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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Aug. 30, 2004 Number: 04-003054 Latest Update: Jul. 21, 2005

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations set forth in the Administrative Complaint, as amended and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an agency of the State of Florida charged with regulating the operation of the pest control industry pursuant to Section 482.032, Florida Statutes. At all times material to this case, Clinton Killingsworth was the owner and Certified Operator in Charge (COIC) of Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Inc., a licensed pest control company in Cantonment, Florida. Counts 4 and 6 2. Counts 4 and 6 of the Administrative Complaint allege as follows: Count 4 During an inspection on July 11, 2003, the Department found that Environmental Security of Okaloosa operated an unlicensed business location at 9100 Hamman Avenue, Pensacola, at which sales solicitations were made and remuneration received. This is a violation of Chapters 482.071(1) and (2), Florida Statutes. Count 6 During an inspection on July 11, 2003 the Department found that Environmental Security of Okaloosa phone numbers terminated in an unlicensed location as 9100 Hamman Avenue. This is a violation of Chapter 5E-14.142(3)(b). Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Inc., d/b/a Environmental Security, is physically located at 4141 Pine Forest Road in Cantonment, Florida, and is listed at this address on its application for business license filed with the Department. Cantonment is located in Escambia County near Pensacola, Florida. Two other pest control companies, Killingsworth Environmental, Inc., and Atlas Termite and Pest Control of Cantonment, Inc., are located at the same address. On July 11, 2003, the Department conducted an inspection of a company called Home Services Marketing and Management, LLC, (hereinafter Home Services) which is located at 9100 Hamman Avenue in Pensacola. Clifford Killingsworth and Clinton Killingsworth2/ are the managers of Home Services. On March 26, 2002, entered into a Management and Marketing Agreement with Home Services, executed by Clinton Killingsworth on behalf of Environmental Security of Okaloosa and by Clifford Killingsworth on behalf of Home Services. Since that agreement was signed, the telephone number for Environmental Security of Okaloosa listed in the local telephone directory terminated at Home Services. Home Services also answers calls for Killingsworth Environmental, Inc. and Atlas Exterminating. Home Services employees do not make "cold calls" to new customers. They receive calls from existing customers. They contact customers with active accounts to set up renewals. They also contact homeowners whose homes were treated during construction and whose initial accounts were with the builder of the home. If a new customer calls, a Home Services employee answers the call, gets the contact information from the potential new client, and then calls the appropriate technician who would then call or visit the potential customer. The appropriate technician is generally determined by the geographic location of the caller. While a Home Services employee might send a preprinted contract to the technician to take to the job site or mail a contract to a customer, Home Services does not enter into any contract to perform pest control services. No pest control trucks or chemicals are stored at Home Services. Home Services also has a payment processing component. Home Services sends bills to pest control customers which instruct customers to make out the check to the appropriate pest control company, not to Home Services. Payments from customers for pest control services are deposited into the account of the appropriate pest control company. No evidence was presented that 9100 Hamman Avenue is an advertised permanent location of Environmental Security of Okaloosa from which business was solicited, accepted, or conducted. After the July 11, 2003, inspection of Home Services, Clinton Killingsworth took steps to get Home Services licensed as a pest control company. Mr. Killingsworth did this because it was his understanding that the Department took the position that Home Services was in the business of practicing pest control services. He employed his brother, Daniel Killingsworth, to be the required licensed person in charge, and contacted several insurance companies to obtain the required insurance. He had difficulty obtaining the required insurance since Home Services does not offer pest control services. Despite these difficulties, Home Services was issued a license in December 2003. Count 5 Count 5 of the Administrative Complaint, as amended, reads as follows: During an inspection on July 16, 2003, the Department found that Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Incorporated stored pesticides at an unlicensed business location at 1830 Galvez Road, Gulf Breeze, Florida, which is a violation of Chapter 5E-14.142(5)(f) and (g), Florida Administrative Code. That in addition, the Respondent, Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Inc., regularly parked trucks containing pesticide at that location during nighttime hours, published in the 2002-2003 Bell South Telephone Directory under Pest Control Services in the yellow pages of the telephone directory, a listing for "Environmental Security", a name under which it did business, and its employees received by facsimile daily work assignments that were sent to them at that location. That the Respondent, Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Inc operated an unlicensed business location at 1830 Galvez Road, Gulf Breeze, Florida, in violation of Section 482.071(2)(a), Florida Statutes.[3/] The property located at 1830 Galvez Drive is surrounded by a fence and contains a structure. The structure is not enclosed. Both Environmental Security of Okaloosa and Killingsworth Environmental park trucks there overnight. They entered the property when the pest control employees arrived. The Department conducted an inspection of 1830 Galvez Drive on July 16, 2003. The gate to the property was locked and the trucks were locked. On the day of the inspection, the Department's inspectors found unmixed chemicals in the trucks. Clinton Killingsworth acknowledges that at the time of the inspection, company trucks parked at the Galvez Drive location overnight and pesticides were in the locked trucks. Company records or contracts are not stored at the Galvez Drive location. No customer contact takes place at or from the Galvez Drive location. The Pest Control Business License Application Form contains a space in which the licensee must respond to the following: "Designate location where pest control records and contracts will be kept and the exact location address for storage of chemicals if other than licenses business location." The applications for business license for Environmental Security of Okaloosa do not reference 1830 Galvez Road as a location where storage of chemicals occurs. Environmental Security of Okaloosa does not have a license for operating a business at this location. The yellow pages for the Pensacola area contains a listing in red ink for "Environmental Security, Inc." It lists an address of 4141 Pine Forest Road with the telephone number 473-1060. There is another reference to "Environmental Security" in black ink in smaller type which lists the address 1830 Galvez Drive with the number 916-7731.4/ Clinton Killingsworth brother, Clifford Killingsworth, arranged to have a phone line for a fax machine to be located in a trailer at the Galvez Drive location. The purpose of installing a fax line at Galvez Drive was for employees to receive daily schedule assignments. The 916-7731 number listed in the yellow pages is the number of the fax machine. Clinton Killingsworth did not request a listing for the number of the fax machine. However, the telephone company listed it in the phone book. Clinton Killingsworth has requested the local telephone company to remove the erroneous listing a number of times.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered assessing a fine against Respondent Environmental Security of Okaloosa, Inc., in the amount of $2,600.00. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May, 2005.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57482.021482.032482.071482.161
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 14, 1995 Number: 95-000653F Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1995

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner, Conval-Care, Inc., is entitled to the payment of attorney fees and costs pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, from the Agency for Health Care Administration, the successor in interest to the Respondent, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.

