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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001516 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 1983

Findings Of Fact On October 15, 1982, Hal Thomas Reid Associates applied for a septic tank permit to serve a 16-room motel. On February 2, 1983, this application was amended to a 5,800 gallon septic tank to serve a 32-unit condominium and office. The lot on which this drain field is to be located is 70 feet by 100 feet. When the application was filed, the lot was inspected by the Citrus County Health Department. The elevation of the land averaged 2.5 to 2.9 feet above mean sea level. The 10-year flood plane in this area is 4.9 feet. Occasional high tides inundate this area; however, the water drains off rapidly and no one testified that water ever remained standing as long as seven consecutive days. Usually the water drains off in less than 24 hours. On March 1, 1983, an extremely high tide flooded this area and roads in the vicinity to a depth of approximately one foot. This water remained on the site less than 24 hours. The site is not located adjacent to state waters, is not an area designated as wetlands, and is without the dredge and fill permitting jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (Exhibits 20 and 21). By adding five feet of fill to the site, the bottom of the gravel below the drain pipes will be above the 10-year flood plane. The drain field capacity is adequate to handle the flow from 33 bathrooms of residential units. In approving this permit, the Citrus County Health Department used the 150 gallons per day discharge for residential units rather than the 100 gallons per day discharge from a motel unit. The water table at this location is two feet above mean sea level. This is determined by the elevation reached at high tides for 14 consecutive days. As a condition to Citrus County withdrawing as an intervenor in these proceedings, Applicant agrees: To revegetate and restore any alleged wetlands affected by the permit to a like or similar condition; To install three shallow draft monitor wells around the drain field towards the wetlands area adjacent to the site and towards Woods 'n Waters subdivision, establish an existing level of bacteria count prior to the activation of the septic tank, and to monitor said wells through the Citrus County Health Department on a quarterly basis; and In the event any monitor wells shall test at an unsatisfactory level, Applicant will forthwith correct this condition to the satis- faction of the Citrus County Health Department. This application meets all of the code requirements of Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code.

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003029 Latest Update: Apr. 25, 1986

