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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001702 Latest Update: Jul. 08, 1981

The Issue The issue here concerns the entitlement of the Petitioner, Hernstadt Broadcasting Corporation to be granted certain environmental permits from the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, which would allow the Petitioner to construct a radio transmitter tower and access dock within the Biscayne Bay which is located in Dade County Florida. 1/

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner in this action, Hernstadt Broadcasting Corporation, owns and operates radio station WKAT, which is located in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. The Petitioner is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to pursue this enterprise. On April 30, 1980, the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation received an application from the Petitioner, which application requested permission to construct a radio transmitter tower and access dock in Biscayne Bay, Dade County, Florida. (The tower end dock are part of a proposed station complex in which the radio station building is to be constructed upland from the Bay.) The project, if allowed, would be located off the north side of the Julia Tuttle Causeway which connects the City of Miami and the City of Miami Beach via the Biscayne Bay. The tower and access dock, if constructed, would be located in submerged lands owned by the State of Florida. In view of the location of this apparatus in Biscayne Bay, it would be subject to the provisions of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Act found in Chapter 258, Florida Statutes, together with other provisions of statute and rule. To place the access dock in the Bay, the Petitioner proposes to drive pilings into the Bay bottom to support the access dock which is 200 feet long and four (4) feet wide. The support mechanism for the radio tower would also be constructed by the driving of pilings into the Bay bottom and the radio transmitting tower, once built, would be 400 feet tall and would have attached stabilizing guy wires connected to anchors driven into the Bay bottom. As the pilings are driven into the floor of the Bay, the displaced soils will be compressed into lower elevations or redistributed against the pilings. Respondent's Exhibit No. 15, admitted into evidence, is a copy of the original application for permit, which was modified by site plans and sketches depicted in Respondent's Exhibit No. 16, admitted into evidence, shortening certain dimensions related to the access dock. (These modifications came about subsequent to the Department of Environmental Regulation's permit application appraisal found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10, which is dated June 23, 1980.) After review of the project, in the face of the aforementioned modifications, the Department of Environmental Regulation issued a letter of intent to deny the permit request. This letter of intent was dated September 9, 1980, a copy of which may be found as petitioner's Exhibit No. 11, admitted into evidence. The authority stated for such denial are these provisions of Subsection 258.165(3)(b), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1980), and Rule 17-4.242(1), Florida Administrative Code. Subsequent to the issuance of the letter of intent to deny, a further modification was made on the project increasing the length of the proposed access dock to the presently requested 200 feet. This modification is depicted in petitioner's Exhibit No. 12, admitted into evidence, which shows site plans and other pertinent information related to the project. Another modification to the project which the Petitioner claims is not subject to permit review by the Department of Environmental Regulation, and for which the Department of Environmental Regulation takes a contrary point of view, concerns the use of a grid of nickel-plated copper straps, approximately 40 feet by 40 feet, constituted of a mesh of approximately 1/4 inch in diameter by 1 inch sections to be placed underneath the tower and on the Bay bottom for purposes of grounding the tower. This item was not made known to the Respondent until September 30, 1980, at a time subsequent to the letter of intent to deny. The Petitioner in this action pursues the project on the basis of a joint use agreement entered into with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, in which the Department of Transportation, in return for the ability to use the radio tower for communications in connection with a surveillance and traffic control system for Interstate Highway-95 and for the ability of the City of Miami, Florida, to use the facility for a tactical communication repeater installation, would grant to the Petitioner the Department of Transportation's rights and opportunities as easement holder in the area where the subject project would be constructed. See Petitioners' Exhibit No. 3, admitted into evidence. The Department of Transportation's rights stem from an easement grant from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. See Petitioner's Exhibit No. 13, admitted into evidence. The rights of the Petitioner, by assignment from the Department of Transportation, do not relieve Petitioner of the obligation to gain the necessary approval of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in the person of the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources for permission to use those submerged lands over which the access walkway and tower would be constructed, notwithstanding any rights and privileges assigned to the Petitioner by the Department of Transportation as easement from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. This is true because the perpetual easement granted from the Trustees to the Department of Transportation for right-of-way and dredging purposes related to the roadway which is constituted of the Julia Tuttle Causeway and to the adjacent Bay bottoms related to construction and maintenance of that roadway, does not envision assignment of the submerged lands to an entity in the position of the Petitioner, which entity does not have as its purpose the construction or maintenance of the roadway; hence, the necessity to gain permission from the Department of Natural Resources if the access dock and tower are to be constructed on the submerged land of the State. The easement held by the Department of Transportation is specific in nature and does not contemplate the construction of a radio station. (It is not necessary to comment on the question of whether a joint use agreement between the Department of Transportation and Hernstadt as that Department's assignee for rights and privileges bestowed upon the Department from the Trustees based on the easement rights granted on October 2, 1941, would allow the construction of the building of the radio station building which would be at the upland terminus of the access dock which also adjoins the radio tower, the Department of Environmental Regulation having offered no claim for permitting jurisdiction over the radio station building.) The Petitioner proposes to move its radio station from the existing location in Miami Beach because buildings in the general area of the radio station interfere with the radio signal and, in addition, there is interference caused by radio transmissions from Cuba. The terms of the license held by Petitioner on issuance from the Federal Communications Commission limit the movement of the station's transmitter tower to a location no more than four (4) miles from the current location. At the time of the hearing, the Petitioner had not located an alternative tower site, other than the proposed site. As stated before, if the tower were constructed, the State of Florida, Department of Transportation would utilize the tower in its communications network and the City of Miami Fire and Police Departments would likewise desire to use the tower. The Florida Marine Patrol and the Florida Highway Patrol would also be interested in using the proposed tower for communications purposes. The City of Miami Planning and Advisory Board and the City Commission of that municipality would be in favor of the construction of the proposed radio tower. Dade County, Florida, has adopted a Comprehensive Master Plan, copies of which may be found as Respondent's Exhibit No. 19, admitted into evidence. Within that document is a discussion of environmental concerns within the county to include Biscayne Bay and, in particular, concern for protection of environmentally sensitive areas such as Biscayne Bay and an interest by the County to provide a wide range of public water oriented opportunities for the populace. Subsequent to the time of the submission of the permit application, and specifically, in October, 1980, Dade County, through its Metropolitan Planning Department and in conjunction with the Metropolitan Dade County Environmental Resources Management Department prepared a proposed Biscayne Bay Management Plan, a copy of which may be found as Respondent's Exhibit No. 17, admitted into evidence. This plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County, Florida, by an Ordinance, a copy of which may be found as the Respondent's Exhibit No. 18, admitted into evidence. The Biscayne Bay Management Plan encourages the enhancement of public access to the Bay for uses such as fishing, boating, shoreline wading and view in and the preservation and enhancement of the environmental, chemical and aesthetic qualities of the Bay. Furthermore, if the necessary permission could be obtained, Dade County, has future plans to use the subject Julia Tuttle Causeway as a public access to the Bay. The location of the radio tower and associated facilities would interfere with the proposed use by Dade County. The Department of Environmental Regulation, in keeping with Section 403.0615, Florida Statutes, 2/ through a program in conjunction with Dade County is attempting the restoration of the biological and chemical characteristics of the Biscayne Bay. Some of the items included in this program would be enhancement of aquatic vegetation, including seagrasses and mangroves and the promotion of aesthetics and public access to Biscayne Bay, to include the area of the Julia Tuttle Causeway. Radio station WKAT presents public service programs; is a part of the Emergency Broadcasting System and broadcasts emergency information in times of natural disaster. On the question of environmental implications of this project, the placement of the pilings would cause the destruction of certain seagrasses in that area, while at the same time promoting the introduction of marine life along the surfaces of the tower and dock supports. Seagrasses in the area where the grounding system would be placed may be destroyed and although the copper to be used would be nickel plated, thereby inhibiting the release of the toxic properties of the coated copper, eventually the nickel plating would break down and the marine life communities adjacent to the mesh would be harmed by the copper. The loss of seagrasses under the grid could cause a reduction in fish population. The installation of the radio tower and access dock in the Biscayne Bay is an impediment to navigation; however, the Petitioner intends to place channel markers to divert boat traffic away from the tower and its environs. There is no expected difficulty with run-off, discharges or other forms of pollution related to the construction or operation of the tower facility, although there will be some turbidity caused in the construction phases of the project. The project would be located in a State Aquatic Preserve within the meaning of Chapter 258, Florida Statutes; would be located in waters of the State within the meaning of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes; would be in navigable water within the meaning of Chapter 253, Florida Statutes, end would be in an Outstanding Florida Water within the meaning of Rule 17-4.242(1), Florida Administrative Code.

USC (1) 47 U.S.C 308 Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.60253.77403.0615403.087403.088403.091
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002904 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1986

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The 626-acre site of the proposed Riverbay development is currently undeveloped land located in Manatee County in the western portion of the City of Bradenton. Specifically, the property lies in Sections 22, 24, and 26. Township 34 South, Range 16 East, Manatee County. The site is owned entirely by Boyd, with the exception of the northern portion for which Boyd has a valid option to purchase. Tampa Bay lies to the north of the site and Perico Bayou lies to the west. Both are natural Class III water bodies. Boyd proposes to develop approximately 325 acres of the site primarily as residential, with an 18-hole golf course and recreational facilities, a commercial/professional area, lakes and attendant streets. The remainder of the site, approximately 300 acres, will be retained as a natural mangrove preserve pursuant to a conservation easement to be executed by Boyd upon receipt of the permit sought in these proceedings. The proposed project has been approved by Manatee County as a planned development residential district with a maximum total number of units not to exceed 957. The Riverbay site has been disturbed by human activity and has been subject to numerous alterations, including extensive mosquito control ditching, dirt roads, borrow pits and a perimeter dike with culverts and flapgates. The government- approved mosquito control ditches resulted in overdrainage of freshwater from adjacent uplands and allowed the incursion of saltwater into the uplands. In order to facilitate and enhance agricultural utilization of the site, and to protect the land from unusually high waters from the Bay, the perimeter dike was constructed with culverts and flapgates in the early 1970's. This dike and other internal drainage systems were designed to reduced interstitial soil salinity so that the land could be utilized for agricultural purposes. The primary site of concern in this proceeding is a sandy area located south of the northern mangrove area and separated from that area by the perimeter dike. Prior to the construction of that dike, the area was inundated by high tides. Since construction of the dike, inundation of the sandy area by marine waters has been limited to unusual storm surges that overtopped the dike or to those occasions when the flapgates required maintenance or adjustment. Over the years following the dike construction, the sandy area has been intermittently planted with grasses, mowed, disked and, when agricultural activities were temporarily reduced in that area, overtaken with some exotic vegetation and other weedy species. The salt tolerant vegetation in the sandy area is currently patchily distributed, and the area has basically little or no productivity in its present state. This is primarily due to the lack of tidal inundation and tidal exchange, which renders the sandy area minimally valuable as habitat for either terrestrial or aquatic organisms. Functioning salt marsh flats, also referred to as salt pans, salterns, salt barrens of salt flat wetlands, constitute an integral part of the life cycles of some fishes, such as snook, mullet and ladyfish. Juvenile fish rely upon these areas for food and protection during this early period of development. High, shallow salt marsh areas are also utilized for feeding purposes by wading birds and shore birds, such as the great egret, white ibis, tricolor heron, green heron and wood stork. While the salt fish flat area on the Boyd site could have value for fish and wildlife if it were returned to tidal influence, its is not currently a productive area from wither a fisheries or wildlife standpoint. Fiddler crab burrows were observed on the site, but these were found mainly around the ditches or existing culverts. The existing site is not conducive in its present state to the feeding, nesting or resting or rare, threatened or endangered species. The original DER jurisdictional determination was performed on the Riverbay site in May of 1983, and resulted in an inclusion of approximately 46 acres, some 35 or which were situated in the sandy area in the northern part of the property. This determination was validated in May of 1985. In the Spring of 1984, Boyd entered into discussions with the DER prior to filing its dredge and fill permit application, and a mutually acceptable site plan and mitigation package was developed. Boyd then submitted its application in February of 1985. After a hearing was requested, DER revisited its prior jurisdictional determination and concluded that it was in need of revision. Utilizing the jurisdictional criteria which existed prior to October 1, 1984, DER reduced the extent of its jurisdictional determination by including only about 16.5 acres of the sandy area, and again noticed its intent to issue the requested permit. At the time DER performed its new jurisdictional, it was its policy to utilize the pre-Henderson vegetation listing to determine jurisdictional wetlands when a grandfathered applicant with a validated jurisdictional line timely requested a reevaluation of that line. The mitigation plan originally proposed by Boyd was not altered as a result of the reduction of impacted jurisdictional acreage to 16.5 acres. The project as proposed by Boyd includes the filling of 16.5 acres of jurisdictional wetlands located in the sandy area discussed above. In mitigation, Boyd proposes to create approximately 17 acres of wetlands from natural uplands located adjacent to undisturbed wetlands in the western portion of the property. Of these 17 acres, 1 1/2 to 5 acres are proposed for a saltern of salt pan habitat. The creation of a salt pan is experimental, but several experts attested to a high probability of success once proper elevations for vegetative plantings are determined. The remainder of the 17 acres of wetlands creation will be graded to the proper elevations, allowed to be inundated with tides and vegetated either naturally with mangroves or will be supplemented with hand plantings. The mitigation plan proposed by Boyd also includes some engineering measures to improve flushing in the northern mangrove area, which was found to be somewhat stressed, a surface water management plan which meets relevant criteria and a perpetual conservation easement to the DER of approximately 300 acres of mangrove areas on the northern and western boundaries of the property. This mangrove fringe will serve as a buffer between the open waters of Tampa Bay and Perico Bayou and the project site. Due to the existence of the perimeter dike, the area to be filled is isolated from Tampa Bay and the adjacent mangroves. The culverts can be sealed during construction to retain all fill materials and turbidity will be controlled. The stormwater system for the project site has received the approval of the Southwest Florida Water Management District and complies with the design and performance criteria set forth in Chapter 17-25, Florida Administrative Code. In its final configuration, the proposed project will contain various freshwater wetlands located landward of the perimeter dike. These include three existing borrow pits and the proposed stormwater retention ponds. These water bodies, as well as the attendant littoral zones surrounding them, will serve as habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Boyd will utilize state-of-the-art preserved pilings for any wooden structures located in jurisdictional wetlands. Such pilings will be treated in a manner that both prevents deterioration and prohibits the leeching of compounds into the water. At present, DER has no promulgated rule concerning mitigation for dredge and fill projects. Its policy is to review all projects on a case-by-case basis to determine the acceptability of the mitigation package offered by an applicant. DER's goal is to replace the environment with the same benefits to be lost from a particular wetland. DER has no established ratio between the extent of the mitigated area and the area to be filled. The area ultimately accepted in mitigation is dependent upon the existing condition of the area to be filled, in terms of its current form, function and vitality. As opposed to a "like- for-like" mitigation policy, it is DER's policy to review the similarity in form and function between the area to be lost and the area to be created or enhanced by the project. If the area to be lost or filled is stressed or damaged in its existing state, less mitigation is required. When evaluating a proposed dredge and fill project, it is DER's policy and practice to review the current situation on the site. If the site has been altered in a manner which did not require an environmental permit, DER looks at the land as it presently exists, for both jurisdictional purposes and to determine its form, function and viability for mitigation purposes. Neither flapgate maintenance nor mowing requires a DER permit. A DER official could not recall an instance when DER has required a permit for disking. Projects in the area surrounding the Boyd site present no adverse cumulative impacts in relation to the proposed Riverbay project. Indeed, the proposed conservation easement will serve to reduce the impact of this and similar projects on this site and adjacent, wetland areas. Manasota-88, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida as a charitable public interest non-profit corporation and has properly authorized this pending litigation pursuant to its charter and/or bylaws.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57403.412
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Smyrna Beach, Florida Aug. 20, 1992 Number: 92-005033 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 1993