Findings Of Fact By letter dated November 4, 1991, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), notified Conval-Care, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Conval-Care"), that it intended to impose an administrative fine on Conval-Care pursuant to Section 409.913(9)(c), Florida Statutes. Conval-Care contested the proposed fine and requested a formal administrative hearing, including a request that it be awarded attorney fees and costs pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida Statutes. The matter was designated case number 92-0126 and was assigned to the Honorable Judge Robert T. Benton, then Hearing Officer Benton. On June 30, 1993, following a formal hearing held on March 24, 1993, Hearing Officer Benton entered a Recommended Order recommending dismissal of the sanctions letter of November 4, 1991. The findings of fact made by Hearing Officer Benton, in Conval-Care, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, DOAH Case No. 92-0126, are hereby adopted to the extent relevant to this proceeding. On September 19, 1993, the Department entered a Final Order. The Department accepted and incorporated into its Final Order the findings of fact made by Hearing Officer Benton. The Department, however, rejected Hearing Officer Benton's conclusions of law to the extent that he not had concluded that Conval-Care lacked authority to reject the demand for its records which was the subject of the proceedings. The Department concluded that, in light of the fact that Conval-Care had acted on the advice of counsel, it would reduce the fine from $25,000.00 to $5,000.00. The Department's decision was appealed by Conval-Care. On December 16, 1994, the District Court of Appeal, First District, filed an opinion reversing the Department's Final Order. Mandate from the First District was entered January 3, 1995. On February 14, 1995, Conval-Care filed a Petition for Attorneys Fees and Costs in this case. Conval-Care requested an award of $15,000.00 as a small business party pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.111, Florida Statutes. Attached to the Petition were the Final Order entered by the Department, the Recommended Order, the First District's Opinion and Mandate, an Attorney's Affidavit stating the nature, extent and monetary value of the services rendered and costs incurred in the proceedings, the Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Conval-Care in 1991 and the Department's November 4, 1991 sanctions letter. On March 2, 1995, the Agency for Health Care Administration, the successor in interest of the Department (hereinafter referred to as "AHCA"), filed a Response in Opposition to Petition for Attorney's Fees and Costs. 10 In its Response, AHCA admitted all of the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 6 and 8 through 9 of the Petition. AHCA denied the allegations of paragraph 7 of the Petition. Paragraph 7 of the Petition alleged the following: 7. The action of DHRS, in filing the admini- strative complaint against CCI, was not sub- stantially justified because there was no reasonable basis in law or fact to support the issuance of its letter seeking to impose an administrative fine upon CCI. Attached to the Response was an Affidavit from John M. Whiddon in support of its position that its actions were substantially justified. The Affidavit does not add any alleged credible justification not presented to Hearing Officer Benton or the First District Court of Appeal. AHCA did not assert in it Response the following: that the costs and attorney's fees claimed in Conval-Care's affidavit were unreasonable; that Conval-Care is not a prevailing small business party; that circumstances exist that would make an award unjust; or that AHCA was a nominal party only. AHCA also did not "either admit to the reasonableness of the fees and costs claimed or file a counter affidavit [specifying each item of costs and fee in dispute] along with its response." Finally, AHCA did not request an evidentiary hearing in its Response. The only issue which AHCA asserted in its Response was at issue in this proceeding is whether AHCA's actions were substantially justified. On April 6, 1995, an Order to Provide Information was entered. Although the parties had not requested an evidentiary hearing, the undersigned entered the Order soliciting input from the parties before the undersigned decided whether a hearing was necessary on the one issue raised by the Department. In the Order, the parties were given an opportunity to provide input concerning the procedures they believed should be followed to resolve this matter. The parties were specifically requested to answer certain specified questions, including the following: 1. Do the parties believe that an [sic] hearing is necessary to resolve any factual disputes and/or for purposes of oral argument before a decision is rendered? * * * 5. Do the parties agree that the documents attached to the Petition and the Response should be considered in rendering a decision in this case? . . ." Conval-Care filed a response to the April 6, 1995 Order indicating that there was no need for a hearing. Conval-Care asserted that a hearing would be improper unless Conval-Care consents to one. Conval-Care also asserted that all of the documents attached to petition should be considered. AHCA filed a response to the April 6, 1995 Order indicating that "[t]he Respondent feels a hearing in this matter is essential." AHCA did not provide any explanation of why it believed a hearing was necessary or any discussion of whether a hearing was authorized under the applicable statutes and rules. AHCA also indicated in its response that it "agrees that the documents attached to the Petition and Response should be considered in this case " On May 19, 1995, an Order Concerning Final Order was entered. Based upon a review of the pleadings and the lack of explanation from either party to justify an evidentiary hearing, it was concluded that no evidentiary hearing was necessary. Therefore, the parties were informed in the May 19, 1995 Order that a hearing would not be held in this case. The parties were also informed that they could file proposed final orders on or before May 30, 1995. Conval-Care filed a proposed order. AHCA did not. Neither Conval-Care nor AHCA timely requested an evidentiary hearing in this case. Both parties agreed that the documentation filed with Conval- Care's Petition and AHCA's Response could be relied upon in reaching a decision in this case. Based upon AHCA's failure to contest most of the relevant issues in this proceeding, the only issue which requires a decision if whether the Department's actions against Conval-Care were substantially justified. The documents, including the Mr. Whiddon's Affidavit filed by AHCA with its Response, sufficiently explain why the Department took the actions it took against Conval-Care which led to this proceeding. No evidentiary hearing was, therefore, necessary. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Department's actions in this matter were substantially justified. The Department could have sought the information it wanted by pursuing available discovery. Counsel for Conval-Care even remained the Department of the availability of discovery. The Department, however, rather than pursuing the information which it indicated it needed, elected to pursue a punitive action against Conval-Care rather than obtaining the information through discovery. The Department's reason for pursuing punitive actions against Conval-Care was not convincing to Hearing Officer Benton. Despite this fact, the Department entered a Final Order upholding its actions and imposing a fine of $5,000.00 for refusing to provide it with information which it could have obtained through other means. The First District Court reversed the Department's Final Order opining that the Department "lacked a legitimate investigatory purpose for demanding the records" which gave rise to its action against Conval-Care. Finally, the entire record in this case failed to indicate that there was any basis in law or fact to substantially justify the actions of the Department.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68409.91357.111
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-002160 Latest Update: Aug. 31, 1981

Findings Of Fact Evidence adduced by the Petitioner in the form of the testimony of F. Robert DuChanois, an entomologist and supervisor in charge of commercial pest control, Office of Entomology, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, as well as Exhibit 2, established that on July 1, 1979, the Respondent made an inspection of an apartment house in Hallandale, Florida, to determine whether suspicions by the occupants of drywood termite infestations were well-founded. As delineated in Exhibit 2, the Respondent's report of his inspection, positive evidence was found in a number of places of termite infestation, which findings revealed that indeed the Respondent made a detailed professional investigation of the premises for such infestations. The evidence in the record also reveals (Exhibit 4) that the Respondent is not operating a pest control business, but is only performing consulting work for those property owners who request that he make inspections for termite and other wood-destroying pests. In any event, the Respondent, in the posthearing pleading he filed, has agreed to cease the activity objected to and which forms the basis of the Petitioner's charges. He has agreed to cease practicing consulting work in entomology henceforth.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the evidence in the record, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the Petition in this cause filed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services against Dr. A.C. Banerjee be DISMISSED and Case No. 80-2160 be hereby closed. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of August, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold L. Braynon, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 201 West Broward Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Dr. A. C. Banerjee 10891 N.W. 17th Manor Coral Springs Branch Pompano Beach, Florida 33065 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 80-2160 DR. A. C. BANERJEE, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (9) 482.021482.032482.071482.111482.161482.191482.226775.082775.084
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002527 Latest Update: Nov. 19, 1979

Findings Of Fact Respondents, during all times here involved, were licensed by Petitioner as alleged and operated three separate pest control offices in Jacksonville, New Smyrna Beach and Palatka. During the period between May 1976 and April 1977 no certified operator was registered with Petitioner at the Jacksonville or New Smyrna Beach offices. During this period numerous fumigation contracts were entered into by Respondents. When these contracts were carried out all fumigation was performed under the supervision of a currently registered certified operator who was attached to the Palatka office owned by Respondents. Between June 1976 and October 1977 24-hour advance written notice of fumigation was not provided by Respondents to the health authorities in Duval County on five occasions and to the health authorities of Volusia County on six occasions. However, the health inspectors of each county apparently received telephone notice because they inspected the fumigations for which the written notice was not provided a higher percentage of times than the average inspection for fumigation for which 24-hour written advance notice was provided. Several violations involved the certified operator notifying HRS by letter that he would be certified operator for a specific office commencing on a given date and thereafter failing to submit the proper forms to obtain a current pest control identification card for the office at which he worked. Proper registration of pest control salesmen and certified operators requires the issuance of a pest control identification card for a specific location. On some occasions the charges resulted from Respondent, United Pest Control, acquiring another pest control company and continuing operations under United Pest Control without having changed the pest control identification cards of these employees. Two charges involved agents of Respondent who entered into contracts with customers. One resulted from a complaint that the agent inaccurately advised the customer that there was termite infestation and one involved a complaint of improper treatment for subterranean termites. After the customers complained to governmental authorities Respondents refunded their money. When Respondent Powell attempted to inspect the premises to verify the complaint of these two customers he was denied access to the premises by the customers. The certified operator in the Palatka office was used to supervise a fumigation contract obtained in the Jacksonville office and the New Smyrna Beach office during the period here involved. He told Respondent several times that it was a violation of the regulation for him to perform the fumigation on contracts in these other offices, but only after he reported this to HRS was the practice stopped. At the time of the hearing the Jacksonville pest control operation had been sold by Respondent United Pest Control.