Findings Of Fact On or about October 30, 1984, Lawrence E. Bennett, a consultant engineer for Peninsula, forwarded to DER's domestic waste engineering section an application to construct/operate a domestic wastewater treatment and disposal system along with the appropriate plans and a check for the fee. The package included proposals for construction of a 300,000 gpd splitter box and addition of a 100,000 gpd contact stabilization plant. Thereafter, on May 22, 1985, Mr. Bennett submitted a revised copy of the application pertaining to the 100,000 gpd expansion initially submitted as above. The revised application reflected Peninsula's proposed outfall to the Halifax River which was applied for under separate permit. By application dated October 7, 1983, as revised on May 15, 1985, Peninsula proposed to construct an outfall discharge into the Halifax River from the secondary treatment plant. By letter dated October 29, 1984, Mr. Bennett advised DER, inter alia, that the discharge rate would be an ADF of 1.25 mgd. The application for the additional 100,000 gpd plant and splitter box also provided for a chlorination facility. This expansion was needed because 200,000 gpd capacity is already committed to serve current residents and customers of the utility. The new construction is designed to accommodate established future demand. In Mr. Bennett's opinion, the design of this facility will accommodate all DER criteria and standards. The outfall facility proposed in the second project will be a pvc forced main for a part of the distance with iron pipe for the remainder and a lift station attached to pump the effluent to a point in the river selected where the river is deep enough to meet DER water criteria. The initial permit application on this project called for discharge into a portion of the river which did not meet water quality standards. As a result; DER suggested discharge point closer to the center of the river, and this change is now planned. At this point, the outflow will meet DER standards. Intents to issue the permits, as modified, were issued in August 1985. Peninsula has also filed for permits with the Florida Public Utilities Commission, the United States EPA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for these projects. The plans are based on the estimated population expansion called for in the next few years. Peninsula is fully capable, financially, of providing and paying for the projected improvements. In the past, it has always provided sufficient funding to do that which is called for under its permits and which is necessary. The waters in question here are Class III waters of the State, mainly recreational. There is no shellfish harvesting in the area because of the pollution of the Halifax River, condition which has existed since at least 1941. Results of tests conducted by experts for Peninsula show the quality of the water presently coming out of the treatment plant is cleaner than that currently existing in the Halifax River. The outfall pipe in question will have the capability of handling approximately 1,200,000 gpd. Latest reports from the water treatment plant indicate that the current average daily flow is 150,000 gpd representing approximately 75% of capacity. The design estimated for this project was based on a 250 gpd per unit use rate multiplied by the estimated number of units presently existing and to be constructed in the period in question. It is estimated however, that within two to three years even this project will be insufficient and Peninsula will have to file an additional request for expansion. Construction will have no detrimental environmental effect on the waters of the Halifax River. Mr. Bennett recommends discharge into the river rather than pumping the effluent backup to Port Orange because the local dissipation rate into the Halifax River, which is called for under these projects, is much quicker than that at Port Orange. Studies run on siting of the outfall pipe location which is close to Daggett Island included studies relating to dilution calculation and water quality of the effluent versus water quality of the river near the outfall. The project was, therefore, sited in such a manner as to provide for the least possible detrimental effect. Those studies, however, were for the original outfall location, not the present location as proposed by DER which is approximately 150 to 200 feet away. In the experts' opinion, however, there is very little difference in the two sites. The Daggett Island site is not unique in any way. It is a mangrove swamp of approximately 3 to 4 acres with nothing on it. Once the pipe is buried, it will be difficult to know that it is there. Even during construction, there would be little detrimental effect or disruption to the river ecology. Mr. Bennett's conclusions are confirmed by Mr. Miller; a DER engineer specializing in wastewater facility permits who has reviewed the plans for expansion of the plant for completeness and adequacy and found that they were both. The approval of the outfall pipe initially was made in Tallahassee based on the original siting. He reviewed it again, however, and determined that both projects are environmentally sound and conform to the DER standards. Rule 17-6, Florida Administrative Code, requires surface water discharge to have secondary treatment activity prior to discharge and the discharge cannot exceed 20% 80D and suspended solids. According to DER studies; the secondary treatment afforded the water at this location was adequate with the caveat that the District might want to require an extension of the outfall to the main channel of the river to promote tidal flushing of the effluent. It was this change which was; in fact, made by the District office. Without the change, the incoming tide would take the wastewater up into Daggett Creek. By moving it as suggested, west of the point of Daggett Island, the tide would go up river rather than into the creek taking the effluent with it. Concern over the creek is due to its limited natural flushing as opposed to the greater natural flushing of the river. It was the intent of all parties to achieve the desired result and move the outfall point; if at all possible, at no increase in cost. Consequently, the pipeline was moved at the same length with a slight possible addition to take the outlet to the same depth and this change became a condition to the issuance of the permit. The Peninsula will also need a dredge and fill permit in order to accomplish the work in question. The outfall plans (both construction and discharge) meet the requirements set forth in the pertinent provisions of Rule 17-6, Florida Administrative Code. DER evaluated post- construction, concluding that the new point source discharge would not violate these standards. However, prior to approval of these projects, DER did not perform a biological, ecological, or