turtle grass (Thallasia) and Cuban Shoal weed (Halodule), and is a very productive area in the marine ecosystem. The waters are within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, A Class II body of water. No rules, regulations or management plan have been promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources for the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve. The proposed channel is to be of a "box-cut" design with a flat bottom and vertical walls. Such a design is likely to create the need for frequent maintenance due to the possibility that the soft sides will slough inward. If further maintenance dredging becomes necessary, a permit for the same from the Department of Environmental Regulation would be required. If granted authority, the applicant would accomplish the dredging by utilizing either the "mud cat" type of dredge or a clam shell dragline mounted on a barge. Turbidity curtains will used to minimize the effects of loosening the bay bottoms and proliferation of silt by the dredging operation. All material excavated from the proposed channel will be deposited on an upland site. The petitioners in this cause either own or manage waterfront property within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, and utilize the waters thereof. They have adequately demonstrated their substantial interest in the proposed project.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue to Mariner Properties, Inc. a permit for the channel dredging project to the conditions set forth in Section III (B) of the Department's Proposed Order of Issuance executed on November 0, 1978, and subject to any forms of consent which may be required under Florida Statutes, Section 253.77. Respectfully submitted and entered this 11th day of April, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: David Gluckman Casey J. Gluckman 5305 Isabelle Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kenneth G. Oertel Truett and Oertel, P.A. 646 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ray Allen Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Secretary Jake Varn Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG and FLORIDA AUDUBON SOCIETY, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 78-2422 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION and MARINER PROPERTIES INCORPORATED, Respondent. / By the Department:
The Issue The issue is whether Bayou Arbors, Inc. (Arbors), is entitled to a dredge and fill permit to construct docks in DeBary Bayou, Volusia County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact On January 8, 1986, DER received an application from Arboretum, a predecessor in interest of Arbors, to construct 12,758 square feet of docks in DeBary Bayou to provide ninety eight (98) boat slips, and to dredge 2,509 cubic yards of shoreline material from DeBary Bayou in areas within DER's jurisdiction under the proposed boat docks, and to place approximately 800 linear feet of concrete riprap along the shoreline after it was dredged. Following the initial application review process, which included on- site evaluations by several DER biologists, on April 14, 1986, DER prepared a Biological and Water Quality Assessment in which DER's staff recommended that the project be modified to delete the dredging, allowing the littoral zone to remain intact. On April 24, 1986, DER forwarded its Biological and Water Quality Assessment to Mr. Charles Gray, the property owner. In response to DER's recommendations, the Applicant submitted, and on April 30, 1986, DER received, a revised Application which deleted the originally-proposed shoreline dredging of 2,509 cubic yards of material as well as the placing of 800 linear feet of concrete riprap. This Application was submitted by Mr. Duy Dao, a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida. This Application proposed constructing approximately 17,000 square feet of docking facilities, providing ninety-eight boat slips, along approximately 2,580 linear feet of shoreline adjacent to twenty-four acres of uplands owned by the Applicant. The original and the revised drawings omitted a vertical scale from the cross-section drawings of the project. This omission gave the impression that the shoreline bank of DeBary Bayou was steeper than it actually is and that the water depths in DeBary Bayou adjacent to the north shoreline are deeper than they actually are. However, DER's biologists were on-site four times between February 25, 1986, and May 19, 1986. They observed the existing slope of the DeBary Bayou shoreline and the existing depths in DeBary Bayou, and the on-site observations negated the effect of the omission in the drawings. The omission in the drawings did not affect DER's evaluation of the project. On May 23, 1986, DER issued its Intent to Issue and Draft Permit No. 64-114399-4 to Arboretum. The Intent to Issue and the Draft Permit include the following Specific Conditions: Further construction on the Applicant's property along the DeBary Bayou shall be limited to uplands; Issuance of this permit does not infer the issuance of a permit for dredging in the Bayou at a future date, should an application for dredging be submitted; A deed restriction shall be placed on the condominium limiting boats moored at the facility to seventeen feet or less. A copy of the deed restriction shall be submitted to the Department within sixty days of issuance of this permit; There shall be no "wet" (on-board) repair of boats or motors at this facility; All boats moored at the dock shall be for the use of residents of the condominium only. Public use of the dock or rental or sale of mooring slips to non-residents of the condominium is prohibited; Manatee warning signs shall be placed at 100 foot intervals along the length of the dock(s); Turbidity shall be controlled during construction (by the use of siltation barriers) to prevent violations of Rule 17-3.061(2)(r), Florida Administrative Code. On June 29, 1987, Volusia County, DER and Arboretum entered into a "Joint Stipulation for Settlement" wherein Arboretum agreed not to construct more than twenty-six docks accommodating more than fifty-two boat slips along Arboretum's DeBary Bayou frontage of 2,580 feet. Furthermore, Arboretum agreed that it would modify the configuration and the design of the boat slips and the location of the boat docks; that it would post Slow Speed, No Wake zone signs and manatee education signs along DeBary Bayou from the 1-4 bridge west to a point 100 feet west of the western boundary of Arboretum's boat docks; and that as mitigation for the removal of vegetation from the littoral zone where the boat slips would be constructed, Arboretum would plant wetland hardwood trees. In addition to the Joint Stipulation for Settlement, on June 14, 1987, the property owners, Charles Gray and Sandra Gray, as part of their agreement with Volusia County, executed a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" to which the Joint Stipulation for Settlement was attached as an exhibit. Said Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, reiterated the Joint Stipulation's limitation of construction of boat docks in DeBary Bayou and further provided that said boat docks would not be constructed at the Arboretum project site in DeBary Bayou unless and until certain maintenance dredging set forth in Article II of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions occurred. Furthermore, Article III of said Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions set forth certain prohibitions regarding constructing boat ramps on the Arboretum property and docking or storing boats along the DeBary Bayou shoreline except at the site of the proposed docks. In 1969, an artificial channel was excavated in DeBary Bayou adjacent to the north shoreline of DeBary Bayou by a dragline operating along the shoreline. At present, said channel has been partially filled by organic sediments originating in DeBary Bayou. There exists in Section 403.813(2)(f), Florida Statutes, an exemption from the DER's permitting requirements for the performance of maintenance dredging of existing man-made channels where the maintenance dredging complies with the statutory provisions and with the regulatory provisions found in Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-4.040(9)(d). The dragline excavation work performed in DeBary Bayou in 1969 created a structure which conforms to the definition of "channel" provided in Section 403.803(3), Florida Statutes. The maintenance dredging required by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is to be performed by suction vacuuming of the silt sediment, from the 1969 channel and that dredged material is to be placed on Arbors' upland property at the project site. This maintenance dredging differs from the dredging originally proposed by the applicant in its application submitted in January 1986. The dredging originally proposed, which DER recommended against, was to be performed by back hoes and drag-lines which would have cut into the north shoreline of DeBary Bayou and would have affected the littoral zone along the project shoreline. The average water level in Lake Monroe and DeBary Bayou is approximately 1.8 feet above mean sea level. On April 18, 1987, transact studies in DeBary Bayou showed water levels at 3.2 feet above mean sea level and that water depths in DeBary Bayou to a hard sand/fragmented shell bottom ranged from approximately one foot along the south shoreline to approximately nine feet in deep areas in the former channel. The average depth of the channel is five feet below mean sea level. The water depth in DeBary Bayou ranges from approximately one to three feet. At times of average water levels, one to three feet of silt or unconsolidated sediment overburden covers the natural hard sand/shell bottom of DeBary Bayou. This silt and sediment overburden is composed of organic material and is easily disturbed. When it is disturbed, it raises levels of turbidity, although there was no evidence presented that the turbidity would violate state water quality standards. This silt and sediment overburden has been deposited at a faster rate than it would normally be deposited under natural conditions because of the Army Corps of Engineers' herbicidal spraying of floating plants in DeBary Bayou. As this silt and sediment overburden decomposes, it takes oxygen from the water. The presence of a strong odor of hydrogen sulfide indicates that the oxygen demand created by the sediment is greater than the available supply of oxygen at the sediment-water interface. This unconsolidated silt and sediment overburden does not appear to harbor either submerged vegetation or significant macroinvertebrate populations. The Shannon/Weaver diversity index of benthic macroinvertebrates at four locations in DeBary Bayou indicated lowest diversity at the project site and highest diversity at the 1-4 overpass, where a small patch of eel grass is growing. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden from the 1969 channel will enhance the system, enabling a hard bottom to be established, with a probability of subsequent establishment of a diversity of submerged macrophytes. Removal of the silt and sediment overburden from the 1969 channel will restore the natural hard sand/fragmented shell bottom in that area of DeBary Bayou. It is unlikely that boat traffic in the restored channel will cause turbidity which will violate state water quality standards. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will improve water quality in DeBary Bayou by removing a source of oxygen demand. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will create a better fish habitat by exposing some of the natural bottom of DeBary Bayou. Fish are unable to spawn in the unstable silt and sediment. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will increase the depth of water in DeBary Bayou channel to between four to six feet. The maintenance dredging, required by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, is limited by statute to the channel which was excavated in 1969. Therefore, a continuous channel will not be maintained from the project site eastward to Lake Monroe. At present, a sandbar exists at the confluence of DeBary Bayou and Lake Monroe. During low water, this sandbar restricts navigation into and out of DeBary Bayou to small craft. At present, boats can and do travel on DeBary Bayou for fishing and for other water-related recreational activities. However, due to water level fluctuations, boating on DeBary Bayou is easier during higher water periods. During lower water periods, navigation into and out of DeBary Bayou is still possible, but boaters must proceed using common sense and caution. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has no evidence that manatees presently use or have ever used DeBary Bayou. Adult manatees have an average girth of approximately three (3) feet. Without a continuous channel open to Lake Monroe, manatees are not likely to go up DeBary Bayou. Since the water at the sandbar at the mouth of DeBary Bayou at its confluence with Lake Monroe is generally less than three feet deep throughout the year, it is likely that these shallow waters will deter manatees from entering DeBary Bayou. DeBary Bayou is a spring-fed run from a spring a substantial distance upstream. The sheetflow of the spring water follows a circuitous route through marsh areas prior to reaching the area of this project. The proposed site is just west of the 1-4 overpass and Lake Monroe. The FWS's data show that the St. Johns River in Volusia County has an extremely low documented manatee mortality rate resulting from boat/barge collisions. Generally, boats greater than 23 feet long are more likely to kill manatees outright than smaller boats are. In marinas, manatees are very rarely killed by collisions with boats. Manatees and marinas are highly compatible. On August 1, 1986, the FWS issued a "no-jeopardy" opinion regarding Arbors' project. In this letter, the FWS stated that Arbors' project was not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the manatee or to adversely modify the manatee's critical habitat. In the year since the FWS issued its no-jeopardy opinion, no manatee mortalities resulting from boat-barge collisions have been documented in the St. Johns River in Volusia County. The FWS recommended one boat slip per one hundred linear feet of waterfront, or twenty-six boat slips for the project. A single-family residence which would be entitled to one pier could berth an unlimited number of boats at that single pier. The FWS would have no control over the number of boats using that single pier. Arbors' project calls for twenty-six piers. The FWS's evaluation of Arbors' project is exactly the same as that agency's evaluation of any other marina project anywhere in areas designated as critical manatee habitat. All of the St. Johns River in Volusia County, Florida, is designated as critical manatee habitat. On July 16, 1986, after issuance of its Intent to Issue, DER received comments from the Florida Department of Natural Resources regarding Arbors' project and its potential impact on manatees. DER considered the possibility of boat/manatee collisions and had specifically considered this issue. DER did not agree with the broad and general concerns expressed by the Department of Natural Resources, and DER's rules have not adopted a specific requirement regarding a ratio between the length of a project's shoreline and the number of permittable boat slips. On July 16, 1986, the Department received a letter from the FWS concerning fisheries issues and navigation. This FWS letter was received after issuance of DER's Intent to Issue. Although DER considered these comments, DER disagreed with the FWS's recommendations regarding these issues. Water quality sampling and analysis showed that at present, there are no violations of DER's Class III water quality standard in DeBary Bayou, except for the dissolved oxygen criterion on some occasions during early-morning hours, and that result is to be expected. It is further not expected that there will be any water quality violations after the project is completed. If the work areas affected by driving piles to build floating docks and the work area around the maintenance dredging of the DeBary Bayou channel are contained within turbidity barriers, as required by general and specific conditions of the DER's proposed Draft Permit, it is anticipated that no violations of the Class III turbidity criterion will occur during construction of Arbors' project. By maintenance dredging the former DeBary Bayou channel, Arbors will remove the silt and sediment overburden from the channel and restore a deep (four to five feet below mean sea level) channel having a hard sand/fragmented shell bottom. Arbors' dock will be restricted to small boats whose operation in the deep channel will be unlikely to re-suspend silt and sediment and cause violations of the Class III turbidity criterion. Additionally, it is unlikely that any turbidity which is created by turbulence from boat propellers in a designated "No Wake, Slow Speed" zone will violate the Class III turbidity criterion. Although the entire project will be enhanced by the proposed maintenance dredging, such dredging is not a part of the permit application. From the evidence it appears that the project is permittable without the dredging. Although Arbors' project will result in the addition of some oils and greases associated with outboard motors to DeBary Bayou, the addition is not expected to result in violations of the Class III water quality standards. Additionally, release of heavy metals from anti-fouling paints should be minimal, and that release can be further controlled by specifically prohibiting over-water repair of boats and motors. Some addition of phosphorous to the waters of DeBary Bayou is anticipated due to use of phosphate-based detergents for washing boats. Additionally, minimal amounts of phosphorous may be added to DeBary Bayou from re-suspension of organic silts by turbulence from boat propellers. However, DER has no standards for phosphorous in fresh waters, and the minimal additional amounts of phosphorous expected from these sources are not anticipated to violate DER's general nutrient rule. Operation of boats at Arbors' proposed boat docks will cause no water quality problems which would not be caused by operation of boats at any other marina anywhere in Lake Monroe or anywhere else in the State of Florida. While WVC's expert, Robert Bullard, testified that Arbors' proposed boat docks could potentially cause violation of DER's Class III water quality criteria for turbidity, oils and greases, heavy metals and phosphorous, he was unable to testify that Arbors' project actually would cause such violation. His testimony in this regard was speculative and is not given great weight. No other WVC expert testified that Arbors' project was likely to cause violation of any criteria of DER's Class III water quality standards. It is anticipated that the shade cast by the boat docks will not have an adverse affect on water quality. Additionally, DeBary Bayou is a clear, spring-fed water body open to direct sunlight. The boat docks will cast shade which will enhance fish habitat. The proposed docks will not threaten any production of fish or invertebrate organisms. The mitigation plan proposed by the applicant and accepted by Volusia County and DER requires planting wetland hardwood tree species. These trees will certainly assist in stabilizing the bank of DeBary Bayou and minimizing erosion of the shoreline. Additionally, these trees will absorb nutrients from the water and will perpetuate the wooded wetland habitat along the DeBary Bayou shoreline. Arbors' own expert, Carla Palmer, also suggested the sprigging of eel grass in the dredged portion of DeBary Bayou. Such planting should be included as part of the mitigation plan. DER considered the cumulative impact of this docking facility. Four marinas are presently permitted on Lake Monroe and in the St. Johns River between Lake Monroe and Deland. DER considered these facilities' existence when it reviewed Arbors' application, and was satisfied that Arbors' boat dock facility would not have an adverse cumulative impact. There are no specific guidelines for a cumulative impact evaluation; accordingly, DER must apply its cumulative impact evaluation on a case-by-case basis. In the present case, there is no showing of adverse cumulative impacts from this project. Arbors' project will not adversely affect significant historical or archaeological resources recognized pursuant to applicable Florida or Federal Law. WVC was organized in March 1985, to oppose development in West Volusia County. WVC did not meet regularly and did not keep regular minutes of its meetings in the interim between organizing and filing the Petition in June 1986, for an administrative hearing on the Intent to Issue a permit for Arbors' project. When the Petition was filed, WVC did not have a membership roll, and was unsure how many members it had. Further, it is unclear as to how many members may have attended an "emergency" meeting to authorize filing said Petition. Approximately five months after said Petition was filed, WVC was incorporated and approximately nine months after the Petition was filed, WVC compiled a list of the people who were WVC members in June 1986. The emergency meeting WVC held in June 1986, to authorize filing said Petition was the first and the only such "emergency" meeting WVC ever held. The minutes of the emergency meeting have been lost. In June 1986, WVC may have had written rules authorizing emergency meetings and authorizing it to file suit, but its Chairman is unsure of this. Six of WVC's approximately 20 members may have lived within one mile of Arbors' project site in June 1986. Two of these members lived on waterfront property on Lake Monroe east of the 1-4 bridge. Some of these WVC members have never taken a boat west of 1-4 onto DeBary Bayou. WVC, as an organization, never sponsored outings or boat trips onto DeBary Bayou before filing the Petition. WVC's officers at the time of filing the Petition did not use DeBary Bayou for boating, fishing or swimming. No WVC members have ever seen manatees in DeBary Bayou. As with any other similar project on Lake Monroe, the boats which might be berthed at Arbors' project might add additional trash to the waters of Lake Monroe, might disturb the wildlife which WVC members might see on their property, and might cause wakes which might erode waterfront property. One of WVC's founders, who was an officer in June 1986, when WVC filed the Petition, stated that she would not be adversely affected in kind or degree any more than any other taxpayer in Florida. Friends timely intervened and its intervention was authorized by its membership at a regularly noticed meeting.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order granting Permit Number 64-114399-4, subject to those specific conditions set forth in paragraph 6 hereof and as modified by the stipulation entered into between Arboretum, Volusia County, and Department of Environmental Regulation, as more particularly described in paragraphs 7 and 8 hereof, and to include within the mitigation plan the sprigging of eel grass in areas of the dredged portion of DeBary Bayou. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-2463 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner and Intervenor, West Volusia Conservancy, Inc., and Friends of the St. Johns, Inc. 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(3); 2(5); 8(24); 13(8); 46(57); and 47(57). 2. Proposed findings of fact 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, and 45 are rejected as being subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. 3. Proposed findings of fact 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33, 39, and 41 are rejected as being unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. 4. Proposed findings of fact 6, 9, 18, 19, 21, 22, 37, and 38 are rejected as irrelevant. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Bayou Arbors, Inc. 1. Each of proposed findings of fact 1-56 are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order, in Findings of Fact 1-56. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1-11(1-11); 13-28(12-27); 29-38(29-38); 39(38); and 40-48(39-47). Proposed finding of fact 12 is rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Dale Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Richard S. Jackson, Esquire 1145 West Rich Ave. Deland, Florida 32720 Dennis Bayer, Esquire P. O. Box 1505 Flagler Beach, Florida 32036 Philip H. Trees, Esquire P. O. Box 3068 Orlando, Florida 32802 Vivian F. Garfein, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8241
The Issue Whether the Department should issue a dredge and fill permit to the Navy to construct an extension to an existing breakwater in the vicinity of Bayou Grande and Pensacola Bay?