Florida Laws (2) 482.111482.161
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 18, 1993 Number: 93-006624 Latest Update: May 17, 1994

Findings Of Fact Respondent Turner is engaged in the business of pest control, including the application of termiticide to the soil of pre-construction sites for the prevention of subterranean termites. Respondent is licensed by the Petitioner under Chapter 482, Florida Statutes, as a pest control business and maintains its primary place of business in Jacksonville, Florida. Respondent Kincade is employed by Turner as a pesticide applicator technician. The Petitioner is the state agency with jurisdiction to regulate and license pest control businesses and technicians. On June 12, 1993, Mr. Phil Helseth and Mr. Montgomery, employees of the Petitioner, were returning from lunch and observed one of Respondent Turner's trucks turning onto the Blodgett construction area in Jacksonville, Florida. Helseth surmised the Respondent's truck was there to do a pretreatment for termites. Helseth then observed activities by a Turner Pest employee, later identified as Mr. Kincade, who was spraying a substance on the soil on foundation areas at sites one and two. Mr. Helseth concluded the Respondent's agent was engaged in termite pretreatment. When the Turner employer concluded his activities, he drove his truck to the construction trailer on the building site where he was confronted by Mr. Helseth and Mr. Montgomery. At that time a third employee of the Department, Mr. Parker, had arrived, bringing calibration equipment to measure the rate of discharge from the Turner Pest pumper truck. Petitioner's inspectors introduced themselves to Kincade and identified themselves. Petitioner's representative requested Kincade to produce the identification card issued to him by Petitioner. Mr. Kincade did not do so. Petitioner's representative asked Kincade questions about what he was doing, and Kincade demurred, stating it was Turner's policy for him to call a supervisor who would answer their questions. Kincade called his office, and shortly thereafter Joe Turner arrived on site. The spraying equipment utilized by Kincade was then calibrated to determine the amount of pesticide mixture being emitted. Joe Turner, President of Turner Pest Control, Inc., denied that they were performing a pre-construction treatment for termites. Mr. Turner testified that the purpose of spraying the Dursban 2E on the site in question was to empty the tank and that this was proper disposal of the chemical in accordance with the label instructions. A local pest control operator testifying for Respondents stated that the disposal of the pesticide Dursban 2E in this manner was perfectly in accordance with the label and that he has emptied tanks of Dursban 2E on construction sites twenty to thirty times in the last two or three years. Petitioner did not offer any testimony that this method of disposal was contrary to the label. Petitioner concluded that Turner Pest was conducting a termite pretreatment, although informed by Joe Turner at the time such was not the case, and filed the initial Administrative complaint. The Blodgett site contractor's job superintendent, Joe Wilson, testified. Sites prepared for construction at Blodgett Homes would receive termite pretreatment and pest control. Joe Turner had consulted with Wilson about spraying the Dursban 2E to dispose of the chemical. The job superintendent knew the operator, Kincade, was not performing a pretreatment for termites. Dursban 2E is a general insecticide. It, according to its label, can be used in a variety of concentrations, for a variety of insects, but termites are not one of those insects. Disposal, according to the labels, is by spraying the chemical on soil such as to lawn or a building site.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services dismiss the charges against Turner Pest Control, Inc. and impose an administrative fine in the amount of $100.00 against Respondent, William D. Kincade. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of April, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of April, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 93-6624 Both parties filed Proposed Recommended Orders which were read and considered. The following states which of these proposed findings were adopted and which were rejected and why. Petitioner's PFOF: Paragraph 1 and 2 Adopted. Paragraph 3 True, but irrelevant. Paragraph 4 Respondent's paragraph 3 et seq. better states the facts. Last part adopted as paragraph 5. Paragraph 5 Adopted RO paragraph 5. Paragraph 6 Adopted RO paragraph 6. Paragraph 7 Adopted RO paragraph 7. Paragraph 8 Rejected as argument. Paragraph 9 Contrary to better evidence. Mr. Helseth conclusions were based upon his conclusion that Dursban 2E was being used as a termite pre- treatment, not being disposed of. Paragraphs 10, 11 RO paragraph 8. Last sentence is rejected because it was accepted that use and disposal was controlled by the instructions on the label. The label indicates disposal by spraying on soil was appropriate. Respondent's PFOF: Paragraph 1 RO paragraph 3. Paragraph 2 RO paragraph 4 and RO paragraph 9. Paragraph 3 Irrelevant. Paragraph 4 Restated in RO paragraph 5 and 6. Paragraph 5 RO paragraph 11. Paragraph 6 RO paragraph 11. Paragraph 7 RO paragraph 12. COPIES FURNISHED: Bob Crawford, Commissioner Department of Agriculture The Capitol, PL-10 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0810 Richard Tritschler, Esquire Department of Agriculture The Capitol, PL-10 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0810 Robert G. Worley, Esquire Department of Agriculture Room 515, Mayo Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800 William G. Cooper, Esquire COOKER MYERS 136 East Bay Street Post Office Box 1860 Jacksonville, FL 32201

Florida Laws (4) 120.57482.051482.091482.161 Florida Administrative Code (1) 5E-14.106
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Aug. 12, 2015 Number: 15-004461 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 2016

