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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 11, 1996 Number: 96-002777BID Latest Update: Nov. 26, 1996

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent acted fraudulently, arbitrarily, illegally, or dishonestly in selecting Intervenor as the lowest bidder for a contract to supply the state with lamps valued at $3,692,499.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Respondent is the state agency responsible for soliciting bids to establish a contract for the purchase of large lamps by state agencies and other eligible users. Petitioner is a Florida corporation and the incumbent vendor under similar contracts for the preceding 10 years. Petitioner does not manufacture lamps. Petitioner sells lamps manufactured by Osram-Sylvania ("Sylvania"). Intervenor is an Ohio corporation doing business in Florida. Intervenor manufactures the lamps it sells. The ITB On March 15, 1996, Respondent issued Invitation To Bid Number 39-285- 400-H, Lamps, Large, Photo and STTV (the "ITB"). The purpose of the ITB is to establish a 24 month contract for the purchase of Large Lamps (fluorescent, incandescent, etc.), Photo Lamps (audio visual, projection, flash), and Studio, Theatre, Television, and Video Lamps ("STTV") by state agencies and other eligible users. The contract runs from July 10, 1996, through July 9, 1998. The ITB estimates the contract price at $3,692,499. The ITB contains General and Special Conditions. General Conditions are set forth in 30 numbered paragraphs and elsewhere in DMS Form PUR 7027. Special Conditions are set forth in various unnumbered paragraphs in the ITB. General Conditions Paragraphs 5, 11, and 24 of the General Conditions are at issue in this proceeding. The terms of each paragraph are: 5. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: No additional terms and conditions included with the bid response shall be evaluated or considered and any and all such additional terms and conditions shall have no force and effect and are inapplicable to this bid. If submitted either purposely through intent or design or inadvertently appearing separately in transmittal letters, specifications, literature, price lists, or warranties, it is understood and agreed the general and special conditions in this bid solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this bid and the bidder's authorized signature affixed to the bidder's acknowledgment form attests to this. 11. QUALITY ASSURANCE: The contractor, during the contract term, upon mutual agree- ment with the Division of Purchasing, will provide reasonable travel and lodging accommodations for one (1) to three (3) government employees to perform an on-site inspection of the manufacturing process(es) and review of the manufacturer's product quality control(s) and total quality manage- ment program(s). The contractor will reim- burse the State for actual transportation cost, per diem and incidental expenses as provided in Section 112.061, F.S. It is the State's desire that the contractor provide demonstration of quality control for improvement rather than post production detection. 24. FACILITIES: The State reserves the right to inspect the bidder's facilities at any reasonable time with prior notice. Included Items Special Conditions in the ITB require bidders to submit prices for "Item 1" and "Item 2" lamps ("included items"). 1/ Item 1 lamps consist of Group 1 and 2 lamps. Group 1 lamps are Large Lamps such as fluorescent, incandescent, quartz, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamps. Group 2 lamps are Photo Lamps such as audio visual, projection, flash, and STTV lamps. The total price for each group is multiplied by a weighted usage factor. The product calculated for Group 1 is added to the product calculated for Group 2 to determine the total price for Item 1 lamps. Item 2 consists of a category of lamps described as "T- 10 Lamps." The total price for Item 2 lamps is determined without application of the weighted usage factor used for Item 1 lamps. The total price for Item 2 lamps is a de minimis portion of the contract price. Special Conditions in the ITB require Respondent to award a single contract for included items to a single bidder. Special Conditions state that, "During the term of the contract established by this bid, all purchases of items will be made from the successful bidder." 2/ Excluded Items Special Conditions require that, "The bidder shall offer a fixed discount from retail prices on all excluded items." Excluded items include high technology lamps. The requirement for a fixed discount on excluded items is not considered in evaluating bid prices for included items. Rather, the requirement is intended to reduce the state's cost for both included and excluded items by assuring a meaningful discount on excluded items. Formatting Requirements Special Conditions prescribe the format in which bids must be submitted. Price lists and authorized dealers' lists are required to be submitted in hard copy and on computer diskette. The format prescribed for computer diskette includes requirements for font and graphics. The Special Conditions state that, "Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disqualification of your bid." The Bids The ITB prohibits the alteration of bids after they are opened. Respondent opened bids on April 10, 1996. Seven vendors submitted bids in response to the ITB. Included Items Four vendors, including Petitioner, submitted a bid for both Item 1 and Item 2 lamps. Intervenor and two other bidders did not submit a bid for Item 2 lamps. General Conditions Intervenor deleted paragraphs 11 and 24 of the General Conditions from its bid. At the direction of Intervenor's legal department in Cleveland, Ohio, Intervenor's regional sales manager struck through paragraphs 11 and 24 and initialed the deletions. The deletions are consistent with Intervenor's corporate policy. Intervenor routinely objects to contract provisions requiring inspection of Intervenor's facilities. Excluded Items Petitioner's bid includes a fixed discount of 44 percent on excluded items. Intervenor's bid includes a fixed discount of 0 percent. Formatting Requirements Intervenor included the information required by the ITB on the diskette it submitted with its bid. However, Intervenor supplied the information in Courier 12 characters per inch ("cpi") font, not the Courier 10 cpi font prescribed in the ITB. Proposed Agency Action Respondent determined that Intervenor's bid was responsive. The purchasing specialist for Respondent who reviewed each bid to determine if it was responsive failed to observe the deleted paragraphs in Intervenor's bid. The purchasing specialist forwarded those bids determined to be responsive to the purchasing analyst assigned by Respondent to: determine if the lamps offered in each bid met the specifications prescribed in the ITB; and evaluate bid prices. The purchasing analyst noted that paragraphs 11 and 24 were deleted from Intervenor's bid. The purchasing analyst and purchasing specialist conferred. They determined that paragraph 5 of the General Conditions cured Intervenor's deletions without further action. The purchasing analyst correctly determined: that lamps offered by Petitioner and Intervenor met ITB specifications; that Intervenor's bid is the lowest bid for Item 1 lamps; that Petitioner's bid is the second lowest such bid; and that Petitioner's bid is the lowest bid for Item 2 lamps. Petitioner's bid for Item 1 lamps is approximately five percent greater than Intervenor's bid. Respondent proposes to award one contract for Item 1 lamps to Intervenor. Respondent proposes to award a second contract for Item 2 lamps to Petitioner. At 4:00 p.m. on May 20, 1996, Respondent posted its intent to award the contract for Item 1 lamps to Intervenor. Petitioner timely filed its formal protest on June 3, 1996. Respondent did not award a contract for excluded items. Respondent's failure to award a contract for excluded items is not at issue in this proceeding. Arbitrary Respondent's proposed award of a contract to Intervenor for substantially all of the items included in the ITB is a decisive decision that Respondent made for reasons, and pursuant to procedures, not governed by any fixed rule or standard prescribed either in the ITB or outside the ITB. Respondent's proposed agency action is arbitrary. Excluded Items The requirement for bidders to offer a fixed discount on excluded items operates synergistically with the requirement for Respondent to award a single contract on included items to a single bidder. The combined action of the two requirements operating together has greater total effect than the effect that would be achieved by each requirement operating independently. The requirement for a fixed discount on excluded items, operating alone, may not induce a bidder who could receive a contract solely for Item 2 lamps to offer a discount that is as meaningful as the discount the bidder might offer if the bidder were assured of receiving a contract for Item 1 and 2 lamps upon selection as the lowest bidder. 3/ By assuring bidders that a single contract for Item 1 and 2 lamps will be awarded to a single bidder, the ITB creates an economic incentive for bidders to provide a meaningful discount on excluded items. Respondent frustrated the synergy intended by the ITB by applying the requirements for a fixed discount and for a single contract independently. Respondent penalized the bidder conforming to the requirement for a fixed discount on excluded items by awarding only a de minimis portion of the contract to the bidder. Respondent rewarded the bidder not conforming to the requirement for a fixed discount on excluded items by awarding substantially all of the contract to that bidder. If Respondent elects to purchase all excluded items from Petitioner, Respondent will have used the contract for Item 1 lamps to induce a meaningful discount from Petitioner without awarding Petitioner with the concomitant economic incentive intended by the ITB. Such a result frustrates the ITB's intent. Paragraph 5 Respondent's interpretation of paragraph 5 fails to explicate its proposed agency action. Respondent's interpretation of paragraph 5: leads to an absurd result; is inconsistent with the plain and ordinary meaning of the terms of the ITB; and is inconsistent with Respondent's actions. Respondent's interpretation imbues paragraph 5 with limitless curative powers. Respondent's interpretation empowers paragraph 5 to cure the deletion of all General Conditions in the ITB whether stricken by pen or excised with scissors. Respondent's interpretation of paragraph 5 would transform a bid containing no General Conditions into a responsive bid. Respondent's interpretation of paragraph 5 is inconsistent with the plain and ordinary meaning of its terms. Paragraph 5 operates to cure "additional" terms. It does not operate to restore deleted terms. Respondent's interpretation of paragraph 5 is inconsistent with Respondent's actions. Respondent did not rely on paragraph 5 to cure Intervenor's deletions without further action. Respondent took further action to cure the deletions. Further Action On the morning of May 20, 1996, the purchasing analyst for Respondent telephoned Intervenor's regional sales manager. The purchasing analyst demanded that Intervenor accept the conditions Intervenor had deleted from its bid by submitting a letter of acceptance before the bid tabulations were posted at 4:00 p.m. on the same day. The regional sales manager contacted Intervenor's corporate headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Intervenor authorized the regional sales manager to accept the deleted paragraphs. By letter faxed to Respondent at approximately 3:20 p.m. on May 20, 1996, Intervenor accepted the paragraphs it had previously deleted. The letter stated that, "GE Lighting [will accept] the Contract Conditions noted in Paragraphs 11 and 24 of the Lamp Quotation." [emphasis not supplied] At 4:00 p.m. on May 20, 1996, Respondent posted the bid tabulation form. The bid tabulation form stated that the "award is contingent upon General Electric's acceptance of all the terms in conditions (sic)" in the ITB. Respondent argues that the purchasing analyst who contacted Intervenor on the morning of May 20, 1996, exceeded her authority. Respondent characterizes the word "contingent" in the bid tabulation form as "poorly written" and a "bad word." Agency Construction Of ITB Terms Respondent construes terms in the ITB in a manner that is inconsistent with their plain and ordinary meaning. The ITB requires that, "The bidder [shall] offer a fixed discount from retail price list on all excluded items." [emphasis supplied] Respondent interprets the quoted provision as meaning the bidder may offer such a fixed discount if the bidder elects to do so. The purpose of the ITB is to establish "[a] 24 month contract" to supply large lamps to the state. [emphasis supplied] Respondent interprets the quoted provision as meaning that the purpose of the ITB is to establish two contracts. The ITB states that, "During the term of the contract established by this bid, all purchases of items [will] be made from [the] successful bidder." [emphasis supplied] Respondent interprets the quoted provision as meaning that purchases of some items will be made from one successful bidder and that purchases of other items will be made from a second successful bidder. The ITB states that the contract "[shall] be made statewide on an all or none basis" to the responsive bidder who satisfies the conjunctive requirements for: "[the] lowest "Award Figure Item (1; [and] lowest Award figure for Item (2." [emphasis supplied] Respondent interprets the quoted provision as meaning that separate contracts may be made statewide on less than an all or none basis to separate responsive bidders who satisfy the disjunctive requirements for either the lowest bid for Item 1 lamps or the lowest bid for Item 2 lamps, or both. The ITB requires offers to be submitted for all items listed within a group for a bid to qualify for evaluation. Respondent interprets the requirement as meaning that a bidder who does not qualify for evaluation for all of the groups in the contract nevertheless qualifies for evaluation for the contract. Finally, the ITB states that failure to comply with the formatting requirements for the diskette "[will] result in disqualification of your bid." [emphasis supplied] Respondent interprets the quoted language to mean that failure to comply with prescribed formatting requirements may result in disqualification of a bid. The interpretations of the quoted terms proposed by Respondent, individually and collectively, frustrate the purpose of the ITB. They also ignore material requirements of the ITB. Material Deviation Respondent deviated from the rule or standard fixed in the ITB in several respects. First, Respondent altered the bid evaluation procedure prescribed in the ITB. Second, Respondent ignored the requirement to award a single contract to a single bidder. Third, Respondent ignored the requirement that bidders provide a fixed discount on excluded items. Fourth, Respondent ignored the requirement to comply with the formatting requirements prescribed in the ITB. Each deviation from the rule or standard fixed in the ITB is a material deviation. Each deviation gives Intervenor a benefit not enjoyed by other bidders. Each deviation affects the contract price and adversely impacts the interests of Respondent. 4/ 5.5(a) Benefit Not Enjoyed By Others Intervenor enjoyed a benefit not enjoyed by other bidders. Intervenor obtained a competitive advantage and a palpable economic benefit. Respondent altered the bid evaluation procedure prescribed in the ITB. On the morning of May 20, 1996, Respondent disclosed the bid tabulations to Intervenor alone, 5/ gave Intervenor an opportunity that lasted most of the business day to determine whether it would elect to escape responsibility for its original bid, allowed Intervenor to cure the defects in its bid, accepted Intervenor's altered bid, and conditioned the bid tabulations on Intervenor's altered bid. Respondent used a bid evaluation procedure that is not prescribed in the ITB and did not allow other bidders to participate in such a procedure. 6/ In effect, Respondent rejected Intervenor's initial bid, with paragraphs 11 and 24 deleted, and made a counter offer to Intervenor to accept a bid with paragraphs 11 and 24 restored. Intervenor accepted Respondent's counter offer. Respondent excluded other bidders from that process. Respondent gave Intervenor an opportunity to determine whether it would elect: to escape responsibility for its original bid by declining Respondent's counter offer; or to perform in accordance with an altered bid by restoring paragraphs 11 and 24. A bidder able to elect not to perform in accordance with its bid has a substantial competitive advantage over other bidders unable to escape responsibility for their bids. 7/ Respondent awarded substantially all of the contract to Intervenor even though Intervenor failed to provide a meaningful discount on excluded items. Respondent provided Intervenor with a palpable economic benefit. 5.5(b) Bid Price And Adverse Impact On The State Respondent did not award a contract for excluded items. Respondent's proposed agency action allows Respondent to purchase excluded items from either Intervenor or Petitioner. If Respondent were to purchase all of the excluded items it needs from Intervenor, Respondent could pay substantially more for excluded items than Respondent would save from the five percent price advantage in Intervenor's bid for Item 1 lamps. In such a case, Respondent's proposed agency action would effectively increase costs to the state that are inherent, but not stated, in the ITB. 8/ Conversion of incorrectly formatted data to the required font shifts prices to incorrect columns and causes other problems in accessing information in the diskette. Such problems can not be rectified easily but require substantial time and effort. Responsive Bidder Respondent did not award the contract intended by the ITB to the lowest responsive bid. Although Intervenor's bid is the lowest bid for Item 1 lamps, it is not the lowest responsive bid for Item 1 and 2 lamps. Petitioner's bid is the lowest responsive bid for Item 1 and 2 lamps. 9/ Respondent is statutorily required to award the contract to the lowest responsive bidder. 10/ Illegal Intervenor's bid is not responsive within the meaning of Sections 287.012(17), Florida Statutes (1995). 11/ It does not conform in all material respects to the ITB. Intervenor's unaltered bid deletes paragraphs 11 and 24. It does not include a fixed discount on excluded items, does not include a bid for Item 2 lamps, and does not conform to the formatting requirements in the ITB. Section 287.057 requires Respondent to award the contract to the bidder who submits the lowest responsive bid. Respondent has no authority either: to consider bids that are not responsive; or to award the contract to a bidder other than the lowest responsive bidder. Respondent's attempt to engage in either activity is ultra vires and illegal. Minor Irregularities The ITB encourages, but does require, bidders to include quantity discounts for Item 1 and 2 lamps. Petitioner's bid does not include quantity discounts. Petitioner's bid does not fail to conform to material requirements in the ITB. Petitioner does not manufacture Item 1 and 2 lamps. Sylvania manufactures the lamps Petitioner sells. Petitioner has no legal right to require Sylvania to allow inspection of its facilities pursuant to paragraph 11 of the General Conditions. Petitioner's ability to provide the requisite inspections requires the cooperation of Sylvania. Petitioner's bid requires payment by the state within 30 days of an invoice. Section 215.422 and the ITB provide that Respondent has 40 days to issue warrants in payment of contract debts and that interest does not accrue until after 40 days. The defects in Petitioner's bid are minor irregularities within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 60A-1.001(16). 12/ They neither affect the bid price, give Petitioner a competitive advantage, nor adversely impact Respondent's interests. Petitioner has the practical ability to arrange inspection's of Sylvania's facilities. Petitioner is legally responsible for failing to do so. Respondent's employees have never visited Sylvania's facilities during the 10 years in which Petitioner has been the contract vendor to the state. The requirement for payment within 30 days does not obviate the provisions of Section 215.422. Private contracts can not alter mutually exclusive statutory provisions.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order granting Petitioner's protest of Respondent's proposed agency action. RECOMMENDED this 26th day of September, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL S. MANRY, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1996.

Florida Laws (6) 112.061120.57215.422287.001287.012287.057 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60A-1.001
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003337BID Latest Update: Dec. 02, 1985

Findings Of Fact Both DOT and Weekley submitted proposed Recommended Orders. Their proposed findings of fact have generally been adopted here but are addressed in detail in Appendix A, attached and incorporated in this Recommended Order. On or before July 31, 1985, DOT received sealed bids from three bidders for State Project Nos. 86070-3492 and 93220-3403, involving landscaping of interchanges in Broward and Palm Beach counties. Marvin's Garden was the apparent low bidder, with a total of $389,112.19 shown on the face sheet of the bid blank form. Weekley was the next lowest bidder with a total of $419,899.56, and P. J. Constructors, Inc., was the highest bidder with a total of $458,805.90. After review of the bid documents for compliance with DOT bid procedures, a discrepancy was found in the Marvin's Garden bid and DOT notified the parties by letter dated August 20, 1985, that Weekley was the apparent low bidder on the project. The discrepancy was found on page 001 of the bid blank form submitted by Marvin's Garden. For item 570-11, "Water for Plant Establishment," under the column, unit price written in words, Marvin's Garden showed "fourteen thousand two hundred eighty two dollars and sixty six cents." The column, unit price in figures, showed "14,282.66," and the final column, headed "amounts" showed "14,282.16." The bid item was supposed to show the unit price for a thousand gallons of water (which price was to be written in both words and figures) and a total, or extension price for 3,743.125 thousand gallons of water. When the unit price on Marvin's Garden's bid was multiplied by 3,743.125 (number of units), the resulting total price for that bid item was $53,461,781.71. This figure was entered on the form in red ink and was initialled by Raymond Patrick Haverty, the DOT reviewer. Marvin's Garden's total bid for the project was then adjusted to $53,836,611.04, a figure far in excess of either Weekley's or P. J. Constructors' bids. Marvin Gross is the individual responsible for preparing and submitting bids for his corporation. He has been doing bid work for DOT for approximately 20 years and is thoroughly familiar with the bid procedures, forms and standard specifications. He attributes the irregularity on his submission to his "tunnel vision." Unit prices are significant because the quantity designated by DOT is merely an approximate, best guess by the Department engineers. For item 570-II, unpredictable weather conditions will ultimately dictate exactly how much water will be necessary to successfully complete the landscape project. That exact quantity times the unit price will be the basis of payment to the contractor. DOT found no violations of bid requirements in the bids of Weekley and P. J. Constructors, Inc., and none have been raised in this proceeding.

Recommendation For the foregoing reasons, a final order should be issued declaring Weekley the lowest responsible bidder on project Nos. 86070-3492 and 93220-3403, and the contract awarded accordingly. DONE and ORDERED this 2nd day of December 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. Hearings Hearings MARY CLARK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative this 2nd day of December 1985. APPENDIX In accordance with Section 120.59(2) Florida Statutes, the following are recommended rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent and Intervenor in this case. Respondent's Paragraph: Corresponding R. O. Paragraph or basis for rejection: The corporate status and the addresses of the bidders are not material. See Paragraph 1, R.O. See Paragraph 2, R.O. and Conclusion of law 2, R.O. See Paragraph 3, R.O. See Conclusion of law 2, R.O. See Paragraph 3, R.O. See Paragraph 6, R.O. See Paragraph 2, R.O. Intervenor's Paragraph: Corresponding R.O. Paragraph or basis for rejection: See Paragraphs 1 and 2, R.O. Facts which relate to the composition of bid packages are not material. See Paragraph 3, R.O. See Paragraph 3, R.O. See Conclusion of law 2, R.O. See Paragraph 3, R.0. See Conclusion of law 5, R.O., relating to the specifications of the department. The remainder of the paragraph proposed is immaterial. See Paragraph 5, R.O. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas E. Drawdy, Secretary Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 A. J. Spalla, Esquire General Counsel 562 Haydon Burns Bldg. 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Marvin Gross, President Marvin's Garden and Landscape Services, Inc. 37 North McIntosh Sarasota, Florida 33582 Mel L. Wilson, Esquire Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Harry R. Detwiler, Jr., Esquire HOLLAND & KNIGHT Post Office Drawer 810 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (3) 112.19120.53120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 29, 2016 Number: 16-004982BID Latest Update: Jan. 20, 2017

The Issue Whether Respondent acted contrary to the agency's governing statutes, rules, or policies or the bid specifications in its proposed decision to award Contract No. T7380 to Astaldi Construction Corporation ("Astaldi").