hydrographic survey in the area. As a result, it cannot be said that the criteria outlined in Rule 17-4.29(6), Florida Administrative Code, will not be adversely affected by the outfall pipe. Nonetheless, these surveys were not deemed necessary here. EPA denial of the NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit, would have no impact on DER's intent to issue the instant permits. NPDES permits have no bearing on the state permitting process. If the NPDES permit is denied, the utility cannot discharge its effluent into the river. The state permit merely authorizes the construction. The NPDES permit applies to the outfall portion of the project, not to the treatment plant. Only if it could be shown there was a longstanding adverse effect on the water quality so as to bring it below standards, would this construction not be permitted. The depth of the water in the proposed area of the outfall is five feet. A 12-inch pipe would extend below the soil with an upturn to exit into the bottom of the river. Short term impacts of actual construction are not relevant to the permitting process. If there are any, they would be related to and considered in the dredge and fill permitting process. This conclusion is supported by the testimony of Jan Mandrup-Poulsen, a DER water quality specialist who, in his analysis of the instant projects, first looked at the plans for the outfall just a week before the hearing. By this time, the water quality section of DER had previously considered the project and he is familiar with the suggested change in the outfall location. In November 1985, he spent several days on a boat on the Halifax River in this area collecting data. His inquiry and examination showed that in the area in question, there are no grass beds, oyster beds, or anything significant that would be adversely affected by the location of the pipe and the outlet. The pipe outlet, as suggested, is far enough out into the river to keep it under sufficient water at all times to promote adequate flushing. In his opinion, the proposed discharge will be quickly diluted and will not violate the standards or other criteria set out in Section 17-3.121, Florida Administrative Code. In contrast to the above, Mr. Richard Fernandez, a registered civil engineer with a Master's Degree in environmental engineering, who did a study of these projects for TPI, indicated that the County 201 plan relating to this area, mandated by the federal government, calls for the eventual closing of all independent wastewater treatment plants with ultimate delivery of all wastewater to the Port Orange facility. If implemented, this plan calls for the conversion of the Peninsula facility to a pump station for the transmittal of effluent to Port Orange. In his opinion, the proposed discharge standard, as evaluated here, for the secondary treatment facility, is very high for such a facility. He feels the surface water discharge content of dissolved oxygen and suspended solids should be lower. In addition, he is of the opinion that the degree of treatment of discharged water required by the facilities in question here is too low and lower than typical secondary discharge points elsewhere in the area. Nonetheless, Mr. Fernandez concludes that while the intended facility here would probably not lower the quality of river water below standards, it is not in the public interest to construct it. Having considered the expert testimony on both sides, it is found that the construction requested here would not create sufficient ecological or environmental damage to justify denial. The proposals in the 201 plan calling for the transmittal of all effluent to Port Orange would not be acceptable to DER. The cost of such a project and the ecological damage involved would be so great as to render the project not even permittable. The currently existing percolation ponds used by the facility at Port Orange are not adequate to serve current needs and leech pollutants into the surrounding waterway. While the exact transmission routes called for under the 201 plan are not yet set, there would be substantial ecological problems no matter what routing is selected. There would be substantial damage to bird habitat, mangrove, and other protected living species unless some way were found to get the pipe across the river in an environmentally sound fashion. Consequently, DER has taken the position that the current proposals by Peninsula are superior to any plan to transmit waste to Port Orange.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED THAT DER: Enter an order dismissing with prejudice Volusia County's Petition in DOAH Case No. 85-3029 and, Issue permits to Peninsula Utilities, Inc., for the construction of a 100,000 gpd expansion to its existing wastewater treatment plant and to construct a river outfall line as was called for in the amended specifications listed in the application for this project. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of April, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Martin S. Friedman, Esquire Myers, Kenin, Levinson & Richards 2544 Blairstone Pines Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301. Deborah Getzoff, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Rd. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lester A. Lewis, Esquire Coble, McKinnon, Rothert, Barkin, Gordon, Morris and Lewis, P.A. P. O. Drawer 9670 Daytona Beach, Florida 32020 Ray W. Pennebaker, Esquire Assistant County Attorney P. O. Box 429 Deland, Florida 32720 Victoria Tschinkel Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings Of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner, TPI 1-2. Accepted in paragraph 17. 3-4. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Peninsula 1-13. Accepted in the Findings of Fact of the Recommended Order. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, DER 1. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 1 and 2. 2-3. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 5. 4-5. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Fact 20 and 21. 6. 7. Accepted in Finding of Fact 19. 8. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14. 9. Accepted in Finding of Fact 9. 10. Accepted in Finding of Fact 8 and 21. 11. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14 and 17. 12-13. Accepted in Finding of Fact 14 and 17. 14-15. Rejected as a statement of evidence and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted in Finding of Fact 17. Recitation of Mr. Miller's testimony is not a Finding of Fact. The conclusions of Mr. Mandrup- Poulsen's testimony is not a Finding of Fact. Recitation of Mr. Mandrup-Poulsen's testimony testimony is not a Finding of Fact. Accepted in Finding of Fact 23. Recitation of testimony is rejected as not a Finding of Fact. Conclusions drawn from that testimony accepted in Finding of Fact 24.