The Issue Whether Respondent, Elite Inspectors, LLC, d/b/a EliteInspectors.com, engaged in the unlicensed practice of pest control, in violation of sections 482.071, 482.161, and 482.165, Florida Statutes (2015)1/; whether Respondents, Tamer Kekec and Stephen Franco, engaged in pest control services in violation of sections 482.071, 482.165, and 482.191; and, if so, what penalties should be imposed against Respondents.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Petitioner or Department), is the state agency charged with administering the Structural Pest Control Act, chapter 482, Florida Statutes (the Act). Respondent, Elite Inspectors, LLC, d/b/a EliteInspectors.com (Elite), is a Florida Limited Liability Company, whose principal place of business is 9951 Atlantic Avenue in Jacksonville, Florida. Elite is a residential structural inspection company offering home inspections in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia. Elite has never been licensed by the Department to engage in the business of pest control, pursuant to section 482.071. Respondents, Tamar Kekec and Stephen Franco (the Individual Respondents), are the managers, and only members, of Elite, which was formed in 2004. Pest Control Activities Petitioner is authorized to issue licenses to qualified businesses to engage in the business of pest control in this state. See § 482.071(1), Fla. Stat. Petitioner is likewise authorized to issue employee identification cards to persons employed by licensees to perform pest control services. See § 482.091, Fla. Stat. It is unlawful for any person, partnership, firm, corporation, or other business entity to engage in the unlicensed practice of pest control as that term is defined in section 482.021(22). See § 482.165(1), Fla. Stat. "Pest control" is broadly defined in section 482.021(22) to include: (b) The identification of or inspection for infestations or infections in, on, or under a structure, lawn, or ornamental; * * * (e) The advertisement of, the solicitation of, or the acceptance of remuneration for any work described in this subsection, but does not include the solicitation of a bid from a licensee to be incorporated in an overall bid by an unlicensed primary contractor to supply services to another. Thus, both the conduct of wood-destroying organism (WDO) inspections, and advertising for the conduct of WDO inspections, are “pest control” activities regulated by the Act. Section 482.191(1) makes unlawful the advertisement of pest control services except as authorized under chapter 482. Absent limited circumstances not applicable here, persons or entities engaging in such advertisement must be licensed by Petitioner to practice pest control. Petitioner is further authorized to take disciplinary action against licensees and identification cardholders, pursuant to section 482.161, and to issue fines against persons who engage in the unlicensed practice of pest control, pursuant to section 482.165. WDO Inspections by Elite Prior to April 10, 2014 Between January 3 and April 10, 2014, Elite, through its member Mr. Franco, performed 99 WDO inspections, in addition to residential structural inspections, for its customers. During that timeframe, Elite billed its customers $6,850.00 for WDO inspections performed by Mr. Franco. During that same timeframe, Mr. Kekec performed 49 WDO inspections, in addition to residential structural inspections for Elite customers, billing them a total of $6,290.00. All customer payments for WDO inspections conducted by the Individual Respondents were deposited into Elite’s business banking account with BBVA Compass Bank. DL and the Individual Respondents Florida Quality Services, Inc., d/b/a DL (DL), is a Florida corporation licensed to engage in the business of pest control, and whose business address is 7008 Bayard Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida. William R. Miles is DL’s president and holds a pest control operator’s certificate, pursuant to section 482.111. In the language of the licensing statute, Mr. Miles is the Certified Operator in Charge (COIC) at DL. Every employee who performs pest control for a licensee must have an identification card. See § 482.091(1)(a), Fla. Stat. On April 5, 2014, Mr. Miles applied to Respondent for pest control employee identification cards for Respondents Kekec and Franco. In the application, Mr. Miles stated that the Individual Respondents would begin conducting WDO inspections for DL on April 22, 2014. The Individual Respondents signed a portion of the application certifying that they were not “currently employed by any other pest control licensee.” They also certified that they were previously employed by another unnamed licensee with a termination date of April 21, 2014. Mr. Kekec was “employed” by a number of pest control companies concurrent with his operation and management of Elite, including FK Pest Control from January to March 2014, DL Pest Control from June 2011 to December 2013, CS Pest Control from April 2009 to May 2011, TI Pest Control for an unspecified period, and A1 Pest Control from May 2005 to October 2006. Curiously, all these companies had the same business address as DL--7008 Bayard Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida.2/ The Individual Respondents were issued pest control employee-identification cards by the Department on April 10, 2014, identifying them as employees of DL. In August 2014, DL applied to renew its license for the 2014-2015 license year, listing the Individual Respondents as employees to be issued identification cards as WDO inspectors for DL. DL and Respondent Elite Following issuance of employee-identification cards to the Individual Respondents, Elite continued to conduct WDO inspections, as well as residential inspections, for its clients, and bill those clients for WDO inspections. All payments received by Elite from its customers for whom it conducted WDO inspections were deposited into Elite’s business bank account. Between January 3 and December 31, 2014, Elite conducted over 300 WDO inspections for its customers, billing them in excess of $48,000 for said inspections. Elite continued to conduct WDO inspections for its customers, bill its customers for those WDO inspections, and accept payment for those WDO inspections, in 2015 as it had in 2014. Elite obtained customers through its website, and through referrals from both previous customers and real estate agents. Elite’s customers scheduled their home and WDO inspections directly with Elite through Mr. Kekec or Mr. Franco. Elite set the price per inspection based upon the size, age, and the type of construction of the customer’s property. Elite provided the ladders, flashlights, screwdrivers, extension probes, and, with the exception of a short period in 2015, the vehicle, used by the Individual Respondents to conduct WDO inspections. When Elite did not provide the vehicle for a brief period in 2015, Elite used a vehicle personally owned by Mr. Kekec. Elite also paid the fuel cost to travel to and from inspections of customer properties, which is Elite’s only operating expense. After issuance of employee-identification cards to the Individual Respondents, Elite entered into an arrangement with DL by which Elite would pay DL $38 for each WDO inspection conducted by the Individual Respondents. In turn, DL paid the Individual Respondents $10 for each WDO inspection they conducted. For the 2014 tax year, DL paid Mr. Kekec $1,160 and issued him a W-2 wage and tax statement. That same year, DL paid Mr. Franco $1,130 and issued him a W-2 wage and tax statement. For each WDO inspection conducted, the Individual Respondents prepared and signed a WDO inspection report on a form required by the state. Each inspection report listed DL as the inspection company. Each report was reviewed by Mr. Miles after-the-fact in his office in Ft. Pierce. Mr. Miles testified that he provided constructive criticism via email once a month to his WDO inspectors regarding completion of the reports. However, if an inspector had completed inspection reports for three consecutive months, Mr. Miles suspended monthly review of their reports and only conducted “spot checks.” Respondents introduced no document to evince review and criticism of any report completed by either Mr. Kekec or Mr. Franco. Whether DL provided ongoing training in WDO inspections to the Individual Respondents was a contested issue at hearing. Respondents attempted to introduce a composite exhibit consisting of two manuals, two posters of termites, and a “flip-book” produced by University of Florida. When asked whether DL provided the manuals to Mr. Kekec, he testified, “[W]ell, the last version of the manuals, I believe it was provided in 2013, but I think there was four or five different versions of it. It’s been updated over the years.” The evidence was not clear whether DL provided the manuals to the Individual Respondents or they were obtained by other means. Even if the manuals were provided by DL to the Individual Respondents, there is insufficient evidence to find that DL provided any ongoing relevant training to the Individual Respondents. The parties stipulated that the Individual Respondents met the training requirements to qualify to be identification cardholders. The only equipment issued to the Individual Respondents by DL for their use in conducting WDO inspections was a magnifying glass. Elite Website During all times relevant hereto, Elite maintained a website whose address was www.eliteinspectors.com. Elite noted “WDO Inspections” as one of its services and areas of expertise. Under “About Us” on its website, Elite stated, “In addition to home inspections, we do . . . wood destroying organism (termite) inspections (performed by DL employees).” With regard to WDO inspections, the website included the following: Our inspectors are State Certified WDO inspectors with several years of experience and meet all of the Florida continuing education requirements. We perform the WDO inspection while performing the home inspection so one additional step can be eliminated, which saves time and money. WDO inspections are performed by DL employees. In the “Inspector Biographies” section, the website reported that Mr. Franco was a “Certified Pest Operator- Termite” and that Mr. Kekec was “a licensed WDO inspector under DL pest services.” At final hearing, Mr. Kekec was unable to identify any reason why Elite would want to identify Mr. Franco to its customers as a licensed pest control operator. The website did not identify what DL was or its relationship with either Elite or its managers, Mr. Franco and Mr. Kekec.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services enter a final order finding: Respondents, Elite Inspectors, LLC, d/b/a EliteInspectors.com, Tamer Kekec, and Stephen Franco, violated sections 482.071(1) and 482.165(1), by engaging in the business of pest control in 2014 and 2015 without a license from the Department, and impose an administrative fine of $4,500 against the Respondents, jointly; Respondent, Elite Inspectors, LLC, d/b/a EliteInspectors.com violated section 482.161(1)(h), by engaging in misleading advertising relating to pest control, and issue a warning letter thereto; and, Respondents, Tamer Kekec and Stephen Franco, violated section 482.091(2)(a), by conducting WDO inspections in 2014 and 2015 as independent contractors to DL, and revoking the Individual Respondents’ identification cards, pursuant to section 482.161. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of March, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of March, 2016.

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57120.68482.021482.071482.091482.111482.161482.165482.191
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002024 Latest Update: May 17, 1978