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing, and on the entire record of the proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Department is a state agency authorized by section 337.11 to contract for the construction and maintenance of roads within the State Highway System, the State Park Road System, and roads placed under its supervision by law. The Department is specifically authorized to award contracts under section 337.11(4) to “the lowest responsible bidder.” On April 15, 2016, the Department advertised a bid solicitation for Contract T7380, seeking contractors for the widening of a 3.8 mile portion of U.S. Highway 301 in Hillsborough County from two lanes to six lanes between State Road 674 and County Road 672 and over Big Bull Frog Creek. The advertisement provided a specification package for the project and the “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” (“Standard Specifications”) used on Department roadway projects. The work included seven components: bridge structures (Section 0001), roadway (Section 0002), signage (Section 0003), lighting (Section 0004), signalization (Section 0005), utilities (Section 0006), and intelligent transportation systems (Section 0007). The advertisement identified 666 individual items of work to be performed and quantity units for each item. The project was advertised as a low-bid contract with a budget estimate of $51,702,729. The Department’s bid proposal form contains five columns with the following headings: Line Number; Item Number and Item Description; Approximate Quantities and Units; Unit Price; and Bid Amount. The bid proposal form contains line items for the seven components of the project. The utilities component contains 42 line items, each with an Item Number and Item Description. For example, Line Number 1410 corresponds with the following Item Number and Item Description: “1050 11225 Utility Pipe, F&I, PVC, Water/Sewer, 20–40.9 [inches].” Each bidder inserts a Unit Price for the line item in the corresponding “Unit Price” column. The “Bid Amount” column for each line item is an amount generated by multiplying a bidder’s Unit Price by the Quantities (determined by the Department) for each Line Number. The Bid Amount for each Line Number is then added together to generate the “Total Bid Amount” representing the bid for the entire project. Astaldi, Prince, Hubbard, and other potential bidders attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting. Prequalified contractors were given proposal documents that allowed them to enter bids through Bid Express, the electronic bidding system used by the Department. Plan revisions were issued by addenda dated May 10, 2016, and June 7, 2016. A Question and Answer Report was published and updated as inquiries were addressed. Bids were opened on the letting date of June 15, 2016. Bids for Contract T7380 were received from Astaldi, Prince, Hubbard, the DeMoya Group (“DeMoya”), Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC (“Ajax”), and Cone & Graham, Inc. (“Cone & Graham”). The bids were reviewed by the Department’s contracts administration office to ensure they were timely, included a Unit Price for each line item, and contained the completed certifications required by the specifications. Bidders were checked against the Department’s list of prequalified bidders to confirm they possessed a certification of qualification in the particular work classes identified by the bid solicitation. Each bidder’s total current work under contract with the Department was examined to ensure that award of Contract T7380 would not place the bidder over its Department-designated financial capacity limit. Astaldi submitted the lowest bid, a total amount of $48,960,013. Prince submitted the next lowest bid, a total amount of $57,792,043. Hubbard’s total bid was the third lowest at $58,572,352.66. The remaining bidders came in as follows: DeMoya, $63,511,686.16; Ajax, $68,617,978.10; and Cone & Graham, $70,383,697.74. All bidders were prequalified in the appropriate work classes and had sufficient financial capacity, in accordance with section 337.14 and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 14-22. The Department’s construction procurement procedure, from authorization to advertisement through contract execution, is outlined in the Department’s “Road and Bridge Contract Procurement” document (“Contract Procurement Procedure”). The scope statement of the Contract Procurement Procedure provides: “This procedure applies to all Contracts Administration Offices responsible for advertising, letting, awarding, and executing low bid, design-bid-build, construction, and maintenance contracts.” Limited exceptions to the procedure may be made if approved by the assistant secretary for Engineering and Operations. If federal funds are included, the Federal Highway Administration division administrator, or designee, must also approve any exceptions from the procedure. The stated objectives of the Contract Procurement Procedure are: “to standardize and clarify procedures for administering low-bid, design-bid-build, construction, and maintenance contracts” and “to provide program flexibility and more rapid response time in meeting public needs.” The Department’s process for review of bids is set forth in the “Preparation of the Authorization/Official Construction Cost Estimate and Contract Bid Review Package” (“Bid Review Procedure”). The scope statement of the Bid Review Procedure states: This procedure describes the responsibilities and activities of the District and Central Estimates Offices in preparing the authorization and official construction cost estimates and bid review packages from proposal development through the bid review process. Individuals affected by this procedure include Central and District personnel involved with estimates, specifications, design, construction, contracts administration, work program, production management, federal aid, and the District Directors of Transportation Development. The Bid Review Procedure contains a definitions section that defines several terms employed by the Department to determine whether a bid or a unit item within a bid is “unbalanced.” Those terms and their definitions are as follows: Materially Unbalanced: A bid that generates reasonable doubt that award to that bidder would result in the lowest ultimate cost or, a switch in low bidder due to a quantity error. Mathematically Unbalanced: A unit price or lump sum bid that does not reflect a reasonable cost for the respective pay item, as determined by the department’s mathematically unbalanced bid algorithm. Official Estimate: Department’s official construction cost estimate used for evaluating bids received on a proposal. Significantly Unbalanced: A mathematically unbalanced bid that is 75% lower than the statistical average. Statistical Average: For a given pay item, the sum of all bids for that item plus the Department’s Official Estimate which are then divided by the total number of bids plus one. This average does not include statistical outliers as determined by the department’s unit price algorithm. For every road and construction project procurement, the Department prepares an “official estimate,” which is not necessarily the same number as the “budget estimate” found in the public bid solicitation. The Department keeps the official estimate confidential pursuant to section 337.168(1), which provides: A document or electronic file revealing the official cost estimate of the department of a project is confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) until the contract for the project has been executed or until the project is no longer under active consideration. In accordance with the Bid Review Procedure, the six bids for Contract T7380 were uploaded into a Department computer system along with the Department’s official estimate. A confidential algorithm identified outlier bids that were significantly outside the average (such as penny bids) and removed them to create a “statistical average” for each pay item. Astaldi’s unit pricing was then compared to the statistical average for each item. The computer program then created an “Unbalanced Item Report,” flagging Astaldi’s “mathematically unbalanced” items, i.e., those that were above or below a confidential tolerance value from the statistical average. The unbalanced item report was then reviewed by the district design engineer for possible quantity errors. No quantity errors were found.1/ The Department then used the Unbalanced Item Report and its computer software to cull the work items down to those for which Astaldi’s unit price was 75 percent more than or below the statistical average. The Department sent Astaldi a form titled “Notice to Contractor,” which provided as follows: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has reviewed your proposal and discovered that there are bid unit prices that are mathematically unbalanced. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the unbalanced nature of your proposal. You may not modify or amend your proposal. The explanation of the bid unit prices in your proposal set forth below was provided by ASTALDI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION on ( ) INSERT DATE. FDOT does not guarantee advanced approval of: Alternate Traffic Control Plans (TCP), if permitted by the contract documents; Alternative means and methods of construction; Cost savings initiatives (CSI), if permitted by the contract documents. You must comply with all contractual requirements for submittals of alternative TCP, means and methods of construction, and CSI, and FDOT reserves the right to review such submittals on their merits. As provided in section 5-4 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction you cannot take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the plans or specifications, but will immediately notify the Engineer of such discovery. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice and confirmation of the unit bid price for the item(s) listed below by signing and returning this document. Section 5.4 of the Bid Review Procedure describes the Notice to Contractor and states: “Contracts are not considered for award until this form has been signed and successfully returned to the Department per the instruction on the form.” State estimating engineer Greg Davis testified that the stated procedure was no longer accurate and “need[s] to be corrected” for the following reason: Since the procedure was approved back in 2011, we’ve had some subsequent conversations about whether to just automatically not consider the award for those that are not signed. And since then we have decided to go ahead and just consider the contract, but we are presenting a notice, of course, unsigned and then let the technical review and contract awards committee determine. Astaldi signed and returned the Notice to Contractor and noted below each of the ten listed items: “Astaldi Construction confirms the unit price.” Mr. Davis explained that the purpose of the Notice to Contractor form is to notify the contractor that items have been identified as extremely low and to ask the contractor to confirm its understanding that in accepting the bid, the Department will not necessarily approve design changes, methods of construction, or maintenance of traffic changes. Section 6.6 of the Contract Procurement Procedure sets forth the circumstances under which an apparent low bid must be considered by the Department’s Technical Review Committee (“TRC”) and then by the Contract Awards Committee (“CAC”). Those circumstances include: single bid contracts; re-let contracts; “significantly mathematical unbalanced” bids; bids that are more than 25 percent below the Department’s estimate; 10 percent above the Department’s estimate (or 15 percent above if the estimate is under $500,000); materially unbalanced bids, irregular bids (not prepared in accordance with the Standard Specifications); other bid irregularities2/; or “[a]ny other reason deemed necessary by the chairperson.”3/ Bids that are not required to go before the TRC and CAC are referred to as “automatic qualifiers.” Because it was mathematically unbalanced, the Astaldi bid was submitted to the TRC for review at its June 28, 2016, meeting. The TRC is chaired by the Department’s contracts administration manager, Alan Autry, and is guided by a document entitled “Technical Review Committees” (“TRC Procedure”). The TRC Procedure sets forth the responsibilities of the TRC in reviewing bid analyses and making recommendations to the CAC to award or reject bids. The TRC voted to recommend awarding Contract T7380 to Astaldi. The TRC’s recommendation and supporting paperwork was referred to the CAC for its meeting on June 29, 2016. The duties of the CAC are described in a document entitled “Contracts Award Committees” (“CAC Procedure”). Pursuant to the CAC Procedure, the CAC meets approximately 14 days after a letting to assess the recommendations made by the TRC and determines by majority vote an official decision to award or reject bids. Minutes for the June 29, 2016, CAC meeting reflect 21 items before the committee including: two single bid contracts; four bids that were 10 percent or more above the official estimate; one bid that was 15 percent or more above the official estimate on a project under $500,000; three bids that were more than 25 percent below the official estimate; and 11 bids with significantly unbalanced items, including Contract T7380 with an intended awardee of Astaldi. The CAC voted to award Contract T7380 based on the low bid submitted by Astaldi. A Notice of Intent to award the contract to Astaldi was posted on June 29, 2016. As noted at Finding of Fact 2, supra, Contract T7380 consisted of seven components: structures, roadway, signage, lighting, signalization, utilities, and intelligent transportation system. The Department does not compare bids by component, but looks at the total bid amount to find the lowest bidder. The Department also reviews the bids for discrepancies in individual unit items using the process described above. Astaldi’s bid of $48,960,013 was approximately $8.8 million below Prince’s bid of $57,792,043, $9.6 million less than Hubbard’s bid of $58,572,352, and $2.7 million below the Department’s public proposal budget estimate of $51,702,729. As part of its challenge to the intended award, Prince performed a breakdown of bids by individual components and discovered that nearly all of the differences between its bid and Astaldi’s could be attributed to the utilities component. Astaldi’s bid for the utilities component was $7,811,720, which was roughly $8.5 million below Prince’s utilities bid of $16,305,903 and $5.8 million below Hubbard’s utilities bid of $13,603,846.4/ The utilities component was included pursuant to an agreement between the Department and Hillsborough County, the owner of the water and sewer lines, relating to the improvement of water and sewer lines along the roadway limits of the project. The utility work consists of installing a new water- line and force main sewer. The existing water main and the existing force main conflict with the proposed location of the new storm drainage system. The new water main and force main must be installed, tested, and approved before being put into active service. To prevent water utility outages to customers, the new system must be installed and approved before the existing waterline and existing force main can be cut off and removed. Utility work is therefore the first task to be performed on Contract T7380. Once the utility component is completed, the contractor will furnish and install the stormwater system, the roadway, the bridgework, and all other components. Article 3-1 of the Standard Specifications5/ reserves to the Department the right to delete the utility relocation work from the contract and allow the utility owner to relocate the utilities. Utilities are the only portion of a Department contract subject to deletion because the funding is provided by the utility owner, which usually has allocated a certain dollar figure to contribute towards the contract prior to the bidding. If the bid for utilities comes in over the utility owner’s budget, the owner can opt out of the contract and self-perform. In this case, Hillsborough County had contracted with the Department to contribute $8.9 million for utility relocation work. The Department did not exercise the option to delete the utilities portion of the contract. Jack Calandros, Prince’s chief executive, testified that Prince uses a computer program called HeavyBid, created and supported by a company called HCSS, to build the cost components of its bids. Every witness with industry knowledge agreed that HeavyBid is the standard program for compiling bids in the construction field. Mr. Calandros testified that cost components include material quotes provided by third-party vendors and quotes from potential subcontractors. Labor and equipment costs are ascertained by using historical rates and actual cost estimates that are tracked by the HeavyBid software. Prince maintains its own database of costs derived from 20 years’ experience. Mr. Calandros stated that Prince’s internal labor and equipment rates are checked and adjusted at least once a year to ensure they are current and accurate based on existing equipment and personnel. Prince received three vendor quotes for the materials to perform the utility work on Contract T7380. In compiling its bid, Prince ultimately relied on a final quote from Ferguson Waterworks (“Ferguson”) of $8,849,850. Based on this materials quote and Prince’s overall utilities bid of $16,305,903, Mr. Calandros opined that it would not be possible for Astaldi to perform the utilities component for its bid amount of $7.8 million. Prince’s estimating expert, John Armeni, reviewed Astaldi’s bid file, read the deposition testimony of Astaldi’s chief estimator, Ed Thornton, and spoke to Mr. Thornton by telephone. Mr. Armeni also reviewed Prince’s bid and the bid tabulation of all bidders’ utilities component line items. Based on his review and his extensive experience in the industry, Mr. Armeni concluded that Astaldi’s bid does not include all costs for labor, material, and equipment necessary to construct the utilities portion of this project. Mr. Armeni reviewed the materials quote from Ferguson that Prince used in its bid. He noted that Astaldi’s bid file contained an identical quote from Ferguson of $8.8 million for materials, including some non-utilities materials. Mr. Armeni noted that the Ferguson quote for utilities materials alone was approximately $8 million, an amount exceeding Astaldi’s entire bid for the utilities portion of the project. Mr. Armeni also noted that Astaldi’s overall bid was 18 percent below that of the second lowest bidder, Prince. He testified that 18 percent is an extraordinary spread on a bid where the Department is providing the quantities and all bidders are working off the same drawings and specifications. Mr. Armeni believed that the contracting authority “should start looking at it” when the difference between the lowest and second lowest bidder is more than 10 percent. In his deposition, Mr. Thornton testified he was not aware of how Astaldi arrived at its bid prices for the utility section of the project. Mr. Thornton indicated multiple times that he was not Astaldi’s most knowledgeable person regarding the bid submitted by Astaldi on Contract T7380 project. He testified that Astaldi intended to subcontract the utilities work and acknowledged that the company received a subcontractor quote of $14.9 million after the bids were submitted. Mr. Thornton did not know if Astaldi had solicited the quote. He said it is not unusual for a company to receive subcontractor bids after it has been named the low bidder on a project. Mr. Thornton conceded that Astaldi’s bid did not include all the costs necessary to construct the utilities portion of Contract T7380. At his deposition, he did not have before him the materials needed to determine which items of cost Astaldi had omitted. Mr. Thornton testified that Astaldi was not missing any information it needed at the time of bid submission and understood that its price was to include all labor, materials, and subcontracting costs to perform the contract. After the proposed bid award, Astaldi used HeavyBid to produce a report indicating that the company now estimates its cost of performing the contract at $53,708,129.03, or roughly $4.75 million more than its winning bid. Mr. Thornton testified that Astaldi nonetheless stood ready to execute the contract and perform the work at its bid price. Central to the dispute in this case is Standard Specifications Section 9, “Measurement and Payment,” article 9-2 of which is titled “Scope of Payments.” In particular, subarticle 9-2.1 provides: 9-2.1 Items Included in Payment: Accept the compensation as provided in the Contract as full payment for furnishing all materials and for performing all work contemplated and embraced under the Contract; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its final acceptance; also for all other costs incurred under the provisions of Division I. For any item of work contained in the proposal, except as might be specifically provided otherwise in the payment clause for the item, include in the Contract unit price (or lump sum price) for the pay item or items the cost of all labor, equipment, materials, tools and incidentals required for the complete item of work, including all requirements of the Section specifying such item of work, except as specially excluded from such payments. Prince contends that the second paragraph of subarticle 9-2.1 renders Astaldi’s bid nonresponsive because Astaldi admittedly failed to include “the cost of all labor, equipment, materials, tools and incidentals” in its bid. Prince points out that the “Technical Special Provisions” governing the utilities portion of the project reinforce the requirement that each bidder include all costs for the work. Technical Special Provisions Section 1-7.1 provides that “[p]ipe installation cost shall include all necessary work, equipment, and labor needed for installing the pipe, such as, coordination with existing utilities and support during construction and support of existing power poles during construction.” Technical Special Provisions Section 1-8.1 goes on to say that “[n]o separate payment will be made for the following items for work under this Technical Special Provision and the cost of such work shall be included in the applicable contract pay items of work,” followed by a comprehensive list of 30 items. Prince concludes that the requirement that each bidder include all costs, including costs of all necessary labor, equipment, and materials, in the Unit Price for each work item is “manifest” in the bid specifications and requires rejection of any bid that does not include all costs. Mr. Armeni opined that if one bidder excludes a portion of its costs, the other bidders are placed at a competitive disadvantage. Alan Autry, the Department’s central contracts administration manager, testified that five other projects were let as part of the bid package that included Contract T7380. He stated that it is typical for the Department to list multiple projects on one day. Mr. Autry’s office usually performs one bid letting per month, with the holiday months of November and December rolled together in a single letting. Mr. Autry stated that his office lets between 200 and 300 projects per year, not counting contracts that are let at the district level. Twenty other contracts were before the CAC at the June 29, 2016, meeting at which the Astaldi award in this case was approved. As noted at Finding of Fact 2, supra, Contract T7380 included 666 line items. Six companies submitted bids, meaning there were a total of 3,996 line items in this single contract. Assuming that the 200 to 300 other projects let by the Department’s Tallahassee office contain similar numbers, there are more than one million line items bid in any given year. If Prince’s reading of the bid specifications is correct, the Department is required to examine each of these line items and somehow make a determination whether the item includes all of the bidder’s costs. This problem of determining bidder cost is complicated by the presence of “companion” or “sister” items in bids, i.e., two items that must be considered in tandem to arrive at something like the actual cost of the work. Prince provided an example of such companion items in its analysis of the bids in this project. Two bid items included in the structures section of the bid proposal form were concrete culverts and reinforcing steel. The contractor may cast the culverts in place at the worksite or purchase them precast. If the concrete culvert is cast in place at the worksite, then reinforcing steel must be used to strengthen the culvert. If the concrete culvert is precast by a materials supplier, then the reinforcing steel has already been incorporated into the culvert at the time of installation. Mr. Calandros explained that when a contractor uses precast culverts, there is no need to list a separate additional cost for reinforcing steel; all costs are captured in the line item for concrete culverts. In this bid, Prince used precast culverts and therefore bid a penny per unit for reinforcing steel.6/ Bidders who cast the culverts in place showed a much higher cost for reinforcing steel but a lower cost for the concrete culverts. When the “companion items” were considered in tandem, the total cost for each vendor was fairly consistent. Prince’s explanation for companion items was coherent but did not explain how the Department is supposed to know which items are companion items as it undertakes the line-by-line cost examination of each bid in accordance with Prince’s reading of the bid specifications. Prince also failed to provide an explanation as to how the Department is to determine a bidder’s costs for any one line item or, for that matter, for its overall bid on a project. Bidders consider their cost information and the processes by which they build bids to be confidential proprietary information. In the instant case, Prince disclosed its own information (aside from materials costs) only under seal during litigation. In its ordinary course of business, the Department does not have access to this information. In fact, as noted at Finding of Fact 23, supra, the Department does not compare bids by component. It looks only at the total bid amount in determining the lowest bidder. Standard Specifications Article 3-8 reserves to the Department the right to perform an audit of the contractor’s records pertaining to the project upon execution of the contract. No authorization is provided to audit records of bidders prior to contracting. Standard Specifications Subarticle 2-5.1 allows bidders to indicate “free” or “$.00” for items that will be supplied at no cost to the Department. Though the Department’s practice, according to Mr. Autry, is to include zero bid items on the Notice to Contractor for confirmation of the price, subarticle 2-5.1 requires no Department investigation as to whether the bidder’s cost for a zero bid is actually zero. Bidders often bid a penny on items, as Prince did on reinforcing steel in this case. Standard Specifications Article 3-5 requires all contracts to be secured by a surety bond such that, in the event of a default by the contractor, the surety company will indemnify the Department on all claims and performance issues. Standard Specifications Section 4 provides that the scope of work is to be determined within the contract, including the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, and supplies required to complete the work. The Department is authorized to make changes to the scope of work and make equitable adjustments of payments. If necessary, the Department may enter into supplemental agreements for additional or unforeseen work. Prince cautions that these change provisions could become relevant because Astaldi’s bid contains no information explaining how Astaldi will cover the $4.75 million difference between its bid price and its actual cost to perform the contract. Prince accurately states that nothing in Astaldi’s bid demonstrates that it has cash reserves to cover the loss and still complete the entire scope of the work.7/ Prince contends that this lack of demonstrable reserves renders Astaldi nonresponsible as to this project. Prince argues that it is error for the Department to rely on Astaldi’s certificate of qualification as proof of the company’s responsibility. The certificate of qualification process considers a contractor’s financial status at the time it submits its financial statements and other information regarding company resources. Prince contends that the Department’s assessment of the contractor’s financial statements and issuance of a certificate of qualification is insufficient to determine the contractor’s responsibility on a given bid. Prince argues that the Department is required by its governing statutes and the Standard Specifications to award a particular contract to the particular bidder that is the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, and that “responsible” for a given project is not synonymous with “prequalified.” Prince hypothesizes that under the Department’s practice, a bidder could possess a certificate of qualification issued in January, be indicted in another state for fraud and bribery in February, submit the lowest bid for a Department project in March, and be awarded the contract. By relying solely on the bidder’s certificate of qualification to determine responsibility, the Department could award a contract to a nonresponsible bidder. Section 337.14 provides that any person desiring to bid on any construction contract in excess of $250,000 must first be certified by the Department. Mr. Autry explained that the Department prequalifies contractors to submit bids on certain types of contract, such as major bridges and structures. Contractors applying for certification are required to submit their latest annual financial statements. The Department is charged with reviewing applications to determine “whether the applicant is competent, is responsible, and possesses the necessary financial resources to perform the desired work.” § 337.14(3), Fla. Stat. The Department assigns the contractor work classes and a total capacity after evaluating its experience and financials. The Department’s certificate is good for 18 months, though the contractor’s capacity is reviewed annually. At the time of a particular bid, the Department verifies the contractor’s available capacity, which is simply its total assigned capacity minus current work the contractor is performing for the Department. Mr. Autry testified that the Department does not go back and look at a bidder’s financials to determine whether it can sustain a loss on a given project. The Department does not repeat its capacity analysis during the year, regardless of how many projects the company bids on. The Department’s analysis is limited to whether the company’s current capacity is sufficient for the project on which it is bidding.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Transportation enter a final order dismissing Prince Contracting, LLC’s, second amended formal written protest and awarding Contract T7380 to Astaldi Construction Corporation. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2016.