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) was provided reasonable assurance as required by Rule 17-4.070, F.A.C., that the granting of a permit pursuant to the requirements of Rule 17- 604, F.A.C., to Volusia County for the construction of a closed wastewater collection and transmission system would not result in discharges or emissions or cause pollution in contravention of DER standards or rules.

Findings Of Fact David Biddulph is a resident of Volusia County, Florida and a resident of the unincorporated area known as Bethune Beach. County of Volusia, a charter county, is the applicant for a proposed wastewater collection and transmission system pursuant to Section 403.0878, F.S. [1991] and Rule 17-604, F.A.C. The Department of Environmental Regulation is the state agency charged with the responsibility of reviewing permits under Chapter 403, F.S. and its applicable rules. Petitioner Biddulph stipulated that the wastewater collection and transmission system as designed met the technical and engineering design requirements of Rule 17-604, F.A.C. Bethune Beach is an unincorporated area located on the barrier island separating the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian River Lagoon. Volusia County contracted with the environmental engineering firm of Marshall McCully & Associates to determine the feasibility of designing and constructing a wastewater collection and transmission system for the Bethune Beach area. The St. Johns River Water Management District is directed by the Indian River Lagoon System and Basin Act, Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida, to identify areas where existing septic tank systems are considered a threat to the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System. The St. Johns River Water Management District began developing a general methodology to access areas which are potential sources of pollution in the Indian River Lagoon System. This general methodology was called "Problem Area Index" (PAI). The PAI was intended to be used as an initial screening device in conjunction with other relevant research data or field verification to identify the problem areas. Volusia County's Public Health Unit, a division of the State of Florida Health and Rehabilitative Services Department, (HRS) utilized the proposed PAI to evaluate the southeast area of Volusia County. The Volusia County Public Health Unit entered into a contractual agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District to research and delineate those areas in the southeast part of Volusia County with the potential to cause pollution to the upper Indian River Lagoon surface waters. The foregoing report concluded that the Bethune Beach area was an area of special concern and recommended that development of sewage treatment facilities be provided to this area. Credible competent evidence shows that the existing soils in Bethune Beach have high shell content and a high water table which are not conducive to installation of septic tank systems for sewage disposal, although the houses there now have such septic tanks. The conceptual plan prepared by Marshall McCully & Associates which was presented to Volusia County concluded there was a need to construct a wastewater collection and transmission system, and this plan was adopted by the Volusia County Council after holding the requisite public hearings. Volusia County Ordinance 79-3 authorizes the Volusia County Council to establish special service districts to provide water services and any and all other essential facilities. The county may initiate service in any area in its discretion without receiving an initiating petition from residents. Volusia County also created a special assessment for the installation of the system. Volusia County contracted with Marshall McCully & Associates to obtain the necessary permits for the construction of the wastewater collection and transmission system. Marshall McCully & Associates on behalf of Volusia County applied for a permit from DER to construct a domestic wastewater collection transmission system. In implementing Rule 17-604, F.A.C., DER policy does not require domestic wastewater collection and transmission system permit applicants to demonstrate that septic tanks simply would not work in the area served by the collection system. If the DER permit is granted, the septic tanks now lawfully present on Bethune Beach would have to be removed. The Volusia County application to construct a domestic wastewater collection and transmission system indicates that the sewage treatment facility serving the project would be the City of New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission Pollution Control Plant. DER has already permitted that plant pursuant to Rule 17-600 F.A.C. under permit D064-191532 with an expiration date of June 30, 1995. The design capacity permitted under the existing permit for New Smyrna Beach's plant is 4,000,000 gallons a day, and the current average daily flow over the past twelve months has been approximately 2 and 1/2 million gallons a day. The city plant is currently operating within the parameters of its DER permit. Additional flow to the city plant from the county's proposed wastewater collection and transmission system has been reasonably estimated at 250,000 gallons per day. The only evidence of other amounts is speculative and not probative. DER implementation policy is to issue permits for new collection and transmission systems only where construction of a new collection and transmission system would connect to a sewage treatment plant which already has a permit capable of accommodating the new collection and transmission system. DER policy also does not contemplate granting permits to build waste water collection and transmission systems in such a manner as to increase the amount of water running through currently permitted sewage treatment plants beyond the maximum capacity for which the existing sewage treatment plant itself is currently permitted. In the present instance, Volusia County's proposed collection and transmission system, if permitted pursuant to DER's expressed permit conditions or terms (intent to grant), requirements, would not increase the amount of water running through the city receptor plant beyond the 4,000,000 gallon capacity which has already been reviewed by DER, is currently permitted by DER, and is currently subject to enforcement by DER. Although the county's proposed collection and transmittal system would increase the city plant's actual output by 250,000 gallons, the city plant's total output would thereafter still be 1,250,000 gallons below the plant's current permitted capacity. DER implementation policy also is to issue permits for construction of collection and transmission systems only if the sewage treatment plant to which the system would connect is properly treating the waste as required by the plant's current DER operating permit. The New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission Pollution Control Plant that would receive domestic wastewater from the collection and transmission system proposed by Volusia County's permit application pending in this case is currently properly treating the waste it receives. The city plant currently discharges its effluent into the Indian River Lagoon System as allowed by its DER permit. The city plant also currently has the permitted capacity to receive the level of reasonably anticipated waste which will be transmitted by the collection and transmission system proposed by the county. Under the terms of DER's proposed permit for Volusia County's closed collection and transmission system, the city plant would not be authorized to increase the amount of treated wastewater for which the city plant is currently permitted. In review of permit applications, DER interprets the Indian River Lagoon Act to prohibit any new permitted discharge, or permitted increased loadings. This is a reasonable interpretation and entitled to great weight both as an agency interpretation of a statute it administers and because the agency's statutory interpretation reasonably acknowledges efficacy of the original DER permitting review of the existing city sewage treatment plant, the requirement of DER review of the county's pending application for a collection and transmission system, and the permitting and enforcement oversight of both those governmental entities' operations by the same agency, DER. Although the New Smyrna Beach Utilities Pollution Control Plant is currently operating within the parameters of its DER permit, a Consent Order has previously been negotiated between the city and DER to accomplish upgrading of the pollution control plant to meet new federal regulations for such facilities. The Consent Order requires the New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission to begin a program of wastewater reuse and provide for land application of the treated effluent by 1995. The pollution control plant is on schedule for the removal of the effluent. No effluent will be discharged into the Indian River Lagoon System, except under limited wet weather discharge permits, which have been applied for. The Indian River Lagoon Act makes provision for wet weather discharge exceptions as do DER's and the city's actions pursuant to the Consent Order. See, Section 2. (3)(c) of the Indian River Lagoon Act. One of the intents of the Consent Order is to ensure that the treatment plant is in compliance with the Indian River Lagoon Act by the date of July 1, 1995 specified within that Act at Section 2. (2). The city plant permit expires June 30, 1995. If the New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission does not receive wet weather discharge permits for its plant, it has planned to implement alternatives, such as onsite storage, to meet the requirements and anticipated enforcement by DER of the Indian River Lagoon Act. The New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission Pollution Control Plant has an extensive inspection and maintenance program, which includes a television system that internally inspects the pipes for evidence of seepage. The New Smyrna Beach Utilities Commission Pollution Control Plant is regularly inspected by, and provides monthly operational reports to, DER so that DER can enforce any environmental concerns under the existing plant permit. The plant's operation under its current permit is also subject to review when that permit becomes subject to renewal due to its expiration date of June 30, 1995. Opinion testimony to the effect that increased acidity of the effluent might permeate the county pipes or the city pipes was speculative and unpersuasive.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED That the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order dismissing the petition of Petitioner and granting the County of Volusia's application upon the terms and conditions set out in the agency's proposed permit (intent to grant). RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of January, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER 92-5033 DOAH CASE NO. 92-5033 The following constitute specific rulings, pursuant to S120.59 (2), F.S., upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF) Petitioner Biddulph's PFOF: 1-2,6 Accepted excepted for unnecessary, subordinate, or cumulative material. 3-5 Rejected as unreconciled, non-dispositive, and unpersuasive expert testimony, not supported by the greater weight of the credible, competent, record evidence as a whole. 7 Accepted, except the date July 1, 1995 has been correctly substituted. 8 Immaterial; DER permitting does not encompass whether an applicant builds a "cadillac or a volkswagon" system, as long as what is built meets DER regulatory standards. "Reasonable assurances" do not include "best financial investment." This proposal is also rejected as partial and unreconciled material, not supported by the greater weight of the credible, competent record evidence as a whole. 9 Not supported by the greater weight of the competent, credible, persuasive evidence. 10 Accepted that PIA is not completed or formalized. That it was not previously considered is not dispositive a de novo hearing. 11 Accepted but subordinate; not dispositive. This expert admittedly did not consider many other sources. 12, 13, 15 Rejected as irrelevant in part and immaterial in part. See treatment in recommended order of septic tank situation. 14 Rejected as stated as not supported by the greater weight of the competent credible, persuasive evidence. See treatment of target amounts, time frame for effluent reduction, and elimination of contaminants in recommended order. Applicant/Respondent Volusia County's PFOF: 1-11,13-29 Accepted except for unnecessary, subordinate, or cumulative material. 12 Accepted in substance but not as stated. 30-31 Accepted, but irrelevant, immaterial and non- dispositive of the disputed issues of material fact. Respondent DER's PFOF: 1-17,19-29 Accepted except for unnecessary, subordinate, or cumulative material. 18 Rejected as proposed because as proposed, it is a proposal of law, not fact; accepted under "conclusions of law" portion of RO. 30-31 Accepted, but irrelevant, immaterial, and non- dispositive of the disputed issues of material fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Harry A. Stewart, Esquire 5807 South Atlantic Avenue New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Douglas A. MacLaughlin, Esquire John Chaves, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (2) 120.57403.087
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001923 Latest Update: Mar. 20, 1980

The Issue Whether Application #01109-L and Application #01109-J for a public water supply system to serve approximately 17,500 acres of land in Lee County, Florida, should be granted and a permit issued by the South Florida Water Management District.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer recommends that a water use permit be issued to the applicant pursuant to Applications #01109-J and #01109-L for a total annual allocation of 1.64 BGY for ten (10) years subject to the thirty-one (31) limiting conditions attached to the "Florida Cities Water Company" report, which report is a part of the record of this case. DONE and ORDERED this 18th day of January, 1980, in Tallahassee, Leon County Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of January, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen A. Walker, Esquire South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box V West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Ross A. McVoy, Esquire 318 North Monroe Street Post Office Box 669 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Terry F. Lenick, Esquire Assistant County Attorney County of Lee Post Office Box 398 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 08, 1993 Number: 93-003842RU Latest Update: Feb. 27, 2004