Findings Of Fact Respondent is licensed by the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Service as a pest control service authorized to perform all functions for which such organizations may be licensed. Gilbert Bellino was certified operator for Respondent from prior to the earliest charge in the Administrative Complaint until mid-1977. He was certified in the four types of treatment authorized by pest control companies, viz. fumigation, general household pest control, including rodent control, termite or other wood infesting organisms control, and lawn and ornamental pest control. A certified operator is required to supervise and direct the activities of all employees engaged in pest control. Many of the complaining witnesses made their first contact with Respondent when answering an advertisement for a onetime household pest treatment and a free termite inspection. Lloyd Green responded to an ad in which Respondent offered a spray treatment of the yard and house for $15. Folsom and Jones appeared and after an inspection of his house advised Green that he had dry wood and subterranean termites and induced him to sign a contract to treat them at a price of $286. After reflection and before any work was done Green called and cancelled the contract. He had the house inspected by Mr. Chapman of Chapman Pest Control who found no evidence of active infestation. All evidence Chapman found of wood damage was done prior to the timber having been processed. The house was later inspected by David Jones, District V Entomologist and he too found no evidence of active infestation. A second inspection of Green's home was made by Jones in company with Casale, the President of Respondent. The only evidence found was one hole in a bed slat which had occurred before the lumber was processed. Turpentine beetles and pine sawyer beetles are wood borers that attack trees but not processed lumber. Once lumber is processed any further damage from these beetles is highly improbable if not impossible. Evidence of the damage they have caused will remain in the wood but is readily distinguishable from an active infestation by one with almost any training in pest control. Wood borers make round holes and any eliptical hole found in timber is indicative that the hole was made before the wood was processed. The oblique angle to the borer's tunnel cut by the saw when the lumber was processed causes an eliptical hole. Charles Casale visited Robert Rankin's house for a free termite inspection and identified himself as an employee of Respondent. He was accompanied by another man who inspected the crawl space under the house. Upon completion of the inspection Casale advised Rankin he had an infestation and needed treatment which would cost $300. After getting an opinion from another pest control company that he did not have termites Rankin called HRS and David Jones inspected the entire house. At this inspection Jones found no evidence of active infestation but a colony of fleas from Rankin's two dogs. At the time of Casale's inspection application for an identification card had not been submitted for Casale. Thelma P. Wray contracted with Respondent for fumigation of her house. No written instructions were given her by Respondent, nor was she advised to remove medicines. She was advised to remove only milk cartons, cheese and open food. The only warning sign placed on front and rear of house during fumigation (Exhibit 4) on November 10, 1974 did not show type of fumigant used and stated house is safe for reentry at 10:30 a.m. December 11, 1974. This sign appeared on the house the evening of December 10, 1974 and was placed only at the front and rear. No notice of this fumigation was provided to the County Industrial Hygienist who maintains records of notices of all fumigations. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Chaney testified. No one having personal knowledge was called to identify Exhibit 6 and no evidence was offered that Larry A. Donald, Jr. was employed by Respondent and visited the Cheney home without a valid identification card. Mrs. Ruby Moser did not testify. No witness was produced to testify regarding Phillip Jones' visit to the Moser home on June 10, 1975 or identify Exhibit 7. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Donald R. Seldes testified. No evidence was presented regarding the alleged visit of Bill Gillian, while an employee of Respondent, to the home of the Seldes. Judith Bashline was contacted by Respondent through telephone solicitation for special pest cleanout and termite inspection. One man sprayed for the pest cleanout and he was followed by Phillip Jones and Ken Ely, Jr. who, after inspecting the attic, advised her she had an infestation in the attic in a dormant state which needed immediate treatment. She entered into a contract for spot treatment for $190. After Jones and Ely left Mrs. Bashline began having misgivings and called another pest control company for information. She was referred to HRS and there contacted David Jones who inspected the property. Upon inspection Jones found no evidence of active infestation - only the preprocessed type damage found in the other homes. When Helen M. Hopper purchased her home at 1037 - 12th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida she acquired a subterranean termite policy from Respondent. She then started monthly sprayings with Respondent. After the first spraying on September 16, 1975, Ken Ely, Jr., an employee of Respondent, went into Hopper's attic and told Mrs. Hopper she had borers in the roof and needed immediate treatment to save the roof. After he left she called another pest control company for verification. When that company inspected the attic they reported no problem with borers. She then called HRS and David Jones inspected the premises October 24, 1975 and in the attic he found only old damage which had occurred before the wood was processed. There was no infestation for which treatment was indicated. When Donald R. Bond II and his wife purchased a home his mother recommended they use Gulf Coast Pest Control. In January, 1977 Robert R. Plowman, an employee of Respondent, advised the Bonds that they had powder post beetles and dry wood termites and the attic needed to be treated. He came back that evening when Mr. Bond was home and a contract for the work was signed. The following day Mrs. Bond had two other pest control companies inspect the house. Whey they advised her there was no evidence of active infestation she cancelled her contract and called HRS. On February 10, 1977 David Jones inspected her property. He found no evidence of borer or termite infestation; however Jones did find evidence of rat infestation. On June 26, 1976 Robert R. Plowman, an employee of Respondent, inspected the home of Rita M. Spera at 9783 - 52nd Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida and reported to her that there was an infestation of wood borers in the attic and she needed to have fumigation. The previous year the Speras had replaced the shingles on the roof and had found the wood in good condition. Accordingly Mrs. Spera really didn't believe Plowman and called HRS for verification. When David Jones Inspected the house on July 2, 1976 he found only evidence of old damage that had occurred before the wood was processed. No evidence of active infestation was observed. Mrs. Ellen M. Hameroff received a telephone solicitation from Respondent for a cleanout and termite inspection. She accepted the offer and on September 2, 1976 Robert R. Plowman, an employee of Respondent, inspected her attic and reported that powder post beetles were present and treatment was needed which would cost $200 to $400. Plowman returned that evening to talk with Dr. Hameroff but they didn't sign a contract. The following day another pest control company was contacted for an inspection. They reported no infestation. She then called HRS and on November 22, 1976 David Jones inspected the property and found only evidence of old damage. On September 1, 1977 William C. Bargren, Scott Askins and F. R. DuChanois, Entomologists with HRS inspected the Hameroff property. They found evidence that pine sawyer beetles had been in the tree from which some sheathing boards in the attic had been processed. There was no evidence of infestation in the Hameroff home. In December, 1976 Robert L. Dill had a spray and free inspection by Respondent on his home at 1551 Citrus Street Clearwater, Florida. Following an inspection of the home, Robert R. Plocnan and John D. Lucas, employees of Respondent, advised Dill that he had powder post beetles in the attic, ceiling and floor under the house and needed treatment. Before agreeing to the treatment for the powder post beetles and preventive treatment for termites for which Respondent wanted $500, Dill had two other pest control companies inspect the property. Both of these companies advised Dill he had no infestation. Jimmy Robinson of Exterminator Terminix, International, a certified operator, inspected the Dill property on November 22, 1976 and found no evidence of powder post beetles or termites for which treatment was indicated. He noticed no damage to floor but did see some evidence of borers before the wood was processed. When Dill reported the incident to HRS, David Jones inspected the property on January 20 and 26, 1977, the second time in company with the Casales, Plowman and Donald. Damage to wood in the floor was done before the lumber was processed and no infestation was present for which treatment was indicated. Lawrence A. Donald, an employee of Respondent, holds a certified operator's license and he found evidence of "tremendous damage due to boring animals" under Dill's house. He opined that there were live larvae in the wood, however, his credibility and expertise left a great deal to be desired. During a monthly contract spraying Robert R. Plowman, an employee of Respondent, told Mrs. Shirley I. Bond that she had powder post wood borer beetles in the attic of her home at 6701 - 19th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida and needed to have the attic power dusted. Mrs. Bond gave Plowman a check for $295 but after her daughter-in-law's experience, stopped the work. She called HRS and David Jones inspected her property on April 14, 1977. He found no evidence of infestation and in Jones' opinion the power spray of Dridie (a trade name for silica gel) would not be appropriate to treat dry wood termites or powder post beetles. Raymond L. Jackson employed Respondent for the advertised "clean-out" and free inspection. On January 6 and 7, 1977 Robert R. Plowman, an employee of Respondent, inspected Jackson's property at 6243 - 6th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida and advised Jackson that he had active termites and powder post beetles and needed treatment. Jackson signed a contract and paid Plowman $300 for the work. About two weeks later two men power dusted Jackson's attic. After reading an article in the newspaper about powder post beetles Jackson called HRS and his property was inspected by Askins on July 26, 1977 and by Askins and Bargren on August 10, 1977. The only evidence of damage they found was that caused by turpentine beetles prior to the wood being processed. In their opinion no treatment was indicated before the power dusting was done. Mrs. Helen Stambaugh had a "clean-out" and free termite inspection in July, 1977 at her home at 2518 - 67th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida by Respondent. Larry D. Brown, an employee of Respondent, to whom an application for identification card had not been submitted, told Mrs. Stambaugh that dry wood termites were infesting her garage and treatment was necessary. Spot treatment was offered for $130. She contacted another pest control company who, after inspection, advised that no treatment was indicated. She then called HRS and on July 20, 1977, Bargren and Askins inspected her property and found only evidence of old turpentine beetle damage in the garage which had occurred before the wood was processed. No infestation for which treatment was indicated was observed. In October, 1975 representatives from Gulf Coast Pest Control, Louis Casale, the company manager, Carmine Casale the owner and Gilbert Bellino, the certified operator, met with HRS representatives in Jacksonville to discuss the numerous complaints HRS had received about Respondent and to formulate remedial action. At this meeting the need for additional training of their salesman was discussed in connection with the complaints filed by Green, Rankin, Wray, and others with particular emphasis on the need to train their operators to distinguish old damage in the preprocessed tree from damage requiring correction. Respondent agreed to increase their training to improve the quality of their inspectors. Respondent has discharged all of the salesmen who made the misrepresentations noted above. Plowman was finally discharged because "he was too dumb" to learn to distinguish between old damage not requiring treatment and new damage which did require treatment. However, Plowman was continued as an employee even after criminal charges involving fraudulent misrepresentation had been filed against him.