Florida Laws (18) 1.01119.07120.52120.53120.54120.56120.569120.57120.68129.0320.23334.048337.015337.11337.14337.16337.164337.168 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.217
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Dec. 19, 1990 Number: 90-007967BID Latest Update: Feb. 25, 1991

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, J. D. Pirrotta Company (JDP), is a general contracting company located in Orlando, Florida. JDP has bid on projects involving construction of schools or educational facilities, including projects for Valencia Community College. Respondent, District Board of Trustees of Valencia Community College, is the governing body of the community college, with the authority to award contracts. Valencia Community College (VCC), in Bid #90/91-06, advertised for sealed bids for interior remodeling and renovation of existing buildings' modules 3 and 5, on its west campus on South Kirkman Road, in Orlando, Florida. The sealed bids were due at or before 2:30 p.m., on December 13, 1990, in the purchasing department of VCC, 190 South Orlando Avenue, Suite 402B, Orlando, Florida 32801. The Invitation to Bid includes a voluminous project manual containing instructions to bidders, various forms, a standard contract text and detailed specifications. A separate bid packet contains the set of drawings for the construction work. The advertisement of the Invitation to Bid, and Section 00100 of the Project Manual, Instructions to Bidders, paragraph 14A, reserve for the owner the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any and all "informalities". (Respondent's Exhibits #1 and #2) Section 00100, Instructions to Bidders, paragraph 18, provides: 18. SUBCONTRACTORS, ETC. The bidders at bid date shall submit to Owner a list of all subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment) proposed for those portions of the work as to which such identification is so required. Such list shall be accompanied by an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar projects and other evidence of qualifications for each such subcontractor, person and organization if requested by Owner. If Owner, after due investigation has reasonable objection of any proposed subcontractor, other person or organization either may, before giving the Notice of Award, request the apparent successful bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in bid price. If the apparent successful bidder declines to make any such substitution, the contract shall not be awarded to such bidder, but his declining to make any such substitution will not constitute grounds for sacrificing his bid security. A subcontractor, other person or organization so listed and to whom Owner does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award, will deemed acceptable to Owner. Should the subcontractors list be revised, for any reason, architect and Owner shall be immediately notified. (Respondent's Exhibit #2) Paragraph 9, Section 00300, the bid form, provides: The following documents are attached to and made a condition of the Bid: Required Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond. A tabulation of subcontractors and other persons and organizations required to be identified in this Bid. Required Bidders Qualification Statement with supporting data. (Respondent's Exhibit #2) Section 00700, the Public Entity Crimes statement form, includes these instructions: Any person responding with an offer to this invitation must execute the enclosed Form PUR 7068, SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3) (a), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES and enclose it with your bid. If you are submitting a bid on behalf of dealers or suppliers who will ship and receive payment from the resulting contract, it is your responsibility to see that copy/copies of the form are executed by them and are included with your bid. Failure to comply with this condition shall result in rejection of your bid. (Respondent's Exhibit #2) The Instructions to Bidders and the drawings include a total of ten deductive alternatives to be addressed in the bids, to afford VCC some flexibility in the event the base bid might be higher than the agency's available funds. In response to the advertisement and request for sealed bids, VCC received bids from the following seven contractors: Seacoast Constructors and Consultants; JDP; Southland Construction, Inc.; Harbco, Inc.; Technical Design Systems, Inc.; Hembree Construction, Inc.; and Waltree Construction, Inc. The bids were opened publicly and read aloud beginning shortly after the submittal deadline on December 13, 1990. Jack C. Crawford, Vice-President for Administrative Services, and Stephen Richard Childress, Purchasing Manager, participated in the bid opening on behalf of VCC. Seacoast Constructors was the lowest bidder, at $1,274,000.00, base bid; JDP was the second lowest bidder, at $1,297,000.00, base bid. None of the bidders submitted bids containing all of the requested or required information. None of the bidders included a deduct alternative requested by Drawing E-10, General Notes number 2. Only JDP included the deduct alternative requested by Drawing E-6, General Notes number 2. Seacoast Constructors and Consultants failed to include Form PUR 7068, Public Entity Crimes statement, with their bid, but it executed and submitted the form to VCC on December 13th, the date of the opening. Two of the bidders, JDP and Harbco, failed to submit subcontractor lists with their bids. At the time of hearing, JDP had still not submitted its list. For this project the low base bid is within VCC's available funds, and it does not intend to rely on any of the deduct alternatives in the bids. Following the bid opening, the bid tabulation form was posted on a bulletin board in the administration building. A copy of the tabulation form was also placed in a folder which includes recommendations on other bids and which is maintained at the desk of the security guard outside the room where the bids are opened. Inside the front cover of the folder, in the bottom left hand corner, is a small typewritten statement: Failure to file a protest within the time described in S. 120.53(5), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. There is no evidence of any other notice of section 120.53, F.S. remedies to bidders, including in the advertisement or in instructions to bidders. JDP filed a written bid protest in a letter dated December 13, 1990 and received on December 14, 1990. The letter clearly states that it is a formal protest, pursuant to Section 120.53(5), F.S. It argues that bids submitted by Seacoast Constructors and others were unresponsive and should be rejected for failure to include the Public Entity Crimes Statement, for failure to bid on a deduct alternative, and for other reasons (immaterial, because they apply to higher bidders). The protest letter requested award to JDP. JDP met with representatives of VCC to attempt to resolve the protest. At the meeting, Joseph Pirrotta was informed that his bid was considered nonresponsive because it failed to include a subcontractors' list. The meeting did not resolve the matter, and on December 19, 1990, Joseph Pirrotta sent a follow-up letter arguing that the text of the bid instructions only require a subcontractors' list for "...portions of the work as to which such identification is so required", and nowhere in the bid packet was any reference to which were required. JDP considered that the subcontractors' list was, therefore, unnecessary. The December 19th letter also reiterated JDP's request to reject the other bids and to award the contract to JDP. The December 13th and 19th letters are the only written protests by JDP. VCC has previously awarded contracts to bidders who failed to submit a Public Entity Crimes Statement with their bid. It considers such failure an "informality" subject to waiver. It considers failure to submit a list of subcontractors an economic advantage with respect to other bidders. Representatives of VCC have recommended to its board that the contract be awarded to Seacoast Constructors, the lowest bidder.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED That the District Board of Trustees of Valencia Community College enter its final order awarding the contract in Bid #90/91-06 to Seacoast Constructors and Consultant, and rejecting the protest of J.D. Pirrotta Company. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 25th day of February, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of February, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Leslie King O'Neal, Esquire P.O. Drawer 1991 Orlando, FL 32802 Jeffrey S. Craigmile, Esquire Brian P. Kirwan, Esquire 390 N. Orange Ave., Ste. 2180 Orlando, FL 32801 Jack C. Crawford Vice President Administrative Services Valencia Community College P.O. Box 3028 Orlando, FL 32802

Florida Laws (4) 120.53120.57255.0515287.133
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 13, 2014 Number: 14-005300BID Latest Update: Aug. 12, 2015

The Issue Whether, in issuing the Revised Recommendation/Tabulation for contracts for Items 1 and 3 for Invitation to Bid No. 15- 048E, Multifunctional Devices, Cost-Per-Copy, Respondent acted contrary to one or more governing statutes, rules, policies, or procurement specifications, or any combination thereof; and if so, for each such instance, whether the misstep was clearly erroneous, arbitrary or capricious, or contrary to competition.

Findings Of Fact On June 3, 2014, SBBC issued ITB No. 15-048E (the ITB) entitled "Multifunctional Devices, Cost-Per-Copy" for the provision and maintenance of copying devices during the contract term. The listed Submittal Requirements were: Manufacturer's Authorization Special Condition 8; Descriptive Literature Special Condition 6; and Material Safety Data Sheets Special Condition 16. A Bidder's Preference Statement was not identified as a Submittal Requirement. Section 4, Paragraph 2, of the ITB was entitled "TERM" and notified bidders that SBBC sought through the award of this bid to "establish a contract for the period beginning from the date of award and continuing through June 30, 2017." The Bid Summary Sheet found at Section 5 of the ITB requested bidders to provide cost-per-copy based on a stated average monthly number of copies, and to extrapolate cost out for 12 months and for 36 months. Page 1 of the ITB contained a certification to be executed by each bidder's authorized representative which stated in pertinent part as follows: Bidder agrees to be bound to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained in the ITB, and any released Addenda and understand that the following are requirements of this ITB and failure to comply will result in disqualification of bid submitted. All bidders submitted a signed bidder certification. Section 3, Paragraph 1(a), of the General Conditions of the ITB provided as follows: SEALED BID REQUIREMENTS: The "Bidder Acknowledgment Section" must be completed, signed and returned with the bid. The Bid Summary Sheet pages on which the Bidder actually submits a bid, and any pages, upon which information is required to be inserted, must be completed and submitted with the bid. The School Board of Broward County (SBBC) reserves the right to reject any bid that fails to comply with these submittal requirements. BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the Bidder to be certain that all numbered pages of the bid and all attachments thereto are received and all Addendum released are received prior to submitting a bid without regard to how a copy of this ITB was obtained. All bids are subject to the conditions specified herein on the attached bid documents and on any Addenda issued thereto. Section 3, Paragraph 6, of the General Conditions of the ITB provided as follows: AWARDS: In the best interest of SBBC, the Board reserves the right to: 1) withdraw this bid at any time prior to the time and date specified for the bid opening; 2) to reject any or all bids received when there are sound documented business reasons that serve the best interest of SBBC; 3) to accept any item or group of items unless qualified by Bidder; and 4) to acquire additional quantities at prices quoted on this ITB unless additional quantities are not acceptable, in which case, the bid sheets must be noted "BID IS FOR SPECIFIED QUANTITY ONLY." On June 18, 2014, SBBC issued Addendum Number 1 for the ITB which replaced a number of pages within the bidding documents and contained responses to questions posed by prospective bidders. Addendum Number 1 included Question No. 6 in which Xerox inquired whether SBBC "would . . . consider a change to the contract term of the contract to 48 or 60-month term?" SBBC responded through Addendum Number 1 that it had amended the bid "to include additional pricing for 48 or 60-months term[s]," and SBBC continued to request proposals for a 36-month contract term. Addendum Number 1 revised Section 4, Paragraph 2, of the Special Conditions of the ITB to state as follows: TERM: The award of this bid shall establish a contract for the period beginning from the date of award and continuing through an award for a term of 36, 48 or 60 months. Bids will not be considered for a shorter period of time. All prices quoted must be firm throughout the contract period. Items will be ordered on an as needed basis. Addendum Number 1 included an Appendix A–Summary Cost Sheet which required bidders to provide cost-per-copy based on a stated average monthly number of copies, and to extrapolate cost out for 12 months, 36 months, 48 months, and 60 months. On June 20, 2014, SBBC issued Addendum Number 2 for the ITB. The first page of Addendum Number 2 advised prospective bidders, "This Addendum amends the above referenced bid in the following particulars only: 1. DELETE: Appendix A–Cost Summary Sheet INSERT: Revised Appendix A–Cost Summary Sheet." The first page of Addendum Number 2 further cautioned bidders that "[i]t is important to include the REVISED page when submitting your response." Addendum Number 2 went on to provide a Revised- Appendix A-Summary Cost Sheet which stated "A Cost Summary Sheet must be completed for each options [sic] 36 months, 48 months and 60 months" and included a cost summary sheet for each of those three options. The ITB and addenda numbers 1 and 2 were released by SBBC via Onvia DemandStar, with email notices thereof to prospective vendors who subscribed to its bid notification service. Toshiba downloaded the ITB, Addendum Number 1, and at least the first page of Addendum Number 2 from DemandStar prior to the submission of its bid to SBBC. Again, the first page of Addendum Number 2 cautioned bidders that Appendix A–Summary Cost Sheet had been deleted and replaced and that it was "important to include the REVISED page when submitting your response." No bid specifications protest was filed by any person or entity concerning the ITB or addenda numbers 1 or 2. On July 3, 2014, SBBC opened bids timely submitted in response to the ITB by: Toshiba; ImageNet; Innovative; Lexmark International, Inc.; and Ricoh. Konica had also presented a bid to SBBC in the bid opening room prior to the opening of bids but after the announced time for submittal of bids. The Konica bid was delivered to SBBC but was not opened at the time of the bid opening. Toshiba, the incumbent, was the only bidder that violated the pricing requirements of the ITB. The bid submitted by Toshiba utilized the version of Appendix A-Summary Cost Sheet that was released under Addendum Number 1 and only offered cost- per-copy pricing for the 60-month term option. Toshiba's bid did not submit the Revised-Appendix A-Summary Cost Sheet issued under Addendum Number 2, nor did it contain any bids offering cost per copy pricing to SBBC for the 36 or 48-month term options. Although Toshiba's bid was not rejected as non-responsive for failing to bid on the 36 and 48-month term options and for failing to utilize and complete the Revised-Appendix A-Summary Cost Sheet issued under Addendum Number 2, SBBC's staff later concluded in hindsight that it should have been rejected for such non-compliance. Toshiba's bid included a "Pricing" note immediately prior to its Appendix A–Summary Cost Sheet that stated: [Toshiba] is proposing a 60 month CPC as a response to the [ITB]. Based on the fact the [ITB] has no minimum, cancellation for convenience, ability to upgrade and downgrade with no penalty, it is in the best interest of our organization to bid a term of 60 months. This term allows us to provide the most aggressive price to the [SBBC] and maintain the excellent service and support level in place. SBBC's staff recommended that an award be made under the ITB for pricing offered for a 36-month contract term for Items 1, 2, and 3 for a contract period of August 6, 2014, through September 30, 2017. On July 10, 2014, SBBC posted its initial ITB Recommendation/Tabulation which did not consider the Konica bid. The initial posted Recommendation/Tabulation notified bidders of SBBC's intended award of contracts for Items 1 and 2 to ImageNet as the primary awardee and to Innovative as the alternate awardee for a contract period of August 6, 2014, through September 30, 2017, and recommended the award of contracts for Item 3 to Ricoh as primary awardee and to ImageNet as alternate awardee for a contract period of August 6, 2014, through September 30, 2017. Timely bid protests and bid protest bonds were filed by Konica and by Toshiba concerning SBBC's initial Recommendation/Tabulation of July 10, 2014. SBBC's Bid Protest Committee conducted a meeting with the protestors on August 26, 2014, and determined that Konica's bid had been timely submitted and directed SBBC's Procurement and Warehousing Services Department (the Department) to evaluate Konica's bid for responsiveness. It also directed the Department to revise its recommendation on the ITB to reject Toshiba's bid for Item 2 as the device offered by Toshiba for that item did not meet the ITB's specifications which called for a single device capable of performing 95 copies per minute (cpm) and Toshiba instead offered two devices that performed at 85 cpm. After reviewing Konica's bid for responsiveness, SBBC posted a Revised Recommendation/Tabulation for the ITB on August 29, 2014, which (a) recommended award of Item 1 to ImageNet for a term from October 7, 2014, through November 30, 2017, as the primary awardee and to Innovative as the alternate awardee; (b) recommended award of Item 3 to Ricoh for a term from October 7, 2014, through November 30, 2017, as the primary awardee and to ImageNet as the alternate awardee; and (c) recommended the rejection of Toshiba's bid for Item 2 for its failure to meet the specifications for that Item. On September 4, 2014, Toshiba timely filed its notice of intent to protest the August 29, 2014, posted Revised Recommendation/Tabulation. On September 15, 2014, Toshiba timely filed its Amended Formal Petition Protesting Proposed Revised Recommendation/Tabulation. SBBC's Bid Protest Committee conducted a meeting with Toshiba on November 5, 2014, pursuant to section 120.57(3), SBBC Purchasing Policy 3320, and the ITB, and rejected Toshiba's bid protest. On November 10, 2014, Toshiba timely requested that SBBC forward its bid protest to DOAH for a formal hearing. Toshiba has presented a number of arguments in these proceedings seeking to avoid the circumstances Toshiba created for itself when it failed to comply with Addendum Number 2 and violated the ITB's pricing requirements and the ITB's requirement as to the term of the contract to be awarded, when Toshiba only submitted a single bid and restricted the contract term for which it would be considered to 60 months. First, Toshiba attempts to divest SBBC of its express authority to select proposals for any contract duration for which it solicited bids other than for a month term. Second, Toshiba argues that SBBC was somehow obligated to specify within the bid specifications those business considerations that would inform SBBC's selection of the duration of the contract term to be awarded under the ITB. Third, Toshiba argues that ImageNet was non-responsive regarding the ITB's specifications concerning manufacturer's certifications. Toshiba also argues that all bidders, including itself, were non- responsive with regard to the ITB's specifications regarding bidding preference laws. None of the arguments presented by Toshiba in opposition to SBBC's intended award of Items 1 and 3 are persuasive. The Selection of the 36-Month Term SBBC's recommended award for a 36-month contract period from October 7, 2014, through November 30, 2017, is consistent with the terms and conditions of the ITB and its addenda. At the very start of this competitive solicitation, SBBC informed bidders through Section 4, Paragraph 2, of the ITB and the Bid Summary Sheet at Section 5 of the ITB that it was seeking a contract through June 30, 2017-–i.e., a 36-month contract. SBBC also made it clear in its response to Question No. 6 of Addendum Number 1 that "[t]he contract will be for a full 36 months." Although SBBC revised the bid specifications through Addendum Number 1 to allow bidders to submit "additional pricing for 48 and 60 months term[s]," "to allow the School District to consider a 48 and/or 60 months term contract," and revised Section 4, Paragraph 2, of the ITB to provide for "an award for a term of 36, 48 or 60 months," it was clear under the ITB that SBBC contemplated that a 36-month contract could serve its needs. Addendum Number 2 further revised the bid specifications by providing the Revised–Appendix A–Summary Cost Sheet which informed bidders that "a Cost Summary Sheet must be completed for each options [sic] 36 months, 48 months and 60 months." SBBC intended to review the additional pricing offered for 48 and 60- month contract terms to determine whether those particular options were a better business decision for SBBC. Several factors were considered by SBBC in selecting the contract duration for the award under the ITB. The selection of the shorter 36-month contract term was consistent with the expressed terms of the ITB and addenda and the expressed preference of SBBC's governing board to refrain from entering into long-term contracts and enabled SBBC to be flexible in finding solutions to its copying needs and to take advantage of changes that may arise in technology; avoided problems the school district was currently experiencing with a long-term cost-per- copy contract which ranged from equipment performance issues to the long-term placement of technology in schools; and enabled the school district to conduct research to determine whether future implementation of a managed print solution would provide the school district with additional cost savings or financial benefits in contrast to the cost-per-copy services being procured through the ITB. Clearly, this selection was neither arbitrary nor capricious. SBBC's elected governing board has made it known by its actions taken at public meetings that it disfavors long-term contracts for the procurement of goods and services and has gone so far as to reduce the term of contracts from the dais. SBBC's staff determined that the pricing offered to SBBC for a 60-month contract term was not significant enough to recommend a contract longer than the 36-month term SBBC had been requesting since the release of the ITB. Any cost advantages offered by Toshiba's bids for Items 1, 2, and 3 were reduced by $525,000 per year due to the disqualification of its bid for Item 2, which failed to meet the ITB's specifications. Consideration of Managed Print Services Xerox Corporation informed SBBC that a managed print services (MPS) program could save millions of dollars per year and later submitted a no bid response to SBBC regarding the ITB because SBBC was not implementing a MPS program under the ITB. SBBC had also received proposals from vendors in October 2013 concerning a MPS program and concluded that there existed a potential annual savings of millions of dollars if such a program could be implemented. All of which were additional reasonable, rational reasons for SBBC to remain consistent with its decision to award the contracts for a term of 36 months and not something longer. The ITB contains standard terms and conditions which enable SBBC to terminate an awarded contract regardless of reason and with or without cause upon 30 days written notice to the other party. Toshiba wants SBBC to rescue Toshiba from its failure to submit required bids for 36-month and 48-month periods by forcing SBBC to award a contract obligating the agency for a longer duration under the ITB than desired by the agency and then have SBBC terminate the 60-month contract award for convenience after 36 months. SBBC includes termination for convenience provisions within its contracts for goods and services due to section 1011.14, Florida Statutes, which restricts the ability of district school boards to obligate public funds for a period beyond one year. The inclusion of the standard termination for convenience clauses in its ITBs enables SBBC to enter into contracts exceeding one year which affords the school district opportunities to obtain continuity of service and price advantages that would not be available under shorter contracts. While SBBC has the ability under the ITB to terminate contracts for convenience upon 30 days' notice, it rarely does so. SBBC has never exercised its right to terminate its two prior contracts for the services sought under this ITB. Any such termination requires action by SBBC's governing board during a public meeting. SBBC's staff would not engage in the sham of recommending a contract to its governing board for a contract term longer than the period for which it intends to procure services from a vendor. SBBC's procurement staff believes that using the termination for convenience clause in the manner Toshiba recommends can have an adverse effect upon the school district's ability to encourage bidders to participate in its competitive solicitations or to offer it their best pricing. Questions 1 and 59 of Addendum Number 1 of the ITB provide evidence of concern within the bidding marketplace that SBBC might exercise its termination for convenience clauses with regard to the services being procured under the ITB and support the perception of SBBC's that it should avoid a reputation for exercising such termination authority. Toshiba argues that SBBC somehow materially misled bidders through the ITB by stating in response to Question No. 3 concerning MPS of Addendum Number 1 that: The School District is not planning to implement a Managed Print Services at this time. The School District would like to receive Additional information regarding other districts that have implemented a Managed Print Services. There are no evaluation points associated with this ITB. SBBC's responses to Question No. 3 of Addendum Number 1 were accurate and did not mislead bidders. Toshiba is the only bidder to claim to have been misled. Section 6, Paragraph 10, of the ITB requested bidders provide SBBC with information about how the awardee could transition SBBC to a MPS model from the cost-per-copy model being offered under its bid. While SBBC requested such information from vendors within the bidding marketplace, there is no evidence that any bidder's provision or omission of such information within its bid submission was considered in the selection of the recommended awardees. In fact, ImageNet was recommended for award even though it did not provide this ancillary information about transition to a MPS delivery model. Rather, the recommended awardees for a 36-month contract term for Items 1 and 3 were determined solely on the basis of cost submitted for those items by the bidders, all in accordance with the ITB. A MPS program was a possible initiative being considered by SBBC's former Chief Information Officer prior to his departure from SBBC in February 2014, at which time the school district's current cost-per-copy contract was nearing its expiration. Although SBBC still had an interest in the possibility of a MPS program, it was not going in that direction at the time it needed to release a bid for copying services to replace its current expiring contract. Toshiba contends that SBBC was somehow required to disclose to bidders whether the potential future implementation of a MPS program might impact the contract award period that SBBC might choose under the ITB. A myriad of business considerations may inform an agency in selecting the length of its contracts for goods and services, and there is no law or rule that requires an agency to specify those factors within an ITB. Responsiveness of the Bidders Toshiba has attempted to argue that ImageNet, the recommended awardee for Item 1 and the alternate awardee for Item 3, was somehow non-responsive under the ITB and ineligible for award. In support of this argument, Toshiba has referenced Section 4, Paragraph 8, of the Special Conditions of the ITB which state as follows: MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION: Bidder must submit with their ITB a notarized letter from manufacturer certifying that bidder is authorized to sell, service and warrant the multifunctional devices offered within this ITB. Failure of the bidder to provide this letter with their submitted bid or upon request shall result in disqualification of entire bid. If the bidder is the manufacturer, then bidder should state that their company is the manufacturer of the equipment provided in this bid (the letter does not need to be notarized). A bid is only disqualified under Section 4, Paragraph 8, of the ITB if (1) a notarized manufacturer's letter is omitted from the bid; and (2) the bidder fails to comply with a subsequent request from SBBC to provide the letter. No bidder, including Toshiba and ImageNet, included a notarized letter from a manufacturer with its bid. SBBC did not request any of the bidders to submit a notarized manufacturer's letter at any time after the submission of bids. As a result, none of the bids, including that of ImageNet, was non-responsive for a failure to satisfy Paragraph 8 of Section 4 of the ITB. Toshiba has also argued that all bids should be rejected due to Section 3, Paragraph 1(d), of the General Conditions of the ITB which concerns bidders' preference laws and states as follows: d) BIDDING PREFERENCE LAWS: ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE LEGAL OPINION OF BIDDER'S PREFERENCE FORM IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED [sic] FOR AWARD. The State of Florida provides a Bidder's preference for Florida vendors for the purchase of personal property. The local preference is five (5) percent. Bidders outside the State of Florida must have an Attorney, licensed to practice law in the out-of-state jurisdiction, as required by Florida Statute 287.084(2), execute the "Opinion of Out-of-State Bidder's Attorney on Bidding Preferences" form and must submit this form with the submitted bid. Such opinion should permit SBBC's reliance on such attorney's opinion for purposes of complying with Florida Statute 287.084. Florida Bidders must also complete its portion of the form. Failure to submit and execute this form, with the bid, shall result in bid being considered "non-responsive" and bid rejected. No bidder, including Toshiba, included an "Opinion of Out-of-State Bidder's Attorney on Bidding Preferences" form with its bid. Each bidder's omission of that form was for good reason. Section 3, Paragraph 1(d), of the General Conditions of the ITB is a boilerplate provision within SBBC's standard bidding documents that is included pursuant to section 297.084(2), Florida Statutes, for any competitive solicitations in which personal property is to be purchased by SBBC. In instances in which it solicits bids to purchase personal property, SBBC includes a "Bidder's Preference Statement" form and includes that form among the checked "Submittal Requirements" listed in Section 2, Page 1, of the ITB. This ITB did not include a "Bidders Preference Statement" form among the bidding documents or list it as one of the required submittals. The state law and the boilerplate provision at Section 3, Paragraph 1(d), of the General Conditions of the ITB are only applicable to competitive solicitations for the purchase of personal property and do not extend to competitive solicitations for the purchase of services. As Section 4, Paragraph 12, of the Special Conditions of the ITB makes it clear that the multi-functional devices to be provided by the awardee under the ITB will "remain the property of the vendor," the standard bidder's preference provision contained within the ITB is plainly inapplicable to this procurement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County enter a final order that adopts the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained herein, dismisses the protest filed by Toshiba Business Solutions (USA), Inc., and upholds the awards of contracts under the procurement for a 36-month term from October 7, 2014, through November 30, 2017, to ImageNet Consulting of Miami, Inc., as the primary awardee for Item 1 and to Innovative Software Solution, Inc., as the alternate awardee for Item 1, and to Ricoh USA, Inc., as the primary awardee for Item 3 and to ImageNet Consulting of Miami, Inc., as the alternate awardee for Item 3. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of June, 2015. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert Paul Vignola, Esquire Office of the General Counsel Eleventh Floor 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) William G. Salim, Jr., Esquire Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim and Simowitz, P.A. 800 Corporate Drive, Suite 500 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 (eServed) Eric J. Rayman, Esquire Genovese, Joblove and Battista, P.A. PNC Center, Suite 1110 200 East Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) Albert E. Dotson, Esquire Wendy Francois, Esquire Bilzin, Sumberg, Baena, Price and Axelrod, LLP 1450 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2300 Miami, Florida 33131 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Broward County School Board Tenth Floor 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) Pam Stewart Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (6) 1011.14120.53120.569120.57120.68287.084
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jul. 27, 1998 Number: 98-003415BID Latest Update: Nov. 17, 1998

