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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002517 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 1983

The Issue The issues presented in this matter concern the request by the Petitioner to be granted a management and storage of surface waters permit by Respondent. Respondent proposes to deny the permit based upon the perception that the activities contemplated by Petitioner: (1) are not consistent with the public interest as envisioned by Section 373.016, Florida Statutes, and 40C- 4.301(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, (2) are not a reasonable and beneficial activity, per Section 40C-4.301(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, alter the peak discharge rate of runoff from the proposed activity or the downstream peak stage or duration for the 1 in 10 year design storm, per Section 40C-4.301(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, (4) cause an increase in velocity or flood stage on lands other than those owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the applicant for the design storm, per Section 40C-4.301(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code, (5) cause an increase in flow or stage such that it would adversely affect lands other than those owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the applicant, per Section 40C-4.301(3)(c), Florida Administrative Code. 1/

Findings Of Fact A predecessor applicant had requested permission to construct and operate the water management system which is the subject of this controversy. The approximate acreage involved was 197 acres in Lake County, Florida. This acreage and requested activity was subject to the regulatory requirements of St. Johns River Water Management District. Clay Island Farms, Inc., hereinafter referred to as CIF, was substituted for the initial applicant and this matter has been litigated before the Division of Administrative Hearings on the continuing application of the Petitioner. The permit application number is 4- 8089. This application was considered with application number 4-8088, pertaining to property owned by A. Duda and Sons, Inc. Subsequently, the latter application shall be referred to as the Duda request for permit. Certain additional information was sought by Respondent from the applicants, CIF and Duda, in the permit review, by correspondence dated October 2, 1981. A copy of that correspondence may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 16 admitted into evidence. In particular, CIF was requested to prepare pre and post-development runoff rates in the 1 in 10, 1 in 25,and 1 in 100-year storms, to include stage-storage and stage-discharge rates for any and all retention facilities within the project design. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence contains a copy of the engineering report by CIF which are CIF's responses to the request for information. The date of the engineering report is July 12, 1982. The CIF application, as originally envisioned, called for the construction of exterior and interior ditches to be placed around a dike of 71 feet MSL elevation. The dike would enclose a proposed farm operation of approximately 197 acres, should the permit be granted. Within that 197 acre plot, would be found numerous drainage ditches to include major ditches and minor arterial ditches. The purpose of those ditches found in the 197 acres would be to serve as a conveyance for rainfall runoff. The system of conveyance would be connected to an existing conveyance system already in place and related to farm operations of A. Duda and Sons. The runoff would be eventually placed in a retention pond and at times discharged from that retention pond or basin into Lake Apopka by means of gravity flow. The particulars of the development of the 197 acre plot and its service dike, canals, and ditches are more completely described in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, which is the engineering report for the surface water management permit application. The CIF application was reviewed by the staff of the Respondent. Recommendation was made to deny the permit. Details of that denial may be found in Respondent's Exhibit No. 1. In the face of the denial, CIF requested an administrative hearing. This request was made on August 27, 1982, by petition for formal Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, hearing to determine Petitioner's entitlement to the requested permit. St. Johns River Water Management District, in the person of its governing board, determined to refer this matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the formal proceeding and the request for the assignment of a hearing officer was received by the Division on September 13, 1982, leading to the final hearing in this cause. During the course of the final hearing, the CIF permit application was modified in a fashion which reduced the amount of acreage sought for cultivation. Now, approximately 122 acres would be farmed per the amended proposal. A general depiction of the design of the project in its amended form may be found in the engineer's sheet, which is Petitioner's Exhibit No. 20 admitted into evidence. When contrasted with the engineering drawings set out in Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 1, the new design is essentially the same as contemplated in the original permit application, on a lesser scale. Other than dimensions, the basic concepts of the CIF operation would remain the same under the amended proposal. At present, Petitioner proposes to remove the vegetation which covers the subject 122 acre plot and to conduct a muck farming operation. That vegetation is mostly mixed hardwood with the primary species being red maple. The soil in this area is constituted of monteverde muck, which is conducive to the production of corn and carrots, the crops which Petitioner would plant, to prepare the land for the operation, the system of ditches dikes and canals described would be installed following the cleaning, draining, and leveling of the 122 acres. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10 admitted into evidence depicts land which has been cultivated and the subject 122 acres in its undisturbed state. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4 admitted into evidence shows the overall CIF area is outlined in red, except for its southerly extent, which carries a red and yellow line on the exhibit. This exhibit depicts Wolfshead Lake which is a small interior lake in the southeastern corner of the overall CIF property. The yellow line in the middle of the CIF property represents, the location of a former north-south canal. The westernmost north-south reach, which is shown with a red line, depicts a canal which runs north from Wolfshead Lake into the existing Duda system of canals and ditches. The Duda operation has attempted to plug that north-south canal on the western fringe to stop the flow from the area of Wolfshead Lake, but has been unsuccessful and the water still enters the Duda farm ditches and canals. In the 1940's and early 1950's, the CIF property had been partially developed for a cattle operation and truck farming. Those canals, as described before, were installed, together with the diagonal yellow line on Petitioner's Exhibit 4, which represents a canal that was built with an axis running northeast and southwest. In addition, there was a centrally placed east-west canal and a slough running from Wolfshead Lake in a southeasterly direction. The slough is still there, although water that might be diverted from the Wolfshead Lake area into the slough is flowing north in the westerly north-south canal at present. If the project were allowed, most of the water flowing in and around the Wolfshead Lake would be introduced into the slough and from there exit to Lake Apopka. The center north-south canal and the interior east-west canal, together with the diagonal canal, are not in operation at present. The center north-south-canal would become the approximate eastern boundary of the 122 acres with the western north-south canal representing the approximate western boundary of the 122 acre plot. The northern boundary of the CIF property is constituted of an east-west canal which is part of the present Duda system. This is the only one of the canals associated with the former farming operation on the CIF property which is part of any maintained system of conveyances presently in existence. Approximately 1,000 acres are being farmed by Duda and Sons in property north of the proposed project. The Duda permit application, 4-8088 as granted, is described in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 13 which is a copy of the permit. This acreage is generally found to the northwest of the CIF plot, and would allow an additional 300 acres to be farmed in that muck area, on land which has been cleared for the most part and/or which has an elevation predominantly above 68.5 feet MSL. Eighty acres of the proposed Duda permit application was denied based upon the fact that it had not been cleared prior to the Duda permit application and in consideration of the amount of the 80 acre segment which lies below 68.5 feet MSL. The elevation 68.5 feet MSL represents the flood plain for the 1 in 10 year rainfall event for Lake Apopka. The area of the Duda permit is depicted on Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4 and outlined on that exhibit with lines of green and yellow at the southern end, green and yellow and red and yellow on its western flanks, red at the north end and by red on the east side, together with a Duda drainage ditch, which runs north from the terminus of the north-south drainage ditch coming from Wolfshead Lake and the east-west drainage ditch at the northern extent of the CIF property. Exhibit No. 4 was made prior to clearing operations depicted in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10 and that letter exhibit is a more correct indication of the appearance of the new Duda permit property today. A green diagonal line running northwest and southeast intersecting with a line running east-west and a line running north-south depicts the approximate part of the 80 acres, which lies below 68.5 feet MSL, as shown in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4. Farm operations, in keeping with the authority of Permit No. 4-8088, have not commenced. If the CIF permit application is successful, the original 1,000 acres, approximately 300 acre area of the Duda permit and the 122 acres of CIF, would be tied in by a system of conveyance ditches or canals allowing the interchange and transport of water through and around the three farm areas. The existing retention pond would be expanded to accommodate the additional farm acreage. The Petitioner is willing to increase the present retention pond to a design capacity which would equal one acre of basin for each ten acres of farm land, at the place in time when all three elements of the muck farm operation were under way. This again pertains to the existing 1,000 acres, the approximately 300 acre recent Duda permit, and the 122 acres related to the CIF application. With the addition of the CIF acreage, when water in the ditches reached 67.1 feet MSL, this would cause the engagement of a 40,000 GPM pump allowing the ditch water influent into the retention pond. The pump automatically would shut off at any time the water level in the access ditches to the pond dropped below 61 feet MSL. The primary purpose of the retention pond is to make water available for irrigation of crops, in its present state, and as contemplated with the addition of the CIF project. The pond does and would detain farm water for a period of about a day allowing the settling out of certain nutrients which are in particulate form. The existing pond and in its expanded form does not and would not filter nutrients which have been dissolved and have become a part of the water column. At times of high incidence of rainfall, when the crops are inundated with water for a 48-hour period of time, the retention pond is now designed and as contemplated by the addition of the CIF farm land, would allow for the discharge of effluent into Lake Apopka through two discharge culverts. The discharge is by means of gravity through an adjustable riser system. The retention pond as presently designed and as contemplated in its expansion has established the height at which water would be released from the retention pond into Lake Apopka through the riser at 68 feet MSL. The occasion of high incidence of rainfall occurs during the normal rainy season in a given year. Discharge could also be expected in the 1 in 10 year, 24hour storm event. During that storm event or design, Lake Apopka would rise to a level of 68.54 feet MSL, a level which would correspond to the 10year flood plain. Whether in the pre or post-development phase of the 122 acres, waters from that acreage would be discharged during the course of the storm through culverts leading from the retention pond into Lake Apopka. This process would continue until the gravity flow stopped at the moment where the water level in the pond and the water level in Lake Apopka adjacent to the discharge culverts achieved equilibrium of elevation. At that point in time, the gravity flow or discharge from the retention basin would cease, there no longer being a positive gradient from the detention pond to Lake Apopka. There will be some amount of discharge in the 24-hour storm event through the culverts at the retention pond either in the pre or post-development phases of the project, because, at present, the western most north-south ditch, which is found at the western boundary of the CIF property, allows water to flow north into the present Duda ditch system, water which has fallen on the 122 acres in question. From the ditch system, that water finds its way into the retention pond and thus into the lake. The contemplated system to be installed with the 122 acres at build-out would also allow water from the 122 acres to go through a system of conveyances and to the retention pond and from there into Lake Apopka. Although considerable testimony was presented by both parties on the subject of comparing pre-development and post-development peak discharge rates of runoff from the proposed activity, in the 1 in 10 year, 24-hour storm design or event, neither party has satisfactorily proven the dimensions of the pre-development and post-development peak discharge rates of runoff from the proposed activity. This determination is made having reviewed the testimony and the exhibits in support of that testimony. Notwithstanding a lack of proof of this differential with exactitude, it has been shown by the testimony and exhibits that the post- development peak discharge rate of runoff in the 1 in 10 year, 24-hour design storm or event can be expected to exceed that of the pre-development rate. On the associated topic of the ability of the post-development design to accommodate the differential in peak discharge rate of runoff between pre- development and post-development, Petitioner has failed to establish this proof. The modeling that was done by the Petitioner, in an effort to depict the differential as 10 acre feet with an available capacity of attenuation approximating 26 acre feet within the system of ditches, is not convincing. Nor has petitioner shown that there is sufficient storage in the retention pond, in the course of the storm event. The data offered in support of Petitioner's position does not sufficiently address accommodation of the drainage from areas surrounding the 122 acres in question, which are not part of the Duda system; the amounts of water already found in the system of ditches and canals at the onset of the storm event; the amount of water located on the crops at the onset of the storm event, which would have to be removed; and the amount of water already found in the retention pond at the time of the storm event. During the 1 in 10 year 24-hour storm, the CIF 122 acres will be protected by the 71-foot MSL dike, in that the expected elevation of Lake Apopka would not exceed 68.54 feet MSL. The dike would also protect the 122 acres in the 25, 50, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events whose elevations are anticipated to be 68.98, 69.28, and 69.56 feet MSL, respectively. As a consequence, an increase in flood stage would occur on lands other than those controlled by CIF. The amount of increase in flood stage would be approximately .046 inches during the 1 in 10 year storm, and an increasingly greater amount for the larger storms. It was not established where the amount of water which could not be staged on the 122 acres would be brought to bear through the surface flow on the 31,000 acres of water which constitute Lake Apopka. Nonetheless, that water could be expected to increase the flood stage on lands other than those of the Applicant. Possibly the dikes protecting the muck farms on the northern side of Lake Apopka could be influenced by the .046 inches in elevation due to the forces associated with the 1 in 10 year storm event, such as winds and movement of the water in the lake. This is true, notwithstanding the fact that the design goal of the dikes in the area is 71 feet MSL. The dikes are constituted of muck and are susceptible to overtopping, erosion, or blowout. By history, there have bean dike failures in the northern end of Lake Apopka, and associated increases in stage or flood stage. This incremental increase in water level in the 1 in 10 year storm event, due to the CIF development, when considered in the context with the other influences of that storm event, could possibly be the determining incident leading to dike failure in the northern perimeter of Lake Apopka. However, given the history of dike failures, prior to this potential loss of the storage area on the applicant's property, it has not been shown that the proximate cause of dike failure in the 1 in 10 year storm could be expected to be the contribution of an additional .046 inches of water on the lake surface. Those failures existed prior to the potential for the addition of water and were the result of inadequate maintenance of a structure which demanded a better quality of attention. Nonetheless, the additional amount of water could be expected to exacerbate the extent of a dike breach in any 1 in 10 year storm event that occurred subsequent to the development of the CIF 122 acres. In summary, the likelihood that the increase in elevation of water caused by the loss of storage on the subject property will be the critical event that causes a dike failure is not accepted. A dike could breach because of the influence of the storm even itself, without regard for the incremental increases in water elevation due to loss of water storage on the CIF property. The poor condition of some dikes due to less than adequate design or maintenance, would promote that dike failure and be exacerbated to the extent of more water being introduced on that property through the incremental amount of increase due to loss of storage on the CIF property. The dike failure circumstance in and of itself would not be sufficient to deny the permit application; however, the applicant had the burden of addressing the possible problem of increases in stage or flood stage on other properties, not its own, which are not protected by dikes. This showing was not made by the applicant, notwithstanding the fact that an increase in stage or flood stage could be expected to occur on property fronting Lake Apopka, which property is not protected by any form of artificial barrier. The installation of the protective dike aground the 122 areas of the CIF property in the 1 in 10 year design storm and potentially at times of lesser rainfall events, could be expected to increase the stage or flood stage on lands unprotected by dikes and thereby adversely affect lands other than those controlled by the applicant. Most of the 122 acres and the property to the east of that development and a portion of the undeveloped 80 acres in the recent Duda permit would be inundated in the 1 in 10 year storm event, prior to development. This is true because the elevation of much of that property is approximately 67.5 foot MSL. During the 1 in 10 year storm event, it would store approximately one foot of water, as presently constituted. It could also be expected to be inundated on an average of approximately once in two years. Lake Apopka is a part of a controlled system of lakes known as the Oklawaha River chain of lakes. Respondent regulates the water level in that chain of lakes by operation of a lock on the Apopka-Beauclair canal. The maximum desirable elevation of 67.5 feet MSL for Lake Apopka is a part of the regulation schedule found in Respondent's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence. In the 1 in 10 year or better storm event, the Apopka-Beauclair system could not draw down the surface water at a rate faster than 27 days per foot, even assuming the lock was fully open to flow. Consequently, those properties that were suffering an, increase in flood stage on their surface could not expect to gain prompt relief through the regulation of waters in the Oklawaha River chain of lakes. Lake Apopka is an hyper-eutrophic lake. Although it is classified as Class III water body (ambient water quality) within the meaning of Section 17- 3.161, Florida Administrative Code, it fails to match that classification in terms of its actual water quality. This is as a consequence of its highly eutrophic state, brought about by the age of the lake and the contributions of man. Some of the contributors to the eutrophication have been removed from the lake area and water quality has improved. Those facilities removed were sewage treatment and citrus processing plants around the Lake Apopka rim. The muck farms remain and the quality of the water in the retention basins or ponds when compared to the receiving waters of Lake Apopka is similar in nature. Consequently, the receiving waters are not enhanced in their water quality when the retention ponds discharge water into Lake Apopka. As stated before, the retention ponds do not have as their primary purpose the treatment of water. Any water quality improvement is a secondary function of the retention pond. The retention ponds do improve the water somewhat, as described, and are adequately sized to fulfill that partial cleansing. Whether the water quality in Lake Apopka would ever improve sufficiently to allow Lake Apopka to become a more diversified habitat for fish and wildlife is not certain, even if all contributing discharges of pollutants were curtailed, to include the discharge of water from the muck farms with its high nutrient loads. Nonetheless, Lake Apopka cannot accomplish the recovery if the effluent from the muck farms continues to be introduced into the lake with the present constituents found in the water. Out of concern for the water quality in Lake Apopka, officials of the University of Florida have conducted experiments on nutrient removal which they hoped would approximate the quality of removal accomplished by transitional vegetation and swamp. (The 122 acres at issue and the western and eastern adjoining property are constituted of these water treatment zones.) This experiment of nutrient removal through use of retention ponds calls for the retention of the muck farm water for a period of six days allowing settlement of particulates and for the vegetation within those experimental retention basins to uptake dissolved nutrients. Several types of vegetation are used to gain a better quality of nutrient uptake add the vegetation is harvested every six to eight weeks to improve that performance. The experiment has shown that the quality of water discharged from the ponds utilized by the University of Florida was comparable in its quality to the natural wetlands system water discharge. The natural wetlands discharge is of a better quality than the receiving waters. Unlike the university experiment, the pond contemplated by CIF primarily emphasizes detention for a shorter period of time than was used in the experiment and allows highly eutrophic water to be mixed with that quality of water already found in Lake Apopka. The only exception to that comment is that water flowing from Wolfshead Lake, which is south of the proposed 122 acres, is a high quality of water, and through the project as contemplated, this water would be directly introduced into Lake Apopka through a flow over a natural wetlands system. This is in opposition to the present situation where the water from Wolfshead Lake flows primarily to the north through an existing canal and is mixed with water from the muck farm and is, therefore, of the eutrophic character as opposed to the high quality character. The Duda permit, which was issued, would allow the introduction of water which is similar in character to the water of Lake Apopka, through the system of ditch conveyances, placement in the retention pond, and at times, flow to the lake. In its effect, the nutrient loading which occurs by introduction of waters from that new farm, would be similar to that proposed in the CIF project. The fact of this similarity does not prohibit the district from evaluating water quality matters on the occasion of the CIF permit decision. Should the 122 acres be converted from natural vegetation to a muck farm, wildlife and fish habitat would be adversely impacted. The habitat provided by the plot is in scarce supply and is essential to the maintenance of a diversified fish population. The hardwood swamp, which is part of and adjacent to the 122 acres of the CIF application, supports benthic invertebrates, which are a food source for game fish. The type of vegetation found in the lake, due to its eutrophic state, is plankton and one of the by- products of the reproduction of that plant through the process and respiration is the destruction of the fish population. This occurs in the summer months. The plankton has replaced the emergent and submergent vegetation which once covered as much as two-thirds of Lake Apopka and now represents .05 percent of the lake. As a consequence, game fish have diminished over a period of years with plankton feeding fish predominating. Consequently, the fish population is less diverse and the removal of the vegetation becomes a significant contributor to the imbalance in fish population.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57373.016373.079373.413373.416 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40C-4.301
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deltona, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002403 Latest Update: Jul. 25, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).

Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57373.086 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40C-4.30140C-4.30240C-4.33140C-4.75162-302.30062-4.242
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001817 Latest Update: Mar. 12, 1979

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, E. F. Guyton, has filed an application for a permit which would allow the dredging of a boat slip and construction of a sedimentation basin with boat storage, specifically requiring the excavation of a boat basin, access canal, and access channel on his property which is located on the west shore of Crescent Lake, in Putnam County, Florida. The permit application number is 54-6806. The Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, is an agency of the State of Florida which has the responsibility of appraising those applications such as the one submitted by the Petitioner, E. F. Guyton, and making a decision to grant or deny that permit. The authority for such action on the part of the Respondent resides in Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17, Florida Administrative Code. This cause comes on for consideration based upon the Respondent's letter of intent to deny the application, as dated August 22, 1978, after which the Petitioner has filed its petition challenging that intent to deny and requesting that the permit be granted. The petition in behalf of the Petitioner was received by the office of the Respondent on September 8, 1978. It was subsequently assigned to the Division of Administrative Hearings for consideration and that Notice of Assignment was dated September 28, 1978. The proposal for permit calls for excavation of a boat basin 100 feet wide and 480 feet long, leading into an access canal 25 feet wide and 500 feet long. This excavation is in the vicinity of an existing intermittent natural stream. The proposal would call for the removal of approximately 21,000 cubic yards of silt and sand, landward of mean high water. The excavation would be accomplished by use of a dragline to a depth of -2.0 feet MSL. The basin and canal slopes would be 2:1 and stabilization of slopes would be assured by riprap and grassing. A concrete spillway would be constructed at the upper end of the basin to direct the stream flow into the basin. In addition, the proposal calls for the dredging of an access channel through the shallow littoral zone of Crescent Lake to the mouth of the proposed access canal. The dredging involved with the access channel would cause the removal of 400 cubic yards of sediment from an area 250 feet long and as wide as 30 feet. The proposed depth of the channel is 2.0 feet MSL and slide slopes would be 5:1. The spoil would be pumped to a dike holding area on adjacent uplands. The Respondent's Exhibit No. 1, which is the permit application, offers a sketch of the boat basin with secondary sedimentation feature and the attendant access canal and channel. The project lies between U.S. Highway 17 and Crescent Lake, Areas to the south and west of the site are pasture and bayhead wetlands and they serve as a watershed for the aforementioned intermittent stream. Other upland areas in the vicinity are dominated by fully-drained flat woods and well-drained sand hill and messic oak terrain. The project site waterward of the mean high water is part of a shallow littoral zone of the west shore of Cresent Lake. The intermittent stream receives the runoff from the pastureland and drainage from U.S. Highway 17. There is a pronounced change in elevation during the course of the intermittent stream. The submerged littoral zone of the lake, which includes the proposed site of the access canal, falls away at a gentle slope and includes a number of supporting hardwoods, predominantly bald cypress. The area also includes submerged emergent vegetation, which is found in the shallows offshore. These shallows are exposed to favorable sunlight from the point of view of the health of this vegetation. The vegetation includes an emergent bed of oft stem bulrush (Sicrpus validus) which is in line with the proposed channel. Within the photic zone there is submerged tape grass (Valisneria americana) and naiad (Najas sp.). On the shore of Crescent Lake at the project site is found a hardwood swamp in its natural form, together with a creekbed which divides into numerous channels fanning out in the direction of the lake itself. This area of the creekbed contains bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), red maple (Acer rubrum), swamp ash (Fraxinus panciflora), black willow (Salix nigra), black gum (Nyssa biflra), water hickory (Carya aquatica), and wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). The herbs and ferns in this area include penny wort (Hydrocotyl umbellata), arrow- arum (Peltandra virginica), leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium), and royal fern (Osmunda regalis). The sediments found in the creek area are sandy to silty sand. In the area where the boat basin/sedimentation facility would be located, the present intermittent stream is much more confined than in the area of the creekbed. Only in times of heavy rainfall does the water come outside the banks of the intermittent stream and inundate the surrounding territory. This portion of the stream is densely vegetated by a mixture of hydrophytes, facultative hydrophytes, an optimally situated upland species. These include sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), black gum (Nyssa biflora), and red maple (Acer rubrum). Additionally, there are slash pine (Pinus elliotii), long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), dahoon (Ilex cassine), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), water oak (Quercus nigra), wild azalea (Ericaceae), and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens). The sedminets in this area range from very sandy in the slightly higher elevations adjacent to the stream bed to a heavy peat which is found predominantly in the bay tree locations. The uplands in the agricultural area are dominated by water oak, slash pine, long leaf pine, live oak and saw palmetto. A more graphic depiction of the project site and in particular as it relates to the intermittent stream, shore line upland agricultural area, and U.S. Highway 17 may be found in the Petitioner's Exhibits 1 and 2 and the Respondent's Exhibits 2 through 15, which are photographs of the project site. There are numerous varieties of fish in the area of Crescent Lake through which the access channel would be routed. These include: Seminole killifish (Fundulus seminolis), naked goby (Gobiosoma bosci), black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), brook silversides (Labidesthes sicculus), sunfish (Lepomis sp.), large-mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and Atlantic needlefish (Strongylura marina) . In addition, there are 35 species of invertebrates which were collected in the studies made by employees of the Respondent in their assessment of this permit application. The names of those invertebrates may be found in the Respondent's Exhibit No. 19 which was admitted into evidence in the course of the hearing. The vegetation and shallow water with a sandy bottom, together with the numbers and species of macro invertebrates, small fishes and immature game fishes point to the fact that this part of the lake serves as a valuable site for the propagation of fish, otherwise referred to as a spawning ground. The water quality in Crescent Lake at the site of the project is good, from the standpoint of gross observations. However, there have been some indications of eutrophication in Cresent Lake. A more complete understanding of the water quality may be gained from an examination of the Respondent's Exhibits 21 through 41 admitted into evidence. These exhibits are constituted of certain water quality reports rendered after extensive testing in Crescent Lake. The rainfall in the area exceeds 54 inches a year, with 50 percent of that rainfall being recorded in the wettest quarter, in which over 7 inches a month would fall. July has recorded 15 inches as a mean measurement over the last 80 years, with the month of May showing less than 2 inches, the month of September showing less than 2 inches and the month of October less than 1 inch. In considering the proposed project, a beginning point would be an examination of the ability of the primary filtration pond and secondary filtration function found in the boat basin, to adequately disperse the pollutants which will come into the system from the agricultural area and U.S. Highway 17. That treatment system is inadequate. The inadequacy exists because in periods of low rainfall the pollutants will settle to the bottom of the siltation system and will not be dispersed evenly. This cycle of low rainfall when followed by heavy rainfall, such as occurs in July, will cause the pollutants to be rapidly discharged from the system into the basin of the lake, either in a dissolved form or a free form, causing an unreasonable dilatorious effect to water quality and creating possible turbidity. The confined nature of the proposed channel which empties into the lake will promote scouring because the water is coming out in a more confined area than the natural access allows at present. In addition, the flow velocity in the secondary siltation system is not strong enough to flush out the pollutants in an efficient manner. Finally, channelization promoted by the system would remove a certain percentage of the biological treatment that occurs in the natural intermittent stream, thereby introducing a greater quantity of pollutants into the lake and reducing oxidation that this biological treatment and natural course of the intermittent stream bed now provides. The project, as contemplated, is very similar in its nature to the canal system in Dunns Creek, a body of water adjacent to Crescent Lake. A study conducted on that canal system revealed a very poor quality of dissolved oxygen, which falls below the water quality standards for Class III waters. (A copy of this report may be found as Respondent's Exhibit No. 20 admitted into evidence.) These are the same standards that would apply to Crescent Lake. In addition, there is a lack of flushing and the development of aquatic weeds deterimental to the fish and invertebrates located in the area of the Dunns Creek canals. Therefore, a similar problem could be expected in the project now under consideration. If the project were completed, the excavation of the material would cause disruption of the sediment and water quality degradation if precipitation occurred during the excavation. Efforts at turbidity control would not protect against a heavy rain and the maturely vegetated stream bed and productive littoral vegetation and substrates would be lost. The long term effects of the project would cause degradation of the water quality and a loss of fish and wildlife resources in the impact area. The filtrative assimilative capacity provided by the algae, shrubs, trees and associated substrates involved in the process of absorption and in aerobic bacterial metabolism, would be eliminated by the project and replaced by an intermittently flushed, highly nutrified shallow water lagoon and canal. Pollutants associated with boat operations would further compound the water quality problems and perpetual sediment disruption would occur because of a natural result of shallow water maintenance and use of the system. Siltation and periodic discharge of degraded basin water into the littoral zone of the lake would adversely effect the productive potential and the habitat potential offered by this area in its present form. Based upon a full assessment of the project, it is established that there would be increased and harmful erosion, shoaling of the channel and the creation of stagnant areas of water. It would also cause an interference with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife to an extent that is contrary to the public interest. It would promote the destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nurseries or feeding grounds for marine life and established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as a nursery or feeding ground for marine life or natural shoreline processes to an extent contrary to the public interests. These failings are in direct contravention of Chapter 253, Florida Statutes. The project would be contrary to State Water Quality Standards, as developed pursuant to authority of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. Thus, the Petitioner has failed to give reasonable assurances that the immediate and long term impacts of the project would not result in a violation of the State Water Quality Standards, as required by Rule 17-4.28(3), Florida Administrative Code.

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deltona, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002409 Latest Update: Jul. 25, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).

Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57373.086 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40C-4.30140C-4.30240C-4.33140C-4.75162-302.30062-4.242
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida Sep. 22, 2017 Number: 17-005328 Latest Update: Aug. 16, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent, Krista Howard,2/ is entitled to issuance of the Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Recommended Intent to Grant Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, as announced by Respondent, Department of Environmental Protection, in the Consolidated Notice of Intent to Issue Environmental Resource Permit and Lease to Use Sovereignty Submerged Lands issued on July 28, 2017, and subsequently amended on January 11, 2018.3/