Florida Laws (3) 482.091482.152482.161
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-000645 Latest Update: Jul. 14, 1978

The Issue Whether Petitioner should be issued a Pest Control Identification Card pursuant to Chapter 482, Florida Statutes. Petitioner James C. Melvin appeared at the hearing without counsel. After being advised of his rights under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, he indicated that he understood such rights and did not desire to be represented by counsel.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner made application for a Pest Control Identification Card through Guardian Termite and Pest Control Company of Tampa, Florida, a certified operator, on February 13, 1978. By letter of March 2, 1978, to that organization, the Respondent's Director, Office of Entomology, advised that the application was denied because of Petitioner's previous noncompliance with Chapter 482, Florida Statutes, and Pest Control Regulations of the then Florida State Board of Health. (Exhibits 7, 8) Petitioner was employed by several pest control firms in Tampa during the period 1956 to 1962, and 1964 to 1965, during which periods he held a Pest Control Identification Card issued by Respondent. (Testimony of Bargren) On December 12, 1962, Petitioner was found guilty of violating State Board of Health structural pest control rules in the County Judges Court of Hernando County and sentenced to $15.00 costs and a suspended five-day confinement. On June 21, 1967, Petitioner pleaded guilty to a pest control violation in the Criminal Court of Record in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $200.00 or be confined in the county jail at hard labor for a period of sixty (60) days. Again, on September 11, 1967, in the Criminal Court of Record in and for Polk County, Florida, Petitioner pleaded guilty to engaging in structural pest control without a license and, on December 8, 1967, was sentenced to pay a fine of $200.00 or be confined in the county jail for a term of ninety days. (Exhibits 1, 4, 5)

Recommendation That the application of James C. Melvin for a Pest Control Identification Card be denied. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of June, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 COPIES FURNISHED: William Park, Esquire W. T. Edwards Facility 4000 West Buffalo Avenue Fourth Floor Tampa, Florida 33614 James C. Melvin 1310 West Rambla Street Tampa, Florida 33612 Steven W. Huss, Esquire Central Operations Services Department of HRS 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES JAMES C. MELVIN, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 78-645 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, STATE OF FLORIDA, Respondent. / ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER A hearing was held in the above styled administrative cause before a Hearing Officer Thomas C. Oldham, Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, on May 23, 1978, upon the Petition of James C. Melvin which contested the denial of his application for a pest control identification cared through Guardian Termite and Pest Control Company of Tampa, Florida. Present at the hearing were the Petitioner, James C. Melvin and William M. Park, Attorney for the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, District VI. The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services has reviewed the recommended order by Thomas C. Oldham, Hearing Officer, and adopts said order as follows:

Florida Laws (2) 482.091482.161
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Westbay, Florida Mar. 20, 2012 Number: 12-001055 Latest Update: Oct. 12, 2012

The Issue Whether Respondents Lee Ann Kennedy ("Kennedy") and Kenco Industries, L.L.C. ("Kenco"), engaged in various activities constituting pest control under chapter 482 without having obtained the required licenses from Petitioner Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in violation of sections 482.161(1)(j), 482.165(1), and 465.191(1), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is the state agency charged with administering the Structural Pest Control Act, chapter 482. Respondent Kennedy is a resident of Wellington, Florida. Respondent Kenco Industries, L.L.C., is a registered Florida Limited Liability Company. Kennedy is the manager and sole member of, and the registered agent for, Kenco. Pest Control Regulation under Chapter 482, Florida Statutes Chapter 482 authorizes Petitioner to regulate activities constituting "pest control" and to impose sanctions for violations of that chapter. "Pest control" is broadly defined in section 483.021(22) as: The use of any method or device or the application of any substance to prevent, destroy, repel, mitigate, curb, control, or eradicate any pest in, on, or under a structure, lawn, or ornamental; The identification of or inspection for infestations or infections in, on, or under a structure, lawn, or ornamental; The use of any pesticide, economic poison, or mechanical device for preventing, controlling, eradicating, identifying, inspecting for, mitigating, diminishing, or curtailing insects, vermin, rodents, pest birds, bats, or other pests in, on, or under a structure, lawn, or ornamental; All phases of fumigation, including: The treatment of products by vault fumigation; and The fumigation of boxcars, trucks, ships, airplanes, docks, warehouses, and common carriers; and The advertisement of, the solicitation of, or the acceptance of remuneration for any work described in this subsection, but does not include the solicitation of a bid from a licensee to be incorporated in an overall bid by an unlicensed primary contractor to supply services to another. Petitioner is authorized to issue licenses to qualified businesses to engage in the business of pest control in this state. § 482.165(1), Fla. Stat. It is unlawful for any person, partnership, firm, corporation, or other business entity to engage in the unlicensed practice of pest control as that term is defined in section 482.021(22). Id. Section 482.191(1) makes unlawful the advertisement of pest control services except as authorized under chapter 482. Absent limited circumstances not applicable here, persons or entities engaging in such advertisement must be licensed by Petitioner to practice pest control. Petitioner also is authorized to fine persons who impersonate an employee of Petitioner. § 482.161(1)(j), Fla. Stat. Respondents' Acts Alleged to Violate Chapter 482 Respondent Kennedy did not hold a pest control business license or other license to practice pest control at any time relevant to this proceeding.2/ Respondent Kenco also did not hold a pest control business license or other license to practice pest control at any time relevant to this proceeding. On or about April 1, 2011, Kennedy entered Saigon Oriental Market in Lake Park, Florida. According to its owner, Hung The Thach, Kennedy walked around the store inspecting it, then told him that she was employed by Petitioner, that some of his produce was infested by insects, and that he would have to have pest control services performed or she would return in a week to conduct another compliance inspection. Kennedy gave Mr. Thach the telephone number for Outside In, a pest control company, and the business card of its owner, Dennis O'Rourke. Concerned that Kennedy would shut down his store or fine him, Mr. Thach called Outside In; the following day, an employee of that company performed pest control services at the store. Outside In performed additional pest control services at the store on or around May 26, 2011. Mr. Thach paid Outside In for these services. In mid-May 2011, Kennedy inspected Fajita's Super Market in Lake Worth, Florida, and told its owner, Ali Jaber, that she was employed by Petitioner as an inspector, and that he had a fly problem in his store. She recommended that he contact Outside In to correct the problem. Mr. Jaber told her he used another pest control company, but thereafter, a representative from Outside In visited the store, left a business card with Mr. Jaber, and offered to provide pest control services for the store for $150.00 per month with no contract. Kennedy returned to the store approximately a week later and wanted to know why nothing had been done to correct the fly problem; she also asked an employee of Fajita's who was going to pay for her time to inspect the store; when she was referred to Mr. Jaber, she left the store and did not return. On or around May 24, 2011, Kennedy entered the Fortune Cookie oriental supermarket in West Palm Beach, Florida, and told its president, David Chang, that she was with an inspector with Petitioner. She inspected the store, told him that there was a fly problem, and stated she would return in two weeks. Mr. Chang testified that Kennedy did not provide him the name of any pest control businesses, but that approximately a week before Kennedy inspected the store, a representative of Outside In had come to the store and tried to sell him pest control services, but that he had declined to purchase the services at that time. Dennis O'Rourke, President of Outside In, testified that Kennedy was not on his company's payroll, but that she had solicited pest control business for his company for approximately four months prior to September 2011. She successfully solicited four accounts and he paid her 30% of the profits made on those accounts. At the time she solicited the accounts, she did not possess a valid identification card to perform pest control services on behalf of Outside In.3/ Mr. O'Rourke subsequently obtained a valid identification card for Kennedy so that she could perform pest control, including business solicitation, for his company. Petitioner initiated an investigation of Kennedy in June 2011, after being notified by several small food markets in Palm Beach County that she was holding herself out as a food inspector with Petitioner, inspecting the stores, notifying the store operators that there was a pest problem, and recommending that Outside In be contacted to correct the problem. In the course of the investigation, on September 7, 2011, John Berquist, an inspector with Petitioner's Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control, took photographs of Kennedy's motor vehicle4/ bearing magnetic signs on the front passenger and driver side doors labeled "Kenco Industries," which depicted a photograph of Kennedy and advertised the provision of pest control services. Berquist checked Petitioner's pest control licensing records and determined that Petitioner had not issued a pest control business license or other pest control license to Kennedy or to Kenco. At the hearing, Kennedy acknowledged that she conducted food store inspections, pointed out pest problems to store operators, and recommended that they contact Outside In for pest control service. However, she denied holding herself out as an employee of Petitioner. She testified that she is certified in food safety by the Department of Health and that if she observed a pest problem while shopping, she would show her food safety certification card to the store operator and point out the problem. She claimed she did this because she is Vietnamese, so often shops at Asian food markets and wants the stores where she purchases her family's food to be pest-free. She also claimed that she only wanted the stores "to get what they needed" in the way of pest control service and that it did not matter whether she was compensated for soliciting business for Outside In. However, she acknowledged that she had been compensated by Outside In for the pest control business she had successfully solicited on their behalf. Kennedy testified that she did not intend to do anything that was against the law, and was not aware that she was engaging in conduct that violated the law. The evidence established that neither Kennedy nor Kenco previously violated chapter 482 or Petitioner's rules. Ultimate Findings of Fact Regarding Alleged Violations Based on the foregoing, Petitioner established, by clear and convincing evidence, that Kennedy impersonated an employee of Petitioner, as alleged in Count 1 of the Amended Administrative Complaint, in violation of section 482.161(1)(j). Kennedy's testimony that she did not hold herself out as an employee of Petitioner was contradicted by all other witnesses and was not credible. Petitioner also established, by clear and convincing evidence, that Kennedy and Kenco advertised pest control services without obtaining a pest control business license in violation of sections 482.165(1) and 482.191(1). There was no dispute that Kennedy advertised the provision of pest control services by herself and by Kenco by placing signs on her vehicle depicting her image and Kenco's business name. Further, Kennedy is Kenco's manager, sole member, and agent, so her actions in advertising the provision of pest control services by Kenco are imputed to Kenco.5/ Petitioner also proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that Kennedy solicited pest control business for Outside In for compensation, in violation of sections 482.165(1) and 482.191(1). Kennedy's testimony that she was motivated by altruism and personal interest in food safety at markets where she shopped, rather than by being compensated for soliciting business for Outside In, was not credible. The undisputed evidence establishes that she was compensated by Outside In for soliciting pest control business on its behalf. However, Petitioner did not establish, by clear and convincing evidence, that Kenco solicited business on behalf of Outside In. The evidence does not show that Kennedy represented to the food store operators that she was acting on behalf of Kenco when she solicited business for Outside In. To the contrary, the evidence established that Kennedy represented that she was an inspector employed by Petitioner. Accordingly, it is determined that Kenco did not solicit pest control business for Outside In, in violation of sections 482.165(1) and 482.191(1). As further addressed below, Petitioner's Enforcement and Penalties rule, Florida Administrative Code Rule 5E-14.149, makes the deliberate commission of an act that constitutes a violation of chapter 482 an aggravating factor in determining the applicable fine. Here, the evidence shows that Kennedy intentionally misrepresented that she was employed by Petitioner specifically to solicit and induce food store operators to purchase pest control services for which she would be compensated. Accordingly, it is determined that Kennedy acted deliberately in impersonating an employee of Petitioner and in soliciting business on behalf of Outside In for compensation. Furthermore, the evidence shows that Kennedy——and by operation of the law of agency, Kenco——deliberately engaged in advertising the provision of pest control services without having obtained the required license.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that Petitioner Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services impose a fine of $2,600.00 on Respondent Lee Ann Kennedy, and impose a fine of $1,000.00 on Respondent Kenco Industries, L.L.C. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of June, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of June, 2012.