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent lawfully awarded the main-line food contract to Mutual Distributors, Inc., and, if not, whether Respondent is required by law to award the contract to Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Background This case arises out of Respondent's award of contracts for main-line food and snack foods and beverages. Through these contracts, Respondent obtains the delivery of 334 different items--297 items of main-line food and 37 items of snack foods and beverages--to over 160 sites for preparation and service to Respondent's students, teachers, and noninstructional staff. During the school year, Respondent serves over 150,000 meals daily, and the Director of Respondent's Food Service Operations manages an annual budget of $55 million. The two relevant bidders in this case are Petitioner and Mutual Distributors, Inc. (Mutual). These are the only bidders that submitted nondisqualified bids for the main-line food contract. Petitioner and Mutual also submitted bids for the snack foods and beverages contract. A third bidder, Magic Vending, also submitted a bid for the snack foods and beverages contract. Mutual has held Respondent's main-line food contract in the past. However, for at least the past seven years, Petitioner has held the main-line food and snack foods and beverages contracts. Petitioner was the only bidder for the main-line food contract for the 1996-97 school year, and, pursuant to a provision of that contract, Respondent renewed this contract for the 1997-98 school year. Petitioner presently supplies school food for the school districts in Dade, Palm Beach, Collier, Lee, Indian River, Martin, St. Lucie, Hardee, Hendry, DeSoto, and Glades counties. The size of the Hillsborough school district limits the number of vendors capable of handling the main-line food contract, although nothing in the record suggests that either Petitioner or Mutual lacks the resources to provide the specified food in a timely fashion. Invitation to Bid By Invitation to Bid dated April 30, 1998, concerning Bid Number 3743-HM (ITB), Respondent solicited bids for two product groups: main-line food, which consists of frozen entrees, frozen foods, canned goods, and staples, and snack foods and beverages. The cover sheets to the ITB advise all interested parties that Respondent would accept sealed bids until 3:00 P.M. on May 26, 1998. The cover sheets state that, on or about June 16, 1998, Respondent would award the contract, which would be in effect August 6, 1998, to August 5, 1999. The cover sheets state that Respondent would make its decision "in the best interest of the District " The cover sheets require that all bids incorporate the following language: POSTING OF RECOMMENDATIONS/TABULATIONS Recommendations and Tabulations will be posted at the Hillsborough County School District, Purchasing Department, 901 East Kennedy Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602 at 10:30 A.M. on 06/11/98 for seventy-two (72) hours. Actions against the specifications or recommendations for award shall follow F.S. 120.53. Procedures are available and on file in the Purchasing Office at the address listed above. The cover sheets identify the schedule of bidding events. The month of April would be for testing new products and evaluating the nutritional information of approved brands. April 30 would be the date of mailing draft copies of the ITB to all interested persons. May 8 would be the date of the pre-bid conference, at which interested persons could bring product information forms for possible approval of other products than those tentatively specified in the ITB. The cover sheets reserved a couple of days immediately after the pre-bid conference for testing any additional new products. The schedule listed May 13 as the date on which Respondent would mail the final copy of the ITB to interested persons. The schedule states that Respondent would review bids and conduct a "pre-award audit," if necessary, from May 26 through June 3. Part I of the ITB contains "general terms and conditions." Part I states: When an item appearing in this bid document is listed by a registered trade name and the wording "no substitute, bid only or only" is indicated, only that trade-named item will be considered. The District reserves the right to reject products that are listed as approved and wa[i]ve formalities. Should a vendor wish to have products evaluated for future bid consideration, please contact, in writing, the buyer listed on the 2nd page of this bid. If the wording "no substitute, bid only or only" does not appear with the trade name, bidders may submit prices on their trade-named item, providing they attach a descriptive label of their product to this proposal. Sample merchandise bid hereunder as "offered equal" may be required to be submitted to purchase in advance of bid award. Substitutions of other brands for items bid, awarded and ordered is prohibited except as may be approved by the supervisor of purchasing. Part I of the ITB includes a number of "stipulations" that are deemed a part of all bids. The stipulations provide: Tabulations of this bid will be based only on items that meet or exceed the specifications given in Part III. All other lesser items will not be considered. Failure to submit, at time of bid opening, complete information as stated in Part III can and may be used as justification for rejection of a bid item. The bidders will not be allowed to offer more than one product/price/service on each item even though the vendor feels that they have two or more types or styles that will meet specifications. If said bidder should submit more than one product/price on any item, all prices for that item will be rejected. . . . The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, and to request a re-submission. The District further reserves the right to accept a bid other than the lowest bid, which in all other respects complies with the invitation to bid and the bid document, provided that, in the sole judgement and discretion of the District, the item offered at the higher bid price has additional value or function, including, but not limited to: life cycle costing, product performance, quality of workmanship, or suitability for a particular purpose. . . . All bids shall be evaluated on all factors involved, including the foregoing, price, quality, delivery schedules and the like. Purchase orders or contracts shall be awarded to the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined to be advantageous to the District, taking into consideration the factors set forth above and all other factors set forth in the request for bid as "lowest or lowest and best bid." The information called for on the item must be on the line with the item. When omitting a quotation on an item, please insert the words: no quotation, no bid or n/b. to eliminate any confusion about the item(s) being bid. . . . Any requirement by the bidder that certain quantities, weights, or other criteria must be met, in order to qualify for bid prices, will result in disqualification of the bid. Likewise, expiration dates or other constraints, which are in conflict with bid requirements, will result in disqualification. Bids may not be changed after the bid closing time. The exception would be if there was a misinterpretation of the unit for which the bid was requested. In which case, no dollar amount change would be allowed, and only a clarification as to the unit your bid represents will be considered. This must be done in writing 24 hours after notification to the bidder from the supervisor of purchasing. The submittal of a bid proposal shall constitute an irrevocable offer to contract with the District in accordance with the terms of said bid. The offer may not be withdrawn until or unless rejected or not accepted by the District. . . . 13. The District shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability of any and all bids and the terms and conditions thereof, without qualifications o[r] explanation to bidders. 27. This bid and the purchase orders issued hereunder constitute the entire agreement between the School District and the vendor awarded the bid. No modification of this bid shall be binding on the District or the bidders. 30. Variance in condition--Any and all special conditions and specifications attached hereto which vary from general conditions shall have precedence. Part II of the ITB contains "special terms and conditions." Section A of Part II explains that the purpose of the ITB is to establish a "'cost plus fixed fee per carton' annual contract for the delivery of main-line food and snack and beverages . . .." Section A projects that the annual value of Group A and Group B will be $8.5 million. Section A explains that the "product cost" is the vendor's actual cost, including delivery to its warehouse. The "fixed fee" is the difference between the vendor's cost and its selling price to Respondent. Section A notes that, while Respondent’s cost price may vary during the term of the contract, the fixed fee shall remain unchanged. However, Section K fixes the cost prices until December 31, 1998. As used in this order, "total cost" refers either to the total costs per item (i.e., the unit costs times the projected number of units to be purchased) or the total costs of all items, and the "bottom-line cost" is the total of the total costs of all items plus the fixed fee. The fixed fee includes the bidder's profit and is calculated by multiplying the fixed fee per carton, as stated in the bid, times the number of cartons actually delivered. Section B states: Bids will be awarded on the total bottom line cost and fixed fee for each group. To be considered for an award, the vendor must bid on each item within each group. Failure to bid on each item within each group will disqualify the vendor for the bid award. A distributor may choose to bid on both groups, or on only one group. In the event of default or non- availability of product, the School District reserves the right to utilize the next rated low bidder and their stated bid prices as needed. Sections C and D explain that the term of the contract is one year, ending August 5, 1999, but the parties may extend the term, in one-year increments, through August 5, 2001. Section G provides that potential bidders "may attend a pre-bid conference," but attendance is not mandatory. Section G identifies the time, date, and place of the pre-bid conference. Section G adds: If you wish to submit additional brands within a current product description for approval, you must bring from the appropriate broker/rep, a District product information form with all requested attachments to the conference. Do not bring samples. We will evaluate the product information forms and determine if testing an additional brand is necessary at this time. Submitting a product information form does not guarantee that the product will be tested. Samples must be made immediately for any product information forms submitted. Section H states: To be considered for an award, the vendor must bid on each item within each group. Failure to bid on each item within each group will disqualify the vendor for that group bid award. Section I provides: After the opening of the bids, school officials will review the line-by-line prices. Accuracy of additions and extensions, brands, and compliance with all instructions will be reviewed in order to ascertain that the offer is made in accordance with the terms of the request for bid proposal. School officials who find any error(s) in calculations will adjust the bottom line figure accordingly. However, if errors are found which either disqualify the bidder, or will raise the bottom line offer to the point where the vendor may no longer be the apparent low bidder, school officials will review the line-item prices of the next lowest bidder. This procedure will continue until a suitable offer is selected. During the review of the low bid, school officials may audit invoices or quotations on selected items for the accuracy of cost prices quoted. The extent of this audit will be at the discretion of school officials. In reviewing bids, school officials reserve the right to waive technicalities when it is in the best interest of the school system. Section O states that vendors must deliver "the brand that is quoted on the bid sheet." If vendors are "temporarily out-of-stock of a particular item, they must deliver an equal or superior product at an equal or lower price with prior approval of the District Food Service Department." Section O warns that "[e]xcessive occurrences of out-of-stock items is cause for contract cancellation." Part III of the ITB contains "instructions for completing bid sheets," followed by 65 pages of bid specifications for main-line food and nine pages of bid specifications for snack foods and beverages. Each page of specifications contains several rows, with each row devoted to a separate item, and seven columns, with the columns labeled as item number, product descriptions, approved brands, bid unit, unit cost, estimated annual usage, and total cost. Part III provides detailed instructions for describing the items bid and listing the costs for each item. Detailed specifications describe each of the items to be bid. Under "product descriptions," the two paragraphs of Section B address the issue of domestic versus imported products. The first paragraph describes products that the winning bidder may purchase, but the second paragraph limits items than can be bid. The two paragraphs state: Except for items normally not produced in the United States commercially, the contractor should make every effort to purchase domestic products. Products may be allowed from outside the United States provided specifications are met and there is a significant price differential between imported products and those produced within the States. Written documentation of these price differentials must be provided in writing to the School District by the distributor prior to the approval of such purchases. Please note: for purposes of awarding the bid, all distributors shall bid domestic products (pineapple exempt). Under "product descriptions," Section C provides: The contractor must bid on the approved brands (Column 3), packer label or house label for all items. If Column 3 is blank, the School Board will accept the brand quoted provided it meets the product description. For example, if bidding on a distributor's choice of pasta, the contractor would enter the following: Brand: Prince Product Code: 5115 If bidding on a distributor group label for green beans, the distributor must stipulate the code designation which may be a color or label, that denotes a product as being a particular grade. For example, Brand: North American/Larson Product Code: Blue If bidding a packer label the bidder must stipulate the name of the packer and the grade label designation, for example: Brand: Larsen Product Code: Lake Region For all packer label products Hillsborough County School Food Service Form "Private Label Chart for Fruits and Vegetables" (see Attachment D) must be completed and returned with the bid. Under "product descriptions," Section D states: "Bidder shall enter the grade of the brand offered only for those line items where grade is specified. " Under "approved brands," Part III provides: The bidder must bid on the approved brand and product code that is listed. If the column states "house brand," the School Board will accept the brand quoted provided it meets the product description. Some of the code numbers listed may be obsolete or incorrect, in which case the contractor may enter the correct code and submit written documentation provided by the manufacturer, verifying the correct code number. If any inconsistency exists between the approved brands and/or code numbers and the product description, the approved brand/code number will prevail. The decision as to whether a product does or does not meet the description provided in column 2 is at the discretion of the School District. A bidder may be requested to furnish acceptable confirmation from a packer that a product meets the requirements set forth in Column 2. Whenever approved brands are listed with house brands, the distributor's choice brand should be of equal or better quality than the approved brands listed. Buying group brands and codes are acceptable on frozen and canned fruits, vegetables, and juices, however, on further processed and manufactured foods the contractor shall quote a packer's brand. For example, a contractor may quote "Ore-Ida #1234, packed under the 'Code Red Label.'" Pre-Bid Conference Hank Morbach, Principal Buyer of Respondent's Purchasing Department, conducted the pre-bid conference on May 8. Also representing Respondent at the conference were Mr. Morbach's immediate supervisor, William Borrer, who is the Supervisor of Purchasing; Sherry Ebner, who is a Supervisor of Food Service Operations and a registered dietitian; and Mary Kate Harrison, who is Director of Food Service Operations, a registered dietitian, and Ms. Ebner's immediate supervisor. Minutes of the pre-bid conference reveal that Mr. Morbach and Ms. Ebner told the persons in attendance that they did not have to bid both groups, but must bid all items within the group for which they were submitting a bid. In response to a question from Mutual's representative, Mr. Morbach said that the bottom-line cost, not the fixed fee, would be the "deciding factor." In response to a question from Petitioner's representative, Mr. Morbach stated that, where code numbers were omitted for any item, specifications would prevail. The minutes disclose a discussion regarding imported versus domestic products. Although Respondent's representatives were initially ambivalent, Mr. Morbach "clarified by stating all products must be domestic." Likely, everyone understood that pineapples could still be imported. Following the pre-bid conference, Respondent issued a revised ITB on May 13. Presumably, the ITB identified as Joint Exhibit 1 is the revised ITB, so all references in this order to the ITB are to the ITB as it was finally revised. Adverse Publicity Toward the end of the pre-bid conference, a representative of the Weekly Planet appeared. The Weekly Planet is a free weekly Tampa newspaper, and the representative was a reporter, who, since October 1997, had written several articles asserting, at least by implication, that Respondent's food program suffered from excessive costs, favoritism, and possibly even wrongdoing. Part of the adverse publicity concerned Ms. Harrison's husband, who represented several manufacturers from which Petitioner had purchased food for resale to Respondent while Petitioner had the main-line food contract. The Weekly Planet published an article asserting that the husband of Ms. Harrison had lost a civil action brought by his employer for diverted commissions. By the time of the subject procurement, an internal audit had disclosed no conflict of interest on the part of Ms. Harrison, but had suggested that Respondent add personnel in Food Service Operations to monitor vendor compliance and seek more competition in awarding the food contracts. To Ms. Harrison's credit, since her employment with Respondent in 1990, she has converted a food service program that was losing $2.5 million annually into a profitable operation. The record suggests, though, Respondent's staff was extremely sensitive during this bidding process to the adverse publicity surrounding Respondent's business relationship with Petitioner. The Bids Four bidders timely submitted sealed bids for the main-line food contract. However, Respondent promptly disqualified two of the bidders because they did not submit complete bids. One disqualified bidder submitted a bid that was incomplete, unsigned, and omitted five items in the main- line food group. The other disqualified bidder submitted an incomplete bid with only six items in the main-line food group. After submitting their bids, Petitioner and Mutual each sent Respondent letters stating that each bidder did not want the snacks and beverages contract unless it also received the main-line food contract. Respondent did not object to these late-attached conditions to the two bids and did not consider either bidder for only the snack foods and beverages contract. As provided in the ITB, Respondent's staff contacted bidders, after bid opening, to confirm that certain bid items complied with the specifications. By letter dated June 3, Respondent asked Mutual for documentation that 41 listed items met the specifications, that the Fineline/Paris brand that Mutual had bid is Grade A quality, and for a complete private label chart for all canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. The letter requests a response by June 5. By letter dated June 10, Respondent asked Petitioner for documentation that thirty-seven listed items met the specifications and for a complete private label chart for all canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. The letter requests a response by June 12. Respondent wrote each bidder follow-up letters. In a letter dated June 12, Respondent asked Petitioner to document that five items met the specifications, and, in a letter dated June 15, Respondent asked Mutual to document that the same five items met the specifications. The deadlines in both letters were June 16. Mutual and Petitioner responded to these requests for additional information. By letter dated June 5, Mutual disclosed that Items 202 (broccoli), 300 (apple slices), and 366 (raisins) were imported. After receipt of the responses from the bidders, Respondent's employees further reviewed the bids. Early in this review, Respondent's employees realized that neither bid had complied entirely with the specifications. Among the deficiencies of Mutual's bid was the failure to quote a cost for Item 114, which is chicken wings. Mutual's bid identifies only a product, but no cost. Mutual's bid includes a cost for each of the other 296 items and a total cost, presumably for all 297 items. The ITB projects annual purchases for each of the 297 items. The ITB projects the purchase of 283,044 chicken wings. Petitioner bid 12.5 cents per chicken wing for a total cost of $35,309.50. Mr. Morbach justifiably tried to deduce Mutual's quote for chicken wings from the information contained in its bid. He logically assumed that the cost for Item 114 would be the difference between the total cost shown on Mutual's bid, which is shown on the bid, and the total cost for the other 296 items, which must be calculated separately. The details of Mr. Morbach's calculations did not emerge at the hearing, but it is possible to perform these calculations. Mutual's bid shows a total cost for all 297 items of $8,131,470.29. The total costs of each of the quoted 296 items comes to $6,785,080.14. The difference is $1,346,390.15. This figure clearly does not represent Mutual's bid for chicken wings, which would be thirty-eight times greater than Petitioner's bid and would representative the extraordinary cost of $4.75 per chicken wing. The calculations in the preceding paragraph are taken from Mutual's bid, including all changes shown on the bid, as it was submitted, that were made by Mutual. Mutual's representative initialed these changes. The calculations exclude all adjustments made by Respondent's staff because these calculations, which were made after bid opening, logically have no relevance in determining what, if anything, Mutual quoted for chicken wings. These adjustments can play no role in trying to determine, on the face of Mutual's bid, what it intended to bid for chicken wings. In addition to omitting the cost of one item, Mutual failed to bid numerous other items according to the specifications. Petitioner also failed to bid certain items according to the specifications, although Petitioner's bidding errors are fewer in number and less serious than Mutual's bidding errors. Incorporating the information charted by Food Service Operations staff, the following 25 paragraphs identify the errors in both bids. Item 121 is frozen Grade A turkey roasts with a 60/40 ratio of light to dark meat. Mutual's bid does not reveal the extent of white meat or whether the turkey roast is Grade A meat. Petitioner's bid does not reveal whether its turkey roast is Grade A meat. Item 128 is frozen corn dogs. Mutual bid an unapproved code number for an approved brand. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. This is a relatively large component of the overall bid, representing over $160,000 in each of the bids. Item 146 is natural swiss cheese. Mutual bid processed cheese. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 202 is Grade A cut broccoli in bulk. Mutual bid an imported product. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 220 is shoestring French-fried potatoes. Mutual bid a shorter French-fried potato than specified. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 223 is shredded triangle potatoes. Mutual and Petitioner bid the same products, but Mutual's bid did not contain required information regarding grade, oil, and region grown. This is a relatively large component of the overall bid, representing over $140,000 in each of the bids. Item 232 is soft eight-inch tortillas weighing 1.39 ounces per serving. Mutual and Petitioner bid the same product, which weighs only 1.29 ounces per serving. Item 300 is canned sliced apples. Mutual bid an imported product. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 328 is light, 26-percent concentration tomato paste. Mutual bid a product that does not meet the minimum- concentration specification. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 335 is boneless chicken meat that is predominantly white meat. Mutual and Petitioner bid the same brand, but different product code numbers. Mutual's bid is not predominantly white meat. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 366 is seedless raisins. Mutual bid an imported product. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 399 is 100 percent semolina, spiral macaroni. Mutual's bid complied with the specifications. Petitioner bid a twisted egg noodle, instead of eggless spiral pasta. Item 431 is sugar sprinkles from one of five approved brands. Mutual bid an unapproved brand. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 448 is instant yeast. Mutual's bid includes information on a product that it did not bid. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 474 is Grade A Fancy apple jelly with no less than 65 percent soluble solids, and Item 475 is Grade A Fancy grape jelly with no less than 65 percent soluble solids. Neither bid provides sufficient information to determine if it met the specifications on either of these items. Item 480 is Dijon mustard. Mutual bid Dijon-style mustard. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 484 is whole pitted medium, ripe olives. Mutual bid an imported product. Petitioner's complied with the specifications. Item 492 is whole, kosher pickles of approximately 95 in number per five gallon pail. Mutual and Petitioner bid larger pickles than specified. Item 505 is 50-grain white vinegar. Neither Mutual nor Petitioner provided the information necessary to determine if its bid complied with the specifications. Items 301, 308, 309, 323, and 331 are, respectively, unsweetened canned applesauce, crushed canned pineapple, sliced canned pineapple, canned pumpkin, and whole canned tomatoes. For each of these items, Mutual's bid did not provide the label to prove quality. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 325 is Grade A canned sweet potatoes. Mutual and Petitioner both bid Grade B. Item 212 is yellow frozen squash. Mutual bid an imported product. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Respondent's staff also noted on the chart that the yellow frozen squash was the second item manufactured by Fineline that was imported (the other was Item 202), and staff noted that it was "unable to determine if other frozen vegetables bid by this manufacturer are domestic as grading certificates were not provided." Mutual bid Fineline products for Items 201 (lima beans), 205 (corn), 208 (okra), 209 (peas), 211 (spinach), 214 (Italian-style vegetable blend), and 215 (Oriental-style vegetable blend). Cumulatively, the Fineline frozen vegetables represent a moderately large part of the overall cost, in excess of $53,000 of Mutual's bid. Coupled with the fact that two Fineline products were imported, Mutual's failure to demonstrate affirmatively that these produce are domestic constitutes additional failures to comply with the specifications and supports the inference that the products are imported. In an earlier version of their chart showing bidding errors, Respondent's staff identified problems with Items 217-19, 221-22, and 224. These are potatoes that the ITB specifies must be from the Pacific Northwest and processed in 100 percent canola oil. Respondent's staff determined that it was impossible to identify the source of these potatoes. However, Petitioner was able to document that some, but not all, of the potatoes that it bid for these six items were from the Pacific Northwest. In addition to failing to bid a cost for Item 114 and misbidding the numerous items charted by Respondent's staff, Mutual's bid failed to comply with the specifications for four other items. Item 229 is a frozen Gyro Wrap. Mutual bid a pita- fold bread product, even though a more expensive Gyro Wrap is available from the same manufacturer. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications Item 378 is pure almond extract flavoring. Mutual bid an imitation flavoring. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 402 is thin spaghetti of .062-.066 thickness in diameter. Mutual bid a thin-spaghetti product of 1.6 thickness in diameter. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. Item 456 is pancake syrup. Mutual bid an invalid code number. Petitioner's bid complied with the specifications. The parties devoted some attention during the hearing to Item 483, which is green olives. Mutual and Petitioner bid imported green olives, but domestic green olives are not available, at least in institutional quantities, so compliance with the specification of domestic green olives was impossible. Bid Evaluation and Award When Ms. Ebner informed Mr. Morbach of the errors that she had found in both bids, he suggested that they should eliminate the same item from both bidder's bids, if one bidder improperly bid the item. For example, if Mutual misbid fruit cocktail and Petitioner properly bid fruit cocktail, Respondent would delete the cost of fruit cocktail from both bids. The purpose of this adjustment, which reportedly is not atypical in school food procurements, is to avoid the unfair result of lowering the noncompliant bidder's bid, by reducing it for the cost of the misbid fruit cocktail, and leaving the compliant bidder's bid higher by the amount of the properly bid fruit cocktail. Ms. Ebner and Ms. Harrison agreed with this suggestion, and Respondent tabulated the bid costs accordingly. Mr. Morbach also suggested that they consider the bid of one of the disqualified bidders. Ms. Ebner disagreed with this suggestion. She rightly believed that they should not reconsider a bid that did not contain all of the specified items, and Mr. Morbach did not press the matter further. Although Ms. Ebner spoke daily with Ms. Harrison and Mr. Morbach, there were three larger meetings in late June and early July concerning the bids. The first meeting was during the week of June 22, the second meeting was early in the week of June 29, and the third meeting was on the Friday of that week, July 3. The only participants at the first of the three meetings were Ms. Ebner, Ms. Harrison, Mr. Morbach, and Mr. Borrer. For the second meeting, these four persons were joined by Dr. Michael Bookman, the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Research, which includes overall responsibility for the Purchasing Department; Michelle Crouse, of the Auditing Department; and Lee Chistiansen, another of Respondent's staff. The persons present at the third and final meeting were the same as at the second meeting, except that Respondent's counsel, Mr. Few, replaced Ms. Crouse. At the first meeting, Ms. Ebner expressed her belief that Petitioner's bid was better than Mutual's bid because Petitioner's bid complied with more of the specifications. She also expressed concern about the ability of Magic Vending to service the snack foods and beverages. Ms. Ebner's preference for Petitioner's bid was partly the result of her misplaced emphasis on awarding both contracts to the same bidder. It is likely that, at the first meeting, Mr. Morbach or Mr. Borrer informed Ms. Ebner that nothing in the ITB required that Respondent award both contracts to the same bidder. At the first meeting, everyone confirmed their agreement to adopt Mr. Morbach's suggestion to discard the cost of any misbid item in both bids, even if only one bidder misbid the item. Everyone agreed that this approach would facilitate a better comparison of bottom-line prices. Respondent's decision to eliminate the cost of any misbid item from both bids, even if one bid correctly bid the item, encourages bidding abuses. A bidder knowing that a competitor can quote lower prices for a wide range, for instance, of chicken items can neutralize this advantage by misbidding each of the chicken items, forcing Respondent to award the bid without regard to the lesser costs quoted by the competitor for the chicken items. The potential destructive impact on competitive bidding is incalculable where, as here, this kind of bid-tabulation method is unaccompanied by a provision in the ITB rejecting a bid in its entirety if it misbids more than a specified number or value of items. The ITB does not authorize Respondent's method of tabulating misbid items. As already noted, Stipulation 2 allows Respondent to tabulate bids based only on items that meet the specifications, but nothing in Stipulation 2 or anywhere else in the ITB authorizes the deletion of quotes for items bid in compliance with the specifications. Part I of the ITB allows Respondent to reject approved products, but this provision is part of a discussion of items approved for bidding and does not authorized the rejection of a cost quoted for an approved product. Nor do Mr. Morbach and Ms. Ebner rely on Stipulation 2 to justify tabulating bid costs by eliminating the costs of any misbid items, even if only one bidder misbid the item. Mr. Morbach and Ms. Ebner believe that the 1998 ITB permitted this approach, but the 1996 invitation to bid for school food did not. However, both invitations to bid contain Stipulation 2. Respondent has not cited the difference between the 1996 and 1998 invitations to bid to justify the tabulation method adopted by Respondent in this procurement. Respondent's staff have relied on ITB provisions allowing Respondent to waive formalities or reject all bids for support of their tabulation method. However, even if these provisions were not in the 1996 invitation to bid, they do not authorize Respondent's tabulation method. Mr. Borrer may have implicitly acknowledged the inadequacy of the claimed authority in the ITB for Respondent's tabulation method when he sensibly deleted the following language from a draft memorandum dated June 25 and bearing his name, but drafted for his revision by another employee: Products that were inconclusive or failed to meet specification were eliminated from all bids for the purpose of data analysis. Purchasing is given this authority to eliminate products by bid specifications, statutory guidelines and Board policy. Item 4, Page 3 of the bid specifications states, "The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, and request re-submission. The District further reserves the right to accept a bid other than the lowest bid. . ." In addition, Item I, Page 11 of the bid specifications states, "In reviewing bids, school officials reserve the right to waive technicalities when it is in the best interest of the school system." Also Board Policy H-5.6 states, ". . ., in accepting bids the School Board shall accept the lowest and best bid". (Legal Reference Florida Statutes 230.23, 237.02) The most succinct description of Respondent's tabulation method lacks much of a justification for its use. This description occurs in a typewritten question and answer that appears at the end of Petitioner Exhibit 36, but probably does not belong with that exhibit, which is a fax from Mr. Borrer to Respondent's counsel, Mr. Few. The question is, "Why did you choose to award the contract rather than re-bid after you determined that each vendor had made errors?" The answer states: Bids may not be rejected arbitrarily, but may be rejected and re-bid when it is in the best interest of the public (School District) to do so. . . . To re-bid without changing the bid would be unfair because the vendors had exposed their competitive price structure in public. Through the efforts of our skilled Food Service staff "errors" were discovered in products bid by Mutual and [Petitioner]. Since all vendors bid products that did not meet specifications, we determined that it would be proper to build a mathematical model in which we removed all identified items that did not meet specifications from both vendors. Our analysis based the award criteria on the same set of specifications and conditions for each vendor. Achieving comparability of food products was a complex time- consuming task. The award was recommended to go to the low vendor who would agree and be held to meeting our bid specifications at the price bid. Probably not more than one or two days after the date of the first meeting, Ms. Ebner prepared a draft memorandum, dated June 25, to Mr. Borrer, through Ms. Harrison. The draft memorandum states that Mutual bid 14 items not meeting specifications, and Petitioner bid three such items. The draft memorandum states that Mutual bid 11 items for which compliance was inconclusive, and Petitioner bid five such items. The draft memorandum also states that Mutual bid five imported items, despite the "discussion at the pre-bid conference that only domestic products were allowed." In the draft memorandum, Ms. Ebner recalculated the bottom-line costs of the bids of Petitioner and Mutual after discarding all costs for items that either bidder had misbid. She determined that Petitioner had the lowest snack foods and beverages bid. She also determined that Petitioner had the lower total bid for the main-line food and snack foods and beverages contracts. Still preferring an award of both contracts to a single bidder, Ms. Ebner concluded in the draft memorandum that Respondent should award both contracts to Petitioner, and Ms. Harrison concurred with Ms. Ebner's recommendation. At the same time, Mr. Morbach and Mr. Borrer were headed in the opposite direction from Ms. Ebner and Ms. Harrison. At the direction of Mr. Borrer, Mr. Morbach elicited a letter dated June 24 from Magic Vending to Mr. Morbach, in which Magic Vending stated: "As a follow up to our conversation and subsequent to our bid submission, we are prepared to offer you a reduction in our overall bid of $15,000." The letter concludes: "The purpose of this reduction is to make the overall award process run more smoothly and to remove any potential complications." Although Petitioner had already written Respondent expressing no interest in only the snack foods and beverages contract, Respondent obtained this cost concession, which made Magic Vending's bid lower than Petitioner's bid, in case Petitioner changed its mind. By letter dated June 26 from Magic Vending to Mr. Morbach, Magic Vending assured that it would "abide by all the rules and specifications in addition to giving a $15,000.00 discount . . .." The letter concludes with a well- earned expression of gratitude by Magic Vending for Mr. Morbach's "consideration in this matter." As for the main-line food contract, Mr. Borrer obtained from Mutual a one-line letter dated June 26 from Mutual stating: "This letter is to assure you that all products quoted by [Mutual] on bid #3743-HM will meet the specifications as required." At the second meeting between the staff of Food Service Operations and the Purchasing Department, which evidently took place after the Purchasing Department had received the correspondence from Mutual and Magic Vending, Food Service Operations staff continued to recommend that the contracts be awarded to Petitioner. Everyone discussed the errors in Mutual's bid and the fact that the Magic Vending bid was $5000 more than Petitioner's bid for the snack foods and beverages contract. It is unclear if Ms. Ebner or Ms. Harrison yet knew of the price concession of Magic Vending, but everyone discussed that it would be controversial to award the contracts to a bidder that was not the lowest bidder. Apparently in anticipation of the award ultimately made, Petitioner served Respondent, on July 1, with a Notice of Intent to Protest the award of both contracts. By letter dated the same date, Respondent informed Petitioner that it would not stop the procurement process due to the "critical importance of this bid and the serious danger to the health of our children." In fact, Mutual and Magic Vending have been supplying main-line food and snack foods and beverages, respectively, since early August 1998. At the third meeting between the staff of Food Service Operations and the Purchasing Department, everyone agreed to recommend that the School Board award the contracts to Mutual and Magic Vending. The discussion at this last major staff meeting largely involved the matters that they had previously discussed. Unfortunately, no one ever discussed at these or other meetings involving Ms. Ebner how many errors a bid could contain before it should be disqualified. Likewise, no one ever discussed with her the distinction between awarding a contract on the basis of the lowest bid and on the basis of the lowest and best bid. However, Ms. Harrison discussed with Ms. Ebner the safety issues presented by imported, rather than domestic, foods. On the day prior to the July 7 School Board meeting now designated for the School Board to vote on the awards, Ms. Harrison advised Mutual by letter that Respondent's staff would recommend Mutual, "provided that any and all products found not to meet specifications will be replaced with products meeting specifications at the original bid cost." Petitioner Exhibit 13, which is a copy of this letter, lacks the attachment listing the noncompliant items. At the bottom of the July 6 letter is a signature space for Mutual's representative, indicating assent to the following sentence: "Indicate, by signing below, that you are in agreement to provide all products meeting specifications, including USDA Grade A products, at the original bid price." Petitioner Exhibit 13 contains the signature of Mutual's representative. On July 7, the School Board met and gave Petitioner's counsel and corporate representative brief opportunities to explain why Respondent should not award the main-line food contract to Mutual. However, the Board did not give Petitioner's representatives sufficient time to convey much meaningful or detailed information. Mr. Few, Dr. Bookman, and Ms. Harrison supplied the Board with more information, but unfortunately never disclosed that Mutual's bid contained more errors than did Petitioner's bid and that Mutual's bid contained more errors involving more substantive matters than did Petitioner's bid, as discussed below. Contradicting the advice given by Mr. Morbach at the pre-bid conference and ignoring the contrary provision in the ITB and ignoring the distinction in the ITB between items that the winning bidder may purchase additional items that may be bid, Mr. Few advised the Board that the ITB expressed only a preference toward domestic products and cited the unique example of olives as support for this interpretation. Dr. Bookman advised the Board that Mutual had assured them that all items bid were Grade A. He was evidently unaware that, as explained below, Mutual had still not obtained Grade A turkey roast, even though Grade A turkey roast is available. As late as the final hearing, Ms. Ebner admitted that Mutual had still not corrected one or two noncompliant items, although it is unclear if one of them is the turkey roast. Notwithstanding staff's assurances, several Board members expressed misgivings at having to absorb a lot of detailed information in a short period of time. Ms. Harrison informed the Board that they did not have time to defer action, implicitly and correctly informing them that they did not have time to rebid the main-line food contract. One Board member replied that she wanted all of the food to be USDA approved and that parents had enough to be concerned about without being concerned about what Respondent was feeding their children. A motion to award the contracts to Mutual and Magic Vending failed by a 3-4 vote. A second motion to delay awarding these contracts passed 5-2, so that, individually, Board members could talk to staff to learn more about the bids and Petitioner's claim of bidding improprieties. The record does not reveal what staff told individual Board members. After a recess during which Board members, individually, met with staff, one of the Board members who had previously voted not to award the contracts moved to award the contracts to Mutual and Magic Vending, saying that Mutual had agreed to replace noncomplying products with products meeting the specifications. Relying on Mutual's promise to deliver conforming food items, as opposed to the noncomplying items that it had bid, this Board member reasoned that it was one thing to make a mistake with a bid, but another thing to make a mistake with the schoolchildren. The School Board unanimously approved the motion, and the meeting ended. By letter dated July 9 from Mutual to Mr. Borrer, Mutual addressed each of the 25 items charted by Respondent's staff, acknowledging that Mutual's bid had not complied with the specifications for nearly every charted item, but promising that Mutual would supply a product meeting the specifications for all of these items. However, concerning the moderately large component of the bid represented by Item 121 (turkey roasts, which represented over $62,000 in Mutual's bid), the letter states only: "Currently trying to locate an item to meet specifications." Bid Protest On July 10, Petitioner served Respondent with a Protest. The Protest asserts that Mutual's bid did not contain prices on all items, did not propose all domestic products, contained unapproved brands, bid unapproved product codes, and bid products different from those specified in the ITB. The Protest asserts that Respondent allowed Mutual to provide a letter after the deadline for receiving bids assuring that it would provide all Grade A product, as specified in the ITB. The Protest did not mention the snack foods and beverages contract awarded to Magic Vending. The Protest does not allege that Petitioner's bid is responsive. Respondent has not filed any responsive pleading raising the question of the responsiveness of Petitioner's bid. Respondent's Bid Policies Following receipt of Petitioner's Notice of Intent to Protest, Mr. Borrer sent a letter dated July 1 to Petitioner that contained Respondent's rules governing bids. This document, which is part of Petitioner Exhibit 37, is the source of Respondent's bidding rules set forth in the following two paragraphs. Respondent's rules provide for the protest of specifications as follows: Specifications—Any bidder that feels that their firm is adversely affected by an specification contained in a Sealed Bid or Request for Proposal issued by the Purchasing Department may file a written notice of protest with the Supervisor of Purchasing within seventy-two (72) hours after the receipt of the bid documents. . . . A formal written protest shall be filed by the bidder within ten (10) days of the written notice of protest. . . . These rules also provide for the awarding of costs, but not attorneys' fees, as follows: If, after the completion of the Administrative Hearing process and any appellate court proceedings[,] the School District prevails, then the School District shall recover all costs and charges which shall be included in the Final Order or Judgement, including charges made by the Division of Administrative Hearings, but excluding attorney's fees. . . . If the protestor prevails then the protestor shall recover from the School District, all costs and charges which shall be included in the Final Order or Judgement, excluding attorney's fees. Another source of Respondent's rules in the record is Chapter 7 of a compilation of Board policy that was applicable to the present procurement. This document requires that Respondent award bids "on the basis of the lowest and best bid which meets specifications with consideration being given to the specific quality of the product, conformity to the specifications, suitability to school needs, delivery terms and service and past performance of the vendor." Lastly, Mr. Borrer, by memorandum to the file dated July 9, noted that the two disqualified vendors were disqualified under Board Policy H-5.10, which states: "Bids received which do not meet specifications shall not be considered valid and shall not be tabulated." Ultimate Findings of Fact Bid Tabulation Method Is Clearly Erroneous, Contrary to Competition, and Arbitrary It is irrelevant whether the standard of proof governing a protest of specifications is a preponderance of the evidence or the more deferential standard, clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. Petitioner has proved that Respondent's tabulation method is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. As already noted, Respondent's tabulation method potentially penalizes compliant bidders by eliminating their compliant items from the tabulation when a noncompliant bidder misbids the same item. The anti-competitive, arbitrary effect of this tabulation method may be ameliorated somewhat by the fact that the ITB is for a cost-plus contract. However, the ITB fails to impose any minimum requirement or threshold for compliant items, in terms of number or dollar volume--e.g., if a bid contains noncompliant items totaling more than one percent of the total cost bid, then the entire bid is rejected. This means that Respondent's tabulation method can destroy the competitiveness of the procurement by allowing a bidder purposefully or unintentionally to misbid a large number of items, resulting in the effective elimination of these items from the tabulation of bids submitted by bidders with superior access to these items. Under these circumstances, Respondent's selection of this tabulation method was clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. Mutual's Bid Is Nonresponsive The standard of proof governing Respondent's determination that Mutual's bid was responsive is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. As already noted, it is impossible to deduce Mutual's quote for Item 114 from the face of Mutual's bid. A failure to quote a cost for an item is little different from a failure to bid the item. In the case of a complete omission, Respondent knows nothing of the item bid; in the case of the omission of only a quote, Respondent knows what item the bidder has bid, but not the cost of the item. The omission of the cost of a single item adequately described in the bid may be a minor irregularity, if the cost can be deduced by subtracting from the total cost of all items the total cost of all but the omitted item. Here, though, the difference between these amounts is clearly wrong, so that, if Respondent overlooks the omission, it leaves open the possibility of a later dispute over the cost of Item 114. Under the present circumstances, including the disqualification of two other bidders for omitting items, Respondent's failure to disqualify Mutual's bid was clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. Mutual's Bid Contains Material Variances The standard of proof governing Respondent's determination that Mutual's bid did not contain material variances from the ITB is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. Food Service Operations staff identified numerous deficiencies in Mutual's bid. For Mutual's bid, Ms. Ebner's June 25 memorandum counts 14 items not meeting specifications and 11 items for which compliance is inconclusive due to Mutual's failure to submit the required documentation. Treating the misbidding of green olives and the potatoes specified in Items 217-19, 221-22, and 224 as minor irregularities due to the impossibility of compliance with the specifications concerning the origin of these items, Mutual's bid still reveals consequential deviations from the specifications. Using only the chart prepared by Food Service Operations staff and disregarding the green olives and six potato items, Mutual's consequential deviations from the specifications include five imported foods, two meat products that fail to contain the required ratio of light to dark meat (one of the meat products and another product also failing to demonstrate the proper Grade), a lower Grade of canned sweet potatoes, shorter French Fries, excessively diluted tomato concentrate and inadequate documentation of the dilution of two jelly products, processed instead of natural cheese, and a missing ingredient from Dijon mustard. Of all the witnesses, Ms. Ebner was most capable, by training, experience, and job assignment, of understanding the significance of the deviations in Mutual's bid. For instance, addressing the seemingly inconsequential matter of excessively diluted jelly, Ms. Ebner noted that Respondent had had problems with runny jelly not remaining on peanut-butter- and-jelly sandwiches. The nutritional consequences of this seemingly harmless deviation are students discarding peanut- butter-and-jelly sandwiches that have lost their jelly. In each of these consequential deviations from the specifications, Mutual bid a cheaper product than specified, which conferred upon it an unearned competitive advantage, and a product of lower quality than specified, which jeopardized the primary purpose of the specifications to ensure that Respondent obtained food of high nutrition, safety, and taste for students and staff. Any implicit or explicit determination by Respondent dismissing the charted findings of deviations by Food Service Operations staff or treating them as minor irregularities rather than material variances would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. Besides the findings contained in the chart prepared by Food Service Operations staff, Mutual misbid several other items. The consequential deviations from the specifications included seven imported items, a cheaper pita- fold than the specified Gyro wrap, and a cheaper imitation almond flavoring for pure almond flavoring. Any express or implied finding by Respondent discrediting these deviations would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. Although an express or implied determination by Respondent that these deviations, standing alone, are minor irregularities would not be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious, such a finding concerning these deviations, together with the previously discussed deviations charted by Food Service Operations staff, would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. The standard of proof governing the determination that Mutual submitted written assurances, after bid opening, that it would supply product in compliance with the specifications, is the preponderance of the evidence. However, the standard of proof governing findings of the significance of the submittal of these assurances is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. Any implied or express determination by Respondent that Mutual's written assurances were not an attempt to change its bid after bid opening would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. As already noted, Petitioner has already proved, by this deferential standard, that Mutual's bid contained material variances from the specifications. The purpose of Mutual's written assurances was to eliminate these material variances, which, in fact, were still not entirely eliminated by the time of the final hearing. Petitioner's Bid Contains Material Variances Consistent with its determination that Mutual's bid is responsive and suffers no material variances, Respondent claims in its proposed recommended order that Petitioner's bid is responsive and contains no material variances. Respondent awarded the main-line food contract to Mutual because it submitted the lower bid. However, Petitioner demands the award of the main- line food contract, so it is necessary to consider whether its bid, which is clearly responsive, contains any material variances. Because of the resolution of this issue, it is unnecessary to consider whether Petitioner's bid contains any minor irregularities, for which Respondent's implied or express refusal to waive would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. Using the chart prepared by Food Service Operations staff and disregarding the green olives and six potato items, Petitioner misbid only seven items. In fact, the record reveals no other misbid items by Petitioner. Several of Petitioner's misbid items are relatively inconsequential. These are a tortilla slightly lighter than specified, larger pickles than specified, and omitted documentation showing the grain of vinegar. Mutual misbid these items also. However, three of Petitioner's misbid items are consequential. Although Petitioner's bid reflects the specified ratio of light and dark meat, unlike Mutual's bid, Petitioner's bid of turkey roast fails, as does Mutual's bid, to provide sufficient documentation to show that it is Grade A. Like Mutual's bid, Petitioner's bid is for Grade B canned sweet potato and fails to provide documentation that the two jelly products are not excessively diluted. The only consequential deviation in Petitioner's bid not found in Mutual's bid is Petitioner's failure to bid an eggless pasta. However, the standard of reference for determining whether Petitioner's bid contains material variances is not Mutual's bid, but the ITB. Although considerably more compliant than Mutual's bid, Petitioner's bid, when measured against the ITB and the importance of obtaining nutritious, safe, and tasty food for Respondent's schoolchildren, also falls impermissibly short of the mark. Petitioner's consequential deviations from the specifications also mean cheaper items than specified, through which Petitioner would have obtained an unearned competitive advantage, and products of lower quality than specified, which would have jeopardized the primary purpose of the ITB to ensure that Respondent obtained high-quality food. Impossible specifications, like domestic green olives or six potato items from the Northwest, or the failure to comply in some minor respect, such as sugar sprinkles from an unapproved manufacturer or excessively large pickles, may constitute minor irregularities. But the failure to ensure that each of the 297 items bid complies substantially in quality is not. Thus, an implied or expressed determination by Respondent that Petitioner's bid contains no material variances would be clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, and arbitrary. Petitioner has failed to prove that Respondent is liable for attorneys' fees. There is no direct proof of any factual basis to award fees. Perhaps Petitioner infers an improper purpose from the fact that, despite the benefit of highly deferential standards of proof, Respondent has not prevailed. Obviously, Respondent's failure to prevail is due to several express or implied determinations that were clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious. If this fact alone warranted a fee award, all agencies would be liable for fees in every bid case that they lost. The absence of such a statutory provision reveals the Legislative intent not to make agencies strictly liable for attorneys' fees in bid cases. The better approach is to permit an inference of improper purpose, but only if the agency were aware or reasonably should have been aware that its handling of the award was not merely clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious, but was so egregiously so as to support an inference of improper purpose. Such is not the case here. There is no evidence of Petitioner's costs, and Petitioner did not request the administrative law judge to reserve jurisdiction or leave the record open for a later determination of costs.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Hillsborough County enter a final order setting aside the award of the main-line food contract to Mutual Distributors, Inc., and rebidding the contract. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of November, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of November, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Earl Lennard Superintendent School Board of Hillsborough County Post Office Box 3408 Tampa, Florida 33601-3408 Robert W. Rasch 129 Live Oak Lane Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 W. Crosby Few Few & Ayala, P.A. 109 North Brush Street, Suite 202 Tampa, Florida 33602

Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002230 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1990

The Issue Whether Saxon Business Products, Inc.'s ("Saxon") response to the Department of General Services' invitation to bid for walk-up convenience copiers should be disqualified on grounds that: Saxon's omission of a supply price list was a material deviation from the bid specifications and conditions; and Saxon's walk-up convenience copier, model "Saxon 300," failed to prove two-sided copy capability.

Findings Of Fact I. Invitation to Bid On June 10, 1981, DGS issued invitation to Bid No. 544-600-38-B ("ITB") entitled, "Walk-Up Convenience Copiers; Bond Paper and Magazine Finish Bond Paper." The ITB proposes an annual contract under which state agencies and institutions can purchase copying machines. It contains general and special conditions and specifications, and warns vendors that bids that do not comply with such conditions "are subject to rejection." (Testimony of Celnik) The ITB specifications divide copiers into two groups: Group I, plain bond copiers, Group II, magazine finish copiers. The copiers are further categorized by type: Type I indicates minimum features; Type II indicates two- sided copying capability; Type III indicates one reduction capability; and Type IV indicates two or more reduction capabilities. These types are further separated into 12 classes on the basis of speed and volume (P-1.) The ITB special conditions instruct bidders to submit bid sheets 2/ breaking down all copying costs to a per-copy basis. Bids are to be evaluated and contracts awarded to bidders submitting the, lowest cost per copy in each category of copier. Cost per copy is calculated by using a specific cost formula. (P-1.) The ITB cost formula contains three components: machine cost, labor cost, and supply cost. DGS proposes to disqualify Saxon's bid in several categories of copiers for failure to supply a supply price list required by the supply cost component. This component provides, in relevant part: C) SUPPLY COST - The bidder shall compute supply costs on the Manufacturer's Brand. If there is an existing state con- tract for supplies for the manufacturer's brand equipment, the state contract price may be substituted. Supply costs will be rounded to six (6) decimal points. All other costs will also be rounded off to six (6) decimal points. The volume price used by the vendor to compute supply cost shall be based on the monthly median vol- ume of the type and class being bid. Supply cost submitted shall be firm for the contract period, except for paper, and all supply costs shall be current market price, verifiable. Vendor must submit supply price lists with his bid to substantiate that correct price vol- umes were used, unless state contract prices were used. A contract award may include supplies if deemed in the best interest of the State. By electing to substitute state contract supplies, the vendor is certifying that his equipment, using said supplies, will meet all per- formance requirements of this bid and of the equipment manufacturer. NOTE - All cost formulas will be verified by the Division of Purchasing and errors in extension will be corrected. In the event incorrect supply cost volumes are used by a bidder, the Division of Purchas- ing will adjust these costs to the median volume range. (e.s.)(P-1.) The purpose of the supply price list requirement, included in DGS's 1980 and 1981 ITB for convenience copiers, is to enable DGS to verify the supply cost figures shown on a vendor's bid sheets; in this way, DGS can insure that all vendors are using correct quantity pricing on their bid sheets. 3/ (In the past, some bidders had used lower supply prices, which were tied to high volume purchases; but those volumes frequently exceeded the state's needs and the median volumes specified by the ITB for each category of copier.) The verification procedure followed by DGS in both 1980 and 1981 involves checking the vendor's bid sheets against the prices shown on the supply price list. 4/ If DGS finds an inconsistency between the two, it "corrects" the bid sheet supply cost upward or downward to reflect the price shown on the supply price list. 5/ Such a bid sheet correction would also change the total median cost per copy, the factor used to evaluate competing bids. DGS also checks the supply list to determine whether it contains current market prices. (Testimony of Hittinger, Eberhard.) If a vendor fails to submit a supply price list, DGS cannot verify that the supply prices used on the bid sheet (to compute total median cost per copy) accurately reflect the median volumes specified in the ITB. Neither can DGS determine whether the supply prices used on the bid sheet are set prices, which do not vary with volume, or volume prices, which do; the bid sheets, on their face, do not reveal which type of pricing is being used. (Testimony of Eberhard; P-1.) After sealed bids are publicly opened, DGS has an established practice of not allowing any bidder to submit additional material which could alter price or other information previously submitted on bid sheets. DGS does, however, accept late information if it can be corroborated by an independent source. For example, a bidder might -- after bid opening -- supply its corporate charter number, which can be easily verified by contacting the Department of State. (Testimony of Hittinger, Eberhard.) The ITB special conditions also require DGS to test and approve copiers prior to bid opening. Copiers which are not tested and accepted by DGS are ineligible for a contract award: EQUIPMENT APPROVAL - Each item of equipment bid shall have been tested by the Division of Purchasing prior to the bid opening time and date for performance and reliability under normal working con- ditions. Any bidder whose equipment has not been tested shall provide a model of the equipment on which he intends to bid to a specified testing station, complete with all supplies, at no expense to the State. Testing will extend for a period of twenty (20) working days. In the event evaluation and acceptance of untested ma- chines has not been accomplished prior to the bid opening date and time, such machine shall not be eligible for an award. (P-1.) II. Bid Opening: Saxon's Failure to Submit Supply Price List Prior to the 1981 bid opening, Saxon failed to submit a supply price list in connection with its bid. This was apparently an oversight on its part; a year earlier, it had furnished a supply price list in response to a similar ITB for convenience copiers. Because of Saxon's omission, DGS was unable to verify the supply prices used by Saxon on its bid sheets or determine whether Saxon was utilizing set or volume prices. (Testimony of Eberhard, Celnik, Hittinger.) After bid opening, Saxon notified DGS that the supply prices shown on its bid sheets were set supply prices -- unit prices which do not vary with volume -- and confirmed that they are the supply prices which it now offers to the state. (Testimony of Celnik.) In its evaluation of the bids, DGS applied the requirement of a supply price list equally to all bidders. All bidders who omitted a supply price list were informed that they were disqualified. Saxon's bid was disqualified in five copier categories: Group I, Type I, Class I; Group I, Type I, Class II; Group I, Type I, Class IV; Group I, Type II, Class I; and Group I, Type II, Class II. At least 11 vendors, however, did submit supply price lists with their bid sheets; approximately one-third were set price lists, the remaining were volume price lists. (Testimony of Eberhard; P-3.) If a vendor could submit a supply price list after the bid opening, it could effectively decrease or increase its bid. (This is so because, in case of a conflict between the bid sheet supply price and the supply price list, the price list value will prevail. A change in the bid sheet supply price will change the cost per copy figure the determining factor in awarding contracts.) A vendor submitting a late supply price list would have an unfair advantage since it could change its bid after bid opening while its competitors could not. The competitive nature of the bidding process would be impaired. (Testimony of Hittinger, Eberhard.) Furthermore, if late submittal of a supply price list was allowed, a bidder could disqualify itself by refusing to provide it; the bidder would then have the advantage of revisiting its bid and -- if it chose -- withdrawing it after bid opening. The opportunity to withdraw a bid -- after bid opening -- would be an advantage not enjoyed by those who timely submitted supply price lists with their bids. (Testimony of Hittinger, Eberhard.) In some copier categories, the vendors who omitted supply price lists were the low bidders. If DGS disqualifies them for their omission, it must award the contract to the next highest bidder. The difference between those low bids and the next higher bid is substantial -- in some cases exceeding 23 percent. 6/ (Testimony of Celnik, Eberhard, Nee, Reinhart.) III. Failure of "Saxon 300" to Demonstrate Two-Sided Copying Capability In accordance with the ITB, Saxon submitted its "Saxon 300" copier to DGS for evaluation and testing. Prior to bid opening, DGS conducted a 20-day test of the machine. The "Saxon 300" machine which DGS tested lacked two-sided copying capability. It could reproduce clearly on one side, but not on the other. The "Saxon 300" sales literature and instruction manual submitted with the machine did not represent that the machine had two-sided copying capability. (Testimony of Nee; 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, R-2.) The "Saxon 300" may have two-sided copying capability, but only after special modifications are made to the copier. These modifications include removal of a roller device, replacement of the heating element, and replacement of the blower system. Saxon did not indicate at the time of testing, or in its bid, that the "Saxon 300" required such modification for two-sided copying capability. Neither did it indicate what, if any, additional costs would be charged for such modifications. (Testimony of Nee, Wallace; R-3.) After DGS tested the "Saxon 300," it sent Saxon a form letter indicating that the copier met minimum operating requirements. The letter did not inform Saxon that the machine lacked two-sided copying capability because DGS did not consider the lack of such capability a major malfunction in the equipment. (Testimony of Nee.) If a machine malfunctions, DGS has -- in the past -- allowed vendors to correct the deficiency or substitute another machine. (Testimony of Nee.) The Group I, Type II, Class I category of copiers, requires two-sided copying capability. Saxon bid its "Saxon 300" as a copier which meets this requirement. (Testimony of Celnik, Nee; P-1.)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Saxon's bids in Group I, Type I, Class I; Group I, Type I, Class II; Group I, Type I, Class IV; Group I, Type II, Class I; and Group I, Type II, Class II be disqualified; and That Saxon's bid in Group I, Type II, Class I be disqualified. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 26th day of February, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of February, 1982.

Florida Laws (3) 1.02120.57287.042
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 14, 2001 Number: 01-003203BID Latest Update: Oct. 18, 2019

The Issue The issue for determination is whether the School Board of Broward County, Florida (“SBBC”) improperly awarded a contract pursuant to Invitation to Bid No. 21-244H for “Photo ID Card and Printing System Supplies” (“ITB”) to Intervenor, Identicard Systems, Inc. (“Identicard"). Petitioner Plasco, Inc. ("Plasco") contends that the recommended award to Identicard is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, capricious, or contrary to the specifications of the ITB. The resolution of the ultimate issue turns on whether the uninitialed corrected figures contained within Plasco’s bid response for both the unit price and the total cost of Item 1(N) were a material deviation from the bid specifications requiring rejection of the bid.

