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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jul. 11, 2012 Number: 12-002332PL Latest Update: Sep. 12, 2013

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent committed the allegations contained in the Amended Administrative Complaint, and, if so, the penalty that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is the head of the Florida Department of Education, the state agency charged with the responsibility of investigating and prosecuting complaints of violations of section 1012.795, Florida Statutes, against teachers holding Florida educator's certificates. Respondent, who has no prior disciplinary history, holds Florida Educator's Certificate 709850, covering the area of mathematics, which is valid through June 30, 2014. The Events The incident that gives rise to this proceeding occurred during the morning of April 8, 2011, at Dillard High School ("Dillard"), where Respondent has taught mathematics since 2004. At that time, Respondent was lecturing to his Algebra I honors class, which comprised approximately 15 students. During the lecture, one of the male students, 15-year- old D.P., took out his cell phone and viewed it, contrary to one of Respondent's classroom rules. Respondent immediately directed D.P. to put the phone away, and the student complied; a few moments later, however, D.P. again took out his phone, which resulted in the same reaction from Respondent. For reasons known only to D.P., he took out his phone a third time——conduct that prompted Respondent to confiscate the item. Later, during the same class period, D.P. inquired of Respondent as to when his phone would be returned. Respondent replied that the phone could be retrieved at the end of the day from Mr. Levinsky, one of Dillard's assistant principals. None too happy with this turn of events, D.P. stewed for several minutes, at which point he got up from his table and approached the front of the room, where Respondent was seated behind his desk. Suspecting that D.P. might attempt to recover the phone (which lay on Respondent's desk), Respondent picked it up. At that point, and in an audacious move, D.P. grabbed Respondent's cell phone off the desk and stated, in an angry tone, that he would return Respondent's phone when Respondent relinquished possession of his (D.P.'s). Understandably disinclined to negotiate, Respondent calmly directed D.P. to return his property. D.P. refused. Respondent again asked, to no avail, that D.P. place the phone on the desk. After a third request, which, like the others, went entirely unheeded, Respondent stood up, walked around his desk, positioned himself near D.P., and instructed D.P.——for the fourth time——to put down the phone. D.P. complied, only to pick up the phone once again just seconds later. (While doing so, D.P. remarked that he was not going to return Respondent's "mother-fucking phone.") It is at this point that the witness' accounts diverge: D.P. and student S.H. contend that Respondent reached out with one hand and, in an unprovoked act of violence, grabbed D.P. by the throat and pushed him backwards, which resulted in D.P. falling over several desks that had been placed together; students A.A., R.B., and A.P. claim that Respondent, without provocation, slammed D.P. onto the desks after taking hold of the student's throat; finally, Respondent asserts——as corroborated by student T.F.——that D.P. moved toward him in a threatening manner and that he (Respondent) simply defended himself5/ by extending his arm, which made contact with D.P.'s upper chest or neck area. Respondent and T.F. further testified that, as a result of the defensive contact, D.P. moved backward and either tripped or fell over the desks. Before the undersigned resolves the question of how D.P. wound up on the floor, a brief rehearsal of the relevant subsequent events is in order. Moments after the physical encounter, Respondent informed D.P., who was uninjured, that he intended to escort him to one of Dillard's administrators. Enraged, D.P. removed his shirt and followed Respondent into the hallway; as D.P. did so, he directed several vulgar threats toward Respondent, such as, "I'm going to fuck you up" and "I'm going to kill you." Moments later, Respondent encountered one of Dillard's security guards, Noel Buhagiar, from whom Respondent requested assistance. Mr. Buhagiar proceeded to restrain D.P., at which point Respondent made his way to school administration. Once in the front office, Respondent provided a brief description to Mr. Levinsky (as noted previously, an assistant principal) concerning his incident with D.P. Mr. Levinsky instructed Respondent to return to class and issue D.P. a referral. While en route to his classroom, Respondent walked by D.P., who, still restrained, repeated his earlier crude threats. From what can be gleaned from the record, D.P.'s behavior ultimately earned him a five-day suspension from school. Shortly after the incident, Respondent was questioned by Edward Jackson, a school resource officer assigned to Dillard. During the interview, Respondent explained that D.P. had approached him in a "fighter's stance" and that, as a result of this aggressive behavior, he feared for his safety and used an open hand (which made contact with D.P.'s neck) to ward D.P. away. Subsequently, Officer Jackson conducted an interview of D.P. in the presence of Mr. Levinsky and the student's father, during which D.P. provided a description of the incident that largely coincided with Respondent's version of events. These statements were credibly recounted during the final hearing by Officer Jackson, who testified: The child told me, in front of his father, and A.P. [Levinsky], that there was a conversation about a cell phone. He went to get his cell phone back, in an aggressive manner, and that's when [Respondent], fearing for his safety, extended his arms out, and I guess in such force, that he caused the student to fall over some chairs. I then asked, well, Mr. [Levinsky] asked the student, did at any time, did [Respondent] use his hand to choke, choke you. And D.P. answered, to the question, indicating that [Respondent] did not use his hands to choke him. And that was said in front of his father, and in front of Mr. Levinsky, so, there was no choke at all. Final Hearing Transcript, p. 173 (emphasis added). Upon the conclusion of his investigation, Officer Jackson charged D.P. with misdemeanor assault,6/ at which time the matter was forwarded to the State Attorney's Office.7/ Ultimate Findings It is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Petitioner has failed to adduce clear and convincing evidence of the Amended Administrative Complaint's principal allegation—— namely, that Respondent grabbed D.P. in a "choking manner and pushed him onto [a] desk." In so finding, the undersigned rejects the testimony of Petitioner's witnesses on this issue, which, for several reasons, is less persuasive than that of Respondent and T.F. First, had Respondent committed the act alleged, it is reasonable to expect that D.P. would have suffered some form of harm, particularly since Respondent, a football coach, outweighed D.P. by at least 608/ pounds. Yet, and as D.P. conceded during the final hearing, he sustained no marks, bruises, or injuries of any kind.9/ In addition, D.P.'s present description of the event is highly dubious in light of Officer Jackson's credible testimony, which establishes D.P.'s admission during the police interview that he (D.P.) had moved toward Respondent aggressively and that Respondent had merely extended his arm for protection. Finally, D.P.'s wholly outrageous conduct, both before and after the incident——taking Respondent's property and refusing to return it, removing his shirt, and threatening to "kill" Respondent——is far more suggestive of his culpability as the aggressor. Owing to the undersigned's crediting of Respondent's final-hearing testimony, it necessarily follows that Respondent's report of the incident to law enforcement, in which he claimed self-defense, was in no manner false or dishonest.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Education Practices Commission dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of May, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S EDWARD T. BAUER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of May, 2013.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.795120.57784.011
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Mar. 05, 1997 Number: 97-000964 Latest Update: Aug. 04, 1997

The Issue Should Petitioner suspend Respondent without pay for three (3) days for inappropriately physically restraining a student in mid-December, 1996, while Respondent was employed at Tate High School?