Findings Of Fact The Guana River Marsh Aquatic Preserve (the Preserve) is state-owned property. Title is held by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. It includes some 13 miles of Atlantic Ocean beach within St. Johns County. Within the boundaries of the Preserve is included the Guana River State Park (the Park). It, too, is state-owned. It is managed and operated by the Division of Recreation and Parks (the DRP) of the Department of Environmental Protection (the DEP). Some of the Preserve's Atlantic Ocean beaches are included within the boundaries of the Park. The "wet sand," or "hard sand," area of the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve is the area of the beach between mean high water and mean low water. The mean high water line is essentially the landward extent of the ocean at mean high tide; the mean low water line is essentially the landward extent of the ocean at mean low tide. When the tide is low, this entire area of the beach is exposed. It remains wet and, generally, relatively hard-packed during the time it is exposed. However, there are beds of "red shell" in this part of the beach that are softer. In the summer, this part of the beach averages approximately 50 feet in width. In the winter, when the waves and tides generally are higher, it is narrower. In the Preserve, the mean high water line usually is indicated both by debris washed up during the highest tides and left on the beach and by a "shelf." This "shelf," made by the erosive action of the ocean waves during the highest tides and during storms, rises at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and can be from one to four or five feet high. Landward of this shelf is the "dry sand" or "soft sand" beach, also sometimes referred to as the "upper beach." It extends landward from the mean high water line to the vegetation line, where the dunes start. Usually, some pioneer vegetation is found in the uppermost reaches of this part of the beach, forming what is called the "foredune" area of the beach. The tides along the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve are semi- diurnal, i.e., there usually are two high tides and two low tides a day. These high and low tides last approximately one hour, and each day they occur approximately an hour later than they did the day before. There are five beach access points with motor vehicle parking areas located along U.S. Highway A1A within the Preserve. Three are within the Park. There is parking for approximately 120, 68, 79, 42 and 25 vehicles in these five parking areas. There also is a current proposal for the addition of three more access points in the Park, with parking for a total of 340 vehicles, five beach bathhouses, and five pedestrian overpasses. There are many other places where pedestrians can walk from A1A to the beaches, including 30 County-controlled access points. But there are no lawful parking areas adjacent to any of these other access points at this time, and parking on the right-of-way of A1A is prohibited. Currently, the only lawful motor vehicle access to the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve is to the south of the Preserve. Prior to the agency action challenged in these proceedings, motor vehicles lawfully could be driven onto the beach at this access point and be driven north into the Preserve, so long as they remained below the mean high water line. A former access near the north end of the Preserve has been cordoned off. To leave the Preserve, motor vehicles would have to be turned around and driven back south to the same motor vehicle access point. Due to the restricted access to the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve, not much use is made of those beaches. In comparison, beaches to the south are used much more heavily. Of the relatively few who use the motor vehicle access to the south and drive on the beach north through the Preserve, some ultimately use the beaches to picnic, swim, surf, beach-comb and similar activities; some probably just drive on the beach. There was no evidence quantifying the uses currently being made of the beaches in the Preserve. In the past, homemade motor vehicles called "skeeters" were built with a light-weight chassis and over-sized wheels. They were used for driving on both the hard and soft areas of the beaches, as well as illegally in the dunes. This practice has been curtailed due to better enforcement of the prohibitions against driving in the dunes, a generally heightened environmental consciousness among the public, and prohibitions against driving the "skeeters" on public highways. Generally, there has been less driving on the beaches of the Preserve in recent years, although the practice persists at a reduced level. At all times of the year, it sometimes is impossible to drive along the entire length of the beaches in the Preserve without driving on the soft sand area. This is especially true during the winter months when the waves and tides are higher and storms are more frequent. But even in the summer months, there are times when "red shell beds" in the "wet sand" part of the beach must be circumvented to avoid getting stuck. Especially when the tide is not at its lowest, the only way to avoid some of these "red shell" beds is to drive over the "shelf" and onto the "soft sand." Depending on the tides, this may also be necessary in order to turn a vehicle around on the beach. In many places, the "soft sand" area is not very wide, and it would be necessary under those circumstances to drive in the "foredune" area. The times of the daily high and low tides can be obtained relatively easily by members of the public. But there is no assurance that all persons who would drive on the beaches would know the times of the tides. Nor is there any assurance that persons who drive the "wet sand" or "hard sand" part of the beaches at low tide also would plan to both start their beach drive and their return trip during low enough tides to be able to avoid driving on the "soft sand" part of the beach. For these and other reasons, it would be difficult, if not practically impossible, to effectively monitor beach driving throughout the Preserve and consistently enforce a restriction to driving only on the "wet sand" or "hard sand" areas of the beach. In the summer months, sea turtles lay eggs in nests dug in the sand of the foredune and dune areas of the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve. After a period of incubation in the nests, the turtle hatchlings dig themselves out of the nests and crawl to the ocean to begin their lives in the sea. Driving motor vehicles over nests on those parts of the beaches in the summer months could crush eggs in their nests or pack the sand hard enough to reduce the number of hatchlings that emerge from the nest alive. In addition, driving motor vehicles in these area, even in other parts of the year, can leave ruts in the beach that disorient hatchlings that leave the nests in summer so that fewer reach the ocean alive. Sea turtles crawl out of the ocean to their nest sites at night. Artificial lighting can disturb their nesting and egg-laying activities. However, it seems that moving lights, or lights that turn on and off (in the manner of car lights), create more of a disturbance than stationary lights, such as those more often found at residences along the beaches in the Preserve. The Management Plan does not prohibit artificial lighting along the beaches in the Preserve, but it recommends that further attention be given to this problem and that ways to address the problem be explored and pursued in cooperation with the County. Various shore birds, including the threatened least tern, make their nests in the foredune area of the beaches in the Preserve. Driving on the foredunes destroys and disturbs nesting habitat and disturbs the nesting activities of these birds. In addition, both these ground nesting shore birds and a variety of migratory birds make use of different areas of the beaches to rest and feed. Driving on the beaches disturbs these activities, as well. The only known nesting colony of least terns in St. Johns County is located in the Park, where beach driving is prohibited. The Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR) of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has utilized F.A.C. Rule 16D-2.002(4)-(5) to prohibit driving or parking motor vehicles on the beaches of the Park by not designating the beaches as driving or parking areas within the Park. At least parts of the beaches in the Park have been posted as areas where driving motor vehicles is prohibited. In order to develop a management plan for the Preserve, the manager of the Preserve personally researched the geology, climate and natural resources of the Preserve, as well as the records of the County, and also collected data pertaining to the Preserve from several state agencies. Over the course of a year, the manager's input was taken into consideration, and a management plan, called the Guana River Marsh Aquatic Preserve Management Plan (the Management Plan), was developed for the Preserve. It was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund on December 17, 1991. The Management Plan recites in pertinent part: At the present time, motorized vehicular traffic is permitted, by county ordinance, below the natural vegetation line on the beaches adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean in St. Johns County. Vehicles are not allowed on the 4.2 miles of beach within Guana River State Park. The coarse coquina sand and steep profiles of the beaches in the preserve make driving on the wet sand area difficult. Drivers are forced to cross the dry sand area, damaging the foredunes, pioneer dune vegetation and sea turtle nesting habitat. Due to the negative environmental impacts resulting from this activity, motorized vehicular traffic shall not be considered an authorized activity on sovereign submerged lands within [Prime Resource Protection Area] PRPA beach management areas of the preserve, and therefore will be prohibited. Under the Management Plan, all of the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve are Prime Resource Protection Area, and the driving of motorized vehicles on them is prohibited. On June 11, 1993, the DEP's DRP sent St. Johns County a letter advising that, based on the Management Plan, DEP no longer would permit the driving of motor vehicles on the Atlantic Ocean beaches in the Preserve. The proposed amendment to F.A.C. Rule 18-20.004(7), incorporating the Management Plan, was noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly on August 6, 1993. On or about August 18, 1993, the DEP agreed not to enforce the beach driving prohibition in the Preserve until these cases are resolved.

Florida Laws (11) 120.54120.56120.57120.68161.58253.001253.03258.004258.007258.394258.43 Florida Administrative Code (1) 18-20.004
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jun. 06, 1990 Number: 90-003533 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 1991