Findings Of Fact SBBC desired to procure photo identification card and printing systems supplies to prepare identification cards for school district employees, students in selected schools, and outside vendors. SBBC has adopted School Board Policy 3320 which governs its purchasing of goods and services. On or about April 30, 2001, SBBC released the ITB. General Condition 1(c) of the ITB stated in pertinent part: EXECUTION OF BID: . . . If a correction is necessary, draw a single line through the entered figure and enter the corrected figure or use an opaque correction fluid. All corrections must be initialed by the person signing the bid even when using opaque correction fluid. Any illegible entries, pencil bids or corrections not initialed will not be tabulated. . . . General Condition 2 of the ITB stated in pertinent part: PRICES QUOTED: . . . Give both unit price and extended total. Prices must be stated in units to quantity specified in the bidding specification. In case of discrepancy in computing the amount of the bid, the Unit Price quoted will govern. . . . General Condition 7 of the ITB stated in pertinent part: AWARDS: In the best interest of the School Board, the Board reserves the right to withdraw this bid at any time prior to the time and date specified for the bid opening; to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularity in bids received; to accept any item or group of items unless qualified by bidder. . . . All awards made as a result of this bid shall conform to applicable Florida Statutes. Special Condition 3 of the ITB states as follows: AWARD: Bid shall be awarded by GROUP to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications, terms and conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to bid on every item in the group, in order to have the bid considered for award. Unit prices must be stated in the space provided on the Bid Summary Sheet. SBBC may need to order an individual component within a group. All items within a group must have an individual cost. Failure to state the individual cost for an item within a group will result in disqualification of the group. Bidder should carefully consider each item for conformance to specifications. In the event that one item in the group does not meet the specifications, the entire group will be disqualified. On June 7, 2001, Plasco, Identicard, and seven other companies submitted responses to the ITB. After receiving the bid responses, SBBC’s Purchasing Department examined and computed the figures submitted by each bidder for each item listed in the Bid Summary Sheets. For each item, a quantity figure had been supplied by SBBC in the bid specifications. The bid was structured so that the specified quantity would be multiplied by a unit price furnished by the bidder on its Bid Summary Sheets. The bidder was also required to furnish a total cost for each individual item in its Bid Summary Sheets. The bids submitted by both Identicard and Plasco contained a number of uninitialed corrections. Although such uninitialed corrections violated General Condition 1(c), the SBBC properly deemed such errors to be immaterial in every instance where only one figure per specified Item was tainted by a violation of this General Condition. For example, where a particular component of the bid required the bidder to specify a unit cost and a total cost for the quantity of goods specified in that particular component, the SBBC was willing to perform the mathematical calculation necessary to confirm the correctness of the uninitialed figure. As applied to this particular type of uninitialed correction, SBBC staff would multiply or divide the quantity specified in the ITB by the "untainted" number provided by the bidder to confirm the correctness of the uninitialed corrected figure submitted in violation of General Condition 1(c). The Bid Summary Sheet submitted by Plasco for Item 1(N) contained a different violation of General Condition 1(c), to wit, it contained two uninitialed corrected figures. The corrections were accomplished through the use of correction fluid. Plasco's Bid Summary Sheet with respect to Item 1(N) stated in pertinent part as follows: UNIT TOTAL PRICE COST * * * FARGO ACCESSORIES N. 3 each 81524 Thermal Printhead $389.35 ea $1,168.05 for Cheetah/Cheetah II/ Pro/Pro-L/Presto! Quatro/ Presto! System The Unit Price of $389.35 as well as the Total Cost of $1,168.05 for Item 1(N) set forth in Plasco’s bid was a corrected price and was not initialed by the person signing the bid on behalf of Plasco. Notwithstanding this "double correction," it was possible within the four corners of Plasco's bid to verify the unit price of the Item and thus to confirm, mathematically, a total price. The Item in question, a printhead, was the subject of four additional bid items. In each instance, Plasco bid $389.35 per printhead, a number which matched Plasco's corrected figure in Item 1(N). SBBC was not misled by Plasco's failure to initial either or both corrections in Item 1(N). Correctly using Plasco's uninitialed corrections as set forth in Item 1(N), SBBC accurately performed the calculations necessary to verify Plasco's bid; therefore the Bid Summary prepared by SBBC staff accurately reflected that Plasco was the low bidder at $93,449.68. The responses to the ITB were reviewed by school district staff on or about June 7, 2001. The so-called "double correction" in Item 1(N) was SBBC's sole basis for its decision to reject Plasco's low bid, and to recommend that Identicard's next lowest bid of $100,720.12 be accepted. At no time relevant to this case did SBBC have a written policy which compels that any bid containing two uninitialed corrections be excluded from consideration. The evidence establishes that SBBC was able to and in fact did accurately account for the individual numbers contained in Item 1(N), as well as any and all other numbers affected by the numbers supplied by Plasco in response to Item 1(N). Under the facts of this case, Plasco's error in failing to initial the corrections in Item 1(N) was immaterial. SBBC maintains that it must enforce its unwritten policy of excluding bids containing two uninitialed corrections within a single item in order to protect the integrity of the bid process. There is no evidence that the integrity of the bid process in this case was compromised in any way. No good faith argument was made that there was any type of collusion or improper conduct in connection with this bid. Instead, the evidence establishes that Plasco's bid was responsive and responsible in all material respects, inasmuch as SBBC staff was able to accurately ascertain, to the penny, the amount of Plasco's low bid. Plasco timely filed its Notice of Protest with SBBC on June 18, 2001. Plasco timely filed a Formal Written Protest with SBBC on June 27, 2001. Pursuant to Section 120.57(3)(c), Florida Statutes, and School Board Policy 3320, SBBC provided an opportunity for Plasco to meet with the agency’s Bid Protest Committee in an attempt to resolve the protest by mutual agreement. The Bid Protest Committee conducted a duly-noticed public meeting with Petitioner Plasco on July 9, 2001. Upon consideration, the Bid Protest Committee rejected the protest of Plasco and upheld the recommendation to award the bid to Identicard.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County, Florida, enter a Final Order awarding the ITB to Plasco, and, upon submission of documentation contemplated in the parties' stipulation regarding costs, assess costs of this action in Plasco's favor in its Final Order pursuant to School Board Policy 3320, VI (n). DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of October, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ FLORENCE SNYDER RIVAS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of October, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Mitchell W. Berger, Esquire David L. Ferguson, Esquire Berger Singerman 350 East Las Olas Boulevard Suite 1000 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Robert Paul Vignola, Esquire Steven H. Feldman, Esquire Broward County School Board K.C. Wright Administration Building 600 Southeast Third Avenue, 11th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Mark A. Emanuele, Esquire Panza, Maurer, Maynard & Neel, P.A. Bank of America Building, Third Floor 3600 North Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Dr. Franklin Till, Jr., Superintendent Broward County School Board K.C. Wright Administration Building 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 James A. Robinson, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 21, 1996 Number: 96-000894BID Latest Update: Aug. 14, 1996

The Issue Whether the Department of Management Services acted arbitrarily, fraudulently, illegally or dishonestly in rejecting the bid proposed by Petitioner Stimsonite Corporation; and Whether the Department of Management Services' proposed award of a contract to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Inc. was arbitrary, illegal, fraudulent or dishonest.

Findings Of Fact On or about October 30, 1995, DMS mailed to interested vendors ITB No. 20-550-590-A for Sign Material, Reflective Sheeting & Related Materials. Stimsonite and 3M were among the vendors who received copies of the ITB. After receiving the ITB, no interested vendor, including Stimsonite and 3M, requested that DMS clarify any of the ITB's general or special terms and conditions. Similarly, no one timely filed any protest to challenge any ITB terms or conditions. On or about December 28, 1995, DMS opened the bids submitted in response to the ITB. Thereafter, DMS evaluated the bids and determined which were responsive to the ITB requirements. Stimsonite and 3M were the only vendors to submit bid prices for ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22, which pertain to reflective sheeting. DMS's bid tabulations reflect that 3M and Stimsonite offered the following bid prices, per square foot, for reflective sheeting under ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22: Item No. 13 15 22 Stimsonite $3.5489 $3.2199 $3.2199 3M $3.588 $3.25 $3.25 On or about January 23, 1996, DMS posted the bid tabulations. DMS's bid tabulations specify an NAS (not as specified) code indicating reasons why it rejected certain bids. Stimsonite's bids on ITB Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22 were rejected as non-responsive with an indication of NAS Code 1. NAS Code 1 provides: "Vendor did not submit diskette as required by the bid." Stimsonite admittedly did not include a computer diskette with its 1995 bid. Because of the absence of the diskette, the Stimsonite bid had neither a price list nor a material list. No responding vendor, except 3M, included a computer diskette in response to the 1995 ITB. l3. DMS consistently rejected all bids submitted in response to its 1995 ITB which failed to include the required computer diskette(s). In evaluating the 1995 bids, DMS reviewed the material list information that 3M submitted with its bid in hard copy and on computer diskette. DMS posted its intent to award the bid to the only fully responsive bidder, 3M. Shortly after DMS posted the 1995 bid tabulations with its intent to award to 3M as the only responsive bidder, Stimsonite urged DMS to accept a materials list that Stimsonite had prepared on computer diskette. DMS refused to accept this diskette, which Stimsonite was offering nearly a month after the 1995 bid opening date. DMS rejected Stimsonite's late offering of the diskette because it was offered after bid opening, because it was offered after evaluation of bids, and because DMS's intent to award already had been posted. However, the greater weight of the evidence is that Stimsonite's after-offered diskette would not have met the 1995 ITB specifications even if it had been submitted simultaneously with Stimsonite's bid response. The after-offered diskette failed to offer the required size widths of reflective sheeting or the accessory items used with the sheeting such as process colors, inks, clears, and thinners. Stimsonite timely challenged the rejection of its 1995 bid as non- responsive and timely challenged DMS's intent to award the contract to 3M. Stimsonite contended, with regard to its failure to timely submit a conforming diskette, that the clear language of the 1995 ITB did not require the submission of a diskette for the items Stimsonite had chosen to bid on, and that submission of such a diskette could legitimately be made only by the successful bidder after bid opening. The 1995 ITB, which is at issue in this proceeding, contains the following Special Conditions directly related to a material list on Page 4: FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID On all bids which require any of the following documents: Manufacturer's or Dealer's Published Price Lists, Authorized Dealer's List Authorized Service Center Locations. Bidder shall provide these documents, with his bid, in a letter quality text response and with computer diskette media. The format for the computer diskette media shall be: WordPerfect 5.1 file format using an IBM Compatible Personal Computer, On 8-1/2" x 11" paper with portrait orientation, Margins: Left: minimum .3 inch; Right: minimum .8 inch, Top & Bottom: minimum .5 inch, Font: Courier 10 cpi, 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskette media, No landscape, No Tables or Columns, No Line Draw, No pictures, No strike- throughs and No Graphics allowed. These documents shall be submitted in hard copy as well as on 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskette media. [Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disqualification of your bid.] [Emphasis supplied] MATERIAL LIST A material list shall be provided on diskette formatted as specified in the Special Cond- ition "FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID" along with a print out of same for each item bid. The information must include product number for color, and size specified sheeting under the DMS thirteen (13) digit commodity number. If prices are included on the materials list they must be contract prices. [This list may be included on the same diskette as "Format for Submission of Bid" listed above.] (Emphasis supplied) Some other provisions of the 1995 ITB which affect the issues in this case are as follows: General Condition 4(b) on page 1 of the ITB specifies: ELIGIBLE USERS: Under Florida Law use of State contracts shall be available to political sub- divisions (county, local county board of public instruction, municipal or other local public agency or authority) and State Univer- sities, which may desire to purchase under the terms and conditions of the contract. General Condition 5 provides: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: No addition- al terms and conditions included with the bid response shall be evaluated or considered and any and all such additional terms and condi- tions shall have no force and effect and are inapplicable to this bid. If submitted either purposely through intent or design or inadver- tently appearing separately in transmittal letters, specifications, literature, price lists or warranties, it is understood and agreed the general and special conditions in this bid solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this bid and the bidder's autho- rized signature affixed to the bidder acknow- ledgment form attests to this. General Condition 7 states: INTERPRETATIONS/DISPUTES: Any questions con- cerning conditions and specifications shall be directed in writing to this office for receipt no later than (10) days prior to the bid opening. Inquiries must reference the date of the bid opening and the bid number. No interpretation shall be considered binding unless provided in writing by the State of Florida in response to requests in full comp- liance with this provision. . . General Condition 15 states: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicable provisions of all Federal, State, county and local laws, and of all ordinances, rules and regulations shall govern development, submittal and evalua- tion of all bids received in response hereto and shall govern any and all claims and dis- putes which may arise between person(s) hereto and the State of Florida, by and through its officers, employees and authorized represent- atives, or any other person natural or other- wise; and lack of knowledge thereof shall not constitute a legal defense against the effect thereof. General Condition 26 provides that: [THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER(S) MUST PROVIDE: a copy of any product literature and price list, in excellent quality black image on white paper.] [Emphasis supplied] On the bottom of page 2, after the list of General Conditions, there is a note which states: [ANY AND ALL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS ATTACHED HERETO WHICH VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE.] THIS SHEET AND THE ACCOMPANYING BID CONSTITUTE AN OFFER FROM THE BIDDER. IF ANY OR ALL PARTS OF THE BID ARE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES, AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DIVISION OF PURCHASING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES, SHALL AFFIX HIS SIGNATURE HERETO, AND THIS SHALL THEN CONSTITUTE THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS FORM BECOME A PART OF THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. [Emphasis supplied] Page 2A of the ITB contains a Vendor Bid Preparation Checklist. No. 16 thereof reminds all bidders to review the FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID for compliance with bid requirements. After the list of General Conditions, the Special Conditions begin on page 3 of the ITB. Among the Special Conditions of note in addition to the FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID and MATERIAL LIST, stated above, are: PURPOSE: ...to establish a 12 month contract by all State of Florida agencies and other eligible users ... TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION: ... When technical documentation is required by this ITB, its pur- pose is to demonstrate compliance of the pro- duct bid with applicable technical require- ments of the ITB and to allow a technical evaluation of the product. [Failure to provide the required technical documentation with the bid submittal shall make the bidder nonre- sponsive], unless the Division of Purchasing, in its sole discretion and in the best inte- rest of the State, determines the accept- ability of the products offered through technical documentation available within the Division [as of the date and time of bid opening]. ... [Emphasis supplied] ACCESSORIES: [Inks, colors, clears, and thinners, required for use with non-perfor- ated commodities shall be included in the price per square foot bid price.] [Emphasis supplied] BALANCE OF LINE: [The bidder shall bid a balance of line which will include options and accessories at a fixed discount. Only vendors awarded specified sheeting items will be eligible for a balance of line award. Items in the balance of line which are dupli- cative of those specified will be deleted. The balance of line price list must be in effect on the date and time of the bid opening]. [Emphasis supplied] The Specification Summary and Bid Price Sheets for bidding items 13, 15, and 22 of the ITB are found on pages 25, 26, and 27 of the ITB and were as follows: SPECIFICATION SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMODITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-350-0100 Sheeting, not perforated, reflective, Type IIIA, or Type IIIC sizes 1" through 48" by 50 yds, with a precoated pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). Primer Not Required. Sheeting (Both Types) shall be available in no less than the following colors: blue, brown, green, yellow, and silver-white. Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (13 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be in- cluded in the per square foot price bid]. [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMOD- ITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-350-0120 Sheeting, not perforated, reflective, Type IIIA, or Type IIIC sizes 1" through 48" by 50 yds, with a precoated pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). Primer Not Required. Sheeting (Both Types) shall be available in no less than the following color: orange Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (15 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be included in the per square foot price bid.] [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: SPECIFICATION SUMMARY AND PRICE SHEET COMMODITY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION NET DELIVERED PRICE 550-590-760-2600 Reflective sheeting, construction barricade sheeting, Type IIA, or IIIA, or IIIB, or IIIC pressure sensitive adhesive backing (Class I). 4" or 6" orange and white or orange and silver strips running diagonally across the sheeting at a 45 degree angle, size 12", 24" and 36" by 50 yds. Sheeting Manufacturer: Product No./Series: FDOT Qualified Products List Approval No. $ PER SQ. FT. (22 [Inks, colors, clears and thinners for use with non-preforated commodities shall be in- cluded in the per square foot price bid.] [Emphasis supplied] VENDOR: After the item-by-item specifications, the ITB provides a page (page 39) of specification summary and price sheet for bidding the "balance of line discount offered for directly related sign material, not specified on the Bid Price Sheet." That format requires that the bidder state a fixed percentage discount from the price list for balance of line items. "Balance of Line" as used by DMS in the ITB refers to any and all accessories that might be used with the individual Items that are bid. Stimsonite's bid supervisor claimed that Stimsonite's failure to submit a diskette containing a material list was a reasonable, and indeed a clear and unambiguous, reading of the 1995 ITB. He had read the ITB to provide that the three categories of list (a manufacturer's or dealer's published price list, authorized dealer list, or authorized service center location list) which were named under the Special Condition, FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID, on page 4 were required to be submitted on a diskette with the bid, but he also considered that the diskette was not required for the three items that Stimsonite bid upon (Items 13, 15, and 22 on pages 25, 26, and 27 at Finding of Fact 20 supra) because none of the categories of list under FORMAT were required specifically within those Item No. specifications on the subsequent specification pages. Apparently due to the admonition at the bottom of ITB page 2 of the General Conditions [see Finding of Fact 19(f)], he assumed that the Item No. instructions on the specifications and price summary sheets on pages 25, 26, and 27 took precedence over, i.e. supplanted, the Special Condition MATERIAL LIST paragraph requiring a material list for every item in both hard copy and on diskette which also included the requirement of including product numbers for color, size, and DMS commodity numbers. Stimsonite's bid supervisor also asserted that because the Special Condition MATERIAL LIST paragraph and the Item No. specifications of pages 25, 26, and 27 did not specifically reiterate that the material list diskette must be submitted with the bid, the material list diskette legitimately could be submitted after the bid award, as was attempted by Stimsonite. He ostensibly interpreted General Condition 26, applicable to successful bidders, to mean that only successful bidders must provide a price list and a material list. Accordingly, Stimsonite further argued in the alternative that even if the ITB could be construed to require submission of a material list on diskette, Stimsonite's failure to submit the diskette to DMS with the rest of its bid response was only a minor irregularity unworthy of being ruled unresponsive because DMS had no substantive need for the information on the material list diskette until it decided which bidder was going to be the successful bidder. The bid supervisor's perception that the information on the diskette was not needed for bid evaluation purposes was another reason he ostensibly did not timely submit a diskette. Stimsonite has not asserted that late submission was a waiveable irregularity. 1/ In fact and to the contrary, the diskette is used by DMS to evaluate bids for responsiveness. This evaluation technique was introduced in 1994. It allows the reviewer, in this case, Ms. Boynton, to use the material list on the diskette to determine if each bidder has actually bid everything DMS asked for in the item by item specifications. Without a diskette, the reviewer cannot confirm that a bid matches the ITB. DMS uses the bidder's material list on diskette to confirm that the bidder currently manufactures the full range of sheeting widths and sizes (1 inch through 48 inches by 50 yards), as the ITB requires, which is a nonstandard range in the reflective sheeting industry. Additionally, DMS uses the material list diskette to confirm that the bidder proposes to make the full range of required sheeting widths and sizes available to state and local government purchasers. (See General Condition (4)(b) ELIGIBLE USERS and Special Condition PURPOSE in the ITB) DMS also uses the material list diskette to ensure that the bidder will make the required range of inks, clears, colors, and thinners available at the bid price. After the bid has been awarded, Ms. Boynton also uses the diskette for dissemination to contract users for ordering purposes on the electronic contract system. The diskette system saves DMS the time and cost of wordprocessing data from hard copy and avoids transcription erors. This was one of the purposes behind DMS' decision to start requiring a diskette in 1994. It comports with General Condition 4(b) ELIGIBLE USERS and Special Conditions PURPOSE. The Stimsonite bid supervisor did not have a manufacturer's price list and was not offering any accessories other than those inks, etc. covered under the Special Condition ACCESSORIES paragraph and those stated on pages 25, 26, and 27. Therefore, he did not read the Special Condition BALANCE OF LINE paragraph saying duplicates listed on page 39 for balance of line would be disregarded by DMS as an indicator that DMS expected any balance of line bids to include more than just the inks, etc. listed under ACCESSORIES and on pages 25, 26, and 27. Because he could not conceive of any balance of line more extensive than the inks, etc. which seemed to him to be excluded by the language on the specifications summary and price sheets for each Item No. (ITB pages 25, 26, and 27) and the balance of line summary and price sheet (page 39), and because Stimsonite was offering these inks, etc. within the price per square foot of sheeting at no extra charge on pages 25, 26, and 27, Stimsonite's bid supervisor felt that the diskette was not needed to evaluate these prices. Therefore, when he showed a balance of line on the balance of line summary sheet (ITB page 39) he showed no discount and he submitted no material list or price list on diskette. The ITB required a discount if a balance of line was offered under Special Condition BALANCE OF LINE. According to DMS employees, a price list was only necessary if a balance of line was bid. If a balance of line was bid, then a price list was necessary. The result of Stimsonite's interpretation of the 1995 ITB was that Stimsonite submitted a bid without a diskette which therefore contained neither a price list nor a material list. The hard copy offered a balance of line with no discount from a price list. Responsiveness in bidding Item Nos 13, 15, and 22 in 1995 did not require that vendors submit an authorized dealer's list or service center location list. The ITB used the language "shall submit" with regard to bidding a balance of line, but according to Ms. Boynton, the evaluator, and Mr. Barker, Chief of DMS's Bureau of Procurement, submission of a balance of line was not mandatory. Ms. Boynton speculated that if DMS did not get a balance of line bid from a responding bidder, DMS "might possibly find it was a minor irregularity." Clearly, the ITB provided that if there were any duplications on the balance of line offering, the agency could unilaterally delete them. However, if a vendor did bid a balance of line, DMS would need a price list, since with a balance of line and no price list, there was no way to evaluate the bid because DMS then could not calculate what the percentage reduction would be based upon. Therefore, under this situation in 1995, Stimsonite's balance of line bid with no price list on diskette was rejected as nonresponsive. 2/ The greater weight of the credible evidence, particularly but not exclusively that of Ms. Boynton, Mr. Barker, and Mr. Johnson, is that allowing any bidder to turn in the diskette after bid opening and award would give that bidder the advantage of changing the balance of line prices. If permitted to submit the material list after award, the bidder could elect to offer only one size which would impose an additional cost on the contract users to provide labor and expertise to cut to size, thus lowering the bidder's cost. Under a scenario which required only successful bidders to submit a diskette, DMS would not have the opportunity to reject the bid if the information on the diskette was nonconforming to the bid specifications. The bidder who delayed or never submitted a diskette also could exclude cities and counties from the cost-saving electronic contract system and could take telephone orders from the Department of Transportation, one of the agencies eligible to tie-in to DMS's electronic contract. Requiring a diskette only after award might permit the successful bidder to limit the sizes and colors offered. By not submitting a diskette at all, even late, a bidder could even disqualify its bid and back out of the contract if that bidder unilaterally decided its bid was too low or if the price of raw materials increased. Experience with successful bidders who ultimately failed to submit a material list at all was another reason for DMS's decision to start requiring a diskette in 1994. Any of the foregoing situations creates an advantage to the bidder who files a diskette late or the bidder who never files a diskette. Any of the foregoing situations increases costs to the state agency and contract users. Factually, this is a material irregularity. Stimsonite alleged that 3M was unresponsive because its bid transmittal letter contained a paragraph on terms and conditions of sale and warranties. However, it appears that the warranty language in 3M's transmittal letter actually enhances its bid. Also, it is standard practice for DMS to ignore these letters pursuant to ITB General Condition 5, which states that transmittal letter variances are of no force and effect. Factually, since 3M's letter cannot be relied upon by 3M either to enhance or diminish its bid, and since all such letters are disregarded in the bid evaluation/tabulation, the transmittal letter is a minor, nondisqualifying irregularity as to the 3M bid. Stimsonite asserted that the 3M diskette was not responsive to the ITB specifications. There is no dispute that the diskette 3M submitted was in the wrong font. However, since font size can be customized by a "click" on a computer mouse, and since Ms. Boynton was able to use 3M's diskette for the purposes intended by the ITB specifications, the irregular font size of 3M's diskette is found factually to constitute an immaterial flaw not worthy of declaring 3M's bid nonresponsive. Finally, Stimsonite contended that because the 3M bid failed to answer an ITB question that requested information about why a vendor's price list was item by item higher or lower than previous years, the entire 3M bid was unresponsive. This contention was not acknowledged as viable by the agency witnesses. DMS, like 3M, viewed this question as only information gathering for some cost trend analysis by the agency apart from bid evaluation. The information requested could not alter the bid price offered by 3M and is not necessary to DMS's evaluation of its bid or comparison of its bid with other bids. It is a flaw systematically ignored by the agency in bid evaluation. There was no evidence that any bid has ever been rejected for such a flaw. The absence of such information does not affect the cost to the agency nor does its absence provide an advantage to 3M. Factually, it is a minor irregularity.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services enter a final order ratifying its award of ITB 20-550-590-A Item Nos. 13, 15, and 22 to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Inc. and dismissing the bid protest Petition of Stimsonite. RECOMMENDED this 14th day of June, 1996, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of June, 1996.