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to the inquiry, Respondent was an instructional employee of the Escambia County School Board. In this capacity he served as a physical education teacher. He also coached football and track. Respondent has been in the teaching profession for more than 21 years. The majority of that service has been in the states of Alabama and Georgia. Respondent has been employed in the Escambia County School District for approximately two years. On March 14, 1996, Respondent received a reprimand from Jim May, Principal of Tate High School. Tate High School is in Gonzalez, Florida, and is part of the Escambia County School District. The letter of reprimand stated: I am writing this letter of reprimand in regards to an incident that occurred at Tate High School on March 12, 1996. It is my findings [sic] that you put your hands on a student and physically forced him in a chair by grabbing him by the elbow. You should never put hands on a student unless to prevent bodily harm to himself or to others. These actions were inappropriate and must not reoccur. Any further actions of this sort on your part will result in serious disciplinary action to you, including possible suspension or termination. In the fall term 1996 Mr. May met with coaches, to include Respondent, and reminded the coaches not to put their hands on students for any reason in relation to involvement between the coaches and student athletes. This meeting was occasioned by an incident between another coach and a student. The policy which prohibits a teacher from putting his or her hands on a student except to prevent harm to the teacher or to others, is a policy that has application throughout the Escambia County School District. When Respondent was reprimanded on March 14, 1996, Carolyn Spooner, the present Principal at Tate High School, told the Respondent, that he should have allowed the student whom he forced into a chair to walk out of the classroom, as opposed to forcing the student into the desk chair. It was the student's intention to leave the classroom before Respondent forced the student into the chair. If the student had been allowed to leave, Respondent was advised by Ms. Spooner, that the Respondent could have sent a referral to the Dean or sent for a Dean to offer assistance. The referral practice, as contrasted with physical restraint, is the policy for the Escambia County School District. While the Student Handbook describing rights and responsibilities for students in the School District of Escambia County in the 1996-97 School Year contemplates possible corporal punishment, the school district does not impose corporal punishment for high school students. In any event the imposition of corporal punishment is not conducted ad hoc through the instructional staff. It may only be conducted through means established by guidelines for administering such punishment, which establish the nature of the punishment to be administered, under what conditions, and by whom. Notwithstanding the admonitions to Respondent to refrain from placing his hands on students other than in the limited circumstances described, Respondent violated those instructions and acted contrary to the school district policy. This incident occurred on December 10, 1996, at Tate High School while Respondent was teaching a physical education class. On that date a student was less than cooperative in his participation in the physical education class. Basically, the student was unwilling to participate. There was some question about the student's ability to participate. This circumstance followed a history of the student not participating and having provided written excuses from his mother relieving him of the responsibility to participate in the physical education class. Nonetheless, on this date, Respondent felt that the student should walk, while other students played softball. At some point during this episode the student sat on some bleachers at the athletic field and refused to walk as he had been instructed to do by the Respondent. Respondent took the student by the elbow and "helped" the student down from the bleachers. They then commenced to walk around the practice field with Respondent holding the student by the arm. The student pulled away from the Respondent and stated words to the effect that he was not going to do anything on the field that he did not want to do. Respondent sent the student to the "office" to be punished, but the Respondent did not write a referral as required by school district policy. As a result of the Respondent placing his hands on the student's arm, the student received bruises on the underside of his left arm that left dark spots. That injury was reported by the student's mother. The marks that were left on the underside of the student's arm were still visible the following day. The incident was investigated by Ms. Spooner and Roy Ikner, Assistant Principal at Tate High School. On December 13, 1996 Ms. Spooner, as Principal for Tate High School, gave notice to Respondent that disciplinary action was being considered for "grabbing the student by the arm." Ms. Spooner met with the Respondent on December 16, 1996. In that meeting Respondent did not, and does not now, deny putting his hands on the student. Eventually Jim May, who had been elected superintendent of schools, gave notice to Respondent on January 22, 1997, that the superintendent was recommending the imposition of a three-day suspension without pay for the incident with the student that took place on December 10, 1996. The nature of the alleged misconduct was inappropriate physical restraint of the student. The facts reveal that Respondent inappropriately physically restrained the student on December 10, 1996, in violation of earlier instructions from his supervisor to refrain from that conduct. Other than the letter of reprimand and the incident at issue in this case, no other proof has been offered concerning prior discipline of the Respondent. The Respondent in his defense presented assessment system evaluations for the school years 1995-96 and 1996-97, in which he has been found to be a satisfactory teacher overall and has exceeded expected performance in parts of the performance evaluations.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and the conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered which finds Respondent guilty of misconduct by the inappropriate physical contact with a student on December 10, 1996, and suspends Respondent without pay for three days. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of July, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of July, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: John L. Hammons, Esquire Hammons and Whittaker, P.A. 17 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 John Benavidez 10141 Vixen Place Pensacola, Florida 32514 Jim May, Superintendent School District of Escambia County 215 West Garden Street Post Office Box 1470 Pensacola, Florida 32597-1470

Florida Laws (2) 120.56120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 21, 1991 Number: 91-007554 Latest Update: Aug. 18, 1992

Findings Of Fact Respondent currently holds Florida teaching certificate number 576645, which covers the areas of elementary education and mathematics. Respondent's certificate is valid through June 30, 1992. During the 1990-91 school year, Respondent was employed as a third grade teacher at Markham Elementary School in the Broward County School District. 1/ On an undetermined date during the 1990-91 school year, Respondent hit, M.R., a female student, with a wooden ruler that was twelve inches long and one inch wide. Respondent's action was in response to M.R.'s behavior of talking in class without permission. M.R. was hit on the palm of her hand with the ruler in front of the class. M.R. was embarrassed by the incident, but she did not cry. On another occasion, M.R. was talking in class. There was a dispute in the testimony as to whether M.R. was using profanity. Respondent testified that M.R. was using profanity, while M.R. denied using profanity. Respondent took M.R. to the bathroom at the rear of the classroom, told M.R. to place soap on her hands, and made M.R. wash her mouth out with soap. 2/ During the 1990-91 school year, Respondent hit K.S., a female student, on the palm of the hand with the twelve inch wooden ruler. This discipline occurred at the door to the bathroom at the rear of Respondent's classroom. K.S. became upset and began to cry. Another student saw K.S. crying. On one occasion, while talking to K.S. in the bathroom, Respondent told K.S. to pretend to cry to make the other students believe that she had been punished. Respondent had not administer corporal punishment to K.S. on that occasion, but Respondent wanted the other students to believe that they would be punished if Respondent took them to the bathroom. The Respondent hit K.C., a male student, on the palm of the hand with a wooden ruler, and on the buttocks with a small board. On one occasion the Respondent took K.C. into the bathroom and hit him with a ruler. The Respondent threatened on other occasions to hit K.C. with a ruler. The Respondent threatened to hit L.S., a female student with a ruler. L.S. witnessed the Respondent hitting other students on the hand with a ruler. The Respondent hit V.D., a female student, on the palm of the hand with a ruler. V.D. cried after being hit with the ruler. The Respondent hit K.C., a female student, on the palm of the hand and buttocks with a ruler. The Respondent hit K.C. in the bathroom and in the classroom. The Respondent hit S.T. 3/, a female student, on the palm of the hand with a wooden ruler, causing S.T. to cry. The Respondent hit or tapped T.B., a male student, on the hand with a ruler. The Respondent's conduct in hitting the students with a ruler was not done in self-defense, but as a disciplinary measure that was intended to both punish and intimidate the students. At hearing, the Respondent offered a composite exhibit of permission forms, purporting to demonstrate parental permission to use corporal punishment against K.S., T.B., K.C. (female student) and D.R. (a student who did not testify). Respondent did not offer any permission forms from the parents of M.R., S.T., K.C. (male student), or V.D., although the evidence established that Respondent struck these students with a ruler. Regardless of parental permission, the discipline administered by Respondent violated district policy, which forbids corporal punishment of any kind. After an investigation into allegations that the Respondent had struck students, students were called to the school office to be interviewed. The Respondent discussed the pending investigation with her class. Several students recalled that on the day that they were to be interviewed she told them she might go to jail if students told the investigators that she had hit them. None of the students testified that Respondent told them, as a group, to lie to the investigators. In fact each of the students testified that the Respondent told the class to tell the truth. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Respondent told S.T. and V.D. individually not to reveal that she had hit them, or to say that she had hit them fewer times than she actually had. This conflict is resolved by finding that Respondent's denial that she told either S.T. or V.D. to lie is more credible than the testimony to the contrary from S.T. and V.D. Therefore, it is found that Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent told her students to lie about her discipline practices.