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Defenders is a Florida non-profit corporation that has been in existence since the mid-1980s or earlier. Defenders' primary purpose is to protect and preserve Crooked Lake so that it may remain an Outstanding Florida Water ("OFW") for all members of the public to use and enjoy. Defenders has more than 25 members who reside in Polk County, Florida. Its membership consists of approximately 100 family memberships, mostly comprised of persons who live on or near Crooked Lake. Petitioners Gerards are riparian landowners on Crooked Lake, whose property is located immediately adjacent to, and slightly to the northwest of, Respondent Howard's property. The Gerards' home address is 1055 Scenic Highway North, Babson Park, Florida 33827. Respondent Howard is the applicant for the Consolidated Authorization for the Dock. Howard's property, which is riparian to Crooked Lake, is located at 1045 Scenic Highway North, Babson Park, Florida 33827. Respondent DEP is the administrative agency of the State of Florida statutorily charged with, among other things, protecting Florida's water resources. As part of DEP's performance of these duties, it administers and enforces the provisions of chapter 373, part IV, Florida Statutes, and the rules adopted pursuant to that statute. Pursuant to that authority, DEP determines whether to issue or deny applications for ERPs. Pursuant to section 253.002, Florida Statutes, DEP also serves as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund ("Board of Trustees") and, in that capacity, reviews and determines whether to issue or deny, applications for approval to use sovereignty submerged lands.5/ DEP Review of the Application The Dock is proposed to be located on sovereignty submerged lands and in surface waters subject to State of Florida regulatory jurisdiction. Therefore, an environmental resource permit and a sovereignty submerged lands lease are required. On or about February 14, 2017, Todd Rickman, Howard's professional contractor who designed the Dock, filed an Application for a Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease for Existing Structures and Activities6/ ("Application") with DEP's Southwest District Office, seeking approval to construct and operate the Dock. On or about March 15, 2017, DEP requested additional information regarding the project. Howard submitted the requested items, and the Application was determined complete on May 30, 2017. Notice of DEP's receipt of the Lease portion of the Application was provided as required by section 253.115. The comment period commenced on June 15, 2017, and ended on July 6, 2017. As previously noted, on July 28, 2017, DEP issued the Consolidated Notice of Intent, proposing to issue the Consolidated Authorization to construct and operate the Dock. On January 11, 2018, DEP amended the Consolidated Notice of Intent to accurately reflect the "clearly in the public interest" permitting standard for the ERP portion of the Consolidated Authorization, which is applicable to projects proposed in OFWs. Background Crooked Lake Crooked Lake (also, "Lake") is an approximately 4,247-acre freshwater lake in Polk County, Florida. It is an irregularly shaped karst lake roughly resembling an inverted "L," with the longer axis running north to south. It is located on the Lake Wales Ridge. Crooked Lake is designated an OFW by Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-302.700(9)(i)9.7/ The Lake is classified as a Class III waterbody pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-302.400(15).8/ The elevations and bottom contours in Crooked Lake vary substantially throughout the Lake. Thus, water depths may, and generally do, vary substantially from one location to another throughout the Lake. The water levels in Crooked Lake fluctuate frequently and, at times, dramatically, depending on rainfall frequency and amounts. A graph prepared by Petitioners' Witness James Tully, using Southwest Florida Water Management District ("SWFWMD") historical water level data for Crooked Lake measured in National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ("NGVD") shows water levels historically fluctuating from as low as approximately 106 feet in or around 1991, to as high as 123 feet NGVD in or around 1951, 1961, and 2004. Rickman generated a water level graph using the Polk County Water Atlas ("Atlas") website. This graph, which covers the period of 2008 through mid-2017, shows that the water levels in Crooked Lake, for this most recent ten-year period, fluctuated approximately five feet, with the lowest levels falling slightly below 114 feet NGVD for relatively short periods in 2012 and 2013, and the highest level rising to approximately 119 feet NGVD in mid-2017. The competent, credible evidence shows that although water levels in Crooked Lake may occasionally rise to levels at or around 123 feet NGVD, those conditions have been associated with extreme weather events such as hurricanes, are atypical, and are relatively short-lived. The maximum water level in Crooked Lake is subject to control by a weir located south of the Lake. Discharge from the weir occurs at a control elevation of 120 feet NGVD. As such, the water level in parts of Crooked Lake may, at times, temporarily exceed 120 feet NGVD, but will eventually decrease to 120 feet NGVD as the water flows south and is discharged through the weir. To the extent rainfall does not recharge the Lake, water levels may fall below 120 feet NGVD. The ordinary high water line ("OHWL"), which constitutes the boundary between privately-owned uplands and sovereignty submerged lands, has been established at 120.0 feet NGVD for Crooked Lake. Crooked Lake is used for recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, boating, and jet ski use, and there are public and private boat ramps at various points on the lake that provide access to the Lake. There is no marina having a fueling station on the Lake. The credible evidence shows that the northeast portion of the Lake, where the Dock is proposed to be located, experiences a substantial amount of boat and jet ski traffic. This portion of the Lake also is used for swimming, water- skiing, wakeboarding, the use of "towables" such as inner tubes, and for other in-water recreational uses. The Proposed Dock Howard holds fee title by warranty deed to parcel no. 333028-000000-033140 located at 1045 Scenic Highway, Babson Park, Florida.9/ This parcel has approximately 110 linear feet of riparian shoreline on Crooked Lake. The Dock is proposed to be constructed and operated on sovereignty submerged lands adjacent to this riparian upland parcel, which is located on the eastern shore of the northeastern portion of Crooked Lake. The Dock, as proposed, is a private single-family residential dock that will be used by Howard for water-dependent recreational purposes, such as specifically, boating, fishing, swimming, and sunbathing. The Dock is not proposed to be constructed or used by, or to otherwise serve, commercial or multifamily residential development. The Dock is configured as a "T," supported by pilings and consisting of a 4-foot-wide by 152-foot-long access walkway, and an approximately 1,983-square-foot terminal platform comprised of a lower-level platform having four vessel slips and a flat platform roof. Two sets of stairs lead from the lower level of the terminal platform to the platform roof, which will be elevated eight feet above the lower-level platform and will have a railed perimeter. The platform roof will function as a roof for the boat storage area below and a sundeck. The four slips on the Dock's lower-level platform will be used for permanent mooring for up to six watercraft: a 23-foot-long ski boat,10/ a 20-foot-long fishing boat, and four jet skis. As proposed, the Dock will occupy a total area of approximately 2,591 square feet. The lower platform of the Dock is proposed to be constructed at an elevation of 121 feet NGVD. The roof/upper platform will be constructed eight feet above that, at an elevation of 129 feet NGVD. The pilings supporting the Dock will be wrapped in an impervious material to prevent leaching of metals and other pollutants into the water. Pursuant to the Specific Purpose Field Survey ("Survey") for the Lease submitted as part of the Application, the Lease will preempt approximately 2,591 square feet, and closely corresponds to the footprint of the Dock. The submerged lands surrounding the Dock that are not occupied by the footprint of the Dock, including the area between terminal platform and the shoreline, are not included in the preempted area of the Lease.11/ The Survey shows "approximate riparian lines" which delineate Howard's riparian area oriented to the center of the waterbody and to the primary navigation channel in the northeast portion of Crooked Lake. As shown on the version of the Survey initially filed as part of the Application, the Dock was proposed to be located approximately 4.7 feet, at its closest point, from the southern riparian line. However, in response to DEP's request for additional information, the Survey was modified in April 2017, to shift the Dock northward within Howard's riparian area. The Dock is now proposed to be located 25.1 feet, at its closest point, from the southern riparian line, and 29.4 feet, at its closest point, from the northern riparian line. The walkway of the Dock will commence at an approximate elevation of 120 feet NGVD, which corresponds to the OHWL established for Crooked Lake. As previously noted above, the walkway will extend waterward approximately 152 feet, where it will intersect with the terminal platform. The terminal platform will extend another 52 feet waterward. In total, the Dock is proposed to extend waterward approximately 204 feet from the OHWL. Although the Dock would be one of the longest and largest docks on Crooked Lake, the credible evidence establishes that there are several other docks of similar size and/or length on the Lake. Rickman testified that he obtained approvals for, or was otherwise aware of, several docks over 2,000 square feet on the Lake. Additionally, the evidence showed that eight other docks on the Lake are longer than the proposed Dock.12/ Rickman testified that most of the larger docks on Crooked Lake have roofs, and that most of these roofs are pitched, rather than flat.13/ As noted above, the water level in Crooked Lake frequently and, at times, extensively fluctuates. As a result, there are periods during which water depths in parts of the Lake are extremely shallow. Rickman testified that the Dock was designed to extend far enough out into Crooked Lake to reach sufficient water depth to enable Howard to maximize the use of the Dock for boating throughout the year. The Dock is designed to extend out to the point at which the bottom elevation of the Lake is approximately 109.9 feet NGVD. Based on the Atlas' ten-year water level graph for Crooked Lake referenced above, Rickman projected that at this point, the water depth typically would be sufficient to allow Howard to operate her largest vessel, the 23-foot ski boat. The ski boat has a 25-inch draft.14/ The boat will be stored out of the water on a boat lift on the Dock, attached by cables to a sub-roof immediately beneath the platform roof. When being lowered into or hoisted from the water, the boat will be placed in a boat cradle consisting of two containment railings approximately 18 inches high each on either side, and a "V" shaped aluminum bottom with bunks on which the boat is cradled. The aluminum bottom of the cradle was estimated to be two to three inches thick. Although the boat cradle is approximately 18 to 21 inches in "total height,"15/ the cradle does not have to be completely lowered its entire 18- to 21-inch height into the water when used. Steven Howard explained, credibly, that the cradle needs to be lowered into the water only a few inches lower than the ski boat's 25-inch draft to enable the boat to float into or out of the cradle. To that point, Rickman testified that taking into account the 25-inch draft of the ski boat and the "total height" of the boat cradle, between 40 and 44 inches of water depth would be required when the cradle is used in order to avoid coming into contact with the Lake bottom. Based on the Atlas graph showing the lowest water levels for the previous ten-year period at approximately 114 feet NGVD, Rickman designed the Dock to extend out to the 109.9-foot NGVD bottom elevation point. At this point, the projected water depth would be slightly more than four feet during periods of the lowest projected water levels for Crooked Lake. For the Dock to be able to wharf out to 109.9 feet NGVD bottom elevation, it must extend a total of approximately 204 feet waterward into the Lake. The credible evidence establishes that while Howard's ski boat is one of the largest, it is not the largest boat operated on Crooked Lake. Impacts Assessment for Environmental Resource Permit Water Quality Impacts As noted above, Crooked Lake is a Class III waterbody. Accordingly, the surface water quality standards and criteria applicable to Class III waters in Florida codified in rule 62-302.300 apply to Crooked Lake. The Dock, as proposed to be constructed and operated, is not anticipated to adversely affect or degrade water quality in Crooked Lake. Specifically, as required by the Consolidated Authorization, a floating turbidity curtain will be installed around the boundary of the construction area before construction commences, and it must be left in place until construction is complete and turbidity levels in the work area have returned to background levels. Additionally, as noted, the pilings supporting the Dock must be wrapped in an impervious material to prevent leaching of metals and other pollutants into the water over the life of the structure. The Consolidated Authorization also prohibits the installation and use of fueling equipment at the Dock; prohibits the discharge of sewage or other waste into the water; prohibits liveaboards; prohibits fish cleaning or the installation of fish cleaning stations unless sufficient measures such as sink screens and waste receptacles are in place; and prohibits repair and maintenance activities involving scraping, sanding, painting, stripping, recoating, and other activities that may degrade water quality or release pollutants into the water. Although the Consolidated Authorization imposes a specific condition requiring, for all vessels using the Dock, a minimum 12-inch clearance between the deepest draft of the vessel (with motor in the down position) and the top of submerged resources, it does not specifically address circumstances where the use of the boat cradle, rather than the vessel itself, may come into contact with the Lake bottom. DEP's witness acknowledged that if the boat cradle were to come into contact with the Lake bottom, water quality standards may be violated. Given the information presented at the final hearing regarding the operation of the boat lift and the need for sufficient clearance between the bottom of the boat cradle and the lake bottom, the undersigned recommends that a specific condition be included in the Consolidated Authorization prohibiting contact of the Lake bottom by the boat cradle. This recommended condition is set forth in paragraph 73.A., below. Upon consideration of the conditions imposed by the Consolidated Authorization discussed above, including imposing a specific condition that prohibits contact of the boat cradle with the Lake bottom, the undersigned finds that the Dock will not adversely affect or degrade the water quality of Crooked Lake. Water Quantity Impacts The Dock, as proposed, is a piling-supported structure that will not impound, store, or impede the flow of surface waters. As such, the Dock will not cause adverse flooding to on-site or offsite property, will not result in adverse impacts to surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, and will not result in adverse impacts to the maintenance of surface or ground water levels. Impacts to Fish, Wildlife, and Listed Species and Habitat The Application states, in section 5, question 6, that there is no vegetation on Howard's riparian shoreline. However, the Survey depicts an area of emergent grasses approximately 60 feet wide and extending diagonally approximately 70 feet waterward into the Lake. The Survey depicts this grassed area as straddling the riparian line between Howard's property and the adjacent parcel to the south. The Survey shows the Dock as being located a significant distance waterward of the grassed area, such that no portion of the Dock will be located on or near this grassed area. Additionally, an aerial photograph of Howard's property and the Lake waterward of Howard's property shows a smaller patch of what appears to be emergent grasses further offshore. This grassed area is not shown on the Survey, and it cannot definitively be determined, by examining the Survey and the aerial photograph, whether this grassed area is growing in an area that will be impacted by the Dock. Steven Howard acknowledged that this smaller grassed area may be located at or near the jet ski slip on the southeastern side of the Dock. An environmental assessment of this smaller grassed area was not performed or submitted as part of the Application. Thus, any value that this area may have as fish and wildlife habitat was not assessed as part of DEP's determination that the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, and to listed species and their habitat. In order to provide reasonable assurance that the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, and to listed species and their habitat, the undersigned recommends including a specific condition in the Consolidated Authorization requiring this smaller grassed area to be completely avoided during construction and operation of the Dock, or, if avoidance is not feasible, that an environmental assessment be performed prior to construction so that the value of this grassed area, if any, to fish, wildlife, and listed species can be evaluated to determine whether minimization and compensatory mitigation should be required. This recommended condition is set forth in paragraph 73.B., below. As previously noted, the Consolidated Authorization contains a specific condition requiring a minimum 12-inch clearance between the deepest draft of the vessel (with the motor in the down position) and the top of submerged resources for all vessels that will use the docking facility. Compliance with this condition will help ensure that the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and to listed species and their habitat of any such submerged resources is not adversely impacted by vessels using the Dock. The Consolidated Authorization also contains a specific condition requiring handrails to be installed on the Dock to prevent mooring access to portions of the Dock other than the wetslips. This will help protect submerged resources in shallower areas in the vicinity of the Dock. Fish populations in the immediate area of the Dock site may temporarily be affected during construction of the Dock; however, those impacts are not anticipated to be permanent. Additionally, as previously discussed, the Dock pilings must be wrapped with an impervious material to prevent leaching of pollutants into the water, and once installed, the pilings may provide habitat for fish and a substrate for benthic organisms. Provided that the conditions set forth in the draft Consolidated Authorization, as well as the recommendation regarding the smaller grassed area, are included in the final version of the Consolidated Authorization, it is determined that the construction and operation of the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, or to listed species or their habitat.16/ Impact on Navigation Petitioners assert that the Dock will constitute a hazard to navigation in the northeast portion of Crooked Lake. Specifically, they assert that because the Dock will extend out approximately 204 feet into the Lake, it necessarily will create a navigational hazard to boaters in the vicinity. As support, Petitioners presented evidence consisting of Steven Howard's testimony that an inner tube on which his nephew was riding, that was being pulled behind a motor boat, collided with the Gerards' 84-foot-long floating dock adjacent to Howard's riparian area. Petitioners argue that if an 84-foot-long dock creates a navigational hazard, a 204-foot-long dock would create an even greater navigational hazard. The undersigned does not find this argument persuasive. The portion of Crooked Lake on which the Dock is proposed to be located is approximately a mile and a half to two miles long and one-half to three-quarters of a mile wide. Although this portion of Crooked Lake experiences substantial boat traffic, the evidence shows that the Lake is sufficiently large in this area, even with the Dock in place, to allow safe navigation. To this point, it is noted that there are two other longer docks in the northeastern portion of Crooked Lake, extending 220 and 244 feet into the Lake from the shoreline. There was no evidence presented showing that either of these docks constitutes a navigational hazard.17/ Petitioners also assert that during periods of high water in this portion of Crooked Lake, the Dock will be underwater and thus will present a navigational hazard. In support, they presented photographs taken on October 30, 2017—— approximately six weeks after Hurricane Irma struck central Florida——showing ten docks, out of the 109 docks on Crooked Lake, that were partially or completely submerged.18/ When the photographs were taken, the approximate water elevation was 119.2 feet NGVD. All or a portion of the submerged docks had been constructed at or below the 119.2-foot NGVD elevation. The docks without roofs were mostly or completely invisible under the water. However, for the roofed docks, the roofs remained visible above the water even when their docking platforms were submerged. Here, although the walkway and lower platform of Howard's Dock is proposed to be constructed at an elevation of 121 feet NGVD, the roof will be constructed at an elevation of 129 feet NGVD. Thus, even during the relatively infrequent periods19/ during which the water level in Crooked Lake may exceed 121 feet NGVD, the platform roof will still be visible to vessels navigating in this portion of the Lake. Additionally, the Consolidated Authorization contains a specific condition requiring the waterward end of the Dock to be marked with a sufficient number of reflectors to be visible from the water at night by reflected light. This condition provides additional assurance that the Dock will not present a navigational hazard. For these reasons, it is determined that the Dock will not adversely affect navigation. Other ERP-Related Issues The evidence did not show that the Dock is proposed to be located in or proximate to a "work of the District," as defined in section 373.019(28). The only "work of the District" about which evidence was presented is the weir located south of Crooked Lake. This structure is many thousands of feet south of the Dock. There was no evidence presented showing that the Dock would have any impact on this weir. The Dock, as proposed, was designed by an experienced professional contractor who has designed and installed many docks on Crooked Lake, and, as such, is anticipated to function as proposed. The Dock must be built according to engineering diagrams to the Consolidated Authorization, and as-built drawings must be submitted when Dock construction is complete so that DEP can confirm that the Dock is constructed in accordance with the approved design. The evidence establishes that Howard, as the applicant, and Rickman, as the professional contractor in charge of construction, are financially, legally, and administratively capable of ensuring that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Authorization. No evidence to the contrary was presented. The Dock