Findings Of Fact Sarasota County and MPS both filed extensive exceptions to the Recommended Order. I have grouped these exceptions according to the following issues: Manatee Protection, Turtle Nesting impacts, Fisheries impacts, Seagrass impacts, Wetlands Impacted, Water Quality Improvement, Public interest Balancing Test, Miscellaneous Exceptions, Requests For Additional Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of Law. I shall discuss and rule on each exception by the above groupings. 1. Manatee Protection Sarasota County Exception Number 1 and MPS Exception Numbers 6 and 8 are directed to the issue of adverse affects on the West Indian Manatee. Sarasota County and MPS take exception to Finding of Fact ("FOF") No. 24, claiming that there is no competent substantial evidence in the record to support the finding that it is anticipated that increased motorboat traffic in the pass vicinity would be an increased potential danger to manatees. MPS additionally takes exception to the finding in FOF No. 29 that maintenance dredging will entail a danger to manatees similar to that during the construction phase. At the outset, I note that where a Hearing Officer's finding of fact is supported in the record by any competent, substantial evidence I am not permitted to reweigh the evidence and reject the finding of fact. See, e.g., Florida Debt. of Corrections v. Bradley, 510 So.2d 1122 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987); Section 120.57(1)(b)1O., Florida Statutes. In this case the record does contain competent substantial evidence supporting FOF Nos. 24 and 29. The Hearing Officer's finding that increased motorboat traffic is an expected result of opening of the pass is not disputed. FOF No. 34. The area is designated as a critical habitat for the West Indian Manatee. FOF No. 22. The prefiled testimony of Ms. Kimberly A. Dryden states that "[a]n increase in boat/manate collisions associated with increased boat presence in the pass may occur." Dryden, PF-11. Ms. Dryden was admitted as an expert in wildlife biology including expertise in manatees, and her prefiled testimony was accepted into evidence. TR-756-760. Finally, the fact that Sarasota County itself proposed a manatee protection plan involving, among other things, that all project vessels operate at "no wake" speeds, supports the finding that increased motorboat traffic in the pass vicinity would be an increased potential danger to manatees. Sarasota County and MPS point to the public notice of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (Hearing Exhibit 26) and a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service letter (Hearing Exhibit 27) as overwhelming evidence that no adverse effect on the manatee is expected. In essence, Sarasota County and MPS are asking me to reweigh the competent, substantial evidence. As noted above, I may not lawfully do that. The parties do not dispute the Hearing Officer's finding that maintenance dredging is expected to be needed as long as the inlet remains open. FOF No. 21. For the reasons set forth above, the Hearing Officer's finding that maintenance dredging will present a danger to manatees similar to the construction is supported in the record by competent substantial evidence. Sarasota County and MPS also assert that FOF No. 24 must be rejected because it is contrary to a stipulation of fact by the parties. Indeed, the record shows that a prehearing stipulation was filed and accepted into the record without objection at the hearing. TR-8. Stipulation of Fact No. 24 states: With the implementation of recommendations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, it is not expected that the project will have a significant adverse impact on the manatee or its habitat. Steven Sauers, Director of the Coastal Zone Division for Sarasota County, testified that he believed the County "could adhere to these [U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service] recommendations under a condition of authorization." TR-94-98. I note that when the prefiled testimony of Ms. Dryden was accepted into evidence at the hearing, neither Sarasota County nor MPS objected to those portions dealing with manatee impacts as being contrary to Stipulation of Fact No. 24. I must therefore consider whether the failure to object constitutes a waiver of the stipulation, and whether the Hearing Officer, as the ultimate finder of the facts, is bound by a stipulation of fact when the record contains competent, substantial evidence which conflicts with the stipulation. It has long been the eablished rule of law that stipulations of fact properly entered into are binding on both the parties and the court. See, e.g., Troup v. Bird, 53 So.2d 717, 721 (Fla. 1951) (where case is tried on stipulation, no further or different facts will be presumed to exist). Where a party seeks to be relieved from a stipulation, he or she generally must file a timely motion, with notice to opposing parties, showing good cause and no prejudice to opposing parties. U.S. Fire insurance Co. v. Roberts, 541 So.2d 1297 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989); Lopez v. Dublin Co., 489 So.2d 805, 807 n.3 (Fla. 3d DCA 1986); Munilla v. Perez-Cobo, 335 So.2d 584 (Fla. 3d DCA 1976), cert. den., 344 So.2d 325 (Fla. 1977); Villa v. Mumac Construction Corp., 334 So.2d 274 (Fla. 3d DCA 1976); Curr v. Helene TransportatIon, 287 So.2d 695 (Fla. 3d DCA 1974). Good cause requires showing of fraud, overreaching, misrepresentation, withholding of facts by the adversary party, or such other element as would render the agreement void. Spitzer v. Bartlett Brothers Roof in, 437 So.2d 758 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983); Citv of Vero Beach v. Thomas, 388 So.2d 1374 (Fla. 1st DCA 1980). In this case, neither the Department nor the Respondent Intervenors sought to be relieved from the stipulation, and there is no contention that any basis for good cause exits to be relieved from the stipulation. However, it is also a long established rule of law that failure to contemporaneously object to the admission of contested evidence is a waiver of the right to object. See, e.g., Swan v. Florida Farm Bureau Ins. Co., 404 So.2d 802 (Fla. 5th DCA 1981); DeLuca v. State, 384 So.2d 212 (Fla. 4th DCA 1980), rev. den., 389 So.2d 1108 (Fla. 1980); Ehrhardt, Florida Evidence, Section 104.1 (2d Ed 1984); Section 90.104, Florida Statutes. in this case the testimony which conflicts with the stipulation was pre-filed before the hearing and the opposing parties had ample opportunity to review it before the hearing. Yet, although Sarasota County did raise objections to certain portions of Ms. Dryden's pre- filed testimony, no objection was raised to the portion relevant to impacts on manatees. TR-754-760. There is also authority for the proposition that when evidence contrary to a stipulation is introduced at trial without objection, the finder of fact is not bound by the stipulation. Special Disability Trust Fund v. Myers, 492 So.2d 788 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986), cause dism'd, 491 So.2d 280 (Fla. 1986); Espada Enterprises Inc. v. Spiro, 481 So.2d 1265 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986); Woods v. Greater Naples Care Center, 406 So.2d 1172, 1173 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981), rev. den., 413 So.2d 876 (Fla. 1982). In consideration of the above authorities and circumstances, I conclude that the Hearing Officer was not bound by the stipulation and could properly consider the relevant portion of Ms. Dryden's pre-filed testimony. Therefore the record contains competent, substantial evidence in support of the above findings of fact. Accordingly, the above noted exceptions of Sarasota County and MPS are denied. Turtle Nesting Impacts Sarasota County Exception No. 2 and MPS Exception No. 7 dispute FOF No. 26, which states that: "Once dredged, the beach area in the pass vicinity would be permanently lost for the purpose of turtle nesting." Sarasota County and MPS argue that although a portion of the beach will be removed to create the inlet, the loss of beach will not significantly impact on turtle nesting. Sarasota County and MPS contend that the "overwhelming weight" of the evidence is contrary to FOF No. 26. They are in essence asking me to reweigh the evidence. For the reasons stated above, I cannot do so. If the finding of fact is supported in the record by any competent, substantial evidence, then I am not at liberty to reject it. Florida Department of Corrections, supra; Section 120.57(1) (b)10., Florida Statutes. Ms. Belinda Perry, Projects Coordinator in the Coastal Zone Division of Natural Resources of the Sarasota County Natural Resources Department, testified that she had maintained records of sea turtle nests in the vicinity of Midnight Pass. She testified that on the average over the last eight years there have been four nests per year in the area that the new inlet at Midnight Pass will be located. Perry, TR-537-538; Perry PF-2, 5, 8. This is competent, substantial evidence of an adverse impact on the nesting habitat of sea turtles. Sarasota County and MPS argue that this impact is not "Significant." If I were to consider the "significance" of the loss of 4 nests per year for the purpose of accepting or rejecting FOF No. - 26, I would in effect be weighing that evidence. This I may not do. If the finding of fact is supported in the record by any competent, substantial evidence I may not reject it. Although not articulated, Sarasota County and MPS may be arguing that when evidence which supports a finding of an adverse impact on an endangered or threatened species is "not significant," then such evidence or finding of fact cannot be considered when weighing the seven factors set forth in the public interest balancing test of Section 403.918(2) (a), Florida Statutes. I reject any such argument as contrary to the law. Neither the statute nor any authority requires a minimum threshold weight for any of the factors. The statute merely requires the Department to "consider and balance" the seven criteria. For the foregoing reasons, Sarasota County's Exception No. 2 and MPS's Exception No. 7 are rejected. Fisheries Impacts Sarasota County Exception No. 4 and MPS Exception No. 10 challenge that part of FOF No.-3- that states "the flushing and arrival of predator fishes will adversely affect the nursery habitat now enjoyed by the fish community currently within the LSB." (emphasis added) Sarasota County and MPS contend that this finding is unsupported by any competent substantial evidence in the record. I disagree. Robert L. Stetler, Environmental Administrator, Wetlands Resource Management for the Department's Southwest District testified as follows: Q. What impact on fisheries does the present, i.e., closed condition of the Midnight Pass area have? A. Current conditions in the backwater area of Midnicht Pass as mentioned Before, as quiescent in nature. This influences the fisheries utilization to the competitive advantage of the smaller species and of the early life stages of many of the larger pelagic fish species. The additional cover afforded by seagrass communities and the very shallow water nature of large portions of the site tend to limit successful predation on the smaller specimens. The periphyton communities associated with shallow water areas and seagrass beds also provide large quantities of food to the smaller or younger fish. The conditions now found at Midnight Pass enable it to be classified as a nursery area because they perform the functions of feeding and protecting the early life stages of numerous fish species. Nursery areas like the pass region have been identified as essential to the maintenance of healthy, well balanced fish populations. Q. Does a quiescent estuarine zone provide any particilar benefit to commercially important fish species? A. Under the estuarine conditions, water quality also contributes to the success and/or failure of certain fish species. Many of the estuarine dependent fish species have life histories that include spawning in or near the marine environment and the mitigation [sic] of the larval forms into areas of lower salinity, sometimes lower dissolved oxygen and, in the summer months, often very high water temperatures. These harsh conditions are tolerable to a early life stages of several commercially important fish species and further protects them from predation by adult piscivorous (fish eating) fish that cannot tolerate these conditions. Some of the important commercial species exhibiting this life cycle are the Tarpon, Spotted Seatrout, Redfish, Mangrove snapper, Sheepshead and Mullet. Q. What, in your opinion, would be the overall impact to fisheries resources from the opening of Midnight Pass? A. The overall impact of the project to fisheries would be significant. Reactivating an inlet would produce conditions conducive and reintroducing larger, motile, pelagic fishes into the area. increased flushing would likely occur resulting in increased salinities, higher energy conditions from waye and tidal action. The recreational fishery would probably produce more larger fish utilizing the pass as a migratory, spawning and feeding site. However, the direct impact of the project would also result in the loss of significant portions of the nursery habitat previously described. Q. in your opinion, would opening Midnight Pass be in the public interest from a fisheries standpoint? A. No. Q. Why not? A. The expected physical damages associated with reopening the pass -- increased water depths, destabilization of the substrate by tide and wave energy and destruction of existing shallow water habitat will eliminate or significantly change the habitat characteristics and water guality conditions essential to the early life stages of many fish species. Loss of nursery habitat has been a long-term trend to Tampa and Sarasota Bay due to past dredge and fill activities and increased development. This long-term loss results in a need to classify remaining nursery areas, like Midnight Pass, as critical habitat warranting special protection. (emphasis added) Stetler PF-11-13. This prefiled testimony was accepted into evidence. TR-836, 839. When read in its entirely it clearly provides competent, substantial evidence to support the above finding of fact. Mr. Stetler testified that the existing nature of LSB provides a nursery for certain fishes that in the early stages of their life take advantage of areas of lower salinity, sometimes lower dissolved oxygen and, in the summer months, often very high water temperatures. Such harsh conditions protect them from predation by adult fish that cannot tolerate such conditions. He further testified that reopening Midnight Pass would result in increased flushing, increased salinity, and the loss of significant portions of the above characteristics with a consequent loss of significant portions of the nursery habitat. This testimony is competent, substantial evidence supporting FOF No. 32. Therefore, i may not disturb this finding of fact. Accordingly, the above noted exceptions are rejected. Seagrass Impacts Loss of Seagrass Sarasota County Exception No. 5 and MPS Exceptions Nos. 10 and 11 take exception to the Hearing Officer's finding that the submerged areas of LSB in the vicinity of the inlet are vegetated with seagrasses (including shoalgrass, turtle grass, manatee grass, and halophila), and that a significant portion of these grasses will be dredged if the proposed project is implemented. FOF No. 33. The Hearing Officer also found that the dredged seagrass areas will no longer serve as a nursery to young fishes. FOF No. 34. Sarasota County and MPS contend that only 10 acres of seagrasses will be dredged, and that the evidence shows that reopening Midnight Pass will cause more dense growth of seagrasses in those areas not dredged. Sarasota County and MPS also contend that the Hearing Officer erred in concluding that all four of the above noted types of seagrasses would be lost. The gist of Sarasota County's and MPS's argument is that the loss of ten acres of seagrss is less than 10% of the total seagrass acreage in the project area, and therefore is not significant. Sarasota County and MPS further argue that even if the loss of 10 acres of seagrass was significant, it would only be a temporary loss because the opening of Midnight Pass would result in greater seagrass growth, density, and diversity in those areas not dredged. Neither Sarasota County nor MPS take exception to the finding that l0 acres of seagrasses will be dredged, and that, due to the depth of the channel to be dredged, seagrasses would not be expected to reseed or colonize in the deep channel cuts. FOF No. 34; Prehearing Stipulation of Fact No. 22. The record contains competent, substantial evidence that in the vicinity of the project there are 108 acres of seagrasses. Lewis, PF-6 (accepted into evidence TR-425-436). A loss of ten acres of seagrasses would be a loss of more than 9% of the total acreage in the vicinity of the project. A loss of seagrass can have an adverse impact on a fish nursery. Leiby TR-507, 509-510. I reject any suggestion that such a loss is not significant. MPS and Sarasota County contend that there will be no net loss of seagrass because the loss of the ten acres will be offset by increased growth, density, and diversity of seagrasses in the areas not dredged. in asking me to reject the above noted findings, Sarata County and MPS are in effect asking me to weigh the evidence of the impact of the loss of ten acres against the evidence that increased growth, density, and diversity of the seagrasses elsewhere will soon offset any reduction in nursery value to young fishes. When I rule on exceptions to findings of fact I cannot reweigh the evidence. If the record contains any competent, substantial evidence to support the finding, I must accept it. Finally, as to issue of the types of seagrasses present, the record contains competent, substantial evidence that all four of the species mentioned in the finding of fact are found in the project area to be dredged. Stetler PF- 6, TR-843-845; Wilber PF-33, TR-908-915; Dryden PF-5-7; Prehearing Stipulation of Fact No. 21. For all of the reasons set forth above, i reject the exceptions of Sarasota County and MPS. Propeller Dredging of Seagrass Sarasota County Exception No. 6 and MPS Exception No. 12 take exception to the Hearing Officer's finding that "increase motorboat traffic which is an expected result of the pass reopening, would also limit grasses from re- establishing in shallower areas due to damage caused by propellers." FOF No. 34. Sarasota County and MPS do not dispute that opening - Midnight Pass will increase motoboat traffic in LSB. Dr. Wilber testified that the "foreseeable increased boat utilization, especially by large boats will increase seagrass bed damage through prop dredging . . . ." Wilber PF-31. There being competent, substantial evidence in the record supporting the above finding, the exceptions of Sarasota County and MPS are denied. Wading Bird Habitat Impacts Sarasota County Exception No. 5 takes exception to the Hearing Officer's finding that "the grassy flats will no longer be available to the numerous species of wading birds which frequent the areas since the closure of the pass." FOF No. 33. Ms. Dryden testified that wading birds now use the shallow tidal flats and mud flats which are proposed to be removed. Dryden PF-4-8, 10-11. Mr. G. Jeffery Churchill testified that, as a result of the project, approximately 9 acres of wading bird feeding habitat would be lost. Churchill PF-16-17, TR- 485-487. The record contains competent, substantial evidence supporting the above finding. Therefore, Sarasota County's exception is denied. Wetlands Impacted Sarasota County Exception No. 6 and MPS Exceptions Nos. 5 and 12 take exception to the finding that the dredging proposed by the County would eliminate at least 50 acres of wetlands. FOF Nos. 17 and 34. Sarasota County and MPS contend that only 1.1 - 1.3 acres of vegetated wetlands will be lost. This contention appears to be based on the assertion that submerged lands are not "wetlands" within the meaning of Sections 403.91 - .929, Florida Statutes. I reject Sarasota County's and MPS's narrow construction of the meaning of jurisdictional wetlands. Section 403.912(1) sets forth the powers and duties of the Department in permitting activities in wetlands, including activities "in waters to their landward extent . . ." (emphasis added). The term "waters" includes "rivers, lakes, streams, springs, impoundments and all other waters or bodies of water, including fresh, brackish, saline, tidal, surface, or underground waters." Section 403.031(12), Florida Statutes. the term "wetlands" therefore is inclusive of surface bodies of waters up to and including the limit of the Department's jurisdiction as established by Section 403.817, Florida Statutes and Rule 17-301, F.A.C. Dr. Wilber testified that the project would dredge 43.8 acres for the two access channels, 3.6 acres for the sediment basin, and 7.5 acres of jurisdictional wetlands for the inlet channel. Wilber PF-5-6. Dr. Wilber further testified that habitat within the proposed channels consisted of valuable biological communities of a natural character that would be severely disrupted or eliminated if the project were permitted. Wilber PF-9. The record contains competent, substantial evidence to support the above finding. The exceptions of Sarasota County and MPS are rejected. Water Quality Improvement Sarasota County Exception No. 7 and MPS Exception No. 14 take exception to the Hearing Officer's finding that "the water quality within LSB will not be significantly improved as a result of the reopening of the inlet. "FOF No. 38. it is contended that this finding is immaterial and irrelevant. These exceptions also challenge as irrelevant the Hearing Officer's finding that "it is impossible to conclude that marine environments serve a more useful purpose than estuarine systems." FOF No. 38. I agree that it is not required that the proposed project improve the water quality in LSB in order to be permittable. Permitting of a dredge and fill project in an Outstanding Florida Water requires that the applicant show that the project is clearly in the public interest, and that reasonable assurance has been provided that the project will not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards, including a showing that the existing ambient water quality within the OFW will not be lowered as a result of the proposed activity. Section 403.918(1),(2), Florida Statutes; Rules 17-4.242(2) (a), 17-302.300, F.A.C. The applicant must also show that secondary impacts of the project, and cumulative impacts of reasonably foreseeable similar projects in the same geographical location will not result in violations of water quality standards, and will not result in the project being not clearly in the public interest. Conservancy, Inc. v. A. Vernon Allen Builder, Inc., No. 90-520 (Fla. 1st DCA, March 29, 1991); Caloosa Property Owners' Ass'n v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 462 So.2d 523 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); Section 403.919, Florida Statutes. The analysis of secondary and cumulative impacts is not a third test; rather, it is a factor to be considered in determining whether reasonable assurance has been provided that the project will not result in violations of water quality standards, and that the project meets the applicable public interest test. Conservancy, Inc., supra; Peebles v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 12 FALR 1961 (DER, April 11, 1990); Concerned Citizens League of America v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 11 FALR 4237, 4246 (DER, March 29, 1989). if the applicant is unable to satisfy the applicable public interest test, the applicant may propose or accept measures to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the project. Section 403.918(2)(b), Florida Statutes. 