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a Final Order be entered which adopts the findings of facts and conclusions of law contained herein, which provides that a letter of reprimand be issued Respondent by the Education Practices Commission, and which places Respondent's certification on probation for a period of two years. It is further recommended that the terms and conditions of probation be identical to those recommended by Petitioner in its post-hearing submittal. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 19th day of May, 1992. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of May, 1992.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004936 Latest Update: Jun. 05, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Lawrence Brennan, holds Florida teaching certificate number 250648, issued by the State Department of Education. The Respondent is certified in the area of English and his certificate is valid through June 30, 1988. The Respondent is a tenured teacher in the Duval County School System in which he has taught since September 8, 1969. The Respondent has taught at Paxon Junior High School since 1984-84, and has taught compensatory education in Paxon Junior High School during school years 1984-85 and 1985-86. Compensatory education is a special program for children with low test scores. Many of the students also have disciplinary problems. The Respondent received satisfactory evaluations for the last three full years of his employment, to include his years at Paxon. The Respondent was removed from the classroom and Paxon Junior High School following the altercation with a student on February 27, 1986, which gave rise to these charges. The Respondent is currently assigned to one of the media centers of the Department of Education in Duval County. The Respondent was informed in writing of the various requirements and responsibilities of teachers in the Duval County School System. Bresha Woods was a student of the Respondent's in November 1985. Ms. Woods had received six to eight referrals to the Principal's office through November 1985 for disrupting class and for not performing assigned duties. Subsequent to the incident described here, Woods was suspended and transferred to the Darnell Cookman Alternative School in March of the 1985-86 school year. On November 7, 1985, the Respondent told Woods to take her things and to go to the Principal's office for not doing her work and disrupting class. Woods delayed, slowly gathering her books, purse and other belongings. The Respondent approached Woods from the rear as she was at her desk, grasped her by the shoulders, pulled her to her feet alongside the desk, turned her toward the door of the classroom and told her to go to the school office. Woods' statement that she was "marked up" is not credible and the fact that she visited a physician on March 29, 1987, is not relevant because of the passage of time. No report of the physician's findings was offered. Woods' report to Atkinson that Respondent had choked her was contrary to Woods' sworn testimony. Atkinson accepted Woods' version of events as opposed to the explanation of Respondent. See T 179, 180. In January 1986, Delilah Elliott, a new student at Paxon, was late for class and cut across a grassy area between the wings of the classroom building which was closed to walking students. Between classes the Respondent was performing monitoring duties outside the classroom as do many of the teachers and staff and observed Ms. Elliott crossing the prohibited area. The Respondent called for Elliott to stop. Although Elliott heard the Respondent call for her to stop, she ignored him, attempting to go to her next class. The Respondent approached her, grabbed her by the shoulders to restrain her, and pushed her toward the sidewalk. She attempted to walk around him and continue on to her class. Elliott refused to tell the Respondent her name. The Respondent herded Elliott to the Principal's office, sometimes pushing her in the back when she stopped walking. Ms. Atkinson, the Assistant Principal in charge of disciplining girls, having seen the incident, followed the Respondent to the office. Atkinson told the Respondent not to be so physical with the children. The Respondent advised Atkinson that he knew what the rules were. Atkinson advised the Respondent that she would take care of the problem, and that he should return to class. Atkinson took no action against Elliott because, according to Atkinson, walking on the grass was not a referral offense. As the Respondent exited the office, Atkinson heard the Respondent say to Elliott, "You little tramp." The Respondent was frequently in physical contact with students in his class. Craig Monasco and Frank Lane were students in the Respondent's class. The Respondent grabbed their buttocks on several occasions when they were leaning over getting books. This practice, called "scooping" by the students, was a form of horse play engaged in by the students. The students were embarrassed by this. On other occasions, the Respondent pulled students out of their seats in the process of disciplining them within the classroom. Leopolean Spikes was a 13 year old black student in the Respondent's 7th grade comp. ed. English class. Spikes had a history of disruptive behavior in class and had been sent to the Principal's office several times during the school year. On February 26, 1986, Spikes was disruptive in class and the Respondent escorted him to the Principal's office. On this occasion, Spikes had refused to accept the referral, and Spikes said he was going to have his father come out and talk with the Respondent. The Respondent added Spikes' additional comments to the referral regarding Spikes' behavior and escorted Spikes to the Principal's office. Upon re-entering the class, the Respondent stated to the class that had Spikes hit him, the Respondent would have knocked him through the wall. The Principal gave Spikes an in-school suspension for his conduct of February 26, 1986. However, based upon the general school policy, a child with the number of referrals that Spikes had had would have been subject to general suspension. On February 27, 1986, Spikes reported to the Respondent's first period comp. ed. class. Spikes exhibited additional disruptive behavior during the class period of approximately 50 minutes in length. During this time, the Respondent warned Spikes on several occasions that he was going to refer him again if his behavior did not change. Shortly before the class was over, Spikes' continued disruptive conduct caused the Respondent to write a referral of Spikes to the Principal. The Respondent told Spikes to go to the Principal's office. Spikes delayed in getting his personal effects together to go to the Principal's office, and the Respondent went over to Spikes and told him to hurry up and leave the class. Spikes told the Respondent that he would not go to the Principal's office. At this point, a conflict exists in testimony regarding what occurred next. The one non-involved adult observer, Ms. Morkin, the co-teacher, stated that she observed six "acts" to the incident: (1) Spikes stood around reading the referral and not doing anything; (2) Respondent guided Spikes to the door by the shoulder; (3) Spikes ran around her desk to his own desk by the windows and wall; (4) Books were thrown in the direction of her desk from the vicinity of Spikes' desk; and (5) A struggle ensued between Spikes and Respondent, which came to an end with the Respondent kneeling next to Spikes and restraining Spikes on the floor. The various student witnesses had more dramatic versions of the incident, but one can trace the activity by its location. Their versions began with: (1) Spikes refused to go and told Respondent that he was not going to the office at or around Spikes' desk; (2) Spikes or Respondent threw books; (3) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the desk; (4) Spikes threatened Respondent with a desk; (5) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the wall and Spikes' head hit against the wall; and (6) The fight ended with Respondent pinning Spikes to the floor. The following findings are based upon a most credible evidence and testimony presented: The Respondent was standing in the aisle alongside Spikes' desk and between Spikes' desk and the front of the room where Ms. Morkin's desk was located. Spikes, when confronted by the Respondent and told to hurry, told Respondent he refused to go, and threw his books at Respondent, who was standing between Spikes and Morkin. Spikes adopted a combative stance and the Respondent grabbed Spikes' arms, fearing that Spikes was going to strike him. Spikes began to struggle and both Spikes and the Respondent fell to the floor. Respondent let go of Spikes and regained his feet and Spikes pulled himself to his feet using the back of a school desk which he raised in front of him and advanced toward the Respondent saying, "I'm going to hit you with this desk. See T-70. The Respondent pushed the desk out of the way, grabbed the writing portion of the desk, then grabbed Spikes and a second struggle ensued, during which Spikes hit the Respondent, who grabbed Spikes in a bear hug. Spikes and the Respondent were by the windowed wall of the classroom, and the Respondent attempted to pin Spikes against the windowed wall to stop his struggling and prevent Spikes from hitting him. In doing so, Spikes' head was banged against the window once. Spikes continued to hit the Respondent all this time. The Respondent and Spikes again fell to the floor where Spikes ceased fighting after Respondent pinned him down. After the struggle ceased, Ms. Morkin left to seek assistance as the Respondent requested. After he was at the office, a knot came up on Spikes' head. Spikes parents were called and they took Spikes to the emergency room where he underwent a complete examination, to include X-rays of his head. This examination revealed no abnormal findings except tenderness and swelling in the left occipital area of the head. Subsequent medical problems which Spikes has suffered were related to an injury to the right occipital area. No evidence of such an injury was revealed in the examination or reported by Spikes. See Petitioner's Exhibit The Respondent is approximately 6' tall and weighs approximately 200 pounds. Spikes is approximately 4'6" tall and weighs 72 pounds. Mr. Randolph and Ms. Atkinson, the persons in charge of disciplining children at the school, gave their opinions concerning the appropriateness of the Respondent's actions. In their opinion, the Respondent's actions were inappropriate. The record reflects that both Atkinson and Randolph had failed to apply the requisite disciplinary standards to students by taking action to remove them from the school system permanently, based upon continued disciplinary problems. Atkinson, who observed the Elliott incident, described the Respondent as "striking the student" and was of the opinion that a person who touches another person with their hand is striking the person. Mr. Larry Paulk, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Affairs for the Duval County Schools, interviewed the Respondent after the altercation. To Paulk, the Respondent appeared hostile and was sarcastic in his dealings and approach to students. Paulk offered his opinion that the Respondent's conduct regarding discipline and leadership was inappropriate. The Respondent has attended psychiatric counseling for the past year to deal with his hostility and to improve his effectiveness as a teacher. There is no evidence of the Respondent receiving progressive discipline for prior acts involving physical contact with students, although he received several written reprimands for inappropriate conduct towards students to include physical conduct, language, and attitude. Mr. Randolph, the principal in charge of boys, advised that the school's solution for the removal of an unwilling child from class was to call the Principal. The Principal would come to the room and ask the student to come out of the classroom and, if the student refused, the Principal would then call a uniformed policeman who would arrest the child for trespassing. In Randolph's experience they had never had to take the final step of calling for a uniformed policeman.