Florida Laws (2) 403.87403.88
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Smyrna Beach, Florida May 10, 2002 Number: 02-001930 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 2002

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner violated the provisions of Chapter 381, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code, referenced herein, by allegedly illegally connecting a second dwelling to an existing, approved septic system.

Findings Of Fact On January 17, 2002, the Petitioner was given a written Notice of Violation and advised that an illegal sewer connection from a new or second mobile home on her property to her existing sewer system, serving her primary residence would have to be disconnected. It was an illegal second connection on a single, permitted sanitary sewer system. The second home was not occupied and could not be legally occupied until the proper sewer connection and relevant permitting was obtained. On January 30, 2002, the inspector again visited the premises and determined the illegal connection to still exist and the Petitioner was then advised that the illegal connection would have to be disconnected. On February 28, 2002, the inspector returned and found that the illegal connection had been restored to the existing system. He observed a person hurriedly disconnect the system as he approached. The relevant pipe joint had been left un-glued so that it could be readily connected or disconnected. He again notified the Petitioner, in person, that the illegal connection would have to be disconnected. The Respondent cited the Petitioner for the illegally connected sewer system and seeks to impose a $500.00 fine. The Petitioner elected to formally dispute the position of the Respondent agency and pursued a formal hearing to contest the allegations. The Petitioner failed to actually appear at hearing and contest the evidence adduced by the Respondent agency. That evidence is credible and is accepted as unrefuted and supportive of the above Findings of Fact.

Recommendation RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the State of Florida Department of Health denying the Petition of Shirley Davis in its entirety and that a final order be entered imposing a $500.00, fine for the violations described in the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Shirley Davis 140 West Putnam Grove Road Oak Hill, Florida 32759 John D. Lacko, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57381.0065
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Augustine, Florida Aug. 23, 1999 Number: 99-003584 Latest Update: Sep. 11, 2000

The Issue The issue in this case is whether a variance for a reduced setback from Petitioner's well to Respondent Allen C.D. Scott, II's (Scott) septic system should be granted by the Department of Health.

Findings Of Fact Allen C.D. Scott, II, owns property designated as Lot 13, Block 11, Vilano Beach Subdivision, 40 Viejo Street in St. Johns County, Florida. Mr. Scott's property is undeveloped, except for a drinking water well located in the northwest quadrant of his property. The well was installed within the past year. There are residential homes on the north, south, and west sides of the property. The beach is on the east of the property. The property is 50 feet wide and 125 feet deep. The property is not served by a public or private utility; thus, Mr. Scott must provide his own drinking water well and septic system. Mr. Scott purchased the property from Alexander A. Morese, Jr. Mr. Scott was Morese's attorney of record for issues concerning this property and the proposed septic tank system. The neighboring property to the north of Mr. Scott's property is owned by Petitioner, May Bobbitt. Petitioner has two wells on her property. A fairly recently-installed drinking water well and an irrigation well. The irrigation well, is located 30 feet from a site on Mr. Scott's property proposed for an on-site septic system. The location of the proposed septic tank is less than the required setback from a septic system to an irrigation well of 50 feet. The potable drinking water well is 225 feet deep, pit- cased and terminates in the Floridan aquifer. It is within 65 feet of Ms. Bobbitt's septic tank system and is located 50 feet from the proposed site of Mr. Scott's septic system. The location of the proposed septic tank is less than the required setback from a potable drinking water well to a septic system of 75 feet. The initial permit for Ms. Bobbitt's drinking water well was denied based on its proximity to her septic tank. Ms. Bobbitt challenged the denial in an informal proceeding before DOH (DOH case number 97-023H). Mr. Morese played some role in that proceeding. In the meantime, the initial septic tank permit application filed by Mr. Morese was denied by DOH based on the location of Ms. Bobbitt's drinking water well. Mr. Morese appealed the denial to the DOAH Case No. 98-3283. Sometime in late 1997, DOH granted Ms. Bobbitt a variance for a 65-foot setback distance from her drinking water well to her septic system. The variance resulted after settlement of the administrative actions involving May Bobbitt and Mr. Morese's permitting her well and Mr. Morese's septic tank. The variance was granted because the construction of the well prevents contamination of the well from the septic system. Both cases were separately terminated. On November 5, 1997, Mr. Morese applied to DOH for a variance to reduce the setback distances from Petitioner's two wells to Mr. Morese's proposed septic system. Since Mr. Morese's property was 50 feet wide and Mr. Morese desired to build a two-bedroom home on the property, there was limited area available to construct the septic system. The proposed septic system is located in the only area available for such a system and is the same location proposed by Respondent Scott. A sign was posted on Mr. Morese's property notifying Ms. Bobbitt of Mr. Morese's variance request. The variance committee recommended approval of the Morese variance with specific provisos at their December 1997, meeting. Dr. Richard Hunter, Department of Health Deputy State Health Officer, approved the variance with provisos by letter to Mr. Morese on December 17, 1997. The letter stated the approval as follows: The onsite sewage treatment and disposal system shall be set back from the irrigation well on lot 14 by the maximum distance attainable but not less than 30 feet when installed. The onsite sewage treatment and disposal system shall be set back from the drinking water supply well on lot 14 by the maximum distance attainable but not less than 50 feet when installed. The onsite sewage treatment and disposal system drainfield elevation shall be based on a seasonal high water table no lower than 12 inches below existing grade based on William G. Harb's report of November 13, 1997. The variance approval was not challenged by Petitioner or any other neighbor. The variance was granted for a period of one year from the date of Dr. Hunter's letter. As indicated, Allen C.D. Scott, II, purchased the property from Mr. Morese. When Mr. Scott purchased the property from Mr. Morese, the variance was transferred to Mr. Scott. After Mr. Scott purchased the property, he hired an engineer to assist him in securing a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) coastal construction control permit. The permit was finally issued on May 13, 1999. The variance granted Mr. Morese and subsequently transferred to Mr. Scott expired December 18, 1998. Thus, by the time Mr. Scott obtained his DEP permit to put fill on his property in order to construct his septic system, the variance for reduced setbacks from Petitioner's wells had expired. On June 14, 1999, Mr. Scott applied to DOH for a variance to reduce the required setbacks from Petitioner's irrigation and drinking water wells to his proposed septic system. Mr. Scott's variance application requested the exact same setbacks that Mr. Morese had been granted in December 1997. For the same reasons the variance review committee recommended approval of the Morese the committee recommended approval of the Scott variance. Dr. Sharon Heber, Director of Environmental Health, DOH, granted the variance by letter on July 2, 1999. The letter contained the same provisions as Mr. Morese received in December 1997. The evidence demonstrated that the requested variance would not adversely impact anyone's health or degrade ground or surface waters. Moreover, the evidence showed that the variance met all other Department criteria for an onsite sewage disposal system. Don Hallman, professional engineer, testified that the pit casing of Ms. Bobbitt's well provides an additional layer of protection from contamination sources. He further explained that Petitioner's deep well was cased in a consolidated formation which furnished protection from surface and lateral contaminants. Mike Turner testified that he has permitted and/or had experience with two thousand or more wells in his job with the St. Johns Water Management District. He stated unequivocally that Ms. Bobbitt's deep, pit-cased well was in no more danger from contamination from Scott's septic system, 50 feet away, than it is from the 65-foot reduced setback distance to her own septic system. Given these facts, Respondent is entitled to a variance for his proposed septic tank system.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the variance should be granted by the Department of Health and Petitioner's challenge dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of June, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Charlene J. Petersen, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 May Bobbitt 41 Zamora Street St. Augustine, Florida 32095 Allen C. D. Scott, II, Esquire 101 Orange Street St. Augustine, Florida 32084 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 William Langue, General Counsel Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. Robert G. Brooks, Secretary Department of Health Bin A00 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (2) 120.57381.0065 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64E-6.005
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Port Richey, Florida Feb. 17, 1992 Number: 92-001017 Latest Update: May 29, 1992