4/ On the other hand, throughout these proceedings Sarasota County has attemptd to justify the project and show that it is clearly in the public interest by asserting the project will improve water quality in LSB. For example, at page 7 of Sarasota County's Proposed Recommended Order it states: Sarasota County has convincingly demonstrated that it meets the statutory criteria for approval of this project in this Outstanding Florida Water. The project will not degrade ambient water quality, and it will cause an improvement in water guality, not only in the immediate vicinity of the Pass but throughout Little Sarasota Bay. This improved water guality will in turn reap substantial benefits to the degraded marine habitat, the flora and fauna, commercial and recreational fishing and the public's general enjoyment and ability to use Little Sarasota Bay. (emphasis added) Similarly, Sarasota County stated in its opening argument at the hearing that: TR-14. We think that there has been a decline in water quality and it will continue to decline and it will continue to get worse. By reopening the pass, we think we can stop that decline. We think that there will be such considerable improvements to the bay to be clearly in the public interest. The Hearing Officer's finding is clearly relevant to Sarasota County's assertion that the claimed improvement in water quality will make or help make the project to be clearly in the public interest. Similarly, since the reopening of the pass will cause the reversion of LSB from an estuarine to a marine ecosystem, the Hearing Officer's finding on the failure to show that a marine ecosystem has a more useful environmental purpose is also, at least arguably, relevant to the public interest test. 5/ The record contains competent, substantial evidence which supports this finding. Nearhoof PF-8-12, TR-891-895; Wilber PF-17-18, TR-920-921. There being competent, substantial evidence to support the finding, I shall not reject it. The exceptions are there denied. Public Interest Balancing Test Sarasota County Exceptions Nos. 8 and 12, and MPS Exceptions Nos. 15 and 17, take exception to the Hearing Officer's finding that "the beneficial changes expected to result from the reopening of the pass do not offset the adverse affects reasonably expected to be caused by the dredging." FOF No. 39. Exception is also taken to FOF No. 43, which states that it was not established that the project is clearly in the public interest. The gist of these exceptions is that the balancing test is a conclusion of law rather than a finding of fact. Even if that were so, the error in mislabeling would be harmless. Even though I agree that the ultimate determination of the public interest balancing test is a conclusion of law, I do not agree that predicate findings of ultimate facts are not appropriate. Florida Audubon Society v. Cullen, ER FALR 91:018 (DER, Sept. 27, 1990). The Hearing Officer's FOF Nos. 34 and 43 are predicate findings of ultimate facts sufficiently supported in other findings of fact for each of the seven criteria in the public interest balancing test of Section 403.918(2)(a), Florida Statutes. See for example: Department's Response To Request For Admission No. 17, and R.O. at 21 and 23, accepting MPS's proposed finding of fact- No. 74, and Sarasota County's proposed finding of fact No. 50 (project will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare); (b) FOF Nos. 17, 22, 24-26, 29, and 32-35 (regarding conservation of fish and wildlife, etc.); FOF No. 36 and R.O. at 23, accepting MPS's proposed finding of fact Nos. 134 and 135 (regarding navigation, flow of water, erosion or shoaling); FOF Nos. 32 and 33 (regarding fishing recreational values or marine productivity); FOF No. 21, 29 and 37 (regarding temporary or permanent nature of project); FOF No. 28 (regarding historical and archaeological rsources); and FOF Nos. 30 and 38 (regarding current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by project). The exceptions are therefore rejected. Miscellaneous Exceptions Sarasota County Exception No. 9 Sarasota County Exception No. 9 contends that there is no competent, substantial evidence for the finding that the Department has not permitted the destruction of a habitat of this size without requiring extensive mitigation. FOF No. 40. Mr. Randall L. Armstrong, then Director of the Division of Water Management of the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, testified that he had worked at the Department since 1972, and that "[i]n my experience with the Department in issuing permits under those statutes (Sections 403.918-.919] the Department has never permitted the destruction of such a large area of viable habitat without requiring extensive mitigation." Armstrong PF-9, TR-1017. Sarasota County's reliance on the testimony of Mr. Lewis about lack of mitigation in a Key Biscayne project is misplaced since that project occurred before the enactment of the Henderson Wetlands Act in 1984. Lewis TR at 482. in any event, FOF No. 40 is supported in the record by competent, substantial evidence. The exception is denied. Sarasota County Exception No. 11 and MPS Exception No. 16 Sarasota County Exception No. 11 and MPS Exception No. 16 complain about FOF No. 42, yet do not dispute its correctness. The finding is a irrefutable finding that no mitigation is proposed for 10 acres of seagrasses which will be dredged. The exceptions are merely an assertion that mitigation is not necessary for the loss of seagrasses because additional seagrass will grow elsewhere. This contention was addressed above under the heading of Seagrass impacts. Furthermore, the Department has the ultimate authority to determine whether mitigation is required and, if so, whether the proposed mitigation is adequate. 1800 Atlantic Developers v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 522 So.2d. 946 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989). The exceptions are rejected. Sarasota County Exception No. 3 Sarasota County's Exception No. 3 claims to take exception to FOF No. 29 but does not dispute any of the facts stated therein. The exception is rejected. MPS Exception No. 1 This exception quibbles over an immaterial issue of semantics in FOF No. 2, i.e., whether the project is to "dredge an inlet" or to "restore" the past inlet. The exception is rejected. MPS Exception No.2 MPS takes exception to FOF No. 4 which states that LSB was designated an Outstanding Florida Water. The gist of MPS's exception is that the Environmental Regulation Commission excluded Midnight Pass when LSB was designated as an OFW. Since "Midnight Pass" no longer existed as a body of water when LSB was designated an OFW on April 29, 1986, the exception is rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. MPS Exceptions No. 3 and 13 MPS takes exception to the Hearing Officer's finding in FOF No. 7 that prior to the closing of Midnight Pass the "beach along the northern stretch of Casey Key eroded badly." MPS also excepts to the finding that without beach renourishment the restoration will cause "harmful erosion" along Casey Key. FOF No. 37. MPS does not dispute the erosion; rather, MPS complains about the choice of words describing the degree of erosion. The choice of words is not material to the underlying validity of the finding. The exceptions are without merit and are rejected as immaterial. MPS Exception No. 9 MPS takes exception to FOF No. 30, contending that there is no support in the record for a finding that, as a result of the evolution of LSB from a marine to an estuarine system, LSB has a longer freshwater residence time. MPS is misreading FOF No. 30. It is clear that FOF No. 30, when properly read, states that as a result of the closure of the pass LSB has evolved from a marine to an estuarine system, and that this evolution is a consequence of the longer freshwater residence time which was caused by the closing of the inlet. This is supported in the record by competent, substantial evidence. Echernacht TR-707. MPS also takes exception to the finding that levels of dissolved oxygen and salinity within LSB are fairly typical for a healthy estuarine system. FOF No. 30. The record contains competent, substantial evidence to support this finding. Wilber PF-32. The exceptions are rejected. Requests For Additional Findings of Fact Sarasota -County Exceptions Nos. 3, 10, and 13 through 16, and MPS Exceptions Nos. 4 and 18 are in essence asking me to make additional findings of fact, or to accept proposed findings of fact which were rejected by the Hearing Officer. I may not lawfully make an independent determination of a disputed fact. Cohn v. Department of Professional Regulation, 477 So.2d 1039, 1047 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1985). Accord, Miller v. State, Department of Environmental Regulation, 504 So.2d 1325, 1327 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987). See also Manasota 88, Inc. v. Tremor, 545 So.2d 439 (Fla. 2d DCA 1989); Inverness Convalescent Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 512 So.2d 1011 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987); Friends of Children v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 504 So.2d 1345 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987). As to Sarasota County Exception No. 14, which requests a finding of fact that the project will not adversely affect the pubic health, safety and welfare, I note that the Hearing Officer accepted this finding of fact which was proposed in both paragraph 74 of MPS's proposed recommended order and in paragraph 50 of Sarasota .County's proposed recommended order. See R.O. at 21 and 23. Therefore, I consider the requested finding of fact to have already been made by the Hearing Officer. No additional finding is required of me. Sarasota County Exception No. 15 asks me to make specific additional findings of fact in relation to effects of the project on marine productivity. Sarasota County orrectly points out that a finding regarding whether the project will adversely affect marine productivity is needed to conduct the public interest balancing test of Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes. However, I note that the Hearing Officer's FOF Nos. 32 and 33 are sufficient predicate findings for her to consider and weigh this criteria in the balancing test. Furthermore, the Hearing Officer has considered and ruled on Sarasota County's proposed findings related to marine productivity as set forth in Sarasota County's proposed recommended order paras. 105-108 and 110 (accepted) and para. 111 (rejected as vague). See R.O. at 22. Sarasota County Exception No. 15 is essentially a reiteration of proposed findings of fact which had been asserted before the Hearing Officer. Where the Hearing Officer clearly and specifically addressed and ruled on the proposed finding in the recommended order, I am not required to provide further reasons for my ruling. Britt v. Dept. of Professional Regulation, 492 So.2d 697 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986), overruled on other grounds sub nom., Dept. of Professional Regulation v. Bernal, 531 So.2d 967 (Fla. 1988). I concur with and adopt the Hearing Officer's rulings as being based on competent, substantial evidence, and therefore reject the exception. Sarasota County Exception No. 16 asks me to make specific findings with regard to cumulative impacts. The matter ofwhether the proposed project will have any significant adverse secondary or cumulative impacts was a disputed issue at the hearing. See Prehearing Stipulation at 24, Stipulated Disputed issue VI(A)9. Section 403. 919, Florida Statutes, requires consideration of the cumulative impacts of the project in conjunction with other existing or future projects where there is a "reasonable likelihood" of similar project applications in the same geographic location in the future. Caloosa Property Owners Ass'n v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 462 So.2d 523 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). Reasonable expectation of future projects is the polestar of cumulative impact analysis. Chipola Basin Protective Group v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 11 F.A.L.R. 467, 477 (D.E.R. December 29, 1988). Testimony at the hearing showed that the Department conducted an evaluation of the project for cumulative impacts and was unable to identify any such impacts. Wilber PF-30, TR-949-950; Armstrong TR-1021-1022. A finding that the Department conducted a cumulative impact analysis and concluded that it was unable to identify any cumulative impact was proposed by Sarasota County in its Proposed Recommended Order, paras. 118 and 119. - These findings were accepted by the Hearing Officer (R.O. at 22). Therefore, the requested findings of fact have already been made by the Hearing Officer, and no additional finding is required of me. The exception is therefore rejected. MPS Exception No. 18 asks me to adopt numerous proposed findings of fact which the Hearing Officer expressly rejected. The Hearing Officer expressly ruled on each of these proposed findings of fact. (Recommended Order at 23-24) Where exceptions merely reiterate proposed findings of fact which had been asserted before the Hearing Officer, and where the Hearing Officer clearly and specifically addressed each in the recommended order, I am not required to provide any further explicit reasons for my ruling. Britt v. Dept. of Professional Regulation, supra. I concur with and adopt the Hearing Officer's rulings on these proposed findings of fact. I therefore reject the above exceptions. RULINGS ON EXCEPTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Public Interest Test Sarasota County's Exception To Conclusion of Law No. 2, and MPS Exception No. 20 take exception to the Hearing Officer's conclusion of law that "the County has failed to establish that the proposed project is clearly in the public interest." Conclusion of Law No. 6, R.O. at 15-16. As I noted in my earlier discussion on findings of fact, in order to obtain a permit to dredge and fill in an Outstanding Florida Water, the applicant must show, among other things, that the project is clearly in the public interest. Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes. Failure of the applicant to make that showing makes the project not permittable. In order to determine whether the project is clearly in the public interest, the Department must consider and balance the following seven factors set forth in Section 403.918(2)(a): Whether the project will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others; Whether the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the project will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the project will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project; Whether the project will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the project will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of 5.267.061; and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. In order to consider and balance these factors it is necessary, of course, to make sufficient findings of fact as to each factor. As I discussed above, the Hearing Officer had accepted or expressly made findings of fact relevant to each of the above factors. in Conclusion of Law No. 6, she considered and balanced those factors in reaching her determination that it was not shown that the project is clearly in the public interest. I am, of course, not bound by the Hearing Officer's conclusions of law. I am free to substitute my own legal conclusions for those of the Hearing Officer, so long as competent, substantial evidence supports my legal conclusions. Harloff v. City of Sarasota, 16 FLW D458 (Fla. 2d DCA, Feb. 20, 1991); Hunter v. Dept. of Professional Regulation, 458 So.2d 842 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984); MacPherson v. School Board of Monroe County, 505 So.2d 682 (Fla. 3d DCA 1987); Section 120.57(1) (b)lO., Florida Statutes. I have considered and balanced each of the seven criteria set forth in Section 403.918(2) (a) in the light of the findings of fact discussed above. I concur in the Hearing Officer's conclusion that it has not been demonstrated that the project is clearly in the public interest. In reaching my conclusion I am aware of the holding in 1800 Atlantic Developers v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 552 So.2d 946 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989) that no net public benefit need be shown. I conclude that Findings of Fact Nos. 17, 22, 24-26, 29 and 32-35 on balance establish that the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. Findings of Fact 32 and 33 on balance show that the project will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in LSB. Findings 30 and 38 on balance sfrthat the current conditiofr of LSB makes it a valuable estuarine ecosystem which will be lost if the project is permitted. Finding of Fact 36 and MPS proposed findings of fact Nos. 134 and 135, which were accepted by the Hearing Officer, on balance show a net benefit to navigation. And, the Hearing Officer's acceptance of Sarasota County's proposed finding of fact No. 50, and MPS's proposed finding of fact No. 74, allow me to conclude that the project will not adversely affect the public health, welfare or safety. I note that there is abundant proof that the project is permanent in nature and that there will be no adverse affect on historical or archaeological resources. When I consider and balance all of these factors and their relevant facts, I conclude that the adverse impacts outweigh any benefits, and therefore donclude that there has been no showing that the project is clearly in the public interest. Since I have determined that it has not been shown that the project is clearly in the public interest, I must also consider any mitigation which Sarasota County has proposed. Sarasota County and MPS contend that no mitigation is needed for the loss of ten acres of seagrasses because reopening the pass will result in recolonization of new areas of seagrass, greater density of growth in existing areas, and greater diversity of seagrass species. Even when I assume that Sarasota County's and MPS cotentions are true, I still conclude that the adverse effects of the loss of ten acres of seagrass will not be mitigated by the proposed project. 6/ Accordingly, I reject the exceptions. Water Quality Improvement Sarasota County Exception To Conclusion of Law No. 1, and MPS Exception No. 19, challenge the Hearing Officer's Conclusion of Law No. 4. Specifically, the exceptions challenge the statement that "[t]he County has not established, however, that the reopening of the inlet will somehow improve water quality and justify the proposed dredging." Conclusion of Law No. 1, R.O. at 14. To the extent that the Hearing Officer may have thought that a showing of improvement in water quality was a requirement for obtaining a permit, she erred. However, for the reasons set forth in my previous discussion of water quality in relation to findings of fact, Sarasota County and MPS had made improvement in water quality an issue in determining whether the project was clearly in the public interest. Rather than erroneously imposing a requirement of improvement of water quality, it appears that the Hearing Officer was merely making a predicite observation prior to conducting the public interest balancing test. Regardless of how one interprets the above matter, it is clear that the issue does not affect the outcome of this case because both the Hearing Officer and I have concluded that there has been no showing that the project is clearly in the public interest. I therefore reject the exception on the basis that the conclusion of law is not erroneous, or if error, then it is harmless error. Having ruled on all of the exceptions it is ORDERED: Except as is otherwise stated in this Final Order, the Hearing Officer's Recommended Order is adopted and incorporated herein by reference. Sarasota County's Permit Application No. 581473069 is DENIED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any party to this Final Order has the right to seek judicial review of the Order pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this Order is filed with the clerk of the Department. DONE AND ORDERED this 4 day of April, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation CAROL BROWNER Secretary Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL. 32399-2400