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 28, 2014 Number: 14-004053PL Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Aug. 12, 1994 Number: 94-004483 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Respondent should be suspended without pay for five days from employment with the School Board because of the matters alleged in the charging letter issued herein.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, (Board), was the county agency responsible for the provision of public instruction from pre-kindergarten through secondary and adult education in Polk County, Florida, and operated Haines City High School in Haines City. Respondent had been employed at HCHS for eight years and in the last two years prior to the incidents in issue, taught in the school's Diversified Cooperative Training Program, (DCT) under a continuing contract of employment. In January, 1994, Respondent was administered a verbal reprimand as a result of reports that she has been consuming alcohol in the presence of her students at an out of town conference. A part of the basis for that reprimand was her reported comments to students to the effect that her predecessor as DCT instructor had advised her not to let Black students into the program because they caused trouble. These comments by Respondent were communicated to Black students who were upset by them. At some point during the 1993-1994 school year, Respondent reportedly overheard a student, Alisha Tanner, (now, Forsythe), in a discussion with another student regarding her breakup with her boyfriend. Respondent is alleged to have stated to Ms. Tanner that, "...if you have a vibrator, you won't need a boyfriend." Both Ms. Tanner and another female student who allegedly heard the statement, claim to have been shocked and embarrassed by hearing a teacher make such a statement, and a third student, Delana Muncy, indicated Ms. Tanner was crying as a result of the comment made to her. Evidence was also presented to indicate that about the same time, Respondent was overheard by several other students to have asked a male student, Jonathan Bradley, if he masturbated. Respondent does not deny using the term, "vibrator" to the female student. Her version of the conversation is somewhat different than those of the students, however. Respondent admits that she overheard the two girls discussing one's breakup with her boyfriend and that she joined the conversation. She, however, indicates that she did so to remind them of the dangers of reckless sexual behavior and suggested that the young lady find other ways, including the use of a vibrator, to satisfy her sexual needs. Respondent denies, however, the use of the word "masturbate" to Bradley. Only two of the students in or near the conversation recall Respondent making such a comment. Notwithstanding these comments were alleged to have been made during the early or middle part of the school year, no mention of them was made by any of the students to Respondent, her immediate supervisor, parents, school administration, or Board personnel until late in the school year, just shortly before graduation. At that time, a group of the students allegedly involved met for lunch at Pizza Hut off campus and in the course of their conversation, Respondent's alleged indiscretions surfaced. Prior to leaving campus, some of these students who now testify against Respondent passed a list of complaints against her around and, though denied, there is at least some indication the students were trying to get Respondent fired. Some of the students refused to sign the list. It was only several months after the inappropriate comments were allegedly made that the first official complaint was made. Other information presented at hearing indicates that during the school year several of the students involved in the reporting of this incident became dissatisfied with Respondent's conduct of her class. Respondent was alleged by students to have used such words in class as "shit", "hell", and "pissed off", and is reported to have commented, on a hot day, "I've got sweat running down between my breasts and the crack of my ass." No specific incident was presented to explain or elaborate on this. In addition, Respondent allowed a class discussion on marketing to inappropriately discuss the sale of condoms as a demonstrative example. In this case, she allowed any student who was offended by the discussion to leave the room, but this was not a satisfactory solution, as the students' excusal served only to focus unwelcome attention on the excused students. More specifically, Respondent was alleged to have become upset with student Bradley because, contra to the instructions she had given him about picking up the DCT jerseys from the printer, he disobeyed her instructions and picked them up without her permission. Respondent chastised Bradley for this. It is entirely possible the allegations against Respondent are the result of her disciplining of Mr. Bradley, thereby antagonizing him and his clique. Another allegation made against the Respondent by the Principal is her reported permission to several of her students to grade, average and record student grades, which allowed them access to her grade book. The HCHS teacher handbook, of which Respondent had previously been given a copy, specifically prohibits teachers from making grade books available to students and proscribes allowing students to record grades. Both the principal, Mr. Partain, and the Board's Director of Employee Relations indicated, without specific examples being provided, that Respondent's sexually inappropriate comments and her failure to abide by Board rules have impaired her effectiveness as a teacher in the school system. In general, her misconduct diminished her stature as a role model for her students, and her failure to obey Board rules compromised her ability to enforce discipline, but not to the degree that her effectiveness as a teacher was destroyed. Prior to the initiation of this action, the only disciplinary action taken against Respondent since she started working for the Board in 1988 was the verbal warning, (reduced to a letter), in January, 1994 regarding the drinking in front of students at conference and the untoward reference to Blacks. Other than that, her personnel record, commencing with the teacher evaluation done during the 1988-1989 school year, reflects positive comments and no criticism.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Mary L. Canova be reprimanded for improperly allowing students to grade the papers of other students, to average grades, and to have access to her grade book. RECOMMENDED this 6th day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 94-4483 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: 1. & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. First two sentences accepted. Conclusions as to misconduct rejected. Accepted that a comment was made by Respondent to a student which included a reference to a vibrator. Exact wording as alleged not proven. Not proven. Accepted that condoms were discussed, but it is not established that the suggestion to use condoms as an example came from Respondent or that she agreed to the discussion other than reluctantly. In any event, this discussion was not listed as a basis for discipline. Not proven and not a listed basis for discipline. & 11. Accepted and incorporated herein. 12. Accepted as a restatement of the witnesses' testimony. FOR THE RESPONDENT: - 3. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein with the exception of the last sentence which is not proven. & 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. First two sentences accepted. Third sentence a non proven conclusion. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Lane, Tron, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland & Jacobsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1578 150 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. 24650 U.S. 19 North Suite 308 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 John A. Stewart Superintendent Polk County Schools Post Office Box 391 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 05, 2020 Number: 20-001264TTS Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists to suspend Respondent, a teacher, for ten days without pay for putting hand sanitizer in a student’s mouth.

Findings Of Fact The Parties The Board is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the District. Pursuant to Article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution, and section 1001.32, Florida Statutes, the District has the authority to discipline employees pursuant to section 1012.22(1)(f), Florida Statutes. Respondent began her employment with the District in 2007. In October 2019, she was teaching at PPMS as a science teacher. Prior to the incident involved in this case, Respondent received no discipline from the Board. Respondent is an experienced teacher who has been trained on the proper method of interacting with students, exercising best professional judgment, and following policies, rules, and directives. Respondent received training concerning ethics relative to her position with the District as a teacher. Respondent has been through the orientation process for new employees of the District three times. The Incident Giving Rise to Discipline On October 14, 2019, Respondent was teaching a science class of approximately 30 sixth and seventh grade students. In this class was sixth grade student X.S., who was being verbally disruptive. Although X.S. was not cussing, Respondent told him that he needed to have his “mouth washed out with soap.” Respondent reached behind herself to grab a bottle on her desk which was either hand soap or hand sanitizer. X.S. and Respondent walked towards each other. X.S. challenged Respondent to “Do it!” Respondent raised the bottle to X.S.’s mouth and pumped in a substance from the bottle. X.S. bent over and spit on the floor. Respondent asked X.S. what he was doing, and he stated that he got hand sanitizer in his mouth. As X.S. stood up, X.S. was observed wiping his mouth and Respondent told him not to spit on the floor. X.S. left the classroom to go to the bathroom and rinse his mouth. His fellow students immediately began talking about the incident while Respondent returned to her desk. The Investigation X.S. did not immediately report the incident because he did not want to anger his foster mother. However, on the day after the incident, October 15, 2019, three students approached PPMS Principal Aronson and Officer Michaels and reported that Respondent had squirted hand sanitizer into X.S.’s mouth. Officer Michaels spoke to the students and X.S. individually and asked them to provide written statements regarding what they observed.1 Principal Aronson and Officer Michaels questioned Respondent regarding the incident. When approached by Officer Michaels, Respondent asked, “What is this about?” He responded that, “this is about squirting hand sanitizer into a student’s mouth.” Respondent said, “It wasn’t hand sanitizer. It was soap.” Respondent did not deny squirting something into X.S.’s mouth to either Principal Aronson or Officer Michaels. Principal Aronson asked Respondent to leave campus. He accompanied her to her classroom and observed a bottle of hand sanitizer on her desk. Principal Aronson also contacted Human Resources to report the incident and spoke to Human Resources Manager Jose Fred who handled overseeing the investigation from that point forward. 