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), should fine the Respondent, William Loiacano, d/b/a Gulf Coast Food Distributors, Inc., for maintaining a sanitary nuisance.2/

Findings Of Fact In 1990,6/ the Respondent, William Loiacano, d/b/a Gulf Coast Food Distributors, Inc., purchased property at 8402 Lemon Road, Port Richey, Florida, for purposes of relocating his on-going food distributing business. The prior owner operated a carpet business, with approximately five employees, at the location. The Respondent had about 45-50 employees. Shortly after the Respondent started doing business at the new location, he began to have problems with the existing septic tank system. The problem seemed to relate to the increased use of the toilets in the building by the added number of the Respondent's employees. In September, 1990, an HRS environmental health specialist inspected the premises and observed evidence of raw sewage bubbling to the surface from the septic system's drain field and flowing into a stormwater retention pond on the property.7/ The Respondent was directed to abate the nuisance, and a discussion of the Respondent's alternatives ensued. The Respondent rejected the first proposed alternative of connecting to a central public sewer. The nearest connection was over 1000 feet away and would entail significant cost to the Respondent. (The cost would have been even higher if gravity flow was not possible, and it became necessary to pump to the connection point.) The Respondent chose, with HRS' permission, the next alternative of trying to solve the problem by installing a second septic tank system on the property. The second septic tank system for which the Respondent applied, and which he had built, was designed for domestic use by 15 employees. In addition, after installation of the second septic tank system, the Respondent began processing a relish pack and a salad mix on the premises. The processing method for these products required the use of a great deal of water. On or about February 7, 1991, another HRS environmental health specialist inspected the premises and again found evidence of raw sewage bubbling to the surface, this time from the new septic system's drain field, and flowing into the stormwater retention pond. The amount of water flowing into the drainfields, from a combination of the use of the toilets in the building, together with the new processing operations taking place in the building, had overtaxed the double septic tank system, and the system failed. Given the quantities of water needed to process the new products, the Respondent should have anticipated, and probably was aware of, the system failure. The Respondent was directed to fix the problem within a week or stop the processing the new products on the premises. The Respondent tried several water conservation methods in an attempt to address the problem without having to either stop processing the new products or incur the cost of connecting to the central public sewer system. He knew, or should have known, that his efforts were futile, given the quantities of water needed to process the relish pack and salad mix. HRS also referred the matter to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. DER inspected on or about February 18, 1991, and told the Respondent that he could not dispose of the industrial waste from the operation of his business in the on-premises septic system without an industrial waste disposal permit. In connection with this, DER apparently advised the Respondent that he would be required to test the water in the stormwater retention pond for certain contaminants. The Respondent was unable to understand what he needed to test for, and how, and sought assistance from DER and HRS. Although there is evidence that HRS tried to help the Respondent by referring him to certain individuals employed by the DER for answers, the Respondent did not follow HRS' guidance. In any case, the efforts would have been futile, as the Respondent did not have enough property to dispose of the industrial wastes from the operation of his business on-site using a septic tank system. On or about June 19, 1991, a neighbor complained to the Respondent about the smell of raw sewage coming from the Respondent's septic system. The Respondent did not receive his neighbor's observations kindly. The neighbor complained to HRS and the Pasco County Sheriff's office. An HRS inspection on June 20, 1991, confirmed the existence of a sanitary nuisance on the premises. Again, raw sewage was bubbling to the surface from the new septic system's drain field and was flowing into the stormwater retention pond. HRS arranged for another meeting with the Respondent on June 27, 1991. At the June 27, 1991, meeting, HRS required that the Respondent stop processing the relish pack and the salad mix until he could hook up to the central public sewer. It was felt that the septic tank systems might be adequate pending connection to the central public sewer if the quantities of water required for processing those products on the premises were eliminated and if other preventive measures were taken. From June 27, 1991, forward to the date of the hearing, the Respondent purchased relish pack and salad mix from other suppliers rather than process them on the premises at 8402 Lemon Road. In addition, the Respondent continued to attempt to conserve water, had the septic tanks pumped out as frequently as required (sometimes practically daily), and had his employees utilize portable toilets in an attempt to avoid additional septic tank failures. After learning that excessive water use at the premises was partially a result of plumbing leaks, the Respondent also had the plumbing fixed. The Respondent also immediately initiated the long process of connecting to the central public sewer. He had a meeting with the assistant county administrator for utilities service for Pasco County on July 3, 1991. They discussed alternatives for connecting the Respondent's business. Initially, the County wanted the Respondent to pay to run a sewer line over 1000 feet to the south of his property to enable the County to efficiently connect other businesses and property owners in that area. But this option would have been costly to the Respondent, and there was no guarantee that gravity flow was possible between the Respondent's property and the connection point. If not, the Respondent also would have to pay the cost of pumping to the connection point. The Respondent hired an engineer to design an alternative that would be less costly. He also sought the cooperation of his neighbors, who would be required to connect to central sewer when the Respondent did. The engineer also worked with those neighbors in designing an alternate connection. On or about September 9, 1991, another meeting was held among the Respondent and his engineer and the county's utilites construction team. As a result of this meeting, the County agreed to modify the connection route in accordance with the Respondent's proposal. The Respondent's engineer continued his work on the design of the connection. HRS inspections on or about September 11 and 25, 1991, revealed that the Respondent's septic system was failing again and that raw sewage again was bubbling to the surface from the new septic system's drain field and flowing into the stormwater retention pond. HRS arranged to meet with the Respondent again on October 4, 1991, along with a Pasco County deputy sheriff and a DER industrial wastewater compliance inspector. At this meeting, the Respondent felt that the deputy sheriff was threatening to arrest him for violation of the law, and he angrily terminated the meeting and asked all of them to leave the premises. In December, 1991, the Respondent arranged a meeting with the County and his neighbors to discuss sharing the cost of the connection route the Respondent was proposing to build. The neighbors, realizing the Respondent's weak bargaining position, refused to share the Respondent's costs. At this point, the County conceded to pay the approximate $9,000 to jack and bore under the road, but the Respondent was required to pay to run a sewer line approximately 300 feet to the south and to construct a manhole on his neighbors' side of the road, as well as on his side of the road. (The second manhole would be used by the neighbors to connect their properties to the line the Respondent was building when the County required them to connect.) The total cost to the Respondent for his part of the construction of the connection to the public sewer will be approximately $24,000. On January 17, 1992, the Respondent paid a $3,428 impact fee for connecting to the central public sewer, based on projected water use. On January 23, 1992, the Respondent applied for a force main interconnect permit. At the time of the final hearing, the jack and bore and the construction of the new sewer line connecting the Respondent's property to the central sewer were about to begin. The evidence indicates that, once HRS made it clear to the Respondent on or about June 27, 1991, that connection to the central public sewer was the Respondent's only remaining option, the Respondent moved with reasonable dispatch. The time it took to arrange to be connected to the public sewer was within normal ranges, and there is no evidence that the Respondent did anything to cause unnecessary delays. (Delays, if any, were caused by the need for the Respondent's engineer to work with and get cooperation from the Respondent's neighbors, who were not as anxious as the Respondent to have the new sewer line built.) There also is no evidence that the Respondent processed relish pack or salad mix on the premises after June 27, 1991. In addition, the Respondent continued to attempt to conserve water, had the septic tanks pumped out frequently (sometimes practically daily), and had his employees utilize portable toilets in an attempt to avoid additional septic tank failures. The evidence also indicates that, after June 27, 1991, all concerned were hopeful that the measures the Respondent was taking would prevent, or at least minimize, septic system failures pending connection to the public sewer. After June 27, 1991, HRS presented direct evidence of septic tank system failures only on two occasions in September, 1991. The evidence is that, after becoming aware of the system failures in September, 1991, HRS sought the imposition of a fine against the Respondent. The evidence suggests two other important motivating reasons for HRS' action: first, not being aware of the actions the Respondent took between June 27 and September, 1991, to connect to the central sewer, HRS mistakenly believed that the Respondent was ignoring its instructions; and, second, HRS mistook the Respondent's angry outburst at the meeting at the Respondent's place of business in September, 1991, when he felt he was being threatened with arrest for violation of the law, as being evidence that the Respondent was not genuine in his apparent concern and efforts to respond to HRS' guidance and instruction.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) enter a final order fining the Respondent, William Loiacano, d/b/a Gulf Coast Food Distributors, Inc., in the amount of $5,000. RECOMMENDED this 29 day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of April, 1992.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57381.0061386.01386.03386.041
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida May 18, 2004 Number: 04-001758 Latest Update: May 24, 2005