Findings Of Fact The Parties. The Department is the agency responsible for the issuance of dredge and fill permits in the waters and wetlands of the State of Florida. The Navy is an applicant for the subject dredge and fill permit. The parties have standing to participate in this proceeding. The Application and its Review. On June 12, 1985, the Department received a dredge and fill application from the Navy requesting a permit for the construction of an 850-foot extension of a breakwater in the vicinity of Bayou Grande and Pensacola Bay. The application was received by the Northwest Florida district office of the Department The Navy filed its application on DER Form 17-1.203(1). In a letter dated January 20, 1986, to the Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers, the Bream Fishermen Association (hereinafter referred to as the "BFA"), raised several issues they believed needed to be addressed concerning the proposed project: (1) The effect on safety; (2) the effect of the existing breakwater on submerged grasses; and (3) pollution in Bayou Grande. In a letter dated January 28, 1986, to the Northwest Florida district office of the Department the BFA again expressed their concerns about the proposed project. In response to the BFA's letter of January 28, 1986, the Department asked Dr. Kenneth Exchternacht, the Department's hydrographic engineer, to evaluate the proposed project. In a memorandum dated February 20, 1986, Dr. Exchternacht requested that the Navy provide the following additional information: Provide documentation and [sic] to the tidal flow direction and amplitude in Pensacola Bay south of the proposed work area and north of the mouth to Bayou Grande for both ebb and flood. Mean current speeds and trajectories as well as maximum midtide velocites are needed. Provide estimates of the net littoral drift direction and volume to the north of the mouth of Bayou Grande and to the south of the work area along Magazine Point. The Navy performed the additional hydrographic survey requested by the Department and submitted the information to the Department. The submission of the hydrographic survey requested by the Department completed the application for the extension of the breakwater. The application submitted by the Navy was a "short-form" application. It was properly filed with the Department's district office. The proposed project does not involve in excess of 10,000 cubic yards of material to be placed in the waters of the State. The completed application involved in this proceeding was not received prior to October 1, 1984. The application as submitted by the Navy complied with the requirements of the applicable Florida Statutes and the Department's rules. The Department completed its Permit Application Appraisal on May 14, 1986 and issued an Intent to Issue with regard to the Navy's proposed project on June 4, 1986. The Petitioners timely filed a petition for administrative hearing challenging the Department's proposed intent to issue the permit requested by the Navy. The Proposed Project. The Navy has proposed a permanent extension of an existing breakwater by 850 feet. The existing breakwater was constructed in 1966. No dredge and fill permit was required by the Department or any other agency when the existing breakwater was constructed. A channel exists at the site of the existing breakwater. It runs parallel to the breakwater on its southward side. The channel has been in place since the mid-1940's. The proposed extension of the breakwater will consist of approximately 7,650 cubic yards of concrete rubble. It will cover an area of 1.12 acres. It is properly and adequately designed. As originally filed, the Navy's application reflected that the location of the breakwater was 30 degrees 21'23" Latitude and 87 degrees 15'33" Longitude. This is not the correct location of the breakwater. The correct coordinates of the breakwater and the proposed extension are 30 degrees 22'25" N Latitude and 87 degrees 15'45" W Longitude. The correct location of the project was discernable from other information in the application The breakwater is located at the entrance from Pensacola Bay to Bayou Grande at a promontory of land known as "Magazine Point". The existing channel and breakwater and the proposed extension run east and west with Pensacola Bay on the east and Bayou Grande on the west. Water Quality Standards. Bayou Grande and Pensacola Bay are Class III waters. The project will not degrade the existing water quality in Bayou Grande or Pensacola Bay or in any way increase the introduction of pollutants into Bayou Grande. Tidal waters exit Bayou Grande during ebb tide flow. They also exit Bayou Chico to the north at approximately the same time. The project will, therefore, not have a significant funneling effect allowing an increase of polluted water from Bayou Chico or any other area into Bayou Grande. The proposed project will serve to stabilize the volume exchange of water between Bayou Grande and Pensacola Bay. The size of the existing breakwater and the proposed extension will have no measurable effect on the circulation of waters in Pensacola Bay. The circulation of Pensacola Bay is controlled primarily by tide flow and secondarily by the wind. The tidal cycle of Pensacola Bay is 24.8 hours. The ebb tide, combined with the Coriolis effect, causes the water flow to hug the left or northwest bank of Pensacola Bay as it ebbs sought toward the Gulf of Mexico. The hydrographic study information provided by the Navy to the Department was sufficient to indicate that the general circulation of Pensacola Bay will not be significantly affected by the project. A hydrographic study of a bay could include numerous sampling stations collecting data over a significant period of time. Such an extensive study is not necessary or available in this proceeding. An adequate hydrographic study was submitted by the Navy to the Department. The study was conducted as requested by the Department. Based upon the hydrographic study performed by the Navy and other available information, the proposed project will not adversely affect circulation patterns in Bayou Grande or Pensacola Bay to an extent necessary to require a more comprehensive study. Any degradation in the water quality of Bayou Grande is and has been due to runoff from developed areas around the shoreline of the bayou. It is not clear what types of seagrasses have existed in Bayou Grande historically or are in existence today. Seagrasses that have existed or do exist in Bayou Grande include thallassia testidinium (turtle grass), halodule wrighti (cuban shoalweed) and ruppia maritima (widgeon grass). Turtle grass and cuban shoalweed thrive in water with a high salinity concentration. Widgeon grass prefers a lower salinity concentration. Historically, seagrasses have increased and decreased in coverage in Bayou Grande. The cause or causes of the fluctuations in the coverage of seagrasses in Bayou Grande is unknown. The evidence failed to prove that the existing breakwater has had, or that the proposed project will have, any effect on seagrasses in Bayou Grande. No studies have been conducted in the proposed project area which identify seagrasses, the extent of their growth, the effect of salinity on existing seagrasses or any causal connection between the existing breakwater or its proposed extension and the decline or increase of seagrasses. Based upon all of the evidence the proposed project should not adversely effect the salinity concentration in Bayou Grande or any seagrasses in the vicinity. With the development around Bayou Grande, if the channel were allowed to close, it is likely that the water of Bayou Grande would become extremely poor. The Public Interest. The area to be filled is shallow, bare, sandy bay bottom. There are no sea grasses in the area that will be covered by fill. The existing biological community of the area to be filled is of relatively low diversity. Only a very small number of organisms may be buried during construction of the breakwater extension. The area of the project is a high wave action area. The biological community of the immediate area of the breakwater extension is a wave stressed community. The area is not a coral reef or shellfish producing area. There are no identified endangered species located in the area of the project or Bayou Grande. The burial of any organisms will be offset by the colonization of algae and other fouling community organisms. Algae is important to the food chain by providing food to higher level organisms. The expected fouling community will be more productive and diverse than the existing sandy bottom community. Bayou Grande is an estuary and serves as a nursery for a wide variety of marine life and aquatic birds. In the distant past, marine life in Bayou Grande thrived. In the past 40 to 50 years there has been a decline in marine life in Bayou Grande. During the past 4 to 5 years Bayou Grande has improved as a nursery estuary. The evidence failed to prove that the breakwater directly affected the nursery function of Bayou Grande. The nursery function of Bayou Grande will not be adversely affected by the proposed project. The extension of the breakwater will not cause a safety hazard. The project will have a positive effect on navigation by contributing to keeping the channel open for use by boats. The water at the end of the existing breakwater is 1.7 feet deep. The depth of the water will increase to 5.9 feet at 800 feet of the proposed extension and to 10 feet at the end of the 850 feet of the proposed extension. An experienced boat operator should have little difficulty in avoiding the breakwater. The channel entrance is marked with a day marker and there is a light in the middle of the breakwater. Extension of the breakwater will help prevent boats from running aground on the shallow sandy bottom. The extension will also provide protection for small vessels seeking protection from storms. The extension will provide a windbreak from southern winds and enable vessels to more easily reach the shelter of Bayou Grande. On the night of October 19, 1986, a speedboat ran into the existing breakwater. According to a passenger on the boat, the light of the breakwater was not visible. The proposed project will not cause any harmful erosion or shoaling. The project will prevent shoaling by acting as a permeable barrier to natural sand transport. This will in turn help to keep the channel open and minimize dredging operations. The channel has been subject to repeated dredgings to maintain the channel. The last dredging took place in 1982. Bayou Grande is used for recreational purposes, including fishing and boating. The proposed project will not adversely affect the fishing and boating activities in Bayou Grande. The proposed project will not adversely affect any significant historical or archaeological resources. The Navy has been granted a permit as of January 3, 1986, to expand is marina facilities in an area adjacent to Bayou Grande. Access to the marina from Pensacola Bay is through the channel at Magazine Point. The proposed project will not adversely affect water quality standards or the public interest, even considering the permit granted to the Navy for the expansion of its marina facilities.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue to the Navy the dredge and fill permit applied for by the Navy pursuant to application number 17 1054501. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of August, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of August, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NUMBER 86-2880 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Petitioners' Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 This proposed "finding of fact" is a conclusion of law. 2 1. 3-4 These proposed "findings of fact" are conclusions of law. 5 3. The first sentence is accepted in paragraphs 5 and 11. The second sentence is a conclusion of law. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is irrelevant. Irrelevant or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 8 20. 9 42. 17, 42 and 51. The existing breakwater was established in 1966 and not 1969. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The exhibits referred to were not accepted into evidence. See paragraphs 32-34. Irrelevant. Although this proposed finding of fact is true, the evidence failed to prove the cause of the decline in productivity in Bayou Grande. Irrelevant. 14-18 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The Navy's Proposed Finding of Fact 1 4 and 21. 2-3 20. 4 8 and 9. 5 17 and 19. 6 17. 7 46. 8 23. 9-10 Hereby accepted. 11 22. 12 18. 13 51. 14 55. 15 19. 16-19 Cumulative. 20 Irrelevant. 21 49. 22 52. 23-24 42. 25 51. 26 Irrelevant. 27 33. 28-29 37-39. 30 40. 31 33. 32 14. 33 56. 34 6 and 7. The date of the letter was January 28, 1986. 35 8. 36 9. 37 10. 38 53. 39 44 and 45. 40 Cumulative. 41-42 47. 43 12. This proposed "finding of fact" is a conclusion of law. Summary of testimony. Irrelevant. Hereby accepted. Cumulative. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 51 38. 52 44. 53 27. 54 28. 55 36. 56 25. 57 Hereby accepted. 58 35. 59 29. 60 29. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Cumulative. Hereby accepted. Irrelevant. Cumulative or irrelevant. Cumulative. 67 48. Cumulative or irrelevant. Hereby accepted. Irrelevant. 71-72 Cumulative. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 4 and 19. 2 17. 3 23. 4 37. 5 38. 6 39. 7 41. 8 42 and 43. 9 33. 10-11 32. 12 30. 13 Irrelevant. 14 56. 15 50. 16 45. 17 44, 48 and 49. 18 34. 19 35. 20 25. 21 26 22 24 and 31. 23 27. COPIES FURNISHED: Dale Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Mary M. Callaway, Esquire Post Office Box 3697 Pensacola, Florida 32516 Robert Boasberg, Jr. Commander, JAGC, U.S. Navy Staff Judge Advocate Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida 32508-5000 Karen Brodeen, Esquire Douglas Wyckoff, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
The Issue Whether Southern Hy Power Corporation (Hy Power) has provided reasonable assurance, based on plans, test results, or other information, that its proposed hydroelectric facility will comply with the Management and Storage of Surface Water (MSSW) statutes and rules of Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and the Wetland Resource Management permit (WRM)/water quality certification statutes and rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
