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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami Beach, Florida Jul. 20, 2009 Number: 09-003832 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 2009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 28, 1994 Number: 94-006636RX Latest Update: Apr. 20, 1995

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, the Florida Department of Revenue (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), notified Petitioner, Irvin L. Olden, by a Revised Notice of Intent to Make Documentary Stamp Tax and Discretionary Surtax Audit Changes (hereinafter referred to as the "Revised Notice"), that he owed $164.45 in documentary stamp tax, plus penalty of $41.11 and interest thru June 6, 1994 of $70.71. See Petitioner's exhibit 3. The Revised Notice was entered May 31, 1994. Mr. Olden was informed in the Revised Notice that the "legal basis" of the proposed audit changes was "Chapters 201.01, 201.02, 201.08, 201.17, F. S." and "Rules 12B-4.012(1) and (2), F.A.C." Mr. Olden filed a written protest to the Revised Notice by letter dated June 23, 1994. On July 12, 1994, the Department issued a letter in response to the written protest. Petitioner's exhibit 2. In pertinent part, Mr. Olden was informed: Your Quit Claim Deed recorded November 6, 1990, transferred half interest in real estate from Sue H. Olden to Irwin L. Olden. There was a $60,000 mortgage on the property. According to Rules 12B-1.012 (1) and (2), and 12B-1.013 (25) and (32), Florida Administrative Code, this transfer is taxable because of the mortgage on the property. The rules state that any deed is taxable if consideration for the property is given. The rules go on to state that a mortgage on the property is consideration. The rules are attached. The letter incorrectly referred to Rule 12B-1.012(1) and (2), Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 12B-1/013(25) and (32), Florida Administrative Code. The Department intended to refer to Rules 12B-4.012 and 12B-4.013, Florida Administrative Code. Mr. Olden timely challenged the proposed assessment of tax pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. On November 23, 1994, Mr. Olden also filed a petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings challenging the validity of Rule 12B-4.012(2), Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes. Rule 12B-4.012(2), Florida Administrative Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Challenged Rule"), provides, in pertinent part: (2) Definitions: (a) "Consideration" under s. 201.02, F.S., includes but shall not be limited to, money paid or to be paid, the amount of any indebtedness discharged by a transfer of any interest in real property, mortgage indebtedness and other encumbrances which the real property interest being transferred is subject to, notwithstanding the transferee may be liable for such indebtedness. Where property other than money is exchanged for interest in real property, there is the presumption that the consideration is equal to the fair market value of the real property interest being trans- ferred. [Emphasis added]. Mr. Olden specifically challenged the portion of the Challenged Rule emphasized in finding of fact 6. Mr. Olden alleged that the Challenged Rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority as defined in Section 120.52(8)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes. The language of the Challenged Rule which Mr. Olden has alleged is invalid had an effective date of February 13, 1991. Although not clearly stated in Mr. Olden's petition, Mr. Olden's standing to challenge the Challenged Rule is based upon the fact that the Department relied on the Challenged Rule in the Revised Notice and the letter in response to Mr. Olden's written protest. Pursuant to the Department's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing filed by the Department on February 24, 1995, the Department stipulated to the following: The Department stands by its assessment in the assessment proceeding. The statute which was recited in the Department's assessment provides ample authority for the assessment without reference to a subsequently promulgated rule. . . . The Department does not seek to retroactively apply a rule to a transaction which preceded the effective date of that rule. Any statement in the Notice of Proposed Assessment which indicates an intention to apply a rule on a retroactive basis is hereby withdrawn. . . . However, while the rule is valid, it now appears that Petitioner lacks standing to challenge a rule which is not intended to be applied to Petitioner. Petitioner has standing to challenge the assessment and to challenge the Department's prerule application of the Section 201.02, Fla. Stat. (1990). . . . Now that the Department formally withdraws any reference to the rule in support of its assessment against the Petitioner, there is no reason for this matter to proceed further. Counsel for the Department reiterated the Department's position at hearing.