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department of Health (Department or DOH) should fine the Petitioner, Jeffery Benefield, $500 and require him to move the drainfield of his onsite sewage disposal system so that no part of it is within ten feet of the potable water line of his neighbors, the Intervenors, Robert and Wanda Schweigel.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner's home at 10920 Lake Minneola Shores Road (Lake County Road 561-A) was built in 1977. It included an onsite septic tank and drainfield sewage disposal system. On March 31, 2003, the Petitioner personally applied for a permit to repair his existing sewage disposal system by replacing the drainfield. His application did not identify any potable water lines. Department personnel evaluated the site and calculated system specifications, and the Department issued a construction permit on April 3, 2003, based on the estimated size of the existing system. To replace the existing drainfield and meet specifications, 375 square feet of drainfield was required. However, the Petitioner wanted to add 125 square feet to what was required by the specifications, which is acceptable so long as required setbacks are maintained. The Petitioner's drainfield was replaced by a licensed contractor on April 29, 2003. Some work may have been done the following day to complete the job, but it appears that the contractor called for the final inspection on April 29, 2003. On inspection, it was clear that the new drain line closest and (like the other three) parallel to the property line was less than ten feet from a water line, riser, and spigot on the neighboring property, which was owned by Robert and Wanda Schweigel. Specifically, the closest of the new drain lines was estimated to be just five feet from the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot. (The next closest was just under ten feet from the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot.) As a result, the Department disapproved the installation. The Petitioner disputed the disapproval, initially contending that the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot did not convey potable water. It was decided that the new drainfield should be covered while pending a decision as to whether the water line was potable. By the end of July 2003, the Department decided that the Schweigels' water line was indeed potable. In that approximate time frame, the Petitioner's contractor offered to pay to have the Schweigels' water line "sleeved" to a distance at least ten feet from the nearest portion of the Petitioner's drainfield.2 He believed that solution would be much simpler and less costly than moving the Petitioner's drainfield to a distance at least ten feet from any part of the Schweigels' potable water line. This alternative was presented to the Schweigels in that approximate timeframe, but they refused (and continue to refuse.) In August 2003, the Petitioner took the position that, regardless whether the Schweigels' water line was potable, the Petitioner's new drainfield was in the same location as the existing drainfield, and the part of the water line closest to the new drainfield (i.e., the part including the riser and spigot) was not there until after the middle of April 2003 and was recently installed either just before or while the Petitioner's new drainfield was being installed. The evidence was not clear as to the configuration and precise location of the drain lines in the Petitioner's original drainfield. However, it appears to have had three drain lines emanating from the septic tank, starting in the direction of the Schweigels' property and then curving away in the direction of Lake Minneola, which is behind the Petitioner's and the Schweigels' properties, before terminating. The replacement drainfield had pipe emanating from the septic tank and running towards the Schweigels' property line before making a 90-degree turn towards the lake before connecting to the middle of a header pipe. Connecting to the header pipe are four equally-spaced drain lines, one on either end of the header pipe and two in between, that are perpendicular to the header pipe and parallel to each other and to the Schweigels' property line (and potable water line) and run towards the lake. As indicated, it was not clear from the evidence precisely where all of the old drain lines were located, or how close they got to the Schweigels' property (and potable water line.) However, it does not appear that they got as close as two of the four new drain lines in the replacement system. See Petitioner's Exhibits 13 and 21. There was conflicting evidence as to when the Schweigels' potable water line was installed. It is clear from the evidence that there are now three "T's" off the water line from the potable water source near the street. One "T- off" leads to near the front corner of the house, one leads to the middle of the side of the house, and one leads to near the rear corner of the house. The line then extends past the last "T" to the location of the water riser and spigot. The Petitioner's evidence proved that the water line riser and spigot now within ten feet of the Petitioner's drainfield were not there either in May 1999 or on April 14, 2003. But the Schweigels maintained, and the evidence as a whole was persuasive, that the potable water lines currently in place were installed in 1996 or 1997, but were cut and moved to enable the Schweigels to install footers for construction of a concrete privacy wall in approximately 1999. After installation of the footers, the water line had to be moved several inches closer to the Schweigels' house when replaced, and the "T's" were reconnected to the line. In approximately April 2003, the water line riser and spigot were damaged (the evidence was not clear how) and had to be replaced. The evidence was that the Schweigels got a permit to build their privacy wall but did not get a permit for the plumbing work that was necessary in conjunction with the installation of the footers for the wall. Although it appears from the evidence that a plumbing permit was required, the Schweigels did not think a separate plumbing permit was necessary. It is not found that the Petitioner participated in this proceeding for an "improper purpose"--i.e., "primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation, licensing, or securing the approval of an activity."

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order that the Petitioner pay a $500 fine and either: (1) pay the reasonable cost of having the Schweigels' potable water line "sealed with a water proof sealant within a sleeve of similar material pipe to a distance of at least 10 feet from the nearest portion of the system," so long as no portion of the Schweigels' potable water line "within 5 feet of the drainfield shall be located at an elevation lower than the drainfield absorption surface"; or (2) move or relocate his drainfield to meet the setback requirements of the current Rule 64E-6.005(2)(b). DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of February, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of February, 2005.

Florida Laws (8) 120.536120.54120.569120.57120.595381.0065381.006757.105
# 6
JOHN GEE vs DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 97-003521 (1997)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Aug. 01, 1997 Number: 97-003521 Latest Update: Jul. 14, 1998

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Petitioner was responsible for maintaining a sanitary nuisance on his property by piping sewage onto the ground from the septic system and by ignoring the need to repair a failed septic system; and whether the Department of Health properly issued a citation to Petitioner for violation of Sections 386.041(1)(a) and (b).

Findings Of Fact In November, 1995, a Department of Health, Volusia County Health Department employee, Sherry Rodriguez, was performing a sanitary survey of the water system at 479 Maytown Road, Osteen, Florida, when she observed sewage on the ground. The property in questions consists of a large, two-story house which contains rental units. The house is provided water by a well on the property and sewage is handled by an onsite septic system. On November 6, 1995, Ms. Rodriguez issued a Notice of Violation for the sanitary nuisance which stated that the violation must be corrected by November 20, 1995. The septic system was not repaired by November 20, 1995. Ms. Rodriguez subsequently issued a Notice of Intended Action (NIA), giving Petitioner a deadline of December 5, 1995, to repair his system. When Ms. Rodriguez went to the property to serve the NIA, she observed PVC pipe on the ground, with one end at the septic tank and the other at the read of the property. Sewage was on the ground at the end of the pipe. Ms. Rodriguez took photographs of the pipe before she departed. Agency employee, Britt Williams, visited Petitioner's property on November 1, 1996, and observed sewage on the ground. Mr. Williams issued a follow-up NIA to Petitioner on January 30, 1997, which required Petitioner to repair the septic system by February 3, 1997. Petitioner did not obtain a repair permit to correct the violations, therefore, Mr. Williams issued a citation for the violations of sewage on the ground and having an improperly maintained septic system.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered affirming the civil penalty against Petitioner and requiring Petitioner to repair his septic system. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: John Gee 1245 Gee Whiz Lane Osteen, Florida 32764 Charlene J. Petersen, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Building 6 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Dr. James Howell, Secretary Department of Health Building 6, Room 306 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (4) 120.57381.0065381.0067386.041
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002521 Latest Update: Jun. 21, 1979