Findings Of Fact By Joint Prehearing Stipulation the parties agreed to the following description of the parties and the project: PARTIES: The Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) is a government agency in the State of Florida existing by virtue of Section 20.255, Florida Statutes, and operating pursuant to Chapters 253, 373, 376, and 403, Florida Statutes, and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code. Under an interagency agreement with SWFWMD, the Department also implements Title 40D, Florida Administrative Code. The Department is located in Tallahassee, Florida, and it has a district office in Tampa, Florida, which district includes Levy County. Southern Hy Power Corporation is a Florida Corporation whose principal offices are located at 7008 Southwest 30th Way in Gainesville, Florida. Betty Berger is an interested party with a mailing address of Post Office Box 83, Inglis, Florida. The Campbells are an interested party with a mailing address of 245 Palm Street, Inglis, Florida. Hy Power applied on August 31, 1993, to the Department for a WRM permit/water quality certification to construct a hydroelectric facility on the Inglis By-Pass Channel. The project is located in Section 12, Township 17 South, Range 16 East, within the town of Inglis in Levy County. The facility consists of a powerhouse located on the south side of the channel measuring about 28 feet wide by 115 feet long, drawing water from the Inglis By-Pass Channel, passing it through a single-pit type turbine and discharging downstream of the Inglis By-Pass Spillway Dam. Hy Power applied on August 4, 1998, to the Department for a MSSW permit for the same proposed hydroelectric facility on the Inglis By-Pass Channel. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT The project involves the construction of an intake structure, powerhouse, and tailrace on a 0.61-acre area located on the south side of the existing Inglis By-Pass Spillway. The facility will take advantage of the existing hydrostatic head that exists on either side of the Spillway Dam, to generate electricity. The powerhouse will be constructed below grade and will contain a single megawatt turbine and generating unit. The intake structure will divert flows from the upstream side of the Spillway Dam through the powerhouse and back into the By-Pass Channel. A small one-story control building and low profile substation will be constructed above grade within the boundaries of the project area. The hydroelectric project is considered to be a "Run of the River" type of facility because it can only use that water which flows down the existing channel. The geometry of the channel restricts flow to a certain amount, therefore the project cannot create or use flows above those that the By-Pass Channel can provide. The overall authority for control of water levels in Lake Rousseau and flow to the lower Withlacoochee River will remain with the DEP. Lake Rousseau was created in 1909 when the Inglis Dam was constructed across the Withlachoochee River for the purposes of hydroelectric generation. The dam impounds over 11 miles of the Withlachoochee River and forms a lake approximately 3,000 to 4,000 acres in size. Prior to construction of the Barge Canal, water released from the Inglis Dam would flow down the lower portion of the Withlachoochee River about 10 miles before entering into the Gulf of Mexico. In the mid to late 1960's the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) built a portion of the Cross Florida Barge Canal between the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Rousseau. The canal severed the Withlachoochee River downstream of the Inglis Dam causing its flow to be diverted into the Barge Canal and then into the Gulf. In order to maintain the flow of freshwater from Lake Rousseau to the lower segment of the River, the 8,900-foot long Inglis By- Pass Channel and Spillway were constructed. The resulting downstream flow ensures navigation in the lower portion of the River and sustains its freshwater and estuarine environment. The water level in Lake Rousseau is generally maintained at an elevation of 27.5 feet above mean sea level (msl) by a combination of the Inglis Dam, the Inglis Lock, which is located in the Barge Canal, and the By-Pass Channel Spillway. These water control features are known collectively as the Inglis Project Works. The water levels in the lower Withlachoochee River immediately to the west of the By-Pass spillway are close to sea level. The resulting head provides the potential energy needed to drive the proposed generator turbine. Under normal conditions the majority of water released from Lake Rousseau flows over the Spillway Dam into the lower segment of the River. According to the DEP Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT), the maximum capacity of the existing By-Pass Channel Spillway is 1,540 cubic feet per second. The hydroelectric project will divert whatever flow is allowed around the existing spillway through the turbine and back into the channel. When the Cross Florida Barge Canal project was cancelled in the 1990's, the ACOE transferred ownership of the property to the State of Florida Board of Trustees, who in turn has leased the property to the DEP for use as the Cross Florida Greenbelt State Recreation and Conservation Area. Management of this property, the control of river flow and lake levels, and operation of the Inglis Project Works are exercised by the DEP's OGT. The OGT utilizes a document entitled "Water Control Plan for Inglis Project Works," dated September 1994, as a guide to operating the structures. The Water Control Plan is incorporated as part of the MSSW intent to issue. On or about April 25, 1995, the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund ("Trustees"), approved a request from Hy Power to sublease 0.61 acres of Greenway property at the project site for the purpose of providing electric power. The request was challenged by Berger and the Campbells, and resulted in an administrative hearing held on November 3, 1995. As a result of the hearing, Administrative Law Judge Larry Sartin entered a Recommended Order on July 12, 1996, that the Board enter an order approving execution by the DEP of the proposed sublease and dismissing the petition of Berger and the Campbells. The Recommended Order was approved by the Trustees in its entirety in a Final Order dated April 12, 1996 ("Final Order"). Berger v. Southern Hy Power Corporation et al., Case No. 95-3589. A copy of the Final Order is listed as an exhibit to this Stipulation, and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained therein are adopted herein. As previously ruled by the undersigned, the previous Final Order is res judicata as to Petitioners in this case, who are collaterally estopped from challenging any of the findings of fact or conclusions of law contained in the previous Final Order. Petitioners reserve the right to litigate issues of fact and law not addressed in the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law contained in that Final Order with regard to the permittability of this project under the WRM and MSSW permitting proposals, and to raise objections as to relevance to this proceedings of any of the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law in the Final Order. On February 21, 1995, Hy Power filed application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a conduit exemption from the licensing requirements of Part I of the Federal Powers Act (FPA) for the proposed project. Petitioners and various other persons filed protests with FERC in opposition to the project. On April 21, 1997, FERC issued an Order Granting Conduit Exemption, a copy of which is listed as an exhibit to this Stipulation. Petitioners in this case are collaterally estopped from challenging any of the findings or conclusions contained in that Order Granting Conduit Exemption. Petitioners reserve the right to litigate issues of fact and law not addressed in the Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law contained in that Order Granting Conduit Exemption with regard to the permittability of this project under the WRM and MSSW permitting proposals, and to raise objections as to relevance to this proceedings of any of the findings or conclusions in the Order Granting Conduit Exemption. FACTS ADDUCED AT HEARING OUTLINE OF PROJECT The proposed project calls for the construction of a water retention structure along the existing By-Pass spillway, the excavation of a large hole in which the powerhouse and turbine would be constructed "in-the-dry" south of the existing dam, and a millrace below the proposed project to return the water back into the existing water course. Conflicting testimony was received regarding the facts surrounding the construction of the project. These included: whether the proposed project will touch the existing wing walls of the existing dam; whether the water retention structure is a coffer dam; whether the proposed water retention structure will safely retain the water; whether the powerhouse and turbine have sufficient negative buoyancy to stay in the ground; whether the proposed excavation will weaken the existing dam; and whether the de-watering of the excavation site will adversely impact ground and surface water. PROJECT DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Engineering for the project was directed by witness Richard A. Volkin, a professional engineer and president and CEO of Engineering Company, Inc., based in Canton, Massachusetts. Mr. Volkin has extensive national and international experience in the design, management, and operation of hydroelectric facilities. Other engineers in Mr. Volkin’s firm worked on the project under Mr. Volkin’s direct supervision, including John May, who became registered as a professional engineer in Florida in order to sign and seal the engineering drawings for the project, which he initially did around 1994. Mr. May became ill and retired in 1998. Because of the length of time the application process has taken and the fact that Mr. May retired, there was a time while the application was pending, when Hy Power's design team was without a registered Florida engineer. When this was brought to the attention of Hy Power, Hy Power substituted Steven Crockett for Mr. May as the Florida-registered professional engineer of record for the project. DEP routinely accepts an applicant’s changing its engineer of record during the course of permit application or construction. Mr. Crockett is a civil and structural engineer who has considerable experience in preparing dam structural designs. Mr. Crockett independently reviewed and evaluated the engineering drawings for the project. Mr. Crockett resealed the drawings by using his drawn seal and signing the plans because his embossed seal was not readily available and time was of the essence. Mr. Crockett has advised DEP that he is now engineer of record for the project, using the appropriate DEP forms. Mr. Volkin’s firm performed all of the studies required by the various agencies, including a geotechnical study of the area, a 50-year analysis of water flow in and out of the Lake Rousseau regime, and water quality evaluations of water in the By-Pass Channel. The ACOE performed deep hole borings of the soils (approximately 36-40 feet below sea level) in the area of the project site to determine soil stabilization conditions at the site when they were constructing the Inglis Project Works. The soil conditions found can reasonably be expected to be similar today. Mr. Volkin’s company also took its own eight-foot deep surface core samples. The purpose of those samples was to verify the ACOE data. The new core samples verified the original core samples. Mr. Volkin also reviewed the ACOE’s engineering drawings developed from construction of the Spillway Dam. These show that the dam is founded on limestone bedding that has been stabilized with concrete. The hydroelectric facility will be constructed adjacent to and south of the dam structure and adjacent to and north of the barge canal. The same type of limestone bedrock is found in the area of the proposed construction. The facility design includes an intake channel on the upstream channel and a tailrace downstream. Those are the only structures that will be constructed next to the By-Pass Channel. The construction of the facility itself will be "in the dry." Hy Power will use coffer dams to seal off the construction site from the By-Pass Channel, so that there will not be water leakage from the Channel into the construction site. Water from the By-Pass Channel will enter the power plant when the coffer dams are lifted and the water is allowed to flow into the facility. The Petitioners presented the testimony of Bill Edwards, an individual with considerable experience in the construction of bridges, cofferdams, and similar concrete structures in aquatic and semi-aquatic conditions. Mr. Edwards is a former hard-hat diver who worked all over the world and worked in Florida for many years prior to his retirement. Based upon his experience and expertise in construction related to projects of this type, his testimony is credible and worthy of consideration. Mr. Edwards pointed out that if the proposed water retention structure did not touch the wing wall of the existing dam, it could not keep the water out and would not have the strength that it needed to retain the water. Hy Power’s witnesses explained that the retention structure would be set close enough to the existing wing wall that waterproofing materials could be placed between the two structures to keep the water out. Further, that the existing plans did not show interior bracing which would be included for structural strength and integrity. In sum, the retention structure will be in contact with existing dam’s wing wall, but will be free standing and not dependent upon the strength of the wing wall for its strength. Mr. Edwards pointed out that a cofferdam by definition has walls on all sides of the structure. The structure proposed by Hy Power did not have walls all the way around the proposed excavation. In rebuttal, Hy Power presented evidence that its plans were conceptual, design drawing and not construction plans. Hy Power represented that in actuality it would put as many walls as were necessary to keep the water out of the hole it intended to excavate. Trash racks will be constructed at the intake structures to protect aquatic life and make sure that trash and vegetation do not enter the intake structure or go down river. The trash rack bars will be two inches on center, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has determined as the appropriate size for the protection of fish. The turbine blades are "double regulated," and operate generally between 60 and 90 revolutions per minute. The design enables the turbine to operate at a constant speed to generate a consistent flow of electricity, notwithstanding the fact that the flow of the water may vary. The blade speed is not very fast, and the 2.5-meter blades provide a two to three-foot opening. This design acts to prevent fish mortality. There are four ways to shut off the flow of water through the proposed structure: close the pitch of the blades, close the wicket gates, allow the counter balance to the wicket gates to kick in and automatically close the gates, and close off the main gates. This is a fail safe system ("four level redundancy") designed to work upon any failure. Once water goes through the generator, its velocity is reduced to no greater than its intake rate which is a maximum of three feet per second. This prevents the water being discharged from the tailrace from causing erosion. If the head of water in the dam produces a flow exceeding three feet per second, it can be diverted over the other dams which will be functional. The power plant will be encased in concrete, except for a small access way that enables a person to go down a set of stairs to the plant. It will be a sealed, waterproof structure, as required by FERC and the ACOE. This will prevent penetration of groundwater, or flood waters in the event a massive flood overtops the plant. The only water entering the powerhouse will be through the turbine tunnel for power generation purposes. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the powerhouse was a closed structure and as such would have positive buoyancy, that is, it would float. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the proposed site is between the barge canal and By-Pass spillway and there is a great deal of groundwater and potentiometric pressure in the existing water table. In sum, there is a unlimited supply of groundwater at the site, and powerhouse could float out of the ground just like an empty swimming pool. Hy Power presented rebuttal evidence that the weight of the building, the turbine, and the water flowing through the turbine would be close to negative buoyancy, and they would add additional weight to the structure as necessary to keep it in place. The project is designed to generate three megawatts of electric power which is enough electricity to serve between 300 and 3000 homes, depending on usage. The project is designed to be unmanned. This is common for facilities such as this. The plant can be operated by remote control, unlike the existing controls at the By-Pass Dam, which are operated manually. DEP can access, monitor, and control remotely the generator's operation to include shutting the facility down at any time. There will be remote sensors to monitor water elevations. Flood protection will improve because of the ability of DEP to manage water flow from a remote location. If there is any major disruption, the plant will shut itself down. The project is classified as "green power." In other words, it generates natural energy without any disruption to the environment. The project will have minimal to no impact on the environment. There will be no significant changes in water quality compared to existing conditions as a result of either construction or operation of the facility. WRM Permit Criteria Hy Power has provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not cause a violation of state water quality standards of Section 403.918(a), Florida Statutes (1991). The parties stipulated that turbidity and dissolved oxygen were the two surface water quality issues of concern in this proceeding. The receiving water body is the Inglis By-Pass Channel. The Inglis By-Pass Channel is a Class III surface water. The project is not located in a OFW. While the lower Withlacoochee River is an OFW, the OFW designation runs up the natural river itself, and does not include the Spillway Dam, tailrace, or the remainder of the By-Pass Channel. There would be no degradation of water quality at the point of contact with the Withlacoochee River OFW. The DEP and FERC looked specifically at potential for turbidity and dissolved oxygen in determining whether the project would violate state water quality standards. The standards for turbidity and dissolved oxygen will not be violated. Because the By-Pass Dam is an under flow structure, a minimum of oxygenation currently occurs as water flows through the existing dam. The proposed project runs the water underground through the generator; however, Hy Power will measure the dissolved oxygen below the dam in the Lower Withlacoochee River. In the event there is any lowering of dissolved oxygen, Hy Power can install a "sparge ring" to reoxygenate the water going through the turbine so that dissolved oxygen remains at current levels. No turbidity will be added to the receiving water as a result of the project, because water velocity is low and the structure is encased in concrete and rip-rap. The only other potential for turbidity would occur when the coffer dams are removed after construction is complete. The coffer dams can be removed with the generator closed to permit any turbidity to settle. The amount of siltation that might occur when the generator is opened would be insignificant. Where a project is not in a OFW, an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the project will not be contrary to public interest. See Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes (1991). Hy Power has provided such assurances. The project will not directly affect public health, safety or welfare, or the property of others. See Section 403.918 (2)(a)1., Florida Statutes. There are concerns relating to the structural integrity of the proposed facility and adjacent structures which are discussed extensively below. The project will have no adverse impact upon the conservation of fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species and their habitat. See Section 403.918 (2)(a)2., Florida Statutes. While manatees are not likely to be found at the project site, the installation of the trash racks will eliminate any potential adverse impact on manatees. In fact, the racks will be an improvement over the current unprotected Spillway Dam. DEP procedures require a specific manatee control plan be implemented to deal with site specific concerns. The project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of the water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. See Section 403.918(2)(a)3., Florida Statutes. The project will not adversely affect fishing or recreation values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. See Section 403.918(2)(a)4., Florida Statutes. The permanent project and its construction will cause no significant environmental impacts. See Section 403.918(2)(a)5., Florida Statutes. There will be no adverse impacts to significant historical and archeological resources. Section 403.918(2)(a)6., Florida Statutes. With regard to the impact on current conditions and relative value of functions being performed by the areas affected by the proposed activity, there will be no negative impacts. See Section 403.918(2)(a)7., Florida Statutes. Improvement will result from better control of water flow at the project site, installation of trash racks and implementation of green power. THE FORESEEABLE ADVERSE SECONDARY OR CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Potential adverse secondary impacts related to power transmission are addressed through the fact that there is an existing power line corridor that can be used to transmit the electricity. Any need to change the corridor could be addressed by subsequent DEP permitting. Cumulative impacts are not at issue. Mr. Gammon, with Florida Power, acknowledged that the current electric company, presumably Florida Power, would be required by FERC to transport the electricity generated by Hy Power over its existing corridor and poles. No final decision has been made regarding how to access the site with equipment during construction. Several feasible construction options exist, and there are several ways of accessing the site with heavy equipment vehicles and without impacting wetlands. Any final decision would be subject to DEP approval. Since the project meets the public interest criteria of Section 403.918(2)(a), Florida Statutes, and wetland impacts are minimal, the project is permittable without the need for mitigation. See Section 403.918(2)(b), Florida Statutes. The ACOE has issued a permit for the facility. The permit varies slightly from the DEP intent to issue in the use of reinforced concrete rather than rip-rap on the bottom half of the intake channel. This is to comply with ACOE preference, but the variation has only an environmental benefit. Counsel for Petitioners sought to elicit testimony from Linda Sloan, Executive Director of the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council, with regard to compliance of the proposed project with the Town of Inglis Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Such compliance is not relevant to this proceeding. At any rate, Ms. Sloan conceded that any prohibition that might apply in the Land Development Code to construction of the proposed facility could potentially be alleviated by exemption or variance provisions in the Code. MSSW PERMIT CRITERIA The project will provide adequate flood protection and drainage in the conventional sense. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code. Because the amount of impervious area is minimal, runoff from the project will not in any way contribute to increased flooding or adversely impact drainage patterns. The total amount of impervious area of the facility is less than that of a single-family residence. SWFWMD rules do not even require MSSW permits for single-family residences because the impact is not significant. The only purpose for requiring a MSSW permit for the project is to review the project’s potential downstream impacts to the watershed, not stormwater runoff from the facility itself. The project will not cause adverse water quality or water quantity impacts on adjacent lands in violation of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, or cause a discharge that violates state water quality standards. See Rule 40 D-4.301(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code. As indicated by the WRM water quality findings above, the project will not generally violate state surface water quality standards. See Rule 40 D-4.301(1)( c), Florida Administrative Code. The project will not generally cause adverse impact on surface or groundwater levels or flows. See Rule 40 D- 4.301(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code. Since the project is a run-of-the-river, it will not diminish the capability of a lake or other impoundment to fluctuate through the full range established for it under Chapter 40D-8, Florida Administrative Code. The project will not cause adverse environmental impacts, or adverse impacts to wetlands, fish, and wildlife or other natural resources. The project can be effectively operated and maintained. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(g), Florida Administrative Code. The project is a slow speed, low maintenance facility. The design concept is well established and has been successfully used for many years. Possible adverse affects to public safety are discussed below. The project is consistent with the requirements of other public agencies. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(i), Florida Administrative Code. Potential harm to water resources within the SWFWMD are discussed below. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(j), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed project generally will not interfere with the legal rights of others. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed project is not against public policy. See Rule 40D-4.301(1)(l), Florida Administrative Code. The project complies with the requirements contained in the Basis of Review. See Rule 40D-4.301(2), Florida Administrative Code. There is a dispute as to whether the project was within or at the edge of the 100-year flood plain. This dispute is related to how one interprets the rule as it relates to the millrace and the location of the facility which is under ground. In the conventional sense, the project is not in the flood plain. Further, the project is designed in such a way, that it is waterproof if it were topped with water. While in the past SWFWMD may have had concerns that the project might cause downstream flooding, SWFWMD currently has no such concerns, given the run-of-the-river status of the proposed project. The operation of the project will not cause downstream flooding. The DEP included in its intent to issue, conditions contained in the sublease between Hy Power and the DEP in order to ensure that the facility would remain run-of-the-river, would comply with the water control plan, and would otherwise comply with the terms of the sublease. The DEP has final control over water flow and can revoke the permit or otherwise take enforcement action against Hy Power if Hy Power fails to comply with the water control plan. GROUNDWATER IMPACTS Operation of the project will not cause groundwater contamination or otherwise have adverse groundwater impacts. Some concerns about groundwater during excavation of the construction site were raised. The conflicting evidence received regarding them is discussed below. An area of concern was the de-watering plan for the project. Everyone agrees there will be some water seepage into the construction site that will have to be pumped out. The parties disagree regarding the amount of water that will have to be removed. Their estimates of amount of water to be removed vary because their estimates of size and over-all depth of the site vary. Petitioners presented credible evidence that a potential exists for the construction site to have a large quantity of water because of its location between two sources of surface water (the By-Pass Channel and Barge Canal), because of the makeup of the subsurface, and because of the depth of the construction. Hy Power credibly represents that if excessive groundwater is found, it can address the adverse impacts through its de-watering plan that would have to be filed with FERC and DEP. The technology exists to address the de-watering of the project. Such plans are routinely considered by DEP after a construction permit is issued and before de-watering occurs. There is very little evidence of sinkhole activity in the project area, and the construction activities are not expected to cause any sinkhole activity. NOISE POLLUTION Mr. Bitter expressed concerns that FERC would require the facility to install a very loud siren that would result in sudden noise adverse to the well-being of neighbors. Mr. Bitter is unfamiliar with FERC siren requirements at run-of the-river hydroelectric facilities. In contrast, Mr. Volkin, who has substantial experience in this area, testified that the only alarm device that would be required would be for the protection of the workers during construction. The purpose of the alarm is to warn persons below a dam spillway of a change in the volume of water being let out of the impoundment. In the case of a run-of-the-river facility, the volume is near constant, changing only gradually. Therefore, even if a warning siren had to be installed its use would be limited to significant changes in flow or testing. This would not constitute a nuisance. Further, the facility is located in the vicinity of the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant which has its own warning sirens. It would be prudent to make any warning devices required for this structure significantly different from those at the nuclear plant and to limit their use. DAM SAFETY AND FERC REVIEW In reviewing whether Hy Power’s applications complied with the relevant permitting criteria, the DEP took into consideration the review of the facility already performed by FERC. FERC will also be responsible for reviewing the project as it is being constructed. Mr. Edwards also raised concerns about the structural stability of the By-Pass Dam itself. This has been a subject of concern by those responsible for the dam, and a survey of the structure was conducted in 1993, referred to as the Greiner Report. The Greiner Report identified specific maintenance problems that have been and are being addressed by the DEP. However, DEP’s maintenance plan does not address specifically the possibility that the weight of the dam over time has caused some shifting in the dam. Hy Power has only a few core borings and only one at the location of the generator. Hy Power is using the ACOE’s original borings, as confirmed by several new ones, to