1 These written statements, Exhibits 11 through 16, were admitted over Respondent’s objection that they contain impermissible hearsay and are unduly prejudicial because these students refused to attend their scheduled depositions or appear for final hearing. However, their general descriptions of the incident were corroborated by the deposition of student J.C., as well as in part by Respondent. As discussed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 28-106.213(3), hearsay evidence may be used to supplement or explain other evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless the evidence falls within an exception to the hearsay rule as found in sections 90.801-.805, Florida Statutes. On October 15, 2019, Respondent was issued the one-day stay at home letter from Mr. Aronson titled “Assignment to Your Residence with Pay for October 15, 2019.” On October 15, 2019, Respondent was also issued a letter advising her that she was assigned to her residence for October 16 and October 17, 2019. Mr. Fred, under the supervision of Vicki Evans-Paré, Director of Employee and Labor Relations, compiled written statement of six students, took a written statement of Respondent on October 17, 2019, and drafted an Investigative Report dated October 18, 2019, which substantiated violations of applicable rules and Board policies. In her statement to Mr. Perez, Respondent claims it was X.S. who put his hand on hers and pulled the bottle to his own mouth and that she did not squirt anything. However, the remainder of her statement is consistent with the students’ reports of the incident.2 Post-Investigation Due Process On October 30, 2019, Respondent was provided with a Notice of Pre- Determination Meeting, which provided her with the allegations of misconduct. Respondent was provided with a copy of the entire investigative file and time to review it with the representative of her choice. Respondent attended a Pre-Determination Meeting on November 9, 2019, to give her the opportunity to provide any additional information, dispute, and explain or elaborate on any information contained in the Investigative Report. The Employee and Labor Relations (“ELR”) Department enlists the Employee Investigatory Committee (“EIC”) which reviews all of ELR’s case 2 At final hearing, Respondent testified that the bottle was never near the student’s mouth. This is wholly inconsistent with her prior written statement to Mr. Perez, her deposition testimony, and the statements of the students. This conflict negatively impacted Respondent’s credibility. files, inclusive of all documents maintained by ELR, of anything that might lead to suspension or termination, to make a suggestion to the Superintendent, if the allegations are substantiated. Once the EIC decides that the allegations are substantiated and recommends discipline, Ms. Evans-Paré takes the entire employee investigative file, inclusive of the EIC’s recommendations, to the Superintendent who then makes the ultimate recommendation for employee discipline. On November 22, 2019, Respondent was provided with supplemental information to the investigative file and provided an opportunity to respond to the documents by December 6, 2019. On December 9, 2019, Respondent requested that her response be placed in her file. She wrote “in response to the copies of the information from the District that is being used as evidence against me …” after reviewing the case file, complained that only six of 22 students were interviewed or provided statements and it was not an ethical, random sample of the class. Respondent also alleged that the documents had been altered; however, she did not provide any evidence of such during the final hearing or within the response. On December 6, 2019, Respondent again provided a response to the student witness statements to ELR wherein she stated “I have 22 students in my class, only 6 students filled out statements? You have 3 black children submitted in reporting, of which one is not accurate. Yet, they are the minority in this class, of which, 2 out of the 6 statements were from Hispanic students. It is surprising that not a single white student in my class noticed the incident.” On January 24, 2020, Respondent was notified that the Superintendent would recommend her a ten-day suspension without pay to the Board at its February 19, 2020, meeting. On February 19, 2020, the School Board adopted the Superintendent’s recommendations to suspend Respondent without pay for ten days. Respondent’s Post-Suspension Status Respondent’s suspension by the Board was picked up by the Associated Press and reported across social media and traditional media platforms locally and nationwide. Ms. Evans-Paré testified that typically, when a teacher is alleged to have done something inappropriate with students, the District cannot have the teacher in a classroom around students, so the teacher is reassigned to another location. Respondent was reassigned to adult and community education, so she was in a no-student contact position. Respondent was then moved into Human Resources Funding 9920 status due to the press and comments from the parents received by Principal Aronson and her inability to be returned to PPMS. This allowed Principal Aronson to hire another teacher to take her place. Respondent has not been back in the classroom as a teacher for the District since October 15, 2019.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board uphold the ten-day suspension without pay and return Respondent to the classroom. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of April, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of April, 2021. V. Danielle Williams, Esquire Palm Beach County School Board Office of the General Counsel 3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-331 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Nicholas Anthony Caggia, Esquire Johnson and Caggia Law Group 867 West Bloomingdale Avenue, Suite 6325 Brandon, Florida 33508 Richard Corcoran Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jean Marie Middleton, Esquire Palm Beach County School Board Office of the General Counsel 3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-331 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Donald E. Fennoy, II, Ed.D. Superintendent Palm Beach County School Board 3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-316 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321012.011012.221012.33120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 28-106.2136A-10.081 DOAH Case (2) 15-004720-1264TTS
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Apr. 28, 1994 Number: 94-002294 Latest Update: Oct. 10, 1996

The Issue The issue presented is whether the respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, the penalty which should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: At the time the Administrative Complaint was filed in this case, Mr. Tullos held Florida teaching certificate number 165642, covering the areas of administration and physical education, which was to expire in June 1995. 2/ At all times material to this proceeding, Mr. Tullos was employed as an assistant principal of student services at Glades Central High School ("Glades Central") in the Palm Beach County School District. He was employed pursuant to a three-year contract commencing in July 1990 and terminating in July 1993. 3/ Mr. Tullos has been employed since 1965 at what is now known as Glades Central, where he served as dean of boys until the title was changed to assistant principal some twelve years ago. He received appreciation awards for his work with students at Glades Central every year from 1987 through May 1991. Mr. Tullos has had regular contact with female students for many years in his positions as dean of boys and assistant principal of student services. In September 1991, Calvin Taylor issued a "Warning Letter" to Mr. Tullos expressing concerns about his behavior with students. At the time, Mr. Taylor was assistant superintendent for personnel relations with the Palm Beach County School Board. The letter was issued following an informal hearing regarding complaints from several students. These complaints were basically the same as those which are the subject of the instant proceeding. Mr. Taylor's role was to hear the evidence and determine what type of discipline to recommend to the school superintendent. Upon consideration of the evidence presented by the school board investigator and by Mr. Tullos, Mr. Taylor recommended that the appropriate discipline was the issuance of the "Warning Letter." In the letter, Mr. Tullos was admonished to "[b]e very careful about the manner in which you touch and associate with students." In May 1992, Mr. Tullos received an "At Expectation" performance evaluation from Dr. Effie C. Grear, principal of Glades Central. During the 1992-1993 school year, Mr. Tullos was one of three assistant principals at Glades Central and was assigned to work with all ninth-grade students. Lois Lewis and Willie McDonald, the other two assistant principals, were assigned to work with all tenth-grade and one-half of the eleventh-grade students and with all twelfth-grade and one-half of the eleventh-grade students, respectively. Mr. Tullos's duties included student discipline, monitoring the halls and cafeterias, loading and unloading students on the school buses, issuing passes, making arrangements for medical care for students injured on campus and contacting the parents, making arrangements to have unruly students removed from campus, and performing teacher evaluations. Each school day, Mr. Tullos monitored the cafeteria during breakfast. When the bell rang for first period, he, Ms. Lewis, and another school administrator monitored the halls and wrote late passes for students who were tardy. Mr. Tullos wrote a pass for any student who approached him, regardless of grade level. Once the halls cleared, Mr. Tullos usually returned to his office, where he wrote passes for other late students who came to his office and worked on discipline referrals. Mr. Tullos and Ms. Lewis also monitored the cafeteria during the two lunch periods. For most of his work day, Mr. Tullos worked in his office on student discipline referrals, averaging fifty to sixty per week. Discipline referrals are made by teachers, who complete a form giving an explanation of the disciplinary problem with a particular student; the form is normally given to the student who is the subject of the referral, who must take it to the assistant principal assigned to work with the students of his or her grade. Sometimes, teachers ask a student to take a discipline referral form to the office even though that student is not the subject of the referral. Mr. Tullos conducted a conference with the students and/or parents for all referrals within his jurisdiction. Student W. K. 4/ W. K. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. She was often in trouble at school during that year and had many discipline referrals. Since she was in the ninth grade, she took the referrals to Mr. Tullos, so she came into frequent contact with him. One day, after she had been repeatedly late to one particular class, she and another student, S. S., were sent to Mr. Tullos's office with discipline referrals. When W. K. was alone with Mr. Tullos in his office, he commented on her legs, saying something to the effect that she had "fine" legs or that her "fine" legs could carry her to class on time, and he told her that she shouldn't be late to class. She thought nothing of the remark about her legs because she had known Mr. Tullos in the community since she was a child and had known him as a nice man. On two other occasions when she was in his office with discipline referrals, Mr. Tullos told her that he would "smooch" her if she got another referral. She understood this to mean that he would kiss her, but, again, she thought nothing of the remark because she did not take it in a negative way. She thought that being kissed by Mr. Tullos would be disgusting and that he was threatening to kiss her so she would not get into trouble again. W. K. had heard other girls talk about Tullos but she never saw him do the things they described. She also heard around school that girls who took discipline referrals to Tullos wouldn't get in trouble. W. K. did not take offense at Mr. Tullos's comment about her legs or his threats to smooch her, but she did think that this behavior was not appropriate for a school administrator. Although she talked about the incidents to all her friends at school, she did not go to anyone in authority to complain. At some point during the 1992-1993 school year, Ms. Lewis, the assistant principal in charge of the tenth- and part of the eleventh-grade students, called her in and asked her about the incidents with Mr. Tullos and asked if she knew any other students who had similar experiences. Shortly after she spoke with Ms. Lewis, she was called into the office of LaVoise Smith, the guidance coordinator at Glades Central, where she told Ms. Smith about the incidents. Student S. S. S. S. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. She now attends the Choice school, which is in the Palm Beach County School District. As noted in paragraph 11 above, S. S. was the student who was sent with W. K. to Mr. Tullos's office with discipline referrals for being repeatedly late to one class. According to S. S., when she and W. K. were both in Mr. Tullos's office, he told them that they had pretty legs and were pretty girls. She could not, however, remember his exact words. She felt uncomfortable when he commented on her legs because she had heard other girls talk about Mr. Tullos and the things he would say to them. On another occasion, a teacher asked S. S. to take a discipline referral on another student to Mr. Tullos's office. When she entered his office, he glanced at the form in her hand and told her that, if the referral was for her, he would have to "smooch" her to make her do better. As S. S. was leaving Mr. Tullos's office, Mr. Tullos was leaving as well. S. S. went out of the door first, and Mr. Tullos stopped her by touching the top of her shoulder. When she turned around, his hand dropped to brush the top of her breast. She is not certain that he deliberately dropped his hand from her shoulder. Several times when Mr. Tullos saw S. S. with her boyfriend, he would tell the boyfriend to "leave that girl alone" or something to that effect. Even though he made these remarks in a joking manner, S. S. felt uncomfortable. In fact, she felt uncomfortable "every time he said something." In yet another incident, S. S. and Mr. Tullos were standing in the hallway outside his office when Mr. Tullos told her that her boyfriend was no good for her and that she should give all her "good loving" to him. After this last incident, S. S. and some of her friends discussed their experiences with Mr. Tullos. They decided that someone had to go to the office and report Mr. Tullos's behavior. Shortly after one of the girls reported Mr. Tullos to Ms. Smith, S. S. was called into Ms. Smith's office and interviewed. Student Y. J. Y. J. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. Sometime around Christmas, Y. J. was in the cafeteria at lunchtime and asked Mr. Tullos for a quarter. He responded by asking what she would give him in return. She did not know what he meant by this remark, but it made her feel uncomfortable. On another occasion, Mr. Tullos had scheduled a conference with Y. J.'s mother to discuss a discipline referral. Y. J. forgot to tell her mother about the conference, and she used the telephone in Mr. Tullos's office to call her. Y. J. was wearing a low-cut v-necked shirt and a necklace which hung in the cleavage of her breasts. While she was on the telephone, Mr. Tullos commented that the necklace was "a pretty charm," and he reached over and picked the necklace up. As he did so, his hand "slightly" brushed her breast. She was alone with Mr. Tullos in his office, and he was sitting behind the desk while she was standing on the side of the desk. Y. J. does not know if he touched her breast intentionally, and she did not report the incident to school authorities. Sometime around Easter, Y. J. took a discipline referral to Mr. Tullos. They were alone in his office. He asked her when she was going stop giving her "loving to the guys and give him some." This made Y. J. so uncomfortable that she reported the incident to Ms. Lewis either the same day or the next day. After this last incident, but before she went to Ms. Lewis, she talked with a group of her friends about Mr. Tullos's behavior. Several of the girls claimed to have had similar experiences with Mr. Tullos, and some of them said that they blackmailed Mr. Tullos into giving them what they wanted by threatening to tell the administration about his behavior. Up until this time, however, none of the girls had reported Mr. Tullos. When Y. J. said she was going to go to Ms. Lewis to complain, several of the other girls said they would complain also. Y. J. spoke with Ms. Lewis, who sent her to Ms. Smith, the school's guidance coordinator. Y. J. gave Ms. Smith the names of the other girls she knew who had encounters with Mr. Tullos, and they were called in to talk with Ms. Smith. Student T. S. T. S. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. She knew Mr. Tullos because teachers would ask her to take discipline referrals regarding other students to him and because she would ask him for a late pass if he was the first dean she saw in the hall. On several occasions during the 1992-1993 school year, when T. S. approached Mr. Tullos in the hall to obtain a late pass, Mr. Tullos made her wait until last, when there were not many people in the hallways. He then made remarks to her which made her feel uncomfortable, such as telling her after spring break that he missed her, telling her that he was jealous because he saw her hugging a boy (her cousin) in the hall, and telling her that she had to give him a kiss in order to get a late pass. She did not think he was joking about giving him a kiss because he said it on several different occasions. These remarks made her feel very uncomfortable. On "about" four occasions, when she approached him in the hall to obtain a late pass and he made her wait until last, Mr. Tullos hugged her. She felt very uncomfortable because these were not "ordinary" hugs like other teachers gave; rather, "[w]hen he grabbed me he just rubbed." On yet another occasion, a teacher asked T. S. to take a discipline referral regarding another student to Mr. Tullos. She took the referral to his office, and he told her to close the door. She felt that this was not necessary, and she gave him the referral and left his office. T. S. did not discuss her experiences with Mr. Tullos with her girl friends at school, nor did she personally report him. She eventually told her mother, who called the school to report Mr. Tullos's behavior. Student N. B. N. B. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. Sometime during that year, N. B. went to Mr. Tullos's office with a discipline referral. She has a lot of jewelry and was wearing several necklaces on that day. He was sitting behind his desk, and she was standing across from him, in front of the desk. Mr. Tullos asked N. B. to give him one of her necklaces, and she told him no. He then asked if she would give him "something else," and reached over the desk as if to grab one of the necklaces. N. B. had heard that Mr. Tullos got "fresh" with girls, and she stepped back and left his office. N. B. went directly to Ms. Lewis's office and told her about this last incident. Afterwards, she talked with Ms. Smith. N. B. did not discuss the incident with her girl friends until after she had spoken with Ms. Lewis. Student T. F. T. F. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. Sometime during that school year, T. F. had a "stop order" issued against her because she had missed detention. In order to go back to class, she had to obtain a pass from Mr. Tullos, which she would take to each of her teachers. She went to Mr. Tullos's office, and, when she asked for the pass, he asked her what she would give him. T. F. took this as a "sexual gesture" because of the way he said it and the way he looked at her; she did not respond. Mr. Tullos then called her aunt for an explanation of why she missed detention and gave her the pass. During the incident, she and Mr. Tullos were alone in his office. On another occasion, Mr. Tullos caught N. B. cutting into the lunch line. He pulled her out of the line and took her ten to twenty feet away from the line. He remarked that her boyfriend must be teaching her to do "stuff like that" and told her that she wasn't supposed to have any boyfriend but him. He also asked if she would go out to dinner with him and if she was ashamed to ride in his truck. He did not specify a date or time for dinner but asked if she liked Red Lobster. She turned down the invitation and walked away. During this exchange, T. F. and Mr. Tullos were standing in the cafeteria, which was packed at the time with students eating lunch. Although Mr. Tullos was not whispering to her, he was not talking loudly, either. On another occasion, she and a girl friend were in the hall, and they asked Mr. Tullos for a quarter so they could use the telephone. He responded by asking what they were going to give him in return. They told him to keep his quarter and borrowed a quarter from a friend. T. F. had heard from other students about Mr. Tullos's behavior, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. A few weeks after the incident involving T. F. related in paragraph 39 above, the incident described in paragraph 26 above occurred between her friend, Y. J., and Mr. Tullos. After she heard about this, T. F. told her aunt and Y. J. about her encounters with Mr. Tullos. She and Y. J. talked it over and decided to talk with Ms. Lewis. Student M. R. M. R. was a ninth-grade student at Glades Central during the 1992-1993 school year. M. R. was late for class many times. On one occasion during the second half of the school year, she approached Mr. Tullos for a late pass. He told her that he would give her an "unexcused" pass but that, if she gave him a hug, he would give her an "excused" pass. She refused to give him a hug, and he gave her an "unexcused" pass. She did not think anything of this incident; she just took her pass and went to class. 