Findings Of Fact Sapp is the owner of Lot 24, Tara Farms Subdivision, located at Doctor's Inlet, Clay County, Florida. Sapp's request for septic tank permit was denied by HRS in its letter of November 28, 1978, for the following reasons: Soils of unsatisfactory quality beginning at ground level and con- tinuing to entire depth of soil log. Impervious soils as identified under the "Unified Soil Classification System" as inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays, inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Percolation test rate exceeds fifteen (15) minutes per inch run-off. History of septic tank failures in this subdivision. In its letter, HRS contends that the foregoing reasons for denial constitute a failure to meet the requirements of Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, standards for individual sewage disposal facilities. Understanding that the soil was unacceptable in its natural condition, Sapp employed a consulting engineer, Mr. H. C. Stone, to design a plan that would conform to state regulations. Mr. Stone recommended that a 40' X 70' X 3' compacted free-draining sand fill be employed to provide an adequate filter bed for the septic tank. Mr. Stone further recommended that the drain field consist of not less than 300 feet of drain pipe (perforated or open joint) installed in the middle of the fill area. Stone further recommended that the laundry facilities be discharged through a separate 225 gallon tank with a separate drain field consisting of 75 feet of drain tile and a 15' x 40' X 3' compacted free draining sand fill. The depth of the water table during the wettest season of the year from the surface is 20 inches. Installation of the sandfill to a depth of 3 feet would create soils of satisfactory quality and characteristics from the surface to the water table at the wettest season of the year and would eliminate objectionable impervious soils from the system. The percolation test rate for the natural soils exceeds 15 minutes per inch run-off, but the proposed drain field would have a percolation rate of only 1.2 minutes per inch. While evidence of septic tank systems failures in the same subdivision was introduced, none of the examples of failure occurred in systems with the same specifications as those proposed by Sapp for use on his property. Of the three examples given, all contained a significantly lesser depth of free- draining sand fill.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jul. 16, 1996 Number: 96-003333 Latest Update: Mar. 24, 1997

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the Petitioner is entitled to variances from the requirements of Rule 40D-0.27(2), Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact William E. Klein (Petitioner) owns two water wells, both in Tampa, Florida. Each water well serves three rental units which are also owned by the Petitioner. One well is located at 302 East North Bay Street. The second well is located at 4113 North Suwanee Street. Each water well is classified as a "limited use community public water system" as defined by Rule 10D-4.024(13)(b), Florida Administrative Code. The wells have been in existence for perhaps as long as eighty years. As of January 1, 1993, limited use community public water system wells must obtain permits to operate. Permits are issued by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The relevant permit requirements include water testing, submission of an application and a site plan, and payment of a fee. By February 23, 1996, the Department was aware of the Petitioner's wells and had provided notice of the permit requirements to the Petitioner. The Petitioner has met the water testing requirements, but has not submitted applications, site plans, or applicable fees related to these two wells. On May 30, 1996, the Petitioner filed applications for variances, seeks to be excused from submitting the applications, site plans and fees. On June 3, 1996, the Department denied the Petitioner's requests for variances. As grounds for the variance requests, the Petitioner cites financial hardship which will be imposed by payment of the fees. According to the stipulation filed by the parties, the application fee for each well is $110. Of the fee, $75 is retained by the state and $35 is retained by Hillsborough County, where the Petitioner's wells are located. The evidence fails to establish that the Petitioner is entitled to the requested variances. The evidence fails to establish that there are any costs related to submission of site plans. The Petitioner may prepare and submit site plans without assistance. The evidence fails to establish that there are any costs related to submission of a completed applications for permits. The evidence fails to establish that the total fee of $220 related to the issuance of well permits for six rental units will cause a financial hardship for the Petitioner. At most, the evidence indicates that the payment of the fee may reduce the Petitioner's profit from the rental units.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order denying the Petitioner's requests for the variances at issue in this case. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of November, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204X Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Richard Doran, General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 William E. Klein, Pro Se Thomas Lewis, Representative 8716 Ruth Place Tampa, Florida 33604 Raymond R. Deckert, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 4000 West Martin Luther King Jr., Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33614

Florida Laws (2) 120.57381.0062
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000497 Latest Update: Oct. 23, 1979

The Issue Whether Respondent's permit for disposal of septic tank sludge should be revoked, as set forth in letter of the Volusia County Health Department, dated February 15, 1979. This case was originally set for hearing on June 21, 1979, pursuant to Notice of Hearing, dated March 30, 1979. On June 20, Respondent Philip G. Koan orally advised the Hearing Officer that he wished to withdraw his request for hearing. He was advised by the Hearing Officer to submit a written withdrawal of the petition and that the scheduled hearing would be cancelled pending receipt. On June 21, Respondent orally advised the Hearing Officer that he had changed his mind after reflection and now desired that the hearing be rescheduled. Since no written withdrawal of the petition or voluntary dismissal had been filed, the case was renoticed for hearing to be held on September 10, 1979. At the commencement of the hearing on that date, Petitioner moved to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction claiming that the petition had been dismissed by Respondent by his oral communication to the Hearing Officer on June The motion was denied because the proceeding had never been formally terminated by action of the Respondent or the Hearing Officer.