will be located in the waters of Crooked Lake and will be affixed to the submerged bottom. The Department of State, Division of Historical Resources ("DHR"), did not provide any comments indicating that historical or archaeological resources are anticipated to be impacted by the project. Additionally, the Consolidated Authorization contains a general condition requiring subsurface activity associated with construction of the Dock to immediately cease, and DHR to be contacted, if any prehistoric or historic artifacts, such as pottery or ceramics, stone tools or implements, dugout canoes, or other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures or early colonial or American settlements are encountered at any time within the project site area. Additional Recommended Conditions Based on the foregoing, the undersigned recommends that the following specific conditions be included in the Consolidated Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI: A minimum six-inch clearance shall be maintained between the top of all submerged resources and the deepest draft of the cradle of the boat lift while in use. For purposes of this condition, submerged resources consist of the bottom sediment and/or any submerged grasses or other aquatic organisms. Any emergent grasses in the permittee's riparian area shall be avoided during the construction and operation of the Dock. If it is not feasible to avoid these grasses, an environmental assessment of the grassed area shall be performed and submitted to the Department prior to commencing construction, so that the value of this grassed area, if any, to fish, wildlife, and listed species can be evaluated and the extent to which minimization and/or compensatory mitigation is appropriate can be determined. Clearly in the Public Interest Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-4.070, Standards for Issuing or Denying Permits, states in pertinent part: A permit shall be issued to the applicant upon such conditions as the Department may direct, only if the applicant affirmatively provides the Department with reasonable assurance based on plans, test results, installation of pollution control equipment, or other information, that the construction, expansion, modification, operation, or activity of the installation will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of Department standards or rules. In addition to the foregoing permitting requirements, because the Dock is proposed to be located in an OFW, Howard also must provide reasonable assurance that the Dock meets the "clearly in the public interest" standard. The "clearly in the public interest" standard does not require the applicant to demonstrate need for the project or a net public benefit from the project. Rather, this standard requires the applicant to provide greater assurances, under the circumstances specific to the project, that the project will comply with the applicable permitting requirements.20/ For the reasons discussed above, and with the inclusion of the additional recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the proposed Dock meets the applicable permitting requirements and the "clearly in the public interest" standard for issuance of the ERP. Impacts Assessment for Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease Water-Dependency of the Proposed Dock A water-dependent activity is one which can only be conducted in, on, over, or adjacent to water areas because the activity requires direct access to the water body or sovereignty submerged lands for specified activities, including recreation, and where the use of water or sovereignty submerged lands is an integral part of the activity. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 18-21.003(71). Petitioners argue that the Dock will not constitute a water-dependent activity because the depth of water in the slips may, at times, be insufficient to allow operation of Howard's vessels while complying with the requirement that a minimum 12- inch clearance be maintained between the lowest draft of the vessel and submerged resources. The undersigned finds this argument unpersuasive. The Dock is being constructed specifically for the purpose of enabling Howard to use her vessels for boating——a recreational activity for which use of the water indisputably is an integral part. The Dock's primary purpose is to moor vessels that will be used for the water-dependent recreational activities of boating and fishing, and other water-dependent recreational uses of the Dock include fishing, swimming and sunbathing. Case law interpreting the Florida Administrative Code Chapter 18-21 makes clear that because docks are used for mooring vessels or conducting other in-water recreational uses, they are "water-dependent" activities for purposes of the rules.21/ Thus, even if water depths in the Dock's slips are at times insufficient for vessel mooring or launching,22/ this does not render the Dock not a "water-dependent activity." Resource Management Requirements The preempted area of the Lease is proposed to be used for a Dock that will be used for boating, fishing, and swimming. These traditional in-water recreational uses are consistent with the management purposes of sovereignty submerged lands as described in rule 18-21.004(2)(a). With the inclusion of the conditions currently proposed in the draft Consolidated Approval, as well as the recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., the undersigned determines that the Dock will not result in adverse impacts to sovereignty submerged lands and associated resources. With the inclusion of the conditions currently proposed in the draft Consolidated Approval, as well as the recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., the undersigned determines that the Dock is designed to minimize or eliminate impacts to fish and wildlife habitat and submerged resources. With the inclusion of the currently proposed conditions in the draft Consolidated Authorization, as well as the recommended conditions set forth in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the Dock, as designed and constructed, will minimize or eliminate cutting, removal, or destruction of wetland vegetation. Additionally, as discussed above, the proposed Consolidated Approval requires the avoidance of adverse impacts to historic and cultural resources. Riparian Rights Consistent with rule 18-21.004(3)(d), the Dock is proposed to be constructed in Howard's riparian area and will be set back more than 25 feet from the northerly and southerly riparian lines shown on the Survey. Rule 18-21.004(3)(a) prohibits activities authorized under chapter 18-21 from being implemented in a manner that would unreasonably infringe on traditional common law riparian rights, as defined in section 253.141, of upland owners adjacent to sovereignty submerged lands. Similarly, rule 18-21.004(3)(c) requires all structures and activities to be designed and conducted in a manner that will not unreasonably restrict or infringe upon the riparian rights of adjacent riparian owners. Collectively, these provisions prohibit an activity that will occur on sovereignty submerged lands from unreasonably infringing on or unreasonably restricting the riparian rights of upland riparian owners. Riparian rights are rights appurtenant to, and inseparable from, riparian land that borders on navigable waters. § 253.141, Fla. Stat.; Broward v. Mabry, 50 So. 830 (Fla. 1909). At common law, riparian rights include the rights of navigation, fishing, boating, and commerce. Hayes v. Bowman, 91 So. 2d 795 (Fla. 1957). The right of navigation necessarily includes the right to construct and operate a dock to access navigable waters. Belvedere Dev. Corp. v. Dep't of Transp., 476 So. 2d 649 (Fla. 1985); Shore Vill. Prop. Owners' Ass'n v. Dep't of Envtl. Prot., 824 So. 2d 208, 211 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002). Common law riparian rights also include the right to an obstructed view. Lee Cnty v. Kiesel, 705 So. 2d 1013 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998). Many of these common law riparian rights have been statutorily codified in section 253.141. Statutory riparian rights include the "rights of ingress, egress, boating, bathing, and fishing and such others as may be or have been defined by law." § 253.141(1), Fla. Stat. At issue in this case are the competing riparian rights of next-door neighbors——i.e., Howard's right to wharf out to navigable waters for purposes of boating and other water- dependent recreational activities, and the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view. The question is whether Howard's proposed construction and operation of a dock of sufficient length to enable her to use her boats would unreasonably infringe on or unreasonably restrict the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view of the Lake. By virtue of the riparian rights appurtenant to Howard's riparian property, she is entitled to wharf out to water deep enough to enable her to navigate. She owns two boats, one of which pulls a draft of 25 inches, and the other, a draft of 20 inches, which she uses to navigate the Lake. Thus, an essential aspect of Howard's riparian right of navigation is her ability to construct and operate a dock long enough to enable her to reach water depths sufficient to use these boats. However, as noted above, this right is not unfettered. Howard's exercise of her riparian navigation right cannot unreasonably infringe on Gerard's right to an unobstructed view. Florida case law holds that the right to an "unobstructed" view does not entail a view free of any infringement or restriction whatsoever by neighboring structures or activities. In Hayes, the court defined the right as "a direct, unobstructed view of the [c]hannel and as well a direct, unobstructed means of ingress and egress . . . to the [c]hannel." Id. at 801 (emphasis added). The court then prescribed the rule that "in any given case, the riparian rights of an upland owner must be preserved over an area 'as near as practicable' in the direction of the [c]hannel so as to distribute equitably the submerged lands between the upland and the [c]hannel." Id. (emphasis added). To the extent there is no channel in this portion of the Lake, Hayes dictates that riparian rights must be apportioned equitably, so that a riparian owner's right to an unobstructed view can extend only from the owner's property in the direction of the center of the Lake. Kling v. Dep't of Envtl. Reg., Case No. 77-1224 (Fla. DOAH Oct. 6, 1977; Fla. DER Nov. 18, 1977) at ¶¶ 11-12 (emphasis added). Here, no evidence was presented showing that the Dock——which will be located immediately south and east of the Gerards' riparian property and attendant riparian area——will present an obstruction to the Gerards' view of the Lake channel. Additionally, the evidence did not establish that Howard's Dock would obstruct the Gerards' view of the center of the northeast portion of Crooked Lake, which is located west and slightly south of their property.23/ Administrative precedent in Florida provides additional support for the determination that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view. In O'Donnell v. Atlantic Dry Dock Corporation, Case No. 04-2240 (Fla. DOAH May 23, 2005; Fla. DEP Sept. 6, 2005), riparian owners challenged the proposed approval of expansions of sovereignty submerged lands leases authorizing Atlantic Dry Dock, a neighboring commercial shipyard, to expand its shipyard facilities and install new docking facilities. The administrative law judge noted that although the expanded shipyard would further encroach on the riparian owners' already somewhat-restricted view from their property, it would not substantially and materially obstruct the Petitioners' view to the channel. He commented: "it [their view] may be further obstructed to the west in the direction of the Atlantic Marine yard, but not in the direction of the channel." To that point, he found that although "any lateral encroachment on the Petitioners' line-of-sight to the channel by the large eastern dry dock proposed will be an annoyance, . . . [it] will not rise to the level of a substantial and material interference or obstruction of the Petitioners' view to the channel." Id. at ¶ 119. He found that "there is no 'special riparian right' to a view of the sunset, just as there was no right to a particular object of view . . . by the riparian owners complaining in the Hayes case." Id. at ¶ 120. Castoro v. Palmer, Case Nos. 96-0736, 96-5879 (Fla. DOAH Sept. 1, 1998; Fla. DEP Oct. 19, 1998), also is instructive. In Castoro, neighboring riparian owners challenged the proposed issuance of an environmental approval and sovereignty submerged lands lease for a 227-foot-long dock having a terminal platform with boat lift. The owners contended that due to the dock's length, it would impermissibly obstruct their views of the water. The administrative law judge rejected that contention, distinguishing the circumstances from those in Lee County v. Kiesel, 705 So. 2d 1013 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998), in which the construction of a bridge that blocked 80 percent of the riparian owners' view of the channel was held to constitute a "substantial and material" obstruction to the riparian right of view. The ALJ noted that although the dock would have "some impact on the neighbors' views" and their use of the waterbody, it did not unreasonably impact their riparian rights to an unobstructed view or to use of the waterbody. Id. at ¶¶ 73-74. In Trump Plaza of the Palm Beaches Condominium v. Palm Beach County, Case No. 08-4752 (Fla. DOAH Sept. 24, 2009; Fla. DEP Oct. 8, 2009), a condominium association challenged the proposed issuance of a sovereignty submerged lands use approval to fill in a dredged area and create mangrove islands in the Lake Worth Lagoon, alleging, among other things, that the creation of the mangrove islands would unreasonably infringe on their riparian right to an unobstructed view. In rejecting this position and recommending issuance of the submerged lands use approval, the ALJ noted that the area obstructed by the mangrove islands would be negligible compared to the remaining expanse of the view, and further noted that the owners' real concern was directed at the aesthetics of the project——specifically, they did not want to view mangrove islands. The ALJ stated: "[t]he evidence supports a finding that while the project will undoubtedly alter the view of the water from [the riparian owners' property], the impact on view is not so significant as to constitute an unreasonable infringement of their riparian rights." Id. at ¶ 86. Applying these case law principles, it is determined that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on or unreasonably restrict the Gerards' riparian right to an unobstructed view. To that point, the cases make clear that the right to an "unobstructed" view is not an unfettered right to a view of the water completely free of any lateral encroachment, but, instead is the right of a view toward the channel or the center of a lake without unreasonable infringement or restriction. Here, although the Dock will laterally encroach on the Gerards' full panoramic view of the Lake——and, as such, may even constitute an annoyance, the evidence did not show that the Dock will obstruct or otherwise restrict their view to the channel or the center of the Lake. Moreover, to the extent the Gerards have expressed concern about the Dock interfering with their view of the south shore of the Lake, O'Donnell makes clear the desire to have a particular object of view——here, the south shore of the Lake——is not a legally protected riparian right. It is also found that the Dock will not unreasonably interfere with the Gerards' riparian rights of ingress, egress, boating, or navigation. As previously noted, the Dock will be located at least 25 feet inside the riparian lines established for Howard's upland property, and, it will not be constructed in a location or operated in a manner that will obstruct, interfere with, or restrict the Gerards' access to the Lake or to sufficient water depths to enable navigation.24/ The evidence also did not establish that the Dock will restrict or otherwise interfere with the Gerards' use of their riparian area for ingress and egress, boating, fishing, bathing, or other riparian uses. In sum, it is concluded that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on or restrict the riparian rights of adjacent upland riparian owners. Accordingly, it is determined that the Dock will meet the requirements and standards in rule 18-21.004(3) regarding riparian rights. Navigational Hazard For the reasons discussed in paragraphs 63 through 67, it is determined that the Dock will not constitute a navigational hazard in violation of rule 18-21.004(7)(g). Not Contrary to the Public Interest Rule 18-21.004(1)(a) requires an applicant to demonstrate that an activity proposed to be conducted on sovereignty submerged lands will not be contrary to the public interest. To meet this standard, it is not necessary that the applicant show that the activity is affirmatively in the "public interest," as that term is defined in rule 18-21.003(51). Rather, it is sufficient that the applicant show that there are few, if any, "demonstrable environmental, social, and economic costs" of the proposed activity. Castoro, at ¶ 69. For the reasons discussed above, and with the inclusion of the additional recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the proposed Dock meets the "not contrary to the public interest" standard required for issuance of the Lease. Demonstration of Entitlement to ERP Howard met her burden under section 120.569(2)(p) to present a prima facie case of entitlement to the ERP by entering into evidence the Application, the Notice of Intent, and supporting information regarding the proposed Dock. She also presented credible, competent, and substantial evidence beyond that required to meet her burden under section 120.569(2)(p) to demonstrate prima facie entitlement to the ERP. The burden then shifted to Petitioners to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the competent substantial evidence, that the Dock does not comply with section 373.414 and applicable ERP rules. For the reasons discussed above, it is determined that Petitioners did not meet their burden of persuasion under section 120.569(2)(p) in this proceeding. Accordingly, for the reasons addressed above, it is determined that Howard is entitled to issuance of the ERP for the Dock. Demonstration of Entitlement to Lease As previously discussed, Howard bore the burden of proof in this proceeding to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Dock meets all applicable statutory and rule requirements for issuance of the Lease for the Dock. For the reasons discussed above, it is determined that Howard met this burden, and, therefore, is entitled to issuance of the sovereignty submerged lands lease for the Dock. Petitioners' Standing Defenders' Standing As stipulated by the parties and noted above, Defenders is an incorporated non-profit entity created for the primary purpose of protecting and preserving Crooked Lake so that it may remain an OFW for all members of the public to enjoy. Defenders has been in existence since at least the mid- 1980s. Robert Luther, the president of Defenders, testified that the organization's purpose also entails providing education and promoting public awareness in order to preserve the natural beauty, water quality, ecological value, and quality of life around Crooked Lake. As stipulated by the parties and noted above, Defenders has more than 25 members. Luther testified that Defenders has approximately 100 family members, most of whom live on or around Crooked Lake. He noted that many of Defenders' members own boats, which they park at a local boat landing on the Lake. Based on this testimony, it is inferred that these members operate their boats on Crooked Lake. After receiving the public notice of the project, Defenders' board of directors voted to oppose issuance of the Consolidated Authorization for the Dock. Luther testified that the board's decision was based on the determination that "it was clearly within the public interest" to oppose the Dock. Gerards' Standing The Gerards reside at 1055 Scenic Highway, Babson Park, Florida. Their riparian property is immediately adjacent to, and northwest of, Howard's property. The Gerards own a floating dock that is located within their riparian area.25/ The dock consists of two 4-foot- wide by 30-foot-long ramps attached to a 24-foot-long by 8-foot- wide pontoon boat. Priscilla Gerard testified that she enjoys spending time sitting and reading books on the beach in front of her property, and that having that area to sit and read is a significant aspect of her enjoyment of her lakefront property. Ms. Gerard observed that extensive boating activities in the northeast portion of the Lake on weekends is disruptive, and interferes with her use of her beach for relaxing and reading. She particularly noted that boats operating very close to the shore cause waves to splash up on her beach, interfering with her ability to sit and read close to the shore. She did not contend that Howard's use of the Dock for boating would contribute to the disruptive nature of existing boat traffic in the vicinity. Ms. Gerard has viewed the plans for the proposed Dock and is very concerned that due to its size, her view of the south side of the Lake will be completely blocked. She acknowledged, and other competent, credible evidence showed, that there are other docks on the Lake in the vicinity of her riparian property. The evidence shows that existing docks having lengths of 145 feet and 170 feet are located in the vicinity of, and are visible from, the Gerards' property. She testified that an existing dock and tiki hut block her view of the Lake to the north. She acknowledged that although Howard's Dock, if constructed as proposed, may somewhat obstruct her view to the left (south) of her property, it would not block her view straight out into the Lake. Phillip Gerard testified that he has boated extensively on Crooked Lake in a variety of vessel types. He further testified that he has observed a range of boating practices on Crooked Lake, including seeing water skiers and persons being towed behind motorized vessels on inner tubes and other types of "towables." He testified that, based on his personal observations, persons being towed do not have independent control of the speed or direction of the "towable"; thus, depending on the direction in which the towing vessel turns, the towable may be slung to the left or the right. Gerard commented that such lack of control could result in a person riding on a towable colliding with a dock, and he noted that Howard's nephew, who was riding on an inner tube being towed by a boat, was involved in such a collection with his (Mr. Gerard's) own dock. Mr. Gerard did not testify that the Dock would present a navigational hazard to, or otherwise interfere with, the Gerards' riparian right of ingress and egress. Neither of the Gerards testified that the Dock would impact their ability to access navigable waters in the Lake. Mr. Gerard acknowledged that if Howard's Dock were constructed, boats that currently travel very close to the shoreline of his property would be forced to swing further out in the Lake, away from his riparian shoreline, in order to avoid the Dock.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order approving the issuance of Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Recommended Intent to Grant Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Consolidated Notice of Intent and attached draft of Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, as modified to include the Additional Recommended Conditions set forth in paragraphs 73.A. and 73B. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of July, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of July, 2018.