5/ M. R. did not report the incident, but, at some point, she spoke to Ms. Smith about it. Ms. Smith has been employed as guidance coordinator at Glades Central for the past nine years. One of her duties is to work with female students who have problems. On May 3, 1993, Y. J., S. S., and T. F. came to Ms. Smith complaining that Mr. Tullos had made improper comments to them and/or had touched them in a way that they thought was inappropriate and that made them uncomfortable. When she asked if there were any other students who had similar experiences with Mr. Tullos, she was given several names. She called these students to her office and, from them, got the names of still other students. She spent the day interviewing all of the students whose names she had been given, and she took statements from ten students who she thought had complaints which should be further investigated. At the end of the day, she telephoned the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the school board's security office to report the complaints. She also talked with Dr. Grear, the principal of Glades Central, and gave her the statements she had obtained. Dr. Grear handled the investigation from this point forward. In a performance evaluation dated May 28, 1993, Dr. Grear rated Mr. Tullos "At Expectation," commenting that he "works well with other members of the administrative staff and faculty." Mr. Tullos's behavior toward the seven students who testified at the hearing was unprofessional and inappropriate. The evidence is clear and convincing that his conduct seriously reduced his effectiveness as an employee of the school board. He repeatedly committed serious offenses against students who had been given into his care, and he exposed himself to the derision of the students who had been the objects of his indecent remarks and touches. His behavior was the subject of discussion among students, and some students even claimed to have gotten special treatment because they threatened to report him. The evidence is also clear and convincing that he harassed the seven students who testified at the hearing on the basis of their sex. He made remarks to them which were explicitly or implicitly sexual in nature, and he touched several of them in ways which were improper and offensive. 6/ Mr. Tullos's conduct made several of the seven students who testified at the hearing uncomfortable and/or angry, but others either did not take him seriously or were not bothered by his behavior. There is no clear and convincing evidence that the students' scholastic endeavors were affected or that they suffered any mental or physical harm as a result of his actions. The lack of mental harm was also apparent from the demeanor of the students as they testified at the hearing. Likewise, there is no clear and convincing evidence that any of the students were exposed to embarrassment or disparagement as a result of Mr. Tullos's actions; in fact, most of the students testifying at the hearing willingly and openly discussed their experiences with their friends at school. And, while he may have tried to exploit his relationship with the seven students as the assistant principal in charge of their grade, there is no clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Tullos obtained any personal gain or advantage.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Virgil Wayne Tullos guilty of personal conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the School Board of Palm Beach County, in violation of section 231.28(1)(f), and of harassing students W. K, S. S., Y. J., S., N. B., T. F., and M. R. on the basis of sex, in violation of rule 6B- 1.006(3)(g) and, therefore, of section 231.28(1)(i). It is further RECOMMENDED that the following administrative sanctions be imposed: Suspension of Mr. Tullos's teaching certificate for a period of one (1) year; and, Upon reinstatement of his teaching certificate, placement of Mr. Tullos on probation for a period of three (3) years, with Mr. Tullos being required, as a condition of probation, to submit to psychological examination and to any recommended treatment through the recovery network program established in section 231.263, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of July, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 1996.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-11.007
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Feb. 23, 1990 Number: 90-001140 Latest Update: Jun. 13, 1990

The Issue The issues presented for determination are the following: Whether Respondent has violated rules of the School Board of Palm Beach County so as to constitute misconduct in office. If Respondent has committed misconduct in office, what penalty is to be imposed, including whether Respondent is entitled to back pay and in what amount.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent, Dr. James McCabe, was employed by Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, as the Assistant Principal for Student Services in charge of special education at Crestwood Community Middle School. In this capacity, Respondent's duties include the supervision of the students and teachers in special education. He is responsible for parent contact and involvement in addition to student discipline. He manages the dropout prevention and honors program. Additionally, he has other administrative duties which relate to the migrant and alternative education programs. Although he is primarily assigned to the special education program, he assists in other areas such as school-wide discipline. On December 14, 1989, in the early afternoon, Respondent was called to Mr. Mundt's shop class with Mrs. Satchel, another Assistant Principal for Student Services, by the school's walkie-talkies. Responden1t was informed by Mr. Mundt, the shop teacher, that a baseball card worth in excess of $50 was missing. The baseball card had been displayed in the same class during the beginning of the period. The period was split by a lunch break. It was after the students returned from lunch that Respondent and Ms. Satchel were called to investigate its loss. The parties stipulated that, "Presumably, it [the card] had been taken by someone in the class." According to Respondent, the card was owned by a student with cerebral palsy. The student was limited physically and could not participate in sports at the school. He collected baseball cards as his sport. When they arrived, Respondent took charge of the male students while Ms. Satchel assumed the responsibility for the female students, as the logical separation of duties. Respondent asked the boys to go to one side of the room and told them that he would like the baseball card to appear on the table. He told them he would turn his back to them, and that if the baseball card appeared, that would be the end of it. Respondent then turned his back, and the baseball card did not appear. Prior to this incident, thefts of other valuable merchandise had occurred around the area of the shop class. A wallet was stolen from a teacher's car which was parked immediately outside the shop class just a week prior to the incident at issue. Respondent did not think that a particular student had stolen the card. Instead, he reasonably suspected that someone in the group had taken it. The period was coming to an end and another class was due in the room. Respondent did not attempt a lesser method of searching the boys for the baseball card, nor was a lesser method of searching the boys proven at the hearing. Instead, Respondent, in accordance with the procedure at Crestwood, instructed the boys to all go down to the clinic which is not within the immediate vicinity of the shop class where they were temporarily detained. He chose to remove the boys from the classroom because he did not want to subject them to the confusion from the incoming class or to any unnecessary embarrassment which might be caused by questioning them in front of it. He also wished to protect the learning environment for the incoming students. The clinic is a three room complex. To avoid unnecessary embarrassment of the students, Respondent took one student at a time into one of the outer rooms of the complex. He then asked the student to remove his shirt. He felt the shirt and handed it back to the student. He then requested their shoes and socks and handed those back after searching them. He then asked for the students outer pants. He did not request that any student remove his undergarments; their underpants and undershirts or T-shirts, if any, remained on. As Respondent completed his check of each piece of clothing, he handed the article back to the student. If the student was slow in completing his dressing, he then asked that student to finish dressing in the back of the room. At times, while the slow student was completing his dressing, the next student was asked to come in and commence the disrobing procedures. At times, more than one student was in the room. One was tying his shoes while the other was handing his shirt to Respondent. Respondent believed that he had the right to search the students to the extent necessary after having received instruction to that effect from school security and after having read the school board rule on detention, search and seizure. He apologized to the group for having to perform the search in this manner which was necessary under the circumstances. According to Respondent, sometime during the search, a couple of boys came into the room and asserted that one of the boys, who had not been searched at the time, had the card. The boys suggested that Respondent search just this one student and stop the search of each student. In reply, Respondent said, "I don't want to embarrass him anymore than anybody else. I really don't want to put any suspicion on him. Let's just take him in the normal course of events, when his turn comes up," and continued the search of each student in his charge. Each student cooperated with Respondent. Out of the twelve or thirteen students involved, only one student objected to the search procedure. In response to the objection, Respondent gave the student the opportunity to call the school security or to call his mother and ask her to come to the school. The student chose neither option and participated in the search. As Respondent reached the last student, Mr. Hagan, the principal at Crestwood, came into the room and asked Respondent to step outside. He told Respondent that he did not see how the school could benefit from the search and told him to stop the search. The baseball card had not been located at that point. Respondent stopped immediately. If Mr. Hagan believes that a teacher or administrator is not effective at his school, there is a procedure for asking that teacher or person to be removed from the staff. Mr. Hagan chose not to commence the procedure in this instance. Prior to this incident, searches of students occurred at Crestwood, but no search had involved the removal of the students clothes. The guidelines for detention, search and seizure of students in the Palm Beach County School District is contained in Palm Beach County School Board Rule 5.18(5). The rule authorizes school personnel, such as Respondent, to temporarily detain students for questioning, upon reasonable indication of wrongdoing, and to search, to the extent necessary, students upon reasonable suspicion of illegal activity. The rule, however, does not establish the permissibility or impermissibility of any specific search procedure, i.e., pat down, strip search or other means of locating the missing items. Although the School Board gives periodic seminars, and Respondent has attended every seminar at which his attendance was required, no seminar has given specific instruction on the procedures to be used when searching students. Respondent had read the rule on detention, search and seizure prior to the December 14 incident. Also, prior to the incident, Respondent had requested the advice of the school security director assigned to Crestwood, Mr. Willie Noland, about his right to search and has discussed procedure relating to specific incidents with Mr. Noland. From Mr. Noland, Respondent was assured that he had the right to search students. One incident, in particular, on which Respondent sought Mr. Noland's advice involved a student who allegedly had