develop its preliminary plans. The DEP considered FERC and the ACOE as responsible agencies for determining the structural integrity of the dam. DEP has taken FERC’s review of this facility into consideration as part of DEP’s own permitting review. It is normal for DEP to rely on outside sources and agencies for assistance in determining compliance with DEP permitting criteria such as public health and safety, and it is reasonable for DEP to do so in this instance. Most states do not have the full capability to evaluate dam safety, and so they rely on FERC and ACOE. On April 21, 1997, the project received a conduit exemption from FERC. The application process is illustrated in Hy Power Exhibit 11. Hy Power submitted to DEP detailed information about the dam, the associated structures and the proposed project which had been reviewed by FERC and the ACOE, the two agencies in the United States who are responsible for dam structure design, control, and administration. Included in the package was the Greiner Report and Hy Power’s review of it. FERC evaluated the project, the Inglis By-Pass Dam structure, and the proximity of the project to the Dam in relation to structural impact, upstream and downstream impacts, water quality, and environmental issues. Mr. Edwards raised concerns regarding the ability of the limestone bedrock to sustain additional construction in the area of proposed construction. This is a material issue in the controversy which impacts several aspects of the proposed construction. Mr. Edwards pointed out that the barge canal channel was constructed with the use of explosives that caused a fracturing of limestone bedrock. He pointed out that the steel panels, which Hy Power proposes to drive into the bedrock to construct the water retention structure necessary to excavate the hole into which the turbine and powerhouse would be placed, will further fracture this bedrock. This creates two potential dangers. It could permit water to move under and around the bottoms of the panels, potentially scouring the loosened material from the base of the panels and making them unstable and subject to failure. It could weaken the entire southern wing of the existing spillway dam. Mr. Edwards opined that this could result in catastrophic failure of the dam or the coffer dam. Such a failure would cause major destruction and loss of life to those persons living and working in and along the lower Withlacoochee River. Hy Power presented rebuttal evidence that it could and would, if necessary, inject concrete into the limestone to stabilize it and avoid the concerns raised by Mr. Edwards. FERC specifically evaluated concerns raised by project opponents over the poor physical condition of the By-Pass Channel Spillway structures, relying particularly on the 1993 Greiner Report. FERC noted that the DEP had entered into a contract to correct any deficiencies listed in the Greiner Report, which "did not conclude that the deficiencies at the By-Pass Spillway threaten downstream life and property." The FERC review concluded that the dam was safe. To ensure safety, FERC is requiring that Hy Power do a complete stability analysis of the dam prior to any construction. Articles 301 and 302 of the FERC exemption ensure that all final drawings and specifications be submitted to FERC prior to construction, along with a supporting design report consistent with FERC’s Engineering Guidelines; that FERC can require changes to assure a safe and adequate project; and that Hy Power must also submit approved coffer dam construction drawings and specifications at least 30 days prior to starting construction. FERC has its own engineering staff who will go to the site and do their own analysis, along with the ACOE, of the dam and structures, prior to any construction commencing. This is a detailed design review evaluation so that the latest information on the dam will be made known immediately prior to construction, and will prevent any catastrophic event from happening. Under FERC procedures, FERC requires the applicant to obtain the DEP permits prior to requiring applicant to submit more detailed construction designs for FERC's consideration. These more detailed designs in turn will be subject to further review by DEP and FERC. It is assumed that Hy Power will comply with the post- permitting procedures and requirements, and will present complete, detailed construction drawings for FREC and DEP approval. Hy Power’s failure to complete the process would result in denial of a construction permit.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That the DEP enter a Final Order that issues the two permits challenged in this proceedings, WRM Permit No. 38-237096-3.001 and MSSW Permit No. 38-0129249-002, subject to the conditions contained in the Intents to Issue in the respective WRM and MSSW Permits and as described in the Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of March, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of March, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire Berger Davis & Singerman 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 705 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Andrew Zodrow, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 John S. Clardy, III, Esquire Crider Law Firm Plantation Point 521 West Fort Island Trail, Suite A Crystal River, Florida 34429 Teri Donaldson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Bernard M. Campbell Bessie H. Campbell 245 Palm Street Post Office Box 159 Inglis, Florida 34449 Sarah E. Berger Post Office Box 83 Inglis, Florida 34449
The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondents Paul Crum, Sr., and Paul Crum, Jr. (the "Crums"), are entitled to the Noticed General Permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") for the construction of a single- family residential dock and associated structures.
Findings Of Fact Background The Crums are the owners of the riparian property located at 15696 Shark Road West, Jacksonville, Florida. The Crum property is adjacent to Pumpkin Hill Creek, which lies within the Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes Aquatic Preserve. Extending from the Crum property into Pumpkin Hill Creek is an existing wood dock approximately 90 feet long and four feet wide, with a platform near the landward end of the dock. Petitioner Brooks owns the property immediately adjacent to and north of the Crum property. Petitioner Brooks has a dock and boat lift. Petitioner Cole owns the property immediately adjacent to and southeast of the Crum property. The Cole property is located on a salt marsh and has no dock. Petitioner Jones lives approximately 3,200 feet north of the Crum property, on a tributary to Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones has fished Pumpkin Hill Creek and the surrounding waters for over 25 years. Noticed General Permits are a type of environmental resource permit granted by rule for those activities which have been determined to have minimal impacts to water resources. Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427 grants by rule a general permit to construct a single family pier, along with boat lifts and terminal platforms, provided certain specific criteria are met. In August 2005, the Crums applied for a Noticed General Permit to extend their existing dock into deeper water. The Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for Noticed General Permit, but later rescinded the authorization after Petitioner Brooks complained to the Department that the landward end of the existing dock is located only 21 feet from her property boundary and, therefore, did not comply with Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.004(3)(d), which requires that a dock be set back a minimum of 25 feet "inside the applicant's riparian rights lines." In November 2005, the Crums re-applied for a Noticed General Permit. Their revised plans called for removal of the existing dock and construction of a new dock extending approximately 255 feet out into Pumpkin Hill Creek. The proposed dock would be located a minimum of 25 feet inside the Crums' riparian rights lines. On December 6, 2005, the Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Noticed General Permit for the revised dock, stating that the project satisfied the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427, as well as the conditions for authorization to perform activities on state-owned submerged lands set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21 and for activities in an aquatic preserve under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20. In April 2006, Petitioners filed three petitions for hearing with the Department alleging that the proposed dock significantly impedes navigation by restricting access to a tidal creek and extends more waterward than necessary to access a water depth of (minus) -4 feet at mean low water, which is prohibited for docks in aquatic preserves under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20.005(3)(b)3. Petitioners attached to their petitions a copy of a bathymetric survey showing the elevations of the submerged lands in the vicinity of the proposed project. In response to the information contained in the survey, the Crums revised their plans to shorten the dock to its currently proposed length of 186.56 feet. A new Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Notice General Permit was then issued by the Department on October 16, 2006. The final dock project consists of: (a) removal of the existing wood dock; (b) construction of a four-foot wide, 186.56-foot long, single family residential dock consisting of an access pier, a 12-foot by 12-foot terminal platform, and a 14-foot by 20-foot open boat lift with catwalk (the “proposed dock”). The proposed dock will terminate where the water will be four feet deep at mean low water. Navigating in and Near the Tidal Creek To the south of the Crum property is a wide expanse of salt marsh. Within the salt marsh are unnamed tidal creeks. The mouth of one tidal creek that flows to Pumpkin Hill Creek is located approximately 90 feet south of the existing Crum dock. The tidal creek is shallow and is not navigable at or near low tide. Petitioner Jones owns an 18-foot flatboat which he sometimes keeps at his residence and sometimes at Petitioner Brooks' property. The boat draws about one foot of water. Petitioner Jones uses this boat to fish in the tidal creek located near the Crum property about ten times every month. No evidence was presented to show that Petitioner Brooks or Petitioner Cole ever navigate in or otherwise use this tidal creek. There are many other tidal creeks located in the marshes associated with Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones boats and fishes in most of them. Petitioner Jones said that, currently, he must wait two hours past low tide for the water depth to be sufficient for him to get into the tidal creek near the Crum property. His usual course to the creek lies just beyond the end of the existing Crum dock. He claims there is a channel there, but no channel is shown on the survey or in any of the parties' photographs. After the proposed dock is constructed, Petitioner Jones' usual course to the tidal will be obstructed. He contends that the new course he would have to take to the tidal creek will take him across shallower areas of Pumpkin Hill Creek so that he will have to wait two more hours (a total of four hours) after low tide to get into the creek. Therefore, Petitioner Jones' alleged injury is the reduction of the hours available to him to navigate in and out of the tidal creek for fishing. The existing Crum dock terminates on a broad mud flat which is exposed at mean low water. However, the bathymetric survey shows the mud flat is at a lower elevation near the end of the dock so water covers this area before it covers the rest of the mud flat. However, the bathymetric survey also shows the elevation of the bottom rising as one moves south from the existing dock. At the mouth of the tidal creek the elevation is 1.0 feet NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum, an official, surveyed reference point). Because the tidal creek drains into the main body of Pumpkin Hill Creek, a reasonable inference can be made that the bottom elevations in the creek generally become higher (and the water depths decrease) as one moves up the creek toward dry land. Prop scars in the exposed bottom at the end of the existing dock indicate that boats have traveled over this area when the water was so shallow that the engine props were striking the bottom. Prop scarring can cause turbidity and damage to benthic organisms. The bathymetric survey indicates that mean high water in this area of Pumpkin Hill Creek is 3.03 feet NGVD, and the mean low water is -1.78 feet NGVD. The mean tidal fluctuation between mean low water and mean high water is thus 4.81 feet. Randall Armstrong, who was accepted as an expert in navigation and piloting, explained that in this area, where there are two daily tides, the water elevation will generally increase by 1/12 of the mean tidal fluctuation in the first hour after mean low water, another 2/12 of the fluctuation in the second, and 3/12 in the third hour. Applying this general rule to the tidal fluctuation here of 4.81 feet results in an estimated 1.2-foot increase in water elevation two hours after low tide and a 2.4-foot increase three hours after low tide. Based on the mean low water elevation of -1.78 feet NGVD, the water elevation would usually be about -0.6 foot NGVD two hours after low tide and 0.6 foot NGVD three hours after low tide. Therefore, the tidal creek (with a bottom elevation of 1.0 foot NGVD at the mouth) would usually be "dry" two hours after low tide and would usually have less than a foot of water three hours after low tide. That evidence contradicts Petitioner Jones' statement that he now navigates into the tidal creek two hours after low tide. That might occasionally be possible, but the bathymetric survey indicates the creek would usually be too shallow at that time. In fact, the evidence suggests that the tidal creek is only reliably navigable without causing prop scars to the bottom by using boats with very shallow draft and waiting until high tide (or shortly before or after) when the water depth at the mouth of the creek would be about two feet. It was Mr. Armstrong's opinion that the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation at the mouth of the tidal creek determines when and how long the tidal creek is navigable, and those times would not be affected by the proposed dock. He described the new course that a boater would use to navigate into the tidal creek after the proposed dock is built. He used the bathymetric survey to show that when the water is deep enough to navigate into the tidal creek, the water depth is also sufficient to navigate the new course. The proposed dock might, as Petitioner Jones alleges, cause boaters to traverse a longer section of the mudflat then they do currently. However, the more persuasive testimony supports the Crums' position that the navigability of the tidal creek is controlled by its shallowest point at the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation and that the proposed dock will not interfere with navigation of the tidal creek by requiring boaters to traverse shallower areas. Petitioner Jones testified that he regularly navigates his boat close to the existing Crum dock. The evidence does not indicate that the proposed dock would cause an unreasonable risk of collision for boaters using the new course to the tidal creek.