Florida Laws (21) 120.52120.569120.57120.6820.331253.001253.002253.115253.141267.061373.019373.042373.086373.4132373.414373.421373.427403.031403.061403.41290.202 Florida Administrative Code (5) 18-21.00318-21.00462-302.40062-4.00162-4.070
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deltona, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002400 Latest Update: Feb. 14, 2006

The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).

Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57373.086 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40C-4.30140C-4.30240C-4.33140C-4.75162-302.30062-4.242
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001696 Latest Update: Oct. 14, 1981

Findings Of Fact Mr. Mills owns a 105 acre tract of land on which he raises cattle. This land is directly east of South Bull Pond in Putnam County, Florida. The land which he proposes to fill lies within the landward extent of South Bull Pond. The pond is a natural lake of approximately 350 acres which does not become dry each year. The lake has a maximum average depth of greater than 2 feet throughout the year. Its shoreline is owned by more than one person. South Bull Pond is a Class III water of the State of Florida. Petitioner's proposed project involves the excavation of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of sand and muck from the lake bottom. He plans to place the fill in an area adjacent to the dredge site but within the landward extent of the lake. The area to be excavated is 200 feet long and 50 feet wide. The area to be filled with spoil material is the same size immediately to the east of the dredge area. The excavation will be approximately three feet deep into the lake bottom. Mr. Mills' application indicates that the purpose of the proposed work is to keep his cows out of the bog and also to increase the value of his property. The proposed dredging and filling will result in the permanent elimination of approximately one-half acre of natural vegetation along the lake. This area consists of a natural berm formed by alluvial deposits and a wet bog landward of the berm. There is an opening through the berm which allows the free exchange of waters between the main body of the lake and the bog area. The top elevation of the berm is such that the berm area is submerged for long periods of time. Ordinary high water inundates the berm and passes over it into the bog which is at a lower elevation than the berm. The field appraisal of the proposed site was conducted by Mr. John Hendrix, a Department biologist, on May 5, 1981. The site consists of three areas: the lakeshore, the berm, and the bog. The dominate species along the lakeshore are Saw grass (Cladium jamaicensis), Water Lily (Nymphaea spp.), Pickerelweed (Pontederia lanceolata), and Spatter dock (Nuphar spp.). The dominant fresh water species on the berm are: Saw grass (Cladium jamaicensis), and Arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.). Two transitional fresh water species also grow on the berm: St. John's wort (Hypericum fasciculatum) and Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). The dominant species of the bog, which is landward of the berm, are Water Lily (nymphaea spp.), Water shield (Brasenia schreberi), Royal fern (Osmunda regalis), and Arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.). The lake is presently mesotrophic. It has a large productive vegetative structure primarily along the shoreline. The nutrients are "tied up" or stored in the marshes and peaty sediments of this shoreline and are not freely circulating in the main water body. The shoreline vegetation provides filtration for the main water body. The plants physically entrap sediments and biochemically assimilate them. They also store nutrients which otherwise degrade the water in the lake. The proposed dredging and filling will degrade water quality in two ways: 1) The equipment used for dredging will disrupt the sediments. They will then discharge freely into the water column of the lake and release their stored nutrients. 2) The berm and bog areas will be destroyed so that they can no longer stabilize the shoreline or provide the filtration function. Adverse water quality impacts from the project will be both short and long term. The short terms impacts include expected violations of the following water quality criteria found in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code: BOD; dissolved oxygen; transparency; biological integrity; turbidity; pH; nuisance species; and both nutrients criteria. The long term impacts will include stimulation of shifting of the natural balance of the lake towards a more eutrophic state and violation of the water quality criteria for nutrients, dissolved oxygen, BOD and transparency. Petitioner wants to fill the bog to prevent injury to his cows. A workable alternative to filling the bog is to erect a fence across the property to exclude the cows from that area. The drawings submitted by Petitioner as part of his application show that the operation of the dredging machinery would be from the berm. During the hearing Petitioner indicated that such machinery would be operating from the lakeshore. This modification would create fewer short term violations of water quality criteria. However, the following criteria would still be violated: BOD, turbidity, nuisance species, biological integrity, dissolved oxygen, transparency and nutrients.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order denying Petitioner's permit application. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October 1981 in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL PEARCE DODSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Jimmie L. Mills Route 2, Box 244 Hawthorne, Florida 32640 Silvia Morell Alderman, Esquire Cynthia K. Christen, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.60403.031403.087
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deltona, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002405 Latest Update: Feb. 14, 2006

The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).

Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57373.086 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40C-4.30140C-4.30240C-4.33140C-4.75162-302.30062-4.242
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002382 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1986

Findings Of Fact The City currently operates a wastewater treatment plant providing "secondary treatment," and the effluent from that plant is discharged into Whitaker Bayou, an arm of Sarasota Bay. The Federal NPDES Permit and State Temporary Operating Permit for the wastewater treatment plant require the City to cease this discharge by July, 1988 due to pollution problems in the Bay, but the specific means through which this must be accomplished is not specified in the NPDES or Temporary Operating Permit. Any emergency discharge into Whitaker Bayou after July, 1988 would be violative of both state and federal- permits. On August 14, 1984, the City applied to the Department for a permit (File No. 58-0912689) for the following activities in the waters of the state in connection with the development of a 2,462 acre site as a wastewater spray irrigation facility; (1) the construction of a 36" diameter pipeline approximately 16 miles long from the existing wastewater treatment plant to the proposed sprayfield site with a total of 13 wetland crossings; (2) the construction of a wastewater retention pond; (3) the construction of a center pivot spray irrigation and underdrain system based on 15 center pivot points; (4) the creation of mitigation wetland areas of 20 acres; 33 acres, 72 acres, 27 acres and 46 acres: (5) the construction of a weir across East Ditch with an invert elevation to the top of the weir crest set at 34.5 feet to retain water in the existing on-site marsh system; (6) the construction of three other weir structures to control the run-off from the mitigation wetlands to East Ditch with crest elevations of 38.0 feet in the Northernmost area and two at 34.0 feet in the Southeast corner of the site, and one at 26.0 feet in the Southwest corner of the site with a crest elevation of 26.0 feet to control the run off to Howard Creek; (7) rerouting East Ditch 500 feet to the East; (8) rerouting Howard Creek and East Ditch into Vanderipe Slough through a new ditch with a berm; (9) closing the connection from Vanderipe Slough to the Myakka River; (10) replacing the existing double 30" culverts with a triple 60" culvert for the drainage crossing of the Florida Power and Light right-of-way through Vanderipe Slough; (11) the construction of a system of two-lane, shell-bed service roads on the project site with culverted wetland crossings; (12) dredging approximately 3,363,775 cubic yards of material and; (13) filling with approximately 1,578,850 cubic yards of material. This application, as well as plans and specifications, was prepared by a professional engineer, registered in Florida, and was deemed complete on May 1, 1985. On November 1, 1984, the City applied to the Department for a permit (File No. DC58-095055) to construct improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, a wastewater transmission line and a wastewater spray irrigation facility. This application was certified by a professional engineer, registered in Florida, as were plans and specifications. These facilities will permit the City to spray-irrigate 13 million gallons a day of chlorinated effluent and to discharge the effluent from sprayfield underdrains to on-site wetlands for further treatment. Surface run-off from these wetlands will flow into Howard Creek and East Ditch. This application was deemed complete on May 28, 1985. On January 24, 1985, the City filed with the Department a Petition for an Exemption to Provide for the Experimental Use of Wetlands for Low Energy Water and Wastewater Recycling (File No. VE-58-206). The Petition requests alternative criteria for Class III dissolved oxygen and nutrient standards in the on-site wetlands, which would receive a wastewater discharge from the sprayfield underdrains. Bishop and Kehn filed petitions with the Department challenging the application for a permit for activities in the waters of the state (File No. 58-0912689) and the Petition for An Exemption to Provide for the Experimental Use of Wetlands for Low Energy Water and Wastewater Recycling (File No. VE-58-206). Sefton and Peters filed petitions with the Department challenging the application for a permit for activities in the waters of the state (File No. 58-0912689). Myakka filed petitions with the Department challenging the application for a permit to construct wastewater treatment plant improvements, the wastewater transmission line and the wastewater spray irrigation facility (File No. DC58-095055) and the application for a permit for activities in the waters of the state (File No. 58-0912689). Myakka also filed a petition to intervene in the challenges filed by Bishop and Kehn to the Petition for an Exemption to Provide for the Experimental Use of Wetlands for Low Energy Water and Wastewater Recycling (File No. VE-58-206). In its prehearing stipulation filed on May 23, 1986, the Department noticed its change of position and intent to deny the City's applications. By separate stipulation executed May 12, 1986, following a status conference, the City and Myakka acknowledged that the Department would change its position in these proceedings, and would do so in the context of its prehearing stipulation. A formal administrative hearing to consider these matters was conducted from May 27 to June 5, 1986, at which evidence from the parties as well as public testimony was received. The City of Sarasota has proposed to expand and improve its sewage treatment plant from its present approved capacity of 9.1 million gallons per day (MOD) to an average daily flow of 13 MGD, with a peak capacity of 25 MGD. The City estimated it will not reach an average daily flow of 13 MGD until after the year 2000, although currently peak flow does reach 13 MGD. A transmission line is proposed for construction from the expanded sewage treatment plant, using city easements, to a city-owned parcel located in the eastern portion of Sarasota County. The parcel was acquired in 1981. The transmission line will be constructed underground using thirty-six inch force main, will cover a distance of approximately sixteen miles. and is designed to carry an average daily flow of 13 MGD. Effluent will be pumped through the transmission line from the treatment plant to the city-owned parcel. The line will not intersect water or storm mains, will not cross any canals or waterways subject to maintenance dredging, and will not allow for the introduction of stormwater or other sources of wastewater. The city-owned parcel which will be at the end of the transmission line was formerly known as the Hi-Hat Ranch. It is an area consisting of 2,462 acres which is currently comprised of wetlands, wooded hammocks and uplands used for cattle grazing, and is located fourteen miles east of the City of Sarasota and two miles south of Highway 780. The parcel has been fertilized to some extent in the past, although the amount and frequency of application has not been established. The City proposes to construct a spray irrigation project on the site to dispose of effluent from its sewage treatment plant. Myakka River State Park is located to the east of the proposed spray site a residential area known as Myakka Valley Ranches Subdivision is located to the south: and Vpper and Lower Lake Myakka, the Myakka River, and Vanderipe Slough are located south-east of the proposed spray irrigation site. East Ditch runs through the east side of the parcel and Howard Creek parallels the western boundary. Surface and ground water presently flows from the proposed spray site to the south-southwest into Howard Creek, a class III water body, and to the south-southeast into East Ditch, a class III water body, which then converge and flow into Vpper Lake Myakka, a class I water body and a designated Outstanding Florida Water. From Upper Lake Myakka, water flows into Vanderipe Slough, a class III water body, and Lower Lake Myakka; a class I water body and Outstanding Florida Water, via the Myakka River. The geologic materials presently found at the Hi-Hat Ranch Site are sedimentary in origin and consist of sands, silts, sandy phosphatic clays and limestone. There are 343 acres of natural herbaceous wetlands on the site, but only 140 acres have been determined by the Department to be "jurisdictional." Herbaceous wetlands are more sensitive to changes in water and nutrient levels than hardwood wetlands. The natural wetlands serve as fish and wildlife habitat, recharge areas, and as assimilation areas for nutrients. The proposed project will preserve 96 acres of natural wetlands on the East Ditch and create a total of 196 acres of artificial or mitigation wetlands. In order to provide the necessary degree of wetland treatment for the applied effluent, 150 acres of these mitigation wetlands, along with the 96 acres of preserved natural wetlands, for a total of 246 acres of mitigation and natural wetlands, will be utilized for treatment as part of the spray irrigation project. Plant communities on-site will be substantially and adversely altered in creating the mitigation wetlands, and this will alter wildlife habitat presently associated with the natural wetlands on-site. It was not established that wildlife presently on-site will be able to survive the project's affects and remain on- site. The City proposes to construct a spray irrigation project on the Hi-Hat Ranch property to dispose of sewage effluent. The project will consist of a holding pond into which effluent will initially flow from the transmission line, a pump station to transmit the effluent from the holding pond to the sprayfield where it will be sprayed on fifteen spray sites, an underdrain system under the spray sites to carry water that has filtered through the soils to drainage ditches which will then carry the water to four of five artificial or mitigation wetland areas on the site. As indicated above, a total of 246 acres of mitigation and natural wetlands will be utilized to provide the necessary degree of wetlands treatment for the applied effluent. From the wetlands areas, the flow will be discharged into Howard Creek and East Ditch. After intersecting East Ditch, a diversion of Howard Creek is proposed so that it will flow directly into Vanderipe Slough, instead of its current course into the Myakka River State Park and Upper Lake Myakka. (a) The proposed holding pond will encompass 120 acres and consist of three cells. Its design is based on the City's review of 72 years of climatological data to determine the greatest number of consecutive days that rainfall will prevent spraying. Its purpose will be to store wastewater initially entering the site from the transmission line prior to being pumped to the spray fields, and to even out surges in this in- flow. Additionally, some nutrient removal will take place through volatilization and settling. Test soil borings of the holding pond site, excluding its eastern side, indicate that a natural clay layer, along with additional clay to be placed on site, will form a barrier layer under the holding pond and thereby result in a minimal average permeability rate of .03 inches per day. Insufficient borings were done in the northeastern part of the holding pond to make a determination of permeability. There will be one large cell to allow a longer detention time of 8 1/2 days at 13 MGD, and two smaller cells with a detention time of 4 1/3 days each at 13 MGD. In-flow of effluent from the transmission line will be alternated among the cells depending on the rate of flow and the water level in the cells. Each cell is designed to retain two feet of water at all times to discourage mosquitos and aquatic weeds, with a designed maximum depth when in use of eight feet. The maximum operating capacity of the holding pond is approximately 220 million gallons, which represents approximately 17 days of flow from the treatment plant at 13 MGD assuming no rainfall into the pond during this time. In the event that the holding pond is at maximum capacity and can accept no more effluent, the City proposes to either divert the effluent for discharge into Whitaker Bayou, or to spray directly onto the spray fields, by passing the holding pond. The holding pond is designed with walls that will have an additional three feet elevation over the designed maximum water depth of eight feet. but there is a potential for overflow if water depth exceeds eight feet. If the holding pond were to be filled to the top of the side walls, it would then, hold four hundred million gallons of effluent. No emergency discharge device has been provided in the design of the holding pond, although it is required by the Department's Land Application Design Manual. A potable water well will be placed onsite within 500 feet of the holding pond, although such placement is prohibited by the Land Application Design Manual. (a) Effluent will be pumped to the fifteen spray sites from the holding pond using a pumping station located next to the holding pond and a distribution system connected to fifteen center pivot irrigation systems. The pump station has a design capacity to pump 13 MGD of effluent in 16 hours. Effluent will alternately be sprayed on the fifteen sites by means of a rotating, center pivot spray. The system is designed to average 2.6 inches of spray per week on each spray site. The Department's Land Application Design Manual requires that no more than 2 inches be sprayed per week. A crop of Coastal Bermuda grass, supplemented with winter rye, will be grown on each spray site. An underdrain system will be installed under each spray site to receive sprayed effluent that has filtered through the soils, and to maintain the water table at three feet, which will be below the root system of the Bermuda and rye grasses and thereby provide proper soil conditions and aeration for root growth. The fifteen spray sites will encompass a total area of 1,296 acres. The City has not provided the Department with an operational plan for the sprayfield to address loading and resting periods, harvesting periods and the spray rotation schedule. It has not been established by competent substantial evidence that the City can operate the sprayfield to allow in the same operation harvesting of the grass crop, drying of the mitigated wetlands, prevention of soil saturation and sheet flow of effluent during rainfall events and maintenance of the hydrologic balance of the system. An underdrain system will be constructed using perforated polyester piping enveloped in a fabric and surrounded by course sand. The piping will be spaced between 75 and 150 feet apart. It is designed to receive 13 MGD while maintaining the three foot water table. The underdrains will empty into a series of ditches located throughout the project site which will then carry the effluent, along with rain water runoff to four of the five mitigation wetlands. The fifth mitigation wetland and natural wetlands remaining on-site will receive stormwater runoff only. Additionally, sheet flow will occur in an area composed of wetlands and upland vegetation along East Ditch. A five year storm was considered in the design of culverts in the ditches receiving underdrain discharge. (a) The City proposes to construct the mitigated wetland areas to replace natural wetlands that will be destroyed in the preparation and construction of the spray irrigation project. All of the mitigation wetlands will be marsh habitats, but a non-marsh, woody wetland will be destroyed in the area of the holding pond which will therefore not be mitigated. Some effluent treatment will take place in the mitigated wetlands which will also serve to control the flow of effluent and runoff leaving the project to the southwest, south and southeast. The mitigated wetlands have been designated for a 24 hour storm event that would be expected to occur once in 25 years. A system of ten foot wide wooden weirs with inch notches will be used to control the flow of water through the mitigated wetlands. Wooden boards will be placed in the notches to regulate the flow, but it has not been shown that the hydroperiods or detention times of the pre-construction natural wetlands will be duplicated in the mitigated wetlands. It appears that the detention time necessary for effluent treatment is inconsistent with the natural wetland hydroperiods. Currently the natural wetlands on site are dry for periods throughout the year: however, the mitigated wetlands are designed to have a constant two foot minimum depth and there are no plans to periodically and regularly draw-down the mitigated wetlands. Construction of the mitigated wetland areas will take several weeks, during which time vegetation presently on site will be removed by excavation, the land dried and contoured, berms constructed, and a mulching technique will then be used in an attempt to replace vegetative species found in the natural wetlands. However, testimony shows that a mulching technique is only successful if it is completed in two to three weeks, including establishment of a correct seasonal hydroperiod, and also only if a weed control program is carried out for two years. In this case it is unlikely that construction and mulching could be completed in three weeks, and the City has note proposed an effective weed control program. Berms to be constructed along the southern and western end of the project site around the mitigated wetlands will be ten feet in width at their top and approximateIy three feet above existing grade, or approximately eight feet above the bottom of the mitigated wetland: they will be constructed of clay and sand materials found on site. Reasonable assurance has not been given that the berms as designed will prevent uncontrolled runoff of water to neighboring land to the south and west of the project site. It has also not been shown with reasonable assurance that the mitigation wetlands will replicate plant zonation or community, or the type, function or form of all existing natural wetlands to be destroyed. Finally, reasonable assurance has not been given that the project will preserve a large hardwood swamp, primarily pop ash, on the eastern half of the site, or that an oak hammock in the northeast corner of the site will be saved from flooding as a result of the project. Flows leaving the mitigated wetlands will empty into Howard Creek and East Ditch. Culverts at the outfalls into Howard Creek and East Ditch were designed using a 25 year, 24 hour storm event. These water bodies are currently clear flowing with no algae. The rate of flow through Howard Creek and East Ditch varies currently from a slight trickle to flood conditions due to seasonal rainfall variations. The spray irrigation project will increase the flow into Howard Creek and East Ditch in low flow conditions. The City contends the project should reduce storm discharges and nutrient loading into these water bodies when it is operating under design conditions, but this has not been established by competent substantial evidence. The areas of Howard Creek, East Ditch and Vanderipe Slough which the City seeks to use in the project are privately owned or state property. The City currently has no legal interest in, or authority to use: the privately owned areas of Howard Creek in Myakka Valley Ranches Subdivision (MVRS) for transmission of its discharge from the spraysite to the Howard Creek diversion inside Myakka River State Park: the privately owned areas and drainage way of East Ditch in MVRS for effluent transmission from the spraysite to the Howard Creek diversion inside Myakka River State Park: any portion of Myakka River State Park as part of its wastewater disposal program: or the privately owned areas of Vanderipe Slough for which it seeks permits for the transmission and treatment of sewage effluent. The City proposes to remove a dike, constructed almost fifty years ago, which currently prevents Howard Creek from flowing directly into Vanderipe Slough, and divert the Creek from its present course which is into Upper Lake Myakka. This would restore the natural course of the Creek into the Slough, and eliminate any flow from the Creek into Upper Lake, by constructing a berm between the Creek and Upper Lake within the state park. However, this diversion would destroy a pop ash swamp, some of which is inside the state park, and no mitigation is proposed for this loss. The City has not established that the flow lost by this diversion will not adversely affect water quality of Upper Lake Myakka, or wetlands in the state park. Vanderipe Slough encompasses an area of approximately 500 acres, a portion of which is within the Myakka River State Park, and is therefore an Outstanding Florida Water. At various times of the year, depending upon seasonal rainfall, it is dry to a significant extent, or else is completely flooded such that it overflows Shep's Island and joins with the Myakka River as they flow into Lower Lake Myakka. It is a nutrient limited system with substantial vegetative matting in normal flows. Large areas of the Slough are herbaceous wetlands. The project will cause more water to flow into the Slough in low and medium flow conditions, and under high flow conditions there will be at least as much flow into the Slough as at the present. Water carrying the entire nutrient load of Howard Creek and East Ditch will enter the Slough through a channel that will be cut in its northern end, and will then flow southward at a relatively slow velocity, with a detention time in the Slough of approximately 2.8 days. Channelization or scouring in the Slough will not occur under design conditions due to this relatively slow flow velocity. Flow velocities will be greater through the artificial channel and rip-rap will be used to avoid scouring at this point of entry into the Slough. Approximately 280 acres of Vanderipe Slough will be regularly, and almost continuously, inundated after the project. Under high flow conditions from 400 to 500 acres will be inundated. Nitrogen levels will increase and be converted to usable forms, with a resulting increase in plant growth and decrease in dissolved oxygen content of the water. This is reasonably expected to cause and contribute to existing water quality violations in the Slough, and alter its use as a wildlife habitat to a more aquatic habitat due to increased water levels. Several obstructions or hindrances to the flow of water through the Slough currently exist. These include culverts thirty and forty-two inches wide, which the City proposes to replace with three sixty inch culverts, and berms two to three feet above the Slough floor which are six to ten feet in width. The City has not proposed removal or modification of all obstructions to flow through the Slough. Elevations in the area range from approximately twenty feet above sea level at the sewage treatment plant, with a twenty foot rise along the transmission line to an average elevation of approximately forty feet at the project site, to an elevation of approximately thirteen feet at the present dike which diverts Howard Creek directly into Upper Lake Myakka. Elevations along the eastern edge of Myakka Valley Ranches average twenty feet. Howard Creek falls sixty Eeet in elevation from a point ten miles upstream to the point at which it presently enters Upper Lake Myakka. There is no set back along the southern edge of the property to protect property owners from excessive groundwater flows from the project site which could occur in flood conditions. Sheet flow from the site to other property is likely to occur if watertables in the sprayfield are raised above three feet due to spraying, rainfall or increased groundwater levels. Several Petitioners and members of the public who testified expressed concern about increased flooding and stormwater runoff as a result of the project. The addition of the City's discharge from the sprayfield will impair and adversely affect drainage of property in Myakka Valley Ranches Subdivision through East Ditch, Howard Creek and Vanderipe Slough, and will reasonably be expected to cause flooding. Wetland areas on the eastern boundary of the site may also overflow and discharge into the state park. There is no competent substantial evidence that the City will control increased mosquito populations which will result from flooding and which may cause a health problem and adversely affect the use of these water bodies for recreational and conservation purposes. Security around the spray field site will be provided by three strands of barbed wire on the east, west and north sides of the parcel. On the south side next to Myakka Valley Ranches Subdivision, a six foot high hog wire fence with three strands of barbed wire above it will provided. Gates at all entrance points will allow for locking. The property will also be posted with "no trespassing" signs. This does represent adequate restriction of public access to the site. There was extensive testimony concerning the current water quality and nutrient levels existing on the project site and surrounding water bodies, and the affect of this spray irrigation project on existing wetlands and surrounding waters. In its initial application, the City predicted effluent leaving the treatment plant would contain 12.4 mg/1 nitrogen. In fact, the current average concentration of nitrogen in effluent leaving the plant is 20 mg/1. The stronger concentrations in the City's effluent will continue after completion of the project. Effluent leaving the plant will have achieved basic disinfection, with 90 per cent or more of the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) having been removed prior to discharge into the holding pond. Basic disinfection produces effluent containing up to 200 colonies of fecal coliform per 100 ml. Chlorine contact in the transmission line will reduce bacteria and viruses in the effluent entering the holding pond, but fecal coliforms will still be present in the effluent on- site. Total nitrogen in the holding pond effluent will be volatized, assimilated and absorbed to a degree in the sprayfields. However, the City has incorrectly concluded that the total nitrogen in the underdrain discharge will be in trace amounts, since its analysis began with incorrect assumptions about nitrogen loading from the plant, and also assumed excessive nitrogen uptake from sprayfield grass crops. Nitrogen concentration