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order denying the permit requested by Sarasota County. DONE and ENTERED this 19 day of February, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Joyous D. Parrish Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19 day of February, 1991. APPENDIX TO CASE NO. 90-3533 RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE DEPARTMENT: Paragraphs 1 through 19 are accepted. Paragraphs 20 through 24 are rejected as irrelevant, speculative or immaterial to the issues of this case. Paragraphs 25 and 26 are accepted. Paragraphs 27 through 29 are rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph 30 is accepted. Paragraph 31 is accepted with the deletion of the quotation marks around the word monitor and with the deletion of the last phrase following the words "survival rate" which is rejected as argumentative or irrelevant or not supported by the record. Paragraphs 32 through 36 are accepted. Paragraph 37 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraphs 38 through 40 are accepted. Paragraph 41 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 42 through 44 are accepted. Paragraph 45 is rejected as irrelevant or unnecessary to the resolution of the issues of this case. Paragraphs 46 through 48 are accepted. Paragraphs 49 through 53 are rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary to the resolution of the issues, comment, repetitive, or argumentative. Paragraphs 54 through 62 are accepted. Paragraph 63 is rejected as repetitive. Paragraph 64 is rejected as irrelevant. Paragraphs 65 and 66 are accepted. Paragraph 67 is rejected as irrelevant or contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 68 through 73 are accepted.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68267.061403.03190.104
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002364 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1991