threatened another student with a knife. Respondent was asked to look into the threat fifteen minutes prior to the end of the school day. When Respondent asked the student if he had a knife, he voluntarily emptied his pockets. Respondent did not ask him to remove his clothes. Unfortunately, the student did have a knife lodged in the mid-seam of his trousers. After that incident, Mr. Noland advised Respondent that students do not hide things in their pockets. Instead, Mr. Noland recommended checking down in the student's waistbands and in their shoes and socks for the missing items. Mr. Hagan had also informed the school personnel not to be alone with students and to avoid situations which could be embarrassing. His purpose in giving the admonition was to avoid the potential for child abuse allegations. It was with the direction given by Mr. Noland and Mr. Hagan, combined with Respondent's understanding of the governing rules, that he undertook the type of search he performed. With reasonable concern that he might be subjecting himself to a potential child abuse allegation and in a diligent attempt to locate the missing baseball card, Respondent chose to ask the students to remove their clothes, rather than search the clothes while on their bodies. Under the circumstances, the search procedure was necessary and reasonable. After the December 14 incident, Respondent, as was his usual behavior, cooperated completely with the directives of his superiors. He voluntarily completed an incident report in which he related the facts surrounding the search. An investigation into the incident by the School Board was performed, and a report from the investigation was given to the Superintendent of the Palm Beach County School District. Without performing a personal investigation, talking with Respondent or with Respondent's coworkers about the incident, the Superintendent suspended Respondent and recommended to the School Board that Respondent be suspended without pay and terminated. The Superintendent based his recommendation on his belief that Respondent's conduct violated the school board rule and the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct for educators in Florida to the extent that his effectiveness in the school system was impaired. The School Board accepted Respondent's recommendation and this proceeding ensued. At the time of the incident, Crestwood had four assistant principals in addition to Respondent. At the hearing, three of the four, each of whom had worked with Respondent, had observed Respondent and had shared responsibilities with him, unanimously agreed that his performance in the school system up to the time of the incident was effective and each agreed that they would not object to his return to the school. The fourth was not asked the questions at the hearing. Also, approximately eighty signatures appear on a petition in support of Respondent's effectiveness from the faculty and staff of Crestwood to Petitioner dated January 17, 1990. l6. Since 1964, except for a brief period, Respondent has been involved in education and primarily working with, teaching about or studying exceptional students. His tenure in the Palm Beach County School District began as Director of Special Education in September 1, 1981 where he was assigned until June 30, 1983. From August 1983 to June 1986, Respondent served in the capacity of a Specialist in Education. In July, 1986, Respondent was appointed as an Assistant Principal at Gove Elementary School. At the request of Mr. Hagan, Respondent was transferred to the Crestwood Community Middle School in January, 1987 and has served in his present capacity since then. While employed as an assistant principal, Respondent has received nothing but outstanding evaluations. Respondent holds a regular instructional certificate in the area of administration and supervision. Respondent is a credible individual, and an experienced educator who has the interest of his students as his main concern. At no time during the incident in question, did Respondent intend to embarrass or disparage any of the students. Instead, in his best professional judgment, under the circumstances, he attempted to protect the students from unnecessary embarrassment and made reasonable efforts to protect the learning environment of all the affected students.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Palm Beach County issue a Final Order reinstating Respondent with full back pay and benefits retroactive to January 24, 1990. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 13th day of June, 1990. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of June, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Mar. 13, 1995 Number: 95-002599 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Respondent should be dismissed from employment with the Polk County School Board because of the matters alleged in the letter of intent prepared by the Superintendent of Schools.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, (Board), was the county agency responsible for providing public primary, secondary and adult education in Polk County, Florida, and operated Haines City High School, (HCHS), in Haines City. Respondent had been employed at HCHS for eight years, and in the last two years prior to the incidents herein taught in the school's Diversified Cooperative Training Program, (DCT) under a continuing contract of employment. DCT students are allowed to leave campus before the end of the school day to work at jobs in the local area. However, Respondent allowed some students to leave school during the morning hours for the purpose of getting breakfast and, coincidentally, to bring items back to school for her to eat. There is also allegation that Respondent would solicit students to run personal errands for her during school hours but would not give them a pass to allow them to lawfully leave the campus. Allegedly, she advised them that they were on their own and she would deny responsibility or knowledge if they were caught. Taken together, the evidence establishes that Respondent did allow students to leave class on personal business and did not give them passes to be off campus. It also appears that she solicited them to pick up items for her while they were away, but not that she solicited students to leave class to run errands off campus for her. Even so, her actions are in violation of the Board policy regarding student absence from campus, a policy about which Respondent had been briefed. In addition, some time during the Autumn of 1994, Respondent overheard a student on the school's football team, Bradford Parton, discussing with his girlfriend the fact he was having cramps. Respondent advised him he should take potassium and on at least one occasion, during a class session, gave Parton a pill which, she said, would give him energy and take away his cramps. She believed the pill was the functional equivalent of one banana. Respondent was aware that it was a violation of Board policy for anyone other than the school nurse to administer any form of pill or medication to a student. When the Principal learned that Respondent had given Parton the pill, he directed an investigation into the matter. On November 17, 1994, after he had heard that Respondent was making comments in class to the effect that the students were getting her in trouble with the administration, the Principal gave her verbal instructions not to discuss these matters with the students and to limit her conversations with them to matters related to class work. His comment to her included, "Just teach the class. Just don't bring yourself down to their level." The following day, on November 18, 1994, after receiving word that Respondent had again spoken to Parton after he had warned her not to do so, the Principal reduced his prior comments to writing and again instructed her not to discuss the matter with any students, warning her that he considered her doing so a matter of insubordination which, if repeated, would result in severe disciplinary action. There is some indication Respondent, in early December, 1994, advised several students after the warning she was going to have them removed from her class She subsequently advised the school's guidance counselor that several of the students involved should be removed from her class because they appeared to be "unhappy" in it. The students denied being unhappy in class and urgently resisted being removed because they needed the credit to graduate. Respondent's comments to the students constituted insubordination, and her action in urging removal of the students was considered by the administration to be an attempt at retaliation against them because of their allegations made against her. There is also indication that while the investigation into the allegations against her was under way, Respondent spoke with Ms. Denmark, another teacher, who was in the room when Respondent gave the pill to Mr. Parton, in an effort to get her to change her statement. School Board officials consider Respondent's blatant violation of school rules and policies by allowing students to leave campus without a pass and by improperly administering a pill to a student combine to severely impair her effectiveness as a teacher. Under the circumstances established here, this appears to be the case. Prior to the initiation of this action, Respondent had received a verbal warning regarding drinking in front of students at a conference and regarding making untoward comments about Blacks. Her personnel record, commencing with the teacher evaluation of her performance in the 1988-1989 school year, reflects positive comments and no substantial criticism. However, in July, 1994, the Superintendent advised Respondent of his intention to suspend her without pay for five days for making improper comments of a sexual nature toward students and for allowing students to grade papers, to average grades and to have access to her grade book. Respondent requested hearing on this proposed action. That hearing was held consolidated with the instant hearing and no final action has been taken by the Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Mary L. Canova's, suspension without pay pending hearing be sustained and that she be dismissed from employment as a teacher with the Polk County School Board because of misconduct in office and gross insubordination as described herein. RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 95-2599 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: 1. - 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 9. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted in so far as Respondent allowed students to leave campus and periodically suggested those who did run errands for her. - 13. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein with the understanding that the term, "no further details regarding the allegations were provided" refers to the charging letter, and that Respondent was provided with specific allegations of misconduct prior to hearing. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence accepted and incorporated herein. Second sentence rejected. See Partain's December 2, 1994 letter to Chapman. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Lane, Tron, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland & Jacobsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1578 150 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. 24650 U. S. Highway 19 North Suite 308 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 John A. Stewart Superintendent Polk County Schools Post Office Box 391 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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