Florida Laws (10) 120.54120.569120.57120.68482.021482.091482.161482.165482.191483.021
# 9
HENRY E. TATE vs. EGANDG SERVICES, INC., 85-003718 (1985)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003718 Latest Update: Aug. 11, 1986

The Issue Whether Respondent violated subsection 760.10(1), Florida Statutes by denying Petitioner a promotion on account of his race and color.

Findings Of Fact Henry E. Tate is a forty-nine year old black male who has worked at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) since April 12, 1965. (tr-10, 11) From 1965 until the present, a series of civilian contractors have had agreements with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to perform logistical and housekeeping duties at KSC. These included Transworld Airline, the Boeing Company and Expedient Services, Inc. (tr-34) In January 1983, EG & G Florida, Inc., (EG&G) assumed the master base contract for logistics and housekeeping, but it was not until July 1983 that it took over operational control of the roads and grounds department. EG & G employs in excess of fifteen persons. (tr-101, 102, Exhibit number 11) Except for three or four months in the early 1970's when he worked in the mechanic shop, Mr. Tate was employed in the roads and grounds department steadily from 1965. As each successor contractor took over he applied for, and was hired for the same job. This included EG & G in July 1983. (tr-11, 13, 34) His current title is lead labor operator- pest control and he makes $10.16, plus $.75 lead pay, per hour. (tr-11) Mr. Tate's duties in the roads and grounds department have included pesticide and herbicide spraying of the grounds and buildings, and all aspects of weed, insect and pest control, both indoors and out. At different times he has driven dump trucks and operated forklifts, locals and trailer trucks. (tr-ll, 12, Exhibit number 15) In 1971, Mr. Tate was made "lead" over pest control, herbiciding and sanitation. In that capacity he worked directly under a supervisor who gave him instructions as to the work to be performed. He would then take his people and get the work done. Afterwards he would report back on the results. (tr-51, 56, 57, Exhibit 115) He has remained a lead worker since that time; even though the formal title was abolished in 1984, the pay differential remains. (tr-152) The rationale for the higher pay is that leads assign work to crews which vary commonly from two to eight people. Leads order material and perform some, administrative tasks in conjunction with the functions of their job classification. (tr-153) At varying times Mr. Tate has served as lead over one to ten persons. He is currently lead over a crew of six. (tr-13, 14, 36, 49, 266, 267) During the period of the TWA contract, Mr. Tate filled in as acting supervisor when his supervisor was on vacation. (tr-47) In November 1983, EG & G posted a job listing for the position of Supervisor, Roads and Grounds Department. The job posting number 1125 required a high school diploma, five years supervisory experience in the assigned area of responsibility and a State of Florida restricted pesticide license. (Exhibit number 1) Mr. Tate applied for the job. He has a high school education and felt that his long experience in the field and his lead experience qualified him. His supervisor vacating the job also thought Mr. Tate was qualified and would be hired. (tr-60) Mr. Tate was not interviewed for job posting number 1125; nor were the two other internal applicants who were also black. (tr-18, 275, 276) Instead a white male was hired. That individual, Ted Bender, had an associate degree in business administration, some supervisory experience and the required pesticide license. (Exhibit number 13) Mr. Tate was informed of the posting result by a form dated November 8, 1983. The basis for his non-selection was checked, "meeting minimum qualifications", with an asterick and the hand-written notation, "Must have a restricted pesticide license in the State of Florida". No other basis was checked or noted. (exhibit number 2) At the time that he applied for job posting number 1125, Henry Tate had applied for his pesticide license but did not receive it until December 1983. He studied on his own, reading anything he could find on pest control, and took vacation time off to go to Gainesville to take the license exam. His current license expires October 31, 1987. (tr-15, 64, Joint Prehearing Stipulation) Ted Bender resigned in May 1938, and the vacancy was again posted. Job posting number 1331 stated a posting date of May 24, 1984 and a closing date of May 28, 1984. It differed from posting number 1125 in the requirement that the successful applicant get a restricted pesticide license within sixty days of position acceptance. The five years supervisory experience in assigned area of responsibility and high school diploma requirements remained the same. (Exhibit number 5) Henry Tate applied again and was interviewed on May 31, 1984, by Raymond Tuttle, who at that time was Manager of Roads and Grounds. At the end of the interview Mr. Tuttle filled out the company Interviewer's Report form with the following appraisal: Job qualifications are met if lead time is classified as supervisory experience. He has worked with pesticides for approximately 15 years on KSC. He has a working knowledge of pesticide application although he has no formal horticulture training. He has attended several extension service sponsored seminars over the past 15 years that covered pest control problems in our local area. He currently holds a valid state of Florida pesticide license. Mr. Tate seems willing to accept the responsibilities involved but would require some management skills training to aid in the performance of this position. (Exhibit number 15) He rated Mr. Tate "good" on a scale which ranged from "top" to "unsuitable"; he checked "Hold-Further Review" for the recommended action. (tr. 157, 164, Exhibit 15) During the interview he did not tell Mr. Tate there was a problem with his supervisory experience. (tr-23, 183) Raymond Tuttle also interviewed another internal candidate, William Deffendall. He noted on the Interviewer's Report that this candidate did not meet minimum qualifications. (Exhibit 14) After the interviews, Raymond Tuttle went to see Nancy King, who at that time was Supervisor of Employment at EG & G. He asked her whether lead time could be considered as supervisory experience and she did not have an answer. They both looked at the files and could not find anyone who had supervisory background or a restricted pesticide license. At that point they discussed advertising for external candidates and drafted the advertisement. (tr-185, 186, 205, 207, 208) Sometime later, after the first week in June, Nancy Ring asked Mr. Erikson in employment relations whether lead time could be used to meet the supervision requirement. He also had to check; and when he got back to Ms. King a few days later the answer was that EG & G had not used lead time in lieu of supervisory experience. (tr-232, 233, 234) Meanwhile, on June 4, 1984, Mr. Tate was given his posting result form: "You were not selected for this position due to:" *Other ". The handwritten explanation of "other" was "Other candidates are being considered." (Exhibit number 16) At that time there were no other candidates available to be considered as Messers. Tate and Deffendall were the only internal applicants; no candidates with applications on file met the minimum qualifications, and the advertisement for external candidates didn't run until June 12, 1984. (tr-191, 211) The