Florida Laws (4) 120.53120.57287.012287.057 Florida Administrative Code (2) 60A-1.00160A-1.002
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 29, 1993 Number: 93-000534BID Latest Update: Jun. 09, 1993

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether the decision of the Department of Management Services (Department) to reject the bid of National Data Products, Inc. (NDP), as non-responsive departed from the essential requirements of law.

Findings Of Fact Background On December 4, 1992, the Department of Management Services (Department) issued Invitation to Bid number 79-250-040-B REBID (hereinafter "the ITB") to establish a contract whereby eligible users could purchase microcomputers and optional components during the period of January 15, 1993, through October 31, 1993. The deadline for submitting sealed bids in response to the ITB was established as 2:00 p.m., December 16, 1992. At the time of the deadline, the Department received a number of bids, including those of petitioner, National Data Products, Inc. (NDP), and intervenor, Mon-Wal, Inc., d/b/a the Waldec Group (Waldec). On December 21, 1992, following its evaluation of the bids, the Department posted its bid tabulation. The bid tabulation indicated, inter alia, that, although NDP was the apparent low bidder, its bid had been rejected as non-responsive, and that Waldec was declared the low responsive bidder. Pertinent to this case, the predicate for the Department's rejection of NDP's bid was its conclusion that NDP had failed to include, as required by the ITB, the manufacturer's suggested retail price lists with its bid. NDP filed a timely notice of protest and formal written protest to contest the Department's decision. Such protest contended that the manufacturer's suggested retail price lists were included with its bid or, alternatively, that had they not been submitted, such oversight was a minor irregularity that should be waived. The Invitation to Bid The stated purpose of the ITB was to establish pricing for the purchase of microcomputers and optional components to be added to an existing contract for use by all State of Florida agencies and other eligible users. Specifically, the ITB invited bids for three separate product lines, Hewlett Packard, NCR and Zenith, and a bidder could respond with regard to one or more of the product lines. This bid protest relates only to that portion of the ITB regarding the Hewlett Packard (HP) product line. The ITB, apart from specifying the HP product line, did not identify any particular HP product or volume. Rather, the ITB sought to establish pricing by requiring each bidder to specify a percentage discount off the manufacturer's suggested retail price of all HP microcomputer systems and peripheral products. Pertinent to this case, the general conditions of the ITB provided: 9. AWARDS: As the best interest of the State may require, the right is reserved . . . to reject any and all bids or waive any minor irregularity or technicality in bids received. * * * 15. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Any price decrease effectuated during the contract period by reason of market change shall be passed on to the State of Florida . . . Price increases are not acceptable. * * * 24. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER(S) MUST PROVIDE: A copy of any product literature and price list, in excellent quality black image or white paper, or on 4 x reduction microfiche, suitable for duplication (120 lines resolution or better). * * * NOTE: ANY AND ALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS ATTACHED HERETO WHICH VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE. . . . And, the ITB contained the following special conditions: LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION Successful bidder shall be required to furnish State agencies and political subdivisions with price lists, (printed) descriptive literature and technical data service information for items awarded. Bidders are urged to reserve approximately 1,500 price lists for this purpose. * * * PRICE DISCOUNT SCHEDULE Bidders of brand name microcomputer systems and optional components, shall complete the price discount schedule in the format provided. The following information will be included: a copy of the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail current Price list (current Price list is the latest price list in effect between the "date mailed" as shown on the ITB and the Bid opening date), number and date, bid discount for microcomputer configured systems, bid discount for optional components not purchased as part of a microcomputer system. Separate bid discounts for government and education are requested, however education bid discounts must be greater than government bid discounts, for a separate award to be made. (See EVALUATION and AWARD paragraph, page 16, for evaluation and award criteria.) PRICING The discount offered and awarded shall remain firm for any product placed on the contract resulting from this bid, or for products added to the contract at a later date through revision to the contract. * * * MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE CHANGES When the list prices for products on the contract are reduced, the contractor shall submit new prices which reflect the same percentage off list price as was originally bid. When the contractor cannot continue to offer products at the contracted discount due to a general change in the manufacturer's pricing policy or other valid reasons, the State shall determine whether to allow the product line to remain on contract. The contractor shall provide to the Division of Purchasing, documentation to justify why the product line can no longer be offered at the contracted discount. The determination to allow the product line to remain on contract and under what conditions shall be at the discretion of the Division of Purchasing in the best interest of the State. In no instance may the new pricing result in an increase in net prices. Reductions in price shall be effective upon receipt of written notification to the Division of Purchasing and shall remain in effect for the balance of the contract term, unless further reduced by the contractor. In the event that the contractor announces a price reduction on any equipment listed on the contract prior to the purchaser's acceptance of said equipment, such price reduction shall be made available to the purchaser. * * * FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF BID PRICE SHEETS Referenced Price Lists, Ordering Instructions, Dealer Lists and Locations or Service Locations, required in this bid, must be submitted in hard copy with the bid package. Also provide with the bid package or within ten (10) working days after notification the identical information, in WordPerfect 5.1 format, portrait orientation with minimum 0.5 inch margins, Courier 10 pitch font, in hard copy and on 3.5 or 5.25 diskette media. Failure to comply will result in your contract being withheld from distribution. EVALUATION AND AWARD Bids will be evaluated as follows: Government and Education bids will be evaluated and awarded separately. The percentage (%) discount bid for each brand name, for each category (configured microcomputer systems and optional components), will be multiplied by an applicable usage factor, (the projected percentage purchases from each category) to be stated at the time of the bid opening, which will yield a weighted discount. The weighted discounts of the two categories will be added to yield the total weighted discount on which an award will be made. Awards will be made separately for Government, and Education (if applicable), to the responsive bidder offering the greatest total weighted discount. EVALUATION FORMULA (Micro (%) discount (x) usage factor) (+) plus (option components (%) discount (x) usage factor) = total evaluation (%) discount. * * * MICROCOMPUTERS AND OPTIONAL COMPONENTS PRICE DISCOUNT SCHEDULE GOVERNMENT EDUCATION Manufacturers MICROS OPTIONS MICROS OPTIONS Brand Name Catalog Date %DISCOUNT %DISCOUNT %DISCOUNT %DISCOUNT HEWLETT PACKARD 1(A) (B) (C) -NA- (D) -NA- NCR 2(A) (B) (C) (D) ZENITH 3(A) (B) (C) (D) MSPR: Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price from which discounts will be taken. Micros: Percentage discount for microcomputer systems. Options: Percentage discount for optional components when purchased Separately, not as a part of a microcomputer system. Responses to the ITB The price discount schedules submitted on behalf on NDP and Waldec were virtually identical except for the discounts offered. Each specified the HP catalog of October 1992 as containing the manufacturer's suggested retail price for personal computer products and the HP catalog of November 1992 for peripheral products from which percentage discounts would be taken for microcomputer systems and optional components. As to discounts, NDP bid 32.02% for microcomputer systems and 38.05% for optional components, and Waldec bid 25.90% for microcomputer systems and 39.92% for optional components. Following the bid opening, at which the bids were announced and tabulated, the bid documents were transported to the office of a Department purchasing specialist charged with the responsibility of evaluating the bids. Applying the evaluation criteria established by the ITB, NDP was calculated to be the apparent low bidder; however, because NDP's bid failed to include the MSRP lists, when examined by the specialist, it was declared non-responsive. The bid of Waldec, which scored second under the evaluation criteria, was found to include copies of the MSRP list referenced in its price discount schedule and was declared the low responsive bidder. The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) List With regard to Hewlett Packard, and ostensibly all manufacturers, there is only one manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) at any given time. That price may be established by reference to the MSRP list published by the company, as well as any addenda that may be pertinent. Hewlett Packard publishes separate MSRP lists for personal computer products and peripheral products at 90 day intervals and updates those lists on a monthly basis, as needed, through addenda, its "In Touch" publication, and "The Hewlett-Packard News Network." Each method used by HP to update its quarterly MSRP list is expected to provide identical information, and each is considered an addendum to its quarterly MSRP list from which the current MSRP can be derived. 2/ Here, the proof demonstrates that the "Manufacturer's Suggested Retail current Price list (current Price list is the latest price list in effect between the `date mailed' as shown on the ITB and the Bid opening date)" which the ITB directed should be included with the bid, was the HP quarterly MSRP list of October 1992 for personal computer products, the HP quarterly MSRP list of November 1992 for peripheral products, and an addendum effective December 1, 1992 (whether by addenda, "In Touch" or "The Hewlett-Packard News Network"), for personal computer products. NDP contends that included with its bid were copies of the October 1992 and November 1992 MSRP lists for personal computer products and peripheral products, respectively, and a copy of the December 1, 1992, "In Touch" newsletter. The parties have stipulated that if NDP's bid included such documents it was responsive to the ITB. Compared with NDP's averred response, Waldec's bid included a copy of the October 1992 MSRP list for personal computer products and the November 1992 MSRP list for peripheral products, but no addenda to reflect price changes affecting personal computer products through the bid opening date. Notwithstanding, the Department has found Waldec's bid responsive. Such finding, discussed more fully infra, mitigates against the Department's contention that any failure to include MSRP lists with the bid constitutes a material deviation. The missing price lists To support its position that its bid included the HP MSRP lists, NDP offered, inter alia, the testimony of Carol Hutchins, Kyle Peterson, and Jacqueline Smith. Ms. Hutchins is the government sales manager for NDP at its offices in Clearwater, Florida, and prepared NDP's bid. Mr. Peterson is the general manager of the Tallahassee branch office of NDP, and was responsible for delivering NDP's bid to the Department. Ms. Smith is employed in the Tallahassee branch office, and is engaged in government sales on behalf of NDP. The bid prepared on behalf of NDP by Ms. Hutchins ostensibly included a copy of HP's MSRP list of October 1992 for personal computer products, HP's MSRP list of November 1992 for peripheral products, and HP's "In Touch" newsletter for December 1992. This bid package, along with two blank copies of the price discount schedule (page 23 of the ITB) in case NDP decided to alter the discount it initially established in its bid before submittal, was shipped via Federal Express to Mr. Peterson at NDP's Tallahassee branch office. According to Mr. Peterson, the package was delivered to his office at or about 11:00 a.m., December 16, 1992, and placed on his desk. When he opened it, Mr. Peterson observed NDP's response to the ITB, as well as the MSRP lists heretofore discussed. Notwithstanding that the role of the Tallahassee branch was "very minor . . ., to act as courier for the bid and ensure that it was delivered in a timely manner," the bid package was disassembled at least twice within that office. First, Ms. Smith thought it would be a good idea to make a copy of the bid for their files, so she made a copy of NDP's bid, but not the MSRP lists. According to Ms. Smith, after making the copy she replaced the original bid on top of the MSRP lists on Mr. Peterson's desk. Second, NDP elected to change the discount rate it initially proposed so a new price discount schedule was typed by Mr. Peterson's staff, and he exchanged the new page for the old page in the bid document. Thereafter, according to Mr. Peterson, he inserted the bid package, including the price lists, into an envelope which he sealed and delivered to the Department shortly before the bid opening, to-wit: at 1:49 p.m., December 16, 1992. Both Mr. Peterson and Ms. Smith attended the bid opening and, at hearing, related what they recalled of the scene and procedures utilized. Regarding significant matters, their recitation of what occurred bore little resemblance to what actually transpired. For example, Mr. Peterson described the tenor of what occurred during the bid opening as one of confusion, when the more compelling proof demonstrates the contrary. Indeed, the two purchasing agents and the purchasing specialist who conducted the opening did so with precision and in accord with Department policy. Mr. Peterson, likewise, described the table upon which the bids were opened as being upon a raised platform when in fact it was not, and recalled that the purchasing agent who opened the bids separated the envelopes from the bid packages before passing the bid package to the purchasing specialist to announce the bid, which she did not. Finally, notwithstanding the limited nature of their involvement with the bid, as well as the fact that each was taking notes as each bid was announced, Mr. Peterson and Ms. Smith aver that they saw the price lists attached to NDP's bid when it was announced. As for Mr. Peterson, he averred that he noticed "stapled" booklets included with NDP's bid which could only have been the price lists. Ms. Smith recalls that the thickness of the bid package she observed at opening compels the conclusion that the price lists were attached. Given the circumstances, the testimony of Mr. Peterson and Ms. Smith regarding their observations at bid opening, and having specific recall regarding the presence of "stapled" booklets or the thickness of the package, is less than compelling. Regarding the bid opening procedure, the proof demonstrates that it was carefully and precisely run, consistent with Department policy. The first purchasing agent was seated on the left of the bid opening table, the purchasing specialist was seated in the center, and the second purchasing agent was seated to the right. The first agent had the sealed bids stacked alphabetically in front of her, opened one at a time, removed the contents from the envelope, placed the contents on top of the envelope and secured them with a rubber band, and passed the bid package to the specialist. The specialist opened the bid to the price discount schedule (page 23 of the ITB), read off the discount bid, and laid the bid package upside down to his right. Continuing through the responses, each bid or no bid was announced and placed on the appropriate stack to his right. The second agent recorded the bids on the bid tabulation sheet, as announced, and never touched the bid packages. Following the bid opening, the first agent retrieved the bids and, as to each bid, cut the date stamp off the envelope and stapled it to the first page of the bid form and, if the bid contained a form requesting notice of the bid result and a check for such service, removed the form and check and stapled them together for delivery to another employee to process. 3/ The bids, each separately secured by a rubber band, were then stacked and secured by another rubber band and taken to the office of another purchasing specialist for evaluation. When the agent took the bids from the bid room, no papers were left behind. The specialist who evaluated the bids found them in his office, as bound by the agent, between 3:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. that day, or approximately 45 minutes to one hour after the bid opening concluded. The specialist went through each bid separately to ascertain its responsiveness to the conditions of the ITB, and calculated the apparent low bidder by application of the evaluation formula contained in the ITB. Upon evaluation of NDP's bid, the specialist discovered that it did not include the price lists required by the ITB, and concluded that NDP's bid was, therefore, non-responsive. Considering the proof, it is most unlikely that the price lists that were to be included in NDP's bid were misplaced by the Department. Rather, it is more likely that such price lists were not included with NDP's bid, when it was delivered to the Department, because of an oversight at NDP's Tallahassee branch office. While the proof fails to support the conclusion that NDP's bid included the HP price lists when delivered to the Department, such failure is not dispositive of NDP's protest where, as here, such failing was a minor irregularity. Minor irregularity Rule 60A-1.001(31), Florida Administrative Code, defines the term "minor irregularity" as" A variation from the invitation to bid . . . terms and conditions which does not affect the price of the bid . . ., or give the bidder . . . an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other bidders . . ., or does not adversely impact the interests of the agency. Here, the Department rejected NDP's bid based on a uniform policy which it has established that the omission of a price list from any bid can never constitute a minor irregularity and always renders a bid non-responsive. The justification for such policy was stated as follows: . . . The purpose of requiring price lists is to insure that the vendor is bidding on the material that he has offered, that he has been certified by the manufacturer to act in their behalf. It also gives [the Department] the information by which [the Department] can provide price lists to agencies so the using agencies know the price lists from which they expect the discounts. Tr. 247. . . . A bidder can obtain a competitive advantage over competitors by failing to submit price lists with its bid because the bidder would then have the ability to disqualify its own bid in the event their quotation was out of line with the other bidders. Tr. 246. Also, by failing to submit a price list, a vendor may attempt to rely on price lists reflecting higher prices for the ultimate contract with the state. Tr. 268. [Department proposed findings of fact 21 and 22.] While the Department's concerns or rationale may be legitimate, depending on the facts of the case, they do not rationally support a uniform policy that a failure to include price lists with any bid can never be a minor irregularity. Stated differently, to explicate application of its policy in this case requires that the Department demonstrate that the concerns underlying its policy are existent in the instant bid. Here, at least with regard to NDP's bid, the proof fails to support the Department's policy. Of import to the resolution of the issue in this case are the provisions of the ITB regarding the price discount schedule, as follows: Bidders of brand name microcomputer systems and optional components, shall complete the price discount schedule in the format provided. The following information will be included: a copy of the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail current Price list (current Price list is the latest price list in effect between the "date mailed" as shown on the ITB and the Bid opening date), number and date, bid discount for microcomputer configured systems, bid discount for optional components not purchased as part of a microcomputer system. NDP's bid, consistent with Waldec's bid, specified the Hewlett Packard price lists of October 1992 and November 1992 as being the "current Price list" upon which it based its bid. Such lists are readily identifiable, and permitting NDP to provide such price lists after bid opening would not affect the price of its bid, give it any advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other bidders or adversely affect the interests of the agency. Also of import to the resolution of the issue in this case is the proof which demonstrates that during the course of its evaluation the Department did not know what the current price lists were, relied upon the bidders to comply with the requirement to attach current price lists, accepted Waldec's bid as responsive although it failed to include the December 1992 addendum, and proposed to rely on the manufacturer to resolve any disputes regarding discrepancies between lists. Such proof demonstrates that the price lists were a mere technicality, and that the provisions of the ITB, which specified the basis on which the bids were predicated as the manufacturers "current" price list, defined as "the latest price list in effect between the `date mailed' as shown on the ITB and the Bid opening date," were sufficiently precise to allow the parties to confidently contract. Here, none of the announced concerns of the Department, as set forth in paragraph 24 supra, have any applicability to NDP's bid. NDP's response to the price discount schedule was sufficiently precise to identify the price lists on which it was bidding (the material being offered), it submitted the required manufacturer's certificate demonstrating NDP was authorized to represent Hewlett-Packard (page 21 of the ITB), the provisions of the ITB required the successful bidder to furnish the state agencies and political subdivisions with price lists (page 10 of the ITB) after award, and NDP's identification of the price lists in the price discount schedule would preclude it from altering its bid after bid opening. In sum, NDP's failure to include the price lists with its bid was a minor irregularity that did not affect the price of the bid, give NDP an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other bidders, or adversely affect the interests of the agency.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered finding NDP's bid responsive, and awarding the subject bid to NDP as the lowest responsive bidder. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 31st day of March 1993. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March 1993.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60A-1.001
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