Findings Of Fact On October 5, 1978, Respondent Koan Septic Tank, Inc., Deland, Florida, submitted an application to the Volusia County Health Department for a permit to operate a septic tank cleaning service and temporary privy service. The application reflected the equipment which the applicant intended to use for the operation. Petitioner's application form contained a block entitled "Method and Place of Disposal." The applicant inserted the words "Smith Farm and Greens Dairy Grove" on the form. On November 7, 1978, Larry Herman, a sanitation aide for the County Health Department, performed an inspection of Respondent's facilities and equipment, and prepared a report on a mimeographed form headed "Septic Tanks and Privy Pump Truck Inspection." This form had a block entitled "Method and Place of Disposal." The inspector entered the words "Smith Farm - Greens Diary (sic), dumped & tilled." Although Herman testified that he had made no special inquiry at the time of his inspection as to the intended method of sludge disposal, he was aware that Respondent's customary method at its Smith Farm location was to "bury" the sludge into the ground by spreading and mechanical tilling. However, he recalled having conversations with Respondent's owner, Philip G. Koan, concerning disposal of sludge by the action of worms, prior to and after his inspection. On the other hand, both Koan and another officer of the corporation testified that Koan advised Herman at the time of the latter's inspection that the worm method of disposal would be used at the Greens Dairy location and that he expressed no objections. It is found that Herman was advised of Respondent's proposed method of disposal at the time of the inspection; however, he was not authorized to approve or issue permits. (Testimony of Herman, Gnann, Koan, Page, Petitioner's Exhibits 1-2) On November 7, 1978, the Volusia County Health Department issued a permit authorizing Respondent to operate its establishment. The permit reflected an expiration date of September 30, 1979, and provided that violation of any applicable health law would revoke the permit. No conditions were attached to the permit, nor did it indicate any required method of sludge disposal. (Testimony of Page, Petitioner's Exhibit 3) Respondent has been in the business of manufacturing, installing and servicing septic tanks for approximately eighteen years. In addition, Koan conducted a business involving the sale of worms. In the fall of 1978, he had approximately 12,000 pounds worms on hand. He had conducted various experiments at his business premises utilizing worms to dispose of manure and septic tank sludge. He found that the worms would eat the sludge material and excrete the same, resulting in worm "castings" or material which resembles potting soil with no residual odor. He had also placed worms in clogged septic tank drain fields and found that they later became unclogged, thus resulting in his conclusion that worms had disposed of the septic tank material in the tank. He further discovered that odors associated with septic tank sludge dissipated in a very short time when worms were present in the material, and observed that one pound of worms would "digest" or dispose of one pound of sludge in approximately twenty-four hours. Therefore, prior to receiving the county permit, he deposited the 12,000 pounds of worms in a trench located at the Greens Dairy location. After receiving the permit, Respondent dumped septic tank sludge in the trench approximately three times a week. The trench was about four feet wide, one foot deep, and 200 feet long. A screen was placed over the top of the ditch. However, it did not prevent access to files. (Testimony of Koan, Warnock, Petitioner's Exhibits 8-9) On December 12, 978, the owner of a skating rink adjacent to Respondent's Green Dairy property complained to the County Health Department concerning the presence of odors and flies at her establishment which had been the subject of customer complaints. A county sanitarian inspected the sludge operation on that date and found that there was some odor and a few flies in the immediate vicinity, but no fly larvae was observed. The ditch was full of sludge at the time. Some spillage has occurred in the driveway on the property. The location is approximately two to three hundred feet from the rear of the skating rink. A further inspection by the county Director of the Environmental Health Section was made on December 27. As a result, he wrote Respondent on December 28 that, although the inspection showed that flies and odors were minimal at the time, he could foresee an escalation of the same during certain periods, together with increased complaints from local businessmen. The letter further stated that the use of septic tank sludge for enriching a "worm bed" was in violation of Chapter 10D6.29, Florida Administrative Code, and Chapter 386 Florida Statutes, and was a sanitary nuisance which must be abated. A further complaint in January, 1979, followed by another county inspection revealed essentially the same conditions that existed at the time of the prior inspection, and prompted a second letter from the Environmental Health Section director to Respondent on January 31, 1979, wherein he was advised to cease dumping septic tank sludge at the Greens Dairy location within fourteen days and commence using the county sanitary landfill for such purposes. As a result of this letter, Respondent stopped dumping at the location on or about February 2. On February 15, another county letter was sent to Respondent which advised that its permit for disposal of septic tank sludge was revoked, subject to a request for hearing, as being in violation of Chapter 10D6.29(1) and (3)(c), Florida Administrative Code, and Chapter 386.041(1)(e), Florida Statutes. The stated grounds for proposed revocation were that Respondent was employing an unsatisfactory and unacceptable method and place for disposal of waste, and was maintaining a condition capable of breeding flies, mosquitoes and other insects capable of transmitting diseases. The letter further stated that Respondent was not tilling the sludge as had been stated on the permit application and that the potential for breeding flies was evident due to concentration and lack of covering with soil. (Testimony of Tyndall, Van Ulzer, Page, Camp, Koan, Petitioner's Exhibits 4-7) During the approximate three-month period from November 1978 through January 1979 when Respondent was dumping sludge, a strong and distinctive odor and an unusually large number of flies were experienced on the skating rink premises nearby. After the dumping stopped in early February, both problems disappeared. However, other odors incident to the presence of hogs and chickens at farms in the area also produced a noxious odor in and around the skating rink. The odor produced by the dumping of sludge dissipates rapidly after dumping. The absence of fly larvae in and around the ditch shows that flies were not breeding there during the period of dumping operations, but does not rule out the potential for such breeding in the future. (Testimony of Munshower, Tyndall, Coffin, Branton, Tontone, Warnock, Hunt, Stipulation) The Volusia County Health Department issues permits involving the disposal of sludge only when a treatment method of burial, incineration, or sanitary landfill is used in the operation, as prescribed by Respondent's Rule 10D-6.29, Florida Administrative Code. However, long-standing policy permits disposal by mechanical tilling of the sludge into soil as a "modified" method of burial. This method cuts the sludge with a disc and harrow and mixes it into the soil to a depth of approximately four inches. It also produces a temporary odor when the sludge is first spread on the soil. The county has no policies concerning the use of worms to dispose of sludge and does not consider it to be an acceptable method of disposal. The County Health Department has not conducted any scientific tests to determine the presence of pathogens in soil which has been mechanically tilled with sludge. (Testimony of Page) When sludge is placed over a "worm bed" and has settled, the material begins moving as the worms eat the sludge. The residue of the digestive process is sold as a soil conditioner which meets State Department of Agriculture requirements and which contains plant nutrients. Earth worms multiply rapidly when feeding on sludge. Respondent had approximately 50,000 pounds of worms in its trench when it ceased operations in February 1979. This method of sludge disposal has not been accepted generally by health authorities as a recognized and acceptable procedure. (Testimony of Koan, Warnock, Hunt, Tontone, Nemeyer, supplemented by Respondent's Exhibit 1)

Recommendation That Respondent's Permit No. 18362 be permitted to remain in effect until its expiration date provided that it disposes of sludge and/or contents from septic tanks in an acceptable method, as provided in Rule 10D-6.29, F.A.C. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of September, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Robert Eisenberg, Esquire Department of HRS District IV Counsel 5920 Arlington Expressway Post Office Box 2050 Jacksonville, Florida Craig James, Esquire Post Office Drawer DD Deland, Florida 32720 Department of HRS Attn: Eric J. Haugdahl 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 386.041
# 10

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