advertisement that ran from June 12-June 17, 1984, differed materially from both job posting number 1331 and the position description for Supervisor, Roads and Grounds that was in effect at that time. The newspaper notice required not a high school degree, but a "B.S. in Agriculture", and 3-5 years experience in horticulture, entomology and supervision. The formal education requirement was therefore increased and the experience requirement was reduced from 5 years to "3-5 years". (Exhibit number 22) Ms. King admitted that the advertisement was not a formal upgrading of the job. (tr-237) More significantly, Raymond Tuttle admitted that they were not looking for someone with a Bachelor's degree but rather increased the requirements to keep out a flood of candidates. (tr-190) According to Ms. King, the company has a policy of substituting experience for educational requirements and the B.S. degree would not have excluded Mr. Tate. However, he was not told of this and there was no way that an individual reading the advertisement could surmise that. (tr-214, 238, 239) Four candidates responded to the advertisement and were interviewed; all were white. (tr-203) The first choice among those candidates was Richard Van Epp, rated "high" by Raymond Tuttle. Mr. Van Epp's application reveals solid experience in landscape work, including supervision, but nothing specific in entomology, a deficiency also noted on Raymond Tuttle's Interviewer's Report. (Exhibit number 17) Richard Van Epp was offered the job but turned it down. (tr-172) The second-choice candidate, Larry Gast, was hired effective July 24, 1984, with a salary offer of $13.50 per hour in a salary range of $9.94 (minimum), $12.64 (mid) and $15.34 (maximum). (Exhibit number 5) Mr. Gast was rated "high" by Raymond Tuttle with a notation on the Interviewer's Report that he met all requirements of this position. Mr. Gast's application reveals a B.S. degree from the University of Florida in 1980, with his major field in entomology. Prior to college he was in high school. The only job experiences listed on his resume and application are lab technician with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Gainesville, from 11/79 to 3/81; and from 4/81- 6/84, production supervisor/entomologist with the U.S. Sugar Corporation in Clewiston, Florida. (Exhibit number 18) At the time that he was hired by EG & G Larry Gast had approximately three years and two months experience supervising others in a related field. This falls within the minimum required by the newspaper advertisement but falls short of the five years required by the job posting and position description. (Exhibit number 5) On July 23, 1584, Henry Tate was sent another posting result form, this time checked "Another candidate was selected." (Exhibit number 20) He was called into Mr. Tuttle's office and was told that a new supervisor was hired. He was told that pesticides were no problem, herbicides were no problem, but that Mr. Tuttle was "not comfortable" with his background in horticulture. Mr. Tuttle also told him that something might come along later. Mr. Tate replied that he had been in roads and grounds for almost 20 years and how much later was he supposed to wait. (tr-274) Henry Tate was never told that there was any problem with his lack of supervisory experience until the fact finding conference held before an investigator from the Florida Commission on Human Relations. (tr-32, 253, 273) Sometime after the fact finding conference, Earle Patrick, who was then EG&G's Equal Employment Opportunity, Supervisor, called Mr. Tate and asked why he had not applied for another Supervisor job posting. This posting also required supervisory experience and Mr. Tate quickly informed him that he had no more experience than when he applied for the first job. (tr-272) Earle Patrick's convoluted testimony explaining why the phone call was made ended with this exchange: Q. [by Mr. Betancourt] Well, did you think he was qualified for this position and had a shot at it? A. No, I didn't. Q. So you were calling him about a job he couldn't possibly get? A. That's right. (tr-261) When Larry Gast was initially hired he was Supervisor of Roads and Grounds in charge of grounds maintenance and pest control. He supervised approximately 29 individuals and had three leads. There was another Supervisor of Roads and Grounds in charge of road maintenance and sanitation services. The Roads and Grounds Department was reorganized in early 1985 to create three supervisors. Larry Gast became responsible for the bridgetenders and pest control and his staff was reduced to fifteen individuals, including one lead, Henry Tate. Nine of the staff are bridgetenders who never leave the bridge and do not require a lead. The remaining workers can be anywhere in an area 28 miles long and 14 miles wide. As lead, in the words of Larry Gast, Henry Tate is the "eyes in the field" for those workers. This organizational structure still exists. (tr-121, 123, 266, 267, 269, Exhibit number 11) The reorganization brought Larry Gast's position closer into line with the industry standard described by EG & G's Manager of Personnel Management, Stephen Mansfield. That standard says that supervisors should be able to handle six to eight people; anything more tends to stretch the supervisor thin; anything less would suggest that you may not need a supervisor. (tr-151,152) With 29 persons, Larry Gast concedes he was stretched very thin. (tr-270) Henry Tate was highly qualified for the position of Supervisor of Roads and Grounds, job posting number 1331. While EG & G had never counted lead time for supervisory experience in the past, the evidence strongly suggests that the issue simply never arose in the past. Various individuals in the employment office couldn't immediately answer when asked if lead time could be considered. Most supervisor positions do not require previous supervisory experience. (tr-136) At one point during another reorganization, approximately 16 leads were reclassified as supervisors. (tr-153, 156) The substantial weight of evidence supports a finding that EG &G did not consider Henry Tate unqualified: For job posting number 1125, he was told only that he lacked the restrictive pesticide license and he was not interviewed. He then got the required license. He was interviewed for job posting number 1331 and was not informed that there was a problem with his failure to meet minimum qualifications until well after the position was filled and the discrimination issue was raised. Neither job posting result forms so informed him, despite the fact that the form includes a line to be checked with regard to meeting minimum qualifications. Raymond Tuttle rated Tate a "good" candidate and put his application "on hold", both of which are inconsistent with a belief that the individual is unqualified. Earle Patrick's intent in calling Henry Tate about the new supervisory position could hardly be so perverse as he has contrived in his testimony. EG & G cannot legitimately claim that Mr. Tate's lack of supervisory experience was the basis for their rejection of his request for promotion. They commenced the solicitation of outside candidates well before the answer on lead time came back. (tr-210, 211, 233)`' While Henry Tate may have benefitted from some training to acquire polish as a supervisor, training is provided routinely by EG & G for all new, as well as old supervisors. (tr-244) The company espouses a policy of promoting from within.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.02760.10
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