Findings Of Fact Permitting History This development was originally known as North Largo Yacht Club and was owned and developed originally by the Largo Brand Corporation. That developer and this development received Development of Regional Impact approval from the county commission of Monroe County in accordance with Chapter 380, Florida Statutes in 1974. In 1975 that developer received various permits and water quality certifications authorizing construction of the "Atlantic Marina" (the existing marina) from both the Florida Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The marina was ultimately constructed and no further governmental approvals are required for the present Respondents to make full use of the existing marina which has an authorized boat capacity of 363 boat slips, which are situated around long piers extending from the shore of the marina basin out into the marina basin. Sometime after construction of the marina, the mortgagee, through foreclosure, obtained title to the property from Largo Brand Corporation which has since dissolved, ultimately conveying it to City National Bank as trustee under a Florida land trust. City National Bank filed the present application in its original form but in February, 1984, conveyed the property to Port Bougainville, Inc. and Port Bougainville Enterprises, Inc., the present Applicant/Respondent who succeeded City National Bank as the real parties in interest prosecuting the present permit application, as modified. The permit application as it presently exists is the result of various modifications suggested by the Department of Environmental Regulation and agreed to by the present Applicant/Respondents, which had the effect of causing the Department to change its position from one of denial of the permit to one of approval, by issuance of a Notice of Intent to grant the permit in June of 1984. The Applicant/Respondent's original decision to apply for the new permit was based upon aesthetic considerations and a desire to redesign and change the theme of the development and the marina itself. It is thus proposed that the boat-mooring facilities be moved to the periphery of the basin and the piers or docks extending out into the basin be removed. This would create an open body of water in the basin, more in keeping with the "Mediterranean Village Harbor" theme of the entire development. The original application filed in early 1984, called for realignment of the docks rather than removal, and the creation of various baylets or inlets along the access canal and contained no proposal for shoaling the existing boat basin. The Department used this original proposal as a basis for its Intent to Deny the Permit Application since it considered those modifications unacceptable in terms of the likelihood that it might degrade water quality or at least not improve the ambient water quality then existing in the marina basin and entrance canal. The Respondents acceded to the demands of the Department, employed additional consultants and redesigned the project, including the creation of a sophisticated hydrographic model by which, and through which, the Respondents ultimately proposed (with the Department's agreement) to revise the application as follows: Shoal the entire basin and canal system to no more than -6 Ft. mean low water; widen and sculpt the access canal on the west side and install solid flow baffles on the east side so as to create a sinusoidal or curving configuration in the canal to improve mixing of the water in the canal and basin system; remove the existing docks and construct new docks around the periphery of the basin so as to provide a decreased number of boat slips and capacity for a total of 311 boats; install one bubble screen surrounding the fueling facilities to contain oil and fuel spills and another at the entrance of the access canal where it opens into the Garden Cove Channel so as to prevent organic materials from outside the canal and basin system from being carried into it with tidal currents and wind; installation of "batter boards" along the length of the waterward or easterly and southeasterly side of the access canal so as to protect the mangroves along that side of the canal from the effects of wake energy caused by boats. After further "free-form" review, investigation and negotiation, the Department required, and the Respondents agreed to make the following additional modifications to the marina development plan: Shoal the north end of the basin to -4 ft. mean low water; slightly reconfigure the access canal and install an additional wave baffle on the eastern periphery of the canal in order to improve circulation in the western portion of the boat basin; relocate the proposed fueling facilities more toward the rearward center of the basin in order to further isolate them from the outstanding Florida waters lying at the outward, "seaward" end of the project; provide funds necessary to more adequately mark the Garden Cove Channel in accordance with the requirements specified by the Department of Natural Resources so as to further ensure that boat traffic and possible propeller damage could be prevented to the marine grassbeds and other marine life on either side of the Garden Cove Channel; install tidal level gauges at the mouth of the Garden Cove Channel which would show boaters wishing to use the channel and access canal the current, minimum depths prevalent in the channel and canal; grant to the Department a "conservation easement" binding upon the Respondent which would provide the following: That no hydraulic connection be made from any of the upland lakes on the Respondent's property to the marina, to the canal, to the channel or any other state waters; an agreement not to employ boat lifts that would require a dredge and fill permit from the Department; an agreement not to apply for additional permits so as to increase the number of boat slips in the marina beyond the 311 presently proposed; to develop a reef management plan in conjunction with the Florida Audubon Society to include educational programs for the public as well as underwriting the installation of mooring buoys and adequate channel markers in the John Pennekamp Reef Park, the Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) involved in this proceeding. During the time of construction of the proposed marina modifications, the entire marina will be closed and isolated from the waters of Garden Cove by the installation of a dam at the entrance to the marina access canal where it opens into Garden Cove. The dam will remain in place until turbidity resulting from the dredging, filling and construction has settled and the waters in the marina have achieved the turbidity standards required by the Department and its rules contained in Chapter 17 3, Florida Administrative Code. All the proposed modification work will be performed landward of the surveyed mean high water line. Additionally, a storm drainage system will be installed which will prevent any stormwater runoff from being deposited into the marina harbor. The stormwater runoff will be routed away from the harbor through the use of a reverse gradient around the periphery of the harbor and runoff from the adjacent real estate development will be thus routed away from the harbor into grass swales to be collected into holding areas for filtration. Ambient Water Quality in the Marina and Garden Cove Respondents tendered Dr. Earl Rich, a professor of Biology at the University of Miami as an expert in ecology and he was accepted without objection. Since 1974 he has conducted extensive studies with attendant sampling, observation and water quality monitoring in the Port Bougainville Marina. Beginning in 1983 he also performed certain chemical analyses on the water samples from the marina. Photographs taken underwater in the marina basin were adduced and placed in evidence, as were the results of the observations and tests. It was thus established that there is a dense growth of macroalgae in the marina at a depth of about six feet, although at the nine-foot level there is much less such growth. Concomitantly, the deeper holes in the marina basin exhibit a low dissolved oxygen reading and are largely responsible for the frequently occurring, low dissolved oxygen reading in the marina system that is lower than acceptable standards embodied in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. Garden Cove itself is a shallow embayment open toward the Atlantic Ocean in a generally easterly direction, characterized by a rocky or coarse sediment bottom substrate. It is characteristic of this area that organic materials such as seaweeds and the like, are transported by currents and winds into Garden Cove from other marine areas. The underwater vegetation in Garden Cove is lush. There are extensive shallow-water marine grass beds. These vegetated areas support a large population of marine animals and fish. Dissolved oxygen is, of course, essential to the metabolism of these organisms. The two primary means for oxygen to enter the water are as a result of photosynthetic activity of marine plants and through oxygen entering the surface waters through waves and wind action, with that surface water being distributed and mixed so as to disburse the action throughout the water column. The term biochemical oxygen demand or BOD, refers to the rate at which organisms use oxygen in the water. If there are many active photosynthetic organisms, as in Garden Cove, the production of oxygen during the day, as for instance by the seagrasses in the cove, exceeds the BOD of the plant and animal community in the water body, in which case the plants contribute excess oxygen to the air. During hours of darkness, plant and animal communities in the water body will continue to consume oxygen although there will be no photosynthesis to contribute oxygen. Therefore, in an underwater community rich in plant and animal life, such as Garden Cove, the dissolved oxygen level is typically higher during the daylight hours and BOD readings will be decreased during the night, reaching a low level during the early morning hours. Frequently, dissolved oxygen readings in Garden Cove are below state standards for waters of the State under natural conditions. These low DO readings occur commonly in Garden Cove during conditions of calm wind. Indeed, Dr. Rich has measured dissolved oxygen in Garden Cove below the four-part per million state standard even before the present marina and canal were ever constructed. Since the opening of the marina there have been times when the DO readings in Garden Cove have been lower than those inside the marina itself. Hydrodynamics of the Modified Marina The proposal by the permit applicant calls for widening the access channel into the marina to approximately 130 feet by excavating upland on the western bank of the canal. The access canal will then be reconfigured during the excavation into a winding or curving fashion. That adjustment, along with the solid flow baffles to be installed on the eastern bank of the canal, will set up a winding or sinusoidal flow of tidal currents. The sinusoidal flow will induce secondary helical currents that will move water repeatedly from the top to the bottom of the canal and then back, thereby significantly improving the mixing action. The improved mixing of the waters in the canal and marina will serve two purposes: It will disperse any pollutants so as to reduce pollutant concentrations. It will disperse the oxygen introduced into the surface waters by wave and wind throughout the water column. Dr. Bent Christensen is Chairman of the University of Florida Hydraulics Lab. Using knowledge gained in hydrographic modeling as a result of work he performed in carrying out a "Sea Grant study" under the auspices of the University of Florida, Dr. Christensen designed a computer model of the proposed Port Bougainville marina and access canal by which, in turn, he designed the winding access canal which will emulate nature in producing a turnover of water induced by current velocities and canal configuration, rather than by temperature differences in water. The computer model takes into account tidal flows and wind-induced velocities which are important to mixing of water within the system. Using this model, Dr. Christensen was able to redesign the marina canal so as to improve water quality within that system as well as improving the quality of water leaving the system into Garden Cove. Drs. Lee and Van de Kreeke are ocean engineers who testified as expert witnesses on behalf of Petitioners. They sought to dispute Dr. Christensen's conclusion that the redesign would improve DO levels within the marina based upon their independent determination that a different design would increase flushing times for the system. Flushing, however, is a simplistic way of analyzing water quality. Flushing analysis assumes that the only means to improve water quality is to replace water within the system with water from outside the system. The Christensen model and the resulting proposed design of the marina and canal, on the other hand, improves water quality through internal mixing action. The proposed design actually reduces flushing time, but more importantly, maximizes dispersion of water within the system and along with it, dissolved oxygen. The design introduces dissolved oxygen throughout the water column in the system through internal mixing because of the sinusoidal configuration of the canal and the helical currents the canal configuration sets up. The concentration of pollutants measured by the State Water Quality Standards are, in turn, reduced through the same hydrodynamics. Dr. Van de Kreeke admitted that a key ingredient in his model was the assumption he had regarding BOD in the system, but he had no idea what the BOD extant in the Port Bougainville system might be. He also admitted that his calculations did not take into consideration the factor of wind mixing of the waters in the system and acknowledged that wind can and does play an important role in flushing and mixing the waters in marinas. Finally, Dr. Van de Kreeke admitted that he could not fully analyze Dr. Christensen's assumptions in arriving at his model and design because he did not have the information Dr. Christensen relied upon. Thus, Dr. Christensen's model and design is accepted as more credible than that of Drs. Van de Kreeke and Lee. That model and design establishes that the quality of water exiting the marina into the Outstanding Florida Waters in Garden Cove will be improved by the modifications proposed to be constructed in the marina. Impact on Benthic Communities The northerly end of the marina basin will be sloped from -6 feet to - 4 feet. This widening and shallowing of the marina basin and access channel will have the affect of promoting the growth, regrowth and welfare of the benthic communities in the waters in the marina and access canal by providing greater light penetration to the bottom of the marina. The widening will have the effect of causing a greater portion of the marina bottom to be lighted during the day since at the present time, the bank and surrounding trees shade the marina basin for substantial portions of the day. The increased light penetration will result in more photosynthetic activity by the plant life in the marina and canal such that increased amounts of oxygen will be produced enhancing the dissolved oxygen levels of the marina waters. In that connection, the Respondents' expert, Dr. Rich, has examined a number of marinas and observed very healthy benthic communities in marina harbors more densely populated with boats than will be the proposed marina. Another significant improvement in the ecological status of the present marina will be the placing of a bubble screen device across the mouth of the entrance canal. This will have the effect of preventing floating organic materials such as sargassum, from entering the marina. Marinas typically experience problems related to dissolved oxygen levels in their waters because of an accumulation of floating organic material which tends to settle to the bottom creating excessive biochemical oxygen demand in their decomposition process, thus resulting in decreased dissolved oxygen levels. Thus, the bubble screen will aide in decreasing BOD. Likewise, a bubble screen device is proposed to be placed around the fueling facilities in the rearward portion of the marina basin so as to prevent the spread of pollutants such as spilled oils, greases and fuels, which may occur during routine fueling operations from time to time. Inasmuch as the modifications have been shown to cause some improvement in the dissolved oxygen level in the waters of the marina basin and access canal, it has been demonstrated that the modifications will not interfere with the conservation of marine wildlife and other natural resources. The bodies of water consisting of the marina, the access canal and Garden Cove, at the present time support a diverse marine community that can be expected to continue to flourish. Neither will the proposed activity destroy any oyster or clam beds, as none have been shown to exist in these waters. Dr. Rich has monitored waterways and offshore waters at a nearby, comparable marina, The Ocean Reef Club, for approximately ten years. He has discerned no noticeable impact on the benthic communities within that marina from a very heavy boat traffic during that period of time. The boats using The Ocean Reef Club Marina are typically larger than will use the Port Bougainville facility and boats of over 100 feet in length commonly use The Ocean Reef Club. In terms of impact on offshore benthic communities, he has observed no visible impact by the heavy amount of boat traffic using The Ocean Reef Marina from the standpoint of comparison of the experience with that marina, in terms of biological impacts, with the marina configuration proposed by the Applicant/Respondents. In short, the proposed marina configuration as contrasted to the existing permitted marina, represents an improvement because of the increased surface area providing increased oxygen exchange through wave and wind action, the shoaling which will also be beneficial to dissolved oxygen levels because of its enhancement of photosynthetic processes, and because of the proposed marina management steps designed to prevent floating organic material from entering the marina. Thus, the modified design was shown to provide a meaningful improvement in general ecological conditions within the marina and hence, in the offshore waters of Garden Cove with which the marina waters exchange and mix. Water Quality Dr. Eugene Corcoran is Professor Emeritus of the Rosensteel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. He is a marine chemist and performed a chemical analyses of the samples taken for the water quality report presented by Respondents and in evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 17. Dr. Corcoran also performed the analyses for the ongoing water sampling program conducted by Dr. Renate Skinner, an expert witness for Petitioners. The Petitioners accepted Dr. Corcoran as an expert witness without objection. The proposed marina modifications involved in this permitting application were thus shown to cause no violations of the state standards for dissolved oxygen. The Rio Palenque Water Quality Study in evidence indeed documented a number of instances where dissolved oxygen fell below the state minimum standards of four parts per million in the present marina. Once the modifications are completed there still may be instances when dissolved oxygen falls below that standard, but this can be attributed to natural phenomenon and the same relatively low levels of dissolved oxygen below state standards have been observed in the offshore waters of Garden Cove itself, which is an Outstanding Florida Water. Significantly, however, it was established that concentrations of dissolved oxygen will likely increase as a result of these modifications, the inducement of the helical flow and consequent vertical mixing, the widening of the entrance canal and the shoaling of the bottoms in the marina basin and canal, as well as the measures to be taken to reduce the deposition of organic materials in the marina basin and canal. The only water quality criteria placed in contention by the Petitioners and Intervenors were dissolved oxygen and copper. Although a number of Petitioners' witnesses were qualified to address the impacts of water quality on different marine organisms, only Dr. Curry was qualified as an expert in water quality. Dr. Curry's chief concern was with dissolved oxygen, which is based on the Rio Palenque Study showing present low values for dissolved oxygen in the marina as it now exists. Dr. Curry did not establish that the proposed modifications to the marina would themselves cause dissolved oxygen violations and although he testified in great detail concerning his attempt to compute the amount of copper that might be given off by the bottom paint of boats in the modified marina, he was unable to render an opinion that the modifications would increase copper levels in the waters in the marina. He acknowledged that his calculations were based on the assumption that all the boats in the marina would be using copper anti-fouling paints and his calculations took into account an assumption that all boats in the marina would have been painted within the last six months as a base datum for his calculations. Additionally, he did not take into account dispersion ratio associated with the hydrodynamic forces present in the modified marina. Dr. Curry admitted that he had never studied copper levels in a marina environment and was unable to explain the chemical effects on water quality of copper anti-fouling paints on boats. In all his sampling, he only found one instance of a violation of the Chapter 17-3 copper standard and that occurred within only a few millimeters of the hull of a newly-painted boat. Other fallacies involved in Dr. Curry's analysis, concern the interaction of seawater with copper bottom paint. Since seawater has a high level of carbonates, copper is immediately complexed with organic compounds such as amino acids. These organic complexes are soluble in seawater and indeed, serve as important nutrients to phytoplankton and other beneficial marine organisms. Thus, that portion of the total complex copper precipitated from the water as well as that portion taken up as nutrients would not be included in any concentrations of copper measured in the water column. Additionally, Dr. Curry's computations did not take into account the dispersion of copper concentrations due to mixing or flushing, which has a direct beneficial effect on reducing concentration of copper and other pollutants in the water column. Thus, Dr. Curry's computations are deemed immaterial, inasmuch as he effectively admits that the modifications to the marina would not be detrimental to water quality. The proposed modifications will not lower ambient water quality or significantly degrade the waters in the adjacent John Pennekamp Park, Outstanding Florida Waters. Since it has been established that the marina modifications will likely improve water quality within the marina, logically, the water quality in the park to some degree might be slightly improved, since those waters exchange with the waters in the marina. There will be no increase in concentrations of any pollutants emanating from the Port Bougainville Marina as a result of the proposed modifications. Improved Marking of Garden Cove Channel The Applicant/Respondents are required to provide improved navigational markers in the Garden Cove Channel, pursuant to an amended development order. Additionally, they have agreed to provide additional channel markers delineating the channel from the entrance of the existing marina to the Garden Cove Channel proper. With regard to the Garden Cove Channel, the Respondents proposed to move certain existing channel markers to more clearly identify that channel, which would make certain portions narrower and thereby eliminate boat passage over some shallow areas populated with marine grasses which presently lie within the marked channel. The Respondents also propose to add two more sets of channel markers at the seaward end of Garden Cove Channel, so that boats exiting the channel heading for the open sea will avoid certain shallow marine grass areas. The reason for this is to avoid possible damage to valuable marine grass beds and habitat which might be caused by prop wash of boats crossing over them, as well as actual contact and scouring by propellers or potential grounding of boats navigating these areas. Witness Balfe for the Respondents has personally sounded the entire length of the access canal and Garden Cove Channel. His soundings are admitted in evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 19 and are unrefuted. It was established therefore, that the bottom configuration of that access channel is basically flat or level with only minor irregularities of less than a foot. There are no rock outcroppings or other obstructions which would reduce the controlling depth below -4 feet. Approximately 12 times per year however, during "spring tides", the ambient water depths in Garden Cove could be expected to go below -4 feet mean low water. During these times the tide will be approximately 6 to 8 inches below that normal depth. Perhaps 25 times per year the tide is 5 or 6 inches below that mean low depth. The tide gauge which will be installed will alleviate possible propeller scouring or grounding damage to grass beds and marine habitat, especially during those abnormally low tides, by providing boat operators a current, up-to-date reading on the depths in the channel. Contributions to Park Management Plan and Marina Management Plan The Applicant/Respondents have agreed to a permit condition requiring a financial commitment to assist in the management of the John Pennekamp Park so as to minimize the adverse impacts of human use of the park. This commitment includes the provision of $75,000 to finance a study and preparation of a management plan for the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary, which would include study of the feasibility of inaugurating an entry permit system for the park, a testing and certification program for commercial dive boat operators, possible zoning of the park to allow recovery of the park coral reefs and other resources from the impacts of human visitors, locating central mooring buoys so that visitors' boats could be moored in one restricted area to avoid damage to the delicate coral reefs, and more adequately marking the boundaries of the park. Additionally, the Respondents propose to provide $50,000 for the acquisition of anchor buoys to be placed in selected areas of the park and to provide funds to finance a survey to more adequately identify the boundaries of the park. In order to more adequately protect water quality in the marina itself, the Respondents will inaugurate a marina management program which will include the installation of a sewage pump-out station and a pump-out station for motor oils and lubricants for boats. In addition to the two bubble curtains mentioned above, the Respondents will install containment booms and absorption mats and will permanently maintain a boat equipped with absorption mats and suction equipment for fuel or oil spill removal. The marina will prohibit persons living aboard boats, to prevent attendant sewage effluent problems, and will prohibit maintenance of boats, including painting and oil changes, while boats are in the water. This program will be monitored by an environmental protection officer employed by the condominium association under the auspices of the Respondents. Many of these marina management provisions are already requirements of the Port Bougainville 1982 development order referenced above. Management of Inland Lakes Although the use and management of the inland lakes on the Respondents' property is not directly involved in this permit application proceeding, the Respondents' overall development plan encompassed by the development order anticipates that at a future time a boat lift will be installed on upland so as to allow boats to be transferred from the inland lakes into the marina for access to marine waters. The lakes themselves, however, will not be open to the marina or to outside waters. The inland lakes are anticipated to provide dockage for approximately 200 boats, with restrictions against boats exceeding 20 feet in length and boats powered by combustion engines. The Respondents expect that the inland lakes will be primarily used by small boats such as canoes or sailboats. Dry storage for boats will be maintained on an upland site, for which a DER permit is not required. Neither is a permit for a boat transfer facility required since it would not involve dredging, filling or construction over water. The use of a boat lift, although it itself is not an issue before the Hearing Officer in this proceeding, would involve the potential of 200 or more boats using the marina in addition to those for which the marina is designed. This could occasion substantially greater risk for oil, grease and fuel spills and other potential damage to the water quality within the marina and damage to the marine habitat, grass beds and so forth within the marina, the access canal and the adjacent areas in Garden Cove. Accordingly, the conservation easement which the Respondents have agreed to provide the department as a condition to the grant of this permit should be amended to add a further condition on a grant of this permit so as to preclude placement of boats from the inland lakes into this marina or its access canal. Such a restriction would comport with the proposed uses of the inland lakes established by Mr. Scharenberg, the Respondent's principal. Boating Impacts Boat traffic in the Garden Cove Channel area is significant, with heaviest traffic occurring on the weekends when approximately two to three hundred boats navigate that channel. The boats presently using Garden Cove Channel come from a number of nearby marinas, small fishing docks and dry storage areas, as well as from a marked navigational channel called North Creek that provides access to the Garden Cove area and the Atlantic Ocean from Largo Sound. A small canal cuts through Key Largo into Largo Sound and provides access for boats in the Black Water Sound and other areas on the west side of Key Largo to the Garden Cove area and the Atlantic. The Port Bougainville Marina is expected to attract a mix of boats typical for such a marina, with the majority consisting of boats ranging from 27 to 35 feet in length. Approximately 20 percent of the boats will likely be in the 40-foot range. Larger boats may also use the marina, particularly those with a shallow draft, and "shoal draft" sailboats of 35 to 40 feet can safely navigate in and out of the marina. The marina, as it would be modified, would permit use of boats with a draft of up to three and one-half feet, although deeper draft boats could use the marina by timing arrivals and departures for the high tide, which is a common mode of operation by boat operators in the Florida Keys and other marine areas. The Port Bougainville Marina will contribute approximately 30 to 50 boats to the Garden Cove boat traffic on an average weekend out of the possible 311 boats in the harbor as it is proposed to be constructed. There will be a lesser number of boat arrivals and departures during the weekdays. The primary users of boats in and out of the marina will be people who own condominiums in the attendant real estate development. Temporary visitors, not owning boats moored in the marina, would typically use the dive charter boats and other rental boats in the surrounding areas, such as at the Ocean Reef facility. The existing marina which is already permitted and can be fully used at the present time from a legal standpoint, could accommodate the same reduced number and sizes of boats as the proposed modified marina by simply removing some of the present docks and finger piers. The Respondents propose to maintain approximately 20 slips for boats which are not owned by condominium unit owners, and they anticipate operating six to seven deep-sea charter boats as well as five smaller skiff-type charter boats, and perhaps as many as two dive charter boats with additional demands for charters to be serviced by charter boats in the surrounding areas. Boating adverse impacts on the marine benthic communities inside and outside of the marina will be minimized by the construction configuration of the marina and boat slips, the shoaling and widening of the marina basin and canal, and the channel marking and tidal gauging provisions proposed by the Applicant/Respondents. These safety arrangements would be further enhanced by the above-mentioned restriction on the placing of boats into the waters of the marina and canal from the inland lakes. The configuration of the proposed modified marina and the shoaling will have a beneficial effect in rendering use by extremely large boats, which might cause propeller, wake or grounding damage to the marine benthic communities unlikely because of the inaccessibility caused by the intentional shoaling. Coral Reef Impacts Dr. Peter Glynn is a qualified expert in marine ecology and was accepted as an expert witness in that area with particular emphasis, through his long specialization, in the ecology of corals and coral reefs. He has researched the effects of sediments, herbicides, pesticides, oxygen levels, temperature, salinity, tidal effects and oil pollution on corals. He testified as a rebuttal witness addressing concerns raised by Petitioners' and Intervenor's witnesses with regard to boat traffic, attendant turbidity and possible synergistic effects on coral reefs caused by oils, greases, low oxygen levels and turbidity. Dr. Glynn has studied corals in many areas of the world including the Caribbean and the Florida Keys. The coral reefs in Florida are similar to those in the Caribbean area and belong to the same "biogeographic province." He has dived in and examined the Garden Cove area and found four species of small reef building corals in Garden Cove. These were found in the vicinity of a shipwreck near the channel entrance to Garden Cove and the remainder of the corals observed in Garden Cove were in the bottom of the boat channel running through Garden Cove. There were no corals observed on the grass flats and in shallower areas of Garden Cove. The corals occurring in the boat channel are in isolated colonies of less than a foot in diameter. The Petitioners and Intervenors attempted to raise the possibility of synergistic adverse effects on corals posed by combinations of oils, oxygen levels, temperatures and sedimentation or similar impacts. It was not shown how or at what concentration turbidity might combine with various oxygen levels, temperatures or degrees of light penetration to produce such effects, however. The only type of synergistic effects on corals Drs. Glynn and Corcoran have observed is that between oils and pesticides. Although this effect has been demonstrated in another study area far removed from the Florida Keys, no such pesticide and oil synergistic impact has been observed in the Florida Keys area, chiefly because it is not an agricultural area characterized by significant use of pesticides. Likewise it was not established that suspended sediments in the Garden Cove area could have an adverse effect on corals by reducing light penetration. In tropical areas such as the Keys, light penetration is often saturating or in greater quantities than are really needed for healthy coral growth and indeed, many corals in these areas have pigments that naturally shield them from excess light because these coral species actually can suffer from too much light penetration. Additionally, Dr. Glynn has observed good coral reef health and growth in areas that are highly turbid. It was not established that an increase of sedimentation deposit on corals will necessarily have an adverse impact, particularly because most corals can accept a substantial amount of fine-grain sediment deposition without adverse effect. The manner in which the proposed marina modifications will be accomplished will minimize sedimentation at any rate since the canal will be dammed off from Garden Cove until all work is completed and all sedimentation within the marina and marina access canal has subsided to levels compatible with the state standards for turbidity. In any event, there is no evidence that boat traffic in Garden Cove at the present time influences the distribution and health of live coral, particularly since the main coral abundance in Garden Cove occurs in the heavily-used boat channel at the present time. Likewise, Dr. Glynn established that sediments from any increase in boat traffic in Garden Cove will not likely drift out on the offshore reef tract and be deposited on the reefs to their detriment in any event, since the fine sediments occurring in Hawk Channel and in Garden Cove, are largely precluded from deposition on the offshore reefs because the waters over the reef tract offshore have very different physical characteristics. That is, there is distinct interface between the inshore and oceanic waters caused by the strong wave assault and current action near the reefs, which precludes the fine sediments from the inshore areas remaining in the area of the reefs. Finally, any increase in the number of people visiting the Pennekamp Park attributable to use of the modified marina will not inevitably lead to degradation of the reefs. By way of comparison, studies of Kaneoi Bay in Hawaii where a major pollutant source from human sewage caused degradation of the coral reefs, showed that when sewage effluent was subsequently directed away from the reefs, the reefs rejuvenated and repopulated and are now used extensively for recreational activities without observable biological degradation. These studies are consistent with studies Dr. Glynn referenced with regard to Biscayne Bay National Park, which have shown no significant degradation occasioned by human visitation of the reefs in that park. Those studies have not shown a significant difference between the health of the "controlled reefs" and the reefs which are allowed to be used for recreational purposes. It was thus not established that there will be any degradation of the corals in the near-shore areas of Garden Cove nor in the offshore reef areas occasioned by any increased boat traffic resulting from the modification of the marina. Indeed, it was not demonstrated that the mere modification of the marina, which will actually accommodate fewer boats than are presently permitted, will cause any increase in present boat traffic at all. Dr. Glynn, in the course of his teaching and studies in the field of marine ecology has become familiar with the causes and effects of Ciguatera toxin in marine environments. He recently participated in the study of possible Ciguatera toxin at the grounding site of the freighter Wildwood on Molasses Reef, some miles distant from the marina site. All cases reported of such harmful concentrations of this toxin have originated from open water, outer coral reef environments, and not from near shore areas such as those involved in this case, where seagrasses and mangroves are the dominant marine communities. Ciguatera toxin organisms require clear open ocean water with strong currents and well-developed coral reefs which are found offshore in the Keys and not in the near-shore mangrove-type environments. The cause of Ciguatera is a concentration of toxin in the food chain. Although the bacteria that cause Ciguatera Toxin in fish, and resulting harmful effects in humans, occur everywhere in marine waters, the bacteria are not a hazard because generally, conditions are not appropriate for the bacteria to multiply. The two main species of dinoflagellates, that have been associated with causing Ciguatera poisoning do not occur in an environment such as the Port Bougainville Marina. They are typically concentrated in larger fish such as snapper, grouper and barracudas which cause problems when they are eaten by people. These species are not generally found in the inshore mangrove and grassbed areas such as are involved in the case at bar. Thus, the concerns expressed by Petitioner's witnesses concerning the possibility of Ciguatera poisoning occurring because of possible damage to corals and coral death caused by the dredge and fill operations, and boat operation associated with the marina and Garden Cove are, in reality, only unsubstantiated speculation.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, issue the requested permit subject to the conditions incorporated in the agreement or "conservation easement" executed between the Department and the Respondents with the further condition added to that conservation easement such that the deposition of boats from the inland lakes system into the marina and its access canal be prohibited. DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of April, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of April, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Elizabeth J. Rickenbacker, Esquire 10500 Southwest 108th Avenue Miami, Florida 33176 Michael F. Chenoweth, Esquire 522 Southwest Third Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Douglas H. MacLaughlin, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michael Egan, Esquire, Robert Apgar, Esquire Post Office Box 1386 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SIERRA CLUB: UPPER KEYS CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation; PAMELA BERYL PIERCE, and FRIENDS OF THE EVERGLADES, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation, Petitioners, and DOAH CASE NOS. 84-2364 84-2365 FRIENDS OF THE EVERGLADES, INC., 84-2385 a non-profit Florida corporation; 84-2827 THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF IZAAK (Not consolidated) WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation; UPPER KEYS CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation, Intervenor-Petitioners, vs. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, and PORT BOUGAINVILLE ASSOCIATES, LTD. a Florida limited partnership, and PORT BOUGAINVILLE ENTERPRISE, INC. a Florida corporation, Respondents. /

Florida Laws (5) 120.57403.031403.087403.088403.412
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-003187 Latest Update: Apr. 19, 1990

The Issue The issue at this stage of the proceeding is whether jurisdiction should be relinquished to the Southwest Florida Water Management District based upon the withdrawal of Petitions filed herein on behalf of the Petitioners, and the filing of a stipulation and settlement agreement executed on behalf of the Petitioners and Respondents.

Findings Of Fact By Notices of Referral dated June 7, 1989, and filed June 1 6, 1989, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) transmitted to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) certain Petitions filed on behalf of Petitioners which opposed the issuance of a consumptive use permit numbered 208426 by the District to the West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority (Authority). These Petitions were assigned Case Numbers 89-3187 through 89-3189 by DOAH, and were consolidated for all further proceedings. On August 18, 1989, Chilpub, Inc. (Chilpub), filed a Petition to Intervene, which was granted by Order entered on September 6, 1989. On October 20, 1989, Wiregrass Ranch, Inc. (Wiregrass), filed a Petition to Intervene, which was granted by Order entered on October 31, 1989. The Petitions filed on behalf of Chilpub and Wiregrass were filed at DOAH, and specifically sought leave to intervene in Cases Numbered 89-3187 through 89-3189 in order to oppose the issuance of permit number 208426 to the Authority. Following the granting of these Petitions, Chilpub and Wiregrass have participated in this proceeding as Intervenors On or about November 8, 1989, the Authority provided Wiregrass with a copy of the Notice of Proposed Agency Action which is the subject of this proceeding, pursuant to Rule 40D-2.101, Florida Administrative Code. However, subsequent to receiving this Notice of Proposed Agency Action, Wiregrass failed to file with the District any Petition in its own right seeking to initiate a proceeding under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to challenge the issuance of permit number 208426 to the Authority. Notices of Withdrawal of Petitions for Formal Hearing were filed on behalf of the Petitioners in Cases Numbered 89-3187 through 89-3189 on April 4, 1990, and on that same date, the Petitioners and Respondents filed their Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction. A copy of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement executed by the Petitioners and Respondents was filed on April 9, 1990.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the District enter a Final Order dismissing the Petitions filed herein, and issuing permit number 208426 to the Authority. DONE AND ENTERED this 19 day of April, 1990 in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 120 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19 day of April, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: David L. Smith, Esquire Jeffrey A. Aman, Esquire 712 South Oregon Avenue Tampa, FL 33606 Edward P. de la Parte, Jr., Esquire Barbara B. Levin, Esquire 705 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33602 Bram Canter, Esquire 306 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32302 Enola T. Brown, Esquire P. O. Box 3350 Tampa, FL 33601-3350 James S. Moody, Jr., Esquire P. O. Box TT Plant City, FL 33564-9040 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director SWFWMD 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34609-6899

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40D-2.101
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