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order that grants Noticed General Permit No. 16-253057-002-EG to the Crums. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2006.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Petitioner has the authority to appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission any development order issued in an area of critical state concern. The appeal in the instant proceeding was timely. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County. Monroe County issued the development order that is the subject of this appeal. Respondents, Mortimer and Gay Hall, are the owners of real property known as Lots 60 and 61, Block 19, Breeze Swept Beach Estates on Ramrod Key in unincorporated Monroe County. The Halls have constructed a single family dwelling on that property, but the building permit for the construction of the dwelling is not at issue in this proceeding. Most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. On January 21, 1992, Monroe County issued the subject building permit, Permit Number 9010001679, to Mortimer and Gay Hall as owners and Pierce Construction and Builders as contractor. The subject permit would be subject to certain conditions imposed by the Florida Department of Natural Resources (DNR). As permitted, the use of the structure would be limited to swimming and recreation. Boating, or the mooring of boats, would not be permitted. By letter dated December 17, 1991, DNR authorized the project subject to certain conditions and limitations, and provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Mort and Gay Hall are hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a swim platform as proposed This authorization is specifically conditioned upon the following: * * * The structure shall be used only for passive recreational activities such as swimming and fishing. Mooring of vessels at the facility either on a temporary or permanent basis is strictly prohibited. The platform and walkway shall be elevated four feet above mhw [mean high water]. Handrails at a height of four feet shall be installed along the walkway and around the platform. Handrails shall be two feet above the platform deck. Install at least three "NO MOORING" signs along the perimeter of the platform. Install a ladder on the waterward terminus of the platform for water access. The application submitted by the Halls to Monroe County that resulted in the subject permit incorporated the DNR conditions and described the project as follows: Applicant wishes to install a wooden swim platform (20 ft. length x 8 ft. width) and a wooden elevated access walkway (25 ft. length x 4 ft. width) to access this platform; for the purpose of using the channel cut for swimming activities at their existing single family residence. Monroe County's comprehensive plan, which has been approved by the Petitioner and by the Administration Commission, is implemented through its adopted land development regulations, codified in Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Section 9.5-345(m)(2), Monroe County Code, referred to as the four foot rule, provides as follows: (2) All structures on any submerged lands and mangroves shall be designed, located and constructed such that: * * * No structure shall be located on submerged land which is vegetated with sea grasses except as is necessary to reach waters at least four (4) feet below mean low level for docking facilities; No docking facility shall be developed at any site unless a minimum channel of twenty (20) feet in width where a mean low water depth of at least minus four (4) feet exists; Section 2.104, Nearshore Waters, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Future Land Use Element, provides, in pertinent part, as follows: The Florida Keys are dependent on nearshore water quality for their environmental and economic integrity. The heart of the Florida Keys economy, the means by which Monroe County exists as a civil and social institution, is based on its unique oceanic character. If nearshore water quality is not maintained, then quality of life and the economy of Monroe County will be directly and immediately impacted. OBJECTIVES 1. To protect, maintain and, where appropriate, to improve the quality of nearshore waters in Monroe County. * * * POLICIES 1. To prohibit land use that directly or indirectly degrade nearshore water quality. * * * To prohibit the development of water dependent facilities, including marinas, at locations that would involve significant degradation of the biological character of submerged lands. To limit the location of water-dependent facilities at locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off-shore resources of particular importance. For the purposes of this policy, off-shore resources of particular importance shall mean hard coral bottoms, habitat of state or federal threatened and endangered species, shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet, and all designated aquatic preserves under Florida Statutes section 258.39 et seq. By Final Judgment entered June 7, 1991, the Honorable Richard G. Payne, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Monroe County, Florida, ruled in Stanton v. Monroe County, Case No. 91-20-035- CA-18, that Monroe County's four foot rule does not apply to swimming piers, concluding, in pertinent part, as follows at page five of the Final Judgment: 5. To the extent that the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations fail to provide for swimming piers ... the court finds that it is unreasonable to treat such piers as if they were docks at which boats are to be moored. Pursuant to the judicial review authority of Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., the court declares ... [the four foot rule] inapplicable to piers at which boats are not to be moored. The County has adequate judicial remedies, including injunction, to prevent the use of such piers, including the subject pier, for the mooring of boats. Despite the Stanton ruling, supra, Monroe County has interpreted the four foot rule as being applicable to swimming piers such as the one the Halls wish to construct. Monroe County's long-standing interpretation of the four foot rule would not prohibit the permit because of the minimal effect such construction would have on the nearshore waters. Since 1986, Monroe County has adopted an interpretation of Section 9.5-345(m)(2), Monroe County Code, and of Section 2.104, Nearshore Waters, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Future Land Use Element, that would permit the construction of the subject project. That interpretation permits the development of docks in subdivisions that were under development in 1986 if there is at least four feet of water at the terminal point of the dock at mean low tide. The structure that is the subject of this proceeding is in a subdivision that was under development prior to 1986 and would, if permitted, terminate in a channel more than 20 feet wide with water at least six feet deep at mean low tide. Monroe County's interpretation of the four foot rule is that the rule was intended to restrict the development of boating access facilities in new, undeveloped subdivisions and to regulate proposed expansion of existing marinas and the development of new marinas. Monroe County considers the subject application by the Halls to meet all of its permitting criteria. The structure will be constructed in a dredged area of adequate size for swimming. Access to the structure by boat is unlikely because the swimming area is surrounded by a reef and hard bottom that is extremely shallow, even at high tide. At low tide much of this surrounding area is above water, and the deepest area of water is approximately six inches. At high tide, the water depth of the surrounding area ranges from approximately four inches to approximately eighteen inches. On the waterward side of the surrounding area, the water depths are less than four feet. Petitioner's concern is that boats will moor at the structure regardless of the restrictions on the permit and that these boats will cause degradation to the nearshore waters while crossing to deep water. Benthic communities exist in the waters between the Halls's property and deep water, such as rock-hard bottom, sea grasses, algae, and hard coral. Turtles, manatees, sharks, stingrays, eagle rays, snapper, pink shrimp, mullet, and other marine animals populate those waters. Sea grass beds play an important role in water quality maintenance in the Keys through filtration, nutrient uptake, stabilization of the bottom, and as a habitat for commercially important species. One cannot reach deep water by boat from the Halls's property without crossing areas in which the water depth is less than four feet at low tide. Petitioner speculates that prop dredging, and the resulting damage to seagrass beds and shallow water marine communities, would result if one were to attempt to navigate these shallow waters by a propeller powered boat. Petitioner's concern is premised on the unwarranted assumptions that the structure will be illegally used at some point in the future by boats. Petitioner has failed to establish that this concern justifies denial of the permit. Petitioner did not establish that damage would be done to the environment by swimming in the area of the proposed swimming platform. Respondents presented evidence that several similar projects were permitted at approximately the same time as the Halls's permit without Petitioner filing an appeal. This evidence was insufficient to establish that Petitioner should be estopped to appeal the subject permit, that Petitioner engaged in selective enforcement of its regulatory power, or that Petitioner otherwise brought the subject appeal for an inappropriate purpose.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order affirming Monroe County's decision to issue building permit number 9010001679, and dismissing the appeal filed by the Department of Community Affairs. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of January, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of January, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-2958DRI The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Petitioner. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in the first sentence of paragraph 11, 12, 13, and 16 are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 15 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached because the use of the platform is limited. The testimony by Robert L. Herman as to the purpose and interpretation of the four foot rule by Monroe County is found to be a more persuasive than Mr. Metcalf's testimony. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Respondents. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3,4, and 8 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 5 and 6 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. COPIES FURNISHED: Lucky T. Osho, Esquire David Jordan, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Theodore W. Herzog, Esquire Theodore W. Herzog, P.A. 209 Duval Street Key West, Florida 33040 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 G. Steven Pfeiffer, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 James T. Hendrick, Esquire Attorney for Monroe County Post Office Box 1117 Key West, Florida 33040 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3400 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 Pierce Construction and Builders Route 4, Box 319 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Bob Herman, Herb Rabin, Lorenzo Aghemo, Pat McNeese Monroe County Growth Management Division Public Service Building, Wing III 5100 Junior College Road West Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 William R. Kynoch, Deputy Director Florida Land and Water Adj. Commission Executive Officer of the Governor 311 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact Jack E. Moore is the owner of real property in Fort Myers Beach known as Lot 9 of Indian Bayou, a subdivision in Section 33, Township 46 South, Range 24 East, Lee County, Florida. Moore's property is bordered on the north by the waters of Indian Bayou and Estero Bay. The northern portions of Moore's property are vegetated by juvenile and mature red and black mangroves. Red and black mangrove are the dominant species of vegetation on the northernmost portions of the property, waterward of the fill pad on which Moore's house is built. Sometimes during July, 1982, Moore used a shovel to excavate a channel from the open waters of Estero Bay to a dock existing at the edge of the fill pad. Approximately 48 cubic yards of excavated material was piled up along the banks of the channel. The channel measured approximately 1.5 feet deep (at low tide) by 9 feet wide by 70 feet long. The channel was dug so that Moore could got his boat in and out from the dock at medium tide. The passage to the deck was already possible at high tide, as Moore had a shallow draft pontoon boat. In July, 1981, Moore constructed a rip-rap revetment with backfill the northern side of his house fill pad. The back fill area contains approximately 160 cubic yards of fill, and is approximately 10 feet wide by 110 feet long. Red mangrove and black mangrove are and were the dominant vegetational species in the area where the channel was dug, where the excavated material was placed, and where the revetment and fill was constructed. The area of dominant mangrove vegetation extends from the work areas to the open waters of Estero Bay. Moore did not apply for or receive a permit from DER prior to undertaking the work referenced above. Upon discovery of the work in September, 1982, DER notified Moore that a permit was needed for the excavation and filling he conducted. In October, 1982, Moore agreed to fill in the channel and remove all unauthorized fill by January 19, 1983. Inspection by DER on January 26, 1983, showed that restoration had not been started, and in fact more work had been done on the channel. DER issued a Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action (NOV) to Respondent on March 29, 1003, alleging violations of Chapter 403, Florida Statute's, and DER rules and requiring restoration of the areas dredged and filled. Upon service of the Notice of Violation by the Sheriff, Respondent petitioned for this hearing. DER incurred costs of 5101.88 in investigating the violations alleged in the NOV. As of the date of the hearing, restoration work still had not been performed. Although the spoil piles alongside the channel are now diminished, the channel itself was deep as it previously had been and the rip-rap revetment and backfill had not been removed.
The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Department of Environmental Regulation (Department) should grant a dredge and fill permit which has been requested by the Respondent, William R. Cullen (Applicant). That proposed permit has been opposed by the Petitioners (who will be referred to collectively as Petitioners for convenience sake).
Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received, the following findings of fact are made: The Department is the state agency authorized to issue permits pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. The Respondent, William R. Cullen, filed an application for a dredge and fill permit to construct a slip marina on June 4, 1985. The original request was subsequently amended to seek approval for a forty-two slip commercial marina. The project site for the Applicant's marina is located at Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. The site is within Buttonwood Sound, Florida Bay. The property is owned by Mr. Cullen and his family. All of the proposed improvements will be constructed on submerged lands or uplands owned or controlled by the Cullen family. The project site is located within a commercial area of Key Largo and contains frontage on both the water, Buttonwood Sound, and the highway, U.S. Highway 1. The project site has a basin which was created by the excavation of materials used for road construction from the shoreline and the installation of an L-shaped rock jetty which runs roughly perpendicular and then parallel to the shoreline. This jetty was installed during the late 1960s. The water depths within the basin range from 3 feet to approximately 14 feet. The water within the basin is subject to the same tidal considerations as the waters within Buttonwood Sound. There is no interruption of the flow of water in and out of the basin from those waters of the Sound. The water within this basin is within an Outstanding Florida Water as defined in Rule 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code. The Applicant's plan calls for the excavation of appproximately 30,170 square feet of upland area and the dredging of the existing basin for approximately 18,460 dredged square feet. During the construction phases, the Applicant proposes to install turbidity curtains to limit the adverse effects expected during that time. The improvements are intended to be a permanent alteration to the basin design and will permanently modify the marine life habitat within that basin. The Applicant proposes to remove portions of the existing jetty to allow additional water to flow through the basin unimpeded by the jetty walls. The removal of the jetty walls will expedite the dilution and flushing of potential pollutants from the basin on a tidal frequency. That flushing is purported to assure that the water quality within the basin will not be diminished. However, such pollutants will be flushed into Buttonwood Sound. Stormwater accumulating on the upland project is to flow toward a lower upland area and should not to be dumped into the basin. The proposed marina is to have fueling facilities and the Applicant has agreed to design that system to limit inadvertent spillage. Further, as a condition of the permit, the Applicant has agreed to abide by the Department of Natural Resources' spill contingency plan requirements. The proposed marina is designed to provide portable sewage pumpout facilities for each slip. A permanent pumpout facilities will also be available. The Applicant seeks to attract boats in the range of 30 to 50 feet in length at this facility. While there are a number of other marinas in other areas of Key Largo which might accomodate that size boat, the marinas in the immediate vicinity of this project site are designed for smaller craft. The area within the basin consists of unvegetated bottom, submerged rip-rap, sea grasses, and hardbottom/algae communities--the predominant classifications being the latter two. The deeper hardbottom areas are to be filled and portions of the sea grasses will be dredged in order to configure the proposed docks. Additionally, other sea grass areas will be shaded, and thereby disturbed, by the construction of the docks. There are no historical or archaeological features relevant to the proposed site. The area has not been designated as a critical manatee area, however, manatees do frequent the project vicinity and have been observed feeding immediately adjacent to the basin. The permit proposed for this project requires a water quality monitoring plan. In addition to sampling for coliform, diesel by-products, oils, greases, detergents, oxygen, copper, lead and zinc, the plan requires sampling for aluminum, cadmium, and chromium. The monitoring stations are to be located both within the basin (2 stations) and outside the basin (2 stations). Liveaboards or others continuously docked at the marina will create additional shading which will disrupt and adversely affect the sea grass system. In order to provide access to the marina, the Applicant intends to dredge a channel in an area containing sea grass which is undisputedly within the Outstanding Florida Waters. The Department deemed the subject application was complete on February 23, 1988. The Department did not apply the Keys Rule found in Rule 17-312.400, Florida Administrative Code, to this project. The Department also did not apply the Mitigation Rule found in Rule 17-312.300, Florida Administrative Code, to this project. Michael Dentzau has personally reviewed and processed 250-300 dredge and fill permits during his tenure with the Department. Of those projects he has reviewed, he has not recommended that dense sea grass beds of the type located within this project site be dredged in order to construct a commercial marina. Phillip Edwards was responsible for executing the Intent to Issue in this case. In determining that this project had provided reasonable assurances that water quality standards will not be violated, Mr. Edwards weighed the public interests criteria set forth in Section 403.918, Florida Statutes. Because he received letters purportedly from elected officials, Mr. Edwards presumed that the project was in the public interest. That assumption of fact has not been established by this record. According to Mr. Edwards, the adverse effects expected by this project could be adequately addressed by the permit conditions when weighed against the public interest in favor of the project. Since Mr. Edwards' assumptions as to the public interest in this project have not been established, his conclusion regarding the weight that interest should receive can be given little consideration. The project as proposed by the Applicant will not adversely affect navigation or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. The project as proposed by the Applicant will adversely affect fishing or marine productivity within the basin since it will permanently alter the basin biologically by destroying sea grass. The increased boat traffic within the Sound will also detract from the present recreational uses enjoyed by area residents. According to Mr. Edwards, it is very unusual for the Department to issue a permit when sea grasses will be adversely affected. In the 17 years in which he has reviewed permits, only two occasions merited approval when the destruction of sea grasses to the extent in this case would result. Neither of those cases were factually similar to the case at issue. In those cases, however, elected officials advised Mr. Edwards, as he presumed they had here, that there was a public need for the permit. Increased boat traffic will result in increased manatee mortality due to collisions. In order to assure water quality will not be degraded within a marina, the project should have a short flushing time comparable to healthy natural embayments. In this case, the flushing proposed by the Applicant is dependent, in part, on winds which may be inconsistent or relatively minimal during the summer months.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order denying the permit requested by the Applicant. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 1990. APPENDIX TO CASE NOS. 89-3779 et seq. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY PETITIONERS: The first three sentences of paragraph 1 are accepted; the remainder is rejected as argument or irrelevant. Paragraph 2 is accepted. Paragraph 3 is accepted. With regard to paragraph 4, it is accepted that the Department deemed the application complete on February 23, 1988; otherwise, the paragraph is rejected as argument. With regard to paragraph 5, it is accepted that the habitat within the basin is the same as the habitat throughout Florida Bay and that the basin is not "enclosed" hydrologically; otherwise, the paragraph is rejected as argument or comment. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are rejected as argument, conclusions of law, or comment. The paragraphs do not recite facts pertinent to this case. Paragraphs 13, 14, and the first two sentences of paragraph 15 are accepted. The remainder of paragraph IS is rejected as argument. The first two sentences of paragraph 16 are accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as comment or argument. Paragraph 17 is accepted. Paragraph 18 is rejected as argument. To the extent that paragraph 19 accurately describes Van de Kreeke's assessment of the report it is accepted; otherwise rejected as irrelevant, comment, argument, recitation of testimony or unsupported by the record. The report upon which comment is directed was not offered in this cause to prove its truth/accuracy. Paragraphs 20 through 22 are rejected as comment, argument, recitation of testimony or unsupported by the record-- see comment to paragraph 19 above. Paragraphs 23 through 26 are accepted. Paragraphs 27 and 28 are rejected as argument, comment, or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 29 and 30 are accepted. Paragraph 31 is rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 32 and 33 are accepted. Paragraph 34 is rejected as hearsay, irrelevant, or argument. Paragraph 35 is rejected as comment or argument. Paragraph 36 is accepted. Paragraphs 37 through 40 are rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 41 through 43 are accepted. Paragraph 44 is rejected as contrary to the record. Paragraph 45 is rejected as argument. Paragraph 46 is rejected as argument or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 47 is accepted but is comment. Paragraphs 48 and 49 are accepted. Paragraph 50 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraph 51 is rejected as argument or conclusions of law. The first three sentences of paragraph 52 are accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as argument. The first sentence and that portion of the second sentence of paragraph 53 that ends with the word "authenticity" is accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as argument or conclusions of law. Paragraphs 54 and 55 are accepted. Paragraph 56 is rejected as irrelevant or hearsay. Paragraph 57 is rejected as hearsay. Paragraph 58 is rejected as argument, comment, or irrelevant. Paragraphs 59 through 66 are accepted. Paragraph 67 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 68 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 69 and 70 are accepted. Paragraph 71 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraph 72 is rejected as argument. The first sentence of paragraph 73 is accepted; the remainder is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 74 is accepted. Paragraphs 75 through 77 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 78 and 79 are accepted. Paragraph 80 is rejected as repetitive. With the inclusion of the words "and hardbottom and algae" paragraph 81 is accepted. Paragraph 82 is accepted. Paragraph 83 is accepted. Paragraph 84 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. 5l. Paragraphs 85 through 89 are accepted. With the substitution of the word "not" for the word "ever" in the last sentence of paragraph 90, it is accepted. Paragraphs 91 through 94 are accepted. Paragraph 95 is rejected as not supported by the record or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 96 through 100 are accepted. Paragraph 101 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraphs 102 through 106 are rejected as argument, comment, or irrelevant. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE DEPARTMENT: Paragraph 1 is accepted. Paragraph 2 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the credible evidence. The waters within the basin are of the same origin as they were prior to the creation of the jetty; no artificial body of water was created. With regard to paragraph 3 it is accepted that the jetty was constructed in the late 1960s. Paragraph 4 is accepted. With regard to paragraph 5 it is accepted that that is the applicants proposal no conclusion as to the likelihood of that is reached. Paragraph 5 is accepted. Paragraph 6 is accepted. Inevitably, however, spills will occur and must be considered as an adverse affect of the project. Paragraph 7 is accepted. Paragraph 8 is rejected as unsupported by competent evidence or contrary to the weight of the evidence presented. Paragraph 9 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 10 is accepted. Paragraph 11 is accepted but is inadequate to offset the adverse affects to manatees. Paragraph 12 is accepted but is inadequate to limit the adverse affects to sea grass. Paragraph 13 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 14 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 15 is accepted. Paragraph 16 is accepted. Paragraphs 17 and 18 are accepted. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT: Paragraphs 1 through the first sentence of paragraph 6 are accepted. The second sentence of paragraph 6 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 7 through Il are accepted. Paragraph 12 is rejected as irrelevant. Paragraphs 13 through the first sentence of paragraph 17 are accepted. The remainder of paragraph 17 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 18 is accepted. Paragraph 19 is rejected as unsupported by the record or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 20 is accepted. Paragraphs 21 through 26 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 27 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence or unsupported by competent evidence. The first sentence of paragraph 28 is accepted, the remainder rejected as speculative, comment, or unsupported by the record. The first sentence of paragraph 29 is accepted, the remainder rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 30 is accepted. Paragraph 31 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 32 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 33 is accepted but is irrelevant. Paragraph 34 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 35 is accepted; however, sea grasses not disturbed by dredging will still suffer adverse affects from shading and silting. Paragraph 36 is accepted but see comment to paragraph 35 above. Paragraph 37 is accepted. Paragraph 38 is accepted. Paragraph 39 is accepted but is irrelevant. Paragraph 40 is accepted. Paragraph 41 is accepted. Paragraph 42 is accepted. Paragraph 43 is rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph 44 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 45 is accepted but it should be noted that is not the extent of the proposal. Paragraph 46 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 47 is accepted. Paragraph 48 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 49 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Pamela Presnell Garvin Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Charles Lee Florida Audubon Society 1101 Audubon Way Maitland, Florida 32751 Robert Routa P.O. Box 6506 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6506 Linda McMullen McFARLAIN, STERNSTEIN, WILEY & CASSEDY, P.A. 600 First Florida Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dale H. Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 =================================================================