from the underdrains will be as high as three mg/l. At this level, the underdrain discharge will cause or contribute to new violations of water quality standards for nutrients and dissolved oxygen in the natural and mitigated wetlands. In order to determine if a particular wetland can assimilate nutrient loading, a water budget for that wetland must be prepared. The City has failed to provide adequate wetland water budgets from which it could be determined if the wetlands will assimilate nutrients since none of the water budgets proposed or relied upon by the City accounted for the addition of stormwater or groundwater flow onto the site from offsite. The discharge from the wetlands will introduce nutrients into waters of the state in Howard Creek, East Ditch, Vanderipe Slough and Lower Lake Myakka causing further nutrient enrichment of waters presently high in nutrient concentrations and sensitive to further concentrations and loadings. Sewage effluent will be the only water pollution source affecting these water bodies, for which the City has not sought site specific alternative criteria. The addition of discharge from the spraysite will result in a lowering of dissolved oxygen levels in Howard Creek and East Ditch causing new, or contributing to continuing, violations. These impacts on water quality will be measurable. Howard Creek, East Ditch, and Vanderipe Slough have existing dissolved oxygen violations, and the diversion of Howard Creek and East Ditch into the Slough will cause or contribute to existing DO violations in the Slough. The QUAL/2E Model, as used by the City in this case to predict post-project levels of dissolved oxygen, is not reliable because it is only appropriate for use in determining dissolved oxygen levels in a flowing riverine system, which this is not, and also because there was an insufficient data base. Separating the holding pond from the existing groundwater is a natural clay layer which will be pierced at some points by the excavation of the holding pond. This will allow seepage from the holding pond into the groundwater and the City has not shown that this seepage will meet primary and secondary drinking water standards. Various endangered species are now found in Vanderipe Slough, and the project will adversely impact the habitat of these species which include woodstorks, bald eagles and Florida panthers. Residents of Myakka Valley Ranches, including the Petitioners and several members of the public who testified, currently use portions of Howard Creek, Upper LaXe Myakka and Vanderipe Slough for canoeing, fishing, birdwatching, camping, hunting, boating and picnicking, and the project will adversely impact on such use due to the introduction of effluent and nutrient loading into these areas, as well as the potential for flooding. Upper and Lower Lake Myakka and the Myakka River connecting these two lakes are all located in the Myakka River State Park, and are in state ownership. The City has not affirmatively demonstrated a net improvement to Upper Lake Myakka as a result of the Howard Creek diversion and the project. To the contrary, the City's use of the state park will adversely affect the conservation related uses of the state park, and recreational use of Upper Lake Myakka as it presently exists due to the elimination of boating access from Howard Creek. The City published notice of the Department's Intent to Issue the construction permit in the February 14, 1986 edition of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation in Sarasota County. The notice of Intent to Issue the application for a wetlands exemption was published in the June 21, 1985 edition of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. The notice of Intent to Issue the dredge and fill permit application was published in the January 16, 1986 edition of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. The only hearing provided for was the opportunity for this formal administrative hearing, but public testimony was received in this hearing. Myakka timely filed petitions under Sections 120.57(1) and 403.412(5), Florida Statutes, concerning the dredge and fill, and construction permit applications. The individual Petitioners timely filed petitions under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, challenging the application for wetlands exemption since their petitions were filed on July 8, 1985, the first available business day after July 5, 1985, on which the Department's offices were closed; and which would otherwise have been the last day for filing such petitions. Myakka subsequently timely intervened in the individual Petitioners' proceeding under Sections 120.57(1) and 403.412(5), Florida Statutes. Myakka is a not-for-profit Florida corporation consisting of approximately 300 families who own property to the south of the project site. In addition, Myakka owns portions of Howard Creek which the City proposes to use to transmit effluent discharged from the project site, and also owns a conservation area immediately adjoining Myakka River State Park through which Howard Creek flows. This is used by residents and members, including the individual Petitioners, for recreational and conservation purposes. Myakka also has exclusive drainage rights for portions of East Ditch which the City proposes to use to transmit effluent from the spray site. The individual Petitioners are residents of Myakka Valley Ranches Subdivision whose homes and property abut the southern border of the project site, Howard Creek, East Ditch, Vanderipe Slough and the conservation area referred to above and who will therefore be substantially affected by the City's project due to its adverse affects on these water bodies and conservation area. Myakka has established that one of its main purposes and interests is to protect water quality, wildlife and other natural resources in Howard Creek, East Ditch, Vanderipe Slough, and Upper and Lower Lake Myakka. Sarasota County's local pollution control ordinance requires advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) which is: five milligrams per liter (mg/l) or less of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): five mg/1 or less of suspended solids: three mg/1 of total nitrogen as nitrogen: and one mg/1 of total phosphorous as phosphorous. The City's spray irrigation project is intended to achieve AWT prior to discharge into state waters but it has not been established by competent substantial evidence that it will meet this goal. Secondary treatment currently provided reduces the BOD and suspended solids concentrations in the effluent discharged into Whitaker Bayou to 20 mg/1. As applied for, the City's project places portions of several sprayfields and some of the mitigated wetlands within the 500 foot vegetated buffer zone which has been required for the spraysite by Sarasota County. (a) The findings of fact set forth above are made after considering the evidence introduced, as well as the qualifications, credibility and demeanor of all witnesses who testified. Specifically, the expert testimony of the following witnesses was deemed particularly persuasive and credible: George T. Baragona, expert in hydrology William M. Kutash, expert in biology with special expertise in wetland biology, mitigation of natural wetlands, wetland hydroperiods and water quality impacts in state waters Larry Schwartz, expert in wetland ecology and wetland modeling David Bickner, expert in wetland ecology; and Jan Mandrup-Poulsen, expert in water quality modeling and analysis. The testimony of Donald Deemer, who was recognized as an expert in sanitary engineering with special expertise is waste water treatment and land treatment of wastewater, was outweighed, rebutted and discredited through the testimony of Jan Mandrup-Poulsen and Paul Larsen, who was accepted as an expert in environmental engineering. The testimony of Andrew Huggins, who was recognized as an expert in water quality modeling with special expertise in water chemistry, hydrology and ecology necessary to discuss modeling, was outweighed, rebutted and discredited through the testimony of Larry Schwartz. Geroge Milton, who was accepted as an expert in civil and sanitary engineering with special expertise in wastewater treatment facility design and operation, as well as Douglas Taylor; Superintendent of the City's Treatment Plants, presented credible testimony concerning the City's sewage treatment plant, the proposed transmission line and design of the spray irrigation system. John E. Garlanger, who was accepted as an expert in civil engineering and geology with special expertise in experimental and applied soil mechanics, soil exploration and testing, and land application of water and wastewater, testified regarding his recommendations about the holding pond and underdrains, as well as site soil characteristics: however, the weight given his testimony was lessened since he testified he was not familiar with the City's applications at issue in this case and also did not know if the project was designed consistent with his recommendation. Donald Mauer, who was accepted as an expert in sanitary and civil engineering, testified about his design of the sprayfield, as well as his opinions regarding the treatment plant, transmission line and other off-site project activities: however, his rebuttal testimony lessened the weight given to his testimony generally. The testimony of the following expert witnesses was considered but given less weight due to the witnesses' lack of site specific data, personal knowledge or experience on the site and conflicting testimony of other witnesses; Lloyd Horvath, who was accepted as an expert in hydrology and civil engineering with expertise in water resource modeling; Andre Clewell, expert in botany with special expertise in restoration of wetland habitats and aerial photo interpretation of vegetation; Eduardo Aguilar, expert in geology and groundwater hydrology: and Forrest Dierberg, expert in environmental chemistry with special expertise in wetland biology and chemical processes. All additional testimony and evidence presented by the parties and through public testimony was considered and weighed in the preparation of these findings of fact.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the Department enter a Final Order denying the City of Sarasota's Application for Wetlands Exemption (VE-58-206), Application for Construction Permit (DC-58-095055) and Application for Dredge and Fill Permit (File No. 58-092689). DONE and ENTERED this 31st day of July, 1986, at Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31 day of July, 1986. APPENDIX Rulings on Individual Petitioners' Proposed Findings of Fact. 1,2 Adopted in Finding of Fact 30. Rejected since it is not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Rejected since it is not based on competent substantial evidence. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in Finding of Fact 23. 8,9 Rejected as irrelevant and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Findings of Fact 18, 24, 25. Adopted in Finding of Fact 34. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Rejected in Finding of Fact 14. 14-17 Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 18,19 Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. 20 Rejected since it is not based on competent substantial evidence. Rulings on Myakka's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1,2 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. Adopted in Findings of Fact 2, 3, 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. Adopted in Findings of Fact 1, 7. Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. 10-13 Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. 14-15 Rejected since they are not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. 18,19 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 20-22 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 23,24 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 25 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 26-28 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 29-31 Adopted in Finding of Fact 33. 32-33 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 34-36 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. 37,38 Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. 41,42 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 43-45 Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. 46-48 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 51-56 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Adopted in Finding of Fact 24. Rejected in Finding of Fact 2r 3. Rejected since it is not based on competent substantial evidence. 62,63 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 64 Adopted in part and rejected in part in Finding of Fact 17. 65,66 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact 16. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Rejected as cumulative. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 74,75 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Rejected in Finding of Fact 26. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 78-80 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 81 Adopted in Findings of Fact 11, 12. 82,83 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 84 Adopted in Finding of Fact-21. 85-87 Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. 88-91 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 18, but otherwise rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 92-95 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. 96-97 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 17, but otherwise rejected as unnecessary. 98-99 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 103-106 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 109,110 Rejected as irrelevant and not based on competent substantial evidence. 111 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 17. 112-120 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 121-126 Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 127 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 128-130 Rejected as unnecessary. 131-168 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 24. 172-174 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 176-179 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary, and cumulative. 180 Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. 181-184 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary, and cumulative. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected in Finding of Fact 20. 187,188 Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. Adopted in Finding of Fact 23. 192,193 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 194 Adopted in Finding of Fact 25. 195-198 Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 199,200 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 201 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. 202,203 Adopted in Finding of Fact 30. 204-206 Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. 207 Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 208-211 Adopted in Findings of Fact 21, 22, 27. 212,213 Adopted in Finding of Fact 23. 214 Rejected as irrelevant and cumulative. 215-218 Adopted in Findings of Fact 21. 22, 27. 219-223 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 27, but otherwise rejected as unnecessary, cumulative and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 224,225 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 226,227 Adopted in Finding of Fact 34. 228 Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence. 229,230 Rejected as cumulative. 231-233 Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence. 234,235 Adopted in Finding of Fact 28. 236 Adopted in Finding of Fact 30. 237-243 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 28-30, but otherwise rejected as cumulative and not based on competent substantial evidence. 244-246 Rejected as cumulative and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 247,248 Adopted in Finding of Fact 31. 249-259 Adopted in Findings of Fact 2-5, 32. 260-262 Adopted in Finding of Fact 32. 263 Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. 264 Adopted in Finding of Fact 32. 265-267 Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. 268,269 Adopted in Finding of Fact 32. Adopted in Finding of Fact 25. Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. Adopted in Findings of Fact 25. 29, 32. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19. Adopted in Findings of Fact 19, 29. Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. 276,277 Adopted in Finding of Fact 25. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 25. 281-283 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 284 Adopted in Finding of Fact 29. 285 Adopted in Findings of Fact 29, 32. 286 Adopted in Findings of Fact 19. 32. 287,288 Rejected as unnecessary and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 289-296 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rulings on City's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 33. 5 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 6-11 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 12-14 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 15 Rejected as irrelevant. 16 Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. 17 Rejected as irrelevant. 18 Adopted in Findings of Fact 27, 33. 19-21 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 22-30 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary and otherwise contrary to Finding of Fact 27. 31 Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence. 32,33 Adopted in Findings of Fact 2, 3, 7. 34,35 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 36-44 Rejected as unnecessary and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 45-52 Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. 53-55 Rejected as unnecessary. 56-58 Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. 59 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 60-62 Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. 63,64 Rejected as unnecessary. 65 Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. 66-69 Rejected as irrelevant and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 70-84 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Rejected as irrelevant and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 87-92 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Rejected as unclear. Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 95-100 Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. 101 Rejected in Finding of Fact 14. 102-104 Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in Finding of Fact 15. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact-16. Adopted in part and rejected in part in Finding of Fact 27. 110,111 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. 112 Rejected as irrelevant. 113-118 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. 119,120 Adopted substantially in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted in Finding of Fact 16. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. 124,125 Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence and otherwise irrelevant. 126-130 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 2. 16, but otherwise rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 131-135 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 17 but otherwise rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 136-140 Rejected in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected in Findings of Fact 11, 17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 16. 143-148 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27 and otherwise unnecessary. 149 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 150,151 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. Adopted in Findings of Fact 17, 18. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Adopted in part and rejected in part in Finding of Fact 18. 155,156 Rejected in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected in Findings of Fact 13, 14. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 26. Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 163-165 Rejected as not based on competent substantial evidence. 166-169 Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 170-173 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary and not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in part and rejected in part in Finding of Fact 20. Adopted in Finding of Fact 23. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. 178-188 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27, and otherwise irrelevant, unnecessary and not based on competent substantial evidence. 189,190 Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 193-195 Rejected as unnecessary and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 196 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. 197-199 Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. 200,201 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary and not based on competent substantial evidence. 202-206 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27, and otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. 207,208 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 21. 209-217 Rejected in Findings of Fact 21, 22, 27, and otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected in Finding of Fact 21. Rejected as irrelevant and not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 222-224 Rejected in Finding of Fact 27. and otherwise irrelevant and unnecessary. 225 Rejected as unnecessary and not based on competent substantial evidence. 226 evidence. Rejected as not based on competent substantial 227,228 Rejected as irrelevant. 229-232 Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. 233 Rejected as irrelevant. 234,235 evidence. Rejected as not based on competent substantial 236 Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. 237,238 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 239 Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. 240-243 Rejected as irrelevant. 244-246 Adopted in Finding of Fact 31. 247-250 Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. 251 evidence. Rejected as not based on competent substantial 252,253 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 254,255 Rejected as irrelevant and otherwise not based on competent substantial evidence. 256,257 Adopted in Finding of Fact 31. 258-260 Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 261 Rejected as irrelevant. 262 Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 263 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 264 Adopted in Findings of Fact 2, 11. 265-267 Rejected as irrelevant. 268 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 269-272 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 273,274 Adopted in Finding of Fact 31. 275-278 Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary and not based on competent substantial evidence. 279-284 Rejected in Finding of Fact 32. Rulings on the Department's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1 Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 2,3 Adopted in Findings of Fact 2. 3, 4. 4 Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. 5-8 Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. 9 Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. 10-12 Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 13 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 14,15 Adopted in Finding of Fact 33. 16-23 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected since this is a conclusion of law rather than a proposed finding of fact. Rejected as unclear. Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. 27-30 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Adopted in Finding of Fact 26. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as speculative and not based on competent substantial evidence. Adopted in Finding of Fact 24. 35,36 Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 37,38 Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 17, but otherwise rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Findings of Fact 11, 12. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 16. 47,48 Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. 51,52 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. 53-55 Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 56-59 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. 63,64 Adopted in Finding of Fact 20. 65-73 Adopted in Finding of Fact 17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Rejected in Finding of Fact 20. 76,77 Adopted in Finding of Fact 21. 78-82 Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Rejected in Finding of Fact 8. Adopted in Finding of Fact 21._ Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 87,88 Rejected as a conclusion of law rather than a proposed finding of fact. 89,90 Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 91-93 Rejected as unnecessary. 94 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 21. 95,96 Adopted in part in Finding of Fact 22. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. Adopted in Findings of Fact 21, 22. 99-103 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. Rejected as unclear. Adopted in Finding of Fact 22. 107,108 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 109 Adopted in Finding of Fact 22.. 110,111 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 112-114 Rejected as unnecessary and cumulative. 115-117 Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. 118 Rejected as cumulative. 119-121 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. 122 Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. 123-136 Adopted in Finding of Fact 27. COPIES FURNISHED: Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Greg D. Sefton 5781 Old Ranch Road Sarasota, Florida 34241 Edward P. de la Parte, Jr. Attorney at Law 705 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33602 Ralph A. Kehn Route 1, Box 74-170 Rockinghorse Lane Sarasota, Florida 34241 Wyatt S. Bishop Route 1, Box 74-203 Sarasota, Florida 34241 C. Anthony Cleveland, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Judith Kavanaugh, Esquire 2831 Ringling Boulevard Suite C209 Sarasota, Florida 33577 Dorisanna L. Peters 5793 Old Ranch Road Sarasota, Florida 34241