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.56120.57120.68201.01201.02201.08 Florida Administrative Code (2) 12B-4.01212B-4.013
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jun. 11, 2009 Number: 09-003151F Latest Update: Aug. 11, 2010
Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.595120.6857.10557.111
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Leesburg, Florida Sep. 16, 2002 Number: 02-003602GM Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Walton Beach, Florida Apr. 18, 2011 Number: 11-001920 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 2011
Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida May 13, 2010 Number: 10-002571 Latest Update: Jun. 16, 2011

Conclusions By letter dated March 31, 2010, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) informed Angels of America, Inc., that it was terminating the Medicaid Waiver Services Agreement that it and Angels of America had entered into. Following the receipt of a request for an administrative hearing, the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). On May 26, 2010, APD moved to dismiss the proceeding on the basis that Petitioner had not shown that its substantial interests would be affected by the Agency’s action. On June 9, 2010, the Administrative Law Judge entered an Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. THEREFORE, based on the foregoing and being otherwise fully apprised of the premises, it is hereby ORDERED that the hearing request filed in the above-styled case is hereby DISMISSED and this case is CLOSED, DONE AND ORDERED, this 16th day of June, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ . PSY Nt ee Percy W. Mallison, Jr., Esquire Agency Clerk Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 APD-11-4859-FO | 1 Filed June 16, 2011 1:04 PM Division of Administrative Hearings CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Copies provided to: Jeffrey C. Marty, Esa. Juan R. Collins, Esq. Post Office Box 3159 Agency for Persons with Disabilities Zephyrhills, Florida 33539 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 335B Tallahassee, Florida 34785 APD Area 13 Office | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of this Final Order was provided to the above- named individuals at the listed addresses, by U.S. Mail or electronic mail, this 16th day of June, 2011. Percy i Mallison, Jr., Agency Clerk Agency for Persons with Disabilities 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 APD-11-4859-FO | 2

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 25, 2009 Number: 09-006518 Latest Update: Mar. 18, 2010
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 03, 2003 Number: 03-002456 Latest Update: Apr. 19, 2004

The Issue Whether the Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction to hear this cause alleging that Respondent Employer has committed an unlawful employment practice against Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact 1. Following a May 23, 2003, "Notice of Determination: No Jurisdiction," by the Florida Commission on Human Relations, Petitioner filed a Petition for Relief as more fully described below. On or about July 3, 2003, the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings and scheduled for a disputed-fact hearing on the merits for August 25, 2003. 2. On July 17, 2003, Respondent served by mail its Motion for a Summary Final Order. 3. On August 12, 2003, Respondent served by mail its Supplemental (Second) Motion for a Summary Final Order. 4. On August 14, 2003, Respondent filed and served its Notice of Filing Supplemental Materials In Support of its (Second) Motion for Summary Final Order. 5. The foregoing pleadings and the exhibits attached thereto, together with the "Determination: No Jurisdiction," which is part of the referral package from the Florida Commission on Human Relations, suggest on their face(s) that the Commission, and derivatively, the Division of Administrative Hearings, is without jurisdiction to determine this case. 6. Petitioner did not timely respond in opposition to the Motion for Summary Final Order as permitted by Rule 28-106.204, Florida Administrative Code, and in a telephonic conference call convened by the undersigned on August 19, 2003, Petitioner represented that she had never received that Motion. Petitioner offered to pick it up at Respondent's attorney's office later on August 19, 2003. 7. Petitioner had received the Supplemental (Second) Motion for Summary Final Order, but from her oral representations in the telephonic conference, it appeared that she did not open the envelope containing it. As of August 19, 2003, Petitioner still had, pursuant to rule, until August 26, 2003, to respond in writing. Also, if Respondent's supplemental materials were to be considered, Petitioner had until August 28, 2003, per rule, to respond. 8. The undersigned is without final order authority in this type of proceeding, and accordingly, the pending Motions have been treated as Motions for a Recommended Order of Dismissal. 9. On August 21, 2003, an Order Canceling Merits Hearing and Permitting Future Filings was entered. That Order provided, in pertinent part: The disputed-fact hearing is now scheduled for August 25, 2003, and all jurisdictional issues could be addressed at the commencement of that hearing, but that hearing is subject to cancellation due to Petitioner's failure to file a unilateral pre-hearing statement. Moreover, it is not cost-effective to require both parties to appear with all their witnesses, prepared for a disputed-fact hearing, when a short delay may obviate the need for such a hearing. If that hearing is cancelled, it will be possible to re-schedule this case for trial within the aspirational time frame established by the legislature, if such re- scheduling is necessary. Accordingly, it is ORDERED: 1. The disputed-fact hearing now scheduled for August 25, 2003, is hereby cancelled. 2. The pending motions will be treated as Motions for Recommended Order of Dismissal. 3. Petitioner is permitted to, and until, September 2, 2003, to file, in writing, any response in opposition to Respondent's Motion for a Summary Final Order, and Respondent's Supplemental (Second) Motion for a Summary Final Order, including the Supplemental Materials Filed August 14, 2003. 4. In her response, Petitioner should address all factual and legal arguments posed by Respondent. She may attach exhibits supporting her position. 5. In the event the undersigned requires any further oral argument or advice from the parties, another telephonic conference call will be scheduled for that purpose, and a formal notice of hearing will be issued. 6. In the event no further oral argument or advice is required, the issues presented in the motions and response will be disposed of, pursuant to Rule 28-106.204, Florida Administrative Code, without hearing; and a disputed-fact hearing on the merits will be re-scheduled only if necessary and appropriate. 10. Petitioner did not file any response to dispute any legal or factual issue raised by Respondent. Petitioner did not file any response attacking the validity of any of Respondent's exhibits. Petitioner did not file any response attacking any portion of the Commission's referral package. Therefore, the filed items may be presumed to be authentic, and the pending Motions may be addressed without an evidentiary hearing. 11. Petitioner filed with the Commission a charge of discrimination against Respondent Employer. That charge was assigned FCHR Case No. 2003342, and was dismissed by the Commission on or about December 6, 2002. 12. On October 18, 2002, Petitioner filed with the Commission a second charge of discrimination, the charge of discrimination underlying the instant case. The Commission assigned the instant charge FCHR Case No. 23-00222. 13. This instant charge of discrimination herein states that Petitioner was notified on October 14, 2001, that she would be terminated by the Employer on October 18, 2001. This charge of discrimination was signed by Petitioner on October 18, 2002. Therefore, it could not have been filed with the Commission before October 18, 2002. The date of October 18, 2002, is more than 365 days after October 14, 2001. See Section 760.11(1), Florida Statutes. 14. By a "Determination: No Jurisdiction" entered May 23, 2003, the Commission's Executive Director found and concluded that all jurisdictional requirements for coverage had not been met, to wit: : The Complainant was notified on October 12, 2001, that she would be terminated effective October 18, 2001, and she received a termination letter on October 14, 2001. Thus the 365-day period for filing a claim with the Commission commenced on October 12, 2001. Complainant, however, filed her complaint on October 18, 2002, which is 370 days from the date she first received notice. 6. The Commission does not have jurisdiction over the complaint because it was filed more than 365 days from the date the Complainant received notice that she would be terminated. 15. While the Director's foregoing findings/conclusions do not bind this forum's de novo proceeding, the Commission's acknowledgement that the instant charge of discrimination was not filed with it until October 18, 2002, constitutes competent evidence of that filing date and is relevant in this proceeding. 16. Attached to Respondent's first Motion for Summary Final Order is a copy of the instant charge of discrimination which shows the Commission's "October 18, 2002," date stamp. Also attached thereto is a Disciplinary Action Report dated October 12, 2001, which shows that Petitioner saw the report but refused to sign it on the same date of October 12, 2001. This report is, in effect, a notice of termination to take effect on October 18, 2001. Another exhibit to this pleading is Petitioner's October 12, 2001, written request to the Employer for a pre-termination hearing. All of these items indicate that Petitioner had notice on October 12, 2001, that she would be terminated, effective October 18, 2001. 17. No one has explained what effect a pre-termination hearing would have had on the planned termination date. No evidence that a pre-termination hearing was ever held has been presented. 18. Petitioner was effectively terminated by Respondent on October 18, 2001. 19. A "Notice of Determination: No Jurisdiction," entered by the Clerk of the Commission on May 23, 2003, provided: The parties are advised that the Complainant may request that a formal, post- investigative proceeding be conducted. The Request for Hearing/Petition for Relief must be filed within 35 days of the date of mailing of this Notice and should be in compliance with the provision of Rule 60Y- 5.008 and Chapter 60Y-4, Florida Administrative Code. A Petition for Relief form in enclosed. If you elect to file a Petition for Relief, it may be beneficial to seek legal counsel prior to filing the Petition. This action will not become final until time has expired for Complainant to file a Request for Petition for Relief. Failure of Complainant to timely file a petition for relief will result in dismissal of the complaint pursuant to Rule 60Y-5.006, Florida Administrative Code. 20. Accordingly, the last date for filing a Petiton for Relief on the instant charge was June 27, 2003, per Section 760.11(7), Florida Statutes, and 60Y-5.008, Florida Administrative Code. 21. Petitioner FAXED her Petition for Relief to the Commission. Petitioner's FAX cover sheet indicated that, Ms. Razavi, I am faxing this again, since I'm not aware that you have rec'd it yet. I first sent it on Thurs. 26th to a different fax #. The young lady sitting in for Barbar gave me this one. Thanks. 22. On July 1, 2003, the Commission date-stamped receipt of the foregoing cover letter and the Petition for Relief, which it transmitted to the Division of Administrative Hearings on the same date. 23. An Affidavit of Violet D. Crawford, Clerk of the Florida Commission on Human Relations, states that Petitioner's Petition for Relief was received by way of facsimile to the Commission on June 30, 2003, but that it was clocked-in on July 1, 2003.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Michelle Burt, pro se 2121 West Pensacola Street, PMB 538 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 For Respondent: William Haselden, Esquire City of Tallahassee 300 South Adams Street, Box A-5 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1731

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing this cause for lack of jurisdiction. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of September, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. Lahn alan ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of September, 2003. 12 COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michelle Burt 2121 West Pensacola Street, PMB 538 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 William Haselden, Esquire City of Tallahassee 300 South Adams Street, Box A-5 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1731

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 11, 2019 Number: 19-006579F Latest Update: Feb. 26, 2020

The Issue Whether Petitioner, M.B. Doral, is entitled to attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to section 120.595(4), Florida Statutes (2019); and, if so, the amount.

Findings Of Fact On December 21, 2018, Petitioner MB Doral filed a Petition Challenging Validity of Existing Rule 61A-4.020 and Determination Regarding Unadopted Rule, in DOAH Case Number 18-6768RX. On January 25, 2019, the undersigned entered an Order Granting Respondent’s Motion to Bifurcate and Stay Proceedings, which stayed MB Doral’s unadopted rule challenge pending the proposed rulemaking that would promulgate ABT Form 6017. On October 16, 2019, amendments to rule 61A-4.020 became effective, which promulgated ABT Form 6017. On November 6, 2019, the undersigned entered an Order Dismissing Unadopted Rule Challenge and Retaining Jurisdiction, which dismissed MB Doral’s remaining unadopted rule challenge and retained jurisdiction to consider a request for attorneys’ fees and costs, pursuant to section 120.595(4)(b). On December 3, 2019, MB Doral filed a Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs (Motion), seeking an award of attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in the unadopted rule challenge pursuant to section 120.595(4)(b). The Motion alleges that MB Doral advised the Department, in writing on at least seven occasions prior to filing the rule challenge petition, and beginning on May 19, 2015, that the Department’s failure to adopt ABT Form 6017 constituted an unadopted rule. The Motion also alleges that the Department did not file a notice of rulemaking until January 28, 2019. The Motion further alleges that the Department has never alleged that the federal government required ABT Form 6017 to implement or retain a delegated or approved program or to meet a condition to receipt of federal funds. On December 10, 2019, the Department filed its Response in Opposition to Petitioner’s Motion for an Order Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Costs. On February 11, 2020, the Department filed a Notice of Filing Joint Stipulation for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, which included the Joint Stipulation for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs. The Joint Stipulation states that the Department agrees to the entry of a final order assessing the sum of $7,500.00 for attorneys’ fees and costs in the unadopted rule challenge, which the undersigned bifurcated from the existing rule challenge in DOAH Case No. 18-6768RX, which is currently pending before the First District Court of Appeal in Case Number 1D19-0820. The Joint Stipulation further states that the parties agree that this Final Order should direct the Department to seek immediate approval for payment within 30 days of this Final Order, and that the undersigned retains jurisdiction to enforce the terms of this Final Order.

Florida Laws (4) 120.54120.56120.595120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61A-4.020 DOAH Case (2) 18-6768RX19-6579F
# 9

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