Florida Laws (4) 120.57211.32267.061403.412
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Sep. 30, 2016 Number: 16-005718 Latest Update: Nov. 16, 2017

The Issue The issues to be determined in these consolidated cases are whether All Aboard Florida – Operations, LLC (“the Applicant”), and Florida East Coast Railway, LLC (“FECR”), are entitled to an Environmental Resource Permit Modification authorizing the construction of a stormwater management system and related activities to serve railway facilities, and a verification of exemption for work to be done at 23 roadway crossings (collectively referred to as “the project”).

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioners Martin County and St. Lucie County are political subdivisions of the State of Florida. Petitioners have substantial interests that could be affected by the District’s proposed authorizations. Intervenor Town of St. Lucie Village is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. Intervenor has substantial interests that could be affected by the District’s proposed authorizations. The Applicant, All Aboard Florida – Operations, LLC, is a Delaware limited liability company based in Miami. All Aboard Florida is part of a group of corporate entities formed for the principal purpose of developing and operating express passenger train service in Florida. Co-applicant Florida East Coast Railway, LLC, is a Florida limited liability company based in Jacksonville. FECR owns the existing railway corridor the passenger train service will use between Miami and Cocoa. South Florida Water Management District is a regional agency granted powers and assigned duties under chapter 373, part IV, Florida Statutes, including powers and duties related to the regulation of construction activities in wetlands. The proposed activities are within the boundaries of the District. Background The objective of the All Aboard Florida Project is to establish express passenger train service connecting four large urban areas: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Orlando. Most of the passenger service route, including the portion which will pass through Martin County and St. Lucie County, will use an existing railroad right-of-way used since the late 1800s. The FECR rail corridor runs along Florida’s east coast from Miami to Jacksonville. It supported passenger and freight operations on shared double mainline tracks from 1895 to 1968. The passenger service was terminated in 1968 and portions of the double track and certain bridge structures were removed. The freight service continued and remains in operation today. The passenger service will use the FECR right-of-way from Miami to Cocoa and then turn west on a new segment to be constructed from Cocoa to Orlando. The railway corridor will be operated as a joint facility, with passenger and freight trains sharing the double mainline tracks. The Applicant is upgrading the portion of the corridor between Miami and Cocoa by, among other things, replacing existing railroad ties and tracks, reinstalling double mainline tracks, and improving grade crossings. The Applicant is also installing Positive Train Control systems which provide integrated command and control of passenger and freight train movements and allow the trains to be directed and stopped remotely or automatically in the event of operator error or disability, or an obstruction on the track. The All Aboard Florida Project is being developed in two phases, Phase I extends from Miami to West Palm Beach, and Phase II from West Palm Beach to Orlando. This proceeding involves a segment within Phase II, known as Segment D09, which runs from just north of West Palm Beach to the northern boundary of St. Lucie County. The railway corridor in Segment D09 passes through Jonathan Dickinson State Park in Martin County and the Savannas Preserve State Park, parts of which are in both Martin County and St. Lucie County. Surface waters within these state parks are Outstanding Florida Waters (“OFWs”). The railway in Segment D09 also passes over the St. Lucie River using a bridge that can be opened to allow boats to pass. The Applicant plans to run 16 round trips per day between Miami and Orlando, which is about one train an hour in each direction, starting early in the morning and continuing to mid-evening. In 2013, the District issued the Applicant an exemption under section 373.406(6), which exempts activities having only minimal or insignificant adverse impacts on water resources. The 2013 exemption covers proposed work in approximately 48 of the 65 miles which make up Segment D09, and includes replacement of existing tracks and re-establishment of a second set of mainline tracks where they were historically located. The 2013 exemption covers all but 24 of the roadway crossings within Segment D09 where work is to be done in connection with the All Aboard Florida Project. In 2015, the District issued the Applicant a general permit under rule 62-330.401, which authorizes activities that are expected to cause minimal adverse impacts to water resources, for the installation of fiber optic cable along the rail bed within Segment D09. The 2013 exemption and 2015 general permit were not challenged and became final agency action. The Proposed Agency Actions The ERP Modification covers work to be done in approximately 17 of the 65 miles which make up Segment D09. The work will consist primarily of replacing existing tracks, installing new tracks, making curve modifications in some locations to accommodate faster trains, culvert modifications, and work on some fixed bridge crossings over non-navigable waters. The 2017 Exemption at issue in this proceeding covers improvements to 23 of the 24 roadway crossings that were not covered by the 2013 exemption. Proposed improvements at Southeast Florida Street in Stuart will be permitted separately. The improvements covered by the 2017 Exemption include upgrading existing safety gates and signals; installing curbs, guardrails, and sidewalks; resurfacing some existing paved surfaces; and adding some new paving. Petitioners argue that, because the District’s staff report for the ERP Modification states that the ERP does not cover work at roadway crossings, track work at roadway crossings has not been authorized. However, the staff report was referring to the roadway improvements that are described in the 2017 Exemption. The proposed track work at the roadway crossings was described in the ERP application and was reviewed and authorized by the District in the ERP Modification. “Segmentation” Petitioners claim it was improper for the District to separately review and authorize the proposed activities covered by the 2013 exemption, the 2015 general permit, the ERP Modification, and the 2017 Exemption. Petitioners contend that, as a consequence of this “segmentation” of the project, the District approved “roads to nowhere,” by which Petitioners mean that these activities do not have independent functionality. Petitioners’ argument is based on section 1.5.2 of the Applicant’s Handbook, Volume 1,1/ which states that applications to construct phases of a project can only be considered when each phase can be constructed, operated, and maintained totally independent of future phases. However, the activities authorized by the four agency actions are not phases of a project. They are all parts of Phase II of the All Aboard Florida Project, which is the passenger railway from West Palm Beach to Orlando. Section 1.5.2 is not interpreted or applied by the District as a prohibition against separate review and approval of related activities when they qualify under the District’s rules for exemptions, general permits, and ERPs. Much of Phase II is outside the District’s geographic boundaries and, therefore, beyond its regulatory jurisdiction. The District can only review and regulate a portion of Phase II. The District is unable to review this portion as a stand-alone railway project that can function independently from other project parts. The Proposed Stormwater Management System Where the Applicant is replacing existing tracks or re- establishing a second set of tracks, it will be laying new ties, ballast, and rail on previously-compacted earth. In those areas, no stormwater management modifications were required by the District. The Applicant’s new proposed stormwater management system will be located in a five-mile area of the corridor where an existing siding will be shifted outward and used as a third track. In this area, swales with hardened weir discharge structures and skimmers will be installed to provide stormwater treatment beyond what currently exists. The weir discharge structures will serve to prevent erosion at discharge points. The skimmers will serve to capture any floating oils or refuse. Because the FECR right-of-way is not wide enough in some three-track areas to also accommodate swales, the proposed stormwater management system was oversized in other locations to provide compensating volume. The District determined that this solution was an accepted engineering practice for linear systems such as railroads. Petitioners argue that the Applicant’s proposed stormwater management system is deficient because some of the proposed swales do not meet the definition of “swale” in section 403.803(14) as having side slopes equal to or greater than three feet horizontal to one foot vertical (3:1). The statute first defines a swale to include a manmade trench which has “a top width-to-depth ratio of the cross-section equal to or greater than 6:1.” The swales used in the proposed stormwater management system meet this description. Petitioners showed that the plans for one of the 46 proposed swales included some construction outside the FECR right-of-way. In response, the Applicant submitted revised plan sheets to remove the swale at issue. The Emergency Access Way The ERP application includes proposed modifications to portions of an existing unpaved emergency access way which runs along the tracks in some areas. The access way is a private dirt road for railroad-related vehicles and is sometimes used for maintenance activities. At the final hearing, Petitioners identified an inconsistency between an application document which summarizes the extent of proposed new access way construction and the individual plan sheets that depict the construction. The Applicant resolved the inconsistency by correcting the construction summary document. Petitioners also identified an individual plan sheet showing proposed access way modifications to occur outside of the FECR right-of-way. This second issue was resolved by eliminating any proposed work outside the right-of-way. Petitioners believe the proposed work on the access way was not fully described and reviewed because Petitioners believe the access way will be made continuous. However, the access way is not continuous currently and the Applicant is not proposing to make it continuous. No District rule requires the access way segments to be connected as a condition for approval of the ERP. Water Quantity Impacts An applicant for an ERP must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, operation, and maintenance of a proposed project will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands, adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property, or adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities. The District’s design criterion to meet this requirement for water quantity management is a demonstration that the proposed stormwater system will capture the additional runoff caused during a 25-year/3-day storm event. The Applicant’s proposed stormwater system meets or exceeds this requirement. Petitioners argue that the Applicant failed to provide reasonable assurance because the ERP application materials did not include a calculation of the discharge rates and velocities for water discharging from the swales during the design storm. The ERP application contains the information required to calculate the discharge rates and velocities and the Applicant’s stormwater expert, Bruce McArthur, performed the calculations and testified at the final hearing that in the areas where there will be discharges, the discharge rates and velocities would be “minor” and would not cause adverse impacts. The District’s stormwater expert, Jesse Markle, shared this opinion. Petitioners argue that this information should have been provided to the District in the permit application, but this is a de novo proceeding where new evidence to establish reasonable assurances can be presented. Petitioners did not show that Mr. McArthur is wrong. Petitioners failed to prove that the proposed project will cause adverse water quantity impacts, flooding, or adverse impacts to surface water storage and conveyance capabilities. Water Quality Impacts To obtain an ERP, an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, operation, and maintenance of a regulated project will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters, such that state water quality standards would be violated. The District’s design criteria for water quality required the Applicant to show that its proposed stormwater system will capture at least 0.5 inches of runoff over the developed area. To be conservative, the Applicant designed its proposed system to capture 1.0 inch of runoff in most areas. Under District rules, if a stormwater system will directly discharge to impaired waters or OFWs, an additional 50 percent of water quality treatment volume is required. The proposed stormwater system will not directly discharge to either impaired waters or OFWs. In some locations, there is the potential for stormwater discharged from the proposed stormwater system to reach OFWs by overland flow, after the stormwater has been treated for water quality purposes. The Applicant designed its proposed stormwater system to provide at least an additional 50 percent of water quality treatment volume in areas where this potential exists. To ensure that the proposed construction activities do not degrade adjacent wetlands, other surface waters, or off-site areas due to erosion and sedimentation, the Applicant prepared an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Temporary silt fences and turbidity barriers will be installed and maintained around the limits of the construction. The District’s design criteria for water quality do not require an analysis of individual contaminants that can be contained in stormwater, except in circumstances that do not apply to this project. Compliance with the design criteria creates a presumption that water quality standards for all potential contaminants are met. See Applicant’s Handbook, V. II, § 4.1.1. Although not required, the Applicant provided a loading analysis for the proposed swales which could potentially discharge overland to impaired waters or OFWs. The analysis compared pre- and post-development conditions and showed there would be a net reduction in pollutant loading. Petitioners believe the pollutant loading analysis was inadequate because it did not specifically test for arsenic and petroleum hydrocarbons. However, the analysis was not required and adequate treatment is presumed. Petitioners did not conduct their own analysis to show that water quality standards would be violated. Petitioners’ expert, Patrick Dayan, believes the compaction of previously undisturbed soils in the emergency access way would increase stormwater runoff. However, he did not calculate the difference between pre- and post-construction infiltration rates at any particular location. His opinion on this point was not persuasive. Petitioners failed to prove that the proposed project will generate stormwater that will adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that state water quality standards would be violated. The preponderance of the evidence shows the project complies with District design criteria and will not cause water quality violations. Soil and Sediment Contamination Petitioners argue that the ERP Modification does not account for the disturbance of existing contaminants in soils and sediments that could be carried outside of the right-of-way and into OFWs. Petitioners’ argument is based on investigations by their geologist, Janet Peterson, who collected soil, sediment, and surface water samples at 13 sites along the FECR rail corridor in the vicinity of OFWs, or surface waters that eventually flow into OFWs. During her sampling visits, Ms. Peterson saw no visual evidence of an oil spill, fluid leak, or other release of hazardous materials. Ms. Peterson compared her soil sample results to the Residential Direct Exposure Soil Cleanup Target Levels (“SCTLs”) established in rule 62-777. The SCTLs are the levels at which toxicity becomes a human health concern and the residential SCTLs assume soil ingestion of 200 mg/day for children, and 100 mg/day for adults, 350 days a year, for 30 years. Some of the soil sampling results showed exceedances of SCTLs, but the SCTLs are not applicable here because none of the sample sites are locations where children or adults would be expected to ingest soil at such levels for such lengths of time. Petitioners did not show that the contaminants are likely to migrate to locations where such exposure would occur. Ms. Peterson compared her soil sample results to the Marine Surface Water Leachability SCTLs, but she did not develop site-specific leachability-based SCTLs using DEP’s approved methodology. Nor did she show that the proposed project will cause the soils to leach the contaminants. Ms. Peterson collected sediment samples from shorelines, but not where construction activities are proposed. She compared her sediment sample results to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (“DEP”) Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines (“SQAGs”). These guidelines are not water quality standards. Any exceedance of these guidelines requires further analysis to determine potential water quality impacts. Ms. Peterson did not conduct the analysis. Ms. Peterson acknowledged that there are numerous sources for these pollutants at or near her sample sites, such as high-traffic roads, vehicular bridges, commercial and industrial facilities, boatyards, and golf courses. She did not establish baselines or controls. Ms. Peterson collected surface water samples at seven sites, some of which were located outside the FECR right-of-way. The results showed levels of phosphorous and nitrogen above the criteria for nutrients at some locations. Phosphorous, nitrogen, and the other nutrients are prevalent in the waters of Martin County and St. Lucie County and come from many sources. Petitioners’ evidence focused on existing conditions and not expected impacts of the proposed project. The evidence was insufficient to prove the proposed project will cause or contribute to water quality violations. Functions Provided by Wetlands and Other Surface Waters An applicant for an ERP must provide reasonable assurance that a proposed project will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters. Petitioners claim the Applicant and District should not have relied on Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (“FLUCCS”) maps to identify and characterize wetlands and other habitat areas because the maps are too general and inaccurate. However, the FLUCCS maps were not used by the Applicant or District to evaluate impacts to wetlands or other habitats. The Applicant began its evaluation of impacts to wetlands and other habitat areas by field-flagging and surveying the wetland and surface water boundaries in the project area using a GPS device with sub-meter accuracy. It then digitized the GPS delineations and overlaid them with the limits of construction to evaluate anticipated direct impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. The District then verified the delineations and assessments in the field. The Applicant and District determined that there are a total of 4.71 acres of wetlands within the FECR right-of-way, including tidal mangroves, freshwater marsh, and wet prairie. They also determined the proposed project will directly impact 0.35 acres of wetlands, consisting of 0.09 acres of freshwater marsh and 0.26 acres of mangroves. Petitioners contend that the Applicant failed to account for all of the project’s wetland impacts, based on the wetland delineations made by their wetland expert, Andrew Woodruff. Most of the impacts that Mr. Woodruff believes were not accounted for are small, between 0.01 and 0.05 acres. The largest one is acres. The Applicant’s delineations are more reliable than Mr. Woodruff’s because the methodology employed by the Applicant had greater precision. It is more likely to be accurate. Petitioners argue that the 2013 exemption and the 2015 general permit did not authorize work in wetlands and, therefore, the impacts they cause must be evaluated in this ERP Modification. However, Petitioners did not prove that there are unaccounted-for wetland impacts associated with those authorizations. Any impacts associated with best management practices for erosion control, such as the installation of silt fences, would be temporary. The District does not include such temporary minor impacts in its direct, secondary, or cumulative impacts analyses. Most of the wetlands that would be directly impacted by the ERP Modification are degraded due to past hydrologic alterations and soil disturbances from the original construction and historical use of the FECR railway corridor, and infestation by exotic plant species. Most of these wetlands are also adjacent to disturbed uplands within or near the rail corridor. The functional values of most of the wetlands that would be affected have been reduced by these disturbances. The Applicant provided reasonable assurance that the project will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters. Secondary Impacts Section 10.2.7 of the Applicant’s Handbook requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of a proposed activity (a) will not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards or adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or other surface waters; (b) will not adversely impact the ecological value of uplands for bald eagles, and aquatic or wetland-dependent listed animal species for nesting or denning by these species; (c) will not cause impacts to significant historical or archaeological resources; and (d) additional phases for which plans have been submitted, and closely linked projects regulated under chapter 373, part IV, will not cause water quality violations or adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or other surface waters. The proposed work will be entirely within the limits of the existing railway corridor where secondary impacts to wetlands and other surface waters caused by noise, vibration, fragmentation of habitats, and barriers to wildlife have existed for decades. The preponderance of the evidence shows that any increase in these kinds of impacts would be insignificant and would not reduce the current functions being provided. Because the affected wetlands are not preferred habitat for wetland-dependent, endangered, or threatened wildlife species, or species of special concern, and no such species were observed in the area, no adverse impacts to these species are expected to occur. Petitioners contend that adverse impacts will occur to the gopher tortoise, scrub jay, and prickly apple cactus. These are not aquatic or wetland-dependent species. However, the preponderance of the evidence shows any increase in impacts to these species would be insignificant. When the train bridges are closed, boats with masts or other components that make them too tall to pass under the train bridges must wait for the bridge to open before continuing. Petitioners contend that the current “stacking” of boats waiting for the bridges to open would worsen and would adversely impact seagrass beds and the West Indian Manatee. However, it was not shown that seagrass beds are in the areas where the boats are stacking. The available manatee mortality data does not show a link between boat stacking and boat collisions with manatees. Mr. Woodruff’s opinion about increased injuries to manatees caused by increased boat stacking was speculative and unpersuasive. The preponderance of the evidence shows that the adverse effects on both listed and non-listed wildlife species, caused by faster and more numerous trains would be insignificant. The activities associated with the 2013 exemption and the 2015 general permit for fiber optic cable were based on determinations that the activities would have minimal or insignificant adverse impacts on water resources. These determinations are not subject to challenge in this proceeding. The Applicant provided reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts of the project will not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards, adversely impact the functions of wetlands or other surface waters, adversely impact the ecological value of uplands for use by listed animal species, or cause impacts to significant historical or archaeological resources. Elimination and Reduction of Impacts Under section of the Applicant’s Handbook, if a proposed activity will result in adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters, the applicant for an ERP must implement practicable design modifications to eliminate or reduce the impacts, subject to certain exceptions that will be discussed below. Petitioners argue that this rule requires the Applicant and District to evaluate the practicability of alternative routes through the region, routes other than the existing railway corridor in Segment D09. As explained in the Conclusions of Law, that argument is rejected. The evaluation of project modifications to avoid impacts was appropriately confined to the railway corridor in Segment D09. The Applicant implemented practicable design modifications in the project area to reduce or eliminate impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. Those modifications included the shifting of track alignments, the elimination of certain third-track segments, and the elimination of some proposed access way modifications. However, the project qualified under both “opt out” criteria in section of the Applicant’s Handbook so that design modifications to reduce or eliminate impacts were not required: (1) The ecological value of the functions provided by the area of wetland or surface water to be adversely affected is low, and the proposed mitigation will provide greater long-term ecological value; and (2) the applicant proposes mitigation that implements all or part of a plan that provides regional ecological value and provides greater long-term ecological value. Mitigation The Applicant proposes to mitigate for impacts to wetlands by purchasing mitigation credits from four District- approved mitigation banks: the Bluefield Ranch, Bear Point, Loxahatchee, and F.P.L. Everglades Mitigation Banks. Each is a regional off-site mitigation area which implements a detailed management plan and provides regional long-term ecological value. The number of mitigation credits needed to offset loss of function from impacts to wetlands was calculated using the Modified Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (“MWRAP”) or Wetland Assessment Technique for Environmental Review (“WATER”), as prescribed in the state permit for each mitigation bank. Applying these methods, the Applicant is required to purchase mitigation credits. The Applicant proposed to mitigate the adverse impacts to freshwater marsh wetlands by purchasing 0.01 freshwater herbaceous credits from the Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank, and 0.06 freshwater herbaceous credits from the Loxahatchee Mitigation Bank. The adverse impacts to tidal mangrove wetlands would be mitigated by purchasing 0.12 saltwater credits from the Bear Point Mitigation Bank, and 0.02 saltwater credits from the F.P.L. Everglades Mitigation Bank. The Applicant committed to purchase an additional 0.29 freshwater herbaceous credits from the Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank, for a total of 0.50 mitigation credits. The proposed mitigation implements a plan that will provide greater long-term ecological value than is provided by the wetlands that will be impacted. The Applicant proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the project complies with the District’s mitigation requirements. Cumulative Impacts To obtain an ERP, an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that a regulated activity will not result in unacceptable cumulative impacts to water resources. This assurance can be provided by proposing to fully mitigate the impacts within the same basin. However, when an applicant proposes mitigation in another drainage basin, the applicant must demonstrate that the regulated activity will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts. The proposed project will adversely impact 0.02 acres of freshwater marsh wetlands and 0.21 acres of tidal mangrove wetlands in the St. Lucie River basin. The impacts to the freshwater marshes must be mitigated out-of-basin because there are no mitigation banks in the basin which offer freshwater herbaceous mitigation credits. The proposed project will adversely impact 0.07 acres of the freshwater marshes and 0.05 acres of the mangrove wetlands in the Loxahatchee River basin. Those impacts must also be mitigated out-of-basin because there are no mitigation banks in the Loxahatchee River basin. Because some of the Applicant’s proposed mitigation must be provided out-of-basin, the ERP application included a cumulative impact analysis. The analysis evaluated whether the proposed project, when considered in conjunction with other possible development within the St. Lucie River and Loxahatchee River drainage basins, would result in unacceptable cumulative impacts considering each basin as a whole. There are approximately 10,068 acres of freshwater marshes within the St. Lucie basin, of which an estimated 4,929 acres are not preserved and would be at risk of potential future development. The proposed project will adversely impact 0.02 of those acres, which is only 0.0004 percent of the total at-risk acreage. There are about 34,000 acres of freshwater marshes within the Loxahatchee River basin, of which an estimated 7,463 acres are at risk of future development, and approximately 564 acres of tidal mangrove wetlands, of which an estimated 75 acres are at risk of future development. The project will adversely impact 0.07 acres of the freshwater marshes (0.0009 percent), and 0.05 acres of the tidal mangrove wetlands (0.0667 percent). Petitioners contend the Applicant’s analysis did not account for impacts from proposed activities authorized in the 2013 and 2015 general permit. However, Petitioners failed to prove there are unaccounted-for wetland impacts. The preponderance of the evidence supports the District’s determination that the proposed project will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. Public Interest When an applicant seeks authorization for a regulated activity in, on, or over wetlands or surface waters, it must provide reasonable assurance that the activity will not be contrary to the public interest, or if the activity is within or significantly degrades an OFW, is clearly in the public interest, as determined by balancing the following criteria set forth in section 373.414(1)(a): Whether the activities will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others; Whether the activities will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the activities will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the activities will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity; Whether the activities will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the activities will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources; and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activities. The proposed work is not within an OFW, but entirely within the FECR corridor. The potential for overland flow and indirect impacts to OFWs is addressed by additional treatment of the stormwater prior to discharge. The proposed project would not significantly degrade an OFW. Therefore, the applicable inquiry is whether the project is contrary to the public interest. Factor 1: Public Safety, Safety, and Welfare Petitioners contend that the proposed project will adversely affect public health, safety, and welfare by impacting water quantity, water quality, and certain non-environmental matters such as emergency response times, traffic congestion, and potential train collisions with pedestrians and vehicles. Potential environmental impacts have been addressed above and, by a preponderance of the evidence, the District and the Applicant showed that such impacts would be insignificant or would be mitigated. As to the potential for non-environmental impacts associated with train operations, it is explained in the Conclusions of Law that the public interest test does not include consideration of non-environmental factors other than those expressly articulated in the statute, such as navigation and preservation of historical or archaeological resources. However, because evidence of non-environmental impacts was admitted at the final hearing, the issues raised by Petitioners will be briefly addressed below. The regulatory agency with specific responsibility for railroad safety is the Federal Railroad Administration (“FRA”). The FRA reviewed the safety features associated with the proposed passenger train operations, and approved them. Public safety will be enhanced at roadway crossings because of the proposed improvements and the use of modern technology in monitoring and managing the movement of trains. Petitioners contend that the addition of the passenger rail service will impede emergency response times in Martin County and St. Lucie County due to more frequent roadway closures. However, freight trains currently impede emergency response times due to their length and slow speed. The passenger trains will be much shorter in length and faster so that roadway crossing closures for passing passenger trains will be much shorter than for freight trains. The ERP Modification and 2017 Exemption do not affect freight train operations. The preponderance of the evidence shows that passenger rail service is unlikely to cause a material increase in the occurrence of circumstances where an emergency responder is impeded by a train. The current problem must be addressed through changes in freight train operations. Petitioners also contend that the passenger rail service will interfere with hurricane evacuation. The persuasive evidence does not support that contention. Train service would cease when a hurricane is approaching. Petitioners contend the trains will have to be “staged” on either side of the two moveable bridges while other trains cross, thereby blocking road intersections. However, this was a matter of speculation. The Applicant does not propose or want to stage trains at the bridges. Petitioners contend that the project will cause hazards to boaters on the St. Lucie River because there will be more times when the train bridge will be closed to allow the passage of passenger trains. Although there were many statistics presented about the number of boats affected, the evidence was largely anecdotal with respect to the current hazard associated with boaters waiting for the passage of freight trains and speculative as to the expected increase in the hazard if shorter and faster passenger trains are added. Factor 2: Conservation of Fish and Wildlife As previously found, the proposed activities will not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including threatened or endangered species. The preponderance of the evidence shows the project will have only insignificant adverse impacts on water resources and wildlife. Factor 3: Navigation of the Flow of Water Petitioners claim the project will hinder navigation on the St. Lucie and Loxahatchee Rivers because of the increase in bridge closures if passenger trains are added. The U.S. Coast Guard is the agency with clear authority to regulate the opening and closing of moveable train bridges over navigable waters in the interests of navigation. Petitioners’ insistence that the District address the bridge openings is novel. No instance was identified by the parties where this District, any other water management district, or DEP has attempted through an ERP to dictate how frequently a railroad bridge must open to accommodate boat traffic. The Coast Guard is currently reviewing the project’s potential impacts on navigation and will make a determination about the operation of the moveable bridges. It has already made such a determination for the moveable bridge which crosses the New River in Ft. Lauderdale. Petitioners point to section of the Applicant’s Handbook, which states that the District can consider an applicant’s Coast Guard permit, and suggest that this shows the District is not limited to what the Coast Guard has required. However, Section explains the navigation criterion in terms of preventing encroachments into channels and improving channel markings, neither of which encompasses the regulation of train bridges. The preponderance of the evidence shows the project would not cause harmful erosion or shoaling or adversely affect the flow of water. Factor 4: Fishing, Recreational Values, and Marine Productivity The preponderance of the evidence shows that there would be no adverse impacts or only insignificant impacts to fishing or recreational values and marine productivity. Factor 5: Permanent Impact The proposed project will have both temporary and permanent impacts. The temporary impacts include the installation of silt fences and turbidity barriers designed to reduce water quality impacts and impacts to functions provided by wetlands and surface waters. The impacts due to track installation, construction and rehabilitation of the non-moveable bridges, at-grade crossing improvements, and stormwater system improvements are permanent in nature. The permanent impacts have been minimized and mitigated. Factor 6: Historical or Archaeological Resources Petitioners do not contend that the project will adversely affect significant historical or archaeological resources. Factor 7: Wetland Functions in Areas Affected Because the proposed work is within the limits of an existing railway corridor where impacts have been occurring for decades, and the majority of the wetlands to be affected are of a low to moderate quality, there would be only a small loss of functional values and that loss would be fully mitigated. Public Interest Summary When the seven public interest factors are considered and balanced, the proposed project is not contrary to the public interest. Even if Petitioners’ non-environmental issues are included, the project is not contrary to the public interest. Compliance With Other Permit Conditions The project is capable, based on accepted engineering and scientific principles, of performing and functioning as proposed. The Applicant demonstrated sufficient real property interests over the lands upon which project activities will be conducted. It obtained the required consent for proposed activities relating to bridge crossings over state-owned submerged lands. The Applicant provided reasonable assurance of compliance with all other applicable permit criteria. Exemption Verification for Roadway Crossings The Applicant’s ERP application included a mixture of activities which required an individual permit, as well as activities in roadway crossings which the Applicant claimed were exempt from permitting. Pursuant to section of the Applicant’s Handbook, the Applicant requested a verification of exemption as to certain work to be done within 23 of those 24 roadway crossings. The District determined that the improvements for which an exemption was sought were exempt from permitting under rule 62-330.051(4)(c) for minor roadway safety construction, rule 62-330.051(4)(d) resurfacing of paved roads, and rule 62-330.051(10) for “construction, alteration, maintenance, removal or abandonment of recreational paths for pedestrians, bicycles, and golf carts.” The preponderance of the evidence shows the proposed work qualifies for exemption under these rules.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order that: approves Environmental Resource Permit Modification No. 13-05321-P on the terms and conditions set forth in the District’s Corrected Proposed Amended Staff Report of May 11, 2017; and approves the Verification of Exemption dated March 31, 2017. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of September, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of September, 2017.

Florida Laws (14) 120.52120.569120.57120.573120.60163.3161373.016373.069373.